PBT 01 EFT Overview

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Payments Basic Training

Module 1: EFT Overview

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Module Introduction
Introduction to Payments Basic Training (PBT)
EFT Concepts
Payments System Overview
Course duration
o day (3 hours)

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Section 1: Introduction to PBT
Training structure
Module scope

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
Training Structure

Three types of courses
Payments Basic Training (PBT)
Payments Specialized Training (PST)
Payments Development Training (PDT)

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
Training Structure

Core Modules
Module 1: EFT Overview
Module 2: Realtime
Module 3: PostCard
Module 4: Office

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
Training Structure

Elective Modules
Additional modules environment specific
Module 5: ATM Driving
Module 6: eSocket.POS
Module 7: TermApp

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
Module Scope

Main Sections
EFT Concepts
EFT concepts (incl. S1-specific concepts)
Payment cards (PANs and routing)
Payment flows (consumer transactions and settlement)
EFT protocols (draft capture and ISO 8583 messages)

Payments System Overview

S1 payments product family
S1 payments solutions

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
Evaluation and Certification

Evaluation and Certification

PBT Certificate
o Questions from modules 15

o Less than 64% Attendance
o Between 65% and 84% Competence
o 85% and greater Achievement

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Section 2: EFT Concepts
Introductory concepts
Point-of-sale environment
ATM environment
Cards and routing
Payment cycle
Basic S1 payments terminology
EFT protocols
Transaction integrity
Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.
Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview

Terminology 1
Electronic funds transfer (EFT)
Card acceptor (merchant)
Acquirer (merchant account provider)
Card association ( EFT network)

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview

Terminology 2
Authorization and capture
Downstream versus upstream
On-us, not-on-us, remote on-us
Primary account number (PAN)
Bank identification number (BIN)

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
Point-of-Sale Environment

Entities in a Point-of-Sale (POS) Environment

Cardholder Merchant Acquirer (or merchant Card association Issuer

(or card acceptor) Account provider) (or network)

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
ATM Environment

Entities in an ATM Environment

Cardholder Card acceptor Acquirer Network Issuer

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Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
ATM Environment

On-us Transactions

Cardholder Issuer-owned ATM Issuer

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Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
ATM Environment

Not-on-us Transactions

Cardholder Acquirer- Acquirer Network Issuer

owned ATM

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
Cards and Routing

o Acquirer: on-us or not-on-us?
o Network: which issuer?
o Issuer: which account?

Routing mechanism
o Primary Account Number (PAN)

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Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
Cards and Routing

Cards PAN


PAN primary account number

Usually 16 or 19 digits

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Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
Cards and Routing

Cards BIN


BIN bank identification number

First 6 digits
Identifies card issuer
Issued by card association or national standards body

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
Cards and Routing

Cards IID


IID individual account ID

Remaining digits (excluding the last digit)

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Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
Cards and Routing

Cards Check Digit

Luhn formula (Modulus 10)

Primarily of use in manual PAN entry
Detects single-digit errors and transpositions of
adjacent digits

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
Cards and Routing

Cards Tracks

Track 1

Track 1
o Cardholder details (name and courtesy title)
o Used by terminals not used by EFT processors

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
Cards and Routing

Cards Tracks

Track 3

Track 3
o Seldom used

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Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
Cards and Routing

Cards Tracks

Track 2

Track 2
o PAN + essential EFT data
o Numeric; Maximum 37 digits

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Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
Cards and Routing

Cards Track 2

5412345678901234 = 0612 101

PAN (max 19 digits)

Field separator
Expiry date (YYMM)
Service restriction code
Additional data (PVV/CVV)

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
Cards and Routing

Credit Card Statistics

2008 Global market share (in terms of purchase
o Visa 60.25%
o MasterCard 28.33%
o Amex 10.04%
o JCB 0.94%
o Diners 0.44%

2008 Visa Transactions in US

o Purchase volume $823.7 billion (2003: $540 billion)
o Purchase transactions 9.2 billion (2003: 6.5 billion)

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
Cards and Routing

Chip Cards 1
Integrated circuit chip (ICC)
Bigger storage capacity
Perform cryptographic calculations
o Offline PIN verification

Also known as EMV cards

o Europay
o MasterCard
o Visa

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
Cards and Routing

Chip Cards 2
Same basic information
o Expiry date
o Service restriction code

Supports the same routing mechanism as magnetic stripe

Compatible with existing EFT
network structure

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
Cards and Routing

Chip Card Statistics

As of May 2008
o 622 million chip cards issued
o MasterCard: 310 million ( of global portfolio)
o Visa: 262 million
o 8.2 million EMV acceptance points globally
o 68% of European POS points
o 56% of European ATMs

