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Code No: RR410201 Set No.

IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2006
(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) A discrete time system can be

i. static or dynamic
ii. linear or non linear
iii. causal or non causal
iv. stable or unstable
Examine the following with respect to the properties above.
y(n) = cos x(n)
y(n) = x(-n+2)
y(n) = x(-n)
(b) Determine the impulse response and unit step response of the system described
by the difference equation.
i. y(n) = 0.6y(n-1)-0.08 y(n-2) +x(n)
ii. y(n) = 0.7 y(n-1)-0.1y(n-2)+2x(n)-x(n-2) [8+8]

2. (a) A discrete system is given by following difference equation y(n)-5y(n-1) =

x(n) + 4x(n-1) where x(n) is the input and y(n) is the out put. Determine its
magnitude and phase response as a function of frequency.
(b) State and prove convolution theorem.

(a) Let x(n) and X(ejw ) represent a sequence and its transform. Determine, in
terms of X(ejw ), the transform of each of the following sequences :
i. k x(n), k = any constant
ii. x(n n0 ), n0 = a real integer
(b) By explicitly evaluating the transforms X(ejw ), H(ejw )andY (ejw ) correspond-
ing to x(n), h(n) and y(n) specified in part (a) show that Y (ejw ) = H(ejw )X(ejw )


3. (a) Define DFT of a sequence. Compute the N - point DFT of the sequence.
X(n) = Cos(2rn/N ), 0 n N 1 and 0 r N 1
(b) Explain how DFT can be obtained by sampling DFS for a given sequence.

4. (a) Implement the Decimation in frequency FFT algorithm of N-point DFT where
N-8. Also explain the steps involved in this algorithm.

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Code No: RR410201 Set No. 1
(b) Compute the FFT for the sequence x(n) = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 } [8+8]

5. (a) How will you test the stability of a digital filter? Discuss the stability of the
system described by H(Z) = 1ZZ1 Z 2

(b) Determine the frequency, magnitude and phase responses and time delay for
the system
y(n) + 14 y(n 1) = x(n) x(n 1) [8+8]

6. (a) What is an IIR digital filter?

(b) How are IIR digital filter realized?
(c) What are the various realizability constraints imposed on transfer function of
an IIR digital filter. [4+4+6]

7. (a) Describe the principle of designing FIR filter using DFT method.
(b) Using frequency sampling method, design a band pass filter with the following
Sampling frequency F =8000Hz
Cut-off frequency fc1 = 1000Hz fc2 = 3000Hz
Determine the filter coefficients for N=7. [6+10]

8. (a) Realize the following systems with minimum number of multipliers.

H(Z) = 14 + 12 Z 1 + 43 Z 2+ 1 3
 2Z 1 +
1 4
1 1
H(Z) = 1 + 2 Z + Z 2
1 + 4 Z + Z 2

(b) Explain the principles of VOCODERS. [10+6]

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Code No: RR410201 Set No. 2
IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2006
(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) A system is described by the difference equation y(n)-y(n-1)-y(n-2) = x(n-

1). Assuming that the system is initially relaxed, determine its unit sample
response h(n).
(b) A system is described by the difference equation y(n) = 3y(n 1) nx(n) +
4x(n 1) 2x(n + 1)n 0. Verify whether the system is linear , shift in
variant and causal. [8+8]
2. (a) State and prove time and frequency shifting properties of Fourier transform.
(b) Find the Fourier transform of the following signals [8+8]
i. x(n) = ( sinwo n)u(n) || < 1
ii. x(n) = (1/4)n u(n + 4)
3. (a) Define DFT of a sequence. Compute the N - point DFT of the sequence.
X(n) = Cos(2rn/N ), 0 n N 1 and 0 r N 1
(b) Explain how DFT can be obtained by sampling DFS for a given sequence.
4. (a) Let x(n) be a real valued sequence with N-points and Let X(K) represent its
DFT , with real and imaginary parts denoted by XR (K) and X1 (K) respec-
tively. So that X(K) = XR (K) + JX1 (K). Now show that if x(n) is real,
XR (K) is even and X1 (K) is odd.
(b) Compute the FFT of the sequence x(n) = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } [8+8]
5. (a) How will you test the stability of a digital filter? Discuss the stability of the
system described by H(Z) = 1ZZ1 Z 2

(b) Determine the frequency, magnitude and phase responses and time delay for
the system
y(n) + 14 y(n 1) = x(n) x(n 1) [8+8]
6. Determine the system function H(Z) of the lowest order Chebyshev digital filter
that meets the following specifications.
(a) 1 db ripple in the passband 0 |W | 0.3
(b) At least 60 db attenuation in the stopband 0.35 |W | . Use the bilinear
transformation. [16]

7. (a) Design a linear phase low pass filter with a cut-off frequency of /2 radi-
ans/seconds. Take N=7

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Code No: RR410201 Set No. 2
(b) Write the magnitude and phase functions of Finite Impulse Response filter
i. impulse response is symmetric & N is odd
ii. impulse response is symmetric & N is even. [8+8]

8. (a) Explain the different structures for realisation of IIR system. and explain
how conversion can be made from direct form I structure to direct form II
(b) Realize the given system in cascade and parallel form
1+ 1 Z 1
H(Z) = 1Z 1 + 1 Z 22 1Z 1 + 1 Z 2 [8+8]
[ 4 ][ 2 ]

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Code No: RR410201 Set No. 3
IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2006
(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Define a signal. Give some examples of signals. What is signal processing?
Discuss the basic elements of the digital signal processing systems. List their
(b) Show that the even and odd parts of a real sequence are, respectively, even
and odd sequences. [10+6]

2. Consider two periodic sequences x(n) and y(n), x(n) has period N and y(n) has
period M. The sequence w(n) is defined as w(n) = x(n) + y(n).

