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1. Name:

2. Age :

a) Below 25

b) 25-35

c) 35-45

d) Above 45

3. Gender:

a) Male

b) Female

4. Marital status:

a) Married

b) Unmarried

5. Designations:

a) Manager

b) Supervisor

c) Accountant

d) Others
6. Educational:

a) HSC

b) Degree

c) ITI

d) Diploma


f) PG

7. Experience in the field:

a) Less than 5 years

b) 5-10 years

c) 10-15 years

d) Above 16 years

8. Type of Employment.

a) Permanent

b) Probationary

c) Temporary

d) Contract

e) Others
9. Monthly income:

a) Less Than 5000

b) 5000-10000

c) 10000-15000

d) 15000- 20000

e) Above 20000

10. Training period:

a) One day

b) 1-3 Days

c) 1 Week

d) 1 Month

11. What industry does your organization operate in ?

a) Primary Industry e.g. producers of raw materials (Mining,

fishing, etc.)
b) Secondary Industry e.g. processors of raw materials
(Manufacturing, building etc.)
c) Service
d) Transport

12. Does your organization have a specific marketing person/s?

a) YES
b) NO
13. How long has your organization been using social media for?

a) 1-3 months
b) 4-8 months
c) 9-12 months
d) 1-2 years
e) 2-3 years
f) 3-4 years
g) 4-5 years
h) 5 years +

14. Which social media websites does your organization use?

a) Facebook
b) Twitter
c) LinkedIn
d) YouTube
e) Myspace

15. Which is your preferred social media website?

a) Facebook
b) Twitter
c) LinkedIn
d) YouTube
e) Myspace
16. For what purpose/s does your organization use social media? (Select as many
choices as you like)

a) To advertise products/services
b) To gain feedback from customers
c) To engage (in conversation) with customers
d) To offer promotional items e.g. coupons/gift vouchers
e) For business to business purposes e.g. LinkedIn
f) To increase brand awareness
g) To analyses the competition

17. Please state which types of media you use, as well as social media (you may
select as many choices as you like)

a) We don't use any other type of media

b) TV

18. How useful do you think that social media has been for your company?

a) Very useful
b) Kind of useful
c) Don't know
d) Not very useful
e) Useless
19. How many times has social media helped you to market a specific

a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3
e) 4
f) 5
g) 5+

20. Would you recommend using social media to another organization, as a tool for
marketing a product/service?

a) Yes
b) No

21. Do you feel that your organization should use social media more in its day to
day operations?

a) YES
b) NO

22. If you answered yes to the question above please state from the options below
why you do not use social media more often

a) Not enough time

b) Not enough resources (e.g. staff, computers, finances)
c) Don't think it is useful to the organization
d) Have insufficient knowledge on how to use social media
23.Please answer the following in regards to the social networking site you use the

Not A
somewhat highly
at all little
I feel that the privacy of my personal information
is protected
I trust it will not use my personal information for
any other purpose
I worry that I will be embarrassed by information
others post about me on it
I would continue to use it regardless of its privacy
policy if it helps me meet new people
I would continue to use it regardless of its privacy
policy if it helps me stay in touch with friends
I would continue to use it regardless of its privacy
policy if it is popular

24. Please indicate who you speak to most using social networking sites

Fairly Nearly
Never Rarely
often Always
Close friends
People that live far away
Strangers / people you do not already

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