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Bajnczi Be atri X,,










mRXlttl H!nD . SZtGtD 200B



Nyeivi lektor:

Kiadi kd: MX-142

Kerettanterv:28/2000 (IX.21.), 17/2004. (V 20.) OM rend.
Szerkeszt: Vlgyesin Nemcsk Adrienn
Tmeg: 490 g
Terjedelem: 332 oldal (29,67 v)

Kiadja: Maxim Knyvkiad, 6726 Szeged, Frj u.92/B

Tel.: (62) 548-444, Fax: (62) 548-443, E-mail:
Felels kiacl: Pusks Norbert
Mszaki szerkeszt: szekretr Attila
Kszlt a Generl Nyomda Kft.-ben.

Minden jog fenntarwa, belerwe a sokszorostst, a m btett,

illewe rvidtett vltozata kiadsnak jogt is. A kiad rsbeli
engedlye nlkl sem a teljes m, sem annak rsze semmilyen
formban nem sokszorosthat.

ISBN 978 963 9489 639

@ Maxim Kiad, Szeged


Knyvnk f clja, hogy segtsgetnyjtson mind az egynyelv, mind a ktnyelv alap-

fok nyelwizsgk szbeli rszrekszlknek. A kiadvnyt haszonnal forgathatjk a zs-
gkra felkszt tanrok s azok is, akik szeretnk felfrissteni s bteni nyelrrnrdsukat -
elssorban szkincsket - a kor ignyeinek megfelelen. Igyekeznk olyan felkszt
anyagot sszeiltani, amely nemcsak hasznos, hanem lvezetes s gyakorlatias is.
A nyelwizsgkon elfordul hsz leggyakoribb tmakrt krds-felelet formjban
dolgoztuk fel. Minden fejezetet egy rvid, a tmhoz kapcsold, humoros prbeszd in-
dt. A tmhoz kapcsold krdseketnemcsak angolul, hanem magyarul is megadtuk,
hogy ezze| is segtsk a hatkony tanulst. Mivel a kiadvnyt elssorban 12-16 veseknek
sznjuk, igyekeztnk a korosztly rdekldsi krnek figyelembe vtelvelmegszerkesz-
teni a mintavlaszokat, de nhny krdssel a felnn nyelvtanulkra is gondoltunk. A t-
mk s a krdsekkztt termszetesen megtallhatak valamivel nehezebbek s ssze-
tettebbek is, ezrt ilyen esetekben a vlaszok rvidebbek. Alapfokon a legfbb elvrs, hogy
aizsgz megrtse a krdst,tudjon reaglni r, azaz elboldoguljon a legtbb alapvet
kommunikcis helyzetben. Fontos, hogy elsajttsa a nyelvet annyira, hogy meg tudja r-
tetni magt, s egyszer, mindennapi szitucikban sikeresen kommunikljon alapvet
tmkrl. A mintavlaszokban nem szerepelnek bonyolult szerkezetek, a nyelvtan helyett
inkbb a szkincsre helyeztk a hangslyt. A szszedetek a krdsekbens a mintavla-
szokban felhasznlt szavakat s kifejezseket tartalmazzk a fonetikai trsokkal egytt.
A szszedetben a szavak s kifejezsek utn szmmal jelltb hogy melyik krdsben
vagy vlaszban fordulnak el elszr az adott tmban. A fejezetek tbbsgt n. kom-
munikcis tippek zrJk.Itt ti,intetttik fel a magyar nyelvtanulk ltal sajnos gyakran
rosszul hasznlt szavak s kifejezsek helyes alkalmazst, valamint mintaprbeszdeket
is megadtunk srn elfordul, mindennapi helyzetekre.
A fejezetek tetszs szerinti sorrendben dolgozhatk fel. A krdsekigen vltozatosak,
meglehetsen egyszerek s elgondolkodtatbbak egyarnt megtallhatk kztk, gy
a knyv megfelel segtsget nyjt az alapos s eredmnyes felksz]shez. Mintav]a-
szainkban a beszlt nyelwe jellemz kifejezsmdot prbltuk szemlltetni. A knyv
vlaszait nem sz szerinti betanulsra szntuk, hanem tleteket kvntunk adni, ezrt a
vlaszad szemlye sem ugyanaz - ezzel a tmk vtozatosabb, a knyvben megielen
szkincs gazdagabb vlik.

sok sikert kvnnak a

u = uncountable noun : megszmllhatatlan fnv (egyes szmban hasznlatos)
fn.: fnv
T = trgyas ige
TN : trgyatlan ige
GB = brit nyelvhasznlat
us : amerikai nyelvhaszn|at
1. Introduction and Friends - Bemutatkozs s bartok

A: Just look at that young person with the short hair and blue jeans, Is it aboy or a girl?
B: lt's a girl. She3 my daughter,
A: Oh, I'm sorry, sir, I didn't know that you were her father.
B: I'm not. I'm her mother.

1.What is your name?

Mi a neved?
2. How do you spell your name?
Hogy berzd a neved?
3.When were you born?
Mikor szlettl?
4.Where were you born?
Hol szlenl?
5.Where are you from?
Hova valsi vagy?
6.What do you do?
Mi a foglalkozsod?
7.Where do you live?
Hol laksz?
8. What is your address?
Mi a cmed?
9.Do you live in a house or a flat?
Csaldi hzban vagy laksban la}sz?
10.Do you have a room ofyour own?
Van sajt szobd?
11.Do you like living in your town?
szeretsz a vrosodbavfaludban lakni?
12.Do you live far from school?
Messze taksz az iskoltl?
888 IGRDs svresz ANGoL twrrvgr
13.Who do you live with?
kivel laksz?
14.How would you describe yourselP
Hogy rnd le magad?
15.Do you have a big family?
Nagy a csaldod?
16.Do you have any brothers or sisters?
vannak testvreid?
17.What is your mother like?
Milyen desanyd?
18.What is your father like?
Milyen desapd?
19.What is your brother like?
Milyen a fiteswred?
20. What do your parents do?
Mi a szleid foglalkozsa?
21.Where do your grandparents live?
Hol laknak a nagyszleid?
22.Do you have a lot of relatives?
sok rokonod van?
23.Where do your relatives live?
Hol laknak a rokonaid?
24.Which of your relatives do you like best?
Melyik rokonod kedveled a legjobban?
25.What are you interested in?
Mi rdekel tged?
26.Do you do any sport?
Sportolsz valamit?
27.| are your favourite subjects at school?
Melyek a kedvenc tantrgyaid?
28.What are your future plans?
Milyen terveid vannak a jvt illeten?
29.Do you have a lot of friends?
sok bartod van?
30.What do you usually do with your friends?
Mit szoktl csinlni a bartaiddal?
31.What do you talk about with your friends?
Mirl szoktl beszlgetni a bartaiddal?
32. Do you spend a lot of time with your classmates?
Sok idt tltesz az osztlytrsaiddal?
33.What does your best friend look like?
Hogy nz ki a legjobb bartod?
34.What is your best friend like?
Milyen a legjobb bartod?
35.Why do you like your best friend?
Mirt kedveled a legjobb bartod?

36.Does your best friend live far from you?
Messze lakik tled a legjobb bartod?
37.What do you do together?
Mit szoktatok egytt csinlni?
38.What do you think the most important inner quaties of a person are?
Szerinted melyek az emberek legfontosabb bels tulajdonsgai?
39.What kind of people do you like?
Milyen embereket kedvelsz?
40.What kind of people do you admire?
Milyen embereket csodlsz?
41. What kind of people do you not like?
Milyen embereket nem szeretsz?
42.Do you have friends in other towns or villages?
Vannak bartaid ms vrosokban vagy falvakban?
43.Do you have friends abroad?
vannak bartaid klfldn?
44.How do you keep in contact with friends who live far from you?
Hogyan tartod a kapcsolatot azokkal a bartaiddal, akik messze laknak tled?
45.What do you usually do at weekends?
Mit szoktl csinlni a hwgn?
46.Do you speak any foreign languages?
Beszlsz valamilyen idegen nyelven?
88B KRDssvelqsz ANGoL tvyrrrnr
1.What is your name?
My name is Mria Nagy.

2.How do you spell your name?

I spell my first name M-A-R-I-A, and I spell my surname N-A-G-Y

3.When were you born?

I was born on 10 June 1991. (I was born on the ten of June, nineteen ninety one.)

4.Where were you born?

I was born in Eger.

5.Where are you from?

I'm from Hungary

6.What do you do?

I'm a pupil at the local secondary school.

7.Where do you live?

I live in Szarvas. It is a small town in the south-east of Hungary.

8.What is your address?

I live at 14 Kossuth Street in Szeged.

9. Do you live in a house or a flat?

I live in a big house with my parents and sisters. There are four rooms: a kitchen, a
bathroom, a pantry and a hall. We have a small garden with flowers and a lawn.

