FN Practicum - Letter of Intent

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27 June 2017

Ms. Maria Carmela C. Taob

Department of Food Science and Nutrition
College of Home Economics
University of the Philippines Diliman

Dear Ms. Taob:

Good day!

I, SIMOUN RAINIER L. BAYUDAN, currently an incoming 4th Year BS Community

Nutrition student am intending to fulfill my required seventy (70) practicum duty hours in a food
service organization prior to enrolment in FN 117.1 - Food Service Management II during the1st
Semester AY 2017 - 2018. This is in line with the partial fulfilment of the requirements in the
course FN 117.1.

I take full responsibility in accomplishing the required number of hours in compliance

with the terms set by the food service organization of my choice. I intend to do my practicum at
FGH Restaurant, Cubao. I recognize that I shall be responsible for my behavior within the food
service organization I am deployed at and that I will bear all liabilities out of my actions.

Attached is a signed consent form indicating that my parents/ guardian/s are fully aware
of my intention to fulfill my practicum duty hours prior to official enrolment in FN 117.1. If you
have any concerns, kindly forward them to me as soon as possible, through my e-mail at
slbayudan@gmail.com or through my mobile number, 0917 568 0397, so that I may fully
address them. I hope to hear your favorable response.


Simoun Rainier L. Bayudan


I do hereby grant consent to allow my son/ daughter/ ward, Simoun Rainier L. Bayudan,
to fulfill his/her required seventy (70) practicum duty hours at FGH Restaurant, Cubao prior to
enrolment in FN 117.1 - Food Service Management. My son/ daughter/ ward shall take full
responsibility in accomplishing his/her requirements in accordance with the terms set between
the class and the faculty-in-charge and the food service organization in which he/she shall report

Restituto B. Bayudan
Signature of Parent/ Guardian over Printed Name

Contact nos.: 09176801169

Date Signed: 27 June 2017

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