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The Path
Supply Chain
Perspectives 4.0
It Happen
white paper
written by:

Gary Cokins
ABC Technologies, Inc.

Are All of Your Trading Partners

Worth It to You?
It is no longer sufficient for your organization to simply be lean, agile, and efficient. Your entire

supply chain must also perform like you do. If some of your trading partner suppliers and customers

are excessive high-maintenance to you, then they erode profit margins. Who are they, and how much

do they drag down margins? How does one properly measure customer and supplier profitability?

How does one de-select or "fire" a customer or a supplier? To be competitive, a company must

know its sources of profit and understand its cost structure.

All Customers and Suppliers with that they ultimately drag down the organi- Gary Cokins is the Director of Industry
are Not Created Equal zations profits? Relations for ABC Technologies, Inc., a
If two customers purchased from your company If all of these extra costs are passed on to
leading provider of activity-based
the exact same mix of products and services at customers by ultimately increasing prices to the
the exact same prices during the exact same time end-consumer, what is the risk that our entire information software. He is an
period, would they be equally profitable? Of supply chain has finally pushed the consumer to internationally recognized expert,
course not. Some customers behave like saints switch to a substitute or a competitors product, speaker, and author on advanced cost
and others like sinners. Some customers place or postpone their purchase altogether? That
management and performance
standard orders with no fuss, while others means lost sales to everyone. It is no longer suf-
demand non-standard everything. Some cus- ficient for your organization alone to be lean, improvement systems.
tomers buy your product or service and you agile, and efficient. Your entire supply chain
Gary is chairperson of a CAM-I
hardly hear from them, while others you always must also perform efficiently.
hear from and it is usually to change their Special Interest Group defining the
delivery requirements, inquire about and expe- The Pursuit of Truth design rules for ABC models, which
dite their order, or return or exchange their About Profits will support the eventual introduction
goods. In some cases, just the geographic territo- Why would you want to know answers for what
ABC standards and conceivably
ry the customer resides in makes the difference. your employees are asking? Possibly to answer
Employees often wonder if the bothersome more direct questions about your customers certification.
or remote customer is worth it. What they are and suppliers, such as:
Mr. Cokins is a member of Journal of
really asking is this: If we added up the costs of
our time, effort, interruptions, and disruptions Do we push for volume or for margin with a Cost Management Editorial Advisory
attributed to those kinds of customers, in addi- specific customer? Board. He is an instructor for the
tion to the costs of the products and base ser- Are there ways to improve profitability by Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE),
vices that that customer drew on, did we make altering the way we package, sell, deliver, or
National Association of Purchasing
any profit? That is a good question. How do we generally service a customer?
know? How do we know the level of profitabil- Does the customers sales volume justify the Management (NAPM), and the
ity of any or all of our customers? Most organi- discounts, rebates, or promotion structure we American Society for Quality (ASQ).
zations do not. Since organizations are continu- provide that customer?
ously pursuing prospects, they might want to Can we realize benefits from changing strate-
know how profitable they will be relative to gies by influencing our customers to alter
each other or to our existing customers. their behavior to buy differently (and more
Employees can ask a similar question about profitably) from us?
the inbound costs from their suppliers. Are Can we shift work to or from our suppliers
some suppliers so much more difficult to work based on who is more capable? 303
white paper 1.0
The Path
Supply Chain
Perspectives 4.0
It Happen

To be competitive, a company must know

its sources of profit and understand its cost ABC Assignment Network - Segment the Diversities
structure. A competitive company must Direct Phone,
Salary, Fringe Travel Depreciation Rent,
Benefits Material Interest, Tax
also ultimately translate its strategies into Supplies

actions. For outright unprofitable cus-

tomers, you would want to explore the
Work Activities
possible options of raising prices, or sur-
charging them for the extra work.You may Support
want to reduce the causes of your extra Equipment
work for them, streamline your delivery

