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Regardless of the nature of the crime, capital punishment can never be considered as an acceptable

punishment by any government.

Critically analyze the above statement using specific examples to support your answer.

General statement about the world + capital punishment
In today's modern society, various nations have punished their criminals using different methods;
however, capital punishment or death penalty is the lawful infliction of death as a punishment which sanctioned
by the government.

Be more specific: Background info capital punishment

According to Amnesty International, as of July 2015, 101 countries have canceled the death penalty for
all crimes in law, while 37 countries are still use the death penalty in law and practice.

Give more background about the conflict

However several governments around the world are against it and some support it. Therefore, it has
caused a lot of conflicts. In the article titled Capital punishment: The slow death of the death penalty by The
Economist, convinced the reader that the percentage of people who support death sentences and executions are
going down sharply. This paper will examine exactly on the conflicts to assess how societys opinions on
capital punishment and the affected of the laws and regulations set forth by the government throughout history.

Finally introduce the thesis statement with 3 main ideas (A, B, C)

(A)First, the death penalty has no deterrent effect because there is no evidence to show that it can prevent
crimes more effectively than long-term imprisonment. (B) In addition, the death penalty is more expensive than
other punishments for criminals. (C) Finally, this is an immoral punishment. Racial bias and ethnic
discrimination are inevitable and evident in the administration of the death penalty.

Dont forget that the thesis must include how regardless of the nature of the crime, capital punishment
can never be considered as an acceptable punishment by any government.

In today's modern society, various nations have punished their criminals using different methods;
however, capital punishment or death penalty is the lawful infliction of death as a punishment which sanctioned
by the government. According to Amnesty International, as of July 2015, 101 countries have canceled the death
penalty for all crimes in law, while 37 countries are still use the death penalty in law and practice. However
several governments around the world are against it and some support it. Therefore, it has caused a lot of
conflicts. In the article titled Capital punishment: The slow death of the death penalty by The Economist,
convinced the reader that the percentage of people who support death sentences and executions are going down
sharply. This paper will examine exactly on the conflicts to assess how societys opinions on capital punishment
and the affected of the laws and regulations set forth by the government throughout history. (A)First, the death
penalty has no deterrent effect because there is no evidence to show that it can prevent crimes more effectively
than long-term imprisonment. (B) In addition, the death penalty is more expensive than other punishments for
criminals. (C) Finally, this is an immoral punishment. Racial bias and ethnic discrimination are inevitable and
evident in the administration of the death penalty. (214 words)

1st Body Paragraph
Topic sentence (Thesis restated with main idea A)
Support 3 different sources
1. Use transitions: Moreover, Furthermore, For example
2. Counter: However, On the other hand, In contrast
3. Refutation: Despite that, It can be argued that
4. Concluding sentence: Thus, Nevertheless
Firstly, many people disagree with capital punishment because it does not deter crimes. It also has failed to
deliver on the promise that it will make people safer. (1) For example, according to Amnesty International
(2014, para. 9), the death penalty is wrong because it deny the human rights and the human right to life. In the
article the author states that the death penalty is not a solution to help build a better society, it is a burden on
country and does more harm than good. (2) In contrast, Fagan (2016, whole article) cites the administration of
the system of capital punishment in the United States, and also the changes in crime rates in American cities
over the past three decades. In his article he stated Some researchers argue that even murders of passion,
among the most irrational of lethal crimes, can be deterred. (3) Despite that, another research by Bowers
(1988), Forst (1983) and Stack (1990) has found that the punishment does not actually reduce crime. In the
article (para. 9) they found several studies have shown that the death penalty that instead of preventing crime,
it increases more murders. (4) Thus, there is no evidence that executions deter criminals, the murder rates only
decreased after executions have been enforced in a short period of time and then increases again. (222 words)

2nd Body Paragraph

Topic sentence (Thesis restated with main idea B)
Support 3 different sources
1. Use transitions: In addition, To illustrate, For example
2. Counter: Beside that, On the other hand, In contrast
3. Refutation: Despite that, It can be argued that
4. Concluding sentence: Thus, Nevertheless, Hence

