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My Classroom Management Plan

The purpose of my classroom management plan is to provide a safe environment for

students while fostering academic excellence. The main key to this management plan being
successful is respect and responsibility. Not only will the students need to be respectful of
teacher, but they need to show respect to their classmates and themselves. Responsibility is a
key factor that will be discussed with all students starting the first day of class. Time
management is a key factor of responsibility and will be a focus during the year. From the first
day of class, I will be discussing the importance of responsibility, respectfulness, and safety.
With this discussion, the students will also know what the classroom expectations and
consequences are should they not follow the rules and procedures set before them. Effective
classroom teachers develop a discipline hierarchy that also includes the responsibilities of the
teacher, both of which are outlined below.

Negative Consequences

In order to maintain instruction:

1. I will be in the classroom at all times when students are present.
2. I will attempt to use redirection practices that are non-invasive to student learning.
3. I will use eye contact and proximity methods to redirect misbehaving students.
4. In an attempt to keep learning even, I will call on students randomly throughout class to
answer questions.

In order to redirect students throughout class:

1. I will give a verbal reprimand and ask that he/she change the behavior being exhibited.
2. The student will be given a choice to change their exhibited behavior or face a
3. The student will be moved to another seat in the classroom.
4. The student and I will have a discussion in which the negative behavior will be outlined
by me and explained by the student.

When it is necessary to involve others:

1. The student will be removed from class and sent to the office.
2. The parent/ guardian of the student will be informed and a possible conference
3. I will look for assistance from the principal, counselor, or other administration

Positive Consequences

In being an effective educator, it is my understanding that not all consequences should be

negative in nature. As such, I will do my best to employ positive consequences when warranted.
1. Free time during class.
2. Bonus points on an assignment.
3. Snacks or candy as a reward.
4. Positive acknowledgement.

In order to ensure that students will follow the prescribed rules and procedures of the class, I
will spend the first weeks of class teaching and practicing them. These procedures include:

1. Entering the classroom

2. Attendance
3. Preparedness when entering class
4. Bathroom usage
5. Distributing papers and assignment guidelines.
6. Appropriate technology usage

In an attempt to ensure parental engagement, I will also have these following methods in place:

1. Welcome letter
2. Teacher website
3. Classroom webpage
4. Student planners
5. Unit folders with checklist

Reflecting on the observations and experiences from this past semester, that I must think what
I say and say what I mean. Communication, consistency, and follow through are important keys
to a successful classroom and an integral part of effective classroom management.

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