10. Do you have a room of your own?

No, I don't, I share a room with my elder brother. It isn't big but I like it very much
because it's bright and there's a shelf for my collection of cacti,

11.Do you like living in your town?

Yes, I do. It is a nice place, I like living there very much because there are big parks
and sports fields where I can spend my free time with my friends.

12.Do you live far from school?

No, I don't. It's only ten minutes on foot, So I'm lucky because I don't have to get up
very early in the morning.

1,3.Who do you live with?

I'm an only child. I live with my parents and my grandparents. We also have two cats
and a dog.

14. How would you describe yourself?
I'm a tall girl with long brown hair. I have brown eyes, I'm snub-nosed and have full
lips. I'm slim because I like doing aerobics.

15. Do you have a big family?

Yes, I have a relatively big family: a younger brother, an elder sister, my parents and
my grandparents.

16.Do you have any brothers or sisters?

Yes, I have an elder sister and two younger brothers, They are twins. My sister is 20,
and my twin brothers are 8.

17.What is your mother like?

My mother is very attractive. She's pretty, slender and elegant, She is of average
height. She has curly brown hair with blond stripes. She has big blue eyes. Her nose
is straight and her lips are thin.

18.What is your father like?

My faer is a tall man. He's a bit fat. He has grey hair and brovm eyes. His hands
and feet are rather big.

l9.What is your brother like?

My brother is like me. He is 169 cm tall and weighs 62kg, He has short brown hair
and brown eyes. His ears are a bit big. He has broad shoulders because he likes

20. What do your parents do?

My mother is a nurse in the local hospital and my father works for a multinational.
He's an engineer. Unfortunately, they work too much, so they always get home late.

21.Where do your grandparents live?

My father's parents live in Budapest. We only meet two or three times a year. My
mother's parents live in the village where we live. They live two streets from us, We
meet every day because my grandmother cooks lunch for me.

22.Do you have a lot of relatives?

Yes, I do. I have two aunts, three uncles and five cousins. They live far from us, so
we rarely meet.

23.Where do your relatives live?

They live in different parts of the country. My aunt, my mother's sister, and her
family live in a small village near Pcs. My aunt, my father's sister, lives in Budapest,
but not in the same district where we live. T\nro of my uncles live in Eger with their
families, and my third uncle lives in Gdll. I also have relatives abroad.

8B8 KERDEs svresz ANGot nryrrwr
24.Which of your relatives do you like best?
I like my aunt very much. We spend a lot of time together. She has no children so she
always has time for me. I also enjoy being with my twin cousins. They are the same
age as me and we have a lot of fun together. For example, we play football with our
dogs, climb trees and go fishing togeer.

25.What are you interested in?

I'm interested in a lot of things. I like reading all kinds of books, watching
documentaries and dancing. I also play the guitar.

26.Do you do any sport?

Yes, I do. In summer I often go sailing and in winter I go skiing with my family. At
school I play volleyball.

27.What are your favourite subjects at school?

I like science subjects, and my favourite is biology because I like nature and animals,
especially wild animals.

28.What are your future plans?

I would like to be an actor. I'm good at dancing and singing, and I often recite poems
at School events and at competitions.

29.Do you have a lot of friends?

Yes, I do. My best friends are Tams and Gerg. We often 80 to the cinema and
concerts together.

30.What do you usually do with your friends?

In winter we often go skating and swimming. When the weather is good, we like
walking in the town centre. We enjoy window-shopping. At weekends we go cycling
in the hills nearby.

31.What do you talk about with your ftiends?

We talk about everything: sport, school, girls, films and books. We can talk a lot about
sport because we support different football clubs. When we read a good book, we tell
the others about it.

32. Do you spend a lot of time with your classmates?

Yes, I do. We often meet outside school too, We enjoy playing football and going to

33. What does your best friend look ke?

She is shorter than me. She has shoulderJength fair hair and green eyes. She is very

INTRoDucTIoN AND FRIENDs - BEMLrrArxos rs gARrox
34.What is your best friend like?
My best friend, Emese, is very nice. I can ta]k about everything with her. We like
doing the same things, for example, going to the cinema and singing. We sing in the
same choir.

35.Why do you like your best friend?

He is a very good friend. He is very understanding and always helps me with my
srudies. He is a tennis player like me and we often play together,

36. Does your best friend live far from you?

Fornrnately she doesn't. She lives three streets from my place. We usually do homework
together. She doesn't have a compute4 so she comes over to surf the net.

37.What do you do together?

We play computer games almost every day On Tuesdays and Thursdays we go to a
gym. The rowing machine is our favourite.

38.What do you think the most important inner qualities of a person are?
I think the most important characteristics are honesty, reliability and generosity My
best friends are always honest with me and they help me when I have a problem,

39.What kind of people do you like?

I like ftiendly and happy people. I like people I can talk to. It's good if we are interested
in the same things.

40.What kind of people do you admire?

I admire people who are brave, wise and energetic. I think that people who help
other people, like doctors and nurses, are worth admiring. I also admire writers,
directors and actors and actresses because I like reading good books and watching
good plays and films.

41.What kind of people do you not ke?

I don't like people who are selfish, aggressive, unkind or bad-tempered.

42.Do you have friends in other towns or villages?

Yes, I do. I have a lot of pen ftiends in Hungary and abroad. Unfortunately, we can
only meet in winter and summer holidays.

43.Do you have friends abroad?

Yes, I do. We chat frequently. I have a friend in Slovakia who speaks Hungarian. I also
have friends in Germany and Austria and I chat with them in German.

44.How do you keep in contact with fiends who live far from you?
I often email them. I sometimes call or text em, mostly when something really
important happens to me.

ees KRDssvresz ANGot Nynuvgr
45.What do you usually do at weekends?
I go shopping with my family on Saturday mornings. After that I help my mother in
the kitchen. In the afternoon I tidy my room and help my father in the garden. In the
evening I go out with my friends. On Sunday I often go hiking with my family, and
we sometimes invite some of my ftiends too. Once a month we visit our relatives or
they come to see us.

46. Do you speak any foreign languages?

Yes, I do. I speak a little Spanish and English, and I would like to learn German too.


Words and expressions

abroad,23 a'brc:d klfldn
actor 28 'ekte sznsz
actress 40 'aktres sznszn
address 8 o'dres cm
admire 40 ed'mala csodl
age 24 etd3 letkor
aggressive 4 o'gresv agresszv
always 20 'c:hvelz mindig
animal27 'entml llat
at weekends 30 et,wilk'endz hwgente
attractive 7 e'trakttv vonz
aunt 22 d:nt nagynni
bad-tempered 41 ,bad'temped zsmbes, zsrtld
bathroom 9 'bo:0,rulm f[irdszoba
be born 3 bil bc:n szletik
be good atsg28 bil gud at j valamiben
be interested in sg 25 bi:'tntresttd tn rdekldik valami irnt
big,9 btg nagy
biology 27 bat'olad3t biolgia
bit ]8 btt kicsit
blond 17 blond szke
brave 40 bretv btor
bright o bratt lgos
broad 19 brcld szles
cactus (cacti) ]0 'kaKas ('kaktat) kaktusz (kaktuszok)
call sy 44 kc:l felhv valakit
canoeing 19 ka'nu:tt3 kenuzs
cat 13 kat macska
characteristic 38 ,kankte'rlsttk jellemvons
chat 43 tt beszl8et/chatel
child (children) 24 tJalld ('tJlldren) gyerek (gyerekek)
choir 34 kwata krus
classmate 32 'klo:s,mett osztlytrs
climb 24 klalm mszik
collection l0 ka'lekJn gyjtemny
company 20 'knmpent cg, vllalat
competition 28 ,kompe'ttfn verseny
computer 36 kem'pjua szmtgp
computer game 37 kam'pjua,germ szmtgpes jtk
cook 21 kuk fz
cousin 22 'klzn unokatestvr
curly 17 'k3:lt gndr
cycling 30 'salkllq kerkprozs
dancing 25 dolnstq tncols

