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DX of achalasia (lady with narrowing of oesophagus)

2. Hypovolemic shock (CO LOW, PCWP LOW)
3.Normal pressure hydrocephalus (triad given but they asked the mechanism - imparied csf/ overproduction of csf)
4. dx of alzeimer demetia
5. what is reduced in restrictive ds (FEV/FVC, TLC, ERV, IRV)
6. Q desribed by drjiggy same came in my exam on dementia pt whose husband is not willing to keep her in the
nursing home and wife doing sexual advances Mx????
7. treatment of human papilloma virus
8. girl of 5 yrs talking at home but is silent in class.
9. treatment of toroutte syn
10. association of taurotte syndrome(adhd same q on uw surprised how well UW has mastered the exam prep )
11.wiskott aldrich (triad was given)
12. IgA deficiency mx (plz see the book remember it is not immunoglogin admistration)
13.Sheehans scenario - what is reduced= prolactin
14. tumour picture of spine and histolgy photo also given and asked which type of tumor -no idea )
15. dx of fetal alcohol syndrome
16 ethics: a 7 YEARS boy dx with ALL and chances of his survival with tt is 80% parents not ready to get him treated.
what wii you do.
17incomplete abortion dx
18. complete abortion dx with stab wound VITAL NORMALwhat next== laparotomy
20. DX OF pericardial tamponade
21. open hemothorax

PID. Increase risk of ----I chose infertility.

20w pregnant woman had a vaginal bleeding with some effacement and dilation. (preterm labor w/o problems) What's
37y.o. pregnant woman. decreased level of ALP (fetal size matches with the dates) What to explain to her?
Annual pap smear, first episode of atypical cell finding. Choose from among corn biopsy, point biopsy, surgery, recheck
one year later, and recheck 6 months later.
Young lady needs advice for contraceptive. What's best? Choose from among condom only, condom+OCP, and
combination OCP (what's this?)
67y.o. woman w/o problems on regular checkup. What to recommend? Pap, mammo, or nothing this time.
4y.o. boy who is already trained urination recently wet bed. No option about new-stress, UTI, and Diseases.(I simply
chose reassurance.)
Bee allergy (Mira's note #6)
Cyclothymia (Mira's note #15)
Bipolaror (obvious)
Schizo or Major dep w/ psych,,, confusing, looks like symple schizo
Schizo (obvious)
Picture of EKG (which has delta-wave), mechanism?---chose re-entry (Mira's note #34?, it was not confusing in my
Picture of EKG with 3-degree block, answered 3rd block (Mira's note #33)
Type1DM boy before entering basket ball club. What to advice? Choose from among limit activity in 30 mins, reduce
insulin and other options.
Shipyard worker, looks like having mesothelioma. Choose asbesto.
Pt after MVA, who is found to have ruptured spleen. Vital stable. What's next?
obviouly malignant melanoma.
17y.o. boy with nausea/vomitting (bloody), living with mother who is taking Iron suppliment and Acetoaminophen. I
chose he took her Acetoaminophen a lot.
Picture of badly displaced clavicle fx. Treatment? (Pinning, Open surgery, conservative, external fixation)
Feeling funny of hands. Pushing wrist excerbate. I chose carpal tunnel syndrome
Mid humeral bone fx. What nerve impaired?--radial nerve
scoliosis (Mira's note #3, I wrongly chose DEXA....)
PPV from chart, 5-second question (Mira's note #7)
Splenectomy(Mira's note #11)
Tyramine crisis (Mira's note #20)
HIV, CD150, prophylaxis (Mira's note #28)
Picture of painful hip-femoral of Sickle cell kid (Mira's note #28)
Splenectomy make patient
Picture of foot ulcer in DM patient. Debridement, amputation, or topical steroid? (Mira's note #27?)
Amniofluid thrombosis case
New boyfriend, any prophylaxis? (I chose HAV vaccine. ????)
30y.o. woman with injection of eyes and multiple arthralgias.
Boy of mildly mental-retardated with large ears----fragile X?
Pt under chemotherapy for cancer. Arthralgia-----I chose uric acid
Substernal pain after meal, who was found to have hiatal hernia. Need your advice. I chose sleep with head up. other
options are surgery, reassurance. (No PPI included.)
Substernal pain after meal and exercise. confusing..
Becoming forgetful 74y.o. Dx among alzheimer, aging, depression, stroke. (Looked like symple aging)
Pt with only hypertension. I chose thiazide (This topic was argued in this forum before)
Patient has cancer with metastasized. You told him and his family before that the expectancy will be 6 month. His is
now found to have encephally metastasized and become strange. What to explain? (correct the expectancy period, he
will be fine, or something..)
How to treat with TB patients? Should they be packed in single-room, or mix with non-TB patients? ( No option to wash
hands or wearing gown )
6-months baby's well-being evaluation and choose the best set, which seems normal-normal-normal.

