Thesis 24.8

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Learning English is important in todays word as English is recognised
by all. It is something that Malaysians should consider to master when
approximately 375 million people in the world speak English as their mother
tongue. In addition, 750 million people speak English as a foreign language
whereas as a large number of people use English as their second language.
Generally, it shows that English is widely used in the world and to be able to be
the user of the language will be a benefit to us.
In Malaysia, English is given a status as a second language and becomes
one of the compulsory subjects in the Malaysian school curriculum. The
students are being exposed to the language at the early age, as early as five years
old. Still a high percentage of students who failed to achieve good result and
their ability to communicate is very poor.
Nesamalar and Chitravelu (1995) cited two major reasons for Malaysian
students to have a poor performance in English. Firstly, the majority of students
have limited exposure to English in their daily lives. Secondly, the students
motivation in learning language is relatively low. This makes our government to
take a drastic step to make English a must pass subject in SPM 2013.
A. The Use of Pictures in Teaching English

Therefore, a standard classroom plays a major role in order to overcome

pupils performance. Teachers who realise this will tend to search for various
ways and methods which can help them overcome this situation. So, visual aids
which include pictures have been used to bring this problem to the end. Pictures
can be sketches, drafts, comic, poster, cartoon, board drawing, and picture in
newspapers, magazines and posters. According to Himayatus (2009), pictures as
a part of visual aids are used as a technique in teaching English vocabulary at
elementary schools. Though we use all our senses to learn, it appears that seeing
is the sense where most of our learning comes from. So this tells us that the most
effective way to clarify and bring understanding to what is being taught is to
actually show the children. D. A Hill says that visuals have the advantages of
being inexpensive, of being available in most situations; of being personal, that
is, they are selected by the teacher, which leads to an automatic sympathy
between teacher and materials, and consequent enthusiastic use; and of bringing
images into the unnatural world of the language classroom (Inta, 2013).
Abdul Jabar (2013) stated that teaching with visual aids or observational
learning via model takes place when observer or learner displays new patterns of
behavior that, without model reflection the learning probability was less even if
there was more motivation and encouragement to the learner. Or the model can
facilitate the possibility of learning easily and immediately. Model provides
information and cause quick learning of the new concepts or objects to the
learners. Here the model is something visual which can directly contribute to the
learning of students and make it easy.
Visual materials bring the teaching to mind in the future, they enhance
the childrens credibility, they also make teaching clear. Children have more
interests in learning new words when they are involved. A benefit of visual aids
is their function as educational tools for learning more effectively. English
books usually have their visual aids, such as pictures but teachers should use
other visual aids. This benefits the children and helps them retain more
information. The teacher should not let their students happen this span by
boredom, or too difficult in learning process. Moreover, the teacher had better
try to make the class more productive and active.
According to Katia (2015), Raimes (1983) states that pictures provide a
shared experience for students in the classroom, a common base that leads to a
variety of language activities. This feature of pictures may be used to design
tasks focused on developing narrative writing. For instance, a teacher may
implement picture strip sequence, cartoon strips or photo story strips in the
following basic writing standard for the third grade.
Maria points out that visual materials can create a harmony between the
students and the instructional methodology and materials used. In our
classrooms we will have to face a wide variety of learning styles, such as visual
learners, who can benefit largely of the visual aids, as they feel confused when
following oral instructions and conversations. But they are not the only kind of
learners helped by visual aids, kinesthetic and tactile learners enjoy working
with tangible objects, collages and flashcards too (Oxford, 2001, p 105). If the
students feel comfortable with the materials and the methodology, they are
expected to perform well, feel confident and experience low anxiety (Oxford,
2001). Videos, for example, help students in gaining confidence as they repeat
and imitate real models using the target language. Therefore, students are
expected to be more participative and feel more motivated.
Melor (2013) stresses that pictures help teachers to bring the real world
into the classroom, they make learning more meaningful and more exciting. It is
important to point that students bring to the classroom their own background,
that nowadays is associated with images provided by mass media, videogames
Visual material use to help the student see an immediate meaning in the
language may benefit the student and the teacher by clarifying the message.
Visual aids in teaching help students to comprehend with literary
concepts. In order to cope with this learning problem, visual aids such as
graphics, illustrations, pictures, audio, and video can be used to serve as a
helpful tool in facilitating students understanding of the literary concepts
occurred in the texts. The characteristics of the visual aids like sound, light and
color can trigger and stimulate students understanding of the texts.
1.2 Problem Statement

