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Windsor High School

2017-2018 Student Grade Report 12/3/2017

Student# Last Name First Name Middle Name ID Number Sex Grade Birthdate
114102 McBride Ashley Jean 010005444 F 10 06/09/2002

Academic GPA Total GPA Credit Att and Cmpl Decile Rank & Class Size
(W) 3.7143 3.4286 (W) 3.7500 3.5000 40.00 40.00 3 & 451

1st 2nd 3rd 1st 4th 5th 6th 2nd

Per Course Title Teacher Name PR PR PR Sem PR GR PR Sem CI WH Comments

1 Spanish I Brant, J B B-
2 Avid 10 Godwin A A A pleasure to teach
3 Integ Math 2 Zimmer A A
4 Health Sandwina A+ A+
5 LFM Cortese A A A pleasure to teach
6 World Hist (H) Catelli B+ B-
7 English 9/10 (H) Fitzgerald B B-
8 Kinesiology Perrill B B A pleasure to teach

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