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of the

Margareta Nordin, P.T., Dr. Sci.

Director. Occupational and Industrial Orthopaedic Center (OIOC)
Hospital fOf Joint Diseases Orthopaedic Institute
Mt. Sinai NYU Health
Program of Ergonomics and Biomechanics, New York University
Research Professor
Department of Orthopaedi" and Environmental Heallh Science
School of Medicine. New York University
New York. New York

Victor H. Frankel, M.D., Ph.D., KNO

President Emeritus
Hospital for Joint Diseases OrthopaedIC Institute
Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery
New York University School of Medicine
New York, New York

Dawn Leger, Ph.D., Developmental Editor

Kajsa Forssen, Illustrator
Angela Lis, P.T., M.A.. Editorial Assistant


A wohl'r! Klllwtr (ornp.lny
l'hil.ldclphi'l B"llimore New"ork . london
[lucllOS Ailes' Hong Kong Sydney T{lkyo

Mechanics and biology have always fascinated dents in orthopaedics Ihal during the past 10 years
humankind, The irnportance or understanding have llsed the texl. This book is written for stu-
the biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system dents and with a major input from students and
cannot be underestimated, Much a([entian has will hopefully be used to edunHe students and res-
been paid in recent years to genetic and biomo- idents for many ~Iears to come. Although the basic
leClilar research, but the stlld~' of the mechanics information contained in the book remains largely
of structure and of the whole body s}'stcm is still unchanged, a considerable amount of extra infor-
of immense importance. Musculoskeletal ail- mation has been provided throughoul. ~Ve have
ments arc among the most prevalent disorders in also made a special point to document with the
the wodd and will continue to grow as the pop- key references any significant changes in the field
ulation ages. of biomechanics and rehabilitation.
Since the days when I first studied biome- It has always been m)' interest lO bridge the
chanics in Sweden with Carl Hirsch, through my gap between engineering knowledge and clinical
years as an orthopaedic surgeon, teacher, and re- carc and praclice, This book is written primarily
searcher, I have alway's emphasized combining for clinicians such as orthopaedists, physical
basic and applied research with clinical experi- and occupational therapists, clinical ergono-
encc, This text represents my fifth effort to inte- misls, chiropractors, and olher health profes-
grate biomechanical knowledge into clinical sionals who arc acquil-ing a working knowledge
training for patient carc. It is not a simple task of biomechanical principles for use in the evalu-
but by relating the basic concepts of biomechan- ation and treatment of musculoskeletal dysfunc-
ics to everyday life, rehabilitation. orthopaedics. tion. We only hope that if you find this book in-
traumatology, and patient care are greatly en- t~resting. you will seek more in-depth study in
hanced. Biomechanics is a multidisciplinary spe- the field of biomechanics. Enjo\' it. discuss it,
cialty, and so we have made a special effort to in- and become a beller clinician and/or researchcl:
vite contributors from many disciplines so that Vve are extremely proud that Basic Biome-
individuals from dilTerent fields may feel com- clUluics oj" the !\tlllscliioskeic/lli Sysle111 has
Fortable reading this book. been designated "A Classic" by the publishers,
Together with an invaluable team, Margareta Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. We Ihank the
Nordin and I have produced Ihis third edition of readers, students, professors, and all who ac-
Basic Biol1lechanics oFthe A'lusclt!o.\'keletal Systelll, quire thc tcxt and lise it.
The new edition is shall1cncc! and improved
thanks to the input from the students and resi VielO,. H. Frallkel, M.D., Ph.D., KNO


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Biomechanics uses physics and engineering con- ever possible. We retained the selected examples
cepts to describe the motion undergone by the to illustrate lhe concepts needed for basic knowl-
various body segments and forces acting on edge of the musculoskeletal biomechanics; we
these body parts during normal activities. The also have kept the important engineering con-
inter-relationship of force and motion is impor- cepts throughout the volume. We have added
tant and must be understood if rational treat- four chapters on applied biomechanics topics.
ment programs are to be applied to muscu- Patient case studies ancl calculation bo:'\cs have
loskeletal disorders. Deleterious effects may be been added to each chapter. \Ne incorporated
produced if the forces acting on the areas with flowcharts throughout the book as teaching tools.
disorders rise 10 high levels during exercise or The text will serve as guide to a deeper under-
other activities of daily living. standing of musculoskeletal biomcchanics gained
The purpose of this text is to acquaint the read- through funher reading and independent research.
ers with the force-motion relationship \vithin the The information presented should also guide the
musculoskeletal system and the various tech~ rt.'ader in assessing the literature on biomechanics.
niqucs llsed to understand these relationships. "Vc have attemptcd to provide therapcutic exam-
The third edition of Basic Biol1/eclwllics of rite ples but it was not our purpose to cover this area;
iHllScliloskeleral System is intended for use as a instead, \ve have described the undel'lying basis for
textbook either in conjunction with an introduc- rational therapcutic or exercise programs.
tory biomechanics course or for independent An introductory chapter describes the inlpor-
study. The third edition has been changed in lance of the study of biomechanics, and an ap-
many ways, but it is still a book that is designed pendix on the international system of measure-
for use by students who are interested in and ments serves as an introduction to the physical
want to learn about biomechanics. It is primarily measurements used throughout the book. The
written for students who do not have an engi- reader needs no more (han basic knowledge of
neering background but who want to understand mathematics to fully comprehend the material
the most basic concepts in biomechanics and in the book, but it is important to review the ap-
physics and how these apply to the human body pendix on the Sl System and its application to
Input from students has greatly improved this biomechanics.
third edition. We have used the book for 10 years The body of the third edition is then divided
in the Program of Ergonomics and Biomechanics into three sections. The first section is the Bio-
at New York University', and it is the students and mechanics of Tissues and Stnlcturcs of the Mus-
residents who have suggested the changes and culoskeletal System and covers the basic biome-
who have continuously shown an interest in de- chanics of bone, ligaments, cartilage. tendons,
veloping and irnproving this book. This edition muscles, and nenres. The second section covers
has been further strengthened by the contribu- the Biomechanics-of Joints, including every joint
tion or the students over the past year. \Vc formed system in the human body. Chapters range from
focus groups to understand better what thc stu- the foot and ankle through the cervical spine,
dents wanted and applied their suggestions wher- and co\'er eve I:" joint in between. The third sec-

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tion cover~ some topics in Applied Biomechan- oFthe kluscu/oskelela/ Syslel1l will bring about an
ics, including chapters on fracture fixation; increased awareness of the imparlance of bio-
arthroplasty; silting, standing and lying; and mechanics. II has never been our intention to
gait. These arc basic chapters that sl:l\r e to intra complL'tely cover the subject, but instead provide
c1uce topics in applied biomechanics: they arc a basic introduction to the field that will lead to
not in-depth explorations of the subject. further study or this important lopic.
Finally. we hope that the revision and expan-
sion of this third edition of" Basic 13io11leclulJIics Margarela NOf(!;11 alld Viclor H. Frankel

""at ~.,,;,~~~~ :,,~,~t,
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!Ii This book was made possible through the out- JUlian boxes. Angela look this book to her hear
standing contributions of many individuals. The and \ve arc all the bettcr for her passion an
chapter authors' knowledge and understanding of attention to detail.

the basic concepts of biomechanics and their The illustrator: Kajsa Forssen. has now worke
wealth of experience have brought both breadth on all three editions of this text. Her never-failin
and depth to this work. Over the past 10 years. grasp of hiomechanical illustrations, her simp
questions raised by students and residents have city and exactness of figures, is always appr
! made this book a better teaching tool. The Third ciated. In drawing all the figures and graphs, sh

I Edition could not have been done without the

students who have shared their cornmen(s and
considers how they would translate into a slide
into a computer-generated presentation. Kaj

really sCnItinizcd thc Second Edition. There arc Forssen is one of the top iIIustralOrs that we hav
too many names LO list here, but we thank each ever worked wilh, and she has been an importa
student who asked a question or made a sug- member of the publication (cam.
gestion during the course of his or her studies. This book was also made when publicatio
Special thanks to the students who panicipated companies I11ergcd and merged again, and in th
in several focus groups. whose input was in- end we are deeply grateful to Ulila Lushnyck
valuable in finalizing the contents and design of who has with her team at Lippincott \Villiams
the text. Wilkins been responsible ror the production. Sh
Vve are honored and grateful for the contri- has worked with tremendous energy and posiliv
butions of everyone who has worked to prepare thinking, put the book together in record spce
this new edition. 'vVe can honestly say that this and we fonvard our sincerest gratitude to he
third edition is written ror the sludent and by \Ne are also thankful for a development gra
students and residents who leave the classroom provided by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
with the knowledge to enhance our life and finance this effort.
existence. Our colleagues al the Occupational an
A book of this size with its large number of Industrial Orthopaedic Cenler and the Depar
figures, legends, and references cannot be pro- ment or Orthopaedics of the Hospital ror Joi
duced without a strong editorial team. As project Diseases Orthopaedic Institule functioned
editor, Dawn Leger's continuous effort and critical reviewers and contributors to th
perseverance and thoughtfulness shines through chapters. Special thanks is extended to Dav
the entire book. She has contributed not just to Goldsheydcl" for assislance in reviewing lh
the editing but also to logistics, and as a stylist, biomechanical calculation boxes. to Marc
as an innovator, and a friend. Our editorial Campello as a contributor and reviewer, and
assistant, Angela Lis, is a physical thcrapisl and Shira Schccter-vVeiner for contributing to th
recent recipient of the MA degree in Ergonomics spine chapteI: Much thanks to Dr. Mark Pitma
and Biomechanics from NYU. As a recent grad- 1'01' supplying vital x-rays ror the new edition. \,V
uate, Angela was also a recent USCI' of the book, are parlicularly grateful to DI: Markus Pielr
and she devoted several months to help finalize for contributing with the latcst on intr
this edition. She created the flowcharts and scru- abdominal pressure. to Dr. Ali Sheikhzadeh r
tinized all the figures, patient cases, and caku- reviewing chapters and contributing ne


references, to Dr. Tobias Lorenz for his work on iHuscllloskeletal System was supported through-
the first section, and to all other staff at the out its production by the Research and Develop-
Occupational and Industrial Orthopaedic Center ment Foundation of the Hospital for Joint
who have been managing the center while we are Diseases Orthopaedic Institute and the hospital
absorbed wilh the book. administration, to whom we forward our sincere
\'\Fe arc most grateful to Drs. Bejjani, Lindh, gratitude.
Pitman, Peterson, and Stuchin for their COI1l1j To all who helped, we say' again, thank yOLi
bUlions to the second cdition which sen'cd as a and TACK SA MYCKET.
framework for the updated third edition.
The third edition of Basic Biomechallics orEiIe klargareta Nordin and Victor fl. Frankel

Gunnar B. J. Andersson, M.D., Ph.D. Craig J, Della Valle, M.D.

Professor and Chairman NYU-HJD Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Hospital for Joint Diseases
Rush-Presbyterian-SI. Luke's Medical Center School of Medicine
Chicago, IL New York University
New York, NY
Thomas P. Andriacchi, Ph.D.
Biomechanical Engineering Division Victor H. Frankel, M.D., Ph.D., KNO
Stanford University President Emeritus
Stanford, CA Hospital for Joint Diseases Orthopaedic Institute
Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery
Sherry I. Backus, M.D., P.T.
New York University School of Medicine
Senior Research Physical Therapist and Research Associate NevI York, NY
Motion Analysis laboratory
Hospital for Special Surgery Ross Todd Hockenbury, M.D.
New York, NY River City Ortl1opaedic Surgeons
LouiSVille, KY
Ann E. Barr, Ph.D., P.T.
Assistant Professor Clark T. Hung, Ph.D.
Physical Therapy Department Assistant Professor
College of Allied Health Professionals Department of Mechanical Engineering and Center for
Temple University Biomedical Engineering
Philadelpllla, PA Columbia University
New York, NY
Fadi Joseph Bejjani. M.D .. Ph.D.
Director of Occupational Musculoskeletal Diseases Debra E. Hurwitz. Ph.D.
Department Assistant Professor
University Rehabilitation Association Department of Orthopaedics
Newark, NJ RushPresbyterian-St. Luke's lvIedical Center
Chicago, IL
Maureen Gallagher Birdzell, Ph.D.
Departmenl of Orthopaedic Surgery Laith M. Jazrawi. M.D.
Hospital for Joint DiseasesiMI. Sinai NYU Health NYUHJD Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
New York, NY Hospital for Joint Diseases
School of Medicine
Marco Campello, P.T., M.A. New York University
Associate Clinical Director New York, NY
Occupational and Industrial Orthopaedic Center
Hospital for Joint DiseasesiMI. Sinai NYU Health Frederick J, Kummer, Ph.D.
New York. NY Associate Director, Musculoskeletal Research Center
Hospital for Joint DiseasesiMt. Sinai NYU Health
Dennis R. Carter. Ph.D. Research Professor, NYU-HJD Department of Orthopaedic
Professor Surgery
Biomechanical Engineering Program Scl100l of Medicine
Stanford University New York University
Stanford, CA New York, NY

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Dawn Leger, Ph.D. Robert R. Myers, Ph.D.
Adjunct Assistant Professor Associate Professor
NYU-HJD Department of Orthopaedics Department of Anesthesiology
School of Medicine University of California San Diego
New York University La Jolla, CA
New York, NY
Margareta Nordin, P.T., Dr. Sci.
Jane Bear-Lehman, Ph.D., OTR, FAOTA Director, Occupational and Industrial Orthopaedic Center
Assistant Professor of Clinical Occupational Therapy (OIOC)
Department of Occupational Therapy Hospital for Joint Diseases Orthopaedic Institute
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons !vlt. Sinal NYU Health
New York. NY Program of Ergonomics and Biomechanics
New York University
Margareta Lindh, M.D., Ph.D.
Research Professor
Associate Professor Department of Orthopaedics and Environmental Health
Department of Physical MeeJicine and Rehabilitation Science
Sahlgren Hospital School of Medicine, New York University
Gothenburg University New York, NY
Gothenburg, Sweden
Kjell Olmarker, M.D., Ph.D.
Angela Lis, M.A., P.T.
Associate Professor
Research Physical Therapist Department of Orthopaedics
Occupational and Industrial Orthopaedic Center Sahlgren Hospital
Hospital for Joint DiseasesiMt. Sinai NYU Health Gothenburg University
New York, NY Gothenburg, Sweden
Associate Professor
Physical Therapy Program Nihat bzkaya (deceased)
(orporacion Universitaria Iberoamericana Associate Professor
Bogota, COLOMBIA Occupational and Industrial Orthopaedic Center
Hospital for Joint Diseases
Tobias Lorenz, M.D.
Research Associate Professor
Fellow Department of Environmental Medicine
Occupational and Industrial Orthopaedic Center New York University
Hospital for Joint Diseases/Me Sinai NYU Health NelN York, NY
New York, NY
Lars Peterson, M.D., Ph.D.
Goran Lundborg, M.D.
Gruvgat 6
Professor Vastra Frolunda
Department of Hand Surgery Sweden
Lunds University
Malmo Allmanna Sjukhus Mark I. Pitman, M.D.
Malmo, Sweden Clinical Associate Professor
NYU-HJD Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Ronald Moskovich, M.D.
School of lvIedicine
Associate Chief New York University
Spine Surgery New York, NY
NYU-HJD Department oj Orthopaedic Surgery
Hospital for Joint Diseases Andrew S. Rokito, M.D.
School of Medicine Associate Chief. Spons Medicine Service
New York University ASSistant Professor
New York, NY NYU-HJD Department 'Of Ortllopaedic Surgery
School of Medicine
Van C. Mow, Ph.D.
New York University
Director New York, NY
Orthopaedic Research Laboratory
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Columbia University
New York, NY
Bjorn Rydevik, M.D., Ph.D. Steven Stuchin, M,D.
Professor and Chairman Director Clinical Orthopaedic Services
Department of Orthopaedics Director Arthritis SefYice
Sahlgren Hospital Associale Professor
Gothenburg University NYU-HJD Department of Orthopaedics
Gothenburg. Sweden School of Medicine
New York University
G. James Sammarco, M.D. New York, NY
Program Director
fellowship in Adult Reconstructive Surgery Shira Schecter Weiner, M.A., P.T.
foot and Ankle Orthopaedic Surgery Program Research Physical Therapist
The Center for Orthopaedic Care, Inc. Occupational and Industrial Orthopaedic Center
Volunteer Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery Hospital for Joint Diseases/Mt. Sinai NYU Health
Department of Orthopaedics New York. NY
University of Cincinnati Medical Center
Joseph D. Zuckerman, M.D.
Cincinnati, OH
Professor and Chairman
Chris J. Snijders, Ph.D. NYU-HJD Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Professor Hospital for Joint Diseases
Biomedical Physics and Technology School of Medicine
faculty of Medicine New York University
Erasmus University New York, NY
Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Introduction to Biomechanics: Basic Biomechanics of the Foot

Terminology and Concepts 2 and Ankle 222
Niha! bzkaya, Dawn Leger G. James Sammarco, Ross Todd Hockenbury

Appendix 1: The System International (11) Biomechanics of the Lumbar Spine 2

d'Unites (SI) 18 Margareta Nordin, Shira Schecter Weiner,
Dennis R. Carter adapted from Margareta Lindh

trw Biomechanics of the Cervical Spine 2

~ Ronald Moskovich
Biomechanics of Tissues (f} Biomechanics of the Shoulder 318
and Structures Craig J. Della Valle. Andrew S. Rokito. Mauree
of the Musculoskeletal System Gallagher Birdzell, Joseph D. Zuckerman

Biomechanics of Bone 26 Biomechanics of the Elbow 340

Victor H. Frankel, Margareta Nordin Laith M. Jazrawi, Andrew S. Rokito, Maureen
Gallagher Birdzell, Joseph D. Zuckerman
Biomechanics of Articular
Cartilage 60 Biomechanics of the Wrist
Van C. Mow, Clark T. Hung and Hand 358
Ann E. Barr, Jane Bear-lehman adapted from
Biomechanics of Tendons Steven Stuchin, Fadi J. Bejjani
and Ligaments 102
Margareta Nordin, Tobias Lorenz, Marco

e Biomechanics of Peripheral Nerves

and Spinal Nerve Roots 126
Applied Biomechanics
~ Introduction to the Biomechanics
Bjorn Rydevik, Goran lundborg, Kjell Olmarker, of Fracture Fixation 390
Robert R. Myers Frederick J. Kummer

Biomechanics of Skeletal Muscle 148 Biomechanics of Arthroplasty 400

Tobias lorenz, Marco Campell0 Debra E. Hurwitz, Thomas P. Andriacchi, Gunn
adapted from Mark 1. Pitman, Lars Peterson B.J. Andersson

~.. , ([$ Engineering Approaches to Standing,

Sitting, and Lying 420
Biomechanics of Joints Chris J. Snijders

e Biomechanics of the Knee 176

Margareta Nordin, Vietor H. Frankel
ED Biomechanics of Gait
Ann E. Barr, Sherry l. Backus

o Biomechanics of the Hip 202

Margareta Nordin, Victor H. Frankel
Index 459

of the


'" I
Introduction to
Basic Terminology
and Concepts
Nihat OZkaya, Dawn Leger

Basic Concepts
Scalars, VeCtors, and Tensors
Force Vector
Torque and Moment Vectors
Newton '$
Free-Body Diagrams
Conditions for Equilibrium
Modes of Deformation
Normal and Shear Stresses
Normal and Shear Strains
Shl?ar5train Diagrams
Elastic and Plastic Deformations
Material Properties Based 011 Stress-Strain Diagrams
Principal Stresses
Fatigue and Endurance
Basic Biomechanics of the Musculoskeletal System
Part I: Biomechanics of Tissues and Structures
Part 11: Biomechanics of Joints
Part III: Applied Biomechanics
Suggested Reading
Introduction manual work conforms more closely to rhe physica
limitations of the human body and to natural bod
Biomechanics is considered a branch of bioengi- rnO\'cmCnlS, these injuries rnay be combatlcd.
neering and biomedical engineering. Bioengineer-
ing is an interdisciplinary field in which the princi-
ples and methods from engineering. basic sciences. Basic Concepts
and technology arc applied to design. test, and man-
ufacture equipment for use in medicine and to un- Biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system r
derstand, define, and solve problems in physiology quires a good understanding of basic mechanic
and biology!. Bioengineering is one of several spe- The basic terminology and concepts from mechan
cialty areas that corne under the general field of bio- ics and physics arc utilized to clcscribe intcrn
medical engineering. forces of the human body. The objective of studyin
Biomechanics considers the applications of clas- thcs~ forces is to understand the loading conditio
sical mechanics 10 the analysis of biological and of soft tissues and their mechanical responses. Th
physiological svstems. Different aspects of biome- purpose of this section is to rC\'jew the basic con
chanics utilize different parts or applied mechanics. cepts of applied mechanics that are used in biome
For example, the principles of statics havc been ap- chanical literature and throughout this book.
plied to analyze the magnitude and nature of forces
involved in various joints and muscles of the nUls-
culoskeletal system. The principles of dynamics
have been utilized for motion description, gait Most of the concepts in mechanics arc either scal
analysis, and segmental motion analysis and have or vector. A scalar quanlity has a magnitude onl
many applications in sports mechanics. Thc mc~ Concepts such as mass, energy', power, mechanic
chanics of solids provides the necessary tools for work, and temperalure are scalar quantities. For e
developing the field constitutive equations For bio- ample, it is suffkicnt to say that an object has 8
logical systems that are used to evaluate their func- kilograms (kg) of mass. A vector quanlity, con
tional behavior under dilTerent load conditions. The versely, has both a magnitude and a direction ass
principles of fluid mechanics have been used to in- ciated \vith it. Force, moment, velOcity, and accele
vestigate blood flow in the circulatory system, air ation arc exall'lples of vector quanlities. To describ
flow in the lung, and joint lubl'ication. a force fully. one must state how much force is a
Research in biomechanics is aimed at improving plied and in which direction it is applied. The ma
our knowledge of a vcry complex structure-the hu- nitude of a vector is also a scalar quantity. The ma
man body. Research activities in biomechanics can nitude of any quanlity (scalar or vector) is always
be divided into three areas: experimcntal studies, positi\'c number corresponding to the numeric
model analyscs, and applied research. Experimental measure of that quantity_
studies in biomechanics arc done to determine the Graphically, a vector is represented by an arrow
mechanical properties of biological materials, in~ The orientation of the alTow indicates the line of a
eluding the bone, cartilage, muscle, tendon, liga- tion and the arrowhead denotes the direction an
ment. skin, and blood as a whole or as parts sensc of the vectm: 'If 1110re than one vector must b
constituting them. Theoretical studies involving shown in a single drawing, the length of each arro
mathematical model analy1ses have also been an im~ must be proportional to the Inagnitude of the vect
ponant component of research in biomechanics. In it represents. Both scalars and vectors arc speci
general, a model that is based on experimental find- forms of a more general category of all quantities
ings can be used to predict the efrect of environ- mechanics called tensors. Scalars arc also known
mental and operational factors without resorting to "zero-01"(Ic1 tensors," whereas vectors aJ'e "firs
laboratory experiments. order tensors." Concepts such as stress and strai
Applied research in biomechanics is the applica- conversely, are "second-order tensors."
tion of scientific knowledge to bcnefit human bc-
ings. vVe know that musculoskeletal injury and ill-
ness is one of the primary occupational hazards in
industrialized countries. By learning how the mus- Force can be defined as mechanical disturbance
culoskeletal system adjusts to common work concli- load. Whcn an object is pushed or pulled, a force
tions and by developing guidelines to assure that applied on it. A force is also applied when a ball
thrown or kicked. A force <:\Cling on an object may TORQUE AND MOMENT VECTORS
deform the objecl, change its slale of m~lion, 0"1'
The effect of a roree on the object it is applied upon
both. Forces may be c1assif-lcd in variolls ways ac-
depends on how the rorce is applied and how the
cording to their effects on the objects to \vhicf'l they
object is suppo!"ted. For example, when pulled. an
arc applied or according to their orientation as con~
open door will swing about the edge along which it
pared with one another. For example, a force may
is hinged lO the wall. \-Vh'll eallses the door 10 swin cJ
be internal or external, normal (perpendicular) 0'1'
is the torque generated by the applied force abou~
tangential; tensile. compressive. 01" shear; gravita-
an axis that passes through the hinges of the door. If
tional (weight); or frictional. Any two or more forces
one stands on the free-end of a diving board, the
acting on (\ single body 111ay be coplanar (acting on
hoard will bend, What bends the board is the mo-
a lwo~dimcnsional plane surface); collinear (have a
mel1l of the body weight about the fixed end of the
common line of action); concurrent (lines of action
board. In general. torque is associated with the ro~
intersecting at a single point); or parallel. Note that
tnlional and twisting action of applied forces, while
weight is a special form of Force. The weight of an
moment is related to the bending action. However,
object on Earth is the gravitational force exerted bv
the mathematical defmition of moment and torque
Earlh on the mass of that object. Thc magnitude ~'r
is the same.
the wcighl of an object on Ea~t11 is equal t;the mass
Torque and moment arc vector quantities. The
of the object times the magnitude of the gravita-
magnitude of the tonlue Of rnoment of a force
tional acceleration, \vhich is approximately 9.8 mt>
about a point is equal to the mannitude of the
ters pCI' second squared (111/s 1). For exampl~, a 10-k<J
object weighs approximately 98 newtons (N) o~
force times the length of the shortc:t distance be-
tween the point and the line of action of the force
Earth. The direction of weight is always vertically
which is known as the lever or moment arm. Con~


Definition of torque. Reprinred with permission from DZkaya, N. (998). Biomechanics.

In w.N. Rom, Environmental and Occupationa( Medicine (3rd ed., pp, 1437~1454), New
York: LippincottRaven,
sider a person on an exercise apparatLls who is lion. Th~ larger the inertia of an object, the m
holding a handle that is attached to a cable (Fig. difficult it is to sel in motion or to SlOp if it is
I-I), The cable is wrapped around a pulley and at- rend)' in motion.
tached to a weight pan. The weight in the \veight Newlon's third law states that to every act
pan stretches the cable such that the magnitude F there is a reaction and that the forces of action a
of the tensile force in the cable is equal 10 thc reaction between interacting objects are equal
weight of the weight pan. This force is transmitted magnitude, oppositc in direction, and have
to the person's hand through the handle, At this in- same line of action. This law has important appli
stant, if the cable allached to the handle makes an tions in constructing free body diagrams.
angle 0 with the horizontal. then the force E ex-
erted by the cable on the person's hand also makes
an angle 0 with the horizontal. Let 0 be a point on
the axis of rolation of the elbow joint. To dcter- Free-body diagrams are constructed to help iden
mine the magnitude of the moment due to force f the forces and moments acting on individual pa
about 0, extend the line of action of force f and of a system and to ensure the correct use of
drop a line from 0 that cuts the line of action of F equations of mechanics La analyze the system.
at right angles. If the point of intersection or the this purpose. the parts constituting a system are i
twO lines is Q, then the dbtance d between 0 and lated from their surroundings and the effects of s
Q is the lever arm, and thc magnitude of the rno~ roundings arc replaced by proper forces and m
ment M of force E about the clbow joint is M = dE ments.
The direction of the moment ,cctor is perpendicu- The human musculoskeletal system consists
lar to thc plane defined by the line of action of E many parts that are connected to one anot
and line 00, or for thb two-dimensional case, it is through a cornplcx tendon. Iigamcnt, muscle, a
counterclockwise. joint SUuctUfC. In somc analyses, the objective m
be to investigate the forces involved at and arou
val'ious joints of the human body for different p
tural and load conditions. Such analyses can be c
Relatively few basic laws govern the relationship ried out by separating the body into two parts al
betwcen applied forces and corresponding mo- joint of interest and drawing the free-body diagr
tions, Among these, the laws of mechanics intro- of one of the parts. For example, consider the a
duced by Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) are the illustrated ill Figure I ~2. Assume thal the forces
most important. NeWLOn's first law states that an volved at the elbow joint arc to be analyzed. As
object at rest will remain at rest 01' an object in mo- lustrated in Figure 1-2, lhe entire body is separa
tion will move in a straight line with constant ve- into two at the elbow joint and the free-body d
locity if the net force acting on the object is zero. gram of the forearm is drawn (Fig. 1-2B). Here,
Newton's second law states that an object with a E is the force applied to the hand by the handle
nonzero net force acting on it will accelerate in the the cable attached to the weight in the weight pa
direction of the net force and that the magnitude of \V is the total wcight of thc lower arm acting
the acceleration will be proportional to the magni- the center of gravity of the lower arm,
tude of the net force. Newton's sccond law can be ,\\1 is the force excrted by' the biceps on the

formulated as E = m ;), Here, E is the applied force. dius,

m is the mass of the object, and i! is the linear .,,; is the force exerted bv the brachioradi
(translational) accelcration of the object on which muscles on the radius.
the force is applied. If more than one force is acting .\l~ is the force exerted by the brachialis musc
on the object. then E represcnts the net or the re- on the ulna, and
sultant force (the vector sum of all forces), Another f1 is the resultarll reaction force at the hume
way of stating Newton's second law of motion is ulnar and humeroradial joints of the elbow. N
M = I Q., where M is the net or resultant moment of that the muscle and joint reaction forces repres
all forces acting on the objcct, I is thc mass moment the mechanical effects of the upper ann on
of inertia of the object, and ~ is the angular (rota- , lower arm. Also note that as illustrated in Fig
tional) acceleration of the object. The mass m and 1-2;\ (which is not a complete free-body diagra
mass moment of incrtia I in these equations of mo- equal magnitudc but opposite muscle and joint
tion arc measures of resistance to changes in 1110- action forces act on the upper arm as wcll.

-, ' .~ ...
dum implies that the body of concern is either at
rest or moving with constant velocity. For a body to
be in a slate of equilibrium, it has to be both in
translational and rotational cquilibl-iul11. A body is
in translational cquilibriun1 if the net force (vector
sum of all forces) acting on it is zero. If the Ilt:t force
is zero, then the linear acceleration (time rate of
change of linear velocity) of the body is zero, or the
linear velocity of the bod,Y is either constant or zero.
A body is in rotational equilibrium if the net mo-
ment (vector sum of the moments of all forces) act
ing on it is zero. If the net moment is zero, then the
angular acceleration (time rate of change of angular
velocity) of the body is zero, or the angulal yelocily
of the body is either constant or zero. Therefore, for
a body in a state of equilibrium, the equations of
motion (Newton's second law) take the following
special forms:
A ~E = 0 and ~rvl =0
rt is important to remember that force and mo-
E ment arc vector quantities. For example, with re-
spect to a rectangular (Cartesian) coordinate sys-
tem, force and moment vectors may have
components in the .'\. y, and z directions. Therefore,
if the net force acting on an object is zero, then the
sum of forces acting in each direction must be equal
lo zero (IF, = 0, IF, = 0, IF, = 0). Similarly, if the
net moment on an object is zero. then the sum of
B moments in each direction must also be equal to
w zero (lM, = 0, lM,. = 0, lM, = 0). Thel'efore, for
three-dimension force systems there arc six cOl1cii-
lions of equilibrium. For two-dimensional force sys-
[ems in lhe xy-plane, onl~: three of these conditions
Forces involved at and around the elbow joint (IF, = 0, ~F, = 0, and ~M, = 0) need to be checked.
and the free-body diagram of the lower arm.
Reprinted with permission from dzkaya. N.
(7998). Biomechanics. In W.N. Rom, Environmen- STATICS
tal and Occupational Medicine (31d ed., pp.
1437-1454). New York: Lippincott-Raven.
The principles of slatics (equations of equilibrium)
can be applied to investigate the muscle and joint
forces involved at and around the joints for various
postural positions of the human body and its seg-
ments. The immediate purpose of static analysis is
to provide answers to questions such as: What ten-
Statics is an area within applied mechanics that is sion must the neck extensor muscles exert on the
concerned with the anal~:sis of forces on rigid bod- head to support the head in a specined position?
ies in equilibrium. A rigid body is one that is as- \OVhen a person bends, what would be the force ex~
sumed to undergo no deformations. [n reality, evcr)' ertcd by the erector spinae on the fifth lumbar ver-
object or matcrial may undergo deformat ion to an tebra? Ho\\'" does the con1pression at the elbow,
extent when acted on by forces. (n some cases, the knee, and ankle joints vmy with externally applied
amount of deformation may be so smalllhal il may forces and with different segmental arrangements?
not affect the desired analysis and the object is as- How docs the force on the femoral head vary with
sumed to be rigid. In mechanics, the term cquilib- loads carried in the hand? \,Vhat arc the forces in~
volved in various muscle groups and joints during to call tensile and compressive forces normal o
different exercise conditions? ial forces: shearing forces are tangential forces
In general. the unknowns in static problems in- jects also deform when they are subjecled to f
volving the musculoskeletal s:'stcm arc thc magni- that cause bending and torsion, which are relat
tudes of joint reaction forces and muscle tensions. the moment and torque actions of applied forc
The mechanical analysis of a skelclal joint requires A matel"ial nwv respond differently to diff
that we know the vector characteristics of tensions loading configurations. For a given material.
in the muscles, the proper locations of muscle at- may be different physical properties that mu
tachments, the weights of body segmcnts, and the considered while analyzing the response of tha
locations of the centers of gravity of the body seg- terial to tensile loading as compared with com
mems. Mechanical models are obviously simple sive or sheai' loading, The mechanical propert
representations of c0l11plex systems. Many models mnterials are established through stress analys
are limited by the assumptions that must be made subjecting them to various experiments such as
to reduce the system under considcration to a st.ati- axial tension and compression, torsion, and
cally determinate one. Anv model can be improved ing tests.
by ~onsidering the comril)utions of other muscles,
but (hat will increase the number of unknowns and
make the model a statically indeterminate one. To
analyze the improved model. the researcher would
need additional information related to the muscle Consider the whole bone in Figure \-3;,\ that is
forces. This inforrrlalion can be gathered through jected to a pair of tensile forces of magnitude F
electromyography measurements of muscle signals bone is in static equilibriulll. To analyze the f
or by applying certain optirnization techniques. A induced within the bone, the method of section
similar analysis can be made to investigate forces be applied by hypothetically cutting the bone
involved at and around other major joints of the two pieces through a plane perpendicular to the
musculoskeletal system. axis or the bone. Because the bone as a whole
equilibrium, the two pieces must individually
equilibrium as well. This requires that at the cu
tion of each piece there is an internal force t
When acted on by externally applied forces. objects equal in magnitude but opposite in direction t
may translate in the direction of the net force and externally applied force (Fig. 1-38). The int
rotate in the direction of the net torque acting on force is distributed over the entire cross-sec
them. If an object is subjected to externally applied area of the cut section. and E represents the resu
forces but is in stalic equilibrium. then it is most of the distributed force (Fig. 1-3C). The intens
likely that there is some local shape change within this distributed force (force per unit area) is k
the objec!. Local shape change under the effect of as stress. For the case shown in Figure 1-3. be
applied forces is known as deformation. The extent the force resultant at the cut section is perpendi
of deformation an object may undergo depends on to the plane of the cut. the cOITesponciing str
many' factors, including the material properties. called a normal or axial stress. It is customar:y t
size, and shape of the object; environmental factors the symbol (T (sigma) to refer to normal stresse
such as heat and humidity; and the nlagnitudc, di- suming that the intensity of the distributed fo
rection, and duration of applied forces. the Cllt section is uniform over the cross-sec
One way of distinguishing forces is by observing area A of the bone, then u::::: FlA. Normal stresse
their tendencv to deform the object they are applied are caused by forces that tend to stretch (elon
upon. For example. the object is said to be in ten- matcl"ials aJ"C marc specincally known as t
sion if the body tends to elongate and in compres- stresses; those that tend to shrink them are kno
sion if it tends to shrink in the direction of the ap- compressive stresses. According to the Standar
plied forces. Shear loading differs from tension and ternational (SO unit system (see Appendix), str
compression in that it is caused b:! forces acting in are measured in newton per square meter (N
directions tangent to the area resisting the forces ~ which is also known as pascal (Pa).
causing shear, whereas both tension and compres- There is another form of stress, shear s
sion are caused by collinear forces applied perpen- which is a measure of the intensity of internal f
dicular to the areas on which they act. It is common acting tangent (parallel) to a plane of cut

F .....~--I
- ~- .. F


F ...... =' ~,

Definition of normal stress. Reprinted wirh permission from OZkaya. N. (1998j. Biome-
chanics. In W.N. Rom, Environmental and Occupatiol1<11 r..,ledicine (3rd ed., pp.
i437-145r+). New York: LippincorrRiNen.

example. consider the whole bone in Figure 1-4A. Assuming that the intensity of the force tangent to
The bone is subject to a number of parallel forces the cut section is uniform over the cross-sectional
that act in planes perpendicular to the long a,is of area A of the bone, then T = FlA.
the bone. Assume that the bone is cut into two parts
through a plane perpendicular to the long axis of
the bone (Fig. 1-48). If the bone as a whole is in
equilibrium, its individual parts must be in equilib- Strain is a measure of the degree of deformation. As
rillm as well. This requires that there must be an in- in the case of stress, two types of strains can be dis-
ternal force at the cut section that ,lets in a direction tinguished. A norm~l'l strain is deflnecl as the ratio of
tangent to the cut surFace. If the magnitudes of the the change (increase or decrease) in length to the
external forces arc known, then the magnitude F of original (undeformed) length, and is commonly de-
the internal force can be calculated by considering noted with the symbol (epsilon). Consider the
, the translational and rotational equilibrium of onc whole bone in Figure \-5. The total length of the
d; of the parts constituting the bone. The intensity of bone is I. If the bone is subjected to a pair of tensile
the internal force tangent to the Clit section is forces. the length of the -bone may increase to I' or
known as the shear stress. It is customary to usc the by an amount .1i\ = I' -I. The normal strain is the
symbol T (tau) to refer to shear stresses (Fig. 1-4C). ratio of the amount of elongation to the original
Shear strains are related to distortions caused
shear stresses and arc cornmonly denoted with t
symbol y (gamma). Consider the rectangle (ABC
shown in Figure 1-6 thm is acted on by a pair of ta
gential forces that deform the rectangle into a p
allelogram (AB'C '0). 'If the relative horizontal d
placement of the top and the bOllom of t
rectangle is d and the height of the rectangle is
then the average shear strain is the ratio of d and
which is equal to the tangent of angle y. The angle
is lIsllall~" vcry small. For small angles. the tange
F, F., of the angle is approximately equal to the angle
self measured in radians. Therefore, the avera
shear strain is "y = cllh.
Strains arc calculated by dividing two quantit
measured in units of length. For most application
the deformations and consequently the strains
A volved may be very small (c,g" 0,001), Strains c
also be gi\'en in percemages (e.g.. O.l%).

Different I11mcrials may demonstrate differe
stress-strain relationships. Consid(~r the stre
B F, strain diagrarn shown in Figure 1-7. There arc
distinct points on the curve, which arc labeled as
P, E, Y, U, and R. Point 0 is the origin of the Sli'e
strain diagram, which corresponds to the initial (
load, no deformation) state. Point P represents t
proportionality limit. Between 0 and P. stress a
strain are linearly proportional and the stre
strain diagram is a straight line. Point E represen
the clastic limit. Point Y is the .\"ield point, and t
stress (T.. corresponding to the yield point is call
the yield slrength of the material. At this Slr
level, considerable elongation (yielding) can occ
without a corresponding increase of load. U is t
highest stress point on the stress-strain diagra
The stress (r is the ultimate strength of the mat

Definition of shear stress. Reprintecl with permis- ial. The last point on the stress-strain diagram is
sion {rom Ozkaya, N, (I 99B). Biomechanics. /11 W.N. \vhich represents the nq)ture or failure poinl. T
Rom, Environmenlal and Occupational Medicine stress at which lhe failure occurs is called the ru
(3rd ed" pp. 1437-/454). New York: Lippincorr- ture strength of the material. For some materials
Raven. may not be easy to distinguish the elastic limit a
the yield point. The yield strength of sLieh materi
is determined by the offset method, which is a
plied b.y drawing a line parallel to the linear secti
length, or E = c,11 1. If the length of the bone in- of the stress-strain diagram that passes through
creases in the direction in which the strain is cal- strain level or approximately 0.2 % The intersecti

culated. then the strain is tensile and positive. If of this line with the stress-strain ClWVC is taken
the length of the bone decreases in the direction be the vielel point, and the stress corresponding
in which the strain is calculated, then the strain is this po-int is called the ~\pparent yield strength
compressive and negative. the material.

I' ~ .; .:.\


-- - -.
...... F

Definition of normal strain. Reprinted with permission from 6zkaya. N. (/998). Biome-
chanics. In W.N. Rom, Environmental (1nd Occupational !v1edione (lrd ed., pp.
/437-1454). New York: Lippi(lCOfl-R(l~'efl.

Note that a given material may behave dilTcr~ ELASTIC AND PLASTIC DEFORMATIONS
ently under different load and environmental con~
ditions. If the curve shown in F'igurc 1~7 repre-
Elasticit:-. is defined as lhe ability or
a material to
resume its original (stress-free) size and shape on
sents the stress"strain relationship for a material
under tensile loading, there ma).o' be a similar but removal of applied loads. 1n other words, if a load
different curve representing the stress-strain rela-
tionship for the same material under compressive
or shear loading. Also. temperature is known 10411-
leI' the relationship between stress and strain. For
some materials, the stress-strain relationship may
also depend on the rate at which the load is ap- u
plied on the material.

I_ d 'I
B S' ~C
/ - - - - - - - - - 7 C'
/ /
h r1.t / /
/ / ,l- ,
/ /

Stress-strain diagrams. Reprinted with permission

Definition of shear strain. Reprinted wirh permis- from Ozkaya, N. (1998). Biomechanics. In W.N.
sion from OZkaya, N. (1998). Biomechanics. In W.N. Rom, Environmental and Occupational Medicine
Rom, Environmental and Occupational Medicine (3rd (3rd ed.. pp. 1437-1454)., New York: Lippincou-
ed.. pp. /437-1454). New York: Lippincou-Raven. Raven .

is applied on a material such that the Stress gener-

ated in the material is equal to or less than th~
elastic limit, the deformations that took place in G
the material will be cOlllpletcl.v recovered once the
applied lands arc removed. An elastic material
\vhose stressstrain diagram is a straight line is
called a linearly clastic material. For such a matc-
the stress is linearly proportional to strain.
slope of the stress-strain diagram in the e1as-
region is called the elastic or Young's rnodulus
of the material. which is commonly denoted by E. E
,Therefore, the relationship between stress and
strain for linearly elastic materials is a := E. This
equation that relates normal stress and strain is
called a material function. For a given material.
different material functions may exist for different
modes or derormation. For example, SOme materi-
; als may exhibit linearly elastic belHwior under
shear loading. For such materials, the shear stress linearly elastic material behavior. Reprinted wirh
T is linearly proportional to the shear strain y, and
permission from OZkclycl, N. (1998)_ Biomecll<lflics. In
the constant of proportionality is called the shear W.N. Rom. Environmental and Occupattonal MecH-
modulus, or the modulus of rigidity. If G repre- cme (3rd cd., pp J437-1Li54.J. Ne....,; York: Lippincott-
sents the modulus of rigidity, then ,. = Gy. Combi- Raven
nations of all possible material functions for a
given material form the constitutive equations for
that material.
Plnsticity implies permanent deformations. Ma-
terials may undergo plastic deformations follo\ving
elastic deformations when they are loaded beyond \Vhcn they are subjected to relatively low stress
their elastic limits. Consider the stress-strain dia- els, many materials such as metals exhibit ela
gram of a material under tensile loading (Fig.I-7). material behavior. They undergo plastic defor
Assume that the stresses in the specimen arc tions at high stress levels. Elastic materials defo
brought to a level greater than the yield strength of instantaneously when they are subjected to ex
the material. On removal of lhe applied load. lhe nally applied loads and resume their original sha
material will recover the elastic deformation that almost instantly when the applied loads are
had taken place by following an unloading path par- mo\cd. For an elastic material, stress is a function
allel to the initial linearly elastic region. The point strain only, and the strcss-strain relationship
where this path cuts the strain axis is called the unique (Fig. 1-8). Elastic materials clo not exh
plastic strain. which signifies the extent of perrl1a~ time-dependent behavior. A different gl'OUp of m
nent (unrecoverable) shape change that has taken rials, such as polymer plastics, metals at high t
place in the material. peratures, and almost all biological materials,
Viscoelasticity is the characteristic of a material hibits gradual deformation and recovery w
that has both fluid and solid properties. Most ma- subjected to loading: and unloading. Such mater
terials arc classified as eilher fluid or solid. A solid are called viscoelastic. The response of viscoela
material will deform to a ccrLain extent when an materials is dependent on how quickly (he loa
exlernal force is applied. A continuously applied applied or removed. The extent of deformation
force on a Ouid body will cause a continuous de- viscoelastic materials undergo is dependent all
formation (also known as flow). Viscosity is n fluid rate at which the deformation-causing loads are
property thut is a quantitative measure of rcsis plied. The stress-strain relationship for a viscoela
tance to flow. Viscoelasticity is an example of how material is not unique but is a f1.lI1ction of time or
areas in applied mechanics can overlap, because it rate at which the stresse.s and strains are develo
ulilizes the principles of both fluid and solid me- in the material (Fig. 19). The word "viscoelastic
chanics. made of two words, Viscosity is a fluid property

,--; ->". I.'

" with an instantaneous strain that would remain at
a constant level until the load is removed (Fig.
I-lOB). At the instant when the load is removecl, the
deformation will instantl)' and completely recover.
Increasing To the same constant loading condition, a vis-
suain rale

r Ii) coelastic material will respond with a strain in-

creasing and ciCCI-casing graduall)r. If the material is
viscoelastic solid, the recovery will eventually be
complete (Fig. 1-.1 DC). If the material is viscoelastic
fluid, complete recovery will never be achicved and
there will be a residuc of defOl'mation lerr in the
material (Fig. 1-IOD). As illustrated in Figure
< l-11A, a stressrelaxation experiment is conducted

Strain rate~dependent viscoelastic material be-

havior. Reprinted with permission /rom 6zkaya. N.
(1998). Biomedlc1llic5. In WN. Rom, Environmental
and Occupational Medicine (3rd ed., P.o.
1.137-/454). New York: LippincorrRaven.

is a measure of resistance to now. Elasticity is" solid

material property. Therefore, viscoelastic materials
possess both nuid- and solid-like properties.
For an elastic material, the energy supplied to
deform the material (strain energy) is stored in the
material as potential energy. This energy is avail-
able to return the material to its original (un-
stressed) size and shape once the applied load is re-
moved. The loading and unloading paths for an
elastic material coincide. indicating no loss of en-
ergy. Most elastic materials exhibit plastic behavior
at high stress levels. For e1asto-plastic materials,
some of the strain energy is dissipated as heat dur-
ing plastic defat-mat ions. For viscoelastic materials,
some or the strain energy is stored in the material
as potential energy and some of it is dissipated as
heat regardless of whether the stress levels are
small or large. Because viscoelastic materials ex-
hibit lime-dependent material behavior. the differ-
ences between elastic and viscoelastic material re-
sponses are most evident under time-dependent o
loading conditions.
Several experimental techniques have been de-
signed to analyze the time-dependent aspects of
material behaviOl: As illustrated in Figure 1-1004, a Creep and recovery test. Reprinred wirh permis-
creep and recovery test is conducted by applying a sion from Ozkay,l, N. (1998). Biomechanics. In W.N.
load on the matclial, maintaining the loael at a con- Rom, Environmental and Occupational Medicine
stant level for a while, suddenly removing the load, (3rd ed., pp. 1437-745/1). New York: Lippincorr-
and obsen;jng the material response. Under a creep
and recovery test. an elastic material will respond

'by straining the Olalcriallo a level and maintaining

the constant strain while observing the stress re-
sponse of the material. Under a stress-relaxation
lcst, an elastic mater-ial will respond with a stress
developed insw.ndy and maintained at a consWnl
level (Fig. I-II B). That is, an elastic malcrial will
not exhibit a stress-relaxation behavior. t\ viscoelas- A '0
lie material. conversely', will respond with an initial cr
high stress level that will decrease over time. If the
m;terial is a viscoelastic solid, the stress level will
nevcr rcduce to zcro (Fig, I-lie), As illuSlrated in
o I-II D, the stress will evct11uallv
zero for a viscoelastic nuid.
. reduce to

ou to
0"0 = E,


The stress-strain diagrams of two or Il"wrc materials
can be compared to determine \vhich m<:ucrial is rei
atively stiffer, l1C:lrdcl~ tougher, more ductile, or more
brittle. For example, the slope of the stress-strain di~ 10
agram in the clastic region represents the clastic G
modulus that is a measure of the relative stiffness of

materials. The higher the elastic modulus, the stiffer
the material and the higher its resistance to defor-
mation. A ductile material is one that exhibits a large
plastic deformation prior to failure. A britlie mater-
ial, such as glass, shows a sudden failure (rupture) 10
without undergoing a considerable plastic deforma- D
tion. Toughness is a measure of the capacity of a ma-
terial to sustain permanent defonllation. The tough-
ness of a matedal is measured b~: considering the Stress-relaxation experiment. Reprinted with per-
total area under its stress-strain diagram. The larger mission from Ozkaya, N. (1998). Biomechanics. In
this area, the tougher the malerial. The ability of a WN. Rom. Environmental and Occupational Medicine
material to store or absorb energy without perma- (Jrd ed. P.o. 1437-1454). Ne~1 York: Lippincott-Raven.
nent deformation is called lhe resilience of the ma-
terial. The resilience of a material is measured by its
modulus of resilience, which. is equal to the area un-
der the stress-strain curve in the elastic region. one: element for which the normal stresses
Although thcy arc not directl\' rclated to the maximum and minimum. These maxin1lrm
stress-strain diagrams, other important concepls minimum normal stresses arc called the princi
are used to describe material properties. For cxam~ stresses, and the planes whose normals are in
pie, a material is called homogeneous if its proper- directions of the maximum and minimum stJ"e
ties do not vary from location to location within the are called the principal plancs, On a princi
material. A material is called isotropic if its proper- plane, (he normal stress is either maximum
lies are independent of direction. A material is minimum. and the sheal" stress is zero. It is kno
called incompressible if it has a constant denSity. that fracture or material failure occurs along
planes of maximum stresses, and structures m
be designed by taking into consideration the m
/ imulll stresses involved. Failure by yielding
There are infinitely many possibilities of con- cessive deformation) n.lay occur whenever
structing elements around a given point wilhin a largest principal stress is equal to the y
structure. Among these possibilities, there may be strength of the material or failure by rupture m
occur whenever the largest principal stress ,is
equal to the ultimate strength of the material. For
a given structure and loading condition. the prin- A a
cipal stresses ma~" be within the limits of opera-
tional safely. However, the structure must also be
checked for critical shearing stress. called the
maximum shear stress. The maximum shear SlI-es$
: . . .
o max - - ..... "7" - - ] -
- - - .......-
: ..'

- -
- - -

occurs on a material element for which the normal

stresses are equal.
am - - - ':'.~

- ~:.;. - - - ";"~ - - ~:~


1 cycle Compression
Principal and maximum shear stresses are useful in
predicting the response of materials (0 static load-
ing configurations. Loads that Illay not cause the
failure of a structure in a single application may
cause fracture when applied repeatedly. Failure may
occur aher a few or many cycles of loading and un-
loading, depending on factors such as the amplitude
of the applied load, mechanical properties of the
material, sIze of the structlire, and operational con-
ditions. Fracture resulting from repeated loading is
called fatigue.
Several experimental techniques have been de-
veloped to understand the fatIgue behavior of ma-
terials. Consider the bar shown in Figure 1-12;:1.
Assume that the bar is made of a material whose 0- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ultimate strength is U'w This bar is first stressed to
a mean stress level (1m and then subjected to a L-_,---'---,---,--N
stress fluctuating over time, sometimes tensile 10' 10' 10'
and other times compressive (Fig. 1-128). The c
amplitude (T:, of the stress is such that the bar is
subjected to a maxImum tensile stress less than
the ultimate strength of the material. This reo
versible and periodic stress is applied until the Fatigue and endurance. Reprinred with permission
bar fractures and the number of cycles N to frac- from Olkaya, N. (1998). Biomechanics. In W.N. Rom,
ture is recorded. This experiment is repeated all Environmeniat and Occupational Medicine (3rd ed.,
pp. 1437-1454). New York: Lippincou-Raven.
specimens having the same material properties by
applying stresses or varying amplitude. A typical
result of a fatigue test is plotted in Figure 1-12C
on a diagram showing stress amplitude versus The fatiguc behavior or a material depends on
numbct of cycles to failure. For a given N. the cor- several factors. The higher the temperature in
responding stress value is called the fatigue which the material is used, thc lower the fatigue
strength of the material at that nun1ber of cycles. strength. The fatigue behavior is sensitive to surface
For a given stress level, N represents the fatigue imperfections nnd the presence of discontinuities
life of the material. For some matel"ials, the stress within the material that can cause stress concentra-
amplitude versus number or cycles curve levels tions. The fatigue failure starts \vith the creation of
off. The stress CT, at which the fatigue curve levels a small crack on the surface of the material. which
off is called the endurance limit of the material. can propagate under the effect of repeated loads, re-
Below the endurance limit, the material has a sulting in [he rupture of [he material.
high probability of not failing in fatigue, regard- Orlhopaedic devices lII)dergo repeated loading
less of how many cycles of stress are imposed on and unloading as a result of the activities of the pa-
the material. tients and the actions of their 111uscles. Over a pe-
riod of vears. a weight-bearing prosthetic dc\icc or b~"clinicians (Q provide an introducLor~: level
a'fi;.;:ati~n device can be subjected to a consiclerabk knowh:dge about each joint s~'stem.
number of cycles of stress reversals as a result or
noHnal daily activity. This cyclic loading and un-
~~ .l;"N can cause faLigue failure of the device.
A new section in the third edition of this book
troduces important issues in applied biomechani
These include the biomechanics of fracture fixati
Biomechanics arlhroplasty; sitting, standing. and lying; and gait
the Musculoskeletal System is important for the beginning studenl to und
stand the application or biomechanical principles
even a simple task c.'\ecuted b.v the clirfcrcnt clinical areas.
musculoskeletal svstcm requires a broad. in-depth
:~;' knowledge of various fields that ma~' include 1110-
tor control, neurophysiology, physiology. physics. Summarv
and biomechanics. For example, based on the pur-
pose ancl intention or a task and the sensOl'~' infor- 1 Biomechanics is a young and dynamic fidd
mation gathered from the ph~'sical cndronmcnl study based on the recognition thaI conventio
and orielllatioll of tilL' body and joints, the central cllginccl'ing thcorks and methods can be useful
nervous system plans a strategy for a task execu- understanding and solving problems in physiolo
:;.: lion. According to the strategy adoptc:d. Illuscles and medicine. Biomcclwnics considers the appli
/ . '.,' will be recruited lO provide Lh<..' forces and 1110- tions of classical rncchanics to biological problem
mcnts required for the movement and I.Jalance of The flcld of biomechanil:s flourishes from the co
the s.)'slem. Consequently, the internal forces will eration among life scientists, physicians, enginee
be changed and soft tissues will experience differ- and basic scientists. Such cooperation require
ent load conditions. certain amount of common vocabulary: an engin
The purpose or this book is to present a \\'cll~ must learn some anatom~: and ph)'siology, nnclm
balanced synthesis of information gatllCred frorn ical personnel need to understand some basic c
various disciplines. pro\'iding a basic understanding cepts of physics and mathematics.
of biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system. The
2 The information presented throughout t
material presented here is organized (0 cover three
textbook is drawn from a large scholarship. The
areas of musculoskeletal biomechanics.
thors aim to introduce some of the basic concepts
biolllechanics related to biological tissues a
PART I: BIOMECHANICS OF TISSUES joints. The book does nOl intend to provide a co
AND STRUCTURES prehensive review of the literature, and readers
encouraged to consult the list of suggcsted read
The material presented throughout this textbook below to supplcmcnt theil' knowledge. Some ba
provides an introduction to basic biolllechanics of textbooks arc listed here, and studcnts should c
the musculoskeletal system. Part I includes chap- sult peer-revicwed journals for in-depth presen
ters on the biomechanics of bone. articular carti- Lions of the latest research in specialty arcas,
lage, tendons and ligaments, periphcral nerves, and
skeletal muscle. These are augmcnted wilh case
studies to illustrate the imponarll concepts for un- SUGGESTED READING
derstanding the biomechanics of biological tissues. Black. J. (19SS). Onhop'lcdic Bionmleriuls in R,'sl,.'ardl and P
til:c. New York: Churchill Li\in!!stonc.
Brollzino. J.D. (Ed.) (1995). The -Biom(.'dic<ll Engincl.'ring H.
PART II: BIOMECHANICS OF JOINTS book. 80(:01 R:llOn. rL: CRC Press.
B(lrst('in, A.H., & \Vright. T.~'I.( 1993). Fundamellt;lls of Or1hop<
Part II of this textbook covers the major joiots of the Biolllc:dmnics. Ballirnorl': Williams & Wilkins.
human body, from the spine to the ankle. Each Chaffin. 0.8.. & All{krsson. G.B.J. (1991). O<::cupational Bio
ch~lllics (2nd l'<'I.). Nl'\\' York: John Wiley & Sons.
chapter contains information about the structure
Fung. Y.c. (1981). Biolllec!wnics: Mechanical Properties of Li
and functioning of the joint. along with case studies Tissul.s. New York: Springl.'r\\:rJag.
illuminating the clinical di~lgnosis and management FUll!!. yc. (1990). Biomcch~l1lics: ;\Iotioll, Flo\\" Slrcss, :llld Gro
of joint injlll)' and illness. The chnpters are written New York: Springl'r,Vl'rlOIg.

... :':.
H~l\'. J.G ..
6:.. RI..'id. J.G. (1988). .'\nalOllw. '\lcchanil:s .md Human Mo- OZk:IY;\. N.. & Nordin. M. (1999). Fundamelltals of Biolll<.'ch'lllics:
-lioll (2nd cd.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Pn:llIkc-Hall. Equilihrium, :\lotioll. <lnd Dcfonlwtioll (2nd I..'d,). Nt:\\" York
Kelly, O.L. (1971). Kinl.'siology: FLllldaml.'llWls of \Iolion D~StTip Sprin!.!(,I~Vl.'rlag.
lion. En!.:.lcw()od Cliffs, NJ: Prelltice-Hall. Schmid.Schonbl'i;l, G.\\'., \\'00. 5.1...).... & Z\\"eifach. B.\V. (Eds.).
\Iow, Vc.. &: Hayes, w.e. (1997). Basic Orthopaedic Biorncch.mics (1985). Frontiers in Biomechanics. ~h.'\\" York: Springer.Verlag:,
(2nd cd.). New York: Raven Press. Skal<:lk, R" & Chkn, S. (Eds.). (!98i). Hllndbonk or BiOi..'ngincering.
,\low. \I.e., Ratdiff, A".& Woo. S.L.Y. (Eds.). (1990). BicHlll.:chanics New York: McGrawHill.
or {)i~tl"(llrodial Joinls. Nr.:\\' York: Sp.-jnga-Verlag. Thompsoll. C. W. (1989). :\tanu'll of Stlllt'lur<ll Kinl~si()log~' (11th
NahulIl. A.M .. &. Md\'in. J. (Etls.). (19S5). The BiOlllcch:lI1il:s of cd,). 51. Louis. MO: fill1l..'s Mirror/:\Iosbv.
TI'UUll'l. Norwalk. CT: l\ppl('ton-Ct:llhll~'.Crofts. Williams. M., & lissner, H.R. (1992). Bion;l.'chanics of !luman ;\'to-
Nordin, M .. Andersson. G.B.J., & Po\X", M.H. (Eds.). (1997). ~plllSCll lion (3r<l cd.). Phibddphin: Sallll(k:rs,
1()sk..:k'IJI Disonk'J1; in the \VorkpbcL'. Philadclphin: :\'1osby,Ycilr Wintcl'. D.!\. (1990). Biol1lcchnnics :Illd ~:lolor Control or Hum"n
Book. Behavior (2nd I..'d.). New York: John Wiky &: Sons.
Nordin. ~L & Franb,:1. \l.H. (Eds.l. (1989). Basit- OiolUl.'chanics of Willlel'S. J,!lil.. &. Woo. S.L-Y. (Eds.), (1990). Multiple Muscle Sys-
lhe :\hlst.:uloskdctal S,\':o;'lClll (2nd t:d,), Philaddphi:l: 1...:<.\ & Il'IHS. New York: Springcr.verktg.
OzkaYil,eN.( 1998). Bi(Hn~d1iJnics. III W.N. Rom, EnvirorH1H:nlal and
OCCllp<:lliollal :\kdicill~' Ord cd., pp. 1437-1454). New York:
Li ppi m:olt -RaVCll.
The System
d'Unites (51)
Dennis R. Carter

The 51 Metric System

Base Units
Supplementary Units
Derived UnitS
Specially Named Units
Standard Units Named for Scientists
Converting to 51 From Other Units of Measurement
fined in terms of the \V~\'c1cngth of radiation emit-
The''S! Metric System ted from the krvpton-S6 atom.
,,;The System Intemational d'Unites (SI), the metric
system, has evolved into the most exacting system of SUPPLEMENTARY UNITS
'measures devised. In this section. the 51 units of
lllcasurcmcnl used in the science of mechanics arc The radian (rad) is a supplemental)' unit (() measure
plane angles. This unit, like the base units, is arbi-
described. SI units used in electrical and light sci-
trarily defined (Table App-I). Although the radian is
ences have been omitted for the sake or simplicity.
the 51 unit for plane angle. the unit of the degree
~__ fifo' has been retained for general use because il is firmly
<""'i,ilY ' BASE UNITS established and is widely Ltscd "round the world. A
--~ degree is equinllcnl to rrll80 rad.
A" The 51 units can be considered in three groups: I,
tbe base units; 2. the supplementary unils; and 3.
'j;", the derived units (Fig. App-I). The base units are a
,', small group or standard measurements lhal have ivlostunits of the 51 system are derived unils, mean-
been arbitrarilv defined. The base unit for length is ing lhat they- are established from the base units in
'-'rhe meler (Ill), "and the base Llnit for Illass is the kilo- accordance with fundamcntnl physical principles.
gram (kg). The base units for time and temperature Some of these units are cxp['css~d in terms of the
are the second (s) and the kelvin (Kl. respectively. base units from which they are derived. Examples
Definitions 01" the base units have become.:: increas aloe area, speed, and acceleration. which arc ex-
.ingly sophisticated in response to the expanding pressed in the Sf units or
square meters (m~). meters
needs Hnd capabilities of the scientific community per second (m/s), and meters pCI' second squared
(Table App-I). For example, the meter is now de- (In/s 2), respectively.



OF FOACE new Ion

qp ,- - . .


~\ . \l/~

\' Il/' _~r;)
~~ ~,I //'/~'" POWER

;~:::::<':~:~~J" J , ,~/~,:'!j watt

,~m'?I~~'TS i~
AREA degree Celsius
K'- 273.15

radian (fad)
- -----

meter (m) kilogram (kg) second (s) kelvin (K)



The International System of Units.

Specially Nanzeel Units The 51 unit of pressure, the pascal, is therefore
defined in terms of the base 51 units as:
Other dedved units are similarl.v established from I Pa = IN I I 111"
the base units but have been given special names
Allhough the S[ base llnil of temperature is the
(Fig App-I and Table App-I). These units are defined
through the lise of fundarnental equations or physi- kc.:lvin, the derived unit of degree Celsius (OC 01' c) is
cal laws in conjunction with the arbitrarily defined much marc commonly used. The degree Celsius is
Sf base units. For example, Newton's second law of equivalent to the kelvin in magnitude. but the ab~
motion states that when a body that is free to Il10vC solute value of the Celsius scale differs frol11 that o
is subjected to a force. it will experience ~m ~lCcelcr the Kelvin scale such that C = K - 273.15.
alion proportional to thai force and inversely pro- ,",Vhen the 51 s~'stcm is used in a wide variely o
portional to its own mass. i\Jlathcmatically, this prin- measurements, the quantities expressed in terms
ciple can be expressed as: of the base. supplemental. or derived units ma~t be
either very large or very small. For example, the
force = Illass X acceleration arca on the head of a pin is an extremely small
The Sf unit of force, the newton (Nl, is lherefore number when expressed in terms of square meters
defined in terms of the base SI units as: Conversely, the weight of a whale is an extremely
large number when expressed in terms of newtons.
1N = 1 kg X I I11/S:! To accomrnodate the convenient representation o
small or large quantities, a system of prefixes has
The Sf unit or pressure and stress is the pascal
(Pa). Pressure is defined in hydroslaties as the force been incorporated into the SI system (Table
divided by the area of force application. Mathem4ll- App-2), Each prefix has a fixed meaning and can
icall~l, this can be expressed as:
be used with all 5Iunils. \!\Then used with the name
or the unit, the prefb: indicates that the quanti!}!
pressure = force/area described is being expressed in some multiple o
~._.m ..__ .._ __.__._.__.. _

; Definitions of Sl Units
Base 51 Units
meter (01) The meIer is the length eqllal to 1,650,763.73 wavelengths in vacuum of the radiation
corresponding to the transition belween the levels 2PHi and Sd" of the krypton-86
kilogram (kg) The kilogram is Ihe unit of mass and is equallO the mass of the international proto
type of the kilogram.
second (s) The second is the duration of 9.192,631,770 periods of Ihe radiation corresponding to
the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium-133
kelvin (k) The kelvin. a unit of thermodynamic temperature, is the fraction 1/273.16 of the ther-
modynamic temperature of the triple point of water.
Supplementary SI Unit
radian (rad) The radian is the plane angle between two radii of a circle that sub tend on the circum~
ference of an arc equal in length to the radills.
Derived SI Units With Special Names
newton (N) The newton is that force \tvhich, when applied to a rpass of 1 kilogram, gives it an aC-
celeration of 1 meter per second squared. 1 N= 1 kg rn/s / .
pascal (Pa) The pascal is the pressure produced by a force of 1 newton applied. with uniform dis-
tribution, over an area of 1 square meter. 1 Pa = 1 N/m~.
joule (J) The joule is the work done when the point of application of a force of 1 newton is
displaced through a dist~nce of 1 meter in the direction of the force. 1 J = 1 Nm.
wall (W) The watt is the power that in 1 second gives rise to the energy of 1 joule. 1 W ::: 1 J/s.
degree Celsius (C) The degree Celsius is a unit of thermodynamic temperature and is equivalent to K -
Standard Units Nmned
Factors and Prefixes for Scientists
SI Prefix SI Symbol
giga G One of the more interesting aspects of the SI
is its lise of the names of famous scientists a
mega Iv1
dard units. In each case, the lInit was named
kilo k
scientist in recognition of his contribution
hecla h Geld in which that unit plays a major role
deka da App-3 lists a number of Slullits and the scien
deci d which each was named.
centi c For example. the unit of force. the neWlo
named in honor of the English scientist Si
rniJli rn
Ncwlon (1624-1717). Hc wa' cducalcd 'II
micro I' College at Cambridge and later rclurned to
nana n College as a professor or mathematics. Early
pica p career, Newton made fundamental contribut
malhcmalics Ihat formcd Ihc basis of diffc
Reprinred wirh permission from Ozkaya. N.. & Nord,-n. M.
(1999). Fundamentals oi Blomechani(!>: Equilibrium. Mo
and integral calculus. His other major disc
tion. and Deiormatlon (2nd ed.) New York: SpringerlJer/ag. were in the fields of optics. astronomy. grav
p, iO. and mechanics. His work in gravitation wa
portedly spurred by being hit on the head by
ple falling from a tree. It is perhaps poetic
ten times the unit used. For example. the millime that the SI unit of one newton is approxi
'tel' (mm) is used to represent one thousandth (10"1) equivalent to the weight of a medium-sized
of a meter and a gigapascal (Gpa) is uscd to denotc Newton W~lS knighted in t 705 by Qucen i\lt
one billion (10') pascals. his monumental contributions to science.

, SI Units Named After Scientists
Symbol Unit Quantity Scientist Country of Birth Oates
A ampere electric current Amphere, Andretvtarie France 1775-1
( coulomb electric charge Coulomb, Charles Augustin de France 1736-1
O( degree celsius temperature (elsius. Anders Sweden 1701-1
F farad electric capacity Faraday, Michael England 1791-1
H henry inductive resistance Henry, Joseph United States 1797-1
Hz hertz frequency Hertz, Heinrich Rudolph Germany 1857-1
J joule energy Joule. James Prescott England 1818-1
K kelvin temperature Thomson, William (lord Kelvin) England 1824-1
N newton force Newton, Sir Isaac England 1642-1
fl ohm eleclrlc resistance Ohm. Georg Simon Germany 1787-1
Pa pascal pressure/stress Pascal, Blaise France 1623-1
5 siemens electric conductance Siemens, Karl Wilhelm (Sir William) Germany (England) 1823-1
T testa magnetic flux density Testa. Nikola (roatia (US) 1856-1
V volt electrical potential Volta, (ount Alessandro Italy 1745-1
W walt power Watt, James Scotland 1736
Wb weber magnetic flux Weber, Wilhelm Eduard Germany 1804-1
Conversion of Units

Length Moment (Torque)

1 centimeter (em) = 0.01 meter (01) 1 dyn-cm = i 0. 7 N-rn

1 inch (in) = 0.0254 rn i Ibf-ft = 1.356 N-m

1 foot (ft) = 0.3048 rn Work and Energy

1 yard (ydl = 0.9144 rn 1 kg-m' / s' = 1 N-m = 1 Joule IJ)

1 mile = 1609 m 1 dyn-cm = 1 erg = lO-} J

1 angstrom (A) = 10" rn 1 Ibi-It = 1.356 J

Time Power
I minute (min) :::; 60 second (s) I kg rn' / s' = 1 J/s = 1 Watt (1"1)

1 hour (h) = 3600 s I horsepower (hpl = 550 IblIVs = 7461"1

1 day (dl = 86400 s Plane Angle

Mass J degree ("') .::;: 1</180 radian (fad)

1 pound mass (1 brn) = 0.4536 kilogr~lm (kg) 1 revolution (rev) :=: 360"

1 slug ::: 14.59 kg 1 rev;::: 211: raci -."-' 5.283 rad

Force Temperature
1 kilogram force (kgf) = 9.807 Nevvton (f\J) <>( '" "r~ ~ 273.2
1 pound iorce IIbO = 4448 N

I dyne (elyn) " I0 ~I

Pressure and Stress

1 kgl rns:' = 1 N/m" = 1 Pascal (Pal
I Ibi / in' (psi) = 6896 Pa
I Ibl / ft' (psO = 92966 Pa

I dyn / em' = O. I Pa
Reprinted with pefFnisslon from OZkaya. 1'1., & No~dJn. l'1i. (1999). Fundamentals oi Biomechanics: EqUllib
rium. Motion. and DeformatIon (2nd ed.) New York: Spnnger-verlag. p. 11.

The unit of pressure and stress. the pascal. was ucated at the Universit.\ of Glasgo\\" and at C
named after the French physicist, mathematician, bridge University. Early in his career, Thol11son
and philosopher Blaise Pascal (1623-1662). Pascal vcstigated the thermal propcnies of steam at a
conducted important investigations on the <.:harnc- entific laboratory in Paris. At thc age of 32,
teristics of vacuums and barometers and also in- returned to Glasgo\\" 10 accept the chair of Nalu
vented a machine that would make mathematical Philosophy. His meeting with James JOllie in 1
calculations. His work in the area of hydrostatics stimulated interesting discussions on the natur
helped lay the foundation for the later developmenl heat, which eventually lecl to the establishmen
of these scientific ficlds_ In addition to his scicntific Thomson's absolute scale of temperature, the Ke
pursuits, Pascal was passionalely interested in reli- scale. In recognition of Thomson's contribution
gion and philosophy and tllllS wrote extensively on the field of thermodynamics, King Edward VIl c
a wide range of subjects. fen-cd on him the title of Lord Kelvin.
The base unit of temperature, the kelvin. was The commonly llsed unit of temperature, the
named in honor of Lord Vv'illiam Thomson Kelvin gree Celsius, \\ as named aftcr the Swedish
(1824-1907). Named William Thomson, he was cd lronomcl and lmenlO! Anders CelsiLl' (1701-17
Celsius was appointed professor or astronomy at the (slich as the English system). the units of len
Inii"p-",i,\' of Uppsala at the age of 29 and remained time, and force arc arbitrarily' defined, and o
the university until his death 14 years latec [n units (including mass) are derived from these b
1742, he described the centigrade thermometcl- in a units. Because lhe units of force in gravitational
paper prepared for the Swedish Academ!' of Sci- tems are in fact the It'eights of stan(~"\rd masses.
The name of the centigrade temperature version to 51 is dependent on the acceleration
waS officially changed to Celsius in 1948. mass due to the Earth's gravity, By' internati
agreement. the acceleration due to gravity
9.806650 m/s'. This \'aille has been lIseel in estab
to Sf From Other ing some of the conversion factors in Box App-I.
Box Appt contains the formulae for the conversion
F~ircr, J.L. (19i7). SI .\leu;' /-land/wok. Nt'w York: Ch
~f measurements expressed in English and non-Sl StTibll('r'S Sons.
units into Sf units. One fundamental source of Ozbva, N., ~ Nordin, ~'l. (1999). FWlfl(llllell1o!s Bior
connJSlon in converting from one system to another c/;(wics: EquilihriulJI, .\lotioll, (lut! DejtmJ/(//ioll (2nd
is that (wo basic t~'Pes of Illeasun:menl systems exist. N<:w York: 5pringcr-Vlr1ag.
Pennychuick, C.J. {1974l. lIulldy .\!tllrif:l's oj" VI/il Crntl't'
In the "ph\'sical" system (such as SI). the units of
Pi/oon (or Riolof!..\' amI .\lcclulJI;cs. New York: John W
length. time, and nUlSS arc arbitrarily defined, and &: Son~.
other units (including force) are derived fron1 these \Vorld Health Org~lnizalion. (19i7). The SI /01' t!le fha/til
,. base units. In "technical" or "gravitational" systems jt's$iol1s. Gl.'llt'\"C WHO.
of Tissue and
Structures of the
Biomechanics of
Victor H. Frankel, Margareta Nordin

Bone Composition and Structure
Biomechanical Properties of Bone
Biomechanical Behavior of Bone
Bone Behavior Under Various loading Modes
Combined l.oading
Influence of Muscle Activity on Stress Distribution in Bone
Strain Rate Dependency in Bone
Fatigue of Bone Under RepetitivE: Loading
!nfluence of Bone Geometry on Biomechanical Behavior
Bone Remodeling
Degenerative Changes in Bone Associated With Aging
Flow Charts

of the tissue. Bone scncs <.lS a rcsen/Oir for esse
lJitijoduction minerals in the bod~. particularly calcium.
Bone minend is embedded in variousl~ orie
TbJ:i~~rpose or the skeletal system is to protect in-
fibers of the protein collagen, the fibrous po
te.r~.~V:"organs, provide rigid kinematic links and
~~ls:ctEtattachmcnt sites, and facilitate Illuscle ac
of the extracellular matrix-the inorganic ma
Collagen ribers (type l) are tough and pliable
::::;:~"pJ:tf91iYli~9,body movement .. Bone has unique stlUC
they resist strelching ~lnd have lillie L'xtensib
'-:/:::"'{:<'Y~lit~I.-.rI1d mechanical properties that allow it to
,,:~,<,:;;::,/,):',si;(rrY()llt;these roles. Bone is among the body's
CollagL'1l composes ~\PPJ'().\.irnatdy 9(YYo of the
tracellular matrix and accounts for approxima
,::)},:;;ll~lrci~~tstrllctllres; onl)' dentin and enamel in the
25 lO 3W>'r' of the dr~! wl'ight of bone. A univ
:,:;:::';:,:::':i:,..'./t~th.>qreharder. It is one of the most dynamic and
::",';;::;.~/'i,1;i',.~t. ?9Pp'.cally active tissues in the body and re building block of the body, collagen also is
>.";'\1.lAiri,S::~\ctiv0 throughollt life. A highl~; vascular tis- chie!" fibrous component of other skddal s
s~e' has an excellent capacity for self-repair and tures. (A detailed descriplion 01" the microstnlc
tan ~lter its properties and configuration in rc- and mechanical behavior of collagen is provide
. spOI~~e" to changes in mechanical demand. For ex- Chapters 3 and 4.)
ample, changes in bone dcnsit~1 arc commonly The gelatinous ground substance slIlToun
obsei~ed after pL:riods of disuse and of greatly in-
thc mineralized collagcn fibers consists mainl
creased use; changes in bone shapL' are noted dur protein polysaccharides, or gl~"cosarninogl
iog fracture healing and after certain operations. (GAGs), primarily in the form of cOlllplt:x ma
.;: Thus, bone adapts Lo the mechanical demands molecules called protcoglycans (PGs). The G
s~rvc as a cementing substance between laye
placed on i l.
This chapter (iL'scribcs the composition and mineralized collagen fibers. Thcs~ GAGs, a
structure of bone tissue, the mechanical properties wit.h various noncollagcI1ous glycoprotcins, co
of bone, and the behavior or bone under different tute approximately 5% of the extracellular rna
loading conditions. Various factors that affect the (The structure or PG:-:, whi,:h arc vital compon
mechanical behavior of bone in vitro and in vivo of artie, i:il' '_;l~{iL\gt. is described in delail in C
kr .) ..1
also are disclissed.
\Vater is fairl~: abundant in live bone. accoun
for up to 25% of its total weight. Approxim
Bone Composition and Structure 8510 of the walt.'r is found in the organic ma
around the collagen fibers and ground sllbsta
Bone tissue is a specialized connective tissue whose and in the h.vdlation shells surrounding the
solid composition suits it for its supportive and pro- crysl~ds. The other 15% is localed in the canals
teclive roles. Like other connective tissues, it con cavities that house bone cells and carry nutrien
sisrs of cells and an organic extraccllular matrix of t h~ bone tissuc.
fibers and ground substance produced by the cells. At the microscopic level, the fllndamcmal S
The distinguishing reature of bone is its high con lllralunit of bone is the osteon, or haversian sy
tent of inorganic materials, ill the form of mineral (Fig. 21). At the center of each osteon is a s
salts, that combine intimately with the organic ma- channel, called a haversian canal, lIlat con
trix (Buckwalter et al., 1995). The inorganic compo blood vessels and nerVe fibers. The osteon itself
nent of bone makes the tissue hard and rigid, while sists of a concentric series of layers (lamella
the organic component giv~s bone its flexil)ility and mineralized rnatrLx surrounding the central can
resilience. The composition of bone dirrers depend- configuration similar to growth ring~ in a
ing on site, animal age. dietar:.y histol)', and the pres trunk.
ence or disease (Kaplan et aI., 1993). Along the bOllndflries of each layel: or lamella
In normal human bone, the mineral or inorganic small cavities known as lacunae, each cOl1la
portion of bone consists primarily of calcium and 011(.' bone cell. or ostcocyte (Fig. 2-1 C). Nume
phosphate, mainly in the form of small crystals rc small channels, called canaliculi, radiate from
sembling synthetic hydroxyapatite crystals \vith lacuna, connecling the lacunae or adjacent lam
the composition Ca",(PO,)o(OI-l),. These minerals, and ultimately reaching the haversian canal.
which a~count for 60 to 70% of ilS dry weight, give processes extend from the osteocytes into the ca
bone its solid consistency. "Vatcr nccounts for 5 to culi, allowing nutrients '[Tom the blood vessels i
SOk and the organic matrix makes tip the J'cmainder haversian canal to reach the osteocyles.

.. , ..~l.'


A. The fine structure of bone is illustrated schematically haversian canal. Adapled irom Torrora G.J.. & Anagno
in a section of the shaft of a long bone depicted with- takas. N.P. (198:1). Principles of Anatomy and Physiolog
out inner marrow. The osteom. or haversian systems. edJ. Ne~v York: Harper gRow. C, Along the boundar
are apparent as the structural units of bone. The haver- the lamellae are small cavities known as lacunae, e
sian canals are in the center of the osteons, which form of which contains a single bone cell, or osteocyte.
the main branches of the circulatory network in bone. ating from the lacunae are tiny canals, or canalicu
Each osteon is bounded by a cement line. One osteon is into which the cytoplasmic processes of the osteoc
shown extending from the bone (20x). Adapted from extend. Adapted from Torrora G.;.. & AOclgflosrak05. N
Basset!, CAL. (1965). /ecrrical effects in bone. SCI Am, (1984). Principles of AnalOmy and Physiology (4th edJ.
213.18. B, Each osteon consists of lamellae. concentric York: Harper & Ro~"/.
rings composed of a mineral matrix surrounding the

At the pcriphcl)! of each osteon is a cement line, A typical osteon is approximately 200 micr
a nrtrrow area of cement-like ground SubSlrtllCe tcrs (J..l) in (linrnctcr. Hence, evclY point in th
composed primarily of GAGs. The canaliculi of Ihc teon is no more than 100 J..llll from the central
osteon do not pass this cement line. Like the canali- catcd blood supply. In Ihe long bones, the os
culi, the collagen fibers in the bOl1e matrix intercon- usually run longitudinally. but they branch
nect from one larndla to another within an osteon quelltly and anaslOmose extensively with
but do not cross the cement line. This intertwining othcl:
of collagen fibers within the osteon undoubtedly in-, Jnterstitial lamellac span the regions bet
creases the bone's resistance to mechanical stress complete O!"h:ons (Fig: 2-1..1). They arc contin
and probably explains _~vhy the cement line is the with the ostcons and consist of the same mater
weakest portion of the bonc's microstructure. a difTerent geol11ctric configuralion. As in th
Frontal longitudinal section through the head. neck,
greater trochanter, and proximal shaft of an adult fe-
mur. Cancellous bone, with its trabeculae oriented in
a lattice, lies within the shell of cortical bone.
! Reprinted with permission from Gray, H. (T 985). Anatomy
of the Human Body. (73(h American ed.J. Philadelphia:

Lea & Febiger.

teons, no point in the interstitiallamellae is farther

than 100 JLm from its blood supply. The interfaces
between these lamellae contain an alTa)' of lacunae
in which oSleocytes lie and from which canaliculi
!\l the macroscopic level, all Qonc,~ ..,!re.. c.Qrnposed
of twotvpes, ,00~os'se-qus,~isslle: cortical. or compact, A, Reflected-light photomicrograph of cortical
bone ~\n~d ci\'nc-c-il~~IS.-Ol:"tl'abeclllal~"'iJ()nc'(FE~-"-i~2). from a human tibia (40;<). B, Scanning electron p
COl'tiC,,1 hoi1"Tili'ms the Otlt",:,11-"II:or' cortex: of the tomicrograph of cancellous bone from a human tibi
b()I"1~,tll~Cl.. has a ~l,~nse stt'llct,llre ,Si..11]i,ic.\I:t~)th~\i of (30)-:). Reprinted wirh permission from Carrer. D.R., & Na
ivory. C;ln~~Tlou's bo;;e within ihi~~I;ell is composed We. (1977). Compact bone fatigue damage. A microsco
or-thin plates. o'j"lrabeclllae, in a loose mesll.-,~t1.uc aminalion. Clin Onhop, 127, 265.
lUI~e; lhf([rlier'si-iccs--bctwe.en the lrabct:ulat:: are filled
\\~hh red ;;all'O\';" (Fig. 2~j). C~I~~~ii~ll~-b~-~~~~e
isaiTangeCi in concentric lacunae-cQn'i"ainTilgJii!l)el-
lae--ouiclocsn-ot em~l;-in haversian canals. The os- On a rnicroscopic level, bone consists of .w
teoc:\;tes re'ceive nUlricn-islhrough canaliculi from and lamellar-bone (Fig. 2-4). Woven bOlle is-co
blood vessels passing through the red marrow. ~.Q.r erecl"immatllre bone. This type or bone is rOll t1 d
lieal..bone always SUITOt.II).~~~ G!.pccl!.ous bUl enlbryo.-in the newborn, in the- fracturc'callus,
thi-rdative quantily of each lype varies' among lhe riietaphysial region of growing bone as wel
bones and wilhin individual bones according to tUIl-lOrS, ostcogcl]csis lmperfecla, and pagctic
funclional requirements. Lal-nellar bone begins to form 1 month arter bir
activelv replaces woven bon~. Lamellar bone is therC'- and ,'cRail'. (ostcoblasls). The periosteum c
for~ a "marc" l11all~'c bOlle.--- th~cnli~ -b0I1::' except for the - joint-'Slld"
All bones are urrounded by a dC.llse __ U_bJ~olls which m":Cco\;'cr'ccT'witTl arlicufm- cartilage. I
membrane called the periosteulll (Fig. 2-1.-\). Its long borles, 'a- thin'llcr "nl'e'moi~a-ne:llle-cndo
ouler fa)~ei: (~ -pe-i::nl-eat-e-(Ch~);-'-GTood vessels (Fig. v:,\'
line";; t heee n 1 ral (;;;";;clujIaty j ~,,",;il Ii icll;~
2-5) and nerve fibers that pass into the cortex via \VilTl'-y~cfl~~~~;~ fall'; -iiuirio\\':~ The' endostcum
Volk,llunn's cH"nalS: c()r\-i1c-EUng~\\;i.t~-1 thc--rl~i\.;e,:sian tai,'ls~~~s:l'~~;~l;ia~t; ,~,~d .alse),. giant n~-~,fli"'l-ll1-c'
eLl m\ls '\Il'(Cc',~,~~,6~,lir~~Lt(? tll~-,s,a.!1~,~,1..1('-li~ ,I)one .. f\ n l.ioli"-e"lisctlTfec! osteoela-sfs: both of which
i n I'~<;-l~" o~_~,~~?g,~n .i..~,J,_~ver C()ll,t,,~1.'i Ils '" l?5)Il~ ~t:llsIY~ i m pOI:f~li1i'I~(;fc's"'Ttl-dlc'l~cm odc ling aMi1~ir"(:cso I'
spo"nsible.....",'(or ,5:_".". . .",..
nc\v"" .Gc;'n-c'''du'i-ing
-- """
of bone .

- -
- --

- '--
- " -


~ .f v~~, J
/'i .\ } ,

,~. \. \ \) '("'1::.;,


Schematic drawing and photomicrographs of lamellar and woven bone, Adapted

from Kaplan, F.5., Hayes, We., Keaveny. T.M., er a/. (1994). Form and funcrion of bone.
In S.R. Simon (Ed.). Orthopaedic Basic Science (pp. 129, 130). Rosemonr, fL: AAOS.
Photomicrograph showing the vasculature of cortical bone. Adap,ed from K~lplan,
FS .. Nayes,w,e.. Keaven}~ rA1 .. et M (1994). Form and function of bone. In 5.R, Simon
(Ed.). Orthopaedic Basic Science (p. /3i}. Rosemon, It: AAOS.

Biomechanical Properties strength, stiflness, and other mechanical proper
of Bone of the structure can be gained b~' examining
Biomechanically, bone tissue may be regUl~ded a~ a A hypothetical load-deformation curve for
t\v9~ph~,lse (biphasic) c01JlposiL(;~ I1),aterial;" with the somewhat pliable fibrous structure, such as a l
mineral as onCjJhase and the collagen and ground bone, is shown in Figure 26, The i1~~lial (strai
substance as_.the o~her. In such matcl"'ials (n nonbio~ line) portion of the curve, the c1asticJ'cgion. reve
logic-al exal,'lple is fiberglass) in which a strong. brit- the elasticity bf the structure, th:u is, its capacity
tle material is embedded in a w~akcc more Oexible returning io its original shape after the load is
one, the combined substances ;:tre stronger for their moved, As the load is applied, deformati911 occ
weight than is either substance alone (Bassett, btll is not permanent; th-e structure recovers its o
1965), inal sllape \\'hen unloaded. As loading continues.
Functionally, the most important mechanical outcrni"ost fibers of the struCture begin to yield
properties of bone are its strength and stiffness. some point. This yidd poinl signals the elastic li
These and other characteristics can best be under- of the structure, As, the load exceeds this limit,
stood for bone, or any other structure, by e:'\amin- structure exhibits plastic behavior, I'cflecl~d in
ing its behavior under .loading, that is, under the in- second (curved) portion of the eurvc, the p!as,tic
nuence of externally applied forces. Loading causes gion. The structure \\~i11 no longer return to its or
a deformation, or a change in the dimensions, of 11al dimensions when the load has been releas
the~-strllctllre. \Vhen a load in a known direction is some residual deformation will be permanent
imposed on a structure, the deformation 01" that loading-is progressively increased, the structure
structure can be rncasurcd and ploued 011 a load- fail at'somc point (bonc' will fracturc), This poin
deformation curve. I\lluch information about the indic~-iled by the ultimate failure point on the CU
acterizing a bone or other structure in terms o
Plastic region c material of \vhich it is composed, independent o
geometry, requires standardization of the tes
1'- i conditions and the size and shape of the test sp
'" Yield / D Ultimate
D 1
ro point 1 failure mens. Such standardized testing is useful for c
S 1 point paring the 111echanical properties of two or m
/ Energy
1 materials, such as the relative strength of bone
1 tendon tissue or the relative stiffness of various
1 terials used in prosthetic implants. More pre
1 units of measurement can be used when stand
A D' ized samples are tested-that is, the load per un
Deformation area of the sample (stress) and the amount of de
mation in terms of the percentage of change in
sample's dimensions (strain). The curve generat
Load-deformation curve for a structure composed of
a stress-strain curve.
a somewhat pliable material. If a load is applied Stress)s:the load, or force, per unit area tha
within the elastic range of the structure (A to B on velops on a plane surface within a struc:lll['e.)1
the curve) and is then released, no permanent defor- sponse'iO'exteI~ililll)' applied loads. The three ~
mation occurs. If loading is continued past the yield most commonly used for measuring stress in s
point (B) and into the structure's plastic range (B to C dardized samples of bone are ne\vtons per cent
on the curve) and the load is then released, perma- ter squared (N/cm:;); newtons per meter squared
nent deformation results. The amount of permanent pascals (N/m 2 ,Pa); and megancwtons per m
deformation that occurs if the structure is loaded to sqmii;cd; or mega pascals (MN/m 2 , MPa).
point 0 in the plastic region and then unloaded is
Strain is the clef()l'mation (change in dimens
represented by the distance between A and D. If
loading continues within the plastic range, an ulti-
that develoP?~yithiI1.~ls:tTuctureirl"I:t::sponse to
mate failure point (C) is reached.
ternallyapplied loads. The two basic types of st
are ii'near strain, which causes "a- chang~ ill
lengtl;"'6f'dlcspecimen, and shear strain, w
causes }i"'~I~~i:~?i~.(ll~angulari'clationships \v
the structure. Linea-I' strain is measured as
Three parameters for determining the strength of amoliiltofflIlear de[ormati()n (lengthening or sh
a structure are reflected on the load-deformation ening}"6fthesiilnple di\'ided by the sample's orig
Clll-ve: 1, the load that the structure can sustain be- length. It is a nondim<;nsj()llal paramel<;r expre
fore failing; 2, the deformation ihat it cansustain as a percentage (e.g:, centimeter per centime
before failing; and 3, the erler.Y that it CaIlstore be~ She'~1'1:'stt'~lTI1"is measured as the all"1Q.~lIlL.of ang
fore failing. The strel1gth in terms of loaclancLde- ch~~!!.g,~. ,,,(Y)_i,l'-adglif _ ~~lj:~leI )'i l1gi"I"i.t}l<; pl.nne.o
fm:"mation, or ultimate strength, is in,clicatedOllJhe terest in the sample. It is expressedil"il'actians
curve by the ultimate failure point. The streI,lgtl1 in radian-'e(ill~llsai)proximately57.3) (Internatio
terms of energy storage is indicated by the size of Society of Biomechanics, 1987).
lhe area under the entire cun'e. The larger the area, Stress and strain values can be obtained for b
the greater the energy that build~up in tfle struc- by placing a standardized specimen of bone ti
ture as the load is applied. The stiffness of the in a testing jig and loading it to failure (Fig. 2
structure is indicated by theslope of tl).<::.curve in These values can then be plotted on a stress-st
the elastic region. Thesteepei::::the slope, the stifrer curve (Fig. 2-8). The regions of this curve are s
the material. lar to those of the load-deformation cUll/e. Load
the load-deformation curve is useful for deter- the elastic region do not cause perll1aD.<;nL~I~J(
Inining the mechanical properties of whole struc~ lion, buC6ncc:the yield point is excee.deeJ,s()ll1c
turessuch as a whole bone, an entire ligament or Formation L5 permanent. The strengthoftheJl1~l
tendqn, or a metai implant. This knowledge is help- inl in terms of energy' storage is repre~ent~elby
ful in the study of fracture behavior and repail~ the area .~II1~1.<::Itheyntire curve. The stifFness is re
response of a struetlJre to physical stress, or the er~ sented h.ytheslope of th<? curve in the~Iasticreg
fect of various treatment programs. However, char~ A value for stiffness is obtained by dividing
stress at ~ __point ir~_.thc clastic (straight line) porti()11 (Ke"""ny & Hayes, 1993). The physical differen
of trlC"cllI"\'e by ihe-~t~,~~in ~t that point. This -isvalue betwecn the two bone tissucs is quantified in ter
caITedtTle-nl0dlll~I~~ o!:-elastfcity (Young's modulus). of the apparent density of bone, which is ddined_
Young'S modulus (E) is d~,T;'ed from Ihe relalionship the mas~_.<?Ip9ii~jI~~u:i?,:~~~ntin a unit of bon~ \
betw';-en str"ss ('T) an~.strain(~): ~~f11e (gram per cubic ccn-titnctci:Tglcc]):-Frg"Llre
depicts typical stress-strain qualities of cortical a
trabecular bone with different bone densities tes
The elasticity 01" a material or the Young's modulus under similar conditions. In general, it is
E is equal to the slope of the stress (<r) and strain (E) enough lo describe bone strength with a sin
diagram in the clastic linear region. E represents the number. A bctter way is to examine the stress-str
stiffness of Ih" material, such Ihat Ihe higher the curve for the bone tissue under the circumstan
elastic modulus or Young's modulus, the stiffer the tested.
material (Ozkaya & Nordin, 1999). To better understand th" relationship of bone
Mechanical propcrties differ in the two bone other materials, schematic stress-strain curves
types. Cortical_bq__,!_c ~~ s~.Hfer_tlla!,! canccllQus_ bone, bone, metal, and glass illustrate the differences
withstanding greater stress but less strain before mechanical behavior among these matcrials (F
falllllc. C:-1-n~c~ITol-i-s -bolic-rn-\'itl:-O--~~~I~-~;jn lip to 2~10). The variations in stiffness are rcOecled in
50% of strains before yielding. \vhile cortical ~)(?nc different slopes of the cun'cs in the clastic regi
viclds and fractures when the strain exccec!s 1.5 Metal has the steepest slope and is thLis the stiff
10 2.00/0. 8cc~\i.isc---<.)r ils~I)O-'()lis---stl~uclure, ca..Q~J~I.~_ material.
IOlls~~~=_.I:..'~_s a la-j";gc (61~ eneigy..sto,~ge

C' . ---- .. - -------- ....................
PlastiC region

A B" C"

Stress-strain curve for a cortical bone sample teste

in tension (pulled). Yield point (B): point past whic
some permanent deformation of the bone sample
curred. Yield stress (8'): load per unit area sustaine
by the bone sample before plastic deformation too
place. Yield strain (8"): amount of deformation wi
stood by the sample before plastic deformation oc

~--- curred. The strain at any point in the elastic region

of the curve is proportional to the stress at that
Standardized bone specimen in a testing machine_ point. Ultimate failure point (C): the point past
The strain in the segment of bone between the two which failure of the sample occurred. Ultimate stre
gauge arms is measured with a strain gauge. The (C'): load per unit area sustained by the sample be
stress is calculated from the total load measured. fore failure. Ultimate strain (C"): amount of defor
Courtesy of Dennis R. Carter. Ph.D. mation sustained by the sample before failure.

Apparent Densily scnce of a plastic region on the stl"L'ss-strain cur
..... 0.30 glee By contrasl, metal exhibits cxtensht: deformati

:::1 . CortIcal bone
- - . 0.90 glee
- - 1.85 glee
before failing, as indicalC'd b~' a long plastic reg
on the ClitYC. Bone also deforms before failing
to a rnuch lesser extent than metal. The differen
~ in the plastic behavior of metal and bone is the
~ suit or differences in microlllcchanical events
iii yield. Yielding in melal (tested in tension,
/ -------------- pulled) is caused b~' plastic rIow and the fonrwti
of plaslic slip lines; slip lines art: formed when
Trabecular bone
o.j.........,=.:...:..:".+"..:..:. ".:....:..:.:. :".:."
-'<":..:.":..:..:. :.c .c.;":..:.:.":...".f.:.c.;".:.":..".:.."---<
. .:..:... molecules of lhe latticc structurc of mctal dis
o 5 10 15 20 25 cate. Yielding in bone (tested in tcnsion) is caus
Strain (%)

Example of stress-strain curves of cortical and trabec-
ular bone with different apparent densities, Testing
was performed in compression. The figure depicts the
difference in mechanical behavior for the two bone
structures. Reprinted with permission from Ke,1'.'eny.
T M., & Hc1yes, \tV. C. (1993). Mechanical properri(;.ls of cor- Glass
tical ancl rfDoecular bone, Bone. 7, 28S]t]4,

The clastic portion of the curve for glass und

metal is a straight linc. indicating linearly ei<:\slic be-
havior; virtually no yielding lakes place before the
yield point is reached. By comparison. precise test- Bone
ing of cortical bone hns shown thnt the elastic por-
tion of the curve is not straight but instead slightly
curved. indicating that bone is not linearly claslic in
its bdlm'ior but yields somewhat during loading in Strain
the elastic rcgion (Bonefield & Li, 1967)" Table 2-1
depicts the mechanical propcrtics of selectcd bio
materials for comparison. Materials are classified as
brittle or ductile depcnding on the extent of defor Schematic stress-strain curves for three materials.
mation before failure. Glass is a typical brittle ma- Metal has the steepest slope in the elastic region a
is thus the stiffest material. The elastic portion of
terial. and soft metal is a typical ductile material.
curve for metal is a straight line, indicating linearl
The cUrrerence in the amount or deformation is re-
elastic behavior. The fact that metal has a long pla
Oected in the fracture surfaces or the two materials
tic region indicates that this typical ductile materia
(Fig" 2-11)" When pieced togethcr aftcr fracture, lhe deforms extensively before failure. Glass, a brittle
ductile material will not conform to its original material, exhibits linearly elastic behavior but fails
shape whet'cas the brittle material will. Bone ex abruptly with little deformation, as indicated by th
hibits more brittle or ITIOI'C ductile behavior dt> lack of a plastic region on the stress-strain curve.
pending on its age (younger bone being more duc- Bone possesses both ductile and brittle qualities
tile) and the rate at which it is loaded (bonc bcing demonstrated by a slight curve in the elastic region
more brittle at higher loading speeds). which indicates some yielding during loading with
After the yield point is reached, glass deforms this region.
very little before failing, as indicated by the ab

by dcbonding of thL' ostC'ons 4\t the cement lin
and micl'ofracturc (Fig. 2-12), while ~'idding
I Mechanical Properties of Selected bone as a result of compression is indicated
iI Biomaterials cracking of lhe osteons (Fig. 2-13).
Ultimate Because the structure of bone is dissimilar in
Strength Modulus Elongation'
(MPa) (GPa) (%)
transverse and longillidinal. directions, it exhib
diffcrerl'l mechanical propenics whc.I1 loaded alo
Metals differenl axes, a characleristic known as anisotro
Co-Cr alloy
Cast 600 220
forged 950 220 15
Stainless steel 850 210 10
Titanium 900 110 15
Bone cement 20 2.0 2-4

Alumina 300 350 <2
Cortical bone 100-150 10-15 1-3
Trabecular bone 8-50 2-4
Tendon, ligament 20-35 2.0-4,0 10-25

Adapted from Kummer, J,K, (1999) Impldn, biomillcrials In J.M.

Spivak, P.E, DiCesare, Os. Fe[dman, K,!. Ko'''.1[, A.S. RokilO, & J.D.
Zuckerrnan (Eds.). Orrhopaedic5.' A Study GlII'de (pp. 45-48). Ni:>,v
Reflected-light photomicrograph of a human corti
York: lvlcGraw-Hlil. bone specimen tested in tension (30):). Arrows ind
cate debonding at the cement lines and pulling ou
of the osteoos. Courtesy 0; Dennis R. Carter. Ph.D.

1t - - - - - - - -

Ductile fracture
Brittle fracture
-. I
,urface' of sample, of a ductile and a br;ttle
material. The broken Jines on the ductile material in- Scanning electron photomicrograph of a human co
dicate the original length of the sample. before it tical bone specimen tested in compression (30X). A
deformed. The brittle material deformed very little rows indicate oblique cracking of the osteons. Courtesy
before fracture. Dennis R. Carter, Ph.D.




Anisotropic behavior of cortical bone specimens from a the neutral axis of the bone, tilted 60", and transver
human femoral shaft tested in tension (pulled) in four (T). Data from Frankel, V.H., & Burstein, A.H. (1970).
directions: longitudinal (L). tilted 30" with respect to lhopaedic Biomech<1nlcs. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger.

f7jgure 2-14 shows the variations in strength and
stiffness for cortical bone samples from a human
remoral shah, tested in tension in four directions
(Frankel & Burstein c 1970; Carterc 1978). The values B
for both parameters are highest for the samples
loaded in the longitudinal direction. Figures 29 and
215 show trabecular bone slI-cngth and stiffness
tesled in two directions: compression and tension.
Trabecular or cancellous bone is approximately 25%
as dense, 5 to look; as stiff, and five times as ductile
as conical bone. 4
Although lhe relationship bel ween loading pat-
lerns and the mechanical properties of bone
throughout the skeleton is extremely complex, it
generally can be said that bone strength and stiff- 2
ness are greatest in the dircction in which daily
loads arc most commonly imposed.
o 2 4 6 B

BiOlnechanical Behavior of Bone Tensile strain (%)

The mechanical behavior or bone-ils behavior

under the innuence of forces and moments-is af- Example of tensile stress-strain behavior of trabec
fected by its mechanical properties, its geometric lar bone tested in the longitudinal axial direction
characteristics, the loading mode applied, direc- the bone. Adapted from Gibson, L.1., & As/lby. M.F.
lion of loading, rale of loading, and frequency of (1988). Cellular Solids: Structure and Properties. New
loading. York: Pergamon, Press.
pendicular to the applied load (Fig. 2-17). Under
sil~l(),l(ling, the
stnl.c:ture lengthens and narrows
Clinically, fractures produced by tensilelqad
are usually seen in Dones with a large proportio
cancellous bone. Examples are fractures of the b
or thCfifth metatarsal adjacent to the attachm

of the pe-roneus brevis tendon and fractt,lres
the calcaneus adjacent to the attachment of
AchUlqs tendon. Figure 2-18 shows a tensile frac
through the calcaneus; intense contraction of
triceps surae muscle produces abnormall,Y high
Tension Compression Bending
sile loads on the bone.

DUling compressive loading, equal ~nd opposite lO
I are applied toward the surface of the structure

I i compressive stress and strain. result inside the st

ture. Compressive stress can be thought of as m
small forces directed into the surface of the stluct
Maximal compressive stress occurs on a plane
pendicular to the applied load (Fig. 2-19). Under c
Shear Torsion Combined
pressive loading, the structure shortens and widen
Clinically, COin pression fractures are commo
~L.-.- _
found in the vertebrae. which are subjected to h
compressive loads. These fractures are most o
seen in the elderly with osteoporotic bone tis

Schematic representation of various loading modes.
Figure 2-20 shows the shortening and widen


Forces and moments can be applied to a structure
in various directions, producing tension, compres-
sion, bending, shear, torsion, and cornbinecl loading
(Fig. 2-16). Bone in vivo is subjected to all of these
loading modes. The folknving descriptions of these
modes apply to structures in equilibrium (at rest or
moving at a constant speed); loading produces an
internal, deforming efFect on the structure.

During tensile loading, equal and opposite loads are
applied olltward from the surface of the structure,
ancCtensile stress and strai"n result inside the struc-
ture. Ten'sile stress can be thought of as manv small
forces directed <.nva:v from the -;'urface of th~ stlJIC- Tensile loading.

lure. Maximal tensile stress occurs on a plane per-

Tensile fracture through the calcaneus produced by
strong contraction of the triceps surae muscle during
a tennis match. Courtesy of Robert A. Winquisr, lA.D

that takes place in a human vertebra subjected to a Compression fracture of a human first lumbar ver
high compressive load. In a joint, compressive load- bra. The vertebra has shortened and widened.
ing to failure can be produced by abnormally
strong contraction of the surrounding muscles. An
example of this effect is presented in Figure 2-2 t;
bilateral subcapilal fractures of the Femoral neck
were sustained by a patient undergoing electroc
vulsive therapy; strong contractions of the mus
around the hip joint compressed the femoral h
against the acetabulum.


.. During shear loading, a load is applied parallel to

surface of the structure, and shear,stress and st
result inside the structure. Shear stress can
thought of as many' small forces acting on the
face of the structure on a plane parallel to the
plied load (Fig. 2-22). J\ structure subjected t
Compressive loading.
shear load deforms internaH.v in an angular-rllan
right angles on a plane surface within the stnlc

Before loading Under shear loading

;~ When a structure is loaded in shear, lines original

at right angles on a plane surface within the struc
ture change their orientation, and the angle beco
1Dfm _ obtuse or acute. This angular deformation indicat
shear strain.

Bilateral subcapital compression fractures of the .-----------------

I femoral neck in a patient who underwent electrocon
vulsive therapy.
e daslicily (Young's modulus) is approximately
GPa in longitudinal or axial loading and appro
1l1alcly I I GPa in transverse loading. Human
become obtuse or acute (Fig. 2-23'). \'Vhel~e\'er a becular bone values for testing in compression
structure is subjected to tensile or compressivelqad- approximately' 50 ivlpa and arc reduced lO appr
ing, sflear stl:ess is produced. -Figli;c 2-24 iIllls11:a'tcs
angtiliii deformatiorl in sfi~lctllrcs subjected (0 these
loading modes. Clinically, sh<;ar fractures are most
f ohen seen in cancel lOlls bone.
Human clllit 'corticai bone exhibits different val- ***

ues for ultimate stress uncleI' compressive, tensile,
and shear loading. Cortical bone can withstand
greater stress in compression (approximately 190
Mpa) than in tension (approximately 130 !\Ilpa) and
greater stress in tension than in shear (70 r\'lpa). The

<> 0 1 <>
Unloaded Under Under

lensile compressive
loading loading
The presence of shear strain in a structure loaded
tension and in compres.sion is indicated by angula
_ Shear loading. deformation.

Cross-section of a bone subjected to bending, show-
ing distribution of stresses around the neutral axis.
Tensile stresses act on the superior side, and compres-
sive stresses act on the inferior side. The stresses are
highest at the periphery of the bone and lowest near
the neutral axis. The tensile and compressive stresses
are unequal because the bone is asymmetrical.

lateral roentgenogram of a "boot top" fracture

duced by three-point bending. Courtesy of Robert
\J1/inquist, M, D.

mately 8 Mpa iF loaded in tension. The modulus or

elasticity is low (0.0-0.4 GPa) and dependent on the
apparent density of the trabecular bone and direc~
lion of loading. The clinical biomechanical conse- Bending
quence is that the direction of compression failure
results in general in a stable fracture, while a frac- In bending, loads are applied to a structure
ture initiated by..' tension or shear ma!' have cata- manner that causes it to bend ~\bout an,axis. \V
strophic consequences, a bone 'is loaded in bending, it is subjected
combination of tension and compression. Te
stresses and strains act on one side of the ne
axis!._'111d compressive stresses and strain?,Ic;t on
oth~r side (Fig. 2-25); there are I}ostresse,:-
str~liI!?along tt;enelltral axis. The ~lagnitllde o
stresses is proportional to their distance from
.... ....
neutral axis of the bone. The farther the stresse
1_/ from the neutral axis, the higher their magnit
Because a bone structure is asymmetrical,

1_/_ _
stresses may not be equally distributed.
Bending may be produced by thl'qe forces (th
point bendiilg) Ol:.Xour forces (roUI'~point bend
(Fig. 2-26). Fractures produced b)' both type
bending are commonly observed clinically, par
lady in the long bones.
Three-point bendirlgtakesplace when t
forces acting on a structure pn)c!uce two equal
mcnts, each being the product of one of the t\\'
ripfle!~;;liforces and its perpcndicular distance.
the axis of rotation (the point at which the mi
Two types of bending. A, Three-point bending. Forceis applied) (Fig. 2-26;\). IF loading conti
B, Four-point bending.
to the )-'iele! point, the structure, if homogene
symmetrical, and with no structural or tissue
Four~point bending takes place when two fo
couples acting on a stl'uclurc produce two eq
moments. A force couple is formed when two par
lei forces or equal magnitude but opposite direct
~ ,"'''' are applied to a structure (Fig. 2-28;\). Because
o Fatigued muscle ~
, ~ ~~ _"~ ~ " ~ ~ ~"_c magnitude of the bending moment is the sa
throughout the area between the two force coupl
the structure breaks at its weakest point. An exa
ple of a FourNpoint bending FraclUre is shown in F
ure 2-28B. A stifT knee joint was manipulated inc
rectl y' during rehabilitation of a palient with
postsurgical infected femoral fracture, During

feet, will break at the point of application of the

middle force.
A typict;~Jthree~pointl)eIl(ling fracture is tht: "boot
top"Jracturesustainedb:vskiers. In the "boot top"
fracture shown in Figure 2-27, one bending moment
acted on the proximal tibia as the skier fell forward
over the top of the ski boot. An equal moment, pro-
duced by the fixed foot and ski, acted on thc distal
tibia. As the proximal tibia was bent fonvard, tensile
stresses and strains acted on the posterior side of
the bone and compressive stresses and strains acted
on the anterior side. The tibia and fibula fractured

at the top of the boot. Because adult bone is weaker A, During manipulation of a stiff knee joint during
in tension than in compression, failure begins on fracture rehabilitation, four-point bending caused
the side subjected to tension. Because immature the femur to refracture at its weakest point, the
hone is n10r~ ductile, it nUl)' fail first in compres- original fracture site. B, Lateral radiograph of the
sion, and a buckle fracture may result on the com- fractured femur. Courtesy of Kaj Lundborg, M.D.
pressive side (Flowchart 2~ I).
Cross-section of a cylinder loaded in torsion, showing
the distribution of shear stresses around the neutral
axis. The magnitude of the stresses is highest at the
periphery of the cylinder and lowest near the neutral
axis. Experimentally produced torsional fracture of a c
nine femur. The short crack (arrow) parallel to th
neutral axis represents shear failure; the fracture
at a 30'" angle to the neutral axis represents the
plane of maximal tensile stress.
manipulation. the posteJ"ior knee joint capsule and
tibia Formed one force couple and the fClTlOral head
and hip joint capsule formed the other. As a bending
moment was applied to the femur, the bone failed at stre:;ses arc distributed over the entire structure
its \vcakest point, the original fracture site. in b~n'ding, the magnitude of these stresses is
ponional to their distance from the neutral
(Fig. 229). The farther the stresses arc from
Torsion neutral axis, the higher their magnitude.
Under torsional loading, maximal shear stre
In torsion, a load is applie~l to a strl1c~.lIIc _in a man- act on plan~sp~~-;'alleland~perpen(ficularto-then
nel' that causes i"l to l\\;j'st about an axis, and a
tl"al axis of the structure. 'In addition, max"fillal
lO~'gue--(or ornament) is produced within the -struc-
sile aild comp'ressi\'c stresses act on a plane dia
lure.--\Vhen a structure is loaded in torsion, shear
nal to the neutral a.'\is of the structure. Figure
illustrates these planes in a small segment of b
loaded in torsion.
The fracture pattern for bone loaded in tor

~~ suggests thal the bone fails first in shear, with

61, .

formation of an initial crack parallel to the neu
axis of the bone. A second crack usually fo
along the plane or maximal tensile stress. Suc
pattern can be seen in the experimentally produ
, Ii'
,i<? torsional fracture of n canine femur shown in
ure 2-31.
,,, ,!' ....... 1
I Combined loading,
Allhough each loading mode has been conside
separately, living bone is seldom loaded in one m
Schematic representation of a small segment of bone only. Loading of bone in vivo is complex for
loaded in torsion. Maximal shear stresses act on principal reasons: bones ~onstantly subjecte
planes parallel and perpendicular to the neutral axis. multiple indeterminate loads and their geome
Maximal tensile and compressive stresses act on structure is irregulm: In vivo mcasurement of
planes diagonal to this axis.
strains on the antcrol11cdial surface of a hum
adull tibia during walking and jogging dcm
SlrateS the comph.:.xil.V 01" the loading patterns dur- crcas~d both the str~ss and the strain Oil the lib
ing these cOl11mon ph.'siological activities (Lanyon (Lan.'on ct aI., 1975). This increase in strain w
el aI., 1975). Stress values calculated from these grt,,:atcr speed was confirmed in studies or locom
strain measurel~lents by Carter (1978) showed thal lion in sheep, which ckmonslratcd a fivefold
during normal walking, the strc.i.~es wcre COlllP.I"CS- crcase in slrain values from siD\\" walking to f
s.ivc dllring heel strike, tensile during- thc--s_t-~!.nce lrotting (Lanyon & Bourn, 1979).
ph~y~,,indi1aill--c()il~prcssive-.~Iu'ri,~,lg- pLlsl.1~off (Fig.
2-3"2A). VaI"ucs for shear stress \\'cn.:.~ relatively high
in the later portion of the gait c)ldc, denoting sig-
nificant torsional loading. This torsional loading
\vas associated with external rotation of the tibia When bone is loaded in vivo, the contraction of t
during stance ancl push-ofr. muscles attached to the bone alters dlC stress dist
Dul"ing jogging. the stress pattern was quite dif- bution in [he bone. This muscle contraction d
rerent (Fi-g. 2:328). The COlJlP.~.~~.~~c_slrcssPFcdom- cr<.:ases 01 eliminates [ensile stress on the bone
inatin!! at lac strike was followed bv high tensile producing compressi\'c SlI-CSS thal neutralizes it
stress~di.iring r>ll-sh-ofr. The sllenr slrcss~:vi~~--'o\V ther partially or totall~.
tfil'oughout 'tlle strich:\ denoting 111ini;lwl torsional The effect of muscle contraction can be ill
loadhig"pl~o(lllced by slight e~'\tern~" and inlcrm~l 1'0- trated in a tibia subjected to three-point bendin
tatiOll or-the tibia in an-ahernating pallcrn. The in- Figure 2~33A represents Lhe leg of a skier who
crease--fll specd from slow walking LO jogging in- falling: forward, subjecting the tibia Lo a bendi

Jogging (2.2 m/sec)



Walking (1.4 m/sec) 8 Compressive
Stress Shear (external rotation)
Tensile Shear (internal rotation)
Compressive 6
2 Shear (external rotation) rn
1 I1


;;; 0 +''<,--+-!----o:..-.--+,__+ __.-;~'c...,...+- 2

;i '
..j ...i
{jj \. ! -~'.. .:;
\ .....;, ... i ................
O' , i
\1../ / "' i
3 \ .. i " "' i

HO s
2 "'\ ii
HO TO 4 .l---=-E--=~'-:':::------

A. Calculated stresses on the anterolateral cortex of a 8, Calculated stresses on the anterolateral cortex of a
human tibia during walking. HS, heel strike; FF, foot human tibia during jogging. T5, toe strike; TO, toe o
flat; HO, heel-off; TO. toe off; S, swing. Calwlated from Calwfared [rom Lanyon. L.E.. Hampson. W.G.)., Goodship
Lanyon, L.E.. Hampson. W'.G.J., Goodship. A.E.. et af. AE., et al. (1975). Bone deformation recorded in vivo fro
(1975). Bone deformation recorded in vivo (rom srrain strain gaoges aClacIJed ro the human tibial Shaft. Acta
gauges c1tr<elched to the human tibial sharr. ACla Orlhop Orthop 5cand. 46. 256. Figure courtesy 01 Dennis R. Carte
Scand, 46. 256. Figure coortesy of Dennis R. Carler, Ph.D Pll.D.
, ,-, , bone is loaded (Le., the rate at which the load is
,, ""

plied and removed). Bone is stifTer and sustain
higher load to failure when loads are applied
higher rates. Bone also stores more energy be
, , failure at higher loading rates, provided that th
,, ''
: I
rates are within the physiological range.
The in vivo claily' strain can vary considerab
The calculated strain rate for slow walking is 0.
per second, \vhile slow running displays a st
rate of 0.03 per second.
In general, when activities become more stre
ous, the strain rate increases (Keaveny & Ha
1993). Figure 2-35 shows cortical bone behavio
tensile testing at different physiological strain ra
B As can be seen from the figure, the same chang
strain rate produces a larger change in ultim
stress (strength) than in elasticit.\' (Young's mo
lus). The data indicates that the bone is appr
A. Distribution of compressive and tensile stresses in mately 30(/0 stronger for brisk walking than for s
a tibia subjected to three-point bending. B, Contrac-
tion of the triceps surae muscle produces high com-
pressive stress on the posterior aspect, neutralizing
the high tensile stress.

moment. High tensile stress is produced on the pos-

tcrior aspect of the tibia, and high compressive
:, ,,:
stress acts on the anterior aspect. Contraction of the
triceps surae muscle produces great compressive
stress on the posterior aspect (Fig. 2-338), neutral-
izing the great tensile stress and thereby' protecting
the tibia from failure in tension. This muscle con-
traction may result in higher compressive stress on
the anterior surface of the tibia and thus protect the
bone from failure. Adult bone can usuall~/ withstand
this stress, but immature bone, which is weaker, E, - , -, ,,
, , '

ma.y fail in compression. ,
Muscle contraction produces a similar effect in "
the hip joint (Fig. 2-34). During locomotion, bend-
ing moments are applied to the femoral neck and
tensile stress is produced on the superior cortex.
Contraction of the gluteus medius muscle pro-
duces compressive stress that neutralizes this ten-
sile stress, with the net result that neither com-
pressive nor tensile stress acts on the superior
cortex. Thus, the muscle contraction allows the
femoral neck to sustain higher loads than would Stress distribution in a femoral neck subjected to
otherwise be possible. bending. When the gluteus medius muscle is relax
(top), tensile stress acts on the superior cortex an
compressive stress acts on the inferior cortex. Con
traction of this muscle (bottom) neutralizes the te
Because bone is a viscoelastic material, its biome- sile stress.
chanical behavior varies with the rate at which the
400 were produced, and displacement of the fragme
was pronounced.
Clinically, bone fractures fall into three gene
categories based on the amount of energy releas
at fracture: low-energy!, high-energy, and VCI)' hi
300/sec energy. A low-energy fracture is exemplifled by
simple torsional ski fracture; a high-energy fract
is often sustained during automobile accidents; a
I~" a very high-energy fracture is produced by v
l::l 200 ~--- O.lIsec high-muzzle velocity gunshot.
'I" - - - - - O.Ollsec
iii Brisk walking
100 Slow walking Bone fractures can be produced b:v a single lo
that exceeds the ultimate strength of the bone
by repeated applications of a load of lower mag
tude. A fracture caused by a repeated load appli
o'l'---+---+---+------i tion is called a fatigue fracture and is lypically p
0.0 0.5 1.5 2.0 duced either by few repetitions of a high load or
many repetitions of a relatively normal load (C
Study 2-1).
The interplay of load and repetition for any m
Rate dependency of cortical bone is demonstrated at
te!"inl can be plotted on a fatigue curve (Fig. 2-3
five strain rates. 80th stiffness (modulus) and For some materials (some metals. for exampl
strength increase considerably at increased strain thc fatiguc curve is asymptotic, indicating tha
rates. Adapted from McElhaney, J.H. (1966). Dynamic the load is kept below a certain level, theoretica
response of bone and muscle tissue. J Appl Physio1, 2}, the material will remain intact no matter h
many repetitions. For bone tested in vitro,
I, /23/-/236.
curve is not asymptotic. \,Vhen bone is subjected
repetitive low loads, it may sustain microfractur
Testing of bone in vitro also reveals that bone
tigues rapidly when the load or deformation
walking. At very high strain rates (> I per second) proaches its yield strength; that is, the number
representing impact trauma, the bone becomes repetitions needed to produce a Fracture dim
more brittle. In a full range of cxperimentaltesting ishes rapidly.
for ultimate tensile strength and elasticity of corti- In repetitive loading of living bone, the fatig
, cal bone, the strength increases by a factor of three process is affected not only by the amount of lo
and the modulus by a faclor of two (Keaveny & and the number of repetitions but also bv
Hayes, 1993). number of applications of the load within a giv
The loading rale is clinically significant because it time (frequency of loading). Because living bon
innuences both the fracture paUern and the amount self-repairing. a fatigue fracture results only wh
of soft tissue damage at fracture. \Vhen a bone frac- the remodeling process is outpaced by the fatig
tures. the stored energy is released. At a low loading process-that is, when loading is so Frequent t
rate, the energy can dissipate through the formation it precludes the remodeling necessary to prev
of a single crack; the bone and soft tissues remain failure.
relatively intact, with little or no displacement of the Fatigue fractures are llsually sustained dur
,. bone fragments. At a high loading rate, however, the continuous strenuous physical activity, wh
;'',greater energy stored cannOt dissipate rapidly causes the muscles to become fatigued and redu
:~ enough through a single crack, and comminution of .' their ability to contracl. As a result, the.v are l
bone and extensive soft tissue damage resull. Figure able to store energy aI~d thus to neutralize
. 2-36 shows a human tibia tested in vitro in torsion stresses imposed on the bone, The resulling al
at a high loading 1'4ue; numerou:j bone fragments ation of the stress distribution in the bone cau
Human tibia experimentally tested to failure in torsion at a high loading rate. Dis-
placement of the numerous fragments was pronounced.

B"ne Overloading vent failure. iVluscie fatigue occurred as a result of the abno
mal loading pattern and the intensive uaining, It affected th
23-year-old military recruit was exposed to an intensive
" , ' heavy physical training regime that included repetitive
continuous crawling in an awkward position for several
muscle function in the neutralization of the stress imposed,
leading to abnormal loading and altered stress distribution
(Case Study Fig. 2-1-1 B).
weeks (Case Study Fig. 2-1-1 A). The repeated application of
After 4 \-veeks of strenuous physical activity, the damage
loads (high repetitions) and the number of applications of a
accumulation from fatigue at the femoral shaft lead to an
load during a short period of time (high frequency of loading)
oblique fracture.
surpassed the time for the bone remodeling process to pre-

Case Study Figure 2-1-1A. Abnormal loads at the femoral shaft occurred.
duced more slowl~'; the remodeling is Icss casily o
paced by the fatiguc process and the bone may
proceed to complete fracture.
,'. This theol)1 of muscle fatigue as a cau~e of
m Injury tigue fracture in the lower extremities is outlin
in the schema in Flowchart 2-1 on p. 41.
Figure 2-38 shows typical strain ranges for
man femoral cortical bone during different act
tics and distances. Resistance to fatiguc behavio
Repetition in compression than in tension (Keaveny
Hayes, 1993). On average, approximately 5,000
clcs of experimental loading correspond to
number of steps in to miles of running. One m
The interplay of load and repetition is represented
on a fatigue curve.
lion cycles corresponds to approximately 1,
miles. A total distance of less than 1,000 m
could cause a fracture of the cortical bone tiss
This is consistent with stress fractures repor
abnormally high loads to be imposed, and n fatigue among military recruits undergoing strenu
damage accumulation occurs that Illav lead to training of up to 1,000 miles of nll1ning ove
a fracture. Bone may fail on the tensil~ side, on short period of timc (6 weeks). Fracturcs of in
the compressive side, or on both sides. Failure on vidual trabeculae in cancellous bone have been
the tensile side resulls in a transverse crack, and the served in postmortem hUlllan specimens and I
bone proceeds rapidly to complete fracture. Fatigue be caused by fatigue accumulation. Common s
fnlctures on the compressive side appear to be pro- arc the lumbar vcnebrae, the femoral head, a
the proximal tibia. It has been suggested that th
o Compression fractures may playa role in bone remodeling

II ::1
TenSion well as in age-related fractures, collapse of s
10 100 1000 chondral bone, degeneraLive joint diseases, a
I I !
other bone disorders.
'E 0006
I~ 0 004 vlgorous,-:":::!::::""~~S~'b-'<:::::::-;:;-~ BIOMECHANICAL BEHAVIOR
Ii g~ 0.002
Running -----------===--:::- The geometrv of a bone greatl\' influences its m
tI) Walking chanical bel~avior. In Le~lsion' and compressi
I 0.0001+0-0--1---+---+----+---!------I
1~ 1~ 1~ the load to failure and the stiffness arc prop
Number 01 Cycles tional to the cross-sectional area of the bone. T
"i larger the area, the stronger and stiffer the bo
I -------- In bending, both the cross-sectional arca and
distribution of bone tissue around a neutral a
Fatigue testing showing the number of cycles (x-axis) affcct the bone's mechanical behavior. The qu
and strain range (y-axis) expressed as stress rangel tity that takes inLO account these two factors
modulus in human cortical bone specimens loaded in
bending is called the area moment of inertia
tension and compression. Typical strain ranges are
larger moment of inertia results in a stron
shown for walking, running. and vigorous exercises.
and stiffer bone. Figure 2-39 shows the in
. Note that resistance to fatigue fracture is greater in
ence of the arc,) moment of inenia on the l
I compressive loading. Ten miles represent approxj
to failure and the stiffness of three rectangu
I mately 5,000 cycles, corresponding to the number of
steps running during that distance. Aclapared from Slruclures thal have the same area but differ

Carrer. D.R., Cater. W.E., Spengler, O.M.. Frankel, \l.H.
(J 98 1). Fatigue behavior of adtilt cortical bone: the influ-
shapes. In bending, beam III is thc stillest of
lhree and call withstand the highest load beca
i ence of mean srrc1ilJ anel strain range. Acra Orthop Seane!. the greatest amount of material is distribuLed a
i 52.48/-490. distance from the neulral axis. For rectangu

J.----------------- cross-sections, the formula for the area momcn

- - - - ----,1--

4 ){ 1 2x2 1x 4

Three beams of equal area but different shapes subjected to bending. The
area moment of inertia for beam I is 4/12; for beam II, 16112; and for beam
111,64/12. Adapted hom Franke', VH .. & Burstein, AH. (970). Orthopaedic Bio-
mechanics. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger.

inertia is the width (8) multiplied by the cube of The factors that affect bone strength and stiff
the height (1-1') divided by 12: in torsion are the same that operate in bending:
cross-sectional area and the distribution of bone
B H'
sue around a ncutral axis. The quantity that ta
12 into account these two factol's In torsional load
Because of its large area moment of inertia. bean"'! is the polar moment of inertia. The larger the p
III can withstand four times more load in bending moment of inertia. the stronger LInd stiffer the b
limn can beam I. Figure 2-41 shows distal LInd pl'oximnl cr
A third factor, the length of the bone, influences sections of a tibia subjected to torsional loading
the strength and stillness in bending. The longer the though the proximal section has a slightly sma
bone, the greater the magnitude of the bending mo- bony area thun docs the distal section, it has a m
ment caused by the application of a force. ,In a rec- higher polar moment of inertia because much o
tangular structure, the magniwde of the stresses bone tissue is distributed at a distance from the
produced al the point of application of Ihe bending tral axis. The distal section, while it has a la
moment is proponional to lhe length of the StI1.IC- bony area. is subjected to much higher shear st
lure. Figure 2-40 depicts the forces acting on two bccause much of the bone tissue is distributed c
beams with the same width and height but different to the neutral axis. The magnitude of the sh
lengths: beam B is twice as long as beam A. The stress in the distal section is approximately do
bending moment for the longer beatn is twice that that in the proximal section. Clinically, torsi
for the shorter beam; consequently, the stress mag~ fractures of the tibia commonly occur distnlly.
nitudc throughout the beam is twice as high. Be- When bone begills to heal after fracture, b
cause of their length, the long bones of the skeleton vessels and connective tissue from the periost
are subjected to high bending moments and. there- migrate into the region of the fracture. formin
fore, to high tensile and c01npressive stresses. Their cuff of dense fibrous lissue, or callus (woven bo
tubular shape gives them the ability to resist bend- around the fracture site. stabilizing that area (
ing moments in all directions. These bones have a 2-42A). The callus significantly increases the
large area moment of inertia because much of the and polar moments of inertia. thereby increa
bone tissue is distributed at a distance from the neu- the strength and stiffness of the bone in ben
tral axis. and torsion during the healing period. As the r

~-"'~~-<:;magnilude S

-r-_I-L---... -L I
magnitude =, 25

2L _____

- - - - - - 2L
as as
bending moment. Hence, the stress magnitude
throughout beam B is twice as high. Adapted from
VH., & Burstein, A.H. (7970), Orthopaedic Bio
mechanics. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger.
A, Early callus formation in a femoral fracture fixe
with an intramedullary nail. B, Nine months after
jury, the fracture has healed and most of the callu
cuff has been resorbed. Courtesy of Robert A. vVinqu

ture heals and the bone gradually regains its norm

,, strength, the callus cuff is progressively resor
,,, and the bone returns to as ncar its normal size a
,,, shape as possible (Fig. 2-4213).
,, Certain surgical procedures produce defects t
,, greatly weaken the bone, particularly in torsi
, These defects fall into two categories: those wh

length is less than the diameter of the bone (str

raisers) and those whose length exceeds the bone
ameter (open section defects).
A stress raiser is produced surgically' when a sm
piece of bone is removed or a screw is inserted. B
strength is reduced because the stresses impo
Distribution of shear stress in two cross-sections of a during loading are prevented From being distribu
tibia subjected to torsional loading. The proximal evenly throughout the bone and instead become c
section (A) has a higher moment of inertia than does centrated around the defect. This defect is analog
the distal section (B) because more bony material is to a rock in a stream, which diverts the watel~ p
distributed away from the neutral axis. Adap(ed from ducing high water turbulence around it. The we
Franke!, VH., & Burstein, AH, (1970;' Orthopaedic Bio ening effect of a stress rqiser is particularly mar
mechanics. Philadelphia: Lea g Febiger. under torsional loading; the total decrease in b
strength in this loading mode can reach 60~o.
c-::-<........) Empty screw hole raiser effect produced by the screws and by
125 _ -+-... Screw in place hol('s without screws had disappeared comple
_:.~rew removed ~l_te~..- because the bone had ren1odclcd: bone had b
100 laid down around the screws to stabilize them,
the empty screw holes had been filled in with b
75 / _.::....--- In femora from which the screws had heen
moved immediately before testing, however,
~ ~-- energy storage capacity of the bone decreased
<;; 50 .,..---'y .
w /'
50 0hi, mainly because the bone tissue around
25 <I" screw sustained microdamage during sere\\'
moval (Fig, 2-43),
An open seclion defect is a discontinuity in
a 2 345 6 7 B bone caused by the surgical removal of a piec
Weeks bone longer than the bone's diameter (e.g. by
clilling of a slot during a bone biopsy). Because
ollter surface of the bonc's cross-section is no lo
Effect of ~crews and of empty screw holes on the en- continuous. its abilit!1 to resist loads is allered,
ergy storage capacity of rabbit femora. The energy ticularly in torsion.
storage for experimental animals is expressed as a In a normal bone subjected to tOl'sion, the s
percentage of the total energy storage capacity for stress is distributed throughout the bone and ac
control animals. When screws were removed immedi- resist the torque. This stress pattcl-n is illustrate
ately before testing, the energy storage capacity de 4

the cross-section of a long bone shown in Fi

creased by 50%. Adapted from Bur51!.>in. A.H., et al. 2-44A. (A cross-section with a continuous Ollter
(1972), Bone strength: The effect of sere"v floles. J Bone
face is called a closed section.) In a bone wit
Joint Surg. 54A, ] I i13.

Burstein and associates (1972) showed the effect
of stress rabel's produced by' screws and by empty
screw holes on the energy storage capacity of rab-
bit bones tested in torsion at a high loading rate.
The irnmediatc effect or drilling a hole and insert-
ing a screw in a rabbit femur was a 74% decrease
in energy stOl'age capacily. After 8 weeks, the stress

Open section


Load-deformation curves for human adult tibiae

Stress pattern in an open and closed section under tested in vitro under torsional loading. The cont
torsional loading. A, In the closed section, all the curve represents a tibia with no defect; the open
shear stress resists the applied torque. B, In the open tion curve represents a tibia with an open sectio
section, only the shear stress at the periphery of the fect. Adapted from Fr(lf)k~/. v.H., & Burstein, A.H. (1
bone resists the applied torque. Orthopaedic BiomechaniCS. Philadelphia: Leel & Febig
graft was removed for use in an arthrodesis of the hi
A fe\v weeks after operation, the patient tripped whi
twisting and the bone fractured through the defect.

Bone Remodeling
Bone has the ability to remodel, b)' altering its siz
shape, and structure, to meet the mechanical d
mands placed on it (Buckwalter et aI., 1995). Th
phenomenon, in which bone gains or loses cance
lous and/or cortical bone in response to the level
stress sustained, is summarized as \'VqJJr's la
which states that the, remodeling of bone is infl
enced and modulated by mechanical stress
(Wolff, 1892): .
Load on the~,keleton can b~,,,~lc.l.:(?I""l~plished by e
tht:;,I.:,IX1~~_?(.:lc,activily or gravity. A positive correlatio
exists b~twcen bOI1e mass and body we-ight. A gr~at
body weight has been associated \vitha larger bo
mass (Exner et al., 1979). Conversely, a prolong
condition ohveightlcssness, such as that expedenc
during space travel, has been found to result in d
creased bone mass in weight-bearing bones. Astr
nauts experience a fast loss of calcium and co
sequent bone loss (Rambaut & Johnston, 197
\Vhedon, 1984). These changes are not complete

~'------- Normal
A patient sustained a tibial fracture through a surgi-
I cally produced open section defect when she tripped
I a few weeks after the biopsy.
open section defect, only the shear stress at the pe-
riphery of the bone resists the applied torque. As the
shear stress encounters the discontinuity, it is
forced to change direction (Fig. 2-44B), Throughout
the interior of the bone, the stress nms parallel to Deformation
the applied torque, and the amount of bone tissue
resisting the load is greatly decreased.
In torsion tests in vitro of human adult tibiae, an Load-deformation curves for vertebral segments L5
open section defect reduced the load to failure and to L7 from normal and immobilized Rhesus monkeys
energy storage to failure h,v as much as 90'10. The de- Note the extensive loss of strength and stiffness in
formation to failure was diminished by! approxi- the immobilized specimens. Adapted from Kazarian,
mately 70% (Frankel & Burstein, 1970) (Fig. 2-45). L.L.. g Von Gierke, H.E. (1969) Bone loss as a result of
Clinically, the surgical removal of a piece of bone immobilization and chelation, Preliminary results in
can greatly \veaken the bone, particularly in torsion. ivlacaca mulatta. (lin Orthop. 65. 67.

Figure 2A6 is a radiograph of a tibia from which a

Bone Remodeling
30-year-old man who had a surgical removal of an
A.. ulna plate after stabilization of a displaced ulnar
fracture, Figure 2-48 shows anteroposterior (A) and lateral
(8) roentgenograms of the ulna after late plate removal.
The implant is used to stabilize the fracture for rapid
healing. However, in situations such as this, the late plate
removal decreased the amount of mechanical stresses
necessary for bone remodeling. It is of concern when the
plate carries most or all of the mechanical load and re
mains after fracture healing. Thus, according to Wolff's
law, it will promote localized osseous resorption as a re-
sult of decreased mechanical stress and stimulus of the
bone under the plate, resulting in a decrease in strength
and stiffness of the bone.

Disuse or inactivity has deleterious effects on

the skeleton. Bcd rest induces a bone mass de-
crease of approximately' I (Ve- per week (Jenkins &
Cochran, 1969; Krolner & Toft, 1983). In partial or
total immobilization, bone is not subjected to the
usual mechanical stresses, which leads to resorp-

Roentgenogram of a fractured femoral neck to which

a nail plate was applied. loads are transmitted from
the plate to the bone via the screws. Bone has been
laid down around the screws to bear these loads.

tion of the periosteal and subperiosteal bone and a

decrease in the mechanical properties of bone
(Le., strength and stiffness). This decrease in bone
strength and stiffness was sho\vn b:v Kazarian and
Von Gierke (1969), who immobilized Rhesus mon-
keys in full-body casts for 60 days. Subsequent
compressive testing in vitro of the vertebrae from
the immobilized monke.\!s and from controls
showed up to a threefold decrease in load to failure
and energy storage capacity in the vertebrae that
Anteroposterior (A) and lateral (B) roentgenograms had been immobilized; stiffness was also signifi-
of an ulna after plate removal show a decreased cantly decreased (Fig. 2-47).
bone diameter caused by resorption of the bone un- An implant that remains firmly" attached to a
der the plate. Cancellization of the cortex and the bone after a fracture has healed may also diminish
presence of screw holes also weaken the bone. Cour- the strength and stiFfness o( the bone. In the case
tesy of Marc Marrens, 1\.1. D. of a plate fixed to the bone with screws, the plate
and the bone share the load in proportions deter-
~ nn
. c::7
UU 0

.... '------------------
,'- ." Vertebral cross-sections from autopsy specimens of
young (A) and old (8) bone show a marked reduction in

(top) is subjected to absorption (shaded area) durin

the aging process, the longitudinal trabeculae beco
cancellous bone in the latter. Reprinted with permission thinner and some transverse trabeculae disappear
from Nordin. B,E.e. (1973). Metabolic Bone and Stone Dis- tom). Adapted from Sifter!, R.S .. & Levy. R.N. (J98/j. T
l__ ease. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. C. Bone reduction
9 9 P
becular pacteffls and the internal architecture of bone.


mined by the geometry and n1mcrial properties of around scrcws is illustrated in Figure 2-49. A
each structure (Case Stud)' 2-2). A large plate, car- plate was applied to a femoral neck fracture and
rying high loads, unloads the bone to a great ex- bone hypcrtrophied around the scrcws in resp
tent; the bone then atrophies in response to this di- to the increased load at thesc sites. H.~lpert
minished load, (The bone may hypertrophy at the may also result if bone is repeatcdly subjecte
bone-screw interface in an altcmpt to reduce the high mechanical stresses within the normal ph
rnicrol1lotion of the screws.) logical range. Hypertrophy of normal adult bon
Bone resorption under a plate is illustrated in response to strenuous exercise has been obse
Figure 2-48. A compression plate made of a mater- (Dalen & Olsson, 1974; Huddleston et aI., 1
ial approximately 10 times stifTer than the bone \Vas Jones et aI., 1977), as has an increase in bone
applied to a fractured ulna and remained after the sity (Nilsson & Wesllin, 1971),
fracture had healed, The bone under the plate ear-
ried a lower land than normal; it was partially re-
sorbed, and the diameter of the diaphysis became
markedly smaller. A reduction in the size of the Degenerative Changes in Bone
bone diameter greatly decreases bone strength. par- Associated With Aging
ticularly in bending and torsion, as it reduces the
area and polar moments of inertia. A 20(M, decrease A progressive loss of bone density has been
in bone diameter may reduce the strength in tor- sCIveci as part of the normal aging process. The
sion by 60%. Changes in bone size and shape illus- gitudinal trabeculae become thinner, and som
trated in Figure 2-48 suggest that rigid plates the transverse trabeculae arc resorbed (SifTe
should be removed shortly after a fraeture has Levy, 1981) (Fig. 2-50). The result is a marke
healed and before the bone has markedly dimin- duction in the amount of cancellous bone a
ished in size. Such a in bone size is usu- thinning of conical bone. The relationship betw
ally accompanied by secondary osteoporosis, which' bone mass, age. and gender is shown in Figure
further weakens the bone (SI'itis et a!., 1980), The decrease ill bone Lissuc and the slight decr
An implant may cause bone hypertrophy at its at- in the size or the bone reduce bone strength
tachment sites. An example of bone hypertrophy stillness.
Stress~strain curves for specimens from
adult tibiae of t\VO widely differing ages te
tension are shown in Figure 2~52. The u
o stress was approximately the sarne for the
and the old bone. The old bone specimen
m withstand only half the strain that the youn
:;; 500
ID could, indicating greater brittleness and a re
in energy storage capacit},. The reduction
density', strength, and stiffness results in in
bone fragility!. Age~related bone loss depen
20 40 60 BO number of factors, including genclel: age
Age (years) menopause, endocrine abnormality, inactiv

use, and calcium deficiency. Over several d
the skeletal mass ma.y be reduced to 5000 of
trabecular and 25/(; of cortical mass. In the
the relatIOnship between bone mass,
age, and gender. On the top of the figure, a cross-
decade, women lose approximately 1.5 to 2(1
section of the diaphysis of the femur and the bone while men lose only approximately half th
mass configuration is shown. Reprinted ('lith permission (0.5 to 0.75(-/0) yearly. Regular physical activ
from Kaplan, F.S., rlayes, W.c., Keaveny, T.M., er al exercise (Zetterbarg et aI., 1990), calcium, a
(7994), Form and function of bone. In S.R. Simon (edJ sibly estrogen intake may decrease the rate
Orthopaedic Basic Science (.0, 767). Rosemont, IL:AAOS mineral loss during aging.

1i Bone is a complex two-phase composit
rial. One phase is composed of inorganic
salts and the other is an organic matrix of c
and ground substance. The inorganic com
makes bone hard and rigid, whereas the
component gives bone its flexibility and resi
2 tVlicroscopically, the fundamental str
unit of bone is the osteon, or haversian
composed of concentric layers of a mineraliz
trix surrounding a central canal containin
vessels and nellie fibers.
3 rv(acroscopicall.\" the skeleton is comp
cortical and cancellous (trabecular) bone.
bone has high density' while trabecular bon
in density over a wide range.
Bone is an anisotropic material, exhibi
ferent mechanical properties \vhen loaded in
ent directions. iVlature bone is strongest and
Stress-strain curves for samples of adult young and in compression.
old human tibiae tested in tension, Note that the
bone strength is comparable but that the old bone is S Bone is subjected to complex loading p
more brittle and has lost its ability to deform. during common physiological activities s
Adapted from Burs rein, A.H., Reilly, D. T, & Alartens, M. walking and jogging. Most bone fractures a
(976). Aging of bone tissue' Mechanical properties. duced by a con1bination of several loading m
Bone Joint Surg, 58A, 82.
6 Ivluscle contraction affects stress patt
bone by producing compressive stress that p
or totall).' neutralizcs thc tcnsilc stress acting on the Frankel, VH., &: Burslein. A.H. (1970). Ort/lOpacdic Biol/li.'clul
Philadelphia: Lea 0.: Febigel:
bone. f-Iuddbaoll, A.t.. Rockwell, D.. Kulund, D.N., et a1. (1980). B
Bone is stiffer, sustains higher loads before fail- mass in lifetime tennis athletes, hUlA, N4, 1107.
ing, and stores more energy whcn loaded at higher !nternaLional Societv of Biomechanics (1987). QII{/lIlitics alld l
oj" J1easllfi.'IIiCIIlS iI/ Bio/lltxhal/ics (unpublished).
physiological strain rates.
Jenkins. D.P.. 0.: Cochran, T.H. (1969). Osteoporosis: The dram
~i Living bone fatigues when the frequcnc y.' of effecl of disuse of an extremity. Clill On/lOp, 64, 128.
loading precludes the remodeling necessary to pre- Jones, H., Priest . ./.. Hayes, \V.. et a1. (1977). f-lu!11l.'ral hYPl.'nr
in response to exercise. J BOlle Joill/ SIiI;!5. 59:\, 204.
vent failure.
Kaplan. ES .. Hayes. We., Kea\'eny. T.iVI., l'l al. (1994). Form
The mechanical behavior of a bone is influ- funcLion of bone. In S.R. SiTllon (Ed.). Orlhopacdic Basic Sc
enced by its geometry (length, cross-sectional area, (pp.I27-184). Rosemont. IL: AAOS.
and distribution of bone tissue around the neutral Kazarian, L.L., & \.lon Gil.'r'ke, I-I.E. (1969) Bone loss as a resu
immobilization and chelation. Preliminary ri:sults in :\1<
lllubtla. Clill Orthop. 65. 67.
Bone remodels in response to the mechanical Ke.weny, T.M .. &: Hayes, \V.e. (1993). Mechanical propertil.'s of
demands placed on it; it is laid down \vhere needed tical and trabecular bone. BOIIC, i, 285-344.
Krolner, B.. 0.: Toft. B. (1983). Vertebral bone loss: An unheeded
and resorbed where not needed. effecL of bedrest. C!ill Sci, 6e+. 537-540.
vVith aging comes a marked reduction in the Kummer, J.K. (1999). Implant Biomatl:.'rials. In: L\1. Sph'ak,
amount of cancellous bone and a decrease in the DiCesare, D.S. Feldman, KJ. Ko\al. A.S. Rokito. & J.D. Zu
man (Eds.). Or/hop(i('dics:"\ S/Ildy Gllidc (pp. 45-48). New
thickness of cortical bone. These changes diminish \IcGraw-I-lill.
bone strength and stiffness. Lanyon. LE.. &. Bourn. S. (1979). The inlluence or lllechanicd
Lion on the dc\'elopmcrH and remodeling of the tibia: An ex
mental study in sh('ep. .1 BOlle Joinl SI/rg. 6/.4. 263.
REFERENCES Lanyon, L.E., H.unpson. \\I.GJ .. Goodship, A.E., et al. (1975).
deformaLion recorded in vin) from sLrain g'lllgl.'S attached t
Bassett. C.A.L. (1965). Electrical effects in bone. Sci .-\111,2/3. 18.
human tibial shaft. ..lew Onhop Sct/lul, "'6~ 256.
BClIldicld, W.. 0.: Lt, e.H. (1967). AnisoLropy of nonelastic llow in
Nilsson. B.E., & \\btlin, N.E. (1971). Bone density in athletes.
bone. J App{ Physics, 38, 2450.
On/lOp. 77, l79.
Buckwaltcl~ lA.. Glimcher, \U., Coopel: R.R., et al. (1995). Bone bi-
ology. Part I: Stnlcture. blood supply, cells, matrix and mineral-
6zkaya, N., & Nordin, M. (1999). Fllndall/ell/tlls or Biolllcc!ul
EquilibriulII, ,HOlioll. alld Del(lnllatioll (2nd cd.) Ncw
ization. Pan II: Formation, form, remodelling and regubtion of
cdl funcLion. ((nstructional Course Lectlln:). J BOlle JoiJl! Sllrg.
Rarnballl~ P.c., 0.: ~Johnston. R.S. (1979). Prolonged weighLles
77A, 1256-1289.
and calcium loss in man. Ac!a ASll'ollal/lica, 6, 1113.
Burskin, A.H., Reilly, D.T.. 0.: \bnens, M. (1976). Aging of bone tis-
Siffen, R.S . & Levy, R.N. (1981). Tnlbccular patterns and the i
sue: :vlechanical properties. J BOllI..' Joilll SI/1~!i. 58:\, 82
nal architecture of bonl.'. ;\fl. Sinai J lIed, 48. 221.
Burstein, A.H., L't al. (1972). Bone strength: The effecl of scre\\"
SltiLis, P., Paa\"{llainell, P., Karaharju, E.. ct al. (1980). Structura
holes. J BOlle Joillt Slil~!i, 54:\, 1143.
biolllechanical changes in bOl~e aher rigid plate fixation. C
n.R. (1978). Anisotropic analysis of strain roselle informa-
SlIIp., 23, 247.
tion from cortical bone. J BiolJlcch, II, 199.
\Vhedon, G.D. (1984') Disuse osteoporosis: Physiological asp
D.R.. 0.: I-!ayes, W.e. (1977). Compact bone fatigue damage:
Cab!" 'fissile lilt, 36, 146-150.
microscopic examination. Clill Of/hop, /27,265.
Wolff, J. (1892). Dlls Gt:set::. der halls!(JrlII(ltiOiI der Kllochcll. B
N.. 0.: Olsson, K.E. (1974). Bone mineral content .md physi-
activity. Acla Orthop Scall(/, 45, 170.
Zetterberg e., Nordin. :\'1., Sko\Ton. M.L.. et al. (1990). SkeleL
G.U., et al. (1979). Bone densitometry using computed to-
feClS of physical activity. Geri-7bpics. /3(4). 17-24.
mography. Part I: Selective determination of trabecular bone
and oLher bone mineral paraml'lers. Normal values in
children and adults. BrJ Radiol, 52, 14.

i' Function SlruCturc

Protection, suppOrt. kinCffiJtic links

~~ Organic Component \1 Inorganic Component

Collagen Proteins
Type I )
1 ;,N~~coliag~n'Proteln~;
Growth factor cell
Cry,Olh of
1 attachment proteins Calcium, Phosphate

FLOW CHART 22 Bone composition. structure, and functions. (PG's, proteoglycans)

.j ~This flow chart is dl?~igncd for classroom or group discussion. Flow chart is not meant to be exhaustive.


fJ, ,,1'.j2ij4if@_~\Mi"I:IIi:i ;:H%J! dl 'I);; )'MltII: i)() 1tWC' !~
m "

V 0

V em
'"c0 {;
.0 0

m ~
u 'i3
0 0
~ 0
m 2


u E
.:" 0
"5 u
w .e


". -



I j

Blood Flow Gcnedc DIsturbance Tumoral DIsturbance
<.;,\' :..\;.:, \,.::,;:.\- ,~":


J .;',: 'i.~,:('erjm"ry

:j ,j

i :\f~pvcloping'
\i ,;,:::';;'Skclc~on
1 J

\' .' ,,-. ,,,,:,)::,::~,'.i:;

,1 6~'~'~6'~i';~ndro$is .Ostco~h'~n'd~i;i'~ , Gauchcrs
/~\;~r~rth~s: N disseC30S Kcil:, disease

"_fC~pr.'l1 head
~ 'Shcucrm3nn;
of the femoral j:,
condrlos' \0"
, "';; .'




t~: FLOW CHART 2-4 Intrinsic factors associated with bone damage. Clinical examples.*
I'" "This flow chart is designed for d<lssroom or group discussion. Flow chart is not meant to be cxhamtivc.

-''>-';;,i' ~C"' l' (;~ " "-", ,'i-".",,"';c.c -'~,,;.;':.,


Biomechanics of
Articular Cartilage
Van C. Mow, Clark T Hung

Composition and Structure of Articular Cartilage
Structural and PhysicallniE'raction Among Cartilage Components
Biomechanical Behavior of Articular Cartilage
Nature of Articular Cartilage Viscoelasticity
Confined Compression Explant Loading Configuration
Biphasic Creep Response of Articular Cartilage in Compression
Biphasic Stress-Relaxation ResponsE' of Articular Cartilage in
Permeability of Articular Cartilage
Behavior of Articular Cartilage Under Uniaxial Tension
Behavior of Articular Cartilage in Pure Shear
Swelling Behavior of Articular Cartilage
Lubrication of Articular Cartilage
Fluid-Film Lubrication
Boundary Lubrication
Mixed Lubrication
Role of Interstitial Fluid Pressurization in Joint Lubrication
Wear of Articular Cartilage
Hypotheses on Biomechanics of Cartilage Degeneration
Role of Biomechanical Factors
Implications on Chondrocyle Function
Flow Charts
Introduction Composition and Structure of
Articular Cartilage
Three types of joints exist in the human body: fi-
b'ro~ls, cartilagin,olls. and synovial. Onl.y one of' Chondrocytcs, the sparsely distributed cells in ar
these,;-,ollle syn.ovial. or diarthrodial,, allows a lllarc~\I:tiL\ge, account for less than 10% of the
large degree of motion. In Y~_L1ng normal joints, the sue's volume (Stoekwell. 1979). Schematically.
,-~llticulalingJ)onecn~ls of diartl~~'odiaIj9_inls,!.re cov- zonal arrangement of chondrocytcs is shown in
}--ered by a-thin (1-6 mill), den~c, tram~JJlcc_nt,~:-,'hile ure 3-1. Despite their sparse distribution, chond
,~~c6nnective-i.i.ssllc called hyaline arliCltlar. cartilage cytcs manufacture, secrete, on!anil',---c, and rnain
iCBox-3:!). Articul'IU~f\rtilage-;"s a highly s-pecialized tile on!anicco'n;-I;~I~l-~f the~ extracellular ma
. tissue precisely suited for withstanding the highly (ECM) (Fos'lIlg & Hardingham, 1996; M~lir, 19
i~adcd joint environment without failure during an The org~nic ma~rix,is compo~~5:L~~[.:~,,(I(:nscp9.J~\
a\lerage individual's lifetime. PhXti.t~~l.Qgically, how- of fin:"-?I-(..18~,,,(~'bril~ (n10stly t'ype-Jl~c-olh;~gen.,
ever, ,il is v51~~~I'.lIly an isolated li,ssuc, of blood miii6i' amounts .,;1' types V, VI, IX, and XI) that
\;essds, 1).~-mphalic channels, and nelyrol.ogical inncr- enrneshcd..Jn. a ~olu.~i().n. of proteo
~alion~'-Flll'lllermoJ'c,its .c~l.llliar density is less than cans (pcs) (l3ate;;'an et aI., I996;Eyre, 1980; M
.tK"t of any other tissue (Stoek\~cil. 1979). -~1983)_ 1n nOITn,)1 arLiculaL_cartilage the colla
[n (liartll-i'o(Ti~;fioints, articular cartilage has two cOlllent ranges from 15 to 22% by wet weight
- p-rimar'yfl~nctions': (1) to distl-ibute loads over the PG con-tent fronl4to 7% bv wet wei(Tht the
.' :::::> '
,a wiele al-ea, thus decreasing lhe strc:)ses sllst~!.!ned maining 60 to 85 % is walCI: inorganic salts.
by the contacting (Atcshian ct aI., small amounts of other matrix proteins, glycop
1995; Helminen et aI., 1987) and (2) to allow rel"tive teins. and lipids (Mow & Ratcliffe, 1997). Colla
movementoft!1cu:m,posing joinl surfaces \~:,i.t"I,l""I~lin flbrils and PGs, each being capablc of form
imal ft:'iction and wear (iVlow & Alcshian, 1997). In structural nctworks of significant strength (Bro
thi's"ch~l'I)iel','wc w'Hi describe how the biomcchani- & Silyn-Roberts, 1990; Kempson et aI., 19
cal pl'openics of articular cartilage, as determined Schmidt el aI., 1990; Zhu et aI., 1991, 1993), arc
by its composition and structure, allow for the opti- structural components supporting the internal
mal performance or these functions. chanical stresses that result rrom loads being
plied to the articular canilage, Moreover, th
structural components, together with water, de
mine the biomcchanical bchavior of this tis
(Ateshian et aI., 1997; Maroudas, 1979; Mow et
1980, 1984; Mow & Aleshian, 1997).
~rticular Cartilage
I A notable exception to the definition of hyaline articu-
Collagen is the mosl abundant protein in the b
lar G'lrtilage is the temporomandibular joint, a synovial
joint in which fibrocartilage is found covering the bone (Bateman et aI., 1996; Eyre, 1980). In articular ca
ends. Fibrocartilage and a third type of cartilage, elastic lage. collagen has a high level of structural organ
cartilage. are closely related to hyaline cartilage embry- tion that providcs a fibrous ultrastructure (Cl
ologically and histologically but .'lre vastly different in 1985; Clarke, 1971; Mow & Ratcliffe, 1997). The
mechanical and biochemical properties. Fibrocartilage sic biological unit of collagen is tropocollagen
represents a transitional cartilage found at the margins Sln.lcture composed of three procollagen polypep
of some joint cavities, in the joint capsules, and at the chains (alpha chains) coiled into left-handed hel
insertions of ligaments and tendons into bone. (Fig. 3-2;\) thaI are furthcr coiled abollt each o
Fibrocartilage also forms the menisci interposed be- inlO a right-handed triple helix (Fig. 3-28). Th
tween the articular cartilage of some joints and com- rod-like tropocollagen molecules. 1.4 nanOJlle
poses the outer covering of the interverlebral discs. the (nm) in diameter and 300 nm long (Fig. 3-2, C &
anulus fibrosus. Elastic cartilage is found in the external polymerize into larger collagen fibrils (Batem
ear, in the cartilage of the eustachian tube, in the ct al.. 1996; Eyre, 1980), In articular cartilage, th
epiglouis. and in certain pans of the larynx. fibrils have an average' diamcter of 25 to 40
(Fig.3-2E, Box 3-2); howevec this is highly varia

~.~- .,
Articular surface
...... ,,,,'.,,.,0' STZ (10.20%)

., ,,~) ..,.> _,~ Middle zone (40-60<::0)

.~ ,., '~,,~-' ,,-r:~ '~

," '.

