Rembenber Behaviorscience - Odt

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remembered BS

a daughter comes with her elderly mother, she does all the talking and mother can hardly say three words before
she takes overbest thing for the physician to do is to ask the daughter to leave. (b) parents bring 15 year old
boy..they privately ask the physian to tell him how bad smoking is and ask him to talk the boyphysians best
response to that. (c) 14 year old girl tells physian that she is under lot of pressure from her friends to have
sex.what should the physians do next talk to her about STD and contraceptive. (d) concern mother brings
daughtershe looks expressionless and talks little..denies that she is depressedwhat else the physician should
inquire for or what waning signthere were more cant remember now.
5.There was one case series question, one calculation for Relative risk, graph saying if moving upper limit affect
sensitivity and specificityhow does it effect PPV and NPV, one confidence interval question, lot of questions on
how to advice patients.either by quiting smoking, or by exerciseblah blah depending on senerio.I just hope
I choose the right option.
6.One questions was a woman wants to donate $1 million to some charity after her husband dies of heart attack to
lower heart disease problem among her communitywhat will give her the fastest result in 2 yrsBest option
there I thought was to donate to a arobic exercise for all.not sure!!
7.Ego defense question: Policeman works 24hrs shiftfor how longcant recalland then when a co-
worker get sick he offers to do her duty as wellwhat defense mechanismthere wasnt much else in the
historybut only two best option was undoing and acting if you ask me I got a lot of questions from Bev
science.there were more like this. drug abuse questionmy only saver was papillary constrictionopoid or heroin?? Patient did have track

stats.... most of it was simple calculations but i didnot get few of them. mostly sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV.
confidence intervals, type of study.

2 cohort study questions
a confounding bias question
sampling bias question
sensitivity question
attributable risk question
Type 1 error question
Child abuse question
variable ratio question
BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE : In every block i got appr.3-4 Q on ethics.Even had few Q from stats.but not too much
calculations..sensitivity and PPV,NPV etc.had 2Q from defense mechanisms and sleep disturbances also.


Lots of computations on odds ratio, relative risk, Hardy-Weinberg, values for sensitivity and specificity of two studies
and you will be asked to compare. May questions also about biases. The study will be described and you have to
determine what is the bias of study. Questions on alpha and beta errors. Same thing as before, the study will be
described and you'll be asked what error is it. Questions on what is the best thing to say to a patient given a
particular situation. For this you have to study ethics. Kaplan is OK

exam..Very simple biostats-case control,corelations,just 2 calculations on PPV,sensittivity.

Q on gene population- a=0.6 b=0.4 what is the % of heterozygotes 2pq=48%

Q on a karyotype (picture#7) shows the chromosome 21 + various description of the disease- what is the diagnosis?
Down syndrome

Q on a woman comes to the doc, she tells the doc that she is motivated w/ her job, but she doesnt socialize w/
other people @ her work, she feels uneasy w/ them. Whats the Dx? Avoidant Personality

Q on a woman had several episodes of Depression in the past, for which she has used medication. She has
discontinued her medication for the past six months and didnt have any episodes of depression. She is thinking
of becoming pregnant. What should you as a doc tell her?

Q on a pt. is in the hospital. The prognosis of his disease is vague. Although he never designated any one as power
of attorney or written consent but his wife tells you that he had mentioned on several occasions not to resuscitate
his life if in case he is at the verge of dying. What should you as a doc do, if this pt. is suddenly about to die?
Listen to the wife and do not resuscitate his life

Q asks about two groups of females, one smoker and the other non-smoker, are identified and followed for ten years
to see the risk of developing breast CA. What type of study is it? Cohort (Prospective)

Q to Calculate the power when Type I (Alpha) error=0.5, Type II (Beta) error=0.20

Q on a clinical trial is being conducted to see the risk of developing cancer in children who live in households near
chemical factory. Will ask about whom should the control group be? children living w/ their parents near the
factory who do not develop the cancer

Q on a pt. presents w/ the severe chest pain. How should you (doc) initiate the patients history so that can
learn the most about the Pts problem... in other words, what should you (doc) ask the pt. to learn most about
the pt.s problem? Tell me more about your pain Ans

Q describes a person is to have a surgery done and he was told about the operation, side effects and other t
hings... signature of patient is required so how should this contract be worded?- here you can have different ways to
write the consent, you would easily pick it upits all common sense.
Q on a woman who has an argument with her boss, she comes home and yell at her children displacement

Q on odds ratio. .formula- always always there get it straight you wont miss it if you know the formula.

Q on a study is being done about the effects of contraceptive on reduction on breast cancer.. .what is the
prerequisite inclusion of group patients who shouldnt have family history of breast cancer.

