Qar Demonstration

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Question and Answer Relationship Demonstration

(Four group members) literacy Development Class

Person number 1

-Tell students that she/he has noticed that many students are not effective in answering comprehension
questions after marking their answers to comprehension questions for a period of time, hence this
morning she/he will help them to better able to understand how to answer comprehension questions
using a strategy called QAR/Question and Answer Relationship.

She/he will then ask students what steps they take when answering comprehension questions before
explaining the strategy. ( Someone will draw a bubble on the board and write students responses as
they answer).

Next she/he will tell them that they are all correct and add that the answers that they give can be

grouped into four different types of question using the QAR or Question Answer relationship strategy.

She /he will them explain to the students that the answer to some questions have to come from

the comprehension passage while some answers have to come from the head meaning that they

have to answer questions based on their own knowledge.

Person number 2

Person number 2 will then teach the students the QAR strategy.

1. Introduce student to QAR: Display chart showing the four types of QAR questions

Briefly describe QAR QAR stands for question/answer relationships. Knowing the

type of question helps you know where and how to locate answers. There are four

different types of questions. Today we are going to talk about the four types of

questions two of which are found in the text They are Right There and Think and


While the other two comes from your head. They are Author and Me and on my own.

2. He/she will then put up the chart with the information and ask students to read from the

chart what each type of question is. After reading each question she/he will discuss with
the class by asking what they understand from what they just read and clarify if anything

needs to be clarified.

3. Students will be given a short activity where a very short passage will be read. The

passage will be written on cartridge paper and placed on the board. Each student will be

placed in groups of 3 and will be given four cards with the four types of questions. After

reading the passage all the group will be asked questions based on the passage will be

asked questions based on the passage as the questions are asked the groups will hold up

the card that corresponds to the question.

Person number 3

Person num. 3 will go through the passage pita with the students. Students will pair up

and share a paper with the passage. Students will read the passage aloud along with the

guidance of person number 3.

She/he will then explain to the students that each of them will receive a question based on

the passage they will then paste their question under the category it belongs on the chart

on the board. So if the question is a right there question the student will place their

answer under the heading right there. She/he will then monitor the activity by allowing

each student to say why their answer is correct and how they found the answer in the

passage. Eg if it is a right there question the student should say that the answer was found

in one sentence in the passage.

Each student will receive a paragraph about pita with the questions on the paper

following the passage. Students will then be given five minutes to write beside each

question the type of question it is and answer the questions. Students will then be asked

to exchange their papers and he/she will go through the answers with the class. And

clarifying anything that needs to be clarified.

Person number 4

Person number 4 will ask students to go into groups of three and tell each group to

formulate their own question based on the passage pita. Since there are four groups

he/she will whisper a type of question to each group ensuring the other groups dont hear

the type of question another group got. Each group will then exchange their question with

another group and the groups will answer their question while stating the type of question

it is with the guidance of person number 4.

Short passage for person number 2

I have a small puppy. She is

brown and white. She likes to
chase bunnies. Sometimes she
gets muddy when she chases a
bunny into a flower bed. She
also likes to sleep with me in my
bed. I love my puppy.

Questions to ask students

Right There:
1. What does my puppy chase?
2. When does my puppy get
3. Where does my puppy like to

Think and Search:

1. What does my puppy like to

Author and me:

Do you play with your puppies like the author does?

On my own

Do you have a puppy, if yes how do you treat that puppy?


1. Read the following extract carefully and then answer all the questions set on it.

Pita panicked. There was nothing he could do. He was trapped. Trapped with hundreds of others.

The monster had come and was slowly, surely dragging them from the deep. He swam through

the excited crowd to try the bottom. Then he tried the top again. The great monster had encircled

them completely. There were millions of holes in its great hands, but none large enough. If only

they were a little larger. Pita tried to push himself through one of the holes again. He squeezed

and squeezed. Great tails lashed around him. Not only he but against his eyes. If only his head

could get through. He pushed again, hard, and the pain quivered through his body.

There was nothing he could do. He heard the breakers roaring above now. That meant they were

nearing the shore. Pita whipped his tail in fury. The monster was gradually closing its hands.

There were cries now above the surface. Below, the monster grated on sand. The shore! They

had reached the shore! Frantically, Pita flung himself against one of the tiny holes. He gave a cry

as the scales tore from his back - then a cry of joy. He was free! Free!

He lunged forward below the surface. Down he sped, rejoicing in his tinyness. If he was only a

little bigger, he would have been dying on the shore now. The fateful shore! There had been

those who had actually come back from that world. This was one of the great mysteries. But

some said they had been there, and had talked of that awesome place.

There was no more blood now. Down he swam. Deep, deep until the sound of the breakers was

only a bitter memory, and the sea was not sandy but blue and clear, and until, far, far away in the

distance, green with fern and the tender moss, he saw the rocks of home.
a) To whom or what does 'he' refer?

b) What effect is the author trying to create by using short sentences in the passage?

c) State ONE word which could describe Pita's feelings when he realised, There were millions of
holes ... but none large enough.
d) Why does the author repeat 'squeezed' in line 6?
e) Who or what does the 'monster' refer to?

f) Why does the writer use 'fateful' to describe the shore?

g) Why does Pita utter a cry of joy?

h) Why was 'the sound of the breakers' a bitter memory?

I) What would you do if you were in pitas position?

J) Have you ever find yourself in difficult situations in life?

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