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November 13, 2017

November 13, 2017


52  Marching against corruption on Sept. 27 in Durban, South Africa

CONTENTS Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

6 The Apple in the Paradise Papers Delhi is even smoggier than Beijing Carter Pages excellent adventure

10 Emmanuel Macron is off
8 Saudi Arabias purge could reorder to a good start, but
the Middle East hes running a marathon,
not a sprint


1 2
12 Winners and losers 19 Teaching Alexa 25 The billionaire
in the House tax bill to tell awful cricket investor vs. the
jokes in Hinglish crown prince
14 SpiceJets strategy to
get more Indians ying:
20 Snapchat discovers a 27 Republicans consider
Skip the runway
sinister downside to secrecy redistributionof wealthy
colleges money
15 Bringing Chinas ancient
2 21 Broadcom pursues
herbal remedies into the
Qualcomm in the biggest 28 Holding cash in a record-
21st century produces
tech takeover ever setting stock market is a
some deadly side effects
great idea. And a bad idea
22 Undocked share bikes:
Brilliant innovation or 30 Sometimes the i in IPO
nightmarish eyesore? stands for itty-bitty



32 South Korea is 38 Mysterious moves 45 Microsoft and others

nding the Olympics from Steve Bannons try to narrow the
a hard sell moneyman gap with Amazon
Web Services
34 The multimillionaire taking 40 Trump goes to Asia
over at the Fed and learns that bilateral
48 Have you heard the one
trade deals are tough
about the coders and
35 Brexit could be a boon for the lightbulb?
courts on the Continent 41 The sexual harassment
reckoning continues, now
50 On Singles Day, Alibaba
in the labor movement
36 Venezuela puts an alleged seeks to lure shoppers
drug trafficker in charge of and conquer the cloud
debt talks 42 Suing private prison
operators to halt exploitation
CONTENTS Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

PURSUITS How to Contact

52 What you have here is not the struggle
of the kind we had before. It is not a 212 617-8120
Ad Sales
racial struggle. It is a struggle where 212 617-2900
731 Lexington Ave.,
the very country is being stolen New York, NY 10022

FEATURES 212 617-9065

Subscription Customer
Service URL

52 How the Gupta clan 69 Tis the season

800 290-5460 x100
or email

was able to buy up much of to dream up businessweekreprints
fantastic gifts
South Africaand how Letters to the Editor
can be sent by email,

South Africa feels about it 70 for travelers fax, or regular mail.

They should include the

senders address, phone
72 for style mavens number(s), and email
address if available.
Connections with the
76 for homebodies subject of the letter
should be disclosed.
We reserve the right to
78 for athletes
edit for sense, style,
4 and space.
82 and for foodies

Follow us on
social media
84 Money is always the
right color, and it ts Facebook
everybodyand other
thoughts that count businessweek/

62 Everything you always

wanted to know about taxes Correction:
The table accompanying The Japan

but were afraid to ask That Cant Keep Up (Business,

Oct. 23, 2017) erroneously listed
U.S. Steel among top Kobe Steel

14 22 38 52

Ajay Singh Anne Hidalgo Robert and Thuli Madonsela

Rebekah Mercer

Bloomberg Businessweek (USPS 080 900) November 13, 2017 (ISSN 0007-7135) H Issue no. 4546 Published weekly, except one week in January, February, April, July, and August, by
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Asia Europe
Syria announced Donald Trump sent mixed Lebanon Prime NATO updated
messages on North Korea
it would join the during his Asian trip, saying Minister Saad its command
Paris climate it would make sense for Hariri structure for the
Kim Jong Un to come to
agreement, leaving the negotiating table but resigned rst time since the
the U.S. as the only also attacking his regime on Nov.4, Cold War, putting
for turning the country into
United Nations a hell no one deserves. citing an alleged cyberdefense
member outside assassination on the same
the accord. plot against him. footing as land, air,
and sea defense.

Tencent The Paradise Papers

leak showed that Apple
Holdings acquired sought to preserve its low
a 12 percent tax rate after a change in
Irish law closed a loophole
6 stake in Snap. the company had previously
exploited. The tech giant
ultimately transferred two
subsidiaries to the island of
Jersey, which does not tax
foreign companies.

The announcement came hours after

Snaps shares plunged 22 percent
in reaction to disappointing third-
quarter earnings.  20

Iran rejected accusations SilvioBerlusconi

from Saudi Arabia that it
had supplied Yemen with a helped
missile for the purpose of orchestrate
attacking the country. The
Saudi military intercepted a win for
a missile fired by Yemen his center-right
on Nov. 4.  8
coalition in Sicily.

The four-time Italian prime minister will

Schools were closed in New Delhi as air pollution reached levels 10 times attempt to lead the government again
those in notoriously smoggy Beijing. after general elections next year.
By Jillian Goodman Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

British retail had its Republican Senator
worst October since 2008.
Household spending for the
John Cornyn of Texas said
hed work with Democrats
month slowed to its lowest
rate in more than a year.
to close loopholes in
background-check I am the biggest
legislation after a Nov. 5
U.K. year-over-year spending growth shooting in his home
state left 26 dead.
1/1/16 the campaign.
Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, in early November testimony on his 2016
DATA: BARCLAYCARD contacts with Russia that was unsealed by the House Intelligence Committee

Total agreed to The New York Times Tiffany was widely Democrats
reported that the U.S. pilloried for its Everyday
acquire Engies Department of Justice will Objects collection, which put up a strong
assets in liqueed require Time Warner to sell includes a tin can made showing in
its Turner Broadcasting of sterling silver and vermeil
natural gas, System division, which on sale for $1,000. state and local 7

making the French includes CNN, HBO, and elections on Nov. 7,

other networks, before it
energy company approves the companys especially in
the industrys planned sale to AT&T for Virginia, where
$85.4b the party won a
hotly contested

race for governor.

Priti Patel, the U.K.s About 2,500 Nicaraguans
secretary for international will lose protected Africa
development, resigned after immigration status in the
disclosing that shed held U.S. The Department
unauthorized meetings with of Homeland Security South Africas FirstRand
Israeli officials in September. extended protections for agreed to buy London-based
Haaretz reports that Patel Hondurans, however, and is bank Aldermore for
also traveled to the disputed reviewing the status of those
Golan Heights, a violation of
diplomatic protocol.
from Haiti and El Salvador.

Zimbabwe President
Robert Mugabe ousted his
vice president in an apparent
move to make room for his
wife, widely seen as his
intended successor.

When Disruption

Is a Royal Prerogative
 REMARKS Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

With the kingdoms oil wealth which, until his arrest, had been the last military branch not
under Prince Mohammeds control.
dwindling, the Saudi heir purges his Other detainees included princes and ministers who have
rivals and the elite. But to what purpose? been linked to questionable, if not corrupt, transactions. Prince
Turki bin Nasser, for example, is infamous for his involvement
in the so-called Al Yamamah arms deal between Britain and
By Peter Waldman and Glen Carey Saudi Arabia, a massive sale that led to corruption probes in
the U.K. and the U.S. Adel Fakeih, a top economic policymaker
before his Nov. 4 arrest, was mayor of Jeddah during a flood in
2009 during which scores of people died because of the failure
It makes sense to be cynical about Crown Prince Mohammed bin of infrastructure, apparently shoddily made. Dozens of people
Salmans ostensible crackdown on corruption in Saudi Arabia. were convicted of criminal charges including bribery, but not
Among the 11 princes, 4 ministers, and dozens of well-known Fakeih, who was never charged and went on to serve as a min-
businessmen arrested were some of the 32-year-olds last poten- ister in Riyadh for an additional half-dozen years.
tial rivals to the Saudi throne. The move also smacks of an asset Ever since the floods, Abdullah Jaber, a popular Saudi car-
snatch. Police nabbed 3 of the Arab worlds 10 richest men, toonist, has drawn caricatures of Fakeih, without naming him,
including investor Prince Alwaleed bin Talal (page 25), the bil- to symbolize the toll of corruption on Saudi Arabia. He couldnt
lionaire best known for rescuing Citicorp in 1991 and making believe his eyes when he read Fakeih had been arrested and that
big bets on Apple Inc. and 21st Century Fox Inc. But was it only the Jeddah flood case had been reopened. I still cant absorb the
a Machiavellian power play? Or is this the start of a dramatic, greatness of what has happened, Jaber said in a Twitter post.
go-for-broke attempt to transform a country thats resisted In total, the government froze bank accounts of the more than
change for decades? three dozen men detained, putting about $33 billion of personal
Prince Mohammed seems to be playing the equally ruthless wealth at risk. Three of the detainees, Alwaleed among them,
roles of autocrat and reformer. The millennial has been out- own three of the largest privately held television networks in
spoken about his bold plans to modernize Saudi society and the country. Saudi authorities also moved to freeze the private
wean the kingdom from fossil fuel. Now, Prince Mohammed accounts of hundreds more suspected of corruption but not yet
has locked up globe-trotting tycoons and other dynastic rivals, arrested. The crackdown is Prince Mohammeds strongest blow
sending shock waves across the desert and around the world. yet at the rentier state, the system of gatekeepers, sinecures, and
Since Saudi Arabias founding in 1932 by his grandfather, handouts thats sapped the incentive in Saudi Arabia for entre-
Abdulaziz Al Saud, successive kings have sought consensus preneurship to flourish, the prince has said.
among the familys thousands of princes, balancing religious, The question now, for hopeful Saudi and foreign investors,
princely, and tribal factions to maintain stability in the worlds is whether the prince builds on the anticorruption momentum
largest oil supplier. Decisions were made at a glacial pace, often with new rules to open up an economy until now dominated
capped with generous payouts for anyone left unhappy. Prince by princes and their cronies as well as wealthy families. Ayham
Mohammed has smashed that conservative status quo in an Kamel, a director with Eurasia Group, says the crackdown will
act, he no doubt believes, of creative destruction. help. Mohammed bin Salman is in effect taking steps to sepa-
This is a man of dead-certain belief in himself, who told this rate the Al Saud family from the state, Kamel wrote in a note
magazine in a long, autobiographical interview in April 2016 on Nov. 6. The process of destroying old elite networks that
that his childhood experiences among princes and potentates monopolized access to profitable contracts bodes well for the
were more valuable and formative than Steve Jobss, Mark business environment.
Zuckerbergs, and Bill Gatess. So, he wondered aloud, if I work Robert Jordan, the former corporate lawyer who served
according to their methods, what will I create? Now we know as George W. Bushs ambassador in Riyadh, said if Prince
his disruptive potential. Mohammeds anticorruption campaign is real, it will add cred-
The princes unprecedented arrest of a whos who of Saudi ibility to the Saudi business posture, to its operations, and to
society is a first stab at fulfilling his vow to hold the corrupt the potential IPO of Aramco, the Saudi national oil company.
accountable. I confirm to you, no one will survive in a cor- If it turns out to simply be a power grab, he told Bloomberg
ruption casewhoever he is, even if hes a prince or a minis- Television, then I think it will hurt the Saudis in the long run
ter, Prince Mohammed said in a televised interview in May. and certainly hurt this crown prince.
The vow has now become a Twitter sensation among Saudis One downside, of course, is more repression, wielded by a
under the age of 30, who make up 70 percent of the popula- headstrong prince cocksure he knows whats best for society. He
tion, the demographic bulge the prince has made his base. told Bloomberg last month that a $500 billion city he wants to
Theyre still plenty skeptical of Prince Mohammed and his build on the Red Sea represents a civilizational leap for human-
father the king, who recently visited Moscow with 1,500 retain- ity, with a bayside community to become like the Hamptons in
ers, his own carpets, and a golden escalator for his Boeing 747. New York. While the prince has reined in the religious police and
No one imagined the crown prince would go so far. The taken the once-unthinkable step of allowing women to drive, hes
takedown, set up by his father, King Salman, through a new shown little interest in participatory governance. The govern-
anticorruption commission that Prince Mohammed chairs, ment has promised a transparent judicial process for the detain-

rounded up his most visible potential adversary, Prince Miteb ees but still hasnt disclosed specific charges against any of them.
bin Abdullah. A favored son of the late King Abdullah, who The one positive thing is that maybe things will get more
died in 2015, Miteb, 65, commanded the Saudi National Guard, equitable, more meritocratic, says a young Saudi management
 VIEW Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

consultant who, tellingly, declines to be named. Its also scary. spending and reduced subsidies for energy and water, ground-
Theres no due process, and people can disappear. ing the economy to a halt. With little prospect that oil prices will
Some Saudis are nervous that Prince Mohammeds belli- rise much higher, the country has only about four more years at
cose campaign against Iran will lead to war. Nerves frayed on its current rate of deficit spending until its currency reserves are
Nov. 4 when a missile fired by Houthi rebels in Yemen was shot depleted. Four years is not a long time; time is running out,
down on its way to Riyadh, the farthest encroachment yet into says Ziad Daoud, an economist with Bloomberg Intelligence.
Saudi territory by a Houthi-fired missile. The Saudis blamed Recent history doesnt bode well for anticorruption reformers,
Iran for supplying the missile and said they reserved the right to Daoud says. Chinese President Xi Jinping instituted a similar
respond. Iran rejected the allegation and accused Saudi Arabia of purge for a few years, only to backtrack on economic reforms
threatening an attack. The kingdom has also intensified its anti- after some of his rivals had been vanquished, the economist
Iran rhetoric over proxy conflicts in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. says. And each time the prince has assumed more power, such
Confrontations will widen with Irans unchecked expansion, as in June when he usurped his older cousin as crown prince,
Abdulrahman Al Rashid, a prominent columnist for the news- hes given generous handouts to the public.
paper Asharq Al-Awsat, wrote on Nov. 7. Strengthening local This time could be different. You never know, Daoud says.
militias in unstable countries remains the only path forward. Now that Prince Mohammed has unrivaled and unprece-
The prince is racing the clock. When he and his father came dented power, he may forge ahead with his reform agenda.
to power in 2015, oil prices had recently plummeted, leaving the Its highly uncertain.
country in imminent danger of a budget meltdown. They slashed With Vivian Nereim and Alaa Shahine

To read Jonathan Bernstein on

VIEW Trumps 2020 prospects and Megan
McArdle on the tax plans impact on
universities, go to

Skills should be the other priority.

Next Steps in The education system has failed to deal
effectively with low levels of literacy and
a lack of skills for the digital economy.

Macrons Reforms Vocational training has also been weak

plagued by a huge number of compet-
ing approaches and run by officials who
see little value in apprenticeships, which
have proved effective elsewhere.
The French president has made a good start, Macron is making a start on broader
but theres a long way to go educational reformreducing class sizes
in poorer areas and giving universities
more autonomybut this wont yield
Emmanuel Macron has accomplished and hes embarking on a more ambitious quick results. Reforming the appren-
more in six months than his predecessor second phase of reforms to help tackle ticeship program may be the best way to
managed in five years. Trouble is, thats the unemployment rate, which has stood improve the job prospects of the young.
a low barand the president will need to at about 10 percent for years. The most successful apprenticeship
keep pushing if Frances economy is to Europes cyclical recovery has programs, such as those in Germany and
achieve its full potential. helped to get joblessness down a bit Switzerland, emphasize on-the-job train-
Macrons first phase of reforms lately, but around a quarter of Frances ing and encourage businesses to help
addressed the countrys 3,000-plus pages young people are still looking for work. devise the programs. Frances system
of labor rules. The changes are aimed Government spending isnt the issue. It relies more on classroom instruction.
at lightening the burden of regulation already spends generously on finding This approach fails to reach the students
on employersfor instance, by letting jobs for the unemployed. The real obsta- who most need help, and participation of
more of them negotiate terms directly cles are housing and skills. unskilled youngsters has been dropping.
with employees. The new rules are valu- Affordable homes are in short supply, Macron wants to simplify the system
able, especially for the small and midsize especially in the cities where jobs are and get employers more involved. This
companies that account for almost half of more plentiful. And the system of subsi- might not be easy: It will mean reduc-
Frances workforce. Theyll also make it dized accommodation often ties workers ing the role of Frances powerful educa-
easier for multinationals to fire workers to particular placesin many cases with tion ministry. Its essential nonetheless.
at struggling French subsidiaries, while nontransferable lifetime rights. France This second phase of reform, even
encouraging them to hire more workers also needs to build more low-cost housing more than the first wave, will upset some
when times are good. and supporting infrastructure in disad- unions and a lot of civil servants accus-
Yet these changes, welcome as they vantaged areas. At the moment, local tomed to getting their way. Macron needs
are, dont go far enough. Macron agrees, authorities often block new construction. to stick with it.
LOOK AHEAD CEO John Flannery details his Target on Nov. 15 will release its Scripps Networks shareholders
turnaround plan at General Electrics third-quarter earnings, a window on Nov. 17 vote on its $11.9 billion

1 investor conference into U.S. retail health sale to Discovery Communications

B The House Tax Cut:

Who Gets What
U Two-thirds of the $1.5 trillion in tax cuts proposed by House Republicans would
go to business, one-third to individuals. Hedge funds would keep a key tax break.

Homebuyers would lose one. But its just a bill. Even if the current plan passes the
House, it cant survive intact in the Senate, which has stricter rules against adding
to long-term decits. Heres a list of winners and losers. By Peter Coy

S Total tax reductions

S Personal $0.5t
All told, the top 1 percent of households would get the biggest percentage gain in after-tax income.

Tax brackets Pass-throughs Mortgages
Top rates for most would fall, costing Theres a new 25 percent rate for Taxpayers would be able to deduct
$1.1 trillion in revenue over 10 years. people who report business income on interest on up to $500,000 in new
The rate for the highest incomes their personal returns. They currently mortgage debt, vs. $1 million now. And
stays at 39.6 percentexcept, oddly, pay the personal rate on this so-called no more deductions for new home-
its 45.6 percent for dollars earned pass-through business income. (Only equity debt or loans on second homes.
between $1 million and $1.2 million. part of their business income gets the
new break.)
Standard deduction
State and local minimum tax
The standard deduction roughly
doubles, to $24,000 in the case The bill eliminates the deduction The AMT was designed to make sure
of a married couple. But personal for state and local taxes, except for the rich dont use loopholes to avoid
exemptions of $4,050 per person $10,000 a year in property taxes. Bad taxes. Without it, Trump would have
would go awaybad news for for high-tax blue states such as paid $31 million less in 2005. It dies in
big families. New York, New Jersey, and California. the new plan.

Higher education Adoption expenses Estate tax

The bill kills the deduction for inter- The proposal to eliminate the tax The bill doubles, to $11 million, the size
November 13, 2017 est on student loans, repeals two credit for adoption expenses saves of an estate that can be distributed to
tuition tax credits, and ends the just $4 billion over a decade and has heirs tax-free. After ve years, what
Edited by tax-free status of employer tuition raised a furor among the religious right. Republicans call the death tax would
James E. Ellis reimbursements. go away entirely.
 BUSINESS Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

Business $1t
Most affected
Federal revenue change over Proposal Effect
10 years, in billions of dollars

Cuts the corporate tax rate to The bills most costly tax break brings the U.S. rate in
Corporations 20 percent from 35 percent and
line with or lower than those of peer nations, reducing
eliminates the corporate alternative
 $1,500 minimum tax. the incentive for companies to move abroad.

Companies can continue to shelter Developers like the Trump Organization would benet
Real estate prots from one deal by investing the
from the preservation of these 1031 exchanges.
proceeds in another.
No change Theyll also keep a tax break on carried interest.

Requires companies to pay a tax on Backers say companies that repatriate would
Cash-rich companies foreign prot of 12 percent if held
invest and hire more. Critics call it a giveaway to big
abroad as cash or 5 percent if its
 $223 been reinvested. business that produces a one-shot revenue gain.

Ends taxation of companies foreign The government would lose $205 billion in taxes on
Multinationals prot, but slaps a 20 percent tax on
dividends from foreign units but gain $266 billion
payments to foreign affiliates to stop
 $61 them from shifting prots abroad. from three measures to stop erosion of the tax base. 13

Limits the use of past net operating Protable companies sometimes acquire money-
Money losers losses to reduce taxable prots.
losing ones and use the targets past losses to lower
 $156 their taxes. That would be harder under this bill.

The Joint Committee on Taxation Its not just buyers who are upset about the reduction
Homebuilders doesnt break out revenue gains
in mortgage interest deductibility. Builders are
from reducing the mortgage interest
??? deduction (facing page). lobbying to remove the provision from the House bill.

Limits the deductibility of net interest This provision is understandably unpopular with
Car dealers expense to 30 percent of Ebitda. For
businesses such as car dealerships that borrow to
future borrowing only.
 $172 buy inventory and have low margins.

Eliminates the 50 percent tax credit Proponents say pharmaceutical companies make
Drug companies for the cost of clinical trials of drugs
plenty of money from so-called orphan drugs
for rare diseases.
 $54 without the added inducement of a tax credit.

Allows companies, through 2022, The full tax break is upfront instead of spread over
Equipment makers to deduct the full cost of equipment
the useful life of the equipment, giving customers a
from taxes in the year of purchase.
 $25 big incentive to buy over the next ve years.