~{~:f2jJ.~ Deep zone (30%)

i~;~f Calcified zone

";'5c..C_~,.,,1::;\,,_, Subchondral bone

" Tide mark

Photomicrograph (A) and schematic representation (8) of the chondrocyte arrangement

throughout the depth of noncalcified articular cartilage. In the superficial tangential zone,
chondrocytes are oblong with their long axes aligned parallel to the articular surface. In
the middle zone, the chondrocytes are "round" and randomly distributed. Chondrocytes in
the deep zone are arranged in a columnar fashion oriented perpendicular to the tidemark,
the demarcation between the calcified and noncalcified tissue .

Scanning electron microscopic studies, for instance, lying bone (Bullough & Jagannath, 1983; Redl
have described fibers with diameters ranging up to aI., 1975). This anisotropic fiber orientation is
200 nm (Clarke, 1971). Covalent cross-links form be- rored by the inhomogeneous zonal variations in
tween these tropocollagen molecules, adding to the collagen content, which is highest at the surface
flbrils high tensile strength (Bateman et aI., 1996). then remains relatively constant throughout
The collagen in articular cartilage is inhomoge- deeper zones (Lipshitz et aI., 1975). This comp
neously distributed, giving the tissue a layered char- tionalla.vering appears to provide an important
acter (Lane & Weiss, 1975; Mow & Ratc1iITc, 1997). mechanical function by' distributing the stress m
Numerous investigations Llsing light. transn1ission uniformly across the loaded regions the join or
electron, and scanning electron microscopy have sue (Selton et aI., 1995).
identifled three separate structural zones. For ex- Cartilage is composed primarily of type II c
ample, Mow et al. (1974) proposed a zonal arrange- gen. [n addition, an array of difFerent coll
ment for the collagen network sho\vn schematically' (t)'Pes V, VI. IX, Xl) can be found in quantitati
in Figure 3-3A. In the superficial tangential zone, minor amounts within articular cartilage. Tvp
which represents 10 to 20()0 of the total thickness, collagen is present primarily in articular cmti
are sheets of fine, densely packed fibers randomly the nasal septum, and sternal cartilage, as well
\voven in planes parallel to the articular surface
(Clarke, 1971; Redler & Zimny, 1970; Weiss et aI.,
1968). In the middle zone (40 to 60% of the total
thickness), there are greater distances between the Differences in Coliagen Types
randomly oriented and homogeneousl::.. dispersed
fibers. Below this, in the deep zone (approximatel.v Differences in tropocollagen alpha chains in various
30% of the total thickness), the fibers come together, body tissues give rise to specific molecular species, or
forming larger, radially oriented fiber bundles types of collagen. The collagen type in hyaline cartilage
(Redler et aI., 1975). These bundles then cross the type II collagen, differs from type I collagen found in
tidemark, the interface between articular cartilage bone, ligament, and tendon. Type II collagen forms a
and the calcified cartilage beneath it, to enter the thinner fibril than that of type I, permitting maximum
calcified cartilage, thus forming an interlocking dispersion of collagen throughout the cartilage tissue.
"root" sj'stem anchoring the cartilage to the uncler-
(r chain

I Triple helix
1.4 nm
B l


Collagen fibril with

quarter-stagger array
o of molecules

Fibril with repeated

banding pattern seen
under eleclron microscope

Molecular features of collagen structure from the alpha chain ((I) to the fibril. The flexible
amino acid sequence in the alpha chain (A) allows these chains to wind tightly into a right-
handed triple helix configuration (8), thus forming the tropocollagen molecule (C). This
tight triple helical arrangement of the chains contributes to the high tensile strength of
the collagen fibril. The parallel alignment of the individual tropocollagen molecules, in
which each molecule overlaps the other by about one quarter of its length (0), results in a
repeating banded pattern of the collagen fibril seen by eledron microscopy (x20,OOO) (E).
Reprinted wirh permission from Donohue, It'l1., Buss. D., Oegema. IR., et al. (19831- The effects of
indireCl blunt trauma Oil adult canine arricuhu cartilage. J Bone Joint Surg, GSA. 948.

the inner regions of the intervertebral disc and because their large slendcnlcss ratio, the rati
meniscus. For reference, type I is the most abun- length to thickness, makes it easy for them to bu
dant collagen in the human body and can be found under cotl1prcssive loads (Fig. 3-48).
in bone and soft tissues such as intervertebral discs Like bone, articular canilage is anisotropic
(rnainl.y in the annulus fibrosis), skin. meniscus, ten- material properties differ with the direction of l
dons, and ligaments. The most important mechani- ing (Akizuki et aI., 1986; Kempson, 1979; Mow
cal properties of collagen fibers nrc their tensile RalclifTc, 1997; Roth & Mow, 1980; Woo el
stiffness and their strength (Fig. 3-4;\). Although a 1987). Oft is thought that this anisotropy is relate
Single collagen fibril has'-not be~n tested in len;ion. the varying collagen fiber arrangements within
the tensile slI'ength of collagen can be inferred from planes parallel to the articular surface. It is
tests on structures with high collagen contenl. Ten- thought, however, that variations in collagen f
dons, for example, are about 80% collagen (dry cross~link density, as well as variations in colla
weight) and have a tensile stiffness of 10.1 !\'1Pa and PG interactions. also contribute to articular c
a tensile strength of SO MPa (Akizuki et aI., 1986; lage tensile anisotrop~", In tension, this anisotr
Kempson, 1976, 1979; Wooet aI., 1987, 1997).Stec1, is llsually described with respect to the direc
by comparison, has a tensile stillness of approxi- of the articular surface split lines. These split l
mately 220 x 10" MPa. Although strong in tension. arc elongated fissures Jjroduced by piercing the
collagen fibrils offer little resis(ance lo ~olllpression ticular surface with a small round awl (Fig.
B STL Middle zone Deep zone

A. Schematic representation, (Repriflleej \virh permission from zone, randomly arrayed fibrils are less densely packed to ac-
Mow v.c. el al. j1974j. Some surface dJc1riJcteristics of arriculaf commodate the high concentration of proteoglycans and wa-
cartilages. A scanning electron microscopy sludy and a theoretical ter, The collagen fibrils of the deep zone form larger radially
mode! for the dynamic interaction of synovial fluid and articular car oriented fiber bundles that cross the tidemark, enter the calci
tilage. J Bionll?{hanics, 7, 449), B. Photomicrographs (x3000; fied zone, and anchor the tissue to the underlying bone. Note
provided through the courtesy of Dr. T. Takei, Nagano. Japan) the correspondence between this collagen fiber architecture
of the ultrastructural arrangement of the collagen network and the spatial arrangement of the chondrocytes shown in
throughout the depth of articular cartilage. In the superficial Figure 3-1. In the above photomicrographs (B), the STZ is
tangential zone (STZ), collagen fibrils are tightly woven into shown under compressive loading while the middle and deep
sheets arranged parallel to the articular surface. In the middle zones are unloaded.

Collagen Fibril

<)0 1m)) )))))) 1m)) )lll IllJli

High tensile sliflness and strength
lJIlil I (>

Uttle resistance to compression
Human femoral condyles

Illustration of the mechanical properties of collagen fibrils:

(A) stiff and strong in tension, but (B) weak and buckling Diagrammatic representation of a split line pattern on the
easily with compression. Ad,lpted from Myers, E.R., Lai, WM., surface of human femoral condyles. Reprinted wirh permis-
& MOV'I, VC (1984). A COfltinuum theory and all experiment for sion from Hu/rkrantz, W (1898). Ueber die Spafrrichwflgefl der
the ion-induced swelling be/Mvior carlilage. j Biomech Eng, Gelenkknorpel. Verhandlungen der Analomischen Gesellschaft,
106(21. 15/-/58. 12.248.
Hultkrantz, 1898). The origin of the pattcrn is re- binding region in c.:anilagc. iVlore recently, the o
lated to the directional variation 01" the tensile stilT- two globular regions have been extensively stu
ness and strength characteristics of articular can i- (Fosang & Hanlingham. 1996), but their functio
lage described above. To dale. ho\Vevel~ the exact significance has notycl been elucidated. Figure 3
rc;sons as to why articular canilage exhibits slIch is lhe accepted molecular confonnation of a PG
pronounced anisolropies in tension is not known, gregate; Rosenberg Gt al. (1975) were the firs
nor is the functional significance or this tensile obtain an electron micrograph 01" this mole
anisotrop)'. (Fig. 3-6C).
In native cartilage, most aggrccans arc associ
withHA to form the large PG aggregates (Fig. 3-
These aggregates may have up to several hund
l\llany types of PGs arc round in cartilage. Funda- aggrecans noncovalenliy uuached to a central
mentally, it is a large protein-polysaccharide mole- core via their HABR, and each sile is stabilized
cule composed of a protein core to which one or an LP. The filamentous HA core molecule is a n
more glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are attached sulfated disaccharide chain that may be as long
(Fosang & Hardingham, 1996; Muir, 1983; Ratcliffe fJ.m ill Icngth. PG biochcmists have dubbed thc
& Mow, 1996). Even the smallest of these molecules, an "honorary" PG, as it is so intimately involve
high'Can and deem-in, are quite large (approxi- the structure of the PG aggregate in articular c
m;t~ly I X 10'\ 111\\'). but they comprise less than lage. The stability afforded by the PG aggregates
10~~ of all PGs present in the tissue. Aggrccans are a rl"wjor functional significance. It is accepted
much larger (1-4 X 10" mw), and they have the rc- thut PG aggregation promotes immobilization
markable capability to attach to a hyaluronan mol the PGs within the nne collagen meshwork, add
ccule (HA: 5 X 10' I11W) via a specific 1-1A-binding rc- structural stability and rigidity to thc ECM (Mo
gion (HABR). This binding is stabilized by a link aI., 1989b; Muir, 1983; Ratcliffc et aI., 1986).
protein (LP) (40-48 X 10" mw). Stabilization is cru- thermore, two additional forms of c!crmatan sul
cial 10 the function of normal cartilage; without it, PG have been idcntif"led in the ECM of articular
the components of the PG molecule would rapidly tilage (Rosenberg et aI., 1985). In tendon, c1erm
escape from the tissue (Hardingham & IVluir, 1974; sulfate PGs have been shown to bind noncovale
H<lscall, 1977; Muil; 1983). to the surfaces of collagen fibrils (Scott & Orf
Two types of GAGs comprise aggrecan: chon- 1981); however, the role of derma tan sulfatc in
droitin sulfatc (CS) and kcmtan sulfate (KS). Each ticular cartilage is unknown, biologically and f
CS chain contains 25 to 30 disaccharide units, while tionally.
the shorter KS chain contains 13 disaccharide units Although aggrecans generally have the b
(MuiJ~ 1983). Aggrecans (previously rererred to as structure as described abovc, they arc not st
subunits in the American literature or as monomers turally identical (Fosang & Hardingham, 1996).
in the UK and European literature) consist of an ap- grecans vary in length. molecular weight, and c
proximately 200.nanol11ctcr..long protein core to position in a variety of ways; in other words,
which approximately 150 GAG chains, and both 0- arc polydisperse. Studies have demonstrated
linked and N-linked oligosaccharides, are covalently distinct populations of aggrecans (Buckwalter e
attached (Fosang & Hardingham, 1996; Muir, 1983). 1985; Heincgard ct aI., 1985). The first populatio
Furthermore, the distribution of GAGs along the present throughout life and is rich in CS; the sec
protein core is heterogeneous; there is a region rich contains PGs rich in KS and is present only in a
in KS and O-linked oligosaccharides and a rcgion cartilage. As articular cartilage matures, other
rich in CS (Fig. 3-6M. Figure 3-611 dcpicts the fa- related changes in PG composition and struc
mous "boule-brush" model for an aggrecan (j\lluir, occur. vVith canilage maluration, the watcr con
1983j. Also shown in Figurc 3-6/\ is the hctcrogcne- (Armstrong & Mow, 1982; Bollet & Nancc, 1
ity of the protein core that contains three globular Linn & Sokoloff, 1965; Maroudas, 1979; V
regions: GIl the HABR located at the N-terminus that 1978) and the carbohydrate/protein ratio prog
contains a small amount of KS (Poole, 1986) and a sively decrease (Garg & Swann, 1981; Roughle
few N-Iinked oligosaccharidcs, G., located between White, 1980). This dccrcase is mirrored by a
the HABR- and the KS-rich region (Hardingham et crease in the CS content. Conversely, KS. whic
aI., 1987), and G" the corc protcin C-tenninus. A I: I present only in small ,imounts at birth, incre
stoichiomelly C:dslS between the LP and the GI throughollt development and aging. Thus,
Chondroitin Sulfate
(CS) chains

domain (G 3)

Proteoglycan (PG) Macromolecule

1200 nm

Hyaluronan (HA)

A. Schematic depiction of aggrecan, which is compose
keratan sulfate and chondroitin sulfate chains bound c
lently to a protein core molecule. The proteoglycan pr
core has three globular regions as well as keratan sulfa
rich and chondroitin sulfate-rich regions. B. Schematic
resentation of a proteoglycan macromolecule. In the m
trix, aggrecan non covalently binds to HA to form a
macromolecule with a molecular weight of approxima
200:<. 106. Link protein stabilizes this interaction betw
the binding region of the aggrecan and the HA core m
cule. C. Dark field electron micrograph of a proteoglyc
aggregate from bovine humeral articular cartilage
(>:120,000). Horizontal fine at lower right represents O
Reprinted with permission from Rosenberg, C, Hellmann, W
Klein5chmidr. AX (975). Electron microscopic studies 0; p
gfycan aggregates (rom bovine articular cartifage. J Bioi Che
250. 1877.

II!!!.."."" ~", ~ ", ~""~"::-'~~,.cT","'! '.," '.,=-, ~ ----:'....,....-----~.
,IIIIIIIIII!!I,II,'IIIIlIl!!.,!,!!!,,.p. . "!!"!'!. .. "'-.
CS/KS ratio, which is approximately 10: 1 at birth, is proximately 70(;r; of the water may be moved, T
only approxirnatel:v 2: I in adult cartilage (Roughlcy interstitial fluid movement is important in cont
& "Vhile, 1980: Sweet et al" 1979; Thonar et al" ling cartilage mechanical behavior and joint lu
1986). Furthermore, sulfation of the CS molecules, cation (Ateshian et aI., 1997, 1998; Hlavacek, 1
\vhich can occlir at either the 6 or the 4 position, Hou et aI., 1992; Mow et aI., 1980; Mow & Atesh
also undergoes age-related changes. In utero, chon- 1997).
droitin-6-sulfate and chondroitin-4-sulfate are pres-
ent in equal molar amounts; however, by maturity,
the chondroitin-6-sulfate:chonclroitin-4-sulfatc ra-
tio has increaseel to approximately 25: I (Roughley
et a1., 1981). Other studies have also documented an The chemical structure and physical interacti
age-related decrease in the hydrodynamic size of of the PG aggregates influence the properties of
tf~e aggrecan. Many' of these early changes seen in ECM (Ratcliffe & Mow, 1996). The closely spa
articular cartilage may reflect cartilage maturation, (5-15 angstroms) sulfate and carboxyl cha
possibly as a result of increased functional demand groups on the CS and KS chains dissociate in s
\vith increased \vcight-bcaring. Ho\vever, the func- tion at physiological pH (Fig. 3-7), leaving a h
tional significance of these changes, as well as those concentration of fixed negative charges that cre
occurring later in life, is as .\'ct undetermined. strong intramolecular and intermolecular cha
charge repulsive forces; the colligative sum
these forces (when the tissue is immerscd i
physiological saline solution) is equivalent to
\Valel~ the most abundant component of articular Donnan osmotic pressure (Buschmann & Grod
cartilage, is n10st concentrated ncar the anicular sky, 1995; Donnan, 1924; Gu et aI., 1998; Lai et
surface (_80;(j) and decreases in a near-linear fash- 1991). Structurally, these charge-charge repul
ion with increasing depth to a concentration of ap- forces tend to extend and stiffen the PG ma
proximately 65% in the deep zone (Lipshitz et al., molecules into the interfibrillar space formed
1976: Maroudas, 1979). This Iluid contains many the surrounding collagen network, To apprcc
free mobile cations (e.g., Nu', K', and Cal.) that the magnitude of this force, according to Step
greatly! influence the mechanical and physicochem- Hawkings (1988), this electrical repulsion is
ical behaviors of cartilage (Gu et aI., 1998; Lai et aI., million, million, million, million, million, mill
1991; Linn & Sokoloff, 1965; Maroudas, 1979). The million times (42 zeros) greater than gravitatio
fluid component of articular cartilage is also essen- forces.
tial to the health of this avascular tissue because it In nature, a charged body cannot persist l
permits gas, nutrient, and waste product movement without discharging or attracting counter-ion
back and forth between chondrocytes and the sur- maintain electroneutrality, Thus, the charged sul
rounding nutrient-rich synovial fluid (Bollet & and carboxyl groups flxed along the PGs in artic
Nance, 1965; Linn & Sokoloff, 1965; Mankin & cartilage must attract various counter-ions and
Thrashel; 1975; Maroudas, 1975, 1979). ions (mainly Na', Cal., and C I") into the tissu
A small percentage of the \vater in cartilage re- maintain electroneutrality. The total concentra
sides intracellularl y', and approximately 30% is of these counter-ions and co-ions is given by
strongly associated with the collagen fibrils well-known Donnan equilibrium ion distribu
(Maroudas et aI., 1991; Torzilli et aI., 1982). The in- law (Donnan, 1924). Inside the tissue, the mo
teraction between collagen, PG, and water, via Don- counter-ions and co-ions form a cloud surround
nan osmotic pressure, is believcd to have an im- the fixed sulfate and carboxyl charges, thus shield
portant function in regulating the structural these charges from each othet: This charge shield
organization of the ECM and its s\velling properties acts to diminish the very large electrical repul
(Donnan, 1924; Maroudas, 1968, 1975). Most of the forces that otherwisc would exist. The net result
\vater thus occupies the interfIbrillar space of the swelling pressure given by the Donnan osmotic p
ECM and is free to move whcn a load or pressure sure law (Buschmann & Grodzinsky, 1995; Don
gradient or other electrochemical motive forces are 1924; Gu et aI., 1998; Lai et aI., 1991; Schuber
applied to the tissue (Gu et aI., 1998; Maroudas, Hamerman, 1968). The. Donnan osmotic pres
1979). When loaded by a compressive force, ap- theory' has been extensivel:v used to calculate
Aggregate Domain nificant rnagnitudL: c\'en in the absclH.':c or cx
loads (Sellon cl aI., 1995, 1998).
Canilage PGs arc inhomogeneollsl.\' dislri
th,'oughoul the malrix, with their concenlralion
erally being highest in the middle zone and low
the superficial and deep zOlles (Lipshitz Cl aI.,
,'Jlaroudas, 1968, 1979; Vcnn, 1978). Thc biome
ical consequence or this inhomogeneous swelli
havior of cartilage (caused b.v the varying PG co
throughout the depth of the tissue) has recently
quantitalively assessed (Sellon el al., 1998), Al
Repulsive forces due 10 fixed sults from n:cent finite clement calculations
charge density distribution on models incorporating an inhomogeneous P
A lribution show lhat it has a proround effect o
interstitial counler-ion dislribulion throughou
depth of the lissuc (Sun et aI., 1998).
\Vhen a compressive stress is applied lo th
lilage surface. there is an inSlantaneous defo
lion caused primal"i)~' by a change in the PG
ecular domain, Figure 3-7 B. This cxtc.'rnal
causes the inlernal prcsstll"e in the matrix
ceed the swelling pressure and thus liquid w
gin to flow out of" tht: tissue. As the fluid r!()\V
the PG concentration increases, which in tu
Smaller domain Increased charge density creases the Donnan osmotic swelling pressu
Increased charge-charge repulsive forces
the charge-charge repulsive force and bulk
pressive stress unlil they are in equilibrium
the external stress. In this manner, the phy
chcmical properties of the PC gcl lrapped w
A, Schematic representation of a proteoglycan aggregate the collagen network enable il to resisl com
solution domain (left) and the repelling forces associated sion. This mechanism complements the
with the fixed negative charge groups on the GAGs of ag- pla~:ed by collagen that, as previollsly desc
grecan (right). These repulsive forces cause the aggregate is strong in lC'nsion but wcnk in compre
to assume a stiHly extended conformation, occupying a The abilit.' of PCs to resist compression
large solution domain, B. Applied compressive stress de- arises fl'om two sources: (I) the Donnan os
creases the aggregate solution domain (left), which in turn
swelling pressure associated with the t
increases the charge density and thus the intermolecular
packed fixed anionic groups on the GAGS
charge repulsive forces (right).
(2) the bulk eomprcssivc stillness of the coll
PG solid matrix, Experimentally, the Donna
motic pressure ranges from 0.05 to 0.35
(Maroudas, 1979), while the elastic modulus
collagen-PG solid matrix ranges from 0.5
MPa (Armstrong & Mow. 1982; Alhanasiou
swelling pressures of anicular cartilage and the 1991; Mow & Ratcliffe, 1997).
intervertebral disc (Maroudas, 1979; Urban & Il is now apparenl that collagen and PG
McMullin, 1985), By Starling's law, this swclling interact and thal these interactions m'e of
pressure is, in llll'n. resisted and balanced by tension functional imponance. A small portion or th
developed in the collagen network, confining the have been shown to be closely associated wit
PCs to only 20% of their fTee Solulion domain lagen and may serve as a bonding agent be
(Maroudas, 1976; Mow & Ratcliffe. 1997; Sellow lhe collagen fibrils. spanning distnnccs thL
eL aI., 1995). Consequently. this swelling pressure too great for collagen cJ."osslinks to develop (Ba
subjects the collagen network to a "pre-stress" of sig ~t al.. 1996; Mow & Ratcliffe, 1997; Muir,
PGs arc also thought to play an important role in
Hyalur n
maintaining the ordered structure and mechani-
cal properties of the collagen fibrils (Muir, 1983;
Scott & Orford, 1981). Recent investigations show -'I,-\-----Interstltlal flU
that in concentrated solutions, PGs interact with
each other to form networks of significant Collagen fi
strength (Mow et aI., 1989b; Zhu et aI., 1991,
.i 996)..Morcover, the density and strength of the
interaction sites forming the network \vere shown
to depend on the presence of LP between aggre~
cans and aggregates, as well as collagen. Evidence
sl.w:gests that there are fewer aggregates, and
m(;~e biglycans and decorins than aggrecans, in
the superficial zone of articular cartilage. Thus,
there mllst be a difference in the interaction be-
l\VCCn these PGs and the collagen fibrils from the
superficial zone than from those of the deeper
zones (Poole et aI., 1986). Indeed, the inle"action
bet\veen PG and collagen not only' plays a direct Schematic representation of the molecular organizatio
cartilage, The structural components of cartilage, colla
role in the organization of the ECr.,ll but also con-
and proteoglycans, interact to form a porous composit
tributes directly' to the mechanical properties of
fiber-reinforced organic solid matrix that is swollen wit
the tissue (Kempson el aI., 1976; Schmidt el aL. water. Aggrecans bind covalently to HA to form large
1990; Zhu el aI., 1993). teoglycan macromolecules.
The specific characteristics of the physical.
chemical. and mechanical interactions between
coHagen and PG have not yet been fully' deter
mi.ned. Nevertheless, as discussed above, we know
that these structural macromolecules interact to
form a porouspermeable, fiber-reinforced com-
posite matrix possessing all the essential mechani- ties of cartilage. In the following section, the
cal characteristics of a solid that is swollen with havior of articular cartilage under loading and
\ and ions and that is able to resist the high mechanisms of cartilage fluid flow will be discus
stresses and strains of joint articulation (Andriacchi in detail.
etal .. 1997; I-lodge el aI., 1986; Mow & Ateshian,
1997; Paul, 1976). It has been demonstraled lhat
these collagen-PG interactions involve an aggre- Biol71echanical Behavior o{
call, an I-IA filan1ent, type II collagen, other minor
collagen types, an unknown bonding agent, and
Articular Cartilage
possibly smaller cartilage components such as col-
lagen type IX, recently identified glycoproteins, The biomechanical behavior of articular carti
and/or polymeric HA (Poole ct aI., 1986). A can best be understood when the tissue is viewe
schematic diagram depicting the structural a multiphasic medium. In the present context, a
arrangement \vithin a small volume of articular ular cartilage will be treated as biphasic mate
cartilage is shown in Figure 3-8. consisting of two intrinsically incompressible,
\Vhen articular cartilage is subjected to external miscible, and distinct phases (Bachrach et aI., 1
loads, the collagen-PG solid matrix and interstitial Mow et aI., 1980): an inlerstitial fluid phase an
lIuid function together in a unique way to protect porous-permeable solid phase (i.e., the ECM).
against high levels of stress and strain develop- explicit analysis 01' the contribution 01' the
ing in the ECM. Furthermore, changes to the bio- charges and ions, one would have to consider t
chemical composition and structur,,;l organization distinct phases: a fluid phase, an ion phase, an
of lhc ECM, such as during osteoarthritis (OA), are charged solid phase (Gu el al .. 1998; Lai et aI., 19
paralleled b:y changes to t';e biomechanical proper- For understanding how the water contributes t
mechanical propcnies, in the prc.:SCnl context. arti<,:. Creep and strc~s rL,lnxalion phenomcna ll1a~' be
lIlar cartilage may be considered as a Ouid-filled caused b~' differenl Illcchani:sms, For single-phase
porous-permeable (uncharged) biphasic medium, solid pol~'lTh:ric materials, these phenomena are the
with each constituent playing a role in the functional result of iJHcrnal friction caused b.\' the mOl ion or the
behavior of cartilage. long polymL'ric chains sliding over ('ach olher \\'ithin
During joint arlicuhllion, forces at the joint sur- the stressed lll~lIcrial (Fling, 1981), The viscocl"stic
face may vary" from alnl0S1 zero to more than ten bdmvior of tendons and ligamt::IHs is primarily
times body weight (Alldriacchi et ai., 1997; Paul, eauscd bv this mechanism (Woo et aI., 1987, 1997).
1976). The contact arcas also vary in a cOll1plcx For bone, the long-term viscoelastic lK'hador is
manner and typically they arc only or the order of thought to ilL' caused h.\' a rdati\'c slip uf lamellae
several square centimeters (Ahmed & Burke. 1983; within the osteons along with the Ilow of the inlL'rsti
Ateshian et al .. 1994). It is estimated that the peak tial Iluid (Lakcs & Saha, 1979). For articul,,,' carti-
contact stress may reach 20 MPa in the hip while hlgC. the compressive \'iscoelastic bdHl\'ior is prilllar~
rising from a chair and to IVIPa during stair climb- i1~' caused h~' the Jlo\\' of tilL' interstitial lillie! and lhe
ing (Hodge et aI., 1986; Newberrv et aI., 1997). Thus, frictional drag associated with this lIow (Ateshian cl
articular cartilage, under physiologicallonding con- aI., 1997; Mow (,t aI., 1980, 1984). In shear, as in
ditions, is a highly stressed malcrial. To understand single-phase viscoelastic pol.vmers. it is primarily
how this tissue responds LInder these high physio- c<.lusLd b~' tilt:' motion of 10l1g pol~!J1lL'r chains such as
logical loading conditions. its intl"insic mechanical collagen and PGs (Zhu d aI., 1993, 1996). Thc com-
properties in compression, tension, and shear must ponent or anicu[;.\r cartilage dscoclasticit~,caused by
be determined. From these properties, one can un interstitial lluid !low is known as the hi phasic vis-
dcrstand the load-can~ying mechanisms within the cot.,lastic behavior (i'VlO\\' et a!., 1980), ~lI1d the COI11-
ECM. Accordingly, the following subsections \\"ill ponent of dscoebslicil~' caused b~' macromolecular
characterize tht: tisslIC' behavior under these loading motion is known as til(' l1ow-indepl'ndelll (Ha,\'cs '*
Il'lOclalities. Bc)dinc, 1(78) or the intrinsic visc()elastic behavior or
Ihe collagen-PG solid matrix.
Although the deformational bdwyior has been
described in terms of n lillem' elastic solid (Hirsch,
1944) or viscoclastic solid (I-laves & Mockros, 1971),
lhes~ modcls fail to recognii'.e the role or water in
If a material is subjected to the action of a constant the \'iscoelastic behavior or and thc significant con-
(time-independent) load or a constant deforrnation tribution lilal lIuid pressurizalion pla.vs in joint load
and its response varies with time, then the mechan- support and canilage lubrication (Ateshian L't aI.,
ical behavior of the material is said to be viscoelas- 1998; Elmol'c et aI., 1963, Mow & Ratcliffe, 1997;
tic. (n general, the response of slich a material can SokolofL 1963). Recentlv, experimental measure-
be theoretically modeled as a cornbination of the re- ments ha\'c deh:nnined that interstitial fluid pres-
sponse of a viscolls Ouid (dashpot) and an elastic surization supports mort' than YOOk of the applied
solid (spring), hence viscoelastic. load to the canilage surface (Solt/. & Ateshian.
The two fundamental responses of a viscoelaslic 1998) immediately following loading. This ('lfcC
material arc creep and stress relaxation, Creep oc- can persist for more than 1,000 scconds and thus
curs when a viscoelastic solid is subjected to the ac- shields til(.' EC1VI and chondroc.\'tcs from the crllsh-
tion of a constant load, Typically. a viscoelastic solid ing defonnations or the high stresses (20 MPa) re-
responds with a rapid initial deforrnation followed sulting frollljoilll loading.
by a slow (time-dependent), progressivel)' increas-
ing deformation known as creep until an equilib-
rium state is reached. Stress relaxation occurs when
a viscoelastic solid is subjected to the action of a
constant deformation, l~ypically. a dscoelastic solid
responds with a rapid, high initial stress followed by The loading of cartilage in vivo is cxtr('mel~" com-
a slow (time~dependent). progressively decreasing plex. To achic\'C' a better understanding of the de-
stress required to maintain the deformation; this formational behavior or the tissue under load, an
phenomenon is known as stress relaxation. explant loading conliguration known as confined
compression (lvlow et aL, 1980) has been adopted by rapid initially', as evidenced by the early rapid r
researchers. In this configuration, a cylindrical car- of increased deformation, and it diminishes gra
tilage specimen is fitted snugly il1to a cylindrical, ually until flow cessation occurs. During cre
srnZoth-walled (ideally frictionless) confining ring the load applied at the surface is balanced by
that prohibits motion and fluid loss in the radial di- compressive stress developed within the collag
rection. Under an axial loading condition via a rigid PG solid matrix and the frictional drag genera
p~rol1s-permeable loading platen (Fig. 3-9;1), fluid by the flow of the interstitial fluid during exu
will flo\v from the tissue into the porous-permeable tion. Creep ceases when the compressive str
platen, and, as this occurs, ~he cartilage samp~e will developed within the solid matrix is sufficient
compress in creep_ At any tIme the amount 01 com- balance the applied stress alone; at this point
pression equals the volume of nuid loss because fluid flows and the equilibrium strain EX
both the watcr and theECM arc each intrinsicall:v reached.
incompressible (Bachrach et aI., 1998). The advan- Typically, for relatively thick human and bov
tage of the confined compression tcst is that it cre- articular cartilages, 2 to 4 mm, it takes 4 to
ates a uniaxial, one-dimensional flow and def()rma~ hours to reach creep equilibrium. For rabbit c
tional J1eld within the tissue, which does not depend tilage, which is generally less than 1.0 111m thi
on tissue anisotropy.' or properties in the radial diN it takes approximately' I hour to reach creep eq
recLion. This greatly simplir-Ies the mathematics librium. Theoretically, it can be shown that
needed to solve the problem. time it takes to reach creep equilibrium var
It should be emphasized that the stress-strain, inversely with the square or the thickness of
pressure, fluid, and ion flow fields generated within tissue (Mow et aI., 1980). Under relatively h
the tissue during loading can only be calculated; loading conditions, > 1.0 J\ilPa, 50 0/() of the to
ho\VevcI~ these calculations are of idealized models fluid content may be squeezed From the tiss
and testing conditions. There are man:\' confound- (Echvards, 1967). Furthermore, in vitro stud
ing factors, such as the time~dependent nature and demonstrate that if the tissue is immersed
magnitude of loading and alterations in the natural physiological saline, this exuded fluid is fully
state of prc~strcss (acting \vithin the tissue), that coverable when the load is removed (Elmore
arise from disruption of the collagen network dur~ aI., 1963; Sokoloff, 1963).
ing specimen harvesting. Despite limitations in de~ Because the rate of creep is governed b.y the r
terrnining the natural physiological states of stress of fluid exudation, it can be used to determine
and strain within the tissue in vivo, a number of re N
permeability coefficient of the tissue (Mow et
searchers have made gains to\\'ard an understand~ 1980, 1989a). This is known as the indirect m
ing of potential mechanosignal transduction I11ech~ surement for tissue permeability (k). Average val
anisms in cartilage through the use of explant of normal hun1an, bovine, and canine pate
loading studies (Bachrach et aI., 1995; Buschmann groove articular cartilage permeability k obtained
et aI., 1992; Kim et aI., 1994; Valhmu et aI., 1998) this manner arc 2.17 X 10. 15 M'/Ns, 1.42 x 10'" M'/N
based on the biphasic constitutive law For soft hy'- and 0.9342 x 10. 15 M4/Ns, respectively (Athanas
drated tissues (Mow et aI., 1980). et aI., 1991). At equilibrium, no fluid flow occ
and thus the equilibrium deformation can be u
to measure the intrinsic compressive modulus (H
01' the collagen-PG solid matrix (Armstrong & M
1982; Mow et aI., 1980). Average values of norm
human, bovine, and canine patellar groove articu
The biphasic creep response of articular cartilage cartilage compressive modulus H,.\ are 0.53, 0.
in a oneNdimensional confined compression ex- and 0.55 megapascal (MPa; note 1.0 MPa =
periment is depicted in Figure 3-9. In this case, a Ib/in 2 ), respectively. Because these coefficients ar
constant compressive stress (To) is applied to the measure of the intrinsic material properties of
tissue at tinlC to (point A in Fig. 3-98) and the tis~ solid matrix, it is therefore meaningful to determ
Slie is allo\ved to creep to its final equilibrium ho\v they vary \vith matrix composition. It was
strain (EX). For articular cartilage, as illustrated termined that k varies directly, while He' varies
in the top diagrams, creep is caused by the exuN versely with water content and varies directly w
dation of the interstitial fluid. Exudation is most PG content (Mow & Ratcliffe, 1997),
Confining ring

Impermeable platen

Unloaded (A) Creep (6) Equilibrium (C)

w 1 o
.~ E-'
No exudation C
- - =-.........._----...-
.~ c E
a i
o 6
B Equilibrium
w Copious deformation
U_A______ __ :e> fluid

o exudation


A. A schematic of the confined compression loading configu- drawings of a block of tissue above the curves illustra
ration. A cylindrical tissue specimen is positioned tightly into creep is accompanied by copious exudation of fluid fr
an impermeable confining ring that does not permit defor- sample and that the rate of exudation decreases over
mation (or fluid flow) in the radial direction. Under loading, from points A to B to C. At equilibrium (EO'-'), fluid flow
fluid exudation occurs through the porous platen in the ver- and the load is borne entirely by the solid matrix (poi
tical direction. B. A constant stress (T" applied to a sample of Adapted from MOH~ VC, Kuei, S,C, Lai, Wl'vl., f:.'( af. (1980
articular cartilage (bottom left) and creep response of the Biphasic creep and stress relaxation of articular cartilage in
sample under the constant applied stress (bottom right). The pression: Theory and experiments. J Siomech Eng, 102, 73
STRESS-RELAXATION RESPONSE 1984). During the compression phase, the str
CARTILAGE IN COMPRESSION rises continuously until (To is reached, CO
sponding to lI o, while during the stress-relaxat
viscoelustic stress-relaxation response phase, the stress continuously decays along the cu
F,,,,,.t,r,"a, cartilage in a I D compression experi- B-C-D-E until the equilibrium stress (U X ) is reach
depi,ek'ci in Figure 3-10. In this case, a con- The mechanisms responsible for the stress
,,,,,,,rtression rate (line t,,-A-B or lower left fig- and stress relaxation are depicted in the lower p
to the tissue until lin is reached; tion of Figure 3-10. As illustrated in the top d
bypncl point B, the deformation Uo is maintained. grams, the stress rise in the compression phase is
cartilage, the t.ypical stress response sociated with fluid exudation, while stress relaxat
this imposed deformation is sho\\'11 in the is associated with fluid redistribution within
flgurc (Holmes et aI., t 985; Mow ct aL, porous solid matrix. During the compressive pha

fluid exudation
Fluid redistribution
(no exudation)

t 1I t I I


I---"'L-o-a-d-in-g---ll jf------"S-tr-e-ss-'e-Ia-x-a-'i-o-n------

cw B
a. B C D E
6 uo- - - - - - - ;-~----....- ...- - -

Controlled ramp displacement curve imposed on a cartilage and then decreases during the relaxation phase (points B
specimen commencing at to (bottom left) and the stress- D) until an equilibrium is reached (point E). Above these
response curve of the cartilage in this uniaxial confined- curves, schematics illustrate interstitial fluid flow (repre-
compression experiment (bottom right). The sample is com- sented by arrows) and solid matrix deformation during th
pressed to point B and maintained over time (points B to E). compressive process. Fluid e~udation gives rise to the pea
The history of the stress and response shows a characteristic stress (point B), and fluid redistribution gives rise to the
stress that rises during the compressive phase (points to to B) stress-relaxation phenomena.
the hi!:!h stress is generated bv forced exudation of by the relationship k ~ W/K (Lai & Mo\\', 1980), A
the in~crstilial fluid and the c~mpaclion of the solid {j'cular cartilage has a \'(.'1:-' low !kTlllcabilily a
matrix 11('<\1- the surface. Stress relaxation is in turn thus hi~h frictional l"I.... sistin= I"oret's arc g('n~rat
causcd bv the relicf 0" rebound of the high COIll- when n~,id is caused tn flo\\" through the poro
paction r~gi(}n ncar the surface or the solid matrix. solid matrix.
This stress-relaxation process will cease when the In the previous sections on c;:\rtilage \iscoclast
compressive stress developed within the solid ll1alrix ity \\e discw;st.'d the process of lluid !low throu
reaches the stress generated by the intrinsic COIll- articular cartihH.!e induced bv solid matrix compre
pressive modulus of the solid matrix corresponding sion and how ll~is process i;lfluences lI1L' viscoda
to U o (Holmcs ct 'II., 1985; Mow ct aL, 1980, 1984), tic behavior or the tissuC'. This process ;:l1so provid
Analysis of this stress-relaxation process leads to lhe an indirect method to dctcrmine the permeability
conc"!usion that under physiological loading cOl1cli- the tissuc. In this section, we discuss the cxpc
lions. excessive stress levels arc difficult (() maintain mCJ1t~11 method uscd to direct I.\' measure the perm
because stress relaxation will rapidly a(lenuat~ the ability codTicknt. Such an L'xperim(:nt is depict
stress developed within the tissue; this must ncces~ in Fi~urL' 3-1 I.\. Here, a specimen or the tissue
sarily lead to the rapid spreading of the contact area held fixed in ~\ chamber subjected to the action o
in tht:: joint during articulation (Atcshian el aI., 1995, pressure gradicl1l: tilL' imposed upstrt.'al11 pl\:ssu
1998; tvlow & Atcshian, 1997), PI is greater than the dOwJ1slrt.:;:\Il1 pressure P2' T
Rcccntlv, much focus has been on the inholllo- thick~css 01" tlte specimen is denoted by han
gencitv o(I-IA with carLilagc depth (Schinagl ct aI., the cross-sectional an..-a 01" pt.'nneatiol1 is ddin
1996, '1997), Bascd on thi~ data, from an analysis b\ A. Darcy's law, L1sed to determine the perme~\b
of the stress-relaxation experiment it was round it'\" k fron~ this simple t.'xpcrimental St.'ltlp, ~id
that an inhornogencous tissue would relax at a k' = Qh/A(Pi-P2). where Q is the \'olumelric d
faster rate than would the unirorlll tissue (\Vang & chargL' per unit time through the specimen who
1\110\V, 1998). iVloreovcr, the stress, strain, pressure, area 01" permcm ion is A ([\llo\\' & R;:ltcl irr(" 1997). U
and Ouid flow fields within the tissue were signif- ing low pressures, approxiJ11atel~' 0_1 ivlPa. t
icanllv altered as well. Thus it seems thal the vari- mClhod was f1rslused to determine the permeabil
ation~' in biochemical and structural composition of articular cartilage (Edwards, 1967; lVlnroud
in the layel"s of cartilage pl"ovide anothet- challenge 1975). The value ~I" k obtained in this mann
to understanding the environn1ent of chondro- ram!ccl from 1.1 x 10. 1 < ml/Ns 10 7.6 ;:.< 10. 1 ' m:/N
c.vtes in situ. In ~~ddition, using a uniform straight tube mod
the ;:\\IL'rage "pore diameter" has been estimatt.:d a
11111 (Maroudas. 1979), Thus. the "pores" within
tinllar cartilage are of mokcular size.:',
Fluid-filled porous materials ma~' or may not be per- The pL'nnt.'abilit~'or Hnicular cartibgc under co
mcablc, Thc ratio of nuid volumc (VI) to thc total pressive strain and at high physiological pressu
volume (\IT) of the porous material is known as the (3 MPa) was first obtained b~' j\Aansour and lV'1
porosity (f3 :; ;: ViI VT); thus, porosity is a geOJ1lclric (1976) and later analvzed by Lai and ,Vlo\\' (198
concept. Articular cartilage is therefore a material The high pressure and compressh"e strain conditio
of high porosity (approximately 80%), If the pores examined in these studies more c1osd~' resem
are int~rconnected, th.; porous material is perme- those conditions found in dianhrodial joint loadin
able. PermeabilHv is a measure of the ease with In these l.'xperimcnts, k was measured as a functi
which fluid can f1(~W through a porous material. and or two variables: the pressure gradient across
it is inversely proportional to the frictional drag ex~ specimen and the axial compressive strain applied
ened by the fluid flowing through thc porous, the sample. Tht. results from these experiments
permeable material. Thus, permeability is a physi- shown in Figure 3-11 B. Permeabilit~ decreased exp
cal concept; il is a meaSure of the resistive force that nentially ~lS a function of both increasing compr
is required to cause the fluid to Ilow at a given speed sive slr~lin and increasing applied Iluid pressure,
through lhe porous-permeable material. Thb fric~ was hlter shown, however, that. the dependence o
tional resistive force is ~enerated bv rhe inleraction Ion the applied fluid pressurt.: derives from co
of the intcrstitial fluid-and the p;'rc walls of the paction of the solid matdx that. in lurn, results fr
porous-permeable material. The permeability coeffi- the frictional drag ("used by rhe permeating nu
cient k is related to the frictional drng coefficient K (Lai & MO\\', 1980), From the point of view of p
pressure difference
,- , , , "~
P ,
I i
Fluid flow
I ~
.0.069 MPa
.0.172 MPa
... 0.342 MPa
Rigid ~
.. ,;.;.;+:.:.:. :.:.:-: .;.:.:.... -'-- 0
porous { C><I;:, h
10 00.689 MPa
~ 1.034 MPa
blocks '-
J , L ~ ~
01.723 MPa

- I, 1Fluid1flow
Fluid Articular 6
pressure - cartilage '" 4
P2 '"
! !
I I a.'" 2 r
..I B
0 8 16 24 32
Applied Compressive Slrain {%}

A. Experimental configuration used in measuring the perme parhologic caail,1ge (Juring function. I. The formulation. J Bio-
ability of articular cartilage, involving the application of a meeh. 9(8), 5:11-552, a, Experimental curves for articular car-
pressure gradient {P,-Pl)/h across a sample of the tissue (h =:: tilage permeability show its strong dependence on compres-
tissue thickness). Became the fluid pressure (PI) above the sive strain and applied pressure. Measurements were taken
sample is greater than that beneath it (PJ, fluid will flow at applied pressure differential (p\-p)) and applied strains.
through the tissue. The permeability coefficient k in this ex- The permeability decreased in an exponential manner as a
periment is given by the expression Qh/A(PI-P/), where Q is function of both increasing applied compressive strain and
the volumetric discharge per unit time and A is the area of increasing applied pressure. Adapted from L,1i, 1,1I/,'\11.. & MoV'-/,
permeation. Adapted from Torzilli. PA, & MoJ.v, VC (976). On II C. (/980). Drag-induced compre5sion of ,1rtiwlar (,milage dur-
rhe fundamental fluid cranspon mechafllsms rhrough normaJ and ing a pe-rmeaiion experimenr. J Btorheology, 17. J 11 .
. ,1
. ~---------------------------------

';S,n~IC[lIre, compaction or the solid matdx decreases specimens h"rvested in the direction parallel to the
9j~ porosity' and hence the average "pore diameter" split line pattern than those harvested perpendicu-
" \\Iithin the solid matrix; lhus, solid matrix compac- lar to the split line pattern) and strongly inhomoge-
tion increases fTictional resistance (MOWCl aI., 1984). neous (for mature anirnals. being stiffer and
... >",:1'he nonlinear permeability of articular cartilage stronger fOl' specimens harvested from the superfi-
'X de.monstrated in Figure 3-11 B suggests that the lis- cial regions (han those harvested deeper in the tis-
<~/!7:9~ has a mechanical feedback sYSlem that may sue) (Kempson. 1979: Roth & Mow, 1980), Intercst-
.J;s,e~'ve important purposes under physiological con- ingly, articular cartilage rrom immature bovine knee
:'o'ditions. When subjecled 10 high lo"els through the joints does not exhibit these layered inhomoge-
\mechanism of incrcnsed frictional drag against in- neous variations; however, the superficial zones o
:)~rslitial l1uiel 110w. the tissue will "ppear sLirfer "nel both ITlature and immature bovine cartilage appear
:';L'h will be more difficult to cause fluid exudation. Re to h"ve the ,,,me tcnsile stiffness (ROLh & Mow
(cent analyses of articular cartilage compressive 1980). These anisotropic and inhomogeneous char-
/,',/ ':,s,trcss-relaxation behavior have validated this con- acteristics in mature joints arc believed to be caused
;C:"'c'ept and its importance in the capacity of the inter- by the vaI)'ing collagen and PG stnlctural organiza-
g, stili,,1 Ouid La support load (Ateshian eL al.. 1998: tion of the joinl surface and the layering structural
;'::;',":,~oltz & Ateshian, 1998). Moreover, this mechanism arrangements found within the tissue_ Thus, the col-
;< /al~o is important in joint lubrication, lagerH'ich superficial zone appears to provide the
joint cartilage with a tough wear-resistant protective
skin (Sellon et "I.. 1993) (Fig. 3-3;\),
Articular cartilage also exhibits viscoelastic behav-
ior in tension (\-Voo ct "I.. 1987). This viscoelastic be-
~~?''.::~:;rhe mechanical behavior of articular canilage in havior is allributable to both the internal friction as-
3~~;'{enSion is highly complex. In tension, the liss~le is sociated with polymeric motion and the flow of the
,:~.~; strongly anisotropic (being stiffer and stronger for interstitial fluid. To examine the intrinsic mechanica
A ;'::;;--"
'.C:; ".'.,
-i response of the collagen-PC solid matrix in tension,
it is necessary to negate the biphasic fluid now ef-
+i TenSIle modulus. E Ci!t

fects. To do this, one mllst perform slow, low strain-
rate experiments (/\kizuki et aI., 1986; Roth & Mow, ~~~
1980; Woo et aI., 1987) or perform an incremental
strain experiment in which stress relaxation is al-
lowed to progress IowaI'd equilibration at each incre-
I Failure

menl of strain (Akiwki et aI., 1986). Tvpically, in a .; 1


2 .!---- ~~~

low strain-rate (or near-equilibrium tensile) experi- iii i

ment. a displacement rate of 0.5 em/minute is L1sed Linear regio
and the specimens usually arc pulled to failure. Un- I
fortunately. lIsing these procedures to negate the ef~
feet of interstitial Ollid now also negates the Illanires~ I .------- ~
tation of the intrinsic viscoelastic behavior of the
solid matrix. Thus, only the equilibrium intrinsic me-
L ,=------------~ Toe region

chanical propenies of the solid matrix ma~r be deter-

mined from these tensile tests. The intrinsic vis-
coelastic properties of the solid matrix Illust be
determined from a pure shear study. Typical tensile stressstrain curve for articuliH cilrtilage
dril\Nings on the right of the ClJrve shm.", the configu
The "equilibrium" stress-strain curve ror a speci-
of the collagen fibrils al vcUiOllS stages loading. In th
men of articular cartilage tested under a constant
region. collagen fibril pullout occurs c15 the fibrils ali
low strain-rate condition is shown in Figure 3-IL themselves in the direction of the tensile load. In the
Like other f,brous biological tissues (Iendons and eM regiol1, the aligned collagen fibers are stretched
ligaments), articular cartilage tends to stiffen with
increasing strain when the strain becomes large.
Thus, over the entire range of strain (up to 60 0m) in
tension, articular cartilage cannot be described b~: a
failure occurs

delermined from tilL' ~cnnnil1g dcctron microg
single Young's modulus. Rather, a tangent modulus,
defined by the tangent to the stress-strain CUI'\'C. pkltln..: s (h.'h). Ch.'arl.\ it can he seen lhal ll1l.'
must be used to descl'ibe the tensile stiffness of the gcn lletwork within c~lrlil~\gL.' l"L'sponds to le
tissue_ This fundamental result has given rise to the sll\.. s~ and strain (\Vada 1..'\:. Akizuki, 19~7l.
wide range of Young's modulus. 3 to 100 ,\lIPa, re- If the mok'ctll~lr st!1H.:(urc or L'(Jllag('~Il, Ilk' orga
poned for anicular cartilage in tension (Akizuki et lion of thL' collagen fibers within the collagclloll
aI., 1986; Kempson, 1979; Roth & Mow, 1980; Woo \\"01''', or tilL' collngl'1l IiIK'!' lToss-lillking is al
et aI., 1987). At physiological strain levels, however, (such ~lS tin\! OcclIlTing in mild fibrillation or OA
;.: less than 15% (Armslrong et aI., 1979) of the linear tensile prolKTlies of the I1L'I\\'ork \\'ill ch~lIlge. Sch
Young's modulus of anicular cartilage ranges be- l't al. (1990) ha\'c shown a definitive' t\:.-btionsh
tween 5 and 10 MPa (Akiwki et aI., 1986). 1\\"C'I.'11 collag.. . n hydroxypyridinillm cn)ss-linkin
Morphologically, the cause for the shape of the lensik' stilflk.'SS ~II)(I stn.. ,lgtll of nOI'mal h(wirH.~
tensile stress-strain curve for large strains is de- hlg(. Aki/.uki et al. (1086) showcd lhat pr()grc
picted in the diagrams on the right or Figure 3-12. dcgr~\dnlion or lUI man kllL"C joint cartilag:(.', from
The initial toe region is caused by collagen fiber librillation 10Of\. ~'iclds n progn..:'ssin (k'kriorati
pull-out and realignn'lCnt during the initial pan ion Ilk' illl rinsic Icnsik' propl".'1'liL'S IJI" Ihe collagcn-PG
of the tensile experimel1l, and the final linear region matrix. Similar rl.'sults 11<.1\'(' bccll obsen'\..-d n.. .c\..'
is caused by the stretching of the straightcned- 'lI1ill1"lll1odcls of O!\ (Guil", l't ,Ii.. 1004; SCt!(Hl
aligned collagen fibers. Failure occurs when all the It)t).t). l()g\..,tllcr, lhese obSCIV~llioJls sllpporl tll'..'
collagen fibers contained within the specimen are that disruptioll of tilL' colbgcn IlL'lwork is ~\ kL'~'
ruptured. Figure 3- I 3/\ depicts an ullslretched artic- ill thL' initial CH'IHS iL'adillg 10 11K' dC\'L'lopmcllt o
ular cartilage specimen, while Figure 3-138 depicts Also. loosening of til\.' collagen network is gCI1\..'ral
a stretched specimen. Figure 3-14, A & B shows' licved to h(' responsible for tlte incrcased swc
scanning eleclron micrographs or carlilage blocks hCllci..' W~Il\..T COI1H.'nl. or ostL'oartlll'ilic car
under 0 and 30% sU'elch (right) and the COlTe- (Mankin &: Thrasher, 1973: iVlaroudas. 1979). \,Vc
sponding histograms of collagen fiber orientation ;:d]"L'ad~' discussed htl\\" iJ1cl"L'asl'd walcr cOlllClll

..AIf--+ Collagen



i '

E.R., Lal: V:l.M. & Mow V.C (1984). A continuum rheory and a
experiment for the ion-induced swelling behaviorcartirage. J Bio
mech Eng, 106(2), 15/-158

to decreased corripresstve stiffness and increased per- subjected to uniaxial tension or compression. T
rneability of arti~ular cartilage. volumetric change causes interstitia) nuid now a
induces biphasic viscoelastic effects within the
sue. H, however, articular cartilage is tested in pu
shear under infinitesinlal strain conditions.
pressure gradients or volumetric changes will
In tension and cOIllpression. only the equilibrium 'produced within the material; hence, no interstit
intrinsic properties of the collagen-PG solid malri~ fluid flow will occur (Hayes & Bodine, 1978; Z
can be determined. This is because a volumetric et aJ. 1993) (Fig. 3-15). Thus, a stead v dynam
change always occurs within a material when it is pure shear expct'iment Cln be used [0 assess
Tension 0%

501 n=203
40 1 x = 52.0' " 23.0'
C ;
~ 30 1

1 ~ lmmJlLill.IILillilllllLffi,.
o 45 90

Tension 30%

50 i
n = 145

J:::~! '8.9~
'km= :: 17.6':>

lOi0-' I In,m_r!L~ __,.

o 45 90
Direction of Load

Collagen fibril alignment is dearly demonstrated by the scanning electron micrographs

(X10.000) (right) of cartilage blocks under 0% stretch (A) and 30% stretch (8). The his-
tograms (left), calculated from the micrographs. represent the percent of collagen fibers
oriented in the direction of the applied tension. At 0% stretch the fibers have a random
orientation; however. at 30% they are aligned in the direction of the applied tension.
Reprinred with permission (rom Wada, T.. & Akizuki, S. (1987). An ulcrasuucllIral sllIdy of solid ma-
trix in articular cartilage under uniaxial tensile stress. J Jpn Orthop Assn. 61.

intrinsic viscoelastic propcrLics or the collagen-PG viscoelastic propcnies arc equival~nl1y defined
solid matrix. the elastic storage modulus G'; the viscous
In a steady dynamic shear experiment. the vis- modulus G" of the collagen-PG solid matrix ma
coelastic properties of the collagcn-PG solid matrix determined as a runction of frequency (Fling, 1
are detenl1ined by subjecting a thin circular wafer Zhu et aI., 1993).
of tissue to a steady sinusoidal torsional shear, Sometimes it is morc convenient to determ
shown in Figure 3-16. 1n an experiment of this type, the magnitude of the dynamic shear modulus
the tissue specimen is held by a precise amount of given by:
compression between two rough porous platens.
IG*I' = (G')' + (G")'
The lower platen is attached to a sensitive torque
transducer and the upper platen is attached to a and the phase shifl angle given by:
precision mechanical spectrometer with a senro-
l) = tan' (G"/G')
controlled de mot01: A sinusoidal excitation signal
may be provided by the motor in a frequency of ex- The magnitude or lh~ d~'namic shear modul
citation range of 0.01 to 20 hertz (Hz). For shear a measure of the tala I resistance offered bv the
strain magnitudes ranging from 0.2 to 2.010, the coelastic material. The value of 0, lhe angl~ betw

I I Unloaded Pure shear

I Collagen



Schematic depiction of unloaded cartilage (A), and cartilage subjected to pure shear (8). When cartilage is tested in pure shear
under infinitesimal strain conditions. no volumetric changes or pressure gradients are produced; hence, no interstitial fluid flow
occurs. This figure also demonstrates the functional rote of collagen fibrils in resisting shear deformation.

','the steady applied sinusoidal strain and the steady modulus 10 bc of thc order of 10 Pa and phase shifl
~ipusoidallorqllcresponse, is a measure of the total angle ranging up to 70" (Mow et aI... 1989b; Zhu ct
':";Edctional energy dissipation within the ll1aterial. aI., 1991, 1996), Therefore, it appcars that the mag-
EoI' a pure elastic material with no internal fric- nitude of the shear modulus of concentrated PG so-

,:'ti'onal dissipation, the phase shift angle 8 is zero; for

:iijJurc viscous fluid, the phase shih angle 8 is 90t '.
)/;The magnitude of the dynamic shear modulus for
'i':t1()rmal bovine articular cartilage has been mea-
sw\:d to range from I to 3 ~llPa, while the phase SIN (f n
'r shift angle has been measured to range from 9 to

20' (Hayes & Bodine, 1978; Zhu Cl aL. 1993), Thc in-
irinsk transient shear stress-relaxation behavior of
::':tI1t~ collaucn-PG solid matrix along with the steadv 'd
'\Iynamic . . .s hear properties also ha; been llleasUl'e~1
;',:. (Zhu el aI., 1986), Wilh bOlh lhc sleady dynamic and
'::'thc. transient results, the laller investi'gators showed I
. ~at the quasilinear viscoelasticity th~ory proposed
'?;:'.py Fung (198l) for biological materials provides an
<"accurale dcscription of the flow-independent vis-
i; coelaSlic behavior of lhe colla!!cn-PG solid malrix, .. 111 ~I
'.:':/,}<'jgure 3-17 depicts a comparis--on of the theoretical
'prediction of the transient stress-relaxation phe- Time
;[lomenon in shear with the results from Fung's t 981
'quasilinear viscoelasticity theory.
/:.. From lhese shear sluciies. it is possible to obrain
SOme insight as to how the collagen-PG soHd matrix Steady sinusoidal torsional shear imposed on a specimen in
functions. First, we note that measurements of PG pure shear. The fluctuating strain in the form of a sine
>:. SOlutions at concentrations similar to those found in wave with a strain amplitude filand frequency f.
':>a. nicular cartila(Tceo in Silu .'vidd a ma~miLudc of shear
ill Iht: ullla~I..1l 111..'1\\1 Irk. 1')I,.rJllib till..' PC ~I.
1.0 cc.,II"I~l:1I Ill't\\"ork to rl..':--.i:--t c{JlI1l)rl...... ~ion (
11 '= 0.. 0004 192-l: Marolld.. I:--'. 1~79: ,'vl0\\I..\: Rall.:lilll', 1997
i5' 12"" 36.2 cOlllll for :--.tH.'h Fix('d Char~l.. DI..'I1:--.ily (FeD, 1
C 0.8 c = 0.13 cartila1!l'. a lriplla~i(. Ilk,dlancl-l..kdnl\,:llelTlica
uc0 1..!LI...ln,I.\k Ihcor,\' \\":I~ d ...\t.. !opl..d [kit rJl(ldd~
"l~ a mi'\tlIrl... (lrIhn..\, misdhk' pklsl..s: a cklr~l
.Q pkhl.. rl..'j)rLSI..llIill~ IhL' \.:(jIl"I~I..n.PC IlL'I\Uli
phasL' rl..'l.,rL~I..'llling th\,o inll..'rstiti .. d \\<llI..'r, <lll
a; ! j ! j ! ! ph"lse cOlllpri~illg tlk' llltlnO\'llt L'alillil ' a -
c: 0.'
~ ion CI a~ \\"1..,11 as Dllk'l' 1l111llh.. dl..1l1 Slk'l..:iL's
~ C"I' (ClI L'I <II., llJlJ:{: l.'li 1..'1 al..llJ01 ). I Il I hi~ I h
IOlal slrl..s~ i:- ~in'll h.\ IIIL' slim or
1\\'0 1I..'rllls
a: 0.2
CT,,,h.1 .~. Ulh"'i. \\"helI..' (T,,"I .llId (T,:',,I "Irl' Ihl' ~

tri.'\ sln:ss <Inti inli:rsliliailluid pr\'~:--.un... r",,:--

0.0 ..-\1 I..quiliblillill. (T'l,,,,, is gi\I..!l h~' I hI..' [)OIlIl ..Hl
0 10 20 30
Time (sec) prcssur..... IT hcl' disCllS~i(J1l Iklu\\l. J)erin'd
(lr till..' fulltl ..t1n.... nl .. t1 laws (II' IllI..'C!J"lIlics <.llld
d.\"ll~tlllics rather Ill"lll through IIh.. ad 11m: c
tion of L'xisting :--pi..i.:i ..l1iI.I..'d thl{Iril...:-- k.g ..
Typical stress-relaxation curve after a step change in shear Grod/.insk.\", [YS/a,hL this 11'ipkl.... ic Ilk'or,\"
strain. expressed in terms of the mean of ten cycles of ~\ ",\..-'1 ur I!lLTln(ldYIl~IJllicalh' Ikrllli ...... ihk C
stress relaxation normalized by the initial stress. The solid li\'\.. law.. . to dl''''lTibl..' lit\..-' till'lL'-dL'[k'lllk'llI
line represents the theoretical prediction of the quasi lin llll..'lllic~d, Ill\..-'Cll~lnil;d, :IIHI L'k'l'lriL"al pI'OpL
ear viscoelasticity theory, Adapted from lilu, WB .. Lai. WA1.,
cll<:II'gL'd-!lH!ralL'd so!'t tiSSlll ;\'11. 1I'L'O\\..-'1', Ill\..
& Mav/, Vc. (/986). Intrinsic quasi.. /inear viscoelasric beflMior
."ic 11lulti"ek'ctrol\'!L' tlwol',\' h<l h l 'L'1'l shown
of the extracellular matrix of cartilage. Trans Orthop Res SoC,
tirll.\' l'on ... istl'11{ \\'ith thl' ",pl'ci<tlihd clas
nWlic PI'I..'SSUl'L' thL'(lly fut' ch'll'~l'(.1 POIYnll.'
ti011S, plh.'llOllllllologic;,,1 {1'~lnSpol't II1L'ori
tilL' hiphask theor.\ (DOIlIl .. IIl, 192-l: I(;'ltch
Curran. 1973: .\'Io\\' 1..'1 .. 11 .. 19~O: On... a~L'r. 193
IUlion is one hundred thousand times less and the \\'hkh In\\''''' bL'I...1l frL'lI11L'ntly llsLd 10 slud.\
); phase angle is six to seven times grcmcr than lhat of f.. lcl..'ls (II' aniCllbl' clrlilagL.
anicular cartilage solid matrix. This suggests lhat Th...' Iriphasic IhL'or~' has bl...I...!1 used sliccl...
PGs do nOl function in situ to provide shear stiffness describe lll .. tny clf till..' 1l1L'l'll"111(I-l'kcII'Oclll..
for articular carlilage. The shear stiffness of arLicLI- ha\ior:-. or articubr cartilage. Tl1l..'s... include
lar cmotilage Illust lherefore derive (Tom its collagen diclion or frl..e S\\LlIing lIIHk'r c1l1..'lllicalload
content, or from the collagen-PG interaction (Mow L'a!' dCIKIH.kIlCL or h.nlr"llllic plrnll..i.lhilil.\ \\"
& Ralcliffe. 1997). From Ihis interpretation, an in- llo!llirH.;11' depcn(k'llCC or stl'L'allling pOIL'llt
crease in collagen, which is a much more clastic ele- FeD: cLll'ling or Glnil ..lg,l l"l.\LT:-: pn.'-qrl'ss:
ment than PC and the predominant load-carrying el- ..Inc! Ilcgatin' osmotic flows: s\\'clling ..Ind l
ement of the tissue in shear. would decrease the responses or cells 10 11SIlH>lic SIH)(.:k IO<lding;
frictional dissipation and hence the observed phase inlllll'lln:.' or inhomog,('IlL'OUS fi.'\ld dl<:lr~c
angle. (CUd al.. 1993. 1997. 1<.)%; Lai ,'1 "i.. 1<,)<,)1
al.. J 998; Sellon Lt al... 1Y9t': SUIl ('I aI., 199
\'idillg Illorl..' \I..'rsalilit.\. Ih... triphasic Ih...ol:
gcneralizcd to indlldl' lllulti-dcCII'OI.\ICS in I
(Gil L'I al.. 1Y9~).
The Donnan osmotic swelling pressure, associated From analysis llsin~ !l1l' triphasic theor.
with the densely packed fixed anionic groups (SO,. cOllles clear thai thl' swelling hdw\'lor or lh
and COO) on the GAG chains as well as the bulk (:an hI..' I'L'sponsibiL- for ..I sigllific<IlH fractio
compressive stillness of the PG aggregates entangled compn,:ssi\'c IOi.ld-bL.'~lriJlg Ci.lp~\i.:it~' or artic
tilagc at equilibriulll (Mow & Ratcliffe, 1997). For
example, the triphasic theory' predicts for confined
compression at equilibrium that the total stress
((Jl"I'd) acting on the cartilage specimen is the SlIlll 0.4
of the stress in the solid matrix (U"'lid) and the Don
nan osmotic pressure (Ulh'id = n). The Donnan os-
motic pressure is the s\\.'clling pressure caused by.' Swelling pressure rr
the ions in association \vith the FeD and represents
the ph:vsicochcmical motive force for cartilage
~\Vcl1ing (Fig. 3-18). From the classical theOl}' for
osmotic pressure, the Donnan osmotic pressure 0.2 -

caused by the excess of ion pnrticlcs inside the tis-

sue is given by::
IT = RT[<[,(2c+c')-2<!,*c*j + p=

where c is the interstitial ion concentration, c'" is the

external ion concentration, c" is the FeD, R is the o 0.15 0.5 1.0
universal gas constant, T is the absolute tempera-
Bathing Solution Concentration c' (M)
ture, (t) and 4)'" are osmotic coefficients. and peo is
the osmotic pressure caused by the concentration of
PG particles in the tissue, usually assumed to be
negligible (La! et aI., 1991). For a lightly loaded tis- Swelling pressure of articular cartilage versus bathing s
Sll~, ~he s\vclling pressure ma:v co~~tribule signifi- tion concentration (c*). At equilibrium, the interstitial f
cantly to the load support. But for highly loaded tis- pressure is equal to the swelling pressure, which is defin
sues, such as those found under physiological by the tissue Donnan osmotic pressure (IT).
conditions and certainly.' for dynamically loaded tis-
sues, the interstitial fluid pressurization (Jtlllid)
\vould dominate; the contribution of this swelling
pressure to load support would be less than 5(jf;
(Soltz & Ateshian, 1998). Lubrication or Articular
As with the biphasic theory, the triphasic n1echano~ Cartilage
electrochemical theory can be used to elucidate
potential mechanosignal transduction mecha- As alread.y discussed, synovial joints are subjec
nisms in cartilage. For example. because of their to an enormous range of loading conditions,
potential effects on chondrocyte function, it is im- under normal circumstances the cartilage surf
portant to describe and predict electrokinetic phe- sustains little weac The minimal wear of norm
nomena such as streaming potentials and stream~ cartilage associated with such varied loads indica
ing currents (Gu et aI., 1993, 1998; Katchalsky & that sophisticated lubrication processes are at w
Curran, 1975; Kim et al" 1994) that arise from ion within the joint and within and on the surface of
movement caused by the convection or interstitial tissue. These processes have been attributed to a
fluid flow past the FCD of the solid matrix. As a bricating fluid-film forming between the articu
second example, the pressure produced in the in- cartilage surface and to an adsorbed boundary
terstitial fluid by polyethylene glycol-induced os- bricant on the surface during motion and load
motic loading of cartilage explants (Schneiderman The variety or joint demands also suggests tha
et aI., 1986) was recently shown to be theoretically number of mechanisms are responsible for
nonequivalent to the pressure produced in any arthrodial joint lubrication, To understand diarth
other common Iv used mechanicallv loaded ex- dial joint lubrication, one should use basic e
plant experime~t or by hydrostatic -loading (Lai neering lubrication concepts,
et aI., ] 998). In light of this finding, earlier inter- From an engineering perspective, there are
pretations of biological data from studies making fundamental types of lubrication. One is bound
such an assumption of equivalency should be re- lubrication, which involves a single monolayer o
Visited. bricant molecules adsorbed on each bearing surfa
Subchondral bone

d;J <:>\.kV (Q:>

Articular cartilage
~ Load

Synovial fluid gap

Articular cartilage

Subchondral bone A Hydrodynamic

d;J <:>\.kV (Q:> d;J <:>\.kV ~

n Load and yn Load and
n Load and


B Squeeze-Film c Boosted o Weeping

A, In hydrodynamic lubrication, viscous fluid is dragged pacity depends on the size of the surfaces. velocity of a
into a convergent channel. causing a pressure field to be proach, and fluid viscosity. C. The direction of fluid flow
generated in the lubricant. Fluid viscosity. gap geometry, under squeeze-film lubrication in the boosted mode for
and relative sliding speed determine the load-bearing ca- joint lubrication. D. Depicts the Weeping lubrication hy-
pacity. B. As the bearing surfaces are squeezed together, pothesis for the uniform exudation of interstitial fluid f
the viscous fluid is forced from the gap into the transverse the cartilage. The driving mechanism is a self-pressuriza
direction. This squeeze action generates a hydrodynamic of the interstitial fluid when the tissue is compressed.
pressure in the fluid for load support. The load-bearing (a-

The other is fluid-film lubrication, in which a thin 0.02 (Dowson. 196611967; Linn. 1968; McCutch
fluid-filn1 provides greater sllrrace-to~sllrracesepara- 1962; Mow & Atcshian. 1997). Boundary-lubrica
tion (Bowden & Tabor; 1967). Both lubrication types sllIfaces typically have a coefficient of friction one
appear to occur in articular canilage under vaJying two orders of magnitude. higher Lhan surfaces lu
circulllstances. Intact synovial joints have an ex- cated by a fluid-111m, suggesting LhaL synovial joi
tremely low cocrf!cicnl or friclion, approximately are lubricated. al Icast in part. by the fluid-f
?,\/,.. :.': :t'ni~~Aanism. It is quite possible that synovial joints stead determined by the lubricant's properties, such
;;{',.~. ::.'\i~.{tihe:;mechanism that will most effectively provide as its rheological properties, viscosity and elasticity
;ft\:. fU$rica~ion at a given loading condition. Unresolved, the film geometry, the shape of the gap between th
.;~:;' ~23:Jnc}Y:fllFjS the manner by which synovial joints gcn- two bearing surfaces, and the speed of the relativ
';%.;0;;:~~;>tethe fluid lubricant film. surFace motion.
;/:; Cartilage is unlike any man-made material with
~~r ' respect to its near Frictionless properties. Classica
}-iN,., Fti.JIP-fILM LUBRICATION theories developed to explain lubrication of rigid
;;;.;;iir$Jdi~i!ri]m lubrication utilizes a thin film of lubl'i- and impermeable bearings (e.g., steel) cannot fully
"H:~'~'.> c~nt that causes a bearing surface separation. The explain Ihe mechanisms responsible for lubrica
'6.Jld.~a on the bearing is then supported by the pres- tion of the natural diarthrodial joint. A variation
";j~\.tt~that is developed in this fluid-film. The nuid- of the hydrodynamic and squeeze-film modes o
.'";:' ,..~';dihn';thickness associated with engineering bearings fluid-film lubrication. for example, occurs \vhen
C/. 'isitsually less than 20 f.l.m. Fluid-film lubrication re- the bearing material is not rigid but instead rela
' ... q"jres a minimum nuid-fllm thickness (as predicted tively soft, slich as with the articular cartilage cov
,i':i>Y/a"speciflc lubrication theOIy) to exceed three ering the joint surface. This type of lubrication
~f~;tioles' the combined statistical surface roughness of termed elastohydrodynarnic, operates when th
cahUage (e.g., 4 to 25 f.l.m; Clarke, 1971; Walker et relatively soft bearing surfaccs undergo either
,al:;)970). If fluid-film lubrication is unachievable sliding (hydrodynamic) or squceze-film action and
, ',;':,b~C~lllse of heavy.. and prolonged loading, incongru- the pressure generated in the fluid-film substan
'e'nL'gap geomclI)', slow reciprocating-grinding 1110- tiallv deforms the surfaces (Fig. 3-19, A & B)
tion, or low synovial fluid viscosity, boundary lubri- These deformations tcnd to increase the surfac
cation must exiSl (Mo\\' & Ateshian, 1997). area and congnlcl1cy. thus beneficially alterin
The two classical modes of fluid-film lub"ication film geomCli)'. By increasing the bearing contac
" defined in engineering are hydrodynamic and area, the lubricant is less able to escape from be
squeeze-film lubrication (Fig. 3-19, A & B). These tween the bearing surfaces. [t longer-lasting lubri
modes apply to rigid bearings composed of rela- cant film is generated. and the stress of articula
tively undeFormable material such as stainless steel. tion is lower and 1110re sustainable. Elastohydro
l-lydrodynamic lubrication occurs when nonparallel dynamic lubrication enables bearings to greatl
rigid bearing surfaces lubricated by a nuid-film increase their load-carrying capacity (Dowson
move tangentially with respect to each other (i.e., 196611967,1990).
slide on each other), forming a converging wedge of Note that several studies have shown tha
Ouie!. A lifting pressure is generated in Ihis wedge by hyaluronidase treatment of synovial fluid, which de
the fluid viscosity as the bearing motion drags the creases its viscosity (to that or saline) b~; causing de
fluid into the gap betwcen lhe surfaccs, as shown in polymerization of HA, has lillie effect on lubricatio
Figure 3~ 19A. In contrast, squeezc-f-Ilm lubrication (Linn, 1968; Linn & Radin, 1968). Because nuid-fllm
Occurs when the bearing surfaces 1110\'e perpendicu- lubrication is highly dependent on lubricant viscos
lad.''''- toward each other. A pressure is generated in ity, thcse results strongly suggest that an alternativ
the fluid-film as a result of the viscous resistance of 1110de of lubrication is the primary mechanism re
the fluid that acts to impede its escape from the gap sponsible for the low frictional coefficient of joints.
(Fig. 3-19B). The squeeze-film mechanism is suffJ-
cientto cany high loads for short durations. Even-
tually, however, the fluid-film becomes so thin that
contact between the asperities (peaks) on the two During diarthrodial joint function. relative motio
bearing surfaces occurs. of the articulaling surfaces occurs. In boundary lu
Calculations of the relative thickness of the fluid- brication. lhe surfaces are protected by an ad
film layer and the surface roughness are valuable in sorbed layer of boundary lubricant, which prevent
establishing when hy'drodynarnic lubrication may direct. surface-to-surface contact and eliminate
exist. In hydrodynamic and squeeze-film lubrica- most of the surface wear. Boundarv lubrication i
tion, the thickness and extent of the nuid-fllm, as .' essentially independent of the phy~ical propertie
well as its load-carrying capacity, are characteristics of either the lubricant (e.g .. its viscosit~,) or th
independent of the (rigid) bearing surface material bearing material (c.g., its stiffness). instead de
properties. Thcse lubrication characteristics are in- pending almost entirely on the chemical propertie
of the lubricant (Dowson, 1966/67). In synovial
joints. a specific glycoprotein. "Iubricin," appears to
be the synovial fluid constituent responsible for
boundary lubrication (Swann ct aI., 1979, 1985).
Lubricin (25 X 10: In\\') is adsorbed as a macro-
molecular monolayer to each articulating surface
(Fig. 320). These two layers. ranging in combined
thickness frol11 I La 100 11m, arc able to carry loads
and appear to be effective in reducing friction
(Swann et aI., 1979). More recently, Hills (1989)
suggested that the boundary lubricant found in
synovial fluid was more likely to be a phospholipid
named dipalmiloyl phosphatidylcholine. Allhough
experiments demonstrate that a boundary lubri-
cant can aCCOlint for a reduction of the friction co-
efficient by a factor of tbreefold to sixfold (Swann
et aI., 1985; Williams et aI., 1993), this reduction
is quilc modest corn pared wiLh the much greaLM
cr range (e.g., up to 60 fold) reported earlier

(McCutchen, 1962). Even so, these results do sug-

gest that boundal)1 lubrication exists as a comple-
mentary mode of lubrication.


There are two joinl lubrication scenarios thal can be Scanning electron miuograph of the surface of huma
articular cartilage from a normal young adult showing
considered a combination of fluidfiIm and boundary
the typical irregularities characteristic of this tissue
lubrication or simpl~' mixed lubricalion (Dowson,
(": 3,000). ;.ldap;ed from Armsrrong. C G.. 8 t.J1o'..~ V C
1966). The first case refers to the temporal coe\is-
fl980r Fncrlon. fu!mCM!ol) dfld \~/ear of Synovkll Jomrs. In'
tence of fluid-film and boundary lubrication at spa- O'."If.'fJ. ) Goodfe!lo~'1.
<1.'1(1 P B(Jl!ouqh {Eds.i. Scientl1,( Fou
tially distinct locations, whereas the second case, "ons of Or;hopa~dlcs cwd
Traumatology fpp 223-232j Lo
termed "boosled lubrication," is chanlclerized b~" a don Wilham Neinermcl!lft

Articular surface

shirl or 1111id-film lo bOl1ndar~-" luhrication with l
0\'(.'1' the same loc'-llion (\Valkcr I.'l aI., \070).
The articular cartilagl...' :-;urf<'KL~. like all surface
not pL'rfCCtl.v smooth; as(k'ritics project out from
surface (Clarke, 1971; Gardner oS: McGillivray. 1
Lubricating glycoprotein Articular surface
Rc(IIl..~r& Zimn~', 1970) (Fi~s" 3-3/3 and 321). In s
ovialjoints. situations may occur in which lhe ll
film thickness is or the san'll.' order as the 111('..\11
Boundary lubrication of articular cartilage. The load is
ticular surface aspt..'rity nV..tlkcr ('t .. II", 1970), Du
carried by a monolayer of the lubricating glycoprotein such insl . Hlct..'S, b()undar~' lubrication betweell
(lGP). which is adsorbed onto the articular surfaces. The asperities may COllle into pla~. If this occurs
monolayer effectively serves to reduce friction and helps mixed mode of lubric..ltinn is npcr"lting, with
to prevent cartilaginous wear. Adapred from Armsrrong. joint surface load sustailk'd b~' both the lIuicl-
C G., & Mo'."/, v: C (1980). Friction, rubrication and ~'/ear of pressure in "l1"eas or
nOIlCOlllact .. lIlel b~' the bCH
synovial joints. In: R. Owen, J. Goodfellow, and P Bullough ..Iry lubricant lubricin in the .. m:.'as of i.lspcrit.\' c
(Eds.). Scientific Foundations of Onhopaedks and Traumatol- tact (showll in Figure 3-22)" In this mode of mi
ogy (pp. 223-232). Londofl: Wilfiilm Heinermann.
luhl"icntion. it is probable lit..\( Illost 01" the fric
(which is still extrl...l11d~-" low) is gellL'ratcd in

Adsorbed Pressutized ever, particularly in \'iew of the findings by Li

boundary lIuid (1968), which dcmonstratcd thai purificd I-IA acts
lubricant ~ a poor lubricanl.

To summarize, in any bearing, the effective mo
of lubrication depcnds on thc applicd loads and
the relative velocit~' (speed and direction of motio
Boundary Articular of the bearing surfaces. Adsorption of the synov
lubricated surface fluid glycoprotein, lubricin, to articular surfac
asperity seems to be most important under severe loadi
conditions, that is, contact surfaces with high load
low relative speeds, and long duration. Under the
conditions, as the surfaces arc pressed together, t
Schematic depiction of mixed lubrication operating in ar boundary lubricant monolayers interact to preve
ticular cartilage. Boundary lubrication occurs when the direct contact between the articular Stllraces. Co
thickness of the fluid~film is on the same order as the versely, Ouid-mm lubrication operates under less
roughness of the bearing surfaces_ Fluid-film lubrication vere conditions. when loads arc low and/or oscill
takes place in areas with more widely separated surfaces. in magnitude and when the conlacting surfaces a
I Adapred from Armstrong, e.G" & Mo~-v. Ve. (1980), Friccion. Iv-
br;(Miofl clod wear of synovial joints. In: R. Owen, 1. GoocH(!lIow,
moving at high relative speeds. In light of the vari
demands on diarthrodial joints during normal fun
ilnd P. Bullot/gll (Eds). Scientific Foundations of Orthopaedics
tion, it is unlikely that only a single mode of lub
(lnd TraumMology (pp_ 223-232), London: William Heinemwnn.
calion exists. As )/ct. it is ,impossible lO slate de

nitclv under which conditions a particu

lubrication mechanism may operale. Neverthele
using the human hip as an example, some gene
boundary lubricated areas while mOSl of the load is statements are possible.
carricd by thc fluid,filrn (Dowson, 1966/1967, 1990),
The second mode of mixcd lubrication (boostcd L Elastohyclroclynamic lluid-films of both the
lubrication) proposcd by Walkcr ct aL (1968, 1970) sliding (hydrodynamic) and the squeeze typ
and !'vlaroudas (1966/1967) is based on the movc, probably play an important role in lubricati
mCI1l of fluid from the gap between the approaching the joint. During the swing phase of walking
arlicular surfaces into the articular cartilage (Fig. when loads on the joint are minimaL a sub-
3-19C). Spccifically, in bOOSICd lubrication, articular slantiallayer of synovial lluid-film is probab
surfaces arc believed to be prolected during joint maintained. After the first peak force. at hee
loading by the uhrallltration of the synovial fluid strike, a supply of nuid lubl"icanl is generate
through the collagcn-PG matrix. This ultrafiltration by articular cartilage. Howcvcl: this nuid-filn
pcrmits the solvent component of the synovial Iluid thickness will begin to decrease under the
(water and small electrolytes) lo pass into the artic- high load of stance phase; as a result.
ular t.::artilage during squeeze-film action, yielding a squeeze-film action occurs. The second peak
conc~ntrated gel of HA protein complex that coats force during the walking cycle, just before t
and lubricates lhe bearing surfaces (Lai & fvlow, toe leaves the ground, occurs \vhcn the joint
1978). According to this theory, it becomes progres- is swinging in the opposite direction. Thus,
sively more difficult, as the two articular surfaces is possiblc that a fresh supply of lluicl,film
approach cnch othec for the HA macromolecules in could be generated at toc-orr. thereby provid
the synovial nuid to escape from the gap bet\veen ing the lubricant during the next swing phas
the bearing surfaces because they are physically loa 2. With high loads and low spccds of "dativc
large (0.22-0.65 fJ.m), as shown in Figure 3-23. The motion, such as during standing. the fluid-
Water and sll'lall solute molecules can still escape film will decrease in lhickness as lhe fluid is
into the articular cartilage through the cartilage sur- squeezed olll from between thc surfaces (flu
face and/ol' laterally into the joint space al the pc- film), Under these conditions, the fluid exud
I'iphc.)' of thc joint, Thcol'clicall'csults by I-Iou ct aL from the compressed articular cartilage cou
(1992) pl'cdict lhat lluid cnt.)' into the cal'tilagc, become the main cO!1tributor to the lubrica
bearing surl"ace is possible, leading them to suggest ing film.
I that boosted lubrication mav OCCUI: The role 01" this 3. Under extreme loading conditions, such as

HA gel in joint lubrication' remains unclear, ho\\'- during an extended period of standing follow

~'.''.'._--~~"~,-,.,,"'''',!,,,_,_,_----~,.....= ,.,.,,"'"<" "- " ', ,",'!'='-' ' r-'- - - - -~"=,., , ,.7' ' '"' ' ' ,) :~ , "'-
Solute and
small particle Articular Hi ;'cW) :i:r'
flow surface ri,;;Cfor-r!O:C:CL:ic::-',

-=. ,., - -- -- ' -- --
1-=-- "-
0.02-1 urn ..

~ - -11- - -1'1- --11-- - - H- - -1/- - -\/-

771J/ 77<ttl 777:JJ/ 7 7'ty 7r:Jj/ 7:JJ? 7 7 7 7 7

I SUrf;:iCC

ilmlEL ""
Ultrafiltration of the synovial fluid into a highly viscous gel. edU"\:, of their' "ile', afe \H1i]bir:, tu C'~(ilP(" TlH.'se Hi, nhH:rc"
As the articular surfaces come together. the small solute mol- rnoluui(,s forrn d ((mu:,n\r,',ted ~;e! ic'"" th"Hl i l,r11 thick ti'

rI ecules escape into the articular cartilage and into the lateral
joint space, leaving the large HA macromolecules that, be-
lubricate's the "nicul.Jr' surfi'l(OS, This hypothc,,,iled IL;bric,:;t
moclc' is lC'ln:(~d "i)()o51cci lubriCdtion "

ing impact, the fluid-film Ina)' be clilninatcd, :\III](lll~~lt i\J:li.,! i:-- p~lrlili(IIl!..:d h,:l\\l'l'll llll' "o
allo\ving sllrface~to-sllrracecontact, The sur- :llH,lllllid pll~l:-'l'" o! ~\ hipll~l"il' Ill~\llTi~d (\10\\ l'l ~
faces, however, will probabl.\' still be pro- jl.lSOJ, .'\ll',,!JI~lll 1]l)l)7) lkri\l'd ~llll'\Pl\'""i(l!l lor t
tected, either b.\' a thin la)'Cl" of ultrafiltratccl l'lkl'li\\: ~or 1\1l'~\"\1I'l'd) l'(ll'llll'il'lll (II' friction th
s.. . novial fluid gel (boosted lubrication) or by" \\~l" lkpl'lldl'lll :-.okh OIl lo
thl' proportioll or 1Ill'
the adsorbed lubricin monolayer (boundmy :-'lIpplll'1l'd h\ thl' :--olid In~ltl'i\ (c',~ .. lhl' dilll'I\:IlC
lubrication). hl'I\\l'l'll tOI~tl 1(l~\l1 ;\11(.1 tll;\l "lIpj1ol'll'd h\ h.\dl'o:-:
Ii . . ' j11\',":-;[II\' ill llll' l]lIidl. Till' ilnplil';llion 01 "lIch
l'\j1I'l'",,,i(lll i" lilal Ihl' !I'il'li(l]l;tl !1),Opl'l'til'" (d c\n
L\~:'-l' \';1]'\ \\ilh lillll' dlll'ill~: ;\ppli,'d 1(1;ldill~, ~l 1\'l
1101l ollhl' IllllT"llli~d l]lIid ;llld \.'(dl;l~:l'll-P(; I1I~l
During joint articulation, loads transmitted across illll'I'~\l'll(lIl" 111;\1 ~i\\' ri"l' to thl' 1]0\\ "lkpl'lldl'111 \
a jointma.\' be supported by the opposing joint sur- <..'(ll,Lt:--lic Pl'(lPlTlil'" 01 111l' li","lIl' lk:-,crilwd \..';\r
faces via solid-to-solid contact, through a fluid- ~\Ild "ll(l\\ll in l:i~',Ul\'" ,;_l) ;llld 3" 1O.
film la,\'er, or b.\' a mixturc of both, Although rIuid- To \'alidall' Ili:-, l1lodl'!. ;\ll':-,lli~\ll dl'\'l'lopl'd ~\ IHl
film lubrication is achievable, its contribution IU;ldill,~ l'\j1o,.'l'illll'lll lkll "lllkTilllpU:-'l'd ~l I'ri....-tl(j
to joint lubrication is transient, a C()J1sequcnce of lorqlll' 10~ld 011;\ ""';ll'til;\~:'-l' l'\pLllli 111H,hT~~oill~:'- l'J'l
the rapid dissipation of the fluid-filrn thickness 1();HJin~, ill ;1 Ulillill,'d l'()lllp)'l'S"ioll l.'ollligl1r~\
by joint loads, Witb tbis caveat, Atesbian (1997), (Fig, .~-~-L\l ("\tl',,hi~lll l'l ;11, ll)l)Sl. \lnrl' Spl'l
adopting the theoretical framc\vork of the biphasic L'all.\, ;1 \.'\lilldril';J1 hip!J;l."il' l;ll'lil~l!.-',l' plug \\'~l:-' l'O
theory (Mow et aL, 1980), proposed a mathemati- pl'l':-""l'd ill ;\ l'()lJ1illing rillg k,~2.., prohihiling r~ld
cal formulation of a boundary friction model of lllolion ;\lll! nuil! l'\ud~\tion) 1l1ll!lT ~\ l'onstalll a
articular cartilage to describe the underlying plil'd IO;ld ~_',l'lllT~lll'd h\ ~lfl illlPl'ITlll'~\hk' rigid pLl
mechanism behind diarthrodial joint lubrication, llwl \\~l" r()lalill~,:'- ;11 ;\ prl':-:;\.'I'illl'l! ~lll!--,-lllar :-'jk'l'd,
in particular, the time-dependcnce of the friction :-'lIrr~\l>l' or thl' plllg oppO:-,itl' till' pl~\ll'll \\~l~ prl's
coefficient for cartilage reported during creep ;lg;\ilbl ;\ li\l'd PO]'OU:-' IIIll'\' \\lllTl'h.\ tIll' int
and stress-relaxation experiments (1\'lalcolm, 1976; di::,-it~\ti(lll or Ihe l';\)'liL\!2.l' \\'lll1 lhl' rOIl!..'.ll :-'lll'!;\i.X
McCutchen, 1962), tll~,' POI'lI\!:-' liltL'!' prl:\'l:l~tcd it I'n)lll n)t:ltill~!:. III l
, w

chamber - - / - - 7+H---+-- Impermeable
rigid platen

Cartilage --/-----11--
filter --l---+':~:',,-:~.:.; :::'::l~::..\":.~:~~~.;:

A i ~ Fluid exudaricn

I 0.15



~ 0.08



BOO 1200 1600 2000 2400

B Time(s)

Experimental configuration superimposing a frictional torque with creep loading of an ar-

ticular cartilage explant in confined compression (Ateshian et aI., 1998). A. Note that fluid
exudation occurs on the opposite face of the tissue exposed to the frictional load, indicat-
ing that the frictional properties of cartilage are not dependent on the weeping of inter-
stitial fluid to the lubricating boundary. B, Note that effective friction coefficient <.... r!')
varies with increasing proportion of load on the solid matrix, as can be seen from the the-
oretical curve for V-rll as a function of time during the experiment. Adapred from Mow, VC
& Areshian, G.A (1997). Lubrication and wear of diarthrodia! joints. In 11.e. l'.;low g. We. Hayes
(Eds.), Basic Biomect1anics (2nd ed., pp. 275-315). Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven

manner, a frictional torque was developed in the lis~ which closely match expel"imcntal results, show
Sue. Because the application or a torque load that that during initial loading, when interstitial pres-
yields pure shear, under inflnitc~imal deformations, surization is high, the friction coefficient' can be
induces no volume change in the tissue or associ- very low (Fig. 3-2413). As creep equilibrium is
ated nuid exudation, the load generated by the fric- reached and the load is transferred to the solid ma-
tional torque is independent of the biphasic creep trix, the friction cocrficient becomes high (e.g.
behaviOl" of the tissue. Theoretical predictions, 0.15). The time constant for [his transient response
is in excellent agreement with observed experimen- Iv,:l '1111~h'\"II""lld;k't" \11111;11,:1 ])vl\\l'l'll til",
tal results (Malcolm, 1976; J\l1cCutchcn, 1962), An- til"~ (d I Ill' 1\\1) l'~II'lil;l~l' '111'1;ll'I.." I~ill..h lll..'l..lll'
other imponant resull or this work is that nuid pres- "j\t,.. \\l;lr ill dh,,"V ","\pl..rillh:l1h, 111'\\l'\<.I". \\

surization can function in joint lubrication without rukd (Jill. Tltl.. lI11tllipk 11111<,11.,. . . fli dkt,.lih l
concomitant fluid exudation to the lubricating 1Il!ll \\l!llill!~ ill ,,'(I1II..'lrl ;ll'l' Illl' 1111'I..,ll:llli'JII' t
boundary as is proposed for weeping lubrication iIlIVr!;lli:d \'"1.::11' pi :lrlit"IILII' ,::llliLI.!-'-\." IlllJik ... k
(McCutchen, 1962) (Fig. 3-190). Equally significant, <.nl1<.'k- ........... ;ldh<.",j\l ;lIld :d)r~l..... i\<. \\l:lr 111:,\ \:11"1
this lubrication theory is capable of explaining the ill :111 illqxtirld Ill" . . k~! . . It",r:ll<."d '.\llll\i:d jllill\
obscl\'cd decrease of the effective friction coeffi- [)h.' l;II'liLI.!-'-l :-'lll'I;ll'l' 'll,t:lill' 11111';I'll'll\.:lllJ':tl
cient with increasing rolling and sliding joint veloc- :llHI'll!" dl'I..Tl:I'V' ill 111:1". il hl;,,:Ollh."' :-'Idi
ities and with increasing joint load (Linn, 1968). 111ur<.' rknlJl;lhk L\ki/ilki 1,:1 :11. !lJSh: :\nn"'l
Recently. the inlcl'Stilial fiuid pressurization \1t,I.I.. 19~~: Sltloll 1:1 :d. I(jl..)-ll. Thu,.... lItJid Irc
within cmtilage during uniaxial creep and stress re- Illhl'il';llll !dlll 'l'p:lr;llil'I~: dll' hl';lrill~~ ,111'I:ll'
laxation experiments was sliccessfully measured Il,__ ;d~ :1\\;1\ I11UI\.' L:l ... ih IhrClll~1i lil .... i.:anil:lgc '
(Soltz & Aleshian. 1998). As predicted by the bipha- Tlli~ 10:-.... 01 11lhri...:;Llill~ Illiid ll'IHII hd\\l'l'l1 11
sic theOly, they found that interstitial Ouiet pressur- f;li.x, inlTl;l'\.'" I hI.. prllhahilil\' III dil\t,.1 i.-"Clll
ization supported more that 90'/0 of the load for sev- !\\ .... I..'ll 11lL' ;1:-'PlTilil" ;llld V\;ll'I'J"h;lk, tIll' ;lh
eral hundred seconds following loading in confined pl"! 't,.l'~:-'.

compression (Ateshian & Wang. 1995). The close Ll\i~\II..' \\\,';\1" ld hl;ll;ll.;! '1lI'Lt<.l~ I"l ... IIII,... Ill
agreement or their measurements with biphasic the- ,"'UI"I~ll"... :-\l':-'llrl~iI.,."L" ,.:lllll:tci !lUI Ii-tllli 1111.. ;H,:L"
oretical predictions represents n rnajor advance- ti('ll (d l1'li,Tl""'i..'iJpL,: d;ll)I;I.:,~L \\ililin tIll: hV;II'il
ment in the understanding of diarthrodial joint lu- kri:d until' l"lp,:lili\L ... (rL ......... ill~. Bl;lrill;;: ,
brication and provides compelling evidence for the L.illlrl' ,ll;t-' 11 ... '\.'111 \\illl Illl" rl'pl":t1nl ,lpplil':l
role of interstitial Ollid pressurization as a funda- lli~1i l('~ld ... O\er;l !"c!;tli\l"h :-hl.n lhTi(ld (II' \\t
mental mechanism underlying the load-bearing ca- 1\'PI..'1 j I illil I d' It 1\\ j( );Id ... (1\l'1" ;111 l'\ I \.'lldl"d j1l"l'il
pacity in cartilage. It is emphasized that while the lh(lll~h lilt 11l~1[.!llillllk til' thll ... I..' 1(,;((../ ... l1la\ Ik
collagen-PG matrix is subjected to hydrostatic pres~ 1IJ\\l..'l' 1!J;11l !lJl" lll:lll"l"i;d":-. lilt i1ll;11l" .... 11\11,;2111. l
sure in the surrounding interstitial Ouid, it does not lii~tll \\l':11". r...:' .... l!ltill~ il"ll!lll..\llil':llh I"lPl';\II.d
expose the solid matrix (nor encased chondrocytcs) Ill:lli(1I1 nldll hl':lrill~ 111;1ll'1'i;t! ..... L';ll1 1:1 hi..' pl:tl
to deformation, presumably causing no mechanical ill \\clllllbril..":lIl'd lk;ll'ill~:-'.
damage. III :-\lll,\'j~d jllilH ..... IhL ..:\I..'lil.~d \:Iri:llillll i
joinl Ill~ld dlll"ill~" 11111,t l)h\,i(ll()~il:t1 :ll
...':111.-.1..':- I"l'pl'lili\l' ;lrti ...: ll!:tr \:;:It"lil;l~~l.' ~lr""~~il1~,~
Wear of Articular Cartilage 1ll:1IiullJ. III :u..ldi!ltlll. dUrill~~ rU!:llioll ;tllt.! ,lid
~pl.\.ilil..' I"l"giflll 01 IItL ;ll"ll,,:u!:tr :-'Url~H:l '1111
'Ncar is the unwanted removal of material from :\11ll (llil" 01 Ill\, !lJ;ld ... ,d l'olll;\i,:I ;\Il':I. !\'pl"
solid surfaces by mechanical action. There are two ~tl"l:-...;ill~ 11l;ll aniL'u!:tr 1\'gilliL l,(';ld~ iIIlPl):
components of wear: interfacial wear resulting from :lrliL'uL,lr L"'lrlil~I~I.. a 1'1..' ~11PPIll"!I.."d In' 1111..' l'ullag
Lhe interaction of bearing surfaces and fatigue wear 1ll;lIl"i,\ ~1lh.1 h.\ IIll rL",i~I;:1l1(l' gt,.lllT~llcd 1)
resulLing from bearing deformation under load. Ill()\lIIII..'nl t1tl"(Jll~lllllll [Ili..' Ill;ll!"i\. '1'1111" I\p
lnterfacial wear occurs when bearing surfaces joint Illtl\ ...'IlIL"111 ;IIHI ll';ldill~ \\ill 1..__ ~\Il"'L' 1\'
come into direct conLact with no lubricanL film SI1,,-',, til" I hI..' ...;11Ii<l Ill:!l!"i\ :IIH.II'\..'IW:I1l"d ""\lI
(boundary 01' Iluid) separating them. This type or and irllhihilioll (JI 1111..' lis:-'llL':-' illl\,"l".... lili;d llllid
wear can Lake place in either of two ways: adhesion l\: ;\tl'shiall, Il)')/l. TIII.., ...;\" P1'l)l'l'~:"l'S ~'.i\'"," Ii...;\,.'
or abrasion. Adhesive wear arises when, as the bear- ptl:-.:-.ihk 1l11,(!l'llli:--llIs h.\ \dti\:h f:Jli~ll"' d;:lln:I~
ings come into contact, surface fragments adhere to ,It,.Llllllll!:lll' ill ;lrlil..'ld;ll 1..";ll'lil;l~l: disnlpliot'!
each other and are torn off from the surface during C(JlI'l~lII-PG ~(llid 11l:llri\ :lIld PC '\\';\~h Uti!.
sliding. Abrasive wear, conversely, occurs when a First. !\"Pl'tili\\' ltdl:t~~lll-PC; Illalri\ :-'t
soft material is scraped by a harder one; the harder ",'(luld d I:-ru pi ti'L \."(JII;I~L1l Ii IlLT:-.. I hl" PC 1ll:ll
material can be either an opposing bearing or loose l'l'lIk:-.. :11)(1'01' Iltl' illll'd;:Ii..I..' hl'I\\n"l1 Ii\l~l' 1\\1
particles bc(ween the bearings. The low rates or in- PUllL"t",.:\ PU\llt!:ll' Il-,polhl",is i.. . 111.,\ t,.;lI"ti\;,
terracial wear observed in articular cartilage tested li~lIL' i ..... Ihl' l"L . ..;ltll ld';l It.'lbiJ... I':lihll\' PI' I hI.' l'
in vitro (Lipshitz & Glimcher, 1979) suggest that di- lii~",'l" 111.,:1\\0,"1, (FrL'I..lll;lll. 1075)" ;\Isu. :IS di:-l
~bove pronounced changes in the articular cani- and Paul (1971) found dramatic articular cartilag
(-~e-':l;G population have been obscn'cd with age damage with repeated impact loads.
:ric\i_lisease (Buckwalter et aI., 1985; iVluil~ 1983; These mechanisms of wear and damage may b
\R<Juahlev et at. 1980; Sweet et aI., 1979). These PG the cause of the commonly obser'ved large range
';. chal~ges "could be considered as part of the aCCUl11l1- structural defects observed in anicular canilag
idrcd,tissue damage. These molcculaJ- stnlclural (BlIliollgh & Goodfellow, 1968; Meachim & Fergi
:-'~ha'nges would result in lower PG-PG irHcraction 1975) (Fig. 3-25, A-C). One such defect is the spli
;~ites and thus lower network strength (Mow et aI., ting of the cartilage surface. Ven ieal sections of ca
1989b; Zhu et aI., 1991, 1996). Second, repetitive tilage e:\hibiting these lesions, known as fibrillatio
:and massive exudation and imbibition of the intcr- show that they eventually cxtend through thc fu
<~iitii:d fluid may cause the degradcd PGs to "wash depth of the articular cartilage. (n other specimcn
, ollt~~;::from the ECM, with a resultant decrease in the cartilage layer appears to be eroded rather tha
stff0e~s; and increase in permeability of the tissue split. This erosion is known as smooth-surfaced d
tha('jp::lurn defeats the stress-shielding mechanism structive thinning.
oUnierstitial fluid-load support and establishes a vi- Considering the variety of defects noted in arti
dous/cycle of cartilage degeneration. ular cartilage, it is unlikely that a single wear mec
A third mechanism of damage and resultant ar- anism is responsible for all of them. At any give
ticular wear is associated with s~'novial joint impact site, the stress histor:v may be such that fatigue
loading-that is, the rapid application of a high [he initiating failure mechanism. At another, the l
l8"ad. \,vith normal physiological loading, articular brication conditions may be so unfavorable that i
cartilage undergoes surface compaction during the terfacial wear dominates the progression of cart
compression with the lubricating fluid being exuded lage failure. As yet. there is little experiment
lhi'ough t.his compacted region, as shown in Figure information on the type of defect produced by an
3..:10::';\5 described above, however, fluid redistl'ibu- given wear mechanism.
tiol}.',\vithin the articular cartilage occurs over time, Once the collagen-PG matrix of cartilage is di
which relieves the stress in this compacted region. rupted, damage resulling froll1 any of the three we
Thi~'process of stress relaxation takes place quickly; mechanisms mentioned becomes possible: (I) fu
the stress may decrease by 630/0 within 2 to 5 sec- ther disruption of the collagen-PG matrix as a resu
onds (Ateshian et aI., 1998; ""lo\\' et aI., 1980). If, of repetitive matrix stressing; (2) an increase
howevel~ loads arc supplied so quickly that there is "washing out" of the PGs as a result of violent nu
insufficient time for internal Iluid redistribution to movement and thus impairment of articular car
reHeve the compacted region, the high stresses pro- lage's interstitial Ollid load SUppOrl capacity; an
dliccd in the collagen-PG matrix may induce dam- (3) gross alteration of the normal load carria
age (Newberry et aI., 1997, Thompson et aI., 1991). mechanism in cartilage, thus increasing friction
This' phenomenon could well explain why Radin shear loading on the articular surface.


Photomicrographs of vertical sections through the surface of of the articular surface that will eventually extend through
articular cartilage showing a normal intact surface (A), an the full depth of the cartilage (C). Phocomicrographs provide
eroded articular surface (8), and a vertical split or fibrillation chrough che courcesy of Dr. S. Akizuki. Nagano. Japan
All these processes will accelerate the rale of in- ~i<: IlK'chanical prop<..Tt~ 01" the tissue. Tht: nH)SI im
terfacial and fatigue wear of the already disrupted ponam I"ailure-inilialillg rac((1l' appears I(J he I
cartilage microstructure. "loost..'ning:" of tile c()lla~cn nctwork tllal al!c,ws a
normal PC c.\pansiclIl and thus tissue :-,weJ[i
(:\ilaroudas, 1976; McDL'vilt &: Muir, 1976). Asso
Hypotheses on the Biomechanics alL'd willl Ihis Chi.U1gc is a dL'Cn:i.ISL' in canibg.1.: stil
of Cartilage Degeneration Ill:SS and an incrl.:ase in canilage pi..'rI1lL'abil
(Allman el aI., 19S-l; Armstrong &. Mow, 198
Guilak L"l aI., 1994. SL"lton el aI., 1994). h,,'h
which aller canilagL' fUllction ill ~\ diunhrodialjoi
Articular cartilage has only a limited capacity for re- during joilll mOlion, as showll in Figure 3-27 (!vlo
pair and regeneration, and if subjected lO an abnor- '" Atcshian, 1997).
mal range of slress~s can quickly undergo total fail- ThL' magnitude of the stress sustained b,\' lhe a
ure (Fig. 3-26). It has been hypothesized that failure ticular cartilage is dctennined b,\' both the toti.lllo
progression relates to the following: (1) the magni- on the joint and how tlwt kli.\d is distributed ()\
tude of the imposed stresses; (2) the total numbe, of the i.\1ticul~ir surface conl~lCt arca (Allmed 6.: Burk
sustained stress peaks; (3) 1I1C changes in the intrin- 19i'3; Annslrong L'I aI., 1979; Paul. 1976). :\n.\
sic molecular and microscopic structure of the col- h,:nsl..' stress COllcL'nlration in Ilk' l'ont~\Ct i.lrea w
lagen-PG Illalri.'\; and (4) the changes in the intrin- pla,\' i.1 plimi.llY roIL, in tissu<..' (k'gL'Ilt.'ration, A lar
Ilumb<..'r or well-knowll condilions GillSi...' L'.\cL'ss
stress conccnlrations in anicular canilage alld
sult in caniJage failure. Most of Illese stress L'once

Cartilage Structure h. Mechanical....- Joint

Propenies Loading
II':Hiolls are C~ltISI,:d h.\ joint :,urfacL' irH..' ongruit.\',
sulting in i.lll i.\hnornwtly small conti.lCt are

Biochemical Composition
Spatial and Temporal
Slress-Slrain, Pressure
E.xi.lmplcs or conditions causing stich joint inco
gruilil.:s include 0:\ subscqllL'fl( to congeniwl a
L"!i.lbular dysplasia, a slipped cnpilal femoral <.:pi

t and Fluid Fields

.,"sis. and intra-articular fractures. Two fUrih
eXi.\mpk-s arL' knet: joint l1lcnisct.:uoll1~, \\'hich eli
CaliagenlPG ECM

ChanreYleS 41---- Cell Slimuli

1 inak's the loaddislributing function of the lll~n
ellS ([vlow Cl aI., 1992), and ligi.llllCnl I"llpllll"<"', whi
allows cxccssi\<..' mo\"t:'1lll'1lI and the gen<..'r;:llion
abnormal mechanical ~trLSSl:S ill Ihe afk'clI:d jo
(Allman el aI., 1984; Guilak Cl ai, 1994; ivkDe\"ilt
Mui,. 1976; Sellon el al.. 1994). In all the ,11)O
Synthetic Activities
cases, abnorllwl joint ~\rtj(-ulation increases t

~ slJ'i..'SS acting 011 tilL' joint slIrf~lce, which aPlk'ars

predispose Ihe caniiagL' to railllr<..'.
Cartilage Function
iVIHcroscopiG\II~', stress IOGlJiz<.ltion and cOllce
Physical Activities
tration at the joint surfaces li~I\'L' i.\ I"url!ler dlt.'C
High COntact pressures bctW('L'n Ihe anicular su
faces decrease Ill<..' pr()babilit~ of fluid-fIlm lubric
tion (Mow &. Aleshian, 1997). Subscqllcnl <.lelL
Flow diagram of the events mediating the structure and
function of articular cartilage, Physical activities result in surl'''lI.:e-lo-surracc contacl or i.\Slx.'rities will cau
joint loads that are transmitted to the chondrocyte via the microscopic stress concentrations that arc rt.'SI)(>
extracellular matrix (ECM). The chondrocyte varies its cellu- ble for further tissue damage (Atcshian et aI., 199
lar activities in response to the mechano-electrochemical 1998; !\leshian '" Wan!'. 1995) (Case Study 3-1).
stimuli generated by loading of its environment. The etiol- The high incidencL" or speciiic joint dcgerlt'rati
ogy of osteoarthritis is unclear but may be traced to intrin- in indiddllals with certain occupmions. such
sic changes to the chondrocyte or to an altered ECM (e.g" football pl<.l~L'rs' knccs and ballet danccrs' i.lnkl
resulting from injury or gradual wear) that leads to abnor- can bL' <,,'xplainL'd b\ tilL' incn:i.lsL' in high i.lI1d i.lbn
mal chondrocyte stimuli and cell activities.
Illi.llioad rn:.qllcnt:~ and magnitude sllslainc:d b~' t
joinls or Ihese: individuals. II has becn suggL'slt
I Deformation (e.g., inlerleukin-I) (Ralcliffe el aI., 1986) a
, I growth Factors (e.g .. transforming growth fact
fluid bela I) also appear lO pia\' an importanl role in O
QA Progression
exudal.on ~ I Load Another contributing factor to the etiology of
PG Loss . i.~yll. ma~' be age-related changes to the chondroc
..--. ColJagen
: ~ -::t_~+f
I I I ,--'--
(Case Study 3-2).
Damage I I I
., _.1 _'--_ _--'

The ECM modulates the transmission or joint lo

to the chondroc,yte, acting as a transducer that c
verts mechanical loading to a plethora or envir
1Fixed Charge Density - - ! Swelling Pressure mental cues that mediate chondrocyte function.
! Frictional Drag - t Hydraulic Permeability healthy articular cartilage. loads from norm
joint function motion result in the generation
Increased Matrix Deformarion
Increased Fluid Flow

Acts 10 diminish cartilage load-bearing properties.

Knee Meniscectomy
0rty-year-Old man who had a meniscecwmy 10 years

figure illustrating how osteoarthritic changes to the col- F ago in his right knee. Currently, he is sufiering pain as-
sociated with movement, swelling, and lirnilaiions of knee
'aqenPG network can compromise the ability of articular
ca'til'lOe to maintain interstitial fluid pressurization, which motion (Fig. 3-1-1),
""'~"'''o< the tissue's load-bearing and joint lubrication ca The history of knee meniscectomy not only implies an
Loss of PG and damage to the collagen fibers result alteration in joint surface congruence but also the elimi
an increased hydraulic permeability (decreased resis- nation of the load-distribution function of the meniscus.
!'c!"""e to fluid flow) and supra-normal loads and strains on The effect is an abnormal joint. characterized by an in-
solid matrix (and chondrocyte). crease in the stress acting on the joint surface that results
in cartilage failure. Most of these stress concentralions are

;~ ~.;,f' caused byjoint surface incongruity, resulting in an abnor-

mally sma!tconraet area. This small contact area will suf-
thiLin some cases, OA mav be caused by deficicn-
'<eie'~3~' the mechanisms th~t act to Il1ini~llizc peak fer hign.c9_ntact pressure. decreasing the probability of
fluid-film lubrication, and thus the actual surface~lo~
'~'ff6rc,~s~on the joints. Examples of these mechanisms
surface contact will cause microscopic stress concentra-
~jh~~l~(le the ~clive processes of joint nexion and
tions that lead to damage.
_~:~,q~e, lengthening and the passive absol"ption of
':;k,,,by the subehondral bone (Radin, 1976) and
ciscus (Mow el al" 1992),
~generativc changes to the structure and com-
~gion of articular cartilage could lead to abnor-
kti:ssue swelling and funZtionally inferior biome~
;;,iji8<11 properties. In this weakened state, the
'~-,:J~ge ultrastruclure will then be gradually de-
.-g.t~d by stresses of normal joinl articulalion (Fig.
~m)j7;OAmay also arise sec~ndarily from insult ~o
:' ':- ~~i~tIinsic molecular and microscopic structure of
/;f.~tfi~2so;qagen-PG matrix. Manv conditions may pro-
:\-.Iil<?!~:~,l!ch a brea~down in .~latrix .integrity; the~e
-;111~e degeneratIon assoclatcd wllh rheumalOId
--.1isJ joint space hemorrhage associated with
'p.pilia. various collagen metabolism disorders.
} degradation by proteolytic enzymes. The Case Study Figure 3-1-1,
_,'l1C: c ': of soluble mediators such as cytokincs
... t1I........ 10\\ j1l..'l'Illt.,<thilit.\, thl.. n(lnll~tI em il"UIlIIll..IH ell
illl.. ChllJJdrlil:.\!I.. i df)lIlill~lil..'d h.\ h.nlrli:-'I~ltic 1'1'1.......-
Osteoarthritis :-'111"1..' ill the illtLr tili~d lluid. \'~tli(jth phl..'lI(lllILII~
origil1;llitl2:-' IrOll1 inIL'I"slili~t111uid Ilo\\' l',\ist ~IS \\l11.
eventy.year-OJd woman, overweight, with OA of the
S right hip joint with associated symptoms of pain, limi-
tation of motion. joint deformity, and abnormal gait (Fig.
llJ)plil'~\kd ill I..'nh;lIll..ill~ Illitril...'llt dilfliSioll, illlL'!"
:-.{iti~d lIuid 11<1\\- (i.I.,:.. or unhoulld \\'~tlL'rJ ~i\'L'~
ri"L' 10 l'1..'J111I~\1' ....lillHlii Ill' ~lll 1..ll..'cll'k,d 1l~lllll"L',
OA is characterized by erosive cartilage lesions, carti-
n~lnwl.\' ... 1l"l'~Hllillg p(ItL"nti~d~ and (,.UITL"JllS {Fr~lllk
Gr()t!l.insk\-. 11.)~7: Gil L't ~J1. 190.). 1t)t)t'). III ,Iddi~
lage loss and destruction, subchondral bone sclerosis and
lioll, illk'rslili~d lluid 110\\' tlJr()lI~h tilL' "mi.lll p0l"es
cysts, and large osteophyte formation at the margins of
a.... :-.(J(..i~lkd with tilt.' ....olid Il1;'HIj\ (-?iO IlIll) or Ilol"lna
tho joint (Mow & Ratcliff., t997). In this case.
\:al'lila~l..', \\hkh olll'r 1..(Ilbi<.IL-rahk'l~lIKl ti
roentgenograms of the right hip of the patient show a
Jluid 111)\\ (:\lanlud;'I:--, I ':lit): ,\kCtltchL'Il, 1<)6]: \tluw
decrease in the interarticular space and changes in bone
1...[ ~d .. ll..)~..j.). \:~1I1 2:-'i\'L" l"iSL' [0 ~\ Jlll'l'h~\llk;l1 phl'Jl()1I1
surfaces as sclerolic and osteophyte formations. nle most
1,.'lla tl..'l"lllL'd Iluid-indlll'l'd 1\1~\Il"i.\ compadion (Lli I.\.
severe alterations are found at the point of maximum
\-10\\, 1'J~OI. ThL' frktiollal illk'l"~lcli(Jn hL"l\\-t.\,.'1l in-
pressure against the opposing cartil(1ge surface, in this
case at the superior aspect of the femoral head.
kl"slili,d Illiid and sldid ~\rl' <l l"L....ull or drag l"L'"is-
t~lllLL to r(JII..I..d i1U\\ Ihrullgh Ihl.." pllroll . . lkTlIll..ahk
",::ll"lila~l' 1I1~\1I"i,\ ~\Ild ~l \'iSCllll." sl'IL'~Il" sll'l'ss L'.\llll'd
hy IhL' intl..'r... tiliailluid. Gi\'(,.ll tlll" nominal !lo\\" l'aks
01 lhl.' ilHt.'l":-.tilial i111id llh..IUiulll.."d I..adil..'r ~1IH.1 Ih.
10\\ plrrl1l..'~\hilil\ "I lIll..' l';ll"lil;qll' Irl'lll'i\. cholldru-
C.\ II..' pl'l'ct.ptilll1 of thi .... frictional illh-'ra(,.,itlll f(Jl"i..l is
likL'h to Ik' dUlninalL'd \1\' thl..' dl"~\g rL'si:'oI~IIlCL' or !lO\\
Ihl"()lJ~h [III..' IlJ~\lri\ l"allll'I' [ll~\Jl h.\ diJ'l\.."[ \,i:,c()\.IS
~hl..'al :'trL'S~ l,Jl I hI..' cLII. This friL"tjonal dr~lg forc(.
1..:<111 pr<'(\UL''''' ....u!id 11\;,\[,.;\ I..krOnll~t(i(1I1 011 1111..' urde
(II' 15 10 .'(V-"
Frum tilL' disctls:-.ioll ahO\'L', i..'l'lolldI'Ol.\-IL' (1...'1'01"
m~I[i()Jl L>~\1l hI..' UlJJ~i<.lI,'I"Ld 10 hI..' gO\lTI1Ld hy [hrL'e
cuupkd loadjn~ Illl..'l'hallislll~: dirl..'ct I-:C.\;, <.IL-for
tl1~llioll: Ho\\;ndllLld L'(ll1lp~\ctiotl: and fluid prl'S*
sllri/'llilln. III OJ\. I hI..' iIlI..T(,.asl..d lis~lll.. pt.nlll'lhil~
Case Study Figure 321. il.\" diminis!k ... carlibgL"~ !lormal flu;d pr..."~~lIre
Itl~I<.ISllPP()I"[ IllL'Ll1ani."lll. Thus, [i'lL'!"...' i." a shirt
or !O,ld support Ollto thl..' solid matrix. I..i.lusing
mcchano-e1ectrochemical stimuli (e.g,. hydrostatic sllprallol"nwl ,slrl..S::>L:' and s!lailb 10 hI.." illlposl.'d
pressure, SlI-ess and strain fields, streaming poten- 011 1111..' chondniL.\!I..'S (Fig. 3-271. Th..:si.' ahnor-
ti~t1s) that promote normal caIlilage maintenance mally high Stl'L'SS ~lnd . . tl'~lill (('\-C Is , and utili..'!
(by the chondroeytes) and normal tissue function rn(",,,,'k\llol'iL'I.:II'Ol"Jh'llli(,.~\llh~lll!:!I...'S [Iw[ ~\rL" nwni-
(Fig, 3-26). However, when the integrity of the col- k~l('d \\'itll 0;\, C=ill triggl..1' an irl1hal~IIKI..' of <.:IHIll
lagen-PC network (the transducer) of articular cm'- <',,"01..'.\'1\.' an;:lholic and I..alaholic al'li\'jtk"s, further
tilage is compromised. such as from trauma or dis- l,.'Ollll"ibuling In ~l \'icious c.n1t.- Ill' progr...'s~i\"i.: Glr-
ease. normal joinl articulation leads to abnonllal !ilagl" dl.."gl.."nl..r~lli(lll. Itllk...' d, changes to tht.' bin
Illcchano-clcctrochemical stimuli, with ensuing ab- L'hL'lnkal l:Olllpositioll ~llld s[l"lIclUI"l,: oj' cal'til~\g
normal ECM remodeling by the chondrocytes and Ctlll Iwu.. a profound inlp~lcl Oil tiSSlll.. and (,.'!lOIl
debilitated tissue function. d n)cy{t.' fUlll'1 ion. \\'i t h IntI! t iLl i:,dpli nary collaho*
In the absence of joint loading, the normal envi- r~ltioll:' =md ~1Il appropri::lli..' thlOl"I..'lil"=-d rl'~IIllC*
ronment of the chondrocyte is characterized by the \\,(H-k, such as th ...' biphas:ic tl1 ....<I1.\, iJlsight~ illW

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pressure. During joint loading. by vittue or the lis- or 0:-\ hI..' obtain..:d,

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AIRTI'CULARCARTILAGE ,streSses sustlllned by cont::ict joint surfaces
." '.' '" ".",.'.::~::~><,,:,>~'
To provldoa smoothwearreSistantbearing
;' 'I
s'urfac~ecrease b1ction~' '~:,',

1 \~

Extracellular M3trix-ECM-



-Qrganlt Component--: i




:1 Biph;uic Str'uc(urc

Animtropy,Viscocl;micity. Swelling Bchavior-ColllprCHivc lo~d bearing c~pJcity-

.~, FLOW, CHART 31 Articular cartilage structure and biomechanicaJ properties. ~

"Thh How ChMl is d~si9ncd fOI das>room or group disCLl~~io". Flow than i~ not mCi'lr'lt \0 be cxh<lustive.
Results in

Disruption of collagen-PG solid matrix

PG "wash out"

Gross alteration of the normal load cartilage mechanisms

~fLOW CHART 3'2", Articular cartilage wear mechanisms. ~

"This flow chart is designed for c1assroorn or group discussion. Flow ch.Jr1 is not meant to be exhaustive.


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c :;

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e:;; ~
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./ !
Biomechanics of
Tendons and
Margareta Nordin, Tobias Lorenz, Marco Campello

Composition and Structure of Tendons and Ligaments
Ground Substance
Outer Structure and Insertion Into Bone

Mechanical Behavior of Tendons and Ligaments

Biomechanical Properties
Physiological Loading of Tendons and Ligaments
Viscoelastic Behavior (Rate Dependency) in Tendons and ligaments
Ligament Failure and Tendon Injury Mechanisms
Factors That Affect the Biomechanical Properties of Tendons and
Maturation and Aging
Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period
iVlobilization and Immobilization
Diabetes lvIellltus
Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
Flow Charts

tutes a large portion of the organic matrix of b

Introduction and ~artilage and has a unique mechanical supp
The three principal structures that c10selv surround, ive function in other connective tissues such
connect and stabilize the joints of the ~keletal svs- blood vessels, heart, ureters, kidneys, skin, and li
t~Il1are tendons, ligaments, and joint capsules. ~\l The great mechanical stability of collagen gives
tIlollgh these structures arc passive (i.e., thev do not
tendons and ligaments their characteristic stren
and flexibility.
acth'ely produce motion as do the l11usck:s), each
Like other connective tissues, tendons and l
pl.iJ's an essential role in joint motion.
The role of the ligaments and joint capsules, ments consist of relatively few cells (fibroblasts)
\vI11c.h connect bone with bone, is to auament the
an abundant extracellular matrix. In general,
I-IICchanical stability of the joints, to gl1i(iL~joint mo- cellular material occupies approximatelv 2000 of
tion, and to prevent excessive motion. Ligaments total tissue volume, while the extraccliular ma
anel joint capsules act as static restraints. Tile func- accounts for the remaining 80/(;. Approxima
ticm of the tendons is to attach muscle to bone and 70t;0 of the matrix consists of water, and appro
to transmit tensile loads from muscle to bone, mately 30% is solids. These solids are collag
thereby.' producing joint motion, or to maintain the ground substance, and a small amount of c1a;
hpcly posture. The tendons and the muscles form The collagen content is generallv over 75 % and
the muscle-tendon unit, which acts as a dvnamic n> somewhat greater in tendons than in ligame
straint. The tendon also enables the mtls~le bell\' to (Kassel', 1996); in extremitv tendons, the solid m
pat an optimal distance from the joint on whi~h it rial may consist almost e~1tirely of collagen (up
acts without requiring an extended length of muscle 99% of the dry weight) (Table 4- I).
between origin and insertion. ~ The structure and chemical composition or l
Tendon and ligament injuries and derangements ments and tendons are identical in humans and
a~'e common. Proper management of these disor-
many animal species such as rats, rabbits, dogs,
(leI'S requires an understanding of the mechanical
monkey's. Hence, extrapolations regarding~ th
properties and function of tendons and ligaments structures in humans can be made from the res
ZtIld their capacity' for selF-repair. This chapter dis- of studies on these animal species.
cusses the following:
Composition and structure of tendons and
ligaments The collagen molecule is synthesized hv the fl
Biomechanical properties and behavior of blast \vithin the cell as a la;'ger precursor (proco
normal tendon and ligament tissue gen), which is then secreted and cleaved extrace
Biomechanical properties and behavior of in- larl y' to. become collagen (Fitton-Jackson, 19
jured tendon and ligament tissue (Fig. 4-1). Tendons and ligaments, like bone,
composed of the most common collagen molec
Several factors that affect the bioI11echanical
function of tendons and liuaments
co are auin u t <:>
"" co' ')fe'(1-
nancy, mobilization and immobilization, diabetes,
nonsteroidal anti-intlammatory drug (NSAID) use,
and the effects of hemodialvsis. Biomechanical con-
siderations regarding graft~ are also given. Tendon

I Cellular Material: 20% 20%

i Fibroblast
Composition and Structure
of Tendons and Ligaments I EX~~:~~I~'ar Matnx 80% 80%
60-80% 60-80%
I Solids: 20-40% 20-AO%
Tendons and ligaments are dense connective tissues
knc)\vn as parallel-flbered collagenous tissues. These Collagen: 70-80% slightly hig
sl:arsely vascularized tissues are c0l11posed largelv Type 1 90% 9S-99%
of- collagen, a fibrous protein constituting approxi- Type 3 10% 1-5%
mately one third of the total protein in the bodv Ground substance 20-30% slightly
(White, Handlel~ & Smith, 1964). Collagen consti-

Fibroblasl molecules

- - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . _..._._---- - _ _-
...... ----._.--.~--- ._--._---------

Schematic representation of wllagen fibrils. fibers. and bun- f'xtrac('lIuiar lll<1!rl)( ill cl PiHt111e-! ilflangelll('llt {o form m;
dles in tendons and collagenous ligaments (not drawn to crofibrils clnd then fibrils, The staggered array of the mole
scale). Collagen molecules. triple helices of coiled polypep- (tIles, in which each overlaps the other, gives .1 banded ap-
tide chains. are synthesized and secreted by the fibroblasts. pcarancE' ,0the Coll<1gen iibri!s under the electron
These molecules (depicted with "heads" and "tails" to repre- llIicro,:>wpe. Tilt:' hb!!l ... <)~J9rcgate further into hbers, ~"... I1l<:h
sent positive and negative polar charges) aggregate in the (omc together into dcn<,cly piicked bundles.

type I collagen. This Il101eculc consists of three lihril k'\'l'l. IL i...; till.' I,.'I'{):-;:,,-!illkl,d dl~II~h.:[l'I' ur Llll'l'
polypeptide chains (ex chains), each coiled in a left- 1~lgl'll lihrib ikll I~h'l'~ ,"'II'l'll~lh [0 thl' li:--:-il.l('.'" IIl
handed helix wilh approximately 100 amino acids, C( lmpOSl' and <:t1I< I\\':-- I hl.':--l' I b:"Ul'S I( I l"tl1"ll.1 il III und
which give it a total molecular weight or approxi. 1ll1.'("II<tllic~d :--lrl':":--. \\'illlill 111(' lihril:-., !Ill.' mulecul
mately 340,000 daltons (Rich & Crick, 1961) (Fig. <:tl"t' ;Jppar('Il!I~' tTUss-lillked h.y "hl'<:\(.II(l-i~lil" illte
4-2). Two or the peptide chains (called ,,1 chains) <:ll:tiulb (Fi~_ -l~ I L hUI inlcrlihrilbr IT(I:-..... -linkill~ o
are identical. and one differs slightly (the 0:-2 chain). rnOl"L' complL'\ n~llllr(' <:d~(l rn~l.'" onlll'.
The three a-chains are c0l11binccl in a right-handed III 111..'\\-1\- fcwlllt:d ,,:(lll~l~l'l1. thl' CI'(l:-.:--lillk:-- ~\1\':' r
triple helix. which gives the collagen molecule a rod- :lli\"\,.,h- k\\' :lnd ~lrt' rl.~dlll.'ihl\:: 1111.' l.'(llb~l.'l1 b :,>olll
like shape. The length or the molecule is approxi. ill rJt'lIlral sail :"ohlliol"l:' <:!llll ill ~Icid :"(IIUliull:--, a
mately 280 nanOllleters (nIT}), and its diameter is ap- 1Ilt' i.:ro:--~-Ii111..:-; a I"l' hI i rI., t'a~i I.,' dL'Il~llll rt'd hy hl.'at.
proximately 1.5 nm. t.:olla~t'n a~L':-', lilt' 1111<:11 rlullIhtT nl rl'lilldhk' tTOS
Almost two thirds of the collagen molecule con- link:-. dl'LTl'a:-'L':-' lei ~l tllinilllurn ~b ~l 1~lr~l' lllllllhl'r
sists of three amino acids: glycine (33%), proline :--(~lhk', nonrl,dul'ihk lTCls:"-lird,:,, ~lrl' fOI"t'lll'd. \bIUI
(15%), and hydroxyproline (15/(;) (Ramachandran, l'<"lI~l~t'n i~ nul sU[lIhk, ill Ilt'lllral :"i.dl ~(lIt1ti(Jll:" 01'
1963). Every third amino acid in each 0: chain is ~ldd solulio1\:", and il :-illlyi\'l'~:\ hi~llL'l' dl'I1;,lllll'~l
glycine, and this repetitive sequence is essential for tl'l1IjWl':lllll'l', (1"-"0[' ~\ I\~\'il'\\' or lTo:"s-link:\1!l' ill ~'()
the proper rormation of the triple helix. The small 12l'll, Sl.'l' Viidik, D~lllil'lsl'll, t~ Chlulld, 10~2,l
size 01' this amino acid allows the tight helical pack .:\ lihril is !"(Irllll,d h," till' a~~Iq.!.ali(l1l or
ing of the collagen molecule. C'vlorco\'cr. glycine en- l,'olla~l'1l lllolL'ctlk's ill ;1 qU<lltTn~lIY Slrtlc!url.'. Th
hances the stability of the molecule by forming hy- strllclllrl.', in \\Ilh.:h t"ach Illnkndt' O\'t'!bp:-. I
drogen bonds among the three chains of the otht'r, is I\'spollsihk for 1I1l' J'L'lk'alillt! IXIII((:-; o
superhelix. Hydroxyproline and proline form hydro- :':'t'J"Yl,d Oil thl' lihril", lllH..kT till' t,k-l'II'OIl lllilTOS(O
gen bonds, or hydrogen-bonded wal~r bridges. (Fi~, --l-2: ~l'l' :ds(l Fig, "'''''). Till' qll,llt'l'll:II-," Slrll...: lu
within each chain, The intra- and inlcrchain bond- or l.T)lIa~cn rdalt'S 10 till.' or~~1I1i:t<:lli(l1l III l.ollagl.:
ing. or cross-linking. between specific groups on the lllolt'ClIll's il110 :l :"l~lbk. 10\\' l.'lll'r~i,:lic bi(llo!!ic
chains is essential (0 the stability of the molecule, unit ha:--t'd 011 :J rq:!.ul<:\1 a:':"(ll"ial iOll (~r ~\(,.l.iaCt'lll ';11
Cross-links are also formed between collagen t'''.'lIks' h~ISil' <:llId ~lcidil' :llIlino ~llids. B., :In:ll1gi
molecules and are essential to aggregation at the ~\d.iacl'lll col1at!.I.'l't 1I1pk'l:uks in a qLl~lnl'l'-st~lg1:-~t'r. o
64 om arrangcn)cnt, which cquips the tendons to handl
lhe high unidirectional (uni4lxial) lensile loads t
which they are subjected during activity (Fig. 4-4A)
, 0
or;: Overlap zone The Iigamenls gencrally sLisrain tensile loads in on
r Hole zone predominant direction but may also bear smalle
;:r:I I
Micrafibrils (cnsile loads in other directions; their fibers may no

Packing of
be completely parallel but arc closely interiaccd
'molecules I I
with one another (Fig. 4-48). The specific orienta
..-",/ ................. tion of the fiber bundles varies to some cxten
... among the ligaments and is dcpendcnl on the func
-' ........... tion of the ligament (Arnie! et al .. 1984),
rCollagen r'.'='='=====:2~80~nm~======):J~
i' molecule !... I
........ .J
The metabolic tUI'nover of collagen may be stud
ied by tritium labeling of h)-!droxyprolinc or glycin
. ,. - "
.......... i
and by autoradiographic methods, Studics in ani
mals have shown that the half-life of collagen in ma
, lure animals is very long: the same collagen mole
a.2~~~t 1.5 nm
cules may exist throughout the animal's adult lire
however, in young animals and in physically altered
~, 1 (e.g., injured or immobilized) tissue, the turnover i
acceleratcd. Rabbit studies have shown melaboli
activity to be somewhat greater in ligaments than in
tendons, probably because of different stress pat
Schematic drawing of collagen microstructure. The colla- terns (Amie! et al .. 1984).
gen molecule consists of three alpha chains in a triple helix
(bonom). Several collagen molecules are aggregated into
a staggered parallel array. This staggering, which creates ELASTIN
hole zones and overlap zones, causes the cross-striation
The mechanical properties of tendons and liga
(banding pattern) visible in the collagen fibril under the
electron microscope. Adapled from Prockop, 0.1.. & Guzman,
ments are dependent not only on the architectur
;\! A. (1977). Col/agen dise,)ses and the biosynthesis of collagen
and properties of the collagen fibers but also on th
" proportion of elastin that these su'uctures contain
Hasp Pract. Dec. 61-68.
The protein elastin is scarcely present in tendon
and extrcrnily ligaments, but in elastic ligamcnt
such as the Iigamenlum Oavum, the proportion o
positely charged amino acids are aligned. This sta- elastic fibers is substantial. Nachemson and Evan
bl.c structure will require a great amount of energy (1968) found a 2 to I ratio of clastic to collage
,':~ri,d force to separate its molecules, thus contribut- fibers in the ligaments flava. These ligamcnls, which
:.ipg to the strength of the structurc. In this way, or- connect the laminae of adjacent vertebrae, appea
gU)lizcd collagen molecules (five) form units of mi- to have a specialized role, which is to protect th
crofibrils, subfib"ils, and fibrils (Fig. 43) (Simon, spinal nerve roots from mechanical impingement
1994). The fibrils aggregate f'urther to form collagen to prestress (preload) the motion segment (th
fibers, which are visible under the light microscope. functional unit of the spine), and to provide som
;;./(~hese fibers, which range from I to 20 J.L111 in cliam- intrinsic stability to the spine.
''.;:,'',ter, do not branch and l11av be many centimeters
"j<lI1g. They reflect a 64-nm periodicity of the fibrils
and have a characteristic undulated form. The fibers
aggregate further into bundles. Fibroblasts are The ground substance in ligaments and tendons con
aligned in rows between these bundles and arc elon- sists of proteoglycans (PGs) (ur> to approximatel
gated along an axis in the direction of ligament or 20% of the solids) along with stnlctlll,JI glycoprotcins
;'i':. ~.enclon function (Fig, 4-4). plasma proteins, and a variety of srnall n1olcculcs
';/: The arrangement of the collagen j-ibers differs The PG units, macromolecules composed of variou
somewhat in the tendons and ligarncnls and is sulfated polysaccharidc chains (glycos<lminoglycans
Suited to the function of each stru~ture. The fibers bonded to a corc protein, -bind to a long hyaluroni
composing the tcndons have an orderl.y, parallel acid (HA) chain La form an cxtremely high molecula
Fascicular membrane

Schematic representation of the microarchitecture of a tendon .

weight PC aggregate like Lhm found in Lhc ground

substance of anicular cartilage (set.:' Fig. 3-6).
The PC aggregates bind most of the extracellular
water of the ligament and tendon. making the ma-

Parallel bundles of
collagen fibers
Nearly parallel
bundles of
collagen fibers
trix a highl~' structured gel-like material rather than
an amorphous solution. Furthermore. by acting as a
ccment-likc substance betwcen the coHagen mi-
croflbrils. they ma),' help stabilize the collagenous
skeleton of tendons and ligaments and contribute to
the o\'crall strength of these composite structures.

Only' a small number of these molecules exist in ten-
dons. however, and their imporlance for its biorne-

chanical properties has been questioned,

Tendons and ligaments have a Iimitcd vasculariza-
Tendon ligament
tion. which alTeets dircctl~' their healing process [lnd
A B metabolic activit~;. Tendons receive their blood sup-
ply dircctly from \'cssels in the perim.vsiulll. the
periosteal insertion. and the surrounding tissuc via
Schematic diagram of the structural orientation of the vessels in the para tenon or mesotenon. Tendons sur-
fibers of tendon (A) and ligament (8); insets show longitu- rounded b~) paratenon have been referred to as vas-
dinal sections. In both structures the fibroblasts are elon- cular tendons. and those sllrround~d by a tendon
gated along an axis in the direction of function. Adapted sheath as avascular tendons, In tendons surrounded
from Snell, R.5. (984), Cfinical and F~ln(tional Histology for by' a paratcnon, vessels enter rrom many points on
Medical Stuejents. Boston: Liule. Brown the pcripher.v and anastomose with a longitudinal
svstem or capilbries (Fig, 4-5),
The vascular pattern for tendons surrounded by
tendon sheath is different. Here the meso tenons a
reduced to vincula (Fig. 4-6). This avascuJar regio
led a variety of researchers to propose a dual pat
way for tendon nutrition: a vascular pathway, an
for the avascular regions, a synovial (diffusio
pathway. The concept of diffusional nutrition is
primary clinical significance in that it implies th
tendon healing and repair can occur in the absen
of adhesions (i.e" a blood supply). Conversely, lig
ments in comparison with surrounding tissue a
pear to be hypovascular. However, histological stu
ies reveal that throughollt the ligament substan
there is a uniform multivascularit)', which orig
nates from the insertion sites of the ligament. D
spite the small size and limited blood flow of th
India ink-injected (Spalteholz technique) into the calcaneal
vascular s)'stem, it is of prima(y importance in t
f tendon of a rabbit, illustrating the vasculature of a
" maintenance of the ligament. Specifically, by pr
paratenon-covered tendon. Vessels enter from many points
on the periphery and anastomose with a longitudinal system
viding nutrition for the cellular population. this va
of capillaries. Reprinted wirh permission from Woo, S.L. Y, An, cular system maintains the continued process
K.N., Amoczky, D.V.M., et at. (1994). And!Om}~ biology. and bio- matrix synthesis and repair. In its absence, damag
mechanics of rhe iendon, ligament, and meniscus. In S.R. Simon fTom normal activities accumulates (fatigue) an
(Ed) Orthopaedic Basic Science (p. 52). Rosemont, Ii: MOS. the ligament is at risk for rupture (Woo et aI., 1994
Ligaments and tendons have been shown in bo
human and animal studies to have a variety of sp
cialized nervc endings and mcchanorcceptors, Th
play an important role in proprioception and noc
ception, which are directly related to the functio
ality of joints.

the tendon substance. ReprinlGd wirh permission from Woo,

S.L. Y, An, K.N., Amoczk}~ D. VM., et al. (1994). Anatomy, biolog
and biomechanics of (he rendon, ligament, and meniscus, In S.R
Simon (Ed.). Orthopaedic Basic Science (p. 52). Rosemont. IL:
Certain similarities arc found in the outer structure
of tendons and ligaments, but there are also impor-
tant differences related to function. Both tendons
and ligaments arc surrounded by' a loose areolar
connective tissue. In ligaments, this tissue has no
specific name, but in tendons it is referred to as the
para tenon. More structured than the connective tis-
sue surrounding the ligaments, the paratcnon forms
a sheath that protects the tendon and enhances glid-
ing. In some tendons, such as the flexor tendons of
the digits, the sheath runs the length of the tendons,
and in others the sheath is found only! at the point
where the tendon bends in concert \vith a joint.
In locations where the tendons are subjected to
particularly high friction forces (e.g., in the palm, in
the digits, and at the level of the wrist joint), a pari-
etal synovial layer is found just beneath the
paratenon; this synoviun1-like membrane, called the
epitenon, surrounds several flber bundles. The syn-
ovial fluid produced by the synovial cells of the
epitenon facilitates gliding of the tendon. In loca-
tions where tendons are subjected to lower friction
forces, they are surrounded by the panltenon only'.
Each fiber bundle is bound together by the en-
dotenon (Fig. 4-1), \vhich continues at the musculo- Electron micrograph of a patellar tendon insertion from
dog, showing four zones (:<25,000). Zone 1, parallel coll
tendinous junction into the perimysium. At the
gen fibers; zone 2, unmineralized fibrocartilage; zone 3,
tendo-osseous junction, the collagen fibers of the
mineralized fibrocartilage; zone 4, cortical bone. The lig
endotenon continue into the bone as Sharpey's per- ment-bone junction (not pictured) has a similar appear-
fOlating fibers and become continuous with the ance. Reprinted with permission from Cooper, R.R. & Misol, S
periosteum (Woo et aI., 1988). (1970). Tendon and ligament insertion. A light and electron
The structure of the insertions into bone is simi- microscopic study J Bone Joint Surg, 52A, I.
lar in ligaments and tendons and consists of four
zones; Figure 4-7 illustrates these zones in a tendon.
At the end of the tendon (zone 1), the collagen fibers

intermesh with fibrocartilage (zone 2). This fibro- strong enough to sustain the high tensile forces th
cartilage gradually becon1es Inineralized fibrocarti- result from muscle contraction during joint moti
lage (zone 3) and then merges into cortical bone
yet are sufficiently' flexible to angulate around bo
(zone 4). The change from more tendinous to more
surfaces and to deflect beneath retinacula to chan
bony n1aterial produces a gradual alteration in the the flnal direction of muscle pull. The ligaments
mechanical properties of the tissue (i.e., increased pliant and Oexible, allowing natural movements
stiffness), which results in a decreased stress con-
the bones to which they attach, but are strong a
centration effect at the insertion of the tendon into
inextensible so as to ofTel' suitable resistance to
the stiffer bone (Cooper & Misol, 1970).
plied forces.
Analysis of the mechanical behavior of tendo
Merhanical Behavior of and ligaments provides important information
the understanding of injury mechanisms. Bo
Tendons and Ligaments structures sustain chiefly tensile loads during n
mal and excessive loading. When loading leads
Tendons and ligaments arc viscoelastic structures injury, the degree of damage is affected by' the r
\vith unique mechanical properties. Tendons are of impact as well as the amount of load.
means of analyzing the biomechanical proper-
of tendons and ligaments is to subject specimens
tensile deformation lIsing a constant rate of elon-
The tissue is elongated until it ruptures, and
resulting force, or load (P), is plolted. The result-
load-elongation Clll-ve has several regions that
the behavior of the tissue (Fig. 4-8).
The first region of the load-elongation cuniC is
the "toe" region. The elongation reflected in
region is believed to be the result of a change
the wavy pattern of the relaxed collagen fibers. In
region, the tissue stretches easily, without much
and the collagen fibers become straight and
their \vavy appearance as the loading pro-
a",:sSl:s(Hirscb, 1974; Woo et a!., 1994) (Fig. 4-9, A
B). Some data suggest, however, that this elonga-
may' be caused mainly by' interfibrillar sliding


I Elongation (%)

1mmL- _ Scanning electron micrographs of unloaded (relaxed) a

I Load-elongation curve for rabbit tendon tested to failure
loaded collagen fibers of human knee ligaments
(x 10,000). A, The unloaded collagen fibers have a wavy
in tension. The numbers indicate the four characteristic re-
I gions of the curve. (1) Primary or "toe" region, in which
configuration. S, The collagen fibers have straightened
I under load. Reprinted with permission from Kennedy, J. C,
the tissue elongated with a small increase in load as the
I wavy collagen fibers straightened out. (2) Secondary or
Havjkins, R.I. Willis, R.B., et al. (7976). Tension stuclies of hu
man knee ligaments, Yield point, ultimate failure, and disrup
"linear" region, in which the fibers straightened out and
of the erueiare and tibial collateral ligaments. J Bone Joint Su
the stiffness of the specimen increased rapidly. Deforma-
tion of the tissue began and had a more or less linear rela-
tionship with load. (3) End of secondary region. The load
value at this point is designated as PI;,,' Progressive failure
of the collagen fibers took place after PI'" was reached, and
small force reductions (dips) occurred in the curve. (4) Max- and shear of the interfibrillar gel (ground substan
imum load (Pm.,,) reflecting the ultimate tensile strength of (for review, see Viidik, Danielson, & Oklund, 198
the tissue. Complete failure occurred rapidly, and the spec- As loading continues, the stiffness of the tis
imen lost its ability to support loads. Adapted from Carls/edt, increases and progressively greater force is requi
c.A. (7987). Mechanical and chemical factors in tendon healing: to produce equivalent amounts of elongation. T
Effects of indomethacin ancl surgery in the rabbit. Acta Orthop elongation is often expressed as strain (e), whic
Scand Suppl, 224. the deformation of the tissue calculated as a p
~~--------- centage of the original length of the specimen
strains arc increased (strain values of between 1.5 elastic deformation that they endure under tensi
and 4% [Viidik, 1973]), a linear region will follow strain and the storage and loss of energy. Durin
the toe region. This sudden increase in slope repre- loading and unloading of a ligament between tw
sents the second region in the diagram and con"c- limits of elongation, the elastic fibers allow the m
sponds to the response of Ihe tissue to further elon- tcrial to return to its original shape and size aft
gation (Diamant et al.. 1972). being deformed. Meanwhile, part of the enel-
Following the linear region. at large strains the spent is stOt"cd; what is left will represent lhe energ
stress-strain ClIlve can end abruptly or curve down- loss during Ihe cycle and is called hysteresis. Th
ward as a result of irreversible changes (failure) area enclosed by the loop represents the energy lo
(Woo et aI., 1994). Where the curve levels off toward (Fig. 4-1 I).
the strain axis, the load value is designated as Plin ,
The point at which this value is reached is the yield
point [or the tissue. The energy uptake to PHn is rep-
resented by the area under the ClIlve lip [0 the end
of the linear region. The ultimate tensile strength (P,,,:..,,) of ligamen
\Vhen the linear region is surpassed, major fail- and tendons is of limited interest from a function
ure of fiber bundles occurs in an unpredictable standpoint because under normal physiologic
l11anne1'. \Vith the attainment of maximum load that conditions in vivo these structures are subjected
reflects the uhimatc tensile strength of the speci- a stress magnitude that is only approxirnately on
men, complete Failure occurs rapidly, and the load- third of this value. The upper limit for physiologic
supporting ability of the tendon or ligament is sub- strain in tendons and ligaments (when running an
stantially reduced. jumping, for example) is from 2 to 5% (Fung, 1981
The modulus of elasticity for tendons and liga~
ments has been determined in several investigations
(Fung, 1967, 1972; Viidik, 1968). This parameter is
based all a linear relationship between load and de-
formation (elongation), or stress and strain; that is,
the stress (force per unit area) is proportional to the
E = rIlE
where E = modulus of elasticity
(T = stress
E = strain
In the toe portion of the load-elongation curve (or
stress~slrain curve), the modulus of elasticity is not
constant but increases gradually. The modulus sta-
bilizes in the fairly linear secondary region of the
The load-elongation CUPie depicted in Figure 4-8 o -70
generally applies to tendons and extremity liga- Elongation (~o)

ments. The curve for the ligamentum flavulll, with

its high proportion of elastic fibers, is entirely dif-
ferent (Fig. 4-10). In tensile testing or a human Loadelongation curve for a human ligamentum flavum
ligamentum flavlIIll, elongation of the specimen (60 to 70% elastic fibers) tested in tension to failure. At
reached 50% before the stiffness increased appre- 70% elongation the ligament exhibited a great increase
ciably. Beyond this point. the stiffness increased stiffness with additional loading and failed abruptly with
greatly with additional loading and the ligament out further deformation. Adapted from Nachemson, A.L., &
failed abruptlv (!'eached P"",,), with little further de- Evans, J.H. (1968). Some mechanical properties of tile third hu
formation (Nachemson & Evans, 1968). man lumbar imerlaminar ligamenr (ligamentum flavum). ) B;o-
The proportion of elastic proteins in ligaments mech, 1, 21/-220.

and capsules is extremely important for lhe small

~1.' ,--? .
~Peakload store more energy, require marc force to I1.lptu
1 cycle ~
and undergo greater elongation (Kenncd.", Hawki
Willis, & Danylchuk, 1976).
Dw-ing cyclic testing of ligaments and tendo
where loads are applied and released al specific
tenmls, the stress-strain curve is displaced to
riglll along the deformation (strain) axis with ea
loading cycle, revealing the presence of a nonel
tic (plastic) cOlllponcnt; thc amount 01" perm
nent (nonrecoverable) deformation is progressiv
greater with every loading cycle. As cyclic load
progresses, the specimcn also shows an increase
clastic stiffness as a result of plastic dcfonnati
(molecular displacement). IVlicrofailure can oc
within the physiological range if frequcnt loading
imposed on an already damaged struclUrc wh
lhe stiffness has decreased.
Two standard tests that reveal the viscoelastic
or ligaments and tendons are the stress-relaxat
test and the creep test (Fig, 4~12). During a stre
Typical loading (top) and unloading curves (bottom) from relaxation test, loading is hailed safely below
tensile testing of knee ligaments. The two nonlinear curves linear region of the stress-strain curve and the str
form a hysteresis loop. The area between the curves, called is kept constant over an extended period. The str
the area of hysteresis, represents the energy losses within decreases rapidly at first and then more sl()\v
the tissue. \Vhen the stress-relaxation test is repeated cy
cally, the decrease in stress gradually becomes l
pronou need.
During a creep lcst,loading is halted saFely bel
'0 ,Few studies or loading of tendons or Ii!!aments in the linear region of the stress-strain curve and
\:ivo have been perrorm~d. Kear and Smith (1975), stress is kept constanl over an extended period. T
using the strain gauge method, measured the rnaxi- strain increases relatively quickly at first and th
nUll strain in the latcral digital extensor tendons of more and more slowl.':. \Vhen this tcst is perform
sheep. The strain reached 2_6t}~ while the shl:cp cyclically. the increase in strain gradually becom
were trolling rapidly and decreased when the trol- less pronounced,
ting speed decreased. This maximal strain occurred The clinical application or a constant low load
for only 0.1 second during each stride. The maximal the soft tissues over a prolonged period, which ta
load imposed on the entire tendon was approxi- advantage of the creep response. is a llseful tre
mately 45 newtons (N). These results suggest that ment for several types of deformities. One exam
during normal activity, a tendon in vivo is subjected is the manipulation of a child's clubfoot by subje
LO less than one fourth of its ultimate stress. ing it to constant loads by means of a plaster ca
Another example is the treatment of idiopathic s
liosis with a brace, whereby constant loads are
plied to the spinal area to elongate the soft tiss
surrounding the abnormally curved spine,
Ligaments and tendons exhibit viscoelastic, or rate- More complex viscoelastic beh41vior is observed
dependent (time-dependent), behavior under load- the entire bone-ligament-bone complex_ Antel
ing; their mechanical propelties change with differ- cnlciate ligaments (ACLs) in knee specimens tak
ent rates of 1041ding. v"hen ligament and tendon from 30 primates were tested in tension to failure
specimens are subjected to increased strain rates a slow and a fast loading rale (Noyes el aI., 1976).
(loading rates), the linear portion of the stress-strain , the slow loading rate (60 seconds), much slower th
curve becomes steeper, indicating greater stiffness that of an injury mechanism in vivo, the bony ins
of the tissue at higher strain rates. v\lith higher tion of the ligament was 'the weakest component
strain rates, ligaments and tendons in isolation the bone-ligament-bone complex.. and a tibial sp

bone-ligament-bone complex \vas nearly' the sam
These results suggest that as the loading rate is i
creased, bone shows a greater increase in streng
than does ligament.
Load relaxation
"'"o (length held constant)
Ligal1zel1t Failure and Tendon
Injury Mechanisms
Injury mechanisms arc similar for ligaments an
Time tendons, therefore the following description of lig
A ment injury and failure is gencrall~1 applicable
tendons. \Vhen a ligament in vivo is subjected
loading that exceeds the physiological range. micr
Creep phenomenon failure takes place even before the yield point (P"
(load held constant)
is reached. \"'hen Ph" is exceeded, the ligament b
gins to undergo gross failure and simultaneolls
o the joint begins to displace abnormally. This d

E placement can also result in damage to the su

o "

The viscoelasticity (rate dependency, or time dependency)

of ligaments and tendons can be demonstrated by two Microfaiture
standard tests: the load-relaxation test and the creep test.
A, Load relaxation is demonstrated when the loading of a
specimen is halted safely below the linear region of the
load-deformation curve and the specimen is maintained at
a constant length over an extended period (i.e., the
amount of elongation is constant). The load decreases
rapidly at first (Le., during the first 6 to 8 hours of loading)
and then gradually more slOWly, but the phenomenon may o 2 3 4 5 6
continue at a low rate for months. B, The creep response Elongation (mm)
takes place when loading of a specimen is halted safely be
low the linear region of the load deformation curve and
the amount of load remains constant over an extended pe-
riod. The deformation increases relatively quickly at first Progressive failure of the anterior cruciate ligament from
(within the first 6 to 8 hours of loading) but then progres~ cadaver knee tested in tension to failure at a physiologic
sively more slowly. continuing at a low rate for months. strain rate. The joint was displaced 7 mm before the liga
ment failed completely. The force-elongation curve gene
ated during this experiment is correlated with various de
grees of joint displacement recorded photographically;
avulsion was produced. At the fast loading rate (0.6 photos correspond to similarly numbered points on the
seconds), which simulated an injury mechanism in curve. Reprinted wirh permission from Noyes, F.R., and Graae
vivo, the ligament was the weakest component in t\Vo E.S. (976). The strengrh of the anterior cruciare ligament in h
thirds of the specimens tested. At the slower rate, the mans and Rhesus monkeys. Age-relared and species~relared
load to failure decreased by 20%, and 30% less en- changes. J Bone Joint Surg, 58A. 1074-1082.
ergy was stored to failure, but the stillness of the
spectivcly to (I) the load placed on the ACL duri
350 tests of knee joint stability performed clinical
(3) failure
(2) the load placed on this ligament during phys
logical activity, and (3) that imposed on the lig
ment during injury from the beginning of micr
-0 failure to complete rupture. Microfailurc begi
even before the physiological loading range is e
ceeded and can occur throughout the physiologic
range in any given ligament. In fact, under expe
mental testing, the ultimate tensile loaels-or t
o load at failure for human ACL-is between 340 a
o 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 390 N (Case Study 4-1),

Joint Displacement (mm)

ACL Failure: Failure of the ACL
The curve produced during tensile testing of a human an- Associated With High Strain and Stress
terior cruciate ligament in vitro (20) (see Fig. 4-13) has
25-yearold male occasional soccer player injured
been converted to a load-displacement curve and divided
into three regions correlating with clinical findings: (1) the A . his ACl as a result of an abnormal torque in rotation
of the knee. The player locked his foot on the ground
load imposed on the anterior crudale ligament during the
anterior drawer test; (2) that placed on the ligament dur- and pivoted on his lower limb to produce a high rota
ing physiological activity; and (3) that imposed on the liga w
, tional torque on the knee, which increased tensile loads
men! from partial injury to complete rupture. It should be on the ACL,
noted that the divisions shown here represent a general- The first region of the load-displacement curve shows
ization. Microfailure is shown to begin toward the end of a normal physiological loading response. In the microfail-
the physiological loading region, but it may take place
ure region, the increase in strain deformation leads to
well before this point in any given ligament.
high internal stress and finally a complete rupture. Experi-
mental testing in vitro in human ACl yielded a point of
failure between 340 and 390 N.
rounding structures, such as the joint capsule, the The knee with the ACl injury will increase intra-articu-
adjacent ligaments, and the blood vessels that sup- lar joint motion, producing abnormally high stresses on
ply [h~sc structures. other joint structures such as cartilage, which can lead to
Noyes (1977) demonstrated the progressive fail- osteoarthritis. A deficiency in joint stability that results
ure of the ACL and displacement of lhe tibiofemoral from ACl impairments will increase the likelihood of ex
joint by applying a clinical test, the antel-iOl- drawer periencing the "giving way" sensation or functional insta-
'." tc;-st, to a cadaver knee up to the point of ACL failure bility, thus affecting activities of daily living such as gait,
'AFig, 4-13), At maximum load, the joint had dis- jogging, and squatting (Case Study fig 4-1- 1).
placed several millimeters. The ligament \vas still in
'~o,ntinuit.y even though it had undergone extensive
~jacro- and microfailure and extensive elongation,
'In Figure 4-13, the force-elongation curve generated
during the experiment, indicaling where Illicrofail-
.,:. ure of the ligament began, is compared with val"ious
stages of joint displacement t-ecordcd photographi-
Correlation of the results of this test in vitro with
clinical findincrs sheds Jjcrht on the microevents that
~ ~

take place in the ACL during normal daily activitv

and during injuries of variou~ degrees or s~verity. I~
Figure 4-14, the curve for the experimental study o 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
On cadaver knees that was presented in Figure 4-J3 Joint Displacement (mm)
been converted into a load-displacement curve
Case Study Figure 4-1-1.
divided into three regions, corresponding re-
Ligament injuries arc categorized clinically in thus the greater the tensile loads transmitlcc!
three ways according to degree of severity. Injuries through the tendon. Similarly, rhe larger the cross-
in the first category produce negligible clinical sectional area of the tendon, the greater the loads it
symptoms. Some pain is felt, but no joint instability can bear. Although the maximal stress to failure for
can be detected clinically, CYCI1 though microfaillire a muscle has been difficult LO compute accurately,
of the collagen fibers may have occurred. such measurements ha\'c shown that the tensile
Injuries in the second category produce severe strength or a healthy tendon 111<1)-.' be mon: than
pain and some joint instability can be detected clin- t\Vice that or its Illuscle (Elliot, 1967), This finding
ically. Progressive failure of the collagen fibers has is supponed clinically by the fact that muscle fUp-
taken place. resulting in parlial ligament nlplure. lures are more common than are ruptures through
The strength and stiffness of the ligament may have a tendon.
decreased by 50% or more, mainly because the Large muscles usually' have tendons with larg~
amount of undamaged tissue has been reduced. The cross-sectional areas. Examples arc the quadriceps
joint instability produced by the partial rupture or a
ligament is oflen masked by muscle activity, and
thus the clinical test for joint stability is usually
performed with the patient under anesthesia.
Injuries in the third categOlY produce severe pain - - - --------<0
during the course of trauma with less pain after
injury Clinically, the joint is founelto be completely -rend on Injuries: Achilles Tendon Injuries in
unstable. Most collagen fibers have ruptured, but a Runners. Which Result From a High Strain
few Illay still be intact, giving the ligament the ap- Rate
pearance of continuity even though it is unable to
SUppOrl any loads. ... middle-aged male marathoner engaged in a strenuous
Loading of a joint that is unstable as a result of A running activity expenenced pain and a popping sensa~
ligament or joint capsule rupture produces abnor- tion in his posterior calf. An overuse injury is diagnosed.
mally high stresses on the articular cartilage. This The first region of the load-deformation curve ShQ\.V5 a
abnormal loading of the articular cartilage in the normal physiological toe-loading response. In the linear
knee has been correlated with carl~,' osteoarthritis in region, high load is producing a higher deformation
humans and in animals. within the tendon structure. When the Achilles tendon is
Although injury mechanisms are generally com- subjected to higher strain rates during frequent loading
parable in ligaments and tendons, two additional ;_ ~ycles and insufficient time is allowed for the healing
factors become important in tendons because of process, the result is an overuse injury. Histological studies
their attachment to muscles: the amount of force ot',these injuries reveal a pathological pattern described as
produced by contraction of the muscle to which the ~'angiofibrotjc hyperplasia," which suggests a degenera-

tendon is attached and the cross-sectional area of " tive process. This failure in tendon remodeling frequently
the tendon in relation to lhat of its muscle. A tendon ,. occurs before the abrupt ruplure of the tendon. Relative
is subjected to increasing stress as its muscle con- aydscu!arity, inflammatory disease, and other local factors
tracls (see Fig, 6-10), When the Illuscle is maximally also contribute to midsubstance ruptures (Case Study 42-1),
contracted, the tensile stress on the tendon reaches
high levels. This slress can be increased fl.lrlher if OVERUSE ~ RUPTURE
rapid eccentric contraction of the muscle takes Toe Linear yield and
200,00 region region failure region
place; for example, rapid dorsiflexion of the ankle,
which does not allow for reflex relaxation of the gas- ~ 150,00
trocnemius and soleus muscles, increases the ten- u
sion on lhe Achilles tendon, The load imposed on .3 100.00
the tendon under these circumstances may exceed
the yield point. causing Achilles tendon rupture 50,00
(Case Study 4-21-
The strength of a muscle depends on ilS physio-
1,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 5,00 6,00 7,00
logical cross-sectional area. The larger the cross-
Def9rmation (mm)
sectional area of the muscle, the higher the magni;:'
lude of the foree produced by the contraction and Case Study Figure 421.
muscle with its patellar lendon and the triceps Slifac did nOl differ signillcanLi~1 (Kaspcrczyk et aI., 1991).
muscle with its Achilles tendon. Some small mus- This may be due 10 the fact lhal only lhe ACL was
cles have tendons with large cross-sectional areas; taken from donors in \I,,1hom no vascular or car-
such as the plantaris. which is a liny muscle with a diopulmonary disease and no ostcoanhritis of the
large tendon. knee was found on autopsy.