Q on a high school football player who smokes come to the doctor . . . what should doc say to make him quitting
smoking? smoking can and could affect your sports activity

Q about a mom brings in 12 year old son who has type 1 diabetes and he doesnt comply with the medications
mother keeps complaining to the doc and doesnt let the kid talk- what should the doc say.... mam, can
you please let me hear his side of the story

Q on prevalence....a specialty clinic has a 12% prevalence of a disease but when the docs go to a community clinic it
decrease to 2% y?. . . because specialty clinic only sees particular disease

Q on a case scenario presents a guy has a problem but there are no physical findings. conversion disorder

narcissistic personality

absence seizure Rx ethosuccamide

erection problem in pt, how to Rx

function of diff parts of brain (Fist aid)

Antipsychotic causes EPS; how to treat it- antimuscarinic- Benztropine

S/S mania -what drug to treatlithium

M/A of TCA drugs

gingival hypertrophyphenytoin

What other drug act on beta- lactamases

Odd ratio~ used is with case control studies

Relative used with cohort study

Null hypothesis, x 35. How do u calculate sensitivity?

>36. How do u calculate positive predictive value?
>37. How do u calculate attributable risk?
>38. What is a cohort study?
>39. What is a double blind study?
>40. How do u calculate prevalance?
>41. In what situation is prevalance greater than incidence?
>Chronic diseases
x>43. Lineweaver Burk plot asking what happens with competitive
>44. Michaelis Menton curve asking what happens with a competitive
>45. What kind of mutation happens when there is change from long

1. How old is child when they don't have stranger anxiety?

>52. Characteristics of person suffering from bipolar disorder?
>53. Characteristics of person suffering form schizophrenia?
>54. Parent bring kid in who was unconcious, he has nystagmus and
>has been withdrawn from parents, what drug has he been abusing?

70. Person comes in with a magazine ad or a new drug which you as a

>doctor know won't help them in their condition and patient asks if
>you can give them the drug, what is first thing you tell the
>71. 13 yr old kid comes in who admits to being sexually abused by
>stepfather, what is the first step you take? Notify child services
>or call police or talk to mom or talk to step father

83. know your vaccines, and active and passive immunizations

>84. cohort study, case series
>85. I had 5 q's on epidem. (ppv, spec, sens)
>86. p=id
Delirium (patient not oriented as compared to dementia in which patient is oriented)
Conversion disorder
Post traumatic stress disorder
Personality disorders: Avoidant and Schizotypal
Borderline patient using splitting as a defence mechanism (either everything is good or everything is bad)
Lots of questions on shizophrenia (at least 4)
Thought disorder, Loose associations, etc.

-lots of "how would you respond as the physician" questions, WITH lengthy clinical descriptions. read the actual
question first, it will allow you to skip a lot of the data they give
-graph asking how you would maximize sensitivity
-odds ratio
-types of studies (cohort, case-control)
-speech development (what the hell?)
-developmental milestones
-sleep apena (central vs. obstructive) X2

Behavioral.. I had the smoking and the yellow teeth! I think thats usmles favorite
Behavioral science: the statistic and epidemiology wasn't that bad, PPV, NPV, Types of studies, odds ratio, etc
They asked about one Down's Synd. patient 26, wants to get married with a 40 yo woman, lives alone and work , his
aprents doesm't want him to get married, what the dr. should do, I don't know I chose let him married, I don't
know. teh patien cdr relationship qs where difficult.



factitious disorder by proxy-- 2q almost similar
developmental milestone in a 7 month old
separation anxiety disorder
SSRIs-- increased latency in ejaculation


*Calculation of RR(relative risk)-very easy.

*90%CI=0.9-2.1,asked its interpretation about that study.
*Cohort study
*p=0.01its significance-described one study of dietary fiber and colon CA.
*Effect of one one new drug curing that particular disease-on incidence & prevalence.

A large group of people in some study on risk factors are followed over 20 years; this type of study is known as
what? Ans: cohort study.
Know how to tell difference between screening and diagnostic test
Diagnostic test is done in a sick population while screening is healthy
Know how to calculate PPV, NPV, Relative Risk, Sensitivity, Specificity...etc.
Don't just memorize it as a / (a+b) as they teach in books because on the boards
they may switch the table so that instead of "Disease" on top, they will have "Test
Results" instead....this will throw off your entire calculation.
A boy gets a trauma and can no longer look down and medially; what nerve was injured?
Know the definition of a type I or alpha error
An elderly pt has disseminated prostatic CA and family says that
it will only hurt him more if you tell him the diagnosis, because there is no treatment available. What should the dr.
do? Ans: Should tell the pt anyway b/c Dr cannot be asked to w/hold info from pt. Femoral nerve lies outside the
femoral sheath
has tissue sample of Meckel's diverticulum - what are the two types of epithelia the pathologist will see is? Ans:
Pancreatic and Gastric
Elderly female has lost spouse. Feels guilty, has shock, often feels like husband is still in room, has somatic
symptoms, but no suicidal ideations. Has been occurring for

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