Costs (2)
Final Cost Objects
process so it costs you less to serve them,

"Cost Measure Effect"

or finally alter their behavior so that those

(1) Demands on Work

customers place fewer demands on your Product Business
Services Sustaining
In Peter Franceses book, Marketing
Know-How, he posed key questions around a Customers

customer/marketing model that basically

instructs marketers to follow the money! Figure 1.0 The ABC/M framework
Francese starts by asking what kinds of cus-
tomers are loyal and profitable and what
kinds are only marginally profitable, or, employees intuitively suspect the truth they buy, but also understanding the ele-
worse yet, are losing you money. The good that there are losers but these employees ments of customer-specific work that com-
news is there is now a cost measurement will likely presume that their companies prise the entire costs to serve each of them.
methodology called activity-based cost would never want to drop those cus- Your suppliers can be similarly viewed;
management (ABC/M) that can economi- tomers; they also perceive that those cus- those who cause you extra work are ulti-
cally and accurately trace the consumption tomers still provide sales volume that mately dragging down the profit margin
of your organizations resource costs to somehow covers the overhead. But all from your customers. It is no longer accept-
those types and kinds of channels and cus- the product costs, base service costs, and able not to have a rational system of assign-
tomer segments who place varying unrecognized extra costs may not be fully ing so-called non-traceable costs to their
demands on you. Determining your recovered by the sales prices! sources of origin whether those sources
costs-to-serve customers is logical with In other situations, some employees be suppliers, products, or customers.
ABC/M. ABC/M also traces the consump- are evaluated or incented with commis- Finally, your advanced suppliers may
tion on you by varying supplier behavior; sions that are based on sales volumes, so very well be examining you this same way.
high maintenance suppliers erode your they dont place as much importance on Are you a high maintenance customer to
margins as well. costs and profits only on sales volume. them? Might they be considering firing
Figure 1.0 shows the framework for Some employees believe that on average you because you are not worth it to them?
how ABC/M traces, segments, and re- there is very little that distinguishes any
assigns costs based on the cause-and-effect differences between customers, so they Beneath the Iceberg:
demands triggered by customers and their basically view customers as clones of each Unrealized Profits
orders. ABC/M refers to these triggers as other. Some employees may think that What is the reality of profits and losses?
activity drivers. When the cost of pro- those customers who create extra demands When companies take the time to define
cessing a customers orders is subtracted on work through their unwelcome expe- and measure their in-house work activities
from the sales for those orders, you can dites, frequent small orders, slow-bill col- and directly associate them to the bigger
know historically whether you made or lection follow-up, difficult or distant and smaller consumers of their work, the
lost money.You will also know whether or access, and the like, those high-mainte- obvious occurs. In addition to the prod-
not an accepted price quote for a future nance customers should be subsidized by ucts and base-services provided to cus-
customer order will be profitable or not. effort-free customers. These employees are tomers, there are big users, small users,
not disloyal they need education on how and those in between other portions of
Employee Denial, Guilt, profits are generated, and a change of your workload. But since pricing is usual-
and Resistance to Change mindset. ly determined (and quoted) based on
Here is an ironic question. Why would The issue here is not only determining average-based standards, those customer-
some people not want to have access to the profit contribution of customers, driven imbalances are rarely reflected in
customer profitability data? Some including accurate costs for the products the pricing. High-maintenance and low-

