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Classical Texts, Alphabetically by Author


with Formulas and Alternative Translations
Text in the book uses literal character-to-word translations for source texts.
Alternative published translations are indicated by the following code letters:

C&C: Chinese Herbal Formulas and Applications, John K. Chen and Tina T.
Chen, Art of Medicine Press, City of Industry, CA, 2009
F&S: Formulas and Strategies (Chinese Herbal Medicine Formulas &
Strategies, 2nd Edition, Volker Scheid, Dan Bensky, Andrew Ellis and
Randall Barolet, Eastland Press, Seattle, WA, 2009
PMPH: Peoples Medical Publishing House standardized translations


x hn (), 206 BCE 23 CE
1 book, 4 herbs

Author: Unknown
Source: Shn Nng Bn Co Jng (), 300 BCE 200 CE
Literal: Shen Nongs Materia Medica Classic
C&C, F&S: Divine Husbandmans Classic of the Materia Medica
PMPH: Shen Nongs Classic of the Materia Medica
hung q (), Radix Astragali (Chapter 16A)
rn shn (), Radix Ginseng (Chapter 16A)
dng gu (), Radix Angelicae Sinensis (Chapter 16B)
lng zh (), Ganoderma (Chapter 18B)

606 Essential Chinese Formulas

Classical Text References


dng hn (), 25220 CE
3 books, 27 formulas

Author: Hu Tu ()
Source: Zhng Zng Jng (), 2nd c.
Literal: Central Depository Classic
C&C, F&S: Treasury Classic
PMPH: Central Treasury Classic
Formula: w p yn () (Chapter 12)

Author: Zhng Zhng-Jng ()

Source: Shng Hn Ln (), 220
Literal: Injury (by) Cold, Discussion
PMPH: Treatise on Cold Damage
F&S: Discussion of Cold Damage
C&C: Discussion of Cold-Induced Disorders
g gn tng () (Chapter 1A)
gu zh tng () (Chapter 1A)
bi h tng () (Chapter 2B)
dng gu s n tng () (Chapter 4D)
sho yo gn co tng () (Chapter 5C)
xio jin zhng tng () (Chapter 6B)
w mi wn () (Chapter 6D)
d chng q tng () (Chapter 6E)
m z rn wn () (Chapter 6E)
xio chi h tng () (Chapter 7A)
chi h ji lng g m l tng () (Chapter 7B)
d chi h tng () (Chapter 7C)
w lng sn () (Chapter 12)
zhn w tng () (Chapter 12)
zh gn co tng () (Chapter 18A)

Essential Chinese Formulas 607


Author: Zhng Zhng-Jng ()

Source: Jn Gu Yo L (), 220
Literal: Golden Cabinet Essential Summary
C&C, F&S, PMPH: Essentials from the Golden Cabinet
d hung m dn p tng () (Chapter 2A)
bn xi hu p tng () (Chapter 3C)
hung q gu zh w w tng () (Chapter 4C)
jio i tng () (Chapter 8A)
wn jng tng () (Chapter 8A)
dng gu sho yo sn () (Chapter 8C)
gu zh f lng wn () (Chapter 8C)
gn mi d zo tng () (Chapter 9)
sun zo rn tng () (Chapter 9)
fng j hung q tng () (Chapter 12)
jn gu shn q wn () (Chapter 17B)


nn bi cho () 386 589 CE
1 book, 1 formula

Author: Li Jun-Z (); Revised by Gng Qng-Xun ()

Source: Li Jun Z Gu Y Fng (), 499
Literal: Li Juan-Zis Ghost-Bequeathed Formulas
F&S: Formulas Bequeathed by the Unorthodox Genius Liu Juan-Zi
PMPH: Liu Juan-Zis Ghost-Bequeathed Formulas
Formula: ni b hung q tng () (Chapter 18A)

608 Essential Chinese Formulas

Classical Text References

tng (), 618907 CE
4 books, 4 formulas, 1 herb

Author: Sn S-Mio ()
Source: Qin Jn Yo Fng (), 652
Literal: Thousand Gold (Pieces) Important Formulas
C&C: Thousand Ducat Prescriptions
F&S, PMPH: Important Formulas Worth a Thousand Gold Pieces
Bi J Qin Jn Yo Fng (), 652
Literal: Prepare (for) Emergency Thousand Gold (Pieces) Important
C&C: Thousands of Golden Prescriptions for Emergencies
PMPH: Important Formulas Worth a Thousand Gold Pieces for Emer-
s z jing q tng () (Chapter 3C)
d hu j shng tng () (Chapter 4F)

