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Every reader is aware of the amusing fact that words are not limited to one single meaning.

Most words
dont simply express a thought, but also express feelings beyond the words literal meaning. Such words
are generally categorized as either denotative or connotative. You may wonder what denotation and
connotation are. Let me explain it with an example.

Jarrod walked along the beach and decided to stop and take rest.

In the sentence above, what does the word rest mean? Anyone at the first glance itself would say that
rest is a period of relaxing, sleeping or doing nothing after a period of activity. But is this word confined
to a single meaning? Can you guess the other meanings the word reflects?

Look at this example.

Emily now lies at rest in the churchyard.

Here, the word rest means to lie dead and buried.

While reading poetry or any other literary form, the noun rest is referred to dead and therefore free
from trouble or anxiety. Poets use the word rest to connote death. Heres an example from How
sleep the Brave by William Collins.

HOW sleep the brave, who sink to rest

By all their country's wishes blest!

Through these lines, the poet honors the brave warriors those who have sacrificed their life for the
nation. The poet does not want to pen down that the soldiers are dead like ordinary human beings.
Hence he describes their death as the rest since the soldiers have spent their entire life in war to
protect the nation. He also symbolized that the nature is glorifying the resting soldier.

As you can see, the word rest in example 1 conveys the dictionary or denotative meaning. In examples
2 & 3, it conveys the implied or connotative meaning.

Denotation of a Word

To denote is to signify directly or refer to specifically. The denotation of a word refers to its literal
meaning-the definition you find in the dictionary. In other words, denotative meaning of a word is its
direct, explicit meaning.
Here is an example for you.

Let us consider the word lamb. When you flip through the pages of dictionary to get the meaning of
this word, you will discover that one of its definitions is a young sheep. It is the literal meaning or
objective meaning of the word.

Connotation of a Word

To connote is to suggest a feeling or an idea in addition to literal meaning. Connotative meaning refers
to the associations, images, and feelings that a word calls to mind in addition to its dictionary meaning.
The connotation of a word emphasizes certain characteristics or specific information, or it reveals
implied or hidden attitudes.

Look at this example.

As we discussed earlier, the word lamb denotes a young sheep.

However, when it is compared with the characteristics of a person, the word lamb connotes innocence,
gentleness, or meekness.

Lets look at more examples.

1. Dumb

a. Olivia was born deaf and dumb.

lacking the power of speech (Denotative)

b. When the police questioned Carter, he acted dumb.

condition of being stupid (Connotative)

Denotative meaning gives the literal sense of the word dumb while connotation gives the figurative
meaning of the same word.

2. Greasy

a. The detective found greasy fingerprints across the lens.

coated with oil or grease (Denotative)

b. Our neighbor Parker is a greasy person.

unappealing or undesirable (Connotative)

Denotative meaning of greasy is slippery; whereas the connotative meaning is referred to a person
who is disgusting.

Connotation vs Denotation

Two or more words may have similar denotation, but their connotations may be quite different,
depending on their use in context. For example, the words curious, inquisitive, nosy, and snoopy all have
the same denotation: desired to investigate. However, we would probably want to be referred to as
curious or inquisitive. Its because the words curious and inquisitive have a positive connotation:
interested in learning about many different things. But the words nosy and snoopy convey a negative
connotation: curious about the private affairs of others. To use any word effectively and convey exactly
what you want to, you should be aware of the connotative power of words.

Look at these examples.

1. Gregory greeted us with a smile.

2. Gregory welcomed us with open arms.

3. Gregory accosted a man in the street.

The denotations of greet, welcome, accost are similar, but do all the three verbs suggest the same
connotation? Lets see what each sentence connotes.

The verb greet does not have any connotation.

However, welcome has a positive connotation because it shows enthusiasm.

In sentence 3, the verb accosted has a negative connotation, meaning greeting in a rude or threatening

a. A group had gathered at the theater this morning.

b. A mob had gathered at the theater this morning.

The words group and mob both denote a crowd of people. While no particular emotion is suggested
by the noun group in sentence 1, the noun mob in sentence 2 suggests a negative sense to indicate a
disorderly or unruly crowd.

a. Collins lives alone and often feels lonely.

b. Mark is a reclusive billionaire.