304 Achieving Supply Chain Excellence Through Technology

it now costs more for General Motors to
Profitability Profile Using ABC sell cars than to make them!
As evidence, a high-tech semicon-
Profitability profiles are like electrocardiograms of a company's
ductor manufacturer performed ABC/M
health. After sales are attached to the ABC costs, this graph
reveals that $8 million was made on the most profitable 75% and discovered they were making roughly
of products - and then $6 million was conceded back! 90% of their profits from 10% of their
customers. That alone is not unusual, but
Cumulative Profit (Millions)
$8 they were losing money on half of their
customers. Upon discovering this, the
$6 manufacturer explained to some of its
Revenues $4 unprofitable customers how they could
Minus alter their own behavior to lessen the
ABC Costs Unrealized Profit Revealed by ABC
$2 workload on the manufacturer so that a
$1.8 profit fair profit could be attained. The remain-
$0 ing unprofitable customers were fired
Specific Products, Services, and/or Customers
(ranked most profitable to least profitable) they were asked to take their business else-
where, as there was little hope the sales
Figure 2.0 The effects of inadequate costing methods would cover their costs. This manufactur-
ers sales levels then predictably dipped,
but profits tripled. The lesson is the qual-
maintenance customers are equally priced costs $18 million to net at $2 million; but ity of profit associated with sales volume
and reported as equally profitable; this is the graph reveals the mix of that $2 mil- and product mix; there should be a focus
not accurate. lion. The last data point foots-and-ties as on the customer contribution margin
When the inequities are replaced with the total reported profit, but gives no visi- devoid of simplistic cost allocations simi-
true consumption measures of the costs- bility to the parts. lar to the current focus of cost accounting
to-serve customers, the companies who How can this be happening? How can on product profit margins.
have performed this analysis realize that such unrealized profits be so offset by the
they make a high profit on the winners but unprofitable products and customers? The Structural Deficiencies
simultaneously give back a great deal of major reason is that no one sees it. Some with Traditional Financial
unrealized profit on the losers. Both the people intuitively believe it, but they cant Accounting
profits and losses are usually big numbers. prove it. In many organizations, the man- The fact is behavior of customers and sup-
The company only banks the net differ- agers refer to their cost accounting system pliers themselves are the source of a much
ence.That is the bottom-line profit num- as a bunch of fictitious lies that we all greater amount of work-creation than most
ber that senior management sees. Although agree to. people imagine. For wholesalers and dis-
not empirically tested, experiences with Traditional financial reporting in no tributors, one can argue that customers
these measures show that the total amount way reveals the separate profit and losses for cause almost all of the work. But even once
of the profits, excluding any losses, usually several reasons. First, it examines and that is understood, traditional accounting
exceeds 200% of the resulting reported net reports department level expenses but not systems are ill-equipped to trace the costs.
profit and greater than 10 times has even the work efforts within a department. What is needed is to accumulate the costs
been measured! Secondly, the non-direct product and non- of the various support work activities for
Figure 2.0 illustrates how unrealized base-service costs are only allocated (which the order-fulfillment work, and then to re-
profits can be hidden by inadequate cost- is a dirty word to ABC/M) to products or assign this order-fulfillment work into the
ing methods.The accountants are not prop- base services; these costs are rarely isolated product and customers who cause work to
erly assigning the expenditures based on and directly charged to specific customer happen in varying amounts and in pro-
cause and effect. The graph shows each segments causing these costs. In financial portion to their use. Traditional financial
products cost and net of sales, and reveals accounting terms, the costs for selling, accounting systems are structurally unable
the profit of each product and service line. advertising, marketing, logistics, warehous- to accomplish this.
The products are rank-sorted left-to-right ing, and distribution are immediately Why? Traditional accounting only
by the most to the least profit margin rate. charged to the time period in which they reports employee-related salary and fringe
The very last data point equals the firms occur. Consequently the accountants are not benefit costs which reveal no insights to
total net profit, as reported in their profit tasked to trace the costs to channels or cus- the content of work performed by employ-
and loss statement. For this organization, tomer segments. Todays selling, merchan- ees and that workload may be control-
total revenues were $20 million with total dising, and distribution costs are sizable lable. Traditional accounting also groups 305
white paper 1.0
The Path
Supply Chain
Perspectives 4.0
It Happen

ABC is a Cost The Traditional Profit and Loss Statement will be replaced
Re-Assignment Network by an ABC P & L with its "layered" Gross Profit Margins
In complex, support-intensive organi- Traditional P & L Activity-Based Costing (ABC) P & L Sales Mix =
Unit Cost
zations, there can be a substantial Total Segmented Total Segmented X
chain of support activities prior to, Sales Sales Volume

and upstream from, the work activi- - Direct Material - Direct Product Materials
ties that eventually trace into the - Direct Labor By = Gross Margin 1 By
Product Product
final cost objects. These chains result - Overhead - Product Work Activities
in activity-to-activity assignments, = Gross Profit * = Gross Margin 2 **
and they rely on intermediate activity - Sales & Distribution - Product Work Activities
- General Period By
drivers in the same way that final cost Cost = Gross Margin 3 Customer
- Administrative - Business Sustaining Activities
objects rely on activity drivers to re-
= Operating Profit = Operating Profit
assign costs into them based on their Before Tax (OPBT) Before Tax (OPBT) Customer Service
diversity and variation. Profit Yield

