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This manual detail necessary information and procedures to become familiar with using the
AcSELerator Quickset application.

Overview 2

Settings Editor 3

Opening Settings Editor 5

1. Online Relay Upload 5

2. Create New Settings 6

3. Load previous settings 7

SELogic 7

Command Window 9

Database Management 10

Activation 10

Database Export 10

Management 11

HMI 11

Commands and Passwords 13

Passwords 13

Commands 13

The AcSElerator Quickset application is the primary mechanism for communicating, configuring and
monitoring the attached SEL protective relays. Figure 1 is the default page when the program is first
loaded and selection of items A, B, D or G will open their respective operations.


Figure 1 - Initial Program Start-up window with identifiers

A. Getting Started window, used open the welcome screen.

B. Create New Settings, initiate process to create offline settings editor

C. Open Saved Settings, initiate process to open previously saved settings

D. Save Settings, save current active settings to database

E. Read Settings from Device, read current settings from connected device

F. Sent Active Settings, update relay with current settings

G. Open Manager, opens options to modify offline settings or database

H. Open HMI window, opens the HMI of connected device

I. Open Command Window, opens embedded serial terminal window

Figure 2 - Getting Started window

Figure 2 is the getting started window which describes the operations available after program start-
up; there is the option to cause this widow to open at start-up (currently disabled).

Settings Editor

The settings editor is the primary programing environment for the relays, where the structure of the
dropdown menu is designed specifically for the connected or designed relay. Figure 3 contains the
settings editor for the SEL-787 relay while Figure 4 provides a comparison of the differences in the
configuration options between the SEL-421 and 751A. All settings are edited under their requisite
subsections and utilise SELogic programming.
Figure 3 - Settings Editor for 787 relay

Figure 4 - Settings Editor Dropdown comparison

Opening Settings Editor

There are three methods to access the requisite settings editor of the desired relay.

1. Online Relay Upload

This method is the easiest and quickest mechanism to open the required settings editor.

Step 1. Connect the desired relay to the PC via the available serial DB-9 connection cable.

Step 2. Open the communications parameters window, shown below, accessible via the
shortcut Ctrl + R or by navigating to the communications tab and selecting parameters.

Step 3. Select the active connection type to be serial, ensure the communication device is
set to the connection serial port, enter the Relay level 1 and 2 passwords in the fields
provided and select the correct baud rate then select APPLY or OK. If the baud rate is
unknown then select auto detect and select apply, the program will then begin detecting the
baud rate required (this process will take a while). The remaining serial parameters can
remain as shown.

Step 4. Select the Read Settings from Device button and the program will begin
uploading the current settings from the relay and the settings editor window will open
indicating the relay connected.
2. Create New Settings

This process requires the relay Part Number and FID in order to continue. These numbers can be
obtained from the relay front panel display under the status section.

Step 1. Select the Create New Settings button and the process will open the Settings
Editor Selection window.

Step 2. Select the Relay family; model number and version to match the FID of the relay the
click OK, the components being selected are highlighted in bold in the example view. The
program will then load the Device Part Number window.

Step 3. Modify all the fields such that the displayed P/N matches that of the relay then
select OK, the program will then open the requisite relay Settings Editor window.
3. Load previous settings

This process requires the existence of previously saved relay settings in the current active settings

Step 1. Select the Open Saved Settings button and the relay will display all the available
saved settings within the current active database, example shown below.

Step 2. Select the desired settings and select OK. The settings editor will then open with the
settings as previously saved.


SELogic is the programming language/mechanism to program the relay settings. It is a proprietary

coding mechanism which is essential Boolean and mathematical operators interwoven with access
to the relay words and targets to allow configuration of functionality. There is a free tutorial
available directly from the SEL website called Introduction to SEL relays available to download at This tutorial provides a basic introduction
to the operation and control of SEL relays and includes examples of programming using SELogic.
Figure 5 contains an example of the SELogic programming window for the configuration of the
ULTRIP configuration element; this allows easy and convenient programming using SELogic providing
access to a list of all available relay words and easy entry of logic operators. The field to the top is
the SELogic equation being developed, the bottom left is the relay word navigator and the right will
contain a list of available relay words after selecting a specific word bit field. This programming
widow is accessible by pressing the button next to the required configuration element, as illustrated
in Figure 6.
Figure 5 - SELogci programing window

Figure 6 - Settings editor field

Command Window

The command window, accessible by pressing the associated button , is a terminal program
which can be used to monitor, edit and control specific elements within the connected relay through
the use of commands. This also acts a window into the serial communications while the HMI,
settings upload, download or automated communications are in progress. To use the command
window the necessary access level may need to be activated, this can be achieved by using the
commands ACC and 2AC to input the required passwords and access restricted command
operations. The section in this manual titled
Commands and Passwords contains a list of commands and passwords common across all the
relays. The full extent of commands and passwords are contained within the respective relay
instruction manuals.

Database Management


In the event there is no active database which contains no useful settings available a previous or
external database can be activated by the following:

Step 1. Navigate to File and select the Activate Database menu item. A browser window will
then open.

Step 2. Use the browser to navigate to the location and select the required database file.

To activate an external database, the required database needs to have been created previously, If
this is not the case then the previous database may have been unintentionally deleted or no settings
have been saved previously.

Database Export

To copy the database to an external location the following steps should be followed:

Step 1. Navigate to file and select Database Manager or selecting the associated button ,
doing so will open the following, select the active tab to access the copy options.

Step 2. Create the database in the external location by clicking the browse button next to
the empty (red) Database B field and browse to an existing located database file or create a
new file click ok. A popup may occur asking to create the database file if it doesnt already
exist, select OK.

Step 3. Highlight the necessary settings within the current database and select the arrow
pointing to the other database location, the operation of the arrow is dependent upon the
selection of the Copy or Move toggles below.

Step 4.

The management of individual settings can be conducted through the following window, accessed
by navigating to file and select Database Manager or selecting the associated button , doing so
will open the following, select the active tab to access the copy options.

This window allows for individual settings to be renamed, duplicated to external files or deleted by
operation of the associated buttons. This also offers the mechanism to import or export settings to
and from text based files for configuration analysis without the use of the AcSELerator Quickset


The Human Machine Interface available through pressing the HMI button and only accessible
while an active relay is connected to the Quickset Program. The HMI provides displays to monitor
various metered elements and the status of relay elements and provides control of the various
functionality of the relay (I/O control, circuit breaker control and self-tests and alarm elements).
Figure 7 shows the HMI device overview for the SEL-787 relay including the available windows and
illustrates the structure of the HMI itself from navigation menu (left) and interface window (right).
Figure 7 - SEL-787 HMI Overview
Commands and Passwords


The following passwords and their associated access levels are common to all relays in the SEL
Protection and Monitoring System.

Access Level Command Password*


Level 2 2AC TAIL

*Note the passwords are case sensitive

Any other relay specific passwords can be obtained directly from the associated instruction manual.


The following commands are common to most of the relays in the SEL Protection and Monitoring
System and are used within the command window. Specific command options and their function are
detailed in the instruction manuals for each of the specific relay.

Command Function

2AC Request access level 2

ACC Request access level 1

ANALOG Test an analog output

BREAKER Display Breaker monitor data

CLOSE Close Breaker

EVENT display recent event monitoring data

GROUP Change active settings group

HISTORY Display an event history

METER Display metering data

OPEN Open Breaker

PULSE Pulse a digital output

QUIT Exit to Level 0

STATUS display or clear relay status

SUMMARY display recent event summary data

TARGETS Display internal binary variable values

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