(a) Show that w(n) is periodic with period MN.

(b) Determine W(K) in terms X(K) and Y(K) where X(K), Y(K) and W(K)
are the Discrete Fourier series coefficients with a period of N, M and MN
respectively. [8+8]

3. (a) Compute Discrete Fourier transform of the following finite length sequence
considered to be of length N.
i. x(n) = (n + n0 ) where 0 < n0 < N
ii. x(n) = n where 0 < < 1.
(b) If x(n) denotes a finite length sequence of length N, show that x((n))N =
x((N n))N . [8+8]

4. (a) Implement the Decimation in frequency FFT algorithm of N-point DFT where
N-8. Also explain the steps involved in this algorithm.
(b) Compute the FFT for the sequence x(n) = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 } [8+8]

5. (a) How will you test the stability of a digital filter? Discuss the stability of the
system described by H(Z) = 1ZZ1 Z 2

(b) Determine the frequency, magnitude and phase responses and time delay for
the system
y(n) + 14 y(n 1) = x(n) x(n 1) [8+8]

6. (a) Design a digital filter that will pass a 1 Hz signal with attenuation less than
2 db and suppress 4 Hz signal down to at least 42 db from the magnitude of
the 1 Hz signal.
(b) What are the limitations of Impulse invariance method? [12+4]

7. (a) Draw the frequency response of N-point rectangular window.

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Code No: RR410201 Set No. 3
(b) Design a fifth order band pass linear phase filter for the following specifications.
i. Lower cut-off frequency = 0.4 rad/sec
ii. Upper cut-off frequency = 0.6 rad/sec
iii. Window type = Hamming
Draw the filter structure. [4+12]

8. (a) What are the advantages in cascade and parallel realisation of IIR systems
(b) The transfer function of a system is given by
(1 + Z 1 )
H (Z) =  
1 41 Z 1 1 Z 1 + 21 Z 2

Realize the system in cascade and parallel structures. [6+10]

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Code No: RR410201 Set No. 4
IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2006
(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) A discrete time system can be

i. static or dynamic
ii. linear or non linear
iii. causal or non causal
iv. stable or unstable
Examine the following with respect to the properties above.
y(n) = cos x(n)
y(n) = x(-n+2)
y(n) = x(-n)
(b) Determine the impulse response and unit step response of the system described
by the difference equation.
i. y(n) = 0.6y(n-1)-0.08 y(n-2) +x(n)
ii. y(n) = 0.7 y(n-1)-0.1y(n-2)+2x(n)-x(n-2) [8+8]

2. (a) Show that the frequency response of a discrete system is a periodic function
of frequency.
(b) Obtain the frequency response of the first order system with difference equa-
tion y(0) = x(n)+10y(n-1) with initial condition y(-1) = 0 and sketch it com-
ment about its stability.
(c) State and prove the frequency shifting property of Fourier transform.

(a) Let x(n) and X(ejw ) represent a sequence and its transform. Determine, in
terms of X(ejw ), the transform of each of the following sequences :
i. k x(n), k = any constant
ii. x(n n0 ), n0 = a real integer
(b) By explicitly evaluating the transforms X(ejw ), H(ejw )andY (ejw ) correspond-
ing to x(n), h(n) and y(n) specified in part (a) show that Y (ejw ) = H(ejw )X(ejw )


3. (a) Define DFT. Guide tow properties of DFT.

(b) Discuss the effects of truncating a sequence x(n) of infinite duration.
(c) Compute the DFT of X(n) = {1, 0, 1} with T = 0.5. Plot the DFT
sequence suggest a method for improving frequency resolution. [4+6+6]

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Code No: RR410201 Set No. 4
4. (a) Implement the Decimation in frequency FFT algorithm of N-point DFT where
N-8. Also explain the steps involved in this algorithm.
(b) Compute the FFT for the sequence x(n) = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 } [8+8]

5. (a) How will you test the stability of a digital filter? Discuss the stability of the
system described by H(Z) = 1ZZ1 Z 2

(b) Determine the frequency, magnitude and phase responses and time delay for
the system
y(n) + 14 y(n 1) = x(n) x(n 1) [8+8]

6. (a) What are characteristics of the transfer function of the Chebyshev filter.
(b) Find the transfer function H(S) of the third order normalized Chebyshev filter
for following specifications: fp = 1KHZandfa = 3KHZ. [8+8]

7. (a) Design a linear phase low pass filter with a cut-off frequency of /2 radi-
ans/seconds. Take N=7
(b) Write the magnitude and phase functions of Finite Impulse Response filter
i. impulse response is symmetric & N is odd
ii. impulse response is symmetric & N is even. [8+8]

8. (a) An LTI system is described by the equation , y(n) + y(n-1) - 1/4y(n-2) =

x(n). Determine the cascade realisation structure of the system. Discuss the
stability of the system.
(b) Explain how speech is processed digitally. [10+6]

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