Author: R Hu-Z ()
Source: R Hu Z Bn Co (), 713
Literal: Ri Hua-Zis Materia Medica
C&C, F&S: Materia Medica of Ri Hua-Zi
PMPH: Ri Hua-zis Materia Medica
Herb: h shu w (), Radix Polygoni Multiflori (Chapter 16B)

Author: Wng To ()
Source: Wi Ti M Yo (), 752
Literal: Outer Platform (Imperial Library) Secret Essentials
C&C, F&S, PMPH: Arcane Essentials from the Imperial Library
Formula: hung lin ji d tng () (Chapter 2A)

Essential Chinese Formulas 609


Author: Ln Do Rn (Lin the Daoist) ()

Source: Xin Shu L Shng X Dun M Fng (), 846
Literal: Immortal Instructs Management (of) Injuries (and) Repair
(of) Fractures, Secret Formulas
C&C: Secret Recipes of Treating Wounds and Bone-Setting Taught by
F&S: Secret Formulas to Manage Trauma and Reconnect Fractures
Received from an Immortal
Formula: s w tng () (Chapter 16B)


bi sng (), 9601127 CE
2 books, 17 formulas

Author: Zhu Yng ()

Source: jin ya j zhng fng (), 1051
Literal: Simple Important Aid Multitude Formulas
F&S: Concise Formulas to Aid the Multitudes
png wi sn () (Chapter 6A)

Author: Imperial Medical Bureau (ti y j, );

revised by Chn Sh-Wn ()
Source: Ti Png Hu Mn H J J Fng (), 1078
Literal: (Era of) Great Peace, Benefit People Harmonious Medicines,
Office (of) Formulas
C&C: Imperial Grace Formulary of the Tai Ping Era
F&S: Formulary of the Pharmacy Service for Benefitting the People
in the Taiping Era
PMPH: Beneficial Formulas from the Taiping Imperial Pharmacy
chun xing ch tio sn () (Chapter 1A)
ling g sn () (Chapter 2B)
r chn tng () (Chapter 3C)
s z jing q tng (), (Chapter 3C)
xio hu lu dn () (Chapter 4D)
s jn z tng () (Chapter 6A)

610 Essential Chinese Formulas

Classical Text References

png wi sn () (Chapter 6A)

shn lng bi zh sn () (Chapter 6A)
f z l zhng wn () (Chapter 6B)
hu xing zhng q sn () (Chapter 6D)
hui jio wn () (Chapter 6F)
xio yo sn () (Chapter 7A)
b zhng sn () (Chapter 11B)
rn shn yng rng tng () (Chapter 15C)
s w tng () (Chapter 16B)
sh qun d b tng () (Chapter 18A)


nn sng (), 11271279 CE
3 books, 3 formulas

Author: Li Wn-S ()
Source: Hung D S Wn Xun Mng Ln Fng (), 1172
Literal: Yellow Emperors Plain Questions Proclaimed Clear Discus-
sion of Formulas
C&C, F&S, PMPH: Formulas from the Discussion Illuminating the Yel-
low Emperors Basic Questions
Formula: fng fng tng shng sn () (Chapter 2B)

Author: W Yn-Ku ()
Source: Chun Xn Sh Yng Fng (), 1180
Literal: Transmitted Suitable (and) Useable Formulas
F&S: Transmitted Trustworthy and Suitable Formulas
Formula: sh qun d b tang () (Chapter 18A)

Author: Zhng Cng-Zhng () aka Zhng Z-H ()

Source: R Mn Sh Qn (), 1228
Literal: Confucians Duties (to their) Parents
C&C, F&S, PMPH: Confucians Duties to Their Parents
Formula: m xing bng lng wn () (Chapter 6E)

Essential Chinese Formulas 611


(x xi, ) 10381227 CE
jn (), 11151234 CE
13 books, 22 formulas

Author: Ku Zng-Sh ()
Source: Bn Co Yn Y (), 1116
Literal: Materia Medica Extended Meanings
C&C, F&S, PMPH: Extension of the Materia Medica
sng pio xio sn () (Chapter 11C)