888 KRDssvresz ANGoL Nrrrrvgr

describe 14 dt'skratb jellemez

different 23 'dfrant klnbz
director 40 de'rekte rendez
district 23 'dtstnkt kerlet
do (did, done) dul (dtd, dnn) aerobikozik
aerobics 14 ea'rabtks
do (did, done) du: (dtd, dnn) hzi feladatot csinl
homework 36 'haom,ws:k
do (did, done) spott 26 du: (dtd, dnn) spclt sportol
documentary 25 ,dokjo'mentrt dokumentumfilm
dog 13 dog kutya
ear 19 le fu1
ear|y 72 's:lt korn
elder brother 10 'elda'brna bty
elder sister 15 'elda ,ststa nvr
elegant 17 'eltgant elegns
email sy 44 'i:metl e-mailt kld valakinek
energetic 40 ,ena'd3ettk energikus
engineer 20 end3l'nta mrnk
English 46 'rngltJ angol
enjoy 24 rn'd3ct 7vez
especially 27 t'spefll klnsen
event 28 l'vent rendezvny
eye 14 al szem
fair 33 fea szke
family 15 'famll csald
far rom 72 fo: fram messze valamitl
avoarite 27 'fetvrat kedvenc
first name 2 fslst netm keresztnv
frshing 24 'fttrt horgszs
flat9 flat laks
football club 31 'fotbcll ,klnb futball klub
for example 34 far rg'zolmpl pldul
fortunately 36 'fcJnatlt szerencsre
free time 11 'fri: ,tatm szabadid
frequently 43 'fri:kwentlt gyakran, srn
ftiend 11 frend bart
friendly 39 'frendll bartsgos
full lips 14 fol'ltps telt ajkak
future 28 'fju:tJa jv
generosity 38 ,d3ene'rosttt nagylelksg
German 40 'd3s:men nmet
get (got, got) home 20 get (got got) heom hazar
get (got, got) up 12 get (got got) np felkel
go (went, gone) geo (went gon) kirndulnVtrzni megy
hiking 45 'hatktr;

INTRoDucTIoN AIvD FRIENDs - BEMtnArros rs gARtox
go (went, 8one) out geo (went gon) aot wl szrakozni megy valakivel
with sy 45
go (went, gone) gau (went gon) foptry vsrolni megy
shopping 45
go (went, gone) to gau (went gon) tu moziba jr
the cinema 34 e'slname
grandmother 21 'gran,mne nagymama
grandparent 2l 'gran,pearant nagyszl
grey 1,8 9rel szrke
gaitar 25 gt'to: gitr
gym 37 d3tm edzterem
hafu 14 hee haj
hall9 hc:l elszoba
happen to sy/sg 44 'hapen to trtnik valakiveVvalamivel
happy 39 'hapl boldog
have (had, had) fun 24 hav (had, had) fnn jl rzi magt
have (had, had) to 12 hav (had, had) to ke11
help 38 help segt
help sy with 35 help wt segt valakinek valamiben
hill30 htl hegy
honest 38 'ontst szinte
honesty 38 'ontstt szintesg
hospital20 'hospttl krhz
house 9 haos hz
important 38 lm'pc:tnt fontos
inner qualities 38 ,tna'kwolatlz bels tulajdonsgok
interest 25 'lntrast rdeklds
invite 45 ln'valt meghv
keep (kept, kept) in kilp (kep[ kept) tn kapcsolatot tart valakivel
contact with sy 44 'kontakt wr
kind 25 katnd -fle, -fajta
kitchen 9 'kttJen konyha
late 20 lett ksn
lawn 9 lc:n f, pzsit
likel0 lalk szeret, kedvel
like11 latk mint
like]9 latk hasonl
local 6 'laokl helyi
long 14 lot] hossz
luc\y 12 'lnkl szerencss
lunch 2l lnntJ ebd
match 32 matJ meccs
meet (met, met) sy 22 mi:t (met met) tallkozik valakivel
morning 2 'mc:nlry reggel
morning 45 'mclntq dleltt
mostly 44 'meostlt fleg

888 KRDssvrnsz ANGot l{yEtvBot

multinational20 ,m^ltl'nnl multinacionlis cg

name 1 nelm nv
late 27 'nertJa termszet
nearby 30 ,nla'bal a kzelben
nice 34 nals kedves
nose 17 naUz orr
nurse 20 n3:s nvl poln
of average }:.eiglnt 17 av'averld3 hatt tlagos magassg
oten 26 'ofn gyakran
on foot 12 on fot gyalog
only child 13 'aonlttJatld egyke, egyedli gyerek
other 40 'Aa msik
others 31 'naz tbbiek
outside 32 autsatd kv1
own ]0 en sajt
pantry 9 'pantrt kamra
parent 20 'pearant szl
park l1 polk park
pen friend 42 'pen ,frend leveleztrs
p|an 28 plan terv
play 35 plet jtszik
play 40 plet szndarab
play ootball24 pler'fotbc:l futballozik
play the guitar 25 plet a gt'to: gitrozik
play volleyball26 pler 'vollbc:l rplabdzik
pretty 17 'prttt csinos
pupil6 'pju:pl iskols, tanul
rurely 22 'reoll ritkn
read (read, read) 25 ri:d (red, red) olvas
recite poems 28 n'sa peulmz szaval
relative 22 'relattv rokon
relatively 15 'reletlvlt arnylag, viszonylag
reliability 38 rt,late'btletl megbzhatsg
room 9 ru:m szoba
rowing mactrine 37 'reorq maJi:n evezgp
sailing 26 'setltq vitorlzs
same 23 selm ugyanaz
science subjects 27 'salans ,snbd3lkts rel trgyak
secondary school 6 'sekendn ,sku:l kzpiskola
selfish 41 'selftJ nz
share 10 ea me8oszt
shelf (shelves) 10 Jelf (JeMz)
polc (polcok)
short l9 Jc:t rvid
short 33 c alacsony
shoulder /9 Jeolda
shoulder-length 33 Jeolde,le10 vllig r

sister 9 'ststa lnyteswr
skating 30 'skeu korcsolyzs
skting 26 'ski:tr; sels
slender l7 'slende karcs
slim ]4 sllm vkony, karcs
small Z smcll kis
snub-nosed l4 snnb'neuzd pisze
sometimes 44 's^mtalmz nha
south-east 7 ,saoe'iIst dl-kelet
Spanish 46 'spentJ spanyol
spell (spelt, spelt) 2 spel (spelt spelt) betz
spend (spent, spent) spend (spen[ spent) tatm idt tlt
time l1
sports field l 'sp3s ,filld sportplya
stai8ht 17 strett egyenes
sipe 17 stralp csk
subject 27 'snbd3tkt tantrgy
summer 26 'sAma nyr
upPort 31 sa'pc:t szurkol
surf the net 36 ss e net interneten keresgl
surname 2 's3:nelm vezetknv
swimming 30 'swtmtry szs
talk to sy 39 tc:k tu beszlget valakivel
tell (told, told) 3 tel (teold, taold) elmond
tennis player 35 'tents,pleta tenszez
text sy 44 tekst sMs-t kld valakinek
thin 17 0ln keskeny
think (thought, OtrJk (Oc:t Oc:t) gondol
thought) 38
tudy 45 btdl rendet rak
too 20 tu: tlsgosan
town 7 bon vros
town centre 30 ,bun'senta vroskzpont
tree 24 tril fa
twins 16 twtns ikrek
uncle 22 '^Dkl nagybcsi
understanding 35 ,nnda'standlr1 megrt
unfortunately 42 nn'fcltJneth sajnos
unkind 4l nn'kalnd rideg
usually 30 'ju:3uelt rendszerint
llage 21 'vtlld3 falu
volleyball26 'volt,bc:l rplabda
walk 30 wc:k stl
watch 25 wotJ nz
weather 30 'wee idjrs
weekend 30 ,wi:k'end hwge

wtld 27 watld
window-shopping 30 'wtndeo Joptq kirakatnzegets
vmnter 26 'wtnta tl
wise 40 waE blcs
work20 ws:k dolgozik
worth 40 ws:0 rdemes (valamire)
vlriter 40 'ralta r
year 27 js: v
younger brother 15 jnqga,brna cs


Meeting somebody - Tallkozaskor

A How,:do:yu,do?,,, , ,.:..lAJ,.npqtkrldnokt(csak-ls,,,talr!ko.s.nil,
nagyon formlis)
B How do,,iou,d67,', ,l, kv,d4,k|,.(a vai:lg}iz},,,'.,,,,
. ll ],i{.,..nop. l


Nic],to,]lnet,yqu,,,,l,1,1 ,.]ll,.,..'A.,rdili'e|,ensy,,9g:{lmrifieternj,.,lt*klt;.,,,,,,,,
B PleSd],t:.],rnet 3to,,to-:,,.,,,:,,.],',,,]],.],l,,..,,',,',,'..,,,,,,, ,l,:,,,'].],]u*ruu,..h, ),.t'sitk k.],{cikl,I,,]",
A What is your name?
"i't'i.,|i' '

B My name's Kinga. Who are you? B Kinga vagtok. Tged hogt hvnak?
A I'm Joe. A Joe vagtok.
A What do you do? ,',',., *,: Mi.'a:ra/*]Ea:d?:.:,:l: :, ll,,,
],,: ],,

B I'm,,]'tudai,,!Y,htlab0iit y?,','.,],i],l. .,,'',*]lrjtrM jlrok ls.iiil,,,,: ,l, , ,, ] ,,.,

;, ,:

A n' a:,biolit-.,,,,1',.,,, : ,,,,.,,,,

]], ,,,,.A,rol u.ya6r-k .l

B How interesting. B Milyen rdekes!

