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The Fall Of Capitalism


History, A fall of capitalism .................................................................................................................. 4
Description Of The Game ........................................................................................................................ 5
NPC Explained ............................................................................................................................. 6
Game rules .............................................................................................................................................. 6
Ammunition: ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Unarmoured Hits: ............................................................................................................................... 7
Yellow Smoke: ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Poison:................................................................................................................................................. 7
Melee: ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Sneak Kills: .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Armour: ............................................................................................................................................... 7
Bandages: ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Removing Bandages: ....................................................................................................................... 8
Using Medpacks: ................................................................................................................................. 8
Stealing In Game: ................................................................................................................................ 8
Looting: ............................................................................................................................................... 8
Explosive Grenades: ............................................................................................................................ 8
Death:.................................................................................................................................................. 8
Survivors: ............................................................................................................................................ 9
Character Generation ......................................................................................................................... 9
Step One.............................................................................................................................................. 9
Outlander ............................................................................................................................................ 9
Clans .................................................................................................................................................... 9
Slavers/Raiders ................................................................................................................................... 9
Church Of St Mick ............................................................................................................................. 10
The Hunters....................................................................................................................................... 10
The Agroculture Collective ................................................................................................................ 10
Vault Dwellers ................................................................................................................................... 10
Step Two, Choose Stile Of Character .................................................................................................... 11
Style of character ................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Warrior ................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Scavenger ............................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Healer ................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Fixer...................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Mutated ............................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Choose Your 'Artefact And/Or Story ................................................................................................. 10
Shopping ............................................................................................................................................... 11
Currency ............................................................................................................................................ 11
Clothes/Armour ................................................................................................................................ 11
Armour Lvl1 ................................................................................................................................... 11
Armour Lvl 2 ........................................................................................................................................ 11
Armour Lvl3 ................................................................................................................................. 11
Chem/Radiation .......................................................................................................................... 11
WEAPONS.......................................................................................................................................... 12
PISTOLS ......................................................................................................................................... 12
Bows .............................................................................................................................................. 12
Shotguns ....................................................................................................................................... 12
Rifle ............................................................................................................................................... 12
Sub Machine Guns ........................................................................................................................ 12
Nerf/Dart Weapons....................................................................................................................... 12
Melee Weapons ............................................................................................................................ 12
GRENADES ..................................................................................................................................... 12
FRAG ........................................................................................................................................... 12
STUN............................................................................................................................................ 12
SMOKE ..................................................................................................................................... 12
POISON GAS - ........................................................................................................................... 12
EXTRAS .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Ammunition ..................................................................................................................................... 13
Dress Code ............................................................................................................................................ 13
Game Play And Kit................................................................................................................................. 14
History, A fall of capitalism
In 2020 the worlds governments went into all-out war with the people. The people of the world
rose up against increasingly hostile and corrupt government after steady depreciation in quality of
life. As of 2018 people began to realize their state of life workings as wage slaves for banks
corporations and the government. Forced into slavery to feed their families and provide a safe place
to live. All this caused by greed and capitalism controlled by secret societies and psychopaths, Life
became nothing more than existing. Over the next two years people began to form groups in order
to take control of the country, this lead to war in 2020. The war of 2020 very nearly decimated every
army on the planet with minimal survivors. Kill squads from the former establishment, made from a
mix of human and cyborg units swept through citys killing indiscriminately any one in their path
after the missile strikes. Along with bio, and nuclear attacks. Reports say that up to 80% of human
life was exterminated. Eventually the rebels (freedom fighters) took hold of military strong holds,
with some of the surviving military personal supporting the cause. They started to see that they
were on the wrong side they started joining us. The joint forces meant that moving in to capture key
bases to mount a formidable resistance with our own bio and nuclear capabilities was made

17 years have passed since the collapse of government and the end of mass industry, it is the year
2037. The war lasted a whole 17 years before all the resources were almost completely depleted.
The survivors now deal with a shortage of clean land to grow food and keep clean water with the
struggle of diminishing supplies. This lead to infection, disease, and crime. In 2047 those who
survived the years of savage war left the survivors completely broken by what they saw. The uses of
bio weapons a yellow air borne agent mostly just killed who or what ever breathed in the vapours,
but sometimes lead to mutation. The mutations basically made mutated humans immune from
radiation and chemical damage; tests show that it changed their DNA in some way. In time animals
started being affected by mutation to but it changed them in quite a different way. We now have
some very nasty creatures wandering about, especially at night.

