The Genetics of Cataract: NEW Developments

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The Genetics of Cataract

Catherine A. McCarty and Hugh R. Taylor

C ataract is the first of the five immediate priority areas for

the global initiative to eliminate avoidable blindness by the
year 2020, Vision 2020.1 Cataract was chosen because it is the
socioeconomic status. The primary environmental risk factor is
the link between ocular exposure to UV-B and cortical cataract.
Lifestyle-associated risk factors include the increased risk of
leading cause of vision impairment in the world2 and because nuclear cataract due to cigarette smoking and the potential
safe, effective surgical intervention is available that leads to a increased risk of cataract associated with high alcohol intake.
dramatic improvement in visual function. However, the results Disease-related risk factors include diabetes, hypertension and
of cataract surgery depend on surgical experience, the type of antihypertensive medications, and the use of antipsychotic
surgery performed, the presence of ocular comorbidities, and medications or steroids.
environmental and social conditions. For example, a recent At the time that the review articles were published, family
population-based study in Australia showed that 85% of eyes history also had been shown to have some association with
had best corrected visual acuity of 6/12 (20/40) or better after cataract, but recall bias was suggested as a potential reason for
cataract surgery.3 In contrast, a study in India revealed that 32% the observed associations.7 Others had suggested that families
of eyes had a poor visual outcome (distance visual acuity, that lived a long time were more likely to need cataract sur-
20/60) and 20% of eyes were legally blind after cataract gery, just because of their older age.
surgery.4 More sophisticated analyses of the potential role of genetics
Cataract surgery has been estimated to cost $3.4 billion per in the development of cataract were reported subsequently. In
year in the United States and is the most commonly performed the Framingham Eye Study, strong associations were found
ophthalmic procedure.5 The incidence of cataract and the total between siblings for nuclear and posterior subcapsular cata-
cost associated with cataract will increase as the percentage of ract.8 Segregation analyses on the Beaver Dam Eye Study co-
older people increases in most countries. For example, by hort suggested that a single major gene may account for 58% of
applying age-specific rates of cataract to the estimated Austra- the variable risk of development of cortical cataract9 and that
lian population,3 we find that although the total Australian another single major gene may account for 35% of nuclear
population is expected to increase by 22% between 1996 and cataract.10 Neither of these studies measured the relative con-
2021, the number of people with age-related cataract is likely tribution of genetics versus environmental effects on the de-
to increase by 76% during that same period (Fig. 1), because of velopment of age-related cataract. Twin studies provide an
the aging of the population alone. excellent opportunity to address this question of nature versus
From age-specific prevalence data, it can be estimated that nurture.
if exposure to risk factors for cataract could be modified to
Despite the extensive research that had been conducted
delay the onset of cataract by just 10 years, the need for
into defining the risk factors for cataract, a large percentage of
cataract surgery would decrease by nearly 50%.6 Because the
the disease in the population was still unaccounted for by
median age for the development of cataract is 70 years, a
known risk factors. Then, Hammond et al.11 published their
10-year delay represents only a modest, and not unrealistic,
findings from the Twin Eye Study related to nuclear cataract.
14% decrease in the rate of development of cataract.
They found that the relative contributions of genetics and
Successful prevention programs require a good understand-
ing of the risk factors for age-related cataract. Numerous papers environment to the development of nuclear cataract were 48%
have been written about the epidemiology of age-related cata- and 14%, respectively, whereas age accounted for the risk in
ract. Two review papers published in 1995 summarized the their study group of older female twins.11 In the March 2001
known risk factors for cataract,6,7 which could be categorized issue of IOVS, Hammond et al.12 reported their findings on
as demographic, environmental, lifestyle-associated, disease- cortical cataract. They estimate that genetics may account for
related, and miscellaneous. More recent studies have con- between 37% and 58% of cortical cataract and that environ-
firmed and extended these findings, but have not identified ment accounts for between 11% and 37%. These findings
new categories of risk factors, and several prospective clinical related to the genetic influence on cortical cataract are similar
trials are in progress to assess the effect of supplementary to those of the Beaver Dam Eye Study.9
antioxidants. Cross-sectional studies have suggested that anti- Genetics had been known to explain a number of congen-
oxidants protect against the development of cataract. The most ital eye conditions, including congenital cataract,13 but it was
obvious demographic factor is increasing age, but most studies a real surprise to discover that genetics explains such a large
have also shown that women have an increased risk of cataract. part of the variation in age-related cataract after controlling for
Cataract is also generally more common in people of lower the other known environmental and demographic risk factors.
These new data from investigation of both the nature and
nurture elements are a great help in filling the gap in our
knowledge about the range of factors associated with the
From the Centre for Eye Research Australia, University of Mel- development of age-related cataract. Results from all published
bourne. studies to date suggest that perhaps 50% of age-related cataract
Submitted for publication December 6, 2000; revised February 23,
can be explained by genetics, with the remainder due to aging
2001; accepted March 8, 2001.
Commercial relationships policy: N. and to systemic and environmental factors.
Corresponding author: Hugh R. Taylor, Centre for Eye Research The challenge now is to use the new genetic information to
Australia, University of Melbourne, 32 Gisborne Street, East Melbourne, design studies to decrease the incidence of age-related cataract
VIC 3002, Australia. in the population. Obviously, the race is on to identify genes

Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, July 2001, Vol. 42, No. 8
Copyright Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 1677

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1678 McCarty and Taylor IOVS, July 2001, Vol. 42, No. 8

more information about the cause of age-related cataract and

potentially allow us to tailor our interventions. They provide
the first really new epidemiologic information about cataract
that has been published in some time and suddenly fill in a
large gap in the knowledge about factors associated with cat-
1. Pararajasegaram R. Vision 2020 the right to sight: from strategies
to action. Am J Ophthalmol. 1999;128:359 360.
2. Thylefors B, Negrel A-D, Pararajasegaram R, Dadzie KY. Available
data on blindness. WHO Programme for the Prevention of Blind-
ness. Geneva: World Health Organization; 1995.
3. McCarty CA, Nanjan MB, Taylor HR. Operated and unoperated
cataract in Australia. Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2000;28:77 82.
FIGURE 1. Percentage of increase in the total Australian population 4. Dandona L, Dandona R, Naduvilath TJ, et al. Population-based
and the number of people with age-related cataract from 2001 to 2021, assessment of the outcome of cataract surgery in an urban popu-
relative to 1996. lation in southern India. Am J Ophthalmol. 1999;127:650 658.
5. Javitt JC, Steinberg EP, Sharkey P, et al. Cataract surgery in one eye
or both. Ophthalmol. 1995;102:15831593.
associated with an increased risk of cataract. However, direct 6. West SK, Valmadrid CT. Epidemiology of risk factors for age-
gene therapy in relation to preventing the onset of cataract related cataract. Surv Ophthalmol. 1995;39:323334.
may not be possible in the near future, because further re- 7. Hodge WG, Whitcher JP, Satariano W. Risk factors for age-related
search would be needed first, including identification of the cataracts. Epidemiol Rev. 1995;17:336 346.
gene product and targets for intervention and methods of 8. The Framingham Offspring Eye Study Group. Familial aggregation
delivery to the lens. of lens opacities: the Framingham Eye Study and the Framingham
The next logical step may be to determine the impact of Offspring Eye Study. Am J Epidemiol. 1994;140:555564.
different risk factors for cataract in those who have a known 9. Heiba IM, Elston RC, Klein BEK, Klein R. Evidence for a major gene
genetic susceptibility. This information should allow an inter- for cortical cataract. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 1995;36:227235.
vention to be designed for families who have an increased risk 10. Heiba IM, Elston RC, Klein BEK, Klein R. Genetic etiology of
of cataract. For example, families with an increased risk of nuclear cataract: evidence for a major gene. Am J Med Gen.
cortical cataract could be involved in a study to specifically 1993;47:1208 1214.
reduce ocular exposure to ocular UV-B. On the other hand, 11. Hammond CJ, Snieder H, Spector TD, Gilbert CE. Genetic and
environmental factors in age-related nuclear cataracts in monozy-
families with an increased risk of nuclear cataract could be
gotic and dizygotic twins. N Engl J Med. 2000;342:1786 1790.
enrolled in a specific program to stop cigarette smoking to
12. Hammond CJ, Duncan DD, Snieder H, de Lange ME, West SK,
determine whether their risk of development of nuclear cata- Spector TD, Gilbert CE. The heritability of age-related cortical
ract is decreased. Clinical trials to quantify the effect of anti- cataract: the Twin Eye Study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2001;42:
oxidants in preventing the incidence and progression of cata- 601 605.
racts may be better targeted at families at higher risk. 13. Duke-Elder S. Congenital deformities. Part 2. Normal and Abnor-
The results of the two Twin Eye Studies of nuclear and mal Development. Vol III. System of Ophthalmology. St Louis: CV
cortical cataract are exciting, because they provide us with Mosby; 1964.

New Developments in Vision Research

Written for a broad audience, the articles in this column succinctly and provoca-
tively review a rapidly changing area of visual science that shows progress and holds
potential. Authors and topics are chosen by the Editor-in-Chief in collaboration with
the Editorial Board.
To avoid bias, the Editor-in-Chief subjects these articles to the same rigorous
peer review process to which all other IOVS articles are subjected. Space and
reference limitations are imposed on the authors.
The purpose of this series is not the recognition of individual scientists, nor
exhaustive review of a subject, but the stimulation of interest in a new research

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