A'vVhere are you from? A Hova vals vagr?
B I'm from Hungary. What about you? B Magtar vagrok. s te?
A HO],,,8Ii.}iPnll,'l :,1.1,,,,l,.,,,,,,.ll,,
AHogt vagt?
B Fine thanks. And you? :a
l.,'.:i3rnen,jdir: &,lii1,1,:,,,]: ]],:,]]]]],,,,,, ].],,,,,'],,.

A Oh, not bad. How was ? '.],A,'n,j;,,,tr{1pei,,r6k,,a h61&!,,,..|:::.

What's your name? How do we say ... ? - Hogr hvnak? Hogr mondjuk ... ?
A \4Ihat does "actually'' mean? AMit jelent az ,actually''?

A How do you say 'J reggelt" in English? A Hogt mondjk angolul, hog ,j reggelt"?
B It is "good morning".
A !t.,,do1,yq.Cdl,..the,,l,. l,ll,l,,Mi,g,]ne:ye arn .,d1,..lamid:,'a:trt
PPi1,,With?]]:],1]. '],:,]
,. l],
.].., vgunk?
B lt'S,,mlled,,1scisx1l. B ou.
A What's "Prga" called in English? A Hogt mondjk angolul: ,,Prga"?
B It's called "Prague".
A lh,,iry,lddn]t,1tt4ei5lryid :,,,,.,,,,,,' ,',',,h,Ih&st ,nm,,,,rtg117.,,,,:ldisitt|lr?|',:::',::,..,:,,,

Ca1*l:!lO.l,ipat. tha&]l ]pli,l?,,,,:: 1,1::11,1 ., :,'..,:,.,,]:

B Yes, of course.

Greetings - av aaformulk
Good morning! J napot! (reggel s dleln)
Good afternoon! J napot! (dlutn)
Good evening! J estt!
Hello! Szia!/J napot! (ltalnosan elfogadott
Hi! Szal (csak bartok kztt)
May I introduce you to ...? Hadd mutassam be ...

888 KRDssvresz ANGoL xmrwr
Saying goodbye - Elksznskor
Have a nice day! Kellemes napot!
Take care! Vigtzz magadra!
Goodbye! Vkzontltasra!
see you tomorrowl Holnap taldlkozunk!
See you soon! A mielbb i v kzontld.tasr a!
See you later! Vszontldtsra!
See you! Szia!
Bye! Szia!

Frequently used time expressions - Gyakori idkifejezsek

(Fisyeljnk az elljrka!)
at five o'clock tkor
at ha]f past three fl ngrkor
in the morning reggeVdleltt
in the afternoon dIutn
in the evening este
at night jszaka
on weekdays htkznapokon
at weekends hwgn
on Sunday afternoon vasrnap dIutdn
in May mjusban
in 19B9 1989-ben

once a weeVmonth/year hetente/hav onta/ vente (egyszer)

twice a weely'month,/year k tsz er hetente,/hav onta/ y ente
three times a weeVmonth/year hr omszor hetente/ hav onta,/ v ente
four times a week/month/year ngt szer hetente/hav onta,/ y ente
I go swimming three times a month. Havonta hromszor jdrok szni.

2. Fami ly-
"*ft Csald

A young boy was looking through the family album and asked his motheti 'Who's this guy
on the beach with you with all the muscles and curly hair?"
"That's your father"
"Then who's that old bald-headed fat man who lives with lts now?"

1.What is your family like?

Milyen a csaldod?
2.How old are your parents?
Hny vesek a szleid?
3.What does your father look like?
Hogy nz ki az desapd?
4.What does your mother look like?
Hogy nz ki az desanyd?
5.What does your mother do?
Mi az desanyd foglalkozsa?
6.What does your father do?
Mi az desapd foglalkozsa?
7.Are you like your mother or father?
lidesanydra vagy desapdra hasonltasz inkbb?
8.What do you think ideal parents are like?
Milyenek szerinted az idelis szlk?
9. How many brothers and sisters do you have?
Hny teswred van?
10.What are your brothers and sisters like?
Milyenek a teswreid?
11.Do you have any cousins?
vannak unokateswreid?
12. Do you live at home during the school year?
otthon laksz a tanv sorn?

888 KRDssvmsz ANGoL twnrwr
13. How do you get on with your family?
Hogyjssz ki a csaldoddal?
14.What do you think the best thing in your family is?
Szerinted mi a legiobb dolog a csaldodban?
15. How much time do you usually spend with your parents?
talban mennyi idt szoktl egytt tlteni a csaldoddal?
16. What sort of things do you do with your mother?
Mit szoktl az desanyddal kzsen csinlni?
17.What do you do with your father?
Mit szoktl az desapddal kzsen csinlni?
18. How do you spend time with your brothers and sisters?
Hogyan tltd az idt a teswreiddel?
19. Do your grandparent live with you?
A nagyszleid veletek lnek?
20.How often do you meet your grandparents?
Milyen gyakran tallkozol a nagyszleiddel?
21. Have you got a lot of relatives?
sok rokonod van?
22.How often do you meet your relatives?
Milyen gyakran talikozol a rokonaiddal?
23.Which of your relatives do you like best?
A rokonaid kzl kit kedvelsz a legjobban?
24.Who are distant relatives?
kik a tvoli rokonok?
25.At what age do young people usually leave home in Hungary?
Hhy ves korban szoktak Magyarorszgon a fiatalok elkltzni otthonrl?
26,Do your parents decide what you can do in your free time?
A szleid dntik el, hogy mit csinlhatsz a szabadiddben?
27.Do your parents tell you what time you have to get home in the evenings?
Megmondjk a szleid, hogy estnkntmikorra kell hazamed?
28. How do you imagine your future family?
Hogyan kpzeled a jvbeli csaldod?
29,Do you think it is good to have a big family?
Szerinted j az,ha az embernek nagy csaldja van?
30. Can you choose your owrr friends?
Megvlaszthatod a sajt bartaid?
31.Would you like just one child or more?
Csak egy vagy tbb gyereket szeretnl?
32. Do only children miss a lot of things?
Az egykk sok dologrl lemaradnak?
33.Why is it good to have brothers or sisters?
Mirt j, ha az embernek vannak testvrei?
34.Have you got relatives abroad?
vannak klfldn rokonaid?
35. Have you ever visited your relatives abroad?
Megltogattad valaha a klfldn l rokonaidat?

36. How do you keep in contact with your relatives who live abroad?
Hogyan tartod a kapcsolatot a klfldn l rokonaiddal?
37.What are the red-letter days in your family?
Milyen csaldi nnepeitek vannak?
38.What is the greatest family celebration for you?
Mit tartasz a legnagyobb csaldi nnepnek?
39. How do you celebrate your birthday?
Hogyan nnepled a szletsnapod?
40. How do you celebrate your nameday?
Hogyan nnepled a nvnapod?

888 KRDBs ts vu,sz ANGot rwnrwl
1.What is your family like?
fathel and little brother. My father's
I don't have a big family. I live with my mother,
parents died long ago. My mother's parents live about 2O0 kilometres from us.

2.How old are your parents?

My father is forty-two and my mother is irty-nine.

3.What does your father look like?

My father is of average height. He is slim and goodJooking because he does a lot of
sport. He has brown hair and brown eyes.

4.What does your mother look like?

My mother is a bit shorter than my dad. She has brown hair and blue eyes. She wears
glasses. I think she is beautiful and ]ooks much younger than she is.

5.What does your mother do?

She works as a secretary for a big multinational. She works from eight to half past
four every weekday.

6.What does your father do?

He is a lawyer. He works with his friends who are also lawyers. They have an office
downtown. He works a lot. He leaves home early in e morning and never gets
home before six.

7.Are you like your mother or father?

My grandparents ay I look like my mother but I think I have my father's nose and
chin. I'm as shy as my mother and I also collect things like my father. He still collects
beer mats and I have started to collect all kinds of things with pictures of polar bears.

8.What do you think ideal parents are like?

I think they should understand their children and spend a lot of time with them. It's
good if you can tell them everything. In my opinion it's not good if parents are too
strict but it's not good if they are too lenient either.

9.How many brothers and sisters do you have?

I have an elder brother and a stepsister from my stepfather's first marriage. MY
brother is 23 and works as a computer programmer. He doesn't live with us. My
stepsister is 30 and works in a library.

lO.What are your brothers and sisters like?

My elder brother is rather tall, he's almost two metres. He's good at basketball. He
has curly brown hair and green eyes. Girls like him a lot. My little sister is onlY 5
years old. She has fair hair and big brown eyes. She has extremely long eyelashes.
She likes sweets very much, so she's a bit plump.

11.Do you have any cousins?
Yes, my mother's sister has three children and her brother has two. As my father is
an only child, I have no cousins on his side. My cousins are all younger than me.

72.Do you live at home during the school year?

