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Journal Table 5

Column 1 Column 2
in Column 1: I ask you to use your final B) Discuss your rationale for the Funds of
observations and interactions to further Knowledge Data Graphic (This is NOT your
explore your initial answer to Prompt Clinical Site pictures) that you placed on the
Question Set #4 (See your Journal Table #4) Digital Ethnography Clinical Site page to
illustrate the assets, strengths, and
These students have many strengths and resources possessed by the learner(s)
assets they bring to the table, the question of examined in your clinical setting
the matter was just figuring out how to see
which skills each learner possessed. I went My funds of knowledge data graphic was
about this many ways, such as observing the composed to show what I learned, how I
learnings and growing close to them learned it, and why I learned it. This was very
personally creating working relationships important, so I could see what I had learned
with them. Expounding on journal table #4 I from these learners. Having the opportunity
have learned the way these learners prefer to work in an educational environment with
to learn and gain knowledge. They were not these students was very helpful and worked
always very receptive to me, however I felt to concrete my wishes to teach. Being able to
that if you were genuine with the learners make positive relationships with the students
they will be more responsive towards you. was great and helped me to further my
learning in the educational environment.
A) Digital Ethnography Analysis Strategy
to help you answer Parts A and B. Part A)
How do the EDFD 400/401 and EDFD
460/461 courses, taken together, help you
now interpret the 3 parts of the Pedagogical
Triangle listed in the Teacher Noticing PPT?

Both classes intertwine helping the other

with extra knowledge for each class. These
classes help interpret the pedagogical
triangle through showing how the content,
student and teacher all intersect. The teacher
must know how the student reconceives the
content to further their teaching progress.
The student has a relationship with the
teacher and the teacher should work to
understand the student. These classes have
showed me that you can use the Funds of
Knowledge approach to uncover the
strengths and assets of many learners.
Furthermore, the teacher must understand
their created content and be able to make it
interesting and valuable to the learner.

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