Sometimes people talk of underground vaults where rich and former powerful familys retreated to.
They say the rulers and leaders of the old world live them, still trying to rebuild their control
networks and re-enslave the people of the world. But only a hand full of people could claim to have
actually seen them, and less still that have lived to tell about it so its all rumour and speculation, no
one really knows any more.

Present day

It is now 2067. There are pockets of civility in the wastes. Towns have reformed and attempts have
been made to rebuild some kind of civilization. Some are utterly lawless and are controlled by
anything from mercenaries to slavers even, religious obsessives. Others like this town are for the
most part peaceful.

The world over the last 47 years after the war has changed people in strange ways. The fear of
assassins and thieves has made people very distrustful of one another, especially cyborgs and
mutated beings. There are serious dangers out there now, as well as friends. While some people can
be trusted, some cannot. Some people will help; some will take what they want with deception or
just brute force. In some of the more wild places the starvation was so bad they started to eat the
dead. Over the years this changed them. We simply call it the hunger. It is hard to spot a person
who has the hunger they are very deceptive and will often trick there victims with deals that seem
too good to be true they lure you away from other people and will kill you and eat you. Beware their

This town is called the town of Evers fall. Its a reasonably peaceful place governed by the locals and
some of the towns clans. They are the ones who will rally up mobs and get trouble makers out of
town, The Hunters however are a strange faction, it is said that they are direct descendant to the
original freedom fighters back in 2020. They are the real power in this town since they destroyed
most of the slaver clans. The hunters mostly blend in, so no one really knows who they are singly.
They are thought to be everywhere, just watching. They hunt there chosen targets and take trophys
from their bodys. They are extremely well armed and very dangerous but friendly towards
nonviolent individuals. Have a sense of honour and respect for life. Then there is the church of St
Mick that believe god has punished us for our hateful ways, judge jury and executioner of any
mutated or chem user but anyone who has no use for them or doesnt follow there dogma is
considered there enemy in reality. They call the mutated, abominations of nature and despise them,
along with any drugs and most chems.

There are still a few raiders going about. The hunters and the farmers didnt get them all sadly. The
raiders have been seen with a group never seen in these lands before, a strange group of people in
blue boiler suits. They look a bit clean to be outlanders or slaves. They have been asking questions
about a large missing box. They have been talking to the raider and slaver groups going through the
area recently. Now all of a sudden there have been one or two disappearances again. But nothing
can really be proven as to whom is responsible. There has been a gathering of all the clans over the
past few months in Evers fall. They have called their brethren from far and wide. A strange scientist
wandered into town a few days ago. He was vague about what he was looking for but he is very
intent on finding it. Seems strange that all these different people are coming here from so far. What
is it about this place? Rumors say there is a cash of resources there. Weapons, ammo, fuel (motion
lotion) and explosives of an unknown amount. Treasure perhaps? Others say there is hidden secret
research here and possible dimensional gateways. But thats crazy talk!!! Right?? Probably just
something nice about the water here?? Something has called me here. I must find out what.

Description Of The Game

This system used to set up your character, it does not require your character to be even the slightest
bit combat orientated. In fact the game will benefit greatly if there were players who wanted to be
mental doctors or some kind of inventor that has missing components scattered around the
wasteland. All players start at the beginning with minimal gold to buy kit and over time will gain
more experience and have better equipment to use in the next events. The hope is that this creates
a world that is ever evolving and that new players can join and not be completely destroyed by
higher level players, because there would be little point. In time you could buy a clan house or even
become a trader. It is highly unlikely for a player to be over powered in one event, it should take
at least two or three events to get from a scab with a pistol, 10 rounds and a knife, to an armoured
merc with a full auto assault rifle with more rounds and gold than can be counted. Dont expect to
be in power armour by lunch time Saturday. The new world is full of all kinds of new people and

This role play game based in a post-apocalyptic future where there are rare monsters, mutated
freaks, cyborgs, cannibals, slavers and hunters. Your actions have consequences in the town. Every
time you role play you make it more enjoyable for yourselves and your fellow players. Medics can
help you out if your injured and fixers can fix your armour when its damaged, Im sure you can make
it up to them later if they have a quest they want doing. Medics and injured, we want you to go full
role play on this. On occasions an event organizer will tell you to do something in character do as
instructed, it normally leads to rewards or quests. If you are caught stealing from people or just
being a mean sock and robbing people, you could build up a bad rep and have a bounty put on
you for the mercenarys to take on, or maybe the people will rally up mobs to take you out. On the
other side, perhaps people have noticed your good deeds in the world and want to reward you with
goods or gold.

