Supply Chain Strategy: Real Options For Doing Business at Internet Speed

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The Path
Supply Chain
Innovations 3.0
It Happen
white paper
written by:

Corey Billington
Andr Kuper
Hewlett-Packard Company

Supply Chain Strategy: Real Options

for Doing Business At Internet Speed
A fresh approach is urgently needed to deal with the changing realities of the global business

environment. How can strategic thinking guide us to the approach we need to compete successfully?

Why are portfolios of real options becoming a key component of supply chain strategy? And what

previews of the future can we envision?

Facing Reality interaction of uncertainties in a changing world Corey Billington is the Director of
The dynamic nature of the environment faced makes adherence to a fixed strategy very risky. Strategic Planning and Modeling at
by business managers around the world has We must navigate through stormy weather.
Hewlett-Packard. His consulting
never been more evident than in the explosive Everywhere we look, suppliers are changing
growth of the Internet. This expanding universe their priorities and commitments, customers teams help Hewlett-Packard divisions
of opportunity allows customers to be more are acting upon regional and personal prefer- become more effective by improving
demanding and forces reconsideration, if not ences, and competitors are increasing the turbu- their business processes and by
modification, of traditional business models. lence. The expectation that we will deliver cus-
strengthening their decision-making
Some new competencies required to deliver tomized products and services compels us to
customer value always the primary measure of figure out whats being demanded even as we capabilities.The principles for Supply
success are missing. For example, if we gather attempt to satisfy that demand. In such fluid sit- Chain Management pioneered by
market information, examine trends, customize uations, any rigid approach is bound to fail. Corey and his team are widely used
our supply chains, and deliver products effi- Optionality in the alternatives we choose is
at Hewlett-Packard and have greatly
ciently, we may find that our responses to the becoming an essential feature of successful
changing situation are too slow and we are late approaches to the future. benefited the company.
to market.
Andr Kuper is a process technology
Facing reality is not easy. The challenge for Strategic Thinking
managers is so urgent, however, that they may In general, supply chains are moving from ver- manager working in the Strategic
require new approaches for survival. Even suc- tical integration (within a single company) to Planning and Modeling (SPaM)
cessful businesses should open themselves to multilateral integration (across many partners). team at Hewlett-Packard Company.
strategic thinking in real time. And at the heart The information, material, and financial flows
His work focuses on accelerating
of this challenge, the supply chains on which within the network are continually redirected as
our future success depends may undergo a sig- demand fluctuates. Managing each of these the knowledge diffusion and
nificant transformation. flows has become more difficult as the situation implementation of innovations in
In this article, we argue that strategy devel- becomes more complex, so organizations are transforming business models to
opment for the future depends on the ability to learning a new competency the ability to cre-
incorporate the internet. He worked
create portfolios of options to be exercised in ate and exercise options across the supply chain.
real time, enabling fresh options as the supply How does this new competency work? How are to help Hewlett-Packard business
chain becomes more effective. To meet the options defined, evaluated, and exercised? apply knowledge in asset management
expectations of increasingly sophisticated cus- To begin, we can recognize optionality in and Supply Chain Management
tomers, we need a dynamic supply chain strate- business strategies that have become familiar in
since 1995.
gy that responds to complex behaviors as it recent years. Here are examples of real options
senses them. As in the symbiotic responses of already in play:
natural populations, each option enables further
options that can be exercised according to pre- Postponement
vailing conditions. Delaying product differentiation until precise
Electronics & High Tech
Why emphasize options? The complex information about customer demand is known 223
white paper 1.0
The Path
Supply Chain
Innovations 3.0
It Happen