The teacher started the lesson with a greeting. Pupils were still active and
looked cheerful. As usual she asked the routine questions. i.e.: How are you
class? Have you had your breakfast? What day is today? She asked one of the
pupils to spell and the pupil spelled correctly. Teacher started the lesson by
introducing the objective of the lesson to the class. The first objective is, by the
end of the lesson pupils should be able to use nouns correctly and appropriately.
The second objective is, by the end of the lesson pupils should be able to spell
words correctly by applying spelling rules.
As a set induction, teacher showed the class a box with a few objects.
Holding up two pens in her hand, she asked the pupils a question. What do I
have in my hand? Since the teacher did not call out any specific name the
whole class answered her question. Most of the students answered, two pen.
Harini said, two pens.

The teacher wrote two sentences on the board.

1. I have a pen.
2. I have two pens.

She asked the pupils to look for the difference in both the sentences.
Pupils were unable to identify the difference. She revised the previous lesson
with them. It was on Singular Noun and Plural Nouns. After revision with, only
Harini gave the correct answer. Teacher wrote words (Noun forms) on the board
and asked them to read the words. Only Harini and Kirthi can read the words
correctly. The rest could not read the words correctly and say the meaning of the
words. Teacher over looked the majority pupils weakness and continued her
In such situation she should have used some flashcards with the words.
This would have helped the weaker pupils to recall and say the words correctly.
Teacher asked the pupils to take out their text book and turn to page 14. Pupils
read the text after her. She asked them to look for singular and plural nouns from
the text. She divided the class into five pairs (mix group). Only two pairs gave
answers (Harinee and Kirthi pair and Kanthen and Vickneswaran pair). The
rest of them could not come up with answers and they became very restless.
Once again the teacher over looked the weaker pupils.
As a second activity she asked them to look for Noun words in the
picture dictionary. Teacher distributed notes on change of spelling (Table 1)
from singular to plural form. Pupils pasted the note in their respective grammar
exercise book. She explained the rules for changing singular noun to plural
noun. She explained to the class the changes of spelling in words like, woman to
women, man to men, and child to children.

1st Common rule Add s

2nd Words ending with, s, x, ch, sh Add es
Baby babies
Words that change with spelling when
3rd Knife knives
change to plural
Leaf leaves
4th Total change Foot feet
Tooth teeth
5th No change Dear dear
Sheep sheep
6th Change Y to ies Baby babies

Table 1: Notes on change of spelling

Group activity: Teacher asked pupils to look for five noun words from the
picture dictionary. Teacher gave only five minutes for them to look for the
answer. Each group asked for teachers confirmation before they say their answer
to the class (Table 2).

Harinee and Kirthi Catch catches

Dry dries
Vickneswaran and Kanthen Gravy - gravies
Vishal and Vaishnavi Play - plays

Table 2: Response from students

Pupils face confusion between noun words and verb words. Teacher only
said that verb is an action. Teacher called out the pupils to write their answers on
the board. (Fill in the words according to their category) (Table 3) as below:

Most nouns add s

Nouns that end with -s, - sh, -x, -ch or -z
add -es
Nouns ending with f or fe change to -ves

Table 3: Grammar Rules for Plural Nouns

It was almost time for the next subject, so she has to stop the activity.
Pupils did not complete the chart. Teacher said she will continue the lesson
tomorrow and asked the pupils to look for plural nouns as a follow up activity.


Teacher could not achieve the objective of the lesson. The class was very
passive. Only two pupils responded well to her questions. Even these two pupils
need teachers confirmation before they could say out their answers correctly.
Since the pupils in this class are mostly below average, teacher should have used
some visual aids or concrete objects and flash cards for pupils to see and name
the objects that they see. Teacher lost control over the class because pupils did
not pay attention to what she tried to explain. This is because pupils did not
understand what the teacher was saying. I feel if she had used pictures as
stimulus, her lesson would have been successful.
Conceptual Framework

This study was carried out to investigate the effectiveness of pictures in the
process of teaching vocabulary to primary school students. The research uses an

1.3 Scope

The scope of this study is for teaching learning process in primary level.
Additionally, this study merely uses picture as a media since there are many
media for teaching vocabulary skill at primary level. On the other hand, this
research is focusing on using pictures to teach simple vocabulary lesson at
primary students level.