The idea is that entry players start with very little to get the game focused on the bigger mission and
not go full retard with shooting and robbing each other and in time there will be all kinds of
characters in play all working together (or not its up to you). There will be very few high powered
characters in the in the first events, mostly these will be NPC (non-player-characters).

There will be plenty of things hunting you so your fellow outlanders and clan house members. You
have potential enemy's and friends all over town. Cooperation and team work will help you survive
in the waste. This event will be ongoing and players are invited to progress in the game as the story

NPC Explained. Some people (generally NPCS and main character essential to the plot) are very
very hard to kill and to all extents and purposes unkillable, unlootable and un-enslavable. When
one of these character takes their last WOUND they will drop to one knee and wave their arms
about ... generally making threats about how they will kill you later... they will slowly regain
WOUNDS and eventually be back in play. Dont keep leathering an essential character as they are
essential for a reason. As a rule of thumb if someone runs a store or does an important role in the
town they will be ESSENTIAL.

Game rules
Absolutely NO ammunition is to be taken into game area that has not been purchased with game
currency from the trade post or looted/scavenged, any player found ammo cheating will be asked to
leave, these events only work with a high level of trust so there is Zero Tolerance. You may use
speed loaders but ammunition is expensive. Early players get a max of 20 rounds to start off the
Unarmoured Hits:
Unlike most airsoft games, where being hit anywhere takes you out of the fight, here, this isnt the
case. The first time you get hit anywhere you must drop to the floor and scream out where you have
been hit: arrgh my arm, arrgh my face for example. If possible when hit get into cover, this will
depend on where you have been hit of course! Once on the ground or in cover you must seek
medical attention, the hit you have taken puts that limb or location out of action and it is crippled.
If its an arm or a leg you cant move that limb, if its your head you're knocked out cold, and cant
move at all. This penalty stays in place until you are BANDAGED or use a MEDPACK. If you get hit in
any location that is CRIPPLED for a second time you are DEAD, well deal with being DEAD later.

Yellow Smoke:
If youre in it you are as dead as dead gets, no amount of medical miracles will bring you back from
this. Report back to the trade post for a coin toss (Explained later.)

Counts as a hit but you are not considered injured, merely unconscious for 10 mins. So think of this
as a headshot but without the crippled after effects!

This is hand to hand combat with LARP weapons. If a LARP weapon or knife hits your body it counts
as a hit. A heavy blunt weapon will smash you down while a sharp will cut and slice at you. PLEASE
roleplay hits as accurately as possible. A chainsaw will undoubtedly mess up anything it touches so
react to what people are hitting you with and where.

Sneak Kills:
If someone gets the drop on you and has a knife or gun on your shoulder you are dead instantly this
kind of attack ignores any armour category. You simply slump quietly to the ground. Note; This must
be a true sneak kill and weapons must be in contact with unsuspecting player. There is no bang
rule in any H.O.W event but the surrender option is advised at close range.

Armour can protect you from being wounded. Armour approved by an organizer as being sufficient
will make you immune to injury to that location only, E.G if a weapon or any round hits a part of your
body that is not armoured it counts as a damaging hit. Armour can and will be destroyed by lengthy
firefights, ultimately it boils down to dont be a spoilsport about it, body armour does not stop the
kinetic force of anything so a hit must still be role played. Armour only stops normal close combat
weapons and bullets. It has zero effect against sneak kills, explosions or against any weapon such as
gas, fire or radiation. Armour is explained in the character generation section and shopping.

Each player carries a number of bandages. Bandages can be tied on or around CRIPPLED locations to
restore them to working order. If a player is hit on an arm or a leg, they can bandage themselves;
however, if they're hit in the head, they're knocked out and can only be bandaged by another player.
A bandaged location shot again results in a dead result. Bandages are there to get you out of a fight,
not to replace armour. Only one bandage per body part. If you have your bandaged location hit
again it is considered to be too much trauma and you bleed out.
Removing Bandages:
You can have bandages removed by any player or NPC (non-player character.) who is a designated
healer. Fixing the injury must be role played to the full. Once the limb or location is back to full
health the bandage can be removed.

Using Medpacks:
A player may use a rare and expensive MEDPACK to restore them to full health. This can be done at
any time, even in a firefight! The player must get to cover and shout MEDPACK loudly, and then
discharge the device. Using a MEDPACK restores all of a players limbs and locations back to normal.

