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Olly Millea

Evaluate the relevance of Bell Hooks gender theory of representation to long

form television dramas

Evaluate: The key is to provide you opinion or verdict concerning the extent to
which an argument is accurate. You are required to demonstrate the extent to
which you agree with a particular argument or hypothesis. It is essential to
provide information on both side of the debate using evidence. Then you must
state your position basing your arguments on the evidence that informed you in
arriving at your position.
Relevance: Is the theory appropriate and relevant to LFTD.
LFTD: The media product we are looking at and studying. Think about
1. Bell Hooks theory can be applied to any LFTD, especially when representing
2. Her concept of intersectionality draws attention to misrepresentations and
stereotypes based on one or more gender, race, class and sexuality and their
interrelationships (the way in which each of two or more things is related to
the other or others) in LFTD representations.
1. Does not explain anything specific to LFTD as it is a general theory of
2. In prioritising gender linked to other inequalities, the theory may overlook
similarities or equalities in representations in LFTD.
3. In stressing the influence of social conflict on representations the theory may
underestimate the influence of social consensus (agreement) on

Bell Hooks theory can be put into two parts. The first, being that feminism is a
movement to end partricatchy: sexism, exploitation and oppression. The second,
intersectionality which refers to the intersections of race, class and sexuality to create
a white supremacist capitalist patriarchy.

From the two political dramas I have been studying, we can see that Bell Hooks
theory is applied in both House of Cards and Borgen. On the other hand, her theory
limits our understanding of representation in both shows.

Bell Hooks theory can be applied to long form television dramas, especially when
representing gender. This can be seen in Borgen through the character of Bridgette.
We can see Bridgette conform to the feminist part of Bell Hooks theory in the debate
scene. This scene showcases this because she doesnt listen to the advice that her
campaign manager gives her and instead goes on a tangent, emphasising how
Bridgette cannot be controlled by males.
Olly Millea
However, the theory does not play much relevance in long form television dramas as
it does not explain anything specific to long form television dramas as it is a general
theory of patriarchy. This results in representation being distorted as such by
producers for example, through race and sexuality. We can see this in Borgen in
which there are no characters who are of an ethnic minority or homosexuality.

On the other hand, her concept of intersectionality draws attention to

misrepresentations and stereotypes based on one or more gender, race, class and
sexuality and their interrelationships in long form television dramas. This is shown in
House of Cards in which Linda is shown to be a strong woman of stature and power.
This is a countertype of a politician and this highlights how she is seen as an enemy
of Frank in his plan to get power and emphasises how women and ethnic minorities
can and should be seen to be the people who rid the world of a white supremacist
capitalist patriarchy.

On the flip side of the argument, Bell Hooks theory does not play a large relevance in
long form television dramas this can be because by prioritising gender linked to other
inequalities, the theory may overlook similarities or equalities in representations in
LFTD. We can see this in both Borgen and House of Cards as they prioritise gender
(Claire and Bridgette) over sexuality and race. For example, there is only one
noticeable political drama which showcases homosexuals to have a place of power
with this being Cyrus in Scandal.

Furthermore, by Bell Hooks theory stressing the influence of social conflict on

representations the theory may underestimate the influence of social agreement on
representations. This results in the theory not playing much relevance in long form
television dramas such as Borgen in which there is a lot of conflict on how people
should be represented rather than if they should be represented at all in politics.

I think that Bell Hooks theory of representation does not play a large part in long
form television dramas. Whilst, the feminism movement does play a big part, the
intersectionality part does not play much relevance in the two shows we are studying.
We only see one ethnic minority in both shows with this being Linda a latino woman.
However, we see no homosexual characters in either shows nor do we see much
reference to class as both of the main characters conform to a politicians upper class

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