2.1 Theoritical Framework

This study was based on the constructivisme theory by Jean Piaget

(1896-1980). There are many techniques to improve and increase classroom
environment. Teaching aids, technology, computers, projects, videos and many
more ways to make students to be interested in the process of learning.
Regardless of the subject learned, pupils with a good classroom environment
will behave active and respond to teachers questions rasionaly. Besides that,
usage of pictures involves pupils sense of visual thus increasing their interest
and involvement in the subject matter. This study investigated whether pictures
could motivate learners to learn and understand vocabulary besides creating a
good classroom environment.

2.2 Vocabulary
2.2.1 Definition of vocabulary

Vocabulary is, according to Hatch & Brown (1995), the list of words that
speakers of a particular language use. As language teachers we use different type
of teaching aids to explain the meaning of new words.

2.2.1 Type of vocabulary

Pikulsi. J, Templeton, S. (2004) states that there are 2 forms of vocabulary: oral
and print vocabulary. Oral vocabulary term is used for words and meanings
during speaking and listening process. Meanwhile, print vocabulary refers to
words and meanings in writing and reading. Word knowledge comes in two
types: receptive and productive. Receptive vocabulary are the words that comes
from language input of listening and reading process from others and we try to
understand and interpret it. Despite, productive vocabulary means words that are
produced by the speaker in writing and speaking to communicate and convey
information to others.

Figure : Vocabulary Forms (Pikulsi. J, Templeton, S. 2004, p.2)

According to Boualleg, R. (2016) the field of linguistics consists of many
branches that deal with the study of vocabulary. There are two main branches:
lexicology (meanings) and lexicography (uses of vocabulary).


Word Word Word

Category Formation Meaning

Affixation Synonymy

Compounding Antonomy

Conversion Polysemy

Lexicography is the term used to describe the technique of preparing dictionaries which
serves as an aid in learning process. In general, using dictionary has a significant
advantage in helping learners to be autonomous from their teachers.

2.2.3 The importance of vocabulary

According to Bakhsh, S. A. (2016) vocabulary is an important key element to learn any

knowledge. Vocabulary plays an important role in helping people to communicate
effectively whereby we have to know a large amount of words meanings to convey and
interpret messages. Thus, knowing words and their meanings are vital rather than just
the grammar rules. Besides that, vocabulary is essential to master English skills.
2.2.4 Teaching vocabulary

There are several ways to teach English vocabulary. Teacher need to occupy themselves
with enough knowledge on vocabulary before stepping into the classroom. Sokmen
(1997) suggested some principles for teaching vocabulary:
1. build a large sight vocabulary
2. integrate new words with the old
3. provide a number of encounters with words
4. promote a deep level of processing
5. facilitate imaging and concreteness
6. use a variety of technique
7. encourage independent learner strategies

2.2.5 Techniques in teaching vocabulary

Zarei, A. A., & Baftani, F. N. (2014) states that when learners make connection
between their background knowledge and existing vocabulary, vocabulary learning
becomes effective. In their research, portfolio is one of the techniques used to facilitate
and improve vocabulary among students. There are several techniques proposed in this

Word Rose

Word Map
Technique To

Word Visual
Wizard Thesaurus Technique

Konomi, D. K. (2014) findings show that using visual aids can help learners
understand the deep meaning of a topic and realize similarities and differences between
each topic. Visual learning of vocabulary are prefers by the students because language
they experience outside the classroom is deeply connected to images, colours and
variety of sounds. so, we as teachers should understand their preference when planning
the lesson plan for their students. Besides that, it is the teachers responsiblity to
facilitate the process of teaching and learning of vocabulary using visual aids. Verbal Technique

Bagheri (2015) study points out that there are 5 verbal techniques to be taught to
students learning vocabulary: definitions and illustrative sentences, synonyms and
antonyms, scales, explanation and translation process. Additionally, the researcher
establish that teacher can use non-verbal presentations to teach vocabulary. Besides that,
teachers can use both verbal and visual aids to promote the learning of vocabulary.