Factors That Affect the
A common clinical observation is thc incrcasecllax-
Biomechal1ical Properties of ity of the tendons and ligaments in the pubic arca
Tendons and Ligaments during later stages of pregnancy and the postpar-
tum period. This obsen"~llion has been confirmed in
Numerous factors alTecl I he biomcchanical proper- animal studies, Rundgren (1974) found lhmlhe ten-
ties of tendons and ligaments. The most common sile strength of the lendons and the pubic symphysis
are aging. pregnancy, mobilization and immobiliza- in rats decreased at the end of pregnancy and dur-
lion. diabeles. steroids. NSAID use. and hemodialy- ing the postpartum period. Stiffness of these stnlc-
sis. The biomcchanical properties of grafts are also tures decreased in the early postpartum pCI'iod but
d,iscllssed because reconstruction, particularly of the was later restored.
anterior and posterior knee ligaments, is common.
Living tissues are dynamic and change their me-
The physical properlies of collagen and of lhe lis- chanical properties in response to stress, which
sues it composes are closely associaled with the leads to functional adaptation and optimal opera-
/ number and quality of the crossMlinks within and be- lion of the tissue.
tween the collagen molecules. During maturation Like bonc, ligament and tcndon appear to re-
(up to 20 years of age), the number and quality of model in response to the mechanical demands
cross-links increases. resulting in increased tensile placed on them; they become stronger and stiffer
strength of the tendon and ligament (Viidik, when subjected to increased stress and weaker and
Danielsen, & Oxluncl, 1982). An increase in collagen less stiff when the stress is reduced (Noyes el aL.
fibril diameter is also observed (Parry et aL. 1978) I 977a),
wilh high variabilily in size (range 20-180 nm) Physical training has been found to increase the
(Strocchi. el aL. 1996) noted in lhe ~'oung 20 tensile strength of tendons and of the Iigament Mbone
years), The diameler in adults (20-60 veal's) and in interface (Woo et aL. 1981), Tipton and coworkers
lhe elderly (>60 years) decreases remarkably (120 (1970) compared the slrenglh and sliffness of me-
and 110 nm) but \vith a marc even distribution. dial collateral ligaments from dogs that were e~cr
Slrocchi et al. (1996) investigated age-related ciscd strenuously for 6 weeks with the values for lig-
changes in human ACL collagen fibrils and reports aments from a control group of animals. The
an increase of libril concenlration from 68librils/mu' ligamcnts of the exercised dogs were stronger and
in the young to 140 fibrils/mu' in the elderly. How- stiffer than lhose of lhe control dogs. and the colla-
evel; Amiel (1991) reports Ihal lhe waleI' content gen fiber bundles had largel- dianlelers.
and the collagen concentration decreases signifi- (mmobilization has been found to decrease the
cantly in the medial cruciate ligament of 2 M, 12-, and tensile strength of ligaments (Newton et al., 1995;
39-month-old rabbits, Walsh et aL. 1993), Noyes (1977a) demonstrated a
After maturation, as aging progresses, collagen reduction in the mechanical properties of the
reaches a plateau with respect to its mechanical bone-ligament-bone complex in knees of primates
properties, afler which the tensile strength and stiff- immobilized in body casts for 8 weeks. When
i': ness of the tissue begin to decrease. This may be the lested in tension to failure, the ACLs from these
result of an increase in small collagen fibrils. Con- animals showed a 391'10 decrease in maximum .load
versely, when the ACL of younger donors (average to failure and a 32% decrease in energy stored to
age 30 years) was compared wilh the ACL of older failul-e compared with ligaments fl'om a control
donors (average age 64.7 years), the material prop- group of animals (Fig. 4-15A), The immobilized
erties (strain. elastic modules, and maximum stress) ligaments also displayed more elongation and were

oF"'-';- ,
significanlly less stitT than the control spcc..:imens ments (Fig. 4-1 SA). Woo et "I. (1987) found that the
(Fig, 4-158), stress-strain characteristics after rcmobilization re-
Amid and coworkers (1982) showed a similar de- turn to normal but that the energy-absorbing capa-
crease in the strength ancl stiffness or lateral collat- bilities or the bone-ligament complex improved but
eral ligaments in rabbits immobilized for 9 weeks. did not return to normal.
As the cross-sectional area of the specimens did 110t
change Significantly, the degeneration of mechani-
cal properties was altributed to changes in the liga-
ment substance itself. The tissue metabolism was The term diabetes rcfcrs to disorders characterized
noted to increase, leading to proportionally more by excessive urine excretion. Diabetes mellitus is a
immature collagen with a decrease in the amount metabolic disorder in which the ability to oxidize
and quality of the cross-links between collagen mol- carbohydrates is more or less completely lost. This
ecules. Newton et al. (1995) reported that the cross- is usually caused by pancreas insufficiency and a
sectional area of ligaments in immobilized n1bbit disturbance of the normal insulin mechanism, rc-
knees waS 740/0 of the control valuc. sulting in hyperglycemia, glycosuria, and polyuria.
In Noves' (I977a) experiment, assessment of the Diabetes mellitus is known to cause musculoskele-
effects of a reconditioning program initiated di- tal disorders. Diabetics compared with nondiabetics
rectly aftcr the 8-\\'cek immobilization pel"iod show higher rates of tendon contracture (29 \IS. 9%),
demonstraLcd that considerable time was needed tenosynovitis (59 vs. 7%), joint stillness (40 vs. 9%),
1'01' the immobilized ligaments to regain their for- and capsulitis (16 \'s. 1%). Diabetes also causes os-
mer strength and stiffncss. After 5 months, the re- teoporosis (Calvallo et aI., 1991; Lancaster et aI.,
conditioned ligaments still showed considerably 1994).
less stiffness and 20% less strength than did liga- Duquette (1996) examined the effects of diabetes
ments from control animals. At 12 months, the re- on the properties of the collateral knee ligament in
conditioned ligaments had strength and stiffness rats. The tissue elastic properties did not differ be-
values comparable to those of control group liga- tween the diabetic and the control group. The vis-



~~ 60
l'l E
c ~
E A' .------- Immobilized
--~8 weeks)

" " I

,.- " "" \

o -- \

Maximum load Energy slored Elongation (mm)

10 failure 10 failure

A, Maximal load to failure and energy stored to failure for program for 12 months. 8. Compared with controls. liga-
primate anterior cruciate ligaments tested in tension to faH- ments immobilized for 8 weeks were significantly less stiff (as
ure. Values are shown as a percentage of control values for indicated by the slope of the curve) and underwent greater
three groups of experimental animals: (1) those immobilized elongation. Adapred from Noyes. FR. 0977(1). Functional proper~
in body casts for 8 weeks; (2) those immobilized for 8 weeks I ties of knee ligaments and alterations induced by immobilization.
and given a reconditioning program for 5 months; and (lin Onhop, 123,2/0-242.
(3) those immobilized for 8 weeks and given a reconditioning
COllS component of the tissue response, however, (1997) reports that physiological levels of estrogen
\vas increased in the hy'perglycemic group. Insulin reduce the collagen production by 40(;1(; and at phar
therapy seems to lessen such alterations. Lancaster, macological levels of estrogen, collagen production
ct al. (1994) examined the changes in the mechani~ is decreased by' more than 50%, Estrogen fluctua
cal properties of the patellar tendon in diabetic dogs. tions may alter ligament metabolism and ma
The results showed the stiffness of the canine patel- change the composition of ligament, rendering i
lar tendon-tibia complex in a phy'sioiogical range of more susceptible to injury.
loading was 13% greater than in the control group.
There was no difference in the strength of the tendon
between the groups, but the mode of failure was dif~
ferent. In the control group, failure was caused by NSAIDs (which include aspirin, acetaminophen, and
substance and avulsion failure, whereas failure of indomethacin) are frequently used in the treatmen
the tendon in the diabetic group was caused by ten- of various painful conditions of the musculoskeleta
sile fractures of the patella (Lancaster et al" 1994). system. NSAIDs are also widely used in the treat
ment of soft tissue injuries such as inflammatOl)' dis
orders and partial ruptures of tendons and liga
ments. Vogel (1977) found that treatment wit
Corticosteroids, when applied immediately after in- indomethacin resulted in increased tensile strengt
jury, may' cause significant impairment of the bio~ in rat tail tendons. An increase in the proportion o
mechanical and histological properties in liga~ insoluble collagen and in the total collagen conten
ments. Corticosteroids also are known to inhibit also was observed. Ohkawa (1982) found increase
collagen synthesis in vitro (\'Valsh et aL, 1995). \Vig- tensile strength in the periodontium of rats after in
gins et a!. (1994) described these results in rabbits domethacin treatment. Carlstedt and associate
and implied that an acute injured ligament treated (1986a, 1986b) found that indomethacin treatmen
with corticosteroid injections may not \vithstand increased the tensile strength in developing an
the mechanical loads of an earl)!, vigorous rehabili- healing plantaris longus tendons in the rabbit an
tation. Noyes et a!. (1977b) reported decreased liga- noted that the mechanism for this increase wa
ment stiffness, failure load, and energy absorption probably an increased cross-linkage of collagen mol
in monkey ligaments after injection of long-acting ecules. These animal studies suggest that short~tern
corticosteroids. These findings were tin1e- and administration of NSAlDs would not be deleteriou
dosage-dependent. After application of a dosage for tendon healing but instead \vould increase th
that was approximately 10 times an equivalent hu- rate of biomechanical restoration of the tissue.
man dose. only! minimal changes were found after 6
\veeks, but after IS weeks the maximum failure load
(20%), energy absorption prior to failure (11%), and
stiffness (11 %) decreased significantly. After Tendinous failure resulting from chronic renal failur
application of a dosage equivalent to the human does occur, \vith tendon rupture reaching 36% amon
dose, the maximum failure load (9%) and the en- individuals receiving hemodialysis. Hyperlaxity o
absorption (8%) decreased significantly. tendons and ligaments \vas found in 74%, patella
Campbell ct al. (1996), however, showed that a tendon elongation in 49%, and articular hypermobil
single injection of long-acting corticosteroid does ity in 51 % of individuals receiving long-term he
not cause histological differences in rats with acute modialysis (Rillo et a!., 1991). Dialysis-related amy
injured ligaments as compared \vith rats with acute loidosis may cause the deposition of amyloid in th
ligament injury and no injection of corticosteroids. synovium of tendons. The major constituent of th
lv1cchanical testing showed no significant difference amyloid fibrils is the beta 2-microglobulin (Morita e
in ultimate load or ultimate stress in the two a!., 1995; Honda et a!., 1990; Bardin et a!., 1985).
groups. Oxlund et a!. (1980) reports that local injec-
tions of corticosteroids every 3 days for 24 days in-
crease the tensile strength and maxin1um load stiff~
ness of muscle tendons but decrease the strength of Reconstruction of torn ligaments, especially or th
the bone attachments of ligaments. anterior and posterior cruciate ligament, is now
Laborator).' investigations established the pres- frequent procedure. The need for reconstruction
ence of estrogen receptors in hun1an ACLs. Liu et al. related to age, activity level, and associated injurie
Grafts derived from different individuals of the substantial proportion of elastin. which lends these
same species ar~ called allografts; grafts derived structures their great elasticity.
from the same individual are called aUlograhs. Allo- 2 The arrangement of the collagen fibers is
grafr tissue preservation is done through freezc- nearly parallel in tendons. equipping them to with-
drying and lowdose irrndiation to reduce rales of stand high unidirectional loads_ The less parallel
rejection ancl infection and to limit effects on the arrangement of the collagen fibers in ligaments al~
structural properties. Bone-patellar. tendon-bone, lows these structures to sustain predominant tensile
and Achilles tendon are llsually L1sed as allograft tis- stresses in one direction and smaller stresses in
sue, whereas the central tissue of the patellar ten- other directions.
don is commonly llsed as autograft tisslie.
Shino ct al. (1995) L1sed fresh-frozen allogenic ,;:~~)': At the insertion of ligament and tendon into
Achilles, tibialis anterior or posterior. and peroneus stiffer bone. the gradual change from a morc fibrous
[0 a morc bony rnaterial results in a dccreased stress
longus or brevis tendons for ACL reconstruction in
humans. Specimens were procured during second- concentration effect.
look anhroscop~'. Several years after reconstruction. ~ ~ Tendons and ligaments undergo deformation
the allografts had collagen fibril profiles that did not before failure. ,,""hen the ultimate tensile strength of
resemble normal tendon grafts or normal ACL. these structures is surpassed. complete failure DC
Strocchi et al. (1992) L1sed patellar tendons that had curs rapidl~!. and their load~bearing ability is sub~
been autograftcd to reconstn1C[ [onl ACLs. Follow-up stantially decreased.
biopsies were performed 6, 12. and 24 months after
5. Studies suggest that during nonllal activity. a
surgel}'. During this time, the aUlOgraft underwent tendon in vivo is subjected [0 less than one fourth of
considerable changes. and after 24 months the auto- its ultimate stress.
graft had the appearance of normal ligament tissue.
Strocchi suggested that the patellar tendon autograft '/'~:(: Injul"\! mechanisms in a tendon are influenced
is a valid functional ACL substitution for patients who by"{he ~lm~unt of force produced by the contraction
desire to perform normal mechanical activity. or the muscle to which the tendon is attached and
Corselli el al. (1996) reports thal replacement tis- the cross-sectional area or the tendon in relation to
sue undergoes extensive biological remodeling and that of ilS muscle.
incorporation. However. even a fully incorporated 7 i The biomechanical behavior of ligaments and
graft will never duplicate the native ACL but works tendons is viscoelastic. or ratedependent. so thal
instead as a check reign that increases the knee these structures display an increase in strength and
function_ Tohayama et al. (1996) stated that the stiffness with an increased loading rate.
graft elongation at the time of implantation influ-
S An additional effect of rate dependency is the
ences the long-term outcome of ACL rcconstruc
slow deformation, or creep. that occurs when ten-
tions. at least in the canine model. They compared
dons and ligamcnts are subjected to a constant low
those cases where the graft elongation behavior was
load over an extended period; stress relaxation takes
within the 95% confidence limit of normal ACL
place when these structures sustain a constant elon-
(group 1) with those cases where the graft elonga-
gation over time.
tion behavior was more than lhe 95(1'0 confidence
limit of the normal ACL (group 2). Group 2 had sig- /{gi,::':
:;;. b
results in a decline in the mechanical
nificantly less inner stiffness of the graft than did properties of tendons and ligaments, th~1t is, their
group 1. Group 2 showed a significantly increased strength, stiffness, and abilily to withsland defor-
anteroposterior laxity. but there was no difference mation.
in ultimate failure load and absorbed energy. 10 Pregnancy, immobilization. diabetes. steroids.
NSAlD Lise, and hemodialysis affect the biomechan-
ical properties of ligaments and tendons.
Allografts and autografts are useful in ligament
f~1-~Tendons and extremity ligaments are composed reconstruction but material propenies do not re-
largely of collagen, whose mechanical stability gives 'turn completel~" to normal levels.
lhese structures their characteristic strength and 12) Ligaments and tendons remodel in response to
flexibility. The ligaments flava of the spine have a the mechanical demands placed on them_
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" ST~UC,;,UR~ ;;'



Nutrition. mct.'lbolism

.~, ~'\.\, \},o'

Ex(r!:lcclJuI3r Mmix


"" EXTRACEllltLAR ."
The mcc~anjcal response Resistance of
-Collagen type J: suPPOrt tensile loads high tensile
is dependent on the
-Ground $ubsL.,ncc rate at which thl! loads forces with
arc applied limited elongation matcrialfSt.abilizc
collagenous skclC!ton


pS;.;~"NEUAAl Nm:ORK'
, :.~\:' ,- M~chjlnoreccp[ors

Sensorimotor Mechanism
'- '~\,


FLOW CHA~T 4-1 Common structure and mechanical properties of tendons and ligaments. *

*This flow chart is designed for classroom Of group di~cussion. Flow chart is not meant to be exhaustive.

..~.~."" ,~,."""".~~ ..""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,'",,"_~,_,,~,,,,.,,-"",",,,,,,,,,,,~,_,,,,,!.'<=J ""......"

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E ,~:<t

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w ';~

"- to
0 0

Ci -5


m C
E ~
"0 'C
c c.
m 0
~ 0
10 '<;"
~ E

, ~ ~
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'\:z:: ~

):Sf Cm
i,;vi ."
-"~/,< ~
';:>'i',o- .-
;:{;y;, to
, 0


s;;:e 6

l: The Cell andfor eXlracel1ubr matrix components


'{ Mechanical Caused InjurJes

Injuries in association with local strain type

and/or level of stress

... _._-
Microtr.lumJS that
t Stre5s +- Str:lin J l exceed the reparative
t Stress
-Thermal injuries Tendon 'Gun injurie5
'Inherit injuries 'Paratcnonilis L1cer3.tions
'Corticosleroids Tcndinosis 'Bone fr.lCIUre5
'Endocrinologic and -Tendinitis 'Colli5iol1s
metabolic discases:
diabetes Tendon's Jtuchment
-Rheumatoid arthritis 'ApophY5it is
),I! -Congenital diseases -EnthcsopJtics


, TOlal/PJrti;a1

FLOW CHART 43 Tendon injuries. Clinical examples. *

"This flow chart is designed fOf cla5sroom Of group discussion. Flow chart is not meant to be exhaustive.


. .".._. -'--~---'-'-=--



FLOW CHART 44 Ligaments structure and mechanical properties.* (PG, Proteoglycan)

~This flow chart is designed for classroom or group discussion. Flow chart is not meant to be exhaustive.

The Cell and/or cxtracellular matrix componcnts

Injuries in association with local strain type

Injurics in a~sociation with diseases
and/or Icvel of stress


Dccre.lsc in mechanical t Sinin r.ltC t Amount of load per
properties unit area
~ Microtraumas that
+- Stress -+ Strain exceed the reparative
t Stress

'Iatrogenic Injuries: 'Bone fnlCtureS

Corticosteroids 'Collisions

Endocrinologic ;lOd -Gun injuries

metJbolic diseases: -l~cerations

~i! Diabetes Mellitus



I 'FLOW CHART 45 Ligament failure. Clinical examples.'"

-This flow chart is designed for classroom or group discussion. Flow chart is not meant to be exhaustive.

'1 I
Biomechanics of
Peripheral Nerves and
Spinal Nerve Roots
Bjorn Rydevik, Goran Lundborg, Kje/l O/marker. Robert R Myers


Anatomy and Physiology of Peripheral Nerves

The Nerve Fibers: Structure and Function
Intraneural Connective Tissue oi Peripheral Nerves
The Microvascular System of Peripheral Nerves
Anatomy and Physiology of Spinal Nerve Roots
Microscopic Anatomy of Spinal Nerve Roots
Membranous Coverings of Spinal Nerve ROOlS
The Microvascular System of Spinal Nerve Roots
Biomechanical Behavior of Peripheral Nerves
Stretching (Tensile) Injuries of Peripheral Nerves
Compression Injuries of Peripheral Nerves
Critical Pressure levels
Mode of Pressure Application
Mechanical Aspects of Nerve Compression
Duration of Pressure Versus Pressure level
Biomechanical Behavior of Spinal Nerve Roots
Experimental Compression of Spinal Nerve Roots
Onset Rate of Compression
Multiple levels 01 Spinal Nerve Root Compression
Chronic Nerve Root Compression in Experimental Models
Flow Charts

._~ .. _-... _-~

pression. In this chapter, the basic microanatomy
Introduction the peripheral nentes and the spinal nCIYC roots
The nervouS s)'stcm scn'cs as the bod.:,/s control cen- revicwed \vith special reference to thesc buil
ter and communications nct\vork. As slIch, it has mechanisms of protection. The mechanical behav
three broad roles: it senses changes in the bod)! and of peripheral nen'es that are subjected to tension
in the external environment, it interprets these compression is also described in some detail.
changes, and it responds to this interpretation b)
initiating action in the form of muscle contraction
or gland secretion. Anatomy and Physiology of
For descriptive purposes, the nen'OllS s)'stem can Peripheral Nerves
be divided into two parts: the central nervous sys-
tem, consisting of the brain and spinal cord, and the The peripheral nervcs are complcx composite str
peripheral nervous system, composed of the various tures consisting of nen'e fibers, connective tiss
processes that extend from the brain and and blood vessels. Because the three tissue cleme
spinal corel. These peripheral nerve processes pro- that make up these nen'es react to trauma in dif
input to the central nervous system from sen- ent ways and may each pia)' distinct roles in
receptors in skin, joints, muscles, tendons, vis- functional deterioration of the nerve after inju
cera, and sense organs and provide output from it to each element is described separatel)'.
effectors (muscles and glands). The peripheral ner-
vous system includes 12 pairs of cranial nen'es and
branches and 31 pairs of spinal nerves and
their branches (Fig. 5- lil). These branches arc
called peripheral nerveS. The term nerve fiber refers to the elongated pn)c
Each spinal nerve is connected to the spinal cord (axon) extending from the nerve cell bod)' along w
a posterior (dorsal) root and an anterior its myelin sheath and Schwann cells (Figs. 5~2
root, which unite to form the spinal nerve 5-3). The nerve fibers of sensory neurons cond
intervertebral foramen (Fig. 5-1, B-D). The impulses frolll the skin, skeletal I11uscles, and jo
noste,ric)r roots contain fibers of sensory' neurons to the central nervous svstem. The nerve fibers of
conducting sensory information from recep- motor neurons conve)' impulses from the cen
in the skin, muscles, tendons, and joints to the nen'ous system to the skeletal muscles, causing m nervous system) and the anterior roots con~ cle contraction. (A detailed description of the
mainly fibers of motor neurons (those that con- chanics of muscle contraction is given in Chapter
impulses from the central nen'ous system to The nen'e fibers not only transmit impulses
targets such as muscle fibers). also sen'e as an anatomical connection between
Sh,ortlv after the spinal nerves leave their inter- nerve cell body' and its end organs. This connect
foramina, they divide into two main is maintained by axonal transport systems, thro
the dorsal rami, which innervate the mus- which various substances synthesized within
and skin of the head, neck, and back. and the cell body (e.g., proteins) are transported from
generally.' larger and more important ventral rami, cell body to the periphel)' and in the opposite di
innervate the ventral and lateral parts of tion. The axonal transport takes place at speeds t
structures as well as the upper and lower ex~ Vat)' from approxilnatcly 1 to approximatel)"
,,.,'m;t;,>< Except in the thoracic region, the ventral mm per day.
do not run directly to the structures that they' Most aXO!lS of the peripheral nervous system
innervate but first form interlacing networks, or surrounded by multilayered, segmented coveri
with adjacent nen'es (Fig. 5-1A). known as myelin sheaths (Fig. 5-3). Fibers with
This chapter focuses on both the peripheral nerves covering are said to be myelinated, whereas th
spinal nerve roots, which cOlltain not only nerve without it (mainly small sensol)' fibers conduct
fibers but also connective tissue elements and vascu- impulses for pain from the skin) are unmyelina
lar structures that encompass the nerve fibers. The The myelin sheath of the axons of the periph
possess some special anatomical properties nerves is produced b).' flattened cells called Schw
that may sen/e to protect the nente from mechanical cells arranged along the axon (Fig. 5-3). A sheat
damage, for instance, stretching (tension) and com- formed as the Schwann cell encircles the axon
body Ventral


B arch Dorsal


Thoracic nerves


Spinal nerve
~~ MOlor
~~ _ -->"",,--,-,'00'

Dorsal root
Coccygeal ganglion
A o

A, Schematic drawing of the spinal cord and the spinal is depicted. Adapted from rorrord, GJ & Anllgnostako5. N.fl.
nerves (posterior view). The spinal nerves emerge from the (J 984). Principles oj Anatomy and PhySiology (.1lh ed.J. New York:
spinal canal through the intervertebral foramina. There are 8 Harper & Row. B, Cross-section of the cervi<al spine showing
pairs of cervi<al nerves, 12 pairs of thoracic nerves,S pairs of the spinal cord in the spinal canal and the nerve roots exiting
lumbar nerves, 5 pairs of sacral nerves, and 1 pair of coc- through the intervertebral foramina. C, Cross-section of the
cygeal nerves. Except in the region of the 2nd to the 11 th lumbar spine shOWing the nerve roots of the cauda equina in
thoraci< vertebrae (T2-T11), the nerves form complex net- the spinal canal. 0, Each exiting nerve root complex in the in-
works called plexuses after exiting the intervertebral forClm- tervertebral foramen consists of a motor root, a sensory root,
ina. Only the main branch of each nerve, the ventral ramus, and a dorsal root ganglion.

\vinds around it many times, pushing its cytoplasm unmyelinated nerve fibers in a slow, continuous way,
and nucleus to the outside layer. Unmyelinated gaps whereas in the myelinaled nerve fibers the impulses
called nodes of Ranvier lie between the segments of "jump" al a higher speed from one node of Ranvicr
the myelin sheath at approximately I to 2 I11Ill apart. to the next in a process called saltatOl)" conduction.
The myelin sheath increases the speed of the con- The conduction velocity of a myelinated nerve is di-
duction of nerve impulses, and insulates and main- rectly proportional to the diameter of the fiber,
tains the aXOIl. Impulses arc propagated along the which lIsually ranges [Tom 2 La 20 J-l111. MOlar f-ibers

-. f:
innervate skeletal muscle have large diameters, tive tissue la)rers is essential becausc nerve flbcrs
do sensor~y' fibers that relay impulses associated extremely susceptible to stretching and comp
touch, pressure, heat, cold, and kinesthetic sion.
such as skeletal muscle tension and joint po- The outcnTlOst layer, the epineurium, is loc
Sensory fibers that conduct impulses for dull, between the fascicles and superficially in the ne
diffuse pain (as opposed to sharp, immediate pain) This rather loose connective tissue layer serves
the smallest diameters. Nerve fibers are packed cushion during movements of the nel\'e, protec
closely in fascicles, \vhieh are further arranged into the fascicles from external trauma and maintain
bUIl1(IIes that make lip the nen'c itself. The fascicles the oxygen supply sy'stem via the epineural bl
arc the functional subunits of the nCI-ve. vessels. The amount of epineural connective ti
varies among nerves and at different levels wi
the same nerve. \!Vhere the nerves lie close to b
or pass joints, the epineurium is often more ab
c1ant than e1scwhere, as the need for protection
Successive layers of connective tissue surround the be greater in these locations. The spinal nerve r
nerve fibers-called the endoneurium, perineuriUl11, are devoid of both epineuriurn and perincuri
,'mel epineurium-and protect the fibers' continuity and the ncrvc fibcrs in the nel\'e root may therc
(Fig. SA). The protective function of these connec- bc morc susceptible to trauma (Rydevik et aI., 19
The perineurium is a lamellar sheath that
compasses each fascicle. This sheath has great
Sensory nerve root chanical strength as well as a specific biochem
Sensory cell Motor cell body barrier. Its strength is demonstrated by the fact
body in dorsal in anterior horn the fascicles can be inflated by fluid to a pressur
rool ganglion of spinal cord
approximately! 1000 mm of mercury (I-Ig) beFore
! Dorsal perineuI'ium ruptuIes.
Spinal nerve \
\ \
The barrier function or the perineurium che
Dorsal ./ cally isolates the l1el\'e fibers From their surrou
ramus / ings, thus preserving an ionic environment of th
Ventral terior of the fascicles, a special milieu interieur.
Peripheral nerve ... '- endoneurium, the connective tissuc inside the f
Motor nerve rool
cles, is composed principally of fibroblasts and
I nerve The interstitial tissue pressure in the fasci
1 fiber the endoneurial fluid pressure, is normally slig

elevated (+ 1.5 0.7 mm Hg [Myers & Pow
1981]) comparecl \\'ith the pressure in surround
tissues sLIch as subcutaneous tissue (-4.7 0.8
Hg) and muscle tissue (~2 2 mm Hg). The elev
endoneurial fluid pressure is illustrated by the
Schematic representation of the arrangement of a typical nomenon whereby' incision of the perineurium
spinal nerve as it emerges from its dorsal and ventral nerve sults in herniation of nerve fibers. The endoneu
roots. The peripheral nerve begins after the dorsal ramus fluid pressure may increase further as a resu
branches off. (For the sake of simplicity, the nerve is not
trauma to the nerve, with subsequent edema. S
shown entering a plexus.) Spinal nerves and most periph-
a pressure increase ma.y affect the microcircula
eral nerves are mixed nerves: they contain both sensory
and the function of the nerve.
(afferent) and motor (efferent) nerve fibers. The cell body
and its nerve fibers make up the neuron. The cell bodies of
the motor neurons are located in the anterior horn of the
spinal cord, and those of the sensory neurons are found in
the dorsal root ganglia. Here, a motor nerve fiber is shown
innervating muscle and a sensory nerve fiber is depicted The peripheral nerve is a well-vascularized struc
innervating skin. Adapted from Rydevik, B., Brown, MD., & containing vascular networks in the epineurium
Lundborg, G. (/984). Pathoanatomy and pathophysiology of perineurium, and the endoneurium. Because
nerve root compression. Spine, 9, 7.
inlpulse propagation and axonal transport dep

? .... ,':;.- ..
Node of Ranvier

Schwann cell


Node of Ranvier

Schematic drawings of the structural features of a myelinated nerve fiber. Ad(1fJted from
Sunderland 5. 0978j. Nerves and Nerve Injuries (2nd ed.). Edinburgh: Churchill Livings/one.

on a local oxygen supply, it is natural that the

microvascular system has a large reserve capacity.
The blood supply to the peripheral nerve as a
whole is provided by large vessels that approach the
nCl\'C segmentally along its course. \,Vhen these lo-
cal nutrient vessels reach the nerve, they divide into
ascending and descending branches. These vessels
run longitudinally and frequently anastomose with
the vessels in the perineurium and endoncuriul11.
Within the epineurium, large arterioles and venules.
50 to 100 fl-l11 in dial11etel~ constitute a longitudinal Epineurium
vascular system (Fig. SA). Perineurium
\Vithin each fascicle lies a longitudinally oriented Endoneurium
capillary plexus with loop formations at various lev-
cis. The capillary system is Fed by arterioles 25 to
150 fLrn in diameter that penetrate the perineurial
Schematic drawing of a segment of a peripheral nerve.
membrane. These vessels run an oblique course
The individual nerve fibers are located within the en
through the perineurium, and it is believed that be-
doneurium. They are closely packed in fascicles, each of
cause of this structural peculiarity, they arc easily which is surrounded by a strong sheath, the perineurium.
closed like valves in the event that tissuc prcssurc A bundle of fascicles is embedded in a loose connective tis-
inside the fascicles increases (Lundborg, 1975; sue, the epineurium. Blood vessels are present in all layer
Myers et aI., 1986). This phenomenon may explain of the nerve. A, arterioles (shaded); V. venules (unshaded).
why even a limited increase in endoncurial fluid The arrows indicated the direction of blood flow. Adapted
pressure is associated with a reduction in intrafas- from Dahlin, L.B., Rydevik, B., & Lundborg, G. (1986). The
cicular blood flow. parhophysiology of nerve entrapments and nerve compression
The built-in safety system of longitudinal anasto- injuries. In A.R. Hargens (Ed.). Effects of lv1echanical Stress on
Tissue Viability. New York: Springer-Verlag.
moses provides a wide margin of safety if the re-
gional segmental vessels arc transectcd. In an ex-

peri mental animal in vivo model, it is extremely dif- "swdling" of the most caudal part of the respective
ficuh to induce complete ischemia to a nerve by 10- dorsal neryc root, called the dorsal rOOl ganglion.
surgical procedures. For example, if the whole The dorsal root ganglia arc locatcd in or close to the
sciatictil."'1i nerve complex of a rabbit (15 em long) intervertebral Foramen. Unlike the nCn!c roots, the
is surgically Sepal"aled from its surrounding struc- dorsal root ganglia arc not enclosed by cerc w

tures and the region"11 nutrient vessels arc ClIt. there brospinal fluid and the meninges. Instead. they are
is no detectable reduction in the intrafascicular enclosed by both a multilayc:rcd connective tissue
blood flow as studied by intravital microscopic tcch sheath, similar lo the perineurium of the peripheral
Y"iGucs. Even if such a mobilized nerve is ellt distally
or proximall~'. the intraneural longiwdinal vascular
systems cnn maintain the microcirculation at least 7
l~ 8 ern rTom the clil end. If a non mobilized nerve is
0"'.,'" cut, there is still perfect microcirculation even at the
vcr")' tip of the nerve; this phenomenon demon-
strates the sufficiency of the intraneural vascular
collalcrals. Howevcr~ othcr sllldies in rats indicate 4
.that stripping the epineural circulation rronl nerve
bundles causes demyelination of subpel'ineural
nerve fibers.
2 2
Anatomy and Physiology of
Spinal Nerve Roots
.. 3

In the earl~' embryological developmental stages,


the spinal cord has the same length as the spinal
column. However, in the full~: grown individual, the
t spinal cord ends as the COIlUS mcdullaris, approxi- 5

mately at the level of the fit'st lumbar vertebra. A
nerve root that leaves the spinal canal through an
intervertebral foramen in lhe lumbar or sacral spine

therefore has to pass from the point where it leaves
the spinal corel. which is in the lower thoracic spine.
lO the point of exit li'om the spine (Fig. 5-5). Be-
cause the spinal cord is not present be.low the first
lumbar vertebra, dte nervous content of the spinal
canal is only comprised of the lumbosacral nerve
f roots. This "bundle" of nerve roots within the IUI11-

! bar and sacral pan of the spinal canal has been sug-
gested to resemble the tail of a horse and is therefore
often called the cauda equina, that is, lail of horse. The intraspinal nervous structures as seen from behind.
The vertebral arches are removed by cutting the pedicles
Two different lypes of nerve roots are ("ound
(1). A ventral (2) and a dorsal (3) nerve root leave the
within the lumbosacral spine, ventral/motor roots
spinal cord as small rootlets (4). Before leaving the spinal
and dorsal/sensory roots. The cell bodies of (he mo- canal, the dorsal root forms a swelling called the dorsal
tor axons are located in the anterior horns of the root ganglion (5), which contains the sensory cell bodies.
gray malleI' in the spinal cord, and because these before forming the spinal nerve (6) together with the
nerve roots leave the spinal cord from the ventral as- ventral nerve root. The nerve roots are covered by a cen
pect, they are also called ventral roots. The other tral dural sac (7) or with extensions of this sac called
type of nelVC root is the SenSOl)', or dorsal root: As nerve root sleeves (B). ReprodtlCec/ with permission ;,om
the name suggests, these nerve roots mainly COll1 w O/marker. K. (J 99/ J. Spinal nerve rOOI compression. ACt/Ie
prise sensory (Le., afferent) axons and reach lhe compression of the cauda equina sludied in pigs. Acta Orthop

spinal cord at the dorsal region of the spinal cord. Scand. 62. Suppf 242.
The cell bodies of the sensory axons are located in a

nerve, and a loose connective tissue layer called outer layers of the root sheath arc similar to the pia
epineurium. cells of the spinal cord, and the cells in the distal
""Vhen the ncnlC root approaches the interverte- part are more similar to the arachnoid cells of the
bral foramen. the root sleeve gradually encloses the spinal dura. The inner layers of the rOOl sheath are
nerve tissue more lighLly. The subarachnoid space comprised of cells that show similarities to the cells
and the amount of cerebrospinal fluid surrounding of the perineurium of peripheral nerves. An in-
each nen'c root pair will thus become gradually re- lerrupted basement membrane encloses these
duced in the caudal direction. Compression injury cells separately. The inner layers of the root sheath
of a nerve root may induce an increase in the per- constitute a diffusion barrier bet\veen the cl1do~
meability of the endoneurial capillaries. resulting in neurium of the nerve roots and the cerebrospinal
edema formation (Olmarker et aI., 1989b; Rydevik & fluid, This barrier is considered to be relatively
Lundborg, 1977), This can lead to an increase of the weak and may only prevent the passage or macro-
imraneural fluid and subsequent impairment of the molecules.
nutritional transport to the nerve (Myers & Powell. The spinal dura encloses the nerve roots and the
1981; Myers, 1998), Such a mechanism might be cerebrospinal fluid, When the two layers of the cra-
particularly important at locations where the nerve nial dura enter the spinal canal. the outcr layer
roots are tightly enclosed by connective tissue. Thus blends with the periosteum of the pan of the lami-
there is a more pronounced risk for an "entrapment nae of the cervical vertebrae facing the spinal canal.
syndrornc" within the nerve roots at the intcrvene- The inner layers join the arachnoid and become the
bral foramen than more central in the cauda equina spinal dura. [n contrast to the rooL sheath, the
(Rydevik et aI., 1984), The dorsal root ganglion, with spinal dura is an effective difTusion barrier: The bar-
its content of sensory nCt've cell bodies, tighlly en- rier properties are located in a connective tissue
closed by meninges, might be panicularly suscepti- sheath between the dura and the arachnoid called
ble to edema formation. the neurotheliunl. Sirnilar to the inner layer or the
root sheath, this ncurothclium resembles the
perineurium of the pel'iphcral nen'es. It is suggested
thal these t\VO layers in facl form the perincuriulll
when the nerve rooL is transformed to a peripheral
There are two microscopically different rc.:::gions of nerve upon leaving the spinal.
the ncnlC roots. Closest to the spinal cord is a cen-
tral glial segment comprised of glial cells and there-
fore resembles the microscopic organization of cen-
tral nervous structures at the spinal cord or the
brain. This glial segment is transferred to a nonglial Information about the vascular anatomy of the
segment in a "dome-shaped" junction a few mil- nerve roots has mainly been derived from studies
limeters from the spinal cord. This nonglial segment on the vascularization of the spinal corel. Therefore.
is organized in the same manner as the en- the nomenclature of the various vessels has been
doneurium of the peripheral nerves, that is, with somewhat confusing. A SLlllllTIaty of the existing
Schwann cells instead of glia cells. However, some knowledge on nerve root vasculature will be pre-
small islets of glia cells also are found in this other- senteel below,
wise "peripherally" organized endoncurium. The segnlental arteries generally divide into three
branches when approaching the intervertebral fora-
men: (1) an anterior branch that supplies the poste-
rior abdominal wall and lumbar plexus. (2) a poste-
rior branch that supplies the paraspinal muscles
The axons in the endoneurium are separated from and facet joints, and (3) an intermediate branch that
the cerebrospinal fluid by a thin layer of connective supplies the contents of the spinal canal. A branch
tissue called the root sheath, This root sheath is the of the intermediate branch joins the nCI"ve root at
structural analogue to the pia mater that covers the the level of the dorsal root ganglion, There are usu-
spinal cord. There are usually 2 to 5 cellular layers ally three branches from this vessel: one La the ven-
in the root sheath, but as many as 12 layers have tcal root, one to the dorsal root, and one to the vasa
been identified, The cells of the proximal part of the corona of the spinal corel.
The branches to the vasa corona of lhe spinal
corel, called medullal)' arteries, arc inconsistcnt.
7 to 8 remain or the 128 from the cmbryologi-
period of life, and each supplies more than one
segment or the spinal core!. The main medullary
in the thoracic region of the spine was dis-
covered by Adamkiewicz in 1881 and still bears his
name. The medullary arteries run parallel to the
~~-nt:rve roots (Fig. 5-6). In humans, there are no con-
:7:. nections between these vessels and the vascular net M

work of the nerve roOlS. Because the medullmy

feeder artcrics only occasionally supply lhe nerve
roots with blood, they have been referred to as the
extrinsic vascular system of the cauda equina.
The vasculature of thc nerve roots is formed by
Schematic presentation of some anatomical features of t
branches from the intermediate branch of the seg-
intrinsic arteries of the spinal nerve roots. The arterioles
mental arlclY distally and by branches from lhe within the cauda equina may be referred to either the e
vasa corona of the spinal cord proximally. As op- trinsic (1) or the intrinsic (2) vascular system. From the su
posed to the medullat)' arteries, this vascular net- perficial intrinsic arterioles are branches that continue al
work has been named the intrinsic vascular system most at right angles down between the fascicles. These
of the cauda equina. The dislal branch to the dorsal vessels often run in a spiraling course, thus forming vasc
!I root first forms lhc ganglionic plexus within the dor- lar "coils" (3). When reaching a specific fascicle they
sal root ganglion. The vessels run within the outcr branch in a T-like manner, with one branch running cra-
layers of the root sheath, called cpi-pial tissuc. As nially and one caudally, forming interfascicular arterioles
there are vesscls coming from both distal and prox- (2b). From these interfascicular arterioles are small
branches that enter the fascicles, where they supply the
imal directions, the ncr've roots are supplied by two
endoneurial capillary networks (2c). Arterioles of the ex-
separate vascular systems. The two syslems anasto-
trinsic vascular system run outside the spinal dura (4) and
mose at approximalely two thirds of the nerve rool have no connections with the intrinsic system by local va
lenglh from the spinal corel. This location demon- cular branches. The superiicial intrinsic arterioles (2a) are
strates i:\ region of a less-developed vascular nClwork located within the root sheath (5). Reproduced with permi
and has been suggested lo be a panicularly vulner- sion from Olmarker. K. (1991 J. Spinal nerve rooe compression.
able site of lhe nerve rools. Acuee compression of the cauda equina seudied in pigs. Acta
The arterics of the intrinsic system send branches Qnhop Scand, 52. Supp1242.
down to the decper parts of thc nerve tissue in a T-
like manner. To compensate for elongation of the
nerve roots, the mteries are coiled both longitudi-
nally and in thc steep running branches bClwccn the
different fascicles (Fig. 5-6). Unlike peripheral
nerves, the vcnules do not course togethcr with the
arteries in the nerve roots but instead usually have Biomechanical Behavior of
a spiraling course in the deeper pans of the nerve. Peripheral Nerves
There is a barrier of the endoneurial capillaries in
periphcral nerves called the blooel-nerve barrier, External trauma to the extremities and nerve e
which is similar to the blood-brain barrier of lhe trapment may produce mechanical deformation
central nervous system (Lundborg, 1975; Rydevik & the peripheral nerves that resulls in the deterior
Lundborg. 1977). The presence of a corresponding tion of nerve Function. If the mechanical trauma e
barrier in netlle roots has been queslioned. If pre- ceeds a certain degree, the nerves' buill-in mech
sem, a blood-nerve barrier in nerve rOOlS does not nisms of prolcction may not be sufficient, resulli
seem to be as well developed as in endoneuria I cap- in changes in nerve sLructure and function. Co
illaries of peripheral nerve, which implies that . mon modes of nerve injlll)' are stretching and co
edema may be formed more easily in nen.,'c roots pression. which may be. inflicted, respectively,
lhan in peripheral nelves (Rydevik el aI., 1984). rapid eXlension and crushing.
STRETCHING (TENSILE) INJURIES OF ties, and the nerve behaves 1110re !ike a plastic m
PERIPHERAL NERVES terial (I.e., its response to the release of loads is i
complete recovery).
Nerves arc strong structures with considerable ten- Although variations exist in the tensile streng
sile strength. The maximal load that call be SlIS- of various nerves, the maximal elongation at t
tained b~/ the median and ulnar nerves is in the elastic limit is approximately 20(~fi, and comple
rangc of 70 to 220 newtons (N) and 60 to 150 N, rc- structural failure seen1S to occur at a maximu
spectively. These f-igurcs afC of academic interest elongation of approximately 25 to 30(k;. These v
only because severe intraneural tissue damage is ues are for normal nerves; injury to a nell/e may
produced b:v tension long before a nerve breaks. duce changes in its mechanical properties, name
A discussion of the elasticity and biomcchanical increased stiffness and decreased elasticit\'.
properties of nerves is complicated by the fact that Stretching, or tensile, injuries of peripher
nerves are not homogeneous isotropic I11aterials but, nerves are usually' associated with severe acciden
instead, composite structures, \vith each tissue com- such as when high-energ.\' tension is applied to t
ponent having its O\VI1 biomechanical properties. brachial plexus in association with a birth~relat
The connective tissues of the epineurium and per- injur.\'. as a result of high-speed vehicular co!lisio
ineurium arc primarily longitudinal structures. or after a fall from a height. Such plexus injuri
\,Vhen tension is applied to a nen'e, initial elon- may result in partial or total functional loss of som
gation of the nerve under a ver.v small load is fol- or all of the nerves in the upper extremity, and t
lowed by! an interval in \vhich stress and elongation consequent functional deficits represent a conside
show a linear relationship characteristic of an elas- able disability in terms of sensory and motor lo
tic material (Fig. 5-7). As the limit of the linear re~ The outcorne depends on which tissue componen
gion is approached, the nerve fibers start to rupture of the nerves are damaged as well as on the exte
inside the endoneurial tubes and inside the intact of the tissue injury'. Of clinical importance is the o
perineurium. The perineurial sheaths rupture at ap- servation that there can be considerable structur
proximately 25 to 30i?-c elongation (ultimate strain) damage (perineurial sheath injuries) induced
above in vivo length (Rydevik et aI., 1990). Aftcr this stretching with no visible injury' on the surface
point, there is a disintegration of the elastic proper- the nerve (Case Study 5-1).

In-situ strain: 11.0 :!:. 1.5%

7 In-situ stress: 0.05 :c: 0.3 MPa

~ 5
iii 4
2 Ultimate stress: 11.7 :.:: 7 MPa
1 Ultimate strain: 38.5 :::: 2.0'%

0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Strain ('%)

The stress-strain behavior of a rabbit tibial nerve. The nerve K\van, M.K., Myers, R.R., et al. (1990). An in. vitro mechanical an
exhibits a low stiffness toe region of approximately 15 % histological study of acute stretching on rabbit tibial nerve. J Or-
and begins to retain significant tension as the strain increases thop Res, 8, 694-707.
beyond 20%. Reproduced with permission from Rydevik. 8.L.,
. B~ichial Plexus Palsy

the birth process, a newborn suffered a trac-

.~fit9~. injury in his left brachial plexus. A few months
I normal values during I-hour restitution. At 12
elongation, conduction was completely blocked by
hour and showed minimal recovery (Wall et a
1992). Such data have clinical implication in ner
rcpail~ limb trauma, and limb lengthening.
'~t~~:.h~'presents with the upper left arm in a static posi- A situation of even more gradual stretching, a
'~i?r-.()fadduction, internal rotation of the shoulder, ex- plied over a long time, is the growth or intraneu
i~h?i{)pof the elbow, pronation of the forearm, and flex- tumors such as schwannomas. In this situation, t
i'9r'l9fthe wrist. He does not respond to sensory stimulus nerve fibers are forced into a circumferential Cou
'iri;~i~>shoulder and presents biceps and brachioradialis around the gradually expanding tumor. Function
~',-"~fje.x.ia. A sudden deformation and high tensile stress in changes in cases of sllch very gradual stretching a the (5-(6 nerve roots affected the mixed (motor
. j.. '~'. 'f',""'. oftcn minimal or nonexistent.
:'.'~ilnd.s.en.sory) neural functions, mainly the muscles respon-
",-slbh~,'for the scapulohumeral rhythm (see Chapter 12).

.1' ;:\)'AHE.rb's palsy is diagnosed. The sudden elongation COMPRESSION INJURIES OF PERIPHERAL
J7;r~uHer~~d during the traction can lead to structural dam- NERVES
~;.~ge an9 reduction in the transverse fascicular cross-sec-
{ftio.f1~(area, producing impairment of the intraneural It hns long been known that compression of a ner
:~",,:vascu.lar flow and impulse transmission. can induce symploms stich as numbness, pain, a
.1,: ~.

1', .In less severe cases, functional restoration may occur muscle weakness. Thc biological basis for the fun
t.- withinweeks or months. In more severe cases, healing may tional changes has been investigatcd eXlensiv
"ii:~~X~k(place during the first 2 to 3 years, but if the structural (Rvdevik & Lundborg, 1977; Rydevik et aL, 1981),
:~r~erveJnjury is severe, considerable long-term functional these investigations (Fig. 5-9), even mild compre
:s<'disability can result, If structural derangement of the nerve sion was observed lo induce structural and fun
:i::i.trunk has taken place, nerve grafting may be required. lion'll changes, and the significance of mechanic
):i:' , "

High-energy plexus injuries represent an extreme

type of stretching lesion caused by sudden violent
J trauma. A differcm stretching situation of considerable
clinical interest is the sutllling of the two ends of a CuL
nerve under moderate tension. This situation occurs
when a substantial gap exists in the continuity of a
nerve trunk and the restoration of the continuity re-
quires the application of tension to bring the neryc ends
back togethel: The moderate, gradual tension applied
to the nerve in these cases may stretch and angulate lo-
cal feeding vessels. It ma.y also be sufficient to reduce
the transverse fascicular cross-seclional area and im- Elongation
pair the intraneural nutritive capillary flow (Fig. 5-8).
As the sutured nelve is stretched, the perineurium
l'ightens; as a result, the endoneurial fluid pressure is
increased and the intrafascicular capillaries may' be Schematic representation of a peripheral nerve and its
blood supply at three stages during stretching. Stage I: T
obliterated. Also, the flow is impaired in lhe scgmcn
segmental blood vessels (S) are normally coiled to allow
lal, feeding, and draining vessels, as it is in larger
for the physiological movements of the nerve. Stage II: U
vessels in the epineudulll, and at a certain stage lhe der gradually increasing elongation, these regional vess
intraneural microcirculation ceases. Intravital obser- become stretched and the blood flow in them is impaire
vations of intraneural blood now in rabbit tibial Stage III: The cross-sectional area of the nerve (represen
nel'ves (Lundborg & Rydevik, 1973) showed that an within the circle) is reduced during stretching and the in
elongation of 80M induced impaired venular no\\' and traneural blood flow is further impaired, Complete cessa
that even greater tension produced continuous im- tion of all blood flow in the nerve usually occurs at ap-
pairment of capillary and arteriolar now until. at proximately 15% elongation. Adapted from Lundborg. G.
15% elongation, all intraneural microcirculation Rydevik. 8. (1973). ENeas 0; strecching the tibial nerve of the
rabbit: A preliminary study 0; (he intraneural circulation and
ceased completely. For the same nerve, an elongation
barrier (uncrion of the perineurium. J Bone Joint Surg, 558. 3
(strain) of 60/0 induced a reduction of nerve action po-
tential amplitude by 709'0 at I hour with recover)' to
Recording sure levels (approximately 30 to 80 mm Hg) may in
electrodes ducc intrancural edema. \vhich in turn may becom
and amplifier
organized into a fibrotic scar in the ncn'e (Ryclevi
r1./,...,/ & Lundborg, 1977),
Compression Compression at approxirnately 30 111m Hg als
Stimulating chamber
electrodes I
brings about changes in the axonal transport sys
tems, and long-standing compression may thus lea
to depletion of axonally transported proteins dista
to the compression site. Such blockage of axona
transport induced by local compression (pinching
may cause the axons to be marc susceptible to ad
ditional compression distally. the so-called double
Compressed crush syndrome.
ajr inlets Slightly higher pressure (80 mm Hg, for example
causes complete cessation of intraneural blood flow
the nerve in the locally compressed segment be
comes completely ischemic. Yel, even after 2 hour
or more or compression, blood flo\\' is rapidly re
Schematic drawing of an experimental setup for studying stored whcn the pressure is released (Rydevik ct aI
deterioration of nerve function during compression. 1981), hen higher levels of pressure (200 to 40
Adapted from Dahlin, L.B. Rydevik, 8. & Lundborg. G. (1986). mm Hg, for example) applied directly to a nen'c ca
The pathophysiology of nerve entrapments and nerve compres' induce structural nerve fiber damage and rapid de
sian injuries. In A.R. Hargens (Ed.). Effeers of Mechanical Stress terioration of nerve function, with incomplete rc
on Tissue Viability. New York: Springer- Verlag. covel) after even shortel periods of compression
Hence, the magnitude of the applied pressure an
the severity of the induced compression lesion ap
pear to be correlated.
factors such as pressure level and mode of com-
pression became apparent.
Mode of Pressure Application
The pressure level is not the only faclOr that influ
Critical Pressure Levels
ences the severity of nerve injlll)' brought about b
Experimental and clinical observations have re compression, Experimental and clinical evidenc
vealed some data on the critical pressure levels at indicates that the mode of pressure application
which disturbances occur in intraneural blood flow, also of major signiflcance. "Its importance is illu
axonal transport, and nerve function. Certain pres- trated by the fact that direct compression of a nerv
sure levels seem to be well defined with respect to at 400 mm Hg by means of a small inflatable cu
structural and functional changes induced in the around the nCI've induces a more severe nerve injur
nerve, The duration of the compression also influ- than does indirect compression of the nerve at 100
ences the development of these changes, mrn Hg via a tourniquet applied around the extrem
At 30 mm Hg of local compression, functional ity. Even though the hydrostatic pressure acting o
changes may occur in the nerve, and its viability the nerve in the former situation is less than ha
may be jeopardized during prolonged compression that in the latter, the nerve lesion is more sever
(4 to 6 hours) at this pressure level (Lundborg et aI., probably because direct compression causes a mor
1982), Such changes appear to be caused by im- pronounced deformation of the nerve (especially a
pairment of the blood flow in the compressed part its edges) than does indirect compression, in whic
of the nerve (Rydevik et aI., 1981), Corresponding the tissue layers between the compression devic
pressure levels (approximately 32 111111 Hg) were and the nerve "bolster" the nerve, One nlay also con
recorded close to the median in the carpal clude that the nerve injllly caused by compression
tunnel in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome, not directly related to the high hycfrostatic pl'essu
while in a group of control subjects the pressure in in the center of the conipressed nerve segment bu
the carpal tunnel averaged onl~,.. 2 mm Hg. Long- instead is more dependent on the specific mechan
standing or intermittent compression at lo\\' pres- cal deformation induced by the applied pressure,
Mechanical Aspects of Nerve Compression ing bone_ h may also occur when a spinal nerve
compressed by a herniated elisc (Case Study 52).
Electron microscopic analysis of the deformation of
The details of the deformation or a nerve may
the nerve fibers in the peroneal nerve or the baboon
quite difTerent in these two cases of loading. In un
hind .limb induced b~,' tourniquet compression
form circumferential compression like that appli
demonstrated the so-called edge effect; that is. a
specific lesion was induced in the nerve fibers at
both edges of the compressed nerve segment: the
nodes of Ranvicr were displaced toward the non-
;!: I
compressed parts of the nctve. The nerve fibers in Sciatic Pain
the center of the compressed segment, where the
35-year-old male construction worker has chronic
hydrostatic presslltc is highest. generally were nOl
affected acutely. Tht.: large-diameter nerve fibers
A low back pain radiating below the- Ie-f! knee that is
more severe with lifting activities and prolonged posi,
were usually affected, but the thinner fibers were
tions. After a careful examination. certain neurological
spared. This finding confirms theoretical calcula-
signs were found. Positive straight leg raising and L5
tions that indicate larger nerve fibers undergo a rd-
motor and sensory functions were affected.
atively greater deformation than do thinner fibers at
A MRI shows a herniated disc at level L4-L5 with
a given pressure. It is also known clinically that a
posterolateral protrusion. which laterally compresses (he
compression lesion of a nCI-vc IIrst affects the large
left L5 nerve root. Compression of !he nerve deforms it
fibers (e.g., those that can)' molOr function). while
toward a more elliptical shape. increasing strain and
the thin fibers (e.g.. those that mediate pain sensa-
stress loads_ The effects of the pressure and mechanical
lion) arc often preserved. The intraneural blood ves-
deformation resultant from the load affects the nerve
sels have also been shown to be injured at the cdges
tissue, its nutrition, and the transmission function. in
of the compressed segment (Rydevik & Lundborg,
flammation of the nerve root, induced by the nucleus
1977), Basically, the lesions of nerve libers and
pu!posus, may sensitize the nerve rOOt so that mechani-
blood vessels seem to be consequences of the pres-
cal ne-rve root deformation causes SCiatic pain (Case
sllre gradient. which is maximal just al the edges of
Study Fig 521),
the compressed segment.
In considering the mechanical effects on nCI-ve
compression, keep in mind that the effect of a given
pressure depends on the way in which it is applied,
ils magnitude and duration. Although pressure may
be applied with a variety of spatial distributions.
two basic types of pressure applications arc gener-
ally encountered in experimental settings and in
pathological conditions. One type is uniform pres-
sure applied around the entire circumference of a
longitudinal segment or a nerve or exu'emity. This
is Ihe kind of purely radial pressure thai is applied
by the common pneumatic tourniquet. It has also
been used in miniature apparatlls to produce con-
trolled compression of individual nerves (Rydevik
& Lundborg, 1977) (Fig, 5-9). Clinically, Ihis Iype of
loading on a nerve probably occurs when the pres-
sure on the rnedian nenre is elevated in the carpal
tunnel. producing a characteristic syndrome.
Another type or mechanical action takes place
when the nerve is compressed laterally_ This is the
kind of defol-mation that occurs if a nelve or ex-
tremity is placed between two parallel nat rigid sur R

faces that arc then moved toward each othel~

squeezing the nerve or extremity. This type of defor-
mation occurs if a sudden blow by a rigid object
_.' Case Study Figure S-21.
squeczes a nervc against the surface of an undcrly~

.:.-- ~I
y factor at both high and low pressures, but ischemia
i pl[t~s a dominant role in longer-dunHion compres-
sion. This phenomcnon is illustraled b\' the fact that
direct ncr'vc compression at 30 111111 Fig for ) to 4
,'.' . .-:
--I------1I-- X
hours produces reversible changes, whereas pro
longed compression a(}()\'c this time period at this

, -,'
.... Pressure
I pressure level ma~' cause irreversible damage [0 the
nCI"e (Lundborg CI aI., 1982; Rydevik el aI., 1981),
";.:,, ..
", ,-",
dislribution ..--, ---c___
I' :' " '; ,';""
'/,:,". :," '.: 'f;-i::;: Corn pression at 400 I11Ill Hg causes a much more se-
A vere nervc injur~1 arter 2 hours than after 15 min-
, . ules. Such information indicalcs that Cn:n hiuh
pressure has to "acl" for a certain period of lime for
---- injur.v to occur. These data also give some informa-
" ' .. " :',:' lion about the viscoelastic (time-dependent) proper-
ties of" peripheral nCI"\'t: tissue. Sufficient time OJ! f!51
B' elapse for permanent deformation to develop.
E E'
F F'
G G'
i,' . . '",.,. x
Biol17echal1ical Behavior (Jf
Spinal Nerve Roots
I ,, The nerve roots in the thee;:d sac lack epinei"fl-tl:lw
and perin~uril1m, but under tensile loading they ex-
B hibit both elasticity and tensile strength. The ulti-
l11,tle load rnr ventral spinal nelye roots from the
thecal sac is belween 2 and 22 ! , and 1'01' dorsal
"iG, 5-11 nerve roots from the thecal sac the load is between
5 and 33 N. The length of the nerve roots I'rorn the
A, Theoretical displacement field under lateral compres-
spinal corel to the foramina \'aries From appro:d-
sion as a result of uniform clamping pressure. B, The origi,
I11ntely 60 mm at the L I level to approxilmllely 170
nal and deformed cross-sections are shown for maximum
elongation in the x direction of 10. 30, and 50%. The vec-
mm at the S I level. The mechanical propertics of
tors shown from A to fJ:, B to a', and so forth, indicate the
human spinal nerve roots arc c1ifferelll for an~1 given
paths followed by the particular points A, B, and so forth nerve roOl at its location in the cenlral spinal canal
during the deformation. ancl in the lateral intel'vertebral foramina. The ulti-
nwtc load for the inrr4lthecal portion of human SI
I nel'VC rOOIS at the S I level is appro:"\imatcl~; 13 N,
and thal 1'01' the roraminal portion is approximately
73 N. For human nCI'vc roots at the L5 level. the cor-
that this kind or
deformation can trigger r-iring of
responding values arc 16 Nand 71 N, respectively
nerves, resulting in a sensation or pain when the
(Fig. 5-12). Thus, the "allles ror ultimate load are
ne"'e Gbers are laterallv compressed. The details or
approxil11lel~" five times higher ror the foraminal
such deformation of nerves and their functional con-
segment of the spinal ner'vc roots than for the in-
sequences have not been studied extensively and re-
trathecal pan ion of the same nClVC roots under ten-
quire further research for their elucidation.
sile loading. However, the cross-sectional area of the
nerve root in the intervertebral fOI'(llllcn is sie:nifi-
Duration of Pressure Versus Pressure Level
cantlv . -
larger than that of the same nerve root in lhe
thecal sac; thus, the ultimate tensile stress was more
Knowledge is limited regarding the relalive impor- comparable for the two locations. The ultimate
tance o[ pressure and time, rcspectively, in the pro-
duction of nerve compression lesions. Mechanical -
strain LInder tensile loading is 13 La 19% for the
human ne,Ye root at the L5-S I level (Fig. 5-13),
faclors seenl to be rehllively more imporlant al The nerve roots in the spine arc nol static slruc-
higher than at lo\ver pressures. Time is a significant lures: they 1110\'C relati\'e to the surrounding tissues
Ultimate load: Human sinal nerve roots roots normally' adhere lo the surrounding tiss
above and below the intervertebral disc they
n:rsc, compression may give rise to intraneural
sion, Spencer and associates (1984) measured
contact force between a simulated disc herniat
u and a dclcwmed nerve 1'001 in cadavers. Taking
'" S
2 area of contact into aeCOUlll, they assumed a con
rn'" pressure of approximately 400 mm Hg. \<\'ith
duced disc height. the contact force and pressure
tween the experimental disc herniation and
nerve root was reduced, They suggested that th
findings may explain in pan why sciatic pain is
o'--_-'-_-';:-=----'-'-_-'-_-';-;:"'-_-'-_..J lieved after chcmol1ucleolysis, and as disc degene
Sl LS tion progresses over time and the disc height ther
N"4 N~4 decreases,
[n central spinal stenosis, the mechanics or ne
root compression arc completely diFferent. Un
these conditions, the pressure is applied circum
Diagram illustrating values for ultimate load obtained for
cntially around the nerve roots in the cauda cqu
human spinal nerve roots under tensile loading. INR, in-
at a slow, gradual rate, These different deformat
trathecal nerve roots; FNR, foraminal nerve root. Note the
marked difference in ultimate load for the intrathecal and
factors, together with the fact that the nerve ro
the foraminal portions of the nerve roots. Error bars indi- centrally within the cauda equina differ comple
cate standard deviation. Reproduced with permission from from the nerve roots located more laterally, clos
Weinstein, IN., Latviotte, R.. Rydevik, B., er al. (1989), Nerve. In the discs, ma.y explain some of the dillcrcnt syrm
J, \IV, Frymoyer & S.L. Gordon (Eds.). NevI Perspectives on Low toms found in spinal stenosis and disc herniatio
Back Pain (Chapter 4, pp. 35-130). Park Ridge. IL: MOS. {Based
on a workshop arranged by the National Institutes of Hea/rh
(NIH) in Airlie, Virginia, USA, May 1988.} Ultimate strain: Human spinal nerve roots

_ 1S
with every spinal motion. To allow for such motion l
the nerve roots in the intervertebral foramina, for .~

example. must have the capacity to glide. Chronic en 10

ilTitation with subsequent fibrosis around the nerve r"n
roots. in association with conditions such as disc
herniation and/or Foraminal stenosis. can thus im- S
pair the gliding capacity of the nel"VC roots. This
produces repeated "microstretching" injuries of the
nerve roots even during normal spinal 1110Vcments, o'----'---';:-J'-----''----'-------',-:-'---'--
which might be speculated to induce yet FUrl her tis- S1 LS
N.=4 N=4
sue iITitation in the nerve root components, The
normal range of movements of nerve root.s in the
human lumbar spine has been measured in cadaver
experiments. It was found that straight leg raising Ultimate strain for human spinal nerve roots under ten
moved the nerve roots at the level of the interverte- loading. INR, intrathecal nerve root; FNR, foraminal ne
bral foramina approximately 2 to 5 mm. root. Reproduced with permission from Weinstein, IN., L,1M
Certain biomechanical Factors are obviollsly in- otte, R" Rydevik, 8., er at. (1989). Nerve. In I \tV Fryrnoyer &
volved in the pathogenesis of val'ious symptoms in- Gordon (Eds.). New Perspectives on Low Bc1Ck Pain (Chapter
duced by nen'e root deformation in association with pp. 35-130). Park RieJge, Ii: MOS. IBased on cl workshop
disc herniation and spinal stenosis and resulting in arranged by the of Health (NIH) in Air/ie,
ginia, USA, May /988.J
radiating pain. In disc herniation, only one nerve
root is usually compressed, Because individual nerve

has been moderate interest in the past to

nerve root compression in experimental mod-
Early sludies in the 1950s and 1970s found that
roots seemed to be more susceptible La COI11-
-';l;'pl'essie,n than did peripheral nerves. During recent
howevcl~ the interest in nerve rool patho-
;ggph,ysiology has increased considerably and a oum-
of studies have been performed thal arc rc-
.vic,\Vc:ct below.
Some years ago. a model was presented to eval-
the effects of compression of the cauda
in pigs, \\!hich for the first time allowed
experimental, graded compression or cauda
nCl"Ve rOOlS at known pressure levels (01-
marker. 1991) (Fig. 5-14). In this Illodel, ,he calida
equina was compressed by an inflatable balloon
that was fixed to the spine. The cauda cquina
"could also be observed through the translucent
balloon. This mndel made it possible to stud~' the
flow in the intrinsic nerve roOl blood vessels at
various pressure levels (Olmarkcr el aI., 1989a). Schematic drawing of an experimental model. The cau
The experiment was designed in a way that the equina (A) is compressed by an inflatable balloon (8) t
pressure in the compression balloon \Vas in- is fixed to the spine by two l-shaped pins (C) and a ple
creased by 5 mm Hg evcry 20 seconds. Blood flow glass plate (0). Reproduced with permission from O/marke
and vessel diameters of the intrinsic vessels could Rydevik. 8., & Holm. S. (1989a). Edema (ormation in spina/
simultaneously be obsClycd through the balloon nerve roars inducecl by experimental. graded compression.
using a vilal microscope. The average occlusion experimental srudy on the pig cauda eq'Jina ~'.Jirh special re

pressure for the arterioles was !"ound to be slightly ence co differences in effects between rapid and slow onsec

below and directly related to the systolic blood

pressure. and the blood Ilow in the capillary net-
works was intimately depcndent on the blood flow
1 compression. Spine. ld. 579.


of the adjacent venulcs. This corroborates the as-

sumption that venular stasis may induce capillary Howevcc with this protocol a full restoration or
stasis and thus changes in the microcirculation of blood flow did not occur until thc compression
the nerve tissue and is in accordance with previ- lowcred from 5 to 0 mill Hg. This observation
ous studies in which such a mechanism has been ther supports the previous hypothesis that vasc
suggested as involved in carpal tunnel syndrome. impairment is present even at low pressure leve
The mean occlusion pressures for the venules A cornpression-induced impairmenl of the
demonstrated large val"iations. However, a pres- culature may thus be one mechanism for nerve
sure of 5 to 10 mOl Hg was found to be sufficient dysfunction because the nutrition of the nerve
for inducing venular occlusion. Because of retro- will be affected. However, the nerve rools will
grade stasis, it is not unlikely to assume that the derive a considerable nutritional supply via d
capillary blood flow will bc affected as well in slIch sion from the cerebrospinal nuicl. To assess
situations. compression-induced eFfects on the tolal conlr
In the same experimental SCt-lIp. the effects of tion to the nerve rools. an experiment was desig
gradual decompression, after initial acute compres- in which jH-labelcd melhyl-glucose was allowe
sion was maintained for only a short while. were be transported to the nen/c tissue in the c
studied. The average pressure for starting the blood pressed segment via both the blood vessels and
lIow was slightly lower at decompression than at cerebrospinal fluid diffusion aflcI- systemic in
comprcssion For artcrioles. capillaries. and vcnulcs. tion. The results showed that no compensa

_ . . . .'--->-->---
mechanism from cerebrospinal fluid diffusion ONSET RATE OF COMPRESSION
could be expeclr:d at the low pressure levels. On the
COil Lntl), to 111m Hg compression was sufficient to One faclor that has not been fully recognized
induce a 20 to 300/0 reduction of the transport or compr-ession trauma of nerve tissue is the onset r
mClhylglucosc to the nerve r001S, as compared of the compression. The onset rate, that is. the ti
with the control. from start to full compression. may vnry clinica
\Ve know 1"1'0111 experimental studies on peri ph- rrom fractions of seconds in lraUI11atic condition
end nen!cs that compression Illay also induce an months or years in association with degenerat
increase in the vascular permeability, leading to an processes. Even in the clinically' rapid-onset ra
intraneural edema formation. Such edema may' in- there ma:v be a wide variation or onset rales. \V
crease the cndoncuriul Fluid pressure, which in the presented model. it was possible to vary the
turn may impair the endoneurial capillary blood set time of the applied compression, Two onset ra
flow and jeopardize the nutrition of the ner'vc have been investigated, Either the pressure is p
rOOls. Because the edema Llsually persists for some sent and compression is started by flipping
lime after the rClllo\'al of a compressive agenl. switch of the compressed-air system used to inl
edema may negativel~r affect the nerve root for n the balloon or the compression pressure leve
longer period than the compression itself. The slowl~1 increased during 20 seconds. The first on
presence of intraneural edema is also related to the rate was measured at 0.05 to 0.1 seconds. thus p
subsequent formation of intraneural fibrosis and viding a rapid inflation of the balloon and a ra
may therefore contribute to the slow recaVCI)" seen compression onset.
in some patients with nellie compression disor- Such a rapid-onset rate has been found to ind
ders. To assess if' intraneural edema also may form more pronounced effects on eden1a formati
in nerve roots as the result of cornprcssion, the dis- mcth~ll-glucose transport. and impulse propagat
tribution of Evan's blue-labeled albumin in the lhan the slow-onser rale (Olmarker, 199 I). Rega
nerve tissue \vas analyzed after compression at var- ing methyl-glucose transport, the results show t
ious pressures and at various durations (Olmarker the levels within the compression zone arc m
el aI., 1989b). The study showed thal edema was pronounced at the rapid than at the slow onSd r
formed even at low pressure levels. The predomi at corresponding pressure levels. There was als
nant location was at the edges of the compression striking difference between the two onset ra
zone. when considering the segments ourside the co
The function of the nelYC roots has been studied pression zones. 1n the slow-onset series, the le
by direct electrical stimulation and recordings ei- approached baseline values closer to the compr
ther on the nenie itself or in the corresponding sion zone than in the rapid-onsel series. This m
muscular segments. During a 2- hour compression indicate the presence of a more pronounced ed
period, a critical pressure level for inducing a re- zone edema in the rapid-onset sel"ics, with a sub
duction uf MAP-amplitude seems to be located be- quent reduction of the nutritional transport in
tween 50 and 75 111m Hg. Higher pressure levels nerve tissue adjacent to the compression zone.
(100-200 mm Hg) may induce a tOlal conduction For the rapid-onset compression, which is lik
block \vith var.ying degrees of recovery after com- lo be more closely related to spine trauma or d
pression release. To stud)! the effect's of compres- herniation than to spinal stenosis, a pressure of
sion on sensory nerve fibers, electrodes in the mill Hg maintained for only 1 second is surflcien
sacrum were used to record a compound nerve ac- induce a gradual impairment of nc,'ve conduct
tion potential after stimulating the senso(v nerves during the 2 hours studied aftcr the cornpress
in the lail, that is, distal to the compression zone. was ended. Overall, the mechanisms for these p
The resuhs showed thaI the sensory fibers are nounced differences between the different on
slightly more susceptible to compression than are rates arc not clear but may be related to dilTeren
the motor fibers. Also, the nerve roots are more in the displacement rates of the compressed ne
susceptible to compression injury if the blood tissue toward the uncompressed parts, as a resul
pressure is lowered pharmacologically. This fur- the viscoelastic propcnics of the nellie tissue, S
ther indicates the importance of the blood supply phenomena may ICfld nOl only ro structural dam
to maintain the functional properties of the nerve to the nerve fibers but also to stn.lcturfll change
roots. the blood vcssels with subsequcnt edema formati
The gradual formation or intraneural edema may segment itself is ullcomprcssed. Regarding n
also be closely" related to observations of a graduall.\' conduction, the effects were much enhanced i
increasing dilTcrcncc in nerve conduction impair- distance between the compression balloons wa
ment between the two onset rates (Olmar-ker et al.. creased frorn one \'cn~bral segment La two v
1989b). bral segments (Olmarker & Rydevik. 1992). Thi
dicates that the functional impairment may
directl:v related to the distance between the
compression sites.
!'atients with double or multiple levcls of spinal
stenosis seem to have morc pronounced symptoms
than do patients with stenosis only at one level. The
presented model was modified to address this inter- Th~ discLlssion of compression-induced effect
esting clinical question. Using two balloons at two nerve roots has deall primarily wiLh acute c
adjacent disc levels. which resulted in a 10-mm un- pression, that is, compression that lasts for s
compressed nerve segment bctwcen the balloons, hours and with no survival of [he animal. To be
induced a much more pronounced impairment of mimic various clinical situations, compres
nerve impulse conduction than previollsl~' had been must be applied over longer periods of time. T
round at corresponding pressure levels (Olmarker & arc probably man." changes in the nerve Li
Rydevik. 1992). For instancc. a pressurc of 10 mm such as adaptation ofaxons and vasculature,
I-1g in two balloons induced a 60% reduction of will occur in patients but cannot be studied in
nerve impulse amplitude during 2 hours of COIll- perimental models using only I to 6 hours of c
pression, whereas 50 111m I-Ig in one balloon showed pression, Another important factor in this con
no reduction. is the onset rale that was discllssed previousl)
The mechanism ror the diFrerence between single clinical syndromes with nerve root compress
and double compression may not simply be based lhe onset time may in many cases be quite s
on the fact thal the nerve impulses have lo pass For instance, a gradual remodeling of the v
more than one compression zone at double-level brae to induce a spinal stenosis probably lead
.' . compression. There may also be a mechanism an onset lime of many years. Jt will of cours
based on the local vascular anatomy of the nerve dirficult to mimic such a situation in an exp
roots. Unlike for peripheral nerves, there are no re mental modcl. It will also be impossible to
gional nutritive arteries from the surrounding control over the pressure acting on the nerve r
structures to the intraneural vascular system in in chronic models because or the remodeling
spinal nerve roots. Compression at two levels might adaptation or the nerve tissue to the applied p
therefore induce a nutritionally impaired region be- sure. However, knowledge of the exact pressur
twcen the two compression sites. In this way. the probably of less importance in chronic tha
:.~: segment nffected by the compression would be acute compression situations. Instead, chr
"', widened from one b,~lIoon diarneter (10 mm) to two models should induce a conLrolled compres
balloon diameters including the inLCrjacent nerve with a slow onset time that is easily reproduc
segment (30 mm). This hypothesis was partly con- Such models may be well suited for studies
firmed in an experiment on continuous analyses of pathophysiological events as well as inlcrven
the total blood flow in the ul1compresscd nerve scg b~' surgery or drugs. Some attempts have b
ment located bet ween two compression balloons made to induce such compression.
(Takahashi et al.. 1993). The results showed that a Dclamarlcr and collaborators (1990) present
64% reduction of total blood now in the uncoll1- model on dog cauda equina in which they appli
pressed segment was induced when both balloons constricting plastic band. The band was tighte
were inflated to 10 mm Hg. At a pressure close to nrollnd the thecal sac to induce a 25, 50, or 750/
the systemic blood pressure lhere was complete is- duction of the cross-sectional area. The band
chemia in the nerve segment. Thus, experimental left in place for various limes. Analyses were
evidence shows that the blood supply to the nerve ~forl1led and showed both stnlctural.and functi
segment located between two compression sites in changes that were proportional to the degree of
nerve roots is severely impaired although this Tlel'VC striction.
Experimental study to analyze the effects on nerve conduc from Cornefjord, 1''11., 5ato, K., O/marker, K., et 011. (1997),
tion velocity of nucleus pulposus (1), the combination of morJe! for chronic nerve root compression studies. Present
nucleus pulposus and compression (2), and compression of a porcine mode! (or controlled slow-onset compression
only (3). The nucleus pulposus and the constrictor were ap- analyses of anatomic aspects, compression onser rate, and
plied to the first sacral nerve root in pigs. The contralateral phologic and neurophysiologic effects. Spine, 22. 946-957
nerve root served as a control. Reproduced with permission

To induce a s!c)\ver onset and more controlled in the nen'(' root and the dorsal root ganglio
compression, Cornefjord and collaborators (1997) lowing such compression also has been fo
used a constrictor to compress the nerve roots in Substance P is a neurotransmitter that is re
the pig (Fig. 5-15). The constrictor was initially! in- to pain transmission. The study may thus pr
tended for inducing vascular occlusion in experi- experimental evidence that compression of
mental ischemic conditions in dogs. The constric- roots produces pain.
tor consists of an outer metal' shell that on the The constrictor model has also been use
inside is covered with a material called amaroid stud.\' blood flow changes in the nerve root v
that expands when in contact with fluids. Because lature. It could then be observed that the b
of the metal shell, the amaroid expands inwards Flow is not reduced just outside the compre
with a maximum expansion after 2 weeks, result- zone but significantly reduced in parts o
ing in compression of a nerve root placed in the nerve roots located inside the constrictor. In
central opening of the constrictor. Compression of context, note that in case of disc herniation
the first sacral nerve root in the pig resulted in a nerve root may become sensitized by substa
significant reduction of nerve conduction velocity from the disc tissue (nucleus pulposus) so
and axonal injuries using a constrictor with a de- mechanical root deformation can induce
fined original diameter. An increase in substance P nounced sciatic pain.
Myc:rs. R.R .. ~Itlrabmi, H., .& "(}WI:I!. H.C. (1986), Red
uel"\'l' hlood flow in l.'delllatous nCllropathics-A bi
chanica I lIle(,:h.lOism . .11;LTol'tlscu!al' Ues. 32. 145-151
',:",f;1>Thc peripheral nerves arc composed of nerve Myi.'rs, R.R" 8.: Powell, H.e. (1981). Endoncuri,d fluid
}t;,,:rs, layers or connective tissue, and blood vessels. sure in peripheral neuropathies. In A.R. Hargens
Ti..; SIIC flilid PreSSl/re tlml C01lllJOsithm (p. 193). Balti
;~{2 The nCIYC f'ibers arc extremely susceptible 10
Willi.II11S &. Wilkins.
ruuma but because they arc surrounded by slicces- Olillarkl"', K., Rydc\ik. B., &: Holm. S. (1989a). Edema r(
sive layers of connective tissue (the epineuriulll and lion in spinllnl'l'\'l' roots induced by experimelltal. g
1?~rincurillm)J they arc 111cchanically protected. compression, An experirnenud Sllld~' on lhe: pig c
equina with special reference 10 dilTerences in effec
;:.'$';}Strctching induces changes in intraneural 1\\,(.'(.'11 rapid .. Iud slow onset of compression. Spiw:, I..J
bl~~d noll' m~d nerve Iiber S[;'llctllre before the Olmarkcr. K., Rydc\'ik. B.. Holm. S .. 1..'1 ill. (l9&9b). EffcC
trunk ruptures. CXpl'l'illlental graded compression on blood flow in s
nl,.l'vc roms. r\ vilal microscopic study 011 Ihe po
Comrression of a nerve can cause ItlJury to caudn equinll. J Orthop Res, 7,8Ii.
nerve fibers and blood vessels in the nerve, Olmarkcl'. K. {1991l. Spinal nerve rOOl compression.
'mail,lv at the edges of the compressed nerve seg- compression of dle cauda equina studied in pigs . .. IeU
V>:ment. but also by ischemic mechanisms. f/mp Scallll, 62. Suppl 2n.
Ollllarker. K. 6.: Rydc\ik. B. (1992). Single: \'('rstls doubk
5- Pressure level, duration of compression. and COlllllll,.ssion. '\n experimental slud.... un till..' porcine c
mode of preSSllre application arc signillcant vari- l'qUill,1 with 'lll.t1ySl'S of nenc impulse condu<:lion pr
ables in the development of nen'c injury, lies. Cfill On/lOp. 279, 3539.
j"."'j Olmarker. K. & Hasuc, :\1. (1995). Classificalion and p
6.. Spinal nerve roots arc anatomically different physiology of spinal pain syndromes. III J.1'$. \\\:inSl
from peripheral nerves and therefore react differ- B. Rydl'\'ik (Eds.), Essc/llial... or Ihe Spillt'. RJ\'l'n
ently to mechanical defonnalion, !\l,.w York. NY.
R~(!l'\'ik. B.L., Kw~n, \I.K., ;-"'Iyel's, R.R .. l'l al. (1990).
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peripheral ncrves to mechanical dcformation, on r;,hbit tibial nerve . .I Onhop Ucs. B, 694-701.
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ror chronic n('IT":" roOI compression studies. PrCSi..'IlI~llion
Ryd":"\'ik, B.. Bro\\'ll, :\I.D .. &: Lundborg, G. (1
of a porcine model for contrnlltd slow-onset comprl'ssion
P<llhoanatolll~' and pathoph ....siolog.\ of nel'\'e root
\\"ith an.tlyscs of anatomic ::lSPCCIS. comprl,.ssion onSel
pression. Sp;Ilt.'. 9. 7.
r~lle, and morphologic and neurophysiologic crfeels.
Ryd(.\'ik. B.L.. Kw<tn, M.K .. Myers R.R., et :11. (1990).
SpilIC, 22. 946-957,
vitro mechanical :\n(\ histological study of ,H:llle strel
[hillin. L.B .. Ry(kvik, B.. &: Lundborg. G. (1986). Thc p.IIIHI'
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physiology of nelTe eHtrapmellis and nervi..' cOlllpr":"ssion
injuries. In A.R. Hargens (Ed.). E!l;'cIS or .\kclwllic:al
Spencer. D.L.. ~'lillcr. J.I\., .& BCriolini. J.E. (198.J). Th
fects of intervertebral disc space narrO\\"ing nil the co
Stress 011 Tisslle Viability. New York: Springer-Verlag.
force bltwcen the Ill'rn' rOOt and a simlll:llcd disc p
Delamartcr, R.B" Bohlman. I-U-I., Dodge, L.D" el a!. (1990).
sion. Spille 9, 422.
Experimental lumbar spinal SlCllosis. Analysis of the cor-
SUl1ckrbnd. S. (1978). Nen'c.>: alld Nave III;tlri(~s (2nd
tic~d evoked potentials, microvasculature and histop<1thCII
Edinburgh: Churchill Livingslone.
ogy. J BOIlt: JOillf SI/r:.:, 72:\. 110-120.
Takah;lshi, K.. Olm:-.rkc.r. K., Holm, S .. cl II. (1993). Do
Lundbor!!, G., &: Rvdcvik, B. (1973), Effecls of strctchin!! Ihe
I('vel cauda ('quina cqmprcssion. An experimenlal
libial ~\cl"\"e of lill,. rabbic: :\ prdimin.ary slUdy of tilt: i;llra-
wilh conlinuous monitoring of intraneural blood fl
neural cin:ul~lliol1 and Ihe b.uTicr funclion of Ihe per
Onhop Res, II, 104,
inelll'iul11. J BOllI: JOill1 SlIrg, 558, 390.
TOrlora, GJ., & Anagnoslakos. N.r. (1984). Prillci"l
Lundborg. G. (1975). Structure :\Jld flllll:tioll of the inlra
AlUlIOI1lY (/ltd Physio}ogl' (41h cd.). N(.w York: Harper &
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Wall. E.J .. M:ISSic, J.B.. Kwan. M.K .. CI 011. (1992). E
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lllcnta! stretch neurop'lthy. Changcs in nerve condu
Lundborg, G., e{ .11, (1982). Median nel'\'e compression ill the
under tension,) BOllt' .foitlf Stl,.~, N-B. 126,
C,I1'p,ll tunnel: The fUllclion:l1 respons(. 10 cxpcrillH.'nlally
Weinstein. J.N"\lotll'. R.. Rydcdk, B. el 011., (1989). N
induced controllld pressure. .f f-/mu} SlIrg, 7, 152.
In J.W. Frymoyer 8.: S.L. Gordon (Eds.)_ Nell' 1'('I"spccti
Myers, R.R. (1998). :\Iorphology or the peripheral nervous
1.0\1' Back Paill (Chapll'r 4, pp, 3S-130). Park Ridg(
System nnd its relntiollship to neuropathic pain. In T.L
'\AOS. [Based 011 a workshop ,IIT,lngcu by Ihe N:llion
';aksh. C. Lynch III. W.M. Zapol.:-"-1. ~'1azc, J.E Bicbuyck . .&
stiwtes of Health (NIH) in AirJil'_ Virginia, USA. May
L.J. Saidman (Eds."J. Aw:...tht'S;u: Bio}o~ic FouI/datiolls (pp.
483-514). Phil'lCldphia: LippiIKOllR~I\,l,.'n.

Structural Protects -Biochemical Delivery Returned Tl<lnsmission of Of importJ.nce

'Axon's Local Myelin
composition from barrier of blood blood flow impulses; (or impulse
protector oxygen supply production and
and function external properties intl<lcellular transmission
-Nutrition synthesis of
affected trauma 'Preserves ionic tl<lnspon of trophic factors
environment material

.. D
Illness or injury

_ Peripheral nerve's structure and alteration. Clinical examples.*

"This flow (hart is designed for classroom or group discussion. Flow chart is not meant to be exhaustive.
Biomechanics o
Skeletal Muscle
Tobias Lorenz, Marco Campel/o adapred fr
Mark I. Pieman, Lars Peters

Composition and Structure of Skeletal Muscle
Structure and Organization of Muscle
Molecular Basis of Muscle Contraction
The MOtor Unit
The Musculotendinous Unit
Mechanics of Muscle Contraction
Summation and Tetanic Contraction
Types of Muscle Contraction
Force Production in Muscle
Length-Tension Relationship
Load-Velocity Relationship
ForceTime ReJ(ltionship
Effect of Skeletal lvIuscie Architecture
Effect of Prestretching
Effect of Temperature
Effect of Fatigue
Muscle Fiber Differentiation
Muscle Injuries
Muscle Remodeling
Effects of Disuse and Immobilization
Effects of Physical Training
Flow Charts

Introduction ton. The myofibril is made lip of several sarcome
that contain thin (actin), thick (myosin), clas
The muscular sYSlCll1 consists of three III usc Ie.:: l.ypes: (titin), and inelastic (ncbulin) filaments. Actin a
the cardiac muscle, which composes the hc[trt; the myosin are the contractile part of the myofibr
Sl1100th (nonstriated or involuntary) muscle, which
whereas titin and nebulin nrc part of the intramy
lines the hollow internal organs; and the skeletal fibrillar cytoskelcton (Stromer et aI., 1998). T
(striated or voluntary) muscle, which auaches to the myof-ibrils are the basic unit of contraction.
skeleton via the tendons. The focus of this chapter is Each fiber is encompassed b:y a loose connect
the role and function of skeletal muscle. tissue called the endomysium and the fibers arc
Skeletal muscle is the most abundant tissue in ganized into various-sized bundles, or Fascicles (F
the human body, accounting for 40 to 45% of the to- 61, A & B), which arc in (urn encased in a den
lal body weighL. The human body has morc than connective tissue sheath known as the perimysiu
430 skeletal !TIuscles, found in pairs on the right and The muscle is composed of several fascicles s
left sides of the body. The most vigorolls movements rounded by a fascia of fibrous connective tis
are produced by fewer than 80 pairs. The muscles called the epimysium.
provide strength and protection to the skeleton by In general, each end of a muscle is attached
distributing loads and absorbing shock; they enable bone by tendons, which have no active contract
Ihe bones to move at the joints and provide the properties. The muscles form the contractile co
maintenance or body posture against force. Such ponent and the tendons the series clastic comp
abilities usuall~' represent the action of muscle nent. The collagen fibers in the perimysium a
groups, not of individurll mllscles. epimysium are continuous with those in the t
The skeletal muscles perform both dynamic and dons: together these fibers act as a stnlctural fr,\I
static work. Dynamic work permits locomotion and work for the attachment of bones and muscle fibe
the positioning of the body segments in space. Sta- The perim)'sium, endomysium, epimysium, and s
tic work maintains body posture or position. In this colemma act as parallel elastic components. T
chapter we describe the composition and structure forces produced by the contracting muscles
of skeletal muscle. the mechanics of muscle con- transmitted to bone through these connective
traction. force production in muscle. Illuscle fiber sucs and tendons (Kassel'. 1996).
differentiation, and muscle remade-ling. Each muscle fiber is composed of a lal'ge nu
ber of delicate strands, thc mvol'ibrils. These
the contractile clements of muscle. Their structu
Composition and Structure and function have been studied cxhausti\'c1y
Iighl and eleclron microscopy, and [heir his
o( Skeletal Muscle chemistr~' and biochclllistry have been explain
elsewhel'c (Alvidson et aI., 1984; Guvton, 198
An understanding of the biorncchanics of Illuscle
Approximately I p.m in c1iamctcl: the myofibrils
function requires knowledge of the gross anatomi-
parallel to each other within the cytoplasm (s
cal structure and function of the musculotendinous
coplasm) of the muscle fiber and extend throug
unit and the basic microscopic structure and chem-
out its length. They vary in number from a few
ical composition of the muscle fiber.
several thousand depending on the diameter of
ll1uscle fibel~ which depcnds in turn on thc type
ll1usclc fiber.
The transverse banding pattern in striated m
The slructuralunit of skeletal muscle is thc muscle cles repeats itself along (he length of (he mus
fiber, a long cylindrical cell with many hundreds of fiber. each repeat being known as a sal'comerc (F
nuclei. Muscle fibers range in thickness from ap- 6-IC). These striations are caused by thc individ
proximately 10 to 100 fim and in Icngth from ap- myofibrils, which are aligned continuously throu
proximately 1 to 30 cm. A muscle fiber consists of Ollt the muscle fiber. The sarcomere is the fu
many myofibrils, which are invested by a delicate tional unit of the contractile syslem in muscle. a
plasma memblane called the sarcolemma. The sar- the events that take place in one sarcomere arc
colemma is connected via vinculin- and dystrophin- plicated in the others. Various sarcomere build
rich costameres with the sarcon1ctric Z lines, which myofibril, various myof"ibrils build the muscle fi
represent a pan of the cxtramyofibrillar cytoskcle- and various muscle fibers build the muscle.

Schematic drawings of the structural organization of mus-
cle. A, A fibrous connective tissue fascia. the epimysium.
surrounds the muscle, which is composed of many bun-
dles. or fascicles. The fascicles are encased in a dense con
/ Epimysium
nective tissue sheath, the perimysium. B, The fascicles are
composed of muscle fibers, which are long, cylindrical,
multinucleated cells. Between the individual muscle fibers
are capillary blood vessels. Each muscle fiber is sur
rounded by a loose connective tissue called the endomy-
sium. Just beneath the endomysium lies the sarcolemma.
a thin elastic sheath with infoldings that invaginate the
fiber interior. Each muscle fiber is composed of numerous A
delicate strands-myofibrils, the contractile elements of
muscle. C. Myofibrils consist of smaller filaments that form S',glc [
a repeating banding pattern along the length of the my- Ilber
ofibril. One unit of this serially repeating pattern is called
a sarcomere. The sarcomere is the functional unit of the
contractile system of muscle. D, The banding pattern of
the sarcomere is formed by the organization of thick and
thin filaments, composed of the proteins myosin and
actin, respectively. The actin filaments are attached at one
end but are free along their length to interdigitate with
the myosin filaments. The thick filaments are arranged in
a hexagonal fashion. A cross-section through the area of
overlap shows the thick filaments surrounded by six c Thin
equally spaced thin filaments. E, The lollipop-shaped mol Cross section a
IllamentlJl level of a band
ecules of each myosin filament are arranged so that the (actin) .,,''''':''
long tails form a sheaf with the heads, or cross-bridges, , .;.... ", , .
ThICK : " ,,':'.' ',:: :.:: :
projecting from it. The cross bridges point in one direc- filament ' .....
tion along half of the filament and in the other direction o (mYOSin) Sa(comer,:, organilalion
along the other half. Only a portion of one half of a fila-
ment is shown here. The cross-bridges are an essential ele-
ment in the mechanism of muscle contraction, extending
Myosin {
outward to interdigitate with receptor sites on the actin Mamenl
filaments. Each actin filament is a double helix, appearing
as two strands of beads spiraling around each other. Two
additional proteins, tropomyosin and troponin, are associ-
ated with the actin helix and play an important role in \
regulating the interdigitation of the actin and myosin fila- Troponin

ments. Tropomyosin is a long polypeptide chain that lies

in the grooves between the helices of actin. Troponin is a
globular molecule attached at regular intervals to the
tropomysin. Adapted from Williams, P & War".vick. R, (1980).
Gray's Anatomy (36ch ed., pp. 506-515). Edinburgh: Cht/rdlill

Each sarcomere is composed of the Following: 3, The elastic filaments composed of the protei
titin (Fig, 6-2)
I, The thin filaments (approximately 5 nm in di-
A, The inelastic filaments composedof the pro-
ameter) composed of the protein actin
teins nebulin and tilin
2, The thick filaments (approximately 15 nm in
diameter) conlposed of the protein myosin Aetin, the chief component or the thin filamen
(Fig, 6-1, D & E) has the shape of a double helix and appears as tw
strands of beads spiraling around t.:ach othcl: Two with a globular "head" projecting from a long sha
additional proteins, troponin and tropomyosin, are or "tail." Several hundred slIch molecules are pack
important constituents of the actin helix because tail to tail in a sheaf with their heads pointed in on
thev appear to regulate the making and breaking of direction along half of the filament and in the opp
cOI~taclS between the actin and myosin filamel1ls site dircction along the other half, leaving a hca
during contraction. Tropomyosin is a long polypep- free region (the H zone) in between. The globul
tide chain that lies in the grooves between the he- heads spiral about the myosin filament in the regio
iices of actin. Troponin is a globular molecule at- where actin and myosin ovcrlap (the A band) and e
laehed at regular intcr'vals to the tropomyosin (Fig. tcnd as cross-bridges to interdigitate with sites o
6-1, D & E). the actin filaments, thus forming the structural an
The thick filaments are located in the central re- I'unctionallink between the two filament types.
gion of the sarcomere, where their ordcrl.y, parallcl The intramyofibrilh.,r cvtoskeleton includes i
arrangemcl1l gives rise to dark bands known as A elastic nebulin filaments, which span from the
bands because they arc strongly anisotropic. Thc line to the actin filaments. Ncbulin might also act
thin filaments arc atlachcd at either end of the sar- a template for the thin filament assembly.
comere to a structurL' known as the Z line, which Titin is I j.1m long. It is the largest polypepti
consists of shon elements that link the thin fila- and spans from the Z line to the IVI line. Titin is a
ments of adjacent sarcomcres. defining the limits clastic filament. The part between the Z linc an
of each sarcomere. The thin filaments cxtcnd From myosin has a string-likL' appearance. Titin has be
the Z line toward the center of the sarcomere, suggested to contdbutc greatly to the passh'c for
where they overlap with the thick fibmcnts. Re- development of muscle during stretch (Fig. 62).
cently it was shown thal there is a third set or n1YO- also might act as a template for the thick filame
fibril filaments in the vertebrate striated Illuscles. assembly (Linke et aI., 1998; Squire et al., 199
This connecting filament, named titin, links the Stromer et aI., 1998),
thick Filaments with the Z line (elastic I band re- The I bane! is bisected by the Z lines, which conta
gion of titin) and is part of the thick filaments (A the portion of the thin filaments that does not overl
band region o[ titin). This filament maintains the with the thick filaments and the clastic part of tit in.
central position of the A band throughout contrac- the center of the A ballet. in the gap between the en
tion and relaxation and might act as a template or the thin filaments, is the H zone, a light band co
during myosin ~,sselllbly. taining only thick filaments and that part of tilin th
Myosin, the thicker filament, is composed of indi- is integrated in the thick filaments. A narrow, da
vidual molecules, each of which resembles a lollipop area in the center of the H zone is the M line, 1'1


01 titin

Extent of one
!!lin molecule

The arrangement of titin molecules within the sarcomere. Adapted from Craig. R.(J994). The
stftJ(ture of the contract filaments. In A.G. Engel & FraflziniArmscrong (eds.). !vlyology (2nd ed.
p. 150). New York: McGr<)w-Hill, Inc.

..-,r; .. __.
duced by transversely and longitudinally oriented allel to the myofibrils and lend to enlarge and f
proteins that link adjacent thick filaments, maintain- at the level of the junctions between the A an
ing their parallel Hrrangclllel1L The various areas of bands, forming transverse sacs, or the terminal
the banding patlern arc apparent in the photomicro- ternae, that surround the individual myofi
graph of human skeletal muscle shown in Figure 6-3. completely,
Closely correlated with the rcpealing pattern or The terminal cisternae enclose a smaller tub
the sarcomcrcs is an organized network of tubules tha1 is scpanllcd from them by its own membra
and sacs known as the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The smaller tubule and the terminal cisternae ab
The tubules of the sarcoplasmic reticulum lie par- and below it are known as a triad. The enclo

r ----"'....

_~ } Sarcoplasmic

Mitochondrion {

--- Line

A. Single muscle fiber with three protruding myofibrils. B. Electron photomicrograph of a crosssection of human skeletal m
c1e. The sarcomeres are apparent along the myofibrils. Characteristic regions of the sarcomere ar~ indicated.
Mitochondrion hence of the muscle, results from the relative m
Sarcolemma ment of the actin and myosin filaments past on
other while each retains its original length.
force of contraction is developed by the m
heads, or cross-bridges, in the region of overla

tween actin and myosin (the A band), These c
bridges swivel in an arc around their fixed pos
on the surface of the m,vosin filament, much
the oars of a boat. This movement of the c
bridges in contact with the actin filaments
u Band
m duces the sliding of the actin filaments tc)\var
center of the sarcomere, A muscle fiber con
\vhen all sarcomere shorten simultaneously
all-or-nothing fashion, which is called a twitch
Band I z Because a single movement of a cross-bridge
Triad duces only' a small displacement of the actin
! \j ment relative to the myosin filament, each in
Sarcotubule Terminal ual cross-bridge detaches itself from one rec
I cisternae site on the actin filament and reattaches itself

DD-------- other site further along, repeating the process f

six tirnes, "with an action similar to a man p
Diagram of a portion of a skeletal muscle fiber illustrating on a rope hand over hand" (Wilkie, 1968).
the sarcoplasmic reticulum that surrounds each myofibril. cross-bridges do not act in a s)-'nchronized ma
The various regions of the sarcomere are indicated on the each acts independently, Thus, at any given mo
left myofibril to show the correlation of these regions with (mly approximately half of the cross-bridges ac
the sarcoplasmic reticulum, shown surrounding the middle
generate force and displacement, and when
and right myofibrils. The transverse tubules represent an
detach, others take up the task so that shorten
infolding of the sarcolemma, the plasma membrane that
encompasses the entire muscle fiber. Two transverse
maintained, The shortening is reflected in th
tubules supply each sarcomere at the level of the junctions
comere as a decrease in the I band and a decre
of the A band and I bands. Terminal cisternae are located the H zone as the Z lines move closer togethe
on each side of the transverse tubule, and together these width of the A band remains constant.
structures constitute a triad. The terminal cisternae con- A key..' to the sliding mechanism is the calciu
nect with a longitudinal network of sarcotubules spanning (Ca~'), which turns the contractile activity on
the region of the A band. Adapted from Ham, A.W & Cor- off. Muscle contraction is iniliated \vhen calci

mack, D.H, (7979). Histology (8th ed.J. PiJifadefphia: IS, Lippincott made available to the contractile elements
ceases when calcium is removed, The mecha
that regulate the availability of calcium ions
contractile machinery are coupled to electric e
tubule is part or the transverse tubule system, or T occurring in the muscle membrane (sarcolem
system, which are invaginatio!1s of the surface An action potential in the sarcolemma provid
membrane of the fiber. This membrane, the sar- electric signal for the initiation of contractile
colemma, is a plasma membrane that invests every it,v. The mechanism by which the electric signa
striated muscle (Fig. 6-4). gel'S the chemical events of contraction is kno
excitationNcontraction coupling.
Molecular Basis of Muscle \Vhen the motor neuron stimulates the m
at the neuromuscular junction (Fig, 6-5A) an
Contraction propagated action potential depolarizes the
cle cell membrane (sarcolemma), there is a
The most widely..' held theory of muscle contraction \vard spread of the action potential along
is the sliding filament theory, proposed simultane- system. (Details of this process arc given in F
ously by A.F. Huxley and H.E. Huxley in 1964 and 6-5, A-C and in Box 6-1, which summarize
subsequently refined (Huxley, 1974). According to events during the excitation, contraction, an
this theory, active shortening of the sarcomere, and laxation of muscle, Figure 6-5D shows the

(1 )



c o

Schematic representation of the innervation of muscle fibers. area in this section is shown in detail in C. C. Ultrastructu
A, An axon of a motor neuron (originating from the cell body the junction of an axon terminal and the sarcolemma. Th
in the anterior horn of the spinal cord) branches near its end vagination of the sarcolemma forms the synaptic trough
to innervate several skeletal muscle fibers, forming a neuro- which the axon terminal protrudes. The invaginated sar-
muscular junction with each fiber. The region of the muscle colemma has many folds, or subneural clefts, which grea
membrane (sarcolemma) lying directly under the terminal crease its surface area. Acetylcholine is stored in synaptic
branches of the axon has special properties and is known as cles in the axon terminal. Band C. adapted from Brobeck, I
the motor end plate, or motor end plate membrane. The rec- (Ed.) (/979). Best and Taylor's Physiological Basis of Medical Pra
tangular area is shown in detail in B. B, The fine terminal (10(h ed., pp. 59-1/3). Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins. D. Cros
branches of the nerve (axon terminals), devoid of myelin bridge cycle of muscle contraction.
sheaths, lie in grooves on the sarcolemma. The rectangular
Events During Excitation, Contraction, and Relaxation of Muscle Fiber

1. An action potential is initiated and propagated in a mo- 1 1. Actin activates the myosin ATPase found on the myosin
tor axon. cfOss-bridge, enabling ATP to be split (hydrolyzed.) This
2. This action potential causes the release of acetylcholine process releaSES energy used to produce movement 01
irom the axon terminals at the neuromuscular junction. the myosin cross~br;dges:

3. Acetylcholine is bound to receptor sites on the motor

A, I'll ' ATP --; A ' Iv1 + ADP + P,
end plate membrane.
4. Acetylcholine increases the permeability of the motor 12. Oar-like movements of the cross bridges produce rela-

end plate to sodium and potassium ions. producing an tive sliding of the thick and thin filaments past each
end-plate potential. other.
S. The end-plate potential depolarizes the muscle mem- 13. Fresh AT? binds to the myosin cross-bridge, breaking
brane (sarcolemma), generating a muscle action pOlen- the actin-myosin bond and allowing the cross-bridge to
tiallhat is propagated over the membrane suriaee. dissociate from aGin:
6. Acetylcholine is rapidly destroyed by acetylcholinesterclse
A . rv1 .;-. ATP -) A + tvl . ATP
on the end plate membrclne.
7. The muscle aGion potential depolarize') the transverse 14. The ATPase hydrolyzes the myosin ATP complex to rhe
tubules. M . AlP complex, which represents rhe relaxed state of
8. Depolarization of the transverse tubules leads to the re- the sarcomere:
lease of calcium Ions from the terminal cisternae of the
M' ATP -) Iv1 ' ATP
sarcoplasmic reticulum surrounding the myofibrils.
These ions are released imo the sarcoplasm in the direct 15. Cycles of binding and unbinding of actin with the
vicinitY of the regulatory proteins tropomyosin and tro- myosin cross-bridges at successive sites along the actin
ponin. filament (steps 11, 12, 13, CH'\d 14) continue as long as
9. Calcium ions bind to troponin, allowing movement of ii)e concentration of calcium remains high enough to
the tropomyosin molecule away from the myosin recep- inhibit the action of the troponin-rropomyosin system.
tor sites on the actin filament that it had been blocking 16. Concentration of calcium ions falls as they are pumped
and releasing the inhibition tilat had prevented actin into the terminal cisternae of the sarcoplasmic reticulum
from combining with myosin. by an energy-requiring process that splits ATP,
10. Actin (A) combines with myosin ATP (M-ATP). In this 17. Calcium diSSOCIates from troponin. restoring the in-
state, ATP has been hydrolyzed to ADP and phosphate hibitory action of troponin-tropomyosin. The actin fila-
bUt the products are still attached to myosin (receptor ment slides back and rhe muscle lengthens. In the pr~s-,
sites on the myosin cross-bridges bind to receptor sites ence of ATp, actin and myosin remain in tll~ dissociated;
on the actin chain): relaxed stale.

A + Iv1 ' ATP --; A ' M ' ATP

(,l.,!odiiied from Luciano er ,l!. (I 978j, In HUIl1"n FuncliOn <1nd Structure (Fig 5,5D/ New York: ,\,'1cGril~/Hi,ll: and
,jdiJpted from (I'dlg. R. 099.:1). Myology (2nd ed.. p. 162) New York: McGra:'1;/iIl.)

lural features between actin and the cross-bridges tract independently. \Vhcn stimulated, all mu
of mvosin.) fibers in the mOlor unit respond as one. The fi
of a Illotor unit arc said to show an all-ornone
sponse to stimulation: the),..' contract either m
mally or not at aIL
The functional unit of skeletal 111uscle is the mOlor The number of muscle fibers forming a -m
unit. which includes a single motor neuron and all unit is closely I"elated to the degree of contro
of the muscle rlbers innervated by it. This unit is the quirccl of the muscle, In small muscles thal perf
smallest part of the muscle that can be made to CO!l4 vcr~' fine movements, such as the extraocular I
des, each motor unit may contain less than a dozen
muscle fibers; in large n'lUscies that perform coarse
movements. such as the gastrocnemius, the motor PEC
unil may contain 1,000 to 2,000 muscle fibers.
The fibers or each motor unit arc not contiguous
but dispersed throughout the muscle with fibers of SEC
other units. Thus. if a single motor unit is stimu-
latex!. a large ponion or the muscle appears to con CC
(rae. If additional motor units of the nerve inner I
vating the muscle are stimulated, the muscle I
corHracls with greater force. The calling in of adeli
tional motor units in response to greater stimula-
tion of the motor nClvc is called recruitment.
The musculotendinous unit may be depicted as consisti
THE MUSCULOTENDINOUS UNIT of a contractile component ((C) in parallel with an elas
component (PEQ and in series with another elastic com
The tendons and the connective tissues in and nent {SEQ_ The contractile component is represented b
around the muscle belly are viscoelastic structures the contractile proteins of the myofibril, actin, and myo
that help determine the mechanical characteristics (The myosin cross-bridges may also exhibit some elastic
of whole muscle during contraction and passive ex The parallel elastic component comprises the connectiv
tension. Hill (1970) showed that the tendons repre- tissue surrounding the muscle fibers (the epimysium, pe
mysium, and endomysium) and the sarcolemma. The se
sent a spring-like elastic component located in se
elastic component is represented by the tendons. Adap
rics with the contractile component (the contractile
hom Keefe. CA.. Neil, E., & Joels. N (1982). I.;lvsc!e and the
proteins or the m~yofibril, actin, and myosin), while lle!Voll$syslem. In Samson 1/</rI911(5 f.\ppli(~cJ PhySiology (i3th
the epimysium, perimysium, endomysium, and sm' ed, fJP, 248~259). Oxford: Oxford Unlversiry Press
colcmma represent a second elastic component 10
cated in parallel with the contractile component
(Fig. 6-6).
When the parallel and series elastic components
stretch during active contraction 01- passive exten- 4. The viscous property of the series and para
sion of a muscle, tension is produced and energy is lel clastic components allows lIk'lll to abso
stored; when they recoil with muscle relaxation, this energy proportional to the rate of force app
energy is released_ The series elastic fibers are more cation and to dissipate energy in a timc~
important in the production of tension than are lhe dependent manner. (For a discussion of vis
parallel elastic fibers (Wilkie, 1956). Several investi- coelasticity, see Chaptcl- 4.)
gators have suggested that the cross-bridges of the
myosin filaments have a spring-like property and Thb viscoLIs property. combined with the ela
also contdbutc to the elastic properties of muscle properties of the musculotendinous unit. is dem
(Hill, 1968). slI-atcd in everyday activities. For example, whe
The distensibility! and elasticity of the clastic com person altempts to stretch and touch the toes,
ponents arc valuable to the muscle in severnl wavs: stretch is initially elastic. As the stretch is held, h
ever, further elongation or the muscle results fr
I. Thev tend to keep the muscle in readiness for the viscosity of the Illuscle-tendon structure,
contraction and assure that muscle tension is the fingers slo\\'I~' reach closer to the noor.
produced and transillittcd smoothly during
2. They assure that the contractile elements re- Mechanics of iVluscle
turn to their original (resting) positions when Contraction
contraction is terminated.
3. They may help prevent the passive over- _Electromyography' provides a mechanism for ev
stretch of the contractile elements when these ating and comparing neural effects on muscle
elements are relaxed, thereby lessening the the contractile activity or the muscle itself in v
danger of Illuscle injUl)'. and in vitro. Much has been learned by using c
tromyography Lo study various aspects or the con- time of the rnuscle so that little or no relax
tractile process, particularly the time relationship can occur before the next contraction is ini
between the onset of electrical activity in the muscle (Fig. 6-8).
and aClltal contraction of the muscle or muscle The considerable gradation of COlllraction e
fiber. The following sections discuss the mechanical ited by wholc muscles is achic\ed by the differ
response of a muscle to electrical (neural) stimula-
tion and the various ways in which the muscle con-
tracts to move a joint, control its motion, or main-
tain its position.


o tOO 200 300 400 500
The mechanical response of a muscle to a single t
I;+-<- - - I >
stimulus of its molar nerve is known as a twitch,
which is the fundamental unit of recordable mus- A
cle activity. Following stimulation there is an in-
terval of a few milliseconds known as the latency
period before the tension in the muscle fibers be-
gins to rise. This period represents the timc re
quit'cd for the "slack" in the elastic components to
be taken up. The time from the start of tension de-
Ilh t~
0 100 200 300 400
velopment to peak tension is the contraction time,
and the time from peak tension ulltil the tension t
drops to zero is the relaxation time. The contrac- B
tion time and relaxation time vary an10ng muscles,

!I~ ,~
depending largely on the muscle fibcr makeup (de
scribed below). Some muscle fibers contracl with
a speed of only 10 mscc; others ma~; take 100 Illsec
or longer.
An action potential lasts only approximately I to 100 400
0 200 300 500
2 msec. This is n small fraction of the time taken for
the subsequent mechanical response, or twitch, t
even in muscles that contract quickly; thus it is pos- Time (msec)
sible for a series of action potentials to be initiated
f ' before the first twitch is completed if the activity of
the motor axon is maintained. \'\Then mechanical re-
sponses to successive stimuli arc added to an initial
response, the result is knc)\vn as summation (Fig. Summation of contractions in a muscle held at a cons
6-7). If a second stimulus occurs during the latencyl length. A, An initial stimulus (51) is applied to the mu
period of the first muscle twitch, it produces no ad- and the resulting twitch lasts 150 msec. The second (5
third (5 J ) stimuli are applied to the muscle after 200-m
ditional response and the muscle is said to be com-
intervals when the muscle has relaxed completely, thu
pletely refractory.
summation occurs. 8.5 1 is applied 60 msec after 51, w
The frequency of stimulation is variable and is
the mechanical response from 5.. is beginning to decr
modulated by individual motor units. The greater The resulting peak tension is greater than that of the
the frequency of stimulation of the muscle fibers. gle twitch. C. The interval between 5.. and 5J is furthe
the greater the tension produced in the muscle as duced to 10 msec. The resulting peak tension is even
a whole. However, a maximal frequency will be greater than in S, and the increase in tension produce
reached beyond which the tension of the muscle no smooth curve. The mechanical response evoked by 5J
longer increases. \"'hen this maximallension is sus- pears as a continuation of that evoked .by 51' Adapted
tained as a result or summation, the muscle is said Luciano, 0.5., Vander. AJ. & Sherman. J.H. (1978). Huma
to contract tetanically. In this case, the rapidity of tion and Structure (pp. J J3-(36). New York: McGraw,Hill.
stimulation olltstrips the contraction~relaxation

'iii 2

is ts Is is is is Jumnmrnmmnnrrmnnm
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Time (msec)

Generation of muscle tetanus. As the frequency of stimula- becomes maximal and the muscle contracts tetanically,
tion (5) increases (Le., the intervals shorten from 200 to 100 ing sustained peak tension. Adapled from Luciano, OS.
msec), the muscle tension rises as a result of summation. AI, 8 Sherman, IN (978). Human Function and Structure
When the frequency is increased to lOO/second, summation I i 3-136). New York: McGraw-Hi//.

activity' of their motor units, in both stimulation fre- Although no motion is accomplished and n
quency' and the number of units activated. The chanical \vork is performed during an isom
repetitive twitching of all recruited motor units of a contraction, muscle work (physiological wo
muscle in an as:vnchronous manner results in brief performed: energy is expended and is Illostly
summations or more prolonged subtetanic or paled as heat, which is also called the isornetric
tetanic contractions of the muscle as a whole and is production. All dynamic contractions involve
a principal Factor responsible for the smooth move- ma.y be considered an initial static (isometric)
ments produced by the skeletal muscles. as the muscle first develops tension equal to th
it is expected to overcome.
The tension in a muscle varies with the t.y
contraction. Isometric contractions pro
During contraction, the force exerted by a contract- greater tension than do conccntric contrac
ing muscle on the bony lever(s) to which it is at- Studies suggest that the tension developed
tached is known as the muscle tension, and the ex- eccentric contractIon may even exceed that
ternal force exerted on the muscle is known as the oped during an isometric contraction. Thes
resistance, or load. As the muscle exerts its force, it ferences arc thought to be due in large part
generates a turning erFect, or moment (torque), on vat'ying amounts of supplemental tension
the involved joint because the line of application of duced in the series clastic component of the
the muscle force usually lies at a distance from the cle and to diFferences in contraction time
center of motion of the joint. The moment is calcu- longer contraction time of the isometric an
lated as the product of the muscle force and the per~ centric contractions allows greater cross~
pendicular distance between its point of application formation by the contractile components, thu
and the center of motion (this distance is known as mitting greater tension to be generated (
the lever arm, or moment arm, of the force), 1987). More time is also available for this te
Muscle contractions and the resulting muscle to be transmitted to the series elastic comp
work can be classified according to the relationship as the muscle-tendon unit is stretched. The l
bet\veen either the muscle tension and the resis- contraction time allo\vs the recruitment of
tance to be overcome or the muscle moment gener- tional nlotor units.
ated and the resistance to be overcome, as shown in Komi (1986) has pointed oul that concentri
Box 6-2 (Krocmcr e! 'II., 1990), metric, and eccentric muscle contractions se
_ Types of Muscle Work and Contraction

Dynamic work: Mechanical work is performed and joint mo- 4. Iseinenial (iso, constant; inertial, resistance) contraction:
tion is produced through the following forms of muscle con- This is a type of dynamic muscle work wherein the resis
traction: tance against which the muscle must contract remains
1. Concentric (con, together; cemrum, center) contrac- constant. If the moment (torque) produced by the musc
tion: When muscles develop sufficient tension to over- is equal to or less than the resistance to be overcome,
come the resistance of the body segment, the mus- the mllscle length remains unchanged and the muscle
cles shorten and cause joint movement. The net contracts isomelfically. If the moment is greater than th
moment generated by the muscle is in the same di resistance, the muscle shortens (contracts concentrically
rection as the change in joint angle. An example of a and causes acceleration of the body part. Isoinertial con~
concentric contraction is the action of the quadriceps traction occurs, for example, when a constant external
in extending the knee when ascending stairs. load is lifted. At the extremes of motion, the inertia of
2. Eccentric (e.g., out of-, centrum, center) contraction: the load must be overcome; the involved muscles con-
When a muscle cannot develop sufficient tension and tract isometrically and muscle torque is maximal. In the
is overcome by the external load, it progressively midrange of the motion, with the inenia overcome, the
lengthens instead of shortening. The net muscle mo- mU'jcles contract concentrically and the torque is sub-
ment is in the opposite direclion irom the change in maximal.
joint angle. One purpose of eccenlric contraction is to 5. Isotonic (iso, constant; tonic, iorce) contraction: This ter
decelerate the motion oi a joint. For example, when is commonly used to define muscle contraction in which
one descends stairs, the quadriceps works eccentri- the tension is constant throughout a range of joint m()~
cally to decelerate flexion of the knee, thus decelerat- tion. This term does not take into aCCOLlnt the leverage'"
ing the limb. The tension that il applies is less than eilects at the joint. Ho\,vever, because the muscle force
the force of gravity pulling the body downward, but it moment arm changes throughout the range oi joint mo
is sufficient to allow controlled lowering of the body. lion, the muscle tension must also change. Thus, isoton
3. Isokinetic (iso, constant; kinetic, motion) contraction: muscle contraction in the truest sense does not exist in
This is a type of dynamic muscle work in which move- the production of joint motion (Kroll, 1987).
ment of the joint is kept at a constan I velocity. and Static work: No mechanical work is performed and posture
hence rhe velocity of shortening or lengthening of the or joint position is maintained through the following form
muscle is constant. Because velocity is held constant, muscle contraction:
muscle energy cannot be dissipated through accelera- 1. Isometric (iso, constant; metric, length) contra(ti()~,;,. :~~s.
lion of the body part and is entirely converted to a re- c1es are not always directly involved in the prod~qi~~:-Pr.
sisting moment. The muscle force varies with changes joint movements. They may exercise either a rest'ra(ning
in its lever arm throughout the range of joint motion or a holding action, such as that needed t~ ~aint~i~ th
(Hislop & Perrine. 1967). The muscle contracts con- body in an upright position in opposing the force of
centrically and eccentrically with different directions of gravity. In this case the muscle attempts to shorten (i.e.,
joint motion. For example, the i1exor muscles of a the myofibrils shorten and in doing so stretch the series
joint contract concentrically during flexion and eccen- elastic componenr. thereby producing tension), but it
trically during extension, acting as decelerators during does not overcome the load and cause movement; in-
the latter. stead. it produces a moment that supports the load in a
iixed position (e.g., maintains posture) because no ,"
change takes place in the distance between the mlJsc!le
points of attachment.
occur alone in normal human movement. Instead,
one type of contraction or load is preceded by a dif- c
.2 '.0
ferent type. An example is the eccentric loading m I
c I
prior to the concentric contraction that occurs at " I
the ankle frolll miclstance to toe-off during gait. "
Because muscles normally' shorten or lengthen at 0; I
"at)!ing velocities and with valying amoullls of tcnsion, I
perfolll1ance and measurement of isokinetic work re- 1.27 1.65 2.0 2.25
quire the lise of an isokinetic dynamon1ctcl: This device
provides constant velocity of joint motion and maxi- Sarcomere Length (JIm)
mum cxtcIllal resistance throughout the range of 010- 2.25-3.6 I'm c==:jr=z=J~\:~::\g;
::~;::~:::~\ ==i/i==
lion of the involved joint. thereby requiJing maximal
muscle torque. The use of the isokinctic dynamometer
z M A Z

provides a method of selective training and measure- 20-225"m=9! i':::": :::!::~ Ir==
ment, but physiological movement is not simulated.
Force Production in Muscle
Tensionlength curve from part of an isolated muscle f
The total force that a muscle can produce is influ-
stimulated at different lengths. The isometric tetanic t
enced by its mechanical properties, which can be sion is dosely related to the number of cross-bridges o
described by examining the length-tension. load- the myosin filament overlapped by the actin filament.
velocity, and force-time relationships of the muscle tension is maximal at the slack length, or resting lengt
and the skeletal muscle architecture. Other princi- the sarcomere (2 p.m), where overlap is greatest, and f
pal factors in force production arc muscle tempera- to zero at the length where overlap no longer occurs
ture, muscle fatigue, and prestrclching. ,....m). The tension also decreases when the sarcomere
length is reduced below the resting length. falling sha
at 1.6S IJ.m and reaching zero at 1.27 IJ.ffi as the exten
LENGTH-TENSION RELATIONSHIP overlap interferes with cross-bridge formation. The str
The force, or tension, that a muscle exerts varies tural relationship of the actin and myosin filaments at
ous stages of sarcomere shortening and lengthening is
with the length at which it is held when stimulated.
portrayed below the curve. A. actin filaments; M. myo
This relationship can be observed in a single fiber filaments; Z, Z lines. Adapted from CriJ....,;ord. CN.C & J~
contracting isometrically and tetanically, as illus- N. T. (1980). The design of muscfes. In R. Owen, J. Goodfelfo
trated by the length-tension curve in Figure 6-9. P. Buffough (Eds.), Scientific Foundations of Orthopaedics an
Maximal tension is produced when the muscle fiber Trmilllalology (pp. 67-74). London.' William Heinemann;')5
is approximately at its "slack," or resting, length. ,If modified from Gordon, A.M., rluxley, A.F.I., & JlIlian, F.l. (1
the fiber is held at shorter lengths. the tension falls Tile variation in isometric tension with SMcomere length in
off slowly at first and then rapidly. If the fiber is tebr~lre muscle fibers. J Physiol, 184, 170.

lengthened beyond the resting length, tension pro-

gressively decreases.
The changes in tension when the fiber is
stretched or shortened primarily are caused by sian because it allows ovedapping of the thin
structural alterations in the sarcomere. Maximal ments at opposite ends of the sarcomere, which
isometric tension can be exerted when the sarcom- functionally polarized in opposile directions.
eres arc at their resting length (2.0-2.25 /J.m), be- sarcomere length of less than 1.65 fJ.m. the thic
cause the actin and myosin fllamcnts overlap along aments on the Z line and the tension dimi
their entire length and the number of cross-bridges sharply.
is maximal. If the sareo meres arc lengthened. there Thc length-tension relationship illustrated in
are fewer junctions between the marnents and the ure 6-9 is for an individual muscle fiber. If this
active tension decreases. At a Sarcomere length of ,lionship is measured in a whole contrac
approximately 3.6 J.Lm, there is no overlap and isometrically and tetanically, the tension produ
hence no active tension. Sarcomcle shortening to by both active components and passive compon
less than its resting length decreases the acLive ten- must be taken into account (Fig. 6-10).
The cun/e labeled "active tension" in Figure
6-10 represents the tension developed by the con-
tractile elements of the muscle. and it resembles Eccenlric Concentric
the curve for the individual fiber. The curve labeled
"passive tension" reflects the tension developed
when the muscle surpasses its resting length and
the noncontractile muscle belly is stretched. This
passive tension is mainly developed in the parallel '"o
and series elastic components (Fig. 6-6). When the
belly contracts, the combined active and passive
tensions produce the total tension excrled. The
curve demonstrates that as a muscle is progl'cs
sivdy stretched beyond its resting length, the pas
sive tension rises and the active tension decreases.
Most rnuscles that cross only one joint normally
are not stretched enough fOl- the passive tension 10 o ..
play an important role, but the case is different for Velocity
lwo-joint muscles. in which the extremes of the

load-velocity curve generated by plotting the veloci

motion of the muscle lever arm against the external
When the external load imposed on the muscle is ne
ble, the muscle contracts concentrically with maxima
speed. With increasing loads the muscle shortens mo
slowly. When the external toad equals the maximum
that the muscle can exert, the muscle fails to shorten
has zero velocity) and contracts isometrically. When
load is increased further, the muscle lengthens eccen
cally. This lengthening is more rapid with greater loa

length-tension relationship may be functi

L Length
(Crawford & James, 1980). For example, the
strings shorten so much when the knee is
Hexed that the tension they can exert decreases
~------ siderably. Conversely, when the hip is nexed an
The active and passive tension exerted by a whole muscle
knee extended. the Illuscles arc so stretched t
is the magnitude of their passive tension tha
I contracting isometrically and tetanically is plotted against the
muscle's length. The active tension is produced by the con vents flirt her elongation and causes the knee t
tractile muscle components and the passive tension by the se- if hip flexion is increased.
ries and parallel elastic components, which develop stress
when the muscle is stretched beyond its resting length. The

I greater the amount of stretching, the larger the contribution

of the elastic component to the total tension. The shape of
The relationship between the velocity of shOl
the active curve is generally the same in different muscles. or eccentric lengthening of a muscle and dif
but the passive curve, and hence the total curve, varies de-
constant loads can be determined by plolLing t
pending on how much connective tissue (elastic component)
locil)' of motion of the muscle lever arm a1 va
the muscle contains. Adapted from Crawford. CN.C & James.
N. T. (1980). Tile design of muscles. III R. Owen. 1. Goodfel/o;,t~ & p.
external loads. thereby generating a load-ve
Bulfough (els.), Scientific Foundations of Orthopaedics and TraurnJ curve (Fig. 6-11). The velocity of shortening
tology (pp. 67-74). London: William Heinemann. muscle contracting concentrically' is inverse
lated to the external load applied (Guyton,
The velocity' of shortening is grealest when th
tcrnalload is zero, but as the load increases th
ele shortens morc and more slowly. \Vhcn the
Gastrocnemius Muscie Tear nul load equals the mnximal force that the
- -. .
22year-old male professional athlete tears his ga5- can exen, the velocity of shortening becom
A ___ trocnemius during a race (Fig. (56-1-1). The tensile and the muscle contracts isometrically. \,\fl
load is increased still further, th~ muscle co
overload that happens during strenuous eccentric and
c6n~entric contractions increases the risk of injury. espe- eccel1Lrically: it elongates during contractio
ciallywhen the forces involve bj-articular muscles such load~velocity relationship is reversed from
:asthe gastrocnemius. This indirect trauma is associated the concentri-cally contracting rnuscle; the
:wi!~ 111gh tensile forces during rapid contraction (high eccentrically lengthens more quickl)! with inc
v~l_()~ity) and continued changes in muscle length. The load (Kroll. 1987) (Case Study 6-1).
status of muscle contracrion at the time of overload is
uS!Jally eccentric, and failure most often occurs at or FORCE-TIME RElATIONSHIP
near the myotendinous junction unless the muscle has
Q.eef1. previously injured (Kasser, 1996). Swelling from The force, or tension, generated by a muscle
h~~{br'rh~ge occurs initially in the inflammatory phase.
portional to the contraction time: the long
,The cellu.lar response is more rapid and repair is (rlore
contraction lime, the greater is the force deve
complete'if the vascular channels are not disrupted and
lip to the point of maximurn tension. In Figur
thenutritioo.of ihe tissue is not disturbed. The degree
this relationship is illustrated by a force-lime
of injury from a tensile overload will dictate the poten
for a whole muscle contl"acting isomet
tia/hos< r~sponse and the time needed iar repair.
Slower contraction leads to greaLcr force p
lion because time is allowed for the tensio
duced b.y thL' cornractilc clements to be trans
through the parallel clastic components to t
don. AltlH)Ugh tension production in the cont
component can reach a maximum in as little
mscc. lip to 300 ITlSeC ma~' be needed for th
sion to be transferred to the clastic compo
The tension in the tendon will reach the max
tension developed by the contractile element
the aClive contraction process is of sufficien
lion (Olloson, 1983).


The Illuscles consist of the contractile comp
the sarcomere, which produces active tensio
arrangement of the contractile components
the contractile propcnies of the muscle dr
cally. The more sarcomere lie in series, the
the myofibril will be; the more sarCOlllere lie
lel. the larger the cross-sectional area 01" the m
ril will be. These two basic architectural patte
myofibrils (long or thick) affect the contractile
erties of the llluscies in the following ways:
1. The force the muscle can produce is pro
lion'll to the cross-section of the myofibr
(Fig_ 6-13A).
2. The velOcity and the excursion (working
range) that the muscle can produce are
C~;~e-Study Fig~re 6-1-1, portional to the length of the I11vofibril
;-" -.
(Fig. 6-138).
Muscles with shoner fibers and a Im'ger cross- 100
sectional area are designed to produce [orce,
whereas muscles \vith long fibers are designed for 80
excursion and velocity. The quadriceps muscle con- ~
tains shorter myofibrils and appears to be special- ~ 60
ized ror force product ion. The sartorius muscle has ~
longer fibers and a smaller cross-sectional arca and ~ 40
is better suited for high excursion (Barana et aI., "
1998; Lieber & Bodine-Fowler, 1993), 20

10 15 20
It has been demonstrated in amphibians and in hu- Muscle Length (cm)
mans (Cuillo & Zarins, 1983) that a muscle per- B 100
forms more work when it shortens inlmediatcly af-
ter being stl'etched in the concentrically contracted 80
state than when it shortens from a state of isomet-
ric contraction. This phenomenon is not entirely ac- ~
~ 60
counted for by the elastic energ~' stored in the series o
clastic component during stretching but must also ~
'0 40
be caused by energy stored in the contractile com ~


5 10 15 20
Muscle Velocity (cm/s)

Isometric and isotonic properties of muscles with differ

architecture. A. Force-length relationship. B. Force-veloc
relationship. PSCA. physiological cross-sectional area.
Reprinted with permission of the AmeriC<Jn Physical Therapy
sociation from Lieber, RL (J 993). Skeletal muscle rnec!wnics
Implications for rehabilitation. Physical Therapy, 73(2). 852.

pon~nl. 'It has been suggested [hat changes in the
trinsic mechanical properties of l11)'oflbrils are
ponant in the stretch-induced enhancement
Time work production (Takarada et aI., 1997),

i L- _
Force-time curve for a whole muscle contracting isometri A rise in muscle temperature causes an incre
cally. The force exerted by the muscle is greater when the
in conduction velocity across the sarcolem
contraction time is longer because time is required for the
tension created by the contractile components to be trans-
(Phillips & PeLrorsky, 1983), increasing the
ferred to the parallel elastic component and then to series quency of stimulntion and hence tbe product
elastic component as the musculotendinous unit is of muscle force. Rising of the muscle temperat
stretched. from 6 La 34 u C results in an almost linear incre
or the tension/stirrness raLio (Callcr et al" 199
A rise in temperature also causes greater enzy-
matic activity of muscle metabolism, thus in-
creasing the efficiency of rnusclc contraction. A
further effect of a rise in temperature is the in-
creased elasticity of the collagen in the series and
parallel elastic components. which enhances the
extensibility of the muscle-tendon unit. This in-
creased prestrclch incrcases the force production Fatigue in a muscle contracting isometrically. Prolong
of the muscle. stimulation occurs at a frequency that outstrips the m
Muscle temperature increases by rneans of two cle's ability to produce suHicient ATP for contraction.
mechanisms: result, tension production declines and eventually ce
Adapted from Luciano. 0.5., Vander. A.i., &- Sherman. J.H
I. Increase in blood now, which occurs when an (1978). Human Function and Structure (pp. 113-136). Ne
athlete "warms up" his or her muscles York: McGraw-Hili.
2. Production of the heal of reaction generated
by metnbolism. by the release of the energy
of contraction, and by friction as the contrac-
tile components slide over each other
myosin ATPase rapidly breaks down ATP. Th
However, at low tenlperaturc (1 O('C), it has been crease in adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and
shown that the maximum shortening velocity and phate (Pi) concentralions resulting from this b
the isometric tension are inhibited significantly. down ultimately leads to increased rale
This is caused by decreased pH (acidosis) in Ihe oxidative phosphorylation and glycolysis. A
muscle. The 1'1-1 plays a much less important role at short lapsc. however. lhese metabolic palhway
temperatures close to the physiological level (Pate et gin lO deliver ATP at a high rate. During this
aI., 1995). vaL lhc energy for AT? formation is provided b
atine phosphate, which offers the most rapid m
of forming ATP in the muscle cell.
At moderate rates of muscle aClivity, most o
The ability of a muscle to contract and relax is de- required ATP can be formed by the process o
pendent on the availability of adenosine triphos- idalive phosphorylation. During intense exe
phate (ATP) (Box 6-1). If a muscle has an adequate when ATP is being broken down rapidly, the
supply of oxygen and nutrients that can be broken abilitv to replace ATP by oxidalive phosphory
down to provide ATP, it can sustain a series of low- may be limited. primarily by inadequate deliv
frequency twitch responses for a long time. The rre- oxygen to the muscle b.y lhe circulatory system
quency must be low enough to allow the muscle to Even \vhcn oxygen delivery is adequate, th
synthesize AT? at a rate sufficient to keep up with al which oxidative phosphorylation can pro
the rate of ATP breakdown during contraction. If ATP may be insufficient to sustain inlense ex
the fTequency of stimulation increases and outstrips because the enzymatic machinery of this pathwC
the rate of replacement of ATP, the twitch responses relatively slow. Anncrobic glycolysis then beg
soon grow progressively \veaker and eventually fall contribute an increasing portion of the ATP. Th
to zero (Fig. 6-14). This drop in tension following colytic pathway, although it produces much sr
prolonged stimulation is muscle fatigue. If the fre- amounts of ATP h-om the breakdown of glucos
quency is high enough to produce tetanic contrac- erates at a Illuch faster rate. It can also proce
tions, fatigue occurs even sooner. [f a period of rest the absence of oxygen, with the formation of
is allowed before stimulation is continued, the ATP acid as ils end product. Thus, during intense
concenln.l.lion rises and the muscle briefly recovers cise, anaerobic glycolysis becomes an addi
its contractile ability before again undergoing fa- source for rapidly supplying the muscle with A
tigue. The glycolytic pathway has the disadvanta
Three sources supply ATP in muscle: creatine requiring large amounts of glucose for the pr
phosphate, oxidative phosphorylation in Ihe mito- tion of small amounts of" ATP. Thus, even th
chondria. and substrate phosphor:ylation during muscle stores glucose in the form of glycogen,
anaerobic glycolysis. \'Vhen contraction begins, the ing glycogen supplies rnay be depicted quickly
muscle aconty is intense, Finally, myosin ATPase Jvlany methods of classifying muscle fibers
may break down AT? faster than even glycolysis can been devised. As early' as 1678, Lorenzini obse
r~p'lace it, and fatigue occurs rapidly as AT? con- anatomically the gross dilTcrence bel\\,Icen red
centrations drop. white muscle. and in 1873 Ranvier typed muscl
After a period of intense exercise, creatine phos- the basis of speed of contractility and fatigab
phate levels have become low and much of the mus- Although considerable confusion has existed
cle glycogen may have been convened to lactic acid. cCl'ning the method and terminology for classif
For the muscle to be returned to its original state, skeletal muscle, recenl histological and histoch
creatine phosphate must be resynthesized and the cal observations have led to the identificatio
u1vcofLcn stores must be replaced. Because both three distinct typcs or muscle fibers on the bas
pl:oce~ses require energy, the muscle will continue differing contractile and metabolic prope
to consumc oxygen at a rapid rate cven though it (Brandstater & Lambert, 1969; Buchtah! & Soh
has stopped contracting. This sustained high oxy- burch, 1980) (Table 6-1).
!:rell uptake is demonstrated by the fact that a person The fiber t~'pes are distinguished mainly by
~ontinues to breathe heavily and rapidly aher a pe- metabolic pathways by which they can gene
riod of strenuous exercise. AT? and the rate at which its energy is made a
v"hen the energy necessary to return glycogen able to the conrractilc system of the sarcom
and creatine phosphate to their original levels is which determines the speed of contraction.
taken into account, the ef(-icienc~. . with which mus- three fiber types are termed type I, slow-twitch
cle coovens chemical energy to work (movement) is idative (SO) fibers; type lIA, fast-twilCh oxida
usually no more than 20 to 250/0, the majority of the glycolvtic (FOG) fibers; and type liB, fast-twitch
energy being dissipated as heat. Even when Illuscle colytic (FG) fibers.
is operating in its most efficient stnte, a maximum Typc I (SO) fibers are characterized by a low
()f only approxinwtel)! 45{>~ of the energy is used for tivity of my'osin ATPase in the muscle fiber
contraction (Arvidson ct 'II., 1984; Guyton, !986). thcrefore, a relatively slow contraction time.
In growth biomechanics, muscle fatigue is flrst glycolytic (anaerobic) aClivity is low in this
observed by the lack of coorclinalion or movement lype, but a high content of mitochondria produc
and its effect in the increasing of loads in tissue. Re- high potential for oxidative (aerobic) activity. Ty
searchers including Bates et al. (1977) have indi- fibers are difficult to fatigue because the high ra
cated that the skill of the person in performing a blood now to these fibers delivers oxygen and n
given action is affected by fatigue, They studied the ents at a sufficient rate to keep up with the relati
fatigue effect on runners and absented that runners slow rate of ATP breakdown by myosin ATP
decrease their knee extension when fatigue occurs Thus, the fibers are well suited for prolonged,
(Bates et aI., 1977). Parnianpour (1988) studied the intensity work. These fibers are relatively sma
motion coupling of the spine at exhaustive extension diameter and so produce relatively little tens
Oexion. This study showed that when an individual The high myoglobin content of type I fibers give
became fatigued, the coupled motion increased and muscle a red color,
therefore the spinaltorquc increased. The most dele- Type II muscle fibers arc divided into two n
terious component of the ncurornuscular adaptation subgroups, IIA and IlB, on the basis of differing
to the fatiguc state was the reduction in accuracy ceptibility to treatment with different buffers p
control and speed of contraction, \vhich may predis- to incubation (Brooke & Kaiser, 1970). A third
pose an individual to injury if muscle fatigue occurs. group, the typc lIe fibers, are rare, undifferenti
fibers, which are usually seen before the 30th w
of gestalion. This fiber type is infrequent in hu
Muscle Fiber Differentiation. muscle (Banker, 1994). Tvpe IIA and 11 B fibers
characterized by a high activity of myosin ATP
In the preceding section, we described the major which results in relatively fast contraction.
ractors that determine the total tension developed Type lIA (FOG) fibers are considered interm
b.v the whole rnuscle when it COlllracts. Individual ate between type 1 and type lIB because their
muscle fibers also display distinct differences in contt-action time is combined with a modera
their rates of contraction, development of tension. well-developed capacity for both aerobic (ox
and susceptibility to fatigue. tive) and anaerobic (glycolytic) activity. T
Properties of Three Types of Skeletal Muscle Fibers
TYPE 1 Fast-Twitch TYPE JIB
Slow-Twitch Oxidative- Fast-Twitch
Oxidative Glycolytic Glycolytic
(SO) (fOG) (fG)

Speed of contraction Slow Fast Fast

Primary source of ATP Oxidative Oxidative Anaerobic
production phosplloryla tion phosphorylation glycolysis
Glycolytic enzyme activity low Intermediate High
Capillaries Many Many few
Myoglobin conlent High High low
Glycogen content Low Intermediate High
Fiber diameler Small Intermediate Large
Rate of fatigue Slow Intermediate Fast

fiber's also have a well-developed blood supply. tractile and histochemical properties and the
They can maintain their contractile activity for rel- twitch fibers became slow.
<Hively long periods; ho\vevcr, at high rates of ac- The fiber composition of a given muscle
tivity. the high rate of ATP splitting exceeds the ca- pends on the function 01" that muscle. Some m
pacity of both oxidative phosphorylation and cles perform predominantly one form of cont
glycolysis to supply ATP, and these fibers thus tile activity' and arc often composed mostl
eventually fatigue. Because the myoglobin conlCIH one muscle fiber t}'pc. An example is the so
01" this muscle type is high, the muscle is of len cat- muscle in the calf, which prirnarily maint
egorized as red III lIscl e. posture and is composed of a high percentag
T:vpe liB (FG) libers rely primarily on glycolvtic type I fibers. More commonly', however, a mu
(anaerobic) activity for ATP production. Few capil- is reqllir'cd to perform endurance-type act
laries are found in the vicinity of these fibers and be- unde)' some cirClllTlstances and high-inten
cause they contain little myoglobin (hey are ohen strength activity under others. These mus
referred to as white muscle. Although Lype liB fibers generally contain a mixture of the three mu
are able to producc ATP rapidly, they fatigue easily fiber types.
because their high rate of ATP splitting quickly de- (n a typical mixed muscle exerting low tens
pletes the glycogen needed for glycolysis. These some of the small motor units, composed of ty
fibers generally are of large diameter and are thus fibers, contract. As the muscle force increa
able to produce great tension, but only for short pe- more motor units are recruited and their
riods before they fatigue. quency of stimulation increases. As the frequ
It has been well demonstrated that the nerve in- becomes maximal. greater muscle force
nervating the muscle fibcr determines its t.ypc achieved by recruitment of larger motor u
(Burke el aI., 1971); thus, the muscle fibers of each composed of type 11;\ (FOG) fibers ancl eventu
motor unit are of a single type. In humans and other type lIB (FG) fibers. As the peak muscle force
species, electrical stimulation was found to change creases, the larger units are the first to cease
the fiber type (Munsal, McNeal, & Waters, 1976). In tivity (Guyton. 1986; Luciano, Vander. & Sherm
animal studies, transecting the nerves that inner- 1978).
vate slow twitch and fast-twitch muscle fibers and
It is generally, but not universally, accepted
then crossing these nen;es was noted to reverse the fiber types are genetically det~rmined (Costi
fiber types. After recovery from the cross-innerva- aI., 1976; Gollnick, 1982). In the average pop
tion, the slow-twitch fibers became fast in their con- tion, approximatel.'Y' 50 to 55% of muscle fi
are type I, approximately 30 to 35 Cj(; are type IrA, physical constraint of the surrounding tissues, t
and approximately' 15 rJr; are t.\'Pe lIB, but these extent and condition of extracellular matrices, a
percentages vary greatly among individuals. the development of repair cells. Muscle injuries a
In elite athletes, the relative percentage of fiber important but the topic is not \vithin the scope
types differs from that in the general population and this chapter. Injuries should be investigated ca
appears to depend on whether the athlete's principal fully if suspicion arises that a patient has mus
activit)' requires a short, explosive, maximal effort damage.
or involves submaximal endurance. Sprinters and
shot putters, for example, have a high percentage of
tvpe II flbers, whereas distance runners and cross- Muscle Remodeling
~ountry skiers have a higher percentage of type I
fibers. Endurance athletes may have as man.v as The remodeling of muscle tissue is similar to that
80% t.ype I fibers, and those engaged in short, ex- other skeletal tissues such as bone, articular car
plosive efforts as few as 30 0/e of these fibers (Saltin lage, and ligaments. Asin these other tissues, mu
et 'II., 1977). cle atrophies in response to disuse and immobili
The genetically determined fiber typing may be tion and hypertrophies when subjected to grea
responsible for the natural selective process by use than usual.
which athletes are drawn to the type of sport for
which they are most suited. Because fiber types are
determined by the nerve that innervates the muscle
fiber, there may be some cortical control of this in-
nervation that influences an athlete to choose the Disuse and immobilization have detrimental effe
sport in which he or she is genetical I)' able to excel. on muscle ftbers. These effects include loss of
durance and strength and muscle atrophies on a m
crostructural and macrostructural level, such as
Muscle Injuries creased numbers and size of fiber. Biochemi
changes occur and affect aerobic and anaerobic
iVluscle injuries comprise contusion, laceration, erg}' production. These effects are dependent
ruptures, ischemia, compartment syndromes, and fiber type and muscle length during immobilizati
denervation. These injuries weaken the muscles and Immobilization in a lengthened position has a l
can cause significant disability'. Blunt trauma can deletet-ious effect (Appell, 1997; Kassel', 1996; Oh
diminish muscle strength, limit joint motion, and fl- et 'II.. 1997; Sandmann, et 'II., 1998).
nally lead to myositis ossiflcans. lVlusclc laceration, Clinical and laboratory studies of human and
surgical incisions, and traumatic lesion to muscle imal muscle tissue suggest that a program of
tissue and denervation weaken the ITmsclcs, some- mediate or early motion may prevent Illuscle at
times significantly. Ruptures in muscles also can phy after injury or surgery. In a study of cn
cause weakness. Like the other injuries, they rnay injuries to rat muscle, the effect of immobilizat
result from direct trauma, but muscle contractions of the crushed limb was compared with that of
against resistance also can lead to tears in muscle mediate motion. The muscle fibers \vere found
tissue. regenerate in a more parallel orientation in the m
Acute muscle ischemia and compartment syn- bilized animal than in the immobilized anim
dromes can cause extensive muscle necrosis. The capillarization occurred more rapidly, and tens
many potential causes of compartment s}'ndrome strength returned more quickly. Similar resu
all result in increased pressure \vithin a confined were found in a later study on the effect of imm
muscle compartment. In this case, failure to relieve bilization on the IT'lOrphology of rat calf musc
the pressure rapidl.y ma}' cause complications that (Kannus et aI., 1998a).
range from weakness and decreased motion to loss It has been found clinically that atrophy of
of an entire limb. quadriceps muscle that develops while the limb
Studies have shown that healthy skeletal muscle immobilized in a rigid plaster cast cannot be
has a substantial capacity to repair itself. This re- v'ersed through the use of isometric exercises.
pair process following a specific injury is inferred rophy may be limited by allowing early mot
by the prior innovation pattern, vascularization, such as that permitted by a partly mobile c
brace. In this case, dynamic exercises can be per- stood (Gollnick, 1982; Guyton, 1986). It ap
formed. that these evcnts arc controlled or modifi
Human muscle biopsy studies have shown that both the intrafusal muscle spindles, located
it is mainly' the type I fibers that atrophy with im- allel with the extrafusal fibers of the muscle
mobilization; their cross-sectional area decreases and the Go!gi tendon organs, located in serie
and their potential for oxidative enzyme activity is
reduced (Kannus et aI., 1998b). Earl)' motion may'
prevent this atrophy. It appears that if the muscle
is placed under tension when the body segment
moves, afferent (sensory) impulses from the intra- Ruptured Left Anterior eruciate Ligam
fusal muscle spindles will increase, leading to in- 25-year-old male, status postsurgical repair of the
creased stimulation of the type I fiber. Although in-
termittent isometric exercise may be sufficient to
A - ruptured left anterior cruciale ligament, had torqu
measurements taken from the involved and uninvolved
maintain the metabolic capacity of the t.vpe II limb 10 weeks after the surgical procedure (Fig. (56-2-1
fibel~ the type I fiber (the postural fiber) requires a and repeated 6 weeks after the training began (Fig. (56
more continuous impulse. Evidence also suggests 2-1 B). An increase of muscle torque is shown in the re-
that electric stimulation may prevent the de- peated isokinetic test. The initial deficit of the involved
crease in type I fiber size and the decline in its oxi- side was approximately 63~o when compared with the
dative enzyme activity caused b:v immobilization uninvolved side. After 6 '.Neeks of trainin~J. the deficit o
(Eriksson et ai., 1981). the involved side compared with tho uninvolved side de
In elite athletes, inactivity following injury, creased to 43%.
surgery, or immobilization rapidly decreases the
size and aerobic capability of muscle fibers, partic- 187,-------------
ularly in the fiber type affected bv the chosen 163
sport. Tn endurance athletes, type I fibers are af- 140
E 116
fected, while in athletes engaged in an explosive <n
c 93
activity such as sprinting, type II fibers are af-
;:o 47
" 69
/ -----
z 23
o J-~c_-----__:-~:-''''-'----
EFFECTS OF PHYSICAL TRAINING o 16 32 48 64 80 96 112
Physical training increases the cross-sectional area Knee motion degrees

of all muscle fibers, accounting for the increase in A

muscle bulk and strength. Some evidence suggests 294
that the relative percentage of fiber types compos- 239
ing a person's muscles rna:v also change with phys- ~c 192
ical training (Arvidson, Eriksson, & Pitman, 1984).
;: 136
/. " "
The cross-sectional area of the fibers affected by 108 .< "-
the athlete's principal activit).' increases. For exam- "
z 68 "-

ple, in endurance athletes, the arca of muscle taken

/ ,
up by type I and type IIA fibers increases at the ex- 0 16 32 48 64 80 96 112
pense of the total area of type lIB fibers (Case Knee motion degrees
Study 6-2). B
Stretching incrcases muscle Oexibility, maintains
Case Study Figure 6-2-1 Isokinetic test at 180~/sec. A
and augmcnts the range of joint motion, and in- Measurement of the quadriceps femoris torque produc
creases the elasticity and length of the musculo- tion at 10 weeks postsurgical procedure. The dashed fi
tendinous unit (Brobeck, 1979; Cuillo & Zarins, represents torque output by the involved limb. The so
line represents torque output by the noninvolved limb
1983). It also permits the musculotendinous unit to B. Measurements of the quadriceps femoris torque pro
store more energy in its viscoelastic and contractile duction at 16 weeks postsurgical procedure and 6 wee
components. after training sessions. The dashed line represents torq
output by the involved limb. The solid line represents
The events that take place during muscle torque output by the noninvolved limb.
stretching are complex and incompletely under-
these fibers. The spindles respond to an increase in
5 A key (0 (he sliding mechanism is the calciu
muscle length and the Golgi apparatus to an in-
ion, which lu)-ns the contractile activity on and a
crease in TllUSc!C tension. The resulting spindle re-
flex increases muscle contraction, while the Goigi 6 The mOlOr unit, a single motor neuron and
reflex inhibits contraction and enhances muscle musclc fibers inncrvatcd by it, is the smallesl pan
relaxation. the muscle thal can contral:t independently. T
The intrafusal muscle spindles are or t\Vo types: calling in of additional motor units in response
primary and secondary. The primary spindles re- greater stimulation of thc rnotor nerve is known
spond to changes in the rate of muscle lengthen- recruitment.
ing (dynamic response) and the actual amount or 7 The tendons and the endomysium, perim
lengthening. The secondary spindles respond only sium, sarcolemma, and epimysium reprcsent par
(0 the actual length change (static response). The lel and series clastic components dUll stretch w
static response is weak and the dynarnic response aClive contraction or passive muscle extension a
is strong: therefore, keeping the rate of stretch recoil with muscle relaxation.
low may allow the dynamic response to be by-
8 Summation occurs whcn mcchanical
passed, essentially negating dte effect of the spin-
sponscs of the muscle to successivc stimuli a
dles. Conversely, the increase in rnusclc tcnsion
added to an initial response. \Vhen maximal tensi
during stretching may activate the relaxing effect
is sustained as a result of summation, the mus
of the Golgi apparatus and thus enhancc further
contracts tetanically. The muscle fiber contracts
stretching. The various 111ethods and theories of"
an all-or-nothing fashion.
stretching all have as a common goal inhibition of
the spindle effect and cnhanccrnent or the Golgi 9 Muscles may contract concentrically, eccent
effect to relax the muscle and promote further cally, or isometricaH)' depending on the relationsh
lcngt hen i ng. belween the muscle lension and thc rcsistance to
overcome. Concentric and eccentric contractio
involve dynamic work, in which t he muscle move
joint or controls its 111ovcn1cnl.
',10 Force production in muscle is influenced
i!;< The structural unil of skeletal muscle is the the length-tension, load-velocity. nne! rorce-time
fil.;c'r, which is encompassed by the endomysium lationships of the muscle. The length-tension re
and organized into fascicles encased in the perirny- tionship in a whole Illuscle is influenced by both
slum. The epimysium surrounds the entire musclc. tive (contractile) and passive (series and paral
elastic) components.
2 The fibers are composed of myofibrils. aligned
so as to create a band pallern. Each repeat of this 11 Two other factors that increase force produ
pattern is a sarcomere, the functional unit 01" the tion are prestretching or the muscle and a rise
contractile system. muscle tempenllure.

3 The myofibrils arc composed or thin filaments 12 The energy for muscle contraction and its
of the protein actin and thick filaments of the pro- lease is provided by the hydrolytic splitting of AT
tein myosin, and the intramyofibrillar cytoskeleton Muscle fatigue occurs \\'!hen the ability of the mu
is composed 01" the clastic filaments titin and the in-
cle to synthesize ATP is insufficient to keep
elastic filarnents ncbulin. with the rate of ATP breakdown during contra
4 According to the sliding filament theOl)" active
shortening of the muscle results from the reiativL' 13 Three main fiber types have been identifie
movement of the actin and myosin filaments past type I, slow-twitch oxidative; type IIA, fast-twit
one anothel: The force of contnlClion is developed oxidative-glycolytic; and type liB. fast-twitch g
by movement of the myosin heads, or cross-bridges, colytic fibers. Most muscles contain a mixture
in contact with the aclin filaments. Troponin and these types.
tropomyosin, two proteins in the actin helix, regu- .,14 Muscle atrophies occur under disuse and i
Iatc the making and breaking of the contacts be- mobilization; muscle trophism can' be restor
tween r-ilamenls. through early and active rcmobilization.
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283-291. pp. 506-5(5). Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.

