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1. Completa las oraciones con uno de los verbos que se encuentran entre parntesis
para formar oraciones en el tiempo presente simple (Affirmative sentences).
a. I ________________ at hospital (work / works)
b. She _________________ volleyball (play / plays)
c. He _________________ at school (go / goes)
d. We _________________ animals (love / loves)
e. Robert ________________ to romantic music (listen / listens)
f. Camila ________________ her bedroom (clean / cleans)
g. They _________________ for the exam (study / studies)
2. Escribe las siguientes oraciones en su forma negativa (Negative sentences).
a. I visit my grand-mother
b. She cooks delicious
c. We watch TV
d. Emily plays football
e. They clean the house
f. I write poems
g. He drinks coffe
3. Coloca DO o DOES en las siguientes oraciones interrogativas (Interrogative
a. ____________ you like coffe?
b. ____________ she go to school?
c. ____________ he is a good student?
d. ____________ they go to the movie?
e. ____________ Nicol help her mother?
f. ____________ They finish the homework?
g. ____________ she play the guitar?
4. Coloca el verbo que se encuentra entre parntesis en su forma correcta

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