No, we live in a small village and my school is in a town about 50 kilometres from
us. There is no direct bus or train, so I stay at the school hostel. I go home at week-

13.How do you get on with your family?

I think we have a very nice family. We talk about everything and decide things
together. We spend almost every weekend together and during school holidays we
travel in Hungary or abroad.

14.What do you think the best thing in your family is?

I like that we have the same interests. We like sport and often go swimming and
orienteering. We also like playing board games and cards.

15.How much time do you usually spend with your parents?

Unfortunately, my parents are very busy, so we can't spend as much time together as
we would like to. My father often does overtime at weekends and my mother works
in three shifts because she is a nurse.

16.What sort of things do you do with your mother?

We recently started to do glass painting. I like it very much. My mother bought a lot
of books about it and we have already painted a lot of things from these books.

17.What do you do with your father?

At weekends we usually play football with my father's friends in my school's gym.
Some evenings we play chess or cards.

18. How do you spend time with your brothers and sisters?
We both dance in the local folkdance group and we like playing computer games too.

19.Do your grandparents live with you?

Unforfunately, my father's parents died long ago. My mother's parents live in a small
village in the north of Hungary. We meet them only once a month.

20. How often do you meet your grandparents?

My mother's parents are our neighbours, so we meet them every day. My grandma
cooks lunch for me and my brother on weekdays. My father's parents live near
Szombaely We spend most of our school holidays with them. They have a big
house with a garden and two dogs and three cats. There's a lake nearby where we
can fish. We often go hiking in the hills as well.


21. Have you got a lot of relatives?

Yes, I do. My mother has three sisters and my father also has a big family, so I have
sixteen cousins.

22.How often do you meet your relatives?

The whole family gets together at Christnas and Easter. We meet at my grandmother's
house because its big enough. Otherwise we phone or email each other quite often.

23.Which of your relatives do you like best?

I like my grandfaer's brother very much. He lives alone and has a lot of free time to
spend with us. He tells us interesting stories from his childhood. He also spent a few
years on a big cruiser as a sailo1 so he has had lots of adventures. It's quite surprising
that he enjoys computer games and surfing the net at e age of 73,

24.INho are distant relatives?

Distant relatives are, for example, your grandparents'brothers and sisters and their

25.At what age do young people usually leave home in Hungary?

As far as I know, most people leave home when they start university or get a job. My
sister moved to Szeged when she started the university there. Only one of my cousins
lives with her parents, but she is only 13 years old.

26. Do your parents decide what you can do in your free time?
No, they don't. I can do what I want as long as I come home before eleven and don't
do anything foolish. They know they can trust me and I turn to them if I need their

27.Do your parents tell you what time you have to get home in the evenings?
Yes, they do. As I'm 14, I usually have to be at home by nine at weekdays and by
eleven on Saturdays. On special occasions they allow me to stay out a little longer.

28. How do you imagine your future family?

As I'm an only chld, I would like a big family with at least three children. I always
envy my friends who have brothers and sisters. I would like to have a good job. My
future wife won't have to work. She can stay at home with the children, meet her
friends and do her hobbies.

29.Do you think t is good to have a big family?

I think it has some advantages and disadvantages too. It's good that you never feel
alone, there's always someone to discuss your problems with, and big family occasions
are 8Teat fun. On the other hand, you don't have much time for yourself, you keep
forgetting birthdays and namedays, and there might be disagreements as well.

30. Can you choose your own ftiends?
Yes, I can. My parents have always liked my friends and even plan activities for us
sometimes. For example, when the weather is nice, we have parties. We grill sausages
and vegetables in the garden and play Activity.

31.Would you like just one child or more?

To tell the tnrt}r, I would like to have one child only. With just one child I can work
and earn enough to give the child everything he needs. He can go to good schools, we
can travel a lot together, I can afford to buy him the latest equipment and whatever
he needs for his studies and hobbies.

32. Do only children miss a lot of things?

I really don't know. I think understanding parents and good friends can help a lot.

33.Why is it good to have brothers or sisters?

You can spend your free time together, they can help you with your problems, and
you never feel alone.

34.Have you got relatives abroad?

Yes, I have. My mother's brother married a Portuguese girl. They have 3-year-old
twin daughters. They ]ive near the ocean and I always visit them during my school

35.Have you ever visited your relatives abroad?

Yes, we visit my aunt who works in Brussels twice a year. I like being there because
she always makes nice plans for us. We even travel to the neighbouring countries.

36. How do you keep in contact with your relatives who live abroad?
We often email my cousin who studies in the USA. We almost never talk on the phone
because it's rather expensive. I have some relatives who live in Slovakia and we meet
them in the summer either in Hungary or in Slovakia. We talk on the phone once a
month or when there's something urgent to discuss.

37.What are the red-letter days in your family?

We celebrate birthdays, namedays, my parents and grandparents' wedding
anniversaries, Christmas and Easter in my family. We don't always invite all the
relatives though I like it very much when the whole family gets together.

38.What is the greatest family celebration for you?

I enjoy Christmas the most. The whole family gets together: my aunts, uncles,
grandparents and cousins. We usually meet at our house because we have the
biggest dining room. We cook Christmas dinner and decorate the Christmas tree
to8ether. It's always great fun.

888 KRDssvrasz ANGot xynrwr
39. How do you celebrate your birthday?
My parents always prepare some surprise for me. Last year they held a surprise
party. They invited all my friends and relatives, so we were 55 altogether. They
decorated the whole house with balloons and colourful lights. I got lots of presents.
My mother cooked my favourite meal and she also baked a delicious cheesecake.

4O.How do you celebrate your nameday?

My nameday is a great event in my family because my father and my grandfather are
also called Peter. We have a big parry in my uncle's garden and cook beef stew. This
is the only occasion when the whole family is together. The adults talk and sometimes
sing and dance, and the children play games.

a bit 4 e'blt egy kicsit
abroad 34 e'brc:d klfldn
adult 40 'adnlt felntt
advaLtage 29 ed'vo:nttd3 elny
adventure 23 ed'ventJa kaland
adyice (U) 26 ed'vats tancs
afford 3 o'fc:d megengedi maginak (anyagilag)
allow (sy to do sg) 27 o'la megenged (valakinek megtenni
almost 10 'c:lmaost majdnem
alone 23 a'leUn egyedl
altogether 39 ,c:lte'gee egytt
as long as 26 azloq az amennyiben
at the age of 23 at il erd3 av valahny ves korban
bake 39 betk st (stemnyt)
balloon 39 be'luln 1ggmb
basketball 10 'bolsk,bc:l kosrlabda
be good at 10 bil gud at j valamiben
beautiful4 'bjutfl gynyr
beef stew 40 bi:f stjul marhaprklt
beer mat 7 'bte,mat sraltt
big btg nagy
birthday 29 'bs:Odet szletsnap
board game 74 'bcld,getm trsasjtk
book 16 buk knyv
brother l 'brna fiteswr
Brussels 35 'brnslz Brssze1
bus 12 bns busz
busy J5 'blzl elfoglalt
buy (boughq bought) 16 bat (bc:[ bc:t) vesz, vsrol
called 40 kc:ld amit gy hvnak
card 14 kold krtya
cat 20 kat macska
celebrate 37 'sele,brett nnepe1
cheesecake 39 'tJiz,kelk turtorta
child (children) 8 tJatld ('tJtldren) gyerek (8yerekek)
childhood 23 'tJatld,hud gyermekkor
ctin 7 tJtn ll
choose (chose, chosen) 30 tlulz (tfaaz,'tfeuzn) vlaszt
Christmas 22 'knsmas karcsony
Christmas dinner 38 ,krlsmes 'dtne karcsonyi vacsora
co|lect 7 ke'lekt gyujt
colourful39 'knlefl sznes
computer 23 kem'pjue szmtgp