gives us optionality in the manufacturing Spot Markets Scalability

of products. From the dyeing of fabrics in Matching demand with supply a classic Options are scalable so the magnitude of
the clothing industry to customized con- problem in information and financial flows their application or impact can be con-
figurations of network printers, compa- is handled by switchboards for linking trolled. The action can be focused, shifted
nies use postponement to manage materi- buyers and sellers. Otherwise, unlikely or zoomed as the opportunity changes.
al flows to meet unpredictable demand. transactions become possible in this
We hold an option to produce only the dynamic market space where spontaneous Time-Sensitivity
models we need when precise demand relationships occur between interested par- Options are time-sensitive. They gain
information is available. ties. We hold an option to obtain parts (or power from their potential to be exercised
eliminate excess) at uncertain market in the future, in part or all at once. The
Dual Response prices that may be strikingly advantageous. value created by an option is actually a
As an approach for dealing with demand Strategies like these have shown supply profile of values distributed in time.
variability, this manufacturing strategy chain managers that optionality has a sig-
achieves efficiency and responsiveness in nificant impact on business success. Creativity
the same supply chain. Efficiency is Strategic thinking extends the notion of Options can be designed to create new
achieved by satisfying most of the demand optionality to material, information, and options. They have the halo effect of
with stable production in highly cost-effec- financial flows. Integration of these options sources that propagate other sources as
tive locations, while responsiveness results will be the hallmark of strategies that trans- they move.
from variable that is, optional produc- form business models especially for doing With this view, we can appreciate the
tion (at higher cost) much closer to the business at Internet speed. Moreover, we are instincts of the business strategist who
market. We hold an option to produce and learning that an excellent approach to observed, When the future is highly
ship exactly the right amount very quickly. deployment is to use optionality as a way to unpredictable, it pays to keep lots of
distribute risk. Evaluation of strategies will options open.
Multiple Sourcing focus on risk profiles that change not only
This strategy achieves assurance of sup- if, but when, particular options are exer- Optionality in Supply
ply through (1) procurement policies cised. The best strategists will be those for Chains
drawing from multiple sources of compo- whom timing is a paramount concern. How can we create optionality in supply
nents or (2) product designs that allow the chain strategies? To survive in the turbu-
use of components from different sources. Real Options lence of the global business environment,
Like postponement and dual response, Business managers know instinctively that we clearly need more robust supply
multiple sourcing makes material flows strategies require conscious choices from chains. One way to achieve robustness is to
through the supply chain more efficient, sets of alternatives. Most of the time, develop options for real-time execution as
though more rapid and complex informa- however, these alternatives are based on we move products to customers. With the
tion flows are required in the process. We simple themes that emphasize realistic Internet, for example, we can get better
hold an option to procure and use the objectives, completeness across the set, prices through multiple bids; we can sam-
lowest priced component when manufac- and an assessment of the probability of ple more suppliers; we can manage part-
turing the product. success. The idea that alternatives can be nerships; we can change the order fulfill-
selected according to the value created by ment process on the fly. As customers
optionality has only recently emerged. We become better informed, more demand-
W2 Weblink are learning how to develop business ing and more fickle, we respond by
For more on strategic planning, see: strategies in which value increases with becoming more responsive, customer- the potential to exercise options. focused, and fashionable. How can optionality become a distin- As an illustration, consider the flower guishing characteristic of future strategies? business. What is the potential for real
For more on integration, see: What makes an option an option? Here are options as we make business decisions? some fundamentals: How much leeway do we have in deciding when to harvest? Should we wait for bet- Segmentation ter conditions? Are buds in short supply?
For more on auctions, see: Options are segmented so they can be Are full blossoms popular? If we get exercised in parts. More value can be cre- caught by an early winter, will we lose the ated when there is subtlety in the poten- whole crop? On the one hand, we must
tial action. respond to weather, soil quality, pests, and
other factors. On the other, we must ready

224 Achieving Supply Chain Excellence Through Technology

ourselves for seasonal peaks and valleys as based on forecasts, suppose we have the New Channels
well as for consumer preferences. Material ability to create spot markets for parts. At HP Shopping Village, HP Kiosk, and HP
flows including when to harvest are Hewlett-Packard, we use Trading Store are examples of new channels for
strongly influenced by information flows, a business-to-business Web site reaching customers. We can create prod-
about supplier and consumer behavior. that provides the capability needed to sup- ucts from excess parts, assign special prod-
In consumer electronics, the situation port a dynamic procurement strategy. For uct numbers, and sell at special prices.
is similar. components needed for manufacturing, we When the supply is gone, the product dis-
have the following choices: appears. This approach provides options in
Supply Side material flows at both ends of the supply
We create structured contracts with suppli- Make a structured contract with the sup- chain, and the information flow to cus-
ers and expect flexibility in dealing with plier (as in the past) that forces the sup- tomers is used to exercise them. Channels
uncertainty. We determine the range of plier to manage the demand-supply risk. like these provide options for quickly
expected demand, we order any amount Make a fixed contract for less than the reducing inventory levels.
within this range, and we hope not to be amount we need and go to the Web site
charged for costs that result from the (spot market) to purchase the remainder. Auctions
uncertainty. Eventually, these costs begin to We accept the risk of not finding suffi- On the demand side, auctions of products
affect us, but thats acceptable within lim- cient supply. and office supplies allow us to reach cus-
its. Without this relationship, our supply Make a fixed contract for more than the tomers in new ways. Information can be
might be disrupted. amount we need, and go to the Web site provided to attract customers who want
(spot market) to sell the excess.We accept the benefits of dynamic pricing. The more
Demand Side the risk of not finding sufficient demand. we learn, the more we can exercise
We provide branded products with high options to everyones advantage. Should
service levels over a long horizon (six to We now have three strategic choices. we disposition more product? Should we
12 months) and optimize our supply Moreover, the ability to time the purchase introduce an advertising campaign? Are
chains using the best information we can or sale on the spot market provides option- there ways to challenge the competition?
get. This strategy works when uncertainty ality. Structured contracts are still a possi- Can we trigger additional options when
is limited (that is, we can forecast accu- bility, but the ability to create a spot market conditions are favorable?
rately). If theres a high brand premium gives organizations more flexibility. All these approaches thrive on excel-
and we get the right product, our profit Suppliers and manufacturers should jointly lent information. Resources required to
opportunity may be substantial. This is determine who ought to be compensated gather data are well spent when we learn
especially true if customers perceive the for managing the demand-supply risk. We the value of alternatives across the supply
product as desirable and are willing to need both knowledge and tools to create chain. Consider, for example, the surveys by
wait for it; they behave like they have no and evaluate real options like these. which we learn more about customer loy-
other choice. alty.The product and channel attributes that
In general, people at Hewlett-Packard Optionality on the Demand Side inspire customer loyalty are more valuable
are good at making choices from the alter- Strategies that provide optionality on the when options have been designed to rein-
natives available.Teams responsible for pur- demand side are also possible. Here are force them. In many situations, moreover,
chasing or sales, for example, usually make some examples. our attitudes toward information access are
the right decision. Unfortunately, most changing. Traditional strategies that keep
organizations are poor at designing situa- Alternate Labels information proprietary actually inhibit
tions that offer choices for selection. Its We can create a second label for the prod- customer loyalty and limit our partnership
hard to envision options, particularly when uct. If we have too much product, what options. Paradoxically, greater openness
weve been told to be as efficient as possi- can we do with the excess? Dye them works to our advantage in engaging cus-
ble. Creating options can be both unfamil- blue, affix the new label, and sell them at tomers, managing risks, and sharing
iar and expensive. In fact, many organiza- a discount. This approach allows us to rewards across the supply chain.
tions aggressively limit options to ensure assume risk from suppliers and vent it
efficiency, striving for standardized through the market by taking a lower pre- Portfolio Management
processes even when the environment is mium on the second label. If the suppli- In every strategic dimension, we need to
highly uncertain. ers risk reduction is more valuable than consider how options fit together in a
our overall margin loss, the supply chain portfolio, so we can take advantage of the
Optionality on the Supply Side is more competitive. A fixed quantity portfolio effect the ways options cre-
How can we create optionality on the sup- would be available for an uncertain peri- ate synergies and gain strength by their
ply side? Instead of structured contracts od, providing a material flow option. interaction within the portfolio. We need 225
white paper 1.0
The Path
Supply Chain
Innovations 3.0
It Happen