Puts a 1.4 percent tax on the House Ways & Means committee tax writers say
Colleges endowment income of wealthy
parity requires that well-off schools get treated the
private colleges and universities
 $3 (page 27). same as private foundations.
 BUSINESS Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

No Runway? No Problem
Indias SpiceJet wants to buy 100 seaplanes to bypass decrepit airstrips

Mihin Rosie regularly travels from her job in south- handle commercial flights. That exacerbates the
ern India to her hometown in the far eastern state of stress on major airports in New Delhi, Mumbai, and
Arunachal Pradesh, bordering Tibet and Myanmar. Bengaluru, where hardly any new landing slots are
She loves catching up with relatives, but the journey available. Infrastructure at most of the dormant
is a hard slog. The 29-year-old government employee airportsrunways, control towers, terminals, and
flies from Bengaluru (formerly known as Bangalore) maintenance shedshas suffered decades of neglect,
to Guwahati, takes a train to Ziro, then rides a bus or making many of the sites unusable. Thats where
car to her family in Hapolian 18-hour expedition. SpiceJets amphibious strategy comes in. The Kodiak
Domestic passenger
Air service between Guwahati and Hapoli could save aircraft, which can seat either 10 or 14 people, is departures in 2016
her 15 hours, she says. But the rural towns dont have capable of taking off or landing on a 300-meter strip
modern airports, let alone scheduled service. of water or land and has a range of 1,000 kilometers U.S. 719m
Now, SpiceJet Ltd., a fast-growing Indian budget (621 miles)about the distance between Mumbai China 436
carrier, wants to open up the globes third-biggest and Bengaluru. India 100
aviation market to help travelers such as Rosie. That The sales agreement with Setouchi could be final- Japan 97
means targeting the 1 billion Indians97 percent of ized in as soon as three months, SpiceJet says. The Brazil 89
the populationwhove never flown, either because planes, made by the Japanese companys Sandpoint, Indonesia 80
they cant afford it or because they dont live near a Idaho-based Quest Aircraft Co. unit, could allow
functioning airport. SpiceJet to land at as many as 300 of Indias unused
The airline is in talks with Japanese construction airports, according to Okazaki. The basic logic for
and aviation company Setouchi Holdings Inc. to buy this is that in India, we need last-mile connectivity,
about 100 amphibious Quest Kodiak planes that can Singh says. The amphibian plane opens up a lot of
land anywhere, including on water, gravel, or even areas, creates a lot of flexibility.
an open field. The deal, valued at about $400 million, The Kodiak planes could also be deployed to
would help SpiceJet capitalize on Prime Minister tourist sites such as the western lake town of Udaipur,
Narendra Modis ambitious plan to connect the vast where the airport is far away from the main city,
nation by air without waiting for billions of dollars Singh says. High-end tourists use amphibious aircraft
in upgrades to colonial-era infrastructure. at exotic locations all over the world, says Amber
Airports are in short supply in India, says Dubey, a New Delhi-based partner and India head of
SpiceJet Chairman Ajay Singh. Lots of the growth aerospace and defense at KPMG. Theres no reason
in India is happening in small markets, but those why it cant be successful in India.
small markets have little or no connectivity. So we Still, hurdles remain before SpiceJet can start
are looking for a solution where we can get flights to scheduling amphibious flights. The government
places where no airports exist. While negotiations doesnt allow single-engine planes to fly commercially
continue, Setouchi plans to conduct a demonstra- because of safety concerns, and any airline trying to
tion water landing in November, says Go Okazaki, operate amphibious aircraft will likely face opposition
an executive managing director in the overseas busi- from environmental groups and local communities,
ness division. as well as nongovernmental organizations concerned
Indias airlines flew 100 million domestic passen- about effects on fishermen, Dubey says.
gers last year, making it the No.3 market behind China  The Quest Kodiak
can hold as many as
and the U.S. To handle growth, India will need at 14passengers and land
least 2,100 new planes worth $290 billion in the next on water or in fields
20 years, Boeing Co. estimates. In 2015, Modi unveiled
a plan to bring aviation to most remote parts of the
nation. The government program subsidizes airfares
while offering free landing and aircraft parking rights

to airlines. Modi envisages domestic ticket sales quin-

tupling in the next decade, to half a billion transac-
tions annually.
Only about 75 of the 450 areas designated by
the government as an airport or airstrip currently
 BUSINESS Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

Indias aviation regulators are studying whether Chinese medicine injections generated sales of For the
to allow such planes into the commercial fleet and $13 billion last year, according to researcher
are reviewing a list of about 20 proposed landing Forward Industries Institute. And publicly held
sites, a government official says, asking not to be traditional medicine companies worth billions of of these
identified because of government rules. Decisions dollars have thrived on the mainland. chemicals,
are likely by yearend, the official says. Indias avi- Yet the industrys ascent has also raised public- their
ation secretary, R.N. Choubey, didnt respond to a health concerns. More than a hundred different
properties and
request for comment. injections based on traditional recipes are sold
A deal with Setouchi would cap a spending spree in China, some without stringent human trials. their safety
by SpiceJet. In September, Bombardier Inc. said it had Doctors often prescribe them in an array of to the human
concluded a firm purchase agreement with SpiceJet untested combinations. Adverse reactions, from body are not
for as many as 50 Q400 turboprop airliners, valued skin rashes to fatalities such as Wus, doubled last
at $1.7 billion. The airline also asked for competitive year, to about 133,000, from 2011, according to
bids that month from Boeing and Airbus SE for wide- government data. evaluated
body aircraft, Singh told Bloomberg Television, indi- Having struggled for decades to rein in the
cating that the company plans to offer discounted sector, the government has recently begun pushing
long-distance flights to markets including Europe. for an overhaul of regulations, requiring manufac-
Once local communities support seaplane oper- turers to demonstrate that their injections are both
ations and the benefits become visible, we may see effective and safe. But the process could take up
seaplanes take off all over the vast Indian coastline, to a decade, given the complexity of these intra-
Dubey says. Its a revolution waiting to happen. venous pharmaceuticals. For the majority of these
Anurag Kotoky, with Iain Marlow, Kiyotaka chemicals, their properties and their safety to the
Matsuda, and Hannah Dormido human body are not properly evaluated, and some
of them are not even discovered yet, says Justin
THE BOTTOM LINE About 1 billion Indians have never been on an
airplane. Discounter SpiceJet is trying to expand service beyond Wu, associate dean at the department of medicine
the 75 airports in the nation that handle commercial flights. and therapeutics at the Chinese University of Hong
Kong. If you just focus on this point, I dont think
traditional Chinese medicine injections can pass
through any regulatory authority outside China.
Drugmakers such as China Shineway
The Dark Side of Pharmaceutical Group, Guangxi Wuzhou Zhongheng
Group, Tianjin Chase Sun Pharmaceutical, and
Chinese Medicine Livzon Pharmaceutical Group are among the biggest
public companies that generate substantial revenue
from traditional injectables. They maintain their
Officials are alarmed over a injections are safe and the problems arise from
$13 billion market in herbal injectables incorrect use by doctors.
Chinese medicine is based on centuries of prac-
tical experience. It was traditionally taken orally,
Early on a snowy winter morning in January 2012, giving the digestive system a chance to shield
Wu Xiaoliang, a 37-year-old farmer, stopped by patients from harmful chemicals. Injecting the
his local doctor for a headache remedy. At a small concoctions into the bloodstream can heighten
clinic near his village outside Quzhou, in eastern side effects. Because many injectables based on
China, he received two injections made from tra- Chinese medicine havent been evaluated in strict
ditional Chinese herbs. Hours later, villagers saw scientific clinical trials, the reactions they cause in
him struggling to prop himself up on his moped as the body arent fully known.
he drove home. By noon, he was dead. When Shineway first registered its traditional
What killed Wu was later described in an autopsy medicine injections in the 1990s, no clinical studies
report as a drug allergy. But doctors couldnt pin- were needed, according to Chen Zhong, a vice pres-
point what he was allergic to, because the shots he ident for research and development and quality at
was given contained dozens, if not hundreds, of the company, which describes itself as the nations
different compounds extracted from two herbs. largest maker of these types of shots. In recent
For centuries, Chinese have bought plant and years, Shineway has invested in postmarket mon-
animal parts from herbalist clinicseverything itoring to track allergic reactions and has found
from simple ginseng to slices of deer antlerand its treatments highly safe, he says. But the drugs
boiled them into bitter soups to treat colds, strokes, approved decades ago are still sold and havent had
and even cancer. Now the traditional medicine to undergo full-fledged testing in subsequent regu-
sector has modernized along with the rest of the latory reforms, according to Chen, who adds that
country, with domestic manufacturers turning only after 2008 were three stages of human trials
age-old recipes into fast-acting injectable drugs. required to win approval for therapies.
 BUSINESS Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

Chen reckons that fewer than 10 percent of the

shots being sold by the traditional medicine indus-
try have undergone this kind of stringent review.
He compared the shortfall of scientific studies to
skipped classes: The lessons we missed before, we
can make up from now on, step by step.
In developed countries such as the U.S., drugs
must go through several stages of review, often
involving thousands of patients. China has insti-
tuted similar requirements for chemical medicines,
but its regulators in the early 2000s allowed thou-
sands of therapies based on questionable data to
be sold, leaving a legacy of poorly tested treat-
ments, the government has acknowledged. The
safety problem of traditional Chinese medicine
injections has always been rather serious, Forward
Industries analyst Ke Sufang said in an email.
In August, the head of the China Food and Drug
Administration, Bi Jingquan, declared that when
traditional therapies are prepared with contem-
porary methods, the results should be reported,
reviewed, and regulated as modern medicine.
They must also show greater benefits than risks in
clinical trials, he said. In May the agency pledged
to reassess the quality of all marketed injections
within the next decade, a follow-up to a 2009 review
of the industry that made little headway. The China
FDA didnt respond to interview requests.
Shineway, which started as a chemical drug-
maker, developed 11 traditional injections from
1993 through 1995 to boost growth. They were seen
as symbols of the modernization of the ancient
science. Clinical trials were needed for new drugs,
but the requirements were very simple, Chen says.
And Shineway was copying existing products, so
it didnt have to do even the easier tests under the have approval to sell. Shineways website says its  Many traditional-
remedy injectables
regulatory requirements of that time. version relieves internal heat, reduces phlegm, havent gone through
Now, Shineway boasts $160 million in sales and promotes the restoration of consciousness. strict clinical trials
annually from injectables and a market value The drugmaker touts it as a remedy for a wide
of about $770 million. Its annual report states array of conditions: fever, stroke-induced paral-
evidence-based medical research is also being ysis, acute hepatitis, pneumonia, and brain hem-
carried out. Its top foreign investors as of mid-2017 orrhage. Qingkailing logged the highest number
included funds run by London-based Schroders Plc of adverse reactions from 2011 to 2015, according
and Norways Skagen AS. Skagen and Schroders to the China FDA, which didnt list the manufac-
declined to comment. Its competitor Livzon, which turers of the batches involved. Shineways Chen
has a market value of $5.1 billion, says injectable says the product is safe and a monitoring program
versions of traditional therapies act faster and found just 118 adverse events in 30,840 cases when
help patients who cant take the drugs orally. The it was used over five years. The company says its
company says its main injectable, used by cancer the largest seller of the injection and borrowed the
patients, was registered in 1999 after three phases usage instructions directly from an ancient recipe.
of trials and was found safe with adverse reactions That, however, was intended for oral use.
in fewer than 0.2 percent of cases. Livzons interna- Even though it wasnt studied in late-stage
tional investors this year included funds managed trials, doctors prescribe Qingkailing for fevers,
by UBS Group AG, which declined to comment. colds, comas, and strokes based on their own
Chinese medicine has inspired lifesaving discov- experiences, Chen says. Physicians who dont

eries such as artemisinin for malaria, which won a follow the labeling, he says, are a major cause of
researcher from the country a Nobel Prize. Yet the the adverse reactions. Hui Li
shift toward injectables has introduced more com-
THE BOTTOM LINE Widely used traditional Chinese medicines
plexity. Take a popular injection called Qingkailing, were long taken orally. As many have begun being delivered by
which Shineway and several other companies injection in recent years, drug reactions have increased.
LOOK AHEAD Razer, a maker of gaming Cisco reports earnings. Investors Microsoft hosts its annual
hardware, tries to raise as much as will be looking for evidence that its developer conference,
$545 million in a Hong Kong IPO recent string of deals will pay off Connect(); 2017, in New York

Trying to Speak L 19

Indias Language(s) O
Amazon is racing Apple and Google to appeal
to consumers in local terms
About a year after bringing its hit Echo speakers
to foreign markets such as the U.K. and Germany, Inc. is starting to ship the voice-
training Siri and Google Assistant in the countrys
heterogeneous languages and subcultures, making
their talking gadgets sound more natural in Indian
controlled hardware to India. In that time, teams homes. The job starts with Hinglish, which borrows
of linguists, speech scientists, developers, and vocabulary and grammar rules from both of its com-
engineers have given the Echos virtual assistant, ponent languages and sometimes fuses words to
Alexa, a decidedly local makeover. make a combined term whose meaning can seem
This Alexa uses Hinglish, a blend of Hindi and counterintuitive. Its a new challenge for artificial
English, and speaks with an unmistakably Indian intelligence: understanding a sentence that mixes
accent. She knows Independence Day is Aug. 15, two languages, using contexts that cant be simply
not July 4, and wishes listeners Happy Diwali and deduced by synthesizing the systems understand-
a prosperous New Year! She refers to the living room ing of each tongue.
as the drawing room and will add jeera (cumin), Until now, Silicon Valleys efforts to expand in
haldi (turmeric), and atta (flour) to your shopping India have mostly remained in the cities, where

list. And her cricket jokes are truly, authentically ter- British English is more prevalent, but thats changing
rible. We wanted our devices to talk, walk, and feel as companies with a billion or more users hunt for
November 13, 2017
Indian, says Parag Gupta, head of product manage- their next billion. Hinglish is particularly import-
ment for Amazon Devices in India. Alexa is not a vis- ant as technology spreads to Indias hinterland, Edited by
iting American. She has a very Indian personality. where cheaper smartphones are making the inter- Jeff Muskus
and David Rocks
Like Amazon, Apple Inc. and Google are trying net much more accessible. Many of the users signing
to better appeal to Indias 1.3 billion people by up for social networks, e-commerce sites, and
 TECHNOLOGY Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

mobile payment services are first-generation lit-

erates obsessed with Bollywood movies and cricket
matches. Silicon Valleys English isnt quite their lan-
guage; neither is the Queens.
Global companies realize that India has several
populations, each the size of entire countries in
Europe, that cant be cracked open with American
English, says Ravi Gururaj, a startup founder
in Bangalore who helped create the investment
group Harvard Angels India. They have to adapt
with Hinglish.
Amazons U.S. peers have similar efforts in the
field. A Hinglish-speaking Google Assistant began
powering Googles messaging app Allo last year,
around the time Apple began placing ads for native
Hindi and Indian English speakers to supplement Siri
with culturally appropriate dialog for India. The iOS
version loaded on Apples latest iPhones includes a outside developers to add some 10,000 skills to  A Jeff Bezos photo op
at a Bangalore shopping
Hinglish setting for Siri; in August, Chief Executive Alexasummoning cabs through Ola, recommend- mall, 2014
Officer Tim Cook told local newspaper Business Line ing Deepika Padukone movies, finding the perfect
that Apple is thinking through every single way to recipe for Hyderabadi biryani. By comparison,
improve its virtual assistant for Indian consumers. the first Echos on sale in the U.S., in 2014, offered
At Amazon, CEO Jeff Bezos has pledged to spend just 13 skills.
$5 billion in India as he battles local e-commerce rival Local knowledge is only growing more important.
Flipkart Online Services Pvt. Ltd. Part of that money A study published this spring by Google and accoun-
is covering thousands of hours of work by develop- tant KPMG found that Indias internet population now
ers and scientists to improve Alexas understanding mostly speaks only Hindi or another local language
of blended languages and idioms and to tweak her (234 million people, vs. 175 million English speakers
accent, says Gupta, the Amazon Devices manager. The in the country), and a large chunk of that majority
Echo now incorporates Indian intonations, pauses, would rather use voice controls than type. Google
even local humor. Alexa can answer Hinglish ques- and KPMG estimated that the Indian-language user
tions such as What is your good name? (meaning base will rise to 536 million in the next four years, and
your given name); play music from the Bollywood that Indias Hindi-speaking users alone will overtake
blockbuster Dil Chahta Hai; and recount stories from its English-speaking internet users. In that market,
the ancient Panchatantra childrens fables such as The sounding like an American robot or chatbot can
Cunning Hare and the Witless Lion or The Cobra and never work, says Gururaj, the technology investor.
the Crows. We dont want local customers to have to It will be lost in translation. Saritha Rai
change their behavior to use our devices, Gupta says.
THE BOTTOM LINE U.S. tech companies are trying to
For the Indian market, Amazon has also cut differentiate themselves in India by localizing their virtual
Echos price by 30 percent, and its worked with assistants and other services more than they typically do.

Snapchat Has a Investigators complain

Child-Porn Problem that the apps privacy makes

creeps tough to track

Last year a 13-year-old Illinois boy learned an old, man in California who had used similar sextor-
painful lesson about online relationships. After tion tactics to exploit five other boys.

swapping messages with someone who claimed to While pedophiles have been taking advantage of
be a 19-year-old woman in search of nude photos, kids online for about as long as theres been an inter-
he eventually sent an indecent video of himself. net, law enforcement officials say tactics employed
When he had second thoughts and tried to break by the 24-year-old Californian are becoming more
off contact, she threatened to post the video pub- common in at least one way: He found the 13-year-
licly. He told his parents instead, and they called the old on Snapchat, which he told police had become
police. The culprit turned out to be a 24-year-old his preferred venue for obtaining child porn.
 TECHNOLOGY Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

Across the U.S. there are at least six similar child sex crimes for allegedly using Snapchat to
criminal cases against pedophiles who used broadcast herself molesting her 3-year-old son and
Snapchat to exploit teens for sexual gratification 6-year-old daughter in exchange for a viewers money.
or, in one case, to exploit her own children for Other cases involving pedophiles using Snapchat
money. Although all social networks struggle to have been filed in Idaho, Missouri, and Wisconsin.
varying degrees with this issue, the incidents have Facebook, while hardly free of child porn or solic-
led investigators to single out Snapchat as a danger itors, has stronger channels for reporting abuse,
because, they say, the service is especially popular says Aftab, the cybersecurity lawyer, who advised
among young people, and its disappearing messages the company on creating some of those protocols Predators
make evidence tougher to find. in 2005. Facebook Inc. says it uses artificial intelli- know that
Predators know that they can contact kids on gence software to flag worrisome material based on
Snapchat, says Melissa Travis-Neal, an investigator words and phrases associated with child exploitation they can
with the Oklahoma attorney generals office. They and works with law enforcement and its own profes- contact kids
know this is the popular app that kids are on. They sional investigators to track down people searching on Snapchat
both use it to contact kids and they use it to send and for such terms. they think
receive child pornography, and they think theyre Photo and video evidence often disappears
not going to be tracked. An investigator with the from Snapchat before police can find it, says theyre not
Idaho attorney generals office, who asked not to be Adam Wandt, a professor of public policy at the going to be
named because of the sensitive nature of his work, John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York, tracked
says his team cringes when they hear Snapchat is part who advises a program on digital forensics. Snap
of a case, because of the added difficulty of catch- says that given investigators requests, it will pre-
ing suspects. serve files sent to and from particular accounts.
Snapchat parent Snap Inc. says it uses both staff- Kik Interactive Inc., which offers users messag-
ers and automated systems to protect childrenand ing thats as anonymous as an old-school AOL
all 178 million usersfrom unwanted messages, but chat room, says it also assists law enforcement as
it wouldnt provide details. The company, which needed. Company spokesman Rod McLeod says Kik
announced an overhaul of its platform on Nov. 7 after is expanding its safety team and investing in soft-
reporting disappointing earnings, is just beginning ware that can help better identify and catalog trou-
to shake Snapchats early image as a sexting app. It bling material. Christie Smythe, with Sarah Frier
says its simplifying its forms for reporting abuse.
THE BOTTOM LINE While Facebook and Instagram remain the
We will continue to develop new tools and practices likeliest venues for cases of sextortion, investigators have singled
to help keep the community safe, says spokesman out privacy-centric Snapchat as a potential problem.
Noah Edwardsen. While such incidents are rare, he
says, theyre no less evil and abhorrent than when
they happen anywhere else, and the company works
closely with law enforcement to address them.
Social networks such as Facebook and Instagram
accounted for 54percent of the 1,631 such cases sur-
Why Qualcomm Is Fighting the
veyed last year by the University of New Hampshires
Crimes Against Children Research Center, but
Biggest Tech Takeover Ever
more-private messaging apps such as Snapchat and
Kik were the next-likeliest avenue for contact, at Broadcoms $105 billion offer isnt
41percent. All of the digital technologies can be enough to sway the 4G chips king
abused by the bad guys, says Parry Aftab, a cyber-
security lawyer who advises companies and gov-
ernment agencies. Snapchat tends to be used by Qualcomm Inc., the leading maker of phone
single traffickers, small neighborhood groups of chips, is preparing to fend off a $105billion take-
child molesters. The creeps. over attempt by rival chipmaker Broadcom Ltd.,
In April a tipster led law enforcement to a Snapchat according to people familiar with Qualcomms
account distributing child porn. They traced the IP plans. The bid represents a 28percent premium
address to the Guthrie, Okla., home of a 36-year-old over Qualcomms value before Bloomberg broke
man, where they discovered hundreds of explicit the news of the offer on Nov.2. It would also be the
images of children on his electronic devices. His biggest acquisition in Silicon Valley history, dwarf-
case is pending. In another case, a 12-year-old New ing the $67billion DellInc. paid for EMC Corp.
Hampshire girl told investigators shed used Snapchat two years ago.
and Kik to send numerous explicit photos of herself
and her 10-year-old sister to a 33-year-old man in Fort Whats at Stake
Wayne, Ind., at his request. The proposed transaction would merge two top-10
In August sheriffs deputies in Maricopa County, chipmakers to make $112billion Broadcom the
Ariz., charged a 28-year-old mother with multiple third-largest, behind Intel Corp. and Samsung
 TECHNOLOGY Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

Electronics Co. The combined business would

become the default provider of chips essential to
the billion-plus smartphones sold each year, with
tight control over the supply chain for Wi-Fi and
A Bike-Share
cellular modem chips. This complementary trans-
action will position the combined company as a
global communications leader, Hock Tan, presi-
dent and chief executive officer of Singapore-based
Broadcom, said in a Nov. 6 statement. From China
Why Qualcomm Is Resisting
Qualcomms leadership will tell shareholders to Dockless systems are challenging
reject Tans offer as too low, say people famil- older operatorsand ooding cities
iar with the companys plans. The bid values
Qualcomm at about 21.2 times trailing 12-month
earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and Until last summer, bike-sharing in Munich was
amortization, compared with a median multiple an orderly undertaking: Two competing systems
of 22.5 for similar deals in the industry, according offered a total of 2,400 two-wheelers that riders
to data compiled by Bloomberg. Qualcomm said could pick up at about 100 locations around the
in a Nov. 6 statement that it would assess the pro- city. Then in September, after a company called
posal in order to pursue the course of action that OBike dropped 7,000 bright yellow rental cycles on
is in the best interests of Qualcomm shareholders. sidewalks and streets across town, residents began
The company has hired Goldman Sachs Group Inc., complaining about bikes piling up outside subway
the worlds leading defender against hostile take- stations and clogging parking spots. Things began
overs, to advise it on the deal. spiraling out of control, says Florian Paul, the city
official who oversees cycling programs. It just over-
Potential Benets for Qualcomm whelmed people.
The smartphone chip kings hefty licensing fees, Companies such as OBike, based in Singapore,
including for patents covering the basics of how and Chinas Ofo and Mobike, are moving aggres-
mobile phones work, have come under threat as sively into cities across Europe and the U.S. with
governments around the world take notice of its app-based services that let customers find the
tight grip on the market. Qualcomm has had to nearest bike and leave it wherever they want

pay billion-dollar fines and lower its fees in China after use. That contrasts with older programs
and South Korea in the past couple years, and it such as New York Citys Citibike and Pariss Vlib,
faces similar probes in Taiwan, Europe, and the which require users to pick up and return bikes at
U.S., as well as a protracted legal battle with Apple docking stations. Id rather grab and drop off my
Inc. Broadcom may be able to offer a fresh face to bike wherever I want, says Victor-Jules Lefranc, a
regulators and Apple. 21-year-old student in the French city of Lille, who
rents from, a Hong Kong company that
Cons launched a dockless service in Lille this fall.
An acquisition by Broadcom would pose regulatory While most U.S. and European bike-sharing is Ofo has raised at
challenges. Antitrust concerns aside, Broadcoms overseen by local governments, the newcomers least $1.3 billion over
foreign origins could be a problem. It was known are strictly privateand extremely well-financed. five rounds of venture
as Avago Technologies Ltd. until 2016, when Tan Ofo and Mobike have deployed 13 million cycles
capped a three-year string of purchases by paying worldwide after raising a total of $2.3 billion from $700m

$37 billion for the original Broadcom in San Jose. backers such as Chinese internet giants Alibaba
While the San Jose office is technically co-headquar- Group Holding Ltd. and Tencent Holdings Ltd.
ters, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the Docking station systems are very expensive to
U.S. has closely scrutinized and delayed a different expand, while we are immediate and flexible, 350