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
Payment Cycle

How money (value) flows between EFT entities
Two phases
o Consumer
Value flows to the consumer.
Consumer receives cash or goods/services.
EFT processors (e.g. S1 payments system)
EFT protocols (ISO 8583)

o Settlement
Value flows from the consumer (closes the cycle)
Merchant or terminal owner receives payment
Automated clearing houses or similar

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
Payment Cycle

Not-on-us ATM Transaction

1: Cardholders
Request: Amount + surcharge account debited

Cardholder Card acceptor Acquirer Network Issuer

(Bank B) (Bank A) (Bank B)
2: Money

3: Amount + surcharge +
interchange (switch) fee

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
Payment Cycle

Not-on-us POS Transaction

1: Cardholders
Request: Transaction amount account debited

Acquirer Network Issuer

Cardholder (Bank A) (Bank B)
(Bank B)
2: Goods

4: Amount

3: Amount
merchant fee
5: Interchange
(discount rate)

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
Basic S1 Payments Terminology

Realtime and External Entities

Downstream Source interface Sink interface Upstream

POS device Store server Realtime Network Issuer

(source entity) (sink entity)

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
EFT Protocols

ISO 8583
ISO 8583
o Most widely used EFT protocol
o Used by Realtime

o Message content
o Message Format
o Rules of exchange draft capture protocols

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
EFT Protocols

Draft Capture Protocols

Consumer phase two components
o Authorization
Verifies cardholder has sufficient funds
Funds reservation
Adjusts available balance (not ledger balance)

o Capture
Cardholders account debited
Ledger balance adjusted
Transaction completed/secured

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
EFT Protocols

Draft Capture Protocols

Four draft capture protocols (DCP)
o Paper
o Batch
o Store-and-forward
o Online

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
EFT Protocols

Paper Draft Capture

Auth request

Auth response

Terminal Acquirer Issuer

End of day: File

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
EFT Protocols

Batch Draft Capture

Auth request

Auth response

Batched advices
End of day
Advice responses
Merchant Acquirer Issuer

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
EFT Protocols

Store-and-Forward Draft Capture

Auth request

Auth response

End of day
Advice response
Merchant Acquirer Issuer

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
EFT Protocols

Online Draft Capture Single Message Pair

Tran request

Tran response

ATM Acquirer Issuer

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
EFT Protocols

Online Draft Capture Dual Message Pair

Tran request

Tran response


ATM response Acquirer Issuer

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
EFT Protocols

Summary of Draft Capture Flows

Paper Batch Store and Online


Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
EFT Protocols

ISO 8583 Messages

Flexible message format
Accommodates new requirements
Multiple variants
Protocol translation required between variants

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
EFT Protocols

ISO 8583 Messages

0200 101100110101 MAC

4 Bytes 8 (or 16) Bytes Variable length

Message type identifier

Data elements

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
EFT Protocols

Message Classes
Message class (first 2 digits)
01xx authorization
02xx transaction
03xx file update
04xx reversal
05xx reconciliation
06xx administration
08xx network management

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
EFT Protocols

Message Functions

Message function (last 2 digits)

xx00 request
xx20 advice
xx02 completion

Add 10 for response Add 1 for repeat

xx10 request response xx21 advice repeat
xx30 advice response xx03 completion repeat
xx12 completion response See page 123

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Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
EFT Protocols

Message Type Categories

Real-time messages
o Cardholder waits for transaction to complete
e.g. transaction requests
o No response time out

Store-and-forward messages
o Transaction complete from cardholders point-of-view
e.g. advices, completions, and reversals
o No response message repeated till response is received
o Inform recipient of final state of transaction
o Placed in S&F queue

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
EFT Protocols



1st bit indicates presence of bitmap 2

3rd bit Indicates presence of field 3, etc.

String of bits (ones or zeros) indicating the presence or absence of data

Each bitmap is 8 bytes (64 bits) long
Bitmap 1 relates to fields 264
Bit 1 of bitmap 1 indicates the presence/absence of bitmap 2
Bit 2 indicates the presence of field 2, etc.
Bitmap 2 relates to fields 65128

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
EFT Protocols

Data Elements
Fields may be
o Fixed length (e.g. Field 3 processing code)
o Variable length (e.g. Field 2 PAN)
Length indicated by first 13 digits

o Numeric (e.g. Field 4 tran amount)

o Alphanumeric (Field 45 track 1 data)

o Mandatory (e.g. Field 7 transmission date/time)

o Conditional (e.g. Field 35 track 2 data)
o Optional (e.g. Field 28 transaction fee)

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
EFT Protocols

Important Fields
Field number Description
2 Primary Account Number
3 Processing Code
4 Amount, Transaction
7 Transmission Date and Time
11 Systems Trace Audit Number
35 Track 2 data
39 Response Code
49 Currency Code, Transaction
52 Personal Identification Number (PIN) Data
127 Reserved for Private Use (S1-specific)

