Physiological Analyses of The Hydrogen Gas Exchange in Cyanobacteria

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Journal of

Photochemistry Y
ELSEVLER Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 43 ( 1998) 146-I 5 I

Physiological analyses of the hydrogen gas exchange in cyanobacteria

Refat Abdel-Basset, Klaus P. Bader *
Lehrstrthlftir Zellphysiologie, Fakultiitfiir Biologic, Universitiif Bielefeld, Post&h 100131, D-33.501 Bielefeld, Germany

Received I I February 1998: accepted 14 April 1998


Mass spectrometric analysis of the light-induced hydrogen gas exchange in the cyanobacteria Oscillatoriu chalybeu, Synechocystis PCC
6803, Synechococcus PCC 6301 (Synechococcus leopoliensis; Anacystis niduluns) and Synechococcus elongatus has been carried out by
direct detection of molecular hydrogen at m/e = 2 in the H/D collector of a delta mass spectrometer. The time curves of the signals reveal
an initial outburst of hydrogen at the onset of light, with a subsequent superimposition of a hydrogen uptake in the case of Oscillatoriu
chalybea. With in vivo cultures of Svnechocystis PCC 6803, which have not been shown to photoevolve molecular hydrogen so far, we are
able to measure very small but clearly detectable evolution and uptake signals. The principal qualitative features of the transition from
hydrogen evolution to uptake duringthe illuminationperiodin the casesof Oscillutoriu chalybea and Synechocystis PCC 6803 are about
identical. Upon addition of increasing concentrations of the protonophore carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP), an increased
stable hydrogen photoevolution shows up with the hydrogen uptake being completely suppressed. In the case of Oscillutoria chal.vbeu this
effect is obtained with 5 J.LM CCCP, whereas with Synechocystis PCC 6803 generally higher CCCP concentrations are required to stabilize
the hydrogen evolution over time. However, in the presence of CCCP the hydrogen evolution from Synechocystis PCC 6803 (which is nearly
negligible in the controls without additions) reaches values very similar to those observed with Oscillatoria chalybea. The stimulatory effect
of CCCP is clearly distinct from an uncoupling of electron transport and photophosphorylation, as the addition of ammonium chloride inhibits
hydrogen evolution but exerts the expectedeffect of stimulationof photosynthetic oxygenevolution.However,modificationof thepH value
of the reaction buffer results in a clear dependency of the hydrogen gas exchange on the external proton concentration. Basic pH values at
about > 9 diminish the gas exchange signal as a whole. Acidic pH at about 4-5 substantially increases the evolution and decreases the uptake
part of the gas exchange signals. Thus, at a pH of 4.4, the hydrogen gas exchange signal largely corresponds to the one observed with an assay
at pH 7.5 but in the presence of CCCP. When the cyanobacterial reaction assays are flushed with pure nitrogen or with N,/CO, ( I%), the
hydrogen evolution rates are by no means decreased; in some cases the hydrogen photoevolution appears rather to be stimulated by the
presence of CO, in the flushing gas. Concomitant recording of the light-induced carbon dioxide reveals a strong initial CO2 uptake which is
substantially diminished within the first minute of illumination. Thus, mass spectrometric analysis of the light-induced carbon dioxide gas
exchange favours the CO, concentrating mechanism discussed for cyanobacteria rather than the light activation of a dark inactive Calvin
cycle. 0 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Photosynthesis; Mass spectrometry; Hydrogen photoevolution; Carbon dioxide; Cyanobacteria

1. Introduction dioxide in green algae [ 71. Apparently the plastoquinone

pool of the photosynthetic electron-transport chainisrequired
In a variety of cyanobacteria the participation of hydrog- for this uptake reaction, as can be derived from the DBMIB
enase(s) in the light-induced evolution of molecularhydro- (2,5-dibromomethylisopropyl-p-benzoquinone) inhibition;
genhasbeendemonstratedand describedwith respectto their an implication of the ATP supply, i.e., the energy statusof
physiological and genetic properties [ 1,2]. An uptake the cells, has also been discussed[ 8,9 J. A secondenzyme
hydrogenasewhich appearsto be associatedwith the thyla- that is presentin cyanobacteria is called reversible hydroge-
koid membranescatalysesexclusively the oxidation of hydro- naseand catalysesboth the uptakeof hydrogen and the reduc-
gen, thereby consumingthe very hydrogen which hasbeen tion of protons [ lO,l 11. Although even some genetic
formed during nitrogen fixation [ 3-61. This reaction might approacheshave been made to characterize cyanobacterial
be seen in connection with the photoreduction of carbon hydrogenases[ 12-141, there is little information to date on
the physiological properties of hydrogen-evolving and -con-
* Corresponding author, Fax: +49-521-106-64-10; E-mail: bader8 suming cyanobacteria. In particular, the regulation of the two

101 l-1344/98/$19.00 0 1998 Elsevier Science .%A. All rights reserved.