Broadcom takeover effort. says Chris Martin, vice president for international
expansion at Mobike.
The Trump Factor His company started operating in Washington,
Broadcom may be able to speed through federal scru- D.C., in September and is also in the U.K., Italy, and 0

tiny this time, following a Nov. 2 announcement the Netherlands. Ofo has bikes in seven U.S. metro A B* C D E
with Donald Trump in the Oval Officethat areas and three in Britain and plans to start in the
Broadcom will officially move its headquarters to Continent by yearend. GoBee operates in France
the U.S. Ian King and Italy and says its in talks with more than 20
European cities. And OBike, which already rents
THE BOTTOM LINE A unified Broadcom and Qualcomm would
dominate the design and manufacture of essential phone chips, cycles in a half-dozen countries across Europe,
but Qualcomm has reason to be wary of the takeover offer. said on Nov. 9 that its adding 10 more.
 TECHNOLOGY Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

European cities are starting to push back as the operators because they offer a more sophisticated
companies sometimes start renting bikes without business model that increases convenience for
consulting local authorities. Amsterdam ordered riders, Dyskin says.
dockless sharing companies to remove their bikes Bluegogo, another Chinese startup, drew crit-
from the city by Nov. 3, saying it needs time to icism when it began renting last winter in San
develop regulations. Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo has Francisco without alerting local authorities and later
summoned the operators to a Nov. 16 meeting to removed its bikes from the city. To have somebody
explain how theyll handle abandoned and damaged come in and dump bikes without pulling a permit
cycles. Bikes are piling up, says Catherine Baratti- or talking to anybody was controversial, says Jason
Elbaz, head of a panel that oversees Pariss bike- and Henderson, a San Francisco State University profes-
car-sharing programs. We need to be vigilant and sor who studies urban mobility. But, he says, many
supervise these companies. low-density neighborhoods arent served by Ford
In China, where many of the newcomers got GoBike, the city-authorized provider, making them
their start, cities have struggled with a surplus of fertile territory for the new systems.
shared bikes. The central Chinese city of Wuhan, Dockless operators say theyre working to avoid
with a population slightly larger than New York the problems experienced in China. Some charge
Citys, has some 700,000 shared bikes, vs. extra fees to renters who dont return bikes to
Citibikes 10,000 and the 24,000 offered by Vlib designated locations. Ofo plans to encourage U.S.
in Paris. As tangled piles of discarded bikes have customers to do the right thing by giving dis-
appeared on sidewalks and in parks and public counts to people who report abandoned bikes
squares, authorities in Beijing, Shanghai, and at and banning those who leave them in inappropri-
least five other cities have barred operators from ate places, says Grace Lin, the companys U.S. vice
adding to their fleets. president. And after the outcry in Munich, OBike
Established bike-share programs may struggle says its been working with authorities to ensure
to compete with upstarts that avoid the costs of compliance with local regulations. The company
docking systems, says Alexander Dyskin, a trans- is trying to learn from its mistakes, says Paul, the
portation consultant at Roland Berger GmbH city bicycling chief. Were observing the situation
in Dsseldorf. Mobike, for example, charges very carefully. Carol Matlack, Stefan Nicola, and
$1 for 30 minutes in Washington, while the Ania Nussbaum, with Joost Akkermans and Yuan Gao
government-sanctioned Capital Bikeshare charges
THE BOTTOM LINE Upstart bike-sharing systems have raised
$2 for 30 minutes or $8 for a 24-hour pass. Still, billions in capital and deployed millions of cycles. But European
cities must find a way to cooperate with dockless cities are starting to push back against the chaos.
 Mobike, Ofo, and
other bicycle-sharing
apps are replicating
the glut of bikes in
Shenzhen (pictured)
in European and
U.S. cities
LOOK AHEAD Shareholders of 21st Century Fox Salvator Mundi by Leonardo da The Singapore Exchange plans
vote on a proposal to eliminate its Vinci will be auctioned at Christies. to bring back its lunchtime trading
dual-class stock structure Its estimated value is $100 million break, which it ended in 2011

E 25

Saudi Arabias best-known Donald Trump, Alwaleed flies around in a retrofit-

ted Boeing 747 and has a zoo at his private palace.
investor has been swept up in an The defining feature of Riyadhs skyline is Kingdom
anticorruption crackdown Centre, a 992-foot-tall glass edifice he built in 2002
that serves as his headquarters. Its curved sky bridge
is visible across much of the city. The tower is 9 miles
away from where Alwaleed and others are rumored
When the Saudi king had dozens of powerful princes to be detained at the Ritz-Carlton. (He owns the rival
and businessmen arrested on Nov. 4 in a crackdown Four Seasons across town.) Other detainees, such as
on corruption, none of the names grabbed global the former head of the countrys powerful National
attention quite like that of Prince Alwaleed bin Talal. Guard, are a more direct political threat to the purges
The worlds 61st-richest person, the royal is prac- initiator, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, but
November 13, 2017

ticed at grabbing attention. For decades hes been a Alwaleeds global influence is palpable. Hes been
celebrity on Wall Street, known for his sizable stakes charged with money laundering, bribery, and extor- Edited by
in companies such as Citigroup, Apple, Twitter, and tion, according to a senior Saudi official. Pat Regnier and
Jillian Goodman
Lyft and a tabloid-friendly embrace of excess. The Alwaleeds $17 billion fortune is comparatively
owner of a 282-foot superyacht he bought from self-made, as princely fortunes go. As he tells it, his
 FINANCE Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

investment group, Kingdom Holding Co., which has and outward-looking, if sometimes ostentatious, in a
a market capitalization of $8 billion, was seeded in country better known for secrecy and severe conser-
1979 with a $30,000 gift from his father and a home- vatism. Alwaleed has pushed for the right of Saudi
equity loan. At first he kept to the typical dealings of women to drive and work. He hired the countrys
entrepreneurial princes: trading land and acting as first female pilot to fly his private jets, and most of
a key man for foreign companies seeking a foothold his staff are women.
in the kingdom. But around 1990, Alwaleed began Such views make it all the more unusual that he
buying shares in Citigroup Inc. predecessor Citicorp, was targeted in the crackdown, says Jane Kinninmont,
whose balance sheet had taken a hit from soured real an analyst at Chatham House, a London-based think
estate loans. In February 1991, Chief Executive Officer tank. The 32-year-old Prince Mohammed, the heir
John Reed asked for a cash infusion, and Alwaleed to the throne whos seen as wielding most of the
sunk another half-billion dollars into the bank, bring- power in the kingdom, has made liberalizing Saudi
ing the size of his holdings to almost $800 million. Arabias stringent religious strictures a cornerstone of
Over the next two decades, the prince scooped up his agenda. In public, Alwaleed has only praised the
stakes in dozens of high-profile companies, includ- crown prince. Still, there might be some mistrust of
ing Saks, News Corp., and Netscape. He developed a someone who has a track record of being outspoken.
taste for hotels, acquiring some of the worlds most Prince Mohammed could also be wary of Alwaleeds
prestigious properties, from the Plaza in New York branch of the royal family. The billionaires father,
to the George V in Paris. In 2007 he teamed up with known as the red prince, was exiled in the 1960s
Bill Gatess private investment company to take the for criticizing the royal family.
Other billionaires
Four Seasons hotel chain private in a $3.4 billion deal. The decision to arrest the countrys most promi- detained in the sweep
By the turn of the century, Alwaleed was often nent global investor, a partner of Gates and a friend
referred to in the press as the Warren Buffett of to Murdoch, seems risky at a moment when the
Arabia, a comparison he embraced. His stake in crown prince has been courting foreign capital. The
Citigroup had soared more than 190 percent in the kingdom is trying to sell a stake in its state-owned
10 years through 2001, but many of his investments oil company in what could be the largest-ever initial
were duds. He invested $345 million in ill-fated Euro public offering.
Disney in 1994 and binged on dot-com companies The shares of Alwaleeds Kingdom Holding fell
at the peak of the 2000 bubble. In 2005 he sold the 21percent in the four days following the first reports
bulk of his stake in Apple Inc., telling Bloomberg at of the crackdown. But gauging the financial fallout
the time that the benefits of the iPod and all the from the arrest is complicated by the opacity of
good moves Steve Jobs has made have already been his holdings. Kingdom Holdings free float is only Mohammed Al Amoudi
put in the price. 5 percent, which makes it more difficult for inves- Wealth $9.9b
Alwaleed upped his Citigroup stake in tors to trade shares. The company also doesnt Controls an empire
with investments in
November 2008, even after shares had plummeted specify the exact size of its public stakes, and many
Africa, Saudi Arabia,
in the financial crisis. As of December 2016, he owned of Alwaleeds interests fall below the disclosure and Europe, including
about 4.7percent of Twitter Inc., according to regula- threshold and dont have to be reported in filings. Swedens largest oil
tory filings by the social media company. He was an The billionaire often invests personally in equities,
important ally of Rupert Murdoch as a large holder alongside Kingdom Holding. Hes declined repeated
of 21st Century Fox Inc. voting shares, but Bloomberg requests for details on his public and private assets.
data show that he recently sold his stake. In a Nov. 6 statement, Kingdoms CEO said the
Alwaleed hasnt neglected investing in his home company enjoys a solid financial position.
market, and its likely hes done well with those The biggest unanswered question is whether
investments. The Saudi stock exchanges benchmark Alwaleed is a victim of a brash attempt by Prince
index has more than tripled since 1994, powered Mohammed to consolidate power or just another
by an oil boom that pushed prices above $100 a corrupt royal at long last brought to heel. The gover-
barrel before waning in recent years. As of June 30, nor of the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority said on
Alwaleed valued his investments in the Middle East, Nov. 7 that they froze personal bank accounts of indi-
including equities, the media company Rotana viduals in the crackdown but not those of their com- Saleh Kamel
Group, and Saudi land, at almost $6.5 billion. panies. If that were to change, it would indicate the Wealth $3.7b
Demanding and conscious of appearances crown prince was angling to take down a rival, says His holding company
owns businesses in
including his standing on global rich listsAlwaleed Kinninmont. The government is very much trying sectors including health
has had something of a mixed reputation outside to send a message that these arrests are about clean- care and snack food.
the kingdom, says Marcus Chenevix, an analyst at ing up to make a better environment for investing, Founded Al Baraka
Banking Group.
investment research firm TS Lombard in London. she says. If they were to seize Alwaleeds stakes in
International investors see him as a man who talks major international companies, that would really
a very big game and sometimes performed, but muddy the waters. Devon Pendleton
often didnt, he says. Still, Alwaleed has been for
THE BOTTOM LINE Alwaleeds large investments have included
much of the world an unofficial ambassador of Saudi Citigroup, Apple, and Twitter. Now hes been arrested in a still-
Arabia and its spending power. Hes been modern mysterious political drama.
 FINANCE Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

Many top universities have huge wealth that isnt taxed. For now

A threat that U.S. private colleges and universities money, says Henry Hansmann, a Yale Law School  Princeton
have dreaded for years just got closer to reality: professor and economist.
Republicans in Congress want to tax rich endow- The current proposal would tax large endow-
ments. The sweeping 400-page tax bill unveiled on ments regardless of an institutions spending rate.
Nov. 2 includes a 1.4 percent levy on private schools It has its roots in a 2014 plan from Dave Camp, the
investment income. Its one of many ways the bill former chairman of the House Ways and Means
is trying to raise money to partially pay for slashing Committee. Camp, a Republican, says he wanted to
corporate rates and other cuts. The tax could apply put endowments on the same footing as foundations.
to private institutions with endowments of more Depending on how much they spend annually on
than $250,000 per full-time student, according to grants, charitable activities, or other qualifying pur-
a later amendment to the bill. That group includes poses, foundations pay either 1 percent or 2 percent
about 70 colleges and universities. in tax. Under the new bill, both foundations and
Regardless of the final shape of the taxor even endowments would pay 1.4 percent. When you
whether it passesits clear that Washington has have similar activities, why should they be treated
its eyes on the pile of money that colleges have differently under the tax code? asks Camp, now a
amassed. About 800 endowments together hold senior policy adviser with PricewaterhouseCoopers
more than $500 billion, led by Harvard with LLPs tax practice.
$37.1 billion. Thanks to a strong market, many Colleges say this tax proposal would only leave
schools are richer than ever, and they dont pay them with less money to spend. They generally try
taxes on their investment earnings. Their funds to spend from the returns from their endowments, One could
have become major players in the financial markets, and the tax would take a bite out of that. If we have make a long
with investments in hedge funds, venture capital, to send millions of dollars to the federal Treasury, list of how they

and real estate. thats millions of dollars we cant spend on financial

could spend
This isnt the first time Congress has looked at aid, academic programs, or research, says Robert
endowments. The focus has sometimes been less on Durkee, vice president of Princeton, which has an it in the public
taxing schools than on pushing them to use more endowment of $23.8 billionor almost $3 million interest
of their money to help offset ever-rising tuitions. per student. Durkee says Princeton plans to spend
After a U.S. Senate Committee on Finance hearing more of its endowment to fund an expansion of the
in 2007, Chuck Grassley, an Iowa Republican, merely student body and that it provides aid to 60 percent
mentioned the idea of requiring a 5 percent annual of its undergrads. The endowment funds more than
spending rate for colleges. That whiff of a threat half the schools operating budget.
seemed to spur changes. Within months, about three Berea College in Kentucky is unusual for having
dozen colleges said they would spend more on finan- a relatively large endowment while enrolling only
cial aid. Schools including Harvard, the University low-income students who pay no tuition. Jeff
of Pennsylvania, and Pomona College adopted mea- Amburgey, its vice president for finance, says the
sures to replace loans with grants, which dont tax could cost the school about $1.9 million annually
need to be repaid. Still, the wealth at some schools and mean enrolling 48 fewer students each year. It
remains a tempting target for lawmakers. If we would have a negative impact on what we are trying
look at major universities, they havent done a very to do here at Berea, he says.
good job of explaining why theyve accumulated this Mark Schneider, a vice president at the nonprofit
 FINANCE Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

group American Institutes for Research, has pro- of Bard College, which has an endowment of about
posed that money raised from taxing endowment $61,000 per student. One could make a long list of
could be redistributed to community colleges or how they could spend it in the public interestgiving
regional state schools. This bill doesnt do that, while more scholarships, the quality of instruction, and to
it does cut taxes paid largely by high earners. Still, help, for example, bridge the connection between
Schneider is happy to see the idea on the table. Its high school and college, he says. Janet Lorin
about time, he says.
THE BOTTOM LINE The Republican tax proposal seeks to
Colleges should be warned that they need to impose a 1.4 percent levy on the investment income of college
justify their wealth, says Leon Botstein, president endowments, some of which are worth tens of billions of dollars.

The Funds That Are Stuffed With Cash

As stock markets rise, some value managers prefer not to buy

Charles de Vaulx knows keeping 40 percent of his No one wants to be a high-cash manager, says Jayme
fund in cash is hurting results. But as far as hes con- Wiggins of the Intrepid Endurance Fund. It can be
cerned, there arent many stocks to buy. Being fully very painful from a business perspective. Wigginss
invested has zero appeal right now because stocks is an extreme case: His fund is 79 percent in cash
are so expensive, says de Vaulx, whose $8.3 billion because he thinks small companieshis specialty
IVA Worldwide Fund trails the MSCI All-Country have never been more expensive. The funds assets
World Index by a big margin this year. We are have shrunk more than 75 percent from their peak in
willing to underperform while the party goes on. early 2012 as investors have taken money out.
He has company. Several prominent value De Vaulx has also been hit by redemptions, Share of IVA
Worldwide Funds
investorsincluding the managers of the First Eagle though he says theyve diminished this year. People assets that were in
Global, AMG Yacktman Focused, FPA Crescent, who know us know the drill, he says. It is not as if cash as of Sept. 30
and Longleaf Partners mutual fundshave been we are doing something we have never done. Both
keeping 20 percent to 40 percent of assets in cash de Vaulx and co-manager Charles de Lardemelle 40%
for months, in some cases for more than a year. The worked at First Eagle with Jean-Marie Eveillard, an
average equity fund holds 3.2 percent of assets in investor known for his willingness to lean against
cash, according to Morningstar Inc. The hoarders a trend. Asked during the dot-com boom why he
are convinced that at some point equities will slump wasnt joining the stampede into technology stocks,
and theyll have a chance to scoop up bargains. Eveillard said, I would rather lose half my share-
With global markets having returned more than holders than lose half my shareholders money.
200percent since the financial crisis low in2009, Lawrence Glazer, who helps oversee $2.5billion at
prices seem inflated to them, and not just in the Mayflower Advisors in Boston, says hes familiar with
U.S. Valuations are high across the world, says de Vaulxs style and long-term record and remains
Matthew McLennan, head of value investing at First comfortable sticking with him. He expects to earn
Eagle Investment Management and co-manager of respectable returns during rallies and outperform
the Global fund. when markets turn down. The problem is, markets
That hasnt stopped the markets from continuing havent turned down in a long time, he says.

to climb. The S&P 500 index and the MSCI All-Country Some investors and advisers dont think stock
World Index are both up more than 15percent this fund managers should hold so much cash, even
year. The cash-heavy funds, which include some when markets look expensive. Michael Rosen,
top performers in previous years, are trailing their who works with institutional clients at Angeles
benchmarks in 2017. And some investors are losing Investment Advisors in Santa Monica, Calif., says
patience with managers who stay on the sidelines. most investors prefer to make their own asset
 FINANCE Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

allocation choicesdeciding for themselves requirements and seek money from shallow-pocketed
whether stocks are worth the riskand dont want investors even if the securities dont trade on a
to pay equity-fund-level management fees on idle major exchange. The Trump administration wants
money. (Some funds with high cash stakes charge to increase the maximum size of these offerings to
1percent of assets or more per year.) Rosen also con- $75 million from $50 million. The U.S. Securities and
siders the strategy of going to cash a form of market Exchange Commission declined to comment.
timing. Very few people in history have been able Yet theres little evidence the JOBS Act has encour-
to do that effectively or consistently, he says. aged many IPOs. Companies can raise plenty of
First Eagles McClennan, echoing other cash- money from private equity and venture capital rather These
heavy managers, says he isnt trying to time the than go public, as seen in the drop in stock offer- offerings are
market, just looking for good investments and attrac- ings since the mid-1990s. Regulatory hurdles play a
tive prices. The managers of Longleaf Partners, much smaller role in discouraging IPOs, says Robert
which has 29percent of its $3.3billion in cash, Bartlett, a law professor at the University of California difficult to
have compiled lists of stocks theyre willing to buy if at Berkeley. police
prices fall enough. In a third-quarter letter to inves- Fat Brands Inc., owner of restaurant chains includ-
tors, the firm said it identified 15 companies almost ing Fatburger and Ponderosa Steakhouses, went
cheap enough. When a funds cash stake gets high, public last month on the Nasdaq Stock Market with a
the pressure to buy can be strong, the team wrote, $24 million offering. Shares have dropped 27 percent
but it is generally the time to maintain the most since listing. We believe investors responded very
discipline because the opportunities are likely to favorably to our IPO, and we dont expect the first
get better. Charles Stein two weeks of trading to be indicative of how we will
be measured, the company says.
THE BOTTOM LINE High equity valuations around the world
have some value managers waiting for a chance to buy. Not all Chief Executive Officer and founder Andy
their clients are so patient. Wiederhorn, a former Wall Street dealmaker, served
a 14-month sentence in 2004 and 2005 for filing a false
tax return at a previous business, Fat Brands said in
an SEC filing in September. My settlement with the
government and the related conviction trace back
The Small-Time to a business restructuring that occurred in 1998,
almost 20 years ago, Wiederhorn said in a statement
Market for Mini-IPOs to Bloomberg. The SEC and Nasdaq had no objec-
tion to my role as CEO and I believe investors take
comfort in that.
These itty-bitty stock offerings have ShiftPixy Inc., an Irvine, Calif.-based company
a short, rocky history with an app that connects businesses with part-time
workers, promoted its $12 million offering on Twitter,
Instagram, Facebook, and Cheddar, a livestreaming
Two executives were convicted of filing false tax financial network aimed at millennials.
returns, while a third was accused of selling unregis- Cary Hartline, 22, bought stock in ShiftPixy after
tered stock. But tiny companies with ties to the three reading about it on an online investor board. Only
of them have now gone public, part of what may be after shares fell 8 percent for no apparent reason did
the zaniest little market on Wall Street: mini-initial the Dallas social media manager start researching the
public offerings. company: He found that co-founder Stephen Holmes
The companiesseven so fararent exactly blue received a 15-month prison sentence in 2003 after a
chips. One made its debut on the New York Stock business hed run filed false tax returns. And in 2013,
Exchange with a value of just $43 millionless than Alabama barred Scott Absher, now ShiftPixys CEO,
3 percent of the market cap of a typical NYSE-listed from selling securities on civil claims that he pitched
companymostly from individual investors. A couple unregistered investments that failed to produce
of the securities firms bringing the companies to promised earnings. He denied the allegations but
market have checkered records. These offerings didnt provide a formal response, an SEC filing shows.
are extremely difficult to police, says William Galvin, ShiftPixy and its senior management team have
Massachusetts top securities regulator. Not that the fully adopted and embraced the SECs highest-level
IPOs are illegaltheyre just seriously risky invest- of disclosure requirements, said in-house counsel
ments. All have lost value since going public; the Mark Absher, the CEOs brother, in an emailed state-
average loss was about 40 percent. ment. Nevertheless, I was completely blindsided,
Mini-IPOs grew out of the Jumpstart Our Business says Hartline. I cant believe these companies exist.
Startups Act, a 2012 law that was supposed to elim- Matt Robinson and Benjamin Bain
inate red tape and spur the economy. Under the
THE BOTTOM LINE Rules designed to encourage IPOs have
laws Regulation A+ rules, adopted in 2015, very small resulted in a handful of small offerings from some operators with
companies can sell shares with limited disclosure shady pasts and very little else.
LOOK AHEAD Japan releases preliminary Round ve of Nafta negotiations Number crunchers convene in
third-quarter GDP gures gets under way on Nov. 15 in Washington for an IMF forum on
Mexico City measuring the digital economy

Disinterest at Home
O Nu
M No Chinese Tourists
C 2018 Winter
S The Winter Games in South Korea
may fall victim to geopolitical tensions
14 trillion won ($12.6 billion), including spending on
roads, railways, and stadiums. Thats more than the
and corporate scandals 8 trillion won to 9 trillion won Seoul projected in
2011 when Pyeongchang beat Munich and Frances
Annecy in the competition to become the host city,
At the 2014 Winter Olympics in Russia, foreign jour- but nowhere near the $51 billion spent on the Sochi
nalists delighted in documenting Sochis state of Gamesthe most expensive in history.
unreadiness, posting pictures on social media of Despite the lower price tag, South Korea still has
missing manhole covers, dirty tap water, and piles a lot riding on the 2018 Olympics. Transforming
of construction debris. South Koreas Pyeongchang Pyeongchang into a winter tourism destination
wont be the butt of those kinds of jokes. About and raising the nations profile in the world could
four months before the Feb. 9 start of the Winter translate into almost $40 billion in economic ben-
Olympics, a reporter watched as construction efits over 10 years, according to projections issued
workers put the final touches on the 35,000-seat by Hyundai Research Institute, a local think tank,
outdoor stadium where the opening and closing in 2011. As part of the preparations, the government
ceremonies will be staged. has poured $10 billion into infrastructure upgrades,
Still, it will take more than world-class engineer- including extending a high-speed rail network into
ing to pull off a successful games. Organizers are the heart of the ski areas. The hope is that this will
about 70 percent short of their 1.1 million ticket sales bring an influx of Chinese skiers, who have flocked
November 13, 2017
target. One factor that may be affecting attendance: to Japanese resorts in recent years. Seoul is less than
Edited by Most of the sports venues lie less than 60 miles from two hours flight time from Shanghai and Beijing, and
Cristina Lindblad and the border with North Korea, which has ramped up a soon-to-be-completed train line will cut the travel
David Rocks
rocket launches and nuclear tests in the past year. time between Incheon International Airport and All in, the Olympics will cost South Korea about Pyeongchangs slopes in half, to about two hours.
 ECONOMICS Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

for cross-country skiing, a sport that lacks a strong

following in South Korea, can be had for as little
as $18, but figure skating, which is hugely popular,
can command prices of around $500. Premium
tickets for the opening ceremony can fetch as much
as $1,350. The tickets are too expensive for ordi-
nary people like me, says Gu In-mo, who works at
a motel near the stadium. Ill just watch on TV.
The secretary general for the Pyeongchang orga- Most venues lie within
60 miles of the border
nizing committee, Yeo Hyung-koo, said in an Oct. 12 with North Korea
interview that ticket sales were running below
expectations, but that the history from past games

clear Threat is that the pace picks up in the final three months.
South Korea has a good record of protecting ath-
letes and spectators at previous events, but North North
Koreas past actions give cause for worry. The year
before the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul, agents
from Pyongyang bombed a Korean Air flight, killing
all 115 passengers and crew. In 2002, when South
Korea and Japan co-hosted the soccer World Cup, South
North Korean patrol boats crossed into disputed
waters, sparking a naval clash that sunk one South
Korean ship and claimed the lives of six sailors.
With its growing technical sophistication, North
Korea doesnt have to rely on its military to disrupt
next years games. This time it could easily launch a
Demilitarized zone
cyberattack, which is cheap to execute and difficult
to trace back to a perpetrator, says Mason Richey, Seoul 33
associate professor of international politics at Hankuk Olympic
University of Foreign Studies in Seoul. The organiz- venues
ers of the 2018 Winter Olympics declined to reveal
the size of the security force that will be deployed.
The U.K. is reportedly drawing up evacuation

Olympics plans for its team in case tensions escalate.