2.2.6 Steps in Teaching Vocabulary

Marzano, R. J. (2004) proposed instructional activities that could help students
to understand new vocabulary terms that are taught by the teacher. The six steps
are as follows.:
Explain Restate Show Discuss Refine and Apply in
Teacher Teacher ask Teacher Engage reflect learning
provide students to asks students in Teacher games
student restate the students to vocabulary ask Involve
friendly descriptions contruct a discussion students to students in
description picture, explain games
symbol or their related to
graphic picture to vocabulary
others learnt

2.3 Using pictures

2.3.1 Definition of pictures

Pictures are not just an aspect of method by through their representation of places,
object, and people they are an essential part of the overall experiences".
(Andrew Wright (1989 p.2). Pictures are elements that facilitate experience and help
imagining process to be effective.

According to Joklov, K. (2009), pictures are one of the various aids and stimuli used in
the teaching and learning process to improve students learning. They play important
role to bring image of reality into the unnatural world of the language classroom.

2.3.2 Types of pictures Visual aid

Nation (1990:51) lists a number of basic techniques through which

teachers can explain the meanings of new words, all of which can be used in the
young learner classroom. Some of these techniques involve the use of pictures
from a variety of sources - pictures from computers; photographs; drawings or
diagrams on the board; and pictures from books. It will be interesting in this
study to see which techniques teachers use.Of course, pictures must be chosen
carefully and it is hoped that this study will shed some light on how teachers
make these choices. According to Harmer (2001), pictures should be appropriate
not only for the language to be learned but also for the classes they are being
used for; if pictures are too childish students may not like them and if they are
culturally inappropriate they can offend people. Pictures also need to be visible ,
especially if they are being shown to the whole class they need to be big enough
for everyone to see. And it also helps if pictures are durable that is, strong
enough to be used several times.

2.3.3 Advantage of using pictures in teaching english language

Using pictures is one of the teaching aids that teachers depend on in their
teaching. Harmer (2001) states that Teachers have always used pictures or graphics
whether drawn, taken from books, newspapers and magazines, or photographs to
facilitate learning. In my experience, English teachers tend to feel that using pictures in
teaching new words makes the process enjoyable and memorable. They also feel that
pictures attract pupils attention and deepen their understanding of vocabulary. Pictures
can also help learners with abstract words, as associating the words with a concrete
object makes these words easier to remember. Harmer (2001) states that one of the
most appropriate uses for pictures is for the presenting and checking of meaning. An
easy way of explaining the meaning of the word aeroplane, for example, is to have a
picture of one. Of course, not all new words can be taught using pictures but most
concrete vocabulary can.

2.3.4 Ways of using pictures as a teaching

Jiang, X., & Perkins, K. (2013) have designated an inquiry-oriented

inductive language arts strategy Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) to
teach phonics and spelling to yound childrens. This findings reflects the
importants of pictures in teaching pupils who are unable to identify words in
English. This model plays a vital role in connecting old and new knowledge by
first identifying information in the pictures shown. Thus, picture as a visual aid
brings conceptual understanding about the subject matter learned in English
language. In line with the research, Bakhsh, S. A. (2016) stresses that
vocabulary is the basic part and a key element to learn any language. It is
important for students to understand vocabulary and its meanings deeply
through elements like pictures, games, hands on activities and project based
learnings. These elements play good role in increasing students enjoyment and
interest in learning and encourage them to use English in a fearless manner.
Styati, E. W. (2016) has done an research on usage of pictures and
youtube videos to teach writing skills to pupils in English Language. The
research findings shows better writing performance using picture rather than
Youtube videos in English classes. This indicates the benefit of pictures as the
main element to help the students to have better understanding as well as
improving students vocabulary. Morover, the phrase a pictures speaks thousand
words is being proven in this research. Visual aid is an important tool in
teaching and learning process whereby students can be stimulated by the
imagination level in remembering concepts which have good connection with
their daily life experience. (Anil, B., 2011).
Hsiao, C. Y., & Chang, Y. M. (2015) found that pictures and visual aids
make students to understand and adopting a childs viewpoint. Besides that,
these constructive aids help pupils to make clear perceptions considering their
interest and theme. This study states the usage of visual aids in younger learners
whereby pupils in primary school are focussed. Mostly, preschool and primary
school uses pictures as a helping tool in teaching and learning process. Morover,
pupils who understand better could promote their thinking to a better level when
quality education with hands on acitivities are being held in their classrooms.
According to Kemp, J. E., & Dayton, D. K. (1985), media can make a
teaching and learning process to be more interesting. Process of learning to
understand the content could also be short when media is being implimented in
the classroom teaching. Pupils tend to analyse their understadning faster using
media as their teaching and learning aid. According to Latuheru (1988), pictures
can be used in the classroom to translate abstract concepts into a realistic form.
Morover, pictures can be printed out from the internet which does not cost
much. Besides that, teacher could use pictures as a project work for pupils to
find their pictures from the magazine, newspapers and old books to be cut and
pasted in their project book. Not only that, pictures could also save teachers time
and energy from preparing many teaching aids and bringging them to the school.
As noted above, although it is generally accepted that pictures can play
an important role in supporting vocabulary learning, we know little about
teacher and learner perspectives on this issue. My study aims to address this
topic in the context of a primary school in Kuala Krai, Kelantan .