PII SlOl l-1344(98)00097-9
R. Ahdel-Basset, K.P. Buder/ Journal ojPhotochemistp and Photobiology B: Biology 43 (1998) 146-151 147

counteracting reactions is far from understood. This might be This medium contains I g I- sodium nitrate and we have
due to the fact that in general a reaction rate of the gas shown in a previous paper that Oscillatoria chalybea does
exchange is determined and to the technical specificities to not fix atmospheric nitrogen under these conditions. Hence,
record the reaction dynamically and continuously. hydrogen gas exchange cannot be derived from nitrogenase
This requirement can be fulfilled by a mass spectrometric activity 1251. Protoplasts from Oscillatoriu chalybea were
set-up with which we were able to demonstrate the hydrogen isolated according to the procedure involving enzymic diges-
gas exchange in the filamentous non-heterocystous nitrogen- tion (glucuronidase, cellulase) essentially as described ear-
fixing cyanobacterium Oscillatoria chalybea. This organism lier [26].
exhibits a strong hydrogen evolution upon illumination with Synechocystis PCC 6803. Synechococcus PCC 6301 and
short (5 ps) light flashes or with continuous light; the evo- Synechococcus elongatus were cultivated in gas wash bottles
lution is, however, diminished by a counteracting hydrogen flushed with air containing 2% CO2 (5% CO, in the case of
uptake that is initiated a few seconds after the onset of light Synechococcus elongatus) for two to four days. Details of
and which exceeds the evolution within the first minute of the procedure have been described by Michel et al. [ 271. The
illumination [ 151. A similar transition in the hydrogen gas thermophilic cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus was
exchange has been described for Chlamydomonns and inter- cultivated at 50C in the culture medium outlined by Casten-
preted in terms of the light activation of a dark inactive Calvin holz [28]. These cyanobacteria were directly used for the
cycle, so that during an illumination period increasingly more measurements without any preparation.
electrons are used for the reduction of carbon dioxide [ 161.
In the present paper we, therefore, approached a furtherphys- 2.2. Mass spectrometric analysis
iological analysis of the cyanobacterial hydrogen gas
exchange together with a direct consideration of the light- This was carried out with a modified delta Stable Isotope
induced carbon dioxide uptake. Moreover, we investigated Ratio Mass Spectrometer from Finnigan MAT (Bremen,
the effect of the protonophore carbonyl cyanide m-chloro- Germany). The various modifications of the inlet system and
phenylhydrazone (CCCP) on the hydrogen gas exchange in the whole set-up, leading to a substantial increase in the
Oscillatoria chalyben and Synechocystis PCC 6803. This sensitivity and to an improvement of the response time for
compound is often used as an uncoupler of photophosphor- dynamic measurements in particular. have been described
ylation from the electron transport, but also as ADRY (accel- earlier [29]. The calibration of the set-up for the precise
eration of the deactivation reactions of the water-splitting quantification of the respective gas signals (oxygen, hydro-
enzyme system Y) reagent for the fast deactivation of the gen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide) has also been outlined
higher oxidized S-states [ 17-201. Consequently, the direct [ 30,25 1. Hydrogen evolution and uptake were dynamically
effect of CCCP on the photosynthetic oxygen evolution usu- registered at m/e = 2 in an H/D collector and recorded on an
ally consists of an inhibition in many cases [ 211, but inter- SE 130-03 three-channel recorder from Goertz Metrawatt.
estingly not in all cases when a silicomolybdate-driven The signals were obtained by illumination of the cyanobac-
instead of a ferricyanide-driven Hill reaction was measured. terial assays containing about 25 kg Chl in 0.15 M Tricine/
Moreover, a cyclic electron flow via cyt bss9, which might be 0.3 M KC1 (pH 7.5) with a Leitz projector through a red filter
catalysed by CCCP, has been discussed. In this sense elec- transmitting light of 701 nm or by flashing with white light
trons appear to cycle around photosystem II with CCCP func- (vide infra).
tioning as a redox component that is oxidized on the donor
side and reduced on the acceptor side [ 22,231. 2.3. Oxygenjash measurements