Stealing In Game:
You may find yourself in a position to steal in the scenario for example; if a vendor or clan stronghold
has been careless and left a crate open or you may find an ammo box with a small bag of
ammunition in it, perhaps bandages, MEDPACKs, Chem-x etc, all of these can be stolen NOTE: you
are not at any time to touch another players actual kit. Common sense applies here.

Any item with a locked padlock and a note saying not in game is Not in game and is to not be
removed or touched, never break open padlocks or touch bags that are not in game. There are
several combination locks in game that can be opened if you have the code. Absolutely no breaking
any padlocks.

YOU CANNOT TAKE PEOPLES WEAPONS OR EQUIPMENT. Players using any weapon or armour will
have a loot card for them so you take that card to the trading post. You may sell/exchange that card
for items for a gun or armour of equal quality. You may however take GAME items such as;
bandages, MEDPACKs, gold, ammo (excluding pyro) and anything else loot related provided by the
event organizers or acquired in game. There is to be no personal ammo out in the field. Only that
which you have bought in game, you may keep your ammo of choice in the shop to buy as you can

Explosive Grenades:
You are simply dead, armour is useless here. You are now Pulp and goo on the walls. In the event of
a ball grenade going into a room everyone is considered dead in a 10 meter (32 foot) radius
regardless of cover. Shrapnel would tear you up and even if you did manage to survive you would
have to be superman to be combat effective for at least a few minutes after a blast. Outside is a 10
meter kill radius however cover counts, you must be in full cover and no body part in line of sight
(LOS) of the grenade. If you die, go to the trade post and draw a card, there is a 50/50 chance that
youll be fine minus a few items. BFGs are not permitted for this event.

Dead players must drop and lie where killed (assuming it is safe and possible) and remain there for
at least five minutes, in order to give their opponents the time to loot their bodies. Looting players
can ONLY rifle through the 'possessions bag', which all players will have to store their in game items
in. Once this time has elapsed the player must return to the trading post to see if they really are
dead or whether it was an Against the Odds recovery. At the trading post the player will be asked
choose heads or tails on a coin flip. Heads youre DEAD, Tails youre BACK in the game as a miracle
has taken place and you didnt succumb to your wounds! Possessing a MEDPACK x1 allows you to
redraw a bad result if you died through combat/explosions etc. Possessing CHEM-x X1 allows you a
redraw if you died because of Radiation, Chem damage or Poison. Players still alive may now go back
to out into the Wasteland but they forfeit any items taken by their looting opponents Players who
are DEAD now have two choices. They may either start again using the same character they began
with or take time to create a new character (perhaps borrowing costume elements to make it look
different.) Its probably worth designing a back up character or two and bringing a few extra
distinctive clothing items along with you. The important thing to remember here is that dying set
sets your progress back to zero.

Surviving in the wasteland is meant to be hard, if you stick it out it does get easier. Through
completing objectives, salvaging useful items etc all of these can result in the players becoming more
EXPERIENCED, earning more gold and gaining important new connections in the wasteland. Getting
in with a clan will help you out for supplies and a roof over your head to sleep.

Character Generation
You can be a wasteland WARRIOR, SCAVENGER, HEALER or mutated. All clan leaders can add you to
their faction or you can be free to play the game as a loan outlander or indeed form a clan of
outlanders. A clan can have WARRIOR, HEALER, and scavenger or mutated. (Church of St Mick may
not be mutated), you may also request to join a faction (space dependant).

Step One
Pick a clan or choose outlander.

Outlanders 24 spaces

Clans will start with a clan house allowance. Dependant on numbers each clan house will be
provided with GOLDS, AMMO, medical supplies etc. to be distributed between the members. It will
depend on the faction and within reason what the faction wants to start with. Gold issued to clans
include reward money for outlanders to work for you, so you would be wise to save some for them.

You have freedom of movement to do whatever you want. Your actions are yours to decide. As an
outlander you may play free as a civilian or join a clan, or even form a clan of outlanders if you want.

(8 Places)

These people are the salt of the earth. They care for nothing of family and honour and will often kill
each other for a few gold or ammo in a mans pocket. They look like the raiders from fallout 4 or the
original mad max films. If captured by them you are for sale. (This will likely result in your character
being placed in the melee for the entertainment and gambling needs of the locals. You will fight for
your freedom or die a coward and loose everything). Your clan was nearly wiped out by locals after
you took their familys for your entertainment needs. Your job is to regain your power.