* =Segmented Margin by Cost-to-Serve-Customer

The direct costing of indirect costs is Product & Customer ** Product Gross Margin = By Customer
no longer an insurmountable prob-
lem, given the entry of computerized
ABC software that evolved in the early Figure 3.0 ABC P&L margin layers
1990s. ABC/M allows for assigning
intermediate direct costs to a local
process output or to an internal cus- costs according to the hierarchical and ver- With activity-based costing, the tradi-
tomer or required component materi- tical appearance of the organization chart, tional profit and loss statement changes
al that is causing the demand for that denying any view of the true end-to-end and becomes like the layers of an onion-
work. That is, the design of the ABC business processes that start and finish with skin. Figure 3.0 contrasts the traditional
cost flowing assignment network no customers. Business processes are unaware P&L with an ABC P&L. It shows a simple
longer has to hit the wall from lim- of artificial organizational boundaries. report revealing varying margin layers.The
ited spreadsheet software and its In contrast, ABC/M flexibly defines left side of the figure shows what most
restricted columns-to-rows math. The and measures costs at the level of work managers see today. Only the products are
new generation of ABC/M software is activities, regardless of function. Revisit costed (and the product overhead costs are
arterial in design. Eventually, via this Figure 1.0. The unique work activity costs themselves frequently mis-allocated to the
cost assignment and tracing network, caused by ones suppliers, such as process- products). The right side ABC P&L shows
ABC/M re-assigns 100% of the costs ing their purchase orders or negotiating that first, exclusively product-related mar-
into the final products, service lines, deals, are burdened by those products that gins can be viewed, and without the mis-
customers, and business sustaining are purchased. The National Association of leading distortions from overhead cost
costs. Purchasing Management (NAPM) refers to mis-allocations (traditional overhead cost
Lets review the cost assignment net- this as the total cost of ownership allocations apply volume-based factors
work in Figure 1.0, beginning where (TCO); this means the invoice price of the without correlation, and not use-based
customers (or beneficiary receivers) purchase does not reflect the entire cost of activity drivers that possess cause-and-
initiate the demands on work that procuring that product. Just think about effect relationships). Then, as customers
ultimately require resources to be the differences between technically sophis- consume (i.e., purchase) their unique
consumed. ticated suppliers who use EDI and bar-cod- quantities of the mix of products, where
ing and archaic suppliers who use error- some products may be stand-alone prof-
Starting at the bottom module, all
causing faxes. Which type of supplier caus- itable and some not at the product level,
organizations have customers that
es more of your workload and costs apart then the cost-to-serve customer-related
behave as final cost objects; this exis-
from the direct material purchase cost? costs are combined to calculate the next
tence ultimately creates the need for
Suppliers cause you different workloads profit contribution margin layer.
a cost structure in the first place. For
independent of volume.
example, customers purchase varying
Calculating costs with ABC/M then ABC/M Contribution
quantities or amounts of the organi-
allows re-assembly and assignment-tracing Layering
zations products or service lines. As
for all the work activity costs to reflect how A true ABC/M system operates as a re-
noted earlier, in some unique cases,
each customer, channel and market seg- assignment system. Lets revisit Figure 1.0.
ment consume the costs to get served. Figure 1.0 reveals how the costs flow