These measurements were performed on a large bare sur-

2. Materials and methods face electrode (three-electrode system) developed and
described in Ref. [ 3 11. Flashes were supplied by the Stro-
2.1. Cyanobacteria boslave 1539A from General Radio (Concord, MA, USA)
and triggered by a laboratory-built pulse generator. At half
The experiments were carried out with Oscillatoria chal- intensity the flashes were 5 l~s long and spaced 300 ms apart.
ybea, Synechocystis PCC 6803, Synechococcus PCC 6301 The amperometric oxygen signals were processed by using
(Synechococcus leopoliensis; Anacystis nidulans) and Svne- the calculation program developed by Schulder et al. for an
chococcus elongatus. Atari Mega ST4 computer [ 321.
Oscillatoria chalybea originated from the Algal Collection
in Giittingen (Germany) and has been cultivated for years in
our laboratory on large clay plates as porous mechanical 3. Results and discussion
support in Petri dishes. The cultures were kept in aclimatized
room at 26C with a 14 h light/l0 h dark cycle at a light In a previous paper we have shown the time-resolved
intensity of approximately 12 PE m- s-. The culture hydrogen gas exchange of a filamentous non-heterocystous
medium was medium D described by Kratz and Myers [ 241. cyanobacterium (Oscillatoria chalybea) under strictly
148 R. Abdel-Basset. K.P. Bader/Joumal of Photochemistry and PhotobiologJa B: Biology 43 (1998) 146151

same (qualitative) type of reaction but only with a very small

(a) (b) reaction rate (about l-5% of the Oscillatoria signals) and a
generally less pronounced uptake portion of the gas exchange
(Fig. 2(a) ) . However, in this case addition of CCCP exerted
an enormous stimulatory effect on the hydrogen evolution;
in the presence of CCCP the hydrogen evolution of Synecho-
cystis qualitatively and quantitatively corresponded to the
Oscillatoria signals. Thus, it looks as if the observation that
no hydrogen appeared to be evolved by Synechocystis was

Fig. 1. Mass spectrometric

v lmin

recording of the hydrogen gas exchange in Oscil-

due to the counteracting uptake and evolution reactions anni-
hilating each other. Under the condition of an inhibited uptake
and/or a stimulated evolution, a substantial net evolution also
Iatoria chalybea detected at m/e = 2 induced by illumination with red light showed up with this cyanobacterium (Fig. 2(b) ) . This com-
(701 nm) for 1 min. (a) Control assay containing 25 pg Chl without
pares with the observation made by the group of Bothe, who
additions. (b) Identical assay but in the presence of 5 (*M CCCP yielded a
net hydrogen evolution of 1.4 nM Hz. described a strong photoevolution of hydrogen with Syne-
chocystis PCC 6803, but only in the presence of methylviol-
anaerobic conditions and upon illumination with continuous ogen/dithionite and other effecters [H. Bothe, personal
red light or with 5 ks light flashes, respectively. The initial communication, and Ref. [ 3411. However, in the case of
phase of the light-induced evolution of molecular hydrogen Synechocystis, the CCCP-stimulated evolution was less sta-
lasted only for about 10 s and was significantly superimposed ble and required higher CCCP concentrations (40 p,M or
by an uptake phenomenon which exceeded the evolution in more) for an optimal effect (Fig. 2(c) ). Under identical
early phases of the illumination and resulted in a net uptake conditions we observed no mass-spectrometrically measur-
signal of the overall gas exchange (see Ref. [ 151 and Fig. able hydrogen gas exchange with either Synechococcus PCC
1 (a) ) . The ratio between evolution and uptake could by no 6301 (Synechococcus leopoliensis; Anacystis nidulans) or
means be influenced or shifted, e.g., towards a higher evo- the thermophilic cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus.
lution rate: addition of various substrates or pyridin nucleo- The effect of CCCP on the cyanobacteria investigated is
tides had no effect (results not shown). With otherorganisms clearly distinct from its property of being an uncoupler of
such as the unicellular green alga Scenedesmus obliquus, the photophosphorylation, as another well-known uncoupler,
photoproduction of hydrogen could be substantially ammonium chloride, induced a concentration-dependent
increased by addition of glucose, ethanol or acetate [33]. inhibition of the hydrogen evolution (Fig. 3(a) ) but exerted
Upon addition of the protonophore CCCP, however, the the usual effect on the photosynthetic oxygen evolution,
hydrogen evolution in Oscillatoria chalybea was strongly namely a stimulation (Fig. 3 (b) ) . Under the assumption that
stimulated and stabilized during the experiment. Concomi- NH&l diminishes the trans-membrane proton gradient in
tantly, the above-mentioned hydrogen uptake was completely these cyanobacteria as well, it appears that a stable proton
inhibited or suppressed to zero. Thus, the overall gas gradient is even required for hydrogen evolution and by no
exchange consisted exclusively of an evolution signal in the means limits the electron transport. In the case of oxygen
presence of 5 FM CCCP (Fig. 1(b) ) . The coccoid cyano- evolution, CCCP substantially decreased the signals as has
bacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803, which had hitherto been been repeatedly described in the literature [ 2 1,231. Fig. 4
shown to photoevolve no or only minimal amounts of molec- shows the inhibitory effect of 3 p,M CCCP on the oxygen-
ular hydrogen in control assays without additions [H. Bothe, evolution amplitudes in Oscillatoria chalybea induced by a
personal communication], was in fact able to perform the train of 5 p,s flashes according to the Kok model. This effect