888 KRDEs rs vrasz ANGot lrlyrrrnr
computer programmer 9 kam'pju:ta praug,rama programoz
cook20 kok fz
cousin 36 'k^zn unokatestvr
cruiser 23 'kru:zo nagy haj,uluxushaj
curly J0 'ks:lt gndr
dad,4 dad apu
dance 18 do:ns tncol
daughter 34 'dc:ta lnya valakinek
decide 3 dt'satd eldnt
decorate 38 'deke,rett dszt
delicious 39 dt'ltJes finom
die 1 dat meghal
dining room 38 'datntq ,rulm ebdl
direct 12 dat'rekt kzvetlen (ira$
disadvantage 29 ,dtsad'vo:nttd3 htrny
disagreement 29 ,dtse'gri:ment nzeteltrs
discuss 29 dt'skns megvitat
distant 24 'dtstent tvoli
do (did, done) overtime 5 du: (dld, dnn)'aove,talm tulrzik
do (did, done) sport 3 du: (dtd, dnn) spc sportol
dog 20 dog kutya
downtown 6 ,daon'hun belvros
early 6 '3:ll korn
earn 31 3:n keres (pnzt)
Easter 22 'i:sta hsvt
either ... or 36 'ata ... c: vagy... vagy
elder brother 9 'elde'brna bty
email sy 22 'ilmetl e-mailt kld valakinek
enjoy 23 ln'd3cl lvez, szeret csinlni
enough 22 l'n^f elgg
envy 28 'enVl irigyel
equipment (U) 3 t'kwtpment berendezs
evening 77 'i:vnlry este
event 40 t'vent esemny
expensive 36 tk'spenstv drga
extremely 0 tk'stri:mlt klnsen, nagyon
eye 3 al szem
eyelashes 10 'alalz szempilla
family 1 'famlt csald
father l 'fo:e apa
favourite 39 'fetvret kedvenc
feel (felt, felt) alone 29 fill (fe[ felt) e'laon egyedl rzi magt
fish 20 tI horgszik, halszik
folk dance 8 ,feok'dolns nptnc
foolish 26 'fu:ltJ ostoba
for example 24 fer tg'zo:mpl pldul

forget (forgot, e'get (fa'got fa'gotn) elfelejt
forgotten) 29
free time 23 'fri:,btm szabadid
friend 6 frend bart
hrn 29 fnn mka
future wife 28 fu:tJa watf jvendbeli felesg
gane 23 gelm jtk
garden 20 'goldn kert
get (got, got) 39 get (got got) kap
get (got, 8ot) a job 25 get (got got) e d3ob llst kap
get (got, got) home 20 get (got got) haom hazar
get (got, got) on with 13 get (got got) on wr kijn valakivel
get (got, got) togethet 22 get (got got) ta'gee sszejn, tallkozik
give (gave, given) 3l glv (getv, gvn) ad
glass painting 6 glo:s 'petntt1 vegfests
go (went, gone) hiking 20 gau (went gon) 'harkrt1 kirndulni megy
goodJooking 3 ,gUd'lUklrJ jkp
grandfather 23 'gran,fo:a nagyapa
grandparent 7 'gren,pearant nagyszl
group 18 gru:p csoport
gym 17 d3tm tornaterem
hair 3 hea haj
help (sy with sg) 33 help segt (valakinek valamiben)
hl 20 htl hegy
hostel 12 'hostl kollgium
house 2O haos hz
How often? 20 hao'ofn Milyen gyakran?
Hungary J3 'hnr;gart Magyarorszg
ideal8 at'dtal idelis
imagine 28 mad3tn elkpzel
in my opinion 8 ln mal a'ptnjen szerintem
interest 14 'lntrast rdeklds
interesting 23 'lntrastlt1 rdekes
invlte 37 ln'Valt meghv
job 25 d3ob lls
keep (kept, kept) in ki:p (kept kept) tn kapcsolatot tart valakivel
contact with sy 36 'kontakt wt
kilomete 12 kt'lomila kilomter
lake 20 letk t
lawyer 6 'lcie jogsz
leave (left, left) home 25 li:v (left left) haum elkltzik otthonrl
leave (left, left) home 6 li:v (left left) haum elindul otthonrl
lenient 8 'li:ntent engedkeny
brary 9 'latbrart knyvtr
li8hts 39 latts gk
like best 23 latk best legjobban szeret

888 KRDssvrasz ANGoL mrrrrmr

local 18 'laokl helyi

long l0 lorJ hossz
long ago l lory a'gao rgen
lunch 20 lnntJ ebd
marry sy 34 'm8rl sszehzasodik valakivel
meet (met, met) sy 19 mi (met met) tallkozik valakivel
metre 0 'mi:te mter
miss 32 mls hinyol
mother 1 'm^a anya
move 25 mu:V elkltzik
multinational5 mnltr,naJnl nemzetkzi cg
nameday 29 'netm,det nvnap
neat 20 nlo kzel
nearby 20 ,nta'bat a kzelben
need26 ni:d szksge van valamire
neighbour 20 'netba szomszd
neighbouring countries 35 'netbanry 'knntrlz szomszdos orszgok
never 6 'neve soha
north 19 nc:0 szak
nose Z naUz orr
nurse /5 n3:s poln
occasion 27 a'kel3n esemny, nnep
ocean 34 'eoJn cen
of average height 3 ev'avertd3 hatt tlagos magassg
office 6 'ofis iroda
often 72 'ofn gyakran
on special occasions22 Dn ,spel o'kelsnz klnleges alkalmakkor
on the other hand 29 on t ner hand msrszt
once 19 wnns e8yszer
once a month 19 wnns a mnnO havonta egyszer
only child 11 ,aonlt 'tJalld egyedli gyerek
opinion B a'ptnjan vlemny
orienteering l4 ,crtan'ttarlq tjkozdsi futs
otherwise 22 'Ao,Watz egybknt
paint 16 petnt fest
parent 2 'pearant szl
party 30 'po:tt buli
phone 22 feon telefonl
picture 7 'plkte kp
plan activities 30 plen ak'ttveti:z programokat szervez
play cards 14 plet ko:ds krtyzik \
play chess J7 plettJes sakkozik
play computer games 18 plet kam'pju:ta ,getmz szmtgpes jtkokat jtszik
play ootba|l17 ,plet 'futbc:l focizik
plump 10 plnmp dundi

pol'a bear 7 'peola,bea jegesmedve
Portu8uese 34 ,pc:tfo'gi:z portugl
Present 39 'preznt ajndk
pob|em 29 'problam gond, baj
quite 22 kwatt elgg
rather 10 'ro:a elg
really 32 'rlalt igazn
recently l6 'ri:santlt az utbbi idben
red-letter days 37 ,red 'lete,delz nnepek
relattve 21 'relattv rokon
sailor 23 'sella tengersz
same 14 selm ugyanolyan
school holidays i3 ,skull'holtdetz iskolai sznet
school year 12 'sku:ljta tanv
secretary 5 'sekretrt titkrn
short 4 Jc:t alacsony
shy 7 Ial flnk
side 11 sald oldal
sing (sang, sung) 40 stry (sa1, snq) nekel
sm 3 Sltm vkony, sovny
Slovakia 36 sleo'vakte szlovkia
small ]2 smc:l kicsi
sometimes 30 's^mtalmz nha
spend (spent, spent) 13 spend (spent spent) tlt (ido
spend (spent, spent) spend (spent spent) btm idt tlt
time 8
start 7 sto elkezd
stay 12 stel lakik, megszll valahol
stay ovt 27 stetaot kimarad (estre, jszakra)
stepsister 9 'step,ststa mostohatestvr (lny)
strict 8 stnkt szigor
study 31 'shdt tanulmny, tanuls
study 36 'shdt tanul
surf the net 23 ss:f a net interneten keresgl
surprise 39 sa'pralz meglep
surprise party 39 sa'pralz,po:tt meglepets buli
surprising 23 sa'pralzl0 meglep
sweets l0 swi:ts dessg
swimming 14 'sWlml0 szs
talk on the phone 36 tc:k on e'feun telefonon beszl
tall 10 tc:l ma8as
tell (told, told) 8 tel (teold, teold) mond
thing 7 0t0 dolog
ttrink (thought, thought) 4 0t0k (Oc:t Oc:t) hisz, gondol, vl
to tell the truth 31 to tel a tru:O az igazat megvallva
together 3 ta'gee egytt

svresz ANGot tvygrvBr

tov,rn 12 taon varos

tratn 72 tretn vonat
travel 13 'travl utazik
aust26 trnst megbzik valakiben
turn to sy 26 ts:n tu valakihez fordul
twice 35 twals ktszer
twin 34 twln iker
uncle 38 '^!kl nagybcsi
understand (understood,,nnde'stand (,nnda'stod, megrt
understood) 8 ,nnda'stod)
understanding 32 ,nnde'standtq megrt
unfortunately 15 nn'fc:tJnatlt sajnos
university 25 ju:nivs:satt egyetem
urgent 36 's:d3nt srgs
vtllage 12 'vlltd3 falu
visit 34 'vtzlt megltogat
wear glasses 4 wee glo:stz szemveget hord
wedding anniversary 37 'wedlq anly3:sorl hzassgi vfordul
weekday 5 'wi:kdet htkznap
what... like? 1 wot..,latk milyen?
whatever 31 woteve brmi
wbole 22 heol egsz
work 5 ws:k dolgozik
work in shifts 15 ws:k tn Jtfts tbb mszakban dolgozik
young 4 jn! fiatal

Conversation tips

Birth date - szletsi dtum

A When were you born? ,
",,' Mikbr,8lfl7.] ] ], ],l,,,],.],l',,l.,..l,],,, :.',.,.,,,,:l,,

B I was born on the twenty-first 1992. dpnlb 21-n szIettem.

of April 1992.
A When is your birthday? Mikor van a szletsnapod?
B It is on the twenry-first of April. p rilk husz o ne gt e dikn.

