Wildfire Spreading

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Table of contents
1. Introduction Page
2. What you need to know/Requirements
3. How to find victims + scripts
4. Teamspeak execution guide + social
engineering tips
5. How to use a reverse proxy
6. How to bypass the 7day ban
7. Bonus methods =]


Hello! Thank you for purchasing this e-

book. I hope you find everything you
need to target gamers! This e-book will
include how to Social Engineer your
target, where to find them, and how to
exploit them for their items. In this e-
book I will be using Luminosity Link by
KFC Watermelon. It is one of the best
and most stable RATS out there.

What you need #2

You will need stable RAT that has the feature of grabbing files and
having a REVERSE proxy.
You will also need a FUD stub (0/36)
You can request a free crypt from KFC WATERMELON if you have
recently purchased Luminosity link.
We will go over how to steal SSFN files
Log the certain keystrokes for stealing the login info
How to use reverse proxies to get access to the victims emails ect
You will also need a teamspeak server, at like 2-3 slots (Im sure you
can get this for free)
You will also need a dropbox account

Since you will be targeting gamers most likely with high
valued items such as csgo skins, rsgp ect.
What I do is I play the game I enjoy. LEGIT.
For csgo everytime you queue look at your teams inventory,
check if they have anything of worth here
You can do either of these things.
Be nice to them, call out, dont teamkill and be good (topfrag)
Be friends with your target, but dont act like youre
interested in him alone or hell catch on so you have to be
nice and talkative to everyone. Be funny, be genuine.
If you get him to add you, youre in the clear and you can
move on to #8.

There are other reasons they might be interested

THEMSELVES in you. You can hack in csgo and tell them you
run a boosting service and you need someone to queue with
in that particular rank tier.

You can ddos the other team by finding their skypes in there
steam url or username history. Theyll want to know how you
do it ect.
For a game like runescape I would say you own a huge
pk/staking/dicing/marching clan or something and invest your
time into the conversation. Get your friends in on it. Say you
want to go bossing with him and ask them for their skype.
Be nice to him, to gain his trust try this (type like an idiot.
You do not want to let him lead on to you know more then
what youre talking about)
Bro.. did u kno ur ip from skype gets leaked and ppl can hack
you?? Google it, I cant get hacked tho :D
- Woah I did not know that, pretty insane!
>resolves and puts ip here> see? People can use this to take
you offline bro ik how to fix it tho :D

Then legitimately help them. It all depends if they have what

you want. Ask yourself, are they worth your time to invest
into gaining their trust?

If they have a high value item take more time into them
before trying this. If they dont and they have like just a $10
skin. Id rather not TBH, go str8 forward and try to rat them.

For CSGO if your hacking, act like its an external undetectable

hack because its private if they ask for it just ease off and be
like.. ermm idk my friend coded this and he really doesnt
want me to give it out.. :/ eventually theyll be trying to SE
you into giving it truly. Ill continue this in the BONUS method

Teamspeak method #4
Everyone knows this method its public. This is NOT spreading
method. This is a way to get them to EXECUTE your stub.
Im adding it because this is what I use to get people on my rat
after I target and became friends with them.

To get a TeamSpeak server look in the giveaway section, or

just buy on for $1 from enjin.com which is what I did. Simply
get a DropBox account upload your FUD stub.

Look onto the next page to

find out how to proceed

I will be using ENJINs control panel for the teamspeak server.

Go click server settings and then scroll down to here

Go here and put this [b][u]ERROR[/u][/b]: Missing [b]TeamSpeak3[/b] Sound Plugin - [url=direct exe to
your stub][u]Install [/u][/url]

Change direct exe to your stub to the actual link obviously haha.

Go here and put this [b][u]ERROR[/u][/b]: Missing [b]TeamSpeak3[/b] Sound Plugin - [url=direct exe to
your stub][u]Install [/u][/url]

Change direct exe to your stub to the actual link obviously haha.

Then hit save and connect to your teamspeak

Then click on Edit Virtual Server

Then change Message

Modes settings to MODALQUIT then hit apply and save.

Right click this and click edit virtual serverr

So next time you reconnect youll get this message

This is what will come up.

Add a banner make it look HQ
Get a banner from Bannerbreak.com
See how legit this looks?

Add channels subsections etc. in case someone doubts you

and looks into it.

What I say to get people on it is not public.

It works every single time.
When they receive this
error do exactly this if they question it.