Syncrhoqy.stk PCC 5803 6 syncchoystis PCC6803 (I
5 z
5 5p CCCP
I Control
P 4- PL
t t 2:
I i-4
? Light on on
, lmin , lmin
i? ligh fon -

Fig. 2. Mass spectrometric recording of the hydrogen gas exchange in Synechoqstis PCC 6803 detected at m/e = 2 induced by illumination with red light (701
nm) for 1 min. (a) Control assay containing 25 pg Chl without additions. (b) Identical assay but in the presence of 5 pM CCCP. (c) Identical assay but in
the presence of 40 p.M CCCP. Sensitivity and all other conditions were as in Fig. 1.
R. Abdel-Basset. K.P. Bader/ Joumol of Photochemist? and Photobiolog? B: Biology 43 (1998) 146151 149

(a) @I m/e = 32

Control 4 10 Flashes

1mM NHbCl Control

1OmM NH&
i R

T t t10 Flashes 10 Flashes

10 Flashes

-L--- 1 min

Fig. 3. Effect of ammonium chloride on the flash-induced hydrogen evolution detected at m/e = 2 (a) and on the photosynthetic oxygen evolution measured
at m/e = 32 (b). The signals represent the cumulated net evolution amplitudes obtained by a series of ten 5 ps flashes spaced 300 ms apart.

can be correlated with the property of CCCP as being an As it has also been suggestedthat CCCP might supply
ADRY reagent, which means that the higher oxidized redox protons for photosynthetic reactions [ 231, we investigated
states SZ and S3 are deactivated at a higher rate during the the effect of the pH of the reaction medium on the light-
dark time between flashes [ 17-l 91. Consequently, at a given induced hydrogen evolution in cyanobacteria. Fig. 5 shows
flash frequency lower oxygen yield amplitudes are obtained that in fact an increase in the proton concentration of the
in relation to the controls. Thus, the inhibitory effect of CCCP respective assayby lowering the pH resultedin a net increase
in the case of hydrogen uptake and the stimulation of hydro- in the hydrogen evolution and concomitantly in the complete
gen photoevolution must be explained by a different mech- abolition of the uptake signal. At pH 5.8 the hydrogen-evo-
anism. From reports in the literature, it has been concluded lution signal was maximally enhanced,whereasat pH 4.5 no
that CCCP inhibits the photosynthetic electron transport at uptake signal at all could be detected and the recording asa
the level of the cytochrome Wfcomplex and/or in the vicin- whole strongly resembledthe gas exchange in the presence
ity of the oxygen-evolving complex [35]. Later, it was of 5 PM CCCP, although the steady-statehydrogen evolution
reported and discussed in more detail that CCCP catalyses a appearedlessstablein the caseof acidic pH. Our observations
cyclic electron flow by the oxidation of cyt bss9 [ 221 or the show that the light-induced evolution of molecularhydrogen
membrane pool of plastoquinone [36]. In this sense, the can be maximized by carrying out the reaction in the presence
chemical might function as a redox component that is oxi- of CCCP, which might beof interest underthe appliedaspects
dized and reduced by the respective components of the elec- of photobioreactors where the counteracting oxidation of
tron transport chain. hydrogen would be highly unfavourable. Further technical
and principle problemsrelevant to the concept of an efficient
use and application of photobioreactors have recently been
outlined [ 371. The observation that aninduction of hydrogen
evolution in the caseof an inactive S~~choc~stis PCC 6803
control assay can be achieved by CCCP addition (vide