Other nations, including France and Germany,
have expressed reservations about sending their
Unfortunately for the games organizers, geo- athletes. Pyeongchang organizers say no team has
politics may keep foreign sports fans away. The withdrawn, and President Moon has urged North
number of international visitors to the country is Korea to send competitors.
down 24 percent this year. Kim Jong Uns nuclear South Koreans, lacking champions with the
ambitionsand attempts by South Korea and its star appeal of figure skater Kim Yunawho won
allies to contain themare mostly to blame. Angered gold in Vancouver in 2010 and silver in Sochihave Including roads,
railways, and stadiums,
by Seouls deployment of a U.S. missile shield to instead been captivated by corruption scandals. the Olympics will cost
guard against an attack from the North, Beijing The biggest of them led to the ouster of the presi- South Korea about
Kims most important allybanned package tours dent from office and landed her and the heir to the
to South Korea earlier this year. Almost half of all Samsung empirea corporate partner of the world- $12.6b
arrivals in 2016 came from China. Hyundai Research wide Olympic movement and next years gamesin
has acknowledged that its earlier projections on the jail. Theres a broad consensus that unless theres
economic impact of the games dont reflect current a big change in the runup to the games, theyll be
tourism trends. South Korean President Moon seen as a failure, no matter how you look at it, says
Jae-in and Chinese President Xi Jinping plan to Kim Yu-kyoum, a professor of sports management
meet on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic at Seoul National University. The biggest problem
Cooperation summit in Vietnam on Nov. 10-11 to try with Pyeongchang is that it doesnt have a message
to patch up their differences. to send to the publicboth at home and overseas
Drawing an overseas crowd to the 2018 Games on why these games are meaningful and what Korea

may prove easier than getting South Koreans to can achieve through the event. Jiyeun Lee, with
show up. Organizers have buyers for 56 percent Kanga Kong and Hannah Dormido
of the 320,000 tickets reserved for international
THE BOTTOM LINE Organizers of the 2018 Winter Olympics
spectators but only 22 percent of the 750,000 tickets in South Korea, which start on Feb. 9, are only about 30 percent
set aside for domestic fans have been sold. Tickets toward their goal of selling 1.1 million tickets.
 ECONOMICS Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

Others see Powells lack of an economics back-

Reading ground as a good thingif it means he will com-

municate in plain language. Fed statements have
gotten longer and more complicated over the past

Jerome Powell two decades. A 2014 study from the St. Louis Fed
found that earlier U.S. central bank monthly state-
ments required the equivalent of only a ninth-grade
reading level. Now you might need as much as three
Trumps Fed chair nominee isnt an years of post-college education to understand them.
economistand hes very, very rich The Fed definitely has a communication problem,
says Vincent Reinhart, chief economist at Standish
Mellon Asset Management Co. and a former top
Ever since Donald Trump officially nominated economist at the Fed. A non-economist who can
Jerome Powell on Nov. 2 to be chairman of the explain the banks policy to Washington and the
Federal Reserve Board, Wall Streeters and others rest of the world would be a positive.
have been scouring his bio for clues on what type of Still, Reinhart says, theres probably a reason we
U.S. central banker hell be. Heres what we know: havent had a Fed chair who wasnt an economist
Powell has a personality that veers toward consen- in a while. The job these days is to signal the future
sus building. The Wall Street Journal has dubbed path of interest rates. Thats something Janet Yellen
him Mr. Ordinary. Hes not an economist, though did very well. Predicting rates is hard to do, and
hes been involved in financial markets as a banker, models that economists use are increasingly tech-
investor, and policymaker for a while. And hes nical. The risk is that a non-economist becomes
very, very rich. only a user of the recommendations the Feds staff
Powells understated persona has led some to say economists provide, Reinhart says. A Greenspan
there are few clues to how hell act as Fed chief. But or Bernanke or Yellen had the ability to push back.
theres more to go on than people have suggested. Lastly, Powell, who spent time as a top banker
The first thing is being Mr. Ordinary. Personality on Wall Street and a dealmaker at private equity
matters, says Laurence Ball, an economist at Johns firm Carlyle Group LP, is probably far richer than
Hopkins University whos written papers on the char- many realize. Most reports have pegged his wealth
acter traitsand effectivenessof Ben Bernanke and at as much as $55 million. But Powells most recent
other policymakers. Ball says Bernankes shyness, disclosure says he received as much as $1 million in
for instance, prevented him from seeing the financial income from the Vanguard Total Stock Market index
crisis coming and acting more quickly when it did. fund in the past year. Its dividend yield has been
Similarly, Powells centrist tendency is a concern. 1.7 percent over the past 12 months. Based on the
Ball says the Fed is an institution that by its nature dividend, his stake in the fund alone could be worth
pulls people to the center. Forcefulness matters, $58.5 million, pushing his total potential wealth to
he says. The Fed could use more mavericks. more than $112 million. (Powell also sold a portion
Powell might also not be as much of a dove on of his stake in 2017, but his disclosure doesnt say
interest rates as Trump and others think. In June he how much income was generated by that sale.) He
spoke about the continued need to increase them. declined to comment for this article.
Shortly after he joined the Fed, he pressed Bernanke Fed policy arguably could be shaded because one
to limit and set an end date to quantitative easing of the most important people in the economy is also
the bond-buying program meant to help stimulate the among the top 0.1 percentalmost 800 times richer,
economy. Hes since been a supporter of the program. even after adjusting for inflation, than Paul Volcker
Whats more, historically, Fed chairs who were was when he headed the central bank. Perspective
bankers or chief executive officers have tended to matters. For example, when the Fed under Bernanke
keep rates higher than those who were economists. lowered interest rates to near zero and kept them
William McChesney Martin Jr., a banker who headed there during the financial crisis, critics contended
the Fed from 1951 to 1970 and whos seen as one of he was hurting savers. But the only savers hurt were
the more successful modern chairs, was famously those who were relatively rich and had most of their
hawkish. He likened the Fed to a host who pulls away money invested in relatively short-term bonds or
the punch bowl just as the partys getting started. certificates of deposit. Any savers with a portion

Net worth

Alan Ben
Janet Yellen Jerome Powell
Greenspan Bernanke $14.6m $112.3m (estimate)
$4.5m $2.7m
2014 2017
1998 2005
Paul Volcker
 ECONOMICS Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

of their wealth in the stock market ended up doing briefs. In London, virtually all arguments must be
fine in the Bernanke era. Bernanke shrugged off the made orally. And after Britain leaves the bloc, the
criticism. Would someone worth 40 times as much Europeans say theyll offer speedier decisions in cases
do the same if a similar crisis occurred? that require fast actionsay, authorizing the seizure
The wealth gap is one of the biggest issues facing of assets that might be spirited out of the country.
the U.S. The Fed can play a role in trying to narrow While London rulings could still stand across the
that difference, or at least limiting its growth. One EU, theyll likely need to be certified by a national
way is by regulating Wall Street, from limiting com- court of an EU member, which will inevitably slow
pensation to vetting products offered to Main Street things down. Companies once chose London as a
investors. But Powell is expected to loosen regula- matter of reflex, says Peter Bert, a lawyer at Taylor
tions. When the leadership of the Fed cant relate Wessing in Frankfurt whos also admitted as a solici-
to what its like to lose your job and then not be able tor in England. We dont see that anymore. Theres
to pay your rent, thats a problem, says Dean Baker, much more reflection before making a choice.
co-director of the liberal Center for Economic and Frankfurt says its considering features inspired
Policy Research. Stephen Gandel, Bloomberg Gadfly by U.K. tribunals, such as more extensive court
transcripts and a stronger role for attorneys in the
THE BOTTOM LINE The little thats known about Powell
provides tantalizing clues to what he might do as the next pacing of proceedings. Amsterdam was already
Fed chair. working on a special chamber for international dis-
putes before Britain said it would quit the union.
And Brussels and Paris are promoting courtrooms
staffed by business-savvy former bankers and engi-
neers. In England, its the best lawyers who become
Coming Soon to Paris: judges, says Jean Messinesi, president of the Paris

Lawsuits en Anglais
Commercial Court. In France, its top entrepre-
neurs and senior managers at companies.
The Continents fight isnt only with London,
since many cases heard in the U.K. involve non-
After Brexit, European cities aim to European companies. Those might well stay in
steal corporate litigation from London London or move to other global litigation hubs such
as New York, Singapore, or Dubai. Dublin, which
of course already offers proceedings in English, is
For decades, London has been the place to go for big another potential rival.
commercial disputes in Europe. Even when compa- The Law Society, which represents solicitors The
nies based outside Britain sue one another, the cases in England and Wales, is urging the British gov-
are often argued in London, such as one brought by ernment to negotiate a Brexit deal that would
UBS AG against Leipzigs water utility and another protect the status of U.K. courts and has launched language
between Libyas sovereign wealth fund and French a public-relations campaign extolling Londons of business
bank Socit Gnrale SA. In anticipation of Britains advantages for litigants. The international lan- will remain
exit from the European Union, cities on the Continent guage of business will remain English, says Simon
English. And
are stepping up efforts to lure those cases to their Davis, deputy vice president of the Law Society and
own courtsby copying some U.K. legal practices an attorney with Clifford Chance in London. And English law
and even offering proceedings in English. At least English law will remain the law of choice, particu- will remain the
one European country has to be able to process inter- larly in relation to financial institutions. law of choice
national commercial litigation, says Guy Canivet, a In a bid to maintain Londons leading role, U.K.
former chief justice of the French Supreme Court Prime Minister Theresa May in August backed off
who wrote a report on Pariss jurisdiction post-Brexit. a vow that EU courts wouldnt be given any say in
Its a matter of sovereignty. U.K. matters. The goal now is to maintain strong ties
When signing deals, companies typically agree on to the EU legal system, perhaps similar to those of
the jurisdiction that will hear potential disputes, and non-EU members Switzerland and Norway, whose
London became a leading destination because of its court rulings are enforceable across the bloc.
role as the capital of global finance and because its Even that could be unacceptable to Eva Khne-
rulings are valid across the EUan edge that could Hrmann, justice minister of the German state of
evaporate once Britain leaves the bloc. London is Hesse, home to Frankfurt, whos argued against
stepping into the shadows, says Roman Poseck, pres- being too accommodating to the British. We cant
ident of the appeals court in Frankfurt, where offi- allow the U.K. to cherry-pick in Brexit negotiations,
cials plan to have an English-language panel in place she says. We need rules that favor our own courts.
by January. Frankfurt wants a piece of the pie. Karin Matussek and Gaspard Sebag
The Europeans say their courts are faster and
THE BOTTOM LINE European cities trying to woo commercial
cheaper than Britains, in part because they allow cases away from London are promoting advantages such as
many proceedings to be conducted via written speedier court proceedings and business-savvy judges.
 ECONOMICS Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

How to Do a Through its choice of

Debt Restructuring negotiator, Venezuela may have

found a way to delay a default

Tareck El Aissami, Venezuelas vice president, has of cocaine out of Venezuela and coordinated ship-
summoned bondholders to a Nov. 13 meeting in ments with Mexicos Zetas drug cartel. El Aissamis
Caracas as the country prepares to restructure its office didnt respond to calls. Hes publicly denied
crushing debt. Turnout is likely to be sparse. the allegations and offered to hand himself over to
Thats because investors accepting El Aissamis authorities if anyone can produce proof.
invitation could run afoul of the U.S. Office of The son of Syrian and Lebanese immigrants, El
Foreign Assets Control. U.S. sanctions prohibit Aissami was the leader of a leftist student move-
Americans from accepting new bonds that ment at a university in Mrida when he met Hugo
Venezuela would issue as part of a restructuring. Chvez, a cashiered military officer whod led a
Also, El Aissami has been designated a narcotics failed coup. In the years after Chvez was elected
trafficker under a 1999 law known as the Kingpin president in 1998, El Aissami worked as a legislator
Act; any officer of a U.S. corporation who deals with in the National Assembly and at the interior minis-
him faces the risk of prosecution, which could result try. In 2012 he was elected governor of Aragua state,
in fines of as much as $5 million and 30 years in jail. where he quashed attempts by the opposition to
They are basically assigning the discussion with mount a referendum to oust him from office. As
bondholders to the most radioactive member of
the Venezuelan government, says Daniel Lansberg-
Rodriguez, a lecturer at Northwesterns Kellogg
School of Management. Thats not a figure you can
imagine people in New Yorkhedge funds, bankers
sitting at a table with, trying to hash out some sort
of a refinancing or a restructuring.
In naming El Aissami to head the talks,
President Nicols Maduro may be trying to drum
up support inside the U.S. for easing sanctions, says
Robert Koenigsberger, chief investment officer at
Gramercy Funds Management LLC, which dumped
its Venezuelan bonds a year ago. There will be
finger-pointing that wed love to restructure our
debt, but those Yankees wont let us do it. Go talk
to Donald Trump, and when he removes sanctions,
we can talk, he says.
That could soften the political impact of a default, vice president, a post hes held since January, he  Protesters in Caracas
burn an effigy of Vice
which many observers have been expecting for years. also heads an Anti-Coup Commando unit whose President El Aissami,
Maduro says U.S. sanctions have made it impossible mission is to root out traitors and double-crossers whom Washington has
for the country to obtain new financing to roll over its across the political spectrum. The campaign has labeled a drug kingpin
debts, which total an estimated $140 billion. On Nov. 2 landed several of the governments critics in jail.
he announced that his country would make a final The blame-the-gringos gambit may stave off a
$1.1 billion payment and then start talks on restructur- final reckoning, allowing the Maduro government
ing. Until now, Venezuela has had a record of paying to keep control of its oil-producing assetswhich,
its creditors despite a plunge in the price of oil, the in the event of a default, could be seized by credi-
source of 95 percent of the countrys export revenue. torsand use its dwindling stock of foreign reserves
Investors willing to hold the countrys bonds have to pay for food and other social aid. This is much
been richly rewarded: Yields recently soared to a more of a political play than a financial one, says
record 40.8 percentage points over U.S. Treasuries. Jos Guerra, an opposition lawmaker who heads the
The sanctions were imposed by Congress in 2014 National Assemblys finance commission. They need
in response to the Maduro governments antidemo- some sort of relief, cash flow. They have no other

cratic tendencies and have been ratcheted up since way to finance imports. Patricia Laya and Andrew
President Trump took office. In February, the U.S. Rosati, with Ben Bartenstein and Fabiola Zerpa
Department of the Treasury designated El Aissami
THE BOTTOM LINE To buy time and preserve precious
a drug trafficker, saying he had control of planes reserves, Venezuela has extended American bondholders an
that flew more than 1,000 kilograms (2,205 pounds) invitation many have no choice but to refuse.
LOOK AHEAD Republican Governors Some 20 EU countries will sign a President Trump attends the East Asia
Association annual conference new defense pact to jointly develop Summit in the Philippines, where hell

5 begins on Nov. 15 military hardware meet President Rodrigo Duterte

Shake-Up at the
Bank of Bannon
Robert Mercer is stepping Washington and Wall Street buzzing over whether
the man who essentially bankrolled the national-
back from his hedge fund, but his ist insurgency that put Donald Trump in the White
political activism will continue House was having second thoughts.
Among Mercers adversaries, his words were read
as a rebuke of Bannon and a break from his nation-
alist politics. I think this is a perfect testimony to
When it landed on the morning of Nov. 2, the state- the toxicity of Steve Bannon and what hes trying
ment from hedge fund manager and Republican to do to the Republican Party, says Josh Holmes,
megadonor Robert Mercer read like a goodbye letter. former chief of staff to Senate Majority Leader Mitch
Not only was he stepping down as co-chief execu- McConnell, whom Bannon has vowed to dethrone
tive officer of his New York hedge fund Renaissance by backing outside challengers in Republican prima-
Technologies LLC, but he also was selling his stake in ries next year. An activist group that had been pres-
Breitbart News and renouncing his support for Milo suring universities and retirement funds to pull their
Yiannopoulos, the alt-right provocateur hed previ- money from Renaissance to protest Mercers political
ously funded. Mercer even seemed to distance himself spending also saw the statement as vindication. It
from the man his political fortunes are most tied to seems like our work is done pressuring Renaissance
his longtime adviser, Breitbart Chairman and former investors over Mercers role, says a representative of
White House strategist Steve Bannon. From time to Sleeping Giants, a group of anonymous activists that,
time, I do discuss politics with him, Mercer wrote of since forming after last years election, says it has
November 13, 2017 Bannon. However, I make my own decisions with persuaded thousands of companies to stop advertis-
respect to whom I support politically. Those decisions ing on Breitbart, arguing the site promotes racism.
Edited by do not always align with Mr. Bannons. A rift with Mercer would certainly complicate
Matthew Philips
It was a rare public statement from the famously Bannons latest assault on the GOP establishment. reticent, 71-year-old computer scientist, one that left Mercer has been Bannons main patron since they
 POLITICS Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

first met in 2011. But a split may not be whats hap- Renaissance partner, David Magerman, went public
pening. Viewed in a broader context, Mercers with his criticism of Mercer. His views show con-
announcement suggests that, far from abandoning tempt for the social safety net that he doesnt need,
the Republican insurgency and stepping away from but many Americans do, Magerman told the Wall
politics, hes freeing himself to be more involved. Street Journal. He later filed a lawsuit alleging that
Two sources familiar with his thinking say his deci- Mercer had made racist comments. Renaissance
sion to reduce his role at Renaissance is part of a is contesting the suit, and Mercer in his Nov. 2 state-
plan to participate more aggressively in Republican ment vehemently denied any racial prejudice.
Party politics ahead of the pivotal midterm elections. By stepping down as co-CEO and leaving the
Mercer did not respond to requests for comment. firms board, Mercer takes the heat off his col-
More than anything, Mercers statement is a leagues, even though he plans to continue working
confirmation of his outsize influence in conser- alongside them as a researcher. Selling his Breitbart
vative politicsand the trouble that created for stake may blunt attacks, too, though the holding
him inside Renaissance. Although the recent cam- will stay in the familyhes selling it to his three
paign to pressure investors to pull money from daughters, formalizing an existing arrangement. Mercer family 2017
political donations
Renaissance likely hadnt caused it serious financial Rebekah has always taken the lead in dealing with
harm, it did promise to keep the notoriously secre-
tive trading firm in the spotlight. In recent months,
Breitbart. Also, the Mercers have never marched
in lockstep with Bannon. Under Bannons direc-
Rob Astorino,
Jim Simons, Renaissances 79-year-old founder and tion, Breitbart News championed Trump last year, incumbent Westchester
County executive in
a major donor to Democratic causes, urged Mercer while Mercer bought some $13 million worth of ads New York, who lost
to step down, according to two people familiar with for Texas Senator Ted Cruz, switching to Trump on Nov. 7
the matter. Simons wasnt as concerned about the only after hed won the GOP nomination. This year,
financial impact of Mercers activities as he was Mercer contributed the maximum amount to House $668k
Republican National
about their effect on the firms morale and recruit- Speaker Paul Ryan, a frequent target of Breitbarts Committee
ing efforts. I appreciated Bobs willingness to take venom. And Mercer and his wife have poured more
this step, Simons said on Nov. 6 while attending a
fundraiser for the New York Public Library.
than $1.6 million into Republican Party accounts.
Mercer apparently sat out the Republican Senate
National Republican
Senatorial Committee
Trumps election established Mercer and his primary in Alabama this year, where Bannons can-
middle daughter, Rebekah, as the preeminent
patrons of the partys anti-establishment wing.
didate, Roy Moore, defeated a challenger heavily
funded by the party establishment. But in other
National Republican
Theyve channeled family money into a series states, Mercer has backed Bannons slate of can- Congressional
of interlocking causes overseen by Bannon. In didates hostile to McConnell. In Arizona, he gave
addition to Breitbart, theres the Government
Accountability Institute, a research group estab-
$300,000 to a PAC supporting Kelli Ward, a hard-
right former state senator who was mounting an
Kelli Ward, a Bannon-
lished in 2012 whose president, Peter Schweizer, attack on incumbent Senator Jeff Flake. Rather than endorsed candidate
for Senate in Arizona
wrote the best-selling 2015 book Clinton Cash, which face Ward, Flake announced plans to retire at the
tarnished Hillary Clinton ahead of the 2016 presi-
dential election. Theres also Cambridge Analytica,
end of his term. In Mississippi, Mercer put $50,000
behind Chris McDaniel, who calls Senator Roger
Attack ads against
a data and analytics firm used by the Trump cam- Wicker one of McConnells merry band of yes men Democratic Senator
Elizabeth Warren
paign, and Glittering Steel LLC, the production and is considering challenging him next year.
company run by Rebekah and Bannon that makes
movies and political ads. The Mercers even helped
In November, as part of his effort to spark a
revolt against McConnell and his establishment GOP
Chris McDaniel,
install Bannon atop the Trump campaign during allies, Bannon is giving speeches in Michigan, New considering a primary
run against Republican
its final stretch. In December, surrounded by hun- Hampshire, and South Carolina. Hes recruiting Senator Roger Wicker
dreds of guests at Mercers mansion overlooking renegade candidates to challenge every Republican in Mississippi
Long Island Sound, the president-elect thanked member of the Senate up for election in 2018, save
the father-daughter duo in person. for Cruz. While its unclear whether Mercer will
Like conservative industrialists Charles and continue to put money behind Bannons hand-
David Koch and liberal investor George Soros, picked candidates, he doesnt appear to be retreat-
Mercer has become so well-known that opponents ing from electoral battles. His critics are going to
use his name as a bludgeon. In early November, be disappointed because, at the end of the day, Bob
a TV ad from the New York State Democratic is going to continue fighting for what he believes
Committee flashed Robert and Rebekah Mercers in, says Brent Bozell, whose conservative Media
faces on the screen, noting their donation to a Research Center is funded by Mercer. This is a