If they say one second let me install the sound plugin really
quickly be like okay brb gonna get some water dont pay
any attention to what he said and let him figure it out/do his
own thing.

But if they question it. Here is what you do

My fucking mod installs too many plugins on the TeamSpeak
server sorry about that

Theyll be like oh ok then be like Im going to demote him,

its getting annoying

When they run it and say the error still occurs do this. Tell
them youre going to restart the server. Which is what youll
do but along with that youre going to your settings again on
the Enjin panel
Okay now add a space anywhere randomly and hit save

This will reset the MODELQUIT then tell them you restarted
and he should rejoin.

Play the game with him act like nothing happened. Then that
is when you strike >:)
How to use a reverse proxy #5
First thing we need to address is this

What is a reverse proxy?

Basically it is a mirror of the clients ip address.
This is used to bypass IP restrictions such use for things like email bypass.

This will be in luminosity link. What youll need is..

FireFox and your slave in the rat that has the Reverse proxy
Simply do what I do. Open up your rat, I will be using
luminosity link as an example.
Select the client you ratted and want to portray/mask your ip

Click Start SOCKS Server.

While your socks 5 server is starting go into options-advanced-

network-connection and then to the right of connection go to
Click manual proxy configuration
Go on your rat and copy the IP:PORT should be
Make sure not to get confused and use the external IP.

Now put the ip:port from your clipboard into SOCKS HOST
Put in the port and
make sure socksv5is checked and not the other one.

How to bypass 7 day ban

When you get your target in your rat as a client/slave then
this is when you strike.
When you go into the saved section for your rat and login,
youll notice since your logging for the first time on a new
device itll require you to wait 7 days prior to the login due to
security measures.

We dont want that now do we?

While he is online, you need to do this ASAP
Go into client manager and then file manager

Go into his steam folder from program files and grab these
two files.
To do this simply do this

Then you can grab them in from here

Save this files and put them in your own steam directory,
then in the saved data section grab his steam info.
Now you dont have to worry about no 7 day steam trade
restriction. Also bypassing the email hopefully. If there is a
email verification simply login it using a reverse proxy from
the other section.
If there is no password in saved data then go to process view
while he is ingame and terminate that games process forcing
him to log back into steam, before you do that start
keylogging his keystrokes.

August 18 2015 V2 UPDATE

#1 This is a personal method as in, you must know this

persons email to pull this one off.
The person has to be gullible for this to work

Use a fake email service such as


Follow what is shown above for the email layout.

Make sure to have editor check marked. :)

For it to be clickable, hit insert then

This, or you can use Ctrl-K

Too make this easier, all you have to do is copy paste this

This is an automated message from Steam Support

We noticed some unusual Activity linked to your Steam account, and in order for our security program to
make sure that there is no unusual activity, you need to download Steam Security Program.

The device located at (US), someone else may be trying to access your account.

After downloading Steam security program:

Install it and then request Support assistance to regain access to your account.
Thanks for helping us maintain the security of your account.

The Steam Support Team


This notification has been sent to the email address associated with your Steam account.
For information on Valve's privacy policy, visit http://www.valvesoftware.com/privacy.htm.
This email message was auto-generated. Please do not respond.

Valve Corporation. All rights reserved. All trademarks are property of

their respective owners in the US and other countries.

Make sure to change Security Program to your stub link.

If you have trouble finding people just do giveaways on

leakforums for steam csgo skins and require a list of emails
Be creative, think outside the box.
Thats that. On to the next method
What you need
Twitch account
A brain
A fud stub
Simple change the extension of your stub from .exe to .scr
then you go into the game you want to target players from
on the twitch site, for example.. CSGO. Go all the way down
to the new streamers with little to no streamers. Donate to
them and in the donate message give them the stub link
and say I made you some graphics for your stream or
something along the lines of that. Most streamers are
gullible and will fall for it.

On to the next
The map method

This can work for literally anyone. The target just has to have
some sympathy. Make your friend want to try out your map.
Show them this imgur link

Say this is your map and that you want him to try out the map.
Tell him its custom and it changes the way you play csgo. Its
unique and new. Explain to them that it requires a mod to be
Then send him a zip of your stub and a readme.txt in the
readme.txt put in the text file Place the executable mod pack
in programfiles-steam-steamapps-common-counterstrike
global offensive-csgo then place it in there otherwise the mod
files will not be unpacked into the correct directory.

The only reason to include that is to provide authenticity to the


Thank you guys for your support so far. Please post on the


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