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Ligie S.


I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to
1. Value the importance of each others dream.
2. Apply the storys lesson in everyday life
3. Analyze the storys lesson and main idea
II. Subject Matter
A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry
III. Materials
Powerpoint Presentation
IV. Procedure
A. Preparation
Teachers Activity Students Activity

Good Morning Class

Good Morning Maam
Let us pray first, who wants to lead the
(One student will lead the prayer)

Secretary, can you please check the

(The secretary will check the attendance)
B. Motivation
Teachers Activity Students Activity
I have here a poem titled Harlem by
Langston Hughes. Everybody please

What do you think the author of the

Everybody will read the poem
poem wants to tell us

(Pick 2 to 3 students)
(students will raise their hands)
Thank you class. All your answers are
correct. The poem tells us about dreams.
The poems main idea, have a huge part
in our lesson for today

C. Lesson Proper
Teachers Activity Students Activity

Today, we will learn about the story

entitled The raisin in the sun by Lorraine
Hansberry. But before we begin, I will
introduce you first to our author. Lorraine

Now that you are familiar with the author,

we have here the overview of the play. (Students will raise their hands)
Please read

The story begins at Southside Chicago in

1950s. The theme of our story for today
is about dreams, family and hope.

Now that we know the setting and the (Students will raise their hands)
theme of our story. I will introduce you to
our characters. Please read

(Tells the summary of the story to the

Now that we already know the summary
of the story, who can give me their insight
about the story

(Pick 3 students to express their insights)

(Students raise their hands)
Who can give me what lesson they get
from the story

Thank you for listening attentively and

cooperating properly class. We know that
the story revolves on the conflict on (Students raise their hands)
where they will spend the insurance
money. Should they use it for common
good or for their own dreams. We
conclude class that they risk to move out
and to pursue their dreams as a family

D. Activity
Teachers Activity Students Activity

In a half sheet of yellow paper, pick a

character that you relate to. Put yourself
(Students gets a half sheet of paper and
in their shoes. Lastly, write your dream
do the activity)
and what will you do to pursue it.

Times up! Who wants to share their

dreams to the class and tell us what are
(Students raise their hands)
the things you do to pursue your dream
(Pick 3 students)

Thats a wonderful sharing. Thank you

(Passes their half sheet of paper)
for cooperating class. Please pass your
paper in front
E. Generalization
Teachers Activity Students Activity

I know we learn many things today class,

who among you can share the lessons
they learn today

(Pick 2 to 3 students)

Thank you. We learn in our story that (Students raise their hands)
each one of us have their own dream. We
have to value others dream too. In the
story, we found out that we can conquer
our problems in the family if we just have
to stay in our family. Because family
means no one gets left behind

V. Evaluation
Get a one fourth sheet of paper and answer the following questions
1. What is the conflict in the story?
2. How can the characters in the story solved their conflict?
3. If you experience this in your family. Would you sacrifice your dream?
Why and Why not?

VI. Assignment

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