-'::' '



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-,~, . "., ~.
~ Intrinsic disorders associated with muscle damage. Clinical examples. *

*This flow chart is designed for classroom or group discussion. Flow chart is not meant to be exhaustive.
of Joints
of the Knee
Margareta Nordin, Victor H. Franke

Range of Motion
Surface Joint ~J1otion
Tibiofemoral Joint
Patellofemoral Joint
Statics of the Tibiofemoral Joint
Dynamics of the Tibiofemoral Joint
Stability of the Knee JOint
Function of the Patella
Statics and Dynamics of the Patellofemoral Joint
The knce is particularl.. . . \vell suited for dem
Introduction strating biomechanical anal.vscs of joints beca
The knee transmits loads, part III pales in motion, these anal.. .,scs can be simplified in the knee and
aids in conservation of momentum, and provides a yield useful data. Although knee motion occurs
force couple for activities involving the leg. The hu- multancous!y" in three planes, thc motion in
man knee, the largest and perhaps 1110st complex planc is so great that it accounts for nearly all of
joint in the bod)!, is a two-joint structure composed motion. Also, although many muscles prod
'of the tibiofemoral joint and the patellofcmoral forces on the knee, at any particular instant
joint (Fig. 7-1). The knee sustains high forces and muscle group predominates, generating a force
moments and is situated between the body's two great that it accounts for most of the muscle fo
longest lever arms (the femur and the tibia), making acting on the knee. Thus, basic biomedwni
it particularly' susceptible to injury. This d18ptcr uti- analyscs can be limited to motion in one plane
lizes the knee to introduce the basic terms, explain to the force produced by a single muscle group
the methods, and demonstrate the calculations nec- still give an understanding of kncc mc)tion and
essary for analyzing joint motion and the forces and estimation of the magnitude of the principal for
moments acting on a joint. This information is np and moments on the knee. Advanced bioIllcchan
plied to other joints in subsequcnt chaptcrs. d.\'namic anal,\'ses of thc knee joint that include

Anterior cruclate

Popliteus ligament

collateral Semimembrano

tendon Superficial
medial collat
ligament (cu

Iliotibial Transverse
band (cut) ligament

Interosseous -cr--l'- Gracillis


Patellar tendon Sartorius

Two-joint structure of the knee. A, Lateral view of a knee joint with open growth plates.
B, Anterior view without patella.
soft tissue structures are complex and still under in- Kinematics
Analysis or motion in any joint requires the lise of Kinematics defines thl..' range of motion an
kinematic daw. Kinematics is the branch of mc- scribes the sw-facc motion of a joint in three p
crlanics thal deals with Illotion of a body without frontal (coronal or longitudinal), sagittal, and
reference to force or mass. Anal:vsis of the forces verse (horizonlal) (Fig. 7 2, A & B). Clinical

and momenl~ acting on a joint necessitates the surements of joint range 01" motion defin
usc of both kinematic and kinetic data. Kinetics is anatomical position as a zero position for mc
the branch of mechanics that deals with the motion ment. This laxonomy will be uscd for joint m
of a body under the action of given forces and/or throughout this book. Other taxonomies and
moments. ence systems exist (Ant!riacchi et aI., 1979; Gr


~1 plane
., -Sagittal
I~. ~ plane
o ;,.j
k'. )1




A, Frontal (coronal or longitudinal), sagittal. and transverse tion and proximal distal translation, flexion-extension
(horizontal) planes in the human body performed easily for tion, internal-external rotation, varus-valgus rotation.
both the tibiofemoral and the patellofemoral joint. B, Depic- Adapted from Wilson, S.A., Vigorita, V.J., & Scott, W.N
tion and nomenclature of the six degrees of freedom of knee (1994). Anacomy. In N. Scott (Ed.), The Knee (p. 17). Philad
motion: anterior posterior translation, medial/lateral transla- Mosby- Year Book.

.,. . .<:,

Sun tal' 1983; Kroemer ct aL. 1990; bzkaya &
Nordin, 1999), but the anatomical reference system
bv far is the mOSl commonlv lIsed among clinicians.
O'rthe two joints composing the kne'; the tibio-
femoral joint lends itself particularly well to an
analysis of range orjoinl motion. Analysis of surface
joint motion can be performed easily For both the
tibiofemoral and the P<'11cllofcmoral joint. An~' im-
pediment of range of motion or surface joint 'motion
will disturb the normal loading pattern of' a joint
a.nd bear consequences.
-20 !:=------;!':---7::----==---:'::--
100 20 40 60 80 10
RANGE OF MOTION Percentage of Cycle

The range or motion of any joint can be measured in

any plane. Gross measurements can be made with a
goniometer, but more specific measurements re- Range of motion of the tibiofemoral joint in the sagittal
quire the lise or more precise methods such as elcc- plane during level walking in one gait cycle. The shaded
lrogoniomelr~. roenlgenogJ"aphy. stcreopllologralll- dred indicates variation among 60 subjects (age range 20

metr)'. or photographic and video techniques using to 65 years). Adapted {rom MtJ((a}~ M.P., Drought, A.B., Kor}
R. C. (1964j. I/o/alking patterns of norma! men. J Bone Joint Su
skeletal pins,
In the tibiofcmoral jail'll. nlOtion takes place in all
three planes, but the range of motion is greatest by
far in the sagittal plane. Motion in this plane from
full extcnsion to Fulillexion of the knee is from 0' to
approximately 140. in this joint during walking has been measured
Motion in the transverse plane. intel-nnl and ex- all planes. The range of motion in the sagittal pla
ternal rotation. is inOuenced by the position of the during level walking was measured with an e1ectr
joint in the sagittal plane, With the knee in Full ex- goniometer by Lamoreaux (1971) and MUlTay et
tension. rOHHion is almost completely restl'ictcd b~f (1964). Full or nearly Full extension was noted at t
the interlocking of the femoral and tibial condyles. beginning of the stance phase (0% of cycle) at he
which occurs mainly because the medial femoral strike, and at the end of the stance phase before LO
condyle is longer than the lateral condyle. The range off (around 60% of cycle) (Fig, 7-3), Maximum fle
of rotation increases as the knee is flexed, reaching ion (approximately 60) was observed during t
a maximum at 90 of nexion; with the knee in this middle of the swing phase (sec Chapter 18, Biom
:- position. external rotation ranges from 0 to ap- chanics of Gait. For more detailed inFormation
proximately 45 and internal rotation ranges from These measurements are velocit.y-c1ependent an
0' to appmximatcly 3D'. Beyond 90' of Ilexion. the must be interpreted with caution.
range of internal and external rotation decreases, ~"lotion in the transverse plane during walking h
primarily because the soft tissues restrict rOlation. been measured by several investigators. Using a ph
Motion in the frontal plane. abduction and ad- lOgraphic technique involving the placement
duction. is similarly aFfected by the amount of joint skeletal pins through the femur and tibia, Leve
flexion, Full extension of the knee precludes almost and associates (1948) Found that total rotation of t
all motion in the frontal plane. Passive abduction tibia with respect to the fernur ranged from appro
and adduction increase with knee Oexion up to 30. imately 4 to 13' in 12 subjects (mean 8,6'). Great
but each reaches a maximum of only a few degrees. rotation (mean 133') was noted by Kettclkamp an
With the knee flexed beyond 3D'. motion in the coworkers (1970). who used electrogoniollletry o
frontal plane again c1ecre~lses because of the limit- 22 subjects. In both studies, external rotation beg
ing function of the sol't tissues. during knee extension in the stance phase an
The range of tibiofernoral joint motion required reached a peak value at the end of th~ swing pha
For the performance of various physical activities just before heel strike. Internal rotation was note
can be determined from kinematic anal~lsis. MOlion during Ilexion in the swing: phase.
DDIII-~ callsc lhese mcthods ~lre highly technical and com
plex, a simpler method evolved in the nineteen
Range of Tiblofemoral Joint Motion In the ccnL'It'\, Is sLillus~d (Reuleau,\, 1876), This m~,h()
Sagittal Plane During Common Activities called the installt cl.?nter techniqul.', allows surfa
I Range of Motion
from Knee Extension
joinl 1l1Olion lO be analyzed in the sagiual an
froolal planes but not in the transverse plane. T
Activity to Knee Flexion (Degrees)
- - - - - - - - - -0-67"
------, instant center l~chniqLle pl{)vides a description
the rch'tive uniplanar motion of two adjacent se

Climbing stairs ments or n body and the direction of displaceme

Descending stairs 0-90 or the contact points bct\\'L~cn these segmcnts,
The skeldal portion 01" a body segment is called
Sitting down 0-93
link. As one link rotaLes ~il){H1l the other. al any i
Tying a shoe 0-106
stum then... is a point that docs nOl mov(:, that is,
lifting an object 0-117 point thal has h'ro velocil.V. This point conslitlli
an instantaneous cenLer of motion, or instant ce
';Dillil lrom Kel1clkamp el al. (1970i. fvlean for 22 subjects. A slight
ddiercncc was found bel'.'.'een r19ht "nc! lei! knees (mean for right tel: The instant center is found b.\' identirying t
knee 68.1, nW,ln for left knee 66,r). displacen1cnt (If two points on a link as the li
"These and sub:.equerH date' from lauberllhal Cl al. (1972). Mean for moves from one position to another in relation to
30 subjects.
adjacl.?nt link, which is considered to he stalionar
The points on thl.' moving link in its original po
tion and in its displaced position arc designated
a graph and lines an.' drawn connecling the two se
Kcltclkamp's group (1970) also mcasurcd motion of points. The pCl-pcndicular bisectors or these tw
in the frontal plane during walking. In nearly all of lines are then drawn. The intersection or the pe
the 22 subjects, maximal abduction of the tibia was pendicular bisectors is thc instant ccntcl:
observed during extension at heel slrike and at the Clinir::'lll~', a path\\'a~' of the instant center for
beginning of the stance phase; maximal adduction ~
joint call be determined b\' takinQ - successive roen

occurred as the knee \Vas flexed during the swing genograms of the joint in dilTcrent positions (usual
phase. The total amount of abduction and adduc- 10 apart) throughout the range of motion in o
tion averaged 11. plane and applying the Rculcaux melhod for locali
Values for the rangc of motion o!" the tibiofemoral the inslanl center 1'01' each intcrv[ll or motion.
joint in the sagittal plane during several comn101l \Vhcn the instant center palhway has been dete
activities arc presented in Table 7-1. l'vlaximal knee mined 1'01' joint motion in one plane, the surfa
flexion occurs during lifting. A range of motion joint mol ion C[ln be described, For each intel'val
I'rol11 full extcnsion to at least II r 01' flcxion ap- motion, the point at which the joint surfaces ma
pears to be required for an individual to carry out contact is located on the roentgenograms lIsed f
the activities of daily living in a normal manner. Any the instant center analysis, and a line is drawn frol
restriction of knee motion can be compensated for
by increased motion in other joints. In studying the
range of libiofcmoral joint motion during various 1Imtl!JIJI--~ -~~-,-~----~

activities, researchers found that an increased speed

of movement requires a greater range of motion in Amount of Knee Flexion During Stance
thc tibiol'cl11oral joint (Holdcn et aI., 1997; Pcrry ct
aI., 1977). As the pace accelerates from walking
I Phase of Walking and Running
Range in Amount of Knee Flexio
slowly to running. progressively more knee flexion Activity During Stance Phase (Degrees)
is nccdcd during thc stancc phasc (Table 72),
Slow 0-6
SUrract~ joint motion. which is the Illation between Fast 12-18
the articulating surfaces of a joint. can be described Running 18-30
1'01' any joint in any plane with the lise of stcrcopho-
Logrammetric mcthods (Sclvik, 1978, 1983)~ Bc~ Data itom Perry ct al. (1977). Range for seven subjects.
the instant center [() the contact point. A second line simultaneously but is considerably less in the tra
drawn at right angles to this line indicates the di- verse and frontal planes. Surface motion in
reclion of displacement of the contact points. The patellofcmoraljoint takes place in two planes sim
direction of displacement of these points through- tancoLisly, the frontal and transverse, but is
out the range of motion describes the surface mo- greater in the frontal plane.
tion in the joint. In most joints, the instant centers
lie at a distance from the joint surface, and the line
indicating the direction of c1isplaccrncnt o!" the con-
Tibiofemoral Joint
wct points is tangential to the load-bearing surface,
demonstrating thm one joint surFace is gliding on An example will illustrate the lise of the instant c
the other (load-bcaring) surface. In the casc in ter tcchniquc to describe the surface motion of
which the instant center is found on the sudace. the tibiofemoraljoint in the sagittal plane. To determ
joint has a rolling motion and there is no gliding the pathway of the instant center of this joint dur
function. Because the instant center technique al- flexion, a lateral roentgenogram is taken of the k
lows a description of motion in one plane only, it is in full extension and successive films arc Laken
not useful for describing the surface joint motion if 10 intervals of increased nexion. Care is taken
more than I5 of motion takes place in any plane kcep the tibia parallel to the ,-ray table and to p
other than the one being rneasured. vent rotation about the femur. \Vhcn a patient
In the knee, surface joint motion occurs between limited knee motion, the knee is Ilc,ed or e'tend
the tibial and fcmoral condyles and between the only as far as the patient can tolerate.
fcmoral condylcs and the patella. In thc tibiofemoral Two points on the femur that arc easily iden
joint, surface motion takes place in all three planes ned on all roentgenograms are selecled and des

Locating the instant center. A, Two easily identifiable points on the femur are designated
on a roentgenogram of a knee flexed 80. B. This roentgenogram is compared with a
roentgenogram of the knee flexed 90, on which the same two points have been indi~
cated. The images of the tibiae are superimposed, and lines are drawn connecting each set
of points. The perpendicular bisectors of these two lines are then drawn. The point at
which these perpendicular bisectors intersect is the instant center of the tibiofemoral joint .
for the motion between 80 and 90 of flexion. Courtesy of Ian Goldie, M.D. Univ~rsity of
Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden.
natcd on each roentgenogram (Fig. 7.4..4). The
films are then compared in pairs, with the images
of the tibiae supcl-imposed on each othcl:
Roentgenograms with marked differences in tibial
alignrncnt arc not used. Lines are drawn between
the points on thc felllur in the two positions, and
the perpendicular bisectors of these lines arc then
drawn. The point at which these perpendicular bi-
sectors intersect is the instant center or the
tibiofemoral joint for each 10 interval of motion
(Fig. 7-4B). The instant center pathway throughout
the entire range or knee Oexion and extension can
then be ploued. In a normal knee, the instant cen-
ter pathway for the tibiofemoral joint is semicircu-
lar (Fig. 7-5).
After the instant center padnvay has been de-
termined for the tibiofemoral joint. the surface
motion can be described. On each set of superim-
posed roent-gcnograms the point of contact of the
tibiorcmoral joint surfaces (the narrowest point in
the joint space) is determined and a line is drawn
connecting this point with the instanl centet: A
second line drawn at right angles to this line incli- Semicircular instant center pathway for the tibiofemor
cates the direction of displacement of the contact joint in a 19-year-old man with a normal knee.
points. In a normal knee, lhis line is tangential to
the surFace of the tibia for each interval of motion
from full extension to full flexion, demonstrating
that the femur is gliding on the tibial condyles
(Frankel et aI., 1971) (Fig. 7-6). During normal
knee motion in the sagittal plane from full exten- tel' pathway for one subject, a 35-~"ear-old m
sion to full flexion. the instant center pathway with a bucket-handle derangement. is shown
moves posteriody, forcing a combination of Figure 7-7.
rolling and sliding to occur between the articular If the knee is extended and Hexed aboul an
surface (Fig 7-6. A & B). The unique mechanism normal instant center pathway, the libiofem
prevents the femur from rolling off the posterior joint surfaces do not glide tangentially throu
aspect of the tibia plateau as the knee goes into in- out the range of motion but become cither
creased flexion (Draganich et aI., 1987; Fu et aI., tracted or compressed (Fig. 7-8). Such a kne
1994; Kapandji, 1970). The mechanism that pre- annlogous to a door with a bent hinge that
vents this roll-off is the link formed between the longer fits into the door jarnb. If the knee is c
tibial and Femoral attachment sites of the anterior tinually forced to move about a displaced ins
and posterior cruciate ligaments and the osseous center, a gradual adjustment to the situation
geometry of the femoral condyles (Fu el aI., 1994) be reflected either b~: stretching of the ligam
(Fig. 7-6, B-D). and other supporting soft tissues or by the im
Frankel and associates (1971) determined the in- sition of abnormall~' high pressure on the art
stant center pathway and analyzed the surface mo- lar surfaces.
tion of the tibiofemoral joint from 90 of Ilexion to Internal derangements of the libiofcmoralj
Full extension in 25 normal knees; tangential glid- may interfere with the so-called screw-h
ing was noted in all cases. They also determined the mechanism, which is external rotation during
instant center pathway for the tibioFemoral joint in tension of the tibia (Fig. 7-9). The tibiofem
30 knees with internal derangement and found ~ioint is not a simple hinge joint; il has a spiral
that, in all cases, the instant center was displaced helicoid, motion. The spiral motion or the t
from the normal position during some portion of about the femur during flexion and extension
the motion examined. The abnormal instant cen- sults from the anatomical configuration of
medial femoral condyle; in a normal knee, th
condyle is approximately 1.7 ern longer than th
lateral condyle. As the tibia moves on the femu
from the fully flexed to the fully extended pos
tion, it descends and then ascends the curves
the n1edial femoral condyle and simultaneous
rotates externally!. This motion is reversed as th
tibia moves back into the fully flexed positio
This screw-home mechanism (rotation around th
Gliding longitudinal axis of the tibia) provides more st
A 8 bility' to the knee in any position than would
simple hinge configuration of the tibiofemor
Matsumoto et al. (2000) investigated the ax
of tibia axial rotation and its change with kne
flexion angle in 24 fresh-frozen normal knee ca
daver specimens ranging in age From 22 to 6
years. The magnitude and location of the long
tudinal axis of tibia rotation were measured
15 increments between 0 and 90 of knee fle
ion. The magnitude of tibia rotation was 8 at


1mIlI'------- _
A. In a normal knee, a line drawn from the instant center of
I the tibiofemoral joint to the tibiofemoral contact point
(line A) forms a right angle with a line tangential to the tib-
ial surface (line B). The arrow indicates the direction of dis-
placement of the contact points. Line B is tangential to the
tibial surface, indicating that the femur glides on the tibial
condyles during the measured interval of motion. B. Pure
sliding of the femur on the tibia with knee extension. Note
that the contact point of the tibia does not change as the
femur slides over it. Eventually impingement would occur if
all surface motion was restricted to sliding. Round points
delineate contact points at the femur and triangles delin- Abnormal instant center pathway for a 35-year-old man
eate contact points at the tibia. C. Pure rolling of the femur with a bucket-handle derangement. The instant center
on the tibia with knee flexion. Note that both the tibia and jumps at full extension of the knee. Adapted from Frankel,
the femoral contact points change as the femur rolls on the VH., Burstein, A.H., &- Brooks, D.B. (1971). Biomechanics of in
tibia. Also note that with moderate flexion, the femur will be~ ternal derangement of the knee, Parhomechanics as determin
gin to roll off the tibia if surface motion was restricted to rol- by analysis of the instant centers of motion. J Bone Joint Surg,
ling. D, Actual knee motion including both sliding and rolling. 53A, 945.
of knee flexion. The tibial rotation increased
rapidly as the knee flexion angle increased and
reached a ma:dmunl of 31 0 at 30 0 of knee flexion.
IL then decreased again with additional flexion
~-L'-JI Extension
(Fig 7-10). The location of the longitudinal rota-
tional axis was close to the insenion of the ante-
rior cruciate ligament (ACL) at 0 of flexion. At
continuous flexion up to 60, the I'otational axis
moved toward the insertion of the posterior cru- \'1
ciale ligament. Belween 60 and 90 of flexion, '.,
the rotational axis moved anteriorly again (Fig ... External
rotalion during
7-11). This study showcd thaI lhc rolational axis extension
remains approximately in the area between the
two cruciate ligaments. Any change of direction
and tension of the cruciate ligaments and sur-
rounding soft tissue may affect the movement Screwhome mechanism of the tibiofemoral joint. D
and the 'location of the longitudinal tibia axis knee extension. the tibia rotates externally. This mo
of rotation and thcrcby affccl joint load distri- reversed as the knee is flexed. A. Oblique view of t
mur and tibia. The shaded area indicates the tibial
solid line axis for knee flexion and extension, dotte
A clinical tcst. the Helfet test, is often useel to de-
internal and external rotation axis of the tibia duri
termine whether external rotation of the tibio- ion and extension. AcJapred from Helier. A.J. (1974j. A
and mechanics of movement of rite knee Joinr. In A. He
Disorders of the Knee fpp. i -17). Philadelphia.- J B. Lipp

femoral joint takes place during knee eXl
thereby indicating whether the screw-home m
nism is illlact. This clinical tcst is performe
the patient sitting with the kn~e and hip flex
ancl the leg hanging free. The medial and
borders of the patella are marked on the ski
tibial tuberosity and the midline of the pate
then designated, and the alignment of the
tuberosity with the patella is checked. In a n
knee Hexed 90, the tibial tuberosily aligns w
Distraction Compression medial half or the patcll" (Fig. 7-121\). The k
A B then extended fully and the movement of the
tuberosity is obsel\:cd. [n a normal knee. the
tuberosity moves laterally during extensio
Surface motion in two tibiofemoral joints with displaced "Iigns with the latent! h"lf or the patella at
instant centers. In both joints, the arrowed line at right an tension (Fig. 7-128). RotatOl')' motion in a n
gles to the line between the instant center and the knee may be as great as hair the width
tibiofemoral contact point indicates the direction of dis- patella. In a deranged knee, the tibia may not
placement of the contact points. A. The small arrow indi- externally during extension. Because of the
cates that with further fIeldon. the tibiofemoral joint will surface motion in such a knee, the tibiof
be distracted. B, With increased flexion, this joint will be joint will be abnormally compressed if the k
compressed. forced into extension, and the joint surfaces m
patellofemoral Joint Tibia Plateau
The surface motion of the patellofcmoral joint in
the frontal plane may also be described by means or
" .. ..

the instant center technique. This joint is shown to ..........

have a gliding motion (Fig. 7-13). From full exten- ACL
sion to full flexion of the knee, the patella glides
caudally! approximately 7 em on the femoral 0'0
condyles. Both the medial and lateral facets of the \. 5'
femur articulate with the patella from Full exten- Lateral
sion to 140' of flexion (Helme, 1990) (Fig. 7-14). Be-
yond 90' of flexion, the patella rotates externally,
:md only the medial femoral facet articulates with
the patella (Fig. 7-14B). At full flexion, the patella '.
::..... 30 6t?~L,.
". ..45"
sinks into the intercondylar groove (Goodfellow et
aI., 1976). The contact area of the lateral facet joint '. .... . .
of the patella is larger than the medial contact ar-
eas and ranges from 0.5 to 2.5 cn1~ and less than 0.5
o Axis locallon an
standard deviat
to 2 em"' ) respectively" Contact areas increase \vith
an increased amount of flexion of the knee joint
and increased pulling force of the quadriceps mus-
location of the axis of tibia axial rotation. The location
cle (I-lehne, 1990).
the axis was close to the tibial insertion of the anterior
cruciate ligament (ACL) at A" of flexion and gradually
moved toward that of the posterior cruciate ligament a
45 and 90" of knee flexion. The axis then moved anteri
again and was approximately at equal distance from th
two insertions of the cruciate ligaments at 90" of knee
-r flexion. ACL, insertion of the anterior cruciate ligament
-- -- -- PCl, tibial insertion of the posterior cruciate ligament.
Reprinted v'/ith permission from MatsurnolO, H., Seedhom, B
30 r-~
. Sue/a. Y, et 11. (2000). Axis of tibial rotation and its change
-- -- flexion angle. Clin Orthop, 371, J78-182.

x 20
ro 10
>- Kinetics
o o 15 30 45 60 75 . 90
Kinetics involves both static and d,vnamic ana
sis of the forces and moments acting on a jo
IL - Knee Flexion Angle
Statics is the stud~/ of the forces and moments a
ing on a body in equilibrium (a body' at rest
jIBm'------- moving at a constant speed). For a bod)' to be
The total tibial axial rotation (y-axis) plotted against the equilibrium. two equilibrium conditions must
magnitude of knee flexion (x-axis) in fresh-frozen speci- met: force (translator:v) equilibrium, in which
mens tested under unloaded axial conditions, The magni- sum of the forces is zero, and moment (rotato
tude of tibial rotation was below 9" at A" of knee flexion. equilibrium, in which the sum of the moment
Maximum rotation (31.]0) was measured between 30 to 45" zero. Dynamics is the study of the moments a
of knee flexion. Reprinted with permission from Matsumoto, forces acting on a body in motion (an accelerat
H., Seedhom, B.B., Suda, Y, et al. (2000), Axis of tibial rotation or decelerating body), In this case, .the forces
and its change vi/ith flexion angle. Clin Orlhop, 371, 778-182.
not add up to zero, and the body displaces and
the moments do not add up to zero and the bo
Knee flexed 90c Knee lully extended

Helfet test. A, In a normal knee flexed 90, the tibial tuberosity aligns with the medial half
of the patella. B, When the knee is fUlly extended. the tibial tuberosity aligns with the lat
eral half of the patella .

After the instant center (lQ is determined for the

patellofemoral joint for the~ motion from 75 to 90 of knee
flexion, a line is drawn from the instant center to the con
tact point (CP) between the patella and the femoral
condyle. A line drawn at right angles to this line is tangen-
tial to the surface of the patella, indicating gliding .


Lateral M

Lateral Medial

~ '\
- - - -30'-90"
20' 45' 90'

---120" ,

Lateral Me



A, The position of the patella at different ranges of knee Functional anatomy of the patellofemaral joint. J 80ne Joint
flexion motion. a, Contact areas during different degrees of 58B. 287; and from Helme. H.I (1990). Biomechanics of the
flexion. Beyond 900 of flexion, the patella rotates slightly parellofemoral joint and its clinical relevance. Clin Onhop. 25
outwards. Adapted from GoodfelJo'J'l, I. Hvngerford, D.5., & lin 73-85,


del, M (1976), PateJlofemoral joint mechanics and pathology. I.

rotates around an axis perpendicular to the plane In this and subsequent chapters. the discussi
of the fOl'ces producing the moments. Kinetic stalics and dynamics of the joints of the skelela
analysis allows one to determine the magnitude of tem concerns the magnitude of the forces and
the moments and forces on a joint produced by ments acting to move a joint about an axis
body weight, muscle action, soft tissue resistance, maintain its position. It does not lake into acc
and externally applied loads in any situation, ei- Ihe deforming effect of Ihese forces and mom
ther static or dynamic, and to identify those situ- on the joint structures. This effect is indeed pre
ations that produce excessively high moments or but the discussion is not within the s~ope of this
STATICS OF THE TIBIOFEMORAL JOINT distinct from the rest of the bod.". <'lIlt! a diagram o
this free-bod." in tilt..' stair-climbing situation is
Static analysis may be lIsed to determine the forces drawn (Calculation Bo,,,; 7-1). I":'nlrn all rorces acting
and moments acling on a joint when no motion on thl..: I"rct..body. the three main coplanal- I"o('(,:(:s an
takes place or at one instant in time during a dy- idenlified a~ the ground rL'action force (equal to
namic activity such n5 walking, running, or lifting body weight I), the tensile force through the patella
an objecl. 1t can be performed for any joint in any tcndon exel"ted h.v llw quadriceps Illust..:ll' , and th\.
position and under any loading configuration. In joint reaction force on the tibial plateau. The ground
such analyses, eHher graphic or mathematical n.:action force (\rV) has a known m<'lgnitude (L'qu;;llto
methods may be lIsed to solve for the unknown body wt..'iglu). S~IlS('. line or <'lpplicalion. and poinl o
forces or moments. application (poii'll or contact between the foot and
A complete static analysis involving all moments the ground). The palellnr tendol1 force (P) has a
and all forces imposed on a joint in three dimensions known SC'IlSL' (awa.'; from the knee joint), lint..' of ap
is complicated. For this reason. a simplified tech- plicaliun (along lhe patellar t('ndon). and point o
nique is oflen lIsed. The technique utilizes a frec- application (point or insertion of thc patellar tendol
body diagrarn and limits the analysis lo one plane, to on till' tibial tulx.rosit."), but an unknown l1lagni
the three main coplanar forces acting on the frcc- tude. The joint n:action force (J) has a known poilU
body. and ro the main moments ~cting about the of application OJl the slIrl"acL' or the tibia (the COJ1lac
joint under consideration. The minimum magni- point of tilL' joint surfaces betw(.'en the tibial and
tudes of the forces and moments arc obtained. femora! cond,vlc:s, estimated from a roelllgenogram
When the simplified Free-body technique is used or the joint in the pn)!x~r loading configuration), bu
to analyze coplanar forces, one portion of the body an unknown magnitude, sense. and line of applica
is considered as distinct rrom the entire bod.\', and tion. Using \'L'ctors cakuh\lions <:\11('\ triangles law
all forces acting on this free-body arc identified. A the joint rL'action force (.1) and thl' pall.'lIar tendon
diagram is drawn of the free-body in the loading sit- force (P) call be c,dculated (Calcul"tion Bo\ 7-1)
uation (0 be analyzed. The three principal coplanar It call bt.. seen thaI the main musck forct..' has
forces acting on the free-body are identified and llluch gre<.ltL'1' inlhICIll:L' on the magnitude of" th
designaLcd on the free-body diagram. .joint reaction force than dot..s the -~round !"(.'actio
These forces afC designated as vectors if four force produced b." bod~ \vcight. Note lhat, in this ex
characteristics are kno\vn: magnitude, sense. line of amplc (Calculation Box 71), only til(' minimum
application, and point of application. (The tcrm '"di- magnitude of the joint rt..'~lction force has been
rection" includes line of application and sense.) If calculated. If other muscle I"oret-'s arc considered
the points of application for allthrec forces and thc such as tht..' foret..' produced b~' tht..' contraction of th
directions for two forces arc kno\vn, all remaining halllslring Inusc!es in stabilizing the knee, the jClin
characteristics can be obtained for a force equilib- reaction force inClcast..s_
rium situation. \Vhen the free-body is in equilib- Th\.' ne:'.;t Slt.p in the static analysis is ~\I1;:d."sis o
rium, the three pl-incipal coplanar forces are con- the moments acting around the centcI- of motion 0
current; that is. they intersect at a common point. In the libiofcrnoral joint with the knee in the same po
other words, these forces form a closed system with sition and lht..' loading. configuralion shown in Ca
no resultant (i.e., their vector sum is zero). For this culation Bo:'.; Figure 71-1. The 1ll01llL'11I <'lIlal.\sis i
reason. the line of application for one force can be Llsed to cstimak' the minimulll ll1agnitudL' of th
determined if the lines of application for the other mOIl1L'nt produced through the patellar h:ndon
two forces arc known. Once the lines of application which counterbalances the 1l10ll1Cnt on the lowcr le
for all IIwee forces are known, a triangle of forces produced b.'; the weight or the hod." as the subjec
can be constructed and the magnitudes of all three ascends stairs (Calculation Box 72).
forces can be scaled from this triangle.
An example will illustrate the application of the
simplified Ii'ee-body techniquc for coplanar forccs to
the knee, In this case, the technique is lIsed to esti-
mate the minimum magnitude of the joint reaction lin C:lSl', the ground I"l'~ll"lillll rurn' is ;u.::lu;t1ly L'qllallo hod
force acting on the tibiorcmoral joint of the weight- \\"L'idltmintl:- (he \\"..::i!..:hl of till' IO\\"L'r kt:. BL'l";III:-l' tit... \widll o
the 'it'Hwr k~ is lllillilT~;ll {1L'SS (hall Olli.' 1:'l1(h or Ihl' bOtl\-), i( CI
bearing leg when the other leg is lifted during stair l.k' di,.. rl~aranl. ;llld the li~url' for tlll:tl hod\- \\"l'i!.!hl l\\U bl' tu
climbing. The lower leg is considered as a free-body. lizL'd ill Illl' lakul:lIion. . .-
!, Free-Body Diagram of the Knee Joint

Force P .., The three main coplanar forces acting on the lower leg:
~ ... Force J
I ,..
\.\ ;':"
.< Known: Point of applicalion
Ground reaction iorce (W). patellar tendon force (P), and joint

\Q', ~ \
UnknO'.',n: Magnitude
Line of application
reaction force (J) afe designaled on a free-body diagram of th
lower leg while climbing stairs (Calculation Box Fig 7-11),

Line of application \\
Point of application .,..,-..__ ....\
Unknown: Magnitude ". -'. \.

',-.\ "-
'. \

I /\J
o:__ ~~
I---==~-r"'iKnown: ~- /'

Force W Sense
Line of application
!Point of application

" "'i

Force P \ ( \ ..... i
.' Force J

T ibialemoral

\~ \.
,, '.'.
. contact point
Because the 100\'cr leg is in equilibriulll, the lines of applicatio
for all three forces intersect at one point. Because the linesof
application for [I,.VO forces (Wand P) are known, the line of a
plication for the third force (;) can be determined. The lines o
application for forces Wand P are extended until they jnter~


sect. The line or application for J Gill then be drawn from its
point of application on the tibial surface through the intersec
tion point (Calculation Box Fig. 7-1-2).
Intersection ~\

I -------~=:::::"~~W-1J.-'""'---~----

Now that the line of application for J has been determined, it

is possible (0 constru([ a triangle of forces (Calculation Box F
7-1 ~3). First, a ve([or representing W is drawn. Next. P is

I \'.,, Force P
drawn from the head of ve([or W. Then, to close the triangle
'. ,, 3.2W force J is drawn from rhe head of vector W. The point at whic
. ,,
'. forces P and J intersect defines the length of these vectors.
.... \, Now that the length of all three vectors is known, the magni
'. ,
Force J
'. ,
'. ,
4.1W tude of forces P and J can be scaled from force W, which is
'. ,
'. , equal to body weight. It is determining the number of limes

. . .J Force W
the length of force W can be aligned along the' force P and J,
respectively. In this case, force P is 3.2 times body weight, and

{, _ .
force J is 4.1 times body weight.
Free-Body Diagram of the Lower Leg During Stair Climbing
The two main mornents acting around tt1e center of motion
the tibioiemoral JOlfH (solid dOl) are designated on the free
body diagram of the lower leg during stair climbing (Calcul
( tion Box Fig. 7-2-1).
The fleXing moment on the lower leg is the product of t
\\ weIght of the body:- (W, the ground reaction force) and its
\ fever arm (a), 'Nhich is the perpendicular distance of the for
Force P \ W to the center 0; motion aT the tibiofemoral joint. The co
terbalanCIng extending moment IS the product of the quad
ceps muscle force through the patellar tendon (P) and its le
arm (b), Because tile lo""er leg is in equilibrium. the sum of
these two moments must equal zero (~M = 0).
In this example. the counterclockwise moment is arbitrari
designated as positive (W x a - P ~< b = 0). Values for lever
arms a and b can be measured from anatomical specimens o
on soft tissue imaging or fluoroscopy (Kellis & Baltzopoulos.
1999; Wretenberg et aI., 1996), and the magnitude of W ca
be determined from the body weigt1t of the individual. The
magnitude of P can then bE' found from the moment equilib
:::M = 0
num equation:
W;.: a
!Again the welghl of the lower leg IS disregarded because it is
p =W xa lESS ,han Oile \Cntil of body vveight

I Calculation Box Figure 7-2-1.

e ------..- - - - -

DYNAMICS OF THE TIBIOFEMORAL JOINT analysis must be taken into account: the acc
tion of the body part under consideration an
Although estimations of the magnitude of the mass moment of inertia of the body part. (The
forces and moments imposed on a joint in static moment of inertia is the unit used to expres
situations are llseful. most of Ollr activities are of a amount of torque needed to accelerate a bod
dynamic nature. Analysis of the forces and mo- depends on the shape of the body.) (For mo
ments acting on a joint during motion requires the depth studies of dynamics, sec Ozkaya & No
use of a different technique for solving dynam,ic 1999.)
problems. The steps for calculating the minimum m
As in static analysis, the main forces considered tudes of the forces acting on a joint at a particu
in dynamic analysis arc those produced by body stant in time during a dynamic aClivity arc as fo
weight, muscles, other soft tissues, and externally
applied loads. Friction forces arc negligible in a nor- I. The anatomical structures arc identified:
mal joint and thus not considered here. In dynamic nitions of structures. anatomical landma
analysis. two factors in addition to those in static point of contact of articular surface. and
4\rl11s involved in the production of forces for Th..: torque is not only a product or the mass
the biol11cchanical analyses. ment of inertia and the angular acceleration o
2. The angular acceleration or the moving body body part but also a product or the main Ill
part is determined. force accelerating the body part and the perpe
3. The mass monlent of inenia of the moving ular distance of the force from the center of m
bod~" part is determined. of the joint (level' arm). Thus.
4. The torque (moment) acting abollt the joint is
T = Fe!
5. The magnitude of the main muscle force ac-
celerating the body pan is calculated.
6. The magnitude of the joint reaction force at a F is the force expressed in newtons (N)
particular instant in time is calculated by sta- d is the perpendicular distance expressed in m
tic analysis. leI'S (01).
Because T is known and d can be measure
In the first step, the structures of the body in-
the body part from the line of application o
volved in producing forces on the joint are identi-
force to the center of motion of the joint, the e
fied. These are the moving body part and the main
tion can be solved fOl" F. vVhcn F has been c
muscles in that body part that arc involved in the
lated, the remaining problem can be solved l
production of the motion. Great care must be taken
static problem lIsing the simplified free-body
in applying this first step. For example, the lever
nique to determine the l11inirnum magnitude o
arms for all rnajor knee muscles change according
joint reaction force acting on the joint at a ce
to the degree of knee Ilexion and gender (\Vreten-
instant in time.
berg et aI., 1996).
A classic example will illustrate the usc o
In joints of the extremities. acceleration of the
narnic analysis in calculating the joint reaction
body part involves a change in joint angle. To
on the libiofemoral joint at a particular in
determine this angular acceleration of the moving
:f during a dynamic activity (c.g., kicking a foo
body part, the entire movement of the body part
(Frankel & Burstein, 1970). A stroboscopic fi
is recorded photographically. Recording can be
the knee and lower leg was taken, and the an
done with a stroboscopic light and movie camera.
acceleration was found 0 be maximal at the in
with video photogrummetry, with Selspot systems,
the foot struck the ball: the lower leg was almos
with stereophotogrammctry, or with other methods
tical at this instant. From the film. the maxima
(Gardner et aI., 1994; Ramsey & Wretenberg, 1999;
gular acceleration was computed to be 453 !
\Vintel~ 1990). The maximal angular acceleration for
From anthropometric data tables (Drillis e
a particular motion is calculated.
1964), the mass momenl of inertia for the lo\v
Next, the mass moment of inertia for the moving
was determined to be 0.35 Nm sec~. The to
body part is determined. Anthropometric data on
about the tibiofemoral joint was calculated ac
the body parl can be used for this determination.
ing to the equation; torque equals mass mome
As calculating these data is a complicated pro-
inertia times angular acceleration (T = (0),
cedure, tables are commonly used (Drillis et aI.,
1964). 0.35 Nm sec' x 453 rlsec' = 158.5 Nm
The torque about the joint can now be calculated
After the torque had been determined to be
using Newton's second law of motion, which stales
Nm and the perpendicular distance fran) the
that when motion is angulat~ the torque is a product
ject's patellar tendon to the instant center fo
of the mass moment of inenia of the body part and
tibiofemoraljoint had been found to be 0.05 m
the angular acceleration of that part:
muscle force aCling on the joint through the pa
T = Ie< , tendon was calculated using the equation to
where equals force times distance (1' = Fd),
T is the torque expressed in newton meters (Nm) 158.5 Nm = F x 0.05 m
I is the mass Illoment of inertia expressed in 158.5 Nm
newton meters x seconds squared ( m sec~) F .= -=--=--
0.05 m
a is the angular acceleration expressed in radians
per second squared (rlsec'). F = 3170 N
'i; :

.. , .'"
Thus, 3,170 N was the maximal force exerted by late s(;Jncc phase just before loe-ofr. This
the quadriceps muscle during the kicking motion. ranged from two to four times body weight. v
Static analysis can now bt: performed to deter- among the subjects tesled, and was <:Issociatcd
mine the minimum magnitude of the joint reaction contraction of the gastrocnemius muscle. In th
force 011 the tibiofcrnoraI joint. The main forces on swing phase, contraction of the hamstring m
this joint arc id':lltificd as the patellar tendon force resulted in a joint reaction force approxim
(P). Ihe gravilaliomtl force of Ihe lower leg en, and equal to bod)' weight. No significant dilTcrcnc
the joint reaction force (J). P and T arc known vec- found between the joint reaction force magn
tors. J has an unknown magnitude. sense, and line for men ancl women when the values were no
of application. The free-body technique for three izcd by dividing them by body weight.
coplanar forces is L1sed to solve for J, which is found Andriacchi & Sirickiand (1985) sludied Ihe n
10 be only slighrly lower Ihan P. moment patterns around the knee joint during
As is evident from the calculations, the two main walking for 29 healthy volunteers (15 women a
factors that influence the magnitude of the forces on men wilh an average age of 39 years). Figure
a joint in d)'namic situations are the acceleration of depicts the flexion-extension, abduction~addu
the body part and its mass moment of inertia. An in- and internal-external moments during the s
crease in angular acceleration of the body part will and swing phase of level walking. The momen
produce a proportional increase in the torque about normalized (0 the individual's body weigh
the joint. Although in the body the mass moment of height and are presented as a percentage. The f
inertia is anatomically set, it can be manipulated ex-
tenl~l)Jy. For example. it is incrc.:ascd whcn a weight
boot is applied (0 the foot during rehabilitative ex- 4
ercises of the extensor muscles 01" the knee. Nor- I

mally, a joint reaction force of approximately 50;(;

of body weight resulls when the knee is slowly (with
no acceleration forces) extended from 90 of flexion 3
to full extension. In a person weighing 70 kg, this .cen
force is approximately 350 N. If a IO-kg weight boot ~
is placed on the foot, it will exert a gravitational 'C '"
force or 100 N. This will increase Ihe joint reaclion e ~
force by 1,000 N, making this force aimosl rour ~

./\ ,/\
times greater than it would be without the bool. u.
Dynamic analysis has been L1sed to investigate
the peak magnitudes of the joint reaction forces, .' /-..., l \
muscle forces, and ligament forces on the tibio~
femoral joint during walking. Morrison (1970) cal-
culated the magnitude of the joint reaction force
\/ \! \V,..' ' ' 1\
' ' ., . .,-.
transmiucd through the tibial plateau in male and o1~O:::O-c.._-'-'..J~---~"'6~O~--'-"'------'~--:1
female subjects during level walking. He simultane~ Percentage of cycle
ously recorded muscle activity elcctromyographi~
- Joint reaclion
cally to determine which muscles produced the
..... Hamslrings
peak magnitudes of this force on the tibial plateau
HS =. Heel strike . - -- Quadriceps le
during various stages of the gait cycle (Fig. 7-15).
TO =.: Toe-ofl -- .. Gastrocnemiu
Just after heel strike, the joint reaction force
ranged from two to three times body weight and
\vas associated with contraction of the Iwmstring
muscles, which have a decelerating and stabilizing Joint reaction forces expressed as body weight trans
effect on the knee. During knee llexion in the begin- through the tibial plateau during walking. one gait
ning of the stance phase. the joint reaction force (12 subjects). The muscle forces producing the peak
waS approximately lWO rimes body weight and was tudes of this force are also designated .. Adapted from
associated with the contraction of the quadriceps Morrison, lB. (1970). The mechanics of the knee joinr in
rion lO normal w<lfking. J Biomech, 3, 51.
muscle, which acts 10 prevent buckling of the knee.
The peak joint reaction force occUlTed during the

.. '!'
extension moments during the stance phnse are ap-
proximately 20 to 30 tilTICS larger than the moment
produced in the frontal (abduction-adduction) and
transverse (intcrnal-extcl-nal) planes.
An increase in knee joint flexion-extension mo- A_ Flexion-Exlension
ment amplitude has been reported at increased Moment Pallerns
walking speeds (Andriacchi & Strickland. 1985;
Holden et aL. 1997). An increase in the production It Pattern 1
3.0 I
of adduction knee joint moment during stair climb-
ing compared with level walking was reported b.\' Yu
a 2.0 I
>~ 'xID I
et al. (1997). ;!: u:: 1.0
During the gait cycle, the joint reaction force "'
rL 0
shifts from the medial to the lateral tibial plateau. In c I
.s0 a 1.0
the stance phase, when the force I'caches its peak , '00
2.0 I
value, it is sustained mainly by the medial plateau '"c w'"
(adduction moment); in the swing phase, when the
i. force is 111inimal. it is sustained primarily by the lat
'" - Stance --l-Swing--

eral plateau, The contact area of the medial tibial B. Abduction-Adduction

plateau is approximately 50% larger than that of the Moment Patterns
lateral tibial plmeau (Keuclkamp & Jacobs, 1972). (External)
Also, the cartilage on this plateau is approximately 1.0
three times thicker than that on the lateral plateau. x 0
The larger surface area and the greater thickness of ;!: 1.0
the medial plateau allow it to more easily sustain "'~ c
the higher Forces imposed on it. .~ .2 3.0
In a normal knee, joint reaction forces are sus- ,a 13

tained by the menisci as well as by the articular car- ID

C 5.0
tilage. The function of the menisci was investigated
by Seed hom and coworkers (1974), who examined
C. Internal-External
the distdbution of stresses in knees of human au- Rotational
topsy subjects with and without menisci. Their re- Momenl Patterns
sults suggest that in load-bearing situations, the (External)
magnitude of the stresses on the tibiofemoral joint 1.0
when the menisci have been removed may be as X c
much as three times greater than when these struc- ;!: ;;; 0.5
tures are intacL Fukuda et al. (2000) studied in vitro l,
the load-compressive transmission of the knee joint c ;;; I
and the role of menbci and articular cartilage. The ,
'0 c
;;; 0.5 I
load simulated was stalic and d).'namic impact load-
ID x
w I
'"c 1.0 ..- Stance - .. I'-Swing-"
ing. The testing was done in neutral. varus, and val-
gus alignment of the knee joints in 40 fresh-frozen
pig knee speclmens. The compressive stress on the
medial subchondral bone was lip to five times Flexion-extension (A), abduction-adduction (8), and
higher with the menisci removed. This study points internal-external rotation (C) moments produced durin
to the importance of the menisci as a structure to one gait cycle in normal subjects. The moments are no
absorb load and protect the canilage and subchon- malized to each individual body weight X height and
dral bone under dynamic conditions. pressed as a percentage. Reprinted with permission from
In a normal human knee, stresses are distributed Andriacch( IP. &. Strickland. A.B. (1985). Gaie analysis as a
over a wide area of lhe tibial plateau. If the menisci to assess joint kinetics. In N. Berme, A.E. Etlgin. O.A. Correis
are removed. lhe stresses are no longer disll"ibutcd et al. (Eds.). Biomech(lnics of Normal and Pathological Hum
Over such a wide area but instead arc limited to a Articulating Joints. (NATO ASI series. Va/93. 'pp. 83-I02)'
Orodrechr. Netherlands: Marr;nus Nijhoff.
contact area in the Center of lhe plaleau (Fig. 7-17).
Thus, removal of' the menisci not only increases the

Force Force thought to carry lip to 70<}(; of the load across
\ knee. ,Vlovcmcnt during knee Ilcxion of the meni

II I \\\ would therefore protect the articulating surfa

l \\

I tt tt
Menisci removed
while avoiding injury to it.
Vedi et al. (1999) studied menisci movement in
young football players with normal knees w
MRI. The knee flexion movement was scanned fr
full knee extension lo 90 of knee flexion. The im
ing technique allowed for both standing (weig
bearing) and sitting (non-weight-bearing) and w
Stress distribution in a normal knee and in a knee with the performed simultancollsl~t in the sagittal and tra
menisci removed, Removal of the menisci increases the verse plane. Figure 7-18 shows the movements
magnitude of stresses on the cartilage of the tibial plateau the transverse plane of the medial and lateral me
and changes the size and location of the tibiofemoral con sci expressed in millimeters (mean) from full ext
tact area. With the menisci intact, the contact area encom-
sion to 90 Ocxion of knee joint motion. Movem
passes nearly the entire surface of the tibial plateau. With
was significantly greater in weight-bearing than
the menisci removed, the contact area is limited to the
non-\Veigllt~bearing for both lateral and med
center of the tibial plateau.
menisci. The contributions of the menisci art: lhe
fore not only to protect the articular cartilage a
subchondral bone but also to contribute aClively
knee joint slabilit~:.
magniwde of the stresses on the cartilage and sub-
chondral bone at the ceiller of the tibial pl~llcau but
also diminishes the size and changes the location or
the contact area. Over the long term, th~ high The key to a healthy knee joint is joint slability. T
stresses placed on this smaller contact area may be osseous configuration, the menisci, the ligamen
harmful to the exposed cartilage, which is usually the cnpsulc, and the muscles surrounding the k
soft and fibrillated in that area. The menisci are joint produce joint slability (Fig. 7-1, A & B). If a

7.1 Ant 5.4 Ani

9.5 6.3

, "-
I f
Flexion I 3.3r
3.6 N
\ \

,, \

-J_- ., .

"- , -4-
4.0 -- ,/

Medial Lateral Medial Lateral

menisci menisci menisci menisci

Simplified diagrams showing the mean movements of the with permission (rom Vedl, V. WiJjiams. A., Tennant. S.J.. el aJ.
medial and lateral menisci from full knee extension to 90 (1999). Menisca! movemenr. An In-vivo srudy u~in9 dynamic M
knee flexion during two conditions. A. Erect and weight~ Bone Join! Swg, 818(1), 37-41.
bearing. B. Sitting, relaxed. and bearing no weight. Adapted
.ACL Injury injuries. meniscal injuries. and possible cartilage degenera

i. A
30year-old male suffered an external rotation trauma
in his right knee while downhill skiing. Following the
lion. In this case. the patient firs! completed a course of
conservative treatment with physical therapy. After 6
months. the subjective inS(clbilily was present during SPOrts
~~;,: trauma, he experienced sharp pain, progressive joint effu-
and daily activities such as gail and stair climbing. To com
,~,iqn,_and subjective instability. ,During careful examination pensate for the ACL deficiency, the patient altered his gait
Ii' ,by a specialist, an anterior positive drawer test was dlag-
patterns, presenting quadriceps avoidance gait to prevent
<";'n,osed, and the Lachman test and pivot shift test were the anterior translation of tl1e tibia when the quadriceps
': found positive. An MRI confirmed the ACL rupture (Case
contracts at the midstance phase of the gait (Andriacchi &
j' Si~dy Fig 7-1-1)
Birac, 1993: Berchuck et aI., 1990).
-,. The rupture of the primary stabilizer of the knee joint (ACl)
The patient went for surgical treatment. The MRI below
leads to a progressive structural alteration of the knee. A pri-
(Case Study Fig. 7-1-2) shows the ACL status after patella
mary objective of the treatment is the prevention of fe-injury of
bone-tendon-bone autograft was performed 10 months
the knee in the hope of preventing additional ligamentous

Case Study Figure 7-1-1. Case Study Figure 7~12.

of these structures arc malfunctioning or disturbed, approximately 55% of the applied load at full ext
knee joint instability will occur. The ligaments arc sion. The role of the lateral collateral ligament
t.he primm)' stabilizer for anterior ancl posterior creases with joint flexion as the posterior structu
translation, varus and valgus angulation, and inter- become lax. The 1l1edial collateral ligament (supe
nal and external rotation of the knee joint (Case cial portion) is the primary restraint to valgus (
Study 7-1), duction) angulation and resists 500/0 or the exter
F,; et aL (1994) sUlllmarized the functions of the valgus load. The capsule. the anterior and poster
knee ligaments, The ACL is the predolllinant re- cruciatc ligaments, share the remaining valgus lo
straint to anterior tibial displacement. The ligament Internal rotational laxity seen in the 20 to 40 ran
accepts 75% or the anterior force at full extension of knee nexion is restrained bv the medial collate
and an additional 10% (up to 90") of knee nexion, ligament and the ACL Finally, external rotation l
The posterior crudate ligament 1S the primary re- ity seen in the 30 to 40 range of knee flexion is
straint to posterior tibial translation: il slIstains 85 strained by the posterior cruciate ligaJllcnt at 90
to 100% of the posterior force at both 30 and 90" of knee Ilexion,
knee flexion. The latera) collateral ligament is the In vivo measurement or the normal ACL has b
primary restraint to varus angulation and it resists performed by Beynnon et aL (1992), They place
strain transducer arthroscopic'll)y in the ACL. The tendon and it contributes the least to the leng
results showed that strain in the ACL was related to the quadriceps muscle force lever arm (app
knee Oexion (with the most strain occurring ncar mately 10% of the total length). As the knee i
full extension) and increased with quadriceps con- tended. the patella rises from the intercon
traction. Less strain occurred with co~conlraclions groove, producing significant anterior displace
of both the quadriceps and the hamstring muscle of thc tcndon. Thc length of thc quadriccps
groups and at greater degrees of knee flexion. This lever arm rapidly increases with extension up to
indicates that muscle contraction and co-contraction at which point the patella lengthens lhe lever
contribute to the stabilitv of the knee joint bv in- by approximately 300/0.
crcasing thc stiffncss of the joint. Kwak et al. (2000) With knee extension bc"ond 45, thc Icngth o
studied in vitro the effect of hamstrings and iliotib- lever arm is diminished slightly. \,Vith this dec
ial band forces on the kinematics of the knee. At var- in its lever arlll, the quadric.:cps muscle force
ious knee Oexion angles, human knee specimens increase for the torquc about the knee to rcrnai
were tested with different muscle-loading patterns. same. In an in vitro study of normal knees. Licb
The quadriceps muscle force was always present, Perry (1968) showcd that thc quadriccps m
and the test was performed with and withollt han)- force required to extend the knee (he last 15
string muscle force and with and without iliotibial creased by approximately 60% (Fig. 7-19).
band force. \AJith loading of simultaneous quachi. If thc patella is removed from a knec, the I)a
eeps and hamstring muscle force. the tibia trans- tendon lies closer to the center of motion o
latcd posteriorly and rotatcd externally. The effecI tibiofemoral joint (Fig. 720). Acting with a sh
""" similar for thc iliotibial band simulated forces lever arm, the quadriceps llluscle must pro
but thc cffcct was smallcr. even more force than is normnlly required for a
Many in vitro studies suggest that the ham- tain torque about the knee to be maintained du
strings are important anterior and rotational stab.i-
lizers of the tibia. In vivo studies have shown that
co-contractions of the quadriceps and hamstring
muscles arc highly present in normal knee joints and
dail.'", activities (Baratta et a1., 1988; Solomonow &
D'Ambrosia, 1994). Thc co-contraction mcchanisms
also increase the knee joint stability in vivo (Aagaard
ct al .. 2000; Markholf et al .. 1978; Solomonow &
D'Ambrosia, 1994). Howevel~ the complex mecha-
nism in vivo of muscle activity as a knee stabilizer,
the extent of protection, and the biomechanical
and clinical imparlance needs futther research
(Grabiner & Wcikcl', 1993).


The patella serves two important biomechanical
functions in the knee. First, it aids knee extension o
90-60 60-30 30-15
by producing anterior displacement of the quach-i-
eel's tcndon throughollt the entire range of motion. Knee Motion (degrees)
thereby lengthening the lever arm of the quadriceps
Flexion - - - - EXlension
muselc force. Second, it allows a wider distribution
of compressive stress on the femlll- by incrensing the
area of contact between the patellar tendon and the
fcmur. The contribution of thc patella to the Icngth Quadriceps muscle force required during knee motio
of the quadl"iceps muscle force lever arm varies from 90" of flexion to full extension. Adapted from L
from fullllcxion 10 full extcnsion of thc knee (Lindahl f1. & Perry, 1. (J 968). Quadriceps funccion. An dflacomica
& Movin, 1967; Smidt, 1973). At full Ilcxion, whcn mechanical study using dmplJtMed limbs. J Bone Joint Su
50A, 1535.
the patella is in the intercondylar groove, it pro~
duces littlc anterior displacemcnt of the quadriccps

, ,.
knee is almost directly above the center of rotatio

------------- "- \\
Instant center
of tho patellofemoral joint. As knee Oexion i
creases, the center of gravity shifts further awa
from the center of rotation. thcrcb.y greatly increa
ing the Ilexion moments to be counterbalanced b
the quadriceps musclc force. As the quadricep
Normal muscle force rises. so docs the patellofemoral joi
reaction force (Hungerford & Barry, 1979; Reilly
J\>larlons, 1972).
Knee flexion also influences the patellofemor
joint reaction force by affecting the angle betwee
the patellar tendon force and the quadriceps te

don force. The angle of these two force comp
nents becolTlCs more acute with knee flexion, i
creasing the magnitude of the patellofemoral joi
reaction force (Calculation Box 7-3). Reilly an
Martens (1972) dctcrmincd the magnitude of th
After Patellectomy
patellofcmoral joint reaction force during sever
dynarnic activities involving valying amounts
knee flexion. During IC\'e1 walking, which requir
Quadriceps muscle lever arm (represented by the broken relatively little knee flexion, the reaction force w
line) in a normal knee and in a knee in which the patella low. The pcak valuc. ill the middle of the stan
has been removed. The lever arm is the perpendicular dis- phasc when flexion was greatest, was one-ha
tance between the force exerted by the quadriceps muscle body weight.
through the patellar tendon and the instant center of the
The joint reaction forcc was much greater durin
tibiofemoral joint for the last two degrees of extension.
activities that require greater flexion. During kn
The patellar tendon lies closer to the instant center in the
knee without a patella. Adapted from Kaufer. H. (1911). Me-
bends to 90'. this force reached 2.5 to 3 times bod
chanical function of the parella. J Bone Join! Surg. 53A. 1551.
wcight with the knee Oexed 90' (Fig. 7-21). Throug


the last 45 of eXlen~ion. Full active extension of

1 ...... Palellofemoral joinl
reaction force
--- Quadriceps muscle force
such a knee may require as much as 30% more
quach'iceps force than is normally required (Kaufer. 2000J
1971). This increase in force may be beyond the ca-
pacity of the quadriceps muscle in some patients,
particularly those who have intra~articular disease
or are advanced in age.


During dynamic activities, the magnitude of the mus- o 20 40 60 80
cle forces acting on a joint directly affects the magni-
Knee Flexion (degrees)
tude of the joint reaction force. In general, the
greater the muscle forces, the greater the joint reac-
lion force.
In the patellofemoral joint. the quadriceps mus- Patellofemoral joint reaction force and quadriceps muscl
cle force increases with knee Oexion. During re~ force during knee bend to 90 (three subjects). Adapted
(axed upright standing, minimal quadriceps muscle from Reilly, D. T. g. Martens, M. (1972). Experim.ental analysis o
forces are required to counterbalance the small the quadriceps muscle force and patello/emaral joint reaction
nexion l1lornents about the patcllofemoral joint be- force for various activities. Acta Orthop Scand. 43. 126

cause the center or gravity of the body above the

Joint Reaction Forces at the Knee in Flexion
Knee flexion influences the patellofemoral joint reaction force by changing the angle between
the patellar tendon and the quadriceps tendon (Calculation Box Fig. 7-3-1, A & B).
The angle between the patellar tendon (P) and the quadriceps tendon (Q) is 35 with the
knee flexed 5 (left top) and 80 with the knee flexed 90 (left bottom). Values for the ten-
don angles are from Matthews and Associates (1977), who determined the angle roentgeno-
graphically after placing two metal wires along each of these tendons.
The pateJlofemoral joint reaelion force with the knee in 5 and 90 of flexion is oblained by
constructing a parallelogram of forces for each situation and using trigonometric calculations.
The pateJlofemoral joint reaction force (J) is the resultant of the hvo equal force components
through the patellar tendon (P) and the quadriceps tendon (Q). As the angle between these
force components becomes more acute with greater knee flexion, the resultant joint reaction
force (J) becomes larger. Adapted lrom Wikrorin Cv.H. & Nordin, M. (1986). Introduction to
Problem Solving in Biomechanics (pp. 87-129). Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger.

p //
1000 N J ~ 601.409
J2 '" Q2 .... p2 _~ 2PQ. cos 35~
Tibio femoral flexion 5"
J = )361695
J ~ 601.41

1000 N I
80" I
p I
10;0 N ---------j::-;285_61

J2 ~~ Q2 -;.. p2 .~ 2PQ cos 80~

J ~ 11652703
I Tibio femoral flexion 90"
J ~ 1285_57
Calculation Box Figure 731A. Calculation Box Figure 73-1B.
-------_._---- --------_..._------_._--- --_._.--- -._------
contact surface area increases in size somew
(Goodfellow et aI., 1976). To some extent, this
'" Extensor Mechanism Injury crease in the contact surface with knee nexion co
pensates for the larger patellofemoral joint react
30-year-old basketball player had a forceful knee flex-
force, 11' a tight iliotibial band is present,
ion while coming down from a jump. A strong eccen-
patcllofemoral joint force may shih laterally, ca
of the quadriceps produced abnormally high
ing abnormal patellar kinen1atics and load-bear
" ,0n",lp loads in the patella, leading to a fracture at the infe-
(Kwak et aI., 2000),
In this case, the patella fracture occurred because
The quadriceps muscle force and the tor
forces of the quadriceps overcame the osseous
around the patellofemoral joint can be extrem
of the patella. The weakest link was the patella.
high under certain circumstances, particula
picture shows a fracture at the patella accompa-
when the knee is flexed-for instance. whe
f)ied by a significant fracture separation that resulted from
basketball plaver suffers a patella fracture a
the quadriceps traction force.
result of indirect forces played by an eccen
Because of the fracture. the extensor mechanism is un-
contraction of the quadriceps (Case Study 7
=;'. able to function and extend the knee. It will directly affect
Another extreme situation was observed durin
the stability of the pate!lofemoral joint and the distribu-
stud~; of the external torque on the knee p

tion of the compressive stresses on the femur. At the

duced by weight lifting: one subject ruptured
same time, the impaired function of the quadriceps de-
patellar tendon when he lifted a barbell weigh
creases the dynamic stability at the knee joint
175 kg (Zernicke et aI., 1977). At the instant
(patellofemoral and tibioiemoral joints) that is necessary
tendon rupture, the knee was flexed 90;
:J. for daily activities such as gait and stair climbing.
torque on the knee joint was 550 Nm and
quadriceps muscle force was appro:dt11a
10.330 N.
Because of the high magnitude of quadric
muscle force and joint reaction force during
tivities requiring a large amount of knee flex
patients with patcllofemoral joint deran
ments experience increased pain when perfo
ing these activities. An effective mechanism
reducing these forces is to limit the amoun
knee flexion.

1 The knee is a two-joint structure that is co
posed of the tibiofel11oral joint and the pate
femoral joint.
?:>: In the tibiofemoral joint, surface motion
curs in three planes simultaneously but is grea
out knee bend, the patellofemoral joint reaction by far in the sagillal plane. In the patellofem
force remained higher than the quadriceps Illuscle joint, surface Illotion occurs simultaneously in
force. During stair climbing and descent, at the point planes, the frontal and the ll-ansverse, and is gre
when knee flexion reached a maximum of approxi- in the frontal plane.
mately 600, the peak value equaled 3.3 times body 3 The surface joint motion can be described w
weight. the use of an inslant center technique. vVhen
When the knee is extended, the lower part of the formed on a non11al knee, the technique reveals
patella rests against the femur. As the knee is flexed following: the instant center for sllccessive inter
to 90, the contact surrace between the patella and of motion of the tibiofcmoral joint in the sagi
femur shifts cranially in vivo and under weight- plane follows a semicircular pathway, and the di
bearing conditions (Komistek et aI., 2000). The tion 01" displacement of the tibiofemoral con
points is tangential to the surface of the tibia, indi w
Dra!!,\nich. L.D .. Andriacchi, T.P.. & Andersson, G.B.J. (19
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dail\' living. I'II\'S Til!!,., 52. 3-L Seh'ik. G. (1978). Roentgcn slC'l'cophotogr.lllllllclry in Lun
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rot;ltion of the seglll"fHs of the lower cXlr('mity in locomo- /jolls or flUlIltll1 Biosten:mJII..' lru:s. fIroe 81'/ (166) (p
tion, 1 BOlli! 10iut Sur..!.:. 30A. S59. 184-189).
Licb. FJ. ~ I)erry. J. (I968). Quadriceps function. An ;UHllOI1l- Sdvik, G. (1983). Roentgen stcrl.'ophotogramllleiry in 0
ical ;lnd mcch:lllical sludy using ;lIl1putaled limbs. 1 Bmw thop;:ledics. In R.E. HelTon (Ed.), BioslereOluetric:s 'S
loil/t Surg, 50~\, 1535. Pro" SP/E (36/) (pp. li8-18S).
LiIH.bhl, 0 . .& Mmin,.-\. (1967). TIJ(,' 1lH.'chanil':-; of l'xt...'nsion Smidt. G.L. (1973). Biomechanical :-nnlysis of knee nexi
of the kncc joint. .\eta 01'1/1011 Scaml, 38, 226. ;lUd c.\:wnsioll_ 1 Bioll/celt, 6. 79.
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knce slllbility. 1 BOlli' 10ill/ SlIl'g. 60.'1. 664-674. ;tnd muscle control of knl'c sl;\bilil~' :lIld motion. In W
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tibial rot.Hioll and its change with flcxion angle, C/ill Or Vl'di, V., Williams, A" Tennant, S.L ('I :II. (1999). Mcnisc
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h"arillg characterislics of lhe palellofemor;d joint. ,\era Winll'l', D.A. (1990). In Bio!llee/ullIics flud Motor CO/ltrol
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ll'::l'nS of l1orl11:d men. 1 130111..' Joillt S!l!.~, -I6A, 335. Fchig('l'.
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biceps and semimembranosus muscle action in fUllning MRI. Clilliea! Biol1lcclt, I 1(8}, 439-446.
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joint. RC\'i(:w pnp('r. Clillical Biomecll. 1-1, 595-611. pntdlar Icndon rupture. 1 801lt' loillt S1Irg, 59;\, 179-18
of the Hip
Margareta Nordin, Victor H. Frank

Anatomical Considerations
The Acetabulum
The Femoral Head
The Femoral Neck
Range of Motion
, /f
Surface Joint Motion
Effect of External Support on Hip JOll1l Reaction Force

~, Introduction
The hip joint is one of the largest and most SLable
joints in the body. In contrast to the knee, the hip
joint has intrinsic stability provided by its relatively
rigid bali-unci-socket configuration. (t also has a
great deal or mobility, which allows normallocomo-
lion in the performance of daily activities. Derange-
ments of the hip Can produce altered stress distri-
butions in the joint cartilage and bone, leading to
degenerative arlhritis. Such damage is further po~
tcntiated by the large forces borne by the joint.


Anatomical Considerations
The hip joint is composed of the head of the femur
and the acetabulum of the pelvis (Fig. 8-1). This ar-
ticulation has a loose joint capsule and is sur-
rounded by large. strong muscles. The construction
of this stable joint allows for the wide range of 1110-
tion required for normal daily activities such as
walking, sitting, and squatting. Such a joint must be
precisely' aligned and controlled,

The acetabulum is the concave component of the
ball-and-socket configuration of the hip joint. The
acetabular surface is covered with articular carti-
lage that thickens peripherally (Kempson et aI.,
1971) and predominantly laterally (Rushfeld et aI.,
1979). The cavity of the acetabulum faces obliquely
forward, olitwarcL and downward. The osseous ac-
etabululll in the hip is deep and provides substantial
static stability to the hip. A plane through the cir- The hip joint (front view) 1. External iliac artery. 2. Ps
cumference of the acetabulum at its opening would major muscle. 3. Iliacus muscle. 4. Iliac crest. S. Gluteu
intersect with the sagittal plane at an angle of 40~ medius muscle. 6. Gluteus minimus muscle. 7. Greate
opening posteriorly and with the transverse plane at trochanter. 8. Vastus lateralis muscle. 9. Shaft of femu
an angle of 60~ opening laterally. The acetabular 10. Vastus medialis muscle. 11. Profunda femoris vess
12. Adductor longus muscle. 13. Pectineus muscle. 14. M
cavity is deepened by the labrum, a flat rim of fibro~
circumflex femoral vessels. 15. Capsule of the hip join
cartilage, and the transverse acetabular ligament
16. Neck of femur. 17. Zona orbicularis of capsule.
(Fig. 8-2). The labrum contains free nenle endings 18. Head of femur. 19. Acetabular labrum. 20. Rim of
and sensory end organs in its superficial layer, etabulum. Reprinted with permission (rom McMinn, R.H.
which may participate in nociceptive and proprio- Huchings. R.H.R. (988). Color Atlas of Human Anatomy
ceptive mechanisms (Kim & Azuma, 1995). ed., p. 302). Chicago: Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc.
The unloaded acetabulum has a smaller diameter
than the femoral head (Greenwald & Haynes, 1972)
(Fig. 8-3). The acetabulum deforms about the
femoral head when the hip joint is loaded. It under-
goes elastic deformation to become congruous
with the femoral head, and contact is made abollt
the periphery of the anterior, sllperi()l~ and posterior
arLicular surface of the acetabulum (Konrath et al.. Superior
1998). Load distribution of the acetabulum was
studied in vitro in human specimens (Greenwald &
I-(aynes, 1972; Konrath et 'II., 1998). Joint reaction
forces were simulated to physiological levels. The
loading pattern of the acetabulum is shown in Fig- Anterior
ure 8-3. Removal of the transverse acetabular liga-
ment and labrum sequentially did not affect the
loading pattern of the acetabulum significantly
(Konrath et 'II., 1998).
The femoral head is the convex component of the
ball-and-socket configuration of the hip joint and loading pattern of a human acetabulum in vitro with
forms two-thirds of a sphere. The articular carti- tact labrum and transverse acetabular ligament. Note:
lage covering the femoral head is thickest on the pattern was grossly unchanged after removal of the tr
medi,al-central surface and thinnest toward the pe- verse acetabular ligament. or the labrum, or both, and
therefore those patterns are not displayed. Adapled fro
riphery. The variations in the cartilage thickness
Konrath. GA.. Hamel. A.I.. Olson. S.A.. et elf. {l998). The ro
result in a different strength and stiffness in vari-
the acetabular labrum and the trdnSverse clCeiabtJ/dr ligame
ous regions of the femoral head (Kempson et 'II., load transmission of tilt, hlp. J Bone Joint Surg. 80/'.,(12),


J 971 l. Rydell (1965) suggested I hat most load

transmitted in the.: femoral head through the su
rior quad,-ant. VOll Eisenharl-Rothe et al. (19
demonstrated in an in vitro study that the ma
tude or load influenced tlte loading patlerll on
femoral head. At smaller load:s, the load-bea
area was concentrated at the periphery of the
nate surface of the femoral head. and at hig
loads to the center of the lunate and the ante
and posterior horns. It is still not known exa
how the stresses in vivo on the normal fem
head arc distributed. bUl indications from in
measurements with an instnll11Cnted prosth
head show that the anterior and medial lunat
ligament transmitting most 01" the load during daily ac
ties (Bergmann et al .. 1993. 1995).


The fen10ral neck has two angular relations
with the femoral shaft that arc important to
Schematic drawing showing the lateral view of the acetab- joint function: the angk of inclinalion of the nec
ulum with the labrum and the transverse acetabular liga- the shaft in the frontal plane (the neck-to-shaft
ment intact. Adapred (rom KOflrarh, G.A., Helmel. Ai.. Olson, gie) and the angle of inclination in the transv
s.A., et al. (998). The role of (he acetabular labrum and tile 'plane (the angle of anteversion). Freedom of rno
transverse acetabular ligamenr in (oad transmission of the hip. of the hip joint is facilitated bv the neck-to-shaft
J Bone Joint Surg. 80A(12), 1781-1788.
gle, which offsels the femoral shaft from the p
laterally. in 11'10$1 adults. this angle is approxima
125~, but it can vary' from 90 to 135 . An angle ex- Neck Head
ceeding 125' produces a condition known as coxa
valga; an angle less than 125'" results in coxa vara
(Fig. 8-4). Deviation of the femoral shaft in either Greater
\vay alters the Force relationships about the hip joint
and has a nontrivial effect on the lever arms to mus-
cle force and line of gravity'.
The angle of anteversion is formed as a projec~
l.ion of the long axis of the femoral head and the
transverse axis of the femoral condyles (Fig. 8~5).
In adults, this angle averages approximately 12"',
but it varies a great deal. Anteversion of more than
12" causes a portion of the femoral head to be un-
covered and creates a tendency tc}\vard internal ro- Lateral
condyle Medial
tation of the leg during gait to keep the femoral condyle
head in the acetabular cavity. An angle of less than
12" (rclroversion) produces a tendency toward ex~
ternal rotation of the leg during gail. Both antever-
Top view of the proximal end of the left femur showing
sion and retroversion arc fairly common in chil-
the angle of anteversion, formed by the intersection of th
dren but arc usually outgrown. long axis of the femoral head and the transverse axis of
The interior of the femoral neck is composed of the femoral condyles. This angle averages approximately
cancellous bone \vith trabeculae organized into 12' in adults.
medial and lateral trabecular systems (Fig. 8-1, 8-
6), The fact that the joint reaction force on the
femoral head parallels the trabeculae of the medial

system (Frankel, 1960) indicates the importance

the s}'stem for supporting this force. The epiphy
seal plates are at right angles to the trabeculae
the medial system and are thought to be perpen
dicular to the joint reaction force on the femor
Neck-to-Shaft Angle head ([nman. 1947). It is likely that the lateral tr
becular system resists the compressive force on th
fcmoral head produced by contraction of the ab
ductor muscles-the glutcus medius, the gluteu
minimus, and the tensor fasciae latac. Thc th
shell of cortical bone around the superior femor
neck progressively thickens in the inferior region
\Vith aging, the femoral neck graduall.v undergoe
degenerative changes: the cortical bonc is thinne
and cancellated and the trabeculae arc gracluall}! r
sorbed (see Fig. 2-50). These changes may predi
Coxa vara Normal Coxa valga
pose the femoral neck to fracture. It is noteworth
angle <.: 125" angle 125C, angle> 125' that the fernoral neck is the most cOllllllon fractu
i site in elderly persons (Case Study 8-1).
1DIIl- _
The normal neck-to-shaft angle (angle of inclination of Kinematics
the femoral neck to the shaft in the frontal plane) is ap-
I proximately 125". The condition in which this angle is less In considering thc kinematics of the hip joint, it
than 125' is called coxa vara. If the angle is greater than useful to view the joint as a stable ball-and-sock
125, the condition is called coxa valga.
configuration wherein the femoral head and aceta
0------------------ ulum can move in all directions.
three planes. Measurements in the sagittal
during level walking (Murray, 1967) showed
the joint was maxirrwlly tlexed during th
swing phase of gail, as the limb moved forwa
heel strike. The joint extended as the body m
fOl\vard at the beginning of stance phase.
ll)um extension was reached at heel-oil. The
reversed into flexion during swing phase and
reached maximal Ocxion, 35 to 40', prior to
strike. Figure 8-81\ shows the pattern of hip
motion in the sagittal plane during a gail cyc


Femoral Intertrochanteric Fractures

n 80-year-old woman falls from her own height af
A losing her balance. She presented with sharp pain
her hip and an inability to stand and walk by herself. Sh
is transported to the E.R. and after a careful examinatio
and x-ray evaluation, a right intertrochanteric fracture is

Roentgenogram of a femoral neck showing the medial

and lateral trabecular systems. The thin shell of cortical
bone around the superior femoral neck progressively thick
ens in the inferior region .

Hip motion takes place in all three planes: sagittal
The radiograph illustrates a right femoral in-
(flexion-extension), frontal (abduction-adduction),
tertrochanteric unstable fracture with separation of the
and transverse (internal-external rotation) (Fig.
lesser trochanter. The image shovvs osteoporOlie changes
87). Motion is greatest in thc sagittal plane, where
characteristic of the aging process. The decrease in the
the range of ncxion is from 0 to approximatcly 140"
bone mass at the femoral neck leads (0 reduced bone
and the range of extcnsion is from 0 to 15~. The
strength and stiffness as a result of diminution in the
range or abduction is fTom 0 to 30", whereas that of
amount of cancellous bone and thinning of conical bone
adduction is somewhat less, from 0 to 25'. External
increases the likelihood of a fracture at the weakest level
rotation ranges from 0 to 9W degrees and internal ro-
During the fall. the magnitude of the compressive
tation from 0 to 70' when the hip joint is flexed. Less
forces at the femoral neck overcame its stiffness and
rotation occurs when the hip joint is extended be-
strength. In addition. the tensile forces produced by pro
cause of the restricting function of the soft tissues.
tective contraction of muscles such as the iliopsoas gen
The range of motion of the hip joint during gail
ated a traction fracture at the lesser trochanter level.
has been measured e1ectrogoniometrically in all


:t: ./

Extension Abduction Adduction External Internal

rotation rotation
B c D E

Movements of the hip joint. A. Flexion-extension. B, Abduction. C. Adduction. D. External

rotation. E. Internal rotation .

allows a comparison of this motion with that of the the tracking limb; they also showed reduced do
knee and ankle. nexion of the ankle and diminished elevation of
Motion in the frontal plane (abduction-adduc- toe of the forward limb,
tion) and transverse plane (internal-external rota- The range of motion in three planes during c
tion) during gait (Johnslon & Smidt. 1969) is illus- mon daily activities such as tying a shoe, sit
trated in Figure 8-8B. Abduction occurred during down on a chair, rising [Torn it, picking lip an ob
swing phase, reaching its maximum just after toe- from the floor, and climbing stairs \vas measu
olT; at heel strike, the hip joint reversed into addue- electrogoniomctrically in 33 normalmcn by John
tion, which continued until late stance phase. The and Smidt (1970), The mean motion during th
't. hip joint was externally rotated throughout the activities is shown in Table 8-1. Maximal Illatio
swing phase, rotating internally just before heel the sagittal plane (hip flexion) was needed for t
st.-ike, The joint .-emained internally rotated until the shoe and bending down to sqUal to pick lip
late stance phase, when it again rotated externally. object rrom the noor. The greatest motion in
The average ranges of motion recorded for the 33 frontal and transverse planes was recorded du
normal men in this study' \vere 12' for the frontal squatting and during shoe tying with the foot ac
plane and 13' For the transverse plane. the opposite thigh, The values obtained for t
As people age, they use a progressively smaller common activities indicate that hip flexion o
portion of the range of motion of the lower extrem~ G

least 120 abduction and external rotation of atl

ity joints during ambulation. Murray and co\\,/orkers 20" are necessary for caITying out daily activitie
(1969) studied the walking pallerns of 67 normal a normal manner.
men of similar weight and height ranging in age
from 20 to 87 years and compared the gait patterns
of o.lder and younger men. The diffcrences in the
sagittal body positions of the two groups at the in- Surface Illotion in the hip joint can be considere
stant of heel strike are illustrated in Figure 8-9. The gliding of the femoral head on the a<;etabulum.
older mcn had shorter strides, a decreased nmge of pivoting of the ball and socket in three planes aro
hip flexion and extension, decreased plantar flexion the center of rotation in the femoral head (estim
of the ankle. and a decreased heel-to-noOJ" angle of at the center of the femoral head) produces this

'T- .. , '-. ,.
--Hip joint
----. Knee joint
,, ,,
60~ ........... Ankle joint ,, , 5 ........
50 o i==""1--~
: \

,, ,

1 \
5 Adduction

w 30~ Q,

:s c
/ I \ w
,2 'x 20 , " I' \
u: "
'I , Q
;; Internal
~ 10 ./ \ ~ rotation
C , '" ,
0 .....
Q. 04 --.l
.., /
c 10 ...
..... ...-
5 "'i...---' I
0 External
100 60
LU Stance Swing
100 60, 100
Stance phase Swmg phase phase phase
Percentage of Cycle Percentage of Cycle

A. Range of hip joint motion in the sagittal plane for 30 nor- range of motion in the frontal plane (top) and transver
mal men during level walking, one gait cycle. The ranges of plane (bottom) during level walking, one gait cycle. Ad
motion for the knee and ankle joints are shown for compari- from Johnston, Pl. C. S Smiclt, G.L. (J 969). /vleasuremcn[ of h
son. Adapted from ivlurray, ~J1.p. (1967). Gait as a tolal pattern of joinr morion during waf.l-:.ing_ EvaluMion of an electrogoliiom
movement. Am) Phys iVIed, 46, 290. B, A typical pattern for method J Bone Joint Sur~J, 51 A 1083

ing of the joint surfaces. If incongruity is prese

the femoral head, gliding may not be parallel or
gential to the joint surface and the articular cart
may' be abnormally compressed or distracted. In
center analysis by means of the Reulcaux me
cannot be performed accurately in the hip join
cause motion takes place in three planes simul
ously. Locating the center of rotation of the hip
is essential for prosthetic surgery' of the hip to re
struct an optimal lever arm of the gluteus me
Differences in the sagittal body positions of older men
muscle (Fess)' et aI., 1999),
(left) and younger men (right) at the instant of heel strike.
The older men showed shorter strides, a decreased range
of hip flexion and extension, decreased plantar flexion of
the ankle, and a decreased heel"to-floor angle of the Kinetics
tracking limb; they also showed less dorsiflexion of the an"
kle and less elevation of the toe of the forward limb. Kinetic studies have demonstrated that substa
Reprinted with permission from Murray, MP., Kory, R,C, & forces act on the hip joint during simple activ
Clarkson, 8,H. (1969). Walking patterns in flealthy old men. (Hurwitz & Anclriacchi, 1997, 1998), The faclo
Gerontal, 24, /69-178. volved in producing these forces must be lI
stood if rational rehabilitation programs arc
weight, the reaction force on each hip joint will
one half of the remaining two thirds, or one thi
Mean Values for Maximum Hip Motion in of body weight; however, if the muscles surroun
fhree Planes During Common Activities ing the hip joint contract to prevent swa,ying an
Plane Recorded Value to maintain an upright position of the body (e.
Activity of Motion (Degrees)
during prolonged standing), this force increases
Tying shoe with Sagittal 124 proportion to the amount of muscle activity.
foot on floor Frontal 19 vVhen a person changes from a two-leg to a singl
Transverse 1 leg stance, the line of gravit:v of the superincumbe
Tying shoe with Sagittal 1 body shifts in all three planes, producing momen
foot across Frontal 23 around the hip joint that must be counteracted
opposite thigh Transverse 33 muscle forces and thus increasing the joint reacti
Sitting down Sagittal 104 force. The magnitude of the moments, and hence t
on chair and Frontal 20 magnitude of the joint rcaction force, depcnds on t
rising from sitting Transverse
posture of the spine, the position of the non-wcigh
Stooping to obtain Sagittal 117 bearing leg and upper extremities, and the inclin
object from floor Frontal 21
Transverse tion of the pelvis (McLeish & Chamley, 1970). Figu
Sagittal 122 8-10 demonstrates how the line of gravity in t
Frontal 28 frontal plane shifts with four different positions
Transverse 26 the upper body and inclinations of the pelvis: stan
J'>.scending stairs Sagittal 67 ing with the pelvis in a ncutral position, standi
Frontal 16 with a maximum tilt of the upper bod)' over the su
Transverse 18 porting hip joint, sianding with the upper body ti
Descending stairs Sagittal 36 ing away from the supporting hip joint, and standi
with the pelvis sagging away' from the supporting h
i'.ile,)1l for 33 normal men. Data hom Johnston, R.C. & Smidt. G.L. joint (Trendelenburg's test). The shift in the grav
i.i970), Hip motion measurements for selected activities of daily living;
(lin Orrhop, 72, 205 line, and hence in the length of the lever arm of t
gravitational force (the peq)endicular distance b
tween the gravity line and the center of rotation
the fernoral head), influences the magnitude of t
moments about the hip joint and, consequently, t
joint reaction force. The gravitational forcc lever ar
developed for patients with pathological conditions and the joint reaction force are minimized when t
of the hip. The abductor muscle group (the glutcus trunk is tilted over the hip joint (Fig. 8-108).
medius and minimus muscles) is the main stabilizer Two methods arc used for deriving the magnitu
during one-legged stance (Kumagai et aI., 1997; of the joint reaction force acting on the femor
University of California, 1953) head: the simplified free-body technique for cop
nar forces and a mathematical method utilizi
equilibrium equations. The simplified free~bo
technique for coplanar forces was described in d
During a two-leg stance, the line of gravity of the tail in Chapter 7, in Calculation Box 7.1. This tec
superincumbent bod:v passes posterior to thc pu~ nique is used in the hip to cstimatc the joint rea
bic s)'mphysis, and, because the hip joint is stable, tion force in the frontal plane acting on the femor
an erect stance can be achieved \vithout muscle head during a single-leg stance with the pelvis in
contraction through the stabilizing effect of the neutral position (Calculation Box 8-1). The seco
joint capsule and capsular ligaments. With no method is a mathematical calculation of the jo
muscle activity to produce moments around the reaction force on the femoral head using equil
hip joint, calculation of the joint reaction force be- rium equations for a single-leg stance with t
comes simple: the magnitude of this force on each pelvis level (Calculation Box 8-2).
femoral head during upright two-legged stance is To understand and solve the equations it is ne
one half the weight of the superincumbent body. essaI)' to indicate first the location of the extern
Because each lower extremity is one sixth of body forces acting on the body during the single-l
Roentgenograms utilizing a plumb line (black line) show supporting hip joint_ Again the gravity line has shifted to-
that the line of gravity shifts in the frontal plane with differ ward the supporting hip, thus decreasing the joint reactio
ent positions of the upper body and inclinations of the force. D. The pelvis sags away from the supporting hip join
pelvis. A, The pelvis is in a neutral position. The gravity line (Trendelenburg's test). The shift in the gravity line is simila
faUs approximately through the pubic symphysis. The lever to that in C. (Courtes}' of 10hn C Baker. IvI.D., Case vVesrem R
arm for the force produced by body weight (the perpendicu serve Unive(sir}~ Cleveland, OhiO} Note: In B, the antalgic gait
lar distance between the gravity line and the center of rota- illustrated, which lowers the load on the head of the femu
tion in the femoral head) influences the moment about the but alters the load line to a more vertical position. Followi
hip joint and hence the joint reaction force. B, The shoulders arthroplasty for arthritis, the abductor muscles are weak a
are maximally tilted over the supporting hip joint. The grav atrophic as a result of the disease process and the surgery.
ity line has shifted and is now nearest the supporting hip. External support such as a cane should be used until the a
Because this shift minimizes the lever arm, the moment ductor muscles are rehabilitated. The best indication for a
about the hip joint and the joint reaction force are also min- rehabilitated abductor muscle is the lack of limping.
imized. C, The shoulders are maximally tilted away from the
on a freebody diagram (Calculation Box Fig. required for stability. The moment arising from th
1)_ Because the body is in equilibrium (i.e" the superincumbent body weight (equal to % 'IN) mu
of the 11''lOmenls and the sum of the forces both be balanced by a moment arising from the force
zero), the ground l'eaction force is equal to the the abductor muscles_ The rorce produced by the s
'Q:l-,witatwllal force of the body, which can be divided perincumbent hody weight (% W) acts al a diSlan
1WO components, the gravitational force of the or b rrom the center of rotation of the hip (Q), thu
leg (equal to one-sixth body weight) and the producing a moment of % Vt/ times b. The force pr
force (equal to five-sixths body weight). duced by the principal abductor, the glute
body is divided at the hip joint into two medius, designated as A, acts at a distance of c fro
h-"e-DC)(lIeS- The main coplanar forces and moments the center of rotation, producing a counterbalan
on these free-bodies must be determined. ing rnomcnt of A limes c. For the body to remain
upper free-body is considered first (Calculalion moment equilibrium. the sum of the moments mu
;1j~IJOX Fig. 8-2-2). In this free-body, t\\'o moments are equal zero. In this example, the moments actin


Simplified Free-Body Technique for Coplanar Forces

The stance limb is considered as a free-body, and a free-body lion, simplifying assumptions are made in determining the di-
diagram is drawn. From all of the forces acting on the free- rection of this force (Mcleish & Charnley, 1970). Furthermore.
body, the three main coplanar forces are identified as the forces produced by other muscles aCiive in slabilizing the hip
force of gravity against the foot (the ground reaction force), joint are not taken into account. The joint reaction force (])
\,.'/hich is transmitted through the tibia to the femoral has a known point of application on the surface (lunate) of
condyles; the force produced by contraction of the abductor the femoral head bur an unknown magnitude, sense, and .'.;
muscles; and the joint reaction force on the femoral head. line of application.
The ground reaction force ('IN) has a known magnitude equal The magnitudes of the abductor muscle force and the
to five-sixths of body weight and a known sense, line of ap- jOint reaction force can be derived by designating all thr~e
plication. and point of appliCc1tion. The abdu([or muscle force forces on the free-body diagram (Calculation Box Fig. 8~_1 n
(A) has a known sense, a known line of application, and and constructing a triangle of forces (Calculation Box Fig:
point of application estimated from the muscle origin and in- 8-1-2). The muscle force is found to be approximately two
sertion on a roentgenogram but an unknown magnitude. Be- times body weight, whereas the joint reaction force is some-
cause several muscles are involved in the action of hip abduc- what greater.

Force J


Force A //
2W/ I
I Force J

I 2_75 W

Force W
! Calculation Box Figure 8-1-1. Calculation Box Figure 8'-2.
&--------------------------------------~---------- ------------------------------------ -----

,.- . , -:-.-_ ..
External Forces Acting on the Body in
Equilibrium During a Single-Leg Stance
Calculation Box Figure 8-2-1 shows external fOKes acting on
the body in equilibrium during a single-leg Slance. The ground
reaction force is equal to body weight (W). The gravi!ational
force of the stance leg is equal to one-sixth of body weight;
Calculation Box
the remaining force is equal to five-sixths of body weight. Figure 8-21.

The internal forces acting on the hip joint are founel by sepa-
rating the joint into an upper and lower free-body; the Lipper
5/6 W :
free-body is considered first. In this free-body, two moments
b :
are required for stability. Moment equilibrium is attained by -_._"
the prOduction of two equal moments. A moment arising
Calculation Box
from the force of the abductor muscle (A) times abductor Figure 8-22.
force lever arm (e) counterbalances the moment arising from
the gravitational force of the superincumbent body (5/6 W)
times gravitational force lever arm (b), which tends to tilt the
pelvis away from the supporting lower extremity. Q, center of
rotation of the hip joint.

A = 2W
Ax =: A sin30~

Ax = O.5A ~ W

Ay := Acos30'"
A y = 0.8 A = 1.7 W

Ay 30"
Calculation Box
Force A is equal to two times body weight and has a direction Figure 8-2-3.
of 30' from the vertical. The magnitudes of its horizontal (A,)
and vertical (A) components are found by vector analysis.
Perpendiculars are drawn from the tail of A to a horizomal
and a vertical line representing A. and A" respectively. A, and
A, can then be scaled off. Allernatively. trigonometry is used
to find the magnitudes of the components. Ax
._--~._._-_._-_ .._--------._-
clockwise arc arbilraril~' considered to be positive Fig. 8-2-2). This is particularly important in pros
and lhe counterclockwise moments arc considered thetic replacements of the hip joint (Delp &
be negative. Thus, Maloney. 1993; Free & Dell', 1996; Lim et al .. 1999
(Y.,W x b) - (A x c) = 0 Sutherland et 'II., 1999; Vasavada et 'II., 1994). The
center of motion can be altered by the prosthctic de
YoW x b sign and the lever arm for the abductor muscles can
A= -'----
c be slightly changed by slu-get)! techniqucs. A change
To solve for A it is necessary to find the values of of the center of location of the hip joint can de
and c. The gravitational force lever ann (b) is crease the abduction force by more than 40(1'0 and
roentgenographically. Because the cenler of thereby the generated abduclor moment b~} almos
gravity must lie over the base of sUppOrl, a plumb 50% (Dell' & Maloney, 1993), Figure 8-11 illustrate
line intersecting the heel can be extended upward; a the relationship of this ratio to the joint reaction
line drawn from the center of rota- force. ;\ low ratio (i.e., a small muscle force leve
in the femoral head (Q) to the line represents ann and a large gravitational force lever arm) yield
"""'\IlOe b. The muscle force lever arm (c) is simi- a greater joint reaction force than docs a high ratio
.~.' larl~! found by identifying the glutcus medius mus- A short lever arm of the nbduc(ol- musclc force, a
cle on a roentgenogram (Nemeth & Ohlsen, 1985, in coxa valga (Fig. 8-4), rcsults in a sTllall ratio and
1989) and drawing a perpendicular line from the lInls a sornewhat e1cvated joint reaction force. Mo\'
center of rotation 01" the femoral head to a line ap- ing thc greater lrochanter latcrally during lata! hip
proximating the gluteus mcdius muscle tendon. replacement lowers the joint reaction force. as it in
In this example, a value for A of two times body creases the lever arm ratio by increasing the muscl
weight was derived from thc static free-body diagram force lever arm (Free & Delp, 1996). Inserting a
and confil'med by instll.llnentcd in vivo measure- prosthetic CLIp deeper in the acetabulum reduce
ments (English & Kilvington, 1979; Rydell, 1966). The the gravitational force lever ann, thereby increasing
direction of force A is found from a roentgenogrnrn to the ratio and decreasing the joint rcaction force. I
be 30 from the vertical. The hOI'izontal and vcrtical is difficult. howc\'cl: to change the lever an11 ratio in
components of this force are found by vector analysis such a way as to reduce the joint rcaction force sig
(Calculation Box Fig. 8-2-3). The hOl-izonlal compo- nificantly been use the curve formed from plouing
nent (AJ is equal to body" weight; the vertical compo- the ratios becomes asymptotic when the ratio of c to
nent (A y ) is approximately 1.7 times body \veight. b approaches 0.8 (Fig, 8-1 I).
Attention is then directed to the lower free-body
(Calculation Box Fig 8-3-1). The gravitational forces
(Wand II. W) are known. The joint reaction force
(force J) has an unknown magnitude and direction The loads on the hip joint during dynamic activi
but originates from the most narrow joint space in ties have been studied by several investigator
the radiograph and musl pass through the esti- (Andriacchi ct aI., 1980; Draganich c{ al.. 1980
mated center of rotation in the femoral head. The English & Kilvington. 1979: Rydell, 1966). Using a
magnitude of force J is determined by finding the force plate system and kinematic data for the nOI"
horizontal and vertical force components and Illal hip, J. P. Paul, 1967. (Forces at the human hip
adding them (Calculation Box Fig. 8-3-2). joint. Unpublished doctoral theses, University o
The value of J is found by vector addition (Calcu- Chicago) examined the joint reaction force on th
lation Box Fig. 8-3~3), and its direction is measured femoral head in normal men and women during
on the parallelogram of forces. The joint reaction gait and correlated the peak magnitudes with spe
force on the femoral head in a single-leg stance with cine muscle activity recorded electromyograph i
the pelvis leveled in the horizontal plane is found to cally. In the men, two peak forces were produced
be approximately 2.7 times body weight, and its di- during the stance phase when the abductor mus
rection is 69 fTom the horizontal (Calculation Box cles contracted to stabilize the pelvis. One peak o
Fig, 8-3-4). approximately four times body weight occurred
A key factor influencing the magnitude of the just nfter heel strike, and a large peak of approxi
joint reaction force on the femoral head is the ratio matel:v seven times body weight was. reached jus
of the abductor muscle rorce lever ann (c) to the before toe-ofr (Fig. 8-12A). During foot flat, th
I gravitational force lever arm (b) (Calculation Box joint reaction force decreased to approximately


I Free-Body Diagram of the Lower Extremity

In Calculation Box Figure 8~31, the supporting lower ex-
tremity is considered as a free-body, and the forces act-
ing on the free-body are identified. A, abductor muscle
force; J, joint reaction force; 1/6 W, gravitational force of Tana A
the limb; W, ground reaction force; Q, center of rotation Jx
Jy c 2.5W
of the hip joint. Tan a 2.5
In Calculation Box Figure 8-3-2, the forces acting on a 69
the lower free-body arE> divided into horizontal and verti-
cal components. Because the body is in force equilibrium,
the sum of the forces in the horizontal direction must
equal zero and 50 must the forces in the vertical direc-
tion. The horizontal and vertical forces are added and the Jx W
magnitudes of J.: and J( are found from force equilibrium Calculation Box Figure 8~3-3,

A,~-J,~O A, ~~J.- '/W"," W ,- a

J 2~7 W
I.7W-J.-'/W W~O


J,. - W J..., 1.7 W ~,~ /. W

From the Calculation

Box 82 A. - I.7W

Calculation Box Figure 8-3-4.

Addition of the horizontal and vertical components J..- and

J, is performed graphically in Figure 8-3-3, and the joint
reaction force (J) is scaled off. A parallelogram is con-
structed and the diagonal of the parallelogram indicates
the inclination of the force J. Its inclination in relation to
the horizontal plane is measured (n) on the parallelogram,
Alternately, trigonometry is used to find the direction of J
using tangent equations (Fig. 8-3-4).
The joint reaction force has a magnitude of approxi-
mately 2.7 times body weight and acts at an angle 69"
from the horizontal,

w w
Calculation Box Calculation Box
Figure 8~3~1. Figure 8-3-2.

'la> 'ffi
'ffi 5.0 ;;
~ >- 4
>- 1S
"e0 @. 3
~ 4.0 ~
~ a 2

3.0 Upper and

60 100
Percentage of CyCle
limits of
angle of
2.0 ~..,._.,......,_..,.._.--..,._.,.......;5,,0:..'.., inclination Women
o 0:2 0:4 0:6 0.8 i of abductor

!1Bm Ratio of c to b force line

The value of the ratio of the abductor muscle force lever
arm (e) to the gravitational force lever arm (b) is plotted

I, against the joint reaction force on the femoral head in

units of body weight. Because the line of application of

I the abductor muscle force (its angle of inclination in the

frontal plane) has finite upper and lower limits (10 and
50), the force envelope is plotted. The curve can be uti
Percentage of Cycle

lized to determine the minimal force acting on the

I femoral head during a one-leg stance if the ratio of ( to b
Muscle AClivity During Slance Phase of Gait
Gll/leus ma~,mus "======
I is known. AdiJpced from Frankel. VH. (960). In The Femoral
Neck: Function, Fracture Mechanisms, Internal fixation. Spring-
Biceps tomor,s 1-------

field: Charles C. Thomas,
I ----------------
Tensor [osciac
S, _
Reclus femoris
Gluteus med,us Abductols
Gluleus minimus
.\dduc!or magous
Adductor IOr1(Jus
Adductor brevis
100 60
Percentage of Cycle
body weight because of the rapid deceleration of c
the bodv's.'
centcr of ~ gravilv.
Durin t>lT the swing~
phase, the joint reaction force was influenced by
contraction of the extcnsor muscles in decelerat-
Hip joint reaction force in units of body weight during
ing the thigh. and the magnitude remained rela-
walking, one gait cycle. The shaded area indicates varia-
tively low. approximately equal to body weight. tions among subjects. A. Force pattern for normal men.
In the women, the force pattern was the same but 8, Force pattern for normal women. Adapted from Paul, IP
the magnitude was sorncwhat loweI~ reaching a max- (1967). Forces at the human hip joint. Unpublished doctoral the
imum of only approximalely four times body weight sis. University of Chicago. C, Muscle activity during stance
at late sfance phase (Fig. 8-128). The lower magni- phase of gait. The first peak corresponds mainly for the ex-
tude of thc joint reaction force in the women may tensor and abductor muscles. The last peak. is for the flexor
have been the result of several factors: a wider female and adductor muscles. Adapted from the University of Califor-
pelvis. a difference in rhe inclination of the fcmoral nia. (1953). The pattern of muscular acrivity in rhe lower excrem
neck-to-shaft angle, a difference in footwear. and dif- i!'/ during ,valking. Univ Cal Prosthet Dev Res Rep, 2(25). 1--4/.

ferences in the general pattern of gait.

Walking (0.9 mtsec) In \"ivo ml..'asurl..'ll1enls of lhe forces acting
- - Ground reaction force instrumented hip joint prosthesis demonstra
1400 .........u". Force on prosthesis lower joint reaction force or the femoral head
1200 ing the stance plwse or gail compared with ex
mcnsuremcnts and calculations (Rydell, 1965

8-13;\). At a faster cadence. the forces .\Cling o
prosthesis grcatl~' increased because of an inc
in muscle ac(ivi(~' (Fig. 8-138). At both cade
400 the magnitude or the forces during swing phas
arproxirnatel~: half that during stance phase.
l~lble 82 summarizes the typical peak joint

, on the hip joinl load e."pressed as bod~1 weight

4 different studies and with different methods
pattern of loading for \valking is similar for all
ies, but the magnitude of joint peak load differ
ternal measurements gencraHy yield higher
A lated peak force on the hip joilll while inslrum
implant in vivo measuremcnts ~'ield lower
forces. There are man)' reasons 1'01' the diffe
Walking (1.3 m/sec)
for example, the melhod and instn1l11cnwtio
- - - - Ground reaction force normal hip "crsus the "abnormal" instrulllcnte
............." .... Force on prosthesis
plum. the gait velocity, and age. Activities othe
\\alking, such as stair ascending/descending,
loads of around 2.6 to 5.5 body wciglll Illea


~ 1000
, ,ImI!DJI

;!- 600 Range of Typical Reported Peak Hip Joint

400 Forces From Selected Studies




Peak Force

... _--_.,.._,._--

1993, 19

Swing phase Kolzar et a

implantS 1991
Time (seconds)
2.7 Instrumented English et
implants 1979
1.8-3.3 Instrumented Rydell et a
implants 1966
Forces on an instrumented hip prosthesis during walking. Walking 4.9-7.0 EIviG Paul, 1967
The broken line represents the force on the prosthesis, and /force plate
the solid line represents the ground reaction force. A. 45-7.5 EIviG Crowninshi
Walking speed 0.9 m per second. B, Walking speed 1.3 m fforce plate et al.. 19
per second. An increase in muscle activity at the faster ca- 5.0-8.0 ElvtG Rohrle et a
dence resulted in higher forces on the prosthesis. Adapted fforce picHe 1984
from Rydell, tV. (1965), Forces in tfle hip-joint. Parr If: Intravital
2.2-2.8 accelerometers van den Bo
measurements. In R.M. Kenedi (EdJ. Biomechanics and Related
et aI., t9
Sio-Engineering Topics (pp. 351-357). Oxford: Pergamon Press.
BW. body \'1elght; EMG. electromyography
of a femoral neck fracture allowed a subseq
determination of the forces acting on the imp
Fatigue Fracture of the Hip during activilies or daily living (Fig. 8-14) (Fra
'1\.", 64-year-old, very active retired man experienced a el aI., 1971). Although the device measured fo
M femoral neck fracture after changing his training on the implant and not on the hip joint, it was
,'regime to prepare for a marathon. The fracture was sible to determine the proportion of the
'.> classified as a faligue fracture caused by overload of transmitted L1nough the device and to calcu
-, the hip joint. the total load acting on the hip joint by mean
static analysis. In the case illustrated in Fi
8-14. the nail plate transmitted one fOllrth of
Strong forces aCling on the nail plate were
countered during such diverse activities as mo
onto a bedpan, transferring to a wheelchair,
walking. The magnitude of the forces was gr
modified by skillful assistance frol11 lhe nurs
therapist to control the patient's movement. Fo
of lip to fOllr limes boely weight acted on the
joint when the patient used the elbows and hee
elevate the hips while being placed on a bed
(Fig. 8-15), but these forces were greatly red
through the lise of a Lrapeze and assistance from
attendant (Fig. 8-158). A 5-kg ex.tension tractio
the hip had little effect in modifying the forces
ing on the hip joint. Exercises of the foot and a
increased these forces.
Case Study Figure 8-2-1.

The figure shows an MRI (frontal view) of the pelvis

and both hip joints. The fracture is seen in the left femoral
neck distal to the femoral head. The fracture is believed 10
have occurred during running and after an extensive
change of training program. Because of the high repetitive
I?ading, muscle fatigue, and the change in the load pat-
tern, on the hip joint and femoral neck, the bone fractured.

with an instnlmentcd hip implant (Bergmann et al.,

1995; KOlzar et aL. 1991). The highest magnitudes of
load during daily activities are measured dllling
stair climbing and getting up from a low chair when
the hip is flexeell1lore than 100" (Catani et aI., 1995;
Johnston et aI., 1979). Co-contraction of the bi-
articular muscles was evident during these activities.
Running and skiing lIsing accelerometers yielded An instrumented nail plate in the proximal end of the
calculated forces up to eight limes body weight in mur was used to determine the forces acting on the i
middle-aged and older people (van den Bogert et al., plant during the activities of daily living following fra
1999) (Case Stlldy 8-2). of the femoral neck. In this ca5e, the nail plate was fo
Insertion of an instrumented nail plate in the to transmit one fourth of the total load on the hip jo
p'-oximal femur arter osteotomy or during fixation

.., ...,: ..
Usc of the instrumented nail plate demonstr
that, for a bedridden patient with a fractu
femoral neck, the forces on the fernoral head
ing activities of daily' living approached those
iog walking with external supports. These stu
support clinical protocols for carly mobilizatio
patients and decreased bed rest for patients
hip fractures. The magnitude (approximatel
Nlll) of the moments acling on the nail-plate .
lion in the transverse plane (i.e .. during inte
A B and extcrn~ll rotation) was only approxirnatel)!
half the magnitude (18 Nm) of the moments ac
in the frontal plane (Le., during abduction)
A, When the patient used elbows and heels to elevate the many activities.
hips while being placed on a bedpan, the force on the tip
of the instrumented nail was 670 N. With a spica cast, the
force on the tip of the nail was 190 N. B, The use of a
trapeze and assistance from an attendant reduced the
force to 190 N without a cast and to 70 N with a spica cast.
Reprinted "vith permission from Frankel, VH. (7973). Biome- Static anal.\sis of the joint reaction force on
chanics of the hip. In R. G. Tronzo (feU Surgery of the Hip Joint femoral head during walking with a cane dem
(.0,0. 105-125). Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger strates that the cane should be used on the side
posite the painful or operated hip. Neumann (1

High and low load on the hip joint during daily activities. Raising from a low chair produces
approximately 8 times body weight (A). Walking with a cane on the ipsilateral side of the
affected hip produces approximately 3.4 times body weight (B), and walking with a cane on
the contralateral side of the affected hip reduces hip joint load substantially to 2.2 times
body weight (C). This figure illustrates how load on the hip joint can be manipulated by
simple means (X denotes affected hip).
-:i:::~C::I::J::r:S:~ t:~::r::e~h:i::~re:~~o<~Oint Rea~:~::e:::C:uSCle
I force (E) was then found from the
I the
faKe acting on the femoral head in Ihe late swing phase of
gait cycle for an 8year-old boy INeighing 24 kg and
momenl relationship
T ::::: Fd,
I wearing a )ong-Ieg brace. The main muscle force was pro- where F is the extensor muscle force and d is the perpendicu~
duced by contraction of the gluteus maximus muscle and lar distance from the center of rotation of the femur to the
identified through electromyography. The torque about the middle of the gluteus maxim us muscle. Distance d was mea.,
hip joint \ivas calculated according to the formula sureej from a roentgenogram and found to be 3.2 em, From
H'e equation E;::;: TId, the muscle force on the normal Side',
T ~ la,
. . " as calculated to be 338 N, and on the braced side, 600 N.
The joint reanion force on the femoral head (J) is equal to
T is the torque expressed in newton meters (Nm)
the muscle force (E) minus the gravitational force produced
I is the mass moment of inertia expressed in newton meters
by Ihe weight of the limb (W,). In this example, W L \\las esti-
times seconds squared (Nm sec!)
mated to be 40 N.
is the angular acceleration in late swing phase, expressed
in radians per second squared (rlsec 1). On the normal side, On the braced side,
J = E -\iV, J = E -\iV,
In the case of (he braced side. I = I , .;. I;; where
J = 338 N - 40 N J=600N-40N
is the mass moment of inertia of the leg
J = 298 N. J = 560 N.
is the mass moment of inertia of the brace.
Thus, tile Joint reaction force on the femoral head in the
On the normal side, On the braced side.
br~1Ced limb v"as over 80% higher than the force in the non~
I "" 0.45 Nm se(' 1 0.45 Nm sec; + 0.35 Ntn sec'

braced limb, reaching more than two times body weight.

n=: 24 rlsec'. n = 24 rlsee"

Thus, Thus,
I = 0.45 Nm sec:' T = (.45 Nm sec) + 35 Nm sec!)
.: ~
x 24 rlsec~ x 24 rlsec~

T ~ 10.8 Nm. T ~ 19.2 Nm.


studied the effects of cane use in 24 subjects with a a large push may not be possible because of a
,;:: mean age of 63 years. During walking, the e1ec- of strength in the upper extremities.
tromyographic activity of the hip abductor muscles The use of a brace on the leg may aller the f
was measured, Neumann found that usc of a cane on the hip joint but may not always reduce the
on the contralateral side of the affected hip joint, reaction force on the femoral head. An ischial
with careful instructions to use with near maximal leg brace used in the treatment of Perthes' dis
effort, could reduce the muscle activity by 42% (Fig. raises the joint reaction force during late swing p
8-16). This calculates to a reduction of approxi- because the large mass moment of inert ia o
mately one times bod~; \veight from 2.2 body weight brace results in a higher extensor muscle force
with a cane, compared with 3.4 body weight with- ing this part of the gait cycle (Calculation Box 8
Out a cane. These studies give important inforllla~
lion to the clinician about ways to moderate the
load for the patient with hip problems. SUl1lmary
Such use reduces the force on the femoral head
of the painf-ul joint without necessitating an anlalgic 1'; The hip JOll1t is a ball-and-socket joint
body position. A cane used on the side of the painful posed of the acetabulum and femoral head,
hip works through a shoner levcr arm and thus an 2 The thickness and mechanical properties o
even greater push on the cane is needed to decrease cartilageon the femoral head and acetabulum
the joint reaction force. For the olcler patient, such from point to poinl.

Flss.\', ~1.I-1.. ;\'Diaye, A.. CalTd. J.P.. et :II. (1999)_ Lo
3 Hip llexion of at lca~a 120", abduction of at tht.. l{.lltl-r or rOlation of IIII.' hip. Sl/r.g nmliol A//at,
least 20", and extenwl rOl<.l.lion of at least 20" are 24;-250.
necessary for can}'ing out daily activities in a nor- FI'~lnkd, V.H. (19;3). Biollll'challil:s or the hip. In R.G. T
mal manner. (Ed.), Slll'.~t:ry o( I!lt' Hip }Oil/l (pp. 105-125). Phil~ldl.
lea &. Fdlif!l'r.
\4 A joint reaction force of apprOXill'latc1y three Frankd. V.H. (1960). In nUt FI.'J/ulI"iI} Nt'd: {-'Wlclioll. F
timcs body weight acts on the hip joint during a sin- .\-1f.'(:IUllli:'/II.\, "/lenla! FixaTioll. Springfidd: Char
gle-leg stance with the pelvis in a neutral position; TlwllWS.
its m;gnitudc varies as the position of the upper Fr'lnkd. V.H .. BurSil'in. A.H .. L~grl. L., l't al. (1971). Th
L.lil: nail. ) BOIH' 10illl SIII"~. 53:1. 1232.
body changes. Free, S.A. & Oelp, S.L. (1996). Trochantt.'rll.: transfer i
_~'> The magnitude of the hip joint reaction force is hip n:pJal:i.:IlIl.:nl: Effecls on Ilit' lTlOfllL'llt arms nnd
gellt..'ralillg c'lpadtic:;s of Ihe hip abductors. J Onlw
infiuenced by the ratio of Ihe abductor muscle force
1-I{2L 1-15-250.
and gravitational force lever anns. A low ratio yields Gn.em\'~a1d. A.S. & 1-I<I\'llI,:S, D.W. (1972). Weight-hcaring
a greater joint reaction force than does a high ratio_ ill lhe human hip j{~Jinl..! BOIlt' .!Oilll Siltg. 5-1B( I), 15
Hurwitz. D.E. &"hi. '1'.1>. (1998). Biomechanics
;;_~ The hip ,joint reaction force during gail reaches
hip. III J.J. Cdbgh'111. A.G. Rosl'nberg. &. I-I.E. R
levels of three to six limes body weight or more in (Eds.1. The: Adult flip (pp. 73-85). Philaddphia: Lipp
stance phase and is approximately equal to body Raven Publishers.
weight during swing phase. Hllr",it;',. D.E. & Andri~\(:("hi. T.P. (1997). Biolllcl:hanks
hip .tlld the knl'l'. In ~'1. Nordin, G.B.J .\ndnsson. &
j.7 An incrense in gait velocity increases the mag- POPl' (Eds.) . .\lusculoskclewl Disorders ill {Itt' Irork
nitude of the hip joint reaction force in both swing Principles (Jud Prauice (pp. -186--196). Phila(k']phia: M
and stance phase. Year Book.
Inrn;lIl. V.T. (19-47). Flll1l:lional aspects of t!ll' abductO
,'8 The forces acting on an internal fixation device c1es of thl' hip. J BOllI.' loim Sll"~. 29:\. 607.
during the ~\ctivitie; of daily living vary greatly' JohnslOn, R.C., Br~Hl(I, R.A .. &. Crowninshicld. R.D. (
depending on the nursing carc and the therapeutic Re('onslnH:lioll of tht' hip. } BOI/t' Join, Smg. 6
activities undertaken by the patient. 646-652.
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/9 The lise of a cane or a brace on the leg can al- join! motion during walking. Evaluation of 'tll I'll'
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Biomechanics of the
Foot and Ankle
G, James Sammarco, Ross Todd Hockenbu

Growth of the Foot
Kinematics of the Foot
Foot and Ankle Motion During Gait
Causes of leg Rotation During the Gait Cyde
Muscle Action During Gait
MotIon of the Tarsal Bones
Sublalar Joint Motion
Transverse Tarsal Joint Motion
Tarsometatarsal and Intertarsal Motion
Motion of the Hallux
Motion of the Lesser Toes
The Medial longitudinal Arch
Muscle Control of the Foot
Kinetics of the Foot
Soft Tissues of the Foot
Ankle Joint Biomechanics
Range of Motion
Surface Joint Motion
Ankle Joint Stability
Kinetics of the Ankle Joint
Ankle load Distribution
Effects of Shoewear on Foot/Ankle Biomechanics
Introduction found impact on the foot and ankle's shock-abs
ing, propulsive, and stabiliZing roles. Clinical c
The biomechanics of the fool and ankle arc complex lation of alterations in biomechanical Functio
and intricately associated with each olher. The fOOl presented in case studies. Footwear in \Vestern
is an integral mechanical part of the lower cxtrcrn- ciety may VaJ'y from a rigid ski boot to a soft
ity necessary 1'01' a smooth and stable gaiL The an- casin. These externally restrictive materials ma
kle transfers load frolll the lower extremity to the ter normal foot and ankle biomechanics
foal and closely inllucnccs foot orientation with the ultimately innucncc the development or s
ground. pathological conditions, slich as hallux valgus.
The fOOL is comprised of 28 bones (including
scsamoids) whose motions arc closely inlcn-c1alcd
(Fig. 9-1). Besides acting as a structural sllpponing Growth of the Foot
platform capable of withstanding repetitive loads or
mulliples of body weighl. the fOOL/ankle complex The foot is formcd when the limb buds develop
also must be able to adjust to different ground sur- ing the eighth week of gestation. Foot length
faces and vat)'ing speeds of IOCOl11CHion. The unique width increases linearly from age 3 to 12 in
qualities of the 1'001 allow it to be rigid when ncccs- and age 3 to 15 in boys at an average of 8 to 10
Sal)', as in ballet dancing on point, or quile flexible, per year, followed by a plateau in growth (Che
as in walking barefoot on the sand. The transition al.. 1997). Blais and associales (1956) showcd
from shock-absorbing platform to rigid lever capa- the foot appers to be closer to the adult size a
ble of forward propulsion occurs wilh cach slep of times during normal development of the child
lhe gail cycle. arc other parts or the limb. On average, at a
The ankle is compriscd of lhrec boncs Ihal form )'ear in girls and 18 months in boys, the leng
the ankle mortise. This joint complex consists of the the foot is one half the length of the respective a
libiotalar, flbulotalar, and tibiofibular joints (Fig. foot (Fig. 9-3). This situation contrasts with th
9-2). The ankle is a hinge joint whose stability de- the femur and tibia, which do not attain their
pends on joint congruency and the medial. lateral, ture length unlil 3 years later in both boys and g
and syndesmotic ligaments. The relativel.\' large size or the fool, then, is im
This chapter discusses the motions that occur in tant for providing a broad base on which the ch
the foot and ankle during the various phases of gait body is supported. and Lhis base may at tilTlCS c
as well as during extremes or motion. The close in- pensate for the child's lack of muscle strength
terplay between lower extremity rotation and Fore- coordination.
foot orientation is explained. The ground (foot-to-
floor) reaclion force and dislribulion of forccs on
lhe planlar aspeci of the fOOL are explored. The 10- Kinematics of the Foot
calion of forces as they pass from the tibiofibular
complex into the dome of the talus and then into the Gross motion of the foot is complex and oc
foot is disclissed. Vve also discuss the roles of liga- m'ound three axes and on three planes (Fig.
ments and muscles in the support of the medial lon- Flexion-extension occurs in Lhe sagittal p
gitudinal arch. Finally, ankle motion and ligamen- abduction-adduction occurs in Lhe horizonta
tous stability is outlined. transverse plane, and inversion-eversion occu
A discussion of sophislicated electromyographic the coronal or frontal plane. Supination
activity during walking is not within lhe scope of pronation are terms commonly used to desc
this chapter; however, the activity of certain extrin- positioning of the plantar surface of the foot
sic and intrinsic muscles is by necessity presented to occur primarily at the subtalar (talocalcan
allow a beller understanding of foot and ankle con- joint. During supination the sale faces medi
trol during gait. The moments produced about and during pronation the sole faces lnter
joints by muscle action and resultant effects on foot Supination is a combination of inversion, flex
and ankle position are detailed. Joint axes and in- and adduction. Pronation is a combinatio
stant centers of joint motion are described. Refer Lo eversion, extension, and abduction (Fig. 9-5).
Chapler 18 for information aboul the application of motion includes Oexion, extension: adduction.
biomechanics to gail. abduclion.
Any pathological change in root or ankle struc- For practical purposes. foot motion can be
ture or motion, however subtle, may have a pro- sidered to be of two distinct types; non-we
\ 'KJ'"'R,..
" Os trigonum

Head Calcaneus
Phalanges \

Sesamoids Tuberosity


Os Metatarsals


Point or insenion
01 the carcaneolibular -.;.....><':hlea ('ubercle) / .
ligament TuberOSIty Head
Groove lor
peroneus longus TU!)fHc!e


Latera! process

Talus -"'- ~~,.


Cuneilorms Middle
{ Medial Lateral malleolus
r"rsomelalarsal joint Tibiofibular articulation
(of Lisfranc)

-Great 100-


Top, View of the medial aspect of the foot. Middle. View of the lateral aspect of the foot.
Bottom left, Superior view of the foot. Bottom right, Anterior view of the ankle mortise,
La!. Med. beal"ing and weight-bearing. Passive. nOI1-wdgh
Interosseous bearing Illotion may be tested with the patien
membrane -~-'-.- 0~, Ii I
seated and the foot and ankle hanging free. Subtala
Fibula .....: 0 f&t~~: motion is evaluated by grasping the tibia with on
.< ;:;if4~. Tibiotalar joint hand and inverting and cvcrting the heel with th
t . . ~istal
::~.,-:"~r-7: . other hane!. Abduction and adduction of the fore
t foot can be tested if the heel is held immobile

II Supination and pronation of the forefoot may als

be tested with the heel fixed, as may flexion and ex
tension of the tarsometatarsal joints and [Des.
Active, weight-hearing 1TI00ion of the foot differ
~ / :R'f1oJ-~- Calcaneus from passive motion because the forces produced b
ft body weight and by muscle contraction act to stab
lize the joints. Generally, functional active foot mo
~, tion during gait tends to be less than passive foot mo
~ tion. Active subtalar inversion can be demonstrate
f by viewing heel orientation from behind while askin

the patient to raise lip on his 01' her toes. Extel'nal ro
Ankle joint complex composed of the tibiotalar, fibulotalar. tation of the leg while bearing weight on the foo
and distal tibiofibular joints. causes the hed to invert and the forefoot to pronate
therefore raising rhe arch. Rotating the leg internall
has rhe opposite effect: it lowers the arch.

i Girls
30 ,----,----,----,----,----,----,----,----,----, 30 ~

t 28 +-+-+-f-+-+-+-+-+--I
.1. !.!
26 +-+--+--+-+-+-++'-+--1

I I I I I I I I.! . l
I Iii ' I 0 / -

24\ V 1 +1
24+- +1-+1--h-t-:,pv';l"/~--4
f E 22 W-+-~~~ 4+=1EE 22\ I .. i<;V i
::.~ 20 ./...' ::.:& 20 I
I Il/;{.


I~ 18:/ i lOX) i
16 t-+--flfC'fJ+'-I-+--T.:-'-...L-j 18 \ all I I
I 1,0
16\ i/.'./I/! I 'I
14 +-fff!l+-+-+-+--l---'f---H
.f. I ... ~59~5 %' I

10'Ojjtt::j lot,l=l:jj=jj
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
12 H'l-+-+-+-+--l-f---H

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 1618
Age (years) Age (years)

lengths of normal girls' and boys' feet derived from serial measures of 512 children aged 1
to 18 years. Left, Foot length versus age in girls. Note plateau in growth after age 12.
Right, Foot length versus age in boys. Note plateau in growth after age 15. Adapted with
permission from Blais. M.M. Green. W T.. & Anderson. M. (1956). Lengths of the growing (oot. J
Bone Joint Surg. 38A. 988.
thlllst on the subwlar joill!. In the middle or
phase and at push-ofr. the entire lower cxtrcll
Dorsiflexionl Eversion! ~i~lS t(~ reverse and ,:otatc L.'(t:nlall~' as ..1he. ~
planlarflexion inversion JOint Sll1lllltancollsl~' II1vcrts (Fig. 9-9). \\illh IIlV
of the subtalar joint and supination 01" the fo
foot is transformed into a rigid stntclurc cap
propulsion. Olerud and Rosendahl (1987) and
berg Cl al. (1989a-d) Im"e experiml'ntallv me
lhe coupling 01 tibial rot~lliOIl to subtalar m
They h<:\ve shown that lhe foot supimues I" fo
0.2 to 0.44" 01" libial external rotation.

Causes of Leg Rotation During the Gait Cycl

Malln (1993) has described the coordination o
and subtalnr rl'lotion in an ekg::HH model c
mitered hingL" (Fig. 9-10). As the tibia interna
lales. the subtalar joint evens (pronatcs). COl1
external rotation or the tibia causes in
(supination) of the subtalar joint. He attribu
internal rotation or th(: lower cx.t1\:l11it~: in
stance to the obliquit.\' 01" a general ankk joi
(see Ankle Joint l\'totion). According [0 the "
Foot motion occurs around three axes.
axis model or the ankle joint, the ankle joint
~~-------- angkd downward and postl.'riorly I'rorn Ilkdia
eral (Fig. 9-1 I). Betau:-ic of the obUquily of th


The gait cycle consists or a stance phase and a swing

phase. The stance phase encompasses 62(1'0 of the
gait cycle and the swing phase makes up the re-
maining 38%. The stance phase is subdivided into
heel strike, foot flat, heel rise, push-orr. and toe-off.
Swing phase is divided into acceleration, toe clear-
ance, and deceleration phases (Fig. 9-6). The part or
stance phase spent with both feet on the ground is
termed double limb support and occurs through the
flrst and last 121'10 of stance phase (Fig. 9-7). N0l111al
men have an average gait velocity of 82 m/min and 58
heel strikes/min (Waters et aI., 1978). Running is de-
fined as a gait speed pasl 201 m/min. At this speed,
double stance disappears and a noat phase develops
in which bOlh reet are orr or the ground (Fig. 9-8).
During normal walking, the entire lower ex.tremity
(including the pelvis, femUl~ and tibia) rotates inter-
nally through the first 15% of stance phase. From
heel strike through foot flat the subtalar joint everts,
tbe foot pronates. and the rorefoot becomes flexible
to absorb shock and adapt to irregularities in the
ground 11001' surface. The subtalar joint everts in part A, During foot supination the sole faces medially.
because the point or contact or the heel is lateral to ing foot pronation the sole faces laterally.
the center of the ankle joint, thus producing a valgus

I Heel stnke
~=K\~ 7TTcr 5l~
Toe ot! Heel st

ll~l/~ 1~lf~1
! I Heel slnke : Fool flat
Stance Phase
/1 II////II!

Stance phase Swing phase
I L 0" I 15~o I 30~'o I 45~'o 1 60~o

Double Double
limb Single limb limb
support support support
<1-+ ~ ~ <1-+
SWing Phase I
IAcceleration [Toe c1em""e I Decelemtion iH~e~
I 70% _~~~~ l 100~,,

62% of the normal gait cycle is spent in stance phase and
38% is spent in swing phase.
_ .. '--~~~~~
Percent of Walk Cycle

Stance phase consists of two periods of double limb su

port and one period of single limb support.

10 20
Stance ~65'

j 70

80 90 100
Right heel Mid Left heel

I. osl"rt~k_e ,-st-a.L:c-eT--T--,-,-F-O-'t-O-'-t'---S-1lr~ke
Q + + 'I''I' + ~
RighI twel Mid Toe Double limb ~:~tl Mid Double limb Right heel
slrike slance off unsupported strike stance unsupported slnke

Stance (40%) Swing (30'%)

o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

{ ~ftJz~~~~ _
i Comparison of walking and running cycles. In the running cycle, stance phase decreases,

develops: _d_O_U_b_l_e_l_im_b_S_U_P_P_O_rl_d_iS_a_p_p_e_a_rs_,_a_n_d_a_d_o_U_b_l_e_l_im_b_U_n_s_u_p_p_o_r_te_d_o_r
Heel contacl
.. ..
Toe-off Heel contact

Ankle _.

! '
!.......-:-- Stance phase _:
:.... ,I
FOOl immobile ....:

Subia la, ~_.'-_..__ A B

rolation :-

,._L_~_~.. -----,----;c;;~'
m ~ W W 100
Percent of Walking Cycle I

Ankle motion and subtalar rotation during normal walking.

Maximal subtalar eversion occurs at foot flat in early stance
phase. Maximum subtalar inversion occurs at toe-off.

c o

joint axis, the leg internally rotates with ankle dorsi~ Mitered hinge model of leg, ankle, and subtalar mo
flexion and externally rotates with ankle plal1larflex- A. Outward rotation of the upper stick causes inwa
ion. Additional mechanisms by which leg external ro- tion of the lower stick. 8. Inward rotation of the up
tation occurs during late stance include the swing of stick causes outward rotation of the lower stick. C.
the opposite leg that causes external rotation of the nal tibial rotation causes supination of the foot. O.
planted leg and the obliquity of the metatarsal break tibial rotation causes pronation of the foot.
(Fig. 9- I 2). The metatarsal break is an oblique axis of
50 to 70" with respect to the long axis of the [oat
formed by the centers of rotation of the metatar-
sophalangeal joints. With push-off. the foot and
lower extremity externally rotate with respect to the
sagittal plane because of this oblique axis.
Number of

Although the motions of the foot and ankle during 15 r

the walking cycle OCClIr primarily as a result of the I
passive constraints of joints and ligaments. elec-
trom.yography has shown that rnuscle activity does
occur during normal gait (Fig. 9-13). At heel strike,
the pretibial musculature fires eccentrically to slow
{ 74 78 82 86 90 94
down the descent of the forefoot and prevent a [oat
Angle (degrees)
slap. At midstance, the calf musculature contracls
to slow down the Fonvard movement of the body
over the foot and prevent a crouch gait. The intrin-
sics also contract during midstance to toe-off to aid Variations in the angle between the midline of the
in rigidity of the forefoot. Toe-off is primarily a pas- and the empirical axis of the ankle. The axis is angle
sive event. The pretibial musculature again con- obliquely and inferoJaterally 82. The histogram sho
tracts during swing phase to ensure (hat the fOOl variability among specimens.
clears the Ooor during swing~lhrough.
version and eversion. The sublalar joint is respo
sible along with the transverse tarsal joint (consis
Metatarsal ing of the talonavicular and calcaneocuboid joint
break for transforming tibial rotation into forefo
supination and pronation. Because the ankle Joi
is to some degree a single-axis joint. subtalar m
tion reduces the rOLalol y ' stresses to the ankle join
Congenitally blocked motion of the subtalar joi
may result in the formation of a ball-aod-sock
ankle as a result of the increased rota1011' stress
the joint. Manter (1941) determined Ihe subtal
axis of rotation to be oriented upward at an ang
of 42" fmm the horizontal and medially 16" fro
the midline (Fig. 9-14). The sublalar facets resem
ble segments of a "spiral of Archimedes," a righ
handed screw in the right foot, so that the calc
neus actually translates anteriorly along t
subralar axis as it rotates clockwise during the m
tion of subtalar inversion (Fig. 9-15). A\erage su
talar motion is 20 to 30 inversion and 5 to 1
eversion. Functional subtalar joint motion duri
gait is 10 to 15. During the gait cycle, the he
strikes the ground in slight inversion, followed
rapid eversion to a maXimUI11 of 5 to 10 at 10%
the gait cycle (Fig. 9-9) (Sarrafian, 1993a,b).

Transverse Tarsal Joint Motion

The transverse tarsal joint, Chopart's joint, consists
the talonavicular joint and calcaneocuboid joi
Manier (1941) described two axes of motion in t

1__ Slance -.1.,Sw;n9....1
Muscle activity I phase I phase I
I 1 I
The muscles of the lower extremity are more ac- Pretibial muscle -NjWl~---- .......INlVNm'fM/'lir
live dudng nmning. The gluteus maximus and ham-
strings arc active in midstance through toe-off and Triceps (calf) .L--../MlWWJW'J,IIlWil,J----...L
increase their activity 30 to 500/0 1O decelerate the 1
,;.: stance phase limb. Dorsillexors of the foot and an- Foot I I
kle are active in 700/0 of the running cycle. The in-
trinsics, plantar flexors, and peroneals are impor-
tant stabilizers of the plantar surface and hindfoot
during the foot nat phase (Aclelaar, 1986). '"""-1 li Jl Inilial
Subtalar Joint Motion
The joint between the talus and calcaneus is
lermed the subtalar joinl. Its complex motion in Schematic phasic activity of leg and foot muscles during
three planes produces the motions of supination normal gait.
and pronation, c1inicnll.y referred to as subtalar in-
in it study enlailing eXlkTinh..'lllal sL'kClive fusio
thl:sC joints. Sliblala, joint arthrodesis redllcL'd ta
~l\iclilar Illolion to 26% or its normal mol ion and
duced calcaneocuboid mOlion lO 56~~ normal. Ca
neocuboid arthrodesis n.:duccd sublala, motio
92 % normal and talonavicular motion to 67':'/c
mal. Selective fusion of the lalomwicuhu- joint
A the most profound effect on the remaining joillls
ducing their relT'laining Illotion to only 1" each. B
doin (1991) showed thal "xperimelllal slIbtala
sion resulled in Significant reduction in talonavic
joil1l contact and nlso reduced ankh.: joil1l contac

Tarsometatarsal and Intertarsal Motion

The joillls between lhe three clIneiforrns, cub
and five melatarsals produce little motion. The
terlarsal joints are c1oscl~ congruent and exh
Subtalar joint axis. A, Sagittal plane (lateral view). The axis minimal gliding motion bct\\'cL'n OIlL: anolher.
rises up at a 4r angle from the plantar surface. B, Trans- tarsometatarsal joints, known as Lisfranc's jo
verse plane (top view). The axis is oriented 16 medial to
the midline of the foot. Reprinted with permission from Man-
rer, J. T. (7947), Movements of the subia/af and transverse tarsal ,

joints. Ani!! Rec. 80, 397. /'

/ /.'\.
transverse tarsal joint: a longitudinal axis and an
oblique axis. The longitudinal axis is oriented lSo up-
ward from the horizontal and go medially frolll the
longitudinal axis of the foot. Inversion and eversion
occur about thc longitudinal axis (Fig. 9-16). The
oblique axis is oriented 52 upward from the hori-
zontal and 57(> anlcromcdially. Flexion and extension
OCClIr primarily aboLit this axis (Fig. 9-17). Ouzonian
and Shereff (1989) determined in vitro talonavicular
motion to be 7 in nexion-extension and 17u in prona-
tion-supination. Calcaneocuboid motion is 2{' flexion-
extension and 7 pronation-supination.
The motions of the subtalar joint and transverse
tarsal joint interrelate to produce either foot flexi-
bility or rigidity. Elftman (1960) showed that the
major axes of the calcaneocuboid joint and talona-
vicular joint are in parallel when the subtalar joint
Comparison of the posterior calcaneal facet of the righ
is everted, thus allowing motion of the transverse
talar joint with a right-handed screw. The arrow repres
tarsal joint. As the subtalar joint inverts. the axes of
the path of the body following the screw. The horizont
these joints are convergent, thus locking the trans- plane in which motion is occurring is hh'; n' is a plane p
verse tarsal joint and providing rigidity to the mid- pendicular to the axis of the screw; s is the helix angle o
foot (Fig. 9-18). During the period of midstancc to the screw, equal to s', which is obtained by dropping a
toe-off, the foot therefore becomes a rigid lever pendicular (pp') tram the axis. As the calcaneus inverts,
through inversion of the subtalar joint and locking tates clockwise and translates forward along the axis.
of the transverse tarsal joint. Reprinted '..vith permission from M<1fller, J. T. (1941). Moveme
Astion (J 997) showed the close interplay between of thl? subta/ar and lransvers' tarsal joints. Ana! Rec. SO, 391
the subtalar, talonaviclllaJ~ and calcaneocuboid joints

~d Lat.

..-:--- Navicular
Normal Varus

Longitudinal axis of the transverse tarsal joint. Inversion

and eversion occur about this axis. A. lateral view. B. Top
Anteroposterior view of the transverse tarsal joint of th
view. Reprinted wirh permission from lv/anter. J. T. (194/).
right foot. The anterior articulations of the talar head a
Movements of the svbtalar dnd transverse tarsal joints. Anat
calcaneus are shown. The major axes of the talonavicul
Rec. 80, 397.
and calcaneocuboid joints are shown in the neutral pos
Q~~---------------- tion (parallel) and with the heel in varus (convergent).

are intrinsically stable because of their arch-like

configuration best seen in cross-scClion. The sec-
ond metatarsal base is recessed into the mid foot, known as the Lisfranc's ligament connects the s
forming a key-like configuration with the interme- ond metatarsal base to the medial cuneiform. T
diate cuneiform (Fig. 9-19). A strong ligament motion of the first three metatarsocuneifo
joints is minimal compared with the fOLlrth a
fifth melatarsocuboid joints, Ouzonian and Sh
efT determined the first metatarsal-med
cuneiform motion to be 3.5 0 f1cxion-extension a
1.5 0 pronation-supination, while the fourth a
fifth metatarsotarsocuboid joints \Vcre 9 to
flexion-extension and 9 to 11 pronation-supin
tion. An in vivo study or first mctatarsocuneifo
A motion found a mean sagittal motion of 4.4(' (Fr
& Prieskorn, 1995), An in vilro sludy of fi
metatarsocuneiform motion showed that on
llOlo of lOa specimens demonstrated an,Y addu
tion-abduction (vVanivenhaus & Prcttcrklieb
1989), There has been recent conccrn that hyp
mobility of the first metatarsocuneiform jo
may lead to offloading of the first ray and sub
quent hallux valgus deformity (Klaue, Hans

& l\IIasquelel, 1994), Mizcl (1993) described
plantar first metatarsocuneiform ligament as
major restraint to dorsal angulation ancl sllb
! ------------------- quent dorsal displacement of the distal fi
metatarsal head.
Oblique axis of the transverse tarsal joint. Flexion and ex~
tension occur about this axis. A. lateral view. B, Top view.
Reprinted wirh permission from Manter. 1. T. (1941). Movemenrs
Motion of the Hallux
of the subta/r1r and transverse tarsal foints, Anat Ree. 80, 397. The hallux must accommodate a \vide range of m
lion of the foot to perform a great variety of tas


Lateral O' 40 70~

Plantar Med
Llslranc's JOInt


A B Plantar Late

A, Top view of the tarsometatarsal joints, known as Lis Contact distribution of the first metatarsophalangeal
franc's joint. Note the recessed second metatarsal base. B, ! in 0<> (neutral), 40 of extension. and 70<> of extension
Cross-sectional view of lisfranc's joint seen on computed ! Joint contact of the proximal phalanx. Bottom, Joint
tomography scan. Note the arch-like structure. tact of the metatarsal head. With increasing extensio

Normal Weight Bearing Normal Weight Bearing

1 .__i_o_in_'_'_U_rf_a_,_e_,_o_n_,a_'_ls_'h_i_f'_d_o_,_,a_1_IY_O_n_'_h_e_m_e_,_a_'d_,_,a_l

One nced onl.\' consider the dorsif1exed positio

the gr.:at toe or n baseball catcher crollching be
home plate to appreciate the degree of motion p
7 ble in the great lOe. The first metatarsophalan
joint has a range of motion from 30" plantarllcxi
Medial Lateral 90" dorsiflexion with rL'slk'Cl to the long axis o
collateral J;:~",,~'--1~rcollateral
first metatarsal shaft. The first metatarsal is inc
ligament - ligament
20" with respect to the noor; thercfore, range of
lion or the hallux is 50" plantarllc:don to 70" d
Instant llexion referenced to the lloor surface. During
center (ocoff phase of nanna I walking, maximum dors
ion of the nrst l1lt.:tatarsophalangeal joint is requ
Anal~'sis of motion of the hallux in the sa

A B plane reveals that inslallt centers of motioll

fall within the center or
the metatarsal head,
minimal scatter (Fig. 9-20). The surface motio
the first metatarsophahll1gcal joint is chan\clC'
A, Instant center and surface motion analysis of the
as tangential sliding from maximum plantarlle
metatarsophalangeal joint of the hallux in the sagittal
to IT'lOdcrate dorsiflexion. with some joint com
plane. Each arrow denoting direction of displacement of
sion <:\t maximurn dorsillexion (Sammarco,
the contact points corresponds to the similarly numbered
instant center. Gliding takes place throughout most of the
Shc,dL Bcjahi, & Kummc,; 1986). Aim el aL (1
motion except at the limit of extension, which occurs at determined the first metatarsal head surface co
toeoff in the gait cycle and with squatting. At full exten- area to be 0.38 l'm~ in the neutral position, w
sion, joint compression takes place. The range of motion dec"eases to 0.04 em' in full dorsiflexion (Fig. 9
of the hallux is indicated by the arc. B, Instant center The metatarsal head surface contact area shi fts
analysis of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the hallux in sail\' with full c!xtension and is associated with
the transverse plane during normal weightbearing. Glid- con~prcssion. This explains the characteristic
ing (denoted by arrows) occurs at the joint surface even nwtion of dorsal osteophytcs and limited dors
though the range of motion is small.
ion or the proximal phalanx in cases or h
rigidus (Fig. 9-12).
50-year-old woman who
A has been wearing shoes
with a narrow Ioebox for <llmost
35 years. By compressing the
forefoot medially and laterally,
these abnormal forces can lead
to a hallux valgus deformrltion.
In this way, the proximal pha-
lanx shifts laterally and pronates
on the first metatarsal head.
This abnormal position of the
proximal phalanx decreases its
ability to depress the metatarsal
head during toe-off (Fig. 9-23).
lateral view of hallux rigidus. Note osteophytes on the
dorsal aspect of the metatarsal head, which limit joint ex-

. tension .

------------------ A view of the plantar surface of the foot of a patient with

severe hallux valgus. Note calluses underlying the second
and third metatarsal heads (transfer lesions), which indi-
The great toe provides stability to the medial as-
cate a transfer of plantar forces away from the first
pect of the foot through the \vindlass mechanism of
metatarsal head to the lesser metatarsal heads.
the plantar aponeurosis (sec The Medial Longitudi-
nal Arch). As the body passes ovcr the foot in toe-
off. the proximal phalanx passes over the metatarsal
head and depresses it. This has been conflrmcd by The altered joint mechanics produced by hallux valgus is
force plate analysis in the lutc sLancc phase, which evident in analysis of instant centers of rotation, which
shows thai pressure under the first metatarsal head demonstrate joint distraction and jamming where gliding nor-
increases in this phase of gait (Clark, 1980). In hal- mally occurs (Fig. 9-24).
lux valgus, the proximal phalanx shiFts laterally ancl
pronates on the first metatarsal head. Thb abnOl- Abnormal Weighl Bearing
Illal position of the proximal phalanx decreases its (Bunion)
ability to depress the metatarsal head during toe-
off. Any clinical situation that affects the normal de-
pression of the metatarsal head may t1'ansfer plan-
tar forces laterally to the second and third
metatarsal heads and rcsulL in the formation of
painful plantar calluses called transfer lesions (Case
Study 9-1 and Figs. 9-23 and 9-24).

Motion of the Lesser Toes - ' ' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ftoor

The lateral four loes arc analogous to the digits of
the hane!. The lesser tocs have three phalanges. the
motion of each being controlled by extrinsic mus-
Altered instant centers caused by the presence of a
cles. which originate within the leg, ;;lnd intrinsic bunion, seen through analysis of motion of the metatar-
muscles, which originate within the fool. Normal sophalangeal joint of the hallux in the sagittal plane.
motion of the mctatmsophalangeal joint is ap- .I Each arrow denoting direction of displacement of the

proximatelv 90" eXlension to 50" flexion. The ex- contact points corresponds to a similarly numbered in
trinsic and intrinsic muscles contribute to the toc stant center. The arc indicates the range of motion of the
extensor hood. which controls motion of the hallux, which is more limited than that in a normal foot.
metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joints
Extensor digilorum longus relaxed
Extensor digitorum
Flexor digilorum
longus tendon

longus tendon
insertion site

Extensor sling
Extensor digitorum
longus contracted
Flexor 1
Lumbrical tendon
tendon sheath
Deep transverse
ligament Flexor digitorum Sling traction
brevis tendon

Lateral view of the lesser toe illustrating the extensor

hood with contributing muscles and ligaments. Lateral diagram showing the action of the extensor s
When the extensor digitorum longus contracts (botto
the proxima! phalanx is lifted into extension through
sagittal bands.

(Fig. 9-2S). The e'trinsics consist of the long toe

nexors and extensors. The lumbricals and interos-
sei are the main intrinsic contributors to the ex- affect the intrinsiL: muscles or the fOOl and res
tensor hood. The intrinsics act to l1ex the meta- an intrinsic minus condition. The extrinsiL' lllu
tarsophalangeal joints and extend the inter~ overpower the intrinsics and a claw !C)C dcform
phalangeal joints (Fig. 9-26). The long toe cxten~ produced with extension of the mt.:tatars
sors extend the metatarsophalangeal joint through langeal joint and flexion of the interphala
the action of the sagittal bands by lifting the pmx- joints (Fig. 9-28).
imal phalanges into e'tension (Fig. 9-27). The
flexor digilorum brevis is rhe primary Oexor of the
proximal interphalangeal joint. The ne,or digito-
Interossei Extensors
rum longus is the primary flexor of the distal in-
terphalangeal joint.
Neurological conditions, such as diabetic neu-
ropathy or Charcot-l\tlarie-Tooth disease, initially


- Flexor
I digitorum
I -------------
A claw toe deformity is produced by an imbalance o
extrinsic and intrinsic muscles. Relative weakness of t
terossei and lumbricals with overpull of the extrinsic
The intrinsic muscles (interossei and lumbricals) act to flex extensors and flexors produces an intrinsic minus def
the metatarsophalangeal joint and extend the interpha- mity of metatarsophalangeal extension and interpha
langeal joints. langeal joint flexion.
tic rod. The SlI-uts arc under compression and
tie rod is under tension (Fig. 9-30). BOlh mod
h(:t\c validity and can be demonstrated clinically.
The structure analogous to the tic rod in
truss model is the plantar fascia. The plantar fas
originates on the mediallubcrosily of the calcane
and spans the transverse tarsal, tarsometatars
and metatarsophalangeal joints to insert on
W W metatarsophalangeal plantar plates and collate
2 2 ligaments as well as the hallucal sesamoids. Do
nexion of the metatarsophalangeal joints pla
GE'------------ traction on the plantar fascia and causes elevat
of the arch through a mechanism known as
The beam model of the longitudinal arch. The arch is a
"windlass effect" (Hicks, 1954) (Fig. 9-31). Dur
curved beam consisting of interconnecting joints and sup-
porting plantar ligaments. Tensile forces are concentrated
toe-off in lhe gail cycle, lhe loes are dorsiflexed p
on the inferior beam surface; compressive forces are gen- sively as the body passes over the foot and the pl
erated at the superior surface. tar fascia lightens and aels to shorten the distan
I ----------------
between the metatarsal heads and the heel, th
elevating the arch. The traction on the plantar f
cia also assists in inverting the calcaneus lhrou
its altachment on the medial plantar aspect of
The arch has both passive and active suppo
models e~ist to describe the medial longitudi-
I-luang et al. (1993) performed an in vitro study
nal arch of the foot: the beam model and the truss the loaded fOOl and foundlhat division of the pl
model (San-anan, 1987). The beam model slates tar fascia resulted in a 25M decrease in arch st
that the arch is a cun'cd beam made up of intercon- ness. They found the three most important sta
necting joints whose structure is dependent on joint contributors to arch stability in order of imp
and ligamentous interconnections for stability. Ten-
sile forces are produced on the inferior surface 01"
the beam and compressive forces are concentrated
on lhe superior surface of lhe beam (Fig. 9-29). The
truss model Slales that the arch has a triangular
structure wilh two slnlls connected at the base by a


A, Schematic of a truss. The far left wooden segment re

resents the hind foot, the middle wooden segment repre
sents the forefoot. and the far right wooden segment is
the proximal phalanx. The rope is the plar"!tar fascia. B.
Dorsiflexion of the proximal phalanx raises the arch
through traction on the plantar fascia.
tance were the plantar fascia, the long and shon
platHar ligaments, and the spring ligament (caka-
neonavicular ligament). The spring ligament forms
a sling for the talar head, which prevents medial
and plantar migration of the talar head, and there-
fore provides stalic arch support (Davis ct aI.,
1996). Basmajian (l963) demonstrated e1ectro-
myographi-cally that the muscles of the calf did not
contribute to support of the medial longitudinal
arch when a load was applied to the leg of a seated
individual; however, his experimental model did
not simulate normal walking or running, when
arch integrity is under grealCr challenge. Thord~l.I
son et al. (1995) performed a dynamic study of arch
support by simulating stance phase of gait by ap-
plying proportional loads 10 tendons while the foot
was loaded. [n this study, the plantar fascia con-
tributed the most to arch stability through toe dor- A lateral radiograph of a rocker bottom foot, dem
sinexion. The posterior tibialis contributed lhe ing loss of the bony and Iigamento\ls support of th
most lO dynamic arch SUpPOrl. In a similar cadav~
eric study, Kitaoka ot al. (1997) demonstrated a .-._._----_._-----_._--
0.5 mm decrease in arch height and an angular
change in lhe bones of the arch when tension on
the posterior tibial tendon was released during sim-
bod,v weight forward ~l1ullg the il:ods or
(F;ig. 9-33). Thc mOll1cnt produced by cach
ulated stance. A clinical study of 14 feet postplantar
tendon unit call be pn:dicted b,\' their rclati
fasciotomy at greater than 4 years follow-up
to the ankle ~HH.l subtahir a,'\(.'s (Fig. 9-34).
showed a decrease in arch height of 4.1 111m, thus
The soleus and gaslnK!lr.:-l1lius combine t
supporting the truss model of arch stability (Daly et
the ,Achilles tendon, which insens onto the
aI., 1992).
neus and is the strongest fk',,\or of the ankle. ;
Neuropathic joint changes or trauma may disrupt
ematical Inodel has prcdicted peak Achilles
the bone and joint support of the arch, leading to
forces 10 be 5.3 to 10 til1lt.s bod.\' wt.iglll durin
. arch collapse and a resultant rocker bottom foot de-
ning (Burdett, 1982). Firing or the ankk' plan
formity (Fig. 9-32). This sequela of joint destruction
aI's during midstancc acts to slow tht.' fon\'a
lends credence to the beam model of arch stabilitv.
lion of the tibia on:r lIw fool.


Twelve of the thirteen extrinsic and nineteen intrin-
sic muscles control the foot and ankle. The plantaris The Relative Strength5 of MU5Cles Acti
muscle is an extrinsic muscle that generally has no on the Foot and Ankle
contribution to muscle control or the foot or ankle. Plilntarflexor Dorsiflexor
The extrinsic muscles are the strongest and most Strength Percentage Strength Percentage
important in providing active control during gait. Soleus 29.9 TibIaliS anterior 5.6
According to Fick's principle (1911), the strength of
Gastrocnemius 19.2 Extensor digitorum long
a muscle is proponional to its cross-sectional area.
Accordingly, Silver et al. (1985) have weighed and Flexor halluc is longus 3.6 Extensor hallucis longus
measured muscle fiber length to determine the rela- Flexor digitorum longus 1.8 Peronel.Js tertius 0.9
tive strengths of muscles acting on the foot and an-
kle (Table 9-1). Inverters Everters
The muscles of the leg fire in a pattern during Tibialis posterior 6.4 Peroneus longus 5.5
normal gait to ensure an efficient lransrcr of mw;- Peroneus brevis 2.6
de force to the floor and smoolh progression of" ------------
Walking Gait
8lance phase Swing phase
Heel Foot Heel
Muscle slrike flat all Toe off
Tibialis anletior
Ext. digitorum longus
Ex!. hallux longus
Tibialis posterior -
Flexor digitorum longus
Flexor hallux longus
Peroneus longus i
Peroneus brevis I
Abductor hallux I
Flex. hallux brevis I
Flex. digilorum brevis I
Abd. digit minimi I
I !
Ext. digitorum brevis I ! !
, , ,
10% 20% 30% 40% 50~;' 60% 70~o 80~o 90% 100%

Electromyography ollhe Foot During Walking

Electromyography of the musculature of the foot and ankle during one normal gait cycle
(heel strike to heel strike) .

The strongest extensor of the ankle is lhe tibialis The primary evertcrs of thc foot and ankle arc th
anterior, which is 1110st active during stance phase peroneals. The peroneus longus inserts on the ba
from heel strike 10 foot nat. The ankle and toe ex- of the first metatarsal and Illcdial cuneiform an
tensors fire eccentrically to slow the descent of the acls to depress the metatarsal head. Injury or para
foot and prevent foot slap. They also are necessary ysis of this muscle may allow elevation of the fir
to allow fOOl clearance fTom lhe noor during the metatarsal head and decrease loads borne by th
swi ng phase. first metatarsals and can rcsult in the developme
The strongest inverter of the foot ancl ankle is the of a dorsal bunion. Thc peroneus brevis stabiliz
posterior tibialis muscle. The postcrior tibialis is a the forefoot laterally by resisting inversion and w
dynamic supporter of the medial longitudinal arch. found by Hinlermann and associates (1994) 10 b
Il flmctions to invert the subtalar joint during mid- the strongest everter of the foot. Loss or perone
and latc stance, thereby locking the tranSVel'se tal'Sal muscle strength can result in varus of the hindfo
joint and ensuring rigidity of the foot during toe-all (Sammarco, 1995).
Loss of this muscle results in acquit'cd pes planus The interosseus muscles are active during la
with Ilattcning of the arch, abduction of thc forefoot. stance and are thought to aid in stabilizing the for
and evcrsion of thc heel (Fig. 9-35). Patients with foot during toe-olT. An imbalance between the i
posterior tibialis tcndon dysfunction usually are un- Irinsics and extrinsics will lead to toe deformiti
able to activcly invert their heel while attcn1pting a such as hammer toes, claw toes, or mallei toes.
single toe rise. They have difficulty performing a sin ,Both intrinsic and extrinsic muscles; mediate th
gle toe rise because of their inability to form a rigid positional control of the great toe. A crosssection
platform on which to support their weight. the proximal phalanx shows the relative position

axis I

Ankle axis

Loss of the medial longitudinal arch in an acquired a

. flatfoot secondary to posterior tibial tendon deficien


man absorbs 63.5 tons on each foot while wa

Running one mile \\'ould produce 110 tons per
that same 150-lb man (Mann, 1982).
ivlanter measured the cOr'npl'cssive loads
Subtalar and ankle axes in relationship to extrinsic muscles.
static loading in cadaveric feet lo determine th
EDL, extensor digitorum longus; fHL, extensor hallucis
lribution or forces through the joinls of th
longus; FDL, flexor digitorum longus; FHL, flexor hallucis (Fig. 9-37). The highest pan or the longit
longus; PS, peroneus brevis; PL, peroneus longus; TA, tib arch, the talonavicular and naviculocune
ialis anterior; Te, tendon calcaneus; TP, tibialis posterior.

Normal Tendon Position

.......... Extensor hallucis long
Extensor hallucis br
the nexors, extensors, abduclors, and adductors ?-'""-"'--..
(Fig. 9-36). The tibial and fibular sesamoids lie
within the toe tendons of the flexor hallucis brevis
muscle, beneath the head of the first metatarsal. Medial Lateral
Similar to the patella, they increase the lever arm
distance of the pull of the newr halluc is brevis
muscle and enable greater flexion torque to be gen- hatlucis Adductor
erated at the metatarsophalangeal joint. They also hallucis
Flexor hallucis ----{)-r~-.;:_cJ_-_
act to transfer loads from the ground to the first brevis Flexor hallu
metatarsal head. brevis
Flexor hallucis lonQus
of the

Kin.etics Foot
The magnitude of loads experienced by the foot is as- crosssection of the proximal phalanx
tounding. Peak vertical forces reach 12010 body hallux showing normal positions of the various tend
weight during walking, and they approach 27510 dur- relation to the bone.
ing running. It is estimated that an average 150-lb
The distribution of loads under the foot durin
stance has been the subject of intense investigatio
for the last half centul)'. Ini1iall:\', the concept of
15 "transverse metatarsal arch" was promoted, i
which loads were borne primarily by the heel, firs
and fifth metatarsal, as if the foot were a tripod
This concept was disputed by Morton (1935), wh
thought the forefoot had six contact points tha
shared equally in weight distribution, namely, th
two sesamoids and the four lesser metatarsal heads
Recent plantar pressure studies b.y Cavanaugh et a
(1987) of subjects standing barefoot have deter
mined that the distribution of load in the foot is a
follows: heel 6W/o, midfoot 8(Ye, forefoot 28%-, an
toes 4% (Fig. 9-38). Peak pressures under the hee
are 2.6 times greater than forefoot pressures (Fig
9-39). Forefoot peak pressures occur under the sec
ond rnetatarsal head (Fig. 9-40).
Static foot radiographic measurements fail to pre
dict 65(Jr) of the variance found among d~'namic pres
50 sures measured in various subjects. Therefore, th
dynanlics of gait exert the primary' inOuence o
plantar pressure during walking (Cavanagh et a!
1997). Hutton et al. (1973) studied the progression o
the center of pressure across the sole of the foot du
ing gait (Fig. 9-41). During barefoot \valking, th
center of pressure is initially! located in the centra
heel and accelerates rapidly across the midfoot t
reach the forefoot, where the velocity decrease
Peak forefoot pressures are reached at 80% stanc
phase and are centered uncleI' the second metatarsa


Compressive forces of the foot after a 60-1b load is applied

to the talus. The majority of the force passes through the
I talonavicular joint and into the first through third
~ __m_e_t_at_a_rs_a_'s_. _
joints bear the majority of the load through the
tarsal joints. The medial column of the foot, con- Mean regional weight distribution expressed as a percen
sisting of the talus, navicular, cunei forms, ancl first age of total load carried by the foot in barefoot standing
through third metatarsals, bears the majority' of the Over 60% of the weight is distributed in th~ rearfoot, 8%
load. The lateral column, made up of the calca- in the midfoot, and 28% in the forefoot. The toes have l
tle involvement in the weight-bearing process.
neocuboid joint and lateral two metatarsals, trans-
mits the lesser load.
132.6 138.9 At tocoIT, the center 01" pressure is located unde
hallux. The metatarsal heads arc in contact wit
1100r at least 50% of Slance phase. Soames (1985
termined that the highest peak pressure and gre
foot-floor impulse during barefoot walking wa
del' the third metatarsal head insLCad of the sec
The distribution of plantar pressures changes
shoewcar. Shocwcar reduces peak heel pressu
producing a 1110re even distribution of pressure u
53.4 27.8 the heel. With shoes, forefoot load distribution
medially with maximum pressure under the firs
t: . second metatarsal heads. The pressures unde
,. lOes also increase with shocwear (SoalTIes, 1985
The distribution of plantar pressure during
ning has identified two t~!PCS of runners chara
ized by their first point of contact with the gro
rcarfoot strikers and mid foot strikers (Fig. 9
Rcm-root strikers make initial ground contact
the posterior third of the shoe. The initial conta
the midroot strikers is in the middle third o
Mean regional peak pressures during standing measured shoe. In both groups, first contact occurs along
in kilopascals (kPa). The ratio of peak rearfcat to peak
later,al border of the foot. Peak pressure does no
forefoot pressures is approximately 2.6:1.
fer between runner types. The cellter of pressu
in the dista!most 20 to 40;(; of the shoc in both
tact groups for I110St of contact timc, indicating
time is spent on the forefoot (Canuulgh ('t al.. 1

Med 70



5 40
x "'"'
Lat Ii:


0% Lal 1000;/" M
Foot Width

Metatarsal head pressure distribution during standing. A. A The distribution of pressure along the metatarsal head
line (XX') drawn in the contour plot between the approxi- (XX') indicating maximum pressure under the second
mate locations of the first and fifth metatarsal heads. B. metatarsal head.

l lached as is evident by the somctirncs dramatic do
sal foot swelling found during trauma or infection o

the foot or ankle. The plantar skin is firmly attache
to the underlying bones, joints, and tendon sheaths o
.. 55%
the heel and forefoot by specialized extensions of th
45o~,\40% plantar fascia, This function of the plantar fascia is e
35'0 ,30% sential for traction between the floor and the foot
weight-bearing skeletal structures to occur. Durin
25% ,,
,, extension of the metatarsophalangeal joints. thes
, plantar fascial ligaments restl;ct the movement o
20% t, skin of the forefoot and pia mar metatarsal fat pa
,: (Bojsen-Moller & Lamoreux, 1979).
15% +, The heel pad is a highly specialized struclure de
,, signed to absorb shock. The average heel pad area
t 10% 23 cm~, For the average 70-kg man. the heel loadin
: pressure is 3.3 kg/cm~. which increases to 6 kg/em
r, 5"
with running, At a repetition rate of 1,160 heel im
pacts per mile. the cumulative effect of running
;2% impressive. These cumulative forces would no
I mally result in tissue necrosis in other pans or th
1mIIIIL-.- _ body (Perry, 1983). The heel pad consists of comma
shaped or U-shaped fat-filled columns arrayed ven
The progression of the center of pressure along the sale of the cally. The septae arc reinforced internally with cla
foot during normal walking is expressed as a broken line. Each
I point on the sale corresponds to a percentage of the gait cy-
cle. Note the rapid progression across the heel and midfoot to
reach the forefoot. where most of stance phase is spent. It
then progresses rapidly along the plantar aspect of the hallux.

