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Journal week 1 (1/10- 4/10)

In 1/October/ 2017 I was very nerves to I repeat what happen in last semester with Avalon
school. I went to The First Academy at 7:32 the Deputy Director greeted us and take us to the
class. Before in inter class the teacher shot on my face she told us we should be in all the time in
the class with students. I sit three days in KG2 /D the students was too much restrict I surprised
about that because all the class boys just four students they are girl how the teacher did that.
After few days I discovered the teacher just shouting. And the teacher dont speak with me from
that I dont feel comfortable so that I changed to KG1/A. when I went there really my feeling
change she welcome me and she explained everything for me. Every day I help the teacher to
take students to assembly and take them to playground. The teacher did with students craft of
grapes with panting. The teacher give students the instructions how to do the activity on the
carpet. After that the students went to the centers and did the activity in good way. Also, the
teacher let students to write the letter Gg on their book and drew something start with letter g.
This activity very good for students because the students will think about something start with
letter g and how they can draw it. From that the students will develop their skills. The teacher
use behavior chart to control students. This strategy l likes it and I will do it for my next teaching
practice. In this week I achieved how to speak with students in positive way. And I want also to
control the students on the carpet to I can teach them in correct way and to they can understand
what Im saying for them. I learned of my teacher how to speak in positive way with students
and for their parents also and I saw how effect of them is. I saw in last tp the teacher was always
shouting of students and the students were didnt care of her.

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