Author: Anonymous, Song Imperial Court

Source: Zhng H Shng J Zng L (), 1117
Literal: (Era of) Political Harmony, Sagely Assistance, Comprehensive
C&C: Comprehensive Recording of Sage-Like Benefit from the Zheng
He Era
F&S: Comprehensive Recording of Sagely Beneficence from the
Zhenghe Era
PMPH: Comprehensive Recording of Divine Assistance from the
Zhenghe Era
tin ti w yo sn () (Chapter 7A)

Author: Qin Y ()
Source: Qin Sh Xio r Yo Zhng Zh Ju (), 1119
Literal: Qians Childrens Medical Patterns, Straight Secrets
PMPH: Qians Key to Diagnosis and Treatment of Childrens Dis-
Xio r Yo Zhng Zh Ju (), 1119
Literal: Childrens Medical Patterns, Straight Secrets
C&C: Craft of Medicinal Treatment for Childhood Disease Patterns
F&S: Craft of Medicines and Patterns for Children
PMPH: Key to Diagnosis and Treatment of Childrens Diseases

612 Essential Chinese Formulas

Classical Text References

rn shn bi d sn () (Chapter 1A)
do ch sn () (Chapter 2B)
li wi d hung wn () (Chapter 16A)

Author: Hng Zn () aka Hng Jng-Png ()

Source: Hng Sh J Yn Fang (), 1170
Literal: Hongs Collection (of) Examined Formulas
C&C: Time-Tested Formulas of Hong Family
F&S: Hongs Collection of Experiential Formulas
Formula: hun sho dn () (Chapter 18A)

Author: Chn Yn () aka Chn W-Z ()

Source: Sn Yn J Y Bng Zhng Fng Ln (), 1174
Literal: Three Etiologies Unification (of) Illness, Patterns (and) For-
mulas Discussion
C&C, F&S: Discussion of Illnesses, Patterns, and Formulas Related to
the Unification of the Three Etiologies
PMPH: Treatise on Diseases, Patterns, and Formulas Related to the
Unification of the Three Etiologies
Formula: wn dn tng () (Chapter 7C)

Author: Yng Tn ()
Source: Yng Sh Ji Cng Fng (), 1178
Literal: Yang Family Depository (of) Formulas
C&C: Collected Formulas of the Yang Family
F&S: Yang Family Formulas
PMPH: Secret Formulas of the Yang Family
Formula: jun b tng () 1 (Chapter 4A)

Author: Zhng Yun-S () aka Zhng Ji-G ()

Source: Y Xu Q Yun (), 1186
Literal: Medical Studies Informed Origins
PMPH: Origins of Medicine
F&S: Expounding on the Origins of Medicine
Formula: dng gu nin tng tng () (Chapter 4E)

Essential Chinese Formulas 613


Author: Chn Z-Mng ()

Source: F Rn Ling Fng (), 1237
Literal: Womens Fine Formulas
C&C, F&S, PMPH: Fine Formulas for Women
sn b tng () (Chapter 4C)
li jn z tng () (Chapter 6A)
tin wng b xn dn () (Chapter 9)

Author: L Go () aka L Dng-Yun ()

Source: Ni Wi Shng Bin Hu Ln (), 1247
Literal: Internal External Injury, Clarify False-Notions Discussion
C&C: Clarifying Doubts about Injury from Internal and External
F&S, PMPH: Clarifying Doubts about Damage from Internal and Ex-
ternal Causes
shng mi sn () (Chapter 3E)
li jn z tng () (Chapter 6A)
dng gu b xu tng () (Chapter 15C)

Author: L Go () aka L Dng-Yun ()

Source: P Wi Ln (), 1249
Literal: Spleen, Stomach Discussion
C&C, F&S: Discussion of the Spleen and Stomach
PMPH: Treatise on the Spleen and Stomach
b zhng y q tng () (Chapter 6A)
rn chng wn () (Chapter 6D)
bn xi bi zh tin m tang () 1 (Chapter 7B)

Author: Yng Sh-Yng () aka Yng Rn-Zhi ()