Republican candidate in a county race and describ- man who could have chosen a long time ago to sail
ing them as the same people who bankrolled away on his yacht and not worry about a thing.
Trumps social media bot army and Steve Bannons Zachary Mider and Joshua Green
extremist Breitbart News.
THE BOTTOM LINE As publicity-shy Republican megadonor
For Renaissance, the notoriety has been Robert Mercer relinquishes his management role at Renaissance
unprecedented and unwelcome. In February, one Technologies, questions arise about his political agenda.
 POLITICS Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

Trump Hunts for

Trade Deals in Asia
Instead, North Korea and other issues
dominate the rst stages of the presidents trip

Donald Trumps withdrawal from the 12-nation Trans- to C, and C concedes to A. In the TPP, for example,
Pacific Partnership has put the U.S. in a difficult posi- Japan agreed to take more dairy imports, helping
tion when it comes to Asian commerce. That was New Zealand, while it received concessions from
apparent in early November when the president other countries on its manufactured exports, Reinsch
embarked on a tour of East Asia that took him to says. Another advantage: In a big group the U.S. can
Japan, South Korea, and China, with further stops win points without anyone else obviously giving
planned in Vietnam and the Philippines. Trump was in. Countries making concessions can muddy the
greeted with pomp, circumstance, and promises to waters a little bit rhetorically, he says.
buy more American goods, but the White House When presidents do announce trade deals on
didnt report any progress on the market-opening trips, its generally because lower-level officials on U.S. merchandise
trade deficits in 2016
measures the U.S. has long sought. both sides have put in a lot of work in the preced-
In Japan, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe ducked ing months. Theres no evidence thats happened
40 China $347b
any talk of major trade concessions, even though under Trump. There seems to be more of a focus on Japan $69b
Trump kept bringing the topic up. The president making a political point about trade deals vs. improv- Vietnam $32b
had to settle for a white baseball cap emblazoned ing them, says Joshua Meltzer, a senior fellow at the South Korea $28b
in gold with the message Donald & Shinzo, Make Brookings Institution. Philippines $2b
Alliance Even Greater. In South Korea, which has a North Korea, not trade, seems to be occupying the
free-trade agreement with the U.S. that Trump has lions share of Trumps attention in Asia. While he
repeatedly criticized, trade took a back seat to con- isnt the first American president to end up putting
cerns about the threat from North Korea. In China, diplomatic and security imperatives above U.S. com-
President Xi Jinping flattered Trump with state mercial interests, hes been more explicit about it
visit-plus treatment, including trips to the opera than most. In April he told the Wall Street Journal

and the Forbidden City, as well as eye-catching prom- hed offered Xi better trade terms in exchange for
ises. The White House was expected to announce help on North Korea.
more than $250 billion in business deals. To be fair, trade liberalization is a tough nut to
Trump campaigned for the White House on his crack. Especially trade with China. Xi, having seen
ability to go one-on-one with foreign leaders to strike the political turmoil generated by fake news on social
better trade agreements. He prefers bilateral agree- media in the U.S., is determined to keep Americas
ments to multilateral ones like the TPP, which he  Trump with Xi at the
Forbidden City on Nov. 8
called a disaster and a rape of our country. But
now that its time to deal, hes finding that trading
partners arent so pliable after all.
One problem for Trump is that the leaders of
Japan, South Korea, and other nations cant be seen
by their voters as caving in to American demands,
says William Reinsch, a former president of the
National Foreign Trade Council and a distinguished
fellow at the Stimson Center, a Washington think
tank. Reinsch once wrote an opinion piece called
Bilateral, Shmilateral.
Multilateral talks provide more chances for coun-
tries to come away happy, because the concessions
they want dont all have to come from a single party.
Country A concedes something to B, B concedes
 POLITICS Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

digital giants out of China. Xi will also continue to On Oct.23, Courtney resigned during an internal
protect the state-owned enterprises and technol- investigation into alleged sexual misconduct and
ogy sectors that China regards as key to its future. abusive behavior. People who worked for Courtney,
It really isnt clear to me what could be done about whose career spanned decades, say he was known
those by even an ideal American negotiating team, for repeatedly dating subordinates, one of whom
says Gary Clyde Hufbauer, a senior fellow at the he recently married. The investigation also led the
Peterson Institute for International Economics. SEIU to terminate two other senior staffers. Another
The absence of the U.S. from the TPP just makes Fight for $15 leader, Kendall Fells, resigned on Nov.2.
matters worse. China is rushing to fill the gap left Fells declined to comment. Courtney didnt respond
by the U.S. Its 16-nation Regional Comprehensive to a request for comment.
Economic Partnership includes Japan, India, and Earlier this year, Terry Stapleton, the AFL-CIOs
South Korea but excludes the U.S. Michael Sekora, chief budget officer, was disciplined for sexual harass-
who worked on U.S. technological security in the ment allegations, according to people familiar with
Reagan White House and now runs Quadrigy, a con- the process. Stapleton, who oversaw employees
sulting company, said he sensed a leadership vacuum expenses and travel, allegedly sent a secretary lewd
in the Pacific recently while visiting government offi- messages and urged her to come to his hotel room
cials in Australia, Colombia, and Malaysia. They said, during a March meeting of the executive council.
We dont want to get in bed with China, but we dont He also allegedly suggested that if she had a sexual
have any choice, Sekora says. relationship with him, he could protect her job at
China is playing a long game. At the Communist the organization, where dozens of people had been
Party congress in October, Xi outlined plans to laid off in February. Stapleton did not respond to a
make the country a global leader in terms of request for comment.
comprehensive national strength and interna- According to the AFL-CIO, Stapleton was sent for
tional influence by 2050. Trump seems to be mandatory training at his own expense, moved to a
more focused on the daily news cycle. Says Yukon different office, and suspended for two weeks without
Huang, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment pay. But Stapleton, a longtime friend of federation
for International Peace in Washington: This con- President Richard Trumka, remained in his senior
trast between a very short-term focus on issues staff role at the AFL-CIO until he resigned on Nov.6,
against a China which tends to think very long- a few days after Bloomberg News inquired about the
term is an interesting challenge in a global environ- previously unreported allegations.
ment where we are talking about relative decline. Union leaders say they take the issues seri-
Peter Coy, Enda Curran, and Justin Sink ously. As the premier organization for working
people, we recognize that we bear a special respon-
THE BOTTOM LINE Trump boasts of his dealmaking prowess,
but bilateral trade talks with Asian partners arent likely to yield sibility to lead by our actions and example, the
big wins for the U.S. AFL-CIOs top officers said in a statement the day
Stapleton resigned. Two weeks earlier, Trumka had
told reporters the AFL-CIO has a zero-tolerance
policy on harassment, noting that at its March
executive council meeting the federation approved
Unions Confront new policies on the issue, including a stronger code
of conduct. SEIU Executive Vice President Leslie
In-House Harassment Frane says her union has been swift and decisive
in investigating recent allegations and has expanded
its training for staff and its channels for reporting
Labor groups AFL-CIO and SEIU abuse. We are incredibly grateful to the people
are hit by sexual misconduct scandals who have come forward, says Frane.
Current and former employees say years of warn-
ings havent been heeded. In 2000 dozens of employ-
Americas post-Harvey Weinstein sexual harassment ees presented concerns about Courtney in writing
reckoning is roiling the labor movement. Amid a to national leaders, according to people who par-
flurry of resignations from top officials at two of the ticipated. Former AFL-CIO staff also say the federa-
countrys biggest labor groups, dozens of current and tion failed to respond to a 2015 draft report from an
former organizers and staffers say the groups leaders outside consulting group, copies of which werent
too often fail to protect their staff from abuse or take shared widely with staff, that related employees
sufficient action in response, creating toxic cultures accounts of rampant harassment issues.
that have alienated promising young organizers. Some aspects of union organizing can make it
The recent wave of departures began with Scott easier for bad actors to get away with abuse, says
Courtney, an executive at the Service Employees Janice Fine, a labor studies professor at Rutgers
International Union and architect of the Fight for University and former organizer. Organizers are loyal
$15 campaign to raise pay for fast-food workers. to the workers the union represents and loath to
 POLITICS Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

do anything that could be perceived as damaging Seligman, who represents the plaintiffs. Its simi-
to a campaign. Theres still this idea that in order to larly forced labor to say, Were going to remove you
do it, you have to work 24 hours a day, you have from all contact with other people. The lawsuit
to be willing to move, you have to put work above also argues that Geo, through an optional work
all other things, says Fine. Sexual harassment is a program that pays $1 a day, violated common law
reason women organize, says Kate Bronfenbrenner, against unjust enrichment, since extensive use
a former organizer and now a lecturer at Cornell of low-paid detainee labor has saved the company
Universitys labor relations school. But it can be money; it employs only one janitor in Aurora who There is,
a reason women dont organize. Josh Eidelson isnt in custody, the plaintiffs say.
almost by
Geo says the case lacks merit and that its being
THE BOTTOM LINE Two of the countrys biggest labor groups, denition,
the AFL-CIO and SEIU, have been hit with a flurry of high-profile scapegoated over whats really a public-policy
resignations after claims of years of sexual harassment. dispute. Geos status as a government contractor a focus on
puts it in the position of having to answer for what maximizing
are essentially grievances against congressional and
prots and
DHS/ICE policies, the company said in a March
court filing. In a 2015 motion, Geo said the traffick- shareholder
A Captive ing claim was absurd, because the anti-traffick-
ing law wasnt meant to apply to federal detainees

Labor Market who are lawfully kept in the custody of the govern-
ment. In its motion for an appeal, Geo wrote that the
class certification poses a potentially catastrophic
risk to Geos ability to honor its contracts with the
federal government.
The lawsuit is one front in a long-running battle
over the existence of private prisons. Critics say
letting companies run detention centers and prisons
reduces accountability for potential abuses and that
the profit motive encourages excessive cost-cutting.
There is, almost by definition, a focus on maxi-
mizing profits and shareholder value at any pub-
licly held private business, says David Lopez, who
served as general counsel of the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission under President Obama
and will argue for the plaintiffs before the 10th
Detainees claim Geo Group Circuit. I dont think the private prison industry
forced them to work for free really is differentits just its product is different.
Conservatives say private companies outperform
the government. Theres certainly no way having
On Nov. 15 the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver the highly problematic ICE come in and take over
will hear arguments in a case that could change the management of these facilities is going to improve
future of the $5 billion private prison industry. Judges conditions, because the ones they already run are
will decide whether a district court was correct in terrible, says Adrian Moore, vice president of the
February when it certified a class action on behalf of libertarian Reason Foundation.
around 60,000 current and former detainees who are In August 2016, President Obamas Department
suing Geo Group Inc., one of the largest U.S. private of Justice said it would phase out its use of privately
prison companies, for allegedly violating federal run federal prisons. The next day, a Geo subsidiary
anti-trafficking laws by coercing them to work for donated $100,000 to a super PAC supporting Donald
free under threat of solitary confinement. Trump. This year Trump reversed Obamas private
The case was first filed in 2014 by a group of immi- prison policy and awarded his administrations first
grants who had been detained at an Immigration and detention center contract to Geo. The companys
Customs Enforcement facility run by Geo in Aurora, stock price has risen about 70 percent since Trumps
Colo. Their key claim rests on the assertion that Geo election. If the case proceeds as a class action, it will
violated the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, a threaten other private prison companies that use
law designed to stop human traffickinga scourge inmate labor. This case is what we call a business
many associate with sexual exploitation by gangs, not model case, says Brandt Milstein, who represents

with government contractors treatment of detained the plaintiffs. Another way to say that would be an
immigrants. Their lawsuit argues that Geo violated existential threat. Josh Eidelson
the laws prohibition on using threats to obtain labor.
THE BOTTOM LINE Private prison companies have flourished
It would be forced labor for someone to say, under President Trump, but a class action could undermine their
Well arrest you for not working for me, says David access to cheap labor provided by detainees.
The Cloud O
company in the world by market value, makes

How to one-fteenth of Amazons cloud revenue.

AWS effectively dened the notion of cloud
computing, says Gartner analyst Ed Anderson.

Catch Its perceived as the cloud leader and pace-

setter. AWS generated $4.6 billion in sales in
the most recent quarter. Every year, it intro-

Amazon duces dozens of features and products to retain

its edge.
But Amazon isnt invincible, and the qualities
that made the division so successfulthe plat-
forms self-service nature and its deployment of
software and services that Amazon had used for
its enormous retail operationcan also be seen
as vulnerabilities, at least as far as Microsoft
and Google are concerned. Microsofts cloud
unit, Azure, has managed to win over customers,
including Bank of America Corp. and Chevron
Corp. in recent weeks, by focusing on the sorts
of salesmanship and relationship-building skills
Microsoft and Google turn to not always prized at Amazons Seattle headquar-
salesmanship and AI ters. Theres not one default choice, says Kurt
DelBene, Microsofts executive vice president
for corporate strategy and planning. Were not
Its hard to think of a business Inc. going to get to a place where any one vendor is
dominates as convincingly as the market for that default choice.
cloud computing services. Andy Jassy, chief Microsoft is at the leading edge of todays
executive officer of the companys cloud division, game-changing cloud-based technologies, CEO
Amazon Web Services Inc., likes to brag that his Satya Nadella wrote in his autobiography, pub-
outt has several times as much business as lished in late September. But just a few years
the next 14 providers combined. Amazons next- ago that outcome seemed very doubtful. As

largest cloud competitor, Microsoft Corp., is less part of Nadellas catch-up strategy, Microsoft
than one-fth Amazons size in terms of sales has transformed its sales force into a roving R&D
November 13, 2017
of infrastructure services, which store and run lab and management consultancy. Startups get
data and applications in the cloud, according to introductions to potential investors and prospec- Edited by
research rm Gartner Inc. Google, the No. 3 U.S. tive partners and customers. Big companies get Dimitra Kessenides and
Max Chafkin
cloud services provider and the second-largest access to a sales team that helps market the
 FOCUS / CLOUD Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

cloud apps they build on Azure to their own customers so Cloud infrastructure services revenue, 2016
they can make a buck on the software they use in-house.
The sales team includes 3,000 dedicated software engi- Others Amazon
$9.1b $9.8b
neers who can build applications for prospective clients Google
during sales calls, demonstrating on the spot what they can $500m
Rackspace Alibaba
do for them. I cant send people to a customer anymore to $484m $675m
give a PowerPoint presentation, says Judson Althoff, exec- Micro-
utive vice president for Microsofts worldwide commercial $1.6b
business. Once a customer signs on, Microsoft engineers
can be deployed to the client the next day. Slowest-growing Fastest-growing
Bill Braun, Chevrons chief information officer, says
Microsoft impressed him by showing off machine learning
software that will allow his company to analyze volumes of Wall Street Journal, Wal-Mart has been telling its tech sup-
data from oil production equipment to detect tiny changes in pliers not to use AWS. Wal-Mart didnt respond to a request
temperature or vibration, early signs of faulty equipment, or for comment. CEO Jassy says AWS treats all its cloud cus-
other problems. They understand the enterprise, he says. tomers, including many Amazon retail rivals, equally.
Microsofts sales team made the pitch with the help of After several years on AWS, Lush Ltd., the U.K.-based toi-
HoloLens, the companys new augmented-reality headset. letries company, jumped to Google Cloud in November 2016.
When paired with Microsofts cloud software, the headset Lush has sued Amazon, claiming the company is using
allows Chevrons senior engineers to virtually oversee the Lushs trademarks to sell rival bath goods.
work of software technicians around the globe as they Were not particularly keen on Amazon as a company, so
install equipment. wed prefer not to work with them, says Jack Constantine,
For years, Microsoft representatives have sold the com- Lushs chief digital officer. Amazon declined to comment
panys signature Windows and Office software that clients on the lawsuit.
install on their computer networks. More recently, theyve Its not a surprise to us that every large tech company
moved some of those clients to Office apps in the cloud. in the world is interested in building a replica of what AWS
Clients accustomed to those cloud applications may be has done, says Jassy. Whether or not its feeling the pres-
more likely to go with Microsoft when they decide to replace sure, the company is spending more time cultivating rela-
their own data centers and servers with public cloud infra- tionships with top executives and CIOs. Its hosting dinners
structure, says Gartners Anderson. with prospective clients to address their concerns in more
An existing relationship was why candymaker Mars Inc. intimate settings and bringing more of a human touch to
chose Microsoft instead of AWS last year. Our philos- these relationships. Theyre making themselves accessi-
ophy is to drive deeper relationships with partners we ble, says Adam Johnson, CEO of IOpipe, which provides
already have, says Paul LEstrange, Marss chief tech- monitoring and troubleshooting services to businesses
nology officer. We didnt have that same sort of relation- running on AWS.
ship with AWS. Google is trying to set itself apart with Its reputation as the market leader means those exec-
TensorFlow, software that makes it easier to build arti- utives and chief technologists tend to lean toward AWS
cial intelligence apps, and with Kubernetes, a software when all else is equal. Its early leadAWS beat Microsoft to
system which helps companies better manage their data the market by four yearsgives the company an automatic
in the cloud (page 48). edge. And Amazons cloud services are seen as the safe
Even Google, a company that has been generally aller- bet, no small thing in an age of hacks and denial-of-service
gic to using people for anything a machine can do, has seen attacks. Sometimes even when a company thinks it can
the value of having a human sales force. In late 2015 it hired claim a win over AWS, it cant broadcast the victory. In
corporate software veteran Diane Greene, a Google board March, Google published a blog post announcing that
member and co-founder of VMware Inc., Dell Computers Airbnb Inc., a longtime AWS client, had agreed to use a
cloud computing subsidiary, to run its cloud business. Shes Google cloud service for AI. The following day, Airbnbs
been building a cloud sales force from scratch. Google name was scrubbed from the post. Airbnb and Google
recently announced a partnership with Inc. to declined to comment.
take advantage of the latters list of preferred cloud providers. So for the near future, at least, AWS looks like it will
Both Google and Microsoft have sought to exploit continue to rule a market that Gartner expects to gener-
another of Amazons perceived weaknesses: that other ate $89 billion in sales by 2021, up from $35 billion today.
parts of its empire compete bitterly with prospective Theres a humongous amount of growth in front of us,
cloud customers. Amazons retail rivals, including Wal- Jassy says. This is the biggest technology shift of our life-
Mart Stores Inc. and Bangalore-based Flipkart Ltd., dont times. Dina Bass, with Spencer Soper and Mark Bergen
want to see their Amazon cloud payments lining the coffers
of the retailer that could ultimately put them out of busi-
THE BOTTOM LINE Microsoft has taken enough customers from market

ness, says Gartners Anderson. Flipkart signed up with leader Amazon to create a viable cloud business; Googles cloud gains have
Microsoft in February. According to a June report in the been slower.
Explainer What Is Kubernetes - or, How Many Co

By Mark Bergen and
oders Does It Take to Turn On a Lightbulb? Dorothy Gambrell

 FOCUS / CLOUD Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

For Alibaba,
Singles Day Isnt Just
About Shopping The annual event is the
ultimate test of the companys
processing power

On Nov. 11, China celebrates Singles Day, a holiday dedi- several apps for its health-care services in China using
cated to the nations unattached. Its also the worlds largest Alibaba Cloud. And agriculture conglomerate New Hope
shopping festivaland a bonanza for internet giant Alibaba Group Co. relies on the service to monitor the temperature
Group. Up to 500 million consumers will visit sites run by of its hogs and how much to feed them.
the company searching for discounts on items including A big selling point for cloud customers is so-called
Bordeaux wine, UGG boots, SUVs, and high-end Japanese elastic computing, a fancy way of saying that Alibaba clients
toilets. Citigroup Inc. estimates that Alibabas sales during rent only the processing power they need and only when
this years event could reach 158 billion yuan ($23.8 billion). they need it. If a customer wants 10,000 servers available
For Alibaba, Singles Day will also be a demonstration in half an hour, Alibaba can deliver. Think about it, 10,000
of how far its cloud business has come in eight years. At servers, He says. If you spent time just switching on the
the peak of activity, Alibabas servers may be tasked with machines, that might take longer than half an hour.
processing 175,000 transactions a second from its own Alibaba has a long way to go before it challenges
sites. Its the day when the largest amount of computing Amazon. Last year it accounted for just 3 percent of the
power is needed in China, says He Yunfei, a senior product market for whats known as infrastructure as a service
manager for Alibaba Cloud. that is, the fastest growing part of the cloud market, where
Alibaba Cloud was founded in 2009 mostly to process companies rent servers to run their own apps and store
transactions for the parents e-commerce properties. Today data in the cloud. That compares with Amazons 44 percent,
its network of server and storage farms sprawled across according to Gartner Inc. research. Still, Alibaba is pushing
ve continents and eight countries provides computing beyond its home turf, setting up data centers in Japan,
power for millions of companies and is one of the fastest- Singapore, and the U.S. To lure customers, the company
growing units of billionaire Jack Mas online empire. In the is cutting prices by as much as 50 percent and touting
runup to Singles Day, retailers will use Alibabas service to a world-beating track record thwarting hackers bent on
gauge how much inventory to stock, which buyers to target taking down websites.
with ads, and how to improve on last years delivery times. Its also investing in state-of-the-art data centers. One
Alibaba dominates the Chinese cloudin part because enormous facility, in Chinas eastern Zhejiang province, sits
local regulators wont issue data center operating licenses on the banks of a huge articial lake. The off-white complex
to foreign companies, curtailing the China ambitions of looks like a giant server, with dark windowpanes and pro- Inc. and Microsoft Corp., the No.1 and No.2 truding red pipes and blue cisterns. The structure sucks
cloud providers globally. JPMorgan Chase estimates and pumps water from the reservoir to cool down the many
Chinas market could reach 152 billion yuan by 2021, with servers that store code and applications for Alibaba and
Alibaba accounting for 60 percent of that, double its current its customers. The pumped water runs through a central
share. Its closest domestic rival, social media giant Tencent canal and eventually is sent back to the lake. In winter, the
Holdings Ltd., could account for 20 percent. The opportu- water is used to heat the office. Amazon uses similar tech-
nity is even greater, says He, when you consider that China nology in its Seattle and Swiss data centers.
is on the cusp of mass migration to the cloud. To bring down electricity costs, Alibaba is building server
Alibaba Clouds more than 1 million customers include farms in the grasslands bordering Inner Mongolia to tap
government traffic-control centers, banks, car manufactur- into wind energy, solar power, and the cool air that hovers
ers, and pig farms. Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd., whose at an average 2.6C (37F) all year. First though, Alibaba has
IT system runs on Alibabas cloud, relies on the service for to make it through Singles Day without crashing its cloud

such functions as managing its sales data and conducting network. We use it as a drill, He says. It sharpens us.
virtual crash simulations. And last December, Geely ran a Lulu Chen
one-hour marketing promotion on the service that resulted
in the sale of more than 2,000 Boyue SUVs. Shoppers moni-
THE BOTTOM LINE With China on the cusp of mass migration to the
tored when the cars were ready for delivery via mobile apps. cloud, Alibaba could double its share of the cloud services market there to
Another client, Royal Philips Electronics NV, has developed 60 percent.
Bloomberg Businessweek