During walking and running. several forces arc act-

ing between the foot and the ground: vertical force.
fore and aft shear (anteroposterior shear), 111edial and
lateral shem; and rotational torque (Fig. 9-43). The
vertical ground reaction force exhibits a double peak Rear Mid Fore
following the initial heel strike spike, The first peak A
follows heel strike in early stance and the second peak Midfoot strikers
occurs in IDle stance prior lo toe-olT. The fore and aft
shear forces dcmonstt'atc initial braking by the foot as
the foot places a fonvard shear force on the ground.
followed by a backward shear on the ground as it
pushes off in late Slance. Most of the medial-lateral o
shear is directed laterally because the body's center of x- -.
x -i.,-"
gravity' is oriented medially over the rool. Medial (in- )
ternal rotation) torque is generated early in stance as
the tibia internally rotates and the root pronates, fol-
lowed by laleral (external rotation) torque as the leg Rear Mid Fore
externally rotates and the foot supinates. B


The soft tissues of the foot arc modified to provide Two types of runners characterized by initial ground con-
traction. cushioning. and protection to the underlying tact. A, Rearfoot strikers. H, Midfoot strikers.
structures. The dorsal skin of the foot is loosely at-
Percenlage of Cycle

o 15 30 60
(0, ot bOdy
Force wDi('hn HS FF HO TO



- - -/" I'\.
0 --

Fore t 20
,- ....
Shear 0
......... V
AFT j 20

Medial 10
.... ..... I I
Lateral 10
I i
Torque (Nm) HS FF HO TO
Medial 9
t 0
Lateral 9

Ground reactive forces acting on the foot during the gait cycle. HS, heel strike; FF, foot
flat; HO, heel-off; TO, toe-off. Reprinted ~vitfJ permission from Mann, R.A (7982). Biomechan-
ics of running. In AAOS Symposium on the Foot and Leg in Running Sports (.0.0.30-44). St. Louis:
C V Mosby Co.

tic transverse and diagonal fibers to produce a spi- anteriorly than posteriorly (Sarrafian, 1993a
ral honeycomb effect (Fig. 9-44). The multiple small single ankle joi.llt axis has been described as
closed cells arc arranged to most effectively absorb ing just distal to the mcdi,il malleolus and jus
and dissipate force. \,Vith age, septal degeneration tal and anterior to the lateral malleolus (In
and fat atrophy occur, which predispose the calca- 1976). This empirical "general" ankle axis ca
neus and foot to injury (Jahss et a!., 1992a,b). estimated by palpating the tips of the ma
(Fig. 9-45). The single ankle axis is angulated
terolaterall y' in the transverse plane and infe
Ankle Joint Biomechanics erally in the coronal plane. Several authors
KINEMATICS disputed the theory of a single axis of ankle
tion and have described multiple axes of moti
The ankle mortise forms a simple hinge consisting the ankle moves from dorsiflexion to planta
of the talus, medial malleolus, tibial pia fond, and ion (Barnett & Napier, 1952; Hicks, 1953; H
lateral malleolus. The talus is shaped like a trun- mann & Nigg, 1995; Lundberg et aI., 198
cated cone, or frustunl, with the apex directed me- Sammarco et a!., 1973). Barnett and Napier (
dially (tnman, 1976). The talus is 4.2 mm wider describe a dorsiflexion axis inclined down
Structure of a normal heel pad as seen on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), A, Lateral
view. Note vertically oriented fat-filled columns. B, Top view of the heel pad demonstrat-
ing the spiral structure of the septae, which separate the fat-filled cells .

and laterall.\' and a plantarflexion axis angled
downward and medially (Fig. 9-46). The ankle
joint axes for dorsillexion and plantarflcxion cliffeI'
by' 20 to 3D" in the coronal plane but remain par-
allel in the transverse plane.
A small amount of talnI' rotation occurs during
ankle motion, which varies with axial load. Lundberg


,~ ~Z'

Iam _ Ankle joint axis variation. Top, In dorsiflexion (DF) the a

of motion XX' is inclined downward and I~terally. Midd
The empirical axis of the ankle joint estimated through In neutral the axis of motion YY' is almost horizontal. B
palpation of the malleoli. The axis angles downward and tom, In plantarflexion the axis ZZ' is inclined downward
posteriorly, moving from medial to lateral. and medially.
el al. (I 989a-<l) used slereophologrammell)' 10 mea- c "
.2 0 ~
sure talar rotation during motion of the weight- x
;;; "9 '0 ;;;
S! 0:; 0:; 0:;
bearing ankle in normal volunteers. The talus exter- 6
nally rotated 9 from neutral to 30 dorsiflexion. ~
0 10
I" "
f- "

From 0 to 10" plantarflexion, the talus internally 1'0-

tatcd 1.4", followed by external rotation of 0.61> at 0
30" planlarllexion (Fig. 9-47). An in vilro slud~' of
loaded ankles demonstrated 2.5<" external rotation in c 10
25(0 dorsiflexion, and < I" internal rotation at 3Y' x
plantarllexion (Michelson & Helgemo, 1995.) ~ 20
100 60 100
a": Percentage of Cycle
Ankle mol ion occurs primarily in the sagittal plane
rDm'-- _
and is described as planlarflexion (flexion) and dor- Range of ankle joint motion in the sagittal plane durin
siflexion (extension). A wide range of normal mo- level walking in one gait cycle. The shaded area indica
lion for Ihe ankle has been reported and depends variation among 60 subjects (age 20 to 65 years). Rr:pr
on whether the Illotion is measured clinically with '..viti! permiSSion from Stiluffer. P. N.. Chao. E- YS., S Brew5:e
a goniOll1cter or whether it is measured radi- RL {1971i. Force (Jocl molion analySIS 01 the norma!. d,seas
ographically. Goniomctric mCasurements yield a c1fl(/ pro5the;;c anNe JOIn!s Ci:~l Onhcp. 127. 189

normal motion of 10 10 20" dorsiflexion and 40 10 I

55" plantarflexion. Lundberg el al. (1989a-d) found
thal the joints of the midfoot contribute 10 to 41%
of clinical plantarflexion from neutral to 30" plan- ankle planlarJlc.'\ion is actual!." occurring dista
larflcxioIl. Therefore. whal appears to be clinical the ankle itself. 'rhis midfoot motion e.'\plains
apparent ability or
the foot to dorsillcx ~llld p
tarnex following ankle fusion. It also explains
12 abilil~' or
dancers and gymnasts to align the
with the long a:"is of the leg during toe point. S
marco and associates (1973) found ave
B non-weight-bearing ankle mol ion measured r
6 ographically 10 be 2-1." dorsiOexiol1 and 24" p
4 tarlkxioll.
The normal pallcrn or ankle motion has b
ca> c
studied extensively (Lalnon'aux, 1971; Murra
~.~ 0 aI., 1964; Staullel et aI., 1977; Wright et aI., 19
a: - -2 At hed strike, the ankle is in sligh I plantarflc:
Plantadlexion increases until foot llat. bu( (he
tion rapidl~' reverses to dorsilk:xion during
-6 stance as the bod.\' p,ISSCS O\'el' the root. The mo
-B thel1 returns to plant<:lrllexion at we-ofr. TIl(' a
E -10 again dorsiflexcs in lhe middle or swing phase
w changl,.s to slighl plalltarflexion at heel strike (F
-12 rl--~i-~--~-~I--~i -~i
9-9 and 9-48). Ankle molion during normal wal
PF 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 DF
;:lverages 10.2" dorsiflexion and 14.2" plantarflex
Input foot position
with a total motion or 25". Maximum dorsifle
occurs at 70(;'1(.. stance phase and nwximlllll p
larJlexion occurs at loe-ofr (Slaufrer el aI., 1977
Horizontal rotation of the talus around the vertical axis at
different positions of ankle dorsiflexionplantarfJexion.
Moving from plantarflexion to dorsiflexion, the talus ini
tially internally rotates slightly, then externally rotates Sammarco el al. (1973) pcrronncd analyses o
slant centers or rOlation and surface velocitie
both normal and diseased ankles. They round

the instant centers of rouuion fell within the tali of
normal ankles but that their positions changed
,,'ith ankle motion (Fig, 9-49), This confirms that , ,
, f
the ankle axis of rotation does not remain constant \
\ " IJ 5 " 1 1
with motion, Surface motion from full plantarllex- _.....--1-......
ion to full dorsiflexion was also determined. Be-
" ,' _4
,,~ ginning in full plantarncx-ion. the ankle joint I "
' I
-0... ;howecl early distraction as dorsillexion began. \
I I'
,' ,I
Joint gliding then took place until full dorsillexion I
,," \ I

waS reached and jamming of the joint occurred. It f

f / , I,
Anterior Posterior
is possible that distraction and jamming of the ,I - - _ .J
\ 1 I

.Otihiotalar joint playa role in lubrication the or I

joint. In arthritic ankles the direction of displace-
ment of the conLact points showed no consistent
palLcrn. The tibiotalar joint sllrfaces distracted in
an unpredictable manner, and they jammed when
the joint was in neutral position rather than at the
end of dorsillexioll (Fig, 9-50),


Stability or the talocrural JOIllt depends Oil both Instant center and surface velocity analysis in an arth
joint congruency and supporting ligamentous struc- ankle. The instant centers vary considerably. Joint co
pression occurs early in motion and distraction occurs
tures. The lateral ankle ligaments responsible for re-
dorsiflexion (velocity 4).
sistance to inversion and internal rotation are the
anterior taloflblilar ligament, the calcancoflblilar

,, ligamenL. and the posterior talofibular ligam

,, (Fig, 9-51), The superfiCial and deep deltoid
,, ments arc responsible for resistance to eversion
,, external rotation stress. The ligaments respons
,, for maintaining stability between the distal fi
,, and tibia are the syndesmotic ligaments. The
,, Tibia
,, desmotic ligaments consist of the anterior tibio
,, lar ligarnent, the posterior tibiofibular ligament
transverse tibiofibular ligament (also referred
a deep portion of the posterior tibiofibular), and
AnI. Post. interosseous ligament (Fig. 952).
Talus The lateral ankle ligaments are the most c
monly injured and thercroh.~ the 1110st frcquc
studied. The anterior t41lofibular and calcancofib
ligaments form a I OSlO angle with one another
9-53). They act synergistically to resist ankle in
Instant center pathway for surface joint motion at the
sion forces. The anterior talofibular ligament is
tibiotalar joint in a normal ankle from full plantarflexion del- greatest tension in plantarnexion and [he c
to full dorsiflexion. All instant centers fall within the talus. neofibular ligament is under greatestlcnsion in a
The direction of displacement of the contact points shows dorsillexion (Cawley & France, 199\; Inman, \
distraction of the joint surfaces at the beginning of motion Nigg et aI., \990; Renstrom et aL,1988), The anle
(points 1 and 2) and gliding thereafter (points 3 and 4). taloribular ligament therefore resists ankle inver
Reprinred with permission from Sammarco, G.J., Burnstein, in plantarOexion and the calcancofibular ligamen
AH., & Frankel, VH. (1973). Biomechanics of rhe anklE': A kine- sists ankle inversion during ankle dorsiflexion.

1 marie sWdy. OrttlOP Clin North Am, 4, 75. accessory functions of the anterior talofibular
ment are resistance to anterior talar displacem
from the.: m()J"tisc, c1inicall.\' refclTt:d lO as anlcrio
drawel: and resistance LO int<:rmtl rotation of (h
talus within the mortise (Fig. 9-54). The calcnn
ofibular ligament spnns both the lateral ankle joi
and lateral subtalar joint. thus conlributing lo sltt)l
Jar joinl stabilitv (Stephens & S'lllll11arCO, 1992). Th
posterior talo(lbular ligamenl is under greatest strai
in ankle dorsiflexion and aCls lo limit posterior (al
displacement within the monise.: as \\'ell as limit tal
eXlernal rotation (Fig. 9-55) (Sarrafian, 1993a). I
vitro tesling of unloaded ankles subjected to alllcrio
drawer testing del1lonstrated that the anterio
talofibular ligamcill was most important in pla
tarnexion and that the calcancofibular and postel"i
taloflbular ligaments were most important in ank
dorsiflexion (l3l1ll1clI el aI., 1991 l.
Groove lor
,,:-'- Tibialis Posterior
- Tendo calcaneus
_ Groove for
FI. Halfucis Longus

- Calcaneus

Navicular bone j 1 I LMediallubercle of talus

Tibia-navicular fibres ) l Posterior tibio:,alar fibres
Plantar calcanea-navicular .I Sustentaculum tall
Jig. and associated fibres Tibia-calcanean fibres

Top, Lateral side of the foot and ankle. Bottom, Medial side
of the foot and ankle_ From Anderson, 1. (Ed.) (1978). Gram's
Atlas of Anatomy. Baltimore, MD. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.


Anterior View Posterior View "5

Interosseous "E
Anterior tibiofibular ci
ligament z
%I!P--\t-lnterosseous 0
ligament I I
80 100 120 140
Posterior Degrees
Inferior transverse
(tibiofibular) ligament
Average angle between the cafcaneofibular and talofibu
lar ligaments in the sagittal plane. The average angle is
105 with considerable variation from 70 to 1400 among
Components of the ankle syndesmosis. measured subjects.

ATF o Sprain Injury
basketball player with an injury that results from a
A filII on a plantarflexed and inverted ankle position
during a game (Case Study fig. 921).


func.tion of the anterior talofibular ligament (AIF). A. The ATF lim

its anterior shih (AS) of the talu~ or posterior shift (PS) of the tibia-
fibula. B. The ATF limits internal rota lion OR} of the talus or exter-
nal rotation (ER) of the fibula. PTF. posterior talofibular ligament;
0, deUoid ligament.

Clinically, lite most commonly sprained ankle lig-

ament is the anterior talofibular ligament, followed
by the calcancofibular ligament. These injuries most
commonly occur as a result of landing or falling on
a plantarflcxcd and invclted ankle (Case Study 9-2).
During periods of ankle unloading, the ankle rests in
, position of planlarflexion and inversion. rr the
ground is met unexpectedly, lateral ligament injury
occurs. Ataarian ct al. (1985) tested the strength
of the ankle ligaments by loading cadaver ligaments ., Case
,.. Study Figure 9-2-1.
to failure and found the strength of the various An abnormally high road in conjunction with the loading
ligaments from weakest to strongest to be anterior :: rate produces the injury (Case Study fig. 92-2). The sprain
inversion injury produced by high stress (load per unit of
area) in the plantarflexion and inversion direction will most
PTF commonly aff~ the antero talofibular ligament (failure
load -139N). This produces lateral instability in ttle ankle
joint an abnormal anterior talar displacement from the mor-
tise. decreasing the resistance to internal rotation of the talus
within the mortise.

Abrupt rupture
Microtears [ .j.
associa~e~ ~vilh
139 N
sprain InJury



Function of the posterior talofibular ligament (PH). A, The

PTF limits posterior shift (PS) of the talus or anterior shift
(AS) of the tibiafibula. B, The PTF limits external rotation
(ER) of the talus or internal rotation (lR) of the fibula, ATF, Elongation of the Antero Talofibular Ligament
anterior talofibular ligament; D, deltoid ligament.
(:ase Study Figure 9-2-2.

,_..~ :00""" "",.. ",,,,L _I!!""'l'-""""
..._ ... _~...~~=. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ------,---~.~.~'-7.".7.=.'
(Medial talar lill) LS 1.9 mm
AS 5.6 mm
IT 0

Transection of both superficial and deep components of

the deltoid ligament resulted in an average 14 0 of valgus
talar tilt (TT) among 24 cadaver specimens.
lalofibular 139 N, posterior talofibular 261 N, calca,
neofibular 346 N, and deltoid 714 N. Therefore, inci- LS 1.9 mm
dence of ankle ligamentous injury tends to match AS 5.6 mm
IT 0
both mechanism of injury and ligamentous strength.
The deltoid ligament acts to resist eversion. ex-
ternal rotation, and plantarOexion of the ankle joint
(Fig. 9-56) (Harper, 1987; Kjaersgaard-Andersen et
aI., 1989; Nigg et aI., 1990). It also resists lateral ta-
lar shift within the mortise when the mortise is
widened by distal syndesmotic ligamentous injUl)1
or distal fibular fracture (Fig. 9-57) (Michelson,
Clark, & Jinnah, 1990; Harper, 1987).
Under physiological load. the ankle articular sur-
face congruency takes on more imporlance (Cawley
& France, 1991; Stiehl et aI., 1993; Stormont et aI.,
1985). Stormont et al. found that in a loaded slate LS 3.8 mm
the ankle articular surfaces provided 30% of rota- AS 8mm
tional stability and 100% of resistance to inversionl IT 0
eversion. They hypothesized that during weight-
beming. the ankle ligaments do not contribute to an
kle versional stability. although rotational instability The lateral malleolus is excised to simulate a fibular
may still OCClll: Cawley and France showed that the ture or distal syndesmotic ligament injury. A lateral
force to cause ankle inversion and eversion increased rected load is applied to the talus in an unloaded a
by 91 % and 80%, respectively, with loading. Stiehl et modeL The talar lateral shift (LS). anterior shih (AS)
al. (1993) found lhal loading of Ihe ankle resulled in valgus talar tilt (TI) are measured. S~etioning of the
decreased range of motion (especially plantarncx.ion), deltoid (DO) doubled the lateral talar shift from 1.9
decreased anteroposterior drawer. as well as in- mm. SD, superficial deltoid.
creased stability against version and rotation. Cass

and Settles (1994) performed CT scans of loaded ca- 5ubtalar joint and ankle joilll inversion are ofl
daveric ankles in an apparatlls that did not constrain difficult to separate clinically. The calcaneoribular l
rotation and demonstrated that talar lilt or an average ament provides stability to inversion and torsion
20 still occllITcd in loaded ankles aftcr sectioning
) stresses to both the ankle and sublalar joints. Stephe
both anterior talofibular and calcaneonbular liga- and Sarnmarco (1992) provided an inversion stre
ments. They did not feel thal the articular surfaces (0 cadaveric ankles and sequentially sectioned t
prevented inversion instability during ankle loading. anterior talofibular and calcnncofibular ligamen
Most studies agree that loading of the ankle results in They found that lip to 500/0 of the inversion observ
increased stability as a result of articular surface con clinically was coming from the subwlar joint. T
.:' grueney. especially in ankle dorsiflexion. structures that contribute to stability of the subia
Syndesmotic stability is dependent on the in- joint afC the calcancofibular ligament, the cervic
tegrity or both malleoli. the syndesmotic ligaments, ligament. the interosseous ligament, the lateral ta
and the deltoid ligamentous complex. During ankle calcaneal ligament, the ligament of ROtlvicrc, a
dorsinexion. there is approximately I rnm of mor- the extensor retinaculum (Harpel: 1991) (Fig. 9-58
tise widening and 2" of external rotation of the
fibula (Close, 1956). The normal distal fibular mi-
r gration with loading is I rnm (\'\fang et aI., t 996). Kinetics of the Ankle Joint
This distal fibular mignllion serves to deepen the
The reaction forces on the ankle joint dudng g
ankle mortise for addcd bony stability (Scranton,
arc equal to or greater than the hip and knee join
McMaster, & Kelly, 1976). With disruption of the
respectively. The following static and dynam
mortisc in an external rotation injury, the s~'n
analyses give an estimate of the magnitude of the
desmotic ligaments and deltoid ligaments are tOI'n,
action forces acting on the ankle joint during stan
the distal fibula fmclures, and the talus displaces
ing, walking, and running.
laterally. A study of cadaveric ankles by Olgivie-
Harris et al. (1994) deflI1ed the conlribution to re-
sistance to lateral talar displacenlcnt by the syn-
desmotic ligaments to be 350/0 for the anterior
tibiofibular ligament, 40% for the postcrior tibiofibu-
lar ligan1cnt, 22% for the interosseous ligarncnt, anel
less than t 00/0 for the interosscous membrane.
The deltoid ligament appears to be key in pre-
venting lateml talar shift. Burns et al. (1993) found
only minimaltalar shift in a loaded cadaveric ankle
study with sectioning or the syndesmotic ligaments
until the deltoid ligament was sectioned. Michelson
and colleagues (1990) simulated 4 mm of lateral
fibular displacement in a cadaver study and placed
the ankle under a 100-lb load. Lateral lalar shift
doubled from I to 2 mm following sectioning of the
deltoid ligament. Pereira et al. (1996) simulatcd a
laterally displaced fibular fracture of 4 mm and
placed cadavcric ankles under a 500-N load in vm"
ious static positions of ankle dorsiflexion and plan-
tarnexion. Cutting the deltoid ligament in this
study did not result in significant lateral talar shift
or alteration in joint contact area or pressure. They Ligaments of the lateral ankle and subtalar joints: 1, ant
hypothesized that under static loading the talus rior talofibular ligament; 2, posterior talofibular ligame
moves to a position of maximum congruence 3. calcaneofibular ligament; 4, lateral talocalcaneal liga
within the mortisc rather than displacing laterally ment; 5, fibulotalocalcanealligament, or ligament of Ro
with the distal fibula. Most studies agree that the viere; 6, cervical ligament; 7, ligament of the anterior ca
deltoid ligament and medial malleolus arc most im- sule of the posterior talocalcaneal joint; '8, interosseous
portant in resisting talar external rotation and lat- ligament,
cral talar shift.
In a static analysis of the forces acting on the all w

klc joint, the magnitude of the force produced by

The Free-Body Diagram of the Foot
contraction of the gastrocnemius and the soleus A, On a free-boely diagram of tile fOOl, including the
muscles through the Achilles tendon, and conse- talus, the lines of clpplication for 1/1/ anel A are extended
quently the magnitude or the joint reaction force. until they intersect (Intersection point). The line of appli
can be calculated through LIse of a free-body dia- Hon for J (dotted line) is then delermlned by connecting
gram. In the following example. the muscle force its point of application. the tibiotalar contact point, wit
transmitted through the Achilles tendon and the the interseCllol1 point for VV and A (Calculation Box Fig.
reaction force on the ankle joint are calculated for 1- 1). B, A tnangle of forces is constructed. Force A is 1
a subjecl slanding on liptoe on one leg. In Ihis ex- Ilmes body ,-,veight and force J is 2.1 times body weight
ample, the foot is considered a free-body with (Calculation Box FIg. 9-1-2).
three main coplanar forces acting on it: the
ground reaction force (\V), the muscle force
lhrough the Achilles tendon (A), and the joint re-
aClion force on the dome of the lalus (J) (Calcula-
lion Box 9-1).
The ground reaction force (equaling body
weight) is applied under the forefoot and is di-
rected upward venicallv. The Achilles force has an
unknown magnitude but a known point of applica-
tion (point of insertion on the calcaneus) and a
known direction (along the Achilles tendon). The
talar dome joint reactive force has a known point
of application on the dome of the talus, but the
Illagnitude and line of direction are unknown. The
magnitude of A and J can be derived by dc:signat- Tibiotalar
ing the forces on a free-body diagram and con- contact point
structing a triangle of forces. Not surprisingly,

these forces are found to be quite large. The joint
reactive force is approximately 2.1 times body
weight. and the Achilles tendon force reaches ap- ForceW
proximately 1.2 times body weight. The great force A
required for rising up on tiptoe explains why the
Calculation Box Figure 9~1-1.
patient with weak gastrocnemius and soleus mus-
cles has difficulty performing the exercise 10 times
in rapid succession. The magnitude of the ankle ~a
joint reaction force explains why a patient with de- '\
generative arthritis of thc ankle has pain while ris- :,\ \
ing on tiptoe.
An in vilro sludv bv Wang el al. (J 996) found lhal
~ " Force A

lhe fibula Iransmits 17% of Ihe load in the lo\\'er ex- ,:

: \
1.2 W

tremity. \Vith the ankle positioned in varus or plan- Force J ~ -

tarncxion, the [-Ibular load decreased. During ankle 2.' W :
Force W
valgus or dorsiflexion, fibular load transmission in~
creased. Cutting the distal syndesmotic ligaments
decreased fibular load transmission and incrc:ased Force W = Ground reaction l
," distal fibular migration. Cutting the interosseous Force A = Muscle force thro
membrane had no effect on fibular load transmis- Force J = Joint reaction forc
sion. The distal syndesmotic ligamcnts arc therefore B ~ the dome of the la
importanl for pn;venting distal migration of the
Calculation Box Figure 9-1-2.
fibula and maintaining Ilbular load.
The ankle has a relatively large load-bearing surface
area of II to 13 CIl1~, resulting in lower stresses
across this joint than in the knee or hip (Greenwald.
1977). The load dislribution on lhe talus is deter-
mined by ankle position and ligamentous integrity.
During weight-bearing, 77 to 90('/0 or the load is
transmitted through the tibial plafoncl to the talar
dome, with the remainder on the medial and lateral A B c
talar facets (Calhoun et aI., 1994). As lhe loaded an-
kle moves into inversion, the medial taJar facet is
loaded morc. Ankle eversion increases the load on
the lateral tabH facet. The centroid of contact area
moves from posterior to anteriOl: frolll plantarOexion
to dorsiOexion, and from medial to lateral during the
motion frorn inversion to eversion. The total lalar
contact was greatest and the <.werage high pressure
was lowest in ankle dorsinexion (Calhoun et al..
1994) (Fig. 9-59).
TalaI' load distribution is also determined by liga-
mentous forces. Sectioning of the tibiocalcancal fas- o E F
cicle of the superficial deltoid ligament in a loaded
cadaver model resulted in a 430~) decrease in talar
contact area, a 30 fYo increase in peak pressures, and a Schematic demonstration of prints on pressure-sensitive
4 mm lateral shifl of the centroid (Eadl el aI., 1996), film representing high pressure contact areas on the left
talus. A, 490-N load in eversion; note lateral shift of talar
contact area. B. 490-N load in neutral version. C. 490-N
load in inversion; note medial shift of talar contact area.
0, 490-N load in 100 dorsiflexion; note anterior shift of ta
Dynamic studies of the ankle joint are needed to ap-
lar contact area and an increase in contact area. E. 490-N
preciate the forces that act on the normal ankJe dur-
load in 30 plantarftexion; note posterior shift of talar co
ing walking and running. Stauffer et al. (1977) used
tact area. F. 980-N load in neutral; note increase in talar
force plate, high-speed photography, radiogntphs, contact area with increased load.
and free-body calculations to determine ankle joint
compressive and shear forces. The main compressh'c
force across the normal ankle during gait is produced contraction of the gastrocnemius and soleus mus- peak fOI-ces of three to five times body weight, on
",des. The pretibial musculature produces mild com- in early slance phase and the other in late stan
,>;'pressive forces in early stance of <20% body weight. phase. In the slower cadence, only onc peak force
'/~ compressive Force of five times body weight was approximately" five times bod.y weight was reach
';produced in late stance by contraction of the poste- during late slance phase (StaL\ffer et aI., 1977). Du
,'rial' calf musculature (Fig. 9-60A). The shear force ing running, localized ankle forces I11ay be as hig
~:.:"reached a maximum value of 0_8 times bodv weight as 13 limes body weight (Burdett, 1982).
"dm'ing heel-off (Fig. 9-608). Proctor and Pa~11 (1982)
also measured ankle compressive forces during gait
and found peak compressive forces of four times Effects of Shoe wear on
body weight. In COIHrast to work by Stauffer et al. Foot/Ank.le Biomechanics
(1977), they found substantial compressive forces
equal to body weight produced by contraction of the \estern society places great importance on the a
anterior tibial muscle group. pearance of footwear, especially among wome
The pattern of ankle joint reactive force during vVomen's footwear is designed to make the foot a
gait c1iffers Wilh different walkin!! cadences (Fi!!. pear smaller and the leg appear longer by narrow
,?-61). In a faster cadence, lhe paltern showed I":;' ing the locbox and elevating the heel. A narro

'--J- __ ."-_ .. /
'-:C J~-"-'.""
toebox compresses the forefoot medially' and later-
ally, thus contributing to the development of hallux
valgus, hammer toes, and bunionettes. A study of
356 women by Frey ot al. (1993) found that 88%
of women \\'ith foot pain wore shoes that \vere on
average 1.2 em narn)\ver than their foot. Women
who \vore shoes on average 0.5 em wider than the
foot had no symptoms and less deformity. Shoes
with elevated heels increase forefoot pressure com-
pared with standing barefoot (Snow, \Villiams, &
Holmes, 1992). A 1.9 cm heel increased forefoot
pressure by 22%, a 5 em heel increased peak pres-
sure by 57%. and an 8.3 CIll heel increased peak
pressure b:v 76%. An elevated heel can cause pain
Ankle joint reaction force expressed in multiples of
weight in a normal ankle during the stance phase o
- Normal subjects at two velocities. In the faster cadence, there were
"n" Preop. pIs.
peaks of three to five times body weight, one in ea
,,_. Postop. pIS.
stance and one in late stance phase. In the slower c
only one peak force of approximately five times bo
~ 4 weight was reached during late stance phase. Repr
with permission from Stauffer, R.N., Chao, E.Y.S., &
;:, 3
ster, R.L. (1977). Force and motion analysis of the n
2 diseased and prosthetic ankle joints. (lin Orthop, 12

100 20 40 60
A under the metatarsal heads and mav also
tribute to interdigital neuroma formation.
:E i"
C> 0 ""..,..."..,.
tion of thc heel also Illa}' ovcr time res
'Q5 lL.
0 Achilles contracture, limited ankle dorsif
and an altered gait. The amount 01" ankle joi
tion in the gait cycle decreases as heel hei
'" 0.4 '"<;;'"
'0 creases (Murray ct aI., 1970).
0.6 'iD

I '" Summarv
100 60
Percentage of Cycle 1 The I"oot alternates in form and functi
(stance phase)
t\veen shock-absorbing flexible platform and
propulsive lever during different phases of t
2 The ankle and subtalar joint act like a m
A, The compressive component of the ankle joint reaction hinge. Ankle dorsiflexion and tibial internal ro
force expressed in multiples of body weight during the are associated with subtalar eversion (pron
stance phase of normal walking for five normal subjects
ankle plantarllcxion and tibial external rotati
and nine patients with joint disease before and after pros-
associated with subtalar inversion (supinatio
thetic ankle replacement. B, The fore-aft shear component
produced in the ankle during the stance phase of walking 3 SlIbtalar motion is screw-like and infl
for the same subjects. Reprinted with permission from Stauf- the flexibility of the transverse tarsal joinl.
fer, R.N., Chao, E. Y5" & Brewster, R.L. (1977). Force and motion lar inversion locks the transverse joint and
analysis of the normal, diseased and prosthetic ankle joints. (fin the foot to become rigid; subtalar eversio
Orthop, 127, 789.
locks the transverse tarsal joint and allow
"4 The Lisfranc's joint (tarsornctt\tarsal joints) is 15 The deltoid ligament prevents ankle ever
intrinsically stable and relatively immobile as a re- sion, extcTnal rotation, and lateral talar shift. It i
sult of its arch-like configuration and the key-like kc~" in maintaining the integl-it,Y of the syndes
structure of the second tarsometatarsal joint. mosis.
,~ The first metatarsophalangeal joint exhibits a 16 The fibula bears approximately one sixth of th
wiele range of motion, with gliding throughout Illost force exerted through the lower extremity.
or its range and jamming at full extension. JZ The distal syndesmotic ligaments preven
<,:,(' The medial longitudinal arch acts like both a separation of the distal fibula and tibia and hel
beam and a truss. The arch is elevated through the lransmit force through the distal fibula on wcight
windlass mechanism of the plantar fascia. The pos- bearing.
terior tibial tendon provides c1ynarnic support to the 18 Ankle joint centroid (cenler of pressure) pos
arch. tion changes wiLh ankle flexion-cxtension and inver
? Foot muscle action during standing is rela- sion-eversion. TalaI' surface contact is maximize
tively silent, but sequential firing of both extrinsic and joint pressure is minimized in dorsiOexion.
and intrinsic muscles is necessary to produce a nor- 19 The rorces acting on the ankle can rise to level
mal gait patlcrn. The anterior tibial musculature exceeding five tin1es body weight during walkin
fires during early stance to slow fOOL plantarOexion and thirteen times body weight dudng running.
and prevent fOOl slap. The posterior cnlf muscula-
ture fires during mid- and late stance to control pro~ 20 Narrow shoes and high heels can ad\'ersel~' af
grcssion of the body over the foot. fect foot mechanics, leading to forefoot deformities
heel pain, and Achilles contracture.
~8 During barefoot standing, the heel bears 60%
or the load and lhe forefoot bears 28(Yr!. Forefoot
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Scranton, P.E., ;V\c,\'laster, J.I-I., &. Kelly, E. (1976). Dynamic of the sublalar and ankle joilll comrle.'\ during the st
fibular function: A new concept. Clill OrfflOp, 118,76-81. phase of walking . .1 130111.' Joil/I Sur,!!" 46.'1, 361.
Biomechanics of the
lumbar Spine
Margareta Nordin, Shira Schecter Weiner adapted fro
Margareta Lin

The Motion Segment: The Functional Unit of the Spine
The Anterior Portion of the Motion Segment
The Posterior Portion of the Motion Segment
The Ligaments of the Spine
Segmental Motion of the Spine
Range of lvIotion
Surface Joint Motion
Functional Motion of the Spine
The lvIuscles
Flexion and Extension
Lateral Flexion and Rotation
Pelvic Motion
Statics and Dynamics
Loading of the Spine Dunng Standing
Comparative loads on the Lumbar Spine During Standing, Sittin
and Reclining
Static Loads on the Lumbar Spine During Lifting
lvIechanical Stability of the Lumbar Spine
IntraAbdominal Pressure
Trunk Muscle Co-Contraction
External Stabilization
Introduction 11 12 13 14

The human spine is a complex structure whose
principal functions are to protect the spinal cord 3
and transfer loads from the head and tnmk to the
pelvis. Each of the 24 vertebrae articulates with the
adjacent ones to permit motion in three planes. The 4
spine gains stability from the intervertebral discs
and from the surrounding ligaments and muscles;
the discs and ligaments provide intrinsic stability 5

and the muscles provide extrinsie support,

This chapter describes the basic characteristics
of the various structures of the spine and the inter- 6
action of these structures during norrnal spine func-
tion. Kinematics and kinetics of the spine afC also
examined. The discussion of kinematics covers both
the thoracic and lumbar spine. but that of kinetics
involves only' the lumbar spine because it is sub-
jected to significantly' greater loads than is the rest
of the spine and has received more attention clini 7
cally' and experimentally. The information in the
chapter has been selected to provide an understand- Posterior portion ~,_,-,~ Anterior portion
ing of some fundamental aspects of lumbar spine
biomechanics that can be put to practical use.

Schematic representation of a motion segment in the lum

bar spine (sagittal view), Anterior portion: 1, posterior lo
gitudinal ligament; 2, anterior longitudinal ligament; 3,
vertebral body; 4, cartilaginous end plate; 5, intervertebr
disc; 6, intervertebral foramen with nerve root. Posterior
portion: 7, ligamentum flavum; 8, spinous process; 9, inte
vertebral joint formed by the superior and inferior facets
(the capsular ligament is not shown); 10, supraspinous lig
ment; 11, interspinous ligament; 12. transverse process (t
intertransverse ligament is not shown); 13, arch; 14, verte
bral canal (the spinal cord is not depicted).


The Motion Segment: The

Functional Unit of the Spine
The functional unit of the spine, the motion segmen
I consists of two vertebrae and their intervening so

tissues (Fig, 10- I). The anterior pOl,tion of the se
ment is C0111posed of two superimposed intervert
bral bodies, the intervertebral disc. and the longit
I Anteroposterior (A) and lateral (B) roentgenograms of the dinal ligaments (Fig. 10-2). The c9ITcspondi
I lumbar spine. One motion segment, the functional unit of vertebral arches, the intervertebral joints formed
1 the spine, is indicated. the facets, thc transverse and spinolls processes, an
various ligaments make up the postcrior portion. T

Anterior The nucleus pulposus Iic's directl~' in the cente
Vertebral body all discs e\cept tllOSL' in tilL' IUlllhar segments, wh
Iliopsoas it has a slightl~, posterior position. This inner m
muscle Arch is surrounded b,\' ;:\ tough outer covering, the ann
lus fihrosus, composed 01" fibr()cani];:I!~:e. The cri
Spinal canal Transverse cross arrangcrnent 01" the coarse collagen fiber b
with cord process
dles within till' fibrocartilage all<)ws the annu
Interspinous Facet fibrosus to withstand high lk'!l{ling and torsicJ
ligament loads (se(' Fig, II-II). Discs with annular tears d
Spinous pia." increased [,(ltational 1T'IOlllents during k,ad
Erector process
spinae muscle compared with IHlndegenerated discs (Haughton
aI., 2000). The end phlte, composed of hyaline ca
lage, separ(a~s the disc from the vertebr<:11 bod~' (F
10-2). The disc composition is simihlr to that or
ticular cartilage, described in detail in Chapter 3
Transverse section of a motion segment at the L4 level During dail.v activities, the disc is loaded in a co
viewed by computed tomography. The vertebral body, pIc.\: manner and is usually subjected to a combi
arch, spinal canal with spinal cord, and transverse tion ()I" comp]'ession, bending, and lo]sioll. Fle.\:i
processes are clearly seen. The view is taken at a level that
extension, and lateral lle.\:ion or the spine produ
depicts only the tip of the spinous process, with the inter-
rnainl~' tensile ,Ind compressi\'(' stresses ill the d
spinous ligament visible between the spinous process and
the facets of the intervertebral joints. Directly anterior to
\\'hereas rotation produces mainly shear stress.
the transverse processes and adjacent to the vertebral \\-'hen <:1 motion segment is tr<:lllsected vLTtica
body are the iliopsoas muscles. Posterior to the vertebral the llucleus pulposus 01" the disc protrudcs, indic
I body, the erector spinae muscles can be seen. ing that it is under pressure. !\iIcasurement (If the
.. _----------
tracliscal prcssure in normal and slightl." degenera
cadavcr lurnbar nuclei pulposi has shown an intr

arches and vertebral bodies form the vertebral canal,

which protects the spinal cord (Fig. 10-3).


The vertebral bodies are designed to bear mainly
compressive loads and the.\,' arc progressively larger
caudally as the superimposed weight of the upper
body increases. The vertebral bodies in the lurnbar
region are thicker and wider than those in the tho-
racic and cervical regions; their greater size allows
thenl to sustain the larger toads to which the lum-
bar spine is subjected.
The intervertebral disc, \vhich bears and distrib-
Distribution of stress in a crosssection of a lumbar disc
utes loads and restrains excessive motion, is of great
der compressive loading. The compressive stress is highe
mechanical and functional importance. It is well
in the nucleus pulposus, 1.5 times the externally applied
suited for its dual role because of its location be-
load (F) per unit area. By contrast, the compressive stres
tween the vertebrae and because of the unique com- on the annulus fibrosus is only approximately 0.5 times
position of its inner and outer structures. The inner externally applied load. This part of the disc bears pred
portion of the disc, the nucleus pulposus, is a gelati- inantly tensile stress, which is four to five times greater
nous mass. Rich in hydrophilic (\vater-binding) than the externally applied load per unit area. Adapted
glycosaminoglycans in the young adult, it dimin- ,vith permission from Nachemson, A. (!975j, Tmvards a berr
ishes in glycosaminoglycan content with age and understanding of back pain: A reviev'/ of the mechanicS of th
becomes progressively less hydrated (Urban & lumbar disc RheuI"T1illol Rehabi!, j'l. 129
McMullin, 1985).
sic pressure in the unloaded disc of approximately stless in the annulus fibroslis in the thoracic spine
\0 N per square centimeter (Nachemson, 1960). This less than that in the lurnbar spine because of diffe
intrinsic pressure, or pre-stress, in the disc results ences in disc geometry. The higher rario or disc d
from forces exerted by the longitudinal ligaments ameter to height in the thoracic discs reduces the ci
and the ligamentum flavum. During loading of the cumferential stress in these discs (Kulak et aI., 1975
spine. the nucleus pulposus acts hydrostatically Degeneration of a disc reduces its protcoglyca
(Nachemson. t 960), allowing a unifonn distribution content and thus its hydrophilic capacity (Fig. 10-
of pressure throughout the disc; hence, the entire A-C). As the disc becomes less hydrated, its elasti
disc serves a hydrostatic function in the motion seg- ity and its ability to store energy and distribu
ment, acting as a clishion between the vertebral bod- loads gradually decrease; these changes make th
ies to SLare energy and distribute loads. disc(s) more vulnerable to stl-csses.
In a disc loaded in compression. the pressure is
approximately 1.5 times the externallyay)plicd load
per unit area. Because the nuclear material is only
slightly compressible, a compressive load makes the
disc bulge laterally; circumferential tensile stress is The posterior portion of the Illotion segment guid
slIst"ined by the annular fibers. In the lumbar spine its movement. The t~'pe of motion possible at an
the tensile stress in the posteriol- part of the annulus IC\'e1 of the spine is determined b~" the oriental ion
fibrosus has been estimated to be four LO five times the facets of the inlervenebral joints to the tran
the applied axial compressive load (Galante, 1967; verse and frontal planes. This orientation chang
Nachemson, 1960, 1963) (Fig. 10-4). The tensile throughollt the spine.

Human intervertebral disc composed of an inner gelatinous

mass, the nucleus pulposus (NP), and a tough outer covering,
the annulus fibrosus (AF). A, Normal young disc. The gelatino
nucleus pulposus is 80 to 88% water content (reprinted with pe
mission from Gower. WE. &Pedrini, V. 1969. J Bone Joint Surg, 51
1154). Age-related variations in protein-polysaccharides from
human nucleus pulposus. annulus fibrosus, and costal canilag
are easy to distingUish from the firmer annulus fjbrosus. B. No
mal mid-age disc. The nucleus pulposus has lost water conten
a normal degenerative process. The fibers on the posterior pa
of the annulus have sustained excessive stress. C, Severely de-
generated disc. The nucleus pulposus has become dehydrated
and has lost its gel-like character. The boundary between the
nucleus and the annulus is difficult to distinguish because the
degree of hydration is now about the same in both structures

~ -~_.,__ ;- ... _~-<C-'t'"
Except for the facets of the two uppermost cervi- a high collagen content, which limits tht.:ir ext
cal vertebrae (CI and C2), which arc parallel to the bility during spine motion. The ligalllL'llllllll fla
transverse plane, the facets of the cervical inten.1cr- which connects two adjaCL'1l1 \'(,I"lcbral arches l
tcbral joints are oriented at a 45 angle to the trans- (lldinall~, is an exception. having a lal'gc percen
verse plane and arc parallel to the frontal plane (Fig. of dastin. The clasticit.Y of (his ligamclll <.lIlows
10-6A). This alignment of the joints of C3 to C7 al- contract during c.'\h..:nsion of the spine and 10
lows flexion, extension, lateral flexion, and rotation. gate during nc.'\ion. Even when the spine is in a
The facets of the thoracic joints arc oriented at a 60 tral position, the ligamentum flavul11 is uncleI'
angle to the transverse plane and at a 20 angle to Slant tension as a result of its elastic prope
the frontal plane (Fig. 10-68); this orientation allows Because it is located at a distance from the cent
lateral flexion, rotation, and some flexion and exten- motion in the disc, il pre-stresses the disc; th
sion. In the lurnbar region. the facets arc oriented at along with the longillldinal ligaments, it create
right angles to the transverse plane and at a 45 irllradiscal pressure and thus helps provide intl-
angle to the frontal plane (Fig. 106C) (White & support to the spine (Nachemson &. EV<.H1s,
Panjabi. 1978). This alignment allows Oexion, exten- Rolander, 1966). Research suggests that with de
sion, and lateral Oexion, but almost no rotation. The erative changes such as spond~"lolisthesis, tra
lumbosacral joints differ from the other lumbar in- spurs, and disc degeneration, which rna}' lead t
tervertebral joints in that the oblique orientation of stability, altered mechanical stress \vill increas
the facets allows appreciable rotation (Lumsden & load the ligamentum fluvul11 and callSt: hypertr
Morris, 1968). The above-cited values for facet ori- (FlIkllyama el aI., 1995).
entation are only approximations, as considerable The amount of strain on the various ligam
variation is found within and among individuals. differs with the type of motion of the spine, D
The facets guide movement of the Illotion segment llc.'\ion, the interspinous ligaments arc subject
and have a load-bearing function. Load-sharing be- the greatest strain, followed by' the capsular
tween the facets and the disc varies with the position ments and the ligamcnturn flavum. During e
of the spine. The loads on the facets arc greatest (ap- sion, the anterior longitudinal ligarnent bear
proximately 30% of the lotal load) when the spine is greatest strain. During latcral fle:don, the contr
hyperextended (King et aI., 1975). Because the facets eral lransverse ligament sustains the hig
arc not the primary SUPPOI1 structure in extension, if strains. followed by the ligament nuvulll and
total compromise of these joints occurs, an alternate capsular ligaments. The capsular ligaments o
path of loading is established. This path involves the facet joints bear the most strain during rot
transfer of axial loads to the annulus and anterior (Panjabi et aI., 1982).
longitudinal ligament as a way of supporting the
spine (Haher et aI., !994). High loading of the facels
is also present during forward bending, coupled with Kinematics
rotation (EI-Bohy & King, 1986). The vertebral
arches and intervertebral joints play an important AClive mol ion of the spine as in any joint is
role in resisting shear forces. This function is demon- duced b.'/ the coordinated interaction of n
strated by the fact that patients with deranged arches and muscles. Agonistic n1uscles (prime mo
or defective joints (e.g., from spondylolysis and lis- initiate and carry out motion and antagon
thesis) are at increased risk for fOl'\vard displacement muscles control and modif." the motion, whil
of tbe vertebral body (Adams & Hutton, 1983; Mi11er contraction or both groups stabilizes the s
et aI., 1983) (Case Study 101). The transverse and The range of motion differs at various levels o
spinolls processes seniC as sites of attachment for the spine and depends on the orientation of the f
spinal muscles, whose activity initiates spine motion of the intervertebraljoinls (Fig. 10-6). Motio
and provides extrinsic stability. tween two vertebrae is small and docs not o
independently; all spine movements involve
combined action of several motion segments.
skeletal structures that influence motion o
The ligamentous structures surrounding the spine lrunk are the rib cage, which limits thoracic
contribute to its intrinsic stability (Fig. 10-2). All lion. and the pelvis, which augments trunk m
spine ligaments except the ligamentum Ibvulll have ments by tilting.

~_Q- ' .. ; -



Orientation of Orientation of
the facets to the facets to
the transverse plane the fronlal plane

Orientation of the facets of the intervertebral joints (ap- and are parallel to the frontal plane. B, The facets of the
proximate values). Reprinted with permission from White, A.A. thoracic spine are oriented at a 60 angle to the transvers
& Panjabi, M.N. (1978). Clinical Biomechanics of the Spine. plane and at a 20 angle to the frontal plane. C, The facet
Philadelphia: J,8. Lippincorr. A. In the lower cervical spine, the of the lumbar spine are oriented at a 90 angle to the tran
facets are oriented at a 4S~ angle to the transverse plane verse plane and at a 45 angle to the frontal plane.
,'Sponaylolisthesis: Anterior Slippage of One Vertebra in Relation
to the Vertebra Below It
'- 30-yearold male gymnast complains of severe back pain interarticularis (aspect of the postenor arch of the vertebra
A'''''..' , with radiation to both legs. The pain is associated with that lies betyveen the inferior and superior facets). This bilat
periods of strenuous training and the symptoms decrease eral defect leads to an (lnterior displacement of the vertebra
~ith rest or restriction of activity, After a careful examination lS onto S1. As the l5 vertebra begins 10 slip forvllard, the cen
b'ya specialist and MRI films. a diagnosis was made of ter of gravity of the body is displaced anteriody. To compen-
spondylolisthesis at the level L5-S1 (Case Study Fig, 10-1-1), sate, the lumbar spine above the lesion hyperextends and the
with concurrent bilateral pars interarticularis defects of L5 upper pan of the trunk is displaced backward. Because thi) is
(Case Study Fig, 10-1-2), a disease continuum. the abnormal forces placed on the inter
-' Physiological loads during repeated flexion-extension mo- vertebral disc leads to herniation into the neural foramina,
tiOn, of the lumbar spine caused a fatigue fracture of the pars producing moderate stenosis. of both l5-S I nerve rootS.

Case Study Figure 10-1-1. Case Study Figure 10-1-2.

SEGMENTAL MOTION OF THE SPINE the relative amount of motion at different leve
the spine. Representative values from \Vhite
The vertebrae have six degrees of freedom: rotation
Panjabi (1978) are presented in Figure 10-7 1
about and translation along a transverse, a sagittal.
lc)\v a comparison of motion at various levels o
and a longitudinal axis. The motion produced dur-
thoracic and lumbar spine. (Representative v
ing nexion. extension, lateral nexion, and axial rota-
for motion in the cendcal spine are included
tion of the spine is a complex combined motion re-
sulting fTom simultaneous rotation and translation.
lnvestigations of the thoracic and lumbar s
show that the range of l'lexion and extension i
proximately 4 in each of the upper thonlcic mo
Range of Motion
~:" segments, approximately 6 in the mid thoraci
Various investigations using autopsy material or gion, and approximately 12 in the two lower
radiographic measurements in vivo have shown di~ racic segments. This range progressively incre
vergent values for the range of motion of indivi- in the lumbar Illotion segments. reaching a m
dual motion segments, but there is agreement on mum of 20' al Ihe lumbosacral level.
o 10' 20 0' 10 20 0' 10' 20"
I ' I I ' I I ' I

OC- Cl
Cl - 2 '-'47'
2 -3
4 -5
5 -6
C7 - Tl
Tl - 2
9 - 10
10 - 11
11 - 12
T12 - Ll
L1 - 2
L5 - 51
Flexion- Lateral Rotation
extension flexion

A composite of representative values for type and range of motion at different levels of
the spine. Reprinted with permission from White, AA & Panjabi, M.N (978). Clinical Biome-
chanics of the Spine. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincorr.

Lateral flexion shows the greatest range in each center of flexion-extension and lateral flexion in
of the lower thoracic segments, reaching 8 to go. In motion segment of the lumbar spine lies within t
the upper thoracic segments, the range is uniformly disc under normal conditions (Fig. 10-8A) (Cosse
6. Six degrees of lateral flexion is also found in each et aI., 1971; Rolandel~ 1966). With abnormal conc
of all lumbar segments except the lumbosacral seg- tions such as pronounced disc degeneration, t
ment, \vhich demonstrates only 3 of 111otion. instantaneous center pathway will be altered (F
Rotation is greatest in the upper segments of the 10-8B) (Gertzbein et aI., 1985; Reichmann et aI., 197
thoracic spine, \vhere the range is 9, The range of
rotation progressively decreases caudally, reaching
2 in the lower segments of the lumbar spine. It then
increases to 5 in the lumbosacral segment. Because of its complexity,') the motion of a single nl
tion segment is difficult to measure clinically. A
proximate values for the normal functional range
Surface Joint Motion
motion of the spine can be given. Variations amo
i\''Iotion between the surfaces of two adjacent verte- individuals are large and show a Gaussian distrib
brae during flexion-extension or lateral flexion may lion in the three planes. The range of motion
be analyzed b:v means of the instant center method strongly age~dependent, decreasing b~v approx
of Reuleaux. The procedure is essentially the sanle mately 30% from youth to old age, although \vith a
as that described for the cc,vical spine in Chapter ing, loss of range of motion is noted in flexion a
11 (see Figs. 11-18 and 11-19). The instantaneous lateral bending while axial rotation motion is mai
Moderate disc rained with cvidcnc~ or increased coupled m
Normal I degeneration J (iV!cGill et aI., 1999). Differences have also

noted between the sexes: men have greater m
in flexion and extension whereas women arc
mobile in later,,1 Oexion (Bie.-ing-Sorensen,
Moll & Wright, 1971). Loss of range of motion

~ "-'",7 lumbar and/or thoracic spine is compensat

~ B
(. ' L5
mainly by motion in the cervical spine and hi

The spinal muscles can be divided into flexo
extensors. The main flexors arc the abdomina
Instant center pathway for a normal cadaver spine (A) and a
cles (the reClus abdominis muscles, the intern
cadaver spine with moderate disc degeneration (B). Instant external oblique muscles. and the transver
centers were determined for 3~ intervals of motion from dominallllllsclc) and the psoas muscles. In g
maximum extension to maximum flexion. In the normal muscles anterior to the vertebral column act
spine, all instant <enters fell within a small area in the disc. ors. The main extensors arc the ercCLOr spina
In the degenerated spine. the centers were displaced. and cles. the multifidus muscles. and the intcnra
hence the surface motion was abnormal. Reprinted wirh per sarii muscles auached to the posterior eleme
mission from Gerrbein, S.D., er al. (1985). Centrode patterns and general, the muscles posterior to the ve
segmental instability in degenerative disc (Jisease. Spine, 10,257. columns act as extensors (Fig. 10-9). The ex

Rectus abdominis muscle Transversalis fascia

Internal oblique Vertebral body

External oblique

Lumbar fascia:

Quadratus Erector
lumborum spinae muscle

An MRI transverse cross-section of the body at the l4 level of a normal adult human spine. The major trunk ffius<les are
(R, right; l, left). By courtesy (rom Ali SfJeikzahed, PhD., Hospilal for Joint Diseases, Mr. Sinai, NYU Health, New York, NY, USA.
muscles bridge between each vertebrae and motion
segment as well as over several vertebrae and mo-
tion segments. \Vhen extensor muscles contract
symmetrically, extension is produced. "'!hen right
and left side flexors and extensor muscles contract
asymmetrically, lateral bending or t\visting of the
spine is produced (Andersson & Lavender, 1997).

Flexion and Extension

During unloaded flexion-extension range of motion,

the first 50 to 60 of spine flexion occurs in the lum-
bar spine, rnainly in the lower motion segments Electromyography of the quadratus lumborum (QL) and
(Carlsoo, 1961; Farfan, 1975). Tilting the pelvis for- erector spinae superficial (5-5) and deep (S-d) muscles
ward allows for further flexion. During lifting and Wire electrodes were inserted in QL and ES-d; surface e
lowering a (oad, this rh)rthm occurs simultaneously, trodes were used for ES-s. Five positions (a-e) of trunk f
although a greater separation of these movements is ion are depicted. In full nonforced trunk flexion (e), the
ES-s activity is silent; however, the ES-d and QL are very
noted during lifting than during lowering (Nelson et
tive to counterbalance the trunk flexion movement. (Co
aL, 1995) The thoracic spine contributes little to For-
tesy of Eva Andersson, MD Ph.D, Karofinska Institute. Stock-
ward flexion of the entire spinal column because of holm, S~veden.)
the oblique orientation of the facets (Figs. 10~6 and
10-7), the nearly vertical orientation of the spinolls
processes, and the limitation of motion imposed by
the rib cage.
Flexion is initiated by the abdominal muscles and full flexion to upright positioning of the trunk,
the vertebral portion of the psoas muscle (Anders~ pelvis tilts backward and the spine then exten
son & lavendel~ 1997; Basmajian & Deluca, 1985). The sequence of muscular activity is reversed. T
The weight of the upper body produces further flex- gluteus maximus comes into action early toget
ion, which is controlled by the gradually increas- with the hamstrings and initiates extension by p
ing activity of the erector spinae muscles as the terior rotation of the pelvis. The paraspinal musc
forward-bending moment acting on the spine in- then become activated and increase their activ
creases. The posterior hip muscles are active in con~ until the movement is completed (Andersson
trolling the forward tilting of the pelvis as the spine Lavender~ 1997).
is flexed (Carls!j", 1961). It has long been accepted Some studies have shown that the concentric
that in full flexion, the erector spinae muscles be- ertion performed by the muscles involved in rais
come inactive once they are fully stretched. In this the trunk is greater than the eccentric exertion p
position, the fonvard bending moment was coun- formed by.' the muscles involved in lowering
U:Tacted passively by these muscles and by the trunk (de Looze et a!., 1993; Friedebolcl, 19
posterior ligaments, \vhich are initially slack but be- Joseph, 1960). However, this finding has been c
come taut at this point because the spine has tradicted in several studies (Reid & Costigan, 19
fully elongated (Farfan, 1975). This silencing of the Marras & Mirka, 1992). Creswell ancl Thortens
erector spinae muscles is known as the flexion- (1994) support the finding that less electrom
relaxation phenomenon (Allen, 1948; Andersson & graphic (EMG) activity is noted during eccentric
Lavender, 1997; Floyd & Silver, 1955; Morris et a!., tivity, as in lowering, despite high levels of fo
962). However, Andersson et al. (1996), using wire generated. The compressive load of the sp
CICCII'()('"'' inserted in the trunk extensor muscles caused by the muscle exertion produced by low
~l1icl("cI by ultrasound or MRI, showed that in the ing the trunk with a load or resistance can appro
flexed position the superficial erector spinae the spinal tolerance limits, putting the back
muscles relax, while the quadratus lumborum and greater risk for injury (Davis et aI., 1998).
lateral lumbar erector spinae muscles become When the trunk is hyperextended from the
'''''V<lIeu (Fig. 10-10). In forced flexion, the superfi- right position, the extensor rnuscles are active d
extensor muscles become re~activated. From ing the initial phase. This initial burst of activity
creases during funher extension, and the abdominal joints function mainlv as shock nbsorbers a
muscles bccorne active to control and modify the important in protecting the intervertebral
motion. In extreme or forced extension. extcnsor ac- (Wilder et al.. 1980).
tivity is again required (Floyd & Silver. 1955). When loaded in vitro. the Sljoint exhibits
dimensional movement with joint opening r
ranging from 0.5 to 1.2 and sacrum an0

Lateral Flexion and Rotation

During lateral Oexion of the trunk, motion may pre-
dominate in either the thoracic or the lumbar spine.
In the thoracic spine, the facet orientation allows for
Imeral Oexion. but the rib cage rcstricts it (to vmying
degrees in different people); in the lumbar spine. the
wedge-shaped spaces between the intervertcbral
joint surfaces show variations during this motion
(Reichmann. 1971). The spinotransversal and trans-
versospinal systems of the erector spinae muscles
and the abdominal muscles arc active during lateral
I1cxion; ipsilmeral COnlractions of these muscles ini-
tiate the motion and contralateral contractions mod-
ify it (Fig. 10-11) (Andersson.& Lavender. 1997).
Significant axial rotation occurs at the thoracic
and lurnbosacral levels but is limited at other le\'els
of the lumbar spine, being restricted by the vertical
orientation of the facets (Fig. 10-6C). In the thoracic Left
region, rotation is consistently associated with lat
end flexion. During lhis coupled motion. which is
most marked in the upper thoracic region, the ver- 0 L3
tebral bodies generally rotate toward the concavity
of the lateral curvc of the spine (White. 1969). Cou- 0
pling of rotation and lateral nexion also takes place L5
in the lumbar spine. with the vertebral bodies rotat-
ing toward the convexity of the clIlve (Miles & 80 60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80
Sullivan. 1961). During axial rotation. the back and


\( 1\
abdominal muscles are active on both sides of
the spine, as both ipsilateral and contralateral mus-
cles cooperate to produce this movement. High
coactivation has been measured for axial rotation
(Lavender et al.. 1992; Pope et aI., 1986).

FIG. 10-11
Pelvic Motion
Example of eleetromyographic activity of the erect
Functional trunk movements not only involve a
spinae muscles collected with surface electrodes du
combined motion of different parts of the spine but side-bending of the trunk. The figure illustrates tru
also require the cooperation of the pelvis because bending to the right and muscle activity at the ll,
pelvic Inotion is essential for increasing the range of lS level of the lumbar spine. Substantial contralate
functional motion of the trunk. The relationship be- cle activity (left) of the erector spinae muscles is re
twecn pelvic movements and spinal motion is gen- when bending to the right to maintain equilibrium
erally analyzed in terms of motion of the lum- duced wirh permission from Andersson. G.BL Orrengr
bosacral joints. the hip joints. Ol' both (Fig. 10-12). Nachemson. A. (1977). fIHradiscaf pressure. intra-abdom
Load transfer From the spine to the pelvis occurs pressure and myoelectric back muscle dcrivily related to
through the sacroiliac (SI) joint. Biomechanical and foading. Clin OrtllOp, 129. 156,

analysis of the sacroiliac joints suggests that these

lIsed. This involves measuring the m.voelectric aCli
it~,. of the tnlllk muscles and correlating this activit
with calculc:tlcd values for muscle contractio
forces. The values obtained correlate well with thos
obtained through inLradiscal pressure measuremen
and can thereFore be lIsed to predict the loads on th
spine (Andersson & Lavendcr, 1997; bnengren
aI., 1981; Schuhz et aI., 1982).
Another method is the lise of a mathcnHuic
model for force estimation that allows the loads o
the lumbar spine and (he contraction forces in th
trunk muscles to be calculated for various phy'sic
activities. The models are useful as predictors o
load, for load sharing analysis under different con
ditions, to simulate loads, and in spine prosthet
and instrumentation design. The precision of th
model depcnds on the assumption L1sed for the ca
culations. Two categories of models currently use

arc the EiV1G-c1l'iven model based on c!cctromyo
{ ',.
The pelvic ring with its linkage to the spine and the lower graphic trunk mllscle rccordings and the morc tr
extremities. The antero-posterior view of these structures ditional biomcchanical model based on trunk mo
on film gives a hint of the irregular shape of the sacroiliac mcnts and [OI'ces (Chaffin & Anderson, 199
joint 5urlaces. but an oblique projection is required for an Lavender et al.. 1992; Marras & Granata, 199
accurate view of the joints. Sheikhzadeh, [1997]. The eflixi orpllre alld COl
billed loading OIl the recruitment pattern or ten s
lecled Intlll< IIlllscles, Unpublished doctoral thesi
New York University. New York).

posterior rotation ranging from 0.3 to 0.6; trans-

lation ranged from 0.5 to 0.9 mm (\Vang & Dumas,
1998). In vivo analysis of the 51 joint utilizing In the following section, static loads on the lumb
, ,,
roentgen slereophotogrammetr~!shows joint rota- spine are examined for common postures such a
tion mean at 2.5 0 and translation mean at 0.7 mm standing and silting and also for Iif1ing. a commo
with no differences between symptomatic and activity involving external loads. [n the final sectio
asymptomatic joints (S,uresson et aI" 1989), the dynamic loads on the lumbar spine during walk
Muscle forces acting on the 51 joint have a stabi- ing and common strengthening exercises for th
liZing effect. helping to attenuate the high stress or back and abdominal muscles arc discllssed.
pelvic loading (Dalstra & Huiskes. 1995).
Kinetics The spine can be consich.:red as a modified elast
rod because of the nexibility of thc spinal colum
Loads on the spine are produced primarily by body the shock~absorbing behavior of the discs and ve
weight. muscle activity, pre-stress exerted by the lig- tebrae. the stabilizing function of the longitudin
aments, and externally applied loads. Simplified cal- ligaments, and the elasticity of the ligamen
culations of the loads at various levels of the spine flavum. The two curvatures of the spine in the sagi
Can be made with the usc of the [Tee-body technique tal plane-kyphosis and lordosis-also contribute
for coplanar forces. Direct information regarding the spring-like capacity of the spine and allow th
loads on the spinc.,(ll the level of individual interver- vertebral column to withstand higher loads than if
tebral discs can bq/~btained by measuring the pres- were straight. A study of the capaci.ty of cadav
Sure within the d(scs both in vitro and in vivo. Be- thoracolumbar spines devoid of muscles to resi
cause this mel~od;
is too complex for general vertical loads showed lhat the critical load (th
application. a semidircclmcasuring method is often point at which buckling OCCUlTed) was approx

'."..... .' ... '

cles, the abdominal muscles an.: often interm
,-lclive in maintaining tlte neutral upright p
and stabilizing the trunk (Cholc\\'icki el aI.,
However, this activit~ is readily reduced by th
mand to stand relaxed (Hodges &. Richardson
The venchr;:ll portion of the psoas muscles
',: invol\'ed ill producing postul'al s\\'a~' (Bas
1958; Nachemsoll, 1966). The level of aCl
these muscles varies considerably among in
als and depends to some extent on the shape
spine, for eX<:\J11plc, on the magnilllde of h
kyphosis and lordosis.
The pelvis nlso plays a role in the muscle
and resulting loads on the ~pine during s
(Fig. 10-14). The base of the s<lcrum is inclin
ward and downward. The angle of inclinat
sacral angle, is approximatcl~1 30 to the tr~
plane dudng relaxed standing (Fig. 10-148).
or the pelvis abollt the tnmSVL:rse axis betw
hip joints changes the angle. \Vhell the p
,. FIG. 10-13 tilted backward, the sacr<ll angle decreases
lumbar lurdosis flallens (Fig. 10-14..1). This
The line of gravity for the trunk (solid line) is usually ventral ing afrects the thoracic spine. which extends
to the transverse axis of motion of the spine and thus the to <'Idjust the ccnter of gravity or th<.' trunk
spine is subjected to a constant forward-bending moment. the cncrg,\' expenditure, in tcrms or muscle e

/' .......

mate!y 20 to 40 N (Gregersen & Lucas, 1967; Lucas ~ : r'"
& Bresiel; 1961). The critical load is much higher in
vivo and varies greatly among individuals. The ex
!'. \~\,
\ ;,;
trinsic support provided by the trunk muscles helps \ i !
stabilize and modify the loads on the spine in both 'J
dynamic and static situations.


When a person stands. the postural Illuscles are
constantly active. This activity is minimized when o
the body segments arc well aligned. During stand
ing, the line of gravity of the trunk usually passes
ventral to the center of the fourth lumbar vertebral
body (Asmussen & Klausen, 1962). Thus, it falls
j -30
ventral to the transverse axis of motion of the
spine and the motion segments are subjected to a
forward-bending moment, which must be counter- Effect of pelvic tilting on the indination of the ba
balanced by ligament forces and erector spinae sacrum to the transverse plane (sacral angle) durin
muscle forces (Fig. I 0-13). Any displacement of the right standing. A, Tilting the pelvis backward redu
line of gravity alters the magnitude and direction of sacral angle and flattens the lumbar spine. D, Duri
the moment on the spine. For the body to return to laxed standing, the sacral angle is approximately 3
equilibrium, the moment must be counteracted by Tilting the pelvis forward increases the sacral angl
centuates the lumbar lordosis.
increased muscle activity, which causes intet"mittent
postural sway. In addition to the erector spinae mWi

minimized. \Vhcn the pelvis is tilted ronvard, the
angle increases, accentuating the lumbar 101'-
and the thoracic kyphosis (Fig. 10-14C). For- Values of Intradiscal Pressure for Differe
and backward tilting of the pelvis influences Positions and Exercises As a Percentage
activit)! of the postural muscles by affecting the Relative to Relaxed Standing in One
loads on the spine (Floyd & Silvel; 1955). Subject (Chosen Arbitrarily As 100'1',)
i Position/Maneuver Percent
lying supine 20
position affects the magnitude of the loads on Side-lYing 24
spine. As a result of in vivo intradiscal pressure lying prone 22
studies conducted by! Nachemson lying prone. extended back, 50
1975), it was shown that these loads are minimal supporting elbows
well-supported reclining, remain low during laughing heartily, lying laterally 30
re"",";u upright standing, and rise during sitting. A Sneezing, lying laterally 76
recent in vivo investigation of intervertebral disc Peaks by turning around 140-1
pressure utilizing more sophisticated technology,
Relaxed standing 100
based on only one subject, suggested that in
relaxed, unsupported sitting, interdiscal pressure Standing, performing Valsalva maneuver 184
is less than in standing (Wilke et aI., 1999). Acldi- Standing, bent fOIVvard 220
tional pertinent pressure measurements can be Sitting relaxed. without back rest 92
seen in Table 10-1. Sato et al. (1999) have verified Sitting actively straightening the back 110
Nachemson's (1975) findings, showing an increase Sitting with maximum flexion 166
in spinal load from 800 N in upright standing to 996
Sitting bent forNard 'vvith thigh 86
N in upright siuing. The relative loads on the spine supporting the elbows
during various body postures, as described by
Sitting slouched into the chair
Nachemson and \Vilke, are presented in Figure 10-15.
During relaxed upright standing, the load on the Standing up from the chair
third and fourth lumbar disc is almost twice the Walking barefoot 106-1
weight of the body above the measured level Walking with tennis shoes 106--1
(Nachemson & Elfstrom, 1970; Nachemson & MOiTis, Jogging with hard street shoes 70-19
1964; Wilke et aI., 1999). Trunk flexion increases the Jogging with tennis shoes 70-17
load ancl the fOl"\vard-bending moment on the spine.
Climbing stairs, one at a time 100-1
During forward flexion, the annulus bulges ventrally
(Klein et aI., 1983) and the central portion of the Climbing stairs, two at a time 60-24
disc moves posteriorly (Krag et aI., 1987) (Fig. 10-16). Walking down stairs, one at a time 76-12
iVlore than trunk extension, trunk flexion stresses Walking down stairs, two at a time 60-18
the posterolateral area of the annulus fibrosus. The lifting 20 kg, bent over with round back 460
addition of twisting motion and accompanying lifting 20 kg as taught in back school 340
torsional loads further increases the stresses on
Holding 20 kg close to the body 220
the disc (Andersson et al.,1977; Shirazi-Adl. 1994;
Steffen et aI., 1998) (Case Study 10-2). Holding 20 kg, 60 em away from the chest 360
The loads on the lumbar spine are lower more dur- Pressure increase during the night rest 20-48
ing supported sitting than during unsupported sit- (over a period of 7 hours)
ting. During supported sitting, the weight of the up- Adapted '.vith permission from Wilke, H.J .. Nee!. P. Caimi, M.. et
per body is supported by the backrest, which reduces (1999). Ne\lv in vivo measurements of pressures in the interverteb
the muscle activity, relieving intradiscal pressure disc in daily life. Spine, 2";, 755.
(Andersson et aI., 1974; Wilke et aI., 1999). Backward -----------_._-
inclination of the backrest and the use of a lumbar
support further reduce the loads. The use of a sup-
port in the thoracic region, ho\vevel~ pushes the tho-
racic spine and the trunk fOl\vard and n1akes the
lumbar spine move toward kyphosis to remain in

~ . '"
Nonspecific Low Back Pain
0 Nachemson, 1975 ".~
35-year-old male presents complaints of low back
400 0 Wilke, 1999
~ A pain with radiation lO the posterior aspect of the le
en thigh, not past the knee. His pain staned 3 weeks ago,
'5 % ter working a 12-hour shift, when he lifted \-vhile twistin
'1" ~
iii i~
c!ll an unusually large, yet lightweight box, During the iirst
] week of pain, he visited his physician, who prescribed pa

;) ~
,;I J.!
200 medication. Currently, he is still in pain, panieufarly durin


E ,~ ~, ~ sitting or standing for loog periods. During a iollmv-up

100 ~
% "
~ #~ '1
, physician visi!, a careful examination showed the patien
to be someV'ihat ovel\veight. ",vith weakness in his abdo

ina I and back muscles and poor flexibility in hiS ham-
~ '1 strings. psoas, and back muscles. Neurological tests were
normal and diagnostic x-rays were normal as well, leadin
to a diagnosis of nonspecific low back pain (Case Study

Data from two studies using intradiscal pressure measure-

ments. The relative loads on the third and fourth lumbar
discs measured in vivo in various body positions are com-
pared with the load during upright standing. depicted as
100%. Adapred wirh permission {rom Nachemson. A. (1975).
TOWMds a berrer unrJersfc1nding of back pain: A review of rile
mechanics of the lumbiJr disc. RheumaroJ Rehabil, 14, /29 and
{rom Wilke, H.J.. Nee!. P.. (aimi. M., ei al. (999). Ne~'/ in vivo
medSuremen!s 0; preSSlJreS in rhe inrerve(rebral disc in daily life.
Spine, 24, 755.


, Case Study Figure 10-21.

Combinations of different factors have resulted in th

injury. From the biomechanical point of view, although
the load lifted was considered light, the vastness of the
The forward-bent position produces a bending moment on package and the resultant large lever arm (the distance
the lumbar spine. The moment is a product of the force from the center of gravity of the person to the package
produced by the weight of the upper body (W) and the crea'ted a larger than expected load on the lumbar spine
lever arm of the force (lw). The forward inclination of the In addition, weakness in the abdominal and extensor
upper body subjects the disc to increased tensile and com- muscles of the spine led to an additional mechanical dis
pressive stresses. The annulus bulges on the compressive
advantage in stabilizing the lower back. Tight psoas and
side and the nucleus is shifted posteriorly.
hamstring muscles place restrictions on the mObility of
pelvis, stressing the range of motion jn the lumbar regio
i and affecting the normal loads and motions at this leve

.,. -~ .-;
conwct with the backrest. increasing the loads on the
lumbar spine (Andersson et aI., 1974) (Fig. 10-17).
Loads on the spine arc minimized when an incli-
assumes a supine position because the loads
b)' the bod;!s weight arc eliminated (Fig,
With the body supine and the knees ex-
>tenden, the pull of the vertebral ponion of the psoas
muscle produces some loads on the lumbar spine. !
'"-~--.~. ----,.
the hips and knees bent and supported, how-
the !umb4\r lordosis straightens out as the psoas
>'n'luscle relaxes and the loads decrease (Fig. 10-18). B
DURING LIFTING A, When a person assumes a supine position with legs
The highest loads on the spine are generally pro- straight, the pull of the vertebral portion of the psoas
!t~>;.,S7 duced by c:'\ternalloads, such as lifting a heavy ob- muscle produces some loads on the lumbar spine. B, Whe
ject. Just how mllch load can be sustained by the the hips and knees are bent and supported, the psoas mu
spine before damage occurs continues to be inves- cle relaxes and the loads on the lumbar spine decrease.
tigated. Pioneering swdies by Eie (1966) of lumbar I

ii vertebral specimens from adult humans showe

~ that the compressive load to vertebrae failur
fil ranged from approximately 5,000 to 8,000 N. O
II'I the whole, values reponed subsequently by othe
i authors correspond to those of Eie, although va
ues above 10,000 N and below 5,000 N have bee
!i))i documented (Hullon & Adams, 1982). The appl
'-'...J j
cation of static bending-shearing moment on lum
bar motion segments revealed that bending mo
! '
A B ment of 620 Nm and shear rnoment of 156 Nm

were tolerated before conlplete disruption of mo
tion segmel1l occurred. The flexion angle befor
failure was recorded as 20 with 9 mm of horizon
tal displacement bct\veen the two vertebrae (0$
valder et aL, 1990). 80th age and degree of disc de
Influence of backrest inclination and back support on generation innuence the range preceding failure
loads of the lumbar spine. in terms of pressure in the third Although the vertebral body strength is relative t
lumbar disc, during supported sitting. A, Backrest inclina-
Ihe bone mass, with aging ~ the decline in bon
~ : tion is 90" and disc pressure is at a maximum. e, Addition
strength is more pronounced than is the decline i
of a lumbar support decreases the disc pressure. C, Back-
ward inclination of the backrest is 110", but with no lum-
bone mass (iVlosekildc, 1993).
bar support it produces less disc pressure. D. Addition of a Eie (1966) and Ranu (1990) observed that durin
lumbar support with this degree of backrest inclination compressive testing the fracture point was reache
further decreases the pressure. E, Shifting the support to in the vertebral body, or end plate, before the inte
the thoracic region pushes the upper body forward, mov- vertebral disc sustained damage. This finding show
ing the lumbar spine toward kyphosis and increasing the that the bone is less capable of resisting compres
disc pressure. Adapted with permission from Andersson, G.8.1.. sian than is an intact e1isc, During the testing, a yiel
Ortengren, R.. Nc1CiJemson, A.. et at. (1974). Lumbar disc pres- point was reached before the vertebra or end pla
sure and myoelectric back muscle activity during sitting. 1. SHld-
fractured. \Vhen the load was removed at this poin
ies on cln experimental chair. Scand J Rehabil Med, 6. 104.
the vertebral body recovered but was morc suscep
lible to damage when reloaded.

Evidence exists that the spine may incur micro-
damage as a result of high loads in vivo. T. I-Jansson
(1977, The hone mineral contenl (Int! biomec!tanica! Influence of the Size of the Object
properties or lumbar vertebrae. All ill vitro study on the Loads on the Lumbar Spine
based on dllal p1W101/ absorptiometry. Unpublished
The size of the object held influences the loads on the lum-
thesis, University of Gothenburg, Sweden) observed
bar spine. If objects of the same weight, shape, and density
microfractures in specimens from "noI'mal" human
but of different sizes are held, the lever arm for the force
lumbar vertebrae and interpreted this microdamage
produced by the weight of the object is longer for the
to be fatigue fractures resulting from stresses and
larger object, and thus the bending moment on the lumba
strains on the spine in vivo. In vitro examination
spine is greater (Calculation Box Fig. 10-1-1). In these t\VO
confirmed the cxistance of microdamage near the
situations (Calculation Box Figs. 10-1-1 ,md 10-1-2). the
end plated with compression loading (Hasegawa et
distance from the center of motion in the disc to the front
aI., 1993).
of the abdomen is 20 em. In both cases, the object has a
Lifting and carr.ying an object over a horizontal
uniform density and weighs 20 kg. In the case of Calcula-
distance arc common situations wherein loads ap-
tion Box Figure 10-1-1, the \vidth of the cubic object is 20
plied to the vertebral column may be so high as to
crn; in the case of Calculation Box Figure 10-1-2, the width
damage the spine. Several factors influence the
is 40 ern. Thus, in Case 1 (Calculation Box Fig. 10-1-1), the
loads on the spine during these activities: (t) the po-
forv.wd-bendlng moment ,Kung on the 10'/'Jest lumbar disc
sition of the object relative to the center of Illotion
is 60 Nrn, as the force of 200 N produced by the weight o
in thc spine; (2) the sizc, shape, weight. and density
the object acts \vith a lever arm (U of 30 cm (200 N ;< 0.3
of the object; (3) the degree of flexion or rotation of
m).ln Case 2 (Calculation Box Fig. 10-1-2). the forvvard-
the spine; and (4) the rate of loading.
bending moment is 80 Nrn, as the lever arm (L;.) is 40 ern
Holding the object close to the body instead of
(200 (\J x 0.4 rn).IConsidering 1Kg 10N.]
away from it reduces the bending moment on the
lumbar spine because the distance from the center
of gravity of the object to the center of motion in the 20 em
spine (the lever arm) is minimized. The shorter the
lever arm is for the force produced by the weight of
a given object. the lower the magnitude of the bend-
ing moment and thus the lower the loads on the
lumbar spine (Andersson et al., 1976; Nachemson &
Elfstriim, 1970; Nemeth, 1984; Wilke et aI., 1999)
(Calculat ion Box 10-1).
Even when identical and nonfatiguing repeated
lifting tasks are perFormed, variability in lifting tech-
nique of the same subject has been shown in trunk
kinematics, kinetics, and spinal load (Granata ct aL,
1999). ,",Vhen an individual repeatedly performs an
identical lift, great variability is recorded, which in-
dicates that the brain may have several motor strate-
gies to do a task. It also indicates the sensitive re-
sponsiveness of the muscle system to subtle changes
to maintain the performance despite fatigue.
,",Vhen a person holding an object bends forward, 200 N
the force produced by the weight of the object plus
that produced by the weight of the upper body cre-
ate a bending moment on the disc, increasing the
loads on the spine. This bending moment is greater
than that produced when the person stands erect
Forward-bending Forward-bending
while holding the object (Calculation Box 10-2). moment 60 Nm moment 80 Nm
Health professionals generally recommend that
Calculation Box Calculation Box
lifting be done with the knees bent and the back rel- Figure 10-1-1. Figure 10-1-2.
atively straight to reduce the loads on the spinc.
~ :./.;~; :,
However, this recommcndalion is valid only if this
technique is used correctly and optimally, with the

!ji/! I ~:I~~;Cto~::haet~h~e:u~::r~;i~~on
load positioncd betwcen the feet and thcrcby reduc-
inn the lever arm of the extcrnal load (van Dieen ct
al~ 1999) (Calculafion Box 10-3),

lii}i!, I
;:~ n~ ~O~; ,:;: dSehn~: ~1 i:b~:~~::;h~nBgO;~i~~r~s 10-
A literature review revealed no significant differ-
cnce in spinal compression and shear computed
forces betwcen SlOOp or squat lifting (van Dicenc ct
lifted, In Case 1 (Calculation Box fig. 10-2-1) (upright
at., 1999). However, it was suggestcd lhat loss or bal-
f standing), the lever arm of the force produced by the.- f
I weight of the objecr (lp) is 30 em. creating a forward-
ance is more likely during squat lifting. which in
turn m,,)' ,-,dd addilional stresses on the lumbar
i' '/
bending moment of 60 Nm (200 N x 0.3 m), The
forward-bending moment created by the upper body is
9 Nm; the length of the lever arm (LW) is estimated to
In thc following examplc, thc frcc-body tech-
nique for coplanar forces will be used to make a
~ 2 em, and the force produced by the weight of the upper simplified calculation of the static loads on the
t',; body is 450 N. Thu5, the tolal forward-bending moment

spine as an object is lifted (Calculation Boxes 10-4;
in Case 1 is equal to 69 Nm (60 Nm + 9 N(m). b d and 10-4B).
In Case 2 (Calculation Box fig. 1O-2 -2J upper 0 y
Calculations made in this way for one point in
flexed forward), the lever arm of the force produced by
lime during lifting arc valuable for demonslrating
f the weight of the object (l..) is increased to 40 em, creat- how the lever arms of the forces produccd by the
Ii ing a fon,.vardbending moment of 80 Nm (200 N x 0.4 m).
furthermore, ,he force of 450 N produced by the weight
of the upper body increases in importance as it acts with
wcight of the uppcr body and by the weight of the
obj;ct affect the loads i~,posed on the spine, The
usc or the salllc calculations to compule the loads
r a lever ann (L...) of 25 em, creating a forward-bending

produced when an 80 kg objcct is lifted (represent-
ff, moment of 112.5 Nm (450 N x 0.25 m), Thus, the total
ing a force of 800 N) yields an approximate load o
~: forward-bending moment in Case 2 is 192.5 Nm (1125

10,000 N on the dise, which is likely to exceed thc
fracture point of the vertebra. Because athletes who
lift wcights can easilv reach such calculated loads
without sustaining fr~ctures, other factors, such as
intra-abdominal p~-essurc (lAP), may be .involved in
reducinrr thc loads on the spine in vivo (Krajcarsk
t et aI., 1999),


Almost all mol ion in lhe body increases muscle rc
<:r'=i~-A-=-::t=-=-i cl'uitmcnt and the loads on the spine. This increase
J is modest during such aclivities as slow walking
or casy twisting but becomes morc marked during
450 N variou's exercises and the coqlplexity or dynamic
movement and dynamic loading (Nachclllson &
Elfstrom, 1970),

In a study of normal walking at four speeds, the

200 N
compressive loads at the L3-L4 mOlion segmen
rangcd from 0.2 to 2.5 limes body weight (Fig
10-19) (Cappozzo, 1984), Thc loads were maxima
Talal fo"vard- Tolallorward- around loe-off and increased approximatel~1 lin
bending moment bending moment

= 69 Nm = 192,5 Nm early with walking speed. Muscle .action was
mainly concentrated in the trunk extensors. Incli
11 Calculation Box Calculation Box
Figure 10-2-1. figure 10-2-2. vidual walking trailS. parlicularly the amount o
forward flcxion of the trunk, influenced thc loads
i $---------"-~---_.
The Technique Employed During Lifting Influences the Loads
on the Lumbar Spine
In the three situations shown in Calculation Box Figures total forward bending moment of 151 Nm(f200 N x
10-3-1, 10-3-2. and 10-3-3, an identical object weighing + 1450 N x 0.18 m!).
20 kg is lifted. Case 1 (upper body flexed forward) (Caleula- Case 3 (Cal(l,lIalion Box Fig. 10-3-3) shows that be
tion Box Fig. 10-3-1) is identical to Case 2 in Calculation Box knees per se do not decrease the forward-bending mo
10-2, v~here ttle total fONJarcl-bending moment is 192.5 Nm. If the object lifted is held out in front of the knees, the
In Case 2 (Calculation Box Fig. 10- 3-2), lifting with the arm of the force produced by the weight of the objec
knees bent and the back straight places the object closer to creases to 50 ern. and [he lever arm of the ierce produ
the trunk, decreasing the forwclrd-bending moments. The the weight of the upper body (L..:) increases to 25 em.
lever arms of the forces produced by the weight of the object tile total forwarcj-bending moment created is 212.5 N
(U and Lipper body IL,) are shortened 10 35 and 18 em, re- 1{200 N x 0.5 mj ... 1450 N x 0.25m!).
spectively. at this point in the lifting process. The result is a


200 N 200 N

Total Total Total

forwardbending forward-bending forward-bending
moment = 192.5 Nm moment = 151 Nm moment =: 212.5 Nm
Calculation Box Calculation Box Calculation Box
Figure 10-31. Figure 10-3-2. Figure 10-3-3.

The greater this flexion, the larger the muscle pressive jomt loading and EMG outpu
forces and hcncc the compressive load. Callaghan creased lumbar spine motions. 1n conc
et al. (1999) corroborated lhese findings and fur- cause of low tissue loaeling, walking is
ther showed that walking cadence affects lumbar perhaps ideal therapeutic exercise ror
loading, with increased anterior-posterior shear low back pain (Callaghan et al" 1999) w
forces noted as speed increased. Limiting arm tion to speed of walking can further
swing during walking resulled in increased com- spinal loads (Cheng ct al" 1998)_

Diagram Technique for Coplanar Forces. Calculation
the Static Loads on the Spine As an Object Is Lifted

loads on cl lumbar disc I,'iill be calculilled for on,! point in tim[' 't/hen a NUJ to be posit]>,'e and counterciochvis(' moments are considered to
cer50n who weighs 70 kg lifts a 20 kg obj!'ct The spin' is flexed ilpprW.i. negeltl'/e.i
, 35 In this example, the three priflclpdl forces ,Kling on the lurnl)ilf
allhe lurnbosilual le'lei ilfe: (1) HK force produced by \1',(' ','ieight 01
:::: r,il 0
upper body (Wi. Ciilculat.:d to be ':50 N (approxin\ille!y 65",0 of the
{\,V :< L<..J (P >:U - iE >.: L) 0
exerted by lhe IOtal body weigh!); (2) tile fOlce produced b~i the
of the object (Pl, 200 N; "neJ (3) trw force produced by contraction
(450 N ;.; 0,25 m) " (200 N >: DAm) \t ;.: 0.05 m) 0
E ;.: 0,05 rn 112.5 Nrn -;- 80 1~m
the erector spinae muscles (El, which has a kno':m direction anel point of
ap,al",,'''''' but an unknQl,W1 magnitude (Calculi1lion Box Fig. 1O4Al) Solving this equation for E yields 3.850 N
Because these three forces <let at a distance from the center of motion Th!: to",1 compre~~!'/e force exe!led on the disc (Cl can now be calcu-
in the spine, they crcate moments in the lurntBr spille, Two fOPNard-ber:(j lawd trigonof1,etricaliy (Calculation Box Fig. 10cIA-2). in the example, C is
in,) moments (\iVl:,_ cl!ld PL,) are the products of (V{: and (Pi and the perpen- lhe sum of lhe compressive forCi':s "cLng O'lel the disc. '.vhich is inclined
diculars from the instanl center of rOIMion to the lines of action of these to the triirlSVelSe pldfle These forces are
fc,rces (,heir lever Mms), The le'/er arm (L'J for (Pl is 0.<1 III and the !e'/er arm
The compressive force produced by the weight of the upper body
(L,,) for (W) is 0.25 m. f\ counterbalanCing moment (ELi is the product of
(W:-: cos 35).
(V'/), \'ihich acts on the disc inclined 35'0
lEi and Its lever arm, The lever elm: (l) is 0,05 m, TIl(' fI1agnitude of (E) CiJll
2 The force producHJ by the '.veight of the object (Pl, which acts on
b~~ found tilrough the use of the equilibriufI1 equa,ion for moments, For ,he
the disc inclined 35" (P '< cos 35"')
kJdy to be in moment equilibrium, the sum of the moments aCiing on the
3 Th;;,: fOlce produced by ,he erector spinae muscles (E), 'i,hich acts ap-
;u:nbar spine must be zeo (In ihis example. cloch'!ise morm,nts "re consid-
proxirn,w.:ly at il right angle to the diSC inclination.

The totdi compressive fOlce acting on the disc (C) has a known sense,
point of ilppliciltion, dnd line of iKlion but an unknown magnitude. The
n:dgnllude of C (an bt": ioundlflrough H\e use of the eq\Jiiibriurn 0quation
for forces For the body to be in force eqUilibrium, the sum of the forces
must b(, .-,qual to zero
Force W (450 N) Thus,
:::: forces a
Force C (v') :-: cos 35") ,. (P: cos 35") .. E C
(magnitUde Force P (200 N) (';501'-1 ;.: cos 3S~) .c. (200 N ;.: cos 35") -'. 3850 N ." C ;co 0
C 368.5 N .;. 163,8 N 3850 1'J
f I \,
L-! Force S Solving the equation for C yields 'U82 1'1
\, \ l'
\ \ C '" 4382 N (magnitude The shear component for the reaction force on the disc (S) is found in the
~P S 373 N unknown) same'i/ay

Calculation Box Calculation Box {450 ~J '.,: sin 35") ;, {ZOO N :': sin 35") _. S ,'.
Figure 104A~1. Figure 10-4A-2. 373 N


Free~Body Diagram Technique for Coplanar Forces. Calculation

of the Static Loads on the Spine As an Object Is Lifted

8ecause C and S form" right angle (Calculation 'Box Fig 10481). the
Forco S 35 Pythagorean theorem can be used !O fin,J the towl reaction force on the disc (Rt
85 35 Forco W Force P {R'I vc .;. s;'
j R 4398N
. ; ; Forco R
Forco The direction of (R) is determined by means of a trigonometric function:
Forco<;!/ .

/ sin h) '" CJR

/ FOTeo E (tt) '" archsin (ClR) ;co 85" where (t,) is the angle belween lhe total vecto
force on the disc and the disc inc!ina,ion

/ The problem can be graphically solved by COlf5trUCling a v0ctor diagram

b"sed on the knQ'.'m values (Calcul,llion Box Fig, 10-482), A venicalline repre
35 senting (V'l) ,-;. (P) is drawn first; (EJ is added at a right angle to the disc inclina
Calculation Box Calculation Box tion, and (R) closes ,he triangle. The direction of (R) in relation to the disc
Figure 10-48-1. Figure 10~4B2. termined
Walking Speed is recolllmended for c:\ercise that an initial posi
Slow (1.05 mfsec 1) that h:eps the \"e["IL'hr~IL' in a 1l1Orc parallL'1 alignn
Normal (1.38 m/sec' l ) is preferahle \"hen stn.:ngthcning e:\L'rcises for
LTector spinae IllLlscles ~\re performed (Fig. 10-2(
Fast (1.72 m/sec' l )
The importance of the ahdorninal muscles
Very fast (2.16 mfsec 1) spinal stahilit.' and inlL'rpla.\" in the production
lAP reinforces the need ror strong ahdorninal l
ors. Sit-ups arc a userul exercisc ror ahdcllll
:c0> rnusclc strengthening, wilh man." vari:'\lions p
ffi 2
;;: ticed and cncOllraged by health prol"cssionals,
>- cerlain vari:'l1ions arc viewed as hannflll to the
"In0 back. Although the most common belief has h
<5 that sit-ups with the knees llexed and fed ll

E chored will emphasize the abdominal contribut

f- while minirnizing psoas acti\"it." (.JukeI' et aI., 19
~ this is not true. Both bent knee and straight leg
ups will producL' comparable le\"L'ls of PSO~\s and
domin~d aClivit.\", crealing c(lmpressivc spinal lo
0 ing. Curl-ups, in which the head and shoulders
LHS RHS LHS raised onl.\" to the point where the shoulder bla

clear the l<.lble and lumb<.lr spinL' motion is m
mi!.ed (F'ig. 1021) and ortell emphasized in rehab
20 40 60 80 100
tation programs, arc recommended for minimiz
Percentage of Cycle
compressi\"L' lumbar loading (A,der &. l\-!cGil!. 1
Jukcr L't aI., I (98). This modilic<'ltion of the exen
has been shown to be cl"fecti\'c in terms or Illotor
Axial load on the L3~L4 motion segment in terms of body recruitment in the muscles (F.kllOlm el aI., 1
weight for one subject during walking at four speeds. The Flint, 1965; Partridge &. \\'alters, 1959); all port
horizontal line (UBW) denotes the weight of the upper 01' the external oblique and rcctus abdolninis rnus
body, which represents the gravitational component of <.lre activated. Sit-ups with feet unanchored, legs
this load. Loads were predicted using experimental data vated, or tOI"SO twisting do not significantl.v incre
from photogrammetric measurements along with a biome-
abdorninal muscle <.lclivit." (AxleI' &: J'dcGill, 1997)
chanical model of the trunk. LHS, left heel strike; RHS,
lirnit the psoas activity, <.l reverse curl, wherein
right heel strike. Adapted with permission from Cappozzo, A.
(1984), Compressive toads in the lumbar vertebral column dur-
knees arc brought t()\vard the chest and the butto
ing normal level walking. J Orthop Res, 1, 292. <.lre raised I"rom the table, aetivalL's the internal
external oblique rnuscles the reclus abdom
muscle (P<.\rtridge &: \Vahers, 1959), If the rev
curl is perrormcd isometricall.v. the disc pressur
EXERCISES lower than that produced during a sit-up, bUl the
During strengthening exercises for the erector ercise is just as effective for strengthening the
spinae and abdominal muscles, the loads on the dominal rnuscles (Fig. IO~22l. It can he conclu
spine can be high. Although such exercises must be that no single :.Ilxlominal exercise C<.m optimall.v t
effective for strengthening the trunk muscles con~ ~dl tnmk flexors while minimizing intervertebral j
cerned, they should be performed in such a wa:\' that loading. Instead, a \'aried program must he
the loads on the spine are adjusted to suit the con- scribed, tailored to the training objectives of the
dition of the individual. dividual (;hler & McGill, 1997).
The erector spinae muscles are intensely activated \Vhen designing a back strengthening cxer
by arching the back in the prone position (Fig. progr:'llll, the most import:.lnt consider:.ltion is
IO-20A) (Pauly, 1966). Loading the spine in extreme conclusion drmvn bv the Paris Task Fo
positions such as this one produces high stresses on (Abenh:.lim et al., 2(00). The guidelines set forth
spine structures, in particular the spinous process clude recommendations that exercise is benefi
(Adams et aI., 1988). Although intradiscal pressure for subacute and chronic low Inlck pain, No par
in a prone position with upper bod)' support on the ular group or t~'pe of exercises has bcen shown t
elbows is halF that in standing (Wilke et aI., 1999), it most efTccti\c.

A, Arching the back in the prone position greatly activates the erector spinae muscles but
also produces high stresses on the lumbar discs, which are loaded in an extreme position.
B, Decreasing the arch of the back by placing a pillow under the abdomen allows the discs
to better resist stresses because the vertebrae are aligned with each other. Isometric exer-
.> cise in this position is preferable.






Performing a curl to the point where only the shoulder A reverse curl, isometrically performed, provides efficient
blades dear the table minimizes the lumbar motion and training of the abdominal muscles and produces moderat
hence the load on the lumbar spine is less than when a stresses on the lumbar discs. The relative loads on the thir
full sit-up is performed. A greater moment is produced if lumbar disc during a full sit-up and an isometric curl are
the arms are raised above the head or the hands are compared with the load during upright standing, depicted
clasped behind the neck, as the center of gravity of the as 100%. Adapted with permission from Nachemson, A. (1975
upper body then shifts farther away from the center of Towards a better understanding of back pain: ~ review of the
motion in the spine. mechanics of the lumbar disc. Rheumatol Rehabil, 14. 129.

........ ... . ".~- ey,.

MECHANICAL STABILITY cles. [lS unloading mechanism was first propos
OF THE LUMBAR SPINE Banelink in 1957 and I\-torris et al. in 1961.
suggested that lAP serves as a "pressurized ba
i\tlechanical stability for the lumbar spine can be
altempling lO separate the diaphragm and
achieved through several means: lAP, coconlrac-
noor (Fig, 10-23, A & B), This creates an ext
lion of the tnlllk muscles, external support, and
moment that decreases lhe compl-essio!1 forc
surgery. Surgical procedures for lumbar spine sta-
lhe lumbar discs_ The extensor moment pro
bility will not be covered in this section.
by TAP has been calculaLCd in several biomecha
models, with widely varying resulting reductio
extensor moment from 10 to 400;' of the ex
Intra-Abdominal Pressure
load (Anderson et at .. 1985; Chaffin, 1969; Eic,
lAP is one mechanism that may contribute to both Lander et al .. 1986; Morris et aI" 1961).
unloading and stabilization of the lumbar spine. Recent studies using fine-wire EMG o
.IAP is the pressure created within the abdominal deeper abdominal muscles found that the tran
cavity by a coordinated contraction of the di- sus abdominis is the primary abdominal musc
aphragm and the abdominal and pelvic floor mus- sponsible for lAP generation (Cresswell,


140 Force ."

120 .......
-lbs- --::._.

80 Respiratory flow
Abdominal Positive n:--~ Inlraabdominal
cavity 60 values = Inspiralion pressure
: -mmHg-
40 values=expiralion

20 r \r- !

Line of lorce ",,'

0 lime



A, Schematic illustration of the effect of intra-abdominal pres- values delineate expiration and positive values delineat
sure. An increased pressure will create an extension moment ration). Note that the subject inspires before the lift an
on the lumbar spine. B, Intra-abdominal pressure (lAP) (mea- the breath throughout the lift. lAP increases and peaks
sured by a nasogastric microtip transducer) and respiratory gether with the lifting force. helping to stabilize and un
flow (measured through a Pneumotach) during stoop lift of the lumbar spine. (ourtesy of Markus Pieuek, MD and Mar
120 lbs. (approximately 60 kg). Solid line, lAP; dotted line, Hagins PI: MA. Program of Ergonomics and Biomechanics, N
force exerted in lbs; dashed line, respiratory flow (negative York. UniversiC'j and Hospital for Joint Diseases, New York, Ny
Cresswell el aI., 1994a; Cresswell eL aI., 1992; Loss of spine stabilit~. . can be achieved throug
Hodges cl aI., 1999). As the transversus abdominis repetitive loading. This can be achieved throug
is ho.-izontally oriented. it creates compression and repetitive continuous motions that fatigue th
an incre,lSC in lAP withollt an accompanying flexor trunk muscles. l\tlusclc endurance is mechanicall
moment. A recent experimental study gave the.firsl defined as the point at which fatigue of the mus
direct evidence ror a trunk extensor moment pro- cles is observable. usually through a change i
duced by eleva Led lAP (Hodges el aI., 2000), movement pauern. Parnianpour ct al. (1988) use
It has been demonstrated that the lAP con- an isoinenial triaxial device to study force outpu
tributes LO the mechanical stability of the spine and movement patterns when subjects performe
through a co-activation between the antagonistic a flexion and extension rnovemcnt of the trunk un
lrunk lIexor and extensor muscles (Cholewicki et aI., til exhaustion. The results showed that with fa
1997, 1999a,b; Gardner-Morse & Stokes, 1998). As tigue, coupled motion increased in the coronal an
the abdominal musculature contracts, JAP increases transverse planes during the Oexion and extensio
and converts the abdornen into a rigid cylinder that movement. In addition, torque. angular excursion
greatly increases stability as compared with the and angular velocity of the motion decreased. Th
muhisegmenlcd spinal column (ivlcGiII & Norman. reduction in the functional capacity of the f1exion
1987; Morris et al.. 1961). extcnsion muscles was compensated for by sec
lAP increases during both stalic and dynamic ondary Illuscle groups and led to an increascd cou
conditions such as lifting and lowering, running Hncl pIc motion pattern that is morc injury prone
jumping, and unexpected trunk perturbations Figure 10-24, A & B shows the increase in axial ro
(Cresswell el aI., 1992; Cresswell et aI., 1994b; Cress- tation (torque and position) during flexion and ex
well & Thorslcnsson, 1994; Harman et aI., 1988). tension of the trunk until exhaustion.
Current research suggests that the transversus ab~ In an animal study, Solol11onow ct al. (1999) in
clominis muscle, together with the diaphragm, plays duced laxity of the spine in the ligaments, discs
an important role in stabilizing the spine in prepa- and joint capsule by' cyclic repetitive loading of fc
ralion for limb movement, regardless of the direc- line in vivo lumbar spines. The cyclic loading re
tion in which n1QVement is anticipated. Transversus sulted in desensitization of the mechanoreceptor
abdominis and diaphragmatic activity appear to oc- with a significant decrease or complete elilnina
cur independently, prior to activity of the primary tion of reflexive stabilizing contractions of th
limb mover or the other abdominal muscles multifidus muscle. This may lead to increased in
(Hodges eL al.. 1997, 1999). stability of the spine and a lack of protective mus
cular activity even before muscular fatigue is ob
sen/cd. A IO-minute rest period restored the mus
Trunk Muscle Co-Contraction cular activity to approximately 250/0.
To understand the phenomenon or co-contraction
during trunk loading, Krajcarski et al. (1999) stud-
External Stabilization
ied the in vivo muscular response to perturbations
at two rates causing a rapid flexion moment. The Restrict.ion of motion at any level of the spine ma
results of maximum trunk flexion angles and re- increase motion at another level. The usc of bac
sulting extensor moments were compared. The re- belts as a means of preventing low back injury re
sults showed that with higher levels, co-contraction, mains controversial. Originally it was believed t
spine compression. and trunk muscle stiffness in- assist in increasing lAP as a way of unloading th
crease. During unexpected loading, a 70% in- spine during lifting; however, inconclusive ev
crease in muscle activity has been noted as com- dence exists as to the biomechanical effectivenes
pared with anticipated loading, which may lead of these devices (Perkins & Bloswick, 1995). Th
to injury (Marras et al.. 1987). Further investiga- National "Institute for Occupational Safety an
tion into the loading response has revealed that Health has advised against the use of back belts L
an inverse relationship (i.e .. the shorter the warn- prevent low back injuries (NIOSH, 1994). As wel
ing time, the greater the peak trunk muscle re- an orthotic worn lo restrict lhoracic and lumba
sponse) exists between peak muscle response and motion may result in compensatory motion at th
warning time prior to loading (Lavender ct a\., lumbosacral level (Lumsden & Morris, 1968
1989). Norton & Brown, 1957; Tuong et aI., 1998).
, 78.3

J\I\I~I~\~I\ llmlm 1111111 Ill\/II\

~ 7.9

!i~i I~i~

58.6, -'::======::;:======::;====================~


21.6 ;111111 III I1II1



- 15.4 +--.,--
, 'I'-'I--''--'--Ir-,TI--...,--,-
- 1+-i-.....-r-1T,- ,I-"--""I-,rl
0.1 9.3 18.4 27.5 36.6 45.7 54.7
ROlation Torque and Position vs. Time



, 13.3
'i'" 7.0
Q. 0.7

- 5. 1 -!--,----,-.-,.--...,--,-.,..--,----,-.-,.--...,--,-.,..--,----,-'-.-,.--...,--,,-.,..--,----,--I
0.1 9.3 18.4 27.5 36.6 45.7 54.7

Dynamic (isoinertial) flexion-extension trunk testing until Data for lateral flexion was similar to axial rotation a
exhaustion for one subject. Torque and position data is de- not shown here. Adapted with permission .from Parnianp
picted for two planes, flexion-extension (A) and axial rota- M .. Nordin. M.. Kahclnovitz, N.. er al. (1988). The rriaxial
tion (B). Note that flexion-extension torque production is coupling 0; torque generarion of trunk muscles during iso
diminishing as is the amount of performed extension of ric exertions and the effect of fatiguing isoinercial movem
the trunk (A). Rotational torque and movement amplitude, on the motor outpur and movemeor pc1tterns. Spine. 13(9
increased accessory motion, and torque is shown in B. 982-992
Investigation into the effect of back bells on on the spine to bc minimized during lifting, the d
muscle activity has revealed no significant EMG tance bL'lween the trunk and thc object lifted shou
activity differences in the back extensors during be as short as possible.
Iifling with or withoul a back bell (Ciriello & 10 lAP and co-contraction of trunk musculatu
Snook. 1995; Lee & Chen. 1999), while McGill el al. increases the slability of the spinal column.
(1990) showed slightly increased EMG aClivily in
the abdominal (except for the intel'l1al oblique 1/1' Trunk muscle fatigue may expose the spine
l11uscles) and erector spinae muscles. Thomas et '.11. increased vulnerability as a result of loss of' mot
(1999) have verified a slight increase in EMG ac- control and thereby increased stress on the su
tivity (2(10) in the erector spinae during symmetric rounding ligaments, disc, and joint capsules.
lifting wilh a back belt. Back bells have not been ,12 vValking is an excellent exercise thai poses
shown to significantly increase Iifling capacity low load on the lurnbal' spine.
(Reyna el aI., 1995).

Summary Abt.:nhairn, L., Rossignol. ~'t., V~dal. J.P., l't a1. (2000). Thc r
of acti\'ily in the tht.:r:q1clllic management of back pa
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plex structure_ 5pinc. 25. IS.
Ad~lillS, M.A. Dolan, P.. & 1lutlon W.e. (1988). The lum
2 A vertebra-disc-vertebra unit constitutes a mo- spin\.' in b~tChnlrd blnding. Spille. 13. 1019
lion segment, the [unctionalunit of the spine. Atbms. ~L\. & Hulton, W.C. (19831. The 1lll.:ch;lIlicill fu
tions of Ihe lumbar apophyst.\ljoints. Spil/e. 8, 327.
, 3" The intervertebral disc scrves a hydrostatic Alkn, C.E.L (1948). i\lusdc action potenlials used ill
function in the motion segmcnt, storing energy and sludy of dynamic analolll~', 13r J Phy.~ Jtcd, 11,66.
distributing loads. This function is reduced with Anders()Jl, C.K., Chaffin, D.B., Hcrrin, G.D .. ct :11. (1985)
disc dcgeneration. biolllcchanical model of the lumbosacral joint during l
ing ~\cli\'ities. J BiollH'dllllllI.:S. 18, 57.
~:"4 The primary function of the facet joint is to :\lHkl'sson. E.A .. Oddsson, L.I.E .. Grundstrom, 1-1., ct
guide the motion of the mOlion segment. The orien- (1996). E;\'lG acti\'ities or thl' qlladnHlIs lumborum ~
tation of the facets determines the type of motion erector spinae musdes during flexion-relaxation and ot
motor lasks. CJinial! Bio1llcdUlllics, J J, 392.
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Biomechanics of th
Cervical Spin
Ronald Mosko

Component Anatomy and Biomechanics
Osseous Structures
Intervertebral Discs
Mechanical Pmperties
Intervertebral Discs
Neural Elements
Range of Motion
Surface JOint Motion
Coupled Motion of the Cervical Spine
Atlantoaxial Segment
Subaxial Spine
Abnormal Kinematics
Spinal Stability
Occipitoatlantoaxial Complex
$ubaxial Cervical Spine
Applied Biomechanics
Cervical Spine Fixation
Biomechanics of Cervical Trauma
Airbag Injuries
Whiplash Syndrome

I References


il1Lh"'d,~.,%>. mLdi.
arc five t.'pical cervical vertebrae, C3-C7, which arc
Introduction sirnilar in structure and function.
The spine has four curves when viewed in the
Knowledge of spinal biomechanics advanced expo-
sagiual plane. The celvical and lumbar regions arc
nentially during the second half of the twentieth
convex anteriorly (lordotic), while the thoracic and
centlll)'. A two-column model of the spine was de-
sacra) regions are convex posteriorly (k)iphotic).
scribcd by Sir Frank HoldswOIth (1963) and, latel; a
The lordotic curves develop after birth as the in-
lhree-column model by Denis (1983), further refin-
fant's spine straightens out, which facilitates devel-
ing the principle or spinal stability. The computer
opment of a bipedal posture. Although there is a
age has produced powerful methods For modern
hiomcchanical modeling, the promise being the
ability to assess the slnbility of n construct prior to
implantation. Today. the application of cendcal bio-
mechanical knowledge spans many inclustl'ies and
supports improved medical diagnoses and treaL-
ment that is more effective. Future technological Cl (atlas)
and electronic advances will continue to build on
basic biomechanical principles, many of \\:hich will C2 (axis)
be outlined in this chnpter.

Component Anatomy and

Biomechanics C7

The exquisite design of the cervical spine uniquely
contributes to the structure of the human body and
profoundly enhances its function. The cervical
spine supports the skull and acts as a shock ab-
sorber for the brain. It also facilitates the transfer
of weights and bending moments of the hend. It
protects the brainstem, spinal cord, and various Uncovertebral
neurovascular SU'UClures as they transit the neck
nnd when they enter and exit the skull. The verte- Intervertebral
bral column also provides a multitude of muscle disc
and ligamentous attachments for complex move- Tracheal
ment and stability. The neuromuscular control af- air shadOw
forded by the muscle ntlnChmenls combined with
the numerous articulations of the cervical spine al- C7
lows for a wide range of physiological motion that
maximizes the range of motion of the head and
neck and serves to integrate the head with the rest
of the body and the environment. B
The spine consists of 33 vertebrae divided into
five regions: cervical (7) (Fig. II-I), thoracic (12),
lumbar (5), sncml (5 fused segments), nnd coccvgeal
(approximately 4). The two most cranial vertebrae, A, lateral roentgenogram of the cervical spine. Note the
Cl (atlas) and C2 (axis). [Ire atypical. with a unique lordosis. The facet joints are aligned obliquely only to the
structural role in the articulation between the head frontal or <oronal plane; hence, their excellent visualiza-
and the cervical spine. The atlanta-occipital joint, tion in the lateral view. a, Anteroposterior view of the <er
vical spine.
bel ween CI and the oecipital bone of the skull, is
also a functional part of [he cervical spine. There


> QJ- ._
harmonious progression of these curves from one to sagittal range of motion of the cervical spine.
another, which may help distribute stresses and Cl-C2 articulation is the joint primaril.\-' respon
strains, injuries occur more commonly at the jllnc~ for rotation in the cel'Vical spine.
tional areas because of differences in the relative The atlas, or C 1, is a bon.\-' ring consisting o
stiffness of each anatomical segment of the spine. anterior ;:\lld posterior arch that is attached to
The physical structure of the anatomical elements two !;:\terallnasses of the atlas (Fig. 11~2). Th
modulates from the cervical to the sacral region in pcrior surfaces or the latent! rnasses, which
relation to the segmental function. crani<:dly <:md inward, form an <:\rticulation with
The lordosis in the cervical spine, like that in the caudally and clutward-facing occipital cond.\-'l
lumbar spine, is maintained predoI1linantl:v b.v the skull (Fig. 11-3). E.xtension ()f the occipit
slightl)' wedge-shaped intervertebral discs that arc vical joint is limited by' the bon.\-' <:uwt()!ll.v; fle
larger anteriorly' than posteriorly. In contradistinc- is lirnited prirnaril.\-' by ligarneluous structures
tion, thoracic kyphosis is maintained largely.' by the tectorial mernbrane, and the longitudinal fibe
vertebral bodies themselves; because the posterior the crucifonll ligarnent as well as by the post
portion of the thoracic vertebral body is larger than ligaments (Figs. 11 ~4 and 11 ~5). The anterio
the anterior portion, there is a relative kyphosis of berek' on the <:llTh of C I serves <:lS <:In attachm
the thoracic spine. for the longus colli muscle, a flexor of the n
The conceptual biomechanical building block of The posterior arch of the atlas is a modified lar
the spinal colunln is the Functional spinal unit or that is grooved on its superior surface for the
motion segment. It consists of two adjacent verte- sage or the vertebral arteries as the.v enter
brae and the intervening intervertebral discs and lig~ the fClrarnen magnum after piercing tile post
aments between the vertebrae. These ligaments arc ntlanto~(lccipital nlelllbl"ane.
the anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments; Simi!;:\r to the occipitocel'Vical junction, the
the intertransverse, interspinous, and supraspinous 11() intervertdJral disc betwecn Cl and C2. Stab

ligaments; and the facet capsular ligaments. As a re~ at this levcl is thus predicated on intact ossco
suit of the different functional demands of the vari- l1lentclus structurcs. The articulation between
ous parts of the spinal column, segmental variation and C2 is primaril.\-' specialized for rotation.
is expressed by! changes in the size and shape of the bod.\-' of C2 projects superiorly to fOlTn the odon
vertebrae, the anatomy of the discoligamentous process, or dens (Fig. 11 ~6). The projection o
structures, and the alignment and structure of the bod.\-' or C2 and the dens has a characteristic ob
facet joints. appearance on lateral cervical radiographs an
Biological structures behave differently than do
common engineering materials. Collagenous tissues Superior articular Facet for dens.
exhibit both viscoelastic and anisotropic behavior. facet on anterior arch
Viscoelastic properties are rate~dependent (time-
dependent) behaviors under loading that are seen in Orig
both bone and soft tissues; mechanical strength in- tran
creases \vith increased rates of loading. Anisotropy liga
is the alteration in mechanical properties that is
seen \vhen bone is loaded along different axes.
Anisotropic behavior occurs as a result of the dis-
similar longitudinal and transverse microstructure.

Osseous Structures vertebral artery
The occipul-CI-C2 complex comprises the upper
cervical spine and is responsible for approxilnately on posterior arch
40% of cenrical flexion and 60% of cervical rotation. I
The occipital condyles articulate with the slightly DmI'---- " "__" ~
concave lateral masses of the atlas. The primary
Illotion permitted by this articulation is flexion and
extension, accounting for a large portion of the 1 Bony architecture of the atlas. Bar 1 C111.
condyle ,r--__ OcciputC1

Transverse Dens

Lateral mass facel joint
of Cl

Lateral mass

The open-mouth radiograph demonstrates the occiput-(l and the atlantoaxial articula-
tions. Note the symmetric spacing between the lateral masses of (1 and the dens. Asym-

metry or widening of these spaces may occur after rotatory disturbances or fractures of
the (1 ring .


Anterior Posterior

Superficial layer of
tectorial membrane
ligament Tectoria! membrane
I 01 dens
! Ant:~~~
I of alias ",,","u
I ~-
Dens of axis -t;~ffB~ll
ligament ~~~~y.. . @0
Anterior ~~
)'., -.:,::(-'\ ~..
I atlantoaxial
I ligament
Flexion Extension

I interv~~:bral
Anlerior Tracings of lateral flexion and extension radiographs
1 ing the occiput, el, (2. and (3. The substantial relati
ligament Posterior
longitudinal motion between the occiput, (1. and (2 can be seen
Body of C3 ligament Large arrows indicate the direction of motion_ Small
rows indicate that approximation of the posterior ele
ments limit occipitocervical extension. In contradistin
maximum flexion is controlled by tautness of the Iiga
Median sagittal section through the occipital bone and the ments. Reprinred with permission {rom MoskoviclJ, R. & J
first three cervical vertebrae showing the articulations and D.A (1999). Upper (eNica/spine instrlJmellt<11ion, Spine:
surrounding ligaments. of tIle Art Reviews. 13(2), 233-253.
disc, The cCryiC~IJ \'crtebral hod,\" is o\'ul-slJaped
is widl.:l" mediolaLerally Lhan <:Illtcropostcriorl:",
(odontoid transverse pnlcL'ssCS or the cervical spin\,.' arl' uni
process) in thaI Lhe,Y all contain a lr~Hlsn:rse foramen for
Spinal canal passage of thc vertebral a ncr:', Tl\\"~ transv
processes or the suba:xial c(~r\'ical \'('ncbr~\e h
two projections, lhe alllerior and p(Jstcl'ior tu
Superior Spinous cit's. which serve as allilChl11\,.'nt points for ante
facet process and poslcriOl- lTluscles, respectively, The large a
rior tubercle of C6, rt'fcrrcd to as the carotid tu
cle, can be an important surgicallandmal'k, The
peric>!' surract;.' 01' the lrans\,\,.'l'se proc~ss provid
groove for the exiling nerve root.
lransversarium Inferior facet Each pedicle connecLs the vl".ncbral bod~! to a
lcm eral mass, that portion of bone containing lh~ s
rior and inferior facets, The facct joints n.::gulatc
mO\'l".'ll1entsor the spine and pla~- a c.:ritical rol
spinal slabilit~" Those 01' the cervical spine are orie
The axis vertebra, or (2. The superior facet articulation at approxirnatd~' 45'~ to the coronal pbne and arc
permits multiplanar motion while the inferior facet is cated in the sagittal plane (Figs, 11-8 and 11-9),
aligned to articulate with a more typical cervical facet, orientation allows grc(l(('r anlounts of flexion t
which is more constrained. There is a smooth surface on
does latl".'ral bending or rotation in the cl.;.'lyical sp
the front of the dens for articulation with the anterior
The facet joims resist most of lhe shear forces and
ring of (1. Bar>:: 1 em.
proximalL'!:' 16l.:!r; of lhe compressi\"c forces acting
the spine (Adams & I-lutton, 1980). The laminae
arise from the lalcral masses, Tht' IaLeral rnHSS\,.'S h
important surgical implications in tht: subaxial ce
often a helpful anatomical landmark. The dens ar- cal spine because they conwin a relativel:' l
ticulates with and is restrained within a socket amount 01" bone and are easil~' accessible for the pl
formed by the transverse ligament of CI and the an-
terior arch of C1. The transverse ligaments run from
the anterior arch of C I. behind the dens, and pre-
vent anterior translation of Clan C2. The other lig-
aments at the CI-C2 articulation are the alar, apical,
and accessory alar ligaments. The alar ligaments,
which are symmetrically placed on both sides of the
dens, attach the dens to the occiput to prevent ex- Groove
cessive rotation. The left alar ligament prevents facet
for spinal
right rotation and vice versa, To some extent, the nerve Super
alar ligaments also act to limit motion during side
bending (Dvorak & Panjabi, 1987). The apical liga- Pos
ment also connects the dens to the occiput. tube
Unlike the 1\\'0 most cranial vertebrae, the Anteri
anatomy of the third through the sixth cervical ver-
tebrae is similar (Fig. I 1-7). These fOUl" cervical ver-
tebrae consist of a body, two pedicles, two lateral process
masses, two laminae. and a spinous process, The
seventh cervical vertebra is slightly different in that
it has a transitional form, It is called the vertebra
prominens and has a larger spinolls process that is Superior view of a typical cervical vertebra, representa
not bifid like those of C3-C6. of (3-(6 ((7. the vertebra prominens. diHers slightly in
that it has a prominent nonbifid spinous process),
The anterior components of a subaxial cervical
motion segment are the vertebral bodies and the



Orientation of the facets of a typical cervical vertebra in
three planes. The facets are oriented at a 45" angle to the
transverse plane and the frontal plane, and are at right
angles to the sagittal plane. Y indicates the craniocaudal
axis. z the anteroposterior axis. and x the mediolateral
axis. Adapted '.t'lieh permission from White, A.A. 111 & Panjabi,
M.M. (1990). Cfinical Biomechanics oi the Spine. Pili/adelphia: Lateral photograph of a fourth and seventh cervical ver
1. B. Lippiflcort bra. The facet joint alignment is fairly close to 45 from

I the transverse plane. Note also the difference in size of

e the spinous processes, which are a reflection of the size
and importance of the muscle attachments_

menl of screws. as opposed lO the pedicles. which arc

difficult to cannulate sarelv in the neck.

The superior surfaces of the cervical vertebrae are
saddle-shaped because of the uncinate processes,
bony protuberances that aJ-ise from the lateral mar-
gins or the superior end plates (Fig. I 1-10). The un-
covertebral joints Uoints of Luschka) develop during
spinal maturation and pla~,/ an important biome-
chanical role with respect to kinetics and stability.

Intervertebral Discs
The intervertebral discs are highly specialized st11.1C-
tures that contribute up to one-third of the height of
the vertebral column and fmm specialized joints be-
tween the cartilaginous end plates of the adjacent
vertebral bodies. Activities such as running and
jumping apply short-duration, high-amplitude loads 1cm
to the intervertebral discs, whereas normal physical
activity and upright stance resuh in the application
of long-duration, low-magnitude loads to the disc.
Discs are able to withstand greater than normal loads Anterior view of a sixth cervical vertebra. The shorr arro
when compressive forces arc rapidly applied based indicate the uncinate processes and the Ic;mg arrow ind
on the biomechanical principles of viscoelasticity. cates the pathway of the sixth cervical nerve root. The
facet joints are located posteriorly. Bar = 1 em.
This propeny protects the disc /i'om catastrophic
failure until extremely high loads are applied.
The nucleus puiposlis is centrally locmed within
( ,./ pulposus
the disc and consists of almost 90% water in young Nucleus
individuals. The water content is highest at birth
and decreases to approximately 700/0 as the disc de-
generates with age. The rest of the nucleus pulposus
consists of protcoglycan and collagen, which is ex-
clusively type II collagen. Type II collagen fibrils are A
thought to be able to absorb compressive forces bet-
ter than type I collagen fibrils.
Prolcoglycans consist of a protein core auached
to polysaccharide (glycosaminoglycan) chains. The An
pol.vsaccharicles are either keratin sulfate or chon-
I Disc - ' fibe

droitin sulfate. The core protein, with its attached

polysaccharides, is aggregated to hyaluronic acid ~~~
through a link protein. The proteoglycans in th(: in-
tervertcbral discs are similar to those in articular
cartilage, except that the protcoglycans present in I
Schematic drawings of an intervertebral disc showing
[he intcl\'ertcbral discs have shorter polysaccharide
criss-cross arrangement of its fibers. A, Concentric lay
chains as well as shorter core proteins. The nucleus
of the annulus fibrosus are depicted as cut away to s
pulposlls contains more protcoglycan than does the the alternating orientation of the collagen fibers. B,
annulus fibroslis. \ith increasing age and disc de- layers of the annular fibers are oriented at a 30'" ang
generation. the lotal protcoglycan content decreases. the vertebral body and at 120 angles to each other.

The annulus fibrosus is the OtHer portion of the Acf,;pred '.-Vlil! permission l,om W;uw, AA. 111 c~ Pan,iabl. M
disc. Its water content is slighl1y less than that of the (l990} Clinical B!Drn~'dl,Hll(<' of the Sp:rl(' Pili/dcle/ph/a: I
nucleus, being only approximately 7810 \vater in Lippincor[
younger individuals. \-\lith age, the water content !
falls to approsimalely 70%, like that of the nucleus
pulposus in older persons. The annulus consists of
collagen that is arranged in approximately 90 con-
centric lamellar bands. The collagen fibers in these Cortical bone is stilll.'!" than cancellolls bone
shccts nll1 at approximately 30 0 to the disc or 1200 can withstand greater stresses before failure. \V
to each other in the adjacent bands. This unique ori- the strain in "h'o excl.;cds 2t:'(; of the originallen
entation confers strength to the annulus while per- conic::d bone l"1"<.tclLtrcs, but c<.tllcdlous bone
milling some nesibility (Fig. I I-II). The composi- withSland somewhat greater strains before fra
tion of the collagen in the annulus is approximately ing. The gr('.. ltl.~r abilit~ to withstand strain i
60% type II collagen and approsimately 40% type I cause of" the stl"uctUrt: of cancellous bon ... : its p
collagen. As the disc ages, the collagen undergoes it,v varies from 30 t() 9CY>" compared with con
irreducible cross-linking and the relative amount of bone with valuL's or 5 to 30%; (C~\rtcr & H
type 1 collagen increases, replacing type [[ collagen 1977). Vertebral corn pression strength incre
in the disc. from lhe upper cervical lo th(' lower lumbar k\
Bone strength decreases with age as a resu
[he de\'c1oplllcnt of osteoporosis. The mineral
MECHANICAL PROPERTIES tenl (If' vertebr~\e decreases with increasing age
relatively con::'1ant rale (Hansson & RODS,
Hansson et 411., 1980).;\ 25 cj{; (..crease in osseou
The mechanical properties of the bone and soft tis- suc results in a 1110re lhan a 500'0 tkcrcasc in
sues diffe!: Strength and stiffness and the relation of strength of the \"Crlchrac (Bell. 1967). BeC'lllSC
stress to strain are the key IT'lCchanical properties. cortical shell of a venchra is responsible for on1
Stress-strain curves are used to determine the rela- proximatcl.v 1(Y;',; 01" its strength during com
tive loading behavior of bone. Stress is the load per 'sion, good quality c~lIlcellotis bone is criticall~
unit area of a perpendicularly applied load. Strain is !Jorlant (McBroom e:t aI., 1985).
[he change in length per unit of original length, usu- \Vht,:.~n bone is loatk.'d in "h'o, contraction o
ally expressed as a percenlage. musclt:s attached [0 the bone can alt0r [he s

.ZiZY>_ .~" ). -~-"'>-- - ~." .
distribution in the bone. Bending moments are ap- in a neutral position or somewhat extended, and th
plied to the vertebral bodies during motions. During pre-stresses the disc to some degree and provid
lie.""", tensile stresses are applied to the posterior some intrinsic support to the spine (Nachemson
and compression to the anterior cortex of the Evans, 1968; Rolandcl~ 1966). The elastic properti
body. To perform lifting tasks, the back also assist in limiting the in\varcl buckling of the
are required to develop considerable forces ligaments during extension, which could potential
IS"hltltz et aI., 1982). Stresses in a typical cClvical compress the neural clements.
change from tensile to cornpressive in a re-
gion approximately 0.5 to I cn1 anterior to the pos-
~ longitudinal ligament (Pintar et al., 1995). As
is weaker and fails earlier in tension than in
compression, posterior paraspinal muscle contrac- Muscular strength and control is imperative
can decrease the tensile stress on bone by! pro- maintain head and neck balance. In the cervic
ducing a compressive stress that reduces or neutral- spine, muscle strength also has a role in reduci
izes the posterior cortical tensile stresses, allowing stresses on bones. Bending n10ments are applied
the vertebrae to sustain higher loads than would the vertebral bodies during various motions. Duri
othenvise be possible. However, bone will often fail flexion, tensile stresses are applied to the posteri
prior to damage occurring to the intervertebral disc cortex and compression to the anterior cortex of t
under compressive loading. Finite element model- vertebral body. Substantial loads on the eel-vie
ing of the cervical spine indicates that the increase spine have been calculated during neck flexion, pa
in end plate stresses may be the initiating factor for ticularly! in the lower cenrical motion segments.
failure of this component under compressive loads Harms-Ringdahl (1986) calculated the bendi
('loganandan et al., 1996a). moments generated around the axes of motion
the atlanta-occipital joint and the C7-TI moti
segment in seven subjects with the neck in five po
Intervertebral Discs tions: full tlexion, slight flexion, neutraL head u
right with the chin tucked in, and full extensio
Intenlertebral discs exhibit viscoelastic properties
The load on the junction between the occipital bo
(creep and relaxation) and hysteresis (Kazarian,
and C I was lowest during extreme extension (ran
1975). Creep occurs more slowly in healthy discs
ing from an extension moment of 0.4 Nm to a fle
than in degenerated or herniated discs, suggesting
ion moment of 0.3 Nm). It \vas highest during e
that degenerated discs are less viscoelastic in nature
treme flexion (0.9 to 1.8 Nm), but this was only
(Kazarian, 1972).
slight increase over that produced when the ne
was in the neutral position. The load on the C7-
motion segment was low with the neck in the ne
tral position but bccame even lower when the he
Clinical stability of the spine depends primarily on \vas held upright with the chin tucked in (rangi
the soft tissue components, especially in the cervi- from an extension m0111cnt of 0.8 Nm to a flexi
cal spine. The spinal ligaments are functional moment of 0.9 Nm). The load increased somewh
rnainly in distraction along the line of their fibers. during extreme extension (ranging from 1.1 to 2
Ligament strength and limited extensibility help Nm) and substantially during slight flexion (reac
maintain stability, especially around the craniocer- ing 3.0 to 6.2 Nm). The greatest loads \vere p
vic'll junction. The alar ligaments have an in vitro duced during extreme extension, with momen
strength of 200 N, and the transverse ligaments ranging from 3.7 to 6.5 Nm.
have an in vitro strength of 350 N (Dvorak et aI., In the same study, surface electrode electromyo
1988a). The strength of the ligaments is related to raphy was used to record activity over the erec
both the anatomical demands and the flexibility re~ spinae muscles of the cervical spine with the neck
quired, \vhich is a classic example of form follow- the same five positions described above. Intere
ing function. ingl}', the values obtained showed very low levels
The ligaments all have high collagen content ex- muscle activity for all positions, even during
cept for the ligamentum flavurn, which is exceptional treme flexion in which the flexion moment on t
in having a large percentage of elastin. The ligamen- C7-Tl motion segment increased n10re than thr
tum flavum is under tension even when the spine is fold over the neutral position. The fact that the e1
tromyographic levels over the neck extensors were
low in this and other studies (Founlain et aI., 1966;
Takebe et aI., 1974) suggests that the nexing mo-
ment is balanced by passive connective tissue SlILIC-
tures, such as the joint capsules and ligaments. This
phenomenon is seen in many other joints in which
passive support is provided by the ligaments.
The values for the moments computed by
Harms-Ringdahl (I986), howcvcr, are appmxi-
mately 10 % of the maximal values measured by
lvloroney and Schullz (1985) in 14 malc subjccts
who resisted maximal and submaximal loads
against the head while in an upright siuing posi-
tion. The mean maximal voluntary moments were
10 Nm during axial rotation or the cervical spine,
12 to 14 Nm during flexion and lateral bending, and
30 1m during extension. Calculation of the maxi-
mum (compressive) reaction forces on the C4-C5
motion segment ranged from 500 to 700 N during
flexion, rotation, and lateral bending. and rose La
1,100 N during extension. AnteroposLerior and lal-
eral shear forces reached 260 Nand lION, respec- lateral cervical radiograph of a 68-yearold 1Noma
tively. Calculated moments and forces generally presented with severe torticollis. She denied any h
correlated well with mean~ll1easured m:voelectric injury and did not have evidence of a suuctural ve
activities at eight sites around the perimeter of the abnormality, infection. tumor, or inflammatory dis
neck al the C4 level. Pseudosubluxations (arrows) are evident subaxiall
Muscles playa cr-iLical role in basic postural consequence of the marked kyphosis. Her neck wa
twisted only because she had a severe cervical flex
homeostasis, as can be observed in both historical
formity. and she was unable to see forward excep
and present-day clinical settings. In unique obser-
turning her head to one side. She was neurologica
vational studies in lhe 1950s of severclv affecled po- tact. It was possible to extend her neck to a relativ
liomyelitis patients, improvements in respiratory tral position using gentle traction. Following post
assistance for those with respiratory paralysis led sion from (2 to (7, she returned to a normal inde
to higher survival rates and a large number of pa- life. Muscle biopsy was consistent with senile myo
tients who sustained complete paralysis of the cer- Reprinred with permiSSion from tvioskovlCh. R. (1997).
vical musculature. Patients with completely nail mSiabihw (rheumarold. d\varfism, degeneraCtV!. Oihers
cervical spines were unable to support their heads Bridwell &- RL DeW,11d fEds), The Te;(lbook of Spln,ll S
unless adequate support was provided and actually (D.o. 969- i009). Phdacie!pfJJd. Lippincorr-R,wfdl Publishe
remained in bed despilc the good function of their
cxtrcmities (Perry & Nickel, 1959). Similarly, severc
cervical kyphosis occasionally is seen in elderly pa-
tients \vho do not have an obvious stntetural ctiol~
ogy when investigated radiologically. Some of these edge base is growing. To date, certain bas
patients were found to have marked cenrical exten- meters have been established. The cervica
sor muscle weakness that has been attributed to se- undergoes significant changes in length
nile cervical myopathy (Simmons & Bradley, 1988) f1cxion and extension (Breig el "I" 1966
(Fig. 11-12). 1960). Thus, while there is some longitudin
ticity to the spinal corel. it tolerates axial
tion poorl~". It is the translator~' forces llw
cally result in neurological in.illr~. A comp
Neural Elements
tolerance betwecn 2.75 and 3.44 kN is cs
Biomechanics of the neural elements have noL for the adult c~rvical spine before significa
been as well studied as the biomechanics of the os- rological injury occurs (i'Vlyers &. \Vink
teoligamentous vertebral column, but our know!- 1995).
Spinal cord injuries can also result from extreme
or sudden flexion-c:\tcnsion movernCl1ts, especially N " C1
in the face of a $hallow spinal canal. I-lead Oexion
alone has been shown to result in significant in- 3.

creases in the illlramcdullary spinal cord pressure

Oa ~. a_
I': 17 20 23 26 29 mm
in dogs (Kitahara et aI., 1995). Neurological injuries
,i", ..
result from anteroposterior compression of the
corel and arc I110re common if the spinal
is stenotic. Flexion motions can result in in-
'- .
when the spinal cord makes contact with cer- 10 12 14 16 18 20 mm

vical osteophytes, and cxtcnsion mOl ions may resull N

in a pincer-like compression of the cord between e.
(anterior) ostcophytes and (posterior) invaginated 4;
ligamentum Oavum. Anterior or central spinal cord 10 12 14 16 18 20 mm
injuries may ensue. N 16: C4
Although a diagnosis of spinal stenosis may be
made based on the absolute size of the spinal canaL
imaging of the neuraxis itself may be of greater
value. Contrast-enhanced computerized tomogra-
O~. ____ ..
10 12 1': 16 18 20 mm
phy, myelography, and magnetic resonance imaging N C5
can demonstrate actual impingement or distortion
of the spinal corel. Studies performed in flexion and .,
extension may enhance the value of the information 0.. .
10 12 14161820 rnfn
by demonstrating the contribution of any dynamic
soft tissue component to the impingement. The ex- N 16 C6
act size of the bony cervical spinal canal and the
vertebral body \vas measured in 368 cadaveric adult
male vertebrae (Moskovich el aI., 1996). This sludy
0.. .___

: ; ...t..-.
10 12 14 16 18 20 mm
used well-validated parametric statistical methods N C7
to determine that the mean sagittal diameter of the
spinal canal for C3-C7 was close to 14 mm (14.07
1.63 mm; N ~ 272) (Figs. 11-13 and 11-14). The ot.
10 12 14 16 18 20 mm
mean ratio of the sagittal canal diameter to the ver-
tebral body diameter (canal to body [cob] ralio) was
86.68 13.70. Thirly-one percent of subaxial verte-
brae would be diagnosed as having spinal stenosis if Histograms of the C1-(7 sagittal canal diameters. Apart
a c-b ratio of less than 80% was considered abnor- from the (1 plot, the same scale is used on all of the hori-
mal. Another study also found a high false-positive zontal axes so that the distributions of the diameters can
error rate for the e-b ratio, with 49% of 80 asympto- be compared, Reprinted with permission (rom Moskovich, R..
et at. (996). Does rhe cervical canal [0 body rario predict spina
matic football players having a c-b ratio of less than
stenosis? Bull Hasp Joint Dis, 55, 61-71.
80O,b at one or morc cervical levels (Herzog et aI.,
1991). Yet another group evaluated the reliability of
the c-b ratio using plain lateral radiographs and CT
scans (Blackley el al., 1999). Results confirmed lhat especially in children (Dickman el aI., 1991; Osen
a poor con-elation exists between the true diameter bach & Menezes, 1989: Pang & Pollack, 1989). Th
of the canal and the ratio of its sagittal diameter to etiology of such injuries is unknown, but one mech
that of the vertebral body. The variab.ility in anatom- anism may be longitudinal traction. The unusuall
ical morphology means that the use of ratios h'om elastic biomechanics of the pediatric bony spine a
anatomical measurements within the cervical spine lows deformation of the l11usculoskeletal structure
is not reliable in delermining the true diameter of beyond physiological extremes, permitting direc
the cervical canal. cord trauma followed by spontaneous reduction o
Spinal cord injul)' without radiographic abnor- the bony spine (Kriss & Kriss, 1996). The isolate
malities (SCIWORA) have also been described, spinal cord resists tension poorly; axial tensil
rotation or translation of a body ~l!ong one a.\
consistently' assclciated with a simultaneous
tion or translation ~dong another axis, the mot
are coupled. Coupled motions are normally'
pressed as displacements in the X, Y, or Z d
tions and rotations about the three orthog
axes. Further analysis involving whole spine
more complex, and while it has y'iclcled interes
results, motion segment analysis remains im
tant for basic understanding.

Superior facet
l\v.-o-od{L Anterio
Capsular ligament,
Axial computerized tomographic scan of a sixth cervical . / longitud
vertebra, which was not part of the study detailed in the Spinous process ligame
text. The anteroposterior diameter of the spinal canal
measured 13.96 mm in this specimen. "'"
Interspinous II

supraspinous J

ligaments // I I p .
// . ostenor
forces to failure For three adult spinal cord speci- L' fl Inferior facet J longitudinal Intertransv
Igamentum avum I ligament
mens arc reported to be 278 N 90 (Yoganandan et ligamen
aI., 1996b). Lower forces may result in direct neural A Superior facet I
injury or vascular disruption. Interlransv
Capsular ligament ligamen

Spinal canal "- ' Anterio

Kinematics Spinous process "-
Kinematics is the studv of motion of rigid bodies
without taking into consideration other relevant
forces. Kinematics of the spine descrihes the physi- "' Interverte
Interspinous ~ disc
ological and pathological motions that occur in the and supraspinous
various spinal units. The traditional unit of stud)! in ligaments Transv
""_~/ forame
kinematics is the motion segment, or the functional Ligamentum J
spinal unit. As described earlier, each motion seg- flavum Posterior
ment consists of two adjacent vertebrae and their
intervening soft tissues (Fig. 11-15).
Basic biomechanical testing involves the applica- ~Ls_te_r_io_r I A_n_t_e_ri_o_r
tion of forces to a vertebral body and the subse-
quent measurement of the movemcnts that occur Schematic representations of a cervical motion segmen
(Fig. 11-16). Movements can be either rotational or composed of two typical cervical vertebrae ((4 and (5)
translational. A degree of freedom is def-lned as a intervertebral disc, and surrounding ligaments. The bro
motion in \vhich a rigid body can cither translate line divides the motion segment into anterior and pos
back and forth along a straight line or rotate components. A, Lateral view. B, Superior view. Adapied
around a particular axis. Thus, each vertebral body permission from White, A.A. 1/1, Johnson, fUvr, Panjabi, lvUv
may either translate or rotate in each of three or- al. (7975) Biomechanical analysis of clmica! stability in rhe c

thogonal planes, for a total of six degrees of free- cal spifJ(l. (lin Orthop. \09,85-96

dom (Panjabi et aI., 1981) (Fig. 11-17). When either

aled is the fact that a considerable amount of fle:x
ion and extension occurs at the CI-C2 articulation
5 to 20 or flcxion and extcnsion occur with mean
of 12" (aetive) to 15 (passive) (Dvorak et aI., 1988b)
Approximately 90 of axial rotation takes place
in the subaxial eel"vic'll spine (C3-C7), about 45 to
cach side of ncutral. Even greater lateral flexion i
possible: approximately 49 to each side of ncutral
, ,
giving a total of about 98. The range of flexion and
9 m c..; extension is approximately 64: about 24 of cxten
sion and 40 of flexion. The motion in each plane i
fairly evcnly distributed lhroughollt the motion
segments (Lysel!, 1969). Thc mean total range o
Diagram of a test rig to evaluate a functional spinal unit
anteroposterior translation in subaxial spinal mo
using videophotogrammetry. This technique facilitates ac-
curate measurements of motion without the measure-
tion segments is 3.5 0.3 mm divided unequally
ments themselves having an effect on the displacements of 1.9 mm for anterior shear and 1.6 111m for posterio
the mobile vertebra. A. light-emitting diodes (LEOs); Band shear. Lateral shear loading results in a mean tota
C. Guide bars for application of tensile and compressive range of lateral motion of 3.0 mOl :!:: 0.3 mm, di
fOfces. D. Pulley for application of torques. Weights are at vided equally between right and left; tension result
tached to guide wires (w), which go around pulleys to pro- in 1.1 mm of distraction and compression, 0.7 mIl
duce torque on the upper vertebral body (v). n. interverte- of loss of vertical height (Panjabi et aI., 1986).
bral disc; 9. acrylic cement that attaches lower aluminum The great Ilexibility of the eel'vical spine allow
plate (m) to test rig, which is rigidly bolted to the support the head to be positioned in a wide variety of ways
frame. The upper plate (p) and upper vertebral body (v)
: are the moveable elements to which the loads and torques
i are applied. LEOs are rigidly attached to the upper plate

and their movement is recorded by two video cameras.
I Reprinted with permission {rom Raynor. R. Moskovich. R. Zide/,

I P. et a/. (1987). Alteration in primary and coupled neck motio1J5

a_f_,e_'_fa_,_e_,e_,_,o_n_'Y_._N_,e_"_,o_S_"'_9_e_ry_,_2_1(_5_),_6_8_'_-_68_7_. _

Measurements of cervical range or motion are based
on radiographic studies or postmortem investiga- +Fz ~
tions. Inclinometers and various optoelectronic and
electromagnctic dcvices L1sed clinically for noninva-
sive evaluation of cervical spinc motion are not as
accurate; in particular, coupled motion is poorly
quantified (Roozmon et aI., 1993). The established
range of active axial rotation to one side at CI-C2 is
27 to 49 (mean = 39); passive rotation is 29 to 46
(mean = 41) (Dvorak et aI., 1987; Dvorak et aI.,
1988b; Penning & Wilmink, 1987). These measure-
ments account for approximately 50 r1'o of the lotal
cervical rotation. A vertebral body showing the three primary Cartesian
Another stereoradiographic study of neck motion axes, x, y. and z. Along each axis a positive force, ~ F. is de
in adult men found a mcan of 105 axial rotation be- noted by the direction of the arrow. The curved arrows in-
tween the occiput and the C7 vertebra. Seventy per- dicate the direction of a positive torque. +..... Reprinted will
cent of the total axial rotation OCCUlTed between the permission from Raynor, R. Moskovich. R., Zidel, P., el af.
occiput and the C2 vertcbra. Eaeh motion segment (/987). Alteration in primary and coupled neck motions aller
facete<:tomy. Neurosurgery. 21 (5). 681-687.
between the C2 and C7 vertcbrae avcraged fTom 4 to
8 rotation (Mimura et aI., 1989). Less well appreci-

'.""'" .-.&f "" .. ",-"_",,,,,""1 - .~"""'"- .-~- ~.~. __ ' -,
permitting one, with equal ease, to gaze at an air~
plane overhead, glance over one's sho111dcI~ or look
for an object under a table. An analysis of the com~
bined motion of the cervical spine Llsing an eleclro-
goniometer produced a remarkably large range of
motion (Feipel et aI" 1999): 122' ;;; 18' of nexion and
extension, 144:!: 20 0 of axial rotation, and 88 0 ::': 16
of lateral nexion, All primal)' motions were reduced
with age. Sex had no influence on cervical motion C5
range. \
The active range of cervical spine motion re-
quired to perform daily functional tasks was studied
in healthv adults (Bennett et aI" 2000), A cervical
spine range of motion device was fastened to the Analysis of surface motion of the facet joints of the
subject's head with a Velcro strap and a magnet was motion segment during flexion-extension. The sche
placed on the patient's shoulders to calibrate the in- drawing represents superimposed roentgenograms
strument for measurement of cervical rotation and motion segment in the neutral position and in sligh
motion, Of the 13 daily functional tasks performed, ion. The upper vertebra ((4) is considered to be the
tying shoes (flexion-extension 66.7), backing up a ing body and the subjacent vertebra ((5) is the bas
car (rotation 67.6), washing hair in the shower bra. Two points have been identified and marked o
(flexion-extension 42.9), and crossing the street (1'0 moving body in the neutral position (sofid outline o
and the same two points have been marked on the
tat ion head left 31.7 and rotation he4:KI riglll 54.3)
roentgenogram with the motion segment slightly f
required the greatest active range of motion of the
(dashed outline of e4). li"es connecting the twO se
cervical spine. Of interest, several tasks were not
points have been drawn and their perpendicular bi
found to produce the degrees of lnotion expected, have been added. The intersection of the perpendi
and these included reading a newspaper (19.9 sectors identifies the instant center of motion (larg
Ocxion-cxtcnsion), writing at a table (26.2 flexion- ! dot) for the degree of flexion under study. The per
extension), and reaching 1'01' objects overhead (4.3 II ular bisector (arrowed fine) of a line drawn from th
flcxionextension). Sidebending was not found to ter of motion to the contact point of the facet join
be a significant movement in completion of the faces indicates tangential motion. or gliding.
tasks but was coupled \vith rotation in one of the .-,-~~~~~--~-~~-
tasks (looking left and right to cross a street).


30 of extension, r('spccti\'c1~'. Convl'rsel~", in
The motion between the joint surfaces of two adja- lh~r~ \\'cre statistically significant increases o
cent vertebrae Illay be analyzed by means of the in 10% at 20 and 30 01" fll.:'xion, l"l.'spcclin~ly (Yoo
stant cenlct techniquc of Rculeaux, described in 1992), One p""clical application of this dala
Chapter 6. The method may be used to analyze sur to cervical collars lIsed for the rdief of neck
face motion of the cen:ical spine during flexion Conventional foam collars tend to place pati
extension and lateral flexion. slight extension, which IlU\.\' aggravatc the
In a normal cel'vical spine, the instant center of toms. Turning a foam collar around. with thl.:'
flexion-ex lens ion is located in the anterior part of and narrow parl anterior, puts (he neck in
the lower vertebra in each motion segment. Instant flexion, which may increase the size of the in
center analysis indicates that tangential motion tcbral foramina and thereb~1 relieve some
(gliding) takes place between the Facet joints as the pressure on an inflamed nerve root.
cel"ical spine is flexed and eXlended (Fig, 11-18), A The instant center ormotion of' the cClvica
consequence of these rnotions is that the size of the may be displaced as a result of patho
intervertebral foramina increases with flexion and processes such as disc d~gcncrati()n or ligam
decreases wilh extension (Fielding, 1957), These al- pairment. In such cases, instant center analys
terations have been quantified in a cadaver study reveal distraction and jamming (compress
that found there were statistically significant reduc- the facel joint surfaces during flexionextens
tions of 10 and 13% in foraminal diameter, at 20 and sl~ad or gliding (Fig, 11-19),
there are 2 of coupled axial rotation for every 3
lateral bending, which gives a ratio of 2:3 or 0".67
C4 C7, there is lOaf coupled axial rotation for ev
7.5 0 of lateral bending, which gives a ratio of 2: 1
0.13 (White & Panjabi, 1990). Results of finite
ment rnodeling indicate that the facet joints and
Post. AnI.
covenebral joints are the major contributOl"S to c
pled motion in the lower cervical spine and thal
C5 uncinate processes effectively reduce motion c
pling and primal)1 cer'vical motion (in the same
rection as load application), especially in respo
to axial roLation and lateral bending loads.
covcrtcbral joints appear to increase primal)' ce
cal motion, showing an effect on cervical mot
Schematic drawing representative of a roentgenogram of opposite to that or the uncinate processes (Clau
the C4-CS motion segment of a patient injured in a rear- et aI., 1997). Coupling or nexion-exLension w
end auto collision. The instant center of flexionextension
transverse translation may be visualized roentge
at this level (represented by the large solid dot) has been
graphically (Fig. 11-23). During flexion, the VC
displaced from the anterior to the posterior part of (5 as a
result of the injury process, which impaired the ligaments
bral body normally shifts rorward: the racets g
(compare with Fig. 1118). The analysis of surface motion up and over one another with pseudosubluxali
shows compression and distraction of the facet joints with Changes in normal coupling patterns occur foll
I flexion and extension. iog palhological changes or surgical intervention
Tensile load application to the cervical sp
occurs in therapeutic traction, but more co
monly so during trauma. Deployment of pass
Atlantoaxial Segment
The coupling characteristics of the atlantoaxial
spinal motion segments arc particularly important,
as this area of the neck is extremely' mobile. The [
dens is constrained within the osteoligamentous
ring of the atlas, causing the C l-C2 lateral masses
to articulate similarly to the condyles of the knee, ~'
with some sliding and rolling during Oexion and ex-
tension. The instant centers of both rotation and \
n~xion-extension lie in the center of the dens itselr.
Rotation at CI-C2 is coupled with both vertical
translation along the Y axis (Fig. 11-20) and a de-
gree of anteroposterior disphlcenlent (\,Verne, 1957).
This implies that the CI-C2 joint is most stable in
the neutral position, and, if rotated, allempts should
be made to return it to the reduced position when A B
performing an arthrodesis.

Subaxial Spine Coupling of rotation and axial translation is depicted

schematically. A, (1 and (2 are in the neutral position.
The coupling patterns in the lower cervical spine arc S, C1 rises fractionally on C2 (arrow) as the head is rota
slIch that in lateral bending to the left, the spinous away from the midline. Adapted with permission [rom
processes move to the right, and in lateral bending Fielding, J.W (1957). Cineroentgenography of the normal
cervical spine. J Bone Joint Surg. 39A, 1280-/288.
to the right. they move to the left (Lysell, 1969:
!vloroney et at.. 1988) (Figs. I 1-21 and 11-22). AL C2 .

. _----~" -:__ I'

vehicular n:.'S!l"airH s.\'stCtllS, such as airbags,
induce tensile forces in the neck. Isolatcd
vertebral discs fail at 569 N 54. and intac
man cadaver cervical spines rail at 3373 N ,
(Yoganandan cl aI., 1096h1. Active muscular
traction, 110\\'C\'i..'r. is liki.'I~' 10 raise these fi
cons i dl'J"~1 hi v.

Abnormal Kinematics
Left lateral Neutral Righi lateral
flexion flexion Abnonnal kinematics gCl1crall.\" refers to l'.'\c
motion within rUl1etional spinal units; howeve
norrnal kinClnatics Ina.. . also refer to at.\vica
terns of motion such as abnormal coupling or
Coupled motion during lateral bending is depicted
doxicalmotion. Par~\do.\icallllotionis seen whe
schematically. When the head and neck are flexed to the
left, the spinous processes shift to the right, indicating ro-
overall pattern of motion of one ~lSPCCI of the
tation. The converse is also illustrated. Adapted with permis- is in one direction while the local pattern is th
sion from White, AA 1// (~Panjabi, MM (1990). Clinical Bio- posite. For instancc, parado'\ical llc'\iol1 is
mechanics of the Spine. Philadelphia: 1.8. Lippincott. when llc'\iol1 occurs at a single functional s
unit, although the SpillL' as a whole is (''\te


A, This diagram illustrates some of the other coupled mo- results in motion of the spinous processes to the right
tions, which occur in response to a torque (liZ) about the Z- left. B, The subject is bending to her right, demonstrat
axis (lateral bending). lateral translation (Rx) and vertical the large range of normal cervical motion possible (ap
motion (Ry) occur, as well as horizontal rotation (l!lY), which mately 50).
Coupling of flexion-extension with transverse translation of (1-(2 articulation during flexion-extension; no translati
the cervical spine is visible roentgenographically. A, Ouring evident in this example (black arrow). B, During extensio
flexion the vertebral body shihs forward (small white ar- the reverse occurs, and the spinous processes limit motio
row); the facets glide up and over one another with moder- they touch at full extension (arrow). The size of the inte
I ate subluxation at full flexion (large white arrow). Up to 2.5 tebral foramina increases with flexion and decreases wit
I mm of transverse translation may normally occur at the extension.

These types of abnormal motions describc a pattern logical loads to maintain its pattern of displacem
of mOVCIl'lCllt known as instability. so that there is no initial or additional ncurolog
dcficit, no major defornlity,' and no incapacita
pain (1990). Using this definition, physiolog
Spinal Stability
loads are those incurred during normal activity,
The concept of spinal stability is an intriguing and pain is not felt to be incapacitating if it can be c
sometimes confusing notion. Medical practitioners trolled by non-narcotic drugs.
are frcqucnlly asked to look at a sel'ies of radi- Stability is detcrmined by many factors. There
ographs and make a dctermination whether the different anatomical considerntions in different
spinc is stnblc. Exnclly what is stability, how is it de- gions or the spine. Certainly, ligamcntous anato
termincd, "'ld what happens if it is not present? The plays a large part in the stability or the spine, but
term spinal stability has acquired diffcrent mcan~ muscular and bony clements of the ~pine also
ings, depending on the setting in which it has been important roles.
used. White and Panjabi describe the term clinically Instability can be analyzed by considering kinem
as the loss of the ability of the spine undcr physio- instability and structural or component instabi
Kinematic instability focuses on either the quantity of _ Conceptual Types of Instabilit
motion (too much or too little) or the qualit..., of motion
present (alterations in the nOimal pattenl), or both.
Component instability addresses the clinical biome- Kinematic Instability
chanical role of the various anatomical components of Motion increased
the functional spinalunil. In this type of instability, los..o:; lm.tantaneous ax(,>s of rotation altered
or alteration of various am.llomical portions detennines CDlipiing characteristics changed
the presence or instability (Box II-I). Parddo;O:I(d\ mOllon present

Sir Frank 'Holdsworth's account of a simple two- Component Instability

column concept of spinal stability provided a con- i"raun1C1
structive basis for describing and analyzing the ba- TUIl10!

sic biornechanics or the spine: Surgery

Degenerative changes
The synal1hroscs bClwcen Ihe \'cl1cbral bodies rely for
Developmental changes
theil' slabilit~, upon the immensely slrong annulus fi~
Combined Instability
brosus. ThL: clim'lhrodial apophys(.';:d joints arc sla-
bilised by the capsule, by rhc interspinous and K:nemiitK
sllpraspinous Iigamenls and the ligamcnta Ila\"a. This Cornponen!
group of ligaments [ call the 'postedol' ligament com-
plex.' It is upon this complex (hal (he swbilily of lh~
spine largdy dq:>ends (Holdsworth, 1963).
Subsequently, Denis (1983) described a classifica-
tion system for thoracolumbar fractures that can ing I..'t aI., 1974). Antcrior displaceml... nt or CIo
also be applied to a biomechanical analysis of spinal or 3 to 5 mm is usuall:' indil';:ltive or a ruptu
stability. In this description, the spinal elements are till' tr;:\Ils\\:rse ligament. while disphlCl'Il1ClHS o
divided into three regions that form three spinal 10 mill suggest nCCl.:'Ssol'\ lig<.\JlK'llt d~l11lage;
columns: plncC'tlll'lll greater than !O lllill occurs with ru
or all lhe ligal1lL'lllS (Fil.'lding et :.II .. 1(76). An
I. The anterior column consists of the anterior translations or displacemcnts of Cion ('2 :J,
longiludinalligament, the anterior annulus fi- sessed I'adi()graphicall~' by measuring tilt..' dis
broslls, and the anterior half of the vertebral from lI1L' anteriur ring of the alias In the back o
bock dc'J1' (atlaJ1todent,,1 intcly,,1 or ADI) (Fig. 1
2. The middle column consists of the posterior (CasL' Stud.'" 11-1). Poslt.:'rior subluxation of lhe
longitudinal ligament, the posterior half of C<.lll onl~' OCCUI" if lhe dens is fractured or if tllL
the venebrnt body, and the posterior nnnulus all OS-OdOlllOidL'ulll or hypoplastic dellS.
librosus. SOl11e diseases can wcakc'll or dL'S{nl~' th\.'
3. The posterior column consists or the pedicles, n.'l'sc ligament. :\,10S1 nOlahl...-. s.vllo\'itis in rhL
facet joints, lam inn, spinaliS processes, as !oid arthritis can crL'~ltc a pannus. which hel
well as the interspinous and supraspinous lig- d(;SII'O,\' the atlantoa.\:ial ~1J'liClllalion as well a
aments. ll'ansn'!'SL' Iigamcnt (Figs. 11-25 and 1126L
4. The anterior and middle columns form the tients with Do\\'n s.\'ndroll1c <.l1'C also susceptib
primary weight-bearing column of the spine, \\,c;:lketlcd tmnsvcrsc ligaments and must be
with the posterior column providing the guid- full." assessed clinicall.\" and radiographicnll .., b
ing and stabilizing elements. bdng allowed 10 pankipalc in sporting events
as the Special OI~'l1lpics.
Stccrs "Rule of Thirds" is a guidt: 10 the am
Occipitoatlantoaxial Complex
or allanloaxial displw':cl11cl1t that can OCCllr b
The transverse ligament of the atlas completes the spinal cord comprcssioll ensues (Ste~1. 1968)
socket into which the dens is inserted. The liga- illt~rnal anteropO-SIL'l"inr diameter 01" thL' atlas
ment allows the dens to rotale, but limits its ante- pl'o.,\jJl1alel~
3 cm: of thal. the dens occupie
rior translalion. The ligament is inelastic and will proximately I cm and thl' spinal cOI"(1 approxim
not permit more than 2 to 3 mm of anterior sub- I cm. kadng I CI11 of space for soh tisSlh.' an
luxation of the first on the second vertebra (Field- normal mo\"cnwnt to OCClll" (Fig. 11-27).
subaxial Cervical Spine
(1963) stated that the musculature of the
Atlantoaxial Instability Without Fracture
spine and the intervertebral discs were the most
significant anatomical structures is providing cer- f\:},9;Ye'a.r~old woman had a traumatic injllry as a result
'vie'll stability. Holdsworth (1963) emphasized the .'co"J;t!.of a forced flexion movement in a car acodent. Con-
imparlance or the supraspinous and interspinolls hinuous and severe neck pain occurred after the accident.
ligaments as well as the nuchal ligament. The (s.,he visited the emergency room and after a careful ex
nuchal ligament is thought to playa major role in ~~~~rr,ination and x-ray evaluation, an anterior displacement
~'ZR.f:Cl on (2 was discovered (Fig, cs11-11).
~:(E:::;A severe amerior dislocation of the atlas on the axis
after measuring the atlantodental interval
SAC . (~'rnrn). ,~or this case, no fracture of the atlas or the axis
\i\I~~"~:7,:te~,t,~d and thus a defiCiency of the transverse liga-
lfIent,:'r;na'y, be assumed.
Clinical instability of the spine depends mainly on the
soft tissue components. The cervical spine is a very mo
,bile area, especially at the atlanlOaxiallevel. Cervical sub-
luxations and dislocations resulting from injuries of the
osteoligamentous complex affect spinal stability and rna-
~ility at the cervical area. In addition, it may narrow the
spin,al canal and cause neurological impairment. Pure lig.
am~ntOtJs injuries (as in this case) are less likely to heal
and become stable, and therefore surgical procedures are
lik,ely to be considered.