Source: Rn Zhi Zh Zh Fng (), 1264
Literal: Ren-Zhais Straight Indications Formula Discussion
C&C: Straight Directions of Benevolent Aid
F&S: Straight Direction from [Yang] Ren-Zhai
PMPH: [Yang] Ren-zhais Direct Guidance on Formulas
Formula: y qun wn () (Chapter 15A)

614 Essential Chinese Formulas

Classical Text References

Author: L Go () aka L Dng-Yun (), edited by Lu Tn-Y ()

Source: Dng Yun Sh Xio Fng (), 1266
Literal: Dong-Yuans Tested, Effective Formulas
F&S: Dong-Yuans Tried and Tested Formulas
PMPH: [Li] Dong-yuans Proven Formulas
also as:
Dng Hng Sh Xio Fng (), 1266
Literal: Dong-Hengs Tested, Effective Formulas
C&C: Tested and Effective Formulas by Dong Heng
Formula: p j xio d yn () (Chapter 2A)

Author: L Go () aka L Dng-Yun ()

Source: Ln Sh M Cng (), date unknown, published 1276
Literal: Orchid Chambers Secrets Concealed
C&C, F&S, PMPH: Secrets from the Orchid Chamber
Formula: qn wi sn () (Chapter 2B)

yun (), 12711368 CE
8 books, 11 formulas

Author: Anonymous
Source: M Chun Yn K Lng M Ln (), 13th century
Literal: Secret Transmission (on) Eye (Diseases), Long-Mus Discus-
PMPH: The Secret Transmission of Long-mus Ophthalmology

Author: Yn Yng-H ()
Source: J Shng Fng (), 1253
Literal: Aid (the) Living Formulas
C&C, F&S, PMPH: Formulas to Aid the Living
cng r z sn () (Chapter 1C)
xn y wn () (Chapter 1C)
gu p tng () (Chapter 9)
dng gu yn z () (Chapter 13A)

Essential Chinese Formulas 615


Author: Lu Ti-Y ()
Source: Wi Shng Bo Jin (), 1281
Literal: Protect Life Precious Mirror
C&C, F&S, PMPH: Precious Mirror of Health
Formula: lng dn xi gn tng ()

Author: Wng Ho-G ()

Source: Y Li Yun Rng (), 1291
Literal: Medical Ramparts Supreme Commanders
F&S: Supreme Commanders of the Medical Ramparts
Formula: to hng s w tng () (Chapter 8C)

Author: L Zhng-Nn ()
Source: Yng Li Qin Fng (), 1331
Literal: Eternal Categories Inscribed Formulas
C&C: Everlasting Categorization of Seal Formulas
F&S: Everlasting Categorization of Inscribed Formulas
Formula: b fi tng () (Chapter 3F)

Author: Wi Y-Ln ()
Source: Sh Y D Xio Fng (), 1345
Literal: Generations (of) Physicians Obtained Effective Formulas
C&C, F&S, PMPH: Effective Formulas from Generations of Physi-
w rn wn () (Chapter 6E)
q j d hung wn () (Chapter 14)

Author: G KJi () aka G QinSn ()

Source: Sh Yo Shn Sh (), 1348
C&C: Miraculous Book of Ten Remedies
F&S: Miraculous Book of Ten Remedies for Consumption
PMPH: Divine Book of Ten Medicinal Formulas

616 Essential Chinese Formulas

Classical Text References

as: Lo Zhng Sh Yo Shn Sh (), 1348

Literal: Consumption Disease Ten Medicines Divine Book
F&S: Miraculous Book of Ten Remedies for Consumption
PMPH: Deficiency Taxation Divine Book of Ten Medicinal Formulas
Formula: sh hu sn () (Chapter 5D)

Author: Hu Shu ()
Source: M Zhn Qun Sh (), circa 1350
Literal: Measles Complete Treatise
F&S: Complete Treatise on Measles
Formula: q j d hung wn () (Chapter 14)

mng (), 13681644 or 1662 CE
21 books, 36 formulas

Author: To Hu ()
Source: Shng Hn Li Sh (), 1445
Literal: Injury (by) Cold, Six Books
C&C: Six Texts on Cold-Induced Disorders
F&S, PMPH: Six Texts on Cold Damage
Formula: chi g ji j tng () (Chapter 1B)

Author: Anonymous (probably To Hu, )

