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The group has deduced that it is not very difficult to make your own logic trainer. But,
extreme caution is required in order to carry out the experiment properly. Since almost all the
components used are heat or temperature sensitive, it is a must to properly time the soldering
process. Taking too long during the soldering process may cause the component to overheat and
totally cut off the completion of the circuit.

Since the group used the manual method in placing the print on the board, it is quite
difficult since the lines in the lay-out are so close together therefore, it is advisable to use an
extremely sharp and precise knife to cut the lay-out. After cutting the lay-out is the etching
process which we didnt find that difficult and problematic.

After the etching process, the group used sand paper for the finishing touches which
made the copper plating shine. After which, the continuity of the circuit lay-out is checked. Some
of the parts which are so close together may be missed out during the etching process thus, it is a
must to check each one.

After checking, the drilling process now begins. The drilling process is very crucial since
the components legs have very specific spacing and sizes. Each one must be noted before drilling
holes in the printed circuit board. As soon as everything is good, the components may now be
placed. After checking, soldering and finalizing, the circuit of a magnitude comparator can now
be implemented.

As seen in the results portion, the circuit was properly implemented since the
characteristics of the magnitude comparator were correct. Thus, the group has concluded that the
logic trainer created is one that is reliable.

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