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1. Tell me about France; did you like it? Actually, we didnt go. We went to Italy _____
a) still; b) in contrast; c) on the other hand; d) instead

2. Can you come away with me for the weekend? I cant, I am decorating the kitchen. ___, my mother is ill.
a) Even so; b) All the same; c) On top of that; d) After all

3. _____ reading the question carefully, Gary started writing.

a) After; b) Until; c) While; d) Since

4. Im going out now. ____ you happen to pass a chemists, would you get me some aspirins?
a) Had; b) Would; c) Did; d) Should

5. Did you know the Queen was in town yesterday? Yes. _____ I gone shopping, I would have seen her.
a) Were; b) Had; c) Was; d) Should

6. I cant understand our new French teachers accent. _____

a) Nor can I; b) Neither do I; c) Nor do I; d) Neither will I

7. So, how was the film? It was great! ______ you come, you would have enjoyed yourself.
a) Should; b) Were; c) Had; d) Would

8. Jane bought a new dress this morning. What a coincidence! _____

a) So have I; b) Nor did I; c) So did I ; d) Nor have I

9. Your shoes look new. I ______ by the hotel porter.

a) had polished them; b) have them polished; c) had them polished; d) have polished them

10. What are you going to wear to dinner? I dont know. I wish I _____ my lace dress cleaned yesterday.
a) have had; b) was having; c) would have; d) had had

11. We were thinking about doing our place up. Oh, __ the house completely renovated; just revamp it with
some new furniture.
a) dont have; b) not to have; c) havent; d) not having

12. When do you want this report by? Id like ______ finished by 4 oclock.
a) to have the work; b) have the work been; c) the work to have; d) having the work

13. What you ___ yesterday must never happen again. Your sister___ such things and she __ by the same
parents as you.
a) have done; never did; was brought up; b) did; has never done; had been brought up
c) did; has never done; has been brought up; d) have done; never did; used to be brought up

14. We ______ for two hours when he _____ and ______ to plunge again because it was late.
a) have been diving; came; forbade; b) were diving; came; forbidden
c) had been diving; came; forbade; d) were diving; had come; had forbidden

15. The children ______ . They ______ since they ______ out of the house and they ______ to stop until dark.
a) had been playing; have been playing; came; were not going to stop
b) were playing; had been playing; came; were not going to stop
c) have been playing; were playing; came; wouldnt stop
d) were playing; played; have come; wouldnt stop

16. I was told that a golden watch _____ expensive, but they ______ mistaken.
a) isnt; were; b) will not be; are; c) wouldnt be; were; d)is not going to be; were

17. Until he _____ me that I ______ it too far, I _____ him to lend me a large sum of money.
a) will tell; am carrying; will ask; b) tells; will have carried; have asked
c) doesnt tell; am carrying; will ask; d) tells; am carrying; will have asked.

18. He ______, so I suppose that he ______ by now that she ______ to talk to him about this any longer.
a) has left; will have understood; doesnt want; b) is leaving; is understanding; didnt want
c) left; will understand; didnt want; d) leaves; will understand; doesnt want.

19. By this time next week he ______ in hospital for a month.

a) will have been laying; b) will have been lying; c) is going to lay; d) will be lying

20. When your parents __ me that you __ in bed for weeks and you__ for Australia to be operated on there,
I__ at once I must come to see you.
a) told; had been lying; were leaving; decided; b) tell; were laying; were to leave; have decided
c) have told me; are lying; were leaving; have decided; d) told; have been lying; are leaving; decided

21. He__that he__with his job because he__since early childhood and he__to take a trip round the world to relax.
a) says; has been through; was working; wants; b) was saying; is through; had been working; wanted
c) said; was through; had been working; wanted; d) is saying; was through; was working; has wanted.

22. I __ sure that he __ up to no good, because yesterday he left slamming the door and saying that he__ so
fed up with me.
a) am sure; will have been; is; b) was; was; had never been; c) was; is; has been; d) was; is; is

23. By your next appointment he _____ your secret to every one who knows you and they _____ at you.
a) will reveal; will laugh; b) will be revealing; will be laughing
c) will have revealed; will be laughing; d) is going to reveal; will have laughed

24. The chemists raincoat __ behind the door for two days now, but he __ to take it which means he __ these days.
a) has hanged; hasnt come; hasnt used; b) has hung; hasnt come; hasnt been using
c) has been hanging; wont come; wont use; d) has been hanging; hasnt come; hasnt used

25. The child _____ a _____ in his hand for the last half an hour so no wonder it _____ and now he _____ .
a) has held; chocolate; had melted; is crying; b) has held; bar of chocolate; had melted; is crying
c) was holding; chocolate; had melted; is crying; d) has been holding; bar of chocolate; has melted; is crying

26. How long _____ and why _____ the coat I _____ you?
a) are you frozen; havent you given; have sent;
b) were you freezing; didnt you give; had sent
c) have you been freezing/havent you been given/had sent;
d) have you been freezing/havent you been given/sent

27. I _____ the faintest idea why he_____ on the bed like that so I just presume he _____ a rest.
a) have not; is lying; is taking; b) dont have; is laying; takes;
c) have not; is laying; is taking; d) dont have; is lying; takes

28. What sleeping pills _____ since you _____ at all last night _____ taking them?
a) were you taking; hadnt slept; despite of; b) did you take; didnt sleep; in spite of
c) had you taken; werent sleeping; despite of; d) have you been taking; werent sleeping; in spite

29. Whose car _____ towards the village last week until it ______ a tree and ______spinning?
a) was speeding; hit; started; b) was speeding; hit; was starting
c) had been speeding; had hit; has started; d) speeded; was hitting; started

30. All the doors _____ and people _____ into the street to watch the elephant which ____ back to the circus.
a) were opened; were flooded; was led; b) had been opened; flooded; was leading
c) were being opened; flooded; was being led; d) had opened; had been flooded; was leading

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