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Logan S Rampey

Prof. Intawiwat
Procedure Governing Transfer of Alien Criminals
In light of the new west coast addition to our organization, well will be relocating many inmates
to empty cells across the country. This process will be highly dangerous with high a high
potential for complications. In order to keep our inmates secure and our agents safe, we have
prepared a procedure to outline the process and limit error.

Step 1: Send two agents into cell with prisoner to place restraints on all applicable limbs. It is
important to also have an armed agent in the doorway ready to respond if the other two lose
control of the situation.

Step 2: The restrained prisoner will be led out of the cell and into the hallway where the agents
will stand on either side and behind the prisoner. When the formation is in place, the agents
may start leading the prisoner through the halls to the relocation chamber.

Step3: A fourth agent should be ready in the relocation chamber control room. It is this agents
responsibility to ensure that the receiving agents are in place for prisoner retrieval. When the
other agents and prisoner arrive the agents will move the prisoner into the relocation cell and
seal the door.

Step4: Immediately after the other agents seal the door the fourth agent is to pull the relocation
switches and confirm that the other division has received the prisoner, completing the process.

Only one agent should be armed for this process.
The armed agent needs to stand behind the alien when the formation is made.
If the receiving team doesnt confirm that they have the prisoner contact leadership immediately.

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