Well, I got exhausted. I can add more if I recall more.

Allow me for the disorganization.
I only studied for 1 month and half, only finished UW questions. (I couldn't finished 2nd round of UW).
I didn't have Kaplan dvd or Kaplan note..(.Where are they available?)
I think I failed this time, but good Luck to you all.

1)screen: lady 62y/o, normal pap&cholesterol, heart and lungs for years, what to scren for? (mamography)

2)lady menopause, no HRT, back pain, screen for osteoporosis with DEXA/CT/MRI

3)lady menopause, nio HRT, DEXA/ pet scan/ bone scan

4) man, 32, fam history of CAD, what to screen for?-cholesterol

5) female, 32, fam hist of colon cancer, when to start screening: colonoscopy now/at 40/at 50or sygmoidoscopy at 50

6) history of allergy to bees stings: where long sleeved clothes, avoid bushes, carry epinephrine ( someone else posted
this before, i had the same q)

7) positive pred value-calculate from 2x2 chart

8) cluster headache- prophylaxis

9) trigeminal neuralgia-tx with carbamazepine

10) elective splenectomy for TTP, what vaccine to give before surgery? (except pneumo)

11) splenectomy at 9y/o, now 23 y/o, had pneumo, what other vaccine is needed? (i only had hep A< hep B ,
meningoccocal (does it exist?) and influenza to chose from)

12) splenectomy 10 y ago, now pulm inf with gram pozitive, what is the pathophys

13) REM sleep disorder ( same as the q in UW)

14) reactive attachement dz,4y/o girl who had probl only with dad, teacher and doctor where ok

15)cyclothymia- man, depressed/maniac for 3 y

16) major depressive dz vs grief...2y after wife died

17) oppositional defiant dz- kid who argued with everybody, but had good grades

18) chronic schizo, get halloperidol and NMS after..what to treat with

19) media clip: murmur in kid of diabetic mom

20) thyramine crisis, lady at restaurant, takes MAO inhib

21) risk for fetus if mom gets in contact with epople with parvovirus B19

22) only urethral pain on urination, no frequency/urgency/fever etc...what is it? (non gonoccocal urethritis?)

23) SOB, cyanosis 30 min postpartum, BP 60/30, dies despite resuscitation, why?

24) placenta previa-bleeding, no pain, fetus transverse lie

25) female depressive adolescent, 2 suicide attempts, but says she won't do it again, admit to psych unit or treat with

26) HIV, 37y/o married with attorney, doesn't want mechanical ventilation for pneumonia, husband ask you to do it

27) diabetic with foot ulcer, what causes it (derma picture)

28) HIV, CD count 150, what to give prophilaxis for

29) sickle cell female, pain on hip, normal XRay, what does she have? (Xray shown)

30) female, pain on hip, very ugly xray (shown) with necrosis, on femoral neck and intertrohanterian, but not on fem

31) sigle liver mass- measure alphaFP levels

32) study surgery vs stent for carotid stenosis, gave 3 results from 3 studies, asks to interpret (confusing)

33) ekg: third degree block, pulse rate of 38/min

34) ekg: looked like WPW, but the history was like HOCM...confusing (athlete on bascketball

35) kawasaki-tx

36) osgood-schlatter in teenager athelete

37) slipped cap fem epyphisis- chubby 14 y/o

38) female, very high thyroxine level, very low TSH, all the signs for hyper thyroidism, lived with sister who took levo
thyroxine for hypothyroidism- exogen adm??

