Lbs 400 Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan Form - LBS 400

Revised 08/05/14

Candidate: Subject: Grade level(s): Date:

Stephanie Jimenez ELA 1st grade 10/24/2017


CCSS.ELA-RF.1.2 Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).

c. Isolate and pronounce initial, medial vowel, and final sounds (phonemes) in spoken single-syllable

d. Segment spoken single-syllable words into their complete sequence of individual sounds

I.DESCRIPTION OF CONTENT & CONTENT TYPE (Fact, Procedure, Concept, or Principle):

Phonemic Awareness - Principle


Given a word clue students will correctly add, delete, or change letters to create the new word and
correctly sound out each letter in the word with 100% accuracy.

DOK/Cognitive Rigor Level: 2- after recalling a term, they have to categorize sounds between
beginning, middle, and end. They must also observe how they add, delete, and change letters to
make new words.

Language Demands (What demands in terms of language does this lesson require of students,
particularly English Learners?): For English Language Learners, they required to have background
knowledge on certain terms. If they, do not know how to say the term in English, but they do know how it
is called in Spanish, I can help them translate. The main focus is that they can point out beginning, middle,
and final sounds.

III. CURRICULUM CONNECTION (How lesson fits into larger unit sequence):
Builds Phonemic Awareness--
Previous lesson- Identifying and recognizing letters and sounds.
Following lesson- Writing mystery words out.

A. ENGAGEMENT (Motivational Activity):
Explain the concept of the mystery clue game. Let them know you will ask them a question and the
answer to the mystery word. Then, tell them we will do a couple just for practice. For now, you will ask
a question and they will raise their hand if they know the mystery word. Check for understanding.

Ask them: What animal is pink, loves the mud, and goes oink, oink ? Call student quietly raising
hand. Mystery word: pig Have the student that answered break the word apart by identifying the
beginning, middle, and final sound in pig.
Next question: What has three stacked ice balls, sticks, carrots, buttons, maybe a scarf? (If they need
more clues: Its made with snow) Mystery word: snowman

Student friendly objective: By the end of our lesson you should be able to create words by
sounding out the beginning, middle, and final sound in the word. You will use index cards with
letters to help you figure out the mystery word.

Purpose: This will help students when they are reading, blending sounds, and learning to write words.

B. INSTRUCTIONAL SEQUENCE (Teaching Methodology with Student Activities):

Step #1: Hand out index cards with letters (n, t, e, p, s) each student has their own set.

T input : Today we are going to make words using a set of letter, that when we out them all
together they spell a mystery word.

T model: Spread the letters out on the table and as a group say the name of each letter and have
them tell you the sound of each letter

Student response: Check for understanding: check to see that all students know the sound to each

Step #2: Mystery Word #1

. T input: Now, that we practiced finding the mystery word, you all have a chance to find the
mystery word, but this time you will use your index cards with the letters to build the word.

. T model: Make sure students are independently creating word (help them with the mystery word
if needed)

. Student response: Check for understanding: first check to see if any students are struggling with the
word, if any student need translating help them. Then, choose a student to say the mystery word.
All together point to each letter say beginning sound: /p/ middle sound: /e/ final sound: /n/ then
blend all sounds. (follow finger through index cards as you blend).

Step #3: Mystery Word #2

T input: Move on to next question.

Question: Nowaskthestudentstocreateathreeletterwordthatrepresentsananimalyoukeepatyour

T model: Make sure students are independently creating word (help them with the mystery word if

Student response: Check for understanding: Choose a student to say the mystery word. All together point
to each letter say beginning sound: /p/ middle sound: /e/ final sound: /t/ then blend all sounds. (follow
finger through index cards as you blend).

Step #4: Mystery Word #3

T input: Next word.


T model: Make sure students are independently creating word (help them with the mystery word if
needed) Once they created the word: point and identify that they only need to change the beginning

Student response: Check for understanding: Choose a student to say the mystery word. All together point
to each letter say beginning sound: /n/ middle sound: /e/ final sound: /t/ then blend all sounds. (follow
finger through index cards as you blend).

Step #5: Mystery Word # 4

T input: Next word.

Question: Askthestudentstospellafourletterwordforsomethingthatabirdmakestolivein.(Mystery

T model: Make sure students are independently creating word (help them with the mystery word if

Student response: Check for understanding: Choose a student to say the mystery word. All together point
to each letter say beginning sound: /n/ middle sound: /e/ next sound: /s/ final sound: /t/ then blend all
sounds. (follow finger through index cards as you blend).

Step #6: Mystery Word # 5

T input: Next word.

Question: Havethestudentsplaceanotherfourletterwordthatrepresentssomethingorsomeonethat

T model: Make sure students are independently creating word (help them with the mystery word if

Student response: Check for understanding: Choose a student to say the mystery word. All together point
to each letter say beginning sound: /p/ middle sound: /e/ next sound: /s/ final sound: /t/ then blend all
sounds. (follow finger through index cards as you blend).
Step #7: Mystery Word # 6

T input: Next word.


T model: Make sure students are independently creating word (help them with the mystery word if

Student response: Check for understanding: Choose a student to say the mystery word. All together point
to each letter say beginning sound: /s/ middle sound: /t/ next sound: /e/ final sound: /p/ then blend all
sounds. (follow finger through index cards as you blend).

Step #8: Mystery Word # 7

T input: Next word.


T model: Make sure students are independently creating word (help them with the mystery word if

Student response: Check for understanding: Choose a student to say the mystery word. All together point
to each letter say beginning sound: /t/ middle sound: /e/ final sound: /n/ then blend all sounds. (follow
finger through index cards as you blend).

Step #9: Mystery Word # 8

1. T input: Last word. Tellthegroup,Wearenowgoingtomakethefivelettermysteryword,


T model: Make sure students are independently creating word (help them with the mystery word if

Student response: Check for understanding: Choose a student to say the mystery word. All together point
to each letter and say the sounds (follow finger through index cards as you blend)

C. APPLICATION ACTIVITY (Practice and/or Reflection): Guided practice (students working with
teacher support on proving behavior or activity): Students will recreate a word that we made (any
word) and they will ask their table partner to point out the beginning, middle, and final sound.
D. MATERIALS & RESOURCES: Five index cards per student
Each index card will have a letter: (n, t, e, s, p)

V. ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES (Methods for Obtaining Evidence Of Learning):

Formative: During lesson after students figure out mystery word, give all students a chance to break the
word apart by their sounds.

Summative: At the end when students are quizzing their partner I will observe that they can accurately
identify beginning, middle, and final sounds.


Accommodations: ELD students who have trouble identifying the term, give them the answer, or have
students tell them.

Modification: If it is too hard, students can break the word apart verbally and not use
index cards

Alternate: high achieving students: have them write the mystery word after they
created it with the index cards.

VII. HOMEWORK (if appropriate):

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