Progress Report

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Introduction (Devin Conboy)

The Men in Black is a government organization responsible for policing foreign aliens and
dangers that arrive on Earth. As a result of the scope of work that the Men in Black performs,
the Men in Black requested federal funding to open a new office on the west coast of the United
States. This new office will allow better protection for the citizens of earth, allowing agents to
respond on the west coast of the United States instead of primarily being located on the east

Summary (Robert Quinlan)

This progress report is evaluating the current status of the construction of the new Men In Black
Headquarters and Agent Housing. This is located in the Western part of the United States within
a top secret zone. The headquarters will provide training areas, weapons development, agent
and alien housing, security for the Western United States against the enemies of humankind,
and an essential administrative command post for the Men in Black. This project is focusing on
four main tasks.

First, the containment and imprisonment of aliens. So far, all containment buildings and cells
have been constructed but are still awaiting the transfer of alien prisoners from the East Coast
facilities. This cannot happen until all staff have been adequately trained and prepared for duty.
Second, the development and storage of new technology. This includes our labs, weapons
development, and alien/foreign technology security. The storage facilities and labs have been
constructed and fully furnished however, we are still awaiting the transfer of technology from the
old facilities. We have also not hired a sufficient amount of employees to staff this wing or study
the technology.

Next, the housing of agents and employees. All barracks for agents have been constructed and
fully furnished. The utilities are in working order and prepared to support the entire population of
the facility. However, WIFI is a necessary tool for our agents to carry out their missions and has
not yet been installed. Therefore, agents cannot yet move into their rooms.

Finally, security for the new headquarters. Our security team has fully prepared a defensive
perimeter and added the appropriate countermeasures for all known alien technology. However,
this remote location has caused difficulties in establishing communication throughout the entire
base. Therefore, crews are still working on fixing this system and designing a new network that
will allow forces to communicate effectively.

Task 1. Containment and imprisonment of aliens(Logan Rampey)

Work completed:
All containment buildings have been constructed fully
Cells and containment units have been rated to meet industry standards
Rooms have been furnished and equipment has been supplied
Work remaining
Excess captive Aliens need to be transported from east coast
Agents need to be trained and hired for guard detail

Task 2. Technological development and storage(Tradarius Al-Hasnawi)

Work Completed:
Technology wing has been completed
More computers and assistants available for aliens entering from West Coast
Work Remaining:
Need to allocate employees to the new wing
Old technology hasnt been fully transported to new wing

Task 3. Agent housing (Devin Conboy)

Work Completed:
Construction complete on barracks and housing for all agents
All rooms and offices furnished
Utilities (Plumbing, Electricity) installed and functioning
Work Remaining:
WiFi installation still pending

Task 4. Security implementation. (Devin Conboy)

Work Completed:
Security Network is now in place at the new location
Alien Threat Countermeasures activated
Work Remaining:
Secure communications network still needs implementation

Costs (Devin Conboy)

All work completed thus far has used approximately $380,000,000 of the allocated
$500,000,000 of funding granted to the Men in Black for this expansion project. We estimate
that when all remaining work is completed, the project will be completed under budget by
approximately $35,000,000.

Appraisal of Progress to date(Logan Rampey)

With most of the construction finalized, the new east division of M.I.B. is ready to be delegated
leadership, assigned agents, and utilized. When a division coordinator is named, they can begin
to move agents, technology, and prisoners into the new buildings. The progress to date has
been efficient in terms of both time and resources. With the success we have seen thus far,
these final steps should take little time.

Conclusion and Recommendations (John Ruisi)

The current timeline of the completion of the new Men in Black office building is one month
ahead of schedule as of June 23, 2018. Phase one of the project was completed February 10,
2018. We are now well into Phase Two of development and working at peak efficiency.

The timeline was able to be shortened due to the fact that initial construction of the office was
able to be started fifteen days early, on November 1, 2017. We have also made additional
increases in efficiency due to our construction workers working in teams of three, each doing
eight hour shifts. This allows us to have a continuous group of workers making construction
progress twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

Recommendations that could be made to further improve efficiency would to increase the agent
presence at the new office location until its completion. Having this increase would allow for the
transfers of aliens from the east coast location to take place in a smooth manner with no
security risk.

With the great amount of success we have seen throughout the process of building our new
office, the Men in Black should start looking into talking with foreign governments about the
possibility of building office locations in other places around the world.

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