November 13, 2017


A protester in Pretoria
Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

THE AX HAS FALLEN cash right away. (The Gupta family

denies the meeting occurred.)
questions about the scale of the Guptas
power in South Africa have exploded
As Jonas recounted this story on the into the most severe political and eco-
balcony, Nene reacted dismissively. The nomic crisis since the end of apartheid.
Guptas might be well-connected and The family has been accused by activ-
could roll over lesser officials, but the ists and opposition politicians of stack-
idea they could depose a sitting finance ing the leadership of powerful state
minister seemed absurd. Nonsense, companies, rigging bids in favor of
he told Jonas. Those guys cant remove suppliers it controls, and even helping
me. The best response, Nene said, orchestrate a planned $70 billion
was to focus on their work. They had nuclear-power deal with Russia, for
a budget to prepare and Africas most which it could supply vast quantities of
The Gupta compound in Saxonwold
sophisticated economy to run. uraniumall while using an alliance with
Just over six weeks later, on Dec. 9, Zuma to neuter law enforcement agen-
2015, Nene was leaving a cabinet meeting cies that would otherwise shut down its
The beginning of the end of Nhlanhla when he received a call from one of efforts. Blue chip companies including
Nenes political career came on a warm Zumas advisers asking him to report McKinsey, KPMG, and SAP have been
Monday morning. He was catching up on to the presidents office. Nene turned embroiled in whats fast becoming a
email in his office in Pretorias neoclassi- around to return to the Union Buildings, global scandal.
cal Old Reserve Bank building, where he the sprawling hillside complex that South Africans, trying to come to
was serving as South Africas minister of houses the presidential administration. grips with the astonishing scale of the
finance, when his deputy, Mcebisi Jonas, Zuma was waiting for him. Speaking in crisis, have adopted a once-obscure
asked for an urgent meeting. Jonas had a mix of English and his native Zulu, the political science term, state capture,
been desperate to speak to his boss for president stood as he told Nene he was as a staple of even casual conversation.
days, but what he wanted to tell Nene finished at the finance ministry, effective It refers to the systematic perversion of
was far too sensitive to discuss by phone. immediately, and should start preparing government policy to benefit moneyed
Nene, a veteran trade union activist, for a post at a government-backed bank. interests. It was first used widely to
has heavily lidded eyes, the build of a Nene, returning to his car, texted Jonas: explain what happened in Russia in the
retired rugby player, and a preternat- The ax has fallen. 1990s, when politically connected oli-
ural calm. He suggested to Jonas that Within hours, Zuma named his new garchs bought public assets at knock-

they step onto an adjoining balcony, the finance minister: Des van Rooyen, a down prices. Yet previous examples
better to avoid any listening devices. member of Parliament from a small of state capture have almost always
There, Jonas began his tale. town outside Johannesburg. It was involved a broad cast of protagonists:
The previous Friday, Jonas said, hed a strange choice. Van Rooyen was a an entire industry, for example, or
been summoned to a four-mansion com- backbencher with no financial expe- wealthy businessmen as a group. In
pound in Johannesburg owned by the rience, and many officials had barely South Africa, it may have been pulled
Gupta familya clan of Indian-born heard of him. But theres evidence he off by a single family.
businessmen known to wield substan- was well-known to the people who The Guptas are widely famous in
tial influence over South African politics. really mattered. Phone records later South Africa but also deeply mysterious.
Ajay Gupta, the eldest of three broth- obtained by South Africas corruption They almost never speak in public. In a
ers atop the family, was direct: Nene ombudsman placed Van Rooyen in the rare appearance last year, Ajay Gupta,
was becoming a problem. He explained vicinity of the Guptas compoundin a a stout, floppy-haired figure in a black
that Jonas would soon replace Nene as wealthy enclave of Johannesburg called suit and open-necked gray button-down,
finance minister and, in that capacity, Saxonwoldon at least seven occasions, told a hand-picked interviewer that he
would remove some senior officials including the day before Zuma told Nene wanted to give a straight answer.... PHOTO (1); BLOOMBERG (1); GETTY IMAGES (8); GCIS (1); NEWSCOM (1); ZUMA PRESS (1)

who were also standing in the familys he was out. I am not a lobbyist. I am not a state
way. Gupta spoke in the future tense, Since Nenes firing, long-standing capturer.... I am a friend only. The
presenting Jonass appointment as a
fait accompli.
Jonas was staggered. The Guptas have
no governmental role, and ministers
serve solely at the discretion of the pres-
ident, Jacob Zuma. Jonas said as much THE GUPTAS ALLEGED HOLD ON
and made his way toward the door. As
he did, Jonas would later tell investiga- PRESIDENT JACOB ZUMA HAS DRIVEN MUCH OF
tors, Gupta said his family could put
600 million rand, or about $43 million,
into an account of Jonass choice. And
if Jonas happened to have a bag with
him, he could have 600,000 rand in
o int

DUDUZANE ZUMA Former country
Hired by the Gupta chairman at KPMG;
family in 2005 and on his watch the audit Former CEO of state
a shareholder or
director in many of
JACOB ZUMA rm assisted the
Guptas in their efforts
rail operator Transnet
and later of utility
their companies.
When he crashed his
South Africas
president is facing
to buy the mining
company Optimum
Eskom, where he
was accused of
the biggest political from Glencore. A former provincial
Porsche into systematically favoring
Former government and economic crisis official alleged
a minibus in 2014, Tegeta, the Guptas
official who helped since the end of to have helped direct
killing a commuter, mining company.
introduce the apartheid, with CEOs government funds
his rst call was After he resigned from
Guptas to members and street protesters to pay for a Gupta
to Rajesh Gupta. Eskom, Zuma
of South Africas calling for him wedding. As minister
gave him a seat in
business and to resign over his of mineral resources,
political elite. Gupta ties. Back he would later be
ed accused of helping
Tegeta buy Optimum

from Glencore.


s Ai
Friend de



ho r/

are se

sh Advi



Longtime Gupta family adviser
and a shareholder in many of their
Backbench MP who
ventures. Essa owned 60 percent
of the management consulting rm
replaced Nhlanhla Nene 55
as nance minister.
Trillian, which worked for Eskom
Phone records obtained
alongside McKinsey and received
by the corruption
what the utility has said may have
ombudsman placed him
been unlawful payments.
PTA BROTHERS repeatedly in the vicinity
of the Gupta compound.
Ajay, Atul, and Rajesh (aka Tony),

who hold interests in mining,


media, and information technology


through their investment vehicles


Oakbay and Sahara




De d

South Africas former
public protector, whose
report on the Guptas Leader of the opposition
substantiated many of Democratic Alliance.
the most provocative claims Maimane lodged a
about their inuence. citizen complaint that
helped prompt the public


and has asked British
Finance minister until earlier this year; Finance minister until late 2015; authorities to investigate
he resisted nuclear-power plans that red weeks after his deputy said the McKinsey.
would benet the Guptas. Hes said to have Guptas offered him Nenes job on
presided over investigations into their tax the grounds that he was standing in
Aided affairs before being red by President Zuma. the way of their ambitions.

Bloomberg Businessweek

only capturing going on, he joked

in surprisingly rough English, was in
THE ONE WHO LAUGHS AS HE The Guptas pursuit of
Optimum Coal showed South
forcing him to talk. He spoke for less GRINDS HIS ENEMIES Africans how the family operates.
than seven minutes. Theyve been accused of
In a statement, the Guptas said it is helping to engineer a crisis at
patent nonsense to suggest that our Optimum to force owner
family has captured the South African Glencore to sell it on the cheap.
state, and that less than two percent
of their business is government-related.
The family runs its businesses and per-
sonal lives in an ethical manner, they
said, has never been criminally charged APRIL 2015
anywhere, and would welcome a cred- Brian Molefe takes over as CEO of
ible and independent inquiry into any The headquarters of the Gupta state-owned power company Eskom, which
familys computer business
accusations against them. is stuck in a dispute over coal pricing with
Optimum. He scraps a proposed compromise
The Guptas alleged hold on Zuma and slaps Optimum with a huge ne.
has driven much of South African
society into open revolt. A broad spec- There is an almost fable-like quality to
trum of union and business leaders the Gupta brothers story. Their father,
have demanded the presidents resig- Shiv Kumar Gupta, was a trader of spices
nation; the head of Business Leadership and soapstone powders in Saharanpur,
South Africa, a lobby equivalent to the a gritty industrial city on Indias north- JULY 2015
U.S. Chamber of Commerce, recently ern plains. As his sons, born in the late Glencore receives a letter from
KPMG on behalf of a mystery buyer, which
called him a thief. Zuma has hung 1960s and early 70s, entered adulthood, turns out to be Tegeta, the Guptas
on, empowered by a committed base he sent each of them in a different direc- coal-mining concern. Glencore refuses
in the African National Congress, the tion to seek fortune. Ajay went to Delhi, to sell Optimum.
resistance-group-turned-political-party Rajesh to China, and Atul to Africa,
that dominates South African politics, which Shiv Kumar believed was on the
and the loyalty of a large chunk of the verge of a transformational boom, like
electorate. The ANC will convene in the U.S. a century earlier. Atul arrived in
Johannesburg in December to anoint Johannesburg, South Africas largest city SEPTEMBER 2015
a successor. Zuma, facing term limits, and commercial capital, in 1993. Government inspectors descend
is pushing for his ex-wife to take over On first impression, it was an unap- on Glencore-owned mines across South
which opponents claim would allow him pealing place, a tangle of highways and Africa, ordering temporary shutdowns
on safety grounds.
to remain in control behind the scenes tatty malls. The citys defining archi-
and avoid ever revealing the extent of tectural feature was (and remains) the
his ties to the Guptas. electric fencing that rings even modest
Modern South Africa was built with homes and businessesa constant
the best of intentions and a slate of admi- reminder of crime and the absence of
rable institutions, by people determined trust. Even so, Johannesburg was the DECEMBER 2015
to create a new kind of country, leaving heart of a dynamic economy, blessed Glencore CEO Ivan Glasenberg,
behind racism, theft, and violence as with a youthful workforce, solid legal realizing hes stuck in an unfair ght,
agrees to sell Optimum to Tegeta.
the defining principles of government. and physical infrastructure, and fathom-
As Zuma entrenches himself ever more less mineral wealth. International sanc-
deeply, the question becomes whether tions were being lifted before Mandela
the entire post-apartheid project could was elected president in 1994. Foreign
be at risk. If so, South Africa might come
to look more like Vladimir Putins Russia,
capital was flooding in, and the razing
of racial laws that governed every eco-
Eskom begins paying Optimum more
or even Robert Mugabes Zimbabwe, nomic interaction during apartheid was for coal, switching shipments to a different
than the Rainbow Nation promised by turning millions of black citizens into real power plant to get around the terms of its
Nelson Mandela after he emerged from consumers for the first time. old contract with Glencore.
27 years in prison. After a stint selling shoes, Atul saw an
What you have here is not the strug- opening in the PC business. South Africa
gle of the kind we had before. It is not a was years behind the West in putting a
racial struggle, says Sipho Pityana, the computer on every deskparticularly the
chairman of mining group AngloGold kind of cheap, reliable machines that new APRIL 2016
Ashanti Ltd., who as a young ANC activ- black-owned businesses could afford. In Tegeta is struggling to nance the
ist was tortured and sent into exile. It 1994 he founded Sahara Computers Ltd., acquisition. Just before the sale is scheduled
to close, Eskoms board approves a
is a struggle where the very country is an importer and distributor of Windows 600 million rand advance payment to
being stolen. PCs. In a rare departure from the familys Tegeta for coal deliveries.
Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

almost total public silence, Atul agreed in economy, by creating a coal company the president accompanied at almost all
October to answer written questions from named Tegeta Exploration & Resources times by Ajay or Atul. According to a
Bloomberg Businessweek about how the Ltd., which sold mainly to the state. person familiar with the trip, the local
Guptas built their businesses. We soon With a growing business empire to Indians did not know what to make of
discovered a market that was so domi- protect, the Guptas hedged their politi- their former compatriots. As far as they
nated by monopolies and other industry cal bets at a moment when South Africas knew, the Guptas were nobodies.
cartels that we were able to undercut the politics began to fragment: The unifying
competition, he wrote. Ajay and Rajesh spirit of the Mandela years had cracked
Gupta shut down their interests else- into bare-knuckle infighting. Mbeki, an THESEGUPTAGUYS NEEDYOURHELP
where to join Atul in South Africathe austere, business-friendly conserva-
ideal environment, he continued, for us tive, was never much liked by the ANCs
to disrupt and exploit as entrepreneurs. left-leaning rank and file, and Zuma,
Still, in these early years, little dis- at that time the deputy president, was
tinguished the three Guptas from thou- shaping up as his successor. According
sands of other chancers in a booming to a former senior security official with
economy. Their trajectory changed in 1996 direct knowledge of the matter, Ajay
with a single introduction. Essop Pahad Gupta continued to court Mbekis camp,
was a member of the post-apartheid while Rajesh Gupta began to develop links
ruling class, a senior ANC party official. to Zuma. Maseko

He was planning a visit to India by the In 2005 the brothers began putting
deputy president, Thabo Mbeki, when Zumas family on their payroll. They
an acquaintance suggested that a young hired his son Duduzane, then in his As Zuma consolidated power, awareness
Indian go-getterAtulshould come along, early 20s, as an IT specialist; appointed within the government of the Guptas
in an accompanying business delegation. Duduzanes twin sister, Duduzile, as influence spread gradually, and then all
The trip exposed Atul to high-level polit- a company director; and made one of at once. Among the first to experience it
ical and corporate life for the first time. Zumas wives (polygamy is legal in South directly was Themba Maseko, who ran
Afterward, Pahad also befriended Ajay, Africa, and Zuma currently has four) a the government office that coordinates
who struck him as ambitious, intelligent communications officer. public-sector announcements and adver-
he was gifted as a number cruncher, in Over the years, Duduzane became tisingan outlay of 600 million rand a
particularand committed to the success an integral node in the Guptas empire, year. In late 2010, Ajay Gupta called
of South Africa. both as a shareholder in uranium and Maseko, asking if they could discuss the
When Mbeki succeeded Mandela in coal mines and a director in a string of familys entry into the media business.
1999, Pahad made other introductions other companies. One recent visitor to The Guptas were starting a newspaper,
that helped the Guptas enter the tiny Rajesh Guptas office found Duduzane called the New Age, and a TV station.
top drawer of South African society. In sprawled across the couch, playing on The day Maseko was scheduled to go
2002, Mbeki sent a private jet to Mali his phone. It was Duduzane who set up see Ajay, his cellphone rang. He recog-
on a mission to protect the Timbuktu Jonass Saxonwold meeting. nized the number immediately, he said in
Manuscripts, a library of priceless ancient In 2005, Mbeki fired Zuma, and he an interview, expanding on an account he
documents. Pahad invited Ajay to join the soon found himself not only unemployed has previously laid out for investigators.
tripthe lone newcomer among a depu- but facing rape and corruption charges. It was the switchboard at South Africas
tation of presidential officials and poten- (He was acquitted of the former; the presidential residence. Zuma came on
tial donors from the industrial elite. latter were thrown out, but the highest the line. These Gupta guys...need your
Pahad later got Ajay onto the board of the appeals court ruled in October that help, he said in Zulu. Please help them.

International Marketing Council, a presti- they can be reinstated.) Even so, Zuma Maseko was alarmed. Why would the
gious group of business leaders that pro- remained formidable. He ran intelligence president himself be involved?
moted South Africa abroad. Ajay has also operations for the ANC in exile, giving Later, in a formal sitting room in
claimed he served on a panel of economic him thick files on his colleagues, and his Saxonwold, Ajay explained to Maseko
advisers to Mbeki that included several Zulu middle name, Gedleyihlekisa, trans- what kind of help he had in mind: He
of the countrys richest men. (Mbeki lates roughly to the one who laughs as wanted the governments entire adver-
denied this last year.) By the middle of he grinds his enemies. tising budget to be devoted to the Guptas
the 2000s, Ajay and his brothers were At a turbulent ANC conference in 2007, media holdings. Maseko tried to explain
enjoying access to power they could have Zuma deposed Mbeki as party chief, that the request was inappropriate and,
scarcely imagined as the sons of a spice then won the South African presidency in any case, beyond his powerother
trader in Saharanpur. in a general election two years later. His officials and ministers could object. Ajay
The Guptas nimbly turned access intimacy with the Guptas was soon on brushed off that concern, Maseko said. He
into profit. They stepped up efforts to display. Zumas first state visit to Asia, in left Saxonwold feeling queasy.
sell Sahara computers and IT services June 2010, was to India. He took a suite Soon Ajay called again. It was a
to public schools and other govern- at the seaside Taj Mahal Palace hotel in Friday night, and Maseko was looking
ment agencies. And they diversified into Mumbai, using its sitting room to meet forward to a weekend out of town.
mining, the mainstay of the South African with investors. As they filed in, they found Ajay asked to meet Maseko first thing
Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

Monday. Maseko refused. Ajay, unac-

customed to that, declared that the
meeting should happen instead on
Saturday morning. Thats when I told
him to go f--- himself, Maseko says. THE BROTHERS WERE ENJOYING ACCESS
Who the hell is he? Hes not my boss.
Two months after that exchange,
Masekos boss called him into an urgent
meeting. Instructions had come down
from the president: Maseko was to be fired
or reassigned immediately. He was shuf-
fled to another department and resigned
shortly afterward. and presidential flights. The Indian Roughly 84 million rand of the govern-
Around the same time, three senior nationals handed over their passports ments cash moved through a chain of
intelligence chiefs, including the heads of en masse, without the nuisance of indi- Gupta-controlled companies to accounts
South Africas equivalents of the CIA and vidual screening. in the Middle East, and then two-thirds
FBI, were also removed with no public As his extended family deplaned, of it returned to South Africa, in part
explanation. The ousted head of domestic Atul Gupta was waiting by a red carpet, to pay wedding costs. This later proved
intelligence later told the Mail & Guardian wearing a pink T-shirt, a blue blazer, and disastrous for the accounting giant
newspaper that his organization had been a broad grin. Dozens of Range Rover SUVs KPMG, which gave a clean audit to a
investigating whether the Guptas appar- were standing by to whisk the partygoers key company involved. (KPMG denies
ent control of so many senior government in a convoy to Sun City, a high-end resort, that it facilitated money laundering
officials presented a national security with a police escort flashing sirens to and has said it was deceived about the
threat. Big agency or small, the pattern clear traffic. For the Guptas Indian rela- funds source.)
was clear: Get in the familys way, and tives, the message was unmistakable: The The real scandal, however, was that
your career could be cut short. brothers may have never amounted to by the time of the wedding, 114 million
much at home, but in their new country rand was a pittance compared with
they lived like royalty. other government transactions in which
ROYALS Although Indian weddings are rarely the Guptas were deeply involved.
less than lavish, Vega Guptas was excep- Major chunks of South Africas
tional. As her groom awaited her on a economy remain in the hands of so-called
flower- garlanded raft, synchronized parastatalsgovernment-controlled com-
swimmers writhing in the pool beneath panies that deliver power, manufacture
him, the military landing was already weapons, and move freight. In early 2014
becoming a scandal. A local radio reporter the state railway operator, Transnet SOC
had gone on air to report on the unprec- Ltd., was shopping for $4.7 billion worth
edented appropriation of Waterkloof, of new locomotives. Bids from General
and the story went swiftly viral. A guest Electric Co. and Bombardier Inc. were
recalls the brothers darting around the clear front-runners for diesel and electric
wedding, clearly agitated, taking call after locomotives, respectively, according to a
call to manage the fallout. In Pretoria, the person familiar with the process. But in
administrative capital, military officials the final stages, Transnet decided to split
frantically pointed fingers at one another. the contract, handing half to two Chinese
The tabloids discover the The Gupta family, in its statement, said groups. Leaked emails would later show
Gupta family
it followed official processes in arrang- that one of them had formed a partner-
ing the flight and that no wrongdoing ship with a company associated with the
was ever found. Guptas. According to one person familiar
The wider public discovered the Guptas South African media reported that with the details, Transnet also increased
on a cloudy Tuesday in April 2013, when the Guptas had pulled off the landing the price it would pay per locomotive by
a chartered Airbus A330 touched down with the help of a little-known official more than 40 percent. Transnet said in
near Johannesburg. The jet, carrying Mosebenzi Zwane, head of agricul- June that it is confident its procurement
more than 200 Indians bound for the ture in the rural Free State province. process has sufficient checks and bal-
wedding of a 23-year-old Gupta niece, According to emails from Gupta com- ances to guarantee integrity; the Guptas
didnt land at OR Tambo International, panies later published by local news said the deal had nothing to do with
the regions commercial airport. It outlets, Zwane also helped win govern- their family.
touched down at the South African Air ment approval for about 114 million rand After the deal, the railways chief
Forces Waterkloof base, an ostensi- in annual subsidies for a dairy farm asso- executive officer, Brian Molefe, was
bly ultra-secure facility that manages ciated with the Gupta family. But much moved to another lucrative job: running
transport and reconnaissance planes of the money never went to the farm. Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd., the state
Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