Vocabulary tips
Dates - Dtumok
rasban:21 April, 15 January
szban: the twenry-first of April, the fifteenth of January

Marriage - Hzassg
ltlarry' ry rI]],l]l]']]],,l",.,],,]l],,,'.]].,,],,],] :,,,',,,,:"l,:,,l,,,.l1,1,1,1 .l ,,],..,' .,,,"ll,"ll.],:l, ],]l*rhdz'dik:,ib eI],]:,.]',,,,,.:,]]:]:l:'l]lll]ll.,,],].].li:]:]]]].]

Jane married Joe last year. Jane tavaly hzasodott ssze Joe-val.
get manied (TN) sszehzasodk
They got married last year. Tav aly hzasodtak s sze.
vorce sy (T) elvdlik vatakit
Jane divorced Joe last year. Jane tavaly elvlt Joe-tl.
8et divorced (rN) elvlik
They got divorced last year. Tavaly elvltak.
Work - Munka
work for sylsomewhere ':',',iLaktnklitkinitn]]li ti,,l:,l::,,,,ll,
My mother works for a small company. ,desanym eg ks vtlalatndt dotgozik.
work as valamiknt dolgozik
She works as a secretary Titkdrnknt dolgo zik.
work like valahogtan dolgozik
she works like a slave. g dolgozik, mint egr rabszolga.
abroad kIfldn, klfldre
I would like to travel abroad to Szeretnk klfldre utazni, hogt nyelveket
study languages. tanuljak.
foreign counbry utazikkla
My cousin lives in a foreign country. Az unokatestvrem klfldn l.

3. Daily Routine and Habits - Napirend s szoksok

Father: What didyou do today to help your mother?

Sonl 1 dried the dishes.
Daughter: And I helped pick up the pieces.

l.When do you usually get up in the morning?

Mikor szoktl felkelni reggel?
2.What do you do when you get up in the morning?
Mit csinlsz, miutn felkeltl?
3.Who is the first to get up in your family?
ki kel fel elsnek a csaldodban?
4.How long does it take you to get dressed?
Mennyi ideig tart felltznd?
S.Are you in a hurry in the mornings?
Sietned kell reggelente?
6.How do you get to school?
Hogyan msz iskolba?
7,How long does it take you to get to school?
Mennyi id alatt rsz be az iskolba?
8.When do you leave for school?
Mikor indulsz iskolba?
9. By what time do you have to arrive at school?
Mikorra kell megrkezned az iskolba?
10.Do you sleep late at weekends?
Sokig szoktl aludni hwgn?
11. What do you usually have for breakfast on weekdays?
Mit szoktl reggelizni htkznap?
12. What do you usually have for breakfast at weekends?
Mit szoktl reggelizni hwgn?

13.Who makes breaKast in your family?
Ki ksztinlatok a reggelit?
14.Do you have lunch at school?
Az iskolban szoktl ebdelni?
l5.When do you have lunch?
Mikor szoktl ebdelni?
16.Who cooks lunch in your family?
ki ksztinlatok az ebdet?
17.When do you finish in the afternoon?
Mikor vgzel dlutn?
18.What do you do in the afternoons?
Mit csinlsz dlutnonknt?
l,9.What do you do in the evenings?
Mit csinlsz estnknt?
20.Do you eat dinner at home?
otthon vacsorzol?
21.Who cooks dinner in your family?
k fzi a vacsort nlatok?
22.How is your weekend different from weekdays?
Miben klnbzik a hwgda htkznapjaidtl?
23.Is there any actity that you do every day?
Van valamilyen tevkenysg,amit minden nap vgzel?
24.}Jow often do you watch TV?
Milyen gyakran nzel tvt?
25. How often do you listen to the radio?
Milyen gyakran hallgatsz rdit?
26.Which channel(s) do you watch regularly?
Milyen csatorn(ka)t nzel rendszeresen?
27.|Ntrat progtammes do you watch regularly?
Milyen msorokat nzel rendszeresen?
28.What pro8Tammes does your family watch regularly?
Milyen msorokat nz rendszeresen a csaldod?
29.Do you read newspapers every day?
Minden nap olvasol jsgot?
30.Do you read magazines every day?
Minden nap olvasol hetilapokat/kpes jsgokat?
31.What newpapers do you read every day?
Milyen jsgokat olvasol minden nap?
32.How do you spend your weekends?
Hogyan tltd a hwgeidet?
33. How often do you 80 shopping?
Milyen gyakran jrsz vsrolni?
34.What housework do you regularly do?
Milyen hzimunkt vgzel rendszeresen?
35.What housework do you like doing?
Milyen hzimunkkat szeretsz?

888 KRDssvnsz ANGot NygrvBr
36.What housework do you hate?
Milyen hzimunkkat utlsz?
37.Do you help in the kitchen after meals?
Segtesz a konyhban az tkezsekutn?
38.Do you do the washing up?
Szoktl mosogatni?
39.What do you cook?
Mit szoktl zni?
40.Do you help with the cooking?
Segtesz a fzsben?
41.How often do you clean your room?
Milyen gyakran szoktad takartani a szobd?
42.Wbat are your jobs when your family cleans the house?
Mik a feladataid, amikor a csald takartja ahzat?
43.When do you go to bed?
Mikor fekszel le?
44.Do you fall asleep easily?
Knnyen alszol el?
45.What do you do to help you fall asleep?
Mit csinlsz, hogy knnyebben aludj el?
46.How long do you sleep?
Mennyi ideig szoktl aludni?
47.How often do you visit your relatives?
Milyen gyakran ltogatod meg a rokonaidat?
48. How often do you invite friends for dinner?
Milyen gyakran hvsz meg bartokat vacsorra?
49,Do you prefer taking a bath to taking a shower?
Frdeni vagy zuhanyozni szeretsz jobban?
50.Do you like to wash your hair in the evening or in the morning?
Este vagy reggel szeretsz jobban hajat mosni?
Sl.What is the best time of day for you to study?
A nap melyik szakban tudsz legjobban tanulni?
52.Which is your busiest day during the week?
Melyik nap van a legtbb dolgod?
53. How much time do you spend with your parents?
Mennyi idt tltesz a szleiddel?
S4.What kind of things do you do with your parents?
Mit szoktatok egytt csinlni a szleiddel?
55.Do you have any bad habit?
vannak rossz szoksaid?
56. Which habits of other people annoy you?
Msok milyen szoksai idegestenek tged?

1.When do you usually get up in the morning?
I get up at half past six on weekdays and at around nine at weekends.

2.What do you do when you get up in the morning?

First I go to the bathroom. I have a shower, comb my hair, and get dressed. Then
I go to the kitchen and I make tea and make a sandwich. I usually watch TV or lis-
ten to the radio while I'm hang breaKast, After that I go and brush my teeth.

3.Who is the first to get up in your family?

My father gets up first because he goes to work early. Before he leaves, he makes
coffee for my mother and himself. He leaves for work before I get up,

4.How long does it take you to get dressed?

It doesn't take long for me to get dressed, but my younger brother spends twenty
minutes deciding what to wear.

5.Are you in a hurry in the mornings?

Yes, I am. It takes me a long time to wake up. I usually don't even have time for
breakfast. I know it's not good for me, but I just can't get up when the alarm clock
goes off.

6.How do you get to school?

My mother takes me by car, but sometimes I go by bus with my friends.

7. How long does it take you to get to school?

When my father takes me by car, it takes only 15 minutes. When I go by bus and
tram, I need more than half an hour.

8.When do you leave for school?

I leave at7,75, but on Thursday when I have an extra English class, I leave home at
half past six.

9. By what time do you have to arrive at school?

I arrive at twenty to eight because classes start at 8. I chat with my friends and buy
breakast in the school canteen.

10. Do you sleep late at weekends?

No, unfortunately I can't sleep in. We have two dogs and I take them for a walk every

11.What do you usually have for breakfast on weekdays?

I have a glass of orange juice and a cheese sandwich. Sometimes I eat mues]i.

888 KRDssvrnsz ANGot ryrrwr
12.What do you usually have for breakfast at weekends?
I have a bigger breakfast at weekends than on weekdays because I don't have to
hurry to school. The whole family has breaKast together. On the table there are rolls
and toast, butter and margarine, cheese, cold cuts, honey, jam and boiled eggs. We
drink coffee or tea. Sometimes we eat vegetables too, for example, tomatoes, green
peppers, cucumbers, and spring onions.

13.Who makes breaKast in your family?

My grandmother makes cocoa and coffee, my mother slices bread and makes toast,
and I lay the table with my little brother. My father makes scrambled eggs or ham
and eggs.

14.Do you have lunch at school?

No, I don't. My grandmother lives with us and cooks lunch every day She always
makes tasty meals. I think she cooks the best grilled chicken in the world.

15.When do you have lunch?