306 Achieving Supply Chain Excellence Through Technology

ABC/M Profit Contribution Margin Layering different suppliers create differing
RESOURCES demands on work for similar prod-
FRINGE BENEFITS MATERIAL (Equipment-Related) (e.g., operating supplies) ucts, so the suppliers may also be
WORK segmented to reflect their variation.
RELATED ADVERTISING SET-UPS SALES CALLS, or service line costs, although they
may be identically priced as those of
# Machine Hours # Sales calls
# Material Moves
# Set-ups
# Orders
# Shipments
an alternative supplier, would now
Facility Costs reflect different costs reflecting the
# Advertisements FINAL
SENIOR OSHA IRS COST varying ease or difficulty working with
Gut Regulators that supplier.
BATCH SUSTAINING # Meters (for full absorption)
# Advertisements It is in this final cost object module
where diversity is most apparent and
PRODUCT/SKUs LEVEL BATCH ARBITRARY into which all upstream activity
LEVEL (for full absorption)
Next, skipping past the middle mod-
Figure 4.0 ABC/M Profit Contribution Margin Layering ule (i.e., activity costs) and moving
up to the top module, the traditional
general ledger expense balances are
through the cost assignment network. business as a whole, or to customers, prod- displayed. The cost assignment dia-
One of the insights gained from ucts, or suppliers. gram in Figure 1.0 only reveals
ABC/M is an understanding of how final Figure 4.0 expands on the ABC/M assignment paths from the payroll-
cost objects, such as suppliers, products, cost assignment networks final cost object related costs; but paths for the non-
channels, and customers, vary with the module. It displays two layers of nested payroll expenses, such as supplies
work-related activities that they consume. consumption sequence of costs. A and operating expenses, exist for any
Some activities, such as opening a new cus- metaphor for this consumption sequence is organization. These paths are simply
tomers account or placing a product into a the predator food chain from the animal not shown to reduce the complexity of
box, vary directly with each specific sup- kingdom, where large mammals eat small- Figure 1.0, but all of the non-payroll
plier, customer or product (i.e., cost er mammals who eat plants. The final-final related resource costs also flow
object) processed or serviced. These are cost object, which in this figure is the cus- through the cost assignment network.
called unit-level costs. Workloads vary tomer, ultimately consumes all of the costs, Payroll-related costs are very impor-
directly with each unit of output. except for the business sustaining costs. tant to ABC because they are the
There are other activities, such as Within each of the major final cost more controllable expenses. The
changing over machine settings in order to object categories (suppliers, product/ser- activities performed by workers who
make different products, for which the vice line, and customers), they each have use those resource costs drag along
time or work effort varies independently of their own sustaining costs which are and consume many of the other non-
the batch size (i.e., the quantity of the assignable to their end-product or end-cus- payroll resource costs such as sup-
machine run volume).These kinds of work tomer. However, when tracing these sus- plies. (Figure 1.0 traces the ledger
activities vary directly with each event taining costs, they can not apply a mea- expense balances into a staging
when the machine is re-set. Another exam- surable quantity volume as applied by the account of work groups, which in turn
ple, customer-related, is where the length batch-level and unit-level activity costs. For are re-assigned to the work activity
of time processing a customer invoice is example, a branding program may benefit costs using resource drivers, such as
independent of the price of the invoice. a select group of products, for which those timesheets.)
These are referred to as batch-level costs. products can be specified, but how much The most important ABC module is
Both unit-level and batch-level costs of the branding cost to each product? These arguably the middle one the activi-
can be attributed to specific suppliers, product sustaining costs can be traced ty module. This module is not only
products, or customers without debate using some shared basis, such as sales where the work activity costs are ini-
since the products or customers are the unit-volume or spread evenly, even though tially costed, but then they are further
final cost objects causing and consuming there is no cause-and-effect. re-assigned to the supplier, product,
the work.There is a third higher level activ- In short, sustaining costs can be service line, channel, customer or
ity cost type referred to as sustaining assigned to products or to customers using
costs. Sustaining costs can be applied to the what may appear as the old flaws of cost 307
white paper 1.0
The Path
Supply Chain
Perspectives 4.0
It Happen

business sustaining final cost objects

those objects that collectively cre- ABC/M PROFIT CONTRIBUTION MARGIN LAYERING
ate demands on the organizations (predator food chain)
work. Unfortunately, for many organi-
zations, after they have expended the
Resource Drivers
effort to define their work activities
and calculate their activity costs, they
stop. Activity costs are actually the
Activities Drivers FINAL
starting point of both ABC and ABM, COST OBJECTS
not the end!
Business Sustaining U.B. BRAND
Costs U.B.
Business sustaining costs are those SUPPLIER - RELATED LINE SUSTAINING
costs not caused by products or cus- SERVICE - RELATED
tomer service needs. The consump- RELATED
tion of these costs can not be logical- RELATED CUSTOMER
Measurable Drivers
ly traced to products or customers. U.B.
U = Unit - Level Volume
One example is the accounting B = Batch - Level Quantities, Time CUSTOMER RELATED

department closing the books each

month. How can we measure which
product caused more or less of that Figure 5.0 ABC/M Predator Food Chain

work? We cant.
Another example is lawn mainte-
nance. Which customers or products
allocations. They capture the diversity of all the costs based on unique usage.
cause the grass to grow? These kinds
mix segments and isolate the sustaining Figure 5.0 displays three potential
of activity cost can not be directly
costs to the type of final cost objects that cost object types that could be isolated and
charged to a customer, product or ser-
cause the activity costs, usually to a sub- assigned to an intermediate destination for
vice in any equitable way; there is
group within that final cost object. activity cost accumulation prior to being
simply no use-based causality orig-
re-assigned to customers.
inating from the product or customer.
Additional Final Cost Note that without being isolated,
The need to recover these costs via
Object Types these activity costs would have been
pricing or funding is eventually
In effect, what ABC/M does is reflect how directly assigned to customers from the
required, but that is not the issue
the variation and diversity of cost objects same activity costs. But by isolating them,
here; the issue is fairly charging cost
segment activity costs and resource costs. If via a two-step cost assignment method,
objects when no causal relationship
there are substantial costs and sufficient the activity costs are initially grouped the
diversity in another type of cost object, for way they match the workload, and then
example, the type of customer order (stan- the customer is shown to be purchasing
Business sustaining costs (or organi- dard, special, adjusted, international, etc.), the output. The second of the cost assign-
zation sustaining for governments then the order type can qualify as its ments is referred to using ABC/M lingo as
and not-for-profit organizations) can own separate and visible final cost object. cost object drivers (the term activity dri-
eventually be fully absorbed into Another example might be type of freight- ver is no longer applicable as the work
products or customers, but such a haul trip, such as truck, marine, or rail, or activity already accumulated in the final
cost allocation is arbitrary. There is no as less-than-truck load (LTL) versus full cost object.)
cause-and-effect relationship truck load. This type of receiving final cost For advanced ABC/M users, they may
between a business sustaining cost object would serve as an intermediate wish to view product profitability including
object and the other final cost repository to capture diversity of the type customer costs (e.g., to determine and print
objects. When these costs are of work output. After activity costs are prices in their price list catalog). Todays
assigned into final cost objects, orga- traced to these final cost objects, then those advanced ABC/M software allows multidi-
nizations often refer to them as a costs are re-traced to the customers based mensional views of various combinations
management tax representing a on the mix of order-types consumed by of cost objects. A two-way bi-directional
cost of doing business apart from the each customer. Hence, all customers are linkage replaces the sequence of the preda-
not created equal. ABC/M equitably traced tor food chain. Other dimensions can

