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Flight mode is when we run away and escape once faced with a threat, a crisis or a dilemma. Given @ choice, we naturally Prefer the FLIGHT MODE in dealing with our challenges. We are good at running away. We don’t want trials, uncertainties, and difficulties in our life - for we don’t want to fail, to be insulted, humiliated, and left alone. Sometimes, it is clear to us what we should do, and yet we postpone it. For we don’t have the strength and courage to do it. Thus, saying YES to the will of God or to do the things we ought to do becomes 50 painful to us. Running away seems to be the best option - and we are good at it. Carrying our cross and facing our challenges are indeed very difficult, frustrating, and painful. But we need to recognize that running away is far more painful and less productive in the end. We need to accept that when we embrace our cross, we become more true to ourselves and to our identity. Joseph was totally devastated when he learned that Mary was pregnant. He could not understand it. Suddenly, all his future plans crumbled to pieces. And yet, out of his great love for Mary, he did not judge her. Joseph decided to leave Mary silently to save her from being stoned to death. He decided to RUN AWAY, But when Angel Gabriel appeared to him in a dream and explained everything, Joseph faithfully embraced Mary as his wife without any doubt. His decision to take Mary into his loving arms brought him closer to BETHLEHEM ~ a step closer to his identity and mission. What about you? What are your fears and anxieties? What are you running away from? What are the things you need to embrace? Let us ask for the grace to be like St. Joseph, to be able to gain courage to say a BIG YES to the will of God. Often, we find ourselves troubled by fears, anxieties, and frustrations, We find ourselves tightening our grip on our circumstances, believing that we have control over things. The truth is, we have no control of anything. For some, that statement alone Could set off feelings of panic, but if you think about it, it is a cause for joy and peace. Why? Because it means someone more capable is in charge, and He has your best interests in mind: God. As they say, let go and let God. It’s easier said than done, but like St. Joseph, we will always find the grace we need to follow God's will when we seek it. GUIDE QUESTIONS: 1.) Is there something I am running away from? Name them and explain why, 2.) How can I embrace all these in faith? 7

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