Source: Shng Hn Qun Shng J (), 1445
Literal: Injury (by) Cold, Complete Life Collection
C&C: All-New Collection of Cold Induced Disorders
F&S: Complete Compendium of Cold Damage
Formula: lin qio bi d pin () (Chapter 13A)

Author: Zh Zhn-Hng () aka Zh Dn-X ()

Source: Dn X Xn F (), 1481
Literal: Dan-Xis Heart Method (eg, Personal Insights)
C&C, PMPH: Teachings of [Zhu] Dan-xi
F&S: Essential Teachings of [Zhu] Dan-Xi

Essential Chinese Formulas 617


r mio sn () (Chapter 4E)
bo h wn () (Chapter 6C)
tng xi yo fng () (Chapter 6D)
d b yn wn () (Chapter 8E)
y png fng sn () (Chapter 16A)

Author: Y Tun ()
Source: Y Xu Zhng Chun (), 1515
Literal: Medical Studies Correct Transmission
C&C: True Lineage of Medicine
F&S: Correct Transmission of Medicine
Formula: sn mio sn () (Chapter 4E)

Author: Xu J () aka Xu Xn-F () aka Xu L-Zhi ()

Source: Zhng T Li Yo (), 1529
Literal: Standardized Category Essentials
C&C: Catalogued Essentials for Correcting the Body
F&S: Categorized Essentials for Normalizing the Structure
PMPH: Categorized Synopsis of the Whole
Formula: b zhn tng () (Chapter 15C)

Author: Xu J () aka Xu Xn-F () aka Xu L-Zhi ()

Source: Ni K Zhi Yo (), circa 1530
Literal: Internal (Medicine) Department Selected Essentials
C&C, F&S, PMPH: Summary of Internal Medicine
Formula: ji wi xio yo sn () (Chapter 8B)

Author: Xu J () aka Xu Xn-F () aka Xu L-Zhi ()

Source: Jio Zh F Rn Ling Fng (), mid-16th c.
Literal: Corrections (and) Annotations (to) Womens Fine Formulas
C&C: Revised Fine Formulas for Women
F&S: Fine Formulas for Women with Annotations and Commentary
PMPH: Corrections and Annotations to Fine Formulas for Women

618 Essential Chinese Formulas

Classical Text References

sn b tng () (Chapter 4C)
li jn z tng () (Chapter 6A)
tin wng b xn dn () (Chapter 9)

Author: Png Yng-Gung ()

Source: T Rn Hu Bin (), 1549
Literal: Body Benevolent Collection-Compilation
C&C, F&S: Compilation of Materials of Benevolence for the Body
PMPH: A Compilation of Benevolent Formulas
Formula: bi z yn xn tng () (Chapter 9)

Author: Zhng Sh-Ch ()

Source: Sh Shng Zhng Mio Fng (), 1550
Literal: Conserve Life Multitude (of) Marvelous Formulas
C&C: Marvelous Formulas for the Health of Multitudes
F&S: Multitude of Marvelous Formulas for Sustaining Life
PMPH: Numerous Miraculous Prescriptions for Health Cultivation
jng fng bi d sn () (Chapter 1A)
dn chun wn () (Chapter 3F)

Author: Zhu Zh-Gn () aka Zhu Shn-Zhi ()

Source: Shn Zhi Y Sh (), 1573
Literal: Shen-Zhais Dying Testament
F&S: Writings for Posterity of (Zhou) Shen-Zhai
Formula: bi h g jn tng () (Chapter 3E)

Author: Li Chn () aka L Tng () aka L Jin-Zhi ()

Source: Y Xu R Mn (), 1575
Literal: Medical Studies Introduction
C&C, F&S, PMPH: Introduction to Medicine
Formula: w z yn zng wn ()

Essential Chinese Formulas 619


Author: W Kn ()
Source: Y Fng Ko (), 1584
Literal: Medical Formula Investigations
C&C, F&S, PMPH: Investigations of Medical Formulas
qng q hu tn wn () (Chapter 3B)
zh bi d hung wn () (Chapter 8E)

Author: Gng Tng-Xin ()

Source: Wn Bng Hu Chn (), 1587
Literal: Thousand Diseases Returned to Spring (eg, Restored to
C&C, F&S, PMPH: Restoration of Health from the Myriad Diseases
sh jn hu xu tang () (Chapter 4A)
xing sh yng wi tng () (Chapter 6C)
sh gn tng () (Chapter 7A) older version