I L.-

The atlantodental interval (AD!) is inversely related to the

-rease. Study' Figure 11-11. lateral radiograph demonstrating
. ,,~,?j}.n:~,~!~?sed atlantodental interval of 6 mm after trauma.

space available for the spinal cord (SAC), which is denoted proprioception and correct functioning of the
I, by the dotted lines. Anterior atlantoaxial subluxation erector spinae muscles. Experimental section o
causes a reduction in the SAC. Normal measurements for the ligaments in sequence from either anterior to
the ADI are less than 3 mm in adults or 4 mm in children. posterior or posterior to anterior suggests L1lat i
Reprinted V'lirh permission from Moskovich, R. (1994). Atlanro-
a functional spinal unit has all or its anterior ele
axial instability Spine: Stare of the Art Reviews. 8(3), 531-549.
ments plus one additional structure or all or it
posterior elements plus one anterior structure in
Flexion lateral radiograph of a patient with rheumatoid
arthritis. The dens (0) has been eroded and the transverse
ligament is incompetent, resulting in atlantoaxial subluxa-
tion. The markedly widened atlantodens interval is indi-
cated by the arrowed line.

tact, it will probably remain stable under normal

physiological loads. To provide for some clinical
margin of safety, any malion segment should be
considered unstable in which all of the anterior
clements or all the posterior elements arc de-
stroyed or are unable [0 function (Panjabi eL al..
1975; White et al.. 1975). The clinical sLability of Postmyelogram cervical radiograph in a patient wi
various injuries must be assessed individually. standing rheumatoid arthriris and fixed atlantoaxi
The importance of clinical evaluation cannot be luxation. The space available for the cord has been
underestimated because significant spinal corel duced to 6.5 mm and compression of the proximal
damage may occur after trauma even in the ab- cord is evident by examining the subdural space. w
sence of fractures or ligamentous injuries (Gosch outlined in white by the injected contrast medium
, tient developed cervical myelopathy. which necess
et al.. J972; Schneider et aI., 1954). Valuable
guidelines ror the detenllination of clinical insta- 1 ....d_e_co_m.pression by transoral resenion of the dens c

bility in the lower cervical spine have been pro-

vided in the form of a scoring system checklist
(Box 11-2).
1 ,.. terior stabilization.

Using this scale. the measurement of transla-

tion takes into account variations in magnifica-
lions and is based on a tube-ta-film distance of III C~lS(.' or Cjl1l...slicJl1able in.iury. when
183 em. The 11 rotation is defined as 11 greater
0 0
~Hl(1 extension ill~lI)Cll\'l'rS should Ilol b
than the amount of rotation that exists at the mo- formed, a stretch Lest l'~lll b~ d01l1:.' 10 asse
tion segment above or below the functional spinal deal inlq.!rit~. A la(I.'ral CI.ITiGll spine
unit in question. The 3.5-mm value represents the ograph is taken al a standardized lube d
radio-graphic measurement of the maximum per- of 180 em. ~\lld incrclll(,.'nud .i-kg weights
missible translation when the radiographic magni- plied as traction \n lhe Sklllilisillg LT<.lllia
fication is taken into account (Panjabi et aI., (Fig. 11-28). RadiogT~\phs arc tak~n ark
1986). addilion~d wcight has been npplicd. An


ItM'~'"'~"~~M" .' A~_.~' ,~;;;Sk0. .,. W,_< ,,,-- ',<>'< '. "..... .''''''~'


Space available for the cord (SAC) is approximately two-

thirds of the anteroposterior diameter of the spinal canal.
One-third is taken up by the dens, one-third by the cord it-
self, and one-third is free space. Reprinted with permission
Stretch test. A, Lateral radiograph of the cervical spine o
;rom MoskDvich, R. (994). AtlanrD-axial in5tclbility- Spine: State
19-year-old boy who was admitted with multiple injuries
Df (he Art Reviews. 8(3). 531-5/19.
and neurological deficit compatible with an anterior cor

syndrome. The radiograph shows increased angulation a

C3-C4 and a block vertebra at (5-(6. Flexion-extension r
mal Slretch tesl is defined as differences of diographs were contraindicated for fear of exacerbating
his neurological injury. B. The stretch test was performed
'greater than 1.7 mm 'interspace separation or
to ascertain whether significant instability existed. No ab
greater than 7.5 change in angle between pre-

normal distraction occurred at the interspace in question

stretch condition and the application of Ot1C-
His other injuries and fractures were treated routinely an
third body weight. he was given a soh collar to wear for 6 weeks. He made
slow but steady recovery with almost complete resolutio
of his upper extremity deficit. with no evidence of instab
Checklist for the Diagnosis ity 1 year after the accident. Reprinted with permission (rom

of Clinical Instability in the
Middle and Lower Cervical Spine

,A,nteri~r elements destroyed or unable to function

I fJostenor elements destroye or unable to function

Moskovich, R. (1997). Cervical insrability (rheumatoid, c!warfism
degenerative, others). In K.H. Bridwell & R.i. DeWald (Eds.), T
Textbook of Spinal Surgery (pp. 969-1009). Philadelphia: Lipp
cott-Raven Publishers.

I Positive strelch test Applied Biomechan.ics

I Radiographic criteria 4,
A thorough understanding of biomcchanical princ
! Flexion and extension x-rays
! Sagittal plane translation> 3.5 mm or 20% (2 pts) ples is an important aspect of the treating phy
I Saginal plane rotatiDn > 20 (2 pts)
cian's knowledge base because the normal structu
and function of the spinal ,column is frequent
altered during surgcly. \'''hether treatment is a d
I Resting x-rays
Sagiltal plane displacement> 3.5 mm or 20%. (2: pts) c:omprcssive cervical laminectomy, a posteri
Relative sagittal plane angulation> 11 (2 pts) I-oraminotomy with partial facetcctolllv, or an ant
I Developmentally narrow spinal canal rior cervical fusion, all of these inlen~'cnlions ha
I .:\bnorrnal dISC narrowing certain ramifications with which onc must be fmn
I Spinal cord damage 2' iar. This kno\vledgc not only benefits patient care b
also is valuable in planning and executing treatmen
! Nerve root damage 1
I Dangerous loading anticipated 1
-"' Total of 5 or more == clinically unstable.
Cervicallaminectom)' often is performed to decom
blodifiecJ from While. A.A. III & Panjabi. M.M. (1990). Clinical Biome<h-
I dnrcs oi the Spine (2nd ed., p. 314). Philadelph;ej: 1.B. lippincott. press the spinal corel. The compression may
caused by a stenotic process and can result

neurological sy'mptoIlls such as racliculopath.v or A nUlllber of studies using three-dimens
my'clopath)'. Other posterior decompressive proce- nite element models showed that f::\Cetectom
dures such as partial or full facctcctomics for visu- greatcr errc'ct on annulus stress th<:ll1 (Hl in
alization or decompression of nerve root pathology bral joint stillness. Based on these models
also arc comnlonly performed. Development of concluded that a signific<:lnt increase in
postlaminectol11)' kyphosis is well known in chil- strcsses and scgmentalrnobility nlaY ()ccur
dren and may develop in 17 (Miyazaki et a!., 1989) lateral facet resection c:\:ceeds S(Y''r (Kuma
to 25% of adults (Berkowitz, 1988). [,ostlaminec- a!., 1997; VClO et a!., 1997), Deccnnpression
tomy spinal deformity may..' occur in up to 50% of cal laminoplasty, in which the facet joints
children who undergo laminectomies for spinal sacrificed and the laminae are reconstructed
cord tumors (Lonstein, 1977). Simulated finite ele- in maintenance ()f fle:\:ic)n-e:\:tension and
ment anal.'.'sis on cervical spines indicates that the bending stability', \vith a nwrginal increase
primary cause of postlaminecto!l1 yr deformity is re- torsion. Iatrogenic injur.v is less likel:' to res
section of one or more spinolls processes as well as capsules of the rernaining facet joints and
the posterior ligamentous structures, such as the elements remain intact.
ligamentum flavulll or interspinous or supraspinous Cervical subluxations and dislocations
ligaments. The removal of these structures causes from injul':' may narrow the spinal canal an
the tensile forces normally present in the cervical neurological imp::lirmenl. In SOllle cases, a
spine to become unbalanced and place extra stress reduction and re::dignment or the verteb
on the facet joints. Results indicate that either a lowed b~' stabilizatkm, may' decompress th
kyphotic or a hy'periordotic cervical defonnity' may' elements without resecting bone (Fig. 11-29
ensue, depending on the center of balance of the
head (Saito et aI., 1991).
Although reports exist of patients undergoing
multiple-level cervical laminectomy with no evi- Spin::d arthrodesis is indicated in man:' dise
dence of clinical instability or deformity' on long- cesses such as spinal instability, neoplas
term follow-up (Jenkins, 1973), most biomechani- traumatic and degcnerative conditions of th
cal studies indicate some degree of instability when Thc goa! of arthrodesis is to achicve a solid
the posterior elements arc resected. Multilevel cer- sion in which two or more vcrtebrac solidi
vical lan1inectom.v induces significant increases in In 1l1an:' cases, internal fixation is ust::.'d to
total column flexibility associated with increased initial st::\bilization as well as to correct defc
segmental flexural sagittal rotations. In a cadaveric necessary.
laminectomy model. the mean stiffness of the in- An important principlc regarding v
tact ce,vical column was significantly' greater than arthrodesis is that the stabilit.\' established
the mean stiffness for the laminectomized speci- nal fixation is a prelude to the biological p
men, and there were consistently greater rotations fusion. Although fusic)l\ can occur without
as compared with the intact specimen (3.6 versus fi:\ation, its appropriate USl' helps to increas
8.0) at ever)' cendcal spine level (Cusick et al., sion rate and maintain structur::ll alignmen
1995). ware b:' no means supplants the necd for
The loss of facet joints alone causes a significant gecm to perfol'ln a thorough and careful pre
decrease in coupled motions that result from lateral of the vertebrae and add bone graft tCl ach
bending. A moment about the anteroposterior axis sion. \Vith few exceptions, Imrdw::lre that is
results in a significant reduction in lateral displace- matel.v supported and protected by a soli
ment, a decrease in vertical displacement, and a de- will fatigue and fail after a finite number o
crease in rotation about the vertical axis. Partial There is ~l race b." the body to achieve a sol
facetectomy 50 % ) did not, however, significantly mass before a fatigue failure (If the implan
alter flexion and extension movements (Raynor et tion device occurs,
a!., 1987). Another anatomical study demonstrated The choice of a surgical approach !() the
that progressive laminectomy with resection of spine, as well as whether an anterior, poste
more than 25% of the facet joints resulted in signif~ combined arthrodesis should be performe
icantly increased cervical flexion-extension, axial pendent on the particular patholog." presen
torsion, and lateral bending motion when compared performing a fusion, it is important for the
\vith the intact spine (Nowinski et a!., 1993). to understand the biomeclwnical propertie
Unilateral facet dislocation in a 24-year-old woman who was involved in a motor vehicle
accident. The degree of vertebral subluxation is less than half the AP diameter of tbe
vertebral body. Her spinal cord was compressed and she presented with an incomplete
spinal cord injury. A, Computerized tomographic scans and reformatted images demon-
strate the canal compromise at (5-(6. An attempt to realign the spine was made using
longitudinal traction of up to approximately one-third of her body weight. B, The lateral
radiograph with traction applied shows persistent malalignment. An open reduction was
performed using a posterior exposure of the vertebra. Once the spine was realigned, the
posterior tension band was recreated using interspinous wiring, and autogenous bone
graft was inserted. C, The radiograph taken after the operation demonstrates restora-
tion of normal vertebral relationships. The fixation provided good stability and enabled
the patient to mobilize early. She had a good clinical outcome. Reprinced with permission
from Mos,l:ovich. R. (1997). Cervical instability (rheumatoid. dwarfism, degenerative. others). In
K.H. Bridwell & R.L. DeWc1/d (Eds.). The Textbook of Spinal Surgery (pp. 969-1009). Philadelphia:
Lippincott-Raven Publishers.
fcrent t)'PCS of fusion constructs. Cervical arthrode- tems have become available that can satis
sis also has an affect on adjacent motion segments. stabilize the cervicul spine from either app
Thcorcticall.',/, there is an increase in motion at \Vhen an anterior approach is used, a dis
nearby' unfused levels. Subsequent degeneration of or a vertebrectOlny at one or more levels is co
other motion segments requiring additional levels performed, usuaIlv - followed bv. an anterior
of arthrodesis has been demonstrated in multiple arthrodesis. The excised disc or bone mu
studies (Cherubinc) et aI., 1990; Hunter et aI., 1980). placed with a structural graft or prosthesis t
A recent study by Fuller ct al. (1998) evaluated the anterior column support to the spine. Oss
distribution of motion across unfused cervical mo- placement ma:v be in the fm'm of autogenou
tion segments after a simulated segmental arthrode- genic bone, comrnonly from the iliac crest i
sis in cadaver cenrical spines. The authors simulated nous or from t.he fibula or iliac crest if alloge
01112-, t\\'o-, and three-level fusions in human cervical 11-30). The more cortical nature or flbula gr
spines. They then moved the cervical spines through result in dela.yed incorporation compared"" w
a nondestructive 30 sagittal range of motion and crest grafts, which, therefore, are preferred c
compared this range of motion with that of unfused The immediate postoperative strength of an.v
cervical spines. The findings of this study were inter- bone grafts under axial compression on a
esting in that sagittal plane rotation was not in- testing machine reveals that they \\'ill adequa
creased dispropc)J'tionatel)! at the cervical motion port the loads required in the cervical sp
segments immediately adjacent to a segmental ph.\'sical properlies of human bank bone se
arthrodesis. Although the authors ackno\vledged preferable to autologous bone grafts, espe
certain limitations of the study, they proposed that a
cenrical fusion causes a fairly.' uniform increase in
motion across all remaining open cervical motion
segments; therefore, an increased potential for de-
generative change may exist at all cervical levels.
Another stud.y was performed descdbing the inci-
dence, prevalence. and radiographic progression of
symptomatic adjacent level disease after cervical
arthrodesis (Hilibrand et aI., 1999). Adjacent level
disease \vas defined as the development of a new
radiculopath,Y or myelopathy that was referable to a
motion segment adjacent to the site of a prior ante-
rior cervical arthrodesis. The findings revealed that
symptomatic adjacent level disease occurred at a
relatively constant incidence of 2.9 % per yeac A sur-
vivorship analysis revealed that approximately 26(Y)
of patients \vha had an anterior cervical arthrodesis
would have new disease at an adjacent Icvel within
lO y"cars of the operation. The study also demon-
strated that more than two-thirds of the patients
who developed adjacent level cervical disease expe-
rienced failure of nonoperative treatment and
needed an additional procedure performed.

Cervical Spine Fixation

Arthrodesis of the cervical spine Illay be indicated
for a number of reasons, most commonly for Lateral radiograph of the cervical spine of a 35-y
trauma and degenerative diseases. lVluch research male who had an anterior cervical discectomy at
hus been performed to analyze the biomechanical interbody arthrodesis using autogenous iliac cres
advantages of anterior approaches, posterior ap- bone graft. Note the maintenance of lordosis at
segment and the integration and remodeling of
proaches, or a combined procedure. "Vith the ad-
vent of newer technologies, internal fixation s.\'s-
Compressive Strength of Various Interbody Graft Materials
Mean ~
Graft Type Standard Deviation

Fibular strut 5.070" 3.250 N

Fibular strut significantly
Anterior iliac crest 1.150" 487 N
stronger than crest or rib
Posterior iliac crest 667,,311N grafts: P < 0.05
Rib 452 " 192 N
Hydroxylapatite 1,420" 480 N
Pore size of 200 ~m signifj
200 f-l.m pore size
cantly stronger [han 500 j-Lm
Hydroxylapatite 338" 78 N pore size: P < 0.05
500 f.lm pore size

Adapted with permission itQm Wittenberg, R.H.. Moeller. J., P. White, AA Ill. (1990). Compressive strenglh
of autogenous (lnd alfogenolls bone grafts for thOf.lcolurnb.lf and cervical spine fusion. Spine. 15(0),

older patients (Wittenberg et aI., 1990). The biological Posterior arthrodeses of the ccndcal spine
incOIvonuion or allograft appears to be satisfactory commonl:v performed after trauma but may also
and its USe obviates the need to harvest autologous L1sed to treat degenerative, inflammatory, or n
bone from the iliac crest, sparing patients additional plastic conditions. Unlike anterior fixation devi
surgical trauma and potential complications. which arc solel y lIsed in the subaxial cervical sp

Calcium phosphate (bone) ceramics form a strong posterior fixation devices can extend up to the
bond with host bone because of a zone of apatite mi- ciput (Fig. 11 ~32). Posterior fi.'\ntion has commo
crocrystals deposited perpendicular to the hydroxy- consisted of various wiring methods, which
lapatite ceramic surface (Jarcho, 1981). Synthetic used as a tcnsion band posteriorly (Sutterlin et
hydroxylapatite blocks used for interbody cervical 1988). Within the past decade. however, techniq
arthrodesis in goalS produced similar fusion rates utilizing screws in both thc atlantoaxial and sub
and biomechanical stifFness when compared with ial spine have become rnorc popular.
autogenous bone (Pintar et aI., 1994). 11 is interest- Techniques for aLiantoaxial fixation have evol
ing to note that the goat holds its head creCl, and from onlay bone grafting alone to cver~more sop
thus loads the cervical spine similarly to human ticated methods of internal fixalion. Interlam
bipeds. Goat models for cervical spinebiologicallbio- clamp fixation is clinically reliable and
mechanical testing are, therefore. populal: (iVIoskovich & Crockard, 1992). Screw fixation te
A can inc thoracic anterior al1hrodcsis model niques may confer increased translational and a
yielded contrary results when tested biomcchanically: rotational stability, but with greater surgical ri
autogenolls iliac crest grafts were stiffer in all motions A biomechanical evaluation of four commonly u
than \\lcre ceramic graft substitutes (Emery et aI.. techniques for posterior atlantoaxial fixation
1996). aturally grown coral is also a useful bone graft performed (Grob et aI., 1992\ Cadaver CI-C2 f,
substitute once it has been processed. Jt is available tional spinal units were tested in nexion~cxtensi
con1rncl'cially in t\\-'o different porosities (200 ~m and lateral bending, and rotation, while intact as we
500 lJ.m pore size). The grafls of lower porosity had a after a complete ligamel1lous injul)/. The fixa
compl"Cssive strength comparable \vith biconical iliac techniques used wcrc:
crest grafts, although they were much more briule.
They can therefore be considered appropriate for clini- I. Sublaminar wire with one median graft
cal lise with rcspect to their compressive strength (Gallie type)
(Table 11-1). An increasing variety of prosthctic intcr- 2. \Vire fixation with two bilateral grafts
body cages ~\re becoming available (Shono ct aL, 1993); (Brooks lype)
long-tellll clinical results arc eagerly awaited. Addi- 3. Transarticular screw fixation (Mager!)
tional anteJior (Fig. 11 ~31) or posterior intcI11al ft:-.:atio!l 4. Two bilateral posterior Halifax clamps (Fig
using plates and screws for added support ma.\' be lIsed. 11-33)
str<:ltcd similar 01' irnproved fusion rates com
with stand-alolle bone grafts.
Anolher group <:lssl."s;ed lilt, biollH.:Lhallical s
it~ 01" sen.'n different cervical n:construction
ods using 24 c(lif cClyieal spinl' segments (KotC
al.. 1994). Thl'~' studied Ihn:\:.' posk'rior-nnl,\'
niques. anlcrior-onl.\' u... lyical platLs. antcrior
graft alone. and a combined <:lIlterior plate wilh
(erior triple wiring. The results dcmollstnlled
for onL'-lc\"L'1 instrlbilit\', the stiffncss \"alues
consllliciion with an a;1terior procedure alOlle
si!.!nificanth- smaller than those of all the othL'
st;ucts tcst~'d. Intcrl'slin!!lv, stiffness w<:\s n.:sto
prc-in,iul-y le\'cb in specin'1L'nS \\'itlt lwo-lc\'L'! i
patterns reconstrucled using an~' of the three
riot" 1l'lL,thocls. TilL' findings do not SlIpport the
C':\clusi\'L' ank'rior methods in either posteri

An example of an anterior cervical plate applied over two

motion segments on a model of the cervical spine (Peak
cervical plate, DePuy Acromed, Inc., Raynham, MA). The
screws do not penetrate the posterior cortex and are
locked to the plate to prevent backing out.

The Gallie technique allowed signincanLl.y morc EIIEI

rotation in Oexion, extension, axial rotation, and lat-
eral bending than did the other three fixation tech- Posterior occipitocervical fixation using a highly mod
niques, No significant differences were noted in the stainless steel loop (Ransford loop, Surgicraft; Redditc
amount of rotation between the other three fixation Worcs" U.K.) wired into place on a skeleton model. T
techniques, although the Magerl transarticular cranial loop is attilched to the occiput Llsing wires tha
pass through paired full,thickness burr holes. The wir
screw fixation tended to permit the least amount 01'
not passed around the foramen magnum. The loop is
rotation, as might be expected,
bent to conform to the posterior craniocervical angle
A variety of anterior cervical plating systems are may be adjtlsted intraoperatively. The limbs of the lo
currently available, and many have been subject are attached via sublaminar wires at each level. Note
to biomechanical analyses. Investigators demon- the axis laminar wires are tightened below the flare
strated that in a single-le\'e1 procedure, an anterior loop, which serves to maintain distraction between th
cel"Vical plate serves as a load-sharing device rather ciput and the axis vertebra. Sublaminar wire use is on
than as a load-shielding device, enabling graft con- many techniqlles available to achieve segmental post
solidation as observed in other clinical studies fixiltion. Reprin:ec! (''1iIh permission from tvioskovirh R.. e
(Rapoff el aI., 1999). Bone lInion may be expecled to (2000i. OcopitorervJCaJ stabi/izallon for mj'eJopathj' In pat
occur at a lower rate if the bones are shielded from : ','Itil rlleumdtoid (1f!hritI5 ImpliratlotlS 0; /lO! ball' gr(lf;lflg
BOllc JOlni Sur). a2A. 349-365
compressive forces; however, clinical experience
with anterior cervical plates has generally demon-

equipped vehicle (King & Yang, 1995). Flowever,
long after airbag devices becan'lC available, air
injuries involving front seat passengers began to
described and by late 1997, 49 child deaths and
seriolls injuries had been attributed to passeng
side airbags (Marshall et aI., 1998).
A retrospective review was performed by three
C2 diatric radiologists to determine if a pattern of inj
was common to this new mechanism of pedia
trauma (Marshall et aI., 1998). Their findings, as w
as the findings of other studies, demonstra
that passenger-side airbags pose a lethal threat
children riding in the front seat of an automo
(Giguere et aI., 1998; McCaffrey et aI., 19
Diagram of a skeletonized atlantoaxial motion segment Mohamed & Banerjee, 1998). Many of the child
viewed from its posterior aspect. The method of applica~ killed in these accidents \vere front seat passeng
tion of the interlaminar clamps can be seen. The bone involved in low-speed collisions in \vhich the dr
grafts lie under the Halifax clamps and allow the posterior sustained no or only minor injuries; the pattern
construct to be locked tightly, providing immediate stabil- injury' seen is different in the rear-facing infant
ity. Reprinted with permission from rvloskovich, R., & (rockard, seat versus the fOl\vard-facing child car seat. In
HA (992). Atlantoaxial anhrodesis using inrcr!aminc1{ clamps.
formec the injury' to the infant \Vas often mas
An improved technique. Spine, 17, 261-267
skull injury and cerebral hernatoma as a result of
proxirnit)' of their heads to the airbag, while in the
ter, children sustained man)' more cervical injur
'1\\'0 of the older children had autopsy findings o
lanto-occipital dislocation and one sllstained a "n
threc-colurnn instabilit.y. In three-column or multi- decapitation" injury, demonstrating the vulnerab
level instability, combined front and back proce- of the pediatric cervical spine to the explosive fo
dures utilizing an anterior plate and posterior triple of an expanding airbag that hyperextends the ch
wiring demonstrated clear biomechanical advan- fragile neck. Recent guidelines from the NHTSA (
tages. Clinical use of anterior plate fixation without 11-3) were prompted by reports of airbag injurie
posterior fixation for three-column cen/ical injuries, children and emphasize that children of an}'
however, resulted in satisfactory clinical outcomes should be properly secured in the back seat (Natio
(Ripa et aI., 1991). These results underscore the Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 1996).
need for good clinical evaluation and studies that A mathematical simulation was performed
take into account the fourth-dimension-time. Fu w

study the potential of head and neck injury to an

sion is a biological process that occurs over time belted driver restrained by an airbag (Yang et
and supercedes the importance of in vitro or
computer-simulated biomechanical studies.
Nai;ional HighwayTraffic
.Guidelines Regarding
Airbag Injuries
Airbags & Children
Motor vehicle accidents continue to be the leading
cause of injury-related deaths in the United States. The back seat is the safest place for children of any age
[n 1984, the National Highway Traffic Safety Ad- to ride.
rninistration (NHTSA) required that automatic oc- Never put an infant (less than 1 year old) in the front of
cupant protection devices (airbags or automatic a c"ar with a passenger-side airbag.
scat belts) be placed in all automobiles in the Infants must always ride in the back seat, facing the
1987-1990 model years. In 1993, the passengelcside rear of the car.
airbag was introduced. Studies generally' concluded Make sure everyone is buckled up. Unbuckled occu-
that front seat occupants are adequately! protected pants can be hurt or killed by an airbag.
against frontal impact if belts are worn in an airbag-
1992). It was found lhal when the standard 20 an- elude inlerspinous ligamcllt tears, spinous pr
gie steering wheel was used, neck joint torques were fractures. disc rupture. ligamcntum f1avulll nlp
decreased by 22%. The resultant head acceleration facd joinl disruptiun, and stretching of 11K.' ~\I
increased 41% fTom the baseline study when a ver- musdl's. The diagnosis and managcll1clH of
tical steering \vheel \\"las used. "If the verlical (limen- lash injuries an.. . oflel1 t.:ol1l"oUIl(!Ld b~r concom
sian of the airbag was reduced by 100/0, neck joint psychosoci;':il ,lilt! IlH.'dicolcgal isSlIl..."S':IS well (\
torques were increased by l4%, while head acceler- et ,Ii., 1998j.
ation showed a slight decrease of 90/0. Although One of the earlv (unpublishcd) biomceha
ideal dimensions and inflation rates for airbags re- studies or whiplash injury was clone b.v the la
main elusive, their use has resulted in a significant Irving Tuell. nil orthopuedic surgeon in Se
reduction in head and neck injuries. \V~\shillgton. I-h.: uscd a cinl' camenl to photog
himsdf driving as he was rammed from behin
his surgical J'csidL'nt driving anothLT car. Fr
Whiplash Syndrome
drawn frolll Lhat movit.' ckarly demonstrate til
Whiplash syndrome is a complex se' of symp,oms ,hal pen:xtension of his neck over the sl.'alback of h
may present after an acceleration hyperextension in- (Fig. 11-34). One C;:\l\ also scc thl' dlect of in
jury. These injllIies typically occur when a Car is struck l"orces on tht.: mandible as his jaw snaps opt'n
From behind, bUl may also be caused by lalcml or the Hcccicratioll forces his !lead backwards.
Fron'al collisions (Barnslev el aI., 1994) (Case Study mechanism Illi.l\ explain the tL'mporomandi
11-2). The acceleration of the car seat pushcs the torso injuries thal (In,.' a COllllllon accompanilllL'nt o
of the occupant forward with the result that the un- \'ical \\'hipbsh injuries_
supp0l1ed head falls backward. resulting in an exten- r\ recent sLud~' of rcarend collisions qual
sion strain to the neck. A secondaJ)' Aexion injlll)' may !i\'d~' elucidated the m.:tllal neck movements
occur if the vehicle just struck then strikes another ve- wke place (Castro CI aI., 1997). A1kr
hicle in front and just as suddenly decelerates again, ramllled from behind, the Illcan accl'ler<:\tion
throwing the occupant forward once more. Crowe target \'chicles was from 2.\ to 3_6 g. Maxim
coined the tellll 'whiplash' in 1928 in a lecture on neck tension was n.'ached when the head contacte
injllIies caused by rear-end automobile collisions in the headrest; the angle b('!wt...Ln the head and t
United States but latcr reported that he regretted using bOth' varied From 10 to 47" (meall = 20"). In th
the term (Breck & Van Norman, 1971) because il de- SCIlCL' or a headrest, tht..., maximal r('cordcd e
scribes only the manner in which a head was moved sion was 80". FollOW-LIp clinical and rvIRI cxam
suddenly to produce a sprain in the neck and not a spe- tions were pcrformt.:d_ The sttlcl~! concluded
cific injUl}' pattern. Therefore, we refer to this clinical the "limit or hannlessllcss" for stresses ar
entity as whiplash syndrome, not as whiplash injllry. from rear-end impacts with regard to the ve
Allhough whiplash injuries are a common trau- changes lies bd\\'cen 10 and 15 km/h, In stud
matic event, the pathology is poorlv understood. 01'- reproducible \\-hiplash trauma mode! using w
len the severity of the whiplash trauma does not cervical spinc specimens 1ll00Jnh.:d on a belH.:
con-elate with the seriousness or the dinical prob- sled was used to simulate rear-end collision
lem, which can include neck and shoulder pain, increasing horizontal accderations applied t
dizziness, headache, and blurring of vision (Brault sled (Panjabi ct 'II" 1998a.b). Bo,h sled and
et al., 1998; Ettlin Cl aI., 1992; Panjabi el aI., 1998a; kinematics CHIl be measur'cd using potentiom
Sturzenegger el 'II., 1994). Apart Ii'om a frequently and acceleroll1l.~tcrs. Using this whiplash modt
observed loss of physiological lordosis, a radio- S-shapL'd cun:c was (kscrihed in whiplash in
graphic examination of the cervical spine is often in which the lowt.:'r cervical spinC' h.\'perext
normal. Even newer technology such as MRI is not ~JIld the upper cCITical spine flexed (Grauer
always able (0 I-eveal a soft tissue injul}'. MRI exam- 19(7). The invesLigators r~h that Ihe in.iur~' w
ination of the cerebrum and cervical spinal column currcd during the hyperextension phase i
perrormed 2 days after a \vhiplash neck sprain in- knvcr cervical spinc,
JUI)' in 40 patients did not deli~cl an)' pathology con~ Correct positioning or adjustable headn..'s
nected lO the injlll)', nor was the MRI able '0 predicl hind the skull. not hehind the Ileck, is impo
symptom development or outcome (Borchgre\fink d Tests using a H~'gc sk~d and a Hybrid III dll
aI., 1997). Injuries thaI have been documented in- wcre pcrrorl11L:d by other iJ1\'estigalOrs to deter
fi .,;;;;: _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------ ------------------------.-

, ;" .. ,
' ,~

if ! Whiplash Syndrome
;: ;::',:'i::'/.::,';):
::'::)/:,:'':-''P,}\ 32-yearold man was injured in a car accident. The trau- from Fr(1nkel, VH. (1972). Whiplash injuries to the neck. In
::~9>:~;:_~i~;~ matic event happened after being struck from behind. [n C. Hirsh & Y Zotterman (Eds.), Cervical Pain (pp. 97~111).
/~~{~:d{t:ih.iS case. the inertia of the head and the flexible spine re- New York: Pergamon Press.
"?g;'sulted in marked hyperextension movement of the head. The
.a~celeration of the car seat pushed the torso of the occupant
$Jo~va{d with the result that the unsupported head fell back-
'ft~~ard, resulting in an extension strain to the neck.
lr -;.
The palient presented with severe neck and shoulder pain
accompanied by sleep disturbance. The right sternocleido-
mastoid muscle was approximately twice as large as the left
t, sternocleidomastoid muscle. After muscle testing against re-
>.: ' f.. sjstance, the pain increased (Fig. cs 11-2-1).
..t. ~> 'To decelerate the posterior rotating head, a moment and
g>:a.force must be developed by active and passive stabilizers,
i.-?int surfaces, and the intervertebral disc. The moment and
force give rise to tension, compression, and shear stresses
.',: .find strains in various parts oi the neck Cdusing, damage.
fl., During the collision, rhe muscle tension increases with ihe
, velocity of lengthening. A tension inappropriate for the
length tension curve occurs and partial rupture of the sterno-

cleidomastoid muscle is produced. Reprinted with permission Case Study Figure 11-2-1.

'.- -..



1~_H.a_nd_-_d_r.aw_n.c.e.I .,
(A) Before and (B).tr.a.c.ed_f'.o.m_t_w_o_f.r_am_e_','.c.a.r-
aher bein9 rammed from behind by another car driven by hi, re,ident_


.. ...
biomechanical responses for the various conditions plied, which protects the disc from catastrophic
observed in normal driving (Viano & Gargan. 1996). lIrL' ulltil e . . . trl"lllcl~ high loads are applied.
Risk of injury was assumed to be proportional to 5 Vi".'IlL"blal bod~' cUlllpr~ssioll str~ngth incre
neck extension. A low headrest position carries a from upper ct.'n:ical 10 IO\\'L'r lumbar lev-cis.
relative injl1r~' risk of 3.4 in rear-end crashes. com-
pared with 1.0 for the favorable condition. If all ad- 6 TIlL' mean sagillal diametL'r of the malt.- a
justable headrests were placed in the up position, spinal canal for C3-C7 is close LO 14 Illm; the sp
the relative risk would be lowered to 2.4, a 28.30/0 re- cord diameter is about 10 111 Ill.
duction in whiplash injury risk. 7 LigamclltuJ11 flavlIJ11 is undt..'1' tension
Significantly more complex acceleration injuries when the spine is in a Ill:1Itral position or somew
ascribed to high G-force activities are now occurring. cxtended. prestressing the disc and pro\'iding s
There is a report in the Htelature of cervical injury in intrinsic support 10 tht..' spine.
pilots of F- t 6 fighter planes, citing a I-year preva-
lence of neck injury of 56.6% and a career prevalence
S iVlllscles pla~' a critical role in b~lsic post
homeostasis. Patients with paral~'zL'd ct..'lyical m
of neck injury of 85.4% (Albano & Stanford. 1998).
cles arc unable to support thdr heads.
Maintenance of neurological homeostasis and
protection of the spinal cord. nerves. and vessels 9 The spinal cord has some longilUdinal c1a
and support and protection of the skull are the ulti- it.' blll it tole-ratL's axial translation pond.". It is
mate tasks of the cervical spine. An appreciation of translatolY forces {hat t.\'picall,\ rcsult in neurol
the principles presented should afford a greater un- cal injul.\',
derstanding to physicians and allied health profes-
10 Instant c('ntl.'!' anal.\'sis indicates that tange
sionals involved in the treatment of cervical spine
lnotion (gliding) wkcs placl. bel\\,(.'c]1 lltt::.' facet jo
pathology. 'vVith increasing technological advances
as lItc cervical spine is flexed alld extended. The
in our society, \ve remain vulnerable not only to
or the intelTcrtebr~il !"()ramina inc.TeDscs with fle
common types of cervical trauma but also to idio-
and deCl'l:ascs \\'ith extension,
syncratic methods of injury' related to these new
technologies. Acceleration injuries have been OCCUI'- 11 Kinematic instability' refl'rs to the quantit
l'ing for decades but cervical spine injuries caused motion (too much or too little) or till.' quality of
by airbags have only recently been described, and tion present (alterations in lile normal pattern
aliI' involvement in increasingly greater speeds and both. Component instahilil.\' addrcsses the clin
higher risk activities places LIS in increasing jeop- biomechanic~ll role of till.' \'ariolls anatomic st
ardy, As our body' of knowledge expands, we con- tures of the functional spinal unit.
tinue to discover new methods of injury. It is critical 12 An." motion s~~glllent in which all of the a
to pursue rational treatments for these disorders rior ek'llkllts or all the posterior ekments me
based on sound biomechanical principles, stn>yed or are unabk' to function should be con
ered unstable.
5 11111111 a Iy 13 A significant incn:asc in annulus stresses
scgrnclltal mobility' may' OCCUI' when bilateral f
1 A functional spinal unit or motion segment resection exceeds 50(*;.
consists of t\\'o adjacent vcnebrae and the interven- 14 Appropriate use or internal fi:G1lion helps L
ing intervertebral discs and ligaments between the (:reasc the fusion rate and maintain structural a
vertebrae. ment.
_2 Whcn eithcr rotation or translation of a body 15 Front seat occupants are adcqLH.llcl~' prote
along one axis is consistently associated with a si- ~lgain.s{ frontal impact if scat belts arc worn in
multaneous rotation or translation along another airbag equipped ,chick. Passenger-side air
axis. the motions arc coupled. pose a lethal threat to children riding in the f
3,; Intervertebral disks cxhibit viscoelastic proper- scat 01" an automobile.
ties (creep and relaxation) and hysteresis. 16 \'Vhiplash s.\"ndrome is a complex set of s~
(4;' Discs arc able to withstand greater than nor- tOI11S thal may present aher an (\("ccleration hy
l1l~r loads when compressive forces arc rapidly ap- extension injury.
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"~~--------------~...",,.,...,..,..-----~~..... ....-. . - ._

f/, of the Shoulder

Craig 1. Della Va/Ie, Andrew S. Rokito, Maureen Gallagher Birdzel
Joseph D. Zuckerma

Kinematics and Anatomy
Range of Motion of the Shoulder Complex
Sternoclavicular Joint
Acromioclavicular Joint
Glenohumeral Joint and Related Structures
Glenoid labrum
Joint Capsule
Glenohumeral and Coracohumeral ligaments
Additional Constraints to Glenohumeral Stability
Scapulothoracic Articulation
Spinal Contribution to Shoulder Motion
Muscular Anatomy
Integrated Muscular Activity of the Shoulder Complex
Forward Elevation
External Rotation
Internal Rotation
Scapulotr,oracic Motion
loads at the Glenohumeral Joint
The Biomechanics of Pitching

It ----._------------------------~--------~._-._-~-------_._-

""" :;;;Cor
Introduction anatomy of the various aspeclS or the shoulder com
plex and shows how their structure allows ror eff
shoulder links the LIpper extremity to the trunk cient biotllcchanical function.
acts in conjunction with the elbow to position
hand in space for crfkient function. [t consists
of the glenohumeral. acromioclavicular, stcrnoclav
iculat: and scapulolhoracic articulations and the Kinematics and Anatomy
musculature structures that act on them La produce
the most dynamic and mobile joint in the bodv (Fig, To produce the intricate motions necessary for no
12-J). An absence of bony constraints allo\I.'5 a wide n1al functioning of the shoulder complex, the fou
range of motion at the expense of stability, which is pro- aniculations with their associated components ac
for instead by the various ligamentous and mus- togcther in a way that produces mobility greate
stl1.!cturcs. than that afforded by anyone individual aniClda
The biomechanics of the shoulder arc complex, tion, The ability of the shoulder complex to positio
and a complete discllssion necessitates an analysis the humerus and the remainder of the LIpper cx
of the four aforementioned articulations that make trcmit~ in space is further augmented by movemen
up the shoulc!eI- complex. This chapter describes the of the spine. A discussion follows of the t\'pcs an
ranges of motion for the shoulder complex as
whole, with subsequent sections discussing th
manner in which motion is achieved at each of th
articulat ions,

iOin1 Stern1i~:~tCular

Acromion o f .
@ -~ /.
Shoulder range of motion is traditionally measure
in terms of flexion and extension (elevation o
scapula \ Clavicle
\ \ Sternum movcrncnt of the humenls away from the side of th
, '\ thorax in the sagittal plane), abduction (elevation i
_ r the coronal plane), and intemalexternal rotalio
,)" I ($
(axial rotation of the humerus with the arm held i
an aclducted position) (Fig, 12-2), Although durin
I \ t?r functional activit.ies these pure motions are rarel
~,\ seen, we can better understand the complex mo

i"-(l-- Humerus
tions of the shoulder by anal~/zing the separate com
ponents needed to achieve anyone position,
Although forward elevation of 180 is theOl'et
cally possible, the average value in men is 167 an
in women it is 171. Extension or posterior eleva
lion averages 60 (Boone & Azen. 1979). These va
I Scapulothoraclc
ues are Iimiled by capsular torsion. Abduction i
~0L-n _ the coronal plane is limited by bony impingemen
of the greater tubcr()~ity on the acromion, Forwar
I Schematic depiction of the bony structures of the shoulder elevation in thc plane or the scapula, thereFore,
i and their four articulations. The circular insets show front considered to be more Functional because in th
, views of the three synovial joints-sternoclavicular, plane the inferior portion of the capsule is no
I acromioclavicular, and glenohumeral-and a lateral view
of the scapulothoracie joint, a bone-
twisted and the musculature of the shoulder is op
timally aligned for elevation of the arlll (Fig. 12-3
,I muscle-bone articulation. Adapted with permis5ion from De Although shoulder range of motion !10nl1all~' d
Palma, A.F. (1983). Biomechallin of the shoulder. In Surgery of
J.I the Shoulder (3rd 00.. pp.6S-85J. P!I;/adelp!l;d: J.8. Upp;ncorr
creases as part of the aging process, physical activ
ity can counteract lhis process (Murray ct al


"~ ~'~"~T" "'-_" "_' O' ' ' ' ' =' ' 'r. ....=" "~" ,.,. .,." ,- , ,_: " ' ' '-:' ' '-:' ' ~- ,' ' '., ,~, "'.=.". .- -". . . ,.-. .,.-"_"', ."'_,"', _J"'.;./"', ~. -7"+-r;" ':, :-o"'- :;'?"'~ _P ~"'"'
._--Ii!_'., _,.. .=.. .. T":::;"': ..
!:::xternal and Internal
Forward flexion Extension AbduClion rolation

~ it
I ,
, lf

cs. ..- _........"..'...........-=>1

I I ,, Humerus

:, \\ at the

A B c D

A, Forward flexion. The humerus is in the sagittal plane. B, the humerus at the side, Internal rotation is shown with
Extension. The humerus is in the sagittal plane. C, Abduction. arm behind the back, which is a functionally important
The humerus is in the frontal plane. D, Rotation around the of this motion.
long axis of the humerus. External and internal rotation with

STERNOCLAVICULAR JOINT first rib. This is a truc s\TH)vial joint that has a
dle-like shape and contains a fibrocartilaginou
The sternoclavicular joint consists 01" the enlarged
ticular disc or meniscus that divides it into
medial end of the clavicle and the most superolat-
eral aspect of the manubrium, linking the upper ex-
Although the joint itself has little intrinsic st
tremity directly to the thorax. In addition, a small
ity, the articular disc in conjunction with ante
facet is present inFeriorly that articulates with the
posterior. C()stoclavicular, and intL't"clavicular
ments maintains joint apposition (Fig. 12-4).
Scapular plane elevation anterior and posterior sternocla\'icular ligam
resist anterior ;:md posterior translatiolls (as we
superior displacement), while the costoclm'i
Long axis Long axis
lig;:Hllenl, which rUIlS betwcen the undersurfac

the medial end 01" the chlviclc and the first rib
sists upward as Wi..'l1 as posterior displacemen
the clavicle (\'ia its anterior'portion) and is tho
to be the major constraint in limiting stcrnoclav
br motion. The interclavicular ligament conn
the superollledial aspect or the clavicles ,:Hld as
in restr;:lining the joint superiorl:v. '1'he post
portion 01" the interclavicular ligament also. as
with anterior restraint of' the sternoclavicular j
Speciflcall)-', the interclavicular ligament tigh
Elevation in the scapular plane, which is midway between with arm depression and is lax when the ann is
forward flexion and abduction. The humerus is in the vated (i\'lorrey & An, 1990). The disc prevents
plane of the scapula.
dial disphlcelnent or
the clavicle, which m<l!' o
when C<\IT)-'ing objects at the side, ;:IS well as infe
Sternoclavicular Joint ally directed coroid and the anterolaterally d
rected trapezoid ligaments, which arc distin
Ant. sternoclavicular Articular structures that serve different biomechanic
Jig. disc
functions. The smaller coroid ligament acts
limit superior-inferior displacement of the clav
cle. The quadrilaterally shaped trapezoid is t
larger and stronger of the two ligaments and
found lateral to the coroid; it resists axial com
pression or motion about a horizontal axis. T


Demonstration of the anatomy of the sternoclavicular

joint. Reprinted with permission from DeLee J. & Drez, D. I
(/9911). Orthopaedic Sports Medicine. Principles and Practice
(p. 464). Phi/adelfJhl~): WB. Saunders Co. p~
Sternum \
A Ant. Meniscus

displacement via articular contact. Although these

structures act as important stabilizers, they still al~
Imv for significant motion including up to 50 of ax-
ial rotation and 35 of both superior-inferior cleva
lion and anteric)I'-posterior translation (Fig. 12-5).

The acromioclavicular joint (Fig. 126) lies between
the lateral end of the clavicle and the acromion of Rotation
the scapula (the lateral and anterior extension of the
scapular spine) and is subject to the high loads
transmitted from the chest musculature to the up-
per extremity. It too is a synovial joint, but has a pla-
nar configuration. A wedge-shaped articular disc,
whose function is poorly understood, is found c
\vithin the joint originating from the superior as-
pect. Both sides of the articular surface are covered
with fibrocartilage and the joint itself slopes infero-
Motion at the sternoclavicular joint. A, Top view showin
medially, causing the lateral end of the clavicle to
the clavicular protraction and retraction (anteroposterio
slightly override the acromion. gliding) in the transverse plane around a longitudinal ax
A weak fibrous capsule encloses the joint and is (solid dot) through the costoclavicular ligament, not
reinforced superiorly' by' the acromioclavicular lig- shown. Motion takes place between the sternum and th
ament. The acromioclavicular ligament acts pri- meniscus. B. Anterior view showing clavicular elevation
marily to restrain both axial rotation and posterior and depression (superoinferior gliding) in the frontal pla
translation of the clavicle. The majority of the around a sagittal axis (solid dot) through the costoclavic
joint's vertical stability is provided by the coraco- lar ligament. not shown. Motion occurs between the cla
clavicular ligaments that suspend the scapula cle and the meniscus. C, Anterior view depicting the clav
from the clavicle (Fukuda et aI., 1986). The cora- ular rotation around the longitudinal axis ofthe clavicle

coclavicular ligaments consist of the posteromedi-

Coroid ligament Coracoclavicular vasclll~ll' slrlH.:lllrl"S and SL'IYL'S as an altachmcn
ligamenl for Inan\ of Iht.' l1luscles dl41t ~Ict on tilL' sho
Acromioclavicular Tht.' clavicle' also pro\'ides for the normal ap
ligament ance 4\[H.! contour or tIJL~ llPP(~J' chest. Elevati
IhL' upper extrcmil,\' is aCCOl11lXlnicd b.\ rotati
- Acromion
wdl as ck'\-',<1lion or the c1a\'idL.', with approxim
-1-0 of c1micular dL.'\ation for evcr~ 10'> of arm
\~ltion, \\ith the majorit.\, of this motion occu
at the stL'I"llocla\'indar joint {Inman, Saunde
Ahhot!. 1944 J.


Intertubercular STRUCTURES
synovial sheath -1'-----')
Although motion at the acrol'nioclavicular, st
Scapula chlvicular, and scapulothoracic articulalions is
10 the on:rall function or Ihe shoulder comple
cClltral pla.n?r is the glt.'llohullleraljoinl. Tht..' a
lar surface of lhe proximal humerus forms a
The coracoclavicular ligament complex consists of the larger arc and is CO\cfL.,d with hyalin(' cartilag~ as
and heavier trapezoid ligament, which is oriented laterally, glenoid fossa. The hUllleral head is rctnwt..'rlc
and the smaller coroid ligament, situated more medially. postt..'riorl.\' dirt..'ctcd 3D'" wilh rt..'speci 10 tilL>
Reproduced with permission from Hollinshead, WH. (/969). cond.\'lar plan..: of the distal hUlllerus and has a
Anatomy for Surgeons (Vol. 3), New York: Harper & RO'll, ward or llledial indination of 45; this configur
gives the humerus an o\'eral! more anterior an
eral orienl~\liol\ (Fig. 12-7). The greater and
tuberosities lie lateral to Ihe articular surface o
proximal hUIl1L'rus thal SCIY('S as tht.' all<:lchlllL'1
coracoacromial ligament lies on the lateral side of
for IhL' rotator culT IllUsctdalUrc. The long he
the acromioclavicular joint and runs rrom the
Lhe biceps lendon trii\vcrsL.'S till> bicipilal g
most lateral aspect of the coracoid to the medial
aspect of the acromion.
Although clavicular rotation does occur with arm
elevation, Rockwood (1975) found little relative mo-
tion between the clavicle and acromion. This has
been attributed to synchronous clavicular and
scapular rotation with little resullant relative mo-
tion at the acromioclavicular joint: the majority of
scapulothoracic motion occurs via the stcnlOclavic-
ular joint. Thus, rigid fixation or fusion of the
acromioclavicular joint produces little loss or over-
all shoulder function while sternoclavicular fixation
leads to restricted motion or, more commonly. im-
plant failure.


The clavicle lies between the two aforementioned

articulations, acting as a strut connecting the tho- The two-dimensional orientation of the articular sur
rax to the upper extrell1it~'. It is an S-shaped, the humerus with respect to the bicondyrar axis, Rep
double-curved bone: the medial two thirds of the ......rth pemllC;SIOfl from Rockwood, C. & Matsen, f (J 990).
body convex anteriorly while the lateral end is con- Shoulder (p. 219). Pillladelphia. ~'V.B. 5.:1lmderc; Co
cave. It protects the lInderl~, brachial plexus and
lies between the tuberosities) beneath the
tr",nsve,,'se humeral ligament (Fig. 12~8).
The proximal humerus articulates with the glen-
fossa, which itselF is retroverted 7 and superi~
inclined 5 relative to the plane of the scapula
12-9, A & B). This slight superior inclination
n,-OV\C!,'5 a significant degree of geometric stability,
to resist inferior subluxation or dislocation
et al., 1992). The glenoid fossa is shallow and is
to contain only approximately one third of the
di,wlet"r of humeral head. The bony architecture is
by the cartilaginous surface, which is A B
thicker peripherally than it is centrally, acting to
slightly but significantly increase the depth of the

A, The glenoid is retroverted r with respect to the p

perpendicular to the scapular plane. B, The glenoid f
superiorly approximately 5. Reprinted ,vith permission
from Simon, S,R, (Ed). (1994). Orthopaedic Basic Science
Greater (p. 526-527). Rosemont. IL: AtlQS
tuberosity ----1''';..-1
Transverse ---+

Long head of - - - t - glenoid as a whole. Although the congruity betw

the biceps
the articular surfaces of the proxin1al humerus
Short head of -----,f-tf--
glenoid was previously' thought to be somewhat
the biceps
precise, stereophotogrammetric studies (\vhere
fine grid is projected onto an object that is then p
tographed From two different directions in the
text of known reference targets, allowing for a th
dimensional reconstruction) have shown
articulation to be precise, \vith the deviation f
sphericity' of the convex humeral articular sur
and concave glenoid articular surface being
than 1% (Soslowsky et aI., 1992). Less than 1.5
of translation of the humeral head on the gle
surface has been demonstrated in normal subj
during a 30 arc of 1110tion (Poppen & Walker, 19

thus, motion at the glenohumeral joint is alm

purely rotational. Given the paucity 01' bony
straint, stability is instead provided by the caps
ligamentous, and muscular structures that
round the glenohumeral joint.

Glenoid Labrum
The long head of the biceps goes in the bicipital groove
between the greater and lesser tuberosities. The transverse The glenoid labru111 (Fig. 12-10) is a fibrocarti
humeral ligament helps stabilize the biceps tendon in the nous rim that acts to deepen the glenoid, provi
groove. Reprinted with permission from Neer, C. (1990). Shoul- 50;(; of the overall depth of the glenohumeral j
der Reconstruction (p. 29), Philadelphia: WB. Saunders Co. (\Varner, 1993). It has a triangular configura
\'.'hen viewed in cross-section and has firm att
Coracoacromial ligament

Glenoid --',--'\l;--i.
Glenoid --+--~: process
cavity Coracohumeral
Tendon of long head of
biceps brachii

Long head of
tTiceps brachll

A, The glenoid labrum is attached to the underlying bony when vie'Ned in crosssection and serves to effectively
glenoid and is confluent at its area with the long head of the deepen the glenoid, increasing the stability of the glen
biceps tendon. B. The labrum has a triangular configuration hllmeral joint.

menls inferiorly to the underlying bone, having

morc variable and looser atlachments in its superior
and anterosuperior portions. The superior portion
or the glenoid labrum is connucnt with the tendon
of the long head of the biceps and. along with the
adjacent slIpraglenoid tubercle. serves as its site of
insertion (Moore. 1999).
iVlcasurcmenlS of the force needed to dislocate
the humeral head under constant compressive
pressure have shown that with an intact labrum,
the humeral head resists tangential forces of ap-
proximately 60% of the compressive load; resec-
tion of the labrum reduces the effectiveness of
compressionstabilization by 20% (Lippitt ct aI.,
1993). Detachment of the superior labrum with an-
terior-posterior extension (i.e., "SLAP lesion") can
occur from traction (repetitive overhead activities
or a sudden pull on the arm) or compression (a fall
onto an outstretched arm). This lesion can be a DEmll.-
cause of severe pain and shoulder instability (hoi,
Hsu, & An, 1996) as a result of significant in- Oblique coronal image showing a tear involving th
creases in glenohumeral translation whcn com- sertion of the long head of the biceps tendon and
superior labrllm (arrow).
pared with the intact shoulder (Pagnani et al.,
1995). (Fig. 12-11). ~----------
Capsule functional significance of the coracohumeral lig
rne-nt, however, seems to be related to the overa
'/fZ;/-:- The ~:dcnohLll11cral joint capsule has a significant de-
development of the glenohumeral ligaments in
$: -~~~~t\l"rec
-of inherent laxity with a stll-face area llull is
given individual, having a larger role in those with
<"W'~""twice that of the humeral head (Warner, 1993), This
less-developed superior glenohumeral ligame
::~jZkJLredtindancyallows for a wide range of mOL ion. Mc-
(Warner et aI., 1992),
,;,;" "idiallv, the capsule attaches both directly onto (an-
The middle glenohumeral ligament originates i
:~;~:;.:terotnferior1y) and beyond the glenoid labrum and
ferior to the superior glenohumeral ligament (at th
~~-- laterally it reaches [Q the anatomical neck of the
I o'clock to 3 o'clock position, right shoulder) an
;'~lh~humerlls. Superiorly, it is attached at the base of the
inserts fl.1rther laterally on the lesser tuberosit
'itrtY:' coracoid. enveloping the long head of the biceps
Great variability in the anatomy of this structu
~'7F~;~tendon and mnking it an intl'n-articular structure
has been demonstrated, being absent in as many
dfB"HFig, 12-1 I),
30% of shoulders (Curl & Warren, 1996), It ma
-!:%ihi The capsule nlso has a stabilizing role, tightening originate from the anterosuperior portion of th
,-._. with various arm positions. In adduction, the cap-
labrum, the supraglenoid lubercle, or the scapul
sule is Lattl superiorly and lax inferiorly; with ab-
neck, Morphological variants have been descl'ibe
duction of the upper extremity, this relationship is
including a cord-like variant (clearly distinct fro
,'ev'er<;ect and the inferior capsule tightens. As the
the anterior band of the inferior glenohumeral lig
is externally rotated, the anterior capsule tight-
ment) and a sheet-like variant (blending with th
while internal rotation induces tightening pas-
anterior band of the lnferior glenohumeral lig
teriOl'lv, The posterior capsule in particular has been
ment). Functionally, the middle glenohumeral lig
to be crucial in maintaining glenohumeral
ment acts as a secondary restraint to inferior tran
stability, acting as a secondary restraint to anterior
lations of the glenohumeral joint with the arm
dislocation (particularly! in positions of abduction)
the abducted and externally rotated positio
as well as acting as a primar~y posterior stabilizing
(vVarner el aI., 1992). It also sen/cs as a restraint
structure (Itoi, Hsu, & An, 1996),
anterior translation, having its maximal effect wi
the arm abducted 45.
The inferior glenohumeral ligament originat
Glenohumeral and Coracohumeral
from the inferior aspect of the labrum and inser
on the anatomical neck of the humerus. It has bee
The three glenohumeral ligaments (SUPCriOI~ mid- shown to have three distinct components (O'Brie
dle, and inferior) are discrete extensions of the an- et ai., 1990): an anterior band originating from 2
terior glenohumeral joint capsule and al'e critical to 4 o'clock (right shoulder), a posterior compone
shoulder stability and function (Fig, 12-12), The su- originating fTom 7 to 9 o'clock (right shoulder), an
perior glenohumeral ligament originates from the an axillat), pouch (Fig. 12-12), The inferiOl glen
anterosupcrior labrum, just anterior to the long humeral ligament has the greatest rll11ctional signi
head of the biceps, and inserts onto the lesser icance, acting as the primm)' anterio.' stabilizer
tuberoSity. It is present in the majority of shoulders the shoulder with the arm in 90' of abduction, A
bllt only well developed in 50%, The superior gleno- the arm is abducted and externally rotated. the a
humeral ligament acts as the main restraint to infe- terior band of the inferior glenohumeral ligame
rior translation with the arm in the resting or ad- tightens, resisting anterior tninslalion. \Vith inte
dllcted position (Warner el aI., 1992), nal rotation of the abducted arm, the posterior ban
The coracohumeral ligament originates from the becomes taut and posterior translation is resiste
lateral side of the base of the coracoid to insert on The inferior glenohumeral ligament complex al
the anatomical neck of the humerus (Fig, 12-6) serves to resist inferior translation of the glen
(Cooper et aI., 1993). This structure lies anterior to humeral joint with the arm in the abducted pos
the superior glenohumeral ligament and reinforces tion. Variability as to the size and attachnlent sit
the superior aspect of the joint capsule, These liga- of the gle-nohumeral ligaments has been demo
ments span the rotator interval belween the sub- strated (Warner et aI., 1992); howe vet; the clinic
scapularis and supraspinatus, Some research incH- significance of this has yet to be fully elucidated a
cates thal these strUClures have a secondary role in though it has been suggested thal absence of t
preventing 'inferior translation of the shoulder while middle glenohumeral ligament may predispose
in the adducted, neutrall.v rotated posilion. The instability (Steinbeck et aI., 1998),



c D

A, Schematic drawing of the shoulder capsule illustrating the humeral ligament complex remain lax, C, The anterior b
location and extent of the inferior glenohumeral ligament is the primary restraint resisting inferior translation of t
complex (IGHLC). A, anterior; P, posterior; B, biceps tendon; shoulder at 45<> abduction and neutral rotation, In this
SGHL, superior glenohumeral ligament; MGHL, middle glenoo tion, the superior glenohumeral ligament, the middle g
humeral ligament; AS, anterior band; Ap, axillary pouch; PS, humeral ligament, and posterior band are lax, D, At 90
posterior band; Pc, posterior capsule. Reprinted with pertnis duction, the anterior and posterior bands of the inferio
sian from O'Brien, SJ, Neves, M.e, Amoczky, S.P, et at. (1990) glenohumeral ligament cradle the humeral head to pre
The anatomy and histology of the inferior glenohumeral ligament inferior translation, The posterior band is more significa
complex of the shoulder. Am J Sports Med. 18, 579-584. B. The external rotation, whereas the anterior band plays a gr
superior glenohumeral ligament is the primary restraint to role in internal rotation. Reprinted wirh permission from W
inferior translation in the adducted shoulder at neutral rota- IP, Deng, X.H.. Warren, R,F., et al. (1992). Staric capsuloliga
tion. In this position, the middle glen?humeral ligament and taus restraints ro superior-inferior translations of rhe glenohu
the anterior and posterior bands of the inferior gleno joint. Am J Sports Med, 20, 675-678.
Experimental Techniques:
Ligament Cutting Studies
Shoulder Instability

Ligament cutting studies have been instrumental in fur- A 21-yea:"0Id ma.n fell while skiing onto his right upper
thering our knowledge regarding the contribution of a . extremity, cauSing forceful abduction and external ro"
given anatomical structure to overall glenohumeral sta- tation. He noted acute pain in the arm and was unable to
bility (Curl & \JVarren, 1996). In this technique, cadav- IYlQveit Physical examination revealed loss of the normal

eric specimens are biomechanically tested before and contour of the shoulder and painful range of motion. Ra"
dlogr~phs showed an anterior dislocation with posterior
after selectively cutting sequential structures. A force is
then applied in a given arm position, and the transla- superi.()rhumeral head impaction fracture. The patient un-

tion that occurs is measured. From this information, the gerwent closed reduction. Postreduction radiographs con"
relative contribution that a given structure provides to firlYledreduction of the humeral head with a small bony
overall stability can be determined. When a particular ayulsion fracture of the anterior-inferior glenoid rim,
pattern of shoulder instability is then identified, the whichrepresents a detachment of the anterior labrum in
physician can infer which anatomical structures may be the area of the superior band of the glenohumeral liga-
deficient or disrupted so that a rational plan of physical ment insertion (Case Study Figure 12" 1" 1).
therapy or surgical repair can be implemented. Structural alteration of bony geometry, ligaments, and
labrum resulted in shoulder instability. The detachment of
the anterior labrum and the superior band of the liga-
ment insertion affected primarily the resistance to anterior
Additional Constraints to Glenohumeral translation of the humeral head, resulting in anterior dis-
Stability location. !n addition, a concomitant capsule lesion af-
fected the intra"articular negative pressure necessary to
Sy'l1ovial fluid acts via cohesion and adhesion to
pull the humeral head inward. After conservative man-
further stabilize the glenohumeral joint. Synovial
agement. the patient did well for 6 months until he sus"
fluid adheres to the articular cartila~e ovcrh;in cr the
tained a recurrent dislocation. The patient subsequently
glenoid and proximal humerus, c;using the b two
surfaces to slide along one another: Th~ synovial
opted for operative treatment that included repair of the

fluid provides a cohesive force bet\veen the~e two,

fracture and capsule and a complete period of rehabilita"
tion~vithernphasis on joint stability and proprioception.
making it difficult to pull them apart (Simon,
1994). Under normal conditions, the intra-articular
pressure \vithin the gknohumeral joint is negative,
acting to pull the overlying capsule and gleno-
humeral ligan1cnts inward. If the integrity of the
glcnohun1cral joint capsule is cornpro~1is~d (e.g.,
venting the capsule) or if a significant effusion ex-
ists (normally the glenohumeral joint contains less
than 1 cc of fluid), significant increases in transla-
tion are observed (Kumar & Balasubramaniam,
1985). Specifically, venting the capsule reduces the
force needed for anterior humeral head translation
by 55 0ft;, for posterior translation bv 430c), and for
inferior translation by 57% (Gibb et al., 1991) (Case
Study 12-1).

The scapula is a Flat, triangular bone that lies on
Case Study Figure 12-1"1.
the posterolateral aspect of the thorax between the
second and seventh ribs. It is angled 30 anterior to
the coronal plane of the thOl;X and is rotated
slightly toward the midline at its superior end and
tilted anteriorly with respect to the sagittal plane
(Fig. 12-13) (Laumann. 1987). The spine of the
scapula gives rise laterally to the acromion process
that articulates with the distal clavicle at the
acromioclavicular joint. The coracoclavicular liga-
ments and muscular attachments help to suppon
the scapula and stabilize it against the thorax (Fig.
12-6). There is, however, no osseous connection
with the axial skeleton. This allows for a wide
range or scapular Illotion, including protraction,
I"etraction, elevation, depression, and rotation.
The scapulothoracic articulation involves gliding
of the scapula on lite posterior aspect of the thorax.
Interposed between the scapula and the thoracic
\vall lie the subscapularis (arising from the costal
surface of the body of the scapula) and the serratus SerraIus
anterior, which help to stabilize the scapula against
the chest wall and thus prevent "scapular winging"
(Fig. 12-14). These two muscles glide along one an-
other to provide greatly enhanced mobility of the Anterior view of the scapulothoracic articulation, a
shoulder complex as a whole, I11llsclebone articlJlation between the scapula and
Elevation of the arm involves rnotion at both the During scupular motion, the subscaplJlaris muscle. Io
glenohumeral joint and the scapulothoracic articu- attaches broadly to the costa! surface of the scapula
on the serratus anterior muscle, which originates or
lation. Although the contribution from each varies
first eight ribs and inserts into the cost<ll surf..'!ce of
according to arm position and the specific task bc-
scapula along the length of its vertebral border.
lng performed. the average ratio of glenohumeral to
scapulothoracic moL ion is 2: I (Tibone el aI., 1994). .----------------
Elevation of the arm also induces complex rotatory
motion of the scapula, \vith anterior rotation during
the first 90 followed by posterior rotation with a to-
tal arc of approximately 15 (Morrey & An, 1990).
Acromion Allhaugh often O\'crlookcd, motion 01" the th
-.J 3 'r Scapular
0 and lurnlmr spine contributes to thL' :.\bilit:, t
I I spine tion the upper c."tl'(.'l1lit~ in space, {ht.T('b~ l.'
~l I. ing the on.:r<.111 Illotion and functioll of the sh
cOlllpk.x. f'kxiol1 01" tile spine away frolll an ,-
il~' altempting ttl reach an object o\'crhcacl t.'n
the range of motion <.lllainahlt: (Fig. 1215), T
ponancc or spinal motion in O\l..'rlH.':'ld act
Scapula such as throwing ~Illd r<.tcqul.'l sports h<.ts als
c1emonst rated.

Numerous llluscll..'s aCI nn the \'arious comp
Scapular orientation on the chest wall. Left. 30~ anterior, or the shoulder complex to provide both m
Right. 3" upward, Reprinted with permission from Warner JJP: and d\'namic $t~lbilit.\. Dynamic stabilizati
The gross anatomy of the joim surfaces, ligaments, labrum, and cllrs via sl.~\'cral possible lllcch:'lnisms (Mo
capsule. In: Matsen. F.A., FtJ, F.H., Hawkins, R.I (Eds.) The Shoul- An, 1990), including p~lssi\'(' musch.' lensi
der: A Balance of Mobility and Stability. Rosemont, IL: American via a b:,uTic:r effect of the contracted Illuscle
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, J 993.
prl..'ssi,L' forces broughl ahout h~' llHISCU!:'U
traction, .ioint lllotion that induces lighten
activated differently for specific activities. The
toid originates from the lateral third of the clav
acromion, and scapular spine and inserts on the
terolateral aspect of the humerus. The anterior h
acts as a strong flexor and internal rotator of
humerus, the middle head as an abductor, and
posterior head as an extensor and external rot
The pectoralis major lies over the anterior c
wall and has two heads, a clavicular head orig
ing from the side of the clavicle and a sternoco
head originating from the sternum, manubri
and the upper costal cartilages. The two heads
verge at the sternoclavicular joint. The pecto
major inserts at the intertubercular groove of
humerus between the tuberosities and act
adduct and internally rotate the humerus. Se
darily, the clavicular head acts as a flexor or fon
elevator of the humerus while the sternocostal
extends the humerus. The pectoralis minor lies
to the pectoralis major, functioning as an impor
scapular stabilize!: The pennate subclavius mu
lies inferior to the clavicle and Illay assist in cl

ular motions. It has a tendinous origin from the
teromedial aspect of the first rib and insert

lateral bending of the spine enhances the ability to posi-

tion the upper extremity. Reprinted with permission from
Pectoralis major
Rockwood, C. & Matsen, F (1990), The Shoulder (p. 2' 9).
Philadelphia: WB. Saunders Co.
Deltoid Sternal
the passive or ligamentous constraints, or via a
redirection of the joint force toward the center of
the glenoid.
To understand rnusclc function and force trans-
mission. one must consider a given muscle's orien-
tation, size, and activity. Given the multiple articu-
lations present in the shoulder complex, an:y given
muscle may" span several different joints, and de-
pending on the position of the upper extremity', its
relationship with regard to anyone articulation
may change, altering its effect on that joint and the
resultant forces or motions produced. Serra
Anterior sheath Pectoralis
MUSCULAR ANATOMY of rectus minor

The shoulder musculature can be thought of in lay-

ers. The outermost la)-!er consists of the deltoid and
pectoralis major muscles (Fig. 12-16). The deltoid Anterior view showing the superficial muscles (left sh
forms the normal, rounded contour of the shoulder der) and the deep muscles beneath the deltoid and p
and is triangular in shape, with anterior, middle, toralis muscles (right shoulder).
and posterior heads. Each portion of the deltoid is
the undersurface of the medial clavicle (Morrev & Anterior View
An, 1990).
BcnL~alh this ouler layer lies the rotator cuff
musculature: the supraspinatlls. infraspinatus.
subscapularis, and teres minor (Fig.12-17). These
four muscles act to abduct and rotate the
humerus and act as important glenohumeral sta-
bilizers via both passive muscle tension and dy-
namic contraction. The supraspinatlls originates
from the supraspinatus fossa of the scapula and
inserts on the greater tuberosity of the prox.imal Biceps
humerus. It forms a force couple with the deltoid
during abduction of the humerus. The infraspina-
lllS and teres minOt- originate from the inferior as-
pect of the scapula and insert on the greater
(uberosity. These muscles act as external rotators
of the humerus. The subscapularis lies on the A
costal surface of the scapula and inserts on the Posterior View
lesser tuberosity of the proximal humerus. It
functions as an important internal rotator of the
humerus. The subscapularis. along with tlte mid~
dIe and inferior glenohumcral ligaments, has also
been shown to act as an important anterior stabi-
lizer of the glenohumcral joint, particularly with
lJ1(.> arm held at 45 of abduction. The teres major
muscle (Fig. 12-18), while not part of the rotator
culT, also originates from the scapula, but at its
inferior angle coursing inferior to the teres minor Infraspinatlls
and then passing anteriorly to insert on the
humerus at the intertubercular groove. h func-
tions to assist with arm adduction and internal
The biceps muscle is also involved with motion of
the shoulcleI complex. It is composed of two heads: B
a short head that originates fTom the tip of the cora-
coid process of the scapula and a long head that
originates I'T om the superior glenoid labrum and
supraglenoid tubercle (Fig. 12-8). The tendon of the A, Anterior view. The "rotator interval" is a term
long head of the biceps lies within the glenohumeral duced in 1970 to indicate the space between the
joint and descends between the greater and lesser supraspinatus and subscapularis tendons. The cor
tuberosities. joining the short head to insert on the humeral ligament lies superficially along its ante
bicipital tuberositv of the radius. The biceps fl1nc- where it is readily available for release as indicat
long head of the biceps lies deep along its poste
lions to Oex and supinate the forearm and elevates
and serves as a guide to this interval during surg
the humerus. The long head of the biceps also acts Reprinted ~'llth permission from Neer. C. (1990). Shou
as a humeral head depressor and, as such, plays a construetiofl (D. 29). Pllild(/e~ohia: !NB. Saunders (0_
role in maintaining glenohumeral stability (hoi et rior view_ The two external rotators of the hume
aI., 1994). ..infraspinatus and teres minor muscles. which are
Several muscles lie on the back and act directly posterior wall of the rotator cuff. Note the medi
on the scapula (Fig. 12-18). The outermost layer of the infraspinatus, which is often mistaken at s
consists of the trapezium that covers the posterior the border between the infraspinatus and the te
neck and uppermost portion of the trunk, inserting Reprinred with permission [rom Rock\'-Ioocl, C. & Mat
on the superior aspect of the lateral one third of the (/990). The Shoulcier (p. 2) 9). Philadelphia: \>';1 B. Sau

clavicle, acromion, and scapular spine. The tl'apez-


~-'\-- InfraspInatus
'-=--+- Rhomboideus

Teres minor

Teres major


Posterior view shoWing the superficial muscles (left shoulder) and underlying muscles
(right shoulder).

ium serves to elevate. retract, and rotate the tivity but does not directly indicate forces gene
scapula. The latissimus dorsi covers the inferior ated. A complete understanding of the latter
portion of the back, inserting on the intertubercular quires knowledge of lhe moment arm (measur
groove of the humerus. It acts to extend. adduct, as the distance between the instantaneous ccnt
and internally rotale the humerus. of rotation of thc joint and the distance of mu
Below these muscles.lie the levator scapulae supe- cular pull) and the physiological cross~section
riorly, which elevale and inferiorly rotate the scapula, the involvcd muscle ('measured as the muscul
and the rhomboid muscles below, \vhich retract and volume divided by its length). In the should
rotate the scapula. Both of these muscle groups nctLO complex, each motion is associated with mov
assist the serratus anterior (which lies laterally on the ment at multiple articulations and the constan
chest and intercostal muscles inserting onto the me~ changing relationships of the muscular origi
dial border of the anterior surface of the scapula) in and insertions.
keeping the scapula fixed to the trunk. Given the paucity of osseous stabilil~' at t
glenohumeral joint, force generated by one mu
cle: (the primary agonist) requires the activati
of an antagonistic muscle 50 that a dislocati
force does not result (Simon, 1994).. The antag
Electromyography allows for the quantification of nist usually accomplishes this via an eccentl
.' .;:. muscular activity during dynamic conditions. contraction whereby the mU5cfe is lengthen
This permits insight into the level of muscular ac- while actively contracting or via the production
a neutralizing force of equal magnitude but in the Forward Elevation
opposite direction. The relationship between two
such muscles is also referred 1O as a force couple TIll' most b~\~,dc motion (If thl. shoukkr compk.

(Fig. 12-19). Around the glenohumeral joint. there \oln.'s ck\'~lIioll of tIlL' arm ill the scapular p
is a force couple in the coronal plane (between the This motion has hel'n studiL'd in depth via both
deltoid and the infedor portion of the rotator ll'omyograph}' and stcrcopllOlogrammctl-.v.
curf) and in the transverse plane between the sub- muscles of the shoulder girdk han: subsequ
scapularis muscle anteriorly and the posterior ro- heen grouped according: to relatin.' illlponancL"
tator Cliff Illusculature (the infraspinatus and regard to this rnotion. TIll' first grouping inc
teres minor). the dcILoid <Spccificall~.. lhe anterior and m
Relative Illotion is produced by an imbalance be- heads). lrapeziulll (inf..:rior ponion), supraspin
t\veen the agonist and antagonist that produces and serratus ~lJ)leri()r (Simon, 10(4), The se
torque. The degree of torque and the resultant an- grouping consists uf' the Iniddlc portion o
gular velocity produced is determined by the rela- trapeziulll. the infraspinatus. and thl..' long he
tive activation of two such muscles or muscle the biceps. r\ third group consists or Ilw pos
groups. Resultant muscular forces arc determined head or the ddlOid. thl.' c1~l\iclilar Ill,:'~ld of tht.~
via an understanding of the cross-sectional area of toralis major, and lht.' slIpi.:rior ponion or the tr
the activated muscles involved and their orientation iUIll. The fourth and final group includes I hi.' st
at the time of activation. head or the pectoralis rnajor. the latissirnlls d
and t Itt.' long !It.'ad or the t ricL'ps.
Thl.' inter-rt..'!i.lriol1ship bL'l\\ct.'1l the mus
rorces in\oh'l.'d in shoulder dl.'\'~llion W<lS firsl
ied b,\' Inman, who round that the deltoid
sllpr~ISpiJlatus \ulrk s}nergisticall., ,,hile th
mainder of till".' rotator cufllllusculalllrc provi
hUllleral dcpn:ssing forct.' 10 counter sllbluxati
lhl.:.' humeral !lead (Illll1~\I1. Saunders. & Ab
19-1-1). Thus. the vertic'l1h orien'ed pull o[ th
(oid is offset h~' a net inferior rorce crcat(:d b~' th
A B fraspinatlls, suhscapularis, anc! teres millOI'.
EIt.:.'ctrom.,'ographic studies have shown tlwt
lhe supraspilwluS and deltoid ~\rc acti\'L' throug
the nlllgt..' of ann clev"ltioll. ThL' supraspinatus.
The deltoid and the oblique rotator cuff muscles (infraspina-
ever, is felt to h~l\'c a larger role in initiating a
tus. subscapularis. and teres minor) combine 10 produce ele-
tion. As the arm is progrcs~i\'d}" dL'\'~\ted from
vation of the upper extremity by means of <1 force couple
side, the 1ll0!llCI\t arm of till".' deltoid improvl.
(two forces equal in magnitude but opposite in direction).
suiting in a larger force in I\.'lation to thc supras
With the arm at the side (A), the directional force of the del-
tus (Fig. 12-20), The p<.:rccllwge 01" shearing or
toid is upward and outward with respect to the humerus
cal force created by the deltoid likewise ck'crt
while the force of the oblique rOlator cuff muscles is down-
with increasing arnollllts or ahduction. The an
ward and inward, These two rotational forces can be re-
pull or the supraspinalUs'is more l'OIlSI~lJll a
solved into their respective vertical and horizontal compo-
pro:dmalcl., 7,=,, acting not onl.\ to elcvate or a
nents. The horizontal force of the deltoid acting below the
the arm but also to compress the hurneral
(enter of rotation of the glenohumeral joint is opposite in
within the glenoid. Thl.' remaining roW tor cull
direction to the horizontal force of the oblique rotalOrs.
cles pull at approxil1latd~' -15, which is din;(:ll"
which is applied above the center of rolation. These forces
{'edod}; (slightl,' highcr in the ter('s minor at 55
acting in opposite directions on either side of the center of
sulting in forces lh~lt l.quall}' compress ;:111(1 de
rotation produce a powerful force couple. as illustrated by
the humeral head to maintain glcnohulllcral s
the arm signal (B), The vertical forces offset each other,
ity (Fig. 12-21).
thereby stabilizing the humeral head on the glenoid and al-
Sl~\('ctive anesthetic block or tht' n:dllary
lowing elevation to take place. Adapted with permission
(and resulting dcILoid paralysb) dcnlOnsllatl.'
from Lucas, 0.8. (1973). Biomechanics of the shoulder joint.
forward elevation is possihle alb~it signinc
Arch 5urg. 107.425.
weakencd. Lik.:,\isc. a supr~lscaplilar nerve
Supraspinatus Subscapularis

ff,o':::;7'1:_u..p",ra::-s-,-p_in_a-tIU.S \

I As the arm is abducted to 90", the direction of pull of the
deltoid approximates that of the supraspinatus. There-
fore, patients with a large tear of the rotator cuff often
can actively maintain the arm abducted to 90 but may
not be capable of actively abducting to 90", Reprinted with
permission from Simon, S.R. (Ed). (/994) Orthopaedic Basic
Science (p. 527). Rosemont, IL: AAOS. Supraspinatus --I-:~~~~~~~

and the resultant supraspinatlls paralysis induced

has a similar eHeet. However, a block of both
nerves results in a loss of arm elevation (Colachis,
& Strohm, 1971; Howell ct a\., 1986) (Case Study
\Vhen pure abduction is compared with pure for-
ward elevation, the same basic relationships are
seen with the rotator cliff acting to stabilize the
glenohumeral joint while the deltoid provides the
necessary torque. Forward flexion results in activa-
tion of the anterior and middle deltoid (73 and 62%
activity, respectively') \vith stability provided mainly
by the supraspinatus. infraspinatus, and latissimus
dorsi, the lalter being particularly active (25;0 acti-
Infraspinatus -
vation) with forward flexion beyond 90. Pure ab-
duction requires similar muscular activity; how-
ever, the subscapularis shows increased activation
as it acts as the prime stabilizer via eccentric con-
Teres minor

External Rotation
The primary external rotator of the humerus is the The angle of pull of the subscapularis (top) is approximately
infraspinatus. with significant contributions made 45. The angle of pull of the infraspinatus (bottom) is also
by the posterior head of the deltoid and the teres mi- approximately 45, and the teres minor (bottom) is approxi-
nOI: With any given amount of shoulder abduction, mately 55. These vectors result in nearly equal glenohu-
electromyography reveals the prime external rotator meral joint compression and humeral head depression. The
to be the infraspinatus. The subscapularis is simi- supraspinatus (center) is essentially horizontal in its orienta-
larly active but serves an antagonistic role as the tion, resulting in compression of the glenohumeral joint.
main stabilizer preventing anterior displacement of

----_._.__ ._----_._~~----~-_._._-----~- ----._-
Subacromial Impingement Syndrome and Rotator Cuff Tear
A 53-year-old right-hand-dominant woman who presents
right shoulder pain of 6 months' duration, The patient
still exert Its effects by Wc1Y of the "spans" of the bridge.
Thus. patients may have a "functional" rotator Cliff tear in
noted increasing pain at night and with overhead activities of \-vhich they are s!ill able to periorm overhead activities. Ii the
daily living such as putting on a shirt and brushing her hair. tearing force presem at the t\:'IO suppons is great enough.
The pain is unresponsive to pain killers. Physical examination howe'/er, worsening of the tear will occur.
revealed diffuse tenderness over the shoulder and deltoid
with.painful forward elevation above 60:3 and internal fOla-
tion limited to her ipsilateral greater trochanter. She had a
positive Neer sign (painful forward ele'l<ltion between 60 and
120) and a positive Hawkins sign (pain with passive abduc-
tion and. internal rotation). A subacromial impingement test
was positive with near complete relief of pain and restoration
of fOl\lvard elevation to 1500 but persistent \;veakness on re-
sisted shoulder abduction. A diagnosis of subacromial im-
pingement syndrome is made. The patient was initially man-
aged with conservative treatment. At 5 weeks follow-up. the
patient had persistent pain and an MRI of her shoulder re-
vealed a full thickness tear or the supraspinatus tendon. The
patient opted for operative management (Case Study Fig, 12-1-1).
Biomechanically, rotator cuff tears have been likened to a
suspens.ion bridge, whereby the free margin of the tear corre
sponds to the cable and the residual atlachrnents correspond
to the supports at each end of the cable's span. This coniigu-
ration allows the muscle that has been torn at its insertion to

the humeral head with external rotation. As the Extension

amount of shoulder abduction is increased, the pos~
Extension of the upper extremity is accompl
terior deltoid increases in cff-!cicncy as an accessory
by the postcrior and middk heads of the de
external rotator or
the humerus secondary to im-
The supraspinatus and subscapularis are also
provement of its moment ann.
tillually active throughollt arm extension, res
forces via eccentric activil~ that would tend to c
anterior dislocation.
Internal Rotation
Internal rotation of the shoulder is accomplished by
Scapulothoracic Motion
the subscapularis. sternal head of the pectoralis ma-
jor, lHtissinlus dorsi, and teres major. The subscapu- Motion at the scapulothoracic articulation a
laris is active during all phases of' internal rotation, maintenance or deltoid tcnsion, allowing
with decreased relativc activity seen with cxtremes maintain optimal power regardless of arm
of abduction. 1n the samc \Va.v. activity of the sternal lioll. \-Vith forward elevation at the arm,
head of the pectoralis major Hnd the latissimus scapula rotates, increasing stability at the g
dorsi decreases with abduction. However. the poste- humeral joint and decreasing the tendency 1'0
rior and middle heads of the dehoid compensate pingement or the rOlator cufe bcncmh
with increased eccentric activity during internal ro- acromion (Fig. 12-22). A rotalional rorc~ CO
tation while the arm is abducted. (two equal. noncollinear, parallel but opposite
forces) bet\veen the upper trapezium, levator humeral head. Three forces are then considere
and upper serratus anterior with con- the deltoid muscle force (D), the weight of th
contraction of the lo\ver trapeziurn and arm (equivalent to 0.05 body weight [BW] actin
cP'T"llllS anterior leads to scapular rotation that is at the center of gravity of the limb, 3 cm), an
for full forward elevation (Fig. 12-23) the joint-reactive force at the glenohuIl1eral joi
1994). (1). The joint reactive force and the force of th
deltoid, being nearly! parallel, are considered
be a force couple and are of equal but opposi
magnitude, The force on the glenohumeral joi
glenohumeral joint is considered to be a \vhen holding the arm at 90 of abduction can b
load-bearing joint. Although calculations estimated to be one-half of body weight (Calcul
the exact forces acting on it are challenging tion Box 12-1, Case A). 11' a weight (W) of 2 kg
thc large number of involved muscular added (equivalent to 0,025 body weight of an SO-
and possible positions attainablc, sev- male) to the hand of the outstretched extremi
sin1plifying assumptions allow an estima- held at 90 of abduction, a sirnilar calculation ca
of the magnitude of these forces. A free- be made (Calculation Box 12-1, Case B).
diagram of a person holding the upper Experimentally, loads at the glenohumeral joi
held at 90' of abduction can be uti- and the forces necessary! for arm elevation hav
as an example; it is assumed that only! the been detcrmined. These forces have been found
ue"cm, muscle is active and that it acts at a dis- be greatcst at 90 of elevation, with the deltoid for
tance of 3 cm from the center of rotation of the equivalent to 8.2 times the weight of the arm an

Forward elevation or abduction 0-120 o of the arm requires synchronous rotation of the
scapula. Reprinted "'lith permission {rom Simon, S.R. (Ed). (1994). Orthopaedic Basic Science (p.

1 527-535). Rosemont, IL: AAOS.

- - - - - - -
Rotation of the scapula is produced by the synergistic contractions of the lower portion
of the serratus anterior and the lower trapezius, with the upper trapezius, levator scapu-
lae, and upper serratus anterior. Reprinred with permission from Simon, 5.R. (Ed). (1994).
Orthopaedic Basic Science (p. 527-535). Rosemont. IL: AAOS

the joint reactive force equivalent to 10.2 times the musculature in the late cocking phase aCling b
weight of the arm (Inman, Saunders, & Abbott, rotate the humerus and prevent anterior su
1944). More recent investigations of these same tion of the glenohumeral joint (Eames &
forces utilizing the assumption that the muscular 1978). Specifically, the supraspinatus acts in t
force is proportional to its area multiplied by its ac~ cocking phase to draw the hUllleral head low
tivity as determined by electromyography have glenoid, the infraspinatus and teres minor p
yielded similar values. with a maximal joint reactive humeral head posteriorly, and the subscap
force of 89% of body weight seen at 90 0 of elevation bOlh prevents excessive external rotation
in the scapular plane (Poppen, & Walke.; 1978). humerus ancl contracts eccentrically to
stress on the anterior shoulder (Tibone et 'II.,
The importance of scapular (and thus glenoi
bilization has also been recognized, and the se
Pitching has been divided into five stages: wind up, anterior has been shown to nre actively in t
earl.y cocking. late cocking, acceleration, and fol- cocking phase; this provides a stable platfo
low-through (Tibone et 'II., 1994). The deltoid has humeral motion. Thus. coordinated. sequenti
been found to be responsible for elevation and ab- vation of the shoulder musculature is needed
duction of the humerus in the carly phases. fol- vent anterior subluxation of the glenohumera
lowed by increased activation of the ratmar cuff and the overuse tendinitis that can ensue.
,0;"0" .Calculation of Reaction Forces
Estimates of the reaGlon force on the glenohumeral o is approximately one-half body weight. Because 0 and J
joint are obtained with the use of simplifying assump- are almost paraUel but oppOSite. they form a force couple and
:, lions (Poppen & Walker, 1978). are of equal magnitude; thus, the joint reaction force is also
;;; Case A. In this example, the arm is in 90 of abduction, approximately one-half body weigll!.
;~(:and it is assumed that only the deltoid muscle is active. The Case B. Similar calculations can be made to determine the
Ii force produced through the tendon of the deltoid muscle (0) value for 0 when a weight equal to 0,025 times body weight
:,~,acts at a distance of 3 em from the center of rotation of the is held in the hand with the arm in 90" of abduction.
,,'joint (indicated by the hollow circle). The force produced by
~M = 0
~, the weight of the arm is estimated to be 0.05 times body
(30 ern x .05 BW) + (60 em " .025 BW) -
\.veight (BvV) and acts at a distance of 30 cm from the center
(D x 3 em) ~ 0
of rotalion. The reaClion force on the glenohumeral joint 0)
may be calculated with the use of the equilibrium equation D = (30 em " .05 BW) + (60 em " .025 BW)
that states that for a body to be in moment equilibrium, the 30m
5;Jm of the moments must equal zero. In this example, the D = 1 BW
moments acting clockwise are considered to be positive and
counterclockwise moments are considered to be negative. Once again. 0 and J are essentially equal and opposite.
forming a force couple. Thus. the joint reaction force is ap-
~M = 0
proximately equal to body weight.
(30 em x .05BW) - (D " 3 em) = 0

D = 30 em x .05 BW
D = 0.5 BW


Force 0 ......... ----i""X'-
Force J ~)~~=----=t;;;;_;;:;---r
II I ,.ossw
! I, ,
): ! 30cm
60 em

Calculation Box Figure 12-1-1. Calculation Box Figure 12-1-2.

&.............. . . _ __ .-._ _.

, ;. Sumrnarv within the joint and the ligaments that surround

provide stability while allowing for significant rota
F The shoulder consists of the glenohumeral, tion of the clavicle. lillie relative motion is seen be
ncromioclavicular. stcrnoclaviculat: and scapulotho- tween the clavicle and acromion at the acromio
racic articulations and the muscular structures that clavicular joint.
act on them to produce the most mobile joint in the 3 The glenohumeral joint. while known to be
body. precise articulation, is inherently unstable becaus
2 The sternoclavicular joint, which connects the the glenoid fossa is shallow and is abl.e to contai
medial end of the clavicle to the manubrium. links only approximately onc third of the diameter of th
the uppe. ex trernity to the thorax. The aniculnr disc humeral head. Stability is instead provided by th
capsular, musculal~ Llnd ligamentous structures that Fukllda, K.. Cr;lig. E.\.. All. K.. tl ;d. 11{J~6i. Bihmt
:-llId,- e,l Illl ligalllllll('ll:' :-~:-tt1ll (If thl' :lcnHnicH
surround it.
jllill!..1 HfJlil' .If/ill; Sltr::. MS. t3.t-~.tO.
4 The three glenohumeral ligaments (superior, Gihh. T.IL Sidle,. J.:\ .. lbn~lll;tll. D.T.. d :11. (1991)
middle. and inferior) are discrete extensions of Ihe ft...:! (d- l"~lp:-lIlar \llIling oil gklIohllllkr:d 1:,'\iiY.
!/f(ip. 268. 110-11i.
anterior glenohumeral joint capsule and are critical
l!ollillShl"d. \\'.11. (IY6t)). \lIli//llllf /n,. Sllr.::OJl/\ (VoL
to shoulder slability and function. York: Harp.... ...\: Ih,\\.
S" The inferior glenohumeral ligament has the lIe,\,-dl. 5.:\1.. IIlHdlcr:-kg. :\ ..\\.. S.. ga, D.lI .. l:I :11
Cbrifil:;ltion 01 till. nd .., Io! Ih~ :-upr:l:-pill:IlU:- n
most functional significance (particularly the
:-houldlr 11llKliclll. 1 H"'I/, 11'iHI Slfl~. 00:\. 3YS-W
anterior bane!), acting as the primary anterior [nm:\ll. V.T.. S;\Illllkr:-. J.I3 .. & :\blwll. L.C. (19.t ..+.!.
stabilizer of the shoulder when the arm is 'lb lifl!\S nn Ihe llln;.:lillll III till :-houldn jlllnl . .1 !J
ducted 90'. SllJ.~. 26..\. 1-30.
Iloi. E., I-bll. I-I.e.. l\: All. h.\. (199{\1. BiOlllt'ch:lnica
6. The inlegrity of the shoulder capsule and the g;llioll of lhl: gkllohllllll:r;d join!.) SltlJ//lcla Uhow
negative intra-articular force it maintains also plays 40i- ..L~~.
an integral pan in mainlaining shoulder stability. Iloi. E.. \lol/.kin. ~.E . .\IMr...\. B.F.. d :tl. {IY9-ii. SI
illlKlioll Ilf tht long hC:ld of Iht hic..p:- ill till han
.)~ Elevation of the arm involves motion at both po:-,itilln. J Sltould..r FlblOw Sur;.!.. 3, 135-1-I:!.
the glenohumeral joint and the scaplliothoracic ar- hoi. E. .\l(llzkin. \:.E. . .\1{)lTt'. 13.17.. l'l ~tl. (1992).
ticulation. inclill:ltiol\ ~ll\d illkri(lr :-1;lbilil, 1'\ lilt ... huuldCl".
tit'/" r:1l}('1~' Sun.;. I. 131-1.,9.
?;S) Movements of the spine assist the shoulder in "-l1m;lr. \'.1'. & lbb:-uhr;ltll;tlli:llll, P. (1')S51. Tilt rC
positioning the UppCt' extrcmity in space. n\I,:,ph~rjt pr~ . . :-t1r~' ill :-1:lhili/ing lllv :-h(,tlllkr: i\
ll\~llt:d ~tltd\. J nUll<' Jpiur Sill.!.:. (,iii. 71'L711.
{g) The muscles around the shouldcr contribute lO
L'llilll'11HI. t'. i 1'J~7). Kin~~i()I(I~'.\' (Ii I h\. sil(llillkr jo
st~~'bility via a barricr effect by producing compres- K(,ih~1. ~t a!. i. E.d~.I. ,I,,;/inlildl'l' N'Pi!;Cl'iJl,'IIi.
sive forces on the glenohumeral joint and byeccen- Sprinl,'n \"nl:q!. I 'J~ 7.
tric contraction. Lippitt. S,B .. \"JHkrho()ft. .J.F. J[;\I'1'i~, S.L. ~t ~i
GICI1(lhllI11~'!":\1 :;t~lhijit'
~Q';The glenohumeral joint is a major load-bearing
q\l'lnlil'lli\~ :ll1;I!.,:;i:, . .1 SJIO/lldrJ' IJ;'II\\' Sur::, }, 2
joint with forces equivalent to one-half body weight [.tll,t:'. I).B, (1973). Biolll(Ch:ltli\.'s 01 tht :;hntlltltr in
produced when holding the arm in an outstretched Sw:,;. 107. ~2~ .
position. .\bbC:l. E. Fl!. F.. \.\: 1[;1\\ kill:-. R. 1Fd ..... \ \ 19921. rh,
:1 J3a!IiIiC" iI! _\//Ohilizy rll/{; Stahility. RO:-Clllill1l. I
I\';II!. Colorado: \\'lIl"bhop Suppllrkd b., dl~
:\(adt'my (If Orth(Jp~ltdic Sllr~"{)I\:-. Ih.. X<llional
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(9th NI.). Bahimorl..': Williams &. Wilkins. :-t~lr\.>h and E.hIGII il'" F('lllltbi iOll.]
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joints in male subjl.'cts. 1 Bow: loiHt S/frg. 61. 756-759. .\I(lor... h.L. (19t)\ji. Cliuh:{:lly O,-it'lth'd ..Ii/ili/IJllY 1
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capul;lr and axillary nervc blocks on muscle farer: in upper .\hUTt'. B.F. l\: :\11. "-.X. (1990). BiCll11t'I.:h:lllk:-. of l
I..'.xtrl..'milv. Arch Phvs :\Jed RciUlbil. .12, 21-29. tit-I'. In C:\. Ritt"kW(IOd l\: 17.:\. '\\;il:-t1l 111 {Ed~.). rI
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Philaddphia: W.O. Saunders Co. R.J. H.l\\kins (Eels.), Thl.' Should{'/": A !3alaJ/n: of .\fob
S.R. (Ed). (1994). Orthopaedic Basic .'idCllce (p. 327). and Flllictioll (PI'. 7-17). Rosemont, It: AAOS.
Rosemont, IL: AAOS. Wnrncr, J.P., Dcng, X.I-! .. \Varren, R.E et al. (1992). SU
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IhL' glenohumeral joillt. Clill Ol"lhop, lions of the g!t:!lohulllcral joint. Alii } SPOI'1S ,\Jed,
28;, 181-190. 675-678.
Sh.:inbt:ek, J., Lilje:lIq\'isl. U., 6: Jcrosh, J. (199-0_ The
an.atolll)' or Ihl: gle:nohlimcrallig~lIne:nlOlis compkx and its

:/;' ~

O>-~ '" "'"!'.,-_-.!'.!','!'.A__"'zg!,!,,,.,,!,!,,"""'_.","_!,,,~".B'" "'_........"_...,;"t.~".,,__,,,",_"_,c"-, ___,"'.", "_--",,---~. "",~c_,,,:-,-,,,,~,~,,_,,,,;;o..,,,,,,~,?,,_,,~,,,_--- __- __,,,,,,"7.2'}"'...!,,",,J.7!!J~'!;?3?WC'--"; _ ..!_".xa"'..", ;. ""'.."'""_,
of the Elbow
Laith M. Jazrawl~ Andrew 5. Rokito, Maureen Gallagher Bird
Joseph D. Zuckerm

Carrying Angle
Elbow Stability
Elbow Joint Forces
Artieular Surface Forces
Calculation of Joint Reaction Forces at the Elbow

. ,

f ,,-
Introduction j

~/ The elbow is a complex joint that functions as a ful-
~. ",.'
crUIll for the forearm lever system that is responsi-
. hie for positioning the hand in space. A detailed lin- I
t -Hi;:Xderstnnding of the biomechanics of elbow function \
J,;': ,is essential for the clinician to e1Tcctivcly treat
'pathological conditions affecting the elbow joint.

~:'.,., .;;'.A
~ Wi
/'l ato III V
,.... '.' .,/

I't: The elbow joint complex allows types of mo-

lion: nexion-extension and pronation-supination.

i, The humcroulnar and hUlllcroradial articulations 30'

~ allow elbow Oexion and extension and arc classified A B
i as ginglymoid or hinged joints. The proximal ra-
~,: dioulnar articulation allows forearm pronation and
i supination and is classified as a u'ochoid joint. The
I elbow joint complex. when considered in its en~
I tircty. is therefore a tl'ochleoginglymoid joint. The

trochlea and capitellum of the distal hUl11cnls arc
internally rotated 3 to 8' (Fig. 13-IC) and in 94 to 98'
of valgus with respect to the longitudinal axis of the

i humerus (Fig, 13-IA). The distal humerus is anteri-

~i orly angulated 30 along the long axis of the Angular orientation of the distal humerus in the antero-
K humenls (Fig. 13-1 B). The a.-licular surface of the posterior (A), lateral (B). and axial (C) projections.
~~ ulna is oriented in approximately 4 to 7 of valgus
t' angulation with respect to the longitudinal axis of
~ its shaft (Fig. 13-2;\).

~ The distal humerus is divided into medial and lat-
.,. eml columns that terlllinate distally with the
, trochlea connecting the two columns (Fig. 13-3). The
~. medial column diverges [Tom the humeral shaft at a 4'
~ 45 angle and ends approximatel,Y 1 cm proximal to
the distal end of the trochlea. The dislal one third of
the medial column is composed of cancellous bone,
$ is ovoid in shape, and represents the medial epi-
ii; condyle. The lateral column of the distal humerus
( diverges at a 20 angle from the humerus at the same

~.. level as the medial column and ends \'.lith the capitel-
< IUlll. The trochlea is in the shape of a spool and is
I. comprised of medial and lateral lips with an inter-
l vening sulcus. This sulcus articulates with the semi- I
~ lunar notch of the proximal ulna. The articular sur-
I face of the trochlea is covered by hyaline cartilage in
~ an arc of 330. The capitellum, comprising al0105t a A B
r: perfect hemisphere. is covered by hyaline cartilage
forming an arc of approximately 180.
Tbe mticular surface of the ulna is rotated 30' poste
I Jiorly with respect to ilS long This matches the 30 Angular orientation of the proximal ulna in the anteropos-
terior (A) and lateral (8) planes.
t anteIior angulation of the distal humerus. which helps
r pl"Ovide stability to the elbow joint in full extension

rt 341


~._,',".~~.."".....,,,,,..,~"".<~_..,.<.'o"O,..,_o""~'__,k"'.~_,,__,,~,"_-."""",="~_".,,,,. . ._~.",-\~,,_ .,,,.c,,,.>_~-.----,--="_,,,, "'p"'......"'Q'.. . .----_~-"', ~r:'-'~.~77~3." :i-',\"" - .'"f:r

Lateral Medial \,,:Clllll"~lltl1n,,s 01 tip to 30 which i ... C(Jfl:-.istl'lH w
column column Ilh: iUlll'tiollal r~lllgl. \alul.".... dl"SlTilkd aho\I.. r
i(Jll 1.(llitractllrl."~ ~rl'~lkr than 3(r~ ~U\ a:-'Mll'
,,ith 1.(lJrlplailll:" {If ... iglliiicant In...:" or r1Hllion.
Olecranon i... ~l clInsidl'rahk ~1l1<..1 rapid loss Ill' thl" ahiiit
I\"~ldl in spall \\ ilb Ik','\ion coniraclllrl~'" " ..."
lh:lll 30" (Fi~. 13-': U\n 8.: :\1 0 tTL".\'. 10Y 1).
Till.' :l\is 01' I"OI:llil!l'l 1'(11' Ik,\ioll-I.'\1L'llsiull has b
s!\(l\\'[) h.\' Sl'\'l'l'~d illn..,'slig:I[OI"S lo Iw ~lt till 1.l. nle

till' lr()l,.:hk~l, SLlPPol'ling thl.' COIlCI.'pt Lhal elhow

iotl I.~lll lk I"l'pll'sl"l'1ll'd as a L1ni:l\i~l1 hingL'. F:
~1I1(.1 Ishizaki. COIl\\'1''''l''l.,, di . . .l 'U'Ln.d a dl<'ltlgillg
of rotatiun ,dill dho\\' lIc:don (EwHld, 1
Ish i Zll ki. 1979). LOlldull <.k!l1ollst ra h...d t hill t he
or rOlatioll passl. ... Ihrough Iht.' Cl.'fllLr (If' CO Ill.:l 1
arcs c>utlillcd Iw IhL' hOl!ull) of Ihl.' trnchk'ar su
~\nd till' pl...TiphL'I.' or t!tL' capilcllunl ((3111c!tlll. \9
! k ~t1>'(1 noted lhat tilL' . . . llrr~in .. joint mOl ion du
I!L-xioll-L'xtclbion \\'~I~ prilllaril.' of thL gliding
Anterior (A) and posterior (B) projections of the distal ~llld Ilwl \\ilh tlk' L,\(rl."I1lI.'S 01 Ill.'xiunI.''\IL'Il~i(l1l
humerus highlighting the medial and lateral (Olumns. lillal :iIO ICY of bUlh lk\ioll and L".'\lI.ll~ion). I hI.'
or rot:llioll dWllgl'd ;:lIld tilL' gliding/sliding j<lim
lion cl1~lllgl'd to a rlJllitlg 1,"lll' mOlion. TIlt.' rolling
l:llrS al illL' l'.\lrclnl.'s of Ik\iOIl and I...'\lL'I'\.:-:'iulI as
(:OITl!1Clid process I.CJIl'lL'S into I.'olltacl \\'ilh till..'
(FigI3-2). The arc of m1icular cartilage of the greater or 111L' IUllllL"I'a! okcranon fossa and 1Ill' okcra
sigmoid notch is 180, but this is often not continuous (.'(ll'ltacls 111L' l!(l(t!'of Illl' ()IL'c,~u\On fossa. In addit
in its midportion. [n more than 90"m of individuals, this
area is complised of fally. fibrous tissue (Walkc); 1977).
As Mon-ey noted, this anatomical feature explains the
propensity for fractures to occur in this area, as this 15
pOI1ion of the greater sigmoid notch is not suppQl1ed
by stronger subchondral bone (MOITe)', 1986).
The radial neck is angulated 15 from the long
axis in the anterior-posterior plane away from the
bicipital tuberosity (Fig. 13-4). Four fifths of the ra-
dial head is covered by hyaline cartilage. The an-
terolateral one fifth lacks articular cartilage and
strong subchondral bone, explaining the increased
propensity' For fractures to occur in this region.
Elbow flexion and extension take place at the
humeroulnar and humeroradial articulation. The \
normal range of Oexion-extension is from 0 to 146
with a functional range of 30 to 130. The normal I
range of forearm pronation-supination averages ~
from 71 of pronation to 81 0 of supination (Mon-ey
et al.. 198\). Most activities are accomplished Angulation of the r('ldial head/neck in relation to the
within the hmctional range of SO pronation to 50 shaft.
supination. Clinically, patients can tolerate flexion .--_._-------~~-~-

lP.!",,:;;.A !JC~~ . "'"",":_ ",1'>-':-'" __ >~~,_: _" C
, r.

o 30 45 60 90 degrees

Motion loss Function (volume) Joss

30' 28%
450 39%
60' 60~o

Function = Volume
V" 4/3 "r"

Diagram depicts the dramatic loss of effective reach area with flexion contractu res of the
elbow greater than 30"

~ .dl-------------------------------------

internal axial rotation of the ulna has been shown to flexion-extension occurs abollt a tight locus
occur during early nexion and external axial rotation points measuring 2 to 3 mm in its broadest dime
during terminal tlexion. demonstrating that the el- sian and is in the center of the trochlea and capite
bow cannOl be truly represented as a simple hinge lum on the lateral view. It is approximated by a li
joint. -In conclusion. evidence suggests that the el- passing through the center of the lateral epicondy
bow has a changing center of rotation during flex- and trochlea and then through the anteroinferi
ion-extension and functions in a more complex man- aspect of the medial epicondyle (Fig. 13-6) (Morr
ner than would a simple uniaxial hinge. & Chao. 1976). These facLors should be Laken in
Despite variation in findings among investiga- account during joint replacement procedures of t
tors. Money. Tanaka. and An (199\) have slaled thal elbow as well as when placing hinged exlemaI fix
the deviation of the center of joint I'olation is mini- tors across the elbow joint (Figgie. rnglis. & i\flo
mal and the reported variation is probably the 1986).
result of limitations in experimental design. There- Pronntion and supination take plac;e primarily
fore. the ulnohullleral joint could be assumed to the humeroradial and proximal radioulnar join
move as a uniaxial articulation except at the ex- with the forearm rotating about a longitudinal ax
tremes of nexion-extension. The axis of rotation of passing through the center of lhe capitellum an
y rotalion. Ray el al. (1951) demonstrated some var
valgus movemenl of the distal ulna with rotation
an axis extending from the radial head through
index finger (Fig. 13-7).

Dimensions of the locus of the instant center of rotation.

As depicted, the axis of rotation runs through the center
of the trochlea and capitellum.

radial head and the distal ulnar articular surface.

This axis is oblique in relation to the anatomical axis
of the radius and ulna. During pronation-supinat ion, I
the radial head rotates within the annular Iigan1Cnl I
and the distal radius rotates around the distal ulna I
in an arc outlining the shape of a cone. Carret ct al. \ \
(I976) studied the instant centers of rotation at the \ \
proximal and distal radioulnar joints with the fore- \ \
arm in varying degrees of pronation and supination. \ \
\ \
They found that the proximal instant center of rota- \ \
tion varied with differences in the cun alure of the
\ \
radial head among individuals. Chao and Morrey \ \
\ \
(I 978) investigated the effect of pronation and \.J
supination on the position of thc ulna and found no
significant axial rotation or valgus deviation of this
10' ~
bone during forearm rotation when the elbow \vas
fully extcnded. ODriscoll et al. (1991) has demon-
strated that internal axial rotation of the ulna occurs Diagram of semiconstrained total elbow replacement a
with pronation while external axial rotation occurs lowing a variable amount of toggle in the varus/valgus
with supination. Kapandji (1982) has suggested that and axial planes. The design takes into consideration th
both the distal radius and ulna rotate about the axis fact that the motion of the elbow purely rep
of pronation-supination. with the ulnar arc of rota- sented as a simple hinge.
tion being significanlly smaller than the radial arc of

Palmer et al. (1982) have demonslrated proxi- in adults and greater in females than in males
mal radial migration with forearm pronalion. This eraging 10 and 13 of valgus, respectively, w
finding has been supported by observations at el- wiele distribution in both (Atkinson & Elft
bow arthroscopy. In addition. as a result of the 1945; Mall, 1905). Steindler (1955) report
ovoid shape of the radial head. its axis is displaced gradual increase in the carrying angle with
laterally in pronation by 2 mm to allow space for but found no statistical difference between
medial rotation of the radial tuberosity (Ka- and women in this rate of increase or the c<'lI
1982). angle. Controversy exists regarding the chan
the carrying angle as the e1bo\v is Flexed. An
(1984) have noted that this controversy a
'ng Angle from the various references systems employ
determine the carrying angle. They noted
:'1 The valgus position of the elbow in full extension when the cCiITying angle is defined as eithe
is commonly referred to as the c<'\ITying angle, angle ronned bet\veen the long axis of the
The carrying angle is defined as the angle between merus and ulna on a plane containing
the anatomical axis of the ulna and the humerus humerus or vice versa, the carrying angle cha
measured in the anteroposterior plane in exten- minimally with flexion. H the carrying angle
sion or simply the orientation of the ulna with re- fined as the abduction-adduction angle of
spect to the humerus. 01' vice versa, in full exten- ulna relative (0 the humerus Llsing Eulerian
sion (Fig. 13-8). The angle is less in children than gles to describe arm motion, the carrying a
decreases with joint flexion changing to var
extreme flexion (Fig. 13-9).

Elbo'vv Stability
Valgus Forces at the elbow are resisted prim
I by the anterior band of the medial collateral
I ment (MCL) complex. The MCL complex con
of an anterior bundle, a posterior bundle, an
I , transverse ligament (Fig. 13-10). The anterior
\I I' dle tightens in extension while the posterior
I '
dle tightens in flexion. This occurs because
Mel complex docs not originate al the cent
I the axis of elbow rotation (Fig. 13-11). The
I rior band of the Mel complex originates frol
I inferior surface of the medial epicondyle o
" distal humerus and inserts along the medial
I I of the olecranon. vVith an intact anterior band
, I radial head does not offer significant addit
resistance to valgus stress'. However, with a t
acted or disrupted anterior band, the radial
becomes the primary restraint to valgus s
emphasizing its function as a secondary stab
in elbows with an intact MCL (Palmer, Glisso
Werner, 1982). Despite studies by Mon'ey (Mo
An, & Stormont, 1988; Morrey, Tanaka, &
The carrying angle of the elbow, formed by the intercep 1991) ""demonstrating the secondary valgus
tion of the long axes of the humerus and the ulna with bilizing effect of the radial head, several inves
the elbow fully extended and the forearm supinated. Val- tors have noted increased valgus laxity after I
gus angulation normally ranges from 10 to 15,
head excision (Coleman, Blair, & Shurr,
Gerard, Schernburg, & Nerot, 1984; John

r Abduction/adduction
Humerus I




A. Carrying angle measured as the angle between the long the plane containing the humerus. C. Eulerian angle
axis of the ulna and the long axis of projection of the surement of ulnar motion in reference to the humer
humerus on the plane containing the ulna. B. Carrying angle duction-adduction rotates about the axis orthogona
measured as the angle formed between the long axis of the the Z and X4 axes; flexion-extension rotates about th
humerus and the long axis of the projection of the ulna on axis; forearm axial rotation takes place about the X4

valgus stress is the MCL complex (I\ltorrey &

1983). In extcnsion, the elbow articulation prov
most of the resistance to varus stress, followed
the alllcrior capsule. In flexion. the elbow artiC
tion remains the primary restraint to varus st
Anterior bundle
followed by the anterior capsule and the lateral
lateral ligament (LCL) complex, respectively,
Posterior the LCL complex contributing only 9% (Table 1
bundle Elbow extension is limited primarily by the ante
capsule and anterior bundle of the MCL comp
Excision of the olecranon fossa fat pad has
shown to provide 5 of additional extension (\Va
1977). Furthermore, Morrey et al. (1991)
demonstrated an almost linear decrease in u
humeral joint stability with scrial removal of 1
Medial coHateralligament complex containing anterior 100% of the olecranon.
and posterior bundles as well as a transverse component. The LCL complex consists of the radial colla
ligament that originates fTom the lateral epicon
and inserts on the annular ligament, the latera
nar collateral ligament that originates from the
eral epicondyle and passes superficial to the ann
1962; Morrey, Chao, & Hui, 1979). However, this ligament inserting onto the supinator crest of
does not seem to be clinicall.\' disabling ulna. and the accessory LCL complex (Fig. 13
(Hotchkiss, 1997). The origin of the LCL con1plex lies at the cent
Selective ligament transection studies have the axis of elbow rotation, explaining its consis
shown that in extension, resistance to valgus stress length throughout the flexion~extension arc
is shared equally by the MCL complex. capsule. and 13-13). Although Mon'ey and An (1983)
joint articulation. In flexion, the primary resistor to demonstrated only a minimal contribution of
LCL complex to varus stability. others have sh
the LCL complex to be an important stabilize

1 ~
0 Percent Contribution of Restraining

Force During Displacement (Rotational
P-MCl or Distractional)
1 Stabilizing
Position Element D~straction Varus Val
o -
20 .:0 00 60 100 120 140 Extension MCl 12 3
Elbow joint flexion LCL 10 14
angle (degrees)
Capsule 70 32 3
":'rticulation 55
Flexion MeL 78 5
Origin of the anterior and posterior bundles of the medial
collateral ligament (MCL) complex. As the MCL does not LCL 10 9
originate on the axis of elbow rotation. there are changes Capsule 8 13
in its length as a function of elbow flexion. The anterior Articulation 75 3
bundle. which is closer to the axis of rotation, is the most
isometric. MeL. medial collater.11Iigamen, complex; LCL. lateral collateral
ligament complex
o 1 2 3
Reduced Posterolateral Perched Dislocaled


Lateral ulnar collaleralligament

Clinical stages of posterolateral rotatory instability o
The lateral collateral ligament complex.


the humeroulnar joint with forced varus and exter- dcrscl1, 1989). The latl.'raluilwr coll~t[eral is th
nal rotation (Daria et aI., 1990; Dllrig et aI., 1979; llwr\ restraint to posl~r()latt..'r:.d l'OWlOr\ insta
Josefsson, Johnell, & Wenderberg, 1987; O'Driscoll. or the dl)()\\', followcd by lite radial collatera
Morrey, & An, 1990a; Osborne & Cotterhill, 1966) . ment "nd capsule. O'Driscoll et al. (1990b)
O'Driscoll and colleaglles( 1990a) described the noted a small but significant effect or the inh
entity of posterolateral rotatory instability of the e1. negative intra-anicular pn.:.'ssurc of lhe elbow
bow in which the ulna supinates on the humerus to \'arus and rotation strcsses (C:'lse Stud.\' 13-
and the radial head dislocates in a posterolateral di- Slruclures Iimiling passh.. . lkxion includ
rection (Fig. 13-14). It has been shown that the el- capsule, lriceps, coronoid process, :.lnd radial
bow can dislocate postcrolatcrally or posteriorly Struclures limiting dbow exlt.'nsion include th
with an intact Mel c0l11plex. This can occur with cranon process and Ihe anterior band or the
combined valgus and e:\lernal rotation loads across complex. Passin:.' resistance 10 pronaLion-supin
the elbow joint (Sojbjerg, Helmig, & Jaersgaard-An- is provided in large pan b~" (he ::lIltagonisl m
gruup on slrdch, not b)' th . ., ligal1lclHous struc
(Braune &. Flugd. 1842). Olll.. .'I's have shown
thL' quadrate ligament proddes l'l.'s(railll to fo
rotation (Spinner & Kaplan, 1970).
e c
Longitudinal stabilil~' 01" the f'orL'arm is pro
b~' both the interosseous 11lL'mbranc and the

0 20':0 60 80100 120 1.$0

Elbow joint flexion

gular fibrocartilage. Lee et al. (1992) demons
marked proximal migralion of dlC r~l(..Iius only
85m or lhe interosseous nk'mbrallc was secti
Hotchkiss et al. (1989) demonstrated increased
angle (degrees) ness or the interosseous mL'mhranc with ro
supinalion and noted that lhc lriangular I1bro
lage complcx (TFee) \\'as responsible for 8(/0 o
giludinal forearm stillness. while the ccnlral
Origin of the lateral collateral ligament complex at the el- or the interosseous Illclllhrunc provided 71l?~.
bow axis of rotation. The ligament remains isometric don et al. (1991) dcmonstrated in cf:\chn'crs tha
throughout the flexion-extension range of the elbow. removal of the radial head alone, proximal
ReL, radial collateral ligament,
migration was 0.4 mm. \Vhen combined wi
terosseous membr;:\l1c tr;:\I1sactioll alone, pro

Elbow Fracture Dislocation Instability of the joint occurs in posterolateral dislocation
The ulna supinates onto the humerus, the radial head dislo
A 16-year old male gymnast falls onto an outstretched arm,
in the posterolateral direction, and the lateral ulnar collater
x~ producing abnormal loads in the elbow complex. The axial
ligament is injured, as is the radial collateral ligament and c
loading during the fall onto the outstretched position caused a
sule. All these abnormalities lead to an increase in stress wi
fracture on the radial head, altering the articular congruity of
the joint and a loss of stability and congruency necessary fo
the radjocapitel!um joint and the stability of the elbow (Fig.
normal joint kinematics.
(5131-1 ).

Case Study Figure 13-1-1. Figure A: Antera-posterior X-rays that confirms postero-Iateral elbow dislocation, Figure B: lateral radiography tha
fracture on the radial head and capitellum, Figures C. D: Posterior and lateral vie,v, Post-operative x-rays. Congruence of the joint has been achieved.
radial migration increased to 4.4 mm, Radial head humerus and thL' prnximallaleral aspect of the
resection when combined with TFCC transaction and insens into till: ~nl(:rior aspect of the supin
caused 2,2 l1un of proximal radial migration, The proximal radius,
combination of radial head resection, interosseous Muscles in\"C)ln:d in pronation itH.:ltld~ the p
membrane transaction. and TFCC transaction led to {or qu()dratus and pronator teres, Thl,.' pro
the greatest increase in proximal radius migration quadratus originates from the \-'olar asp~ct o
of 16.8 mm. distal ulna and inserts onw the dislal and later
pect or the supinated r~\dius, The pronator te
more proximall.\' located, arising from the m
Kinetics l'picond~'lc or the hLlm~l'us and inserting ont
lal~ral aspect of the midshal't 01" the supinme
The primary nexor of the elbow is the brachialis. dius, The pronator quadratus is the primary p
which arises from the anterior aspect of the tor of the forearm reg~rdless of its position.
humenJs and inserts on the anterior aspect of the pronator teres is a SCCOJ1c!4l1Y pronator when
proximal ulna (Fig. 13-\5). The biceps arises via a pronation is required or during resish.'d pron
long head tendon fTom the supraglenoid tubercle (Basmajian, 1969).
and a short head tcndon from the coracoid process In a sludy examining ('Ibn\\' strength in no
of the scapula and inserts on the bicipital tuberosity' indi\'iduals, supination strength \\'as shown to
of the radius, It is active in flexion when the forearm to 30%:: greater than pronalion strength (Ask
is supinated or in the neutral position. The brachio- al.. 1986), COllsish.'nt with muscle cross-sect
radialis, which originates fTom the lateral two thirds area and moment arms, flexion strength w~s
of the distal humerus and insens on the distal as- gre~ltcr than extension str('ngth, LastI~, males
pect of the radius near the radial styloid, is active consistcntl~' 40'j(i slronger than females in e
during rapid flexion movements of the elbow and strenglh testing.
when weight is lifted during a slow flexion move-
ment (Basmajian & Lalif, (957). The brachial is, bi-
ceps, brachioradialis, and extensor carpi radialis are Electromyography
Lhe major nexors of the elbow, the brachialis pos-
sessing the greatest work capacity (An et aI., (981), Elcctrom~'ogl'aph~' has been helpful in definin
The primary eXLensor of the elbow, the triceps, contributions or elbo\\' musculature during a
is composed of three separate heads, The long ties of dail~' li\'ing and spcciflcall~' defined
head originates from the infraglenoid tubercle and TilL' biceps brachii is only l1linimall~' acth'L' d
the medial and lateral heads originate from the elbow Ilt'xion wh~n the forearm is pronated
posleriol' aspecL of the humenls (Fig. 13-\5). The mujian '" LaLif, 1957: Funk el 'II., 1987: Mal
three heads coalesce to form one tendon that in- BouisseL, 1977: SL~\'~ns ~L aI., 1973). Brachial
serts onto the olecranon process of the ulna, The th'it.v, howen.'r, is nOI affected b\ forearm rot
medial head is the primary extensor and the lat- during flexion (Funk t't aI., 1987: St('\'L~ns e
eral and long heads act in reserve (Basmajian, 1973), The brachioradialis also is aClive during
1969), The anconeus muscle. which arises from ion, This activit~" is enhanced wilen lh<.: forca
the posterolateral aspect of the distal humerus and in a neutral or pronaled position (Basmaji
inserts onto the posterolateral aspect of the proxi- Travill, 1961: DeSousa, DeMoraes, & DeMo
mal ulna, is also active in extension, This muscle 196\: Funk el aI., 1987: Sle\"ens el al.. (973).
is active in initiating and rnaintaining extension, tromyographic dala demonstrates that (he m
While the lriceps, anconeus, and Ilexol' carpi ul- head 01" the triceps "!lei anconeus is activc duri
naris are active in extension, the triceps has the bo\\' extension, with the lateral ~lIld long hea
largest work capacity of all the elbow extensors the triceps sCI'ving as secondaJ'~' extensors, M
(An et al., 198\). (1993) concluded the following from the
I'; Muscles involved in supination of the forearm in- tromyographic data: (I) the biceps is gencrall~
clude the supinator. biceps, and lateral epicondylar aClive in full pronation or Ihe forearm, s(;.'conel
extensors of the wrist and fingers. The primal)' mus- its role as a supinator: (2) lhe brachialis is a
cle involved in supination is the biceps brachii. The throughollt flexion and i~ belic\'ed to be the w
supinalor arises fTom the IaLent! epicondyle of the horse of flexion; (3) electrical activity or lhe tr
Anterior View Posterior View

Origins-Solid Insertions-Stippled Origins-Solid Insertions-Stippled

anterior Supraspinatus

Lev. scapulae

'" Infraspinatus
Subscapularis ---'f-+ min.
Teres minor
Lat. dorsi - - \ - H
'I-\-Ir-t- Trieeps
Teres maj. ---t'~J (long head)
Pectoralis maj. ----'R maj. '--'--'HHf- Teres minor

Deltoid ---I Triceps

Lat. (Ial. head)



Extensor carpi radialis / Pronator

longus Superficial
teres extensors
Superficial extensors
Biceps brachii ---JL.i.l Flexor dig. Ext. pollicis
Supinator superticiatis longus ------l~
Abductor pol1icis
Flexor dig. superficialis Flex dig. longus
Flexor dig. profundus ----!11
Flexor pollicis longus profundus
Ex!. pollicis
Ext. indicis ----';'1 brevis
Pronator quad
Ext. carpi
Flexor carpi ulnaris radialis brev
Abd. poll. brevis Abductor digiti minimi Ext. carpi
Flex. poll. brevis
Opponens poll.
Opponens digiti minimj Ex!. carpi
----~l;tJ~V, radialis lon
Abd, poll. long Dorsal
Palmar interossei interossei
Abd. digiti minimi Ex!. pollicis
Add. poll, flex. brevis brevis
~ Flex. poll. brevis
Flexor dig. Ext. potlicis
Abd. poll. brevis
superlicialis longus

Flexor Ext. indicis

i longus Ext.
Flexor dig. profundus


. Origin and insertions of muscles of the upper extremity. A. Anterior view. B. Posterior view.
increases with increased elbo\\' flexion as a result of
the stretch reflex; and (4) the anconeus is active in
all positions and is considered to be a dynamic joint Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)
stabilize!: 57-year~old female, avid tennis player, developed

A gradual onset of pain in the right elbov\!, which w

exacerbated by playing tennis.
Elbow Joint Forces A high strain rate resulting from continuous flexio
tension of the elbow in combination with pronation-
Halls and Travill (1964) demonstrated that in intact
tion of the forearm generated repetitive microtrauma
cadaver forearms, 4YYo of longitudinal forces are
overuse injury exceeded the reparative process in ten
transmitted through the ulnotrochlear joint and
that insert in the lateral epicondyle, resulting in later
57 % arc transmitted through the radiocapitellar
condylitis (Fig. cs13-2-1). The patient was initially tre
joint. Ewald et al. (1977) determined that the elbow
nonoperatively with physical therapy and a tennis el
joint compressive force was eight times the weight wrist band for 6 months with no resolution of symp
held by an outstretched hand. An and Money
She ultimately required surgery.
(1991) determined that during strenuous wcight-
lirting, the resultant force at the ulnohumeral joint
ranges from one to three times body weight. Force
transmission through the radial head is greatest be-
twcen 0 and 30 of flexion and is greater in prowl-
lion than in supination (Morrey, An, & Stormont,
1988). This is secondary to the "screw home" mech-
anism of the radius \vith respect to the ulna with
proximal migration occurring during pronation
and distal translation occurring during supination.
As mentioned previously, the radial head bears the
load at the radiocapitellar joint. Disruption of the
TFCC and the interosseous membrane in the pres-
ence of an intact radial head does not result in
proximal radioulnar migration. Absence of the ra- A B
dial head as a result of fracture or resection and a Case Study Figure 13-2-1.
concomitant disruption of the TFCC and in-
terosseous membrane will result in proximal mi-
gration of the radius (Sowa, Hotchkiss, & vVeiland,
The force generated at the elbo\v joint is greatest
when flexion is initiated. Increased flexion strength ing the forced extension that occurs during
and decreased elbow forces are seen with the elbow low-through phase of the throwing moti
at 90 of flexion. This is because of the improved
paction of the olecranon against the ol
mechanical advantage of the elbow l1exors sec- fossa has been demonstrated in the overh
ondary to lengthening of the l1exion moment arm. lete. This impaction maS' result in the form
Interestingly, the resultant force vector direction at osteophytes at the olecranon tip (Tullos
the elbow changes by more than 180 through the 1972).
entire flexion-extension (Pearson, McGinley, & The force generated in the elbow has bee
Butzel, 1963), Clinically, this change in the resultant to be up to three times body weight with ce
vector should be taken into consideration when tivities (An et aI., 1981), Nicol et al. (1977
considering internal fixation of the distal humerus three-dimensional biomechanical analysis
fractures (Money, 1994; Pearson et aI., 1963) as well that during dressing and eating activities t
as when considering total joint replacement (Gael, reaction forces were 300 N. Rising from a c
Lee, & Blair, 1989), sulted in a joint reaction force of ,1700 N and
During elbow flexion, the ulna is posteriorly a table, 1900 N, which is almost three tim
translated as contact occurs at the coronoid. Dur- weight (Case Study 13-2).
Surface Forces situations. in the following static example, the sim
plified frce-body technique for coplanar forces
Co,nt,,,ct areas of the dbow occur at rouI" locations; L1sed to calculate the joint reaction force at the e
tWO are located at the olecranon and two on the bow during flexion with and without an object
coronoid (Fig. 13-16) (Stormont et aI., 1985). The the hand (Calculation Box 13). The elbow is nex
90; it is assumed that the predominant elbow fle
humcroulnar contact area increases from elbow ex-
"-';-' tension (0 Oexion. The radial head also increases its ors are the brachialis and the biceps and that t
contact arca with the capitellum from extension to force produced through the tendons of these mu
flexion. During valgus-varus loads to the elbow, cles (B) acts perpendicular to the longitudinal ax
Morrey ct al. (1988) demonstrated the vnnls-valgus of the forearm. The distance between the center
. pivot point to be located at the midpoint of the lat- rotation of the elbow joint and point of insertion
< eral aspect of the trochlea. the tendons of these llluscles (the lever arm of B)
approximately 5 cm. The lllass of the forearm (2 k
PI'oeluces a gravitational force (\o\') equal to 20
Calculation ofioint Reaction The lever arm of \V, the distance from the center
rotation of the elbow to the midpoint of the for
Forces at the Elbow an11, is 13 cm. The force produced by any weig
held in the hand (P) acts at a distance of 30 cm fro
As several Illuscles participate in producing nexioo the center of rotation or the elbow joint.
and extension or the elbow, a few simplifying as- The muscle force "equired to keep the elbow
sumptions must be made in order for joint reaction the llexed position (B) is calculated with the equ
forces to be estimated in certain static and dynamiC librium equation for moments. The equilibriu
equation for forces is then used to calculate the joi
reaction force on the trochlear fossa (J). When n
object is held in the hand, the muscle force is calc
lated to be 52 N and the joint reaction force, 32
By contrast, when a I-kg weight is held in the han
Degrees flexion
producing a gravitational force (P) of 10 N at a d
tance of 30 em from the center of elbow rotatio
the required muscle forces (B) rise to 112 N and t
joint reaction force more than doubles. reaching
N. Thus, small loads applied to the hand drama
cally increase the elbow joint reaction force.
An estimation of the joint reaction force also ca
be made for the elbow during extension. In the ca
study, the elbow is held in 90' of nexion with t
forearm positioned over the head and parallel to t
ground (Calculation Box 132). In this position, a
tion of the elbow extensors is required to offset t
gravitational force on the forearm. It is assum
that the triceps is the predominant extensor an
that the force through the tendon of this muscle ac
perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the for
arm. Therefore, the three main coplanar forces ac
ing on the elbow include the force produced by t
weight of the arm (W), the tensile force exert
through the tendon of the triceps muscle (T), an
the joiill reaction force on the trochlear fossa of t
Contact areas in the sigmoid fossa during elbow flexion ulna (1). The distance between the center of rotatio
demonstrating that the contact areas move toward the of the elbow and the point of insertion of the tendo

1 center of the sigmoid fossa during elbow flexion.

of the triceps muscle (the lever arm of T) is appro
imately 3 em.
~11t1mr------------- ..-.--.-.--- ---.-.-
! Joint Reaction Force: Elbow Flexion
The reaction force on the elbow JOIn! during elbow flexion with
and without an object in the hand can be calculated by means
of the simplified free-body technique for coplanar forces and ,,, ,,,
,,, ,
the equilibrium equations that state that the sum of the mo- , J
Force B
ments and the sum of the forces acting on the elbow joint
,.'. ,
, ." ,
must be zero. The primary elbow flexors are assumed to be the
biceps and the brachialis muscles. The force produced through
the tendons of these muscles (B) acts at a distance of 5 cm I : \
I :. :
from the center of rotation of the joint (indicated by the hollow Force J
circle). The force produced by the weight of the forearm (W),
taken to be 20 N, acts at a distance of 13 em from the center Force P
of rotation. The force produced by any weight held in the hand , Force W
(P) acts at a distance of 30 cm from the center of rotation. i,
, .

i ,
Case A. No object is held in the hand. B is calculated with the 13cm
equilibrium equation for moments. Clockwise moments are
30 em
considered to be positive. whereas counterclockwise moments
Cal(Ul~ltjon Box Figure 13-1-1.
are considered to be negative.
~M = O.
Case B. ;\n object of 1 k9 is hele! In the hand, producing a
113 em x WI ~ 130 cm x P) - (5 em x B) = 0
forcQ of 10 N Wi
If W = 20 Nand P = o.
13cm x 20N ~ivl = 0
B= 5 em Ji W == 20 Nand P =:: 10 N.
B is calculated to be 52 N. (13 cm ;. -; 20N) - (30 eln x JON) - (5 cm x B) = 0
J. the reaction force on the trochlear fossa of the ulna. 260 t'Jcm _. 300 Non
can now be calculated by means of the equilibrium equa- 5 ern
tion for forces. Gravitational forces are negative; forces in B 15 found to be 112 N.
the opposite direction are positive. The joint reaction force can om\' be calculated.
~F =0 ~f =0
B-J-W-P=O B-vV-P-J'='O
J = 52 N - 20 N - ON. J=8-VIJ-P

J is found to be 32 N. J = 1 12 N - 20 N - lON,

J IS found to be 82 N. rims. in thiS example. a l-kg

II object held In thE' hand wilh the elbow flexed 90 in-
I creases t~le JOint reaction force by 50 N.
,1,.----.-.-.- - -- _..- _.._ - -- -._ _-

T and J are calculated with the equilibrium equa- force is shorter than that for the flexor l'orec-3
tions. The joint reaction force for the elbow in ex- as opposed to 5 em. Thus, a greater l1111scl~ I
tension is 107 N. compared with 32 N in Ilexion. (87 N as opposed lo 52 N) is required for the f
,. This more than threefold increase can be explained arm Lo be 111ainlained in the extend~d position.
by the fact that the lever arm for the elbow extensor as a r~sllit the joint reaction force is greater.
I Joint Reaction Force: Elbow Extension
i The joint reaClion force during elbow extension can be
calculated by means of the same method:
;....;.-- 13 em ~

Force T :
I ~rvl = 0 ,--+------'~~
(13 em x WI - (3 em x TI = 0
If W = 20 N
13 ern x 20 t'J
T= - - - - - - - -
3cm Force W
T is found to be 87 N.
:SF = 0
J= T+ W
J = 87 N + 20 N.
Foree J
J is found to be 107 N. Thus, in this example, the joint
reaction force during elbow extension is 75 N greater than
during elbow flexion. Calculation Box Figure 1321.

A clear understanding of elbow mechanics and 5 The can}'ing angle of the elbow is defined
function is critical to gain a broader understanding the angle betwcen the anatomical axis of the u
of problems affecting the elbow joint. This knowl- and humerus in the anteroposterior plane and
edge will provide the basis for management of el- rull elbow extension. [t averages between 10 and
bow disorders. of valgus.
6 The primary stabilizer to valgus stress at the
1 The elbow joint complex consists of three ar- bow is the anterior band of the MeL complex, w
ticulations: the humeroulnal: humeroradial. and the radial head acting as a secondul'Y stabilizel:
proximal radioulnac It allows two types of motion, primary restraint to varus stress is the elbow arti
nexion~extension and pronation~supination.
lation. The lateral ulnar collateral ligament is
,;:,:Z> The functional range of elbow motion is 30 to main stabilizer to posterolateral rotatory instabi
(30 of flexion-extension and 50 to 50 0 of pronation- of the elbow.
supination, with most activities of daily living ac- ,'i>The primary flexor or'the elbow is the b
complished within this range. There is a significant cl~ifdi$ while th~ prin"lury extender is the trice
and rapid loss of the ability to reach in space with The anconeus is acti\e in initiating and mainta
fl~xion contractul'es of the elbow greater than 30.
ing Oexion ancl is considered to act as a dyna
'3 The axis of rotation for Oexion-extension occurs joint stabilizel: The main source of supination
about a tight locus of points measuring 2 to 3 mIll in the biceps brachii. The pronator quadratus is
its broadest dimcnsion and is located in the center of primary pronator of the forearm regardless of p
the trochlea and capitellum in the lateral vie\\'. tion of the forearm or degree of elbow flexion.
'4...- The elbow has a changing center of rotation S Force generated in the dbow has been sho
during fle:donexlcnsion and cannot be trul.v repre- to be up to three times bod.v weight ,"vhen perfo
sented as a simple hinge joinl. ing nctivities of daily living.
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of the Wrist and
Ann E. Barr, Jane Bear-Lehman
adapted from Steven Stuchin, Fadi 1. Bejjani

Anatomy of the Wrist and Hand
Wrist Articulations
Hand Articulations
Arches of the Hand
Nerve and Blood Supply of the Wrist and Hand
(ontrol of the Wrist and Hand
Passive (ontro! Mechanisms
Bony Mechanisms
ligamenious Mechanisms
Wrist Ligaments
Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex
Hand Ligaments
Digital flexor Tendon Sheath Pulley System
Digital (ollateralligaments
Volar Plate
Tendinous Mechanisms
Digital Extensor Assembly System
Active Control Mechanisms
Muscular Mechanisms of the Wrist
Muscular Mechanisms of the Hand
Wrist Range of Motion
Flexion and Extension
Radial and Ulnar Deviation
Forearm Pronation and Supination
Digital Range of Motion
Functional Wrist Motion
Interaction of Wrist and Hand Motion
Patterns of Prehensile Hand Function
Introduction it and the ligamentous strUCllires that connect th
carpal bones to each other ancl to the bonv clement
'-" The wrist. or carpus. is the collection of bones and 01" the hand and forearm. '"
soh tissue structures that connects the hand to the The eight carpal bones are divided into the prox
iforearm. Thisjoint complex is capable of a substan- imal and distal rows. The bones of the distal I"O
:~tial arc of motion that augments hand and finger from radial to ulnar are the trapezium. trapezoid
/'function, .'vet it possesses a considerable degree~of
capitate, and hamate. The distal carpal row forms
~";:";"stab.ility. The wrist functions kinematically by al- relatively immobile transverse unit that articulate
),lJowing for changes in the location and orientation \vith the metacarpals to form the carpometacarpa
(}"of the hand relative to the forearm and kinetically joints. All four bones in the distal row fit tightl
"""",/;-by transmitting loads from the hand to the rOrear~1 against each other and are held together by stout in
jt~~;~14;'a~ld vice vcrsa~ terosseous ligaments. The more mobile proxima
/"/!<"" Although the function of all joints of the upper row consists of the scaphoid, lunate. and trique
;;~;{ extremity is to position the hand in space so that it trum. This row articulates with the distal radius t
can perform the activities of daily living. the wrist form the radiocarpal joint (scaphoid fossa of radius
appears to be the key to hand function. Stabilitv of 46 % ; lunate fossa of radius. 43 % ; ulnar soft tissu
the wrist is essential for proper functioning of the structures, 11%) (Simon et aI., 1994). The scaphoi
digital Oexor and extensor muscles. and wrist posi- spans both rows anatomically and functionally an
tion affects the ability of the fingers to flex and ex- articulates exclusively with the radius. The lunat
tend maximally and to grasp effectively during pre- articulates in part with the ulnar soft tissue struc
hension. tures. The eighth carpal bone, the pisiform. is
The hand is a highly complex and multifaceted sesamoid bone that mechanically enhances th
mobile organ. It is valued and judged for its perfor- wrist's most powerful motor, the Oexor carpi ulnaris
mance and appearance in delicate prehensile tasks and forms its own small joint with the triquctrun1
to powerful grasp patterns. It is remarkably mobile Between the proximal and distal rows of carpa
and adaptable as it conforms to the shape of objects bones is the midcarpal joint, and between adjacen
to be grasped or studied, emphasizes or gestures an bones of these rows are the intercarpal joints (Fig
",;. idea to be expressed. or shows an aCl of love or af- 14-1). The palmar surface or the Cal"!'us as a whol
fection (Tubiana. 1984), is concave, constituting the Door and walls of th
The hand is the final link in the mechanical chain carpal tunnel (Fig. 14-2).
of levers that begins at the shoulder. The mobility The distal radius, lunate, and triquetrum articu
and stabilitv of the shoulder, the elbow. and the late with the distal ulna through a ligamentous an
wrist, all operating in different planes. allows the cartilaginous structure. the ulnocarpal or triangula
hand to move within a large volume of space and to fibrocartilage complex (TFCC), The components o
reach all parts of the body with relative ease. The this complex are illustrated in Figure .14-3, and it
unique aITangement and mobilit.y of the 19 bones functional role will be discllssed in detail along wit
and 14 joints of the hand provide the structural ligamentous [-unction.
foundation for the hand's extraordinary f"tlllclional
The Hoger and thumb are the elementary compo
AnatOlny of the Wrist nents of the hand (Fig. 14-4). Because each digita
and Hand unit extends into the middle of the hand, the term
digit ray is used (0 indicate the entire chain, com
WRIST ARTICULATIONS posed of one metacarpal and three phalanges (tw
in the thumb). The digital rays are numbered from
The wrist joint complex consists of the multiple ar- the radial \0 the ulnar side: [ (thumb). II (index fin
ticulations of the eight carpal bones with the distal ger). III (middle finger). IV (ring finger), and V (Iit
radius, the stn.lC(UreS within the ulnocarpal space, tie finger). Each finger ray articulates proximall

the metacarpals, and each other (Fig. 14-1). The soft with a particular carpal bone in a carpometacarpa
tissue structures surrounding the carpal bones in- (CMC) joint. The next joint in each ray-the meta
elude the tendons that cross the carpus or attach to carpophalangeal (MCP) joint-links the metaca::

I __
,~,,,,,iI'.-~~~~'l"""""'_.,-":.3!!!_""'''''"''''''?~~'''~'l:''''''''~--'''''''''-''''''''::'_''~'''''- ~'''~''''',e'''',_,'''__.='''''''_--- --- ' '7",'"";,,c "~".>? '1,. 'J. '-,;",~f,M


Mod. e Mod.

Sigmoid notch
Styloid of radius
Ulnar styloid


Schematic drawings of the wrist joint complex showing the triquetrum; P, pisiform; L, lunate; S. scaphoid. The a
eight carpal bones and their articulations with the distal indicate the line of the midcarpal joint. Ad~lpred with
radius, the metacarpal bones of the hand, and each other. mission from Ta/eisnik, J. (J 985). The Wrist. New York: C
Palmar view (left) and dorsal view (right) of the right hand. Livingstone.
H, hamate; C, capitate; TZ, trapezoid; TP; trapezium; TO,


Ulnar Radial


Longitudinal view of the right hand from proximal to distal showing the palmar surface of
the bones. This concave surface constitutes the floor, and walls of the carpal tunnel,
through which the median nerve and flexor tendons pass. The carpal tunnel is bordered
laterally by the prominent tubercle of the trapezium and medially by the hook of the ha-
mate. The motor branch of the ulnar nerve (not shown) winds around the base of the
hook before entering the deep palmar compartment. S, scaphoid; L, lunate; TQ, trio
quetrum; P, pisiform; H, hamate; C, capitate; Tp, trapezium; TZ, trapezoid. Adapted wit" per-
mission from Taleisnik. 1. (1985). The Wrist. New York: Churchill Livingstone.
Ulnar collateral

Radioulnar ligaments

Longitudinal section (frontal plane) of the right wrist and hand viewed from the palmar
side. The components of the triangular fibrocartilage complex are visible between the dis-
tal ulna and the lunate and triquetrum. 5, scaphoid; L, lunate; TQ, triquetrum (the pisiform
is not shown); H, hamate; C, capitate; TZ, trapezoid. Tp, trapezium. Adapted with permission
{rom Parmer, AX & Werner. F,W (1981). The {[ianguld! fibrocartilage complex of the wrisr-
andtomy and function. J Hand Surg, 6. 153.

Distal IV II
joint V
Proximal ~ :"
inlerphalangeal , IV
joint _ _ Distal
V phalanx




Schematic drawing of the skeleton of the hand. The finger joints are labeled. B. Dorsal (posterior) view of the right
rays are numbered from the radial (medial) to the ulnar (Iilt- hand. The bones are labeled.
era!) side. A, Palmar (anterior) view of the right hand. The
bone to the proximal phalanx. Bt:tw('cn the pha r.t,'s around thL' s~l'(JJld and third finger", .dlo
langes of the fll1gcrs, a proximal (PIP) and a distal palm to IbttL'n or l.up itself to acc(l1lllllodatc o
(DTP) interphalangeal joint arc round; the thumb of \arious sil.L'S and sh..qk's (Strickland. 19~7)
has only one intcrphalangeal (lP) joint. The thenar Although (hL" extrinsi<.: flexor and ('.'\!t..'nsOI
eminence at the palmar side of the first mcwcarpal c!Ls arL' largc:l.\ rL'spollsihle for changing lhe
is formed by the intrinsic muscles of the thumb. Its of lhe '\'orking hand, 1I1L' intrinsic muscles
ulnar counterpart, the hypothenar eminence, is cre hand an: prill1al"it~' responsible 1'01" Ilwifll<.dn
alec! by' muscles of the littlc finger and an overlying configuration or tile thr('(' archcs (refer to
rat pad. 14~1 ror a listing of the lnuscles or !he wrisl a
hand ~\s well ~\S the cOITesponding TnllsL"lC ac
A collapse in tilL' arch s~'st(,1ll resulting I"I"0r
injur~', rhclimatic disease, or paral.\'sis of the
The bones of the hand are arranged in three arches sic muscles call contribute (0 SC\'erl' disabili
(Fig. 145), two transverse and one longitudinal dL:rorlllil~'.
(Flatt, 1974; Tubiana, 1984). The proximal trans
verse arch, with the capitate as its keystone, lies at
,. ~: the level or the distal carpus and is relati\'e!y fl.xed.
The distal transverse arch, with the head or the third
metacarpal as its kcystone, passes through all of the ThL' cO\'L'ring of the h~lnd is important Ik'c<.Hls
metacarpal heads and is more mobile. The two ph~'sical qualities, sensory propcltiL's, and mi
transverse arches arc connected by thc rigid portion cubtiull (Tubiana, 190-1). The skin on the dors
of the longitudinal arch, composed of lhe four digi tilL' back orthi..' ktlH.l differs and is distinct fr
tal rays and lIle proximal carpus. The second and skin that CO\"i.'I"S tll(' palmar stlrr~\CL', Dorsal
third metacarpal bones fonn the central pillar of mobile, Or!C!l rcg~\l'(k'd ~h \'('1"\ line, and highl
this arch (Flatl. 1974). The longitudinal arch is com- ihlL'. ~\llo\\'ing for a \\'ide arra~' or ~ll'tictllar
pleted by the individual digital rays, and the mobil menls. In cuntrast. palnwr skin is thick, gla
ity of the thumb and fourth finger and fIfth fInger and inelastic. Palmar skin pla~'s a significant
hand pcrccptibilit.\ or the perception of
safety or (he uPlk'r limb through sensory prot
and in prodding. stlppon for the limb as in w
Distal I.k>aring.
transverse arch
The wrist and tilL' hand are innl'lY~IlL'd for
transverse arch Longitudinal and SL'nsory function b~' tllrL'c pt:riphernlIlL'IY
seelKling from tht.' brachial plcxus: radial. m

~~ and ulnar (Fig. 146), The rndial IlL'IYe pri

supplies illlll.'lyatioll 10 thost.' Illuscles lIWl fa
L'.\tension of thL' wrist .1111 the digits, Il.lm(
long: wrist cxtensors. 111lrnlirmcnt or in,illr~' to
dialnClye will calise wrist drop and instability
wrist thai in1lX'dcs cllcctivc hand grasp. In tc
sensory function, the radial nCIYC supplies t
along the radial sphere 01" the forearm and Ihe
and sensory impairment in radial nL'n'L' dCllcn
The three skeletal arches of the hand (mediolateral view).
minimall,' impc(.k's Iwnd function. The m
The relatively fixed proximal transverse arch passes
through the distal carpus at the level of the distal carpal
ncrn.' primaril~t innen:ates the long Ilcxors
row. The more mobile distal transverse arch passes wrist and tilL' hand. Impairment of the m
through the metacarpal heads. The longitudinal arch is nt..TYl.' affects the rndial Ilexor musc!L's of th
composed of the four finger rays and the proximal carpus. more grcat1~ than it does those 011 tilL' ulna
Adapted wirh permission from Srrickland. l,W (1987). Anaromy ThL' l11edian llt:IYC is mosl critical to linc
and kinesiology of rhe hand. If} E.. Fess & CA. Philips (Eds.). hand fUllction in terms of the mol or supply
Hand Splinting: Principles and Methods (2nd ed., pp. 3--41). St. pro\'ides, as well as ils sellsor~' sllppl~. ThL' m
Louis: C. v: Mosby. nerve is oflen regarded as the ('~'CS of the ha
cause it is responsihlt: for the inllcn'ation or t
Muscles of the Wrist

Muscle Action

Flexor carpi ulnaris Flexion of wrist; ulnar deviation of hand
'- Flexor carpi radialis Flexion of wrist; radial deviation of hand
Palmaris longus Tension of the palmar fascia
Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis Extension of wrist: radial deviation of hand
Extensor carpi ulnaris and brevis Extension of wrisl; ulnar deviation of hand
Pronator teres Forearm pronation
Pronator qtJadratus Forearm pronation
Supinator Forearm supination
Brachioradialis Pronation or supination, depending on position of forearm

Muscles of the Hand

Muscle Action

Extrinsic Muscles
Flexor digitorum 5uperficialis Flexion of PIP and MCP joints
Flexor digitorum profundus Flexion of DIP, PIp, and MCP joints
Flexor poJlicis longus Flexion of IP and MC P joints of thumb
Extensor polticis longus Extension of IP and MC P joints of thumb; secondary adduction of the thumb
Extensor pollicis brevis Extension of Mep joint of thumb .:>
Abductor pollids longus Abduction of thumb
Extensor indicis proprius Extension of index finger
Extensor digitorum communis Extension of fingers
Extensor digiti quinti proprius Extension of V finger
Intrinsic Muscles
Jmerossei (a/I) Extension of PIP and DIP joints and flexion of MCP joints
Dorsal interossei Spread of index and ring fingers away from long finger
Palmar interossei Adduction of index, ring, and little fingers toward long fjnger
Lumbrica/s Extension of PIP and DID joints and flexion of MCP 2-5 finger
Thenar Muscles
Abductor poll ids brevis Abduction of thumb
Flexor pollicis brevis Flexion and rotation of thumb
Opponens pollids Rotation of first metacarpal toward palm
HYPolhenc1f muscles
Abductor digiti quinti Abduction of little finger (extension of PIP and DIP joints)
Flexor digiti quinti brevis Flexion of proximal phalanx of little finger and forward rotation of fifth metacarp
AdchJCtor pollieis Adduction of thumb

Modified from Strickland, l.W, (1987). Anatomy and kinesiology of the hand, In E.E. Fess & CA, Philips (Eds.),
Hanel Splinting: Principles and Methods (2nd ed., PI'. 3-41). St. LOLlis: C.v. Mosby.
with the environment or giving support to the
b.v direct and sustained \veight-bearing or co
onto a surface.
The hand as an organ of touch Ilas a myl-iad
ceptors of all kinds in its paltnar skin. Micros
study of the palmar skin shows that it pos

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in a

Clerical Worker
26-year-old female who works as an administrative
A- ~ assistant presented \ivith complaints of rt9ht hand
and wrist discomfort of gradual onset and intermittent
severity over the past 2 years. Her symptoms are wors-
ened by prolonged hours of typing on her computer ke
board. A detailed examination shows numbness and tin
gling of the volar aspect of the dis tel I right forearm and
wrist. swelling of the wris!, grip 'l.'eakness, and positive
Phalen's and Tinel's tests. The evaluation suqgests com~
pression of the median nerve within the carpal tunnel
producing associated niotor and sensory changes. ;..\
Dorsal branch of ulnar
nerve conduction velocity test later confirmed a diagno
of carpal tunnel syndrome ((T5). The patient 'Nas place
on light duty with restrictions on typing tasks and was
scheduled for CTS release surgery ((ase Study Fig. 14-1-
This case illustrates the potential influence of work
tasks involving highly repetitive hand and finger move-
ments for prolonged periods of time on the delicate stru
tures of the hand and wrist. The increased intracompart
mental pressure within the carpal tunnel associated with
Radial, median, and ulnar peripheral nerves descending ergonomic risk factors such as repetitive loading and aw
from the brachial plexus. ward wrist positions are major factors contributing to m
dian nerve compression in this case.

three digits of the hand on the palmar surface. \'Vith-

out adequate sensation in these digits, fine motor
skill is compromised or lost (Case Study 14-1).
The ulnar nerve is regarded as the power source
for the grip. It innervates the muscles along the ul-
nar sphere and the ulnar hand flexors and the ma-
jority of the hand intrinsics, particularb' those re-
sponsible for digital adduction and abduction. The
ulnar nerve is known for its ability to protect the up-
per limb as it innervates the skin surface along the
ulnar border: The majority of resting patterns for
the upper limb or hand use is performed with the
upper limb positioned so that the ulnar borders of Case Study Figure 14-1-1.
the forearm, wrist, and hand are in direct contact
highly specialized Pilary ridges with many types of segments, and intrinsic rnusculature, ongmatin
sensory receptors and nerve fiber properties (Calma, from the cal'pal and hand segments, This muscul
1954). The sensory receptors change from free control fulfills needs for both mobililY and stabili
nerve ending to encapsulated receptors or dul'ing functional wrist and hand activities. Th
:~:01echanoreceplors. There are more receptors than muscles of the wrist and hand are summarized
fibers, and each fiber is connected to several Table 14-1. No muscles are intrinsic to the carpu
,">C',"'Wl'S (Mount Castle, 1968). Furthermore, sen- lhererore, passive mechanisms derived from bon
information is transmitted over quickly or morphology, ligamentous function, and tendinou
adapting nerve fiber properties. It is also expansions play major roles in controlling carp
))known that sensation docs not have the same value and digital movements during hand activities, I
the hand; certain zones or regions have more this sense, the carpus acls as a bridge for muscle a
receptivity 10 a stimulus than do olhers. For exam- tion and load transmission between the hand an
the sensOI)' acuity is considered to be of a more forearm segments.
specialized quality in the specific anatomical re- A number of anatomical features contributc
gions required for very fine motor prehension: the the stabililY and control or the various articulation
ulnar half of the digital pulp of the thumb, the radial of the hand. The coordinated actions 01" the extri
half of the digital pulp of both the index and middle sic and intrinsic muscles of the hand permit contr
fingers. and the ulnar border of the lillie finger. It is of the digit rays: a dorsallcndinolls complex know
essential to be aware of these specialized regions as the extensor assemblv contl"iblltes to the contr
and their critical role in terms of the restoration of and stabilit); of the jo'ints and a well-develope
';,' hand function following injLlly (Tubiana, 1984). flexor tendon sheath pulley system facilitat
Blood is dually supplied to the wrist and the hand smooth and stable flexion of these joints. The bon
by the ulnar and radial arteries, \vhieh join or com- and ligamentous asymmetry of the Mep joints lend
municate together after each has individuall.'/ en- the hand its functional versatility. The IP joints ga
tered into the han,!. The skin of the hand is supplied their stability' from the shape of their articular co
by both a deep and a superficial plexus, The general tours and from special ligamentous restraints,
,'. p;\llern of the blood supply to the wrist and the
hand does not differ from that which is found in PASSIVE CONTROL MECHANISMS
other parts of the body. What differs in terms of cu-
taneous circulation relates to the hand's distal loca- Bony Mechanisms
tion ft-om the heart and to its constant exposure to The PIP and midcmpal joints in the wrist creale
thermal and postural variations (Tubiana, 1984). double-hinged system, This bimuscular, biarticul
Similar to the highly complex and varied sensory re- construction is subject to collapse under compre
ceptors noted within the hanel, particularly within sive load (Landsmcer, 1976), Because virtually n
the palmar skin, the hand hosts a complex and Illusclcs insert on the carpus to provide dynaln
dense capillmy system (Cauna, 1954). This dense stability. the compressive forces of the long Oexo
,':' system allows [or more variation in capillal)! pres- and extensors tend to calise the carpus to buckle
sure than in other parts of the body. Capillmy pres- the PIP and midcarpal joints, intricate ligamento
sure depends on a number of factors such as arteri- constraints and the precise opposition of multifa
olar tone, venous return, the position of the wrist eted articular surfaces counteract these tendenci
and the hand, and temperature (Cauna, 1954; and afford stability.
Tubiana, 1984). Hand injuly or disease that alters or In the sagittal plane or the wrist, both the sc
threatens the cycle of vasodilatation-vasoconstric- phoid and the lunate are wedge-shaped with the pa
tion can cause progressive wrist and hand edema mar aspect of both bones being wider than the do
that leads to stiffness or causalgia. sal aspect (Kauer, 1980). Because compressio
tends to squeeze a wedge to its narrowest portio
both the lunate and the scaphoid would tend to b
Control of the Wrist displaced palmward and rotate into extension wi
and Hand contraction of the long flexors and extensors,
As both the scaphoid and lunate lend to be force
Active control of the wrist and hand is achieved into extension. stabilization forces must be directe
through coordinated action of both extrinsic mus- primarily toward flexion. It is here that the COllt
culature, originating from the forearm and humeral bUlion of the scaphoid spanning both distal an
proximal carpal 1'0\\'5 can be appreciated. The nat- Inelacarpals. Thl' intrinsic ligalllents originak
ural tendency' of the scaphoid to extend is stabilized insert on the C~II'PUS.
at the midcarpal level; the trapezium and trapezoid The pallnar e:\trinsic ligaments include the r
articulate with the dorsal aspect of the scaphoid, collateral ligall'lcnt, the paillwr radiocarpal
pushing its distal pole dc)\vn into flexion. Hence, the ments, and components of the Triangular fibn>e
scaphoid counteracts the extension tendency! of the lage complex crr"cc). The radial colhltl'r~l1liga[
lunate, lending some stability! to the biarticular is aCluall~' more pallllar than lateral and is vi
carpal complex (Fig. 14-7). as till.' most lateral of all palnwr radioGll'p~11
This arrangement has an advantage over a sym- cles rather than as a ulilateral ligament per sc
metrical biarticular s)'stem because instability is fo- cause the function or a true collatcral ligame
cused in onl).' one direction and can be countered by not hlnctionall.\ ad\'~ll1tageous in the wrist.
a single force applied in the opposite direction or Thc palnwr radiocarpal ligarncnts a['c arra
flexion (Kauer. 1980; Kauer & Landsmeer, 1981). in superficial and deep hl.\"ers, In thc super
This mechanism is consistent with the lISC of the fin- layer, most libel'S ~Issumc a V shape, providin
ger and wrist flexors during hand function. stl'~tint and supporl. The decp ligaments arc
strong fascicles named according to their poin
()]'igin and insertion: the radioscaphocapitat
Ligamentous Mechanisms radiocapitateJ ligarnent, which supports thc
or thl.' scaphoid; the radiolutHllC liganlcllt, w
supports the lunate; and the r;:ldic)scapholunat
As in other joints, the function of the \vrist liga-
ament, which connccts the sGlpholunate aniC
ments is to restrict joint motion and appose Jomt
tion with tll(' palmar portiCHl or the distal ra
surfaces. In addition, the ligaments of the wrist are
This lig~\lncnt checks sC~lphoid lk.\ion ~ln
capable of inducing bOll y displacements and of
tension. SludiL's of the tensile strength of carpa
transmitting loads originating in proximal or distal
aments suggest that the \\'eakest link bL'
segments (Taleisnik, 1985). The palmar ligaments
the carpus anc! the forearm is through [he r
(Fig. 14-8.4) are thick and strong, whereas the dor-
scaphocapitate and radial collateral ligaments,
sal ligaments (Fig. 14-88) are much thinner and
of which are on the radial sklL' ()f the
fewer in number (Taleisnik, 1976, 1985).
(i\bdield ('I "I .. 19791.
The highly developed. complex ligaIllcntous sys-
The dorsal extrinsic lig~Hnents includt' the
tem of the wrist can be divided into extrinsic and in-
bands of the dorsal mediocarpal ligament. Orig
trinsic cOIllponents (Table 14-2). The extrinsic liga-
ing from the rim of the radius, these three fasc
ments run from radius to carpus and from carpus to
insert hrllliv into the lunate, triquetrum,
scaphoid, respecti\c!.\'.
The intrinsic ligamcilts call be grcHlpcd into
categories (shc)rl, klng, and intermediate) acco
to their length and the rehltin: intercarpal m
ment the~' ~dlow. Overall, the palmar intrinsic
mellts are thicker and stronger than the dorsal
The three short intrinsic ligaml'nts-palnwr,
sal. and interosscous-;:\['l," stout, unyielding
tlwt bind the ~ld,iacent c<:\rpal bones tightl~,. T
strong lig<:Hl'lents <:lre responsible for mainta
the four bones or the distal carpal row as an im
Schematic drawing of the trapezoid (T), scaphoid (5), lu- bile functional unit (Taleisnik, 1976; \Veber, 1
nate (L), and radius (R) in a sagittal view. The tendency of Three intermediate intrinsic ligaillcnts arc lo
the wedge-shaped lunate (palmar pole larger than dorsal bct\\'ccn the lunate and triquetrum, the scap
pole) to rotate into extension is counteracted by the and IUll<:lte, and the sC<:lphoid and tr<:lpezium.
scaphoid, which provides a palmar-flexing force induced Of the two long intrinsic ligaments-dorsa
by the trapezium and trapezoid. Adapted with permission tercarpal and palrnar intcrcarpal-the palm
from Ta/eisnik, J. (1985). The Wrist. New York: Churchill Living- the mc)re important. Also called the dcltclid,
lig;:llnenl. it st~lbilizes the capitate because
tacht:.'s to its neck and fans out proximally' t

Med. Med.