Church Of St Mick
(12 places)

Are an insane religious warrior faction, utterly hate anything mutated or drugs and chems. They look
like destressed Jehovah witnesses in suits and the priests look like old monks. They are less than kind
to people but tolerant, mostly because they need help with their missions. Mostly a melee weapon
clan but do have firearms at their disposal.

The Hunters
12 places.

They prey on aggressive and hostile groups such as raiders and slavers, but mostly focus on
particularly violent individuals and small posse. Extremely well-armed and dangerous in tactics. If
they find you, youd best run or have some serious fire power to back up your evil deeds. Or you will
wind up a trophy on a belt. They live for the hunt but are friendly and can be reasoned with by good
people. They look like destressed private military members mixed looted, stolen/won attire. When
in disguise they look could look like anyone.

The Agroculture Collective

12 places.

These farmers are not to be trifled with. They control much of the food supply that comes into the
town along with their water filtration tech. They are extremely useful friends and will defend their
resources to the death and pack some quite heavy weaponry.

Vault Dwellers
12 places

It was your people that started the war in the first place, you are directly descended from the rulers
or the old world. You could just want to reintegrate into society or you could want to enslave
mankind once more, which is up to you.

Choose Your 'Artefact And/Or Story

To make the event more fun and for better player interaction each player is asked to bring along an
'artefact' or quest item in secret. This should be an item that is precious to your character but
'useless' in game terms. It might be a book, a figurine, a broken sword of your fathers, Ghandis cock,
mother Teresas knickers. Whatever you like. It is labelled discretely with your initials and given to
the referees upon booking in.... your artefact is then secreted somewhere findable within the game
world. You must get it back for a reward.
Step Two, Shopping
All items will have a base cost for buying. This can be modified by your real life barter skill to reduce
the base cost. Costs given are the full cost for buying an item. Any player has the chance to barter so
can be adjusted by the seller. The exact discount given depends on the roleplaying demonstrated by
the player. For example: Dave with buys an assault rifle. It is normally G400 but with his bartering
skill level he can expect to pay between G400 (worst price) and G320 (best price) depending on how
well they roleplay the transaction.

Golds is done on weight EG G100 = 100Grams of gold, Diamonds each one is worth G500. In reality
every useable item in the environment is currency to someone.

If for some reason you just want armoured legs/arms each individual limb costs the same as a
helmet of that level. However the armour you are wearing only prevents injury up to a point. As
previously explained you are not invincible even in LVL3 armour it still hurts like hell. You will go
down and act stunned. A burst of auto gunfire will likely shred even a lvl3 vest and most defiantly
take you down temporarily armour rules are subject to players roleplaying properly. If it gets silly
and people arent repairing anything and ignoring hits beyond the armour LVLs we will scrap the
armour and no in game gold will be refunded to any player.

Respirator G150

Armour Lvl1
Allows 2 hits from bbs or sharp weapons without injury but then is considered ruined, no resistance
to full auto and blunt melee weapons SIMILAR TO LEATHER ARMOUR

HELMET G25 VEST G75 SHIELD road sign sort of thing G50 LIMB - helmet cost

Armour Lvl 2
allows 6 individual hits without injury can withstand blunt force almost indefinitely a short burst of
full auto 4 seconds but is considered ruined after that and needs repairing SIMILAR TO COMBAT

HELMET G85 VEST G 200 SHIELD man hole cover or plate steel sort of thing G150

LIMB - = helmet cost

Armour Lvl3

allows up to 15 shots individually full auto fire can be ignored for up to 20 seconds but is then

SUIT G1000

LIMB - = helmet cost

Chem/Radiation SUIT
Allows complete immunity from chems and radiation but no armour bonus at all



Pistol (revolver or single action) G70

Semi auto pistol G100 Machine Pistol (full auto) G200

Long bow G50 cross Bow G100

Single shot G75 Double Barrel G75 Burst (multiple shot type) G150

Bolt Action G300 Semi Auto G400 Full Auto/Assault Rifle G600

Support Guns (including mini guns) G800

Sub Machine Guns

Auto SMG (MP5K max size) G400

Nerf/Dart Weapons
MUST BE PAINTED Nerf weapons are needle guns that carry a knock out poison. If they hit armour
they take no effect. If they hit bare skin or clothing you suffer poison effects and are stunned. (see
main combat rules). Single shot pistol G50 Pump /semi G150 Automatic G250

Melee Weapons
Lead Pipe G1 Knife up to 12 G5 Knife/dagger 12 to 24 G15 Sword/Axe/Hammer/Mace
(1 handed) G20 Sword/Axe/Hammer/Mace (2handed) G50

FRAG (pea grenade type) G80

STUN (mk5 type) G30 (10 seconds stun no move or shoot)

SMOKE G25 (grey smoke) (cover only)

POISON GAS - G300 (yellow coloured smoke ignores any amour)- (Hits taken if in area of effect
unless WEARING a respirator.


