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Header file for Motor

based on the Gen 2 Events and Services Framework


#ifndef Motor_H
#define Motor_H

// Event Definitions
#include "ES_Configure.h" /* gets us event definitions */
#include "ES_Framework.h" /* gets ES_Framework */
#include "ES_Types.h" /* gets bool type for returns */
#include "PWM16Tiva.h"

// Public Function Prototypes

void InitMotor (void);
void SetTeraMotor(float KnobValue);
void SetPopUpMotor1(void);
void SetPopUpMotor2(void);
void SetPopUpMotor3(void);
void ResetPopUpMotor1(void);
void ResetPopUpMotor2(void);
void ResetPopUpMotor3(void);
#endif /* Motor_H */

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