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This modules contain all helper functions for servo motors (including PopUp Motors
and Teraforming Motors). Helper functions for Rocket Motor(DC Motor) are inside
When Who
-------------- ---
/*----------------------------- Include Files -----------------------------*/
/* include header files for this state machine as well as any machines at the
next lower level in the hierarchy that are sub-machines to this machine
#include "ES_Configure.h"
#include "ES_Framework.h"
#include "ES_Port.h"
#include "ES_DeferRecall.h"
#include "ES_Timers.h"
#include "termio.h"
#include "inc/hw_memmap.h"
#include "inc/hw_types.h"
#include "inc/hw_gpio.h"
#include "inc/hw_sysctl.h"
#include "driverlib/sysctl.h"
#include "driverlib/pin_map.h" // Define PART_TM4C123GH6PM in project
#include "driverlib/gpio.h"
#include "PWM16Tiva.h"
#include "ADMulti.h"
#include "Motor.h"
#include "Knob.h"
#include "PopUpButton.h"
#include "Lever.h"

/*---------------------------- Module Variables ---------------------------*/

// with the introduction of Gen2, we need a module level Priority variable
* Channels to be initialized:
* PopUpMotor 1 : PB6/Channel 0; //The first four are servo motorss
* PopUpMotor 2: PB7/Channel 1;
* PopUpMotor 3: PB4/Channel 2;
* TeraMotor: PB5/Channel 3;
* RocketMotor: PE4/Channel 4; //DC Motor
static uint8_t HowMany = 5; // we will use five motors in total, four servos and
one DC
static uint8_t PopUpMotor1 = 0; //define all the motor channels
static uint8_t PopUpMotor2 = 1; //PopUpMotors are servo motors
static uint8_t PopUpMotor3 = 2;
static uint8_t TeraMotor = 3; //TeraMotor is servo motor
static uint8_t RocketMotor = 4; //Only RocketMotor is DC motor

static uint8_t PopUpGroup1 = 0; //PopUpMotor 1 and 2

static uint8_t PopUpGroup2 = 1; //PopUpMotor 3 and TeraMotor
static uint8_t RocketGroup = 2;

/*------------------------------ Module Code ------------------------------*/

Parameters: none
Returns: none
Description: this function sets up all the motor channels
void InitMotor (void){
//Init five TIVA channels for motors

//Initialize duty cycles to be 0 for five motors

PWM_TIVA_SetDuty(0, TeraMotor);
PWM_TIVA_SetDuty(0, PopUpMotor1);
PWM_TIVA_SetDuty(0, PopUpMotor2);
PWM_TIVA_SetDuty(0, PopUpMotor3);
PWM_TIVA_SetDuty(0, RocketMotor);

//Initialize the period/freq of the motor

//set servo motor periods to 20 ms, which is 25000 ticks of a 0.8 uS clock
PWM_TIVA_SetPeriod(25000, PopUpGroup1);
PWM_TIVA_SetPeriod(25000, PopUpGroup2);
//set the DC Motor freq to 1000Hz
PWM_TIVA_SetFreq(1000, RocketGroup);

Parameters: a float variable indicating KnobValue
Returns: none
Description: this member function set the TeraMotor according to the knob value
void SetTeraMotor(float KnobValue){

//calculate the pulse width in terms of ticks, the clock is 0.8 uS clock
float TeraPulseWidthf = (2.4 - (2.4-0.6)*KnobValue)*1250.0;
uint16_t TeraPulseWidth = TeraPulseWidthf;
//set TeraMotor positon using PWM_TIVA_SetPulseWidth
PWM_TIVA_SetPulseWidth(TeraPulseWidth, TeraMotor);

SetPopUpMotorX, ResetPopUpMotorX
Parameters: None
Returns: None
Description: this member function set the PopUpMotors
void SetPopUpMotor1(void){
//calculate proper pulse width for popup motor1, the range for pulse width is
float PulseWidthf = (.6+ (2.6-0.6)*0.25)*1250.0;
uint16_t PulseWidth = PulseWidthf;
//set pulse width for popup motor1 using PWM_TIVA_SetPulseWidth
PWM_TIVA_SetPulseWidth(PulseWidth, PopUpMotor1);

void ResetPopUpMotor1(void){
//reset popup motor1 to initial position using PWM_TIVA_SetDuty
PWM_TIVA_SetDuty(3, PopUpMotor1);
void SetPopUpMotor2(void){
//calculate proper pulse width for popup motor2
float PulseWidthf = 0.52*1250.0;
uint16_t PulseWidth = PulseWidthf;
//set pulse width for popup motor2 using PWM_TIVA_SetPulseWidth
PWM_TIVA_SetPulseWidth(PulseWidth, PopUpMotor2);

void ResetPopUpMotor2(void){
//reset popup motor2 to initial position using PWM_TIVA_SetDuty
PWM_TIVA_SetDuty(8, PopUpMotor2);

void SetPopUpMotor3(void){
//calculate proper pulse width for popup motor3
float PulseWidthf = (0.6+ (2.6-0.6)*0.05)*1250.0;
uint16_t PulseWidth = PulseWidthf;
//set pulse width for popup motor3 using PWM_TIVA_SetPulseWidth
PWM_TIVA_SetPulseWidth(PulseWidth, PopUpMotor3);

void ResetPopUpMotor3(void){
//reset popup motor3 to initial position using PWM_TIVA_SetDuty
PWM_TIVA_SetDuty(8, PopUpMotor3);
/*------------------------------- Footnotes -------------------------------*/
/*------------------------------ End of file ------------------------------*/

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