39) pigmented lesion, grew over 2 mo, and after other appeared around it, also pigmented (derma picture)-melanoma

40) 9y/o girl, developed breasts and pubic hair, dresses like her mom, pretends to be older, mom takes OCP- what is
the cause: mom's OCP/estrogen lotions/Puberty/pituitary adenoma

41) male, around 50y/o, has developed gynecomastia and and small firm testes
low TSH, LOW T3 T4, what is the cause

42) varicella after splenectomy, what is the cause (derma picture)

43) female, marrathon runner, pain on knee, normal XRAY (shown) no tenderness over tibial tubercule, full range of
motion, what is it?

seborrheic dermamatitis
seborrheic keratitis
porphyria cutanea tarda
Corticosteroid induced mental changes
--Dementia Vs normal age related changes
--Calculate negative predictive
--Interpret Odd ratio
--Investigate primary ameno
--Investigate ambiguos genitalia
--Erosive esophagitis - Mx
--Sjogren syn
--Scleroderma - which ANA is raised
--Serum sickness
--Mx of intermittent claudication
--Mx of pressure sores
--Mx of status epilepticus
--Mx of Alzheimer
--Diagnose Parkinson

Malignant hyperthermia, Malignant neuroleptic syn, heat stroke, heat exhaustion - how each presents

--Pathophysiology of all neurological diseases eg GBS, syringomyelia, myasthenia

--How to investigate hypertension

--Diffuse eso spasm - Tx

--Lots of cardio - MI, unstable angina, stable angina - ASD, VCD, TGA, Coart - arrhy and Mx

--Schizophrenia, brief psychotic disorder, acute stress disorder, PTSD, Adjustment disorder, delusional disorder

--Substance abuse - cocaine, cannabis, opoid, marijuana

--Trauma - aortic transection

first of all exam is completely based on concepts

exam is tougher than nbme 3
usmle world gives u orientation
i dint get any video clips
there were 4 ecgs
dx of rosacea
dx of seborrheic keratitis
acne prevention - options were avoiding fatty foods oily based creams washing with soap water
many qs on dementia almost every type of dementia
alcoholo withdrawl treatment
panic disorder rx
panic disorder with agoraphobia rx
and dx
mdd rx
generalised anxiety disorder rx
depression due to medical condition hypothyroidism
dd of lymphadenitis
fe def folate def
multiple meloma
ekgs on acute pericarditis svt afib mi
rx of svt
dx res cardiomyopathy
dx of ar
rx of as
asthma mx
excercise induced asthma rx
volumes in asthma
copd developing into corpulmonale
asbestos worker non smoker cancer bronchogenic or mesothelioma
myasthenia pathophysiology
polymyalgia rhematica with gaint cell arteritis developing blindness
sjogren syndrome dx
tension headache cluter headache dx
multiple sclerosis dx
gynecolgy qs were eassy
very few paeds and surgery qs
i will post some more topics as i remember
i dint do well in the exam waiting for results

1) Ascities tap finding : hemooragic/atypical cells/ ----?D ------OP Malignancy , TB

2) AScities findings: wbc> 750 ------?d ---------sbp
3)32 y m h/o whip lash car accident injury 2 year age came with b/l wasting of small muscles of hands and senory
changes ------?d---------op: Amotrophic lat sc/syringomylia/ MS/cervical spondylosis/disc prolapse
4)HIV pt female cd4

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