308 Achieving Supply Chain Excellence Through Technology

Examples of final cost objects that
SALES $$$ Margin $ Margin comprise business sustaining cost
Product-Related (Sales - Costs) (% of Sales)
objects may include: senior manage-
Supplier-Related Costs $ xxx $ xxx 98%
Direct Material $ xxx $ xxx 50% ment (at individual levels, such as
Brand Sustaining $ xxx $ xxx 48%
Product Sustaining $ xxx $ xxx 46% corporate, division, and local) or gov-
Unit-Batch $ xxx $ xxx 30%
ernment regulatory agencies (such as
Outbound Freight Type* $ xxx $ xxx 28%
environmental, departments of trans-
Order Type* $ xxx $ xxx 26% portation, occupational safety, or tax
Channel Type* $ xxx $ xxx 24%
authorities). In effect, these organiza-
Customer-Sustaining $ xxx $ xxx 22% tions, via their policies and compli-
Unit-Batch* $ xxx $ xxx 10%
ance requirements, or via their infor-
Business-Sustaining $ xxx $ xxx 8%
8% Operating Profit mal desires such as briefings or fore-
Capital Charge** (inventories, receivables) $ xxx $ xxx 2% casts, place demands on work activi-
6% Economic Profit
(for EVA) ties that are not caused by or attrib-
* Activity Cost Driver Assignments use measurable quantity volume of Activity Output ** Capitol charges can also be directly charged utable to specific products or cus-
(Other Activity Assignments trace based on informed (subjective) %s) as imputed interest to products & cust.
Figure 6.0 3-D ABC/M Profit Contribution Cube Other categories of expenses that may
be included as business sustaining
costs are idle capacity costs or
include geographical sales territories, store example, the individual products and ser- research and development (R&D).
locations, or specific salespeople. vice lines purchased can be examined as R&D costs might be optionally
they are a mix of high and low margin on assigned so that the timing of the
The ABC/M Customer their own. Within each product or service recognition of expenses is reasonably
Profit and Loss Statement line, the user can further drill down to matched with revenue recognition for
As costs flow from one final cost object to examine the content and cost of the work sales of the products or service lines.
another final cost object, each flow will activities and materials (the bill of costs) However, remember that ABC is man-
consume the unique mix of the upstream for each product and service line. ABC/M agerial accounting, not regulated
cost object. In simpler terms, an individual users refer to this data mining and navigat- financial reporting, so strict rules of
customers total costs (apart from its direct ing as multi-dimensional reporting; they accounting principles (GAAP) need
costs-to-serve) are inclusive of only the use online analytical processing (OLAP) not be followed, but can be borrowed.
product quantities and mix that he or she tools for viewing the output of the ABC/M
purchased. Furthermore, each product calculation engine. This is powerful infor-
incurred its own activity costs with a mation. The sum of all of the customer products and by all customers.
cause-and-effect relationship, not with an profit and loss statements for this type of This revelation can give progressive
arbitrary indirect cost allocation. report will add to the entire business and innovative companies tremendous
Figure 6.0 reveals the layering of enterprise-wide profit (or loss). That is, it flexibility to price low for emerging prod-
costs similar to Figure 3.0, but in the shape reconciles with the companys official ucts and for targeted new customer
of a 3-D cube.The costs for each successive books the bottom line. prospects, and to price higher with more
step along the predator food chain of loyal and secure customers less likely to
costs are inclusive of only the unique mix Revelations From switch to competitors. However, if too
of costs that were purchased or consumed. the New Cost Data often or too many prices are set slightly
ABC/Ms drivers always provide the Note that back in Figure 3.0 the three mar- above the marginal costs, as time passes
assignment bridge into the next successive gin levels do not include any business sus- where products are phased out and cus-
level that consumes the upstream costs. taining expenses, the company internal tomers depart, then the profit structure
Figure 7.0 is an example of an indi- tax, which were not caused by suppliers, risks being slowly replaced without
vidual customer profitability statement. products, base-services or customers. It is enough sales recovering the business sus-
Using ABC/M, there can now be a valid true that these expenses must some way be taining costs. So this practice must be care-
P&L statement for each customer, as well as eventually recovered in total via pricing to fully managed. For example, low prices to
logical segments or groupings of cus- be overall profitable, but an ABC/M profit capture new customers will need to be
tomers.There can be a tremendous amount and loss statement reveals that they do not gradually increased over time.
of detail below each of these reports. For necessarily have to be recovered by all The ratios of the costs-to-serve-cus- 309
white paper 1.0
The Path
Supply Chain
Perspectives 4.0
It Happen