The ligaments of the wrist. A. The palmar wrist ligaments

(right hand). Extrinsic ligaments: RSC, radioscaphocapitate

ligament. The short palmar intrinsic!. are not shown. B. The

dorsal wrist ligaments of the right hand. Extrinsic ligament
ligament; Ret, radial collateral ligament; Rt radiolunate liga- RT, radiotriquetral; RL, radiolunate; and RS, radioscaphoid
ment: RSL, radioscapholunate ligament; UL, ulnolunate lIga- fascicles of the dorsal radiocarpal ligament. Intrinsic liga-
ment; M. meniscus homologue (radiotriquetral ligament); ments: OJ(, dorsal intercarpal; IT, trapeziotrapezoid; TC,
VCL, ulnar collateral ligament; the superficial palmar radio- trapeziocapitate; and CH, capitohamate fascicles of the sho
carpal ligament and the triangular fibrocilrtilage are not intrinsic ligaments. The scaphotrapezium ligament is not
shown. Intrinsic ligaments: SL, scapholunate ligament; L1. shown. Adapred with permission from Taleisnik, 1. (1985). ihe
lunotriquetral ligament; V. palmar intercarpal (deltoid, or V) Wrist. New York: Churchill Livingstone.

Liga ments of the Wrist

Extrinsic Ligaments Intrinsic

Proximal (radiocarpal) Short

Radiocollateral Palmar
Palmar radiocarpal Dorsal
Superficial Intermediate
Deep Lunotriquetral
Radioscaphocapitate (radiocapilate) Scapholunate
Radiolunate Scaphotrapezium
Radioscapholunate Long
Ulnocarpal complex Palmar in"-rca,'oa! \Y,oell81Cl}
Meniscus homologue (radiotriquetral) Dorsal int,>r,,,rn,,1
Triangular fibrocartilage (articular disc)
Ulnar collateral ligament
Ulnolunate ligament
Dorsal radiocarpal
Distal (carpometacarpal)

Modifi~d irorn Talelsnik. 1. (1985). The Wrist. New York: Churchitllivingstone.

sen into the scaphoid and triquetrum. The dorsal HAND LIGAMENTS
intercarpal ligament originates rrom the tri- The hand has all illtric~llL' ]"l..'tillal:lIl~lr s.\"s
quetrum and courses laterally and obliquely to in- l:ncloscs, compal'1l11cntali/.es. and Il'stn
sert on the scaphoid and trapezium (Testul & joint and l<:nduns ~IS well as the skill. rh.:r
Latarjet.1951). blood \'L'ssels (Smith ct aI., 1996). This i
n....cting stnKlllrnl S~:sh. 'm cncin.:lt:s each
TRIANGULAR FIBROCARTILAGE COMPLEX create haI<.IIH.:L'd forces of tilt.' intl'insk and
The components of the TFee are the radiotrique- sic musculature and stabilit . . , and cuntro
tralligament (meniscus homologue), the triangular h" 11(1.
fibrocartilage (articular disc), the ulnolunatc liga- Allor the digilal :'\l'ticuhltions have one
ment, the ulnar collateral ligament. and the poorly tinl feature in lomI1H,ln: the.\' are designcd
distinguishable dorsal and palmar radioulnar liga- lio!l in J'Ie.\iol1. Each .joint h:.\s finn co
ments (Fig. 14-3). The meniscus homologue and ligamellts bilaterally and a thick alllcri
the triangular fibrocartilage have a strong common Stile reinforced h.\" a fibrocanilaginolls st
origin rrom the dorsollinar corner (sigmoid notch) known as thL' palmal" (n)!ar) plate. B.. . c
of the radius. From there the meniscus courses to- SOil, the <lol":-;al capsule is thin and lax. The
ward the palm and around the ulnar border of the tendinous appar:'lllIs, composed of dlL' t\\'
wrist to insert firrnly into the triquetrum. while the lL'llC!OI1S, is much stronger than thL dorsa
triangular fibrocartilage extends horizontally to in- sor assclllbl~', and (.'\"('n Ihe skin is thick('
sert into the base or the ulnar styloid process. Be- palmar side.
tween the meniscus homologuc and the tl"ianglliar
fibrocartilage there is often a triangular area, thc f)i.~iltll Flexur li.:IU/UIl S!tt'{uh Pulley ,')\-_,!\'//1
. recess, which is filled with svnovium.
. Most tendons in thL: hand are restrained 10 s
Dorsally.', the TFCe has a weak attachment to the lent h~' sheaths nnd retinacula tlwt keep the
carpus except where some of its fibers join the ten- to the skeletal plane so that the,\' maintain
don sheath of the flexor carpi ulnaris dorsolaterally, lively constant moment arm, rather than bow
The ulnolunatc ligament connects the palmar bor~ ing across tilt joints. The pulle,\' s~.'ste1'l1 of th
del' of the triangular fibrocartilage with the lunate. lendon she~lth in ilk' linger is the most high
The ulnar collateral ligament arises from the ulnar oped of these restraints.
styloid process and extends distally to the base of As they eXh:nd fnllll their lllusc!L's, Ihe
the fifth metacarpal bone. flexor lendons pass through thL' carpal
Volz et al. (1980) analyzed the pattern of contact along with til(' tendon or the I'IL'x(Jr pnllicis
between the proximal carpal row and the distal ra- ..1 nd thL' Il1L'dian nerve, before f<.\nning out
dial and ulnar surfaces while the radiocarpal joint t1h,'ir respect in,' digits. The flexor supe
complex was subjected to compressive loads in a tendon inserts nn Ihe middle phalanx a
position of neutral wrist nexioo and extension. "Vith flexor profundus inscrls on the distal pha
small loads, the initial contact arca was between the c<.H:h digit. these two tendons, surrounded
scaphoid, lunate, and distal radial plate, but with in- s~'I1()\'ial sheaths. arc held against thl.. ph
creasing loads the contact area extended to the h,\' a fibrous sheath. At strategic location
TFCC. Removal of the TFCC diminished the contact the she~\th are five dense annular pulleys
area between the lunate and the distal radial~ulnar n<.\ted as AI, A2. 1\3, A4.'and A5) and three
surface, thus increasing the stress per unit area be- crucil"o,..n !Julle.'s (Cl. C2. and C3) (Fig
tween these structures. ThL'se pulleys allo\\' for ~l smooth curve so
Volz's group (1980) concluded that compressive sharp or <Jngular bends exist in til.. . cours
loads are directed across the carpus along a vector lendon. Local points of high pressur.. .. SlIL
force pattern thaL passes through the head of the ('rs. helw.. . cll tcndon and sh . . ath are th
capitate to the scapholunate junction and then to mill i m i I,cd.
the distal radial-ulnar triangular fibrocartilage sur- At the point \\'hL~I'C lhe A3 pulk'y tra\'(TSCS
faces. They suggested that any alteration in the joinl. the tension in tl1(' tendon gL'IK'r~\Icd
alignment of the structures of the proximal and dis- lJ...:xion either pulls the pulley a\\"a~ from its
tal carpal I-OW5 might provoke an increase in stress Ilk'nl to the bone or pulls lhe hune a\\"a~ f
in localized areas, which would then accelerale ar- joint. This is no problcm in a normal. stab
ticular cartilage wear. but when the joint becomes unstable. as in a
A1 A2 A3 C2 A4 C3 AS pophalangeal articulations of the digits as well as
significant differences between the same level for
each digit (Hakstian & Tubiana, 1967; Kucynski,
1968; Landsmeer, 1955; Smith & Kaplan, 1967;
Tubiana, 1984).
A unique Feature of the lvlep joint is its asymme-
try, which is apparent both in the bony configura-
tion of the metacarpal head (Fig. 14-10) and in the
A location of the radial and ulnar collateral ligament
attachments to it (Landsmeer, 1955). The collateral
ligaments of the MCP joint extend obliquely for-
ward from the proximal attachment at the dorsolat-
B eral aspect of the metacarpal head to their insertion
on the palmolateral aspect of the base of the proxi-
mal phalanx. The bilateral as)'ll1metry in the site of
the attachment of these ligaments manifests itself
Schematic drawings of the components of the digital
particularly in the as)'mmetric range of abduction-
flexor tendon sheath. The five strong annular pulleys (A 1,
adduction in these joints. The as.':/mmetric bilateral
A2, A3, A4, AS) are important in assuring efficient digital
motion by apposing the tendons to the phalanges. The
arrangement of the interossei also contributes to the
three thin, pliable cruciate pulleys ((1, (2, (3) allow flexi overall asymmetry of the MCP joints (Fig. 14-11).
bility of the sheath while maintaining its integrity. Quantiflcation of the length changes in the col-
A, Mediolateral view. B, Palmar view of the sheath without lateral ligaments during Mep joint motion was ac-
its tendons. Adapted with permission from Doyle. J.R. & Blythe. complished by Ivlinami and associates (1984), who
W (1975). The finger flexor tendon sheath and pulleys: used biplanar roentgenographic techniques to ana-
Anatomy and reconstruction. In AAOS Symposium on Tendon lyze the lengths of the dorsal, middle, and palmal
Surgery in the Hand. St. Louis: C V Mosby; and Strickland, J. W thirds of the radial and ulnar collateral ligaments of
(l987). Anaromy and kinesiology of the hand. In E.E. Fess &
CA Phifips (Eds.). Hand Splinting. Principles and Methods (2nd
Distal interphalangeal joint II III

ed., pp. 3--41). St. Louis: C. V Mosby.
Proximal interphalangeal joint

Metacarpophalangeal joint
with rheumatoid arthritis, there could be a danger
of severe PIP subluxation.
To appreciate the magnitude of these subluxating
forces and how they increase with increased flexion,
consider two separate flexed positions of a PIP joint:
60 and then 90. At 60, the two limbs of the nexor
tendon form an angle of 120 0 (Calculation Box Fig.
14-1-1). At that point, the tension in the restraining
pulley must equal the tension in the tendon for the
system to be in equilibrium. At 90' of flexion, how-
ever, the pulley n1us1 sustain 40% more tension than
the tendon (Calculation Box Fig. 14-1-2) (Brand,
1985; Brand & Hollister, 1992).

Digiwl Colhlleml Lig(///lCJl!s

The comrnon essential feature of the articulations
of the digits is that they function in the direction Posteroari"terior roentgenogram of the right hand and
of llexion and have t\VO firm collateral ligaments wrist revealing asymmetry in the configuration of the
and a thick reinforced anterior capsule. The ante- metacarpal heads. Also apparent is the disparjty in the di
rior fibrocartilage is known as the palmar or volar ameters of the proximal and distal surfaces of the PIP
plate (Tubiana, 1984). There are significant differ- joints, the distal surfaces being considerably wider.
ences between the interphalangeal and metacar-
Flexor Tendon Sheath Pulley System at the PIP Joint
Magnitude of subluxating forces and increment with flexion position at the PIP joint.

10 N


Force F
10 N
Calculation Box Figure 14~11. lateral view, The PIP joint is flexed 60, With the sys-
tem in equilibrium, the resultant force (R) in the pulley system is equal to the vector sum
of the two components of the tensile force (F) in the flexor tendon (i.e., 10 N). These
three forces are presented graphically in an equilateral triangle of forces.

\+-45' 14 N
I ... R
I ......
\ 90'~'t=!r--
F Force F
10 N

Force F
ION Force A
14 N

R' ~ 100 N + 100 N
R' ~ J200 ~ 14.1 N
Calculation Box Figure 14-'-2. lateral view. The PIP joint is flexed 90. A triangle of
forces shows that the resultant force R in the putley system equals 14 N. Therefore. R equals
1.4 F. The value for R is also found by use of the Pythagorean theorem, which states that in a
right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse equals the sum of the squares of the sides.
Adapted with permission from Brand. P.W. (1985). Clinical Mechanics of the Hand (pp.
30-60). SI. Louis: c.v. Mosby.
the index finger at various degrees of joint flexion. rlexed, while the palmar porLions provide a restrai
When the MCP joint was nexed from 0 to 80', the ing force during tvlCP extension, This study su
dorsal ponion of the ligaments lengthened 3 to 4 ports the rationale for positioning the Mep joint
mOl, the middle portion elongated slightly, and the 50 to 70 of flexion to prevent extension contractu

palmar portion shortened I to 2 mm. When the when immobilization is required.

MCP joinl moved inlO hyperextension, the dorsal The collateral ligaments are found to be sla
ponion of the ligaments shortened 2 to 3 mm, the when the MCP joints are held positioned in exte
," middle third shOl,tened slightly, and Ihe palmar sion and taut when the MCPs are positioned in rle
Ihird lengthened slightly. Thus, the dorsal ponions ion. By placing the MCPs into full nexion, the ca
of both collateral ligaments appear to provide the configuration of the metacarpal head tightens t
principal restraining force when the MCP joint is collateral ligaments and the lateral mobility
"play" obse"ved when the MCPs were held into e
tension is limited (Strickland, 1987). Therefore, I
fingers cannot be spread or abducted unless t
hand is open, or naltened (Agur, 1991).
The transverse intermetacarpal ligament, whi
connects the palmar plates. gives additional stab
ity 10 Ihe "'ICP ,-egion (Fig. 14-12). The extensor te
dons are linked to this transverse structure by t
transverse laminae, which hold them in position
the dorsal side of the IvlCP joint.

\/b/ar Plate
In addition to the role of the collateral and acce
sory collateral ligament, attention is brought to t
function of the palmar or volar plate (Fig. 14-1
The accessor)' collateral ligaments arc just palm
to the radial and ulnar collateral ligaments, whi
originate from the metacarpal and insert into t

thick palmar fibrocartilaginous plate. This plate
the volar surface of the MCP is firmly attached
the base of the proximal phalanx and it is loose
attached to the volar surface of the neck of t

. Palmar
metacarpal. It serves to reinforce the joint capsu
anteriorly and to prevent impingement of the Hex
\ i tendons during MCP flexion. This anatomical alig

!s ment allows for the volar plate to slide proxima
like a moving visor during MCP flexion (Agur, 199
I '-------------- Strickland, 1987). The volar plate also limits hype
extension of the MCP joint. The volar plates a
! The intrinsic muscles of the hand. A, Palmar view of the connected by the transverse Jintermctacarpal lig
left hand. B, Dorsal view of the left hand showing the four
ments that then connect each plate to its neighb
dorsal interossei and the abductor digiti QuintL These mus-
(Strickland, 1987).
cles abduct the fingers (i.e., move them away from the
midline of the hand). C. Patmar view of the leh hand
showing the three palmar interossei. These muscles adduct Tendinous Mechanisms
the second. fourth, and fifth fingers. flex the Mep joint.
and extend the PIP joint. Adapted wilh permission {rom DIGITAL EXTENSOR ASSEMBLY SYSTEM
Strickland. J. W (1987), Anatomy and kinesiology of the n,lnd. In The lang"extensor tendons are l1at structures lh
fE. fess & c.A. Philips (Eds.), Hand Splinting. Principles and emerge from their synovial sheaths at the dors
Methods (2nd ed., pp. 3-41). Sr. Louis: C. V Mosby: and (ailler, siele of the carpus anel run over the M~P joint; th
R. (1982). HClnd Pain and Impairment (3rd edJ Philcldelphia: FA. are helel in this position by the sagittal banels. At t
Oc1Vis. dorsum of the proximal phalanx, thc~e extensor te
,i dons and parts or the interossei interweave so as
Second dorsal form :1 tendinous cOnlplL,,'\, the ('xh:nsor aS~L'l1lb
Transverse Junctura (also knO\\'11 as tilL' L'xkl\s(,r Ilh:chanisllll. whiLh e
interosseous muscle
inlermelacarpal tendinum
tl'l1ds 0\'(."1' hOlh I P joints (Fig. 14-141.
Triflln.:alion 01" (he long C:-':h,'nsor (cndon and r~
ning 01" inh.Tossl'Olis fihl'r:-. 1\.'SUIt in the formation
Ollt: IllL'dial and two la1l.:ral hands. The Illcdial bnn
(or cL'lltr~d slip) runs d()rs~dl,\' ovel' the trochka of t
pro.'\iJ1wl phalan.\ and insl'rts into the base or t
middle plwlaJl\, 'rIlL' two lalcml bands cours(' alon
communis ! r ' ~irst dorsal sidl..' the shouldL'l'S of tlH..' PI P joint. These bands pu
tendon --+1-\-\l..\l , muscle
SllL' tlh.:ir \\'<1,\' distall.\' ~ll1d lllerge o\'er the doi'sUOl
the middle phalanx, running the tcnninal tendo
\\hidl inserts into the dorsal tubercle or the disl
phalanx. This tcrminal lL'ndon is linkcd (0 the pro
v tV 111 II
imal phalanx b.\' m{.'~lJ1s or I IlL' obliquc rctinacular li
~IIllL'nts, Thcsi..' Iigamcnts origin<lk' from the prox
mal phalanx and run la1L'rall,\' around tilL' I'll' join
,iust palm;'lr 10 the CL'nt!.,.'!' or motion of this joint
tilL' L'\;ll...'IH.k-d posilion, to join Ihe tcrminal ti..'lld<JIl
IlI1Istr;'lling thl.,.' aL'!ioll (If thL' i..'.'\lL'nsor assL'mbl.\
cnllplin~ PIP and DIP joinl motion, Landsl1lc

Med. Lat

" ----.
/~(Fjl~\Jf----Collateral ligamen
f.f!<:~.~~::~~ ~ccessory collateral
/~. ~, ~."" ligament I.
Proximal phalanx A
I .- Checkrein ligaments
1 PIP joinl Middle phalanx
A, Fibrous structures of the proximal transverse (MC?) arch j - \

(palmar view of the right hand), Adapted with permission

from Tubiana, R. (1984). Architecture and functions of the
hand. In R. Tubiana, J,-M. Thomine, & E. Mackin (Eds,), Ex-
amination of the Hand and Upper Limb (pp, 1-97). Collateral ligamenl
Philadelphia: w.e. Saunders. B, Capsuloligamentous struc- Clleckrein ligaments \\ . . . .,. Accessory collateral ligamen
tures of the MCP joint (transverse view of the proximal Palmar plate
phalangeal joint surface, middle finger, left hand). 1, ex-
tensor digitorum communis tendon; 2, sagittal band; 3,
collateral ligament; 4, accessory collateral ligament; 5,
volar plate; 6, flexor tendon sheath; 7, flexor digitorum su- Oblique (top) and mediolaterc11 (bottom) views of the PIP
perficialis tendon; 8, flexor digitorum profundus tendon; 9, joint. This joint gains stability from a string, three-sided
lumbrical muscle; 10, dorsal interosseous muscle; 11, dorsal ligamentous support system produced by the collateral l
interosseous muscle; 12, insertion of dorsal interosseous ament, the accessory collateral ligament, and the palmar
muscle into base of phalanx; 13, transverse inter- fibrocMtilaginollS plate (volar plate), which is anchored
metacarpal ligament; 14, articular surface of proximal pha- the proximal phalanx by proximal and lateral extensions
lanx. Adapted with permission (rom Zancolli. E. (979). Struc- know as the checkrein ligaments. ,:\dapteci ','Iith p~rf1lission
tural and Dynamic Bases of Hand Surgery (2nd ed.. pp. 3-63). hom S;nd/and. } W (987), AnMomy dnd kinf'siofogy of ;he
Phifadelphia: 1.8. Lippincott hand In E E Fess 8 C A Pill/ips (Ec/5). Hanel Spllllllflg PfFllop
(mc! ivjc,thed) (2nd {'d., pp 3 1/1) St Louis. C V Mos/)V
.---------- .... _-_.- ..----_._---------------
(1949) described the "release of the distal phalanx"
(Fig. 14-15). Jf a finger is lIexed at the PIP joinl onlv
the whole: trifurcated e~tcllsor assembly is pulle'd
lB distally, following the central slip. This slip alone is
taul because the distal pull occurs at the middle
17 phalanx; the lateral bands remain slack but arc al-
lowed 1O shift distally over the same distance. Only
PIP part of the slack of the lateral bands is required for
flexion of the PIP joint because these bands run
closer to the center of motion of this jointlhan docs
the central slip. Therefore, sorl1c of the slack will re
main, allo\ving passive or active fle-xion 01" the distal
4 phalanx but 110 aCLive extension. The "released" dis
wi phalanx is the functional basis for the coupled
nexion and extension of the DIP and PIP joints.
Conversely, if the DIP is acti\'cly flexed, the entire
6 extensor asscmbl~' is displaced distally. This relaxes
the central slip and simultaneously increases the
tension in the oblique retinacular ligaments, a ten
sion thai creates a ncx.ion force at the P.lP joint. Be
cause the central slip is already unlmlded, flexion o
this joint is then unavoidable. The release of the dis
tal phalanx is fundamental for pulp-to-pulp pinch, [
also allows, through intermittent contraction of the
ncxor profundus, a change from pulp-tn-pulp to tip

Schematic drawing of the digital extensor assembly. Me?,

metacarpophalangeal joint; PIp, proximal interphalangeal
joint; DIP. distal interphalangeal joint. 1, interosseous
muscle; 2. extensor digitorum communis tendon; 3, lum-
brical muscle; 4, flexor tendon fibrous sheath; S. sagittal
band; 6. intermetacarpalligament; 7, transverse fibers of
interosseous hood; 8. oblique fibers of interosseous hood;
9. lateral band of long extensor tendon; 10. medial band
of long extensor tendon; 11. central band of interosseous
tendon; 12, lateral band of interosseous tendon; 13.
oblique retinacular ligament; 14, medial band of long ex-
tensor tendon in central slip; 15, transverse retinacular lig-
ament; 16, lateral band of long extensor tendon; 17, tri-
angular ligament; 18, terminal tendon. A, Dorsal view.
Just proximal to the PIP joint, the long extensor tendon
(extensor digitorum communis tendon) within the central
slip trifurcates into one medial and two lateral bands. The
medial band inserts into the base of the middle phalanx.
The lateral bands converge over the dorsum of the middle
phalanx to form the terminal tendon, which inserts on
the distal phalanx. B, Sagittal view. The oblique retinacu-
lar ligaments, which originate from the proximal phalanx,
course laterally around the PIP joint just palmar to the
center of rotation of flexion-extension, then join the ter- Release of the distal phalanx. A, All fingers are extended,
minal tendon. Adapted with permission from Tubiana, R. and the PIP joint of the middle finger is flexed. The DIP
(984). Archicecture and functions of che hand. In R. Tubiana. joint of this finger is totally out of control. B. The DIP joint
l.-M. Thomine. & E. Mackin (Eds.). Examination of the Hand is very loose and can be flexed or extended only passively.
and Upper limb (pp. 1-97). Philadelphia: WB. S,)tlflders



,."",;.;;T ... ' " .6,. c.",~J2'':-'''_''_;'''''J>'-.> .. ~.'-= .. ",_,,,,,.' "J >~__ ""J-""'7.'-";'"-O'"~) '''''''''''''''==
!" - .'"'.' :_~'_' ;';' ><-. _>:_;C'~~,. ~~ -~r % .p~ . _.
to-tip pinch, a mechanism used in precision han- longus were assessed e1ectrornyographically d
dling such as needlework and active tactile explo- wrist flexion (Kauer, 1979, 1980). In additi
ration. demonstrming their expected muscle actions,
Sarrafian and coworkers (I 970) used strain muscles were found to function as a dynamic
gauges to measure the tension in different parts of justable collateral system" that acts as a true c
the extensor mechanism during finger flexion and eral support, the extensor carpi ulnaris for the
furthel' elaborated on this phenomenon. They found side of the wrist and the extensor pollicis brevi
an increase in the central slip tension bevond 60 of abductor pollicis longus for the radial side. I
PIP flexion; at 90 of flexion there \vas total relax- way, active control mechanisms serve to fltlfi
ation of the lateral bands. void left by the lack of collateral ligamento
strictions while still affording considerable
tional variability for functional hand activities
Muscular Mechanisms of the Wrist
The wrist joint complex is surrounded at its pe-
riphel)' by the 10 wrist tendons. whose muscles
and Lheir actions are listed in Table 14-1. The three
flexors and three extensors arc the motors of the de Quervain's Tenosynovitis
wrist, controlling radial and ulnar deviation as 50-year-old female school teacher complains of pai
well as wrist flexion and extension. Four addi-
tional muscles control pronation and supination
A on active radial abduction of the thumb afler per-
forming a prolonged, continuous paper CUlling task. The
of the forearm. Eight of the muscles originate pain extends proximally from the radial styloid along the
from the forearm, and two, the brachialis and ex- dorsoradial aspect of the wrist and increases with passiv
tensor carpi radialis longus, originate above the el- stretch of the abductor pollicis longus (Finkelstein's test).
bow. Except for the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon, After a careful examination, de Quervain's tenosynovitis
which attaches Lo the pisiform, all of the wrist confirmed.
muscle tendons traverse the carpal bones to insert In this case, overuse by performance of a repetitive,
on the metacarpals. forceful task involving abduction of the thumb while the
Each wrist tendon has a substantial amplitude of wrist is ulnar deviated contributed to the development o
excursion. The extensor carpi radialis brevis and the tenosynovitis. Another contributing factor is the
longus each have a maximal excursion of approxi- anatomical structure of Ihis first dorsal compartment of
mately 37 mm. The flexor carpi radialis excursion is the wrist. The restrictive volume of this compartment
approximately 40 mm, and that of the nexor carpi along with the multiaxial movements oi the thumb rend
ulnaris is approximately 33 mm. The pronator teres the tendons of the abductor pollicis longus and the exte
excursion is approximately 50 mm (Boyes, 1970). sor pollicis brevis susceptible to inflammation following
Impainncnt of the excursion of any of these tendons exposure to high frictional loads.
owing to adhesions after trauma or surgery can se-
riously limit wrist mOlion.
The anangemenl of digital and wrist extensor
and flexor systems around the wrist axis makes for
antagonist groupings of illataI' forces that afford
positional stability. The extensor digitorum C001-
munis and extensor indicis propius pair against the
flexor carpi radialis and flexor pollicis longus. The
extensor carpi ulnaris works against the extensor
poll ids brevis, and the abductor poll ids longus and
extensor carpi radialis longus pair against the
flexor carpi ulnaris and the flexor digitorum pollieis
.(Steindlet; 1955).
The contributions of the extensor carpi ulnaris,
Case Study Figure 14-2-1,
extensor pollicis brevis, ancl abductor pollicis
Muscular Mechanisms of the Hand matic model is undoubtedly an oversimplification
the complex carpal motions during wrist nlo
digital rays are controlled by the extrinsic and
ment, but it appears to adequately describe fu
intrinSIC muscles (Table 14-1). The extrinsic muscles
tional wrist movement (Brumbaugh et al., 19
in the arm and forearm. The intrinsic
Landsmeel~ 1961; MacConaill, 1941; Volz et
are entirely confined to the hand (Fig.
1980; von Bonin, 1929; Wright, 193511 936; Youm
1). Although the contribution of each system is
Yoon, 1979).
stinctlv different, the coordinated functioning of
The hand is an extremely mobile organ t
intrinsic and extrinsic muscle svstems is essential
can coordinate an infinite variety of moveme
for the satisfactory performance of the hand in a
in relation to each of its components. The ble
range of tasks.
ing of hand and \\Tist movements enables
The values most often cited for the strengths of
hand to mold itself to the shape of an object
the extrinsic muscles of the hand were reported by
ing palpated or grasped. The great mobility
Von Lanz and Wachsmuth (1970). Their values
the hand is the result of the articular contou
(Table 14-3) show that the strength of the finger flex-
the position of the bones in relation to one
ors is over t\vice that of the extensors.
other, and the actions of an intricate s.vstern


The multiplicity of wrist articulations and the com- The articulations of the wrist JOInt complex
plexity of carpal motion make it difficult to calculate low motion in two planes: flexion-extension (p
the instant center of motion for the primary' axes of Illar flexion and dorsiflexion) in the sagit
flexion-extension or radial-ulnar deviation. Various plane and radial-ulnar deviation (abductio
studies have placed the instant center of rotation in adduction) in the frontal plane. Combinations
the head of the capitate, with the flexion-extension these Illotions are also possible, the great
axis oriented from the radial to the ulnar styloid range of wrist motion taking place from rad
process and the radial-ulnar deviation axis oriented deviation and extension to ulnar deviation a
orthogonal to the flexion-extension axis. This kine- palmar flexion.

Strength Values of the Extrinsic Muscles of the Hana

Muscle Strength (Nm)

Flexor pollicis longus 12

Extensor pollicis longus 1
Abductor pollicis longus
As a wrist flexor 1
As a wrist abductor 4
Extensor polJicis brevis 1
Flexor digitorum superficialis 48
Flexor digitorum profundus communis 45
Extensor digitorum communis 17
Extensor indicis proprius 5

Data from Von Lanz, T & Wachsmuth. IN. (1970), Functional anatomy. in J,H, Boyes (Ed.), Bunnell's
Surgery of the Hand (5th Ed.). Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott.
Although small amounts of axial rotation arc 26
possible and may' exist in some individual wrists,
from a pracLical standpoint such rotation docs not
occur through the cmpal complex (Volz. 1976;
Youm et al.. 1978). Axial rotation of the hand. ex-
pressed as pronation and supination, results in-
stead from motion arising at the proxirnal and dis-
tal radioulnar and the radiohumeral joints (Volz ct
aI., 1980). Extension

Flexion and Extension I 335

0 I
The normal wrist range of motion is 65 to 80" of
nexion and 55 to 75 of extension, but it can vary 37
widely among individuals. Owing to a slight palmar
tilt of the distal radial plates. flexion exceeds exten-
sion by an average of 10,
Investigators have found various values ror the Approximately 60% of wrist flexion (top) oewrs at the
contribution of the pl'oximal and distal carpal midcarpal joint, whereas approximately two thirds of
rows to the tOlal arc of nexion and extension, Sar- extension (bottom) arises at the radiocarpal joint. Ai;l{
~.f:;l pE':mi'i_~i{)fl from Sarrafl<lfi. 5,1-::, t3t.-'i,lf1lfXi. j L. ,-3- Gos
rafian and coworkers (1977) noted that approxi-
I,ln, G :~/; !9/'11 Srucfr Cd \',11:;', marion If} flE..-:lon an[f f.'xu
mately 60% of Rex ion occurs at the midcarpal
Clin Onhcp. 126. T53
joinl and 40%, in the radiocarpal joint, while ap-
proximately 67(Yo of extension takes place at the
radiocarpal joint and 33% at the midcarpal joint
(Fig. 14-16).
;\ dOllble-V :'."Sh..'1ll forl1l('d b.... tIlL' palmar i
cal'pallig~\11l(,llt and thL' radiollln4lh..' and ulnolul
Radial and Ulnar Deviation liganlL'lltS rL'uders suppon during radial-ulnar <
The total arc of radial-ulnar deviation is approxi-
ation (fig, 1-1.- Hq. The apL'X or
til..,: pn)xim.d V
lhL' 11l11~lt(' and thal or LilL' distal V ~lt th(' capiwll
mately 65", 15 to 25" radialward and 30 to 45 ul-
ulllar <.!l'vialiOll, the rncdial arm of the proxim
nanyard (Simon et aI., 1994; Volz et aI., 1980; YOUI11
Ihe 1Ilnnlllnal(' ligament. h":"COllli.:'S sonlC\\,hal tr
et aI., 1978). The distal carpal row follows the finger
n~rsL' and inhibits radial displacemcnt of thL' lun
rays during both radial and ulnar deviation,
\\'hik th . . . Iah:r~ll arlll. tilL' l'adiolunatL' liganlL'nt.
whereas the proximal carpal row glides in lhe direc-
ents l()llgiludin~llI," ~Ind limits lunate L','\:tcnsion,
tion opposite to hand movement with greater ex-
V L'onfiguratinll is no,, an L. Th.. . distal V ~llso
em-sian during ulnar deviation,
conlL'S ~\Il L. but ill IhL~ opposite din.:l.:tion, ThL
During radial deviation, the scaphoid undergoes
L'['~d illtrinsic ligalllcnl<.Hls libcrs COIHlc'cting
l1exion (palmwarcl rotation of its distal pole) as a re-
scaphoid ~\lld L'apilalc bL'<.:nl111' somL'w!lal Iransv
sult of its encroachment on the radial styloid
to <.:11..:.'ck the I..'l'ntral ulnar translation of lhe cap
process (Fig. 14-17;1). This scaphoid 1110tion is
during this motioll, Tilt. medial libL'l's from
transmitted across the proximal row through the
qUL'trU11l to capital\..' shirt longillH.linall}' and con
scapholunatc ligament. Thlls, in radial deviation
l'apit~\ll...' Ilcxion, In "adial (!L'\'iatiol1, lhe oppo
the scaphoid lIexes and so does the proximal carpal
L'<_Hlfiguralions appl.\' (l~lk~isllik, 1985),
row. This conjunct movement of the scaphoid and
proximal carpal row is reversed toward extension
during ulnar deviation (Fig, 14-17C), During ulnar
Forearm Pronation and Supination
deviation, the triquetrum is displuced palmwal'd
by the proximul migration of the humate, The mo- The motions or forearm pronation and sup
tion of the triquetrum in turn causes lhe lunate to tion through the PIP ~llld distal radioulnar
extend, tllL'diohlll1lL'nd joints. although 110t part (If w



LSi&. -_- , ~- .
motion proper, pIa)' an intricate role in hand and the ulnar head of up to 9 in the direction opp
function. Average range of motion of site that of the distal radius has been demo
pronation~supination is 150 (60-80 of prona-
strated during this motion (Ray et a1., 1951), a
tion and 60-85 of supination). In a biomechani- the ulnar head glides in the sigmoid notch 01'
study, YOUlll et a!' (1979) found the axis of radius from a dorsal distal position to a palm
pronation-supination to lie oblique to both the proximal position as the forearm moves from f
radius and the ulnar, passing through the center pronation into full supination (Bunnell, 19
of the humeral capitulum and the midpoint of Palmer & Wemer, 1984; Rose-Innes, 1990; Vese
the head of the ulna ..Modest lateral movement of 1967).

lImIEIe-- _
Roentgenograms of the right wrist and hand (dorsal view) triquetrum is proximal in relation to the hamate. In ulnar
showing the position of the carpal bones in radial deviation viation, the bones of the proximal row are extended. The
(A), in the neutral position (B), and in ulnar deviation (C). Ar- scaphoid appears elongated, the shape of the lunate appe
rows in the schematic drawings above roentgenograms A and trapezoidal, and the triquetrum is distal in relation to the
C indicate general movement of the bones of the proximal mate. Tp, trapezium; TZ, trapezoid; C. capitate; H, hamate;
row with wrist motion. In radial deviation, the bones of the TQ, triquetrum; L, lunate; 5, scaphoid. Roentgenogram co
proximal row are flexed toward the palm. The scaphoid ap- tesy of Alex Norman, M.D.; drawings adapted ~vith permissio
pears foreshortened, the lunate appears triangular, and the {rom Taleisnik, 1. (1985). The Wrist. New York: Churchill Livings


Palmar intercarpal
(V) ligament

1 RadioJunate
Med, La!.


Radial Neutral Ulnar

deviation deviation

Diagrammatic representation of the changes in alignment of and ulnar deviation (palmar view of right hand), Ada{Jl':.
the double-V system formed by the ulnolunate and radiolu- ~'.!I!h permission !rornl(l!':'ISflI,::, J f/935) T1:;:: VIrlS! Nc\~' Yo
nate ligaments and the palmar intercarpal (V. or deltoid) lig- Churchill Llv;rlgswne
ament with the wrist in radial deviation, the neutral position.


DIGITAL RANGE OF MOTION (sagittal plane), ahdllction~addllctioll (rn

plane), and slight pronation-supination (trans
The varying shapes o[ Ihe CMC, MCP, and IP
plane). which is cotlpk-d with abduction-addu
joinls of lhe fingers are responsible for lhe differ-
(Hagen. 19SI)~
ences in degrees of freedom ill lhesc joints. The
The range of Mel' flexion from the 1'.("1"0 pos
unique orientation of the thumb. the large web
is ~lpproxill1alel.'" 90 (Fig. 14-2o.-\), but this
space, and the special configuration of the thumb
differs among the lingers. The fifth fingl.'r de
CiViC joint afTords this digit great mobility and
Siratl.'s thL' most fk'xion (approxill1atd~: 95) an
second (index) IIngl.'l". appro:d lllatd~' 70 (Baul
ban(" &: i\ilalat hi. 1985). EXh:.'nsion bc.'.vond the
position varies l:onsietL'rabl~' and depl..mds on
The second and third metacarpals arc linked to the The PIP and disl~d joints or the fOLlI' digits a
trapezoid and capitate and to each other by' light~ cond~!lar hinge joints as a result of the LOnguc
f'ltting joints that are basically immobile (Fig, groove fit or their articular surfaces (Figs.
14-19). As a result, these metacarpal and carpal and 14-19L TilL'SC surfaces are c1cJscl~' congr
bones constitute the "immobile unit" of the hane!' throughollt the range or r!e:don-cxtcnsion, wh
The arlicliialions or Ihe [ollrlh and firlh melacarpals IhL' onl~-" motion possible in Ihese joints, Flex
with the hamate pel"mit a modest amount of mo- measured from thL' zero position wilh the fing
tion: 10 to 15 of nexion-extcnsion at the fourth the plane or lhe hane!' The largest ,allgc of fle
CMC joinl and 20 to 300 at Ihe fi[lh. Limilecl palmar I 10 or more. occurs in Ihe PI P joint (Fig. 1-t-
displacement, or descenl, of these metacarpals rna~' Flexion of approxillw(cl.\' 90" ulkes place in the
take place. This mOlion allows Clipping or the hand joint (fig. 1..J.-20C). Extension bc~'ond the zer
and is essential ror gripping. sitioll. termed h,\"pL'l"extcnsion, is a I"L'gular fe
The I\'ICP joints or the fOUl" fingers are uniconety- of Ihe DIP alld PIP joints. although il elL-
Iar dianhrodial joints (Figs. 14-10 and 14-19), al- largd~ on ligalllt'lltous laxily. eSlk'ciall~' in lh
lowing motion in three planes: fkxion-exlcnsion joinl.
The range of motion of the Mer, PIP, and D
joints is often reported individually for each of t
three joints. In addition to this, composite mc
surernents scores are often reported. These su
mation scores for either active or passive mov
ment-TAM (total active movement) or TPM (to
passive movelllent)-represent the summation
the total available degrees of flexion at the M
PIP, and DIP joints for a given digit minus the
tension deficit for each of the represented thr

,\L"-'~L-- Carpometacarpal

Flexion of the Finger

Neutral Metacarpophalangeal joint

Schematic representations of the joints of the finger rays

(dorsal view of the right hand). The CMC joint between
the first metacarpal and trapezium (TP) is composed of
two saddle-shaped surfaces, the convexity of one fitting
tightly into the concavity of the other (inset shows en-
largement). This arrangement allows for movement of the 0'
thumb in a wide arc of motion. The tight-fitting joints that
link the second and third metacarpals with the trapezoid
(TZ) and capitate (C), respectively, and with each other are
relatively immobile, rendering these four bones the "im-
mobile unit" of the hand. The joints between the fourth
and fifth metacarpals and the hamate (H) permit a modest
amount of flexion and extension. The unicondylar configu-
ration of the MCP joints of the four fingers allows motion
Distal interphalangeal joint
in three planes and combinations thereof. By contrast. the
tongue-and-groove articular contours of the bicondylar
hinge joints between the phalanges limit motion to one
plane (flexion-extension) and contribute to the stability of
these joints in resisting shear and rotary forces (inset 00
shows enlargement of a typical I? joint in an oblique Neutral
view). Adapted with permission from Strickland, 1. W (/987).
Anatomy and kinesiology of the hand. In E.E. Fess & CA Philips
(Eds.), Hand Splinting; Principles and Methods (2nd ed., pp.
3-41). St. Louis: CV Mosby; and Van Zwieten, KJ (/980). The
extensor assembly of the finger in man and non- Flexion of the three joints of the finger, beginning with
human primates: A morphological, functional, and comparative the neutral position in which the extended fingers are
anatomical study. Unpublished Thesis, University of Leiden, The the plane of the dorsal hand and wrist. A, Flexion of th
Netherlands. MC? joint averaging 70 to 90", B, Flexion at the PIP join
averaging 100 0 or more. C, Flexion at the DIP joint ave
ing 90". Adapted with permission from American Academy
Orthopaedic Surgeons (/965). Joint Motion: Method of Mea
ing and Recording. Chicago: MOS. [Reprinte~ by the British
thopaedic Association, 7966.)
At the UvlC level, the base of the thumb metacarpal
forms a saddle joint with the trapezium (Fig. 14-19),
This configuration allows the thurnb metacarpal a OPPOSITION OF THE THUMB
Composite of Three Motions
wide range of motion through a conical space ex-
tending frolll the plane of the hand palmarly to the
radial direction. Motion of the first metacarpal is
described in degrees of abduction, either radial or
palmar, from the second metacarpal, thereby defin-
ing the plane in which this motion is carried out
with respect to the plane of the hane!' The terms Zero starling
flexion and extension with respect to the t.humb are postion

reserved for motions of the Me? and IP joints.

Functionally, the most important motion of the
thumb is opposition. in which abduction coupled
with rotation at the CMC joint moves the thumb to-
ward the pad of the little finger; flexion at the MCl' 2. Rotation
and II' joints then brings the thumb closer to the fin- 1. Abduction
gertips (Fig. 14-21). Full opposition is then noted
when the pad of the thumb touches the pad of the
fifth fingec A lateral orientation of the thumb to the
fifth finger represents use of tlexion and adduction,
for it is the use of the opponens muscles that defines
thumb opposition, which is only' considered com-
plete when pad to pad contact is made.
The Mep joint of the thumb resembles those or
the fingers. The range of flexion from the zero posi- 3. Flexion
tion varies considerably among individuals, from as
little as 30 to as much as 90; extension from the
zero position is approximately" 15 (Batmanabane &
Malathi, 1985). The IP joint of the thumb, the most
distal joint, resembles and performs sitnilarly to the
analogous distal joints in the fingers.
Flexion to
lip of
lillie finger
Because the joints proximal to the wrist may pro-
vide compensator:y motion, even a considerable loss
of wrist motion may not interfere significantly with
activities of daily living. An electrogoniometric Opposition of the thumb, which begins with the ex
thumb in fine with the index finger, is the combine
study of the range of wrist flexion-extension re-
tions of abduction and rotation of the (CMe) joint.
quired for accomplishing 14 activities showed that
in the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) and interphalan
an arc of 45 (10 of flexion to 35 of extension) was (IP) joints then brings the tip of the thumb closer to
sufficient for performing most of them (Brumfield & fifth finger. Palmar displacement, or descent, of the
Champoux, 1984). Seven activities of personal care and fifth metacarpals and flexion in the MCP and I
that require placing the hand at various locations on of the fifth finger result in tip-to-tip contact betwe
the body were accomplished within a range of 10 of thumb and fifth finger. Adapted with permission from
flexion to t 5 of extension, and most were per- American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (1965). Jo
formed with the wrist slightly tlexed. Other neces- tion: Method of Measuring and Recording. Chicago: AA
sary activities requiring an arc of wrist motion, such (Reprinted by the British Orthopaedic Association, 1966

as eating, drinking . using a telephone, and reading,

were accomplished by motion of 5 of flexion to 35
of extension. Nearly all or these continuous tasks re~
quired only extension. Rising from a chair em-
ployed the gr~atest arc of motion, nearly 63. Volz
and coworkcrs (1980) also found that loss of wrist
mobility did not seriously impede performance of /

the activities of daily living, Volunteers with wrists

immobilized in four different positions were asked A
[0 rate their performance on 10 activities, and per~

formance averages were then computed for each

position of immobilization. The results disclosed
the least compromise of hand function with wrists
immobilized in 15 of extension (88% of normal B
performance) and the greatest disability \vith the
wrists placed in 20 of ulnar deviation (71% of nor~
mal function).
Role of wrist position in finger function. A, Slight exten-
sion of the wrist allows the flexor muscles to attain maxi~
mal functional length, permitting full flexion. B, Slight
Interaction of Wrist flexion of the wrist places tension on the digital extensor
tendons automatically opening the hand and aiding full
and Hand Motion. finger extension.

\,Vdst motion is essential for augmenting the fine

motor control of the fingers and hane!' Positioning
the wrist in the direction opposite that of the fingers
alters the functional length of the digital tendons so
that maximal finger movement can be attained. traL and 20 and 40" of extension. Thev found that
\Vrist extension is s)'nergistic to finger nexion and grip strength was greatest at approximately 20 of
increases the length of the finger flexor muscles, al- wrist extension and least at 40 of wrist nexion.
lowing increased flexion with stretch (Fig. l4-22A) Vvith the wrist in 40 of extension and in the neutral
(Tubiana, 1984). Conversely, some flexion oj" the position. grip strength was slightly less than the
wrist puts tension on the long extensors, causing the maximal values.
fingers to open automatically and aiding hIll finger Studies by Hazelton and coworkers (1975) of the
extension (Fig. 14-228). influence or wrist position on the force produced at
The synergistic movements of the wrist extensors the middle and distal phalanges revealed that the
and the more po\vcrful digital flexors are facilitated greatest rorce was generated with the wrist in ulnm
by the architecture of the wrist. The digital l1exor deviation, the next greatest in extension, and the
tendons cross the wrist within the depths of the least in palmar flexion. Taken together, the results o
carpal arch and arc held close to the axis of wrist Volz and associates (1980) and Hazelton et al.
flexion-extension, affecting wrist position l11ini~ (1975) suggest that for grip to be effective and have
mally. By contrast, the extrinsic wrist flexors and ex- maximal force, the wrist must 1)c stable and must be
tensors moe positioned widely about the periphery to in slight extension and ulnar deviation. This conclu-
provide maximal morncnt arms 1'01' positioning the sion is consistent with the findings concerning load
wrist. transmission through the ulnar TFCC SLl1.1clures.
As the \vrist changes its position ancl the func- The position of the wrist also changes (he posi-
lional lengths of the digital flexor tendons are al~ tion of the lhunlb and fingers, thus affecting the
tered, the resultant forces in the fingers vary, afrect- ability to grip. When the wrist is flexed with the
ing the ability to grip. Volz and associates (1980) hand relaxed, the pulp of the thumb reaches only
evaluated electrom~lographicallythe relationship of the level of the DIP of the index finger; with the
grip strength and wrist position. Grip strengths of wrist extcnded, the pulps of the thumb and index
67, 134, 201, and 268 N were analyzed with the finger are passively in contact, creating an optimal
wrist in five positions: 40 and 20 of Ilexion, neu- situation for gripping or patching (Fig. 14~23).

'." ;'.
Man.\ attempts h~l\'L' hl..'L'!1 nwdc to Chlssif\ dille
cnt patterns or prL'ht,:nsik~ hand function. !'\npi
(1956) idclllified two distinct rmtlcrns or prchcn
;-;ilt...' lIlo"elllent in thL' n(Jlnwl hand: pOWL"r grip an
pr~cbion grip. I-k (:mplwsizcd thai the fundalllen
tal requisile 10 prL"ilL"nsioll, :-;Iabilit,\', can bt,.." mel b
eilher posture.
Power grip. or POWL'1' grasp, is a rorerI'll l act pc
fnnncd with the finger lk'.'\cd at all three joints s
that the object is held bc!\\'een the finger and th
palm, with the thumb positio!1ed on the palnmJ' sid
or lile obje('l to fore\! it sccllrL'I~' into tlw IXllm (Fi
14~14.l). It is lIsliall.\ performed wilh Ihe wrisl dev
aiL'd ulnarl~-' and dorsillL'xed sljghll~' to <lugml'1H th
lL'llsinll in the flexor (L'ndons.

When the wrist is flexed, the tip of the thumb is level with
the distal interphalangeal joint of the index finger. With
the wrist in extension, the pulps of the thumb and index
finger come passively into contact. Adapted with permission
from Tubiana, R. (1984). Architecture and functions of the
hand. In R. Tubiana, J. -M. Thomine, & E. Mackin (Eds). Exami-
nalion oi the Hand and Upper Limb (.oP. 1-97). PhIladelphia:
\IV B, Saunders.

Patterns of Prehensile Hand

Function I. I",-'
Prehensile movements of the hand are those in
which an object is seized and held partly or wholly
~ B

within the compass of the hand. Such movements

are used in a broad range of purposive activities in- I The two fundamental patterns of prehensile hand func-
I tion. A, A typical power grip. The addllcted thumb forms
volving handling of objects of all shapes and sizes.
1 clamp with the partly flexed fingers and the palm. The p
Efficient prehensile function depends on a multi-
mar descent of metacarpals IV and V and additional flex~
tude of factors, the most important of which are: ion in their respective Mep joints enable these fingers to
hold the object firmly against the palm, Counterpressure
l. Mobility of the first CMC joint and, to a lesser is applied by the thumb, which lies approximately in the
plane of the palm. The wrist is deviated ulnurward and
extent, of the fourth and fifth MCP joints
dorsiflexed slightly to increase the tension in the flexor
2. Relative rigidity of the second and third CMC
tendons. Grip of an object along the oblique palmar axis
joints (palmar groove), as shown here. involves a larger area of
3. Stability of the longitudinal linger and thumb contact. and thus more control, than does grip along the
arches transverse palmar axis. 8, A typical precision maneuver.
4. Balanced synergism and antagonism between The object is pinched between the flexor aspects of the
the long extrinsic muscles and the hand in- fingers and the thumb. The fingers are semiflexed and th
trinsic muscles thumb is abducted and opposed. The wrist is dorsiflexed.
5. Adequate sen SOl)' input from all areas of the Adapted wiriJ permission from Lands11lt'er. J.M.F. (1955j
hand ,.'\natomical iJnd {{mcrion,1} /fl\festigalloflS Of) the articu/a!iDn D
6. The precise relationships among the length, ;he human fingers Acta All,;, Suppl. 24.
mobility, and position of each digital ray.
Precision grip involves the manipulation of small
objects between the thumb and the flexor aspects
of the fingers in a finely controlled manner (Fig.
14-24B). The \vrist position varies so as to increase
the manipulative range. The fingers arc generally in
a semiflexed position, and the thumb is palmady
abducted and opposed. Certain prehensile activities
involve both power and precision grips (Fig. 14-25).
As a refinement of Napier's classification,
Landsmeer (I962) suggested that the precision grip
be termed "precision handling" because it involves
no forceful gripping of the object and is a dynamic A
process without a static phase. In both power grip
and precision handling, full opposition of the
thumb to the ring and little fingers is obtained via
The "dynamic tripod," a type of precision handling w
palmar displacement of the metacarpals of these
the thumb, index finger, and middle finger work in c
digits. synergy for precision handling of the object while the
finger and the little finger provide support and static
trol. This functional configuration is demonstrated in
use of scissors (A) and a pencil (B).

A variant of precision handling is the often

"dynamic tripod" (Capenec 1956), wherein
thumb, index finger, and middle finger have
namic action, \vorking in close synergy for prec
handling of the object, while the ring and littl
gers are used largely for support and static co
(Fig. 14-26). A further refinement is pinchi
small object between the thumb and index f
Such maneuvers are commonl).' classified a
pinch, palmar pinch, lateral (or key) pinch,
pulp (or ulnar) pinch, depending on the parts o
phalanges brought to bear on the object being
dled (Fig. 14-27).
Another important distinction between p
grip and precision handling is the fundamen
different position of the thumb in each postm
the power grip, the thumb is adducted; in prec
B handling, it is pal marly abducted (Fig. 14-24)
,1m.IEI'-- _ relationship of the hand to the forearm also d
strikingly. In the power grip (Fig. 14-2411), the
The two fundamental patterns of hand function are used is usually deviated ulnarly and the wrist is hel
in unscrewing the lid of a tightly closed jar. A, As the mo- proximately in a neutral position so that the
tion is begun, the right hand assumes a power grip pos- axis of the thumb coincides with that of the
ture. B, As the lid loosens, the hand assumes a precision arm. In this wa)', pronation and supination ca
posture to perform the final stages of unscrewing. Adapted transmitted from the forearm to th~ object. In
with permission from Napier, fR. (7956). The prehensile move- cision handling (Fig. I4-24B), the hand is gene
ments of the human hand. J Bone Joint Surg, 388, 902-913. held midway between wrist radial and ulnar d
tion, and the wrist is markedly reflected in the
ture of the thumb. When the demand for prectSion
is minimuj or abscI1L. the thumb is wrapped over the
dorsum of the middle phalanges of the digits and
acts purely as a reinforcing mechanism. \Vhen an el
cment of precision is required in what is predomi-
nately a power grip, slich as the fencing gl"ip (Fig.
14-28;\), the thumb is adducted and aligned with the A
long axis of the cylinder so that, by means of small

A Tip pinch


B Palmar pinch B c

The fencing grip (A) is a power grip in which the elem

-, of precision plays c1 large part. Instead of being wrapp
over the dorsum of the digits, the thumb is aligned w
the long axis of the cylinder so that it can control the
tion in which the force is applied. In so doing, the thu
loses its effect as a powerful buttress on the radial sid
the hand. Hence, some of the power grip is sacrificed
c Lateral (key) pinch
interest of precision. The coal-hammer grip (8) and th
bunched fist (C) are examples of a string power grip w
no element of precision. The ulnar deviation characte
of a power grip is apparent in both cases. Adapted wit
mission from Napier, J.R. (956). The prehensife movement
the human hand. J Bone JOint Surg, 38B, 902-9/3.

o Pulp (ulnar) pinch

adjustrnents of posture, it can control 1hl: dire

in which the force is being applied. Al the oth
treme of the power grip range is the coal-ham
grip (Fig. 14-28B), the crudest form of prehe
function, where the thumb is wholly occupied
inforcing the clamping action or
the digits. A
ample of this exlreme in an empty hand i
bunched fist (Fig. 14-28Cl.
Rotating the thumb into an opposing positi
a requirement of almost every hand func
Examples of precision handling in which small objects are
whether it be a strong grip or a delicate prec
pinched between the thumb and index finger. These grips pinch. In some inslances, howcver, the thumb
are classified according to the parts of the phalanges not be involvcd at all, as in the hook grip in w
brought to bear on the object handled. A. Tip-ta-tip pinch. the fingers are ncxcd so that their pads lie pa
8. Palmar pinch. C. lateral (key) pinch. D. Pulp (ulnar) pinch. and slighlly away from the p,t1m, together form
hook. This posture requires relatively little m
activity to maintain and is used when precisio
quirements arc minimal and when power must be gives the hand its great importance as an orga
exerted continuously for long periods. Functionally, information and accomplishment.
the hook grip pattern has limited potential and is 10 The trapezoid. capitate, and second and
not used ver~v often. An example of its use is to carry metacarpals, with their tight-fitting articulat
an aoache case or a suitcase b.y its handle. In con- form the immobile unit of the hancl. In their a
trast, the individual whose hand intrinsic muscles ulation with the hamate, the fourth and
are paralyzed or severely weakened relics on the metacarpals arc permitted a modest amoun
hook grasp 1'01' all functional task completion. The palmar displacement, a motion essential for
hook grasp is the only grasp pattern available when ping.
the hand intrinsics arc not working.
11 The most important motion of the thumb i
position, in which abduction coupled with rot
SUr/llnal'V at the CMC joint moves the thumb toward the l
the lillie finget:
1 The wrist is a complicated joint complex con- 12 The finger rays are controlled by the cO
sisting of the multiple articulations of the eight nated action of the extrinsic and intrinsic mu
carpal bones with the distal radius, the structures of systems. The operation of each ray is not compl
the TFCC, the metacarpals, and each other. The independent of its neighbor's.
carpal bones arc conventionally divided into a prox- 13 The components of the digital extensor as
imal and a distal row. bly, especially the oblique retinacular ligaments
2 N1atians at the wrist include Ilexion-cxlension count for the rdease of the distal phalanx and
and radial-ulnar deviation. Stabilily during radial- coupling of PIP and DIP joint motion.
ulnar deviation is provided by a double-V system 14 A unique feature of the MCP joints is
formed by the palmar intrinsic ligament and the ra- asymmetry, reflected in the bony configuratio
diolunate and ulnolunate ligaments. the 111etacarpal heads, in the attachments of the
3 The proximal and distal carpal ro\vs form a lateral ligaments, and in the arrangement of th
bimuscular. bianicular chain that is subject to terossei.
collapse under compression. Stabilitv is provided 15 The MCP joints arc stabilized primarily b
by precise opposition of the articular surfaces radial and ulnar collaleralligamenl$ and also b
and intricate inlrinsic and extrinsic ligament con- transverse intermetacarpal ligament, which
straints. the palmar plates lo each other.
4 The extensor carpi ulnaris. e.'\tensor pollicis 16 The digital flexor tendon sheath pulley sy
brevis, and abductor pollicis longus act as a dy- is essential for maintaining a relatively con
namic collateral system to provide wrist stability moment arm for the finger Oexors and for mini
during functional hand movements. ing stress raisers between tendon and sheath.
5- vVrist position affects the ability of the fingers second and fourlh ul1tlldar pulleys playa par
to flex and extend maximally and to grasp effec- larly imporLant role in this respect.
tively. 17 The flexor superfkialis tendon has a gr
,6 The TFee plays a significant role in cushioning overall excursion than does the flexor profun
compressive loads across the wrist joint. The excursion of the Oexor; is larger than that o
7- The flexor carpi ulnaris is the most powerful extensors, and the excursion of the extrinsic m
wrist motor and lends to place the \vrist in a posi- tendons is generally greater than that of the in
tion of flexion and ulnar deviation. sic tendons.
8 The finger rays or the hand arc arranged in 18 Extra excursion required at anyone joint
three arches: onc longitudinal and two transverse. ing to disruption of the pulley system resuhs i
Derangement or collapse of the arch system as a re- adequale excursion and subsequent weakness i
sult of bone injury, rheumatic disease, or paralysis more distal joints.
of the intrinsic muscles of the hand can contribute 19 The strength of the finger nexors is over
to severe disability and deformilY. that of the eXlensors.
9 The hand is the principal instrument of touch. 20 Efficient prehensile I~mction depends on
The cOll1binalion of scnsibilit.y and motor function mobility of the thumb CMC joint and the fourth
fifth Me? joints, relative rigidity of the second and K.IlIl'r. LVI.G. (1980). Functional an.llom." of thl' wrist
third CMe joints, balanced synergism-antelgonisl1l Orrllop. 1-+9.9.
between the extrinsic and intrinsic muscles. and ad- Kauer. J ..\I.G. & Landsllller. J.,\I.F. (1%1). Func
~\Il:ll(.m~ of the wrbl. In R. Tuhinna (Ed.). Tilt /lalld
equate sensDIY input. The relative lengths of the I). Philadl'!phia: W.B. Saunders.
metac31-pals and phalanges and the (-Inger rays as a Ku<:ynski. K. (1968). Th(.: UppC:f limh. In R. Passmore &
whole are also important. Rohson (Eds.), ..1 COllllIW/;(J/1 10 Jlctlical SlIufic's (V
Oxford: Blackwell Scil.:lltifi<.: Puhlications.
;~tThc position of the thumb and the relationship L:llldsllll'l'r, L\I.F. (1955). Analomical and 1"1Inl.:liollal in
between hand and forearm arc the most important gations on Ih(.: aniculation 01- the htlrn~1I1 ringel's
differences between power grip and precision han~ Alltll, -'i/lllpf 21. 169.

eIling. l.antlsllll'er, L\l.F. (1949). The .lnatOrTlV of tht:: dorsal ap

rosis of the human finger and its (uIK(ion~t1 l'iignifi
til/lit Ree, 10-+, 31.
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inhurgh: Chun.:hill LivingslOne.
Agur. A. (1991). GrillIl:'i ,-lllllS or~1tl(l[(HIlY (9th cd.). Baltimore: I.amlsnh.:'er. J.ll. F. (1961). Power grip and prl'l:ision han
Williams & Wilkins. ..1/111 Uht'l/1ll Dis. 1/. 164.
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.\1othm, Me/hotl of Ml't/Sllrillg (I/I(! Rrc:ordillg. Chicago: tinll. I. Thl' equilibrium of the "intel""tlated" bOllc.'
AAOS. [Rcprinlcd by the British Orthopaedic Association. .\lorplwl Ni.t'r/-Scr/lul, 3, 2Si.
1966.] ~1a.:Conaill, \I.A. (1941). ThL' mech~lllic.d an~ltonl\" of th
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carpometacarpal and mt:laC<lrpoph~dilngcal joints orIh" 75, 160.
h;:lnd ;:llld their l!ffcct on Ih(' dimcnsions of the articular M~I~fidd. 1.K.. lot ~t1. (19i9l. BiollH:chanical projll.'nie:s
ends of the metacarpal bones. AllOt Ut!c:, 213, 102. Ill,ln C~ll'p~t! Iig:\I11ellls. OnllOp 7;"(lI/s, 3. 143.
Boyes. J.B. (Ed.) (1970). Bllllllell\- Surgery or
11zr: I-/alld (5th ,Vlinami, A., et ,d. (1984). Ligamentous structures o
cd.). Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott. IllcI~lcarpophalangl'aljoint: A quantit<lli\'e anatomic
Brand, P.\V. (1985), Clill;cal Jleclzallics or
JlIi: 1-/(///(1 (pp. J OrlllOp Res, I, 361.
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Brand, P.W. & Hollister, A. (1992) Clillical Jleclulllics of Ihe pp. 1345-13 i 1). St. Louis: C. V. \Iosby.
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Applied Biomechanics

~ -,~ l:<
"'''~~'. -)00..
to the Biomechanics
of Fracture Fixation
Frederick 1. Kummer

Fracture Stability and Healing
Fracture Healing
Surgical Factors
Fixation Devices and Methods
Suggested Reading


The study of fracture fixation biomechanics can be Currently, controversy exists about \vhether com
divided into two main areas: (l) criteria for achiev- pletely rigid fixation is the optimal condition fo
ing fracture stability and promotion of bone healing bone healing. Ivlicromotion has been shown to a
and (2) the characterization of techniques and de- healing. Healing results even in cases of gross mo
vices intended to mechanically stabilize a fracture. tion such as that seen in rib fractures. Rigid fixatio
An understanding of the biomechanical principles may lead to delayed healing, bone atrophy, and
involved in these areas will aid the engineer in im- lack of external stimuli necessary for the healin
plant design and enable the surgeon in selection of process.
the most effective technique and device to obtain Although gross motion between two or mo
successful results in patients. bone fragments usually leads to nonunion and
brocartilage tissue formation, there is a low level
displacement (microlllotion) that appears advant
geous to healing by providing a mechanical sign
Fracture Stability and that stimulates the biological repair processes. Th
Healing amount of local strain in the healing region (chang
in length divided by the original length) seems to d
The clinical goal of effective fracture treatment is termine the nature of the tissues formed (e.g., fibr
rapid healing, withollt significant deformity or li1l1b cartilage or bone). The optimal frequency, \vav
shortening, to restore the patient to a pre-fracture form, and total number of cycles of this signal cu
level of function. In the elderly. rapid mobilization is rently are being investigated. Several methods
essential to prevent deleterious consequences of bed promote healing by externally stimulating a fTactu
stay. The first goal of treatlnent is fracture stabiliza- with ultrasound or electromagnetic fields are
tion. This is determined by the location and type of clinical use (Case Study 15-1). Concern also exis
fnlcture, the muscle and body forces acting on it, and regarding the process of stress shielding that occu
the various passive soft tissue constraints such as lig- when the fixation device carries most or all of th
aments and fascia. Some simple fractures are inher- mechanical load and thus, by Wolffs law, promote
ently stable with low loading and thus require nlini- localized osseous resorption as a result of the resu
mal treatment, such as sling (clavicle), while others, tant unloading of the bone around the device. Th
such as midshaft comminuted femur fracture, require is often referred to as load bearing versus load sha
major surgical intervention and insertion of an inter- ing. Much of the initial osteopenia seen benea
nal fixation device for adequate fixation. Although an fracture plates, howevel~ is thought to be caused b
osteotomy (a surgically created fracture for correc- vascular disruption during their application.
tion of defonnity) allows close approximation of frac- Bone healing in the presence of a gap with lTIin
ture ends, typical fractures are often fragmented and mal movement passes through several stages of r
usually lack inherent stability. The interdigitation of pair \vith a concomitant increase in mechanic
the bone ends can facilitate stability, such as when a strength as mineralization increases: hematom
tapered bone end is inserted into the nledullar:v cavity! and inflammation, callus formation, replacement b
(creating a displacement deformity, however). woven bone, and fmally remodeling into lamellar
Traditional methods for the treatment of frac- trabecular bone. Callus can~form both periosteal
tures are externally applied and include traction, and endosteally and enlarges the diameter of th
cast, and braces. External forces or constraints ap- bone at the fracture site. Although callus is le
plied to the injured limb act to stabilize the fracture strong and stiff than nlature bone, this increased d
(by limiting ITIuscle or soft tissue forces leading to ameter can increase stiffness in bending and torsio
deformity) and maintain alignnlent of the limb. at the fracture site as a result of the increased m
Howevel~ in many cases, as a result of the nature of ments of inertia. Direct bone apposition by com
the fracture or the patient's condition, an internal or pression with rigid fixation, in which the initial r
external fixation device attached directly to the bone pair stages are eliminated or minimized, heals by
is required to achieve adequate fracture stabiliza- remodeling process and can take longer becau
tion. The designs and use of these fixation devices vascularity must be re-established.
rely on an understanding of bone healing and the The other impOltant factor for healing is ad
loads and forces to which the device is subjected. quate blood supply that necessitates the surgeo

Ultrasound Treatment for Fractu"e Healing
40-year-old female involved in mOlOr vehicle collision acoustIC rodiaHon at irequ-nCles above the !lm!! of hu-

in December sustained a left tibiofihular lr<1Cwre treated man heanng. Its acoustIC raeJlCIllon, In the form of pres-
with external fixation. Case Study Fig. 15-11, In January, lo'.>\'- sure waves, provides rnICfOrnf.'chiH\ICa! stress and force' to
intensity pulsed ultrasound (US) was mitiatecJ 10 promote frac- the bone ,me! surrounding tiSSUe>, ThiS rnedh1nI((ll stunu
ture healing. Case Study Fig. 15-1-2, in March, 3 months lalion plays a major role in bone hedlll1g because bone:
postfracture and 2 months after mitiation of pulsed US appli- reacts to the amount and dir(;ction of force and remof.!
cation, early healing is detected (arrow). Case Study Fig els to adapt to the applied suess "mel its elirf~c!i()n
15-1-3, in May, 5 months after injury and 1\ months follo\,..,mg ReprHlted V-11th permission from v\lolH, J (1986). Das
initiation of US, the bone healing is successful. Geseu der Transformarion <ft.'r Knochen [The law oj
Pulsed low-intensity ultrasound has been succEssfully bone remodeling]. P. Milquet & R. Fulong (Trans.). Berlin:
used for fracture repair (Frankel. 1998). Ultrasound is an Springer-Verlag. (Oflglllal ..vork published in 1892).

preselving the vascular supply' of the bone (e.g., pe- b~nding! and/or torsion) and magnitude of force
riosteum) and providing conditions for early rcvas- which the fixation will he 'subjected and whe
cularization by; careful opcrative techniquc (e.g.! these forces will be cyclic, requiring ~\dditi
sort tissue presenTation). Numerous studies 1lave strength of fixation 10 ~\ccnunt for possible dC\'ic
demonstrated a direct relationship between the tigue (Case S(ud~' 15-2). The second factor is
quantity and quality of microvascular structures in bone quality', which delermines the strength a\
the healing region and the rate of ronn~llion and re- able to supporl the fi:..;atioll dc\jcc. Other factors
sultant mechanical properties of" lhe new bone. related to surgical and ~lIlatomical considerati
for example, the expOSllre (possible scarring and
cular compromisc), wIlL,thcl- the devicc will fit
quately within the soft tissuC's. and if nL'urovasc
Many factors determine the optimal fixation method structures are at risk. The nature of the origina
for a specific fracture appliGltion. First arc mechan- .iur:v and the amount of soft tissue d~IIll~lgC also
ical considerations, specif-lcally the types (tension, tern1illC treatment l~chl1iques.

t"h.,_ '. ,
lillIiVIEf.1C----------------- ---r (number of patients, adequate follow-up) so that th
many vadables can be properly analyzed and
Fixation Plate Failure proper statistical significance determined.
.' n internal contemporary fixation plate inserted into
A the arm of a 25-yearold male who sustained a frac-
ture of the radius. The plate was fractured as a result of Fixation Devices
fatigue 20 years later. Repeated loading and unloading of
a material will cause it to fail, even if the loads are below
and iVlethods
-.: .the ultimate stress (Simon. 1994). Each loading cycle pro-
vVires, staples, pins, plates, and screws are the com
duces a minute amount of microdamage that accumulates
mon implant devices used to achieve fracture fixa
with repetitive loads until the material fails. Mechanical
tion. These are usually made of stainless stee
considerations as to the magnitude and repetition of the
(316L), sometimes of titanium alloy (Ti-6A l-4V), o
loads to which the fixation will be subjected should be
occasionally of cobalt-chromium alloy'. Each meta
considered, along-with the fatigue life of the material. This
has advantages and disadvantages such as strength
is recorded on a curve of stress versus number of cycles.
modulus (stiffness), corrosion resistance, and cas
T,hus, higher stresses produce failure in fewer cycles (load
of imaging (MRf, CAT). Sometimes there is a "race
ing to the ultimate stress produces failure in one cycle>.
between healing of the bone and fraclure, usually b
while lower stresses are tolerated for an extended period.
faligue, of the device. There is a recent interest i
the clinical application of biodegradable polymer
such as polylactic acid. Polymers are more Ocxibl
than rnetals and would lead to greater load be:1l-in
by the healing Iiacture; biodegradable materials d
not have to be removed in a secondary' operatio
and their mechanical properties gradually decreas
with time, thus avoiding stress shielding. Ho\Vevcl
their mechanical strength is much less than that o
metal and some of the degradation products hav
shown untoward biological responses. Researc
continues into the use of various glues, cements
and adhesives for fracture fixation, some of whic
Case Study Figure 15-2-1. are also biodegl-adable.
Wire fixation lIsed as cerclage or a bone suture i
a common application; in both cases multiple wire
are required to provide stable, three-dimensiona
Evaluation of fixation strength can be accolll- fixation. This requires achieving equal tension dur
plished by laboratory testing of actual implants in ing tightening because loosening at one or mor
cadaver bone. One difficulLy of such testing is in ad- sites can provide a locus for motion and possibl
equately simulating in the test model the complex in nonunion or cause malpositioning. Problems wit
vivo, cyclic forces on the device. Another difficulty is v.lire fracture fixation include the necessity and sur
in simulating the biological repair processes that gical complexity of making a'bone hole and passin
would act to stabilize the fixation over time. Ca- the wire, breakage during tightening or later as a rc
daver studies also can determine the anatomical suit of fatigue (cyclic loading), and cut-through o
structures at risk. Computer modeling such as finite the bone. For cerclage applications, there is concer
element analysis can be lIsed as an initial method to about compromise of the periosteal blood suppl
evaluate fixation methods and device designs but re- and the resulting increased healing time require
quires quantified parameters of bone modulus and for revascularization.
strength, which may be lacking. for an exact solu- Some~recent developments are wire tensioning
tion. twisting instruments and the usc of crimping sys
Clinical trials is the other major method used to tems to avoid the problems with twisting or knot ty
evaluate the efficacy of a particular fixation method. ing. There are also new oriented polymers (Spectra
HOWe\lel~ care must be taken to adopt the appropri- that do not stretch as traditional suture malcrials d
ate techniques to quantify data and design the trial that can be Llsed with a suture anchor system t
eliminate the difficult.\' of looping a suture through
bone and suture abrasion against the bone.
Staples alone usually' do not provide sufficient
mechanical stability for permanent fixation and /------ ......
their use often requires pre-drilling holes for the sta~
pic legs; pneumatic-driven staples can be used to \ /
rapidly tack fragments prior to a more rigid fixation ~\ / I
but need careful control of the insertion driving \\ I
force to prevent untoward damage to the bone.
Some staple designs have been developed that can \ \ /1
effect compression during insertion, such as staple \ \ /1
fabrication from nitinol (an alloy.' that changes \ '1/
shape when heated to body temperature). y~
Kirschner \vires are normally used to hold frag-
nlents of bone prior to rigid fixation and for percu~ /
taneous pinning of small bone fractures but, in gen~ /1
eral, lack sufficient mechanical stability for their I--il- Tension b
/ I wire loop
use as a primary fixation in weight-bearing bones.
At least two wires should be Llsed for each bone / /
fragment, and they should not be inserted in a par- /
allel manner to prevent "pis toning" of the bone frag-
ment along the wires (Fig. 15-1). Threaded pins pro-
vide additional stability because they minimize
sliding of the bone fragments, but their rcmoval is
morc difficult. Occasionall'y', pinning is uscd in com-
bination with sutures looped and tightencd around
the pin ends or through loops in the pins. This "len-
sion band" techniquc provides significantly' in-
creased 111echanical stability of the fixation.
The major intrinsic factors that influence scrc\v-
holding po\ver are outer thrcad diameter, thread Tension band wiring of two K-wires; tightening the wi
loop applies compression to the fixation. K-wires are in
configuration, and thread length; extrinsic factors
serted in a skewed configuration for stability,
are bone quality, typc, and screw insertion orienta-
tion and driving torque (Fig. 15-2). The two basic
types of screws are cortical and cancellous and are
distinguished by their thrcad design; cancellous
screws have a greater distance bct\veen adjacent
threads (pitch) and the ratio of outer thread diame- portant to prevent stripping of the bone or sc
ter to body diameter (Fig. 15-3). head torsional Failure.
The inherent holding power of a screw is a func- Because of anatomical constraints or surgical
tion of the outer thread dianlcter times the length of posure, screws cannot <.lIways be inserted perp
its threads within the bone. When used to hold two dicular to the bone axis or the orientation of
bone fragments together, scre\vs comnlonl:v are ends of thc bone fragments is not perpendicula
used in a lag modality in which the proximal por- the screw axis. In this case, the holding power of
tion of the screw remains free within one fragment screw is decreased and a shear component of
(either b:v using a screw design having no proximal holding Force is created, which acts to destabi
threads or b)' enlargement of the hole in the proxi- alignment. Pre-tapping of thc scrcws usually! is
mal fragment, which should require thc use of a necessary and has been shown to have minima
washcr under the screw head for adequate support). fect on their holding ability; many' screws are
Insertion torque detcrmines the force with which tapping owing to a modification to the design of
bone fragments are held togethel~ which, in turn, leading threads. Usually lwo or more screws are
crcates the friction that prevents their motion. Con- quired for functioning, although one screw has b
trol of torque (torque-limiting scre\vdrivcr) is im- suggested for some applications if sufficient in
Outer thread rragment approximation can be achieved to create
~I adequate friction between the bone surfaces for sta-
bility. The quality of bone also determines serew-
holding ability; cortical bone is approximately ten
times stronger than cancellous bonc. The thickness
of the cortex and the degree of osteopenia (bone
density) are thus critical for fixation strength and in-
nucnce the number of screws required for adequate
stability. Using screws in a biconical manner appre-
of screw
in bone' pitch ciably increases the strength of fixation.
Anatomical constraints limit the number or size
of screws that can be applied in a given region. As a
result, screws are ohen combined with plates to
achieve adequate stability and increased strength of
,. fixation. The optimal site for a single plate applica-
tion is on the side of the bone subjected to tension;
lIsually two plates are applied to achieve better FIxa-
Lion stability (Fig. 15-4). Owing to anatomical COI1-
Screw parameter~. For ~crew pull-out the bone must shear strail1ls such as soh tissue thickness. sometimes
along the outer diameter (dotted line). thinner plates are used (such as for forearm fracture
stabilization), but these plates possess sufficient
stiffness (function of the width of the plate times its
thickness cubed) Lo prevent undesired fracture mo-
tion as a result of bending loads (Fig. 15-5).
Screws should be inserted with a torque driver
and the tightness of all screws rechecked; if this is
not done, one screw may bear most of the load and
possibly Fail. Some plates use a specially designed
scre\v hole slot, countersunk Lo accommodate the

Load Load

~ ~

Plate gap Plate
ope~s -~'!lIlIJ'llm~

Plale on Plate on
tension side compression side

Types of bone screws, left to right: cortical, cancellous, Effect of plate placement. A plate located on the compres-
and cancellous lag. sion side causes the fracture to gap when loaded.
Posterior thl.'ir insertion and the possibilit.\" (II" compromisin
bending force
p\.'riosh.';.11 blood stlppl., b.\ thL' l':\posure or pl;'11(' i
I sert iOl1 (somi..' plati..' designs have inferior fed O
ridges (0 minilnize this possibilil:!). Therc is ;.tlso i
lCrest ill pol:tTlcric plales lhat would he tTlOrL~ flex
ble 10 achicvc a grealt:r degre\.' of Inicromoti(l!l
Lateral till." fracture:.: thai could he:.: advantageous 10 bon
healing and minimiz\.' stress shielding.
Hip fr.:Ictlire ck\'ices call be intt.rnal orexlcl"nal
1.8 em Medial
thl.'ir application; lilt: most cornlTlon \.'xternal dt.:\'i
- bending is a side.: plate affixed to the felllur supponing an i
force Icrn[ll. sliding hlg screw through the fleck across th
The relationship uf biomt'chanical forces born
h,, the tk'\'ice ;'Hld borne b-, the bone (load \.x'arin
load sharing) inllllt.'nces fracture hc;;ding ;'\lld devi
sun.'hal. An important ractor is the.: ability 01" the d
vice (0 slide 10 cOllsolidate the rnlClurc during hea
Effect of loading direction on plate stiffness. The rigidity ing. lnt\..'rnal c!t:..'\"ic(':-; for fix~ltioll arc llsually i
of the plate is EI, where E is the modulus of the plate mao traIl1L'dullal".\ nails (Ii\,1) alld in cOinparison wi
terial and I is the moment of inertia of the plate. I == ('x (('1"1141 I dc\"iccs arL' SUhjL'ct to less loading fore\.' b
bh 1/12 ( II = posterior bending; 11 = medial bending; II = C;;luse or their location being closer to t1h.. . Ileutr
0.5 x 1.8)/12 = 0.243; I~ = 1.8 x 0.5J /12 = 0.01875), where b
bending axis 01" the bon\..' (Fig. 156). Their size
is the base dimension and h is its height. Thus, the plate is
critical bcc..wsc their ht..'nding and tor:-;ional stifTnL'
13 times more rigid in posterior bending than in medial
;;lre proportional to the diameter to tile four
power. This is \\'11.\ (me large nail provides trw
rigid (jxalion than docs lllllltipk smaller rods. Siz
<:lmoullt or ClilTaturc, and amount 01" n:~;'lIning a
screw head, whose center is offset with respect to also important because the swbilit.\" of the fixatio
the screw head to obtain interfragmentary compres- rL'lics on lond transfer to the bont.~: often, distal an
sion as the scrc\v is tightened. An alternative
method to achieve compression is to pre-bend the
plate before application so that when the attach-
ment screws are tightened, the bone fragments are
approximated as the plate straightens. Some new
plate designs use threaded holes to engage the screw
so that bicOl-tical screw insertion is not as essential
for maximum fixation stabilily.
Plates can also be used to span gaps created by
severe fractures or tumor surgel), and are frequently
used with bone grafts for this application. Unless
the graft is exactly sized. the plate will bear the en-
tire load across the defecl. The bending moment on
the plate-screw fixation linearly increases with c1e~
fect size and thus the plate requires adequate stabi-
lization, particularly at the morc highly loaded,
proximal end where at least three screws are
needed. Multiple-holed plates enable selection of
the best osseous sites 1'01" screw purchase and should
permit anchoring of the graft by at least two addi-
tional screws. Typical intermeduliary and extramedullary devices. Top,
The major surgical considerations I'm" the lise of Medoff sliding plate; bottom, intermedullary hip screw"
plates are the requirements of a large exposure for

proximal screws inserted through the bone and nail Type olframe and
arc used to increase torsional stability (Fig. 15-7).
Bending of the nail as a result of insertion in a Size and
curvcd medullary cavity can make inserlion of the pin type
distal screws difficult.
External fixation devices are also used for fnK-
ture stabilization; multiple transcutaneous pins are
inserted into the bone and stabilized with an exter- 1 1
nal bares) or ring(s). Factors that influence mechan- 1 Pin I Fracture I
distance spacing
ical stability and rigidity of these constructs are the
numbel~ diameter, orientation, and length of these
pins and their relation with respect to the fracture:
however, these factors arc subject to surgical con- Typical external fixator showing the variable that influ-
siderations for frame application. Large, short pins ences fixation stability.
located close to the fracture provide the most rigid
fixation (Fig. 15-8).
Spinal implants used for deforrnity correction or
fracture fixation consist of various combinations of
rods, wires, plates, and screws. The junctions be- tion of appropriate sites for device attachmenl to
tween these components are often the site of failure, th~ spine are IitrJi ted. This is imponanl because
such as fatigue or fretting as a result of cyclic load- lhese devices are subject to appreciable forces dur-
ing. A specific problem is that the size and the loc3- ing flexion and extension of the neck, and torso and
fixation failure can occur.


1 The optimal frequency of waveform and the to-

tal numbcl of cycles of bone healing are under in-
vestigation. Rigid and semirigid (micromotion) de-
bending vices can result in bone healing. Gross motion,
instability, and inadequate blood supplv may lead to
" Higher
compressive 2 Factors determining optimal fixalions for spe-
cific fraclure applications are:
a. Mechanical considerations, such as the
types and magnitude of forces to which
the fixation will be subjected and expected
cycle histOl",!1
b. Bone qualit'y and st,:ength
c. Surgical and anatomical considerations
d. The energy involved in the original injury
and the amount of soft Lissue damage.

Extramedullary Intermedullary
Burstein, A.H. & Wright, T.M. (1994). FItIll[all/i:J1/a[s of 0,.
tltoflW.'dic Biol1lcc!ulIlic:s. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.
The extramedullary device is less rigid and when loaded Codlran. G.V.B. (1982).:1 Primer oJ' Orthoplledic lJiOIllCc!UlII-
it..'s. London: Churchill Li\ingstonc.
has greater deflection, creating higher medial stresses in
DYi.:hc"IlI..'. P.. &. Hastings. G.W.-(Eds.) (l9S . l ). FllIlc:tiOlud Be-
the femur.
. hm;;or of Orlhop(ll'dl~ !J;omata;als. -Bot-'I Raton. FL: eRe

~""'===~====~===""'==~=---="""~".~",."."_"~",_""'~"--======""',"",,;r,--'0'J!'G'7,;- ;"c-~"'<,!",:" ' ' _ ..,-,'":'_ r" ,....."......,,:::s;-"'H-"~,_

.. " " " ,
Fr~lnkd, V.H. {I 99S). Resldts or prescription or pulse ultra- Radin. E.L. (Ed.) (1992). "raniral BioJllecJlllllics (01' the 0
sound therapy in rl'.u.:tun: management. In Z. Szabo, J. tJwfll.'liic Surgeol/. Nl:\\' York: Churchill Livingstone.
L~\\'is, G. F311tini. 0: R. Sa\~tlgi (Eds.), 5111"gi('(// 7t:dlllology Sarmiento. A., McKdlop. 'I.A., Llinas. A., c[ al. (1996). Eff
IUlc!t"/WliOlw{ VII. IJll~n/(/tiollal Dct'dlJIJllli.!lIls "11 SlIrg{.'(\ of IO<:lding Hnd fraclUn: motions on diaphyscaltibi.l! fr
(//ul Surgical R,:s{.'(/J"l.'h. Snn Francisco: Universnl ~lcdical tureS. J OrtllOp Ues, /.+( I). 80-84.
Press. Inc. Surgical Technology Inlcrnationnl. Simon. S.R. (1994). OrrJwpcdic Basic S(.'iclln:. Rosemolll.
Fun~, Y.c. (1981). BiomecJulllics: ,\-lcdulI/lt:a/ Properties of ,I,IOS.
L-it'illg TisSlil'S. Ncw York: Springcr-Vcl'bg. Sph'ak, J.~'l., Oi Cesarl:, P.E .. Feldman, O.S" ct til. (Ed
Ghista, D.N. (Ed.) (1981). BiolllecJUlllics o{ Medical Dn'ices. (1999). Orthopacdics-A Suu/y Gllidi.'. New York: McGra
Nt\\' )'ork: Dekkt:r. Hill.
Coma, E.R., Harrington, I.J., & Evans, D.C, (1982). Biollle- Tencer, A.F. & Johnson, K.D. (1994). 13iolllecllllllics ill Or/h
duwi"s or AJlIsclilo.d:dcUI{ 11I;llry. Baltimore: Williams & fl,'dic 7hlllllUI. London: M. Dunitz..
Wilkins. Uhthoff, H.K. (Ed.) (1980). C"rrclI! COl/cep!s or Jl1rcn/{l{ Fi
Kasscl', J.ll.. (Ed.) (1995). OrlJwpai'dic Knowledge Update .i. liol/ 0" Frac!ures. Berlin: Springcr-Vtrlag.
RoselJl<)lll, I L: AA05. Valcllw. J. (Ed.) ( 1993). 8iollle(.'I1(l1Iio. Amsterd,un: Elsevie
Mow. V.e. 0: l'layes, W.e. (Eds.) (1991). Basic Orthopaedic White, A.A. &.: Panjabi, M.M. (ds.) (1990). CliHical Biol
BiOllh'challics. Ncw York: Ravcn Prcss. cJWI1It.s o{ the Spiltc. Phil;:lddphia: Lippincott.
Ozka\'a, N. & Nordin, M. (1998). Fllluhmll'ltrals o{ Biome- Wolff, J. (1986). Dos Geset:. tier Trtms{o1'l11l1tioll del" Knoch
d;aJlio (2nd .::d.). Nl'W York: Springer-Verlag. [The 1;:1\\' of bone l"enloddingJ. P. ,\,Iaqul:t & R. Fulo
Pauwels, F. (1976). BivJIlt:clulllics o{ the NOI'I//(/i ami Dist:(LWd (Trans.). Berlin: Springcr.Vcr!;g. (Original work publish
fljp. Berlin: Springl,.r.Vcriag. in 1892).
Biomechanics of
Arth roplasty
Debra E. Hurwitz, Thomas P Andriacchi, Gunnar BJ Andersson

Forces at the Hip Joint
Rotational Moments About the Implant
Reconstructed Joint Geometry
Stem Position Within the Femoral Canal
Periprosthetic Bone loss
Forces at the Knee Joint
Medial-lateral load Distribution
Patellofemoral Joint and loads
Joint line Height
Posterior Crucfate Ligament
Anterior Cruciate Ligament
Introduction To meet one design objective, compromises with r
spect to another design objecLive must often b
As designs for total joint replacements evolve, there made. For example, the femoral stem of ccmcntle
is an increasing need to improve the understanding total hip replacements requires initial rotatory sta
of the biomechanics of these joints. For instance, bility for bony ingrowth into the porous material t
reducing loads on a total joint replacement during occur. The rotational stability of early ccmentle
daily activities and designing implants to withstand total hip replacements was insufflcient and was in
these loads will both increase the likelihood of nor- creased by designing implants with greater mcdu
mal joint function and lower the probability of im- lary canal fill. Ho\vever, implants with increase
plant failure. As implants arc put into younger and medullary canal fill were stiffer because of the
more active patienls, the IO~lds placed on the illl~ larger size and were thll:) associated with great
plants arc often several times greater, thereb.y in- stress shielding.
creasing the likelihood of mechanical failure. Me- Forces acting at the hip or knee joint arc depen
chanical problems associated with lotal joint dent on the external forces aCLing on the limb an
replacements include issues related to wear of the the internal forces primarily generated by musc
bearing surface, mechanical failure of the implant, contraction. Joint forces have been measured wit
loosening of the implant from the bone, and dislo- implanted transducers or estimated using invers
cation of the implant at the articulating surfaces. dynamics and analytical methods (Tables 16-1 an
Important biomechanical infOl-mation addressing 16-2). By measuring the external ground reactio
eHch of these issues has been obtained from in vitro forccs, approximating the limb segment inerti
cadaver testing, model simulation of the joint mo~ properties, and localing the three-dimensional pos
tions and loads, and in vivo studies of human loco- tion of the joint centers during dynamic activitie
motion. the intersegmenLal hip forces and external momen
The overall goals of joint replacement are to pro- can be obtained using inverse dynamics. Even \\li
vide long-term restoration of function and pain re- simplifications to the anatomy, solving For the mu
lief. Several mechanical challenges must be met to cle and contact forces at the hip and knee remain
achieve these goals. For example, the control of an indeterminate problem. Thus, a unique solutio
joint motion and stability in total knee replace- for individual muscle forces is not possible withou
ments is achieved through an inLl'icate biomechani- further assumptions or simplifications.
cal interaction between the shapes 01" the replaced In general, two approaches have been used
surfaces and the remaining ligaments and muscles. solve the indeterminate problem. The first is a "r

Hip and Knee Contact Forces Measured In Vivo in Patients

With Instrumented Implants
Typical Peak Force Number Time Since
Activity (Body Weights) of Patients Surgery (Months) Reference

Hip Force
Walking normal to fast speeds 2.7-3.6 2 1-2 Kotzar et aI., 1991
Stair climbing 2.6
Walking slow speed (crutches) 2.6 Davy et a\., 19B8
Ascending stairs 2.6
Walking 2.7-4.3 2 8-33 Bergmann et a\., 1993, 199
Ascending stairs 3.4-5.5
Descending stairs 3.9-5.1
Walking 1.8-3.3 2 6 Rydell, 1966
Walking slow speed 2.7 1 t5 English & Kilvinglon, 1979
Knee Contact Force
Walking normal to fast speeds 2.3-2.5 12 Taylor el al . 1997


-',--; /'-~-

Analytical Methods of Estimating Peak Hip

and Knee Contact Force

Activity Magnitude (BW) Method Reference

Hip Force
Walking 4.8 Reduction nlE.'thod P(1UI. 1976
Stair ascending 7.2 Reduction tneihod Pc)tJI, 1976
SI'lIr ciescendlllg 7. ,
VValking slow w!th cane 2.2 0plimILdtlon-maXlfniZe Brand & Crol"vnmshield, 198
VValkltlq 510""./ wltllOlll cane 3.4 endurclnce
vValkinD Cro'lojl)H1Sflleld 0t aI., 1978
Stair climbln~l
(hal( rising 3.3
Walkmg 5.S QuasI SIc1!IC-!llmm)lb2 muscle lorces Selreg & ArvJkar, i 975
Knee Force
VV,llklng 32 Re<.i~:ctlon method Harnng!Oo, 1983
Walking 4 Rt~uuctlon method i'-Aofflson, 1970
Walking 3 Op!imil<:tlon Sclllpp!eJn fit Andric1cchi, i99
W,11kin9 7 Optin11Z,ltl0n 5(>lr09 & ;\rvlkar, i 975

dUClion" method I1wl groups llluscles into func-

tional units, tht:reb~' reducing th~ indcl\.'rminall'
Forces {{t the Hip Joint
problem 10 a dC(l..'l"n1inak olle. The second ap- The pt.'ak resllll~lI1t forces during gait 11l('asurc.:d wi
proach lIses optimization methods in which the strain-gauged pro:ahcscs han: ranged 1'1'0111 1.8
force is distributed among lIw muscles in such a ..t.36 limes bod~' wdglllS (T~lbk 16-1 l. Bergmann
lllanll\.'I' thaI so III \.' ph~-'sicnl paralllClL'r stich as al. (1993) havL' conducted tile most CXlL'llsivL' in vi
minimum muscle stress, maximum muscle cn- studies on rO]T~S during dail," aCli"ities (Fig. 16-
c1ur::\Ilcc, or minimum joint reaction force is opti- and have SIlO\\'1l tlwt tile p(~~lk i<)ads and torsion
mized (Brand, Pedersen, &: Friederich. 1986; lllOIlH.:nts im.TL'USC with w~dking speed. In genera
Crowninshield & Brand, 1981; Cro\\'ninshidd ci the force at IIlL' hip joint rL'~ldh..' d all initial Ik'ak
al.. 1978: Scircg & Arvikar, 1975). How('\'L'r, func- early stance and a second peak in lale SWIlCC. J\tla
tion in patienls with lOW I joinl rL'placcmL'n(s ma." or the failure nH.'d\~\Ilism~ in total joint rL'"plac
not be normal and ma." b(' innue]H.:ed less b~' miJl- llh.;nts an.: ark'rled nol only b~' load magnitll(IL' b
imizing L'"nergy than by olher fnclors such as pain <llsu by I Ill' c~'c1ic nature oT till,.' 1()~l(ls. Thus, in L'\'
or implant slabilit~'. One altcrllatin~ 10 optimiza- unting c.n::lic fatigue, one must consider (wo cycl
lion mcthods is 10 generate a range or muscle of load \'ariat ion rrH" each Sll'p.
fortes able 10 maintain mechanical equilibriulTl at IndqK'ndent rnL'aSUrell1t.:.'nts at diiTen..' nt instit
the joint. Rather than obtain a single value for lltc tions seClll to indicate tllat st~ms with silllilar featur
contact or muscle ['orcT, this parametric approach l,.xJ.x:rience similar peak forces. fn rnan,v illsl~nlCc
delcnnincs a rnng(. of agonisl muscle force distri- diffcrL'IH.:es between the IllL'asurcd forces can be a
butions needed (0 balance tile L'x(ernal moment lribUlcd to variations in the hip position during ga
and a selected level of antagonistic actl\'Il~; (Nobk, l-Ie1mk~, & Paul, 1993). Anakti<:al mode
(Fouch~r ~t aI., 1997; HUlwitz, D. E., 199~. Func- gL'l1t..'rall.\ predict higher contact forces titan lho
,, tional Biomechanics or tilL' Hip As RL'l~llcd to Total measured b.\' in \'in) instll.lIlH..'lHcd total hip replac
Hip Replacements. UnpublishL'd d()ctoral dissL'rla IllL~nts. This Illa~' IlL' IllL'" rl'sult of employing anatom
lion. Univcrsi(~1 of Illinois at Chkago). cal simplirlcations, using inndequHtc optimization <.
A Activities: Walking, Jogging. Stairs, Stumbling teria to determine the agonistic and antagonist
muscle activity, and assuming norrnal function. Ide
900 tifying how patients with total hip replacements alt
EBl EBR JB their function during gait could irnprove analytic
700 predictions of joint force. In vivo force measuremen
600 have often been obtained during the early postoper
<D 500 'u, tive period \vhen patients may still have compromise
t 400 AI function.
a: 300 I /.
100 ESJ Mmli<ln 6 Abs. max

"~ ,
0 Rotational Moments About
% 6 ~ ~ ~
% ~
'i 'i 0

" " 3
w "
" ~' w
" ""
. M
.< "
~ the hnplant
2 ~
~ "~ "~ E
w ~
Out-or-plane loads l11ay be detrimental to both in
18 tial and long-term implant stability, especially
16 ullcemented stems (Berzins, Sumner, & Andria
14 chi, 1993; Phillips, Nguyen, & Munro, 1991). E
I 12 cessive bone-implant motion prevents bone i
:i:<D 10
6 D growth into porous coatings and may lead
1\ A
A ~ r 61 failure of the biological fixation (Pilliar, Lee,
;; 6
d Pli )11 Maniatopoulus, 1986). The largest torsional m
2 ESJ MiJd'i1rl D. Abs. 01i1~ ments measured in vivo during activities of dai
a living (Bergmann, Graichen, & Rohlmann, t 99
c g.
~ "~ ,:i
0 F 0
% reach the average experimental strcngth of impla
f ,~ 0 11 "
~" "5 ~ fixation (33.1 Nrn) as dctermined from in vit
" M
'0 M
~ ~
~ ~ ~ w

" ~
~ if",
~ ~ w
~ ~ tests (Phillips, Nguyen, & Munro, 1991) (Fig. 16-1
In vitro testing of prostheses implanted in huma
femurs indicate that the amount of initial bone-im
plant motion is sensitive to the off-axis loadin
A A A 6 that frequently! occurs during stair climbing an
I 5 A rising from a chair (Fig. 16-2) (Berzins, Sumnec
4 u, Andriacchi, 1993). Furthermore, resultant prox
e: 3
mal translations were twice as high with a straig
;; 2 I 6
stcm as with a curved stem at load angles encou
!n I I
tered during these activities (Berzins, Surnner,
o Meclian D. Abs, 01i1~
Andriacchi, 1993).
o - - - - - - \Valking with a decreased hip range of Illoti
during daily activities may minimize the out-o
plane force components (anterior-posterior). Thu
decreased sagittal plane motion during walking o
ten reported in patients with total hip replac
ments (Hurwitz, Chertack, & Andriacchi, 199
Joint loading during different activities for two patients, EB
(EBL: left hip and EBR: right hip) and JB. The median load val-
Murray, BreweI~ & Zuege, 1972; Stauffer, Smidt,
ues (column height) and absolute maxima (triangle) are given.
Wadsworth, 1974; White, Yack, & Lesswing, 199
The resultant force is in the top graph (A) the bending mo- may be beneficial for iIllplant stability b,Y reduci
ment in the frontal plane is in the middle graph (B) and the the rotational moments about the implant stem. D
torsional moment in the transverse plane is in the bottom namic hiii range of motion during gait in patien
graph (C). The gray bar indicates the fixation strength of ce- with uncemented total hip replacements has be
mentless implants (14). Reprinted ~vith permission from Bergmann related to the metaphyseal fill of the femoral ste
G., Graichen, F., & Roh/mann, A (1995). Is staircase walking a risk (Hurwitz et aI" 1992). It was concluded that a r
for the fixation of hip implants? j Biomechanics, 28(5), 535-553. duction in the dynamic range of hip motion \vas
adaptive response to decrease torsional microm
100 vantage of the ~lhductors (Fig. 16-3) (Delp, ":'om;:tttu,
&. \Vi:"son, 1994). Joint contact forces therefore
E should be minimized with sm~t11 1H..'ad-neck all!!les
C 020" extension 0.3 ~ (Johnston, Brand, &. Crownillshicld, 1(79). 'De-
w 70 3
E [J] 20" flexion cre~\sed heml-IH_'ck angles also improve joint stability
~ 60 .34" flexion go
~ through increased congrucnce hv tUI-ning the
50 1m 68 flexion 0.2 '"o
:D k'moral head del.~pt..'r into Iht..' aCt..'tabulul1l. j\/toving
is 40 the greater !rochalllL'r b{crall~' also increases the
~ 30 f mechanical ad\'antagl..' of tilL' ahductors. Clinically.
0.1 " increased abdlll:lor/adducLOr stn:ngth has hC1..'1l asso-
E 20
ijj 10 ciated with incl"easC'd neck length and a morc distal
greater trochantcr position (HuJ"\viti'. & i\ndriacchi.
o Resultant Transverse 1997).
Translation Neck angle and neck length have an impact not
olll~' on I he ~\bductor muscle force and resultallt
hip force but also on the bellding rnomenls in the
Distal motions as a function of flexion angle (mean and
proximal felllur_ A varus hip or an illcrcasl.,d neck
standard deviation) There were significant differences be- length increases bending moments in the proximal
tween 20 and 34 and between 34 and 68 for the resul- felllur by inCrL'~ISillg. lill.' fllOllll.'nt arm or the forces
tant translation and the transverse rotation, but for the lransmitted along tile slwft or tilt.: felllur. Proslhc-
sagittal rotation only the difference between the 20 and S('S IllUSl be designed to resiSl these bending mu-
34 was significant. Reprinted with permission from Berzins, ments. Decreasing the neck k'ngth or increasing
A, Sumner. D.R., Andriacch!; T.P, et ell. (1993). Stem curvature !he ht.~ad-neck angle (yalgus) will decrcase the
and toad angle influence the initial relative bone implant motion bending 1l10mcnts in the steIn; howcver, these al-
of cemenrfess femoral srems. J Orthop Res. 11 (5), 758-769. terations compromise thc abductor function and
incrcas(' the joi nl react ion rorc(~ (Case 5t ud.v 16-1).
The abductors art.' important during the singlc-
legged stnnec phase or gail because their contrac-
tion pulls the rim or till' pclds toward thL' grt..'ater
tion produced by out-of-plane loads when the hip trochanter and prl..'\1:nts tlK contralateral side of
reaches greater ranges of Oexion.

Reconstructed Joint Abductor Momenl

muscles arm
Alterations in joint anatomy impact on hip biome-
chanics by altel-ing the contact area, the contact
force, and the strength and moment-generating ca-
pacity of the muscles. The effect of variations in ac-
etabular position, anteversion angle. head-neck an-
gie. neck length. and joint center location on the
muscles' capacity (moment-generating capacity)
and the resultant hip force have all been mathemat- Varus Valgus
ically modeled (Delp & Maloney, .1993; Doehring et
aI., 1996; Johnston, Brand, & Crowninshield, 1979).
These analyses assume that alterations in joint and The abductor mechanism changes with head-neck angle or
femoral geometry do not alter the manner in which neck length. A valgus neck angle decreases the moment
subjects perform the activities. arm, whereas a varus neck angle or an increased neck
The mechanical ability of the abductors is af- length increases the moment arm. ReprinrecJ with permission
fected by head-neck angle, neck length, and joint from Hunvitz D.E. &- Andric1(chi, If {I 99B). Biomechanics of the
center position, all of which are frequently altered 1111). In 1. Callaghan, A. Rosenberg. 8 H. Rubilsh (Eds.). Tile Adult
during a total hip replacement. A decreased head- Hip (pIJ. 75-861. New York: Raven Press.

neck angle (varus hip) increases the mechanical ad-

Cemented Total Hip Replacement
65-year-old woman, with chronic pain caused by as
A teoarthrosis in the hip. Severe cartilage degeneration and
reactive periarticular bony changes leading to loss of congru-
ency had been affecting her hip function and daily activities
such as gait. After a careful documentation of the patient's
history, physical examination, and radiographic information,
a total cemented total hip replacement is performed (Fig.
The picture shows the stage of the wlal hip arthroplasty af-
ter surgery. The head-neck angle is in valgus. This valgus posi-
tion will decrease bending moments in the stem prosthesis but
will increase the joint reaction force as a result of reduction in
the mechanical advantage of the abductor muscles (lever arm
; shortens Ie)). The figure is marked with the line of action of the
abductor muscles (A), the line of gravity (while line), the line of
,the lever arm (b) from the center of rotation to the line of
gravity, and the line of action of the reaction force at the esti-
, mated point of contact of the femoral head and the acetabular
unit (J). In addition, the line of gravity (white line) is depicted
with the line of action of gravity force (W).
The picture was made during a single-leg position, in
which the line of gravity moves toward the hip, decreasing
the abductor moment arm relative to the body weight. Thus,
th!? patient adapts her gait and posture to decrease the de-
mand on the abductor muscles by leaning over her leg and
thereby limping a little.

the pelvis from dropping as a result of the weight Although the models can predict hip joint center
of the swinging leg and upper body. If changes in sitions that minimize the resultant force, these p
the neck angle, neck length. and joint center posi- tions may not be practical for the acetabular co
tion decrease the abductor moment arm relative to ponent. Pathological conditions strongly inOue
the body weight and no compensation in [unction the potential locations of the hip cente!: For
occurs, then an increase in the resultant force stance, osteoarthritis h-equently results in
would be expected. Subjects may, however, adapt femoral head being displaced laterally, superio
their gait to lessen the demand on these muscles and posteriorly.
when the moment-generating capacity of the ab- Large joint forces are analytically predicted
ductors is compromised. hip centers that are located superiOl~ lateral.
Alterations in hip center location have a large ef- posterior as compared with the original locat
fect on the momentgenerating capacity of the mus- (Johnston, Brand, & Crowninshield. 1979). H
cles and the resultant hip force (Doehring et aI., joint forces were obtained with superior latenll
1996; Johnston, Brand, & Crowninshield, 1979). Pre- centers in an experimental sel-up in which a load
dicted joint forces are minimized when the joint fixture simulated the hip abductors, adductors,
center is moved medial, inferior, and anterior (Fig. extensors during single-legged stance and s
16-4). This position maximizes the moment-generat- climbing (Gore et aI., 1977). Superior displaceme
ing capacity of the abductors and brings the hip cen- of the hip center reduce the moment~generating
ter closer to the line of action of the foot floor reac- pacity of the abductors, adductors, flexors, and
tion force, thus decreasing the external moment that tensors as a result of alterations in muscle leng
needs to be balanced by muscle forces (Doehring et and moment arms (Doehring et aI., 1996). Incre
aI., 1996; Johnston, Brand, & Crowninshield, 1979). ing the neck length or advancing lhe gre

,./0.,0' C, _w.'
trudl;:IIlICl' pani~III.\" compt'llsal('S for lhl..'se lusses
in m()lIllllI-gt,"lh.'r~lting l'aracitk-s (Delp,
KOlllattu. ~ \\'j.'\:-'Oll, 19lJ.i),

Joint Contact Force

In general. Ilk' ;:1il .. t1.\,tical and \...\lk'in1l..'1H ..'t1 rc-
8 slIlb on ,ill.' d"fl..,\.:t or juilll gL'(Jl1lclr.," {In hip ioint
km..: cs al\: l'OIlSisll'llt \\'ilh dinic;:l1 p;:\liL:llt stu'dies.
Stair CliniLal sllH.liL'S hau.: <.ISS(l(.:i;:\kd ink-riu!' functional
lIulcOnlt.::-- \\'jlh supcrior placl...lllcl1l or till..' jnim CCn-
6 IL'r (Box "-\..: ;'\Clblc. 1093) and h~I\'L' assoCi;:lled dc-
crt:;:tSCS ill abductor stn:llgtll and I(ISS of p;:lssive hip
E ik'.\iofl I'l'lOliOIl \dlll sup1,.rior pIaCt.:rlJCIlt:-. of the joint
w'" l'L'nlcrs l.llllL'sS COl1llk'llSall'd \\'illl ;:111 illlTtased neck
SO 4
~ k'll!.!lh (Hurwitz ~ i\lldri;:\cchi. 1997). Hiohcr
fl..'n~()ral loo:-.cning ra1l..'s l1a\'L' Ik'l.'ll ~lssoCi<llt'd ~\'i{h

joint cL'l'lll'rs placl.'d slqK'I'iur ~llld lalL'r-aI as opposed

lu 1!1osI. placed ill all anat(1Il1icd POSili(lll ("'{odel' et
al.. 1988). ,,-hill.' highl..'r \'o!ulnl..'lric p(,lyelhyk'llc
\\'t..'~l!' is :tssuciatl'd \\'itll dL'crl'~lsl'd k'llloral ollsds
~Hl(.l dClTL';\SL,d ahductor 1'll1l1l1l'1'll i.11"lllS (Robinson ('{
al.. llnpllhlishL'd d~ll~1. ThL' cllckl uf illlpblll posi
D lion in pul,h'th.\'k'lll..' \\\.'~Ir in IOl~11 hip anhroplasly).

Prosthesis Moment
Sf eIII Po., if iOfl IIi fII ill f lie
r'e/110 m I Co iI {II

0.3 Stair Both clinical L'.'\!kTit.:I1C!...' ;'lIl',1 hi()mL'ch~lllic~ll stn..'ss

an~ll.,:ses :->UggL'St that a \'alglls slt..'lll position pro-
z ,'idl's hl.'tll.T rl..'slilts t1li.tll <.I(K'S ~l ,'ants position
.c (Alldri~\l'chi 1.'1 ~I1,. 1076: Culli:-; & o n.:,'l!.ull , 1977;
,~ 0.2 Gi.lli.Ulk'. RoslOh'r. I.\: DO,de, 197)). Fillill..' I.'k'ml'nt
SO !l1o(!L,ls indic;.I!I.' thai ,'i.IIllS slt..'llb sustain grl.'i.lll.'!'

pL' sll"l.'sscS lhall thosL' ill \'algLls or llL'lllr~d for Ih..--:
same loading condiliol1s (.-\lldrii.lccili l..'1 ;;11., 1476).
0.1 SubjL'l'IS with :'1 .\'hIL'IIL'I'"cL'lllcnlL'd Stl..'lll ill ~l ,'antS
positi()l1 \\'~llk \\'ilb 11101\.' ~d)[lorl"ll~l1itics thall those
\\'ilh a \'alglls sll'l'll tiL-spilL' thL' I':ll'l lhal :-'lIbjL'Cl~ in
hoth groups h~H.1 an L'xcdlL'IH clinical OlllL'(IIllC
A D A D A D (Hodg(', :\ndrii.lcchi. & Gal~llllL', 19tJl). Tltl..' gail ab-
llorllli.llitiL,:-; in till.' \';:II'lIS group may be sllggcsth'L' or
<l bi{ll11l.'chaniGII ~ldapl~lli(Hl 10 I.'illle! nlicromolioll
ur ahnol'lnal SlI"L'S:-; patterns prL's\.'nt in \'i.I!"lIS stl'llb.
Peak contact forces at the hip and peak moments about
the neck-stem junction of the prosthesis during level walk-
ing, stair climbing, and rising from a chair under the fol-
lowing conditions: A normal location of the hip center
0=0: Pcripmst!wlic BOi!e Loss
and 0 = hip center 20 mm medial, 20 mm inferior, and 10
mm anterior. Peak forces were based on an optimization Pcriprosthetic bOlk' loss associ'lled wilh uncc-
approach that minimized muscle stresses. Reprinted with Il'lclltcd rL'rnoral slerns has bL'l'll \\TIl dOClllllCl1\l'd
permission from Johnston, R. c..
Brand, R,A., & (rownins!lield, (Br:-"i.l11 t'! al.. 1994: Engll & Boh,n1, I 088; En~h L'l
R.D. (979). Reconstruction of (he hip. J Bone Joint Surg, :.d., 1992L and concerns han:' lk'cn raisl.'d \\'itll rc-
6IAIS),646. gi.\nls to the longlerm clinical impliG\linns or this
phL'nOllll.'llon. OSI('olysis, stress shielding, and gL'Il-

eralized limb unloading all may play a role in Bobvn, 1988; Engh el al.. 1992). Au lOpS), stud
./0~; ;periprosthctic bolne loss"lvvearl dcb,:islhas (been im- have also shown that the lower the bone mine
;,:,,::,'plicated in osten ysis ane imp ant lai lire Amstutz density or content 01" the contralateral femur,
"i;, , et aI., 1992). Wear particles f!'Om the polyethylene greater the reductioll in peri prosthetic bone on
and other implant materials are found in the joint affected side, which further implies that preope
Quid and adjacent tissues. Even small amounts of tive bone mineral density' influences the extent
~vear can generate large numbers of polyethylene postoperative bone loss (Engh et aI., 1992; Malon
particles that are as small as or smallcl- than a mi- el aI., 1996).
crometer.. These wear particles resuh in a foreign-
~'/ body reaction with increased macrophage activity
and intercellular secretion of mediators that slimu- Forces at the Knee Joint
" late osteoclasts and I'esult in periprosthetic bone
loss (Jasty et al.. 1993; Willert & Buchhorn, (993). The knee joint depends primarily on soft tissucs
unexpectedly" undersized or unstable compo- stability while sustaining large joint reaction for
have a higher incidence of osteolytic lesions at the tibiofemoral and patellofcllloral articulatio
than do those with stable fixation (Noble, 1995). The peak forces during walking predicted by
Stress shielding results from a decrease in the analytical modcls (Morrison, 1970; Schipplein
stress distribution in the fenloral bone as a result of Andriacchi. 1991; Seireg & Arvikar, 1975) val'
the presence of the implant stem thal has a greater from 3 to 7 bod~ weights and arc similar to th
or equivalent mechanical stiffness as compared measured in vivo (2.3 to 2.5 body weights) in
with the femur. Changes in the loading environ- single patient with a distal femoral replacement a
ment rcsuh in bone remodeling. Once bone in- rotating knee hinge (Taylor et al.. 1997) (Tab
growth occurs in the cemcnllcss prosthesis, load 16-1 and 16-2). Thc magnitude and cyclic nature
transfer can OCClIr through these areas of bony at- the compressive force in the tibiorelTlOnd joint
tachment. However, bone remodeling docs not re- important considerations in the design of a to
sult in the restoration of normal cortical strain lev- knce replaccment, General chnracteristics of
els (Engh et aI., (992). The fit of the prosthesis predicted forces at the knee joint show three pe
within Ihe femoral canal (JaslY et aI., 1994). as well
as the material properties (stiffness) of the stem
(Cheal, Spector. & Hayes, 1992; Weinans, Huiskes,
Latera! Medial
& Grootenboe,; 1992), affects the amount of stress- % change % change
shielding (Fig. 16-5).
Bone loss also can result from limb disuse
(Goethgen et aI., 1991). Postoperative subjccls with
total hip replacements continue to walk aSy'lllmctri-
cally, with decreased forces on the operated side as
compared with the contralateral side (Bl)'an et aI.,
1996; Long et al.. 1993). Tibial bone loss is unaf-
fected by implant characteristics and most likely re-
sults from generalized limb disuse associated with
asymmetries in joint loading conditions. A 160/0 de-
crease in proximal tibial bone n1ineral content has
been demonstrated in subjects with long-term total
hip replacements, and this decrease has been re- Percent change in the strain energy density within the m
lated to an as)'mmetry in the peak vertical interseg- dial and lateral regions of the medial and lateral cortex f
mental knee force during gait (Bryan et aI., 1996). a three-dimensional finite element model. The greatest r
Preoperative gait mechanics of patients with hip OS~ duction in strain energy density was found for the femur
teoarthritis have been shown to be correlated with with the stiffest implant (CoCr). The femur with the most
the bone mineral density of the proximol femur- flexible implant (Composite 1) had the smallest reduction
(Fig. 16-6) (Hurwitz el aI., 1997). The greater the strain energy density (Camp I and Comp2. composite mat
bone loss preoperativelv, the less stilT the femur and als; Cocr, cobalt chromium; Ti. titanium) (Personal commun
the more that likely stress shielding and associated tion. RN NariJrajan).
bone resol-ption will occur postopcratively (Engh &
during stance phase. Thus, failure as a result of rolling of the femur on the tibia as thL' knel' flexe
cyclic fatigue of both interfaces and implant materi- twodimcnsionall1lodelusing input from gait an
als is an important consideration in lotal knee re- sis has demonstrated the presence and location
placement designs (Ducheyne. Kagan. & Lacey. tractive forces on the tibial surface (\.ViIII l1ler &
1978; Kagan. 1977; Landy & Walkec 1988). In acldi- driacchi. 1997). The model shows that a ""versa
tion. the portion of the tibial plateau that is loaded the tractive force occurred at the postcrior end
varies with knee flexion angle (Fig. 16-7). In many the contact region, suggesting that the effect 01" t
designs of total knee replacements, a large contact live forces should be considered in the evaluatio
area only occurs for a limited portion of the knee damage mechanisms. Different types of gait
range of motion with a I1luch smaller contact area cause different tractive forces on the tibial surfa
occurring at other flexion angles. The smaller the Thus, one of the importanl variables in the con
contact area, the larger the contact stresses. eration of factors leading (0 POI~:Lth.\lenc d~lm
One consideration in the Factors producing wear may be a variation in the tractive force associa
on the tibioFemoral articulation is the tractive with the gait of a particular patient.




'" 0 0 0
.'rn" -2 -2 -2



5 10 15 20 25 30 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 2 3 4 5
Dynamic Hip Range of Motion External Rotation Moment Adduction Moment
(degrees) (% body weight height) (o{;, body weight height)

The hip range of motion and external adduction and exter- lady, the anterior fibers of the gluteus medius and minim
nal rotation moments were significant predictors of the nor- are recognized as primary internal rotators. Thus, the de-
malized bone mineral density of the greater trochanter in creased external rotation moment in early stance may als
the patients with hip osteoarthritis. The abductors are the reflective of decreased abductor muscle forces. Modifi~ w
primary structures responsible for balancing the adduction permission from Hurwitz. D.E. Foucher. K.C Sumner: D.R.. et
moment. Because the abductors insert on the greater (1998). Hip motion dnd moments dtJring gail relMe clireCily 10
trochanter, a reduced adduction moment may reflect re- proximal femoral bone mineral density in pc1tieflls "''/Ith osteod
duced forces in this region and may result in bone loss. Simi- tis. J Biomechanics 3 I (lOj, 919-925
Posterior Adduction Moment During Gait
60 and
Medial - Lateral Joint Loading

Laleral 70~:'50 Medial Knee Adduction Moment

ROIII~o .~90
70 5g 20
Roll 60 _'0
- .D

10 0+-1--------.
40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 "E
em ~ ~ 20

The tibial-femoral contact moves posteriorly with knee
flexion. The contact on the lateral side moves posteriorly
1 - -Slance
- - - 1T
much more during flexion (0-20) than does the medial strike phase o
side because the lateral femoral condyle is rolling on a
larger radius than is the medial femoral condyle. Beyond
20, sliding motion begins on both condyles. Reprinted with
permission from Andriacchi, T.P., Sran...vyck, IS., & Galante, J.O
(J 986). Knee biomechanics and (Oral knee rep/~Kement. ArttlrO-
plasty, 1(3),211-219.

The force on the medial

compartment increases
as the adduction increases
Medial-Lateral Load
One of the major problems limiting the use of total
knee replacement in the 1970s was tibial compo-
nent loosening (Bargren, Blaha, & Freeman, 1983;
Ducheyne, Kagan, & Lacey, 1978; Hsieh & Walker,
1972; Kagan, 1977). Tibial component loosening An illustration of the adduction moment during walking
was related to the load imbalance between the me- and the resultant greater load across the medial compar
dial and lateral surface of the tibia that often occurs ment of the knee compared with the lateral compartme
Reprinted wirh permission from Andriacchi, T.P. {1993J. Func-
during walking and other activities. The early de-
tional anafysis of pre- and postknee surgery: TOlal knee arth
signs of the all-polyethylene tibial component were
pfasty and ACL reconstruction. J Biomechanics En9, 115.
not sufficient to sustain this load imbalance. Our-ing 575-581.
walking, approximately 70% of the load across the
knee joint is normally sustained by the medial com-
partment of the knee (Morrison, 1970; Schipplein &
Andr-iacchi, 1991; Han'ington, 1983), The adduction
moment is a major determinate of the load distrib- between the proximal medial and lateral ti
ution between the medial and lateral plateaus (Hurwitz el aI., 1997).
(Schipplein & Andriacchi. 1991) (Fig. 16-8). In fact, The load asymmetry at the knee resulting fr
among normal subjects, the adduction moment the adduction moment during' gait provides
is a significant predictor of the bone dislribution strong rationale for maintaining proper limb alig
I Knee Arthroplasty
, I
Mechanical 70year-o:d man ~tl;ierlng 110m dlSabhng leit knee
axis of the
A paUl as a result 01 (1 S(''lo?re genu '!arUS ane! pr()(JresSlve
I left knee JOint degeneration The- Clbnonr:alload resulting
I from the g'nu varus ddormlty erc-ates ii load unbalancE:'
Mechanical I Femoral
axis of the I shaft axis characterl.zed by a decrease in conlan <w~a al llie I,lleral
shaft axis
lower I left tibia plah~au dncJ C'Hl !nm'ii~;C' of the contdCl SlrbSes '::1[
extremity the medial tlbla plateau resulting III progn~sslve ',,'edr in the
I medial tJblofernoral compartrncn:. (Fig. C~ i 62 i).
I The patient hciS an H11palfll1e-nt and is lJn,1bJe to ':"Jlk
I more than half a Imle He '.",shes to m,llfHatll hiS (1CtI'lE'
I Mechanical lifestyle. A first trial of (onservaUve tre,l;rnent was unsuc
r Tibial axis althe cessiul. A careful examination ensures ;he presence of a
,I shaft axis tibia (tibial
shaft axis)
functiondl extensor nWel1dnlSrn, !v1ordwer. COl'11p!QtE'
imaging sIUda?'> confirm the 5e\h'.:'I'(~ ,:!rtICuliH SUrf,'1(\:' cie-
genera !Ion. The de-Clsion or kne-e Mthroplas!y \\''::$ made
to avoid il more ')('vere JOlllt (:e-gel10fdtion an(l unprove
patient"s liiestyie

Left, In a lower extremity with varus deformity, the me

chanical axis passes medial to the knee. Right, When align-
ment is normal, the mechanical axis of the femur is in line
with the mechanical axis of the tibia (tibial shah axis). The
line represented by the mechanical axes of the femur and
the tibia is coincident with the mechanical axis of the
lower extremity in this situation. Reprimed with permission
from Kracholl'.t. K.A. (995). Surgical principles in total knee
arrhroplasry: Alignment, deformity, approaches and bone cuts
In J.j, Callagclfl. D.A. Dennis, W G. Paprosky, er at. (Eels';' Or-
thopaedic Knowledge Update: Hip and Knee Reconstruction (pp,
269-216). Rosemont, IL: MOS.

ment following total knee replacement and uni R

compartmental arthroplasty (Fig. 16-9) (Bargren,

Blaha. & Freeman, 1983; Brugioni, Andriacchi, &
Galante, 1990; Weinstein, Andriacchi, & Galante,
t 986). Knees with a vanls alignment are more
likely to have a substantial load imbalance that cre-
ates stresses that could eventually lead to tibial
component loosening (Case Study 16-2). ,Increased
wear has been demonstrated in the medial com-
partment of knees initially in varus preoperatively
and in the latet'al compartment for those in valgus
preoperativelv (Wasielewski et aI., 1994). To ad- Case Study Figure 16-2-1.
dress problems associated with this load imbal

ance, tibial component designs were modif-lcd to
have a mewl backing of the polyeth~'lcnc articulat- 100 * Abnormal
i.m!: surface, and surgical instrumentation was rnod-
ifi~d to allow for proper alignment or the mechani-
cal axis.

tello{erl1oral Joint o Anatomical troc

the incidence of tibial component loosening sub-
stantially decreased in the eady 1980s, patello-
fcmoral problems began to emerge as a primary is- -f
sue in total knee replacement (ROI'abeck et aI., 1995; ""OlD
Rosenberg et aL. 1988), The magnitude of the rell'o- :i: ~ 0.0 --I''-------->,--~f_-1''''----
......= - - -
patellar force as well as the contact area on the
retropatellar surface varies with knee Oexion angle
(Ahmed, Burke, & l-hder, 1987; Hubeni & Haves, 2,5
1984), Loads between two and three body weights
have been reponed at the putcllofcmoral joint for
, various activities of daily living. It was shown that
for walking, the loads arc relatively' low but because (Top) The moment tending to flex the knee during
the knee flexes beyond approximately 40" during ac- climbing demonstrated differences in stair climbing
tivities such as stair climbing, the loads can reach tion between the patients with nonanatomical fem
trochlea and anatomical femoral trochlea designs.
levels of several body \veights. The high magnitude
Reprinted with permission from Andriacchi, T.P., Yoder. D
of these forces poses a great risk lO the mechanical
Conley, A., er 8/. (997). Parel/ofemaral design influences
integl"ity of the implant as well as the implant's fixa- tion following coral knee iJrihroplasty. j Anhroplasty. 12(
tion to bonc. 243-249. (Bottom) Patients with the nonanatomical
The external knee nexion moment as measured femoral trochlea had increased knee flexion in late
with gait anal~'sis is reflective of net quadriceps phase (shown by It). The increased knee flexion was
muscle activity. Alterations in the external llexion anced by an increase in the flexion moment (balanc
momenl during stair climbing have been related to net quadriceps contraction) during late stance phase
both the curvature of the patellar nange (Anclriac- Reprinted with permission from AndriacclJi, T.P. & Hurvvit
chi & Hunvitz, 1997) and the height of the patella (1997). Gail biomechanics and total knee arrhroplasly. A
(Mat,tel et aI., 1990), Two groups of patients with Knee Surg. 10(4), 255-260.

different total knee replacement designs that

differed primarily in the anterior curvature of
the patellar flange in the region or the femoral
trochlea \vere evaluated \vhile climbing stairs.
Both groups were selected on the basis of a good the increase in knee flexion. Patients in the
clinical outcome. One design group (nonanaloml- group did not have these abnormal charac
cal trochlea) had a smaller radius on the patellar tics. In the design or a total knee replacemen
flange that caused the patella to articulate more replication of an anatomical curvature o
anteriorly and distally than the second design femoral lI'ochlea requires more bone resecti
(anatomical trochlea) that had a larger radius in the distal anterior femur than does a nonana
this region. The second design more closely repli- cal curvature. Thus, many designs compro
cated the femoral trochlear anatomy. The group between the restoration of normal anatomy
with the design that placed the patella more ante- more extensive reseclion of the distal femur.
riorly had a slight buckling (increased Ilexion) of results suggest that replication of normal pa
the knee in late stance (Fig, 16-10), There was also femoral anatomy is important because it will
an increase in the moment at the knee sustained 4\ significant effect on both function and pa
by the quadriceps in late stance concurrent with loading.

~ .. <
Interaction Between Tibiofemoral Joint Line Position
Joint Line Height and
Patellotemoral Mechanics
In some instances, the joint line is elevated following
total knee replacement, \vhich results in an inferior
movement of the position of the rctropatellar con~
tact on the femur: Elevated joint lines, which affect
patella function and patella subluxation, have been
correlated with wear patterns (vVasielcwski et al.,
I994), decreased longevity of the patellar component
(Rosenberg et aI., 1988), decreased clinical outcome
(Junnosuke et aI., 1993), and decreased range of mo-
tion (Rittel~ Faris, & Keating, 1988). The height of
the patella with respect to the joint line has been as-
sociated with signilkant changes in the flexion mo-
ment of the knee during stair climbing (Fig. 16-11).
vVhen the patellar position was changed IS mm in- Slair Climbing Knee Flexion Moment
ferior to its normal position, more than 50% reduc- and
Joint Line Change
tion in the flexion mornent during stair climbing was

. ..
noted (Martell et aI., 1990).

Posterior Cl'llciate Ligament


/' .
/ ' ""-""":......-----

t-- - - .
A L-'

Differing opinions exist with regards to the benefits

of retaining, substituting for, or removing the pos-
terior cruciate ligament (Andriacchi & Galante,
1988; Li et aI., 1995; Rorabcck et '11.,1993), with no
definitive answers with regard to which design re- 15 10 5 a
sults in better wear rates, clinical outcome, or Change in Patellar Contact
range of motion. Sonle studies indicate no substan- (mm)
tial differences in loosening or radiolucent lines
(Ranawat et aL, 1993; Stern & Insall, 1992; Wright
& Bartel, 1986) or range of motion (Hirsch, Lotke,
The position of the retropatellar contact is related to the
& MOlTison, 1994) between the different designs. In
location of the joint line. Typically, in total knee replace-
fact, the preoperative range of motion may have a ment the joint line is shifted superiorly, causing a down-
greater influence on the postoperative range of mo- ward movement of the location of the retropatellar con-
tion than any influence attributable to design dif- tact at any flexion angle. The retropatellar position is
ferences (Han'cy et 'II., 1993; Maloney & Schur- related to the flexion moment during stair climbing.
man, 1992). The decision of whether to retain or Reprinted Wiih permission from Andriacchi, TP (i 993), Fune-
remove the posterior cruciate ligament imposes de- lional analysis of ,0((-: and !Josi-knee Sur9('ry: Ibldl knee arthro-
sign criteria on the amount of constraint that the plasty and ACL reconstruction J BiomechilflicS Eng. 115.
articulating surfaces need to provide. 575--58 ,

