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How do the EDFD 400/401 and EDFD Discuss your rationale for the Funds of

460/461 courses, taken together, help you Knowledge Data Graphic (This is NOT your
now interpret the 3 parts of the Pedagogical Clinical Site pictures) that you placed on the
Triangle listed in the Teacher Noticing PPT? Digital Ethnography Clinical Site page to
illustrate the most important Funds of
Knowledge data that youve identified in your
observations, conversations, and Annotated
Bibliography Sources

My EDFD 401 and 461 helped me interpret I will discuss my rationale in each of the
the pedagogical triangle in multiple ways they sections in my funds of knowledge graphic
both revealed both theories and social aspects each section being: experiences, social
that are related to teaching. There are three networks, activities, skill sets, and house hold
side that these classes helped me understand, labor histories. The first I will discuss is
first being the teachers relationship and experiences, I gave three bullet points for
understanding of students, these classes each section and the first bullet point for this
helped me with this because it introduced me is: sports I put this in this section because in
to developmental theories that helped me each of the classes I observed there were
understand students themselves which helped students who participated in either school
me build my relationship with students too. sports or community sports so I figured I
The second side that these classes helped me should put this in this section because it
understand was the teachers understanding of seems to be a big part of students life at this
how students learn content, I became more age. The second bullet is health related issues
aware of this in my 461 class when we were I put this in because no matter who you are
going through the Erick Jensen reading that you experience health issues weather its just
showed how students of lower socioeconomic allergies or physical problems, this is a part of
status are affected in the classroom and how every students life so they have gained some
we can help them learn the content which sort of experience in this. The last bullet is at
obviously helped me interpret this side of the home experiences, I put this in because
triangle. The last side of the triangle that these students dont just have experiences at school
classes helped me understand was the but a major part of what they experience is at
teachers relationship with and understanding home which plays a major role in their FOK.
content both of these classes helped me with The second section in my graphic is social
this side of the triangle because they taught networks which also had three bullets. I put
me strategies of how to teach and to make teammates and classmates in this section
sure my students get the content, and in order because sports and school are a very big part
to do that I myself need to understand the of students lives and they can use these peers
content as recourses for problems they may have. The
second bullet of this section are friends,
friends are probably the main social network
students use because its usually who they
spend most of their time with and also use
them to their advantage. The third bullet is
family I put this because the students have an
at home life that is with their families so they
will be using them as a recourse too. The third
section is activities, the first bullet is sport, I
added this because as said before sport seems
to be a major part of students lives. The next
bullet is school, students spend most of their
time at school so this is a major activity that
they have to take part in. the last bullet is out
of school/social activities, I did this one
because I believe that this has the greatest
effect on the students attitudes and beliefs.
The fourth section is skill sets the first bullet
is academics almost all of the students I
observed seemed to be studious and do well
in school. The next bullet is athletics, again, a
lot of the students I observed were in athletics
so that is a specific skill set they have. The
third bullet is style, I used this because I was
observing white females and this seemed to
be a large skill set they have would be being
stylish and keeping up with the current
fashion trends. The last section in the FOK
graphic is household labor histories, for this I
put both lower socioeconomic status and
upper middle class because the student I
observed ranged in socioeconomic status so I
couldnt pin point a certain labor history
although most of the white girls I observed
were of higher status.

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