Hasil Uji Validitas Reliability Scale: All Variables: Case Processing Summary

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Case Processing Summary

N %
Cases Valid 20 100.0
Excluded 0 .0
Total 20 100.0
a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
.994 25

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

P1 3.60 .754 20
P2 3.55 .759 20
P3 3.55 .826 20
P4 3.30 .979 20
P5 3.55 .759 20
P6 3.60 .754 20
P7 3.55 .759 20
P8 3.55 .759 20
P9 3.60 .754 20
P10 3.55 .759 20
P11 3.55 .826 20
P12 3.30 .979 20
P13 3.60 .754 20
P14 3.55 .759 20
P15 3.55 .759 20
P16 3.60 .754 20
P17 3.60 .754 20
P18 3.55 .759 20
P19 3.60 .754 20
P20 3.55 .759 20
P21 3.55 .759 20
P22 3.60 .754 20
P23 3.60 .754 20
P24 3.55 .759 20
P25 3.55 .759 20
Item-Total Statistics
Scale Mean if Item Scale Variance if Corrected Item- Cronbach's Alpha
Deleted Item Deleted Total Correlation if Item Deleted
P1 85.10 310.095 .978 .994
P2 85.15 309.818 .982 .994
P3 85.15 312.134 .817 .995
P4 85.40 312.568 .668 .996
P5 85.15 309.818 .982 .994
P6 85.10 310.095 .978 .994
P7 85.15 309.818 .982 .994
P8 85.15 309.818 .982 .994
P9 85.10 310.095 .978 .994
P10 85.15 309.818 .982 .994
P11 85.15 312.134 .817 .995
P12 85.40 312.568 .668 .996
P13 85.10 310.095 .978 .994
P14 85.15 309.818 .982 .994
P15 85.15 309.818 .982 .994
P16 85.10 310.095 .978 .994
P17 85.10 310.095 .978 .994
P18 85.15 309.818 .982 .994
P19 85.10 310.095 .978 .994
P20 85.15 309.818 .982 .994
P21 85.15 309.818 .982 .994
P22 85.10 310.095 .978 .994
P23 85.10 310.095 .978 .994
P24 85.15 309.818 .982 .994
P25 85.15 309.818 .982 .994

Scale Statistics
Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items
88.70 336.642 18.348 25


Case Processing Summary

N %
Cases Valid 20 100.0
Excluded 0 .0
Total 20 100.0
a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
.937 12

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

P26 1.70 .470 20
P27 1.70 .470 20
P28 1.65 .489 20
P29 1.70 .470 20
P30 1.65 .489 20
P31 1.70 .470 20
P32 1.65 .489 20
P33 1.75 .444 20
P34 1.65 .489 20
P35 1.75 .444 20
P36 1.70 .470 20
P37 1.75 .444 20

Item-Total Statistics
Scale Mean if Item Scale Variance if Corrected Item- Cronbach's Alpha
Deleted Item Deleted Total Correlation if Item Deleted
P26 18.65 16.134 .666 .934
P27 18.65 16.134 .666 .934
P28 18.70 15.905 .698 .933
P29 18.65 15.713 .788 .930
P30 18.70 15.905 .698 .933
P31 18.65 15.713 .788 .930
P32 18.70 15.905 .698 .933
P33 18.60 15.937 .772 .930
P34 18.70 15.905 .698 .933
P35 18.60 15.937 .772 .930
P36 18.65 16.239 .636 .935
P37 18.60 15.937 .772 .930
Scale Statistics
Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items
20.35 18.871 4.344 12

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