Retention of the posterior cruciate ligament re-

quires that the joint line be accurately reproduced for
the kinematics to remain normal. Othenvise, the
knee kinematics can be altered and loads across the
joint may even be increased. Limited knee flexion component to increase the contact area and mll1l-
(Rillcl; Faris, & Keating, 1988) and posterior poly- mize the stresses and resulting polyethylene wear. As
ethylene wear (Swany & Scoll, 1993) have both bcen discussed earlier, the lateral side of the knee can be
associated with posterior cruciate ligaments that are unweiglHed during the stance phase of gait and can
too tight and result in posterior tracking of the femur result in the knee being in a V:'lrttS position. The flat
on the tibia. Posterior cruciate-retaining designs gen- articular surfaces frequenliy used with posteric)1" c\u-
erally have an unconstrained but conforming tibial ciate*l"etaining designs permillarge contact areas but
can result in edge loading and high stresses if the im~ Stair Climbing in Patients Following Total Knee Replacement
plant is tilted. Observation Interpretation
Removal of the posterior cruciate ligament neces~
sitates that posterior stability no\v results from in~
I. 10.0
creased tibial-femoral constraint. In the absence of a PCl retained
posterior cruciate ligament, the posteriorly directed ~
shear force is instead sustained by the interfaces of ~ 4.0
the articulating surfaces (Andriacchi & Galante, C
Normal roll
1988). Although more constrained designs are inher- '" 0.0 back increases
ently more stable, they may limit the passive range ;:;; quadriceps leve
of motion by restricting the amount of rollback Stance arm (/) with fle
needed lo achieve deep knee flexion (Fig. 16-12).
Substituting designs are also more constraining with PCl
a cam mechanism used to maintain the posterior po-
sition of the femur relative to the tibia. PCl/
Variations in the knee kinematics and moments
during stair climbing suggest that posterior cruci-
ate~retaining patients have more normal function
~~~ PCl removed
back constrain
\vhile ascending stairs than do patients with knees and leverarm
in \vhich the posterior cruciate ligament is removed
(001'1' et 'II., 1988; Kelman el 'II., 1989). Patients with Patients with PCl
cruciate~sacrificing knee replacements had a ten- removed tend to lean
forward reducing the
dency to reduce the moment sustained by the net quadriceps moment
quadriceps by leaning forward during the portion of
the support phase of ascending stairs when the
quadriceps moment would reach a peak value (Fig.
16-13) (Andriacchi, Galante, & Fermier, 1982). This Patients with designs that remove or substitute for the
posterior cruciate ligament tend to reduce the knee fle
finding was also consistent with a study in which
ion moment and thus the resulting demand on the qua
electro111yographic activity' was measured during
ceps. The mechanism they use for the adaptation is a fo
ward lean of the torso. The biomechanical explanation
the adaptation seen in these patients can be related to
15,----------------, normal posterior movement of the tibiofemoral contac
with flexion, which is reduced when the posterior cruci
ligament is removed and constraint is added to the arti
lar surface. Reprinted with permission from Andriacchi, TP
(1993). Functional analysis of pre- and post-knee surgery.' To
knee arthroplasty and ACL Reconstruction. J Biomechanics E

stair climbing (0011' et 'II., 1988). In that study,

OLL_ _.LJ_ _--'--L_ _l-L_ _-LJ tients \vith posterior cruciate ligament-sacrific
Normal Cruciate Cruciate Cruciate designs required increased use of the soleus mus
knee retaining excising substituting while stair climbing. The increased soleus acti
prosthesis prosthesis prosthesis
was suggestive of a forward lean in the patients w
posterior cruciate Iiga111ent-sacrificing designs si1
I'll' to thal described in other sludies (Andriac
Femoral rollback as a function of prosthesis type during Galante, & Fermiel~ 1982). In a 1110re recent stu
stair descent at 90 0 of knee flexion, Reprinted with permis- by Wilson et al. (1996), patients with posterior C
sion from Mahoney- O.M., Noble, pc., Rhoads, D.O., et al. ciate ligament-sacrificing designs were compa
(994). Posterior cruciate function fof/owing total knee arthro- with normal subjects while walking and stair clim
plasty A biomechanical study. J Arthroplasty, 9(6),569-78.
ing. Although the study did not report a statist
difference, there was a 25% reduction in the p
radius of the tibial component increases relative to
TOlal Knee Replacement
that of Lhe femoral component, {he conformity de-
Frontal Plane Profiles crcHSCS and the contact stn:ss between lhe two
and Contact Sfress components inc]'e~\scs (Fig. 16-14). Conformity is
4,0..----------------, frequently' used 10 characlcrizc the articulation be-
twcen a dished tibial surface and a rounded
ro fL'Jlloral component, buL it can also be used [0 de-

~ 3 (,,," scribe the articulation between a flat tibial surface

and a nal femoral component. A flat geomctl'y has
iii 2.0 ..... a conformit.v of one and docs nOl constrain lhc 1'0
, lational or translational 1110\,el11ent as required
with a posterior crudate-retaining design. A
8 1.0 dished ge0I11ctr.v achieves conformity and con-
straiI1l as needed for the posterior cruciate liga-
menl-sacrificing designs. To maintain the sagittal
Radius Ratio R2/Rl
plane kinematics, the femoral componelll n111st
have a smaller posterior radius and a larger distal
radius. Thus, it is not possible to achic\'c confor-
mil y' in the sagittal plane in bOlh nexion and ex~
The predicted contact stress increases as the conformity tension (Fig. 16-15).
decreases. Modified with permiS5ion from Andriacchi, T.P. &
Natardjrln, R.N. (993), Conformity and polyelnyfene damage in
tOMI knee replacemenc (Internal Communication 97-51/0-206
3Ml), Zimmer, Inc

nexion moment during stair climbing between nor-

mal subjects and patients following LOlal knee re-

placemenl. The lack of a statistically significant dif-
ference in that study may have been associated with
the small sample size or the test population, ralio extension

The functional differences between the postel'ior
cn-'Ciate ligament-retaining and sacrificing designs
were associated with the normal posterior movemenl
of the femur on the tibia (rollback) with flexion, This
finding has been explained by the dynamic interac-
tion belween the posterior crudate ligament and
tibiofemoral rollback with flexion. The lever arm of
the quadriceps (Andriacchi, Stanwyck, & Galante,
1986) normally increases with knee nexion. The func-
tional adaptations seen among patients with cruci-
ate-sacrificing designs were likely associated with the
need to compensate for the lack of normal femoral
rollback in knees in which the cruciale ligament is re-
moved, Thus, rollback must occur in the early phases
of flexion to have an appropriate quadriceps lever The radius of the femoral component varies with knee
arm to sustain normal stair climbing. flexion angle. Thus, in the sagittal plane it is not possible
to achieve optimal conformity in both flexion and exten-
Conformity sion. Reprinted with permission from Andriacchi, T.P. &
Nararajan, R.N. (/993). Conformity allcl polyethylene damage
The degree of conformity between the femoral in lolal knee replacement (lnrerndJ Communication
component and the tibial component depends on 97-5110-206 3MZ). Zimmer, Inc.
the ratio or the radii of the two components. As the

Section through
metal femoral

Seclion Ihrough
plastic libial
DefeCIS componen1
in plastic
Time Cracks propagating
from defects
Surface wear
~ and deforma1ion

contacl Level of maximum shear
area and sUess moves downward
high slress as surface wear proceeds

A model of delamination wear in polyethylene with intergranular defects. The lower dia-
gram explains a possible reason why delamination does not occur if there are no defects in
the material. Reprinred with permission from Wdlker. AS. & Blunn, G.W (997). Keynote Lecture
1/: Modem design of tocal knee replacement. In S NiwiJ. X. Yoshino, M. Kurosdka. K. Shino, S. Ya-
mamoto (Eds.). Reconstruction oi ,he Knee Joint (p.o. 129-142). Tokyo: Springer Verlag.

Constraint body particles (cement), and areas of high cont
stress (Bargren, Blaha, & Freeman, 1983). Defe
In general, proper soft tissue balance is necessary for in the polyethylene serve as sites for crack initiat
a satisfactory outcome. In the presence of con;plex and propagation (Fig. 16-16). Increasing the po
bony defOl-mities such as a severe valgus deformitv ethylene thickness to at least 8to 10 mm will red
sati~factOl)' stability is often unobtain:,ble and co~~ contact stresses and should decrease the amoun
straint must be provided by the implant design. His- wear (Collier et aI., 1991). Metal backin2 was
torically, a hinged prosthesis, which provides maxi- tially introduced to more evenIv distribut-;; the lo
mum constraint. was advocated for those patients to the underlying cancellous b~ne of the proxim
with severe valgus deformities. Hinged prostheses, libia. Howcvc,', overall component thickness need
however, have been associated with a poor clinical to be increased following the introduction of me
outcome (Bargar, Cracchiolo, & Amstutz, 1980; Bui backing so that an adequate polyethylene thickn
& Fitzgerald, 1980; Rand, Chao, & Stauffer, 1987). A was maintained. The multivariate nature of
more contemporary alternative to the hinged pros- causes of pol:vethylene damage makes it difficult
thesis is a highly constrained but unlinked total knee draw definitive conclusions on failure mechanis
replacement (constrained condylar knee). This de- from retrieval studies. Moreovec the diverse nat
sign eliminates the need for lio"ament balancin.
a bv of the contact stress distribution (compressive, t
0 0
providing medial lateral stability throuah a rectan- sile. and shear) may result in differenl dama
gular polyethylene tibial post.- This "highly con- modes. Deformation, pitting, cracking. and ab
strained design has provided adequate outcome for sion are all examples of polyethylene dama
elderly low-demand patients with severe valgus de- modes.
formities (Bullek, Scuderi, & Insall, 1996).
Anterior Cruciate Ligament
, -
During total knee replacement, the anterior crud
Polyethylene damage has been closely related to its ligament is either already absent ~r usually
thickness (Collier et aI., 1991; Wright & Bartel, moved. In the case when only oTie compartment
1986), the material properties, the presence of third- the knee requires replacement (unicompartmen

knee arthroplasty), both cruciate ligaments are fre- :\Ildriacchi, TP. (1993). FUllclion;t! all;t1.\'sis or prL'- ;\Ild POst
quentl.\' retained. Gait studies of total knee replace- knee surgL'lS: TOI;t! kllL'L' ,lrthropl,lStv ,tlld :\CL I'econstruc_
lion. J Diollll'c!IIiJlic." Lug, 115,575-5:)1.
ment patients (Andriacchi, Galante, & FermieI~
:\ndri:tcchi, T.P, 6.' C;\l'lnte. J.O. (19t:t:J. Relcnliull (ll' IhL' DOS
1982; Chao, Laughman, & StauffeI~ 1980; Kelman et tl'rior nlll.:i;ill' lig,lIl1enl in tul;1I knee arthropl;\SI~'. J
aI., 1989; Simon et aI., 1983) show that normal func- Arthroplasty, SI3-,19.
tion is not achieved in the majorit y' of the patients .-\ndri'lcchi. TP.. Gabnll', J.O., Iklvlschko, TIL l't ,d. (1976)
despite improvements in stride lengths and knee ,.\ stress an;dysis 01' rl'[llOI';t! stelTI in lotal hip prustheses. J
HOlle Joilll "ill I)!" 58:\(Sl,61,s",621.
motion and clinical status. Numerous subsequent
Andrial'clli, TP., G;danlc. J.O .. 6.' FLTlllil'l', R.\V. (1982). The
studies demonstrated differences in the flexion- inl'hlL'ncl' or loul! knee rL'pl;tCeIllL'lll design on walking and
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ations in the flexion-extension moments at the knee Alldri;\cchi. TP. & Hurwit/, D,E. (1'107J. G;lil hiomeckmics
could not be related to an}' specific design but in- ;llld tillal knee arthruplasl,v. 1!11 j I\I/(l' Sill',:!" 10(4)
stead suggested the possibility that loss of joint pro-
.'\ndriacchi. T.P. & N:\laraj~ln, R.\:. (1993). Conl'ormil\' ~ll1
prioception or the functionalit y of the anterior crll-
polyelh,\'lt:!lL' d;lIn;l):!l' in lutal knee replacelllelll (Interna
ciate ligament may have been a factor (\J\'einstein, Communication 97S110-206 3\lZ). ZillllllL'l'. Inc.
Anclriacchi, & Galante, 1986). The removal of the :\ndriacchi, TP.. Stal1\\',vck, T.S., & Galanle. J.D. (1%6). Kne~
anterior cruciate ligament was common to all total biolllech;lllics and tOlal knee repl;lct:JllL'llt. :Irlhro/dusty
knee replacement designs and may be one of the
:\ndriacclli, T.P" lodl'r. D.. Conle\'. .'\ .. L't ~i1. (1997)
factors that limit a patient's recover)' of total normal Patelln!'ell1or;1! d('sign influL'nces funclion I'ollowing tota
function. Similar patterns of abnormal flexion- knee 'lJ'lhroplaSI,\'. .I :lohruplosty. 12(3). 2..L ',2-l9.
extension moments (Berchuck et aI., 1990) have Barg;II', \V.L., Cracchiolo . .'\., L\.: :\mstllll. H.e. I: 19801. Rt:sult
been reported in patients foll()\ving injury to the an- \\'ith constr~tlned IOlal knee proslhl'sis in lreating se\'L'l'('!Y
dis:thkd p,lliL'nb ;\Jld p:ltil'lItS \\illl 1',\iIL'd tot,li kIll:":' 1\>
terior cruciate ligament.
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and longevity.
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Approaches to
Standing, Sitting,
and lying
Chris 1. Snijders

Biomechanics of Standing
Biomechanics of the Pelvis
Flat Versus Ball and Socket Joint
Arm Rests
Back Rest
Chair and Table
Sitting in Bed
Decubitus Ulcers
Biomechanics of Standing
Muscles extending from the neck to the ankle are
continually active to prevent collapse of the skele-
toll. In view or this function, these muscles are
known as postural muscles. ObvioLisly, these I1lLlS
des are comparatively strong and do not tire easily.
In skeletal musculature, postural and phasic mus-
cles-also known as slow and fast muscles-are
present (see Chapter 6). Thc mO"phological differ-
ences arc particularly marked in the Illuscles of
birds, but in humans this distinction is less evident
because of the mixed composition of muscles. It is
assumed that the force proportion of postural to
phasic muscles is 3:2. Exercise, especially participa-
tion in high-level sports or athletic training, can
change this proportion to even 5; I. Selective training
of postural (red) muscles is ach-antageous because
these muscles are stronger and deliver more work
than do phasic (white) muscles. The neurologist and
muscle physiologist Vladimir Janda (1980) pointed
to the following relationship between postural and
phasic muscles in agonist and nntagonist action:

I. Postural muscles tcnd to spontaneous func-

tional 01' even anatomical shortening. This A, lllu~tratjon of poor po~ture. B, lIlu~tration of go
manifests itself in a higher muscle tonus. po~ture.

2. Postural muscles have an inhibiting effect on

their phasic partners (inhibition of an antago-
nist muscle by the agonist).
3. \,Vilh insufficient variety in muscle lise, pos- the neck. This manifes,s itself in postural de
tural muscles can be activalCd disproportion- ration with the head placed forward, the sho
ately, which leads to inhibition and weaken- blades raised and abducted, thc upper pan
ing of phasic muscles (pseudoparesis). This cel"vical spine overextended, and the sho
process can lead to an imbalance between moved forward. Figure 17-18 illustrates the
groups of muscles, resuhing in poor posture of strengthening of phasic muscles and stre
with loss of mobility and increase of joint of postural muscles allowing for posterior
load. the pelvis, backward movement of the shou
and elevation of the head by moving the chin
Figure 17-IA illustrates the distal crossed syn- direction of the ears.
drome according 10 Janda (1980). which involves The unconstrained standing posture is
shortened back extensor and hip nexor muscles studied because of the typical individual char
versus weakened abdominal and buttock muscles. istics. One of these characteristics is the loca
Anterior pelvic tilt and hyperlordosis are the result, the mass center of gravity (Fig. l7-2A, Ff=,F
which also manifests in walking with insufficient point of application of the resultant force o
hip extension (normal is 5 to 10"). A similar imbal- feet (FJ can be measured with thc aid of a
ance is the crossed proximal syndrome with short- plate (Fig. 17-28) and is called the center o
ened pecton\lis 111ajOl~ cervical trapezius. levator sUl'e(COP). A triangular plate with force tran
scapulae, and, less pronounced, the sternocleido ers under the three corners can measure the
nlastoid muscles versus the weakened fixator mus- tion of the COP as shown in Figure 17-2
cles of the scapulae (rhomboidcus, distal and me- D (Moll van Charante, Snijders, & Muldet;
dial parts of the trapezius, and the serratus Snijders & Verduin, 1973). The amounl of
anterior muscles) and the deep llexor muscles of around a mean equilibdunl position reflec
nation of the smaller foot is greater than that of th
larger foot. In practice. however, it is often th
COP smallest \\'omen who wear the highest heels. In Fic
D_ O_ Y ure 17-4, the angle is 40. Recom~1ended angles a
Ix 10 to 14", which translates to heel heights of 3 to
IX cm maximum.
In Figure 17-511, a chock is placed under a plaste
cast around the lower leg and foot. This position o
y the chock causes discomfort because it is placed i
front of the ankle joint and causes a counterclock
F, wise moment, M = FI,.a. The foot and cast can be r
garded as a single entity, so equilibrium is obtaine
A B C 0 with a clock\vise moment from force Fh exerted b
the tibia on the cast. A moment about the ankl
joint in the opposite direction occurs when the foo
hits the ground with force F at heel strike (Fig
A, The resultant force between ground and feet {FJ equals
17-5). The heel of a shoe produces a lever arm wit
body weight (F y ). B. Fv position (center of pressure path,
respect to the ankle joint (Fig. 17-5(') that is consid
COP) can be measured with a force plate with force trans-
ducers under the corners depicting in a three-dimensional
force system (x, y, z). The person recorded in C rests more
on the left leg but has less sway than the person in D in x Fs

and y directions.

condition of neuromuscular control. Consumption
of alcohol or certain 11lcelicines causes greater
swaying. Marksrnen, conversely, stand significantly
more stable. Most force plates have a rectangular
design with four force transducers uncleI' the cor- A B
ners. Such construction, however, has the disad-
vantage of static overdetermination. Because stand- 0.24 II
ing is not a pure static equilibrium as a result of I
accelerations and decelerations of body mass dur- I
F, I
ing swaying, the COP does not represent the exact I
position of the mass center of gravity' of the body. +
Recordings show that the COP is always located in
front of the ankle axis at the site of the as navicu-
lads. Therefore, in standing, calf muscles are al- 0.42 (
ways active (Fig. 17-3, A & B). Figure 17-3, C & D 0.18 I 0.72 I Fill
presents the location of forces in relation to foot
geometry taken from different literature sources
(Snijders, 199\). C 0
Standing in shoes in general means standing on
uneven ground because a heel of elastic rubber has
a certain height for shock absorption and because at A, The foot-ground reaction force {F...} is always in front o
the ball of the foot, the sale must be thin to give the ankle axis (black circle). B, Therefore, the calf muscles
goodllexibility. It is beller to look at the inclination {FJ have to be constantly active. C, Mean values of lever
of the foot, not at the height of the heel, because the arms for calf muscles and foot ground reaction forces in
inclination determines the degree to which a person relation to foot length (t). The data is derived from diffe
loads the forefoot. With an)' given heel height, the ent sources. D, Lever arms for resultant forces on the hee
inclination of the foot depends on the length of the (Fr.) and the forefoot (Fin) in relation to foot length (I).
foot. vVith a certain heel height, the angle of incli-
A B c

A, Heel strike produces a moment on the foot, which cl

on the ground. B, A heel on a shoe increases this mome
of the foot and the movement of the ankle. C, Cutting
the back edge of the heel reduces the downward mom
on the foot and produces a more horizontal movement
the ankle. (F = ground reaction force at heel strike; a, a
a" = leverarm force F.)

Diagram of a foot in a high-heeled shoe with a "plateau

sole." The angle of inclination of the foot is 40,

erably larger than with a bare foot (Fig, 17-513), This

moment claps the forefoot down on the ground, A

which can be reduced by! cutting off the back edge D

of the heel (Fig. 17-5D). The laller produces a more ...---....
horizontal movement of the ankle. This provision is
relevant for normal, sport, and orthopaedic shoes.
Excessive I110bility' or play is characteristic of an
unstable joint, as compared with that of the healthy
joint. In the following, instability refers to a Sllscep-
tibility to tilting or falling as a result of interFering
0) \

forces. In the top view of the foot (Fig. 17-6), one

can identify three points where great forces are pos-
sible. Hence, both in the lateral and frontal view of
the foot, two points of support are found at a dis-
tance from one another. In the posterior vic\v, how-
ever, only one point of support at the heel exists. In With three points of support in the top view (A) both in
this unstable situation, the heel must get stability' the lateral (C) and the frontal view (0) of the foot, two
From the ball if the ankle fails, A stable positioning points of support are found at a distance ~rom each oth
of the foot in a shoe means little if the shoe itself is Such stable situations are not found in the dorsal (B) vi
unstable in relation to the ground because or a with only one point of support at the heel.
stiletto heel or a curved sole.
9 : e

Free-Body Diagram in Stooped Postures

The m,ISS cenler of 9t<1-:ll, 0: the 101<1l body hes '.i('nIGIlIy .1bo'J('
the feCI Some lOlOl ,w:s i)rc IndlCi)!e(! on lile skin. Z =center oi
!J"wily: F, := upper body \'if'IC);H lorce. f _-= body Inas~ r(,clCllon
lorce; F.0: bi:d: nlu:".cli: to:C(. F.,;:: f(',lellon !OfCE' of the wel9ht

F. = kilCiOI1 iorw (!f lhr bid', Inusc!e force: il = h:!'Jcr<1rlTl

of upper budy '/,.'eiqht; b ::: 1('',',:r.'l(l'n of !Jdd: tT~lJ:;(I(~ force.

Calculation Box
Figure 17-1-1.

B Case A. The large r,)"O b~twe('11 lever arms a onc: h (lllS:3'$

I;;rgc fnu . . c1( :Q1C('''. m lhe IO'.'l('f i),Kk A<, an appfOXIIIl,1tI0n. F" IS
sao N in a pr-r50n ~':ith Cl bodi h(:l!Jhl 0: 130 ern and (1 bod.,.
'.-/eI9I1, of 770 N \;V:lh ii 27 en') "nd b Sun, lhe U(lCk rmls-
A, The arch of the foot compared with a Roman arch. (Ie ior~ ("11 ik (iiku!ilt.'d: F ivhf FilS >: 500 ,-, 2700 N .
B. Flat joint surfaces in an arch experience compres-
sion while shear is avoided.

Body weight is carried by the arch of the fOOl, Calculation Box

Figure 17-1-2.
which resembles the form of a Roman arch (Fig.
17-7A). The arch mechanism relies on the firm con-
nection between the two ends. In the root, this func-
tion is ascribed to the plantar aponeurosis. Schematic
free-body diagrams of parts of the foot (Fig. 17-78)
show the interesting feature of an arch: the joint re-
Case B. In the fH'X; C.15[o. the- le'.if'f ,,1m a is 11 COl ..."h,(;1 fe-
action forces in the hind foot arc perpendicular to Sll1tS lf1 b,lCk musclE- force' F.. ~., alb. F.: - 11/5;, 500 "., 1100 N.
the flat joint surfaces. Thus, shea, loading that ThiS reduction of 60/0 oi muSC,IIM forc(' illustrates lhClt keeping
would tend to dislocate predominantly flat joints is lh(! Hunk more uprighl has c!rMrl,11ic mfluence on (still Ie) work
avoided (Snijders et aI., 1993). IO~l(1. wilh the le'/d iHn1 11 ilS 1110 1110s1 irnponarll iilCtor. Thus, a
mOfC' uprighl pOSlure rcdtJn~s ll1usclo and disc load consicleraoly.
Stooped postures often occur because of the role
of the eyes in combination with the work of the
hands. This raises large muscle forces in the lower
back as a result of the large ratio of the lever arm (a)
of upper body weight (F,) and the lever mm (b) of
back muscle force (F). A cross-section at the level of
L5-S 1 shows that the mass center of gravity of the Calculation Box
body part above this cross-section is situated at the Figure 17-1-3.
armpits (Calculation Box 17-1, Case A). The equilib-
rium of forces in the verlical direction shows that
the weight force (F~) equals its reaction Corce in the
spine (FI1:). It is assumed that this reaction force acts
in the middle of the intervertebral disc (the axis of
L .
ltQ optimal because the)' are perpendicular to th

longitudinal orienlation of the spine. Howeve
the sacroiliac (51) joint surfaces are parallel to th
largest forces and are not protected against disl
cation bv the closed form of a ball and sock
//11111111 1111/11111 joint. Thus. the 51 joints arc vulnerable to shea
ing because of their predominant flat surface
which arc almost parallel to the plane of maxim
load (Fig. 17-9), In a biomechanical model. Sn
.iders et al. (1993) made the assumptiollthat in <
dition to strong ligament support, muscle forc
B are always required for compression of the S

A, An obstacle prevents the feet from advancing any fur- M

ther, leading to a forced posture. B, Same reach distance,

but a more comfortable position, thanks to suitable support
of the pelvis. The lever arm a is reduced by 30%. and the
arms and eyes are in a better position. (F" = center of gravity
upper body; a = lever arm center of rotation spine to F".)

this joint), F~ and F,,! form a clockwise rnomcnt with

':; M = F(:.a. The equilibrium of moments comes from
the couple formed by back muscle force F, and its
reaction force F" on the disc. The total force on the
disc is the (vectorial) sum of F" and Fo.' The equi-
librium of moments yields: Fwa = F".b, So. the total
muscle force Fs = alb, F,:,

Conditions like those shown in Figure 17-81\ occur
at work when the person reaches as far as possible
to a distant object while the feet cannot be placed
any further forward, either because of the design of
the machine involved or because the tocs touch a
tank with liquid. The provision of a support for the
pelvis as shown in Figure 17-88 allows for the same
I'cach but with greatly improved posture. This mea~
sure reduces the lever arm by approximately 300/0
and the arms and eyes are in a much more suitable
position. In the workpl<lce, people often seek sup-
port 1'01' the pelvis or upper legs by using the edge of
a tablc or bench.
Scherr,atic drawing illustrating that the sacroiliac joint is
vulnerable to shear when loaded in the sagittal plane (m
ment M/Force F). Integrity of the joint reli~s on ligament
With reference to Figure 17-8, the largest forces support; joint compression by muscle force can raise fric-
always act in the longitudinal direction of the tion and prevent shear.
spine. The position of the intervertebral discs is

U'.~ .... ly,=~"",z':liC,::c:::c_*i?"~;::se
JOInts to raise friction, which resists shearing.
This so~called self-bracing is also expected in sit-
ting with reference to ligament creep by the load II J/II
of upper body weight. -1---5
The different joints in the human body have a wide
variety of often highly irregular forms. By compar-
ing a ball and socket joint (or cylindrical joint) 3
with completely flat joint surfaces, some main
principles of load transfer can be identified. If a
transverse force is applied to the bones in Figure 4--+..,..,.~
17-1011, shearing must occur to produce stress in
ligaments, which stops the movement. The bones
are no longer in line. A ball and socket joint (Fig.
17-10B) is better protected against transverse
forces. \"'hen a flat joint is loaded with a bending
moment (Fig. 17-IOC), the joint reaction force can
shift to the edge of the joint surface and can pro-
duce with ligament or muscle force F{ a couple
with moment M = F f .2c \Vhen a ball and socket
joint is loaded with a moment (Fig. 1710D), the Transversely oriented muscle forces that cross the sacroiliac
joint reaction force cannot shift to the edge of the (51) joints can press the sacrum in between the hip bones.
joint surface. Here, F" and F 1 form a couple with Such forces caudal to the SI joints may contribute to the
moment M = Fi.r. This shows that a flat joint can mechanism of the pelvic arch by opposing lateral move-
ment of the hip bones. (1) linea alba, (2) external oblique
transfer a "factor two" larger bending moment
abdominal, (3) transverse abdominal, (4) piriformis, (5) rec-
than a spherical or cylindrical joint at the hip
I tus abdominis, (6) internal oblique abdominal, (7) ilioin-
joints. In Figure 17-10, C d.! D, the joint reaction
force is perpendicular to the tangent to the joint 1.-_9_u_i_na_I_I_i9_a_m_e_n_t,_a_n_d_l_8_)S_I_iO_i_n_t. ~~~_~~_
surfaces at the bone contact point. This holds
when friction can be neglected. At the spherical hip
joint the problem of a lesser moment of force has

been removed by' means of the trochanter rnajoc

which enlarges the lever arm of Illuscles consider-
abl.\'. From this comparison, it can be concluded
-uIl- '-H
n- li:~F' ,I. 2r I
~. r .I
that SI joints are vulnerable to shear but can trans-
fer large bending moments and compression (Sni-
jders el aI., 1993).
rVlusc1e forces that cross'the 51 joint surfaces
A B C 0 can produce compression, in combination with
Forces in ligaments and fascia. This protective sys-
tem requires the concerted action of muscles in
A, Forces near and in the plane of a flat joint result in the back, pelvis, and legs. Some muscles with the
shearing before this movement is stopped by ligaments. appropriate transverse direction arc indicated in
B, A ball and socket joint is well protected against shear. Figure 17-11. SI joint stabilit:, can also be ascribed
C, Because of the greater lever arm, a pure bending mo- to the 111cchanism of the pelvic arch, which relies
ment can be better transferred by a flat joint than by a on the protection against lateral movement of the
ball and socket joint (0) (F., delineates joint reaction hip bones. Figure 17-12 compares the arch of the
force, Fi is the ligament or muscle force, r represents the fOOL and the arch of the pelvis. The effect of a
lever arms). pelvic belt distal \0 the 51 joints also can be seen
(Snijders et aI., 1993). The pelvic arch receives bi
arm rests. the arms arc placed on the table, cross
before [he chest. or laid in the lap. 1n cars, arm re
arc ohen absent or lOa low. Drivers tend to turn
the side of the door and put their arm on the edge
the window. The other arm rests on the lap or is p
on the back rest of the passenger seat. Because of t
weight of the arms, the driving wheel is often held
the lower side. A proper arm rest must be placed b
low the mass centers of upper and lowcr arm. A su
pan at the wriSl is lherefore useless. In cockpit sea
arm rests arc adjustable in height but only by tlu-ni
about an axis adjusted to the back rest. This co
stnlction is a logical error because in a high positi
the arm rest only supports the wrist and leaves air b
Analogy between the arch of the pelvis and the arch of
the foot. This shows analogy between the load on the
low the elbow of the tall pilot.
sacroiliac joint and the load on a tarsal joint. The (horizon-
tal) line of action of a pelvic belt distal to the sacroiliac
joints is also seen. Reprinted with permi.ssion (rom Snijders,
C.J.. Vleeming. A., & Stoeckarr. R. (1993). Transfer of lum-
bosacral load to iliac bones iJnd legs. Part I: Biomechanics of

j self-bracing of the sacroiliac joints and irs significance for ((eat-

men( and exercise. Clin Biomechanics. 8. 285-294.
Postural Problems at VDT Workstations
female computer operator works at a VDT worksta-
A.... tion that includes a corner CO!1iputer desk fixed at a
certain height, an office chair without adjustable features,
CPU. monitor. keyboard, and mouse. The VDT operator
lateral support from the hip joints. When one sits
complains about pain in the right shoulder, wrist, and low
on the ischial tuberosities, the supponive forces
back region. The work setup necessitates excessive arm
are below the SI joints and the mechanism of the
extension that puts an increased load on the shoulder
arch is absent.
, joint and mechanical pre.ssure on the elbow and forearm,
affecting underlying soft tissues of the arm. The unsup-
ported sitting posture shown in the figure below creates
Sitting inc_reased disc pressure, particularly in the lumbar spine.

It is possible to predict whether a chair is comfort-

able or not. independent of the size of the pelson.
Evaluation of design criteria on the basis of biome-
chanical aspects demonstrates the poor design of
much furniture. Body posture is highly innuenced
by the form of a chair. A good sitting posture is
characterized by minimal muscle effort. which is
produced with proper support by arm rests, back
resl, seat, and fOOL rest. Nonetheless, the first law of
good scating is the ability to change posture regu-
larly (Case Study 17-1).

The importance of arm rests is often underestimated.
Arm rests unload the shoulder girdle, which is a loose
construction hanging on the spine by means of liga..:
ments and muscles. The weight of the arms is 100/0 of
Case Study Figure 17-11.
body weight, which is considerable. In chairs without
BACK REST tion. (":'urther transhltion results in backward tilt o
the pelvis and lumbar k~phosis. The reader can cas
The back rest provides stability for the vertically il~' perform this test. The fUllcticl!l of a lumbar sup
erected trunk, analogous to Figure 17-8B. HoweveI~ port is to exert a firm force on the upper side of the
in prolonged sitting, the prevention of a lumbar pelvis the lumbar area to prevent tilting of the
kyphosis seems to be the most important function of spine into kyphosis. This support should not reach
the back rest. The significance of a lumbar support higher than the lower edge of the scapulae. The tho
can be illustrated with the so-called click-clack phe- racic spine is still enough (ribs) and a higher lnlC
nomenon (Fig. 17-13) (Snijders, 1970, On the form rest pushes the shoulder blades rorward, which
of the human thorneD-lumbar spine and some as- "overrules" the lumbar support and hinders th
pects of its mechanical behavioc Thesis, Eindhover). shoulders to stretch and to turn to the lert and th
This can be experienced when one sits upright on right. The absence of a back rest, like sitting on
the edge of a straight chait: Slow forward translation crutch. alwa~'s leads to a C-form of the spine.
of the trunk increases lumbar lordosis, whereas slow
backward translation moves the center of gravity
above the ischial tuberosities into an unstable posi- SEAT
The weight of the trunk, head, and (part 00 th
arms is alnH)st completcl~' carried b~' the ischia

tuberosities. This leads to a simple representation o

o the static equilibriurn of the upper bod\' in sitting

The aim of Figure 17-14 is to illustrate that a hori
zontal seat always raises friction at the ischia
tuberosities, tl1<.\t friction can be completely elimi
nated b~' means of a moderate seat angle. and tha
the angle betwL'en seat and back rest is ()ptimal be
twcen 90 and 95. which is met b~' the classical rock
ing chair (Snijders. 1988). In Figure 17-1413, a free
bodv diagrarn of the trunk is given, with
cross-section at the upper legs and SUppCl!'t forces a
the seat and the back rest. The mass center of grav
it} of this part of the body is near the ~lnnpits. Th
line of action or the gravil<.ltional f()rce (FJ and th
back rest (F b ) intersects at point S. The resultan
force exerted by the scat on the ischial tuberositie
(FJ must also intersect at point S for static equilib
rium. The magnitude of the three forces is f()llnd b
the composition or the tri ..mgle of forces. It can b
concluded from the direction of F t that a back res
force always raises a hOI'izontal force componen
(F h ) at the ischial tuberosities. The consequence
friction on the skin and )undcrl~'ing tissues tha
causes discolnt"ort.
Fronl Figure 17-14C. it can be seen lhat with
slightly inclined scat surface at the ischia
tuberosities, the resultant seat force (F stand
I )

The lumbopelvic click-clack phenomenon. Lumbar lordosis nearly' perpendicular to the surface. There is a re
is the result of a mass center of gravity of the trunk at the duced force component in the shear direction
ventral side of the ischial tuberosities (right). The mass cen- \Vhcn the back rest is tilted further) the seal angl
ter of gravity of the trunk dorsal to the ischial-tuberosities must follow because F becomes more inclined. [

forces the lumbar spine into kyphosis (left). The latter can Figure 17-15. the relation between back rest angl
be prevented by the exertion of lumbar support on the and scat angle is given for the condit.ion that Fric
upper side of the pelvis and the lumbar spine. tion is absent (Goossens & Sni.iclers, 1995). This re
lation was found with a biomcchanical model o
o Measured - - Calculated



70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86
Backresllnclination (degrees)

Relation between back rest angle and seat angle. No fri

tion exists at the ischial tuberosities. The solid line is fro
a model calculation. The vertical bars represent measure
ments (n --010), including tall and small persons.

the total bod)-' divided in five links and \vas verif
by measurements on 10 healthy subjects with d
ferent body height. Back rest inclination is lar
in auditoriums, cars, and eas)-' chairs at home. T
facilitates a horizontal direction of looking and h
the advantage that the back rest contributes in c
rying the trunk. Head rests cannot carry' the he
when they are positioned too far fonvard. Fig
1716A illustrates that the head rest can only g

~"FIG:~17-14 ~
A, Sitting with maximal support. B, Free-body diagram of
the trunk. Back rest force (Ft and upper body weight
force (F() intersect in the point S. The resultant seat force
at the ischial tuberosities (f\) must intersect in 5 as well, A. The mass center of gravity (represented by a circle a
and therefore inclines backward. The horizontal compo- gravitational force F~) is behind the atlanto-occipital jo
nent (F h ) must come from friction acting on skin and un- axis A-{F t represents the joint reaction force). With sup
derlying tissues. (-0, By tilting the seat slightly backwards port of a head rest, no muscle forces are needed for e
((\), the resultant seat force (f l ) becomes nearly perpendic- librium of the head (F'J = Fl ). B, The head rest is posi-
ular to the seat surface and friction on the ischial tioned too far forward and is useless. Muscle force F,
tuberosities is significantly reduced. remains needed for equilibrium andF, increases.
support when the mass center 01" gravity of the Upright Position Anteflexion Position
head is dorsal to the axis of the atlanto-occipital
joint (A). In Figure 17-168, the head rcst hinders
movement because the head cannot bc tilted back-
ward. This design error can be recognized in trains
"nd buses in which people nod or rest with the
head sidewa.ys.


A chair is important for a good posture, but when view
tasks such as reading and writing are involved, the
hcight and inclination or thc desk or table playa
dominating role. Despite good chairs, postures
with the back benl, sagging, or twisted can be ob-

served. Problems arise when such extreme pos-
tures are mainrained for long periods of time. In
the relaxed posture according to Figure 17-17;\ the
direction of vision with the head upright is given
(dOlled line). However, reading with the trunk up-
right requires a sharp bend in the cervical spine,
which cannot be sustained for a long time. Fur-
thermore, in this position the reading distance is Transverse
larger than 25 to 35 CI11 (the height of the table view
must coincide with approximately the level of the
elbows). Consequcntly, children and adults always
bend fonvard with a curved spine over the table
(Fig. 17-178) and urgings to sit up straight are
In the past, inclined desks wcre common. The
fixed angle was approximately 12 0 because at a Anteflexion of the head leads to a larger lever arm of the
higher angle, paper will slip downward on paper be- weight force (F'l) with respect to the atlanta-occipital joint
axis (A) than in the upright position. For equilibrium,
greater neck muscle forces (FJ are needed. Forward indi-
nation also raises tension in the ligamentum transversum
atlantis (F 1) to transmit the force from the dens (F el ), which
,: is directed transversely to the cervical spine. This force fol-
lows from the equilibrium of the atlas, with joint reaction
forces F1 and Fl

ncath it (Snijdcrs ct al.. 1990). A steeper angle also

A B c is inappropriate for arm suppon. Antcnexion of the
head leads to increased neck muscle rorc~ with al-
Ill()S~ a factor of three. Furthermore, ligaments such
A. Reading while sitting upright demands, forced by the as the lrgamentum transversum atlantis (Fig. 17-18)
eyes, a bend in the cervical spine. Moreover, the reading are loaded considerably in anteOexion, while this
distance is too large. B. Therefore. the back is bent. C, A load is almosl absent in the upright position (Sni-
proper height and a small inclination of the desk (up to .iders et al.,1991).
12) brings the page to the eyes, instead of the reverse. In a rorward-bent position or the trunk and head,
considerable muscle forces arc needed. A pro-

\ Muscular
2 3 4

breakdown spasm

\ Poor
blood supply
J tLl
5 i' ,l::!
~ I
Smooth 7 Rough

The vicious circle of pain.

9 11
longed, continuous contraction (above approxi-
mately 20% of voluntary maximal contraction)
causes a lack of oxygen, accumulation of sour
metabolites, and intracellular shortage of potas-
sium. Pain is the result, which can lead to muscle
spasm, which closes a vicious circle (Fig. 17-19). ~~
Prolonged isometric contractions can even cause an
inflammation process with fibrosing; the result is a
12 13 14 15
passive shortening of the respective muscle. Enter-
ing this vicious circle is also ascribed to cold and
stress. Attempts to cut this circle are analgesia, mus-
cle relaxation, and improvement of circulation by
massage and heat radiation. These efrorts involve
the treatment of symptoms, while the improvement
of the work posture addresses the origin of the mus- 16 17 18 19
cle spasm. Some biomechanical problems in sitting
arc illustrated in Figure 17-20.
I. The absence of an arm rest loads the loose
shoulder girdle, which hangs from the spine
with ligaments and muscles.
2. Sitting without a back rest always leads to a ~
C-form of the spine. 20 21 22 23
3. A back rest must leave space for the but-
tocks. \ViLh a straight back rest staning
from the seat, no proper support can be
given to the upper side of the pelvis and the
lumbar spine. A support that is too high
does not provide force on the lumbar area
and a C-fonn of the spine is the result. 24
4. If the back rest is too high (as it is in some
folding chairs), it gives no support to the
lumbar area and the back bends in a C-form.
Examples of poor chair design leading to poor posture.
5. A vertical, straight, and high back rest also molded lO the individual anatomy should be
promotes lumbar kyphosis. restricted La the severely handicapped.
6. On a horizontal slippery scat, the botlom 21. A head rest lh<:tt is placed too far forward
slides forward and the body sags in the hinders upright sitting.
chair because the [detion force (Fh in Fig. 22. Tall people experience hindrance from a
17-14A) is absent. head rest thm pushes against the shoulder
7. On a rough horizontal seat, the friction (analogous to 5).
force (F" in Fig. 17-14B) causes discomforl; 23. \,y'hen reading and writing at a horizontal
people avoid back support and adopt a pos~ desk, adults and children always show
tureasinFig.17-17B. flexion of the thoracolumbar spine. This
8, When silting on a horizontal cushion like on forward bending is independenl of the
a lounge chair, the cushion is moved by the chair.
horizontal force component at the ischial 24. Neck and shoulder complaints arc reponed
tuberosities (reaction force of F h in Fig. with visual display units. \.Vhen it is not nec-
17-14B) and mOves inlo Ihe room. essary Lo look at the kevboard all the time.
9. Further lilting of Ihe back rest must be cou- the optimal height of the screen is approxi-
pled to the same increase of scat inclination. mately al eye level (Snijders el aI., 1991;
In ailvlancs, ho\\'evel~ seats remain almost Wall el aI., 1992).
10. Broad persons are jammed by lateral sup-
pons. In common cars, such pronounced
lateral supports arc useless because curves The majority of people cross their legs often when
are not taken with more than 30 111/S1 (0.3 g sitting, alternating left over right and righl over left
centripetal acceleration). A back rcst with a (Fig. 17-21). There may be many' reasons to do this,
uniform moderate curvature flts everybody bUl in the literature th(~rc is no scientiflc proof
and provides sufficient lateral support. aboLlllhe benefit or demerit of leg-crossing. One e:\'-
1I. Elderly people do nol appreciale a low or
deep sinking seat.
12. The length of the seat in a chair for adults is
too large for children.
13. The lengths of scats in easy chairs or lounge
chairs arc often too large for adults.
14. Although the length of Ihis seal (2) seems to
be sufficient. Ihe effective seat length (t) is
fm" too small because of a useless elevation
at the dorsal side and a too large radius at
the foreside. A radius of approximately 30 to
50 mm is sufficient.
15. Pronounced lateral supports on seats have
no use, also common in cars. Broad people
experience painful jamming on the thighs.
16. A back support that is too low cannot give sta A B c
bilily 10 the LJunk (analogous to Fig. 17-88).
17. Arm rests are even more important in easy
chairs than in straight chairs because the Even in sitting with the support of back rest and arm rests,
arms cannot rest on a table. the internal oblique abdominal muscles are significantly
18. Easy chairs exist with a pronounced C-form. more active as compared with when supine. Crossing the
19. A seat Ihal is 100 high causes pressure on legs (upper legs crossed or ankle on knee) lowers this activ-
the thighs. whlch promotes "sleeping legs." ity. Therefore, legcrossing is assumed to be functional and
20. Seats must be straight in the anteroposterior should be allowed for in work places (except car seats and
cockpit seats).
direction. The curvature in the lateral direc-
tion should remain moderate. Forms
ception is the observation that leg-crossing (upper thin people. But this may also hold for heavy peopi
legs crossed or ankle on knee) may result in less ac- because with an increase of volume, the weight i
tivity of the internal oblique abdominal muscles creases with the third power (m]) but the suppo
that have the same orientation as the transverse ab~ surface only with the second power of length (m')
dominal muscles (Fig. 17-11) (Snijders et al" 1995). The most unconstrained form of the lumb
By crossing the legs, an ahernativc and less fatigu- spine is found when the angle bet\vcen the trun
ing means is found for self-bracing of the Sl joints. and femur is 135" (Keegan, 1953). Furthermore, th
muscle running from the lumbar spine to the fem
(111. psoas major, part of the 111. iliopsoas) can
Lying shortened, which raises tension in this muscle an
causes a hollow back in supine posture. This can
A bed is a body support surface on which prolonged improved by exorotation of the legs and, if this is i
"'. and complete rest must be found. It is a combina- sufficient, by lying on the side. When lying 011 t
tion of a mattress, a mattress carrier, and a bed side. the spine should not bend laterally. resemblin
frame or bedstead. However. in many countries it is the scoliotic form. This occurs in persons with pr
customary to sleep on a spread-out mat on the floor. nounced waists and little give of the mattress in t
Three types of mattresses can be distinguished:
polyethel; foam rubber, and internally sprung.
There are several kinds of mallress carriers, like the
wire-spiral mat, the hardboard boltom, lathes thar
can tih, the box spring. and a carrier simply made of
planks with distances of approximately 7 cm. Many
combinations of mattress and mattress carrier arc
possible, but not every combination is appropriate.
A good bed should (1) adapt to body curvatures,
(2) remain nal, (3) have a pleasant spring action,
(4) have good ventilation, and (5) not be too warm
or too cold, Aspects I to 3 concern body support
that evenly spreads the pressure on protruding
(bony) parts. gives a straight spine when lying on
the side, and gives a natural S-shape to the spine in
the supine posture. Lying on a horizontal surface is
special because each body part receives separate
support with minimal pressure on skin, and under-
lying tissues and joints can be kepl in a relaxed po-
sition. The result must be that for static equilib-
rium, muscle action is superfluous.
For separate support of the head, a pillow is
needed. The thickness of the pillow is related to the
curvature of the spine: the more curved (especially
in older people), the thicker the pillow (Fig. 17-22).
II' the pillow is too thin, the head must be tilted
backward. A pillow that is too thick is inconvenient
because it causes a bend in the cervical spine. This
bend can also occur when the pillow is harel. Wilh
the shape of a coconut resulting in a concentrated
force on the head at the side of the crown. Pillows
must be pliable to also support the neck. Pillows must be pliable to also support the neck. The thic
A bed that is too hard results in restless change of ness of the pillow is related to the curvature of the spine
posture to unload areas with disturbed blood flow. because hyperextension or a sharp bend of the cervical
spine should be avoided.
Normally. people change posture 20 times per night.
One can imagine that large pressure occurs with
~----------- r
Decubitus Skin Ulcerations I
90-year-old man. v,nth a pelvIC fraClure and cognitive lim-I
A itatians. In his second week ai hospiializatlon. the patient !
is spending 10.0% of t1rl1e In. be~.
Prolonged pressure and Ii

shear stresses In the skin hnearly aheet the oxygen saturation

of the tissue and thus the nutrrtlon of it. In aSSOCiation with !
the natural aging of the collagen tissue and the slc\-ver metae-II
olism associated with advanced age, the inactivity increases ,
the likelihood of developing a decubitus ulcer. I
Sitting in bed results in shear on the coccyx (here. approxi-
mately 100 N). This is analogous to the horizontal seat of
Figure 17-14,
It is assumed that prolonged pressure (without
shear) of 35 to 40111111 Hg (4.6-5.3 kPa) can be tol-
erated. Shear dccr~ases lhc LOlerablc pressure con-
region of the shoulder and the hip. Therefore, the
sidcrabl:' (Fig. 17-24). Ox:'gen saturation was mca-
criterion of conformity has been illlroduced. This is
slIl'ed withoLlt (upper cUl"Ve) and with (lower
the sinking of two square plates of 20 x 20 cm at a
cUl\,e) a shear stress of 3.1 kPa (Goossens, Zegers.
distance of 60 em, each loaded with 20 kg (a shOld-
1-loek nlll Dijke, & Snijders, 1994). This diagram
del' and a hip), measured in relation to a point on
shows a dramatic decrease of saturation in the
the mattress in the middle between the plates. The
case of additional shear force. Therefore, silling in
greater the depth to which the plates sink, the
bed is a pro\"ocation of decubilus skin ulcerations,
greater the conformity. In a comparative study, a
which can be soh-cd b~1 tilting the mattress in ac-
level difference of more than 3.5 em was judged as
good, a difference of 2.5 to 3.5 em as reasonable,
and of less than 2.5 em as moderate (Het Bed,
1979). - - No shear - - Shear 3.1 KPa

~ 12
Sitting in bed is common, especially in hospitals in 0

which the head portion can be raised upwal'd. \Vith c 9

a horizontal mattress, the same biomechanical >-'"
c 6
model holds as in Figure 17-14. Sitting in bed on a '"

horizontal mattress (Fig, 17-23) gives rise to shear 0 3

forces (in the order of magnitude of 100 N) on the
skin and underlying tissues of the bottom. As a con- '"
(J) 0
sequence, the pelvis moves little by little on the mat- o 3 6 9 12 15
tress, the night dress creeps upward. and the under- Pressure [KPa]
wear pulls tight in the crotch (Snijders, 1988). Taller
people have the advantage that they can come to a
stop with the feet against the board at the foot end. Oxygen saturation in subcutaneous tissue under pressure
Figure 17-23 shows that lumbar support is absent, (upper curve) decreases dramatically by adding 3,1 kPa
which causes lumbar kyphosis and the pelvis to rest shear stress (lower curve). Reprinted ~'1ith permission from
on the as COCC)'X instead of on the ischial tuberosi- Goossens. R.H.M.. Zegers. R., Hoek van Dlj"J:e, G.A., ef ell.
ties. The combination of pressure and shear is a (994). !nfftl!fJce of shear on skin oxygen rension, J (lin Physlol,
provocation of decubitus skin ulcerations (Case 14, 711-7/8,

Study 17-2).
Solid material


Fluid Gas

c o

A. Equilibrium of a body on a mattress of solid material. Re- mattress with a loose cover; less shear than in B. D. Equili
stricted support surface. a, Fluid mattress with an elastic en- rium of the body on gas. A favorable, uniform pressure d
velope. The highest pressure is at the deepest point. C, Fluid bution over almost the maximal available supporting surf

cor-dance with Figure 17-14C. This folding princi- largest bod).' surface is involved in support w
ple is now applied in hospital beds and in beds for the body sinks deep in the maltress (Holsche
home care. aI., 1994).
The medium for antidecubitus mattresses can
be divided in four groups: solid material. fluid,
gas, and a combination of these media. Solid ma- Swnmarv
terials are foam, sheepskin. woolen blankets, etc.
Deep impression of the material results in a larger Any deviation from the anatomical pos
force (Fig. 17-25A). The ideal material should have generates increased tension in soft tissue and
a horizontal (isotonic) and adjustable spring creased loading on the skeletal structures.
characteristic. For fluid, a good envelope is The design of hurnal{ tools should inc
needed (Fig. 17-25B). Tensile forces in this enve- knowledge of biomechanics and its effect on
lope contribute to bodS' support, but raise shear mans.
stresses. The supported surface is large but still
the largest stresses are at the deepest point. Gas al- Use and adaptation of supports, including
lows for the application of equal pressure along a rests, back rests, and adjustable desks or beds,
large surface (Fig. t 7-25D). Chambers are neces- help to decrease the load on musculoskeletal st
sar.y to follow the contour of the body. Combina- tures.
tions of the foregoing are the "air-fluidized" beds, The most important factor to reducing loa
hammocks, etc. For home situations, gas support the lumbar spine during lifting is to keep the
is preferred, with an adjustable spring characteris- close to the body. For engineering purposes, the
tic to accommodate bod)' weight. In all cases, the is to reduce the lever arm of the object.
Snijdc.:rs, C.J. (1991). Biolllc..:hani(,s of fool gcnr. hallux \.I!gllS
REfERENCES .1lH.I splay fool. In ,\tH. J.dlSS (Ed), TIlt, FoOl (jIul ifS 0;'::0,._
Goossens. R.IUvl. & Snijdc:rs. C.l. (1995). Dc:si!!.11 ,ritcri~l for lIt.'rs (2nd cd.). rhil.lddphia: W.B. S'llllldcrs.
the reduction of ShClll" forces in beds and S~~ltS. J 8i0I1I," Snijdcrs: CJ., :\?hi~n. J.c.r.M., Rid. ~"'ll.J.i\l.. d al. (1990).
dWl1ics. 28(2).225-230. Rcadlllg and IIldlned, 335(8692}, 802.
Goossens. R.H.M .. Zegers. R. Hoek \'an Dijkc. G.A .. ct ~II. Snij~lers. C.l . .Hoek V;Jll Dijkc, G.A., 6: Roosch. E.R. (1991).:\
(1994). Influellce of shear on skin oxygen !ellsion. J eJin ~101llt'~hanlcal model for the an.\lysis of Ihl.' cen'ica! spine
Ph)':;i"/, 14, 111-118. III stauc postures. J Biol1w..)ulIl;c:.... 2-1(9),783-792.
Hel Bcd. IIlSfi1l1l1l 1'oor fllfisllo/l{ltecJlllisdl Advic:s (lVI1A) \'(111 Snijde!'s, c.J., Slagter. A.H.E .. Strik. R.. ct at. (1995). Wh\' Ie!!
dc Nctlahllulsc \'crclligillj; vall I-/lIiS\'rDI/II't!II. Tl!stn:pol'/ (in crossing? The influl.'llcc of common postures on abdomi-
Dutch). Gr:l\'cnhagc: 1979. nal muscle acthity. Spilll.'. 20( IS}, 1989-1993.
Holscher. T.G .. Goossens. R.IL"!., Snijdr.:rs, C.l., c:1 al. (1994). Snijdl:r~, C,J. & Verduin, ~'1. (1973). Stabilograph. all <lCCU
A new lowcost antidecubitus mattress for home care: Re- r~tl: Instrument for sciences inlcrrslcd in postural equilib-
qllirctlWrHS and development. J RehaIJ Sci, 7(2).53-58. rium . ..tgressologie. l-1C, 1520.
h.nda. V (1980). .\1l1skel{llJlkliollsdiagJloslik. Verlag {iiI' .\It:tJj Snijdc-rs, c.J .. Vleeming. A., &. StOl.'Ck;II't, R. (1993). Trnnsfer
:';1/ Dr. EU'ald Fischer. LClI\'cn. AceD Valag; Heidelbcrg. of IUlllbosacr.1i IOi:ld to iliac bones and h:gs. P;lrl I: Biome-
Kecgnn, J. (1953). Aher'lIions of the 11Imb~r curH.' n:latc~1 10 d.l~llics of sdf.bracing of Ihe s'lcroiliac joints and its sig-
posture .md seating. J BOlle )0;111 SIl,.~elY. 35. 589-603. IlIflCanCe for treatmenl and c.xcrcise. Clill Biol1lc.'clulII;cs S
Moll v.m Chan:mte. A.W. Snijdcrs. CJ .. & Mulder, P.C.H. 285-294. . .
(1991). Posture control and Ihe risk of industrial .lCcidcnt: Wall, !\..t., d.e Rid, \t.P.J.M., van ,\ghin.l, J.c.rJ\'I., l'l al. (1992).
A st.lbilographic invcstig'llion in u nU\'al shipy'lld. Ami 0(.'- Impwnng the sil!ing posture of Cr\D/C,\~<t workers bv in
ttlP l1y:;;<:IIe, 35(5),505-515. creasing VDU monitor working hcighl. Ergo/lomics, 35'(.4)
Snijdcrs, C,J. (1988). Biomcchanical analysis of s~illcd pos 427-436. . .
tun:. IC..tART 88: hlfl.'l'/wtirmal COI1/'cn.'~,(.'l.' of lite Associ/I-
liOI/ for Ilti.' /\d\'allct:IlIClIlor
RelUlbilitafioll Tt:f.:llIlIllo""
i\'lontrcal. 472-473. e>.'

i.",," I;:: I '0-

Biomechanics o
Ann E. Barr, Sherry I. Back

Anatomical Considerations
Ankle and Foot
Upper Body
Methods of Gait Analysis
Gait Cycle
Time-Distance Variables
Angular Kinematics
Ankle and Foot
Talocrural Joint
Subtalar Joint
Midtarsal Joint
Forefoot and Interphalangeal Joints
Trunk and Pelvis
Center of Mass
Segmental Kinetics
Joint Moments
Joint Power
Work and Energy Transfer
Muscular Control
Ankle and Foot
Taloc(ural Joint
Subtalar Joint
Midtarsal Joint
Forefoot and Interphalangeal JOints
Introduction ANKLE AND FOOT
Ankle motion is restricted by the morphologica
Bipedal locomotion, or gait, is a functional task constraints of the talocr-ural joint, which permi
requiring complex interactions and coordination only plantarllexion (extension) and dorsillexio
among most of the major joints of the body, par- (Ilexion), Although frequently modeled in ga
ticularlv of the lower extremitv. This fundamental analysis as a rigid segment. the foot is required t
task ha~ been the subject of st;,dy by scientists for act as both a semirigid structure (as a spring durin
several centuries, both with respect to description weight transfer and a lever arm during push-of
of typical body movements and of pathological and a rigid structure that permits adequate stabilit
conditions and therapeutic intcl'"ventions. Gait to support body weight.
analysis and training in one form or another is a The movements of the ankle, subtalar, tarsa
staple of physical therapy and rehabilitation mcdw metalHrsal, and phalangeal joints contribute t
icine practice. As technological advances become the smooth progression of the body's center o
both more sophisticated and affordable, detailed mass through space. Thcl-e are constant acljus
biomechanical analyses of gait increasingly can be Illents in these joints in response to the charac
performed in a clinical setting. This means that teristics of the supporting terrain and to the ac
the biomechanics of gait need to be more broadly tions of the muscles that cross them, whic
understood b)' both clinicians and researchers. In provides a smooth interaction between the bod
the paragrapl~s that folio\\', the anatomical charac- and the wide variety of supporting surfaces en
teristics of the major joints of the lower limb and countered when walking. The loss of normal mo
trunk will be summarized and their behavior dur- tion or muscular function at these joints has a d
ing level walking in healthy adults will be de rect effect nOt only on the fOOl and ankle bUI als
scribed. More detailed anatomy of the relevant on the remainder or the joints of the lower ex
joints and tissues can be found in other chapters tremity.
of this book.

Anatomical Considerations The pelvis and thorax may be considered sepa
rately or, as in many studies in the literature, as
HIP rigid unit comprised of the head, arms, and trun
During gait, motion abollt the coxofernoral, or hip, (pelvis + thorax), or HAT, segment, The uppe
joint is~ triaxial: nexion-extension occurs about limbs and head have not received as much atten
a mecliolateral axis; adduction-abduction occurs tion as the trunk and lower limbs in the literature
about an anteroposterior axis: and internal-external Studies that do exist indicate that shoulder mo
rOlation occurs about a longitudinal axis. Although tions occur pl-imarily as flexion-extension an
flexion-extension movements are of the highest am- internalexternal rotation at the glenohumera
plilude, motions in the other two planes are sub- joints. Elbow flexion-extension and forcarm prona
stantial and consistent both within and between in tion-supination oceUI: Cervical spine motion is pri
clividuals. In addition, impairments in all three marily in flexion-extension and rotation to stabiliz
movement planes can cause problematic deviations visual gaze or facilitate the vestibuloocular refle
of the typical gail pattern althe hip and olher joints. as the body is propelled through the cnvironn1cnl

lVlethods of Gait Analysis
In the case of the knee, three degrees of fTeedom of
angular rotation are also possible during gait. The The information presented in this chapter is sum
primary motion is knee nexion-extension about a marized from the scientific and clinical literature
mediolateral axis. Knee internal-external rotation which various laboratory methods have been llse
and adductionabduction (varus-valgus) may also oc- to measure gait charactcristics, including strid
cut: but with less consistency and amplitude among analysis, angular kinematic anal~;sis, force plmc an
healthy individuals owing to soh tissue and bony foot pressure analysis, and electromyograph
constraints to these motions. (EMG) analysis, In stride analysis, the temporal s

quence of stance and swing are quantified using ei- terns. and load bearing of the lower cxtremities and,
ther simple tools, slich as a stopwatch and ink and as a result, is cfflcicnt in translating the bod)/s cen-
paper, or electromechanical instruments. stich as ter of muss in the ovcrall direction 01" locomotion. A
pressure~sensitive switches imbedded in shoe in- full gait cycle is defin~d by the OCCllrrcnce 01" a ~e~
serts or applied to the bollom of the fool. Stride quential stance phase and swing phase by one limb,
analysis data arc used to calculate basic time- or a stride (Figs. 18-1 and 18-2). The limits of a
distance variables, which will be described in detail. stride can be demarcated by the occurrence of a
Angular kinematic analysis lIses c1ectrogoniome- specific gait event (e.g., initial COlll<:lct) on one limb
t!)', accelerometry, and optoelectronic techniques. to the next occurrence of that same event on the ip-
ElectrogoniOlllelers arc available in uniaxial and silateral limb.
multiaxial configurations and are attached directly Stancc phase occupies 60(7"0 of the stride and con-
to the body segments on either side of the joint or sists of two pel"iods of double limb support (initial
joints of interest for the direct measurement of an~ and tcrmillal), wh~n the contralateral foot is in con-
gular displacement. Accelerometers arc attached to tact with the ground, and an intermediate period of
the bodv .. sc cr ll1ents of interest for the direct mea-
single limb support. when the contralateral limb is
surement of segmental acceleration from which seg- engaged in swing phase. Stance can be decomposed
mental velocities and displacements arc then dc- into six events or period~. Initial contact or heel
rivcd. Optoelcctronic techniques involve the use of contact is ddlncd as the instant the foot makes con-
video cameras to capture images of an individual tact with the floor. Loading response is an interval
walking. Such systems llsually include the use 01' during which the sole of the foot comes into con-
reference markers. which are attached to the sub-
ject, to estimate.: the location of joint axes and to as~
sist in digitization. Such camera systems require Stride/cycle
careful calibration to locate anatomical markers
and are often permanently installed in a "gait labo- LTO LHC LTO LHC
ratory." Force plate and foot pressure analysis tech-
niques involve the recording of information at the L. swing I L. stance L. swing
foot~noOl' interface during the stance phase of gait.
Force plates measure the resultant ground reaction
force beneath the foot and the location of its point " ,<",,,'1' O,".,i . , I
of application in the plane of the supporting sur-
A. stance R. swing R. stance
face. Pressure plates or insoles measure the load
distribution beneath the foot during stance. Force 60'% I 40~G

and pressure plates are often combined with angu RHC RTO RHC RTO

lar kinematic methods for the calculation of kinetic

variables, such as joint moments. Stride/cycle
EI\tIG is used to record muscle activation during
walking. Both surface and intramuscular sensing
techniques are used in gait analysis. EMG is typi
Schematic diagram of the temporal sequence of the gait
cally combined with stride or angular kincmatic
cycle or stride showing complete right (shaded bars) and
analysis to provide information about phasic mus-
left strides. HC, heel/initial contact; TO. toe off, R. right; L.
cle activation pallerns. EMG helps to explain the
left. The areas of overlap between HC and TO represent
motor performance underlying the kinematic and periods of double limb support, which coincide with the
kinetic characteristics of gait. occurrence of pre-swing on the trailing limb and loading
response on the leading limb. In the case of the right
stride, initial double limb support (lasting -10% of the
Gait Cycle stride) occurs from RHC to LTO, and terminal double limb
suppo~_~ (lasting -10% of the stride) occurs from LHC to

Bipedal locomotion is a cyclic activity consisting 01" RTO. Reprinted with permission itom Bart; A.E. (998). Gair
two phases for each limb, stance and swing. Gait is analysis. III J. Spivak & J. Zuckerman (Eds.), Orthopaedics-A
Comprehensive Study Gllide. New York: McGr~w-Hil!.
morc or less symmetrical with regard to angular
motions of the major joints. muscle activation pat-
Fool Terminal
lIat Midslance stance Pre-swing

lnilial swing Midswing Terminal swing


Schematic diagram of the spatial sequence of the gait cycle Swing phase is demarcated by two events, TO and He, and
or stride showing stance phase on the right and swing phase broken into three periods, initial swing (from -60 to 70% of
on the left. He, heel/initial contact; TO, toe off, R, right; L, the stride), mid-swing (from -70 to 85% of the stride), and
left. Stance phase is demarcated by two events, HC and TO. terminal swing (from ... 85 to 100% of the stride). Reprinted
and broken into four periods, loading response (foot flat) with permission from Barr, A.E. (1998). Gait analysis. In I Spivak &
(from -0 to 10% of the stride), midstance (from -10 to 30% I Zuckerman (Eds.), Orthopaedics-A Comprehensive Study Guide.
of the stride), terminal stance (from -30 to 50%, of the New York: McGraw-Hili.
stride), and pre-swing (from -50 to 60 % of the stride).

tact with the noor and the weight of the body is ac- stride. During preswing, weight is transferred onto
cepted onto the supporting limb. The loading re- the contralateral limb in preparation for swing
sponse period coincides with the end of initial dou- phase. The end of pre-swing corresponds to toe off
ble limb support at approximately 10 to 12% of the at which moment the foot breaks contact with the
stride. Ivlidstancc is the period during which the floor, thereby demarcating 'the beginning of swing
tibia rotates over the stationary fOOL in the direc- phase.
tion of locomotion. The beginning of midstance co- Swing phase occupies 40% of the gait cycle and
incides with single limb SuppOrl and lasts from ap- is decomposed into three periods. Initial swing
proximately 10 to 30% of the stride. Terminal lasts From approximately 60 to 73% of the stride
stance is the period during which the weight of the (approximately one third of swing phase), from toe
body is transferred fTom the hind and midfoot re- off until the swinging foot is opposite the stance
gions onto the forefoot. It occurs from 30 to 50% of [001. Mid-swing ends when the tibia of the swing-
the stride and coincides with the beginning of ter~ ing limb is vertically oriented and lasts from 73 to
minal double limb support. Preswing occurs si- 87% of the stride. Terminal swing lasts from 87 to
multaneously with terminal double limb support 100% of the stride and ends at the moment of ini-
and lasts from approximately 50 to 60% of the tial contact.
Time-Distance Variables
~ Normal Values
for Time-Distance Parameters ,.
Time-distance variables arc derived from the tem-
poral and spatial occurrence of the stance and
of Adult Gait at Free Walking Velocity swing phases. Normal values or these quantities are
Stride or cycle time 1.0 to 1.2 mlsect provided in Table 181.
Stride or cycle length 1.2 to 1.9 mil
Stride time refers to the time it takes to perform
a single stride. Stride length refers to the distance
Step length 0.56 to 1.1 m-''' . covered b.y a stride in the direction of locomolion.
Step width 7.7 to 9.6 em" '. Step is defined as the occurrence of an event on one
Cadence 90 to 140 steps!~jnuteo.. root until the ncxt occurrence or thai same evenl on
Velocity 0.9 to 1.8 m/sec:.> the opposite fool. It is most commonly delineated
by sequential contralateral initial contact. Laterality
Reprinred with permission (rom Barr. A.E. (1998). Gait analysis. In 1.
Spivak & 1. Zuckerman. (eds.), Orthopedics: A Comprehensive Study
is determined by the swinging limb; fOl' example,
Guide. New York: McGrawHill, right step is delineated by left initial contact to the
~Vafues adapted from multiple sources as summariled in Craik, R.t fit -"S subsequent right initial contact. Step length refers
Caris, CA. (1995). Gait Analysis: Theory dnd Application. Sr. Louis: -:~- to the distance covered by a step in the direction of
locomotion. Step width refers to the distance cov-
l"Values adapred from Whirr/e. M.W (1991). Gait Analysis: An lntro-
duC!ion. Oxford: Builen'lorthHeitlemann ered by a step perpendicular to the direction or lo-
comotion as measured from the points of contact on

20 40 40

10 30 30
E 0 20 20
c -10
'.\ 10 10

C -20
\\ O~ 0

0 20 40 60



-20 L::::J
0 20 40

60 80 100

::::::::::........ ~
20 40 60 80 100

1.2 1.2 2
1. 1
0; 0.9 0.9 0.9
;;. 0.6 0.6 0.6
~ 0.3 0.3 0.3
0 .... ::::::._.:..
:2 0 0 0
c ""
..,'0 -0.3 :"/ ,/ -0.3 -0.3

-0.6 -0.6 -0.6

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

A Gail Cycle (%) B Gail Cycle (%) C Gail Cycle (%)

Angular displacements and moments of the hip dur~ng level A (bottom). Hip extensor 0) and flexor (.>0) moment;
walking at freely chosen velocity among normal subjects (25 B (top), Hip abduction 0) and adduction (>0) position;
males, 4 females; 15 to 35 years of age). Solid Jines indicate B (bottom), Hip adductor 0) and abductor (>0) moment;
mean values (ordinate) over the course of a single stride (ab- ( (top). Hip external rotation 0) and internal rotation (>0)
scissa).. qashed Jines indicate 90% bootstrap confidence inter- position; C (bottom), Hip internal rotator 0) and external
vals. A (top), Hip flexion 0) and extension (>0) position; rotator (>0) moment.
the heels. Two sequential steps comprise a stride. Al-
though step variables may differ fTom right to left
within an individual, stride variables will remain Bootstrap Method for the Statistical ..
constant regardless of whether stride is delineated Calculation of Confidence Intervals
by right or left initial contacts, because stride con-
The boo ISHap method for the calculation of confidence,.:", '.;
sists of the SlIlllS of right and left steps. ;. ./':, -,
intervals is an iterative technique whereby a population of "
Cadence is a measure of step frequency that is de~
fined as the nUI11ber of steps taken per unit time and gait data time history curves (e.g., joint angular disp,la.c~~;':,,:>,"
ment or joint moment with respect to percent of the.. g~it:::;
is usually expressed in steps per minute. Velocity is
cycle) is sampled with replacement. This sampling is ,;',,:, '"
defined as the distance covered in the direction of
known as a bootstrap iteration.
locomotion per unit time and is usually expressed in
Each curve in the population of interest is first ana-;: .
meters per second.
Iyzed using a Fourier series representation, and a mean
. '.,
curve for the entire population is constructed by averag~

Angular Kinematics iog [he Fourier coefficients. Then. for each bootstrap iter-
ation. a sample of curves, equal in number to the popula-
tion of curves from which the sample is taken, is
This discussion will focus on joint angular displace-
randomly selected with replacement and a mUltiplier is
ments about the motion axes of the major lower ,.
calculated for that iteration. b. using the following for-
limb and axial segments during level walking. Fig-
ures 18-3 through 18-7 show examples of angular
displacements at these motion segments over the
course of the stride in a healthy adult population
(Calculation Box \8-1).
where f\t),)! is the mean of all curves at point tj of.
gait CYCle, F(tJ)tF. is the mean of the bootstrap
HIP the same point of the gait cycle, and is (T(t)b~ ;t;h;;e:';;:;~~~;d
deviation of the bootstrap sample at the same poi!)t of
At initial contact, the hip is flexed approximately
the gait cycle (Lenhoff. et aI., t996; and personal c,,mrnu-
30' (Fig. 18-3A, top). Throughout terminal stance
phase, the hip extends until it reaches approxi-
Alier the final bootstrap iteration, the multipliers:":
mately IDa of extension. During pre-swing and
M!bJ. are sorted by magnitUde and an M value is selected
throughout the majority of swing phase, the hip
corresponding to the desired confidence limit at each
nexes to approximately 35, and then begins to ex
point in time. For example, if a 90% confidence interval is
tend just prior to the next initial contact as the
desired, the value for M is selected such that it is larger
lower limb is extended for placement of the foot on
than 90% of [he remaining M values at a given pOint in
the ground.
the gait cycle. The standard deviation of [he population
The hip is neutral with respect to adduction-
mean is then multiplied by the appropriate M value at
abduction at initial contact (Fig. 18-38, lOp). By the
each point in time of the gait cycle to obtain the confi-
end of initial double limb support 0' early mid-
dence interval envelope.
stance, the hip achieves its maximum adduction po-
The stability of the confidence intervals obtained by
sition of approximately 5. Throughout the remain-
the bootstrap method increases as .the population size
der of stance, the hip abducts to approximately 10'
creases and as the number of bootstrap iterations in-
at toe off, then steadily adducts throughout swing in
creases. The curves depicted in Figures 183 through
preparation for the next initial contact.
were analyzed using the bootstrap method. For more spe-
Hip rotational motions are more variable across
cific computational details. see Lenhoff et al. (1996).
individuals during gait (Fig. 18-3C, top). At initial
contact, the hip is externally rotated approximately
5 and remains so throughout loading response and
early midstance. It begins to internally rotate to swing, i(s hip internally rotates to within 3 of neu-
within 2 of neutral rotation by the middle of termi-
tral. then it oscillates between 3 and 5' or external
nal stance, then reverses direction and externally ro- rotation dudng terminal swing. Except for perhaps
tates, as the heel begins to rise, to its peak of 150 of a brief period during the middle of (erminal swing,
external rotation during initial swing. As the limb the hip never achieves an internally rotated position
swings past the opposite stance leg during mid- during gait.

;,~::-: .

!I'l?~ w" "_,. " "= _~",m=,.", ., ,Yo~',"~"_",", ?"." ","':! !L" "-~, -_~," ' ~' '. ., _,. "_,~ ._ "'_: ", .:g, ,~o.~
!l_!lIf'l!!j!l'__ . __ .__>"
.,_-c" .....,...-.. ... .,- :,<"-_g'f!b:>n_jz,ri1dG", -'@,~'t 1.'FS0;._~ F' "' ,;>_".1.:~[0 ~;,~"}':; .
--...,..,."...,.....,...".,,,.",.":,-",.,. __ ... _<;-
70,---------, 60 50,----------
60 50 1 40
50 40 30
40 30 20
30 20 10
20 :--.. 10 o-l--~~-~-~-_.
/,'"""-', o.~-=;---=--.=---=?--=;;;;~.d;0;;~:::::-~-- , .. ,---------- , .... ....
10,: ....:::- __ ). --10
----B' .-.
o-l-~---''-''r--_-.--'k:i1 -10 -20 "',

-10-'-----------" -20-'-------------' --30

o 20 40 60 80 100 o 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80

0.8 0.8 0.8,----------

c; 0.6 0.6 0.6


E 0.4 0.4 0.4

~ 0.2 0.2 0.2
:2 0 0 O. .:~
...,'0 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 iV

-0.4 -0.4 --0.4 - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - "

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 o 20 40 60 80
A Gait Cycle (~~) B Gait Cycle (Q(o) c Gait Cycle (%)

Angular displacements and moments of the knee during (>0) position; A (bottom), Flexor 0) and extensor (>0)
level walking at freely chosen velocity among normal sub- ment; 8 (top). Knee abduction O) and adduction (>0)
jects (25 males. tI females; 15 to 35 years of age). Solid lines tion; B (bottom), Knee adductor 0) and abductor (>0)
indicate mean values (ordinate) over the course of a single ment; C (top), Knee external rotation 0) and internal
stride (abscissa). Dashed lines indicate 90% bootstrap confi- rotation (>0) position; C (bottom), Knee internal rotator
dence intervals. A (top), Knee extension 0) and flexion and external rotator (>0) moment.

KNEE in the relatively extended knee position. fndivi

skeletal alignment plays a major role in adduct
At initial contact. the knee is almost fully extended, abduction movements at qlC knee. [n the nor
then it gradually flexes toilS support phase peak sample presented in Figure 18-413 (top), whic
flexion of approximately 20 during the early por- predominantly males (25 males/29 subjccts),
tion of midstance (Fig. 18-4;1, top). During the laller knee remains in a slightly adduclCd (varus) posi
portion of midstance. it again extends almost fully, throughout stance but nucluates only within 2
and then nexes to approximately 40 during pre- of neutral. Dudng pre-swing and initial swing
swing. Immediately following toe ofr, the knee con- weight is shifted onto the opposite limb. the k
tinues to ficx to its peak fiexion of 60 to 70 at mid- 0
may aQ.~luct (move into valgus) as much as 10,
swing, then extends again in preparation for the it then regains its adductec! position by term
next initial cOlllacl. swing.
In the adduction-abduction plane of motion, the Internal and external rotation about the
knee is quite stable during stance phase because 01" during gait. as in the case of adduction-abduct
the presence of bony and ligamentous constraints is determined primarily by bony and ligamen
mechanisms and is variable across individuals. In In the normal sample of predominantly males
addition, the placement of reference markers dur- (25 males/29 subjects) depicted in Figure 18-4C
ing optoelectronic gait anal~/sis may introduce spe- (top), the knee is maintained in an externally ro~
cific offsets into angular calculations. For example, tated position throughollt stance and fluctuates be-
in the data presented in Figure 18A, there was an tween 10 and 20. Rotational motions about the
external rotation offset as a result of placement of knee are strongly coupled with flexion-extension
the ankle markers on the medial and lateral malle- motions. A comparison of Figure I8A, A-C (top) il-
oli. Such technical differences may result in slight lustrates that during periods when the knee is flex-
discrepancies bet\vcen the absolute value of joint ing, it also internally rotates; whereas during peri-
angular position at the knee as reported by differ- ods when the knee is extending, it also externally
ent laboratories, although the relative displace- rotates. This coupling is related to the bony mor
ment range and overall patterns of motion should phology of the femoral condyles and tibial plateaus
be simihll: as well as the displacements induced in this articu-
lation by, especially, the anterior and posterior cru-
ciate Iigalllents.

0; 10 Talocrural Joint
:s'" 5,-\
0, a At initial contact, the ankle joint is neutral or
slightly plantarllexecl 3 to 5' (Fig. 18-5, top). From
initial contact to loading response, the ankle plan w

,0 10
tarflexes (I.e., extends) to a maximulll of 7 as the
-15 foot is lowered to the supporting surface. Through-
-20 out midstance, the ankle dorsiflexes (i.e., flexes) to a
a 20 40 60 80 100
maximum of t 5 as the lower leg rotates anteriorly
and medially over the supporting foot. During ter-
minal stance and pre-swing, the ankle plantarflexes
to approximately 15 as body weight is transferred
~ onto the contralateral limb. Immediately following
;S toe off, the ankle rapidly dorsi flexes to the neutral
position to attain toe clearance and then may plan-
-1 "\ tarflex slightly during terminal swing in preparation
c '-::'\'--' for initial contact.
'0 '1.5 '-'-'

a 20 40 60 80 100 Subtalar Joint
A Gait Cycle (%) The subtalar joint rotates in, both stance and swing
(Fig. 18-6, bottom), but it is the motion during
stance that influences the weight-bearing alignmen
Angular displacements and moments of the ankle during
of the entire lower extremity. Like the ankle joint, the
level walking at freely chosen velocity among normal sub arc of n10tion at the subtalar joint is small compared
jects (25 males, 4 females; 15 to 35 years of age). Solid with the knee and the hip, but it is the motion pre-
lines indicate mean values (ordinate) over the course of a sent at this joint that permits the foot to adapt to a
single stride (abscissa). Dashed lines indicate 90% boot- varietY.Qf surfaces. The subtalar joint functions as a
strap confidence intervals. Top, ankle dorsiflexion (flexion) mitered hinge during gait to transmit internal and
0) and plantarflexion (extension) (>0) position; bottom, external rotation from the tibia to rotations (ever-
ankle plantarflexor (extensor) 0) and dorsiflexor (flexor) sion and inversion) about the foot. The subtalar join
(>0) moment. also transmits inversion and eversion from the foo
to external and internal rotation about the tibia.
Midtarsal joint
Heel contact
.. ..
Toe off Heel contact
.. Motion about lite.: transverse a:\is of the Inidt
joint affects the longitudinal arch of the foot.
rotation lowing forefoot contact during loading resp
the longitudinal arch n"ttcns during single
Stance phase j ; support. The restoration of the arch occurs
Ii' heel rbe,
Foot immobile Midtarsal extension is another of the rn
nisms for shock absorption as body weight is
ered Onto the stance limb during loading resp
rolation and carly midstance. This motion, which acco
nies forefoot contact at the onset of midstance
curs after subtalar eversion,
~_ .._ - - o ' : - . Finally, the interaction between the sub
o 20 40 60 80 100
joint and the midtarsal joint is such that if
Percent of Walking Cycle
tion at the subtalar joint is limited, then mo
at the midtarsal joint will be limited. Simil
when motion at the talonavicular joint is
Ankle and subtalar rotations during normal walking in a \'cntcd, aimosl no motion is permitted at the
single subject. Reprinted with permission from Wright, talar joint.
D.G., Desai, S.M., & Henderson, W.H. (1964). Action of the
sub[alar and ankle-joint complex during the stance phase
of walking. J Bone JOInt SlJrg. 46A(2), 36/-382
Joint Compensation: In- and

There is an important inteHelationship between the mo-

During loading response, the subtalar joint be- tion at the ankle joint and the subialar joint during gait
gins everting until peak eversion is reached by early that permits compensation between the joints. If this
midstance (Fig. 18-6. bOllom). Peak eversion aver- compensatory mechanism fails. there is increased stress in
ages 4 to 6 0 This rapid eversion is followed b): grad- these joints and possibly an Increased incidence of sec-
ual inversion, with peak inversion achieved by pre- ondary degenerative arthritis. For example. the degree of
swing. The foot drifls back to neutral during swing in-toeing (internal rotation at the ankle joint) and out-
followed by minimal inversion during the last 20% toeing (external rotation at the ankle) affects the amount
of the stride. oj motion required at the subtalar joint. In the case of an
Subtalar eversion is one of the mechanisms for individual with excessive out-werng. the range of motion
shock absorption as body weight is transferred required at the ankle joint IS decreased, and at the sub-
onto the supporting foot during loading response t(llar joint, the mOlion required is increased. This occurs
and early midstancc. Subtalar evcrsion is a normal because the greatest motion will always occur about the
passive response to initial contact with the heel. axis that is closest to perpendiC;Jlar to the plane of pro-
Because the body of the calcaneus is lateral to the gression. With out-toeing. the ankle joint axis is even Jess
longitudinal axis of the tibia at initial contact, as perpendicular to the plane of progression than normal.
load is applied to the talus, eversion occurs at the The subtalar joint axis becomes oriented more perpendic
subtalar joint. Eversion of the subtalar joint un- ular to the plane of progression, and subsequently under
locks the midtarsal joint to produce a relatively goes a larger angular excursion. The reverse occurs with
flexible forefoot. increased in-toeing; the ankle joint axis becomes more
\\Then thc body's center of mass is translated perPe:ndicular to ttle plane of progression and the range
more laterally as stance progresscs, the calcaneal of motion required at the ankle joint is increased. At the
support of the talus is decreased and the calcaneus sublalar joil1l. the mOlion reqUired is then decreased. On
invens. This is coupled with internal tibial rotation of the compensations seen clinically for the loss of ankle
resulting from the shape of the ankle joint. Subtalar range of motion is increased out-toeing, so that the mo-
inversion helps to bring about stability of the fOOL tion required for walking can occur at the sub[alar joint.
during single limb stance (Box 18-1).
1; Forefoot and Interphalangeal Joints
AI initial contact, the LaCS are off the ground with
the metatarsophalangeal joints in 25 of extension.
from the calcaneus to the metatarsal break imparts
rigidity to the entire foot and facilitates push-off.
A maximum of 58 of toe extension is reached

;1 c'
The toes then Oex to neulral after for-croat contact at
during pre-swing. During swing. the toes Oex
slightl~1 but rernain in extcnsion. Finall~', there is a

the end of loading response. A ncutral position is
minimal increase in toe extension in preparation for
maintained throughollt midstance. Olll-jog terminal
initial contacl. Little or no flexion occurs at the
stance, as the heel rises, the metatarsophalangeal
~14 joints (collectively known as the metatarsal break)
metatarsophalangeal joint during walking, although
some Illay be presenl during athlctic activities.
extend to approxirnately 21 0 while the tocs remain

Littie or no motion occurs al the interphalangeal
in contact with the ground and the hind fOOl lifts up
joints during gait wilh the exception that during
into the air. This metatarsophalangeal extension
pre-swing, slight rlexion is occasionally noted.
places tension on the plantar aponeurosis, which in
turn exens a passive hind foot (calcaneal) inversion
~~ force. Tightening of the plantar aponeurosis also re
suits in supination of the foot and accentuation, or
heightening, of the longitudinal arch of the fOOL At initial contact, the pelvis is tilted anteriorly ap-
The subsequent stirrening of the intcrtarsal joints proximately 7 (Fig. 18-7A. bOLlom). rOlated for-

15 15 15
~;_-JI!i 10 10 10
c; Ii
5 5

0 0


-J '". ,' I

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

15 15 15

10 10 10
5 ...... .....
5 5

e;, ,- '-- ... '
c 0 0 0

-5 -5 -5

-10 -10 -10

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 to 40 60 80 100

A Gait Cycle (Cl,{,) B Gail Cycle (OiO) C Gail Cycle (%)

Angular rotation of the trunk and pelvis during level walking Trunk downward O) and upward (>O) tilt with respect to
at freely chosen velocity among normal subjects (25 males, 4 the stance limb; B (bottom), Pelvis downward 0) and up-
females; 15 to 35 years of age). Solid lines indicate mean val- ward (>0) tilt with respect to the stance limb; C (top), Trunk
ues (ordinate) over the course of a single stride, (abscissa). backward 0) and forward (>0) rotation with respect to
Dashed lines indicate 90% bootstrap confidence intervals. the stance limb; C (bottom), Pelvis backwar.d 0) and for~
A (top), Trunk posterior 0) and anterior (>0) lean; A (bot- ward (>O) rotation with respect to the stance limb.
tom), Pelvis posterior 0) and anterior (>0) tilt; B (top),

, "",.,..
\\~ardapproximately 5 (Fig. 18~7C. bOllom), and is trunk is rataled backward approximately 3 w
level from right to left. During the loading re the pelvis is rotated forward approximately 5
sponse, the pelvis tills upward on the stance limb anlpliludes of the angular displacemenls o
side to a maximum of 5, then it regains ncutrallilt trunk segment as rencctcd in the movement o
at the nexl initial conlact of the swinging limb (Fig. shoulder girdle arc only slightly ullcnuated in
1878, bOllom). During stance phase, the pelvis 1"0 parison with the pelvic movements, as can be e
tates backward on the stance limb side and tilts an appreciated by comparing the lOP (trunk) La bo
teriorly (hollom of Fig. 18-7 C & B, respectively). (pc)vis) plols in Figure 18-7.
The total excursion for anteroposterior tilt is ap-
proximately 5; for lateral tilting, approximately
10; and for forward and backward rotation, ap
proximately 10. The body's center of mass remains located withi
Tnmk motion during gait is opposite in direction. pelvis anterior to the sacrum throughout the ga
or out of phase, 10 the motions of Ihe pelvis (Fig. cle. It undergoes sinusoidal displacements in all
18-7, A-C, lOp). For example, at initial conlaCl, the planes with peak to peak excursions of approxim

Hip Knee Ankle

Flexion 40

j,,, '
' \
Joint , ""
, ",, , ,

Extension - 15 .- 15 ,.__..--." ,

2.0 r


.- I ..
moment I ,',- . :........

Flexor -1.0 t_~.~.. ~~_~~~:......~ ~ J L...__. ~ .__.; . _ .__


Generation 3~ ,,
~ , ,
,, ,,

r" - "'",

" ...., - -'
,- ,
l' '.. "',- . . . ---- "


-2 L __l _ _ ~~_ -L----' 1 ,_--'-, _~ ._--'----'--- - - '- -
a 50 100 o 50 100 a 50
% Gait Cycle % Gait Cycle % Gait Cycle

Joint power profiles in watts/kg of body weight (bottom ments in Nm/kg body weight. Joint motions are in degr
row) of the hip (left column), knee (middle column), and an Reprinredwilh permission from Gage. l.R. (1991). Gait Analy
kle (right column) for flexion-extension motions (top row) Cerebral Palsy (p. 31). LOlldon: Mac Keith Press.
during level walking. The middle row shows the joint mo
3 em in the vertical direction, 4 em in the lateral di- Hip
rection, and 2 em in the anteroposterior direction.
At initial contact, there is an extensor moment
about the hip that fluctuates at first, then stabilizes
at approximately 5 Nm/kg (Fig. 18-3;1, bottom).
Segnzental Kinetics This extensor moment persists through early mid-
stance and then reverses to a flexor moment in the
In gait analysis, the human body is modeled as a
latter third of midstance. For the remainder of
mechanical system of anatomical segments linked
stance, there is a hip flexor moment that peaks at
together by the joints. Kinetic computations in
approximately 1 Nm/kg ncar the end of terminal
gait analvsis make use of angular kinematic and
force dat~, ~
Although the hip moment about the anteroposte-
rior axis is adductor at initial contact (Fig. 18-3B,
JOINT MOMENTS bottom), it rapidly' reverses to an abductor moment
of approximately 0.7 Nm/kg during loading re-
A moment is defined as the vector cross-product of
sponse. As the opposite limb s\vings ncar the mid-
a force vector and the perpendicular distance of
line of the body during midslance, the stance limb
the joint center from the line of action of that
hip abductor moment decreases to approximately
force vector. Moments arc frequently expressed in
0.4 Nm/kg, but it once again increases to 0.7 Nm/kg
Nm pCI' kg of body \veight in gait analysis (i.e.,
during terminal stance (Box 18-2).
normalized to body weight). The effect of mo-
ments is to cause a tendency for joint rotation. In
this discussion, the term moment \viII refer to the
internal moment generated about the joint in
question. A knee extensor moment, for example,

refers to the internal moment of Force that tends

~ Gait Deviations
to rotate the knee joint in the direction of exten-
sion and occurs when the line of action of the
tibiofemoral reaction force vector passes posteri- I Loss of hip abductor strength or pain of the coxofemoral
orly to the axis of knee flexion-extension (i.e., joint as a result of arthritic degeneration results in pro-

when the external moment tends to cause knee found gait deviations. One possible pathological gait pat-
flexion). Activation b,\' the knee cxtensors is re- tern is Trendelenburg gait, which results from the failure
quired to counterbalance the tendenc'y' for knee of the hip abductors to produce a sufficient abductor mo-
flexion caused by the external flexion n~oment. In- ment during loading response and terminal stance. This
ternal moments arc assumed to be generated b"" pattern is easily observed as a lateral drop of the pelvis on
the muscles, soft tissues, and joint contact rorce~ the side opposite the weakness during stance on the
acting on the joint and are inferred from inverse weak side. Another way of describing this pattern is ex-
dynamics calculations of external moments. As cessive adduction of the weak hip during stance phase.
such, the internal m0111ent is an expression of the Another pathological gait pattern seen with abductor
net effect of internal active and passive structures weakness or coxofemoral pain is the lateral lurch. In this
and is strictly accurate in the case where a muscle i pattern, the trunk is displaced toward the affected stance
group is contracting unopposed by antagonist ac- , limb during loading response, where it remains through-
tivation. At certain periods during normal gait and out terminal stance. This is observed as excessive lateral
for longer periods during gait in nlany pathologi- displacement of the trunk toward the affected side, The
cal conditions, agonist-antagonist coactivation result of this gait deviation is to reduce the required hip
may be present. In such cases, reported values for abductor moment by displacing the body's center of mass
net internal moments will underestimate the ac- closer to the hip adduction-abduction rotation axis.
tual muscular forces occurring. However, this ter- Both of these gait deviations effectively reduce com-
n1inology is prevalent in the literature and useful pressiori" across the coxofemoral joint by reducing contrac-
for the calculation of other kinetic variables. Plots ! tion force of the hip abductors, thereby alleviating joint
of the internal moments occurring about the hip, I pain. The Trendelenburg pattern is a simple mechanical
knee, and ankle joints during level walking in I ._re_s_ultOf.hiP a_bd.. c.t_or weak_ness. The lateral_lurch is a. __

healthy adults are depicted in Figures l8-3 _ CO!~~_~_~~~~1~O~1iP abductor weakness. _

through 18-5 and 18-8. I

By the end of loading response, the peak hip ex- Nm/kg occurs. During terminal stance, a second lo
lernal rotator moment of appro.ximately 0.18 Nm/kg amplitude extensor moment of 0.2 Nm/kg occu
is achic\'cd (Fig, 18-3C, bOllom), The eXlernal rota- (Case Slud" 18-1),
tor mOment gradually decreases until the middle of As \\'as the case with adduction-abduction abo
terminal stance. Throughout the remainder of ter~ the knee, knee adduction-abduction moments a
min'll stance and pre-swing, a slight hip internal ro- controlled primarily through bone and soft tissu
Lalor moment occurs, constraints. Therefore, the terminology for the
moments nt the knee refers to passive restraints, n
Knee to n1uscular control.
At initial contact, there is a small knee flexor mo- An abductor moment persists about the kne
ment (Fig, 18-4A, boltom), During early midstance, throughout stance with lwo peaks of approx
an extensor moment peak of approximately 0.6 mately 0.4 Nm/kg during loading response and te

Gait Adaptation,; in an Individual With Anterior Cruciate

Ligament Deficiency
ome individuals with anterior crlJciate ligament (ACl) defi tained in 10 to 15:0- of flexion throughout miclstance. Associ-
S ciency demonstrate a "quadriceps avoidance" galt pattem
associated with reduction of the stance phase knee extensor
ated ':vith this motion adaptation is a marked decrease of the
knee extensor moment during the early stance phase (see
moment by as much as 140% (Andriacchl & Birac, 1993). The corresponding right knee moment plot).
angUlar motion and moment data plotted beJmv shov'.' just This adaptation 15 hypothesized iO prevent unrestrained
such a clinical example. anterior translation of the tibia by the patellar wndon through
The subject oi ihis analysis was a 60-year-old male who reduction in quadriceps aCiivation. EtvlG analysis of the
had sustained a partial tear of the right ACl approximately quadriceps muscles in studies of ACl deficienCy is consistent
10 years prior to the gait analysis, The injury was not surgically "''1ith this hypotheSIS. This effective behavioral mechanism to
repaired. The subject had minor complaints of functional reduce mechanical instability of the knee seems to be subcon-
deficits, primarily on descending siairs. SCIOUS on the part of injured subjects. However. it may be pos
The flexion-extension motion plot (average of three trials) sible to train individuals to use this adaptation in a conserva-
of the affected right knee shows a flattening and a reduction tive management program for ACl injlJry (Andriachhi, 1993).
of the support phase peak knee flexion. The knee is main

80 50

70 40~ ...... --
~ 60 ---- Unalfected llexion
._-- Unaffected
'"'" 50
- Affected flexion C 30j
E 20

0> 40

'0 30

'"'"c 0
'"'" ....
20 ,""

'" 10
-- '" -10
0, -20j , ,
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Gait Cycle ('%) Gait Cycle (%)
Case Study Figure 181-1. Effect of anterior cruciate ligament injury on knee motion and moments about the flexion-
extension axis. Data were obtained during three trials of walking at freely chosen velocity and averaged. The figure (left)
shows the difference between the ACl-deficient knee (affected) and unaffected knee flexion angles. The figure (right)
shows the corresponding knee moments with values greater than zero representing knee extensor moments and values
less than zero representing knee flexor moments.
min'll stance (Fig. 18-4B, bottom). During mid~ Knee
stance, the knee abductor moment decreases to
During loading response, power absorption b
approximately 0.2 Nm/kg. In individuals who
the eccentrically contracting quadriceps contro
achieve abduction (valgus) positions of the knee,
knee flexion (Fig. 18-8. bolloll1-llliddle). Durin
the moment profile may' be shifted toward adduc-
early midstance, power generation b:v the co
tor moments, and midstance adductor moments
centrically contracting quadriceps extends th
knee while the contralateral limb is engaged
A knee internal rotator moment peak of 0.18
swing. During pre-swing, power absorption b
Nm/kg occurs at the transition between loading re-
the eccentrically' contracting quadriceps contro
sponse and midstance. The knee rotation moment
knee flexion \\'hile the stance limb unloads
then reverses direction during the latter portion of
preparation for swing and the transfer of bod
midstance, reaching an external rotator moment
weight onto the contralateral limb. During term
peak of approximately' 0.15 Nm/kg during terminal
nal swing, power absorption by the eccentrical
contracting hamstrings controls the forward a
celeration of the swinging thigh, leg, and fo
Immediately after initial contact, there is a slight
dorsiflexor (Le., flcxor) moment of approximately Ankle
0.2 Nm/kg about the ankle that rapidly rcverses to a
During midstance, power absorption by the e
plantarflexor (i.e., extensor) moment for the re-
centrically contracting plantarflexors contro
maindcr of stance (Fig. 18-5, bottom). The plan-
the tibia as it rotates over the stationary foot (Fi
tarflexor moment peak is approximately 1.6 Nm/kg
18-8, bottom right). During pre-swing, a hig
at 45;0 of the stride, or the latter portion or termi-
magnitude power generation peak of 2 to
nal stance.
\vatts/kg by' the concentrically contracting pla
tarflexors represents approximately' two thirds
JOINT POWER the total energy generated during walking and
believed to contribute significantly to propulsio
Joint power is defined as the product of joint an-
in gait.
gular velocity and the corresponding internal mo-
ment at a given point in time and is expressed in
watts/kg of body weight. It (luctuates continuously WORK AND ENERGY TRANSFER
throughout the gait cyTle and can be either nega- v\fork is defined as the integral of power with r
tive or positive in value. Joint po\ver indicates the spect to time and is expressed in Joules/kg
generation or absorption of mechanical energy by
body weight. \Vork is an estimate of the flow
muscle groups and other soft tissues. Profiles for
mechanical energy from one bod)' segment to a
joint power about the Flexion-extension axes dur-
other and is used to determine overall mechan
ing level walking in healthy adults are depicted in cal energy efficiency during gait. \Vhen work
Figure 18-8. positive in value, the internal moment and joi
angular velocity are actirlg in the same directio
a concentric muscle contraction is indicate
Hip and mechanical energy' is being generated. ,",Vh
From initial contact through early' midstance, the work is negative in valuc, the internal mome
concentrically contracting hip extensors generate and joint angular velocity are acting in opposi
power to a peak of approximately I watt/kg (Fig. directions, an eccentric contraction is indicate
18-8, bottom left). From midstance to terminal and mechanical energy is being absorbed. Du
stance, po\ver absorption by' the eccentrically con- ing p'eriods of energy generation, the muscle
tracting hip flexors controls the backward accelera- working on the limbs to produce movemen
tion of the thigh segment until approximately 50% During periods of energy absorption, the lim
of the stride. From pre-swing to mid-swing, p()\ver are working on the muscles, which must the
generation by' the concentrically contracting hip contract to resist the tendency for muscle elo
Oexors acts to pull off the swinging limb. gation.
contact to the middle of loading response that
Muscular Control pers off by the end loading response. The upp
J\tluscle activation patterns are also cyclic during fibers of the gluteus maximus and the glute
gait (Figs, 18-9 through 18-11), Muscle contraction mcdius (and probably the gluteus minimus)
type varies between the eccentric control of joint an~ crease activation intensity through loading
gular accelerations, such as in hamstrings activa~ sponse and taper olT by the end of rnidstancc. T
tion during terminal swing, and the concentric ini- postcrior fibers of the tensor fascia lata arc moc
tiation of movement, such as in tibialis anterior crately activated at the onset of loading respon
activation in prc~swing. In normal individuals, ago- while the anterior fibers become activated la
nist-antagonist coactivation is of relatively short and persist into terminal stance.
duration and occurs during periods of kinematic During pre-swing and initial to mid-swing, t
transition (e.g., terminal s\ving to initial contact). hip Ilcxors act to advance the limb. particula
The presence of prolonged or out-or-phase agonist- when walking velocity is changing. The adduct
antagonist coactivation during gait in individuals longus is activated earliest in terminal stance a
with pathology may indicate skeletal instability as persists the longest to earl~' mid-swing. The rect
well as motor control deficiencies. femoris is the second hip Oexor activatcd duri
pre-swing and remains activated a short time in
early initial swing. Thc iliaclls, sartorius, and g
cilis have short periods of activation predominan
During early stance phase, the hip extensors act during initial swing.
concentrically while the hip abductors stabilize The hip adducLOrs are activated during tran
the lateral aspect of lhe coxofemoral joint (Fig. tions between stance and swing, as are the ha
18-9). The lower fibers or the gluteus maximus string muscle group. This activation pattern can
show increasing activation intensity from initial interpreted as the dynamic control of the swingi

.~ '2,,'& Gluteus maximus (upper)

a;'j Gluteus maximus (lower)
% .~ Biceps femoris (long head)
-, ;;C~ Semitendinosus
>' Adductor magnus
::@ Gluleus medius
%# :a.-:= Tenser fascia lala
:'B Adductor longus
Rectus femoris

Stride evenlS IC TO IC
Slride inlelVals LR MSI TSI PSw ISw MSw TSw

Phasic pattern of electromyographic (EMG) activity of the tact; TO, toe off; LR, loading response; MSt. midstance; TSt
muscles of the hip during level walking in healthy adults. terminal stance; PSw, pre-swing; JSw, initial swing; MSw, m
Gray regions represent activation below 20% of maximum swing; and TSw; terminal swing. Adapted with permission fro
voluntary contraction. Black regions represent activation Perry, 1. (1992). Gait Analysis: Normal and Pathological Function
above 20% of maximum voluntary contraction. /C, initial con- Thorofare. NJ: SLACK Incorporated.
~"~fu~.!~'I'~"-I--ll-r-l--r~~[';,~,:;' -~ Vaslus intermedius
~ ~- Vastus lateratis

Vaslus medialis longus
~.wEl.~ VaSlu$ medialis oblique
~ Reclus femoris

[f::'J~g]~':"- Biceps femoris (long head)

b~. -~~ Biceps femoris (short head)

:"i:i Semitendinosus

c2(,~~;:~i!t&;~t:.: Popliteus


Stride events Ie TO Ie
Stride intervals LR MSt TSt PSw ISw MSw TSw

Phasic pattern of eleetromyographic (EMG) activity of the tact; TO, toe oft; LR, loading response; M5t, midstance; T5t,
muscles of the knee during level walking in healthy adults. terminal stance; P5w, pre-swing; 15w. initial swing; MSw, mid
Gray regions represent activation below 20% of maximum swing; and TSv.I, terminal swing. Adapted with permission from
voluntary contraction. Black regions represent activation Perry, J. (992). Gail Analysis: Normal and PJ!hologlCill FunCtion.
above 20% of maximum voluntary contraction. fe, initial (00- Thorofare. NJ: SLACK.

limb that is tending to flex and abduct at the hip. Most of the harnstrings muscles are activated in late
The function of the muscles during such periods is mid-swing or terminal swing. Their function at the
to control the acceleration of the rotating joints to knee is probably to control the angular acceleration
ensure the precise placcrnent of the fOOL on the sup into knee extension. This is consistent with their pre-
port surface in anticipation of the upcoming stance sUllled action at the hip, or the control of hip flexion in
phase. This explains lhe hamstrings and adductor preparation for the upcoming stance phase. The short
magnus activity during terminal swing. head of the biceps femoris is activated earlier than are
the other hamstrings muscles in early mid-swing and
probably assists in flexing the knee for foot c1ean:mcc.
The gracilis and sarlorius muscles also may con-
During stance phase, the quadriceps muscle group tribute to swing phase knee flexion when they are ac-
(vasti) is relied on to control the tendency for knee tivated during late pre-swing, initial swing, and early
nexion collapse with weight acceptance and single mid-swing. Ho\Vevel~ these muscles may very well be
limb support (Fig. 18-10). This muscle group is acti- acting as primary hip ncxors during this period.
vated during terminal swing and then acts eccentri-
cally during \veight acceptance as the knee rotates ANKLE AND FOOT
from the fully extended position at initial contact to
Talocrural Joint
its peak support phase flexion of approximately 20
during loading response. Thereafter. the quadriceps From EMG sludies on the muscles that cross the an-
act concentrically to extend the knee through early kle, the dorsiflexor muscles are shown to be firing
midstance as the bod)/s center of mass is raised ver- concentrically during swing to allow for foot clear-
tically over the supporting 11mb and the anterior ori- ance and eccentrically during loading response to
entation of the ground reaction force vector pre- control the placement of the foot by ankle plan-
cludes the need for furlher Illuscular control of knee tarflexion (Fig. 18-1 1). The plantarflexors are con-
flexion. sistently firing eccentrically during stance to conrrol

~::L '~-.' .~." ...

=:~- ~ i~--ll---II;:====:'~~_~!=:-~c:.== ~~~~:O:n~:~li~~iS longus
Exlensor digitorum longus
h., ."T Soleus
01 I
I Gastrocnemius
--"''/''"'J;O~~';.;..;.1'.:.!',',;1~~::>'J'S'';; Posterior tibialis
Flexor digitorum longus
Flexor halluc is longus
;:;;';,,"k"ir~'::JM:,-iA:';~(';'/i;; Peroneus longus
"'-: Peroneus brevis
Abductor digiti quint!
Abductor hallucis

Flexor digilorum brevis

Flexor hallucis brevis

SUide events Ie TO Ie
Stride intervals LA MSI TSt PS...J ISw MSw TSw

Phasic pattern of electromyographic (EMG) activity of the mus- relative intensity as a percent of maximum voluntary cont
cles of the ankle and foot during level walking in healthy adults. tion is not shown. Ie, initial contact; TO, toe off; LR. loadin
Gray regions represent activation below 20% of maximum vol- sponse; MSt, midstance; TSr, terminal stance; PSw, pre-swi
untary contraction. Black regions represent activation above ISw, initial swing; MSw, midswing; and TSw, terminal swin
20% of maximum voluntary contraction. Whire bars for the in- Adapted wirh permission from Perry. 1. (1992). Gait Analysis: No
trinsic muscles of the foot indicate phasic data only for which and Pathological Function. Thorofare. Nt SLACK !ncorporared.

the advancement of the tibia over the foot, to stabi-

lize the knee, and concentricall~' to assist push-off.
The onset of muscle activity in the dorsillexors
begins just prior to foot-ofr during pre-swing.
Winler and Yak (1987) reponed lhal these muscles
remain act.ive throughout swing and loading re- Timing Effects on Gait
sponse with peak electrical aCli\'it~, seen in the first Patterns
I50() of the gait c:vcle during weight acceptance,
when they must assist in controlling the fall or the The peak electrical activity of the, dorsi flexors corresponds
center of mass (Fig. 18-1 I). They are virtually silent to a high demand on the pretibial muscles as body weigh
during mid- and terminal stance (Box 18-3). is transferred onto the supporting fool. These muscles fire
The soleus and the mcdial head of the gastrocnc~ eccentrically to decelerate the rate of ankle plantarflexion
millS begin activation at approximately fOlio of the If there is inappropriate timing or insufficient force of (on
gait cycle, as single limb support begins (Fig. 18-11). traGion in the pretibial muscles, a drop-foot or foot-slap
They continue firing throughout the stance phase gait pattern may be present. In addition, restrained ankle
until pre-swing, when single limb support ends and planta~~lexion provides some shock absorption during the
the opposite foot !lmkes contact with the ground. loading response. During swing, the tibialis anterior and
The lateral head or the gastrocnenlius may not be- the toe extensors function 10 dorsiflex the fOOl ior toe
gin activation until midstancc. During midslance, clearance. loss of normal function in the pretibial muscle
the plantarnexors eccentrically contract to restrain during sINing frequently results in increased knee and hip
forward motion of the tibia. During terminal stance, fleXion, or a steppage gait pattern.
as the heel begins Lo rise, the gastrocnemius contin-
ues to contract to begin active ankle plantarflcxion. In summary. during the first arc of plantarflexion
During this phase. they provide a stable tibia over following initial contact, the dorsWexors arc fil"ing
,,hich the felllur may advance. Peak electrical activ- eccentl'i~ally to decelerate the rate of plantarnexio~
ity is seen at 50% of the gail cycle. and footfall onto the ground. During the first arc of
Although both the soleus and gastrocnemius dorsiflexion, the plantarflcxors ar~ firing eccentri-
muscles share a common insertion. the role of the cally to control the rate of dorsiflexion and tibial
soleus is somewhat different from that of the gas- progression over the slationar~' fool. During the sec-
trocnemius because of the soleus' origin on the ond arc of plantarflexion, just prior to weight trans-
tibia. The soleus, as a one-joint muscle, provides a fer onto the opposite limb. the plantarflexors ar~ fir-
direct link between the tibia and the calcaneus and ing to maintain walking velocity and step length.
is thought to be the dominant decelerating plan- Finally, during the last arc orIllation, dorsiflexion
tarflexion force. The gastrocnemius, as a two-joint during swing. the dorsiflexors are firing concentri-
muscle, plays a direct role in knee flexion during cally to allow foot clearance.
midstance (Fig. 18-10).
The remaining five postelior muscles arc smaller
in size and as perimalleolar muscles lie closer to the
Subtalar Joint
ankle joint (Fig. IS-II). These five muscles are tib-
ialis posteriOJ~ flexor hallucis longus, flexor digito- As the fOOL makes contact with the floor, subtalar
rum longus, peroneus longus, and peroneus brevis. ev~rsion occurs as a shockabsorbing mechanism.
These muscles playa greater role at the subtalar The inverters fire to dcceleralc this ~\'ersion (Fig.
joint and the foot than at the ankle but still create a 18-11). The tibialis anterior acts to restrain the sub-
plantarOexion force at the ankle joint. talar joint during loading response. \Vith its greatest
The tibialis posterior begins firing at initial con~ activity seen during loading response, the tibialis
tact and remains active through single limb stance anterior is quiet by midstancc.
until opposite initial contact. The flexor digitorum Although the activation patterns of the tibialis pos~
longus begins firing next at opposite toe off and also terior have been reported with various patlcrns of ac-
continues until opposite initial contact. The flexor thrity by different investigators, there is agreement
hallucis longus is active from 25% of the gait cycle that it is a stance phase muscle. It becomes active
into pre-swing. Peroneus brevis and longus activity during loading response and remains active through-
begins early in stance and. continues into terminal out stance until early pre-swing, Pen)' (1992) pro-
stance or pre-swing. Note thal the activit)' in these posed that the activation during loading response
muscles is subject to considerable variation across provides early subtalar control. In addition. the vari-
individuals. ability of activity in this muscle may be indicative of
The posterior calf muscles f'mction as a group its function as a reserve force to supplement insuffi-
and cease functioning by 5000 of the gait cycle when cient vanls control by the ankle Illuscles.
opposite initial contact has occurred. The continua- Soleus activity is seen during midstance with pro-
tion of plantarflexion past this point probably serves gressively increasing activity in terminal stance. De-
to balance the body because the opposite foot has spite its major function as an ankle plantarllexor,
already accepted the body's weight. In a small group this muscle also has considerable il1\'crsion lever-
of healthy adults, Sutherland et al. (1980) used a age, especially as a resull of its large cross-sectional
nerve block to the tibial nerve to further describe area. B.y pre-swing there is a 'rapid decline in activ-
the role of the ankle plantarOexors, particularly the ity. and the muscle remains quiet during swing. The
gastrocnemius and soleus during gait. They con- long loe Ilexors are the last in\'cners to be activated.
cluded that these muscles did not sen.:e as a propul- The flexor c1igitoruTll longus and the ncxor hallucis
sion mechanism during pre-swing. Instead, they longus begin activation during midslancc and cease
concluded that these muscles should be thought of firing during pre-swing.
as maintaining fonvard progression, step length, The muscles that arc responsible for c\ersion at
and gait symmetry. If the plantarnexors do not func- the subt<.llar joint are tht:: extensor digitorulll longus,
tion normally. an increase in ankle dorsiflexion is peroneus tertius, peroneus longus, and peroneus bre-
seen with a shortened step by the swinging limb. In vis. The first two lie anterior to the subtalarjoint axis,
addition, the swinging limb strikes the ground pre- while the last two lie posterior to the subtalar joint
maturely as a resuh of the lack of restraint of the axis. The extensor digitorul11 longus is active during
tibial movement of the stance limb. loading response and quiet with the onset of mid-
stance. Little information is available aboLit the firing Su III lila rv
of the peroneus tertius, but Perry (1992) reports sil1l~
Hal' timing as the extensor digitorurn longus.
The peroneus longus and brevis initiate activit)' 1 Motion abollt the hip joint during gait occ
during forefoot loading and demonstrate their peak all three planes: flexionMextension, addu
activity during terminal stance. Both the timing and abduction, and internalMexternal rotation. Fle
intensity of the EMG signals in the peroneus brevis extension is the primar:\' motion occurring abo
and longus arc closely coordinated. Activity in these knee joint during gait, although varus-valgus an
muscles ceases by the I11iddle of pre-swing. The per- tational motions are present to a lesser extent.
oneus longus has peak electrical activity at 50 0/0 of
the gait cycle during push-ofr. 2 Because of its bony' morphology', the talo
joint undergoes only plantarflexion and dorsifl
during gait. Subtalar, midtarsal, and phala
Midtarsal Joint motion further assist in providing adaptation
support surface as well as rigidity for propulsi
The midtarsal joint is supported primarily by the
tibialis posterior. Because the activity of the long toe 3 The upper body', including the pelvis and t
flexors and the lateral plantar intrinsic muscles be M undergoes sinusoidal displacements in all
gins before the toes flex, these muscles may well cardinal planes. The trunk and pelvis rotate
contribute to the support of the midtarsal joint. posite directions while the head usually rem
stable. The s\vinging of the arms involves sho
Flexion-extension and rotation, elbow fle
Forefoot and Interphalangeal Joints extension, and forearm pronationMsupination
The flexor digitorum longus and the flexor halluc is
4 The gait cycle, or stride, is defined as the o
longus begin activation during midstance and cease
rence of an event on one lower limb until the
firing during pre-swing. These muscles stabilize the
occurrence of the same event on the same
metatarsophalangeal joints and add toe support to
limb. It is most typically demarcated by sequ
supplement forefoot support. The intrinsic muscles
ipsilateral initial contact. Stance phase occ
of the forefoot and interphalangeal joints include
60f?b of the stride and is divided into six events
the abductor hallucis, adductor hallucis, flexor digi-
riods: initial contact, loading response, mids
tOlllIll brevis, flexor hallucis brevis, and abductor
terminal stance, pre-swing, and toe off. Swing
digiti quinti. These muscles become active at ap-
occupies 40% of the stride and is divided into
proximately 20 to 30% of the walking cycle and
ods: initial swing, mid-swing, and terminal sw
cease \vhen the foot leaves the ground. These mus-
cles aid in the stabilization of the longitudinal arch 5 Internal joint moments indicate the ne
and of the toes at the metatarsophalangeal joint. ll1ent of force generated by muscles, bones, an
Although the kinematics, kinetics, and muscular sive soft tissues that counteract the tendenc
control of the major joints have been presented sepM joint rotation caused by gravity.
arately, they are functionally interMrelated during
gait. The musculoskeletal system must undergo 6 Joint po\ver is the product of joint angul
highly integrated, precisely coordinated actions in locit}, and the corresponding internal momen
both timing and amplitude for efficient locomotion given point in time. It indicates the generati
to occur. This requires not only an intact muscu- absorption of mechanical energy by muscle g
loskeletal system, or physical plant, but also a func- and other soft tissues.
tioning nervous system, or controller. The nervous 7 Coactivation of agonist-antagonist n
system must be able to instantaneously assess perti- groups usually occurs during periods of kine
nent aspects of the external and internal environ M transition \vhen a joint may be reversing the
ments to act or respond appropriately to a variety of tion,of rotation.
functional contexts. Motion limitations or other
pathology of any participating joint will have a sub- 8 Motion limitations or disorders of moto
sequent effect on all other participating joints. It is trol affecting any of the lower limb segment
the complex integration of anatomy, biomechanics, potentially alter the patterns of movement an
and muscular control that permits normal \valking. tor control at all other joints during gait.
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... ~ ;:z; <.,-.';;".

Page numbers in italics denote figures; those followed by a t denote tables.

! A bands. 151. /52
,gail cyck muscle ;;Ictio\l (If. 228-229,
136, 23i, ~53--456
compOIll.'lHS cA. 61-67, 62
stIlIClllr:l! inh... r:IC:'lioll ~11ll0iH!. 67-6
1 anisotropy of. \5\ joints and Illolion of. 225. 245-149 in IO:tdl.'d :lnd \lnloadl.'d li~Sll(,.
! Abdominal musdc:s 'kinl.'malics of. 223.225 75-77, is
! in intra-nbdomin;d p[,~sslln:, 278-279 axes in. 226. 242-143 c('lnpn:ssion (If
in spinal mov~mcn!. 265-266. 266 !.!;Iit CVl.,:k and, 226-228 bipll~l:'lic rrL'ql l'c.::'POl1SI.' in. 71-7~
in spinal slabilit\'. 278-281 iig:,m~1ll ane! hone injllr\' in. biph:ISic stl'l~sn,"-I;t:.;ntioll n:sponsc
strcnglhcning.276-277 2-15-249 ,. in. 73-7~
lension of. and spinal loading. 268-269 r::tllge of mOl ion in. 24-1 confincd. 70-71
Abductor musch:.- group. hip slIrbce:: joinl motion in. 244-2-t5 stress propl.'nks ill, 6$-69
slabilization, 207 kinl,:lics of. 249-251 degi:lll.:ratioll of. 90
Abductor pollicis longus muscle. 374 lig:uth.'IlIS of. 245-249 ~h(llldrocvlc..' fUlH.:tion in, 91-92
Abrasive WC:\I-. 88 iUjUI;" of. 245-249 faclOr"!' I.(;nsidcrl.'d ill. 00-91
Acccleromctrv.440 load disll'ihulion hi, 25\ malrix illtCgrilV in. 90-92
;\cct,abululll.203-204 musck :tclion of. in e.ail I.:H-Ie::. Ol>tW:ln Ilrilic, '()()-92
Inbrum of. 20-1 453-456 ~ . l'Xp!;llH loading l.'ollligurmioll of. 70-7
loading p,lltcrn (Jf, 20-1 ShOl\\'I.'~lr nnd m~'ch;\Ilics of, 251-252 lluid (lo\\, in, 69-75, ~I-SS
transversc :Icc::tnblllar 1i:ltllc::nl of. 20-1 spr:lin in,lury of. 245-149 fUllctions of. 61
Achilks tcndon, 236 - sl;,bilitv or. 245-249 hv:dirw.61
injury of. as~()ci<l{(,'d with high slrain sl:ltic ~illal\'sis or. 250 h;bricoHion of. 81-83
I';;UC (nlfll1('rs). 114 and subwl:tr ,join I 11'101ion, 226, bnostl..'d. 85. 86, 86
kincmntics of. 249-250 12t\. 230 bOtilldal\'. 83-H4, 8'+, 86
Acromioclnviclllnr joint, 319 joinl (.'oll'lIX'n~')li(Jn in. 446 I..'lasloh\"lrodvrwmir.:. $5
analOlllV/killcm;'I'tics of. 321-322 Ankk- Il'lOl'\isc. 223. 242 t\:udcd' fluid 'in. ~5
Actin fihllllents. 149-150 Annulus fibroslls, 258 !luid film. 82-83
arI1lngcmcnt in sarcomen:. 150. 150 of cervical illICI'\'Crldlr:'t1 disc. 292 intl.'f'Sliliallhlid pn::ssllriwtion in.
in musch:~ cormaclion. 153-155 tClIsioll in. 258 86-88
Adhesive wear. S8 Anll.'rior crlldal~ Jigalllclll (ACL) mLxl'd. S-I-86. 85
ADI (,:ltJalltode1114lJ intc['\,:tl). 302. fUtlClion of. 195-196 molecular organ;z:llion of. 61-69
303.303 g:lil :lc:l:lptaljon~ inddkicncy of, 450 PCI'Il1l.':lhililV of. 74-75
A~!lrccan(s) iujurvof. 1 13. 16S puq)OS('S (i. 61
-aging and i)1n.lctur~\1 \'al'iation of. '~ts~ol,:blc::d wilh tr<tum'l. 195 shl.':u'~Il\di(.'s of. 77-$.0
65.67 in km'~ :\nhroplasty, ... J S-416 SllllC1l1l:11 dcfc..cls of, ('":lllsed
b\' \\'c::ac
bOllle-brush mock-I of. 66, 67 postsurgical rcp:tir of. 16S slrUClure :Ind c::omp(lsiti(Ht ol'. 61-69
molecular cOmposilion of. 65 Anlioecuhilis matll\.'SSI:!'. 434-l35 sUl'f:u.:r.: of. 804. 84-85
slnlctural variations of. 65. 67 Apical IigamclHs. 29{) swdlin!.! behavior of. SO-$I
Aging. <lnd biomr.:chanical prope::nic::s Arch(.'s} ll.'nsik' ~(rl.'$s,sll':Lill curve for, 76
of arlicular cartibgc. 65. 67 of fOOl. 235-236 lripll:tsic bioltlCdl:lllic'll bl.'ll~IViol' of.
of bone. 53-5~ collapse of. 236 RO-Sl
of ligaments, 115 of h~lIld, 362 uniaxi:tltcnsion on. 7S-77
of tcndons. I 15 AI'\:<I It)OIll('nt of inertia, 47-4S viscoelaslic bdlil\'ior of. 70
Airbag injudcs, of ccrYil... nJ spinc, Armrest suppor!. 427 now-irl(h.:p~tl("-nt.70
311-312 Al'lllrodesis intrjn~ic. 70
Alar ligamems. 290 cClyical. 308-311 wr.::\! of. 0$-90
Anconeus OlllSCh:. 350 spinal. 306. 30S colbgcn-nro1coglyC:11l rcslxII1SC 10.
activitv of. 351 AnhroplaslY. 401-402 SS-90
Angle or' ante\'crsion, of fcllloml head. arllcrior cl1.tdatt.: ligmnenl ill I\nl.'I.', dcfl.'cts :lIlcl. 89-90
204-205 415-416 iltlP~ICI lo:tding in. 89
Angular kincm:Hic analysis. 440 goals of. 40 I intcrr:\(:bl. SS
Anisotropy. 36 hip. 401--107 AtlalllO:\xial SCgmcnt. 2S8-290
Ankle joil1l. 223 knr.:r.:. -107--412 coupled motion of. 299
axis of. cmpidcal. 242-243 poslerior crudale ligament in knec.:. inst:lbilitv of. wilhout fr:lclun:. 303
ball-and-sockel.229-230 -112-414 r.lIl,c o(motioll of. .297-29~
in biomcchanics of sianding. 4:22-H4 Articular ('al'lila~c Allmltodcnl:\l iIHt..'I'V:11 (/\DI). 301. 303. 3
boncs of. 223, 225. 245-249 :lIlisolrOpi(' plnpcnks of. 63. 6-("65 :\tlas n'r1I..'bnl. 287. 288-290
dynamic mwlysis of. 251 bioltlt.'chnnic::nl hch;;\\'iol'of. 69-81 Axis \'(,'I'Ic::br:l. 287. 290
gait cycle kincmalics of. 226-228. hiph;l~k C\'l..'l.'P response:: in. 71-72 :Uld dcn~. 288. 290
445-447 biphask Sil'l.'Ss-rc!a,xalioll rl.'sponsc in. Axonal 1r:IIl~pOn syslclns, 127
gait cycle kinetics of. 249-251, 451 73-74 Axons. 127

(I> ----------------------------------

B bi0l11cch;lllk;11 propcnil:s or. 31-36 C~lllalicuJi. 27-28
Ba~k belts. biolllcchankal l.:ff..:clin,'ucss anisOl.-opic.3-4, 36 C:.nct::llolls hOlll... 29
of. 281 cotlljxlrcd to olher maled:tls..13-34, rtlcchanienl properties of. 33, 292-293
Back muscles, in spin:l! rlIo~'clllcnL 266 35f stress-s!l"ain cun'c (If, 34
Back rcsl suppOrt diffcrcnc(,.s 1.Jl.:twten bont:: typ('s, 33-34 Cnpsular ligaments, spinal. 260
and loading of lumbar spine. 269, 271 biphask propc::nit::s of, 27-29. 31 Cardiac 11ll1Sdc, 149
Backrest support, 428 composition and stJ'UClurl..' of. 27-31, C:u"I':d bones. 359
B~lsc Siunits. 19 55 C<ll'pal tunnel. 359
definitions. lOt lllacrosl.:opic.29 ClI'pal tunnel syndrome. fllcdian nerve
Bcd(s) microscopic. 29-30 in. 36~
fcatures of good. 433-H4 damage of Caq)ol11l:tacarpal (Ci'vIC) jOilllS. 359. 379
lying in, biorncclwnics of. 433--434 extrinsic factol's, 56 of fing<:rs, 378-380
sitting in. biomechanics of. 434-B5 intrinsic bctors, 57 of thumb. 380
Biceps brachii. 350 fatigue or. in r("'pctitivc loading. ~5-47 C'II'PUS, 359
activit\' of. 352 geometry of, 47-51 (<.:I11.:nl linc::, 28
Biceps lllllScI.... he<llin!? of Celltl:ror pressure (COP), 421-422
in elbow kinetics, 350 inrn~c(Ul'(, fixation, 391-392 Cervical anhrodesis
in sholllder kinetics. 322-324, hypertrophy of, undt::r platt:, 52, 53 alllcrior approach in, 308
330, 350 pCIiproslht.:lk loss of. 406-407 gmft malerials in, 30S-309
Biulvcan 65 n.:modcling of. ~\lld biomechanic:ll indications for, 308
Bi~l;lcchallic~. -' behavi<ll~ 51-53 poslc!"ior, 309-311
ddonn~Hion modes in. 7 slri.:nglh and stiffness of. 31-36 studies of, 309-31 I
c1:1stil".- ddonnation in, 10-11 nging t:fft.:cIs 011. 53-54 Cen:ic<lllamilll:ClOm\'. 305-306. 30i
cndurnncc in.m:ll..: .. ial. 14-15 bone Icn2th innucncc 011. 48 Ccrvk~ll plming systems. 310
('quilibrilllll conditions in. 6 (:aHus form~llion and incrc;:asl,.' in, CL'r"ic;t! spine
fatigue' in. material. 14-15 48-49 allalonw of. 2~7-292
force Vectors in, 3-t cross sectional an'a influence on. ;IIHcllcx'ion of. in silling position,
frcc-body di.tgrams in, 5-6. 6 47-48 430-431
ll1<l1crial propcnies based on sln:"$S- fatigue.: in, in l"e.:pctili\I..loading. ;tpplied biomechanics or. 305-311
slrain di:lgrams in. 13 45-.:7 :lnhrodesis or. 306-311. 30S
mOllH:llt vectors in, 4-5 n.:modding ;\lld. 51-53 biomcchanical mOdt:lilH! of. 287
of rnusl.:llioskeleta! svstem, 15 surgical prex.'(.'(!ures thaI wcakL'n, 49-51 dl.'compression of. 305-306. 307
applied biollicchallics, 15 stlllcture ~Illd composition of. 27-31.55 fi,\,ltiol1 of. 308-311
joints. 15 macroscopic. 29 function of. 287
tissut's and Slll.lctltfCS. 15 microscopic, 29-30 fllBclionallillil or. 296. 297
Newton's bws in. 5 \'ascukll' ~)'SICIll of. 30. 31 injury of. 311-314
nomlnl SU"~tin in. S-9. /0 Bone densilv. 33 instabilitv or. 301-305
norl11~ll stress in. 7-8. 8 and <lging. 53-54 instan! C~IllCl" or Illotion or. 293
plastic ddolTIlation in, 10-11 [lolle mass illll.'r",:nLbr'll discs of, 288. 291-292
principal stn:ss in. 13-1~ 'I"C "cnd!"'r '\l1d 53 i.J medl;tllical projK'nies of, 293
scalars in. 3 ;t~(i ~'dght. '51-52 .- kin(,Ol;tlics of. 296.297
shear strain in. 8-9. /0 Bone milll:r;ll, 27 abnormal. 300-30 I stress in, 7-8, 9 BOlle rCllloddin2. 51. 52 coupled motion in, 299-301
s!<ltics in, 6-7 body weight :tl~d bone m:ISS in, 51. 51-52 l';lIl~C of motion, 297-298
strains in, normal and sheal~ 8-9. 10 C;lse stud\' of. 52 slllLce joilll llIolion, 298, 299
stresS'Slrain diagrams ill, 9-10,10 implanls <lnd. 52-53 ligaments of. 288
stresses in Boosted lubrication, 85. 86 mechanical properties of, 293
normnl and shear. 7-8 Bootstrap ilt.:ratioll, 4~3 motion of. 287, 288, 290
pdlldpal, 13-14 BoundalY lubl'ic;ltion. 81 ~\hnonnal. 300-301
tensors in. 3 of aniculal' c~\nib2c. 83-8.... $6 p;tradoxlc;tl. 300-301
IOrqlle \,('ctors in. 4-5 BI71chialis Illuscle. 350. 37... l1lotion scgmelH or. 288. 290-291
\'I..clors ill, 3 ncti\'itv of. 352 llluscular medwnics of, 293-29-4
dscoebsticity in. 11-13 BI"::K:hio;'adialis llluscle, 350 l'lcur:1i lllc::chanics of. 294-296
Bone, 17.~7-48 activil)' of. 352 neurologic,injury in. 294-296
aging and changes in. 53-5~ Brooks type. cc,,'kal arthroc!L-:,is. 309-310 OSSl.:OllS SIlU(:tur~s of. 28H-291
anisolwpic propenks of. 3-1. 36 Bunched lisi. 38.. stabilit\' of. 301-305
biomcdwnicaJ beh:l\'ior of. 37 BUllions. 233 tl"::IUI1l~ 10. 311-314
bending !onds and, 40-~2 shoe wear and de\'Clopmcnt of. 251-252 \'i,'nebntc of, 288-291
combined loads nnd, 42-43 mechanical propl.'rtics of. 292-293
compressive loads and, 37-38, 39 llflcO\'L'l'lebnd joints of, 291
gcomt:tJ')' of bonc and, 47-51 C C!londrocvles, in articular cani1a!!.l.l, 61,62
llHISclc ,Jctidtv and stress CJ-C7 vcrtebrnc. 297-298 degenel:al i\'i,~ clwnges and. 91':92
distl"ibulioll in. 43-~4 Cadence. 443 Chondroitin SlIlf<ll(:
n:pctili\"(:')onding and, ..5....-17 Cnlcancocuboid joint. 229. 230 in aniculat' cal'lilagc. 65-69
sh"'~lI' londing ~lIld. 33-W Clkancofibular Jigaml.:lll. 245-2-16 in cerdcal nuclclls plilposus, 292-
sll71in mtc dependency of. ~4--45. -16 flillciioll or. 2-J9 Chopan's joilll motion, 230
stn.:ss di,Sllibution in. and muscle injlll)' to, 245-249 Clavicle, 322
"clivity.43-l4 Calf muscles. ~55 CI<lw loes, 237
tensiklo<ldini!. and. 37. 38 Callus formation. <lnd incrense in bone Click-clack phenOIIl(non. IUlllbopdvic. 428
lorsionallo;uiing and. 42 stl"l,,'ngth...8-49 Co:tJ-hanllnl..'r grip. 3S-I
ColI~gcn Diarthrodinl joints, 61 Epincul"ium, 129, 130
anisotropic properties of. 288 uoicondvl.w, 378 Epilcllon, lOS
of nrticulul' cnnilage. 61. 62 Digital Oc.\OI' tendon sheath pulk,.\ Equilibl"illHl condition.s, 6
distribution of, 62, 64 systcm, 368-369. 370 Erl1S palsy. 135
mechanical properties of. 62-65, 288 Dil~ital rays. 362 Ercttor spinae lllllscks. 265-266
rnOlcCllkll" composition of, 61-62, 63 ~ollatel:al liganwnts of. 369, 371 in arched batk in prone position.
stl1.lctLlral alignment. in loaded and extc:nsor and flexor systems of. 375 276,277
unlo:ldcd tissue. 75-77.78 c.,tcnsor systellls of. "371-374 f()f"cCS of. in standing, 268-269
Sll1.lCIUrnl organization of. 61-63. 6..1- flexor tendons heath pulley systelll of. strengthcning c.,crdses fOl~ 276-277
65.67-69 368-369.370 EX"'rcisin"
type II. 62-63 joints of, 378-380, 379 Ioads o~ ankle joint in. 2-19-251
nnd prolCoglycan m:urix of :Irticubr muscles of. extrinsic and imrinsic, londs on fOOl in, 240-241, 2-12
c:lrlilagc, 67-69 375.3751 loads on lumbar spine in, 276-277
response 10 weal- of. $8-90 mllscular mechanisms of. 375 Extcnsor digilOnlln longus. ..l55
in tendon ~machmcnl of muscle lO llumbcl"ing of. 359 Extensor mechanism injury. kllcc.199
bone, 149 l-::lIl!!C of n~otion of, 378-380 Extensor s\,sh.:m
of tendons nnd Iigamcnu'i Dist~\I-in(Crpll:llangcnl(DIP) join\S, 362 of digitai rays, 371-374, 375
mcwbolic turnover of. 105 range of motion of. 378-379 of toes, 455
molecular composition of, 103-104. tendinous mechanisms of, 371-374 of wrist. 350. 374
105 Donnan equilibrillll1 ion distribution Extraccllular matrix (ECi\l),
structural alignment of. in loaded law, 68 of aniClll,u" c<lnilage. 61
and unloaded tisslie. 109 Donnan osmotic pn:.'SSUIC cqu'Hion. 81 in dc~t'ncl'::\li\'(,.' conditions, 90-92
Slll.lctlll~1 organizalion of. 104--105. 106 Donnan osmotic prcssufc Llleol)". 67, 68 Illole~u!ar aggregates and propertie
type I. 103-10~ DOI'Sa! intcrcarp;:ll ligament. 368 67-69
type II, in cen'ical nucleus pulposus. 292 Dorsal root g"lIlglion. 128, 131 of tendons :\nd ligaments, 103, 10-1
types of. 62-63 Dorsal scnson' roots. 128. 131
visc:odastic properties of. 288 Dorsiflexion. 2-t-l, 453-454
Collagen fibers, 104. 105 D\"namic she.lf modulus. 78-79 F
Colla!!cn fibrils, 10-1-105 D;"namic tripod, 383 F'lcct capsular lig;:l11u::nts. 288
Compact bone, 29 Dynamics, 185 F:lccteclOmy, pani:\J, 306
Component inst,-\bility, 301-302 F~ICl.:tS
Computer workst<ltion, biomechanics of of ccrvical intcl'ycrlcbl"al joints, 290-
sitting at, 427 E of intervcrtd>n:tl joints. 259-260, 26
Concentric muscle contraction, 159 Eccentric muscle contr:\ction, 159 F"lscicles
Conversions. 51 units, 221,23 Elastic deformation. 10-11 of muscle libcrs,I..l9-150
Coracohumeral lig'lments. 321,325-327 Elastic material bdlavior, I I of periphcral nerves, 129, 130
Conic..d bone. 29 Elasticitv. 33 F..lIiguc fractllr\.'s, 45--47
mcchanical properties of, 33, 35. EI'-lstin, of tendons and ligamellls.l 05 F'-ltigue WCal", 88
292-293 Elbow joint. 3-t 1 of articular cartilage, 88-90
stress-strain curvc for, 33. 3-1 nnatom.,. of. 3-11-342 of bone, in rcpt.'titi~'c loading, -t5-47
yidd points in, 34-36 articula"tions of. 3-11-3-12 evclic
Crecp and recovcry tCSt, 12 forccs gencratcd in. 352 . of hip jlmsthcscs. ..t02-W3
Crcep response forces on articular surface of. 353 of knee pmsthcscs. 407-10S
biphasic. in articubr l..'artilage, 71-72 fracture disloc'-ltion of. 3..l9 nwtcri.. I, 1-1,14-15
in tendons and ligamt.:nts, Ill. 112 injury of. 347-350 of prostheses, 392. 393. 402--103,
Cross-bridges. of myosin filaments, lateral epil.:ondylitis, 352 407-408

I 153-155
Cnlciate IigHmcnts, 195
kinematics of
carrvin" nn"le 345 346
Femoral head, 203, 204
Fcmoml intcnrocharlteric fracture, 2

II Cvelic faliuLle
.of hip p~osthcscs. 402-403
of knee prosl heses, -107--108
cent'er;r r07:ttion. 343, 34-1
f1exioncxtcnsion, 3-12-3-t3
pmnation/supination. 343-345
valgus position, 345
remoral neck, 204
aging and ch"lIlgcs in. 205-207
in hip anhropbsty. -104-106
neck-to-shaft ..Hlgle of. 20-1-205
Fencing grip, 38..l

D kinctics of. 350-355 FG (f'lst twitch glycolytiC) fibers, 165
de Quc!"\'ain's Icnosyno\'itis. 374- muscular :malon1\' of. 350 Fibroblasls, '103.10-1
Dccodn,65 muscular mech;:ulics of. 350 Fibulolalm' joint. 223. 225
Decubitus. 434-435 clcctromyogm,phic an'-llysis or. 350 Fick's principle. 236
Ddormmioll. 7 reaction for<:c calculations for, 353-355 Fingers. 359, 362
ofbone,31-36 stability of. 345, 347-350 in prehensile hand function, 3~2-3
;1 clnstic and plastic, 10-11 Ekctrogoniol11etry, 440 range of motion of. 378-380
Deltoid ligaments, of ankle, 245-246 Ekctromyogrnphic (Ei'v1G) .analysis. 440 Fixation plate ['nihl!"c, 393
I function of. 249 Elel.:tromyography. 156 Flexion-relaxation phenomenon, 265-

injury lO, 249 End plalc, 258 Flexor digilOl1.lll1 lon!!us, -l55, 456
Deltoid muscle. 329-330 Endomysium. 149-150.150 Flexor hallucis I()ngu~. 455. 456
Dens, 288,290 Endoneudum. 129. 130 Fh:xOl" s\"stcm
Derivcd 51 units, 19 Endosteum, 28. 30 of digital r:lyS, 368-369, 370. 375
with spccial names, ddinitions. 201 Endotenon. 104. 108 of tocsJfordoot. 237-::238, 453-456
Devic(,. f:-tti!.uc, 392, 393 Endurance,material,I-I-15 of wlist. 350. 359. 374
I Diabetes nldlitlls. h,'ndons .md lig3mel\ls
in, 116-117
Enlrapmenl, nerve. 132. 133
Epimysium. 149-150,150
Flexor tendon sheath pulley syst,,m.

f!'!!%-1Jk=-~~,~_",-zt"'". {"--,..=~ _~cs. -."-0""_ ~~ "y(' '?cP5'~" ".' -,- ::'~._'c>"'5
;<O.7'__ .... ];g,~~.gA...1 ~'$--.-~.
Fluid(ilm lubril'illion. 82 Kil'sdllll.'r wire. 394 Gk'rlOhuflll,:rnl joinl, 3/9
of :lrticular c~lltibge. 82-83 ori';':IHcd polYrlll.'r. 393 -394 capsule of. 325. 326
FOCi (fasl twitch oxidali\"l.' glycolYlic) plate. 395-396 gk.llOid bbnllll of. 323-324
Jibers. 165-167 scn.'\\, 394-396 Inslabilil\' of. 327
Fool spin.1I impbnt. 3'17 kincmilli~.s of. 322-327
'In~llomy of. 223. 22-1 slapk 39-1 lig~lInenl CUlling sludies of. 327
in biomechanics of st:lndin!.!. 422---+24 wir..:-. 393 ligi\lllt:nls of. 325-317
extrinsic nluscks of. 233-2.34. 237-238 \\"in: lensiolli!l!!;twisli!H!.. 393-394 IO~Hls on, 335-336
fn.'cbody di;lgi41111 or. 250 fn:e bod.\' di;lgn~ll(s), 5-6. 6 I't::lclion force on. 337
gait cycle ground reaclive fon.:cs on. Frec-bod~' diagl,llllS Glenoid,323
240-24 I ill sialics, 18~-190 Glc.:noid bbnllH, 323-324
g.lil cycle kin(~n}[ltics or, 226-229, Free-body tcchniqul.:, for forces, injuries involving, 32~
445-447 18~-190 Cil~'cosaminoglycans (GAGs), 27
g~\it cycle leg rot:nion ,Ind. 226. 228 simplified. 211-213 in artkulnr C:irtilnge, 65-67
gnil cycle mus(,:lc nelioH of. 22X-229, chondl"Oitin sulfal~. 65-69
236. 237. ~53-156 ker~lin sulfale. 65-69
!.!.r<l\\'!h of. 223, 225 G Gracilis. in 2:tit cvde. 453
Joints of. 223. 22-J Gail. ~39 Grafts - .
killcll1:llics of. 223. 225 an~IIOJllicnl Illolion in. 439 in cer\'ic:11 nnhrO(ksis. 308-309
anklL' :and suhtaku: 226. 228. 230 ~1l!~lIl~lr kincmalic:s of. 443-149 tcndons ~Ind lig;:lInl;.nls in, 117-118
gait cycle and, 226-229 c\'~I(" of. 4"0-457
hallux. 231-234 ,fc\'i:ltions of. -149
lesser lOe, 233-234 join! killL'lllatics of, 443-449 H
111I.'lat'-\l"sal bn.::lk, 228. 229 joint moments in. 449 H zonc. 151. 152
prorwlion/supination. 223, 226 joint POWt:I' in. -151 11.llil'<:lx C!:llllpS, ccn'iC~11 ;:lnhrodcsis.
subml;u: 229-230. 23/ IHuscubr co1l11'o1 or, 452-156 309-310. 3//
!:\ and inlen;llsal. segml.:ntal kinclks of. 449-431 H:lllux
230-231, 232 w~rk and Clll'!'!!V tr~\nsfi.:r in. 451 joint 1I10tion of. 231-134. 233
trnnS\'i.I"SL' l;lrS:ll, 229-231 G~dt ~Ul:d\'sis. mc~t'h()ds of. 439-4-10 'tendon posit ions in. 238
kin~lics of, 238-2-11 Gail c\d~. 4-10~4 I I-I;lilux dgidu:-,. ~32
g,til cyde and ground n::aeti\'c fore..::-. <lnkle killenwlics ill. 226-22~. 218. lbllux \';\Igus. 23 L 233
in. 2..1 0-24 I 445-447 shoew~.':lr and dcvclormL'nt of. 251-252
running ane!, 240-241 ankle kinctics in, 249-251. 45! in spntin injury. 2-J7
slJOcwc-ar and, 240 ankk: muscle ;Iclion in, 228-229. 236, Hammer tocs. 237
sol'ltissut:s lind, 241-242, 2..J3 237. 453-456 sho(,'wc:\!' ;\Ild development of. 251-252
medial longitudinal arch of. 235-236 bootstrap iwrmions of. .;)43 H;llllsirings, function in knec joint.
muscle aClion of. 236-238, 236/ c("utcr of mass in. hod\'. 4-18-149 196.453
g~it cycle and, ~53~56 cydil' btiguc of hip p,:osth..:-ses in. lblle!.359
rnusdl.. injury :lna disorders or. 136-~3:$ 402-403 arches of. 362
shoewcar <lnd or. 2..m. e~'c1ic bligu(' of kncc proslh~sl.'s in. articulations of. 359. 362
2S 1-252 . 1 07-408 blood supply of. 365
soft tissues of, 241-242.1';3 dorsilkxioll in, 453-454 capillal;" prcssurc within. 365
FoOl prcssure :Ill;,lysis, 4-10 fOOl kinematics in. 226-228, 4-15-447 control mcchanisms of. 365
Fon.:c: plalc an:dysis, 440 foot Illuscle action in. 228-229, 232, aCli\'e, 375
Force ,cctOl'S. 3-4 236. 237. 453--456 ll1uscllhu: 375
For....ann. pron'llion and SUpill:ltioll. ground l'1.':tclin: forcl;.'s in. 240-241 passive. 368-37-\
376-377 hip kinemalics in. 4-'3 immobile unit of. 378
Forefoot aging alld, 206-207. 208 joints of. 36/.378,379
g.\it cycle kinematics of, 446~47 gcndL'r differcnces and. 215 H!!amenlS of. 371-374
g;til cyclc muscle :activity of. 456 hip kinclics in. 449-150. -1-19-151 -dieil~11 colbll'l"l!. 369..HI
Fnlcturl."{s) dt:g('neraliw p:lthology and. 449 digilal flexor lendon shl.":llh pulle."
hone healing in. 391-392 hip musd: action in. 45~-453 SV$h:m of. 368-369. 370
brittlc, 35. 36 kn..:-I.~ kinemalics in, 179-180, 444-445 \'obl"phUL',371
,hlclite, 35,36 knl.'l: kindies in, 185-194,450-451 lI1uscies of. 363l
fmiguc,45-47 knee muscle action in, 453 t:.\lrinsic, 350. 362, 365, 375
Iwnlin!!. uhnlsolHld Irc;HI11\.'nl for. 392 leg rOl;ltion in. 226. 228 intrinsic. 350. 362, 365. 37/,375
yield ,;oint of hOlle. 35, 36 lo\\"er k'l! muscle action in. 232 nerVeS of. 362. 36-1-365
f"acturc fixation, 391 mllscllli~' acti\'~ltion in. 452-456 OSSt.'lIS sll1t<:lttrC of. 361. 362
boll\.' hcaling in, 391-392 p~:l\'ic kinc.:matics in, 4~7-148 prdlcnsik function patt(''I"llS, 382-3S5
hone 1110\'CIll\.'n! in. 39\ st~lllCt: phasl.~ of. 227 r.1ngc of Illotion of digital rays.
deviccs and Illl..'lhods of. 393-397 s\\'ing phase of. 227 378-3$0
ev:t1uation of. 393 tillledisl;lIlce \ari.1bles of, 4-12-443 repelil!\'(: Ill(ltion injlll;" or. 37-1
goals of, 391-397 tnlnk kincmatlcs in. 447--I-iS s..:-nsOl) specialization of palmar, 364-365
sllr!.!.ical factors in. 392-393 w:dking ~tnd mnning skirt of. 362
tl"<\<iitional methods of. 391 comparison of. 226, 227 tendons of, 371-374
Fr.H:lllfC fixation c!C\'iccs!mclhods, 393 forccs on ankli: in, 251 \\Tisl mOl ion nnd motion of. 381
cxtrmncdullm;:. 396-397 kne~: flexion in. 179-180 Ha\'cI-sian canal. 27
btiguc of. 392. 393 Gallic (~'p\.;'. ccrvicill anllrodcsis. 309-310 Havasi'lIl S\'SICIll, 27-28
hip, 396-397 Gastroclll'rnillS mU5ck 454~55 Hl."acl,cst :l;lde, -129-130
intcnncdulhll;:, 396-397 Gill,gl~'moid joilll, 34\ Heel pml, 2-1 i -242
Hdf~1 tl~st. 184.186 11lIerfacbl we;lr. 88 f(.nt..'l,.' :mhroplast.\
i-kmodialysis, tendons and ligamems in. Interosseous ligamL'nt. of ankh,'. 245-246 :ITlh.'rior cnl<.iatc ligan1L'll1 in, 415--4
117 Intcl'osseous membl-:mc:.', of dbo\\'. conformity of femoral and tibial
Hinged joint. 3~ I 348-350 components in ...H4
bicondylar. 373 injury of. <"Ind r;lelia] migr;uion. 352 conslr~lillt <k'sign in. 415
Hip ill,th,:oplasty Interosst..'olls mllsd~s. 237 forcl.s acting on, 401--402. 407-408. -
bone n:moddin~ around. 52-53 Intcrphal::mgeal (lP) joints hinged proStheses in, ... 15
celllented tOI~1 hip rcph\CCmcnl . .:lOS of fim::ers, 362. 365-366, 378-379 joinl lint.: dc';ltion in. 412
forces ;:lctin~ on, 401-402 of thl~mb. 380 1l1edial.laleralload disll'jbulioll in.
!!.ail and sttl~lics of forces 011, 402-403 of tocs, 233-234 409-411
joint recollstruction and biomechanics I:::~lit cvdL' kinematics of. 447 patcllofcmoral joint loading ill. 411
. of. 404-406 gait c;'c1e muscle activity of. 436 polyc(hy!cllL' cbmagc modes in. 415
peri prosthetic bont: loss in, 406-407 Ill1crspinous ligaments, 260. 288 posteriol' Cnlciate ligament in. 412-
rot~\tional moments <Inc! bone Intcrstitial fluid pressuriziltion, in tihi:d component loosL'ning in. 409-
in-growth in. 403. 404 ~lniClll<lr cnrtilage. 86-88 Knr.:,'(.' joint
stem position within femoral canal in. Intel't~II"Sal joilll mOl ion, 230-231, 233-234 bio;nl.dwniGII analvsis of. 177-178
406 Intenransn:I'se ligamel1ts. 2SS cnpsuh:: of. 195 .
Hip joint. 203 11Hl.'lycl.. tcbml discs, 258 dcrangelllt:llts of. 182-1 t\5
::lcc(;lbulum of. 203-204 cervical. 288, 291 dynan~ics of. 190-19';, 197-199
"ging and changes in. 205-207. 208. 217 :.nnulus fibrosus of. 292 nc:don of
anatonw of. 203 loading. 291 injury in. 196
ball-and-socket configunltion of. 203, lllc:.'chaniC;l1 propt..'nics of. 293 rc:."lctiOll forcl"s in. 197-19$
, 204,205 nucleus puJpOStlS of. 292 in SlancL' phase of l1.mning/walkin
(knamics of Illmb~u' 179-180
- gait and gcndcr differences. 213. ~l~in~ of. 259 fn.:ehod," dii:l2rmn of. /89
215-217 c~mpositioll of. 258-259 gait cycle kin~lllatics of. 179-180.
wilh instrumented o::lil pialI..'. 217-219 degC"l1cmtionnl changt..'s in. 259 -t4.........t.45
wilh insI11.1mcillcd prosthesis. loading distribution in. 25S gnil cycle kincticsoL 185-194. 45Q-.
216-217 lo;:\(ling f;lilllrc of. 271-273 g<tit i.:yck muscle aClion of. ... 53
c-,tern;ll support, nnd dyn;\lnic~ of, in rniddlt: age, 259 menisci of. 193-194
218-219 prL'ssure on. 258-259 muscle action on. gait c~de and,
btiglle fracture of. 2/i in \'OlI!h. 259 196. 453
femoral head of. 203. 204 lliechailical propL'nit::s of. 293 patella of. 196-197
femoral neck of. 204-205. 206 Imr:labdominal prL'ssul'e (lAP) l";:1l)2C of motion of. 179-180
rr~lcturc h.\atioll devices, 396-397 ,HlCl!oading of lumbar spinl.'. 272-273 :-;i.\ 'kgrees of freedom of motion, 1
fracturc of. 21 i in st~lbility
of lurnbal' spinc, 278-279 s(~lbilitv of. 194-196
kinenwtics of. 205-208. 209, Inlnlflls~,1muscle spineles. typl."s of. 169 statics of. 188-190, 197-199
mll~e of motion, 206-107 Intrinsic minimlls condition. 234 SIl'lICturc of, 177
surf.'1ce joint motion. 207-208 Intrinsic muscles. of foot, 233-23.... surf<lce joilH 1Tl00ion of. 180-187
kinetics of, 208-213. 2/5 237-238 ll.'ndons and ligamen(s of. 177. 19"'
ex lerna I forces on body in single-leg Isoinertial muscle contl-:lction, 159 Knee meniscectollw, 90, 9/
stance. 212 IsokinL'lic mllsclt: cOll(l'aclion, 159 Kyphosis. 267-268: 287-288
free-body diagr;llll of lower Isometric rnusclt: comnlction. 159 pathology of cervical. 29..J
cxtremity. 21~ Isotonic muscle conu71ction. 159 posturc and. 421-425
mm'Clllt:'nlS or:207
muscle action in g;:lit cycle. -I52......t.53
in Slalics of standing, 26S

muscles of, posterior. 265-266 J

and spin~t1 motion. 266-267 Joint Illomt.'nts. gait cycle. 449 L
static analysis of, 209-213 Joint power. c.velc. 451 Labrum, 203
HUlllcromdinl nniclll;ltion, 341-342 Joinls Laclln;:\C, 27. 28
kinematics of, 342-345 capsule of. 103 Lamellae. 27-29
HUllleroulnar aniculation. 341~342 dvnamic analvsis of. 185, 187 Lamclbr bOlle. 29-30. 30
kinematics of. 342-345 kinematics or". 178-179 Lnrnini.:clOmv. cervical. 305-306, 30i
Humerus. anicular slIrf;lcc r;:\nge of motion, 179-180 Lmcrnl c:ollaiL'ralligalllcllt (I.el.), 195
distal. 341-342 surface joint mot ion. 180-18! :IIHltOm)" of. 347, 3413
proximal. 322-323 killL'tics of. 185.187 kinematics of. 347-348
Hyaline ;,rticular canilage. 6 i statics :malvsis of. 185. 187 Laler,,1 epicondylitis. 352
Hvaluronic articular c;:\rtilage. 65-67. 69 types of. 6' Lalt..'ml m~lsscs. 288
-inhomogeneity of, with c<~"rtilagc 1.;I(t..'r"lit'.., 4.12
depth. 7-1 Ll'g.crossing. while silting, -t32......t.33
Hydrodynamic lubricmion, 82 K Lifting
Hysteresis, 110, III KCI";\tin sulfate bilCk belts in, drectiven~ss of. 2S1
in ;:mieu!;!.!" e;lrtila!!c. 65-69 b"ncling moment produced in. 272
in cer'deal nuelcus- pulposlls. 192 .lI1d c:mying, spinal loading in. 271-
I Kint:nmtic inslability. 301-302 andlo\\' back paill. 269-271, 273
I band. lSI. 152 Kinematics. 17S tumb'lr spinutloading in. 271-273
Immobiliz..'\tion/cxcrcisc, tendons and range of motion.179-ISO tedllliqlle and. 272-275
ligaments in, 115-116 sud"aec joint motion. 180-ISI l"L'pe;:lted. spinallonding in, 271-273
Instilllt center tcchlliquc, t80-181 Kinetic ;malysis. 185. lS7 stoop and squat.Jorce comp,lI'isons
Intercm-pal joinls, 359 Kinelics, 185, 187 in, 274

_,_ " ......._ s.

Li~aments muscle control of. 264-267 sllpplementm-y units of. 19
biornec!wnical bch;'lvior of, lOS lkxor and extensor, 265-266 svmbols of. unit. 2IT
physiologicnl londing and. 110-111 Iawntl nexor and rotation, 266 Midcarpal joint. 359, 365-366
viscoclnstic. I 11-1 12 pelvic motion and. 266-267 Midtarsal joint
hiofllcchanicnl pmpcnics of. 109-110 st;-abilityof. 278-281 gait cycle kinem<ltics of. 4-16
in aging. J 15 external stabilization in, 279. 281 gait cycle musclc activity of. 456
in diabetc:'s mellitlls, 116-117 intra-abdominal pressure in, 278-279 Moment vectors. 4-5
in gl1lfts. 117-1 J8 trunk muscle cocontnlction in, 279 Motion segment, 257-260
in hClllodial:ysis, 117 static analysis of landing, 268-273 anterior portion of. 258-259
in immobilization/exercise. ca1c:uh\tions in, 272-275, 288, 290-291, 296
115-116 companllive, in standing, sitting, facets of. louding, 259-260
in nonsteroidal antiinf1<:Hllmatory reclining, 269-271 ligamentum llavum of. 259
drug lise. 117 intra-abdominal pressure .md, 273 longitudinal ligaments of, 259
in pregnancy'!postpnrtum in lifting, 271-273 posterior portion of, 259-260
period, 115 Lumbosacral joint, "nel spinal motion, range of motion of, 262-263
in steroid lise. I 17 266-267 stnlctllres of. 257-260
components of. 103-108, \031 Lunate, 359 surface joint motion of. 262-263
d~lsticit\' of. 110 Luschka. joints of. 291 trans\,crse section of. 258
fUflctim; of, 103 Lying in bcd, biomechanics of Motor cells, 127-128, /29
injury ;-and failure mech"nisms of. crih:rion of conformitv in, 434 ,\110101' nerw, 127-128. /29
. 112-1IS, 123 and decubitus ulcer de"elopment, :\>10tor neuron, 127-128. /29
cl.tssificntion of. 114 434--435 ;\,10tor spinal nerve roots, 131
innervation of. 107 mattress support in, 433-434 ;\'1uhiplicalion factors, SI units, 21(
inscltion of. into bone. 108 pillow support in, 433 MllSclc(s)
stl1.lclural nIT;l.ngcmt:nt in postunll and phasic, 421-422
fiber, 104-105~ /06 types of, 149
OlllCl~ 108 M ~'Iusclc fali2uc, 279
v"sclllnr svstem of. 106-107 illt line, 151, 152 !\'1l1scle fibc;"$
viscoelasticity of. 11 1-112 M:lgerl type, cervical arthrodesis_ contrnction of. 153-155
in barle-ligaments complex, 111-112 309-310 cross section of. /52
Lig::ullcnlUl11 llavul11. 259 i\Jlalleoli, 242 cross sectional amltolllV of. /53
elasticit\' of. 110,260 Mallet wcs, 237 disuse ..l nd immobilization effects on.
hypenn~)phy of. 260 ~'1alcrial propcnies, bascd on Slress~ 167-168
Line;.\!- strain, 32 strain diagrams. 13 lllvofibrils of. 149-154
Link. 180 M;.l\lress support, 433-434 p!~ysica.ltmining effects on, 168-169
Lisfranc's joint motion, 230-231 and development of decubitus ulcers, stl1.lctmnl organization of.
Lisfranc's ligament. 231 434-435 149-150, /52
Lond-defOlTIlalion curve Medial collateral ligament (MCL),195 types of. 165-167
for fibl'Ous stl1.lcture, 31, 32 nnmomy of. 345, 347 dt:tcnnination of. 166-167
p"ramelcrs of. 32 kinematics of. 345, 347 MlIsclIloskclctnl system. 15
usefulness of. 32 Medi;-ao longitudinal nrch, 235-236 applied biomechanics of. 15
Loading patterns collapse of. 236 joints of. 15
and mechanical behavior secondary to posterior tibial 'tissues and stll.lctures of. 15
of articular c.milage, 70-80 dcficicncv, 237, 238 Musculotendinous unit, 156
of bone. 37-43 - models of. 235"':236 Mvdin sheath. 127-128, /30
and mechanical pl'Operlies, 36 windlass effect on, 235-236 M;ofibrils. 149-150
Longitudinalligamcnls, spirml. 259, Mcdinn ncn'c, 362. 364 composition of. 149
260,288 in carpaltunne1 syndrome. 364 contraction of. 153-155
Longus colli muscle. 288 Mcnisccctomv, knee, 90. 9/ organii'.ation of. 149-150
Lordosis, 267-268, 287-288 Menisci, of kn~e, 193-194 sarcomeric, 149
posture and, 421-425;.trpal heads, 369 striated ~m-;,ulgeihcnt of. 149-150
in S!<:llics of standing. 268 Metacarpals, 359 Mvosin filaments, 149-150
l.ow back pain Metac<'\l'Pophalangeal (iv1CP) joints. 359, 'in muscle contraction, 153-155
.md lifting, 269-271. 273 362,369,370-371 sarcomeric alTangement of. /50. 151
strengthening exercises fol', 276-277 of fingers, 378-379
Lubrici7l, 84-85, 86 range of motion of. 378-379
I.umbal' spine of thumb. 380 N
axial load on. in w~llkillg. 273-274, and vohlr plate. 371 Nebulin filaments. 149-150
275. 276 Metmnfsal bl'eak motion, 228, 229 sarcomeric annogcment of, 151
back I-CSt SUppOl-t ;:lnd loading of. Metmarsophalangcal joillls, 232, 233-234 Neck-to-shaft angle. of femoral nc..'Ck.
269.271 ~.'tetric syslem, 19 204-205
dynamic analysis of loading, 273-276 b<lsC units of. 19 in hip arthroplasty, 404-406
in exercises, 276-277 conversion of units of, 221, 23 Ncl'YC fibcl~ Sll1.lcture and function. 127
in walking, 273-274 definition of units of. 201 Ncl'YOUS s\,stt:m, 127
kinematics of. 260 derived units of, 19 Newton's bws, 5
llluscle action, 264-267 mllltiplication faclOrs in, 211 NodesofRan\'iel~ 127-128,/30
nmge of motion, 262-263 nnming of units after scientists, 21-23. Nonsteroidal anti-innammatol)' drug usc.
surfnce joint motion, 262-263 211 tcndons and Iigamcnts in. 117
micro(bmage to, in cOlllpressiv~ prefixes used in. lInie 211 Normal strain, 8-9. /0
loading:, 272 specially named units of. 20-21 Nornwl stress. 7-8, 8
Nucleus pu!posus, 258 Phasic muscles, 421-422 Radial nerve, 362
of cervical intcl'ycrtcbral discs. 292 Pibl) ridges, 365 Radius
under pressure, 258-259 Pillow suPPOrt, in bed. 433 distal. articulation of. 359
in sciatic pain, 14..4 Pitching. biomechanics of. 336 scrc\\' homc mechanism of. 352
Plantar aponeurosis, 233 Range of motion. 179-180
Plantar calluses, 233-234 Rcaching, biomechanics of, 425
o Plantar fascia, action of. 235-236 Resorption of bone, under plate, 52.
OccipilOccrvical joint, 288-290 Plillltar ligaments, 235-236 Rocker bollom foot dcfomlitr, 236
inst~lbililV of. 302, 303,304, 305 Plantadlexion, 244 Rol.ItOl' cuff musculaturt::, 330
Occiput conlplex, 288-290 muscle activity in. 453-456 ROlatOr cuff teal~ 334
Open section defect. 50-51 Plantarflexors, 4-53-456 RolatOr interval, 330
Optoelectronic techniques, of gait Plaslic deformalion, to-II
analysis, 440 Posterior cruciate ligamenl, in knee
Osteoarthritis arthroplasty, 412-414 5
chondrocvtC' ~bnormalitics in, 92 Posture, 421-425 Sarcolemma, 149, /50. 153
cOIl(l-ihllling factors in. 91 free-body diagrams of slooped, 424 Sarcomere. 149-150, /52
nod degenerative changes in a1ticulal muscles involved in. 421-422 alTangcment of. and force produc
canilage. 90. 9/,92 statics of. 268-269 162-163
OSlcoblasls. 30 POWCI' gIip. 382. 383 contraction of myofibrils in. 153-1
OsteoclasIs, 30 Precision grip, 383 filamcnt composition of. 150-152
Ostcocytcs. 27, 28. 30 Prclixes, SI units, 211 myofibril arrangement in, 149-150
OSlwns, 27-28 Pregnancy/postpartum period, tendons Sarcopla~mic reticulum, 152, /53
cracking of. 35, 36 and ligaments in. t 15 Sartorius. in gail cycle, 453
dcbonding of. 3~-36 Prehensilc hand function Scalars. 3
Osteophyte formation. 352 factors in. 382 Scapula
pattellls of. 382 muscles acting on. 330-331
bunched fist, 38-1 rotation of. 336
p coal-hammer grip. 384 Sc'lpulothoracic articulation, 3/9
dynamic tripod. 383 kinem<llics/anatomy of. 317-318
I P"lmar extrinsic ligaments. 366
Palmar plate, 371 fencing grip, 384 Schwann cclls, 127-128, 130
P;llmar radiocarpnl ligaments, 366 power grip, 382, 383 Schw,annom,as, 135

Paraspinal muscles. 265-266
Par~ltenon. 108
Patella, 196-197
fracture of. 199
precision grip, 383
Principal stress, 13-14
Prominens, 290
Pronalor quadratus muscle. 350
Sciatic pain, 137
nucleus pulposLlsin, 144
SCIWORA (spinal cord injury witho
radiognlphic abnorm,llilies)
I P:;\Iellofemoral joint. 185. /87
instant center of. /86
PronalOr teres muscle, 350
Pronator teres tendon. 3i4
Screw-horne mechanism. 182-183,
I loading in knec arthroplasty. 411
static and dynamic analysis of.
Proteoglycans (PGs). 27
in aggregate solution dom'lin. 67-68
in articular cartilage. 65
/84. 352
Seming angle, 429-430
Sensory nerve, t 27-129
surface joint motion of, 181-185 disruption of matl'i.x, 88-90 Sensol~' spinal nen'c roOtS, 131

Pectoralis major muscles, 329-330 moleculnr composilion of. 65-67 Sharpcy's pelforating fibers, 108
Pcdiclcs. of cervical vertebrac. 290-291 stnlctural interaction of. 67-69. Shear slrain, 8-9, /0, 32
Pelvic tilt. and spinal statics. 268-269. 75-77 Shear stress, 7-8, 9
425-426 wash out of. 88, 89 Shocwcar. and biomechanics of
Pelvis in cen.. ical nucleus pulposus. 292 fool. 240. 251-232
gait cycle kinem.ltics of. 447-448 of tendons and lig:UllCntS. 105-106 Shouldcl: 319
i- kinematics of. 266-267 Proximal interphalang"'al (PIP) joints. injuries of. 323-324
f Pcrimalleobl" muscles, 455 362,374 rotator cuff lear. 334
Perimysium. 149-150 lkxor tendon sheath pulley system SLAP lesion. 324
Perineurium. 129. /30 of,370 subacromial impingement synd
Periosteum. 28, 30 in passive control of wrist, 365-366 334
Peripheral nerves. 127. /28 range of motion of. 378-379 instability of. 327
biomechanical behavior of. 133-139 tendinous mechanisms of. 371-374 joint capsule of. 325-327
blood-nerve bmTicr in, 133 Psoas muscle. 265-266 joinls/articulations of. 319
compressive injury of, 135-136, /45 lens ion of, and spinal loading, acromioclavicular, 321-322
critical prcssure levels in. 136 269-271 glenohumeral. 322-327
mechanical aspects of. 137-139 scapulothoracic. 327-328
presstll-c application modes in. 136 stcmoclavicuI<\r. 320-321
pressure duration \5 plcssure Icvel Q kinematics of. 319-328
in. 139 Quadralus lumbomnl muscle. 265-266 spinal conlIibution lO. 328
connective tissue of. 129, /30 Quadliceps kinelics of, 328-337
funclion of. 127-129 function of, in knee joint, 196. extension, 334
Illvdinaled, 127-129. /30 in gait cycle. 453 external rotation, 333-334
st;..lclure of. 127-129. /29. /30 in knee motion, 196-199 forward elevation. 332-333
tensile injtll) of. 134-135 glenohumeral joint loads in.
\asclilar svstcm of. 129-131 335-336
Peroneal ml;sc!cs. 237. 455-456 R internal rotation. 334
Pcs phll1us. 237. 238 Radial arter\" 365 pitching, 336
Phalanges, of fingers, 359.36/.362 Radial collaieralligament. 366 scapulolhoracic. 334-335

l!lo. .~~c
Shouldel'--coll 1i Hl ted tensile o\el"1o<ld of. 161-163 St:.Iil- climbing, lower leg in. 190
ligaments of. 325-317 types of, 149 Sumcc phase, ..\-10-4-11
muscul<lture of, 329-331 work performed by, 149, ISg-160 londs on foot in. 239-240
mechanics of, 331-337 dynamic. 159-160 St:.\nding. biortlcch.lllics of
osseous .motom\' of. 319-328 static, 159 Celltel: of pressure (COPl in, 421-42.2
range of motion' of. 3! 9 Skeletal system, 27 eye and hand movemcnt in. 42.4-425
Sf metric system, 19 SLAP lesi~n, 324 flal joint \'S ball and socket joint in.
SI units Slip lines, 34 426-427
base. 19 Smooth mllsch.~. 149 foot and ankle joilll in. 422--U.t.
conversion of. 221. 23 SO (slow twitch oxidative) fibcl's.165-167 mass center of gravity in. 421-422
definitions of. 20t Soleus muscle . ..\5-1, 455, 456 pehic kinematics in, 425-426
derived. 19 Spinal anhrodesis, 306, 308 postural and phasic mllscles in, 421-422
multiplication factors and, Zit Spinal cord injury reaching while, -U5
named artci' scienlists, 21-23, 21t and cen'icnl mechanics, 294-296 stooped-posture while, -124
prefixes of, 21t without radiogl'aphic abnOlll1ulitics. Stmics.6-7. 185. 187
specially named, 20-21 295-296 free-bock dia~r~lIns in, 188-190
suppkmcntm}'. 19 Spinal implnnt li.'\ation dcvict:s. 397 Sttcrs Rlll~ of '[hirds, 303
svlllbois for, 211 Spinal n('",..e(s), 127, /28 Step, 442
Sitting, biomechanics of. 427-431 embryologic development of. 131 Step frequency, 443
amm::st support in. 427 peripheral, 127 SICP length, ..\42
backn..' st support in, ..\28 roots of. 127, 131 Step width, 442
in bcd, 434-435 Spinal nerve roOts. /28, /3/ S('modaviclll~u- joint. 3/9
at cOlllpUler workstation . ..\27 analOm' of, 131-13.2 :'Ul<ltomv/kinematics of. 320-321
nnd decubitus ulcer dc,c1opmcllt. -134 biomechanic:.ll behavior of. 139-144 Steroid ll~e. tendons and lignmcnts ill.
hei.ld :'llltcncxion in, -n0-431 blood-nCIYC barrit.'r in, 133 117
hend rcst angle in, .t.29-430 compression injury of. 132 Strain
leg-crossing in, 432-.03 compression of linc:'I1'.32
maximnl SUppOI-t in, -128-429 expedmelllai. 141-1..\2 nOll1131, 8-9. /0
neck pnin in. -130-431 expaimcntal chronic, 1-13-1-1-1 I:\tc depcndem:y of bone. 4-l--I5,-I6
problem arei.IS in. 431~32 multiplc k'\'ds of. 143 8-9, /0. 32
seating :.lngle in, ..\28-431 onset raw of. 141-143 Strain gauge, 33
at tabk:, 430-..\31 connectivl: tissul: of. 131 Stress, 32
Skeletal muscle, 149-150 motor, 131 normal. 7-8
activity of. sO'ess distribution in ph:,-'siology ()f.131-131 principal. 13-14
bone, 43-..\4 sensory. 131 shc:.u. 7-8, 9
.au3chment of. lO bone. 149 vascular system of. 132-133 units of measurClllent of. 31
banding pa[[em of. 149-153 Spin;ll slcnosis. 295 r:.liser. 49-50
biomcchanical behavior of. 160- I65 Spine. 257-258 Siress-relaxation experiment, /3
composition of, muscle fiber, 149-153, Clllyature or, 267-268, 2$7 Slress-rdax:.uion response
165-167 fatigue fracturcs of. 271 of articular c.:artilallc. 73-7-1
contraction of fllnctionnlunit of. 257-260 of tendons and Iig;menls, III, // i
mechanics of. 156-160 (eSling, 296. 297 Stress-strain diagl.ll1ls, 9-10
molecul.u- basis of. 153-155 instnnt Center pathway of. 264 SU'ctch test, for subaxial instability,
Slllllmntion tet:.mi<:. 157-158 intcrycrtebmi discs of. 258, 28S. 304.305
typt:s of. (58-160 291. 293 Stride. 442-443
work types and, 158-160 kinematics of. 260, 301-30.2 Stridc analysis, 439-440
force production in, 160 muscle <:letion in. 264-267 Stride length, 442
fatigue crfect in, 164-165 range of motion in, 262-163 Stridc time, 442
fOfc:c,timc relationship of. 162 surface joint motion in. 262-263 Subacromial impingement syndrome. 334
length-tension relationship of. kinematics of shouldel" and. 319-328 Subaxinl spine. 287. 290-291
160-161 kinetics of. 274-180 COli pled motion of, 299-300
10:ld-"elocil)' relationship of. 161-162 ligaments of. 257, 260. 293 inswbilit\' of. 303-305
muscle architecture cffLoct in, 162-163 loads on diagnosis checklist for, 3051
pn:stl'Ctching effect in, 163 dvnamic analvsis of. 273-280 stretch test for. 304, 305
temp<:falUrC effect in, 163-16-1 sianding, 268~269 fange of Illotion of. 297-298
function of. 149 st<:ltic annlvsis of. 268-273 Subtalar joint
functional unit of. 155-156 mechanic:.l! j>roperties of components !:!:'lit c\'cle kinematics of. 4-15-146
injurit.'s of. 167 of. 292-296 gtlit c)'c!c muscle :.lcti"ity of. 455-456
extrinsic factors in, /72 motion of. 263-.264 ligaments of. 249
intrinsic faclors in, /7/ motion segment of. 257-260, 288 motion of. 229-231
innervation of. /54 muscles in movement of, 264-267 ankle and, 226, 228, 230, 249,
motor unit of. 155-156 flexor and e.xtensor, 265-266 445-446
musculOlcndinous unit of. 156 lateral flexor and rotation. 266 Summation, 157
I rcmodeling. 167 pelvic motion and. 266-267':" Supin:.llor muscle. 350
disuse and immobilization in. neural dements of, 29-1-296 Supplemelllary SI units. 19
167-168 stability of, 301-302 definitions. lOt
j physicallraining in, 168-169
repair or. 167
structure of. 257-260
vertebrae of. 287, 291-293
Supraspinolls ligaments, 288
Surfact: joint motion, 180-181

structurc and organization of. 149-153. Spondylolisthesis, 262 Swing phase. 440--141
170 Spring ligaments. 235-236 Symbols, 51 units. 211


L,, " " '-" =.5=~.=~5'~_~" '_=~,~_~= " , , " " "' ' ' ' ' ' >~,' ', =~" '" , " -=" ' ' ' ' ' ',", ,~=.,Z:; ' "~".' . ' .' ' ',,,...-..,....,...."'.);"'~.'P~:."':"~." ," ", ' ' ;' ' Jf" J,'l 'r2'.~,.-';~[,: : :". ,_", . {; ;,. { . ;o ;, ~; .,"0V._ ,."'~K<, ',;:J1~?:. ~='; ",'.
Syndesmotic ligaments. 223 scn.'wllOme mechanism of, V
. componenls ~)f. 245-246 182-183, /5,'4 \'eclOrs, 3
Svndeslllotir.: stabilitv. of ankle, 249 statics of. 188 fon:e, 3-4
S~novial joims. 61 . surf'lee join[ motion of, 181-185 moment, 4-5
System Intemational d'Unites (SO, 19 Tibioflblll~u joint, 223, 225 torque, 4-5
Tibiofibular ligaments, 245-248 Velocitv, 443
injun to, 245-249 Ventrai/molor roots, /28, 131
T TibicHalar joint, 223, 225 Vertdmlc, 287
l' system, 153 Titin filaments, 149-150 failure of. loads causing, 271-273
l~)locrural joint. 245-246 arrangement in sarcomere, lSI 293
gait cycle kinematics of, 445 Toe(s) mechanical properties of, 292-29
gait cvcle muscle action of. 453-455 claw, 237 Vertebral arthrodesis, 306, 308
Talofil1lilar ligament(s), 245-248 extensor muscles of. 233-234 Vertebral bodies, 258
injury to, 245-249 cxtdnsic muscles of. 233-234 cervical. 290
Talonavicular joint, 229, 230 great, 231-233 Viscoelastic material behador,12
Talus. 241-242 hammer, 237 Viscoelasticitv, 11-13
load distribution on, 25/ intrinsic muscles of, 233-234 Volar plate, 3"71
Tarsal joint motion, transvcrse, 229-231 k'ssel~ joint motion of. 233-234 Volkmann's canals, 28, 30
Tarsometatarsal joint motion, 230-231, mallet: 237
233-234 Toeing, -in and -out, 446
Tendons Torque vcctors, 4-5 W
biomechanical behavior of. 108 Trabeculac, 28, 29 \Vear, 88
physiological loading and, 110-111 Trabecular bone, 29 \\'eight, and bone mass, 51-52
viscoelastic. 111-112 TransfCl" lesions, 233-234 \Vhi~plash s~ndromc, 312-314
biomechanic;:1! properties of. 109-110 Transverse ligament \Vindlass effect, on arch of foot, 23
in aging, 115 of acetabul"um, 204 WollTs law, 51
in diabetcs mellitus, 116-117 of atlas, instabilit\" of. 302, 303 \Voven bone, 29-30
in grafts, 117-118 Transvcrse tarsal joint, axes of. 23/ Wrist joint. 359, 360
in hemodialysis, 117 Trans\"crsc tarsal :joint motion, articulations of. 359
in immobilization/cxercise, 229-231 blood supply of. 365
115-li6 Transversus abdominis muscle, control mechanisms of
in nonsteroidal anti-inflarmnatory 278-279 active. 374
drug use. 117 Trendclenburg gnit pallern, 449 bonv, 365-366
in pregnancy/postpanum period, liS Trendelcnburg's test. 209 ]jga;l1entous, 366-368
in steroid usc, 117 Triangular flb~ocartilage complex n;llscular, 374
components of, 103-108, 103r (TFCC) passive, 365-368
diffusional nutl'ition of. 107 components of, 359,36/,366.368 functional motion of, 380-381
elasticitvof, 110 kinematics of wrist and, 368 hand motion and motion of, 381
functiOil of. 103 radial migration and, 348-350, 352 kinematics of. 375
injury and failure mechanisms of. Triceps muscle, 350, 352 flexion and extension, 376
112-115, /21 Triquctnlln, 359 forearm pronation and supinatio
innervation of. 107 Tl"ochlcoginglymoid joint, 341 376-377
insertion of, into bone, 108 Tnlchoid joint, 341 radial and ulnar deviation, 376,
muscle attachment to bone, 149 Tropocollagen moleculcs, 61-62 kinetics of, 380-381
structural arrangement of Tropomyosin, in skeletal muscle, 150 ligaments of. 366-367, 367t
fiber, 104-105, /06 Troponin, in skeletal muscle, ISO ~d()rsal extrinsic, 366
outer, 108 Trunk intlinsic, 366, 368
tensilc strength of, compared to llexor and extensor muscles of, 279 palmar extrinsic, 366
muscle, 114-115 gait cvcle kinematics of. 447-448 palmar radiocarpal. 366
\"ascular svstem of, 106-107 ;nuscie co-contraction in, 279, 280 muscles of. 363r
viscoelasticitv of, 111-112 T"\ve I muscle fibers. 165-167 extrinsic and intrinsic, 350, 36
Tenosynovitis, ~le Ouen"ain's. 374 Type IlA muscle fibers, 165-167 Ilexor and extensor, 374-376
Tensors, 3 Type 1m musclc fIbers, 165-167 nelyeS of. 362, 364-365
Terminal cisternae, 152. /53 osscus slructUI"e of. 359, 360
Tetanic muscle contraction, 157-158 range of motion of, 375-377
Thumb U rep~titive motion injury of. 374
functional motion of, 380 Ulna, 341-342 tendons of. 374-376
in prehensile hand functions, 383-385 distaL articulation of, 359 tl'iangular fibrocanilage complex
Tibial plateau, stresses on, 193-194 Ulnar arter\", 365 368
Tibialis muscles, 237 Ulnar nen"~, 364
in gait cvcle, 455-456 Ulnocarpal complex, 359 y
Tibiolemo;al joint Ulnocarpal space, 359 Yield point, 34
derangel11e;1ts of. 182-185 Uncinate processes, of cervical \"ertebrae. Young's modulus, 33
dvnamics of, 190-194 291
I-ielfet test of. 184, /86 LJncovertebral joints, of cervical
instant ccnter pathway of. 181-182 vel"tebrae, 291 z
range of motion of, 179-180 LJnicondylnr dianhroidal joints, 378 Z lille(s). 151, /52

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