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A Paper by :

- Okta Sandro 1602230511
- Prayogi Dwi Aristiardi 1602230523
- Muhamad Aannur Hidayatullah 1602230527
- Tomi Julian 1602230539

Darmawan Budianto, S,Pd., M.Pd.


FOR YEAR 2016-2017


Before discussing the pattern sentence let us discuss a glimpse of the sentence in advance.
Traditionally, people say that phrase is a group of words that express a complete piece of


The sentence was applying. Meaning he has certain patterns that took place repeatedly, so
we can guess the rest of the rest of the sentence if partly already spoken.


Pattern I:

Subject+ verb

Pattern II:

Subject+ Verb+ Direct Object (Object People)

Pattern III:

Subject+ linking verb+noun Compliment

Pattern IV:

Subject+ linking verb +adjective complement

Sentences usually contain two essential elements of the subject and predicate. The subject
is part of the sentence out loud, while the predicate is a phrase that says something about
the subject.


subject Predicate

-Anastasia walked
-My Beloved mother has always been good cook

The main word in the subject called simple subject (subject simple). Simple subject is usually
a noun (noun) and pronouns (pronoun). Simple subject in the example sentence above is
Anastasia, mother, men, and we. Pronominal or pronoun that is the subject simply the most
commonly used are:

-I : saya

-You : kamu

-He : dia (seorang laki-laki; Budi, Dino, dll.)

-She : dia (seorang perempuan; Ayu, Christina.)

-It : dia (sebuah barang atau seekor hewan.)

-We : kami (Budi dan Saya, dll.)

-they : mereka (orang atau barang atau hewan.)

Verb (verb) is a word which serves to indicate the action of the subject, showing events or
circumstances. Several kinds of verbs:

1.Transitive and Intransitive Verb

Transitive followed direct object (ask, bring, buy, etc), while the intransitive (come, arrive,
go, etc) are not followed.

2.Regular and Irregular Verb

In the form of regular (arrive, play, study, etc), past tense and participle suffix-ed by adding
obtained in base form, while the irregular (come, cut, swim, etc), do more varied.

3.Action and Stative Verb

Action verb (eat, listen, walk, etc) stating that something occurred, where as stative verb
(love, need, want, etc) stated conditions are likely to remain.

4.Finite and Non-Finite Verb

Finite verb (linking verb, auxiliary verb, etc) influenced tense and subject-verb agreement,
while the non-finite verb (infinitive, bare infinitive, and participle) do not.

5.Linking Verb

linking verb sentence with a subject of description.

6.Causative Verb

Causative verb to indicate that the subject is not directly responsible for the action that

7.Phrasal Verb

Verb is not always a simple (one word), but may be a result of a combination with particle
phrase into phrasal verb (get in, make up, read over, etc).

8.Auxiliary Verb

Auxiliary is a verb that appears before the main verb (main verb). The auxiliary verb can be
divided into:

1.Primary Auxiliary Verb (be, do, have)

Be, do, or have served to reinforce the meaning of the word kerja utama.

2.Modal Auxiliary Verb (can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must)

Capital helpful to express:

-willingness (kemauan)

-ability (kemampuan)

-necessity (kebutuhan)

-possibility (kemungkinan)

3.Phrasal Capital (Be Able to, be going to, ought to, used to, etc)

Phrasal ordinary capital is capital that begins with "be" or "have" and / without ending with

4. Verb Voices

Voice useful declare whether a subject of a sentence make or receive action. As

differentiate into:

-Active Voice: subject action .

-Passive Voice: subject receives the action .

5.Verb Moods

Moods in English include:

-Imperative: To give orders, warnings, advice, instruction, and demand.

-Subjunctive: To express the unreal situation (conditional, wish, as if / though), requirement,

or suggestion .

-Indicative: To make a statement, argument, or question.


Verbal, said that was formed from the verb that functions as part of another speech, Consist

Gerund: functions as a noun.

Infinitive: to function as a noun, adjective, or adverb .

Participle: to function as an adjective .

Complement is a word or group of words that complement the meaning of the subject,
verb, or object. Thus, there are three kinds of complement, namely : subject complement
and complement verb.

1.subject complement

Subject complement is a noun, pronoun, adjective, or another construction (acting as a

noun or adjective) that follow verbs of being or linking verb and serves to describe or refer
to the subject of the sentence.


-My Favorite activities are shopping and traveling.

-Mr. Mamat was a great Headmaster.

2.Verb complement

Verb complement is the direct object (DO) or indirect object (IO) of an action verb. Such
objects can be a noun, pronoun, or other construction acting as noun, such as: gerund,
infinitive, and the noun clause.


-My Boss paid me two thousand dollars.

-I Love swimming.
Modifier serves to explain the time (modifier of time), describes the place (modifier of
place), or explain how to carry out activities (modifier of manner). Modifier is generally a
prepositional phrase (in a group of words that begin by prepositions and terminated by a
noun). For example: in the morning, on the table, at the university.

In addition, the modifier can also be a single adverb, example: yesterday, outdoors (outside
the building), hurriedly (to rush) or adverbial phrase, for example: last night, next year.
Modifier is answering the question, when, where, and how.


- Chris bought a book at the bookstore.

- The milk is in the refrigerator.

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