tomers to the product mix margin are

revealing when compared on a customer- ABC/M CUSTOMER PROFIT & LOSS STATEMENT
by-customer basis (or by segment or
channel). A traditional belief that large SALES $$$ Margin $ Margin
Product-Related (Sales - Costs) (% of Sales)
volume customers produce proportion- Supplier-Related Costs $ xxx $ xxx 98%
ately large profits may be dispelled. Direct Material $ xxx $ xxx 50%
Brand Sustaining $ xxx $ xxx 48%
Companies using ABC often discover that Product Sustaining $ xxx $ xxx 46%
Unit-Batch $ xxx $ xxx 30%
if given an extra hundred dollars to
serve a customer, it would return a rel- Outbound Freight Type* $ xxx $ xxx 28%
Order Type* $ xxx $ xxx 26%
atively higher profit contribution from Channel Type* $ xxx $ xxx 24%
mid-size or smaller customers. Customer-Related
Customer-Sustaining $ xxx $ xxx 22%
Unit-Batch* $ xxx $ xxx 10%
Migrating Customers to Business-Sustaining $ xxx $ xxx 8%
Higher Profitability 8% Operating Profit

Figure 8.0 provides a two-axis view of cus- Capital Charge** (inventories, receivables) $ xxx $ xxx 2%
6% Economic Profit
tomers with regards to the composite (for EVA)

margin of what each purchases (reflecting * Activity Cost Driver Assignments use measurable quantity volume of Activity Output ** Capitol charges can also be directly charged
(Other Activity Assignments trace based on informed (subjective) %s) as imputed interest to products & cust.
net prices to them) and their cost-to-
serve. Each quadrant of the matrix shows Figure 7.0 ABC/M Customer P&L Statement
a different type of customer. Figure 8.0
debunks the myth that companies with the
highest sales must also generate the highest
profits. This is not necessarily true! ABC/M CUSTOMER PROFITABILITY MATRIX
Customers with high sales volume are not necessarily highly profitable. Customer profitability
Figure 9.0 shows various customers as levels depend on whether the net revenues recover the customer-specific cost-to-serve.
points of an intersection of Figure 8.0s Very Profitable
matrix. The objective is to make all cus-
Types of Customers
tomers more profitable represented by High
driving them to the upper-left corner. This Passive Savvy
Product/service Pays top-shelf price
can be accomplished by: (1) managing their is crucial Costly to serve
Good trading
cost-to-serve to a lower level, (2) reduc- partner match

ing their services, or (3) raising prices or Product Mix* * Unique to each customer
Margin (their basket of purchases)
shifting the customers purchase mix toward
Cheap Aggressive
richer, higher-margin products and service Price-sensitive Leverage their
Low service & buying power
lines. (Note that migrating customers to the quality requirements Buying low-margins

upper-left corner is equivalent to moving Low

(Low Fat)
individual data points from right to left in Nominally
Figure 2.0.) Cost-to-Serve
Knowing where customers are located Very Unprofitable

on the matrix requires ABC/M data.