Telescopic rifle scope G200


RDS optic G100


BB (clean) Bag of 10 G5

Arrows X10 - G5

Nurf Darts X10 - G5


Med-pack X1 G50

G50 Chemx X1- G50

Secret Gangs

As well as your obvious allegiances you have the option to be a member of one of the areas secret
gangs. We wont tell you what they are unless you want to play in one. Send us a PM saying what
sort of a society youre interested in. if there is one of that nature well let you join. However
beware, while there will be useful elements to being in a cult... all of them are illegal, finding other
members will require the knowledge of arcane markers and sigils and you just might end up being a
taken sacrifice to the gods. Similarly were happy for players to send us in their own ideas about
what they may be up to in secret or a personal goal and if we get it in time we can try and write it
into the plot. You might think its cool to be a cyborg. Until someone whispers your command word
in your ear at the wrong time.

Dress Code
Being as this event is only 50 or so years in the future the look for the event is moderately/highly
distressed tone for clothes and weapons. Only rare weapons are still shiny. Most are a bit grungy
with realistic styling. Armour must actually look like what it is. E.g. LVL1 vest armour would be
thinner much more like leather or motor cross armour. LVL2 vest should be quite thick like that of a
plate carrier and cover 90% of your torso, LVL3 would be significantly more bulky and visually more
impressive like power amour. Weapons must look like they are from an old war a long time ago. We
dont expect you to ruin your guns, but please make an attempt to make them look old and worn.
Scruffy duct tape and some treated rags and you can make a good look on the gun with some
imagination. However, if you already have a post apoc gun ready-made then even better. As a
civilian, look for distressed fallout 3 or 4 wastelanders. For Hunters, distressed mixed military. For
slavers/raiders, The Raider look from Fallout 3 or 4. For the agroculture clan aim for a distressed
farmers look. For the Church go for distressed Jehovah witness or priest. For vault dwellers Blue or
dark boiler suits worn but not so distressed. Players participating in roleplay will gain bonus ROLE
PLAY advantage at the end of the event that will benefit you in the next game.
Game Play And Kit
Firstly its important to remember this event is base around the actions of the all players, however
the outlanders get a bit more freedom in of action in the game but alone will find it hard to make
progress in the world. All currency for starting characters is in gold grams. This is marked as a figure
such as G75 or g50. Other currency used in the game are diamonds but are exceptionally rare and
very valuable. Should you find one you should take it into trade at the first opportunity, ammo, food
and other supplies can be traded but these are worth less. Ammo is so rare and deliberately

This event will not be a heavily shooting based game at first, there are guns in use however the
holder may not even have any ammo for that fancy rifle. You are to supply all kit and weapons that
you want to use in game yourselves. This includes food and water. There will be food and water
scattered around the site for you to find you may either eat it or trade it but you are to bring your
own supplies to keep well fed and watered. If you want power armour you must make it yourself
and bring it to the event. If you want to use your AEG or power armour or anything else you must
bring it. Your character will likely be starting off with a pistol anyway but should you be able to
afford an assault rifle in the event YOU NEED TO PROVIDE IT. BBs will be provided in .20 &.25
weights, for snipers, DMR users please contact event staff to arrange the use of your own ammo if
required. Further to that we understand that your RIF may not like different bbs, so if you want to
provide your own ammo please do, but keep them in the shop to buy in character. But please keep
in mind that ammo is able to be looted. When you bring your stuff to the event it will be kept in
secure and supervised storage in the shop for you to buy in game, only you can buy the stuff you
bring it will be placed in the box you bring for in game kit. A selection of cardboard boxes will be
available but better to bring one of those handy clear plastic boxes with your stuff in it. It will make
storage easier and make it quicker for you to get your stuff as its better for us to find. Your name will
be placed on the item and you will be issued with a loot card or golds to provide to vendor when
purchasing. Please dont bring your entire load out to the shop a medium sized box will do guns will
be stored for you and no one will touch it until you buy it.


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