The general research question for this study was: To what extent do
teachers of English in a General Education school use pictures in teaching new
words to pupils in elementary grades? More specific sub-questions were:

1.If teachers use pictures, how do they use them to teach new vocabulary?
2.How pictures influence students performance in vocabulary?
3.What are pupils attitudes towards using pictures in learning vocabulary?


The study took place in Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil Pasir Gajah,
Kuala Krai, Kelantan. This is an under enrolment school with a population of
only thirty students. Only ten students were involved in this research. This study
was carried out for pupils who are in year five. A English language teacher who
participated in this study is my colleaque. She has been teaching English
language for the past sixteen years. l choose this school because this the only
Tamil school in the East coast region. Furthermore the students come from
various background. In total, I observed two lessons during which the teacher
briefed me that she was planning to introduce new vocabulary.
3.1.3 DATA COLLECTION Pretest and posttest

The test method was used to examine learners mastery of content

taught. Previously, pretest was held for the group of 10 students. Later on,
teaching was done with the usage of pictures as the medium of teaching.. After
the experiment, the similar test was given to the 10 students (post test). The
results of the two tests were then compared.The tests were administered during
class lesson sessions for 30 minutes and by the learners subject teachers to
avoid feeling that they are being examined. Questionaire

Questionaires are the form of instruments that are used in this research
and it consist of students attitude rating, students background, and their
learning process. There are two sets of questionaires used before and after the
application of pictures in the English Language classroom. Several other
instruments were used in this research namely observation during the lesson and
interview with the students.
The first instrument to be used in this study was the questionaire. The
questionaire was distributed to all students who are involved in the research. The
purpose is to gather their background information and to seek out detail on their
perception about their present style of learning English language. One set of
questionaire was given to the students before the lesson was carried out. The
second set of questionaire was distributed after the second English lesson using
pictures. Fieldnotes

During the observations I made fieldnotes relating to the teaching session

held. There are 2 lessons observed whereby the lesson was carried out without
any teaching aids. Later on, 2 lessons was observed relating to the usage of
pictures in the classroom. Observation alone, however, did not allow me to
understand the teachers and pupils views about using pictures in teaching
vocabulary. Therefore, I also interviewed three pupils from each class and their
English teachers after the observations to understand their views. The interviews
were in Tamil language with the pupils and in English with the teachers. I chose
the pupils for the interviews by putting the names of all the pupils in a hat and
randomly drawing three names for each class. I interviewed them individually. Interview with students

As pointed earlier, questionnaires and interview schedules are ideal

instruments to gather descriptive information from a large sample in a fairly
short time (Kothari 2004). Interview schedule was used to obtain data from the
pupils. The interviews were to ensure that the responses were properly
understood by repeating and rephrasing questions. This was to obtain data on
whether pictures motivated learners during a lesson or not. For this case,
interviews were carried out by the researcher using interview schedules
prepared by the researcher

I started by analyzing the observation data, examining the teaching

materials that teachers used for explaining the new words in the lesson. I also
focused on how and when the teachers used these materials, using the video of
the lessons to help me identify specific examples of vocabulary teaching using
pictures from their work. I also studied the video for evidence of pupils
reactions when pictures were used to introduce new words. In analyzing the
interviews, I translated the pupil interviews into English and transcribed those
with teachers too (see Appendix for asample teacher interview). I then looked
for themes in the interviews which reflected teachers and pupils attitudes
towards using pictures in the process of teaching and learning new vocabulary. I
tried to identify issues that teachers and pupils agreed on as well as points where
their views differed.