Author: L Sh-Zhn () aka L Dng-B ()

Source: Bn Co Gng M (), 1578 or 1590
Literal: Materia Medica Guiding Outline
C&C: Materia Medica
F&S: Comprehensive Outline of the Materia Medica
PMPH: The Grand Compendium of Materia Medica
Formula: q bo mi rn dn () (Chapter 13B)

Author: Wng Kn-Tng ()

Source: Zhng Zh Zhn Shng (), 1602
Literal: Pattern Treatment Standards
C&C: Standards of Patterns and Treatment
F&S: Indispensible Tools for Pattern Treatment
PMPH: Standards for Diagnosis and Treatment
Formula: qng g sn () (Chapter 8E)

620 Essential Chinese Formulas

Classical Text References

Author: Mio X-Yng ()

Source: Xin Xng Zhi Y Xu Gung B J (), 1613
Literal: First Awakened Studio Medical Studies Extensive Short
C&C: Wide Ranging Medical Notes from the First-Awakened Studio
F&S: Extensive Notes on Medicine [from the First-Awakened Stu-
PMPH: Extensive Notes on Medicine from Xian Xing Studio
Formula: z shng wn () (Chapter 6C)

Author: Gng Tng-Xin ()

Source: Shu Sh Bo Yun (), 1615
Literal: Long Life Protect (the) Source
C&C, F&S: Achieving Longevity by Guarding the Source
PMPH: Prolonging Life and Preserving the Origin
b xan chng shu wn () (Chapter 3E)
mi wi d hung wn () (Chapter 3E)
w j bi fng wn () (Chapter 8A)

Author: Chn Sh-Gng ()

Source: Wi K Zhng Zng (), 1617
Literal: External Medicine True Lineage
C&C: True Lineage of External Medicine
F&S, PMPH: Orthodox Lineage of External Medicine
Formula: xio fng sn () (Chapter 13A)

Author: W Zh-Wng () aka Sh Qng ()

Source: J Yn Gng M (), 1620
Literal: Benefit Yin (Women) General Outline
C&C: Materia Medica to Aid Yin
F&S: Comprehensive Outline on Benefiting Yin
PMPH: A Compendium of Female Disorders
Formula: qin jn zh di wn () (Chapter 8D)

Essential Chinese Formulas 621


Author: Zhng Ji-Bn () aka Zhng Jng-Yu ()

Source: Jng Yu Qun Sh (), 1624
Literal: Jing-Yues Complete Writings
C&C: Collected Treatises of [Zhang] Jing-Yue
F&S: Collected Treatises of [Zhang] Jing-Yue - 1624
PMPH: The Complete Works of [Zhang] Jing-yue
tng xi yo fng () (Chapter 6D)
chi h sh gn sn (Chapter 7A)
zu gu wn () (Chapter 16A)
yu gu wn () (Chapter 17B)

Author: Hng J () aka Hng Ji-Yu ()

Source: Sh Shng M Pu (), 1638
Literal: Sustaining Life Secrets, Explanation
C&C: Secrets Investigations into Obtaining Health
F&S: Dissecting the Secrets of Sustaining Life
PMPH: Penetrating the Secrets of Health Cultivation
Formula: tin wng b xn dn ()

qng () 16441911 CE
18 books, 35 formulas

Author: F Rn-Y ()
Source: F Sh Yn K Shn Sh Yo Hn (), 1644
Literal: Master Fus Ophthalmology Examination Inspection (of the)
Jade Case
PMPH: A Close Examination of the Precious Classic [on Ophthalmol-
also as:
Shn Sh Yo Hn (), 1642
Literal: Examination Inspection (of the) Jade Case
C&C: Scrutiny of the Priceless Jade Case
F&S: Scrutiny of the Precious Jade Case

622 Essential Chinese Formulas

Classical Text References

Author: Y Chng () aka Y Ji-Yn ()

Source: Y Mn F L (), 1658
Literal: Physicians Door (to) Methods (and) Rules,
C&C, F&S, PMPH: Precepts for Physicians
Formula: qng zo ji fi wn () (Chapter 3A)

