The Pittiful News

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Established so long ago, it actually has more issues than our staff


The Pittiful News

The Official Satirical Newspaper of the University of Pittsburgh, Published Weekly • Vol. 3 • Issue O
“We’re not pitiful, the news is.”
How to take the most advantage of free stuff Oil spill ruins
By: Jessica Kiva
cause my dorm room is too small
for too much Stuff".
The first type of Free Stuff is the
best because it is obligation-free,
Hello Pittiful Freshmen! Wel-
come to Pitt. In case you didn't
Personally, I love Free Stuff. I
mean who doesn't? I would say
but it tends to run out easily so
you need to know where to get it. I ecosystem
already notice when you moved in about 78% of my Pitt-related t- will never get over how miserable I
By: Rachel Harris
this week, you should know that shirts, apartment decorations, and felt my freshman year when Tele-
Staff Writer/Editor
Pitt likes to give out Free Stuff. A other things I have acquired over fact ran out of the hilarious "What
lot of Free Stuff. One of the best the years are things I did not have happens if I plug in my cat?" t- An oil spill from fifteen-year-old
places to get Free Stuff is at the to pay for because of my Free Stuff shirts. Even though I am now a Eugene Huile’s pores occurred
annual activities fair the Sunday acquisition techniques. Wanna Telefact employee these t-shirts are Thursday, during a family boating
before classes begin. I am here to know my techniques? Well grab a gone for good and I will never be trip down the Monongahela River.
teach you how to maximize your shopping bag for your future Free able to wear one. Good thing the t- While motoring downstream, a
Free Stuff acquisition at the activi- Stuff and read on muthafreshers! shirts this year are going to be sharp, banked turn capsized the
ties fair, or anywhere else Free There are two kinds of Free great and we have a couple thou- vessel and caused a vast amount of
Stuff lurks - Towers lobby tablers, Stuff. There is Free Stuff that is sand to give out! But I digress. If sebaceous matter to leak from Mr.
festivals in the Union, etc. just thrown at you if you are in the you see someone sporting a free t- Huile’s skin. The oil has continued
Let's analyze the term "Free right place at the right time. There shirt, or something else equally to flow unchecked since, wreaking
Stuff". Free means you don't have is also Free Stuff for which you awesome, don't be shy and ask havoc upon the wildlife that calls
to pay for it, and Stuff is a term, have to work, or you feel guilty for them where they got it! And then the river home. Fish, amphibians,
which, in this case basically means taking a phallic sugar cookie from RUN to that spot and try your and homeless yinzers are among
"something I don't really need and the Student Global Aids Project's best to score one for yourself! And the populations affected by this
wouldn't normally buy, but it's free table without first signing up to this doesn't just apply to the ac- tragedy.
so I'm gonna take it so I can even- fight for their cause. tivities fair. This kind of Free Stuff Environmental analysts have
tually stuff it under my bed be- is given out willy-nilly year round commented that this latest spill
renders the BP oil disaster earlier
Stuff, Page 2 this summer “nearly insignifi-
cant.” In fact, the spills are so
radically different that experts
question the viability of compar-
ing the two at all. Whereas the
Gulf Coast has suffered the intru-
sion of five million barrels of crude
hydrocarbons, causing the destruc-
tion of countless potential shrimp
cocktails, Eugene Huile’s skin has
reduced the Monongahela to a
black, lifeless, oozing catastrophe.
The long-term environmental im-
pact is considered incomprehensi-
ble, or, at the very least, “just as
bad as the melting ice caps.”
While cleanup crews have al-
ready been dispatched along the
length of the river, engineers and
dermatologists are currently in the
process of designing ways to halt
the flow of oil from Mr. Huile’s
“First we thought that maybe a
bunch of tiny, pore-sized rubber
plugs could be used to stop the oil
from leaking,” said Harold Lest, a
petroleum engineer. “But insertion
would have been a major problem.
Besides, the solution would likely

Freshies: Meet the 59U. Now, never...see it...again. Lucky b*stards. Oil, Page 2
2 The Pittiful News——

Oil spill from student’s pores devastates local environment

Oil, Page 1
have been temporary.” Another possible strategy for what they can to contain and re- Pennsylvania DNR plans to re-
Dr. Ellen Kane, an acne special- stemming the gushing sebum in- move the oil while rescuing the lease them back into the Mononga-
ist, recommended a different volves a cement face shield to native wildlife. As of press time, hela when it has been deemed safe
course of action: “We could scrub “cap” the oil. Still other experts 1400 gallons of Clearasil were be- for wildlife.
off the oil with my own prescrip- from oil companies worldwide ing shipped to Pittsburgh for im-
tion salicylic acid formula, then suggested igniting the unfortunate mediate use.
siphon it off the surface of the Mr. Huile’s face in the hopes that Bass, muskies, and emerald
Mon,” she said. “It’s possible we some of it will burn off, or possibly shiners found trapped underneath
could also soak some of it up with pumping in copious amounts of the oil are being corralled into
my collection of small, disreputa- benzoyl peroxide. In the mean- temporary pens while the contain-
ble yellow towels.” time, cleanup workers are doing ment attempts are underway. The

Free stuff is cheap during orientation

Stuff, Page 2
at Pitt, but it can be akin to Guer- you were honestly interested was was half-Velociraptor and the food whenever I eat Velociraptor food,
rilla Warfare - it strikes randomly, the free button. Simple. was REALLY good, so even and am even considering therapy
quickly, and with full force. So be I learned the second lesson the though there is no Velociraptor to ease my guilty conscience.
informed! hard way. I will tell you my story, blood in me I decided it would be The moral of that story is that if
The second type of Free Stuff is but please note that some identify- fun to sign up and maybe attend you really enjoy the Free Stuff
more difficult to get. This is the ing characteristics have been their events. someone gives you, either become
kind that requires you to actually changed. Big mistake. an active member of their group or
sign up for a club or organization Last year at the activities fair, I These Velociraptors sent out politely decline their invitations
with a real Pitt email address and was walking through the ethnic emails every week asking me to before the guilt sets in.
your real name in order for it to be student organizations area attend their events, which I was But in any situation where Free
handed over to you. The key is to (because they have the best free either too busy for, or felt too awk- Stuff is available, don't forget to
show initial quizzical interest. Be food) when I came across the Ve- ward to attend because I would show some interest. It makes the
all, "Oohh, this looks interesting, lociraptors Student Association obviously be the only non- tablers and promoters feel good.
what are you trying to promote? (VSA). Now, Velociraptors, as a Velociraptor in attendance. Even- Trust me. I'll be throwing free
Well that sounds cool, sign me up! group, have DELICIOUS food. tually I had to unsubscribe to their Telefact t-shirts at you on Sun-
Oh wow, free candy and a button? Like, really decadent. When I emails, but after coming back to day.
Gee, thanks! I can't wait to come came back for a second helping, their Activities Fair table for ten
to your meetings!" And then don't the Velociraptor tablers naturally or so helpings of Velociraptor des-
show up, and unsubscribe to their wanted to know if I would sign up serts and then avoiding their
emails if the only thing in which for their group. I thought, hey, emails for months, I felt like an
why not? After all, my roommate asshole. To this day, I feel guilty

The Pittiful News

Satire writing at its finest. Ish.
Meetings: Wednesday nights, Room TBD
Distributing: Fridays, 2-4 Towers Lobby
Join us. We’re awesome enough to use Comic Sans in our ads.

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