In the lessons I observed, the teacher using different techniques to teach

vocabulary. She used different kinds of pictures such as posters, flash
cards,drawings on cards (made by pupils), drawings on the board (made by the
teacher),pictures in the class books and realia.


Teacher greeted the pupils and revised the previous lesson. She pasted the
pictures on the board and asked the pupils to name them. The pupils were very excited
to see the pictures on the board. Even the weak pupils tried to name the pictures that
they were familiar with. Pointing to the pictures on the board, teacher explained what is
a noun (i.e. people, object, animal, plants and places) Using pupils notes, teacher
explained the types of plural nouns. As she was explaining she asked the pupils to say a
noun word that ends with s, sh, x, ch and z. Harinee gave an example for ch catch.
Teacher corrected her by explaining that catch is an action word which is a verb and not
a noun. Pupils find it hard to name nouns that ends with Z. teacher ask them to refer to
the picture dictionary. Vickneswaran said box but Kanthen immediately said box
ends with x not z.

Here teacher should have had some visual aids which can help pupils to name. If
they cannot name it she can say the word. This because, these pupils are second
language learners. It will enable them to remember the words better. Teacher continued
her lesson explaining how to group noun words that will have changes as they take the
plural form.
During the second part of the lesson, the teacher gave pair activity. She
distributed newspapers and asked pupils to look for pictures that are in the plural form.
Later they have to cut and paste them according to their group on the manila card.
Pupils were very excited carrying out the activity. Those who were not sure about the
pictures that they were cutting seeked teachers confirmation.

Pupils Predicament faced by the pupils

Kanthen and Vickneshwaran Kanthen asked: Teacher, house can?
Sritharan and Kuggan Sritharan asked: One man many mans, can teacher?
Vaishnavi and Vishal Did not understand the instruction given by the teacher
so Vishal has to explain to her in Tamil.
Yogadurga and Darshini Both were unable to identify pictures that were in the
plural form and were seeking help from the others.
Kirthi and Harinee Both were working together to accomplish the given

Pupils still did not know where to paste the picture after cutting them out and
were asking the teacher where to paste them. Every group has pasted their cuttings on
the manila card. Vickneshwaran was not able to write the word beach correctly. With
some guidance from the teacher on the spelling rule, he managed to spell it right.


Towards the end of the lesson, teacher called all pupils to come forward and face
the manila card. She checked each group work. Pupils were able to correct each
others mistakes themselves. As a follow activity, teacher distributed worksheets to all
the pupils. Pupils completed their task by referring to the notes on spelling rules for
plural nouns given by the teacher. She also guided the slow learners.




Both the teachers and the pupils who took part in this study had positive
attitudes towards using the pictures for teaching and learning new vocabulary.
Bothteachers used different kinds of pictures in their lessons (though both
widely usedthe visual stimulus cards provided by the Ministry) and in all cases
the pupils responded with enthusiasm to the pictures that were used. Both
teachers and pupils believed that using pictures makes lessons more enjoyable
and memorable.
The teachers felt that pictures attract the pupils and deepen their
understanding of words; teachers also felt that when pupils associate new words
with a picture they find it easier to remember the meaning of the word. These
positive views about therole of pictures in teaching vocabulary reflect those
mentioned in the literaturereview earlier (e.g. Harmer, 2001). Both teachers also
agreed that not all new wordscan be taught by using pictures but most concrete
vocabulary can be, using pictures made by teachers or found in magazines and
other resources.Clearly, though, there are a number of limitations which need to
beacknowledged here. Firstly, the teachers were aware of the focus of this study
and may therefore have made more of an effort to use pictures in the lessons
observed than they normally would have. Secondly, the interviews with the
teachers were notwholly successful in providing insights into why the teachers
felt pictures were useful in teaching vocabulary teachers responses were quite
brief and my lack of interviewing experience meant that I was not able to
prompt them to provide more detailed answers to my questions. The limited
nature of the interview responses was even more evident with the pupils; here
responses to my questions were never more than a few words long; I clearly
needed to have both more questions as well as prompts to encourage the pupils
to say more. Speaking to more learners would have also been valuable. There is
clearly scope, therefore, for further research which analyzes in more depth how
teachers and pupils feel about the use of pictures in vocabulary teaching and
learning and why they feel the way they do.



