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Student Feedback Survey

My teacher asks us to summarize what we

have learned in a lesson.


25% Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

I am able to connect what we learn in this

class to what we learn in other subjects.


Strongly Agree

29% Agree
Strongly Disagree

My teacher uses open-ended questions that
enable me to think of multiple possible


Strongly Agree

53% Strongly Disagree

In this class, students review each other's

work and provide each other with helpful
advice on how to improve.

18% 27%
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

The material in this class is clearly taught.

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree


My teacher asks me to rate my

understanding of what we have learned in

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

In this class, I learn how to use technology
well (e.g., Internet, tools) to support my

Strongly Agree
32% Agree
Strongly Disagree

I am challenged to support my answers or

reasoning in this class.

Strongly Agree
38% Agree
Strongly Disagree
This feedback was gathered from two of my classes, a sophomore world literature course and
the senior science fiction course. There were 45 students that were able to respond to this
The data above shows that in general, my students agreed with the statements posed in the
survey. In all the questions, except for one where they strongly agreed, students agreed with
the statement the most as opposed to strongly agreeing, disagreeing, and strongly
In the first statement, My teacher asks us to summarize what we have learned in a lesson,
which assesses curriculum and planning, 65% of students agreed, 25% strongly agreed, 7%
disagreed, and only 3% strongly disagreed. This statement had the third most agreement out
of all the statements.
In the second statement, I am able to connect what we learn in this class to what we learn in
other subjects, which assesses curriculum and planning, 20% of students strongly agreed,
42% of students agreed, 29% of students disagreed, and 9% of students strongly disagreed.
This statement had the second most disagreement out of all the statements.
In the third statement, My teacher uses open-ended questions that enable me to think of
multiple possible answers, which assesses curriculum and planning, 40% of students
strongly agree, 53% strongly agreed, 5% of students disagreed, and 2% of students strongly
disagreed. This statement had the second most agreement out of all of the statements.
In the fourth statement, In this class, students review each other's work and provide each
other with helpful advice on how to improve, which assesses analysis, 27% of students
strongly agreed, 52% of students agreed, 18% disagreed, and 2% of students strongly
In the fifth statement, The material in this class is clearly taught, which assesses curriculum
and planning, 29% of students strongly agreed, 51% of students agreed, 18% of students
disagreed, and 2% of students strongly disagreed.
In the sixth statement, My teacher asks me to rate my understanding of what we have
learned in class, which assesses assessment, 16% of students strongly agreed, 62% of
students agreed, 18% of students disagreed, and 4% of students strongly disagreed.
In the seventh statement, In this class, I learn how to use technology well (e.g., Internet,
tools) to support my learning, which assesses curriculum and planning, 18% of students
strongly agreed, 43% of students agreed, 32% of students disagreed, and 7% of students
strongly disagreed. This statement had the most disagreement out of all the statements.
In the eight statement, I am challenged to support my answers or reasoning in this class,
which assesses curriculum and planning, 58% of students strongly agreed, 38% of students
agreed, and only 4% disagreed. This statement had the most overwhelming agreement out of
all the statements.
By gathering this data, I was able to take a critical look at my teaching based upon the
feedback I received. I was able to learn several very important things.
The first thing I was able to learn is that I am incredibly successful at challenging my
students to support their answers or reasoning. Almost all of the questions I pose to my
classes are open ended or lead up to a larger questions where the smaller questions work as
support for the focus of the task. A total of 96% of my students said that they either agreed
or strongly agreed with the statement that I challenged them to support themselves. I was
very pleased to see my efforts in that regard were being felt. The third statement was also
very connected to this final statement because it is about open-ended questions. A total of
93% of my students agreed that I asked them open ended questions to think of multiple
answers. Im also glad that they feel I do this frequently because I think its important they
know that there are almost always multiple answers to one question, especially in an English
The second thing I was able to learn is that a very high percentage of my students believe that
I ask them to frequently summarize their learning90% to be exact. I have recently been
doing chapter reviews every four chapter we read after a quiz. I go through the plot and
significant events with the students. We go back and forth as a class to cover the chapters we
have read recently. I provide them a handout of a short review to follow along if they had
forgotten anything as well. One student left feedback related to this topic. They said, The
chapter recaps are very helpful. They help me understand the book by looking at the reading
in depth after reading the chapters. I am glad that the effort I have been putting forward has
been able to yield some positive resultsboth in the classroom and in this survey.
The third thing I learned is that I need to do a better job at presenting information and
literature that my students can connect to other classes or the outside world. A total of 38%
of students disagreed with my ability to do so. This was the second highest occurrence of
negative feedback on a survey question. I often present information that connects soley to
the text we are currently working with. I need to start bringing in other texts, ideas, and
subjects so that my student can create better connections with what they are doing in my
class to other classes as well as the real world. This is actually one of my main goals as a
teacher and I can see how difficult it is to do so sometimes, but if I put the effort in I believe I
will see a great response from my students.
Finally, I was able to learn that I need to incorporate more technology into my classroom. A
total of 39% of students disagreed that I did this often enough. I definitely feel as if I could
use more technology in the class, but I am a bit surprised because we have used either phones
or computers in class on a weekly basis. I know technology is very important to students so I
can imagine they would like to use it more than that, but sometimes it is not practical for
every lesson. However, I hear my students and I will make a concerted effort to include
more technology in my classroom.

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