Lonely and reclusive both denote a lack of companions or companionship. However, reclusive is usually
used in a negative sense to indicate a person who lives alone and likes to avoid other people.

Sentence Using Connotation

Every word has both a denotative and connotative meaning, but the connotative meaning of a word
varies depending on the context in which the word is used. Some words may seem to be
interchangeable because they have the same definitions, but in fact they are differentiated by subtle
shades of meaning or connotations. For example, consider the word rain; compare the different degrees
of rainfall in the words downpour, sprinkle, and shower.

Let me put them in sentences to make it clear to you.

1. Thousands of lives are at risk from the flooding caused by heavy downpour. (heavy rainfall that often
starts suddenly)

2. It is only sprinkling. We can still go out. (a light rainfall)

3. Our picnic was in question as a heavy shower is predicted for this afternoon. (a short period of rain)

All the three words above are synonyms of rain, but each elicits a different association in the readers
mind. So, choose the word that has the exact connotative meaning that you intend to express.

When choosing a word, think about not only the meaning, or denotations of the words you choose, but
also their connotations-the set of ideas and emotions associated with the word. Depending on the
context it is used, a word might have a positive, neutral, or negative connotation which can affect how
people respond to them when the words appear in writing. Here is an example to show such variability.

Read these three sentences and identify the type of meaning they imply.

1. Becky was tall and thin, with brown hair.

2. When Bert met the slender young woman, he was totally stunned.

3. Becky looked gaunt and exhausted.

Did you notice that all the three expressions refer to the description of a persons body? But is there any
difference in context and meaning of each? All three sentences invoke different associations in the
reader's mind. Let me make this point clear to you.

The term thin in the first sentence describes the physique of Becky. It does not show any judgment on
her structure, Hence it is neutral.

In the second sentence, the word slender is used in a positive sense to suggest a pleasing slimness.
The term gaunt in the third sentence is used in the negative sense to indicate thinness caused by
extreme hunger or illness.

Positive and Negative Connotations

Sentence 1: Ricky is a stubborn person.

Here, stubborn gives the literal meaning that Ricky is a person who is more persistent and strong in his

While using connotative expression, we shall describe a stubborn person in two ways.

Sentence 2: Ricky is a fiercely ambitious young manager.

Here, the word ambitious indicates an admirable wish to succeed. This connotative expression reflects
the positive shade of meaning. Now look at the next possible method of writing this sentence.

Sentence 3: Ricky is a pushy insurance agent, who forces you to buy policies, irrespective of whether it is
actually meant for you.

Could you guess the meaning of the expression pushy? Though this term have the same literal meaning
the previous sentence reflects, pushy connotes rudeness, which is a negative connotation. Pushy
implies offending people in order to get what you want.

Stubborn Neutral connotation

Ambitious Positive connotation

Pushy Negative connotation

Neutral Connotation

Words that do not arouse an emotional reaction or feeling are called neutral words.


Jones was more famous as a writer than as a singer.

In this sentence, famous does not show any positive or negative expression. It simply tells the person is
widely known about by many people.

Now, look at these sentences.

1. Pinchas Zuckerman is one of the most illustrious violinists of 20th and 21st centuries.
2. David Berkowitz is one of New Yorks most notorious serial killers.

The words illustrious and notorious have the same denotative meaning, well-known. Illustrious has
a positive connotation, meaning very famous and much admired. Notorious has a negative
connotation meaning well known for being bad.

Positive Connotation Neutral Connotation Negative Connotation

thrifty economical miserly

economical inexpensive cheap

exceptional unusual strange

youthful young childish

illustrious famous notorious

slender thin skinny

prudent timid cowardly

laid-back inactive lethargic

persevering persistent stubborn

overwrought nervous high-strung

up-to-date new newfangled

visionary inventor dreamer

save store hoard

hilarious laughable ludicrous

assertive aggressive pushy

employment work drudgery

strategy plan scheme Here is a
list of few
fragrance smell stench words
positive, negative, and neutral connotation.

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