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Do you ever cheat on exams? Why?/ Why not?

Have you ever cheat on exam as a child? Why?/ Why not?

Why do people cheat ?

What are some ways that student can cheat?

Why dont teachers want their students to cheat?

Is cheating similar to stealing or lying? If yes, how?

If you cheat, will you feel bad? Why? / why not?

Its okay to cheat on exams. Do you agree or disagree? Why?


Mentor : Jesica Triane K

Learning Class : 1 p.m.

Name Date/score Date/ score Date/ score Date/ score Date/ score Date/ score Date/ score Date/ score

Desi Indah Sari

Lita Mela
Chitia Maurinda
Fazaria Eka
Fatimah Naurah
Desti Lukman

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