Secondly, the cost to implement death penalty is more costly than keeping prisoners in jails. (1) To
illustrate, in the article Advantages and Disadvantages of The Death Penalty written by John Lee (2013,
para. 8) supported: The cost involved on the death penalty prosecution is greater than the expenses occurred in
the life imprisonment of the accused. The appeals against such capital punishments take too long to decide, and
often it takes years to decide the fate of the death penalty. (2) In stark contrast, some researchers say that
criminals imprisoned are more expensive than the death penalty for them. Edwin H. Sutherland, PhD, late
President of the American Sociological Society, and Donald R. Cressey, PhD, late Professor of Sociology at the
University of California, Santa Barbara (1974, para. 6), in an article titled "Criminology" to counter the above
opinions saying that detaining a criminal never help to reduce costs because he will cause more expensive to
appeal in court, just as prisoners are about having death penalty. (3) It can be argued that by former Los
Angeles County District Attorney Gil Garcetti, whose office pursued dozens of capital cases during his 32 years
as a prosecutor expressed about his disappointment on the implementation of the death penalty is extremely
costly and at the same time, it does not serve any purpose (2011, para. 126). (4) Nevertheless, the cost of the
death penalty includes all other costs such as more lawyers, more experts and more times, therefore it is much
more expensive than other punishment such as life imprisonment with no parole. While this is going on, it costs
more to house prisoners on death row than in the general population. (273 words)

3rd Body Paragraph

Topic sentence (Thesis restated with main idea C)
Support 3 different sources
1. Use transitions: For example, Furthermore, Moreover
2. Counter: Conversely, It can be argued that
3. Refutation: On the other hand, In the opposite spectrum
4. Concluding sentence: Finally, Nevertheless, Hence

Finally, death penalty is contrary to morality and violates human rights. According to Bryan Stevenson, JD,
Professor of Law at New York University School of Law, there are still many debates about the ethical and
discrimination issues surrounding the application of the death penalty to crimes. (1) Furthermore, he stated in
his article that the death penalty is an immoral condition, not only the defensively for those people who refuse
to accept unequal or unjust administration of punishment (2004, para. 2). (2) Conversely, another research
Death penalty: is capital punishment morally justified? by Jeffrey Howard (2015), which is written for the
general public, argued that the death penalty is causing suffering to the people, if it wants to be morally
justified, it must have a purpose for the future as protect the innocent from harm from the murderers and
criminals (para. 10). (3) On the other hand, another study of Vincent Warren discovered that the human rights
are being abused and are violating by the death penalties. He stated in his article The blog: The Death Penalty
Is a Human Rights Abuse that, Human rights abuses are, by definition, never acceptable. If capital
punishment could somehow be fixed - the cost cut, the racial and class biases removed, all possibilities for error
eliminated - the government still can't do it because it violates human rights (2010, para. 10). (4) Hence, the
use of the death penalty has violated human rights, from the fundamental human rights violation represented by
the death penalty itself to the way it is implemented, which constitutes torture and discrimination. (254 words)

Concluding Paragraph
In conclusion, (general overview of topic)
Summary of 3 main ideas (1 or 2 sentences)
Restate Thesis statement
Future overview (In the future)

In conclusion, death penalty is an unacceptable punishment and can never be regarded by any
government despite of how serious the crime is. Death penalty itself does not deter crimes and it also violates
the right to life of a human being. Firstly it has no deterrent effect, secondly it wastes a lot of money, and
finally, it is inhumane in any point of view. In my opinion, we should replace the capital punishment by life
imprisonment. A life imprisonment is more severe as a punishment and at the same time it gives a possibility to
change the kind of punishment in case of a mistake. By doing that, the prisoners would get a second chance to
return to society, family only if they have good behavior while serving a sentence. Furthermore, the crisis in
death penalty representation is closely related to the problem of costs will become a national problem as the
number of inmates approaching execution continues to grow. (161 words)

Bedau, H. A. (2007). The Case Against the Death Penalty, American Civil Liberties Union. Retrieved from [Viewed on March 6, 2016]

Capital punishment: The slow death of the death penalty. (April 26th, 2014), The Economist. Retrieved from
death-penalty [Viewed on March 6, 2016]

Death Penalty (2014), Amnesty Internatinal. Retrieved from

penalty/ [Viewed on March 6, 2016]

Fagan, J. A. (2016). Capital Punishment: Deterrent Effects & Capital Costs. Columbia Law School. Retrieved
[Viewed on March 6, 2016]

Honeyman, J. C., & Ogloff, J. R. (1996), Capital punishment: Arguments for life and death, Canadian Journal
of Behavioural Science, 28(1), 27-35. Retrieved from [Viewed on March 6, 2016]

Howard, J. (August 1, 2015), Death penalty: is capital punishment morally justified? Retrieved from [Viewed on
March 6, 2016]

Lee, J. (2013), Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Death Penalty. Retrieved from [Viewed on
March 6, 2016]
Stevenson, B. (2004), Close to Death: Reflections on Race and Capital Punishment in America. Retrieved from [Viewed on March 6, 2016]

Sutherland E. H. & Cressey D. R. (1974), Does the Death Penalty Cost Less Than Life in Prison without
Parole? Criminology. Retrieved from [Viewed on March 6, 2016]

Warren, V. (May 25, 2011), The Blog: The Death Penalty Is a Human Rights Abuse. Retrieved from [Viewed on
March 6, 2016]

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