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Tanner Bradley

Dr. Buchanan

The Olde Farm

1. Purpose
The Olde Farms mission statement is To provide an environment of rest
and relaxation that revitalizes and empowers our member and guests to
go back out and change the world.
2. Product
What is The Olde Farm and what services / experiences do they offer (pp.
298-300)? Identify and discuss the core product as well as the product

The services and experience that the Olde Farm offers is privacy
and confidentiality. They also offer an environment of peace and serenity
and a place to relax and revitalize yourself. The Olde Farms core values
are excellence, innovation and creativity, positive and inspiring, efficiency,
preservation and sustainability.
3. Projection

What is the projection of the market climate in terms of internal and

external factors (p. 301)? Include a SWOT analysis as part of this

The internal factors of the Olde Farm that would affect the market climate
would be the members and employees. The external factors which are
affecting the Olde Farm would be the location, the current state of the
economy, and the environment at the Olde Farm.
4. Positioning

In what ways does The Olde Farm create a distinctive image which
differentiates their product / service / experience from competitors (pp.
301-303)? Identify and discuss 1) the types of individuals who are
members, 2) the design of the product / service / experience, as well as its
benefits, 3) the price of the product / service / experience, and 4) the place
where the product / service / experience occurs. Also include branding as
part of the discussion.

The Olde Farm has a distinct image due to their policies on privacy and
confidentiality for its members and guests. The Olde Farm caters to
wealthy golfers, usually celebrities or public figures. The price of the Olde
Farm is very expensive. This is because there is a large up-keep to have
the state of the art facilities and golf course that they do it costs a lot of
5. Participants/Consumers

What is market segmentation and how can this process be used to

identify target consumers (p. 304)?

Marketing segmentation is the process of breaking large heterogenous

populations of sport consumers into smaller identifiable groups with similar
wants and needs. The target consumers The Olde Farm is searching for is
wealthy golfers and public figures.
6. Packaging

This is similar to Positioning (#4) but requires you to compile or bundle the
salient attributes of the product / service / experience so that you can
present it in the best possible manner to encourage selected targeted
individuals to purchase (p. 305). Packaging the core product of the sport
experience involves communicating the expectations of the product, and
providing such information before the point of purchase (POP) (p. 305).

The Olde Farms package is confidentiality, experience, and service.

These are very important details to/for The Olde Farm because their
members are very high profile and they want their members to feel relaxed
and not have to worry about being bothered by media during their stay at
The Olde Farm.
7. Pricing

What is the value of the product? How much does it cost? Identify and
discuss 1) consumer, 2) competitor, 3) company, and 4) climate as
outlined on p. 308 of the text.

The Olde Farms pricing is very expensive, but with good reason. This is to
keep the facilities in a state-of-the-art condition. Therefore, the upfront
dues for The Olde Farm are around $150,000. There is such a large price
because they want their members to have the best experience possible
while utilizing their membership at The Olde Farm.
8. Promotions:

What is your analysis of the 4 elements of Grunig and Whites public

relations theory in relation to The Olde Farm (p. 309)? The four elements
include 1) open and honest communication with the public, 2) images and
messages that are socially responsible, 3) cooperation with the public and
response to their interests, and 4) good faith relationships with the public.

What types of promotional activities currently 1) communicate the desire

image of the product / service / experience to the target audience, 2)
educate and inform the target audiences about the product / service /
experience and its benefits, and 3) persuade the target audiences to buy
the product / service experience (p. 309)? Discuss and include specifics
relating to the promotional mix such as advertising, publicity, etc. (p.

The Olde Farm primarily promotes within their membership. This is

because current members recommend potential candidates for
memberships. The Olde Farm does not place ads in newspapers or any
media looking for members because they want to keep it as private as
9. Place

How does the physical location provide a favorable or unfavorable effect

on The Olde Farms marketing plan (p. 312)?

The location of The Olde Farm is favorable to their marketing plan. This is
because the property is hidden in the Southwest Virginia Country, which
goes with the discretion that they want to keep for their members. If the
media isnt aware of where The Olde Farm is, then no one can disturb
their guests.
10. Promise

To what extent has The Olde Farms marketing plan process met its
promise to help achieve the organizations mission (p. 312)?

The Olde Farm strives to hold true to their word to provide an

environment of rest and relaxation that revitalizes and empowers our
member and guests to go back out and change the world by keeping
everything discrete from the public. This allows members to relax while
they are at The Olde Farm, where they have no worries about their
average life.

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