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Munera juma


1. Which age is the sensorimotor stage from - to?

- ( Birth to age 2 )

2. What is object permanence?

- They recognize the presence of objects even if they are far away

3. What ages is the preoperational period from to?

- ( 2-7 years )

4. What is conservation?

- The ability to hold the original picture mentally.

5. What is seriation?

- putting objects in a logical sequence

6. What is classification?

- putting things into logical groups according to some common criteria, color,
shape, size

7. What is one to one correspondence?

- the understanding that one group has the same number of things as
another group

8. According to Piaget children between ages 7-11 are in which stage?

- Concrete operations
Munera juma
9. What can children in the above stage do that preoperational children are
unable to do?

- Whole number operations

10. What is Piagets final stage called?
- Formal operational (adolescence adulthood)

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