portfolios of supplier options, partnership the right alternatives from our portfolio of Recent decisions at General Motors to
options, core competencies, metrics, and options. centralize their procurement of steel pur-
other sophisticated alternatives that give us chasing surplus from a Web-based spot
greater flexibility in the ways we can run Previews of the Future market and auctioning the excess to their
the business. As we look into the future, the need for suppliers, subcontractors, and partners
Whats the reason for talking about risk management across the supply chain is indicate that optionality on the supply side
portfolios? A strategy that features option- clear especially the need to diminish the is for real. Toyotas participation in this net-
work has changed the landscape for steel
manufacturers, who are less likely to exact
Little has been done in the last 20 years to more accurately premiums from smaller customers (as these
will be able to exercise options with the big
project the true asset base of the corporation in the global guys). Instead of proprietary information
and dedicated relationships, as in the past,
marketplace. And, assets that are not measured are likely to supplier-manufacturer relationships have
be under-funded. Thus, a failure to understand the contribu- suddenly broken open.
Situations like these are appearing in
tion of marketing activities to shareholder value continues to the electronics industry. IBM will manage
procurement of Cisco parts, leveraging its
diminish the role of marketing thought in corporate strategy. procurement power (here proprietary
information still applies). With increased
shortages of strategic parts like DRAM and
ality in the selected alternatives offers overall risk by shifting specific risk to the ASICS, however, any reliance on proprietary
many opportunities to manage risk. The partner in the best position to manage it information may be wishful thinking. By
whole purpose of portfolio management effectively. This requires that we reach contrast, Hewlett-Packard has found that
is to reduce risk where possible and man- agreement on the points in the supply chain open relationships with suppliers are a key
age the remaining risk.We need to find the where risks can be mitigated. (This is simi- success factor in ensuring supplier loyalty.
best solution for the changing business sit- lar to deciding where to hold inventory.) In On the supply side, optionality must be
uation taking advantage of the options the future, we will need portfolios of real available from manufacturers without dri-
immediately available not necessarily the options on the demand as well as the sup- ving their suppliers out of business or
optimal solution for a particular scenario. ply side for taking advantage of risk and endangering their assurance of supply. On
Managers should avoid forcing effi- redistributing the costs and benefits among the demand side, customers must be given
ciency through controls or standard pro- participants. The result will be more effi- a wide range of options. Just as consumers
cedures when the future is highly unpre- cient, effective, and responsive supply chain can buy airline tickets at flexible prices,
dictable. The challenge is to create options networks. A cornerstone of this approach combine orders to achieve volume dis-
and allow people to exercise them as the will be mutual trust and openness, built on counts, and pursue comparison shopping
world changes. Since precise planning is open agreements on which options are online, supply chain partners will expect
impossible and we have cheap, ubiquitous available, who will manage them, and how the same dynamics from their counterparts,
information, we must learn to transform the costs and benefits will be shared among looking for demand side optionality
information into knowledge for exercising the supply chain partners. between business partners.

226 Achieving Supply Chain Excellence Through Technology

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