utility that generates 95 percent of South tough negotiator. He said he didnt know the letter; another incident in which Atul
African electricity. With annual revenue how Atul got the letter. allegedly bullied a KPMG staffer into
of more than 150 billion rand, its one The same month, Zuma made a sur- dropping questions about a tax issue;
of Africas largest companies. As Molefe prising cabinet appointment. Zwane, and a decision by a major South African
arrived, Eskom was in the middle of a the obscure official whod helped the bank to shut Gupta-linked accounts
dispute with Glencore Plc, the $71 billion Guptas plan their nieces wedding, was after flagging suspicious transactions.
global mining company. (Peter Grauer, named minister of mineral resources. Despite the trouble, KPMGs local chair-
the chairman of Bloomberg LP, is a He was supported in his new role by man, Ahmed Jaffer, made the case with
senior independent nonexecutive direc- two advisers who, company records others for keeping the Guptas as clients,
tor at Glencore.) Glencore owned an show, had indirect business links with says a person present at the meeting.
Eskom supplier, Optimum Coal Holdings the Guptas. Within weeks, according ( Jaffer says he cant comment because
Ltd., and wanted to improve the terms to South Africas mining-industry asso- of the terms of his subsequent departure
of its dealrising costs, Glencore said, ciation, government inspectors were from KPMG.) KPMG also did the books
had made the arrangement unprofit- appearing regularly at Glencore mines, for Eskoma gargantuan account. Now
able. Eskom was sympathetic and was finding fault, and ordering temporary that the Guptas were so visibly tied to
working on a compromise. But after shutdowns. By December, Glencore the energy utility, firing them as clients
Molefe took over as CEO, one of his first no stranger to geopolitical hardball could also mean losing Eskom. Several of
acts was to scuttle the negotiations and understood it was not in a fair fight. In a Jaffers subordinates couldnt believe it.
fine Optimum about 2 billion rand for meeting in Zurich with Zwane and Rajesh After the meeting ended without a clear
delivering what Eskom said was bad coal. Gupta, CEO Ivan Glasenberg agreed to decision, one of the partners turned to
Seeing no short-term resolution, sell Optimum. Before the deal was even a few others in dismay. Atuls possession
Glencore prepared to place Optimum completed, Eskom began paying more of the internal Eskom letter should have
in bankruptcy protection. Then, in July for the coal. Spokesmen for Glencore been enough to sever the relationship,
2015, it received a surprising letter from and Zwane declined to comment. he saidit was like an atom bomb. It
KPMG. An unnamed client wanted to In South African business circles, a took another two months for KPMG to
buy Optimum for a fraction of what firm impression took hold that Molefe cut off the Guptas.
Glencore had paid four years earlier. was in the Guptas camp. One local exec- Western consultants just couldnt
Glencore refused what it saw as an out- utive recalls attending a party at the res- keep away from the Guptas affairs.
rageously low price. It expected to even- idence of Indias ambassador to South Not long before KPMG began to extri-
tually repair the rift with Eskom and Africa, held to celebrate the visit of an cate itself, McKinsey began pursuing its
restore the company to health. Indian government delegation, that was own deal with Eskom to help implement
Soon Tegeta, the Guptas mining attended by both Molefe and the Guptas. a modernization plan. McKinsey needed
company, stepped forward as the bidder. Speaking in Hindi to a visiting official, a partner: A government program called
And events showed that the family was one of the brothers motioned unmistak- Black Economic Empowerment requires
intimately involved with Eskom leader- ably toward Molefe and referred to him overseas companies to collaborate with
ship, making sure no pact with Optimum as a naukar. The word means, charita- businesses that have nonwhite owner-
was reached. bly, servant. (The Gupta family called ship. McKinsey ultimately worked along-
That September, says a person with this account nonsense.) side a local consulting group called
direct knowledge of the matter, Atul Trillian, which incorporation documents
Gupta went to see a couple of partners would later show was 60 percent owned
at KPMG. He was holding an internal A CURIOUS PURCHASE by Salim Essa, a shareholder in Tegeta
Eskom document he shouldnt have had and other Gupta ventures. Numerous
access to: a letter from Glencore empha- people who have dealt with the family
sizing that the company needed better say Essa is one of the Guptas closest
terms if it was going to be able to keep its advisers. Essa did not respond to voice-
mine producing. Gupta asked KPMG to mail messages asking for comment.
draft a response for Molefes signature, By January 2016, Eskom was the talk
making it clear the utility would never of McKinseys Johannesburg office. If
make peace with Glencore. The KPMG cost-saving targets were met, McKinsey

executives refused, but they also failed stood to earn billions of rand over
to alert their superiors or any govern- several years, with Trillian in line for a
ment agency to the underlying activity. Ajay Gupta and Zuma substantial cut. The scale of the figures
The Guptas were disrupting negotiations unnerved some senior partners, say
between a state company and another people familiar with McKinseys oper-
party so they could buy the resulting By early 2016, KPMG was beginning to ations. It wasnt clear what they could
wreckage at a great price. In an inter- worry about the reputational risks of possibly be doing to merit such com-
view, Molefe denied improperly helping working with the Guptas. In January pensation. And McKinsey had begun
the Guptas, and said Eskom was in finan- more than a dozen partners attended working with Trillian before it had
cial crisis at the time and was right to a tense crisis meeting to discuss three passed due-diligence checks.
stand firm against Glencore, a famously red-flag items: the episode with Atul and A number of McKinsey executives
Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

supported the deal, but its biggest the conference, according to two officials her daily strolls around her neighbor-
backer was partner Vikas Sagar. In who were present, Zuma cornered Nene hood in Pretoria. Soon, cars that didnt
February he wrote a letter to Eskom to in a briefing room about the nuclear deal. belong to anyone Madonsela could iden-
authorize it to pay Trillian directly for The president and several other ministers tify started parking outside her house
work undertaken as part of the McKinsey demanded that Nene provide financial at all hours. She informed the police, to
projectputting the imprimatur of the guarantees that would allow Eskom and little effect. Nothing was done to beef
worlds most prestigious consulting firm Russias relationship to move ahead. Nene up security, she says, because it was
on the potential transfer of state funds refused; even under the most optimistic their own people.
to a Gupta ally. (A McKinsey spokesman projections, he said, a nuclear project of Shortly before the threats began,
says the letter was inaccurate and that the scale Zuma envisioned would severely Madonsela had decided the focus of her
Sagars permission did not constitute strain South African finances. last months in office would be a major
approval from the firm for payments to Zuma complained bitterly about inquiry into state capture, in particular
Trillian, with which it never entered a Nenes resistance, the summit officials say. the Optimum coal deal and the events
formal contract. Sagar didnt respond Not long afterward, Nenes deputy, Jonas, leading up to Nenes firing. Zuma sued
to several requests for comment.) found himself in the Guptas sitting room to block the release of Madonselas work,
By March, Sagars superiors had had at Saxonwold, being offered his bosss job. which she completed the day before her
enough, and stepped in to terminate term ended, in October 2016. That legal
the Trillian relationship; the company effort failed, and Madonselas 355-page
wasnt providing straight answers WELLKILLYOU,WELLKILLYOURSON report went public.
about its ownership to McKinsey. A Cellphone records shed obtained
few months later, Eskom scrapped its backed up Jonass account of being sum-
overall McKinsey contract. For around moned to Saxonwold and showed that
six months of work, McKinsey received Zumas son Duduzane was in the area at
the equivalent of about $72 million, the same time. (Duduzane declined to
and Trillian $40 million. The McKinsey comment. In a rare interview in August, he
spokesman says the firm intends to pay told the BBC he was not corrupt, and that
back the funds in question. A spokes- he thought the Guptas chose to work with
man for Trillian didnt reply to requests him because he is a likeable guy.) The
for comment. records showed Molefe, while in charge
There was at least one more avenue by of Eskom, called Ajay Gupta 44 times over
which money might flow from Eskom to a seven-and-a-half-month period, while
Gupta-connected companies. In 2010 the an additional 14 calls went the other
familys investment company borrowed At the Inanda Club, a polo ground on way; Molefe also paid repeated visits
about 250 million rand from a state bank the edge of Johannesburgs financial dis- to Saxonwold. He says the calls to Ajay
to buy a South African uranium mine. trict, Thuli Madonsela orders a green tea Gupta were to sort out an issue related
It was a curious purchasethere was with honey and opens up about the times to another mine the family controlled.
no real buyer for the uranium, because people have threatened to kill her. When it came to coal, Madonsela wrote,
South Africa has only one aging nuclear The first was early April 2016. At the the only entity which appears to have
plant. In 2014, however, Zumas admin- time, Madonsela, a 55-year-old lawyer benefited from Eskoms decisions about
istration laid out a grand plan that would who helped draft South Africas 1996 Optimum was the Guptas Tegeta. In sum,
make the mines value soar: He proposed constitution, was serving as public pro- Madonsela says, there was a prima facie
building six massive nuclear plants for tectora sort of national ombudsman. case of state capture.
Eskom at an ultimate cost that could The role features the finest impulses Coming amid what was already a
exceed $70 billion. of South Africas post-apartheid order. steady flow of new revelations about the
The idea was controversial from Entirely independent of partisan politics, Guptas from South Africas feisty press,
the start. In addition to immense the protector has the power to compel the report was too much for the countrys
reserves of coal, South Africa has a testimony, subpoena documents, and elite to ignore. Molefe soon resigned from
vibrant renewable-energy sector and no search buildings in response to citizen Eskom, and ANC heavyweights began
obvious need for nuclear power. Zuma complaints, and may investigate any calling openly for Zumas resignation.
has dismissed the criticism, arguing the public-sector activity throughout a For a short time after Madonselas
country needs to diversify its energy seven-year term. report was released, the presidents
sourcesand strategic alliances. In Madonsela was in Cape Town with her ouster seemed like a real possibility to
2014, he and President Putin agreed kids to attend a jazz festival when her someuntil he went back on the offen-
that Russias state nuclear agency, phone pinged. It was an SMS that came sive. At the beginning of 2017, Molefe
Rosatom Corp., would provide tech- and said, some known gangster has been was given a seat in Parliament. And in
nology for the plants. contacted to contract a killer to kill me, March, Zuma fired Pravin Gordhan,
The next summer, Zuma was back in Madonsela recounts. Soon after, another another in a chain of finance ministers.
Russia for an economic summit, joined message: Well kill you, well kill your Like Nene, Gordhan had resisted the
by his senior ministersincluding Nene, sonwe know you take a walk in the nuclear deal with Russia, and accord-
the then-finance chief. Toward the end of morning. Madonsela quickly ended ing to two people with knowledge of the
Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

matter, hed presided over investigations what many South Africans now view as race will probably become the coun-
into the Guptas taxes. a brazenly corrupt state. If the Guptas trys next president, but thats less a cer-
On June 1, the first of a torrent of influence is as pervasive as some critics tainty than it once was. The Economic
stories was published by the amaBhun- say, the only practical solution might be Freedom Fighters, a splinter party led
gane Centre for Investigative Journalism a Truth and Reconciliation Commission by a former student activist, has pulled
and the Daily Maverick news website, style amnesty in exchange for coming away left-wing supporters. The more
which had obtained a leak of emails clean. You cant put an entire govern- genteel Democratic Alliance is making
and documents from a Gupta company ment in jail, as the ANC acknowledged a play for the center, after taking control
server. The communications painted two decades ago. of the countrys three most important
a picture of an intimate partnership The Guptas maintain, with more than cities in municipal elections last year.
between the Guptas, Duduzane, govern- a hint of racial subtext, that their critics The blocs leader, Mmusi Maimane, has
ment ministers such as Zwane, and para- are merely resentful. They are busi- positioned himself as Zumas chief antag-
statal executives like Molefe. Around the nesses trying to hold on to their privi- onist on the Gupta issue, lodging one of
time Glencore agreed to sell the Optimum leged status and dominant positions the citizen complaints that prompted
mine to the Guptas, an email shows that many of them held during apart- Madonselas report and making a formal
Zwanes name on the passenger list for heid, Atul Gupta wrote in his responses request to the U.K.s Serious Fraud Office
a flight on their private jet departing from to Bloomberg Businessweek. The familys for an investigation of McKinsey. (The
Zurich to Delhi. greatest sadness, he said, is that this SFO has not announced the opening of
The leaks also precipitated a disas- potentially great country is being held an investigation.) The Guptas, Maimane
ter for the companies that had become back by those same vested interests that says, are sordid people who found a
entangled with the Guptas. Eight top oppose economic emancipation. vulnerable country and took advantage.
KPMG executives, including Jaffer, With the government consumed
the country chairman, resigned. At by scandal, South Africas economic
McKinsey, global managing partner THE SOUTH AFRICA OFTOMORROW promise is slipping away. In April two
Dominic Barton apologized and Sagar of the three global ratings agencies
left the firm. And the German IT downgraded the countrys debt to junk
company SAP SE has said its being inves- status. The economy has exited a recent
tigated by the U.S. Department of Justice recession, but growth isnt anywhere
over payments of about 94 million rand near fast enough to raise living stan-
to Gupta-controlled entities in exchange dards for the bulk of the population.
for help winning business from Transnet The threat of violent crime continues
and Eskom. to be elemental. OR Tambo airport has
The Guptas apparent grip on politics seen a string of follow-home attacks in
is resilient, but their freedom of move- recent weeks, including one in which a
Protests are now constant
ment has been significantly reducedand busload of Dutch tourists was trailed out
doing business with them now carries of the terminal, flagged down by a man
potentially fatal risks. Bell Pottinger, a dressed as a police officer, and robbed
London public-relations company with If it were up to me and I made the rules, at gunpoint. The murder rate in Cape

a long record of representing clients with President Zuma told supporters at a rally Town is almost 40 percent higher than
less-than-sterling ethical credentials, col- outside Johannesburg last year, speaking that of Detroit, and rising.
lapsed in September after a campaign in Zulu, I would ask for six months as a No one yet knows what kind of
blaming criticism of the Guptas on white dictator. Remove the constraints of the country the South Africa of tomorrow
monopoly capital backfired. No major democratic system, he continued, and will be. There was nothing inevitable
South African bank is currently willing youd see wonders. about the orderly transition to democ-
to take the familys money, leaving only In South Africa, one of those con- racy that Mandela oversaw; in the 1980s,
the Bank of Baroda, a midsize Indian straints is term limits. Zuma must leave some of his compatriots feared the end
lender, to handle their accounts. And office after a general election sched- of apartheid might split the nation in
its seeking a court order for permission uled for 2019. His preferred succes- two or even spark civil war. The new
to close them. sor is Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, the society he helped build was blessed in
Still, real accountabilitythe kind that mother of four of his more than 20 chil- many ways: by its natural endowments,
comes in a courtroommay prove elusive. dren. She appears to be an even bet to the energy of its citizens, and the sophis-
Although financial regulators have iden- take over as president of the ANC at its tication of the institutions by which they
tified at least 72 suspicious transactions December conference, with her strong- agreed to be governed. But Mandelas
involving Gupta-linked companies, many est challenge likely to come from Cyril charisma papered over enormous social
people with knowledge of the matter say Ramaphosa, a businessman and the and economic divides. And as South
South African prosecutors, who answer current deputy president, who enjoys Africans are learning to their chagrin,
to the president, arent seriously inves- the support of much of the countrys even the most thoughtfully constructed
tigating any of the transactions. Even if financial elite. institutions are ultimately only as prin-
prosecutions do occur, they wont solve The electoral dominance of the ANC cipled as the people who run them. 
the broader problem of how to clean up is such that the winner of its leadership With Sam Mkokeli
Bloomberg Businessweek

Tax Revenue as a
Percentage of GDP
War Wa
War War

1791 1900
The Long, Absurd His
And Where We Go Fro
November 13, 2017


Reagan 63

story of U.S. Taxes
m Here By Justin Fox
President Ominously, most previous U.S. tax eras ended with major wars

Donald Trump that required big increases in government revenue. Lets hope
it doesnt take that to break us out of the cut-reform-increase-
repeat loop were currently trapped in. But a tour of U.S. tax

wanted to history1 does at least offer the hopeful message that things
can change.

call it the Cut The no-taxes era: 1776-89. The first chapter of U.S. tax policy
was defined by the Articles of Confederation, which left the
national government to beg the states for money. Fixing this

Cut Cut Act. was a major priority of the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
What substitute can there be imagined, Alexander Hamilton
wrote in Federalist Paper No. 30, but that of permitting the
Congressional Republicans settled on the less catchy and national government to raise its own revenues by the ordinary
no more descriptive Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. What the legis- methods of taxation authorized in every well-ordered consti-
lation that began making its way through the U.S. House of tution of civil government?
Representatives in early November actually would do is sharply
reduce taxes for business while rearranging the personal The tariffs era: 1789-1861. Some in the early republic had
income tax with a mix of cuts and increases. House Speaker proposed that the federal government should be able only
Paul Ryan called the bill a game changer for our country. to levy external taxes, i.e., tariffs. While the Constitution
The president said it was the rocket fuel our economy needs put limits on direct taxesat the time understood to mean
to soar higher than ever before. taxes on property, which became a key means of funding
Thats a lot to expect from some changes in the tax code. But state and local governmentsit made clear that more than
then, here in the U.S. weve come to expect big things of our just tariffs were allowed. An early foray into taxing distilled
income taxes. On the right, cutting them has been portrayed for spirits sparked a rebellion, though, leaving customs duties
decades as a near-magical growth elixir. On the left, raising or to provide almost 90percent of federal revenue from 1789
rearranging them is seen as essential to making society fairer. to the Civil War. Tariffs had the added benefit, as Hamilton
And across the political spectrum, economic and social policies argued, of encouraging domestic industry. So from the begin-
have come to rely on carving credits, deductions, and other ning, U.S. officials looked to tax policy to achieve economic
exceptions out of the tax code to favor this or that behavior. goals beyond just funding the government. But in the tariffs
It can sometimes feel, in fact, as if we have lost sight of era they did this in moderation, prioritizing revenue over
the fact that the fundamental purpose of our tax system is to protectionism.
raise revenues to fund government. That was the lament of
President George W. Bushs Advisory Panel on Federal Tax The tariffs-plus-sin-taxes era: 1861-1913. The War of 1812

Reform in November2005. But this bipartisan group of wor- put a damper on trade, and thus on tariff revenue, forcing
thies couldnt agree on how to raise those revenues either, Congress to turn temporarily to excise taxes (sales taxes on
instead offering two plans with differing priorities. Both were specific goods, in this case mainly liquor). But it was the huge
mostly ignored by Congress at the time, though some of the costs of the Civil War that finally ended tariffs dominance. To
recommendationssuch as shrinking the tax deductions for finance the war, the Union used its imagination, taxing income,
mortgage interest and state and local taxeshave found their estates, liquor, tobacco, playing cards, and a variety of manu-
way into this years bill. factured goods. (The Confederacy struggled to collect taxes
Overall, though, it appears that the legislation will only and in the end mainly just printed money.) Most of these taxes
make it harder to raise revenue to fund government. The House were repealed not long after the war, but some remained to
and Senate have passed budget resolutions clearing the way help pay the bills. It wasnt that government had gotten all
for $1.5trillion in revenue losses over the next decade from that much biggerfederal spending settled back to about the
the tax changes. Thats $150billion a year to add to a federal same level after the war as before, around 2percent of gross
deficit that totaled a sinister-sounding $666billion, 3.5percent domestic product. But customs revenue sputtered as protec-
of gross domestic product, in the just-ended fiscal year. All of tionist politicians from manufacturing states pushed tariffs
which is a longer way of saying that well almost certainly be so high that they depressed trade. By 1913, customs duties
back at this once again in the all-too-foreseeable future, trying accounted for 45percent of federal revenue, and liquor and
to figure out a better way to fund the government. tobacco taxes 43percent.
Since 1981, the year of President Ronald Reagans big tax cut,
Congress has passed and presidents have signed 55 bills that The income tax era: 1913-41. The Civil War income tax was
the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center counts as major tax repealed in 1872, but the clamor for a legislative answer to
legislation. During the prior 36 years there had been just18. the explosion of economic inequality unleashed by indus-
In their essential text, Taxing Ourselves: A Citizens Guide to the trialization grew in the ensuing decades.2 Taxes became a
Debate Over Taxes, economists Joel Slemrod and Jon Bakija
dub the years since 1981 the modern tax policy era. Which
1 Derived chiefly from W. Elliot 2 Steven R. Weismans The Great
leads this exhausted taxpayer to wonder: What will it take to Brownlees Federal Taxation Tax Wars is an evocative account
make this era end? in America. of these years.
Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

national obsession: A single tax on land proposed by the It also helped that decades of strong, broadly distributed
economic crusader Henry George gained a fervent follow- economic growth kept paychecks rising, despite the tax bite.
ing; state after state enacted inheritance taxes. In 1894, a Plus, the things government was spending money oninterstate
Democratic-majority Congress imposed a tax on high earners highways, the space program, Social Securitywere popular.
and corporations while reducing tariffs. A year later, in a bit-
terly contested 54 decision, the Supreme Court ruled this a The cut-reform-increase-repeat feedback loop era: 1981-
violation of the Constitutions limits on direct taxes, but the present. The revolt finally came three decades later. Economic
unpopularity of that ruling helped nudge the partisan strug- growth was sputtering, conservative political ideas were resur-
gle over taxes into a consensus. gent, and inflation was pushing taxation beyond acceptable
By 1909 a Republican Congress and president, William bounds, moving taxpayers into higher-rate brackets even when
Howard Taft, were approving a corporate income tax designed their real incomes didnt rise. They reacted by, among other
to get around the Supreme Courts ruling and a constitutional things, electing Ronald Reagan president in 1980.
amendment permitting a personal income tax. Four years after While Reagans dislike of taxes seems to have been visceral,
that, the Democrats took control of Congress and the White he had the backing of a group of supply-side political activ-
House and promptly imposed an income tax, a 2percent levy ists and thinkers3 who had coalesced in the 1970s around the
on the top 2percent of the income distribution. The military notion that trimming certain taxes, mainly on high earners and
buildup for World War I brought an expansion of the tax to businesses, would so stimulate economic growth and income
about 15percent of households, with rates for higher incomes that the tax cuts might pay for themselves. The Reagan cuts
topping out at 77percent. After the war, some Republicans of 1981 in fact didnt pay for themselves, though this was in
wanted to supplant this progressive taxa modern legisla- part because Reagan insisted on cutting everybodys taxes.
tive adaptation of the Communistic doctrine of Karl Marx, LawrenceB. Lindsey, an economist who worked for Reagans
one senator called itwith a national sales tax. But Treasury Council of Economic Advisers and was later George W. Bushs
Secretary Andrew Mellon pushed instead to keep the income top economic adviser, has estimated that lowering the rate
tax while lowering the top rate, eventually to 24percent. With for the top bracket4 from 70percent to 50percent in 1981 did
the growth of government spending, to about 4percent of GDP bring an increase in net revenue as top incomes grew and tax
in the 1920s, and the advent of Prohibition (so long, liquor tax avoidance declined, and rate cuts for the next few brackets
revenues), corporate and personal income taxes had become (there were 17at the time) broke even. But most of the other
indispensable, with the former providing about a third of 1981 provisions were revenue losers, with the indexing of all
federal revenue and the latter about a quarter. brackets to inflation likely the biggest. Overall, Lindsey con-
cluded, economic growth and reduced tax avoidance recouped
The much-bigger income tax era: 1941-81. Income tax about one-third of the bills estimated direct cost.
revenue, reliant as it was on corporate profits and a narrow Big deficits arrived in the tax bills wake, followed by tax
base of high earners, collapsed in the Great Depression, spark- hikes in 1982, 1983, and 1984. Then came the tax reform of
ing a fevered search for alternatives. In 1932 a bipartisan deal 1986, which lowered rates and removed deductions in mostly
for a national retail sales tax was upended by a bipartisan back- revenue-neutral fashionbut didnt put an end to tinkering
bench rebellion, with Congress opting instead for income tax with the tax system. Multiple rounds of income tax cuts and
hikes and excise taxes on automobiles, furs, gasoline, radios, increases have come since. And whether or not Lindseys
refrigerators, and much more. (The states, meanwhile, turned one-third estimate is exactly right, its nice shorthand for
to general sales taxes in a big way.) The big new spending how Republican economistsas opposed to politicians and
program that was Social Security necessitated a payroll tax, propagandistshave justified tax cuts to this day. They dont
which started at 1percent of earnings in 1937. But the really big claim cutting taxes increases revenue, instead arguing that
changes came with World War II, which sent federal spendings bigger government distorts the economy more than smaller
share of GDP flying past 40percent. Washington met the chal- government, high tax rates distort more than low rates, taxes
lenge by, first, borrowing lots of money and, second, making on capital (aka business) distort more than taxes on labor,
the income tax a mass tax rather than one targeted at the afflu-
ent. The number of returns filed jumped from 7.6million in
3 To name a fewthe 4 Tax progressivity
1939 to 49.9million in 1945. late congressman
After the war, the taxes stayed. From todays perspective it Jack Kemp, the late Average federal tax rate, by income group
seems remarkable that voters didnt rebel against such a gigantic Wall Street Journal
editorial writer Jude 40%
increase. Federal revenue went from an average of 4.9percent Wanniski, and the
of GDP in the 1920s and 1930s to 17percent in the 1950s and still very much with Top 1 percent
1960s. Vestigial wartime patriotism was key, at first. So was the us (and probably on
cable TV news right
1943 shift to an ingenious, even diabolical invention: the auto- now) economist
81st to 99th
percentiles 20
matic payroll deduction, which made the tax both harder to Arthur Laffer Jr.
evade and less painful to pay. It never occurred to me at the 21st to 80th
time that I was helping to develop machinery that would make
possible a government that I would come to criticize severely as
Lowest 20
too large, too intrusive, too destructive of freedom, lamented 0