Figure 8.0 ABC/M Customer Profitability Matrix
Intra- Versus Inter-
Organizational Costing
Supply Chain Management is forcing all par- and shielded not only by their direct suppli- its might incrementally become relatively
ticipants in the value chain to want to know ers price, but also the cost shields of their higher than before because of that price
what the costs and profit margins are for the suppliers suppliers. reduction and that is certainly true for
all of their upstream and downstream trad- If one of the suppliers in a supply chain every other trading partner.
ing partners. Many hold the misconception is benefiting from obscenely high profits, In order for the entire supply chain to
that the only view for this information how do any of the trading partners know? effectively perform margin management, it
would be a cumulative time-flow chart Lets imagine a change where that particular must be able to have some form of open
starting with Mother Earths minerals and supplier reduced its price, and that price book visibility to the suppliers product-
resources and ending at the retail stores reduction passed through the chain to the specific costs.Today, each buyer can already
shelf. Figure 10.0 shows the problem. Each end-consumer. This would sales raise vol- see the invoice or catalogue-listed price of
trading partner cannot see the true costs up ume for every partner in the entire value their suppliers products as well as those of
to their point in the chain; they are blocked chain. In fact, the lower-tier suppliers prof- their suppliers suppliers but no one can

310 Achieving Supply Chain Excellence Through Technology

Law of Cost Accounting applies: For every
ABC/M CUSTOMER PROFITABILITY MATRIX freeloader, there is an equal and opposite
Knowing where channels or customers are located requires knowing their true costs via ABC. sucker. That is, even if suppliers disclose
Very Profitable their specific product and service costs,
Types of Customers from which profit margins can be derived,
(Creamy) Profitable the calculated costs are likely to be bogus, or
at least have uncertain error.This means that
all the suppliers products are probably over-
Big Profit $ (but not and under-costed. Until the supply chain
necessarily margin %)
Product Mix applies some forms of activity-based meth-
Margin Small profit $ (but not ods for absorption and direct costing, then
necessarily margin %)
the supply chain participants will be weak-
Unprofitable ened from making insufficiently informed
(Low Fat)
Low High
decisions. Inter-organizational costing will
Cost-to-Serve remain a dream.
Very Unprofitable
With the facts, customers than be migrated toward higher profitability by: (1) managing the service costs,
(2) reducing their services, (3) renegotiating prices and or shifting their purchase mix to richer products Beware the Learning
Figure 9.0 ABC/M Customer Profitability Matrix As progressive organizations and some
may be your competitors and your suppliers
gain proficiency and mastery with the
business intelligence provided by ABC/M,
INTER-ORGANIZATIONAL COST AND PROFIT BLINDNESS they can be formidable. What those compa-
nies are recognizing is that each individual
The customer affects the profitability of their
Cost (-4) Cost (-3) brand products, base services, and market
Profit (-4) Profit (-3) Cost Shield Final Price segments.The effect is due to the customers
purchasing habits, delivery location, dis-
Inter-organizational profits count/rebate structures, or other diverse
For each ways it places demands on its suppliers.
Product (i),
Inter-organizational costs channel (g), & When equipped with ABC/Ms superior
customer (q)
data, your competitors can cherry-pick
Activity (i)
the premium-profit customers, strategically
The only way that buyers and sellers along the Supply Chain can price for new product entry, and even send
meaningfully discuss opportunities, is if each trading partner has false signals with price quotes deliberate-
activity-based cost management (ABC/M). ly set at levels to lose the business so that
their competitors will not suspect they have
Figure 10.0 Migrating Customers to Higher Profitability a far more accurate quoting engine.
Future competitive differentiation
will be based on the speed rate at which
see the profit margins specific to each prod- by product, by service, and by customer organizations learn, not just the amount
uct and to each customer! enables mutual and intelligent discussions they learn. Your organization should
The only way to have view of these among the trading partners as to where to understand and master ABC/M as the
costs will be through open-book collabora- remove waste and redundancies or to shift route to understanding your customer
tion and trust. And since the only relevant functional skills and tasks amongst the par- profitability, and your trading partners
costs to a buyer are those specific products ticipants in the value chain.The sad truth is, should not be blind to where they make
and services that he or she is procuring, many of the trading partners have archaic or lose money.
then each supplier requires a strong cost and poor product cost allocation practices Having the visibility to all of this cost
system.This means that each supplier needs and no repeatable or reliable cost assign- and margin data is a beginning. People
a reasonably accurate cost assignment sys- ment methods for distribution, sales, and must act and make decisions with this data.
tem with bill of activity cost visibility.The customer management. But in the land of the blind, the one-eyed
visibility of work activity costs segmented With most suppliers, Newtons Third man is king. 311

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