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
EFT Protocols

Field 127
Up to 999,999 bytes long
Used extensively by Realtime
Divided into subfields (239 sequentially)
Bitmap indicates which subfields are present

See page 128 for a list of more commonly used S1-specific subfields

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
Transaction Integrity

Introduction to Transaction Integrity

Customers view of a transaction = issuers view

ISO 8583 ensures transaction integrity in two situations:

o Lost responses
o Protocol translation

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
Transaction Integrity

Transaction Integrity: Lost Response

Downstream EFT Entities are primarily responsible for recovery
from failure upstream
o Comms failures en route to upstream entity
o Failure of upstream entity
o Comms failure affecting response message

If failure occurs downstream, responsibility usually lies with the

entity further downstream

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
Transaction Integrity

Upstream Failure

Online, no stand-in authorization

Downstream Processor Upstream

entity entity

0200 0200

Timed out

0420 0420

Timed out



Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
Transaction Integrity

Upstream Failure

Online, with stand-in processing

Downstream Processor Upstream

entity entity

0200 0200

Timed out

0420 0420



Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
Transaction Integrity

Late Response

Online, no stand-in authorization

Downstream Processor Upstream

entity entity

0200 0200

0210 Timed out


0420 0420

Late rsp 0210


Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
Transaction Integrity

Downstream Failure

Downstream Processor Upstream

entity entity

0200 0200

0210 0210
Timed out



0420 0420


Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
Transaction Integrity

EFT Protocol Translation 1

Online Store-and-forward

Downstream Processor Upstream

entity entity

0200 0100

0210 0110

Potential loss of transaction integrity when performing protocol

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.
Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
Transaction Integrity

EFT Protocol Translation 2

Online Store-and-forward

Downstream Processor Upstream

entity entity

0200 0100

0210 0110

0220 0220


Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Section 3: S1 Payments System Overview
S1 payments product family
S1 payments solutions

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
S1 Payments Product Family

The S1 Payments Product Family

Voice Reconciliation



eSocket.ATM Realtime Office

eSocket.web ledger

Network File Reports File

Host extracts Card extracts
systems production ACH

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
S1 Payments Product Family

Business Environments
Payments product family suited to several environments:
o Financial Institutions
o Retailers
o Telecom operators (mobile and fixed-line)
o Processors
o Networks
o Independent sales organizations (ISOs)

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
S1 Payments Product Family

Business Solutions
Driving ATMs
Performing card processing
Authorizing transactions (stand-in and full authorization)
Managing card production and PIN generation
Driving point-of-sale devices
Providing mobile and internet payment/banking
Switching transactions

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
S1 Payments Product Family

Core of installation

Realtime manages
o Online transaction processing
o Transaction security
o Integrity management
o Routing
o Card processing
o Currency conversion
o Batch reconciliation

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
S1 Payments Product Family

Realtime Interfaces
Interact with external entities
Provide protocol translation
Provide terminal driving capability
o Source interfaces only
o AtmApp Diebold and NCR ATMs
o TermApp POS terminals

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
S1 Payments Product Family

Realtime Consoles
Transaction querying
Terminal monitoring
Event logging
Transaction tracing

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
S1 Payments Product Family

Card management system

Provides the following services to issuers

o Card production management
o PIN management
o Card activation
o Validation and authorization services
o Risk profile management
o Not an account management system

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
S1 Payments Product Family

Transfers transaction data from Realtime to its own database

Provides post-transaction processing:

o Automatic reconciliation (match-and-kill)
o Extraction of transaction data
o Multi-party settlement including creation of payment (ACH) files
o Report generation

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
S1 Payments Product Family

Provides easy integration of third-parties with the S1
payments system

Components installed on foreign systems

Web servers and IVR eSocket.Web
Web-enabled ATMs eSocket.ATM
POS devices eSocket.POS

Enables systems to
Process EFT transactions (including EMV)
Switch transactions to Realtime

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
S1 Payments Solutions

Example Payments Solutions

ATM driving

Retail payments

Mobile prepay

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
S1 Payments Solutions

ATM Driving
Monitoring and
Advanced-function ATMs Pager alerts

Realtime banks


Office Networks
Conventional ATMs:
Diebold 911/912 Reports
NCR NDC+ ATM processors payments system

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
S1 Payments Solutions

Retail Payments
Monitoring and
Pager alerts

Realtime banks


Office Networks

POS with
Retailers payments system

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction | EFT Concepts | Payments System Overview
S1 Payments Solutions

Mobile Prepay
Monitoring and
Pager alerts

POS terminal Issuing

Realtime banks


Prepay host
Mobile Office


Mobile phone
Mobile operators payments system

Copyright 2009. S1 Global Ltd. All rights reserved.

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