economist and conservative hero Milton Friedman, who worked 1979 2013
on the withholding plan in the wartime Treasury Department.
Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

and taxes on labor distort more than taxes on consumption. 20.6percent. In the 1980s, defense and interest on the national
Extreme versions of this thinking have motivated political debt drove spending higher, while over the past decade its been
proposals such as the flat tax championed in the 1990s by maga- mainly Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. The persistent
zine publisher and presidential candidate Steve Forbes, among gap between spending and revenue may well be the most import-
others, and the fair tax that radio talker Neal Boortz turned ant feature of the modern tax era. And while there have been
into a cause in the 2000s. The Forbes flat tax was distinguished many political discussions about reining in entitlement spend-
as much by its total exemption of investment income as its ing, there seems to be very little public appetite for doing so.
17percent rate; the fair tax aimed to replace the income tax
with a 23percent national sales tax.5 his unwillingness to reduce federal spending is wor-
Both were reminiscent of the late-19th century intellectual
ferment that led to the income tax. Back then, the discussion
was driven by progressives looking to tax the rich; in recent
T risome if you think the government is inordinately
large. By U.S. historical standards, it is large indeed.
Compared with other industrialized countries today, however,
decades its been conservatives aiming to roll back taxes on the the U.S. spends and taxes rather modestly.7 Far from being the
rich and on business. There have been other voices in the post- worlds highest-taxed nation, as President Trump has said
1981 tax debate, of course. Liberals and some conservatives have again and again, the U.S. has the fifth-lowest total tax burden
pushed to maintain the progressivity of the tax code, techno- federal, state, and local taxes as a share of GDPamong the 35
crats have wanted to broaden the tax base, and deficit hawks members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
have campaigned for more revenue. But theyve mostly been Development, the wealthy nations club.8
fighting rearguard actions, not setting the terms of the debate. The experience of other countries is too rarely invoked in
Those rearguard actions havent been fruitless, though. The U.S. tax debates. In a book published in April, A Fine Mess,
top income tax rate is 39.6 percent, much lower than it was journalist T.R. Reid attempts to rectify this. His entertaining
in 1981, and tax rates on capital gains and dividends are much global tour shows that many of the impulses that have driven
lower than that. But by the reckoning of the Congressional tax cutters and reformers in the U.S. since 1981 have also shaped
Budget Office, these changes havent made the tax code less tax policy elsewhere. Deductions have been eliminated, per-
progressive. Average federal tax rates have gone down for all sonal income tax rates have dropped, and corporate tax rates
income groups since 1979, but the declines have been bigger have fallen even more. The U.S. statutory corporate tax rate,
for those with low incomes than those in the top 1 percent. Yes, in fact, is now almost the highest in world, which is possibly
there are exceptions to this increase in progressivity. State and where Trump gets his highest-taxed nation sound bite.
local taxes cancel out much of the effect, and other research Other countries, though, have been able to enact such
shows that the top 0.1 percent of earners have received a big reforms while imposing larger overall tax burdens thanks to
tax cut since 1979. Also, Congress has shoehorned into the an extremely powerful device: the value-added tax.
tax code what are effectively spending programs, such as the The VAT, invented by a French bureaucrat in the 1950s, is a
Earned Income Tax Credit. But its still noteworthy how pro- broad-based consumption tax. Instead of being levied on the
gressive the federal income tax remains. final sale of a product or service, like a common sales tax, its
Also noteworthy is how little the overall federal tax burden imposed at every step of production, with a refund for the tax
has changed. From 1946 through 1980, federal revenue was paid at the previous step. Heres a simplified example, bor-
17percent of GDP. Since then its been 17.3 percent, on average. rowed from an OECD primer, of how a 10percent VAT works:
The mix has shifted: Corporate income taxes and excise taxes A tree grower sells timber to a furniture manufacturer for $100,
bring in a smaller share than they used to, while Social Security plus $10 in tax, and sends the $10 to the government. Then
and Medicare payroll taxes bring in more.6 The share owing the manufacturer sells the furniture to a retailer for $350,
to personal income tax, though, hasnt budged much. All that plus a $35 tax, and sends $25 ($35 minus the $10 already paid)
tax cutting, raising, reforming, and complicating since 1981 to the government. Then the retailer sells it to the consumer
has landed uspretty much where we started. for $500, plus $50 in tax, and sends $15 ($50 minus $35) to the
Federal spending, on the other hand, hasnt stayed put. government. This system soundsand iscomplex, but it has
From 1946 to 1980 it averaged 18.1 percent of GDP; since then, the advantage of being largely self-enforcing: Each business in

5 During the 2012 6 Federal receipts 7 How the U.S. compares with the OECD:
presidential Sources of tax revenue
election, Republican Percentage of annual total
candidate Herman 100% Federal, state, and local tax revenue as a percentage
Cain briefly made of GDP, 2014 U.S. OECD average
Individual income taxes
waves with what he
called the 9-9-9 plan: Personal income taxes
a personal income Social Security
tax, corporate 50 contributions
income tax, and Corporate income taxes Taxes on goods
national sales tax at and services
a rate of 9 percent Property taxes
eachall presented Social Security and Medicare taxes
as a prelude to the Excise taxes Corporate income taxes
fair tax. It seemed 0
like a footnote 1946 Other 2016 0 4 8 12%
even then.

Bloomberg Businessweek November 13, 2017

the production chain must report the tax the previous busi- nations are much more generous to those with low incomes.
ness in the chain was supposed to have paid to get credit for The notion that a national consumption tax in the U.S. could
it. Because of that, and because these payments often arent take pressure off the income tax while addressing the fiscal chal-
transparent to consumers, countries are able to impose VATs lenges posed by Social Security and Medicareand maybe even
at rates far higher than would be conceivable with a sales tax. allow for a bit more spending on this or thathas been batted
Hungary has the developed worlds highest VAT, at 27 percent around by would-be reformers for years.9 Theres even a bill
which allows it to get away with a flat-rate income tax of just currently in the Senate, sponsored by Maryland Democrat Ben
15percentwhile Canada has the lowest, at 5 percent. The U.S. Cardin, that proposes a 10percent VAT coupled with rebates for
is the only OECD member without any VAT at all. the poor, much lower tax rates, and exempting couples who earn
Like any consumption tax, the VAT is inherently regressive, up to $100,000 from the income tax ($50,000 for individuals),
because poor people spend more of their income than rich and much lower corporate tax rates. Such initiatives have never
people do. There are ways to offset some of that with rebates, garnered anything close to a critical mass of political support,
and of course a progressive income tax can help make up for though. That 2005 Bush tax reform panel, for example, studied
it, too. Most of the worlds other wealthy nations also rely more both a VAT and a retail sales tax but endorsed neither.
on government spending to combat inequality. Personal income
taxes in the U.S. are actually both higher and more progressive ith all this in mind, I headed out one recent afternoon
than the OECD norm. But when you factor in government spend-
ing on health care and other safety net programs, most wealthy
W to gauge the thinking of Glenn Hubbard, dean of the
Columbia University Business School and seasoned
veteran of Washington tax politics. Hubbard was an architect of
the 2001 and 2003 Bush cuts and has warmly endorsed the new
8 How the U.S. compares with the OECD: Total tax burden
GOP tax plan. (He's also a former Bloomberg Businessweek colum-
Federal, state, and local tax burden as a percentage of GDP for nist.) Before I could even get the acronym VAT out my mouth,
OECD members though, he launched into this mini-monologue:
We dont seem as a society to be willing to bring down
Denmark 46.6% spending as much as I would like to, and the corporate and per-
France 45.5 sonal income tax cant be raised enough to cover the difference.
Belgium 44.8 If were going to have a higher level of government spending,
Finland 44.0 you have to pay for it, and the most effective way to pay for it
Austria 43.5 67
is through a tax on consumption, such as a value-added tax.
Italy 43.3 And what about the current tax reform? Oh, its still worth
Sweden 43.3 doing, he said, but the U.S. cant go on like this. You can think
Hungary 39.4 of this as the last reform effort in this system. The end of the
Norway 38.1 cut-reform-increase-repeat era is coming.
Netherlands 37.8 Ah, but when will it come, and what will it take to bring it
Iceland 37.1 on, beyond a crisis? There was a time when federal deficits
Luxembourg 37.0 of 4 percent or 5 percent of GDP seemed like an emergency,
Germany 36.9 but no longer. Politicians of both major parties have become
Greece 36.8 increasingly comfortable with the chronic budget shortfalls of
Slovenia 36.6 the post-1981 tax era, and its hard to blame them. The federal
Portugal 34.5 government has had no trouble financing its deficits (other than
Spain 33.8 self-imposed trouble involving the statutory debt ceiling), and
Estonia 33.6 theres a credible argument to be made that in a low-inflation,
Czech Republic 33.5 low-interest rate environment like todays it ought to be borrow-
New Zealand 32.8 ing even more to invest in wealth-creating public goods such as
U.K. 32.5 transportation infrastructure and basic research. Still, theres
Slovak Republic 32.3 much less of an economic argument for running up debts to pay
Poland 32.1 for retirement and health care. Hubbard told me he thinks of
Japan 32.0 the deficit in terms of insurance, or fiscal space. Without it,
Canada 31.9 in case of war or economic crisis, your capacity to intervene
Israel 31.4 is reduced. Then again, he acknowledged, its not a table-
Turkey 30.0 banging argument to say, we need fiscal space!
Latvia 29.0 So no, Im not going to bang on any tables. But someday the
Switzerland 27.9 U.S. will need that fiscal space, and theres a way to get it that
Australia 27.8 would be in keeping with our history of tax experimentation and
U.S. 26.4 likely wouldnt impose great economic pain. We probably should
South Korea 25.3 be talking about it a lot more, instead of just Cut Cut Cut. 
Ireland 23.6 Justin Fox is a columnist for Bloomberg View.
Chile 20.7
Mexico 17.4
9 Some people have also proposed using a carbon tax for this purpose, but
at the moment that seems even less politically achievable than a VAT.
A Time to Give P
Holiday gifts that are
anything but cookie-cutter

Photographs by Stephen Lewis

Prop styling by Sonia Rentsch


Gifts for world

and fashionistas

and nesters

and athletes

and foodies

And yes, the thought
really does count

Brass bookend/doorstop, Businessweek
Louis Vuitton Tambour November 13, 2017
Horizon connected
watch, $2,900; Edited by Chris Rovzar
November 13, 2017


Travel & Adventure

1. ODS-1 Classic in-ear headphones 4. Travel map pin board
For a frequent flier, a pair of packable in-ear headphones is essential. Start a new family tradition with a pinnable board from Conquest
Taking inspiration from the novels of Jules Verne, Paris-based Adle Maps, a small operation out of Columbus, Ohio. Using 12 colors of
wraps its ear hooks in hand-stitched Venetian leather; the brushed pins, mark out your worldwide or American adventures on one of
aluminum buds feature a custom 10mm driver for deep, natural- three elegant designs. From $99;
sounding lows. $360;
5. Shearling eye mask
2. Erno Laszlo hydra-therapy skin vitality treatment One could wear this Fendi eye mask at home, but wheres the fun in
The famous pink mask is a set of four moisture treatments for that? Made from Italian silk, its decorated with mink fur to resemble
those whose faces need cooling and plumping after an overnight the camouflage of butterfly wings and is guaranteed to make an
flightor just a long day on the road. $80; impression at 30,000 feet. $590;

3. Delvaux Le Mutin saddle bag 6. Stow tech and travel case

An updated take on the labels classic Chasseresse silhouette, this At 8-by-11 inches, this organizer from London-based leather goods
covetable carry-on from Delvauxs latest collection is made from soft company Stow is large enough to hold an iPad, and it comes with a
calfskin in rouge de pourprea magenta-meets-purple hueand plug adaptor usable in more than 150 countries. $575;
has a sporty twill-tape strap that wears lightly. $3,900;
Gift Guide Bloomberg Pursuits November 13, 2017


Gift Guide Bloomberg Pursuits November 13, 2017


Gift Guide

Style & Grooming

1. G-Timeless watch
This psychedelic 36mm timepiece displays
lunar phases on a rotating rainbow disc that
spins behind the dial. $1,460;

2. Simon Miller bonsai bag

The Los Angeles designers bonsai take on
the bucket bag, with its acrylic handles, has
become the preferred choice of fashion folk.
Theres enough room inside for a phone, keys,
wallet, and cosmetics. $590;

3. Apoteker Tepe Holy Mountain perfume

New Orleans-based perfumer Holladay Penick
Saltz, who started Apoteker Tepe in 2014, uses
natural ingredients to evoke the fragrance of a 7
winter hearth: seven different resins, plus a rare
extract of Lapsang Souchong tea, create an
earthy warmth. $110;

4. Mark Cross vintage duffel

This jewel of a bag, made by one of Americas
oldest luxury leather brands, is made from
Italian calfskin leather in a natural brown.
But the blue demands appreciation. $2,995; 6
5. Concrete eau de parfum
Fresh off her retrospective at New Yorks
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Comme des
Garons designer Rei Kawakubo expands
her line of perfumes with Concrete, a
sandalwood homage to the city that comes
in a bottle made from its namesake material.

6. Bubble cluster ring

The new collection from Brooklyn jeweler
Caitlin Mociun features a batch of Instagram-
ready rings, including this bubble cluster of
pearl, peach moonstone, and white diamond.

7. Saturated-color sweaters
If you must buy a sweater, stay on trend with
a bold color, whether in Acnes coral pink,
Theorys conservative navy, or Raf Simonss
honeycomb marvel in marigold from his
205W39NYC collection for Calvin Klein. From
top: Acne Studios, $650, and Theory, $285; CK, $775;

Gift Guide November 13, 2017


Gift Guide Bloomberg Pursuits November 13, 2017

Home & OfFH

1. Baggen connected speakers 3. Transparent box of dominoes
Stockholm-based Urbanears multiroom A domino set this handsome, with jumbo,
speakers are a powerful addition to the tournament-size two-tone tiles and spinners,
category. Users can stream from built-in deserves to be displayedand frequently
Spotify Connect, AirPlay, or Chromecast; played. $180;
connect via Bluetooth; or use the classic
auxiliary cord. They come in colors such as 4. Octopod clock
goldfish orange, indigo, and dirty pink. The latest collaboration between Swiss avant
$499; garde watchmakers MB&F and clockmaking
artisans LEpe 1839, the Octopod is inspired
2. Tom Dixon cog pen collection by the submarine hulls in the James Cameron
For these sleek writing instruments, British film The Abyss. (Some may see a resemblance
designer Tom Dixon set aside his typical to Toy Story villain Babyface.) Its jointed
metallic finishes, choosing a high-impact blue. legs can be unlocked and set in a range of
$135; positions, while the globular head rotates in
5 every direction for optimal visibility. Rather
than a traditional minute hand, the gears and
springs inside the clever floating mechanism
tell the time. $36,000;

5. Gitterwerk vase by Josef Hoffmann

Got architecture buffs on your shopping list?
They likely love Hoffmann, the legend of the
Wiener Werkstatte design collective, who
created this latticework enameled steel vase in
1905. $380;


Gift Guide Bloomberg Pursuits November 13, 2017

Sport & 1. Vaporfly 4% running shoes

These are the sneakers Nike
designed to break the two-hour
2. Hero6 Black camera
The newest iteration of the
beloved minicamera has its most
3. EL 42 binoculars
Known more for its hand-cut
crystal glasses, Swarovski
Exercise marathon barrier. They feature
a carbon-infused nylon plate
with a 10mm offset to minimize
advanced stabilization technology
yet, as well as 4K video at 1080p.
But most exciting are its new
also makes the most high-end
binoculars on the market. These
birdwatching favorites have an
Achilles tendon strain and a 31mm QuikStoriesslick, automatically ergonomic wraparound grip and
stack height that adds impact generated videos edited from 4.9mm exit pupils to produce
protection for long distances. footage sent to your phone. bright images in low light.
$250; $499; $2,832;


November 13, 2017


4. Top loader bag this 11-speed bike is perfect for everyday speed vibrating foam roller. Tested by top
This waxed canvas duffel from Tracksmith city riding. $1,599; athletes, its made by Hyperice, a company
looks simple, but the Boston-based partly owned by NBA All-Star Blake Griffin,
independent running brand has reinforced 6. Scorpion bike stand Olympic gold medalist Lindsey Vonn, and
the edges with leather corners and added For racers, a portable, lightweight bike stand former NFL MVP Adrian Peterson, among
a separate compartment for your shoes. comes in handy for cleaning, maintenance, and others. $200;
$168; race-day storage. Make sure the bike has a
hollow spindle crankthats where it attaches. 8. The Elder Statesmen x NBA scarves
5. Cannondale CAAD12 105 bicycle $60; The much-hyped Los Angeles-based fashion
Aluminum bikes dont get the love that brand collaborates with the NBA on cashmere
carbon fiber ones do, which is a shame. With 7. Vyper 2.0 fitness roller (yes, cashmere) scarves for fans of all 30
an ultralight frame weighing just 2.5 pounds, Turbocharge recovery times with this three- teamseven the Knicks. $725;
Gift Guide Bloomberg Pursuits November 13, 2017

Food & Drinks

1. Salter Fine Cutlery knives 3. Glenmorangie Pride 1974 6. Dimes peppermill
Artisan Gregg Salter makes every one of Even fewer drinkers will get to enjoy the Feel like more fun in the kitchen? This
these blades in his shop on the Big Island Glenmorangie Pride 1974a scant 503 bottles multicolored pepper grinder, by Sabrina
of Hawaii, pairing traditional Japanese of the $9,050 single malt exist. The spirit de Sousa, co-founder of Manhattans healthy
blacksmithing techniques with beautifully inside the crystal decanter (by Philippe Starck snack haven Dimes, adds just the right amount
curved handles made of native Koa wood. protg Laurence Brabant) has notes of salted- of spice to the table. $120;
Theyre the preferred knives of the chefs caramel toffee, chocolate truffles, rum raisin
at the Grill, which opened in May at the ice cream, and aged balsamic vinegar. $9,050; 7. Canon wine tilt
former Four Seasons inside New Yorks email Your guests wont be able to miss that special
Seagram Building. $1,035 for two-piece set; bottle in this 3D-printed porcelain wine tilt, 4. Wim frozen yogurt maker available in a numbered edition from Brad
Froyo fanatics, take note: A Google alum has Ascalon, a New York-based designer whos
2. Last Drop 1971 blended Scotch whisky invented a one-touch, single-serve, Keurig-like also created furniture for French powerhouse
Any drinker would appreciate receiving one device thats perfect for home chefs or those Ligne Roset. $410;
of the mere 1,352 bottles ever made of this who dont cook at all. (Milk not included.) $299;
whisky blend. Its the latest from Last Drop, 8. 2009 La Romane Domaine du Comte
a London-based outfit that buys up, blends, Liger-Belair
and distributes casks of aged liquors from 5. Toast toaster This spicy grand cru red Burgundy, from a
shuttered distilleries. In his 2017 Whisky In December the Museum of Modern Art plot directly behind the legendary Romane-
Bible, Jim Murray gave the release a 97-point design store will begin carrying this stainless- Conti vineyard, boasts rich cherry and
score and named it Scotch Blend of the Year. steel beauty. Designed in 1968 by Italian rose-petal flavors with an overlay of smoky
$3,999; architect Gae Aulenti, it remains the cheekiest minerality. This stylish, sensual vintage has
way to burn your bread. $198; pre-order from ultrasmooth tannins and the houses hallmark silky texture. $3,600;


2 3
Gift Guide Bloomberg Pursuits November 13, 2017



Gift Guide Bloomberg Pursuits November 13, 2017

a work of art
How to give The most potent gifts are things you would
miss yourselfto choose something that
is, in a way, a loss to you. That is the real
gift of giving. It goes for a work of art, too.
If you know the person really well, a unique
object can have incredible resonance. My
sports memorabilia advice is just to give the gifts you want to
Personalized stuff is really big. If you know receive, so you dont end up being the kind
someone is a big supporter of a particular of person who gives socks and underwear at
team or, in my case, a race car, getting Christmas. Philip Hewat-Jaboor, chairman
them that specific thing is good. But if you of the Masterpiece London art fair
can get it personalized somehow, thats
even more special. If they like [my racing
team] Penske, for example, and they like a
particular car, reach out over social media
and ask for something specific to be signed.
Sometimes in racing and motorsports,
colleagues will send a die-cast of your
vehiclelike a 1/60th scale version of your
race car, just miniaturized but identical and
very detailedand those mean a lot to me.
Josef Newgarden, 2017 Verizon IndyCar
champion and driver with Team Penske,


a piece of clothing something for the home

Oh, that is hard. But you cant go wrong if
Its not about brands. You have to believe
it comes from the heart. What I always tell
in your object. It could be a story, a link with
anyone I give a gift to is, Listen, if you need to
your own family. It could be new, it could be
return this, go ahead. Swap it for something
old, it could be expensive. Its more about
you like more. I may not have gotten it right
the experience. I gave the best gift to my
that time. And that is why we sell a lot of gift
son. It was a small wooden box that my
cards at this time of year. Its less pressure.
great-grandfather had given to my father, so
My dad used to say about money as a gift: Its
when my son was 16, I gave it to him. Its the
always the right color, and it fits everybody.
link with family, with story, with savoir faire.
Sid Mashburn, owner of his namesake
Sophie Demaret, director of spa and
upscale mens boutique, Atlanta
boutiques at Htel Crillon, Paris
a good bottle
If its a birthday for someone whos not too
old, I find a wine from the year of their birth.
If the person is quite mature, I recommend
portsyou can find a very, very aged one
and its still affordable, compared to an
older bottle of Bordeaux. Some people drink
bourbons or Scotch, so I try to get a rare one
or a year that is special to them. But if you
want to make Anthony Bourdain smile, just
find a bottle of Pappy. Eric Ripert, chef of
seafood restaurant Le Bernardin, New York

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