Author: Lu Mi ()
Source: Mng Y Fng Ln (), 1675
Literal: Famous Physicians Formulas Discussion
F&S: Discussion of Famous Physicians Formulas Past and Present
PMPH: Discussion on Famous Physicians Formulas
G Jn Mng Fng (), 1675
Literal: Ancient, Modern Famous Formulas
C&C: Famous Classic and Contemporary Formulas
Formula: xing sh li jn z tng () (Chapter 6A)

Author: Wng ng ()
Source: Y Fng J Ji (), 1682
Literal: Medical Formulas Collected, Explained
C&C: Analytic Collection of Medical Formulas
F&S, PMPH: Medical Formulas Collected and Analyzed
jin p wn () (Chapter 6C)
lng dn xi gn tng () (Chapter 7C)
b xi fn qng yn () (Chapter 11A)
jn su g jng wn () (Chapter 11C)

Author: Chng Gu-Png ()

Source: Y Xu Xn W (), 1732
Literal: Medical Studies Mind Awakening (eg, Insights)
C&C: Medical Revelations
F&S: Awakening of the Mind in Medical Studies
PMPH: Easy Access to Medicine
jun b tng () 2 (Chapter 4A)
bn xi bi zh tin m tang () -2 (Chapter 7B)

Essential Chinese Formulas 623


Author: W Qin ()
Source: Y Zng Jn Jin (), 1742
Literal: Medical Tradition Golden Mirror
C&C, F&S, PMPH: Golden Mirror of the Medical Tradition
w wi xio d yn () (Chapter 2A)
to hng s w tng () (Chapter 8C)
zh bi d hung wn () (Chapter 8E)
dn shn yn () (Chapter 10)

Author: Fng Zho-Qun ()

Source: Fng Sh Mi Zhng Zhng Zng (), 1749
Literal: Fangs Pulse (and) Disease Orthodox Lineage
F&S, PMPH: Fangs Orthodox Lineage of Pulse and Symptoms
Formula: sn mio sn () (Chapter 4E)

Author: W Y-Lu () aka W Zn-Chng ()

Source: Bn Co Cng Xn (), 1751
Literal: Materia Medica From (the) New
C&C, F&S, PMPH: Thoroughly Revised Materia Medica
x yng shn (), Radix Panacis Quinquefolii (Chapter 16A)
dng chng xi co (), Cordyceps (Chapter 18B)

Author: G Sh-Chng ()
Source: Yng Y D Qun (), 1760
Literal: Sores Medicine Great Compendium
F&S: Great Compendium of Medicine for Sores
ni xio lu l wn () (Chapter 2A)
x gu shung () (Chapter 2A)

Author: Xing Tan-Ru ()

Source: Tng Shu L (), 1762
Literal: Common Longevity Records
F&S: Collection for the Common Pursuit of Longevity
Formula: f k zhng z wn () (Chapter 8A)

624 Essential Chinese Formulas

Classical Text References

Author: Wi Zh-Xi ()
Source: X Mng Y Li n (), 1770
Literal: Continuation (of) Famous Doctors Categorized Cases
C&C, F&S: Continuation of Famous Physicians Cases Organized by
PMPH: Supplement to Classified Case Records of Famous Physi-
Formula: y gun jin () (Chapter 7A)

Author: Shn Jn-o ()

Source: Shn Sh Zn Shng Sh (), 1773
Literal: Shen Shis Venerate Life Books
PMPH: Shens Books on Respecting Life
F&S: Shens Book for Revering Life
Formula: y qun wn () (Chapter 15A)

Author: Di Tin-Zhng ()
Source: Gung Wn Y Ln (), 1774
Literal: Widespread Warm Epidemic Discussion
C&C, F&S: Discussion of Widespread Warm Epidemics
PMPH: Treatise on Widespread Warm Pestilence
Formula: r lng zu c wn () (Chapter 7B)

Author: W Tng () aka W J-Tng ()

Source: Wn Bng Tio Bin (), 1798
Literal: Warm Diseases Systematic Differentiation
C&C, PMPH: Systematic Differentiation of Warm Diseases
F&S: Systematic Differentiation of Warm Pathogen Diseases 1798
sng j yn () (Chapter 1B)
yn qio sn () (Chapter 1B)
xng s sn () (Chapter 3C)
sh shn mi dng tng () (Chapter 3E)
xun b tng () (Chapter 4E)

