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#1 Why would you like to work for thys company ?

S : In the hospital have a quality and a good management system.

T : I want to work at this hospital as a nurse in the emergency room.

A : I will work well, standard action I do according standard operating procedures


R : So that the action that I did not herm and may heal patients.

#2 how has your previous work experience prepared you for this position ?

S : My experience working in the ER had to work fast, responsive, nimble, in the act
dealing with patients who came first in the state to gawatan.

T : IGD's my job as a nurse to review and act when the patient carry out nursing
actions on patient needs and limits his ability.

A : I perform actions on the patients admitted in the emergency room with shortness
of breath, as a nurse immediately took action semi-Fowler's position patients,
install cannula oxygen, an IV drip and monitor shortly before moving in the
treatment room.

R : so that I could save from the emergency phase.

#3 If selected, what would you be able to contribute to our team ?

S : If I am elected,

Q : I will give my best service in accordance with standard operating procedures

(SOP) at the discretion of the Hospital.

A : With my skills as, treating patients with the patient, persistent, and also plans to
mature nursing / intense.
R : so the boss and my patients are satisfied with the services I provide.

#4 Describe a time you experienced a problem at work and please tell us how you
overcame it ?

S : When it got into trouble at work I will resolve the issue well.

T : I will find a solution to the problem.

A : I will respon patiently and slowly.

R : And the issue will be resolved properly.

#5 If I interviewed your supervisor today, what do you think he or she would say about
your performance ?

S : If you asked my supervisor

T : With the intention of check and balance yesterday

A : Maybe he will answer that iam a detailed, comsistent, honest and broad-minded.

R : But, my opinion is not necessarily the same as my supervisor.


S : RS ini memenuhi kwalitas dan sistem manajemen yang baik.

T : Saya ingin bekerja di Rumah Sakit ini sebagai perawat ruangan IGD.

A : Saya akan bekerja dengan baik, standar tindakan yang saya lakukan sesuai dengan
standar operasional prosedur (SOP).

R : Sehingga tindakan saya tidak membahayakan dan dapat menyembuhkan pasien.






#3 Jika terpilih, apakah anda akan mampu memberikan kontribusi kepada tim kami /

S : Jika saya terpilih,

T : Saya akan memberikan pelayanan terbaik saya sesuai dengan standart operasional
prosedur (SOP) sesuai kebijakan Rumah Sakit.

A : Dengan kemampuan yang saya miliki seperti, merawat pasien dengan sabar, gigih,
dan juga merencanakan asuhan keperawatan dengan matang / intens.

R : sehingga atasan dan pasien saya puas dengan pelayanan yang saya berikan.

#4 Menggambarkan waktu anda mengalami masalah ditempat kerja dan beritahu kami
bagaimana anda mengatasi hal tersebut
S : bila mendapat masalah ditempat kerja saya akan menyelesaikan masalah itu
dengan baik.

T : saya akan mencari jalan keluar untuk masalah tersebut.

A : menyikapi dengan sabar dan perlahan.

R : masalah tersebut akan terselesaikan dengan baik.


S : Jika bapak bertanya dengan supervisor saya,

T : dengan tujuan check dan keseimbangan kinerja saya kemarin.

A : Mungkin dia akan menjawab bahwa saya seorang pekerja yang teliti, konsisten,
jujur, dan berwawasan luas.

R : namun, pendapat saya belum tentu sama dengan supervisor saya.

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