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Reflective Analysis of Portfolio Artifact


NAEYC Standard:
NAEYC Standard 2. Building Family and Community Relationships Candidates prepared in early
childhood degree programs understand that successful early childhood education depends
upon partnerships with childrens families and communities. They know about, understand, and
value the importance and complex characteristics of childrens families and communities. They
use this understanding to create respectful, reciprocal relationships that support and empower
families, and to involve all families in their childrens development and learning (NAEYC, 2010).

Brief Description of Evidence:

During the 2017 Fall semester of my ECED204 Families in Transition course, I completed a
family case study project. I selected a family to interview and observe for this project. I created
a list of questions for the parents including their educational and emotional goals for their
children. After getting to know the family, I created a PowerPoint that explained the families
strengths as well as their needs. Finally, I provided the family with resources that I found would
be helpful for the family.

Analysis of What I Learned:

I learned that all families are different. Some families may appear to be perfect on the outside.
Often, once you get to know a family, you will begin to understand that they have their own
struggles too, whether it be communication with one another, money issues or even goals as a
family. I learned the importance of family goals. Without these goals, a family is just a group of
individuals. Once they create goals together, they can work on becoming more connected.

How This Artifact Demonstrates my Competence on the NAEYC Standard:

I am more knowledgeable on NAEYC Standard 2. I understand successful education and how
the family can help improve a childs education. I have a better understanding of the
importance of common family values and the kind of characteristics that a family needs to be
successful. I was able to create a respectful relationship with the parents and children. I found
resources around the community to help empower the parents to continue to help their
children develop educationally as well as help them improve their family quality time. I was
able to provide them with ideas to help them improve their quality of living. This artifact ties to
Urie Bronfenbernner, his theory says discusses how everything in a childs environment affects
a childs life.

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