Essential Chinese Formulas 625


Author: Chn Nin-Z aka Chn Xi-Yun ( / )

Source: Sh Fng G Ku (), 1801
Literal: Contemporary Formulas (as a) Song Collection
C&C: Collected Songs About Contemporary Formulas
F&S: Compendium of Songs on Modern Formulas
PMPH: Summary Verses of Post-Classical Formulas
Formula: dn shn yn () (Chapter 10)

Author: Wng Qng-Rn ()

Source: Y Ln Gi Cu (), 1830
Literal: Physicians Circle, Correction (of) Errors
C&C, F&S: Correction Of Errors Among Physicians
PMPH: Correction of Errors in Medical Works
shn tng zh y tng () (Chapter 4B)
b yng hun w tng () (Chapter 4C)
sho f zh y tng () (Chapter 8C)
g xi zh y tng () (Chapter 7A)
tn qio hu xu tng () (Chapter 10)
xu f zh y tng () (Chapter 10)

Author: Xi Yun-Qng ()
Source: Ling Fng J Y (), 1842
Literal: Fine Formulas Collection Small
C&C, F&S: Small Collection of Fine Formulas
PMPH: A Collection of Fine Formulas from Various Sources
Formula: q l sn () (Chapter 5A)

Author: Zhng Bng-Chng ()

Source: Chng Fng Bin D (), 1904
Literal: Established Formulas Convenient Reader
C&C, F&S: Convenient Reader of Established Formulas
PMPH: Convenient Reader on Established Formulas
Formula: s mio wn () (Chapter 4E)

626 Essential Chinese Formulas

Classical Text References


zhng gu mn z zh y gng h gu (), 1911-1949
1 book, 2 formulas

Author: Zhng X-Chn ()

Source: Y Xu Zhng Zhng Cn X L (), 1918-1934
Literal: Medical Studies Heartfelt (towards) Chinese, Respecting
Western, Records
C&C: Records of Heart-Felt Experiences in Medicine with Reference
to the West
F&S: Essays on Medicine Esteeming the Chinese and Respecting the
Western 1918-1934
PMPH: Records of Chinese Medicine with Reference to Western
hu lu xio lng dn () (Chapter 5A)
zhn gn x fng tng () (Chapter 7B)


zhng hu rn mn gng h gu (), 1949-present
5 books, 5 formulas

Author: Zhng B-N ()

Source: Zhng Y Fng J Ln Chung Shu C (), 1950s
Literal: Chinese Medicine Formulas Dosing Clinical Manual
C&C: Clinical Handbook of Chinese Herbal Formulas
F&S: Clinical Handbook of Chinese Medical Formulas (1950s)
Formula: r xin tng () (Chapter 8E)

Essential Chinese Formulas 627


Author: H Gung-C ()
Source: Z Bng Zhng Zh Xn Y (), 1958
Literal: Miscellaneous Disorders Patterns (and) Treatment New Sig-
C&C: New Significance of Patterns and Treatment in Miscellaneous
F&S: Deriving New Treatments for Patterns of Miscellaneous Disor-
Formula: tin m gu tng yn () (Chapter 7B)

Author: Chinese Medicine Research Institute of China Academy of TCM

Qun Gu Zhng Yo Chng Yo Ch Fng J (),

Literal: Nation-wide Chinese Medicine Manufactured Medicine
Medical Prescription Collection
C&C: National Collection of Chinese Herbal Prepared Medicines
F&S: Nationwide Collection of TCM Patent Formulas
Formula: hung lin shng qng wn () (Chapter 3A)

Author: Chinese Herbal Medicine Committee, Ministry of the Interior

Source: Zhng Gu Gu Yo G Yu Chng Fng Xun J (
), 1967
Literal: Chinas Chinese Medicine Administration Selected Formulas
C&C: A Selection of Traditional Prescriptions of Chinese Medicine
Formula: nng su wn () (Chapter 3B)

Author: Anonymous
Source: Zhng Hu Rn Mn Gng H Gu Yo Din (),
Literal: Peoples Republic of China (Herbal) Medicine Dictionary
C&C: Chinese Herbal Pharmacopoeia by Peoples Republic of China
Formula: mn m d hung wn () (Chapter 14)

628 Essential Chinese Formulas

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