I feel that this study has been beneficial to my development as a

researcher; the classroom observations here went well and although, as already
noted, the interview part of the study was less effective, in future work I will be
better able to encourage teachers and pupils to discuss their views at length. In
terms of findings,what we are left with here confirms what we would expect:
teachers feel thatpictures can make a positive contribution to vocabulary
teaching and learning while learners also appreciate the role that pictures can
play in helping them to learn English. Further research of this kind can look into
these issues in more detail,particularly through examining the classroom
practices of a larger number of teachers, discussing these practices in detail
through interviews, and investigating in more detail and with a larger sample
what benefits learners see in the use of pictures in learning vocabulary

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(R=Researcher; T=Teacher)

1. R: How many years have you been teaching English Language?


2. R: As an experience teacher how do you find the students in this school
respond during your English lessons?

3. R:Could you mention the main advantages of using pictures or visual aids in
teaching vocabulary?

4. R: What are the main ways of teaching new words?


5. R What are the main sources of getting pictures?




RM 2000 TO RM 3000


Students Attitude Towards Learning English language.
Name : Class: Sex:

Read the descriptions of the tasks that you can do as a result of completing
Appropriate areas that indicate how you rate yourself.

Scale for answering questionnaires from strongly agree to strongly disagree

Category Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree

Level of agreement 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I enjoy English lessons
I enjoy reading story
books with pictures.
I can confidently use the
right words to speak
I can respond well during
English lesson
I can always remember
new vocabulary taught in
Pictures can help me recall



Name: ...............................................................
(R Researcher, T English Language teacher)

1. R: How many years have you been teaching English ?


2. R: As an experience teacher how do you find the students in the school

responding during your English Lesson?


3. R: Could you mention the main advantages of using pictures or visual aids in
teaching vocabulary?

4. R: What are the main ways or methods of teaching new words?


5. R: What are the main sources of getting pictures?



MATRICULATION NO: 560523086372 002







1ST FEB 2017

Dear Madam,


Referring to the above matter I am a final year student of the English Language Faculty
in Open University Malaysia. My supervisor is Dr.Zuriani Ariffin. The proposal topic of
my research is: Effectiveness of visual aids to teach vocabulary in standard Five ESL

I have chosen SJK Tamil Pasir Gajah for my investigation as this is the only
under enrolment Tamil school in the East Coast region. It will take a period of two
months (February, March) to observe a year five teacher teaching English Language. At
the same time two other English Language teachers will be interviewed. All English
Language teachers and twenty pupils are selected to answer questionnaires.

Upon completion of the study, I undertake to provide you with a bound copy of
the dissertation. Your permission to conduct this study will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

Yours sincerely

Gnammoney a/p Joseph


Joklov, K. (2009). Using pictures in teaching vocabulary(Doctoral dissertation, Masarykova

univerzita, Pedagogick fakulta).

Konomi, D. K. (2014). Using Visual Materials in Teaching Vocabulary in English as a

Foreign Language Classrooms with Young Learners. In Conference proceedings. New
perspectives in science education (p. 256). libreriauniversitaria. it Edizioni.

Bakhsh, S. A. (2016). Using Games as a Tool in Teaching Vocabulary to Young

Learners. English Language Teaching, 9(7), 120.

Zarei, A. A., & Baftani, F. N. (2014). The Effects of Techniques of Vocabulary

Portfolio on L2 Vocabulary Learning. i-Manager's Journal on English Language
Teaching, 4(3), 38.
Marzano, R. J. (2004). A six-step process for teaching vocabulary. Building
background knowledge for academic achievement. Alexandria, VA: Association for
Supervision and Curriculum Development.

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