Flash Number on
Fig. 4. Effect of the protonophore CCCP on the flash-induced oxygen evo- , lmin
lution pattern in the frame of the coherent Kok model analysed on the flash
electrode system developed by Bader et al. [ 291. A sequence of 15 flashes
was given after a dark adaptation time of 20 min on a control assay and an Fig. 5. Mass spectrometric recording of the light-induced hydrogen gas
identical assay containing 3 FM CCCP. Flashes were 5 ks long and spaced exchange in Oscillatoria chalybea in reaction media of different pH values.
300 ms apart. Note that none of the assays contained CCCP. Conditions as in Fig. 1 (a).
150 R. A&de/-Basset, K.P. Bader/Journal qfPhotochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 43 (1998) 146-151

supra), but in this case not with a corresponding shift in the continuouslight. However, the direct time-dependentrecord-
pH value, remains to be elucidated. ing of the carbon dioxide uptake clearly showsthat absolutely
The transition from a strong proton reduction to an increas- no light-induced activation of the CO? fixation has to be
ingly significant oxidation of hydrogen has been tentatively considered.On the contrary, it wasalways observedthat after
explained by the assumption that during early phases of an a short period of strong initial uptake, the reaction was
illumination after a sufficiently long dark adaptation, the Cal- decreasedduring the illumination so that in extreme cases
vin cycle might be inactive so that relatively few electrons even a net surplus in the carbon dioxide concentration was
can be used for carbon dioxide assimilation; in this case attained. Thus, our observationsclearly contradict the theory
protons tend to be reduced. After the onset of light, however, of light activation developed by Greenbaumsgroup for so-
the Calvin cycle is activated so that increasingly more elec- called photosystem I free mutants of Chlamydomonas
trons are funnelled from proton reduction into this metabolic [ 38,161 which, however, turned out to be photosystem I
pathway and hydrogen is even used as a substrate [ 38,161. contaminated following experiments in our laboratory
In order to investigate this interpretation, we analysed the [39,40]. However, our results perfectly match the time
effect of carbon dioxide on the photoevolution of hydrogen coursesof carbon dioxide gasexchangedescribedby Kaplan
and compared the light-induced hydrogen gas exchange at [41] and explained with an internal CO,-concentrating
m/e = 2 with the carbon dioxide assimilationdetectable at mechanismin cyanobacteria with the possibleparticipation
mle=44. of carboxysomes. By meansof a so-called carbonic anhy-
When the cyanobacterial thylakoids wereflushedwith 99% drase-like entity, CO, from the outside might be converted
N7/1% CO2 instead of pure nitrogen, the hydrogen back- to HCO,- so that a constant passive influx takes place in
ground signalwas enhanced,which suggestsa stimulation of accordancewith the permanentdiffusion gradient [ 42,431.
the dark evolution of hydrogen. Moreover, we observedabso-
lutely no inhibition of the light-induced hydrogen evolution
and also the superimposedhydrogen uptake appearedto be Acknowledgements
comparableunderboth conditions; in somecaseseven a stim-
ulation of the hydrogen evolution might be discussedinstead The generousfinancial support provided by the Alexander
( resultsnot shown). The transition betweenthe initial hydro- von Humboldt-Stiftung (R.A.-B.) and by the DeutscheFor-
gen evolution andthe subsequenthydrogen uptake. however, schungsgemeinschaft(K.P.B.) is gratefully acknowledged.
appearedto be clearly distinct from any interaction or inter- We thank Dr K.P. Michel, Mr D.P. Stephanand Mr P. Exss-
relationship betweenproton reduction and/or hydrogen oxi- Sonnefor the cultures of SynechocystisPCC 6803, Synecho-
dation on the one hand and the light activation of the Calvin coccusPCC 6301 and Synechococcuselongutus.
cycle on the other hand. Fig. 6 depictsthe direct recording of
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