MAT 2322 - 2013F - Midterm 1

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Calculus III Midterm I Practice

Dexter is taking on his new role as a lumberjack quite well

The only thing he hasnt quite figured out yet is why there is so much math. Math wasnt his strong suit
in school but murder was! If you dont help him out, he might cut you. He cut you, good.

1. Dexter has discovered that a wooden log is quite like a human body. If you cut it, it bleeds. (I
think hes gone a little crazy). Anyways, determine the critical points on the log with the
following function, and determine whether these critical points are maxes, mins, or saddle

f x, y x2 y x y

2. Dexter has a newfound love for animals, but only the ugly-cute ones. They remind him that he
is both quite handsome and kind of looks like an ape. Anyways, hed like to cut open another
log, but does not wish to disturb an animal nest right smackdab in the middle of the log.
Determine the optimal (min and max) points where he can cut the log using Lagrange

f x, y xy
g x, y x 2 y 2 9

3. Dexter has collected a substantial pile of dead trees. He wishes to calculate the volume of dead
trees he has collected. The region, R, is the area enclosed by the curves y=ln x, y=0, and x=4.

V x2 1 dA

4. Dexter has made another pile of dead trees. Hmm. The region, R, is the area enclosed by the
disk centered at the origin, with radius 3. Calculate the volume.

V x2 y 2 dA

5. Dexter is planning on building himself a home out of dead trees. This home will be GIANT. But
first, to determine if it is sufficiently GIANT, Dexter wishes to determine its volume. (So many
volume questions, eh?).
If the home is to be built between the planes x y z 10 and z 2 , and the x- and y-axes,
determine its volume.
6. Dexter wishes to act a cooking stove to his new home. And, just in case he needs to dispose of
anybody (any body?), he needs to make the exhaust system with sufficient capacity.
Determine the necessary volume if the stove pipe has the following specifications:

- Cylinder with formula x+y=5 between z=9 and z=15.

7. Dexter would like to send a gift to his son Harrison. He decides to make a bowl. If the bowl is a
quarter sphere with radius 4 m, determine its volume using a triple integral. Also, determine
how much it would cost to ship, given that shipping costs $10/m?

Much like the series finale, Im not sure how to end this exam. Hmm

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