I have lunch when I get home from school. It's at about two. I eat with my mother
and brother, and we talk about what happened at school.

16.Who prepares lunch in your family?

On weekdays I eat in the school canteen, and at weekends my parents cook lunch
together. Sometimes I help them, peel the vegetables, for example.

17.When do you finish in the afternoon?

On Mondays I have a piano lesson after school, so I get home at half past three. On
Tuesdays and Fridays I have a drama class at school. It starts at two and ends at four,
On the other two days I go home straight after school, so I get home at around two.

18.What do you do in the afternoons?

I have handball training twice a week. I go to classes to prepare for the school leaving
exams on Mondays and Thursdays.

19.What do you do in the evenings?

When I have ],ots of homework or a test the next day, I stay at home and study.
Otherwise I meet my friends and we 8o to the cinema or just sit and talk in a fast
food restaurant.

20.Do you eat dinner at home?

moer is not too busy and
Yes, I usually do. We usually eat something cold, but if my
gets home in time, she cooks something tasty. Sometimes we go and get a pizza at a
nearby restaurant.

21.Who cooks dinner in your family?
It's usually my mothel but if she gets home too late, we either order something by
phone, or my father cooks something simple. He can fry sausages and eggs, and
I help him to make a good salad.

22.How is your weekend different from weekdays?

At weekends I can sleep late. I can spend more time with my family and friends. We
can do a lot of things together, like going on bicycle tours, visiting the zoo, having
barbecue parties in our garden, or going to matches to support our favourite
basketball team.

23.Is there any activity that you do every day?

Yes, there is. I like jogging. I jog in a park close to our house every evening. My best
friend sometimes joins me too.

24.How often do you watch TW

I watch the news every day. I like to know what's going on in Hungary and in the
world, When I have time, I watch quiz shows too.

25. How often do you listen to the radio?

I like listening to music on the radio while I'm doing my homework. Otherwise
I prefer watching TV or DVDs.

26.Which channel(s) do you watch regularly?

I'm interested in nature so I like channels where I can see animals and interesting
places. I also like music channels.

27.|Nhat progTammes do you watch regularly?

I'm a fan of cartoons so I often watch them. I enjoy good matches and oer sports
progTammes too. As for films, I like sci-fi. I never watch romantic films or soap

28.What pro8Tammes does your family watch regularly?

My father likes sports pro8Tammes and he never misses the news in the evening. My
mother and my grandmother always watch series and they like romantic films too.
My little brother spends every evening watching cartoons.

29.Do you read newspapers every day?

No, I don't. I prefer magazines to newspapers. I'm too busy to read a paper every day.

30.Do you read magazines every day?

No, not every day, but very often. There are three or four magazines that I read every

31.What newspapers do you read every day?

I read the local paper every morning or in the aftemoon when I get home from school.

88B KRDssvresz ANGoL rrrrwr
32. How do you spend your weekends?
I often visit my friends or relatives. I go to the cinema or to the theatre with my
parents. When the weather is good, I like walking in the forest nearby with my dog.
On Saturday nights I go to the disco with my classmates.

33.How often do you go shopping?

I never go shopping alone. I only go shoppingwi my mother. She goes to the corner
shop every day to buy fresh bread, milk, and some co]d cuts.

34.What housework do you regularly do?

I make my bed every morning, and I water the plants in my room too. On Saturdays
I tidy my room and vacuum the whole flat.

35.What housework do you like doing?

I don't mind emptying the rubbish because it only takes two minutes. Hanging the
washing is not too bad either,

36.What housework do you hate?

I really don't like dusting the furniture. I hate ironing when it's too hot.

37.Do you help in the kitchen after meals?

Yes, I do. I clear the table and put the dishes in the dishwasher.

38.Do you do the washing up?

I only do it sometimes because my grandmoer does the washing-up almost every
day, I help her dry the dishes.

39.What do you cook?

I can only cook boiled eggs and hot dogs. I hope I will learn to make more dishes
when I spend a few weeks with my grandmother in summer.

40.Do you help with the cooking?

Yes, I do. I clean and peel the vegetables and I like frying potatoes. It is usually my
job to make the garnish.

41. How often do you clean your room?

I dust the shelves and vacuum the carpet and the sofa once a week, usually on

42.What are your jobs when your farnily cleans e house?

I water the plants, vacuum the rooms, and dust the carpets. I also help my mother
clean the windows.

43.When do you go to bed?
It depends on what I do in the evening. When I go out with my friends, I don't go to
bed before midnight. When I stay at home, I watch TV or read until half past ten.
When I have to get up early, I try to go to bed earlier than usual.

44.Do you fall asleep easily?

Yes, I do. It only takes me five minutes. After studying for hours I'm so tired that
I have no problem falling asleep.

45.What do you do to help you fall asleep?

I usually read and if that's not enough, I drink a glass of warm milk. My brother can
only sleep with the lights on.

46. How long do you sleep?

I need at least eight hours to be fit for the next day. When I don't have to get up early,
I can sleep ten or eleven hours.

47.How often do you visit your relatives?

I visit my grandmother every other afternoon. A1l my other relatives live-quite far
from us and we meet only rarely.

48. How often do you invite friends for dinner?

My friends come for dinner only on special occasions, but my parents often invite
eir colleagues to have dinner and then play cards.

49. Do you prefer taking a bath to taking a shower?

ba in the evenings, but in the mornings
I like taking a I only have time for a shower.

50. Do you like to wash your hair in the evening or in the morning?
It depends on the weather. When it's cold, I wash my hair in the evening, When it's
wann enough, I do it in the morning.

Sl.What is the best time of day for you to study?

I can concentrate best in the afternoons before my family gets home and it's quiet in
the house. I don't like studlng at weekends when everybody is at home.

52.Which is your busiest day during the week?

It's Wednesday because I have a long and difficult day at school and I also have
basketball training in the afternoon. What's more, I have to study a lot for

53. How much time do you spend with your parents?

Unfortunately, we don't have much time together. They work long hours and are very
tired in the evenings. I like weekends very much because we can do all kinds of
things together.

88s KERDs sverasz ANGoL lmrvgr
S4.What kind of things do you do with your parents?
We like playing board games and doing puzzles. I often bake someing delicious
with my moer. When the weaer is good, I play either badminton or table tennis
with my father.

55.Do you have any bad habits?

Yes, unforrunately I bite my nails and I eat a lot of crisps and peanuts when I watch TV

56.Which habits of other people annoy you?

I hate it when somebody eats popcon behind me in the cinema. I don't like people
who speak too loud on their mobile phones.


Words and expressions

about 15 a'baot krlbell
acriYity 23 ak'ttvatt tevkenysg
aternoon 77 ,olfta'nuln dlutn
alarm clock 5 e'lo:m ,klok bresztra
alone 33 e'laon egyedl
afimal26 'anlml llat
annoy 56 o'ncl bosszant
anive 9 o'ralV megrkezik
as for ,.. 27 azc,. ami ...-t illeti
at weekends l at wi:k'endz hwgenknt
attend 18 e'tend jr (rra, iskolba, stb.)
badminton 54 badmlntan tollaslabda
bake 54 betk st (kenyeret, stemnyt)
barbecue pafty 22 'bo:btkju:,pot kerti grillezs
basketball22 'bolsk,bc:l kosrlabda
bathroom 2 'bo:0,ru:m frdszoba
fu. frt46 bi: ftt fit
be in a hurry5 bi: tn e'hnrt siet
be interested in sg 26 bi: 'lntrasttd ln rdekldik valami irnt
before 43 bl'fcl eltt (idben)
behind 56 bl'hatnd mgtt
bite (bit, bit(ten)) 55 batt (btt bttn) rg
board game 54 'bc:d,getm trsasjtk
boiled egg 12 ,bctld'eg ftt tojs
bread 3 bred kenyr
brother 4 'brna fiteswr
brush one's teeth 2 brnJ wnnz til0 fogat mos
bus 6 bns busz
busy 20 'btzt elfoglalt
butter 2 'bnta vaj
by phone 2l bat 'feon telefonon
car 6 ko: aut
carpet 41 'ko:ptt sznyeg
cartoon 27 ko:'tu:n rajzfilm
channel 26 tfanl csatorna
chat 9 tt cseveg
cheese 2 lfr.z sajt
classmate 32 'klo:s,mett osZtlytrs
c|ean 40 kli:n tisztt
dear the table 37 ,klta e'tetbl leszedi az asztalt
dose to 23 kleuz tu kzel valamihez
cocoa (U) 13 'kaukeu kaka
coffee (U) 3 'kofl kv
cold 20 'kaold hideg

cold cuts i2 'kaold ,knts felvgott
colleague 48 'koli:g kollga
comb 2 kaom fsl
concentrate 51 'konsn,trett sszpontost
cook 14 kok fz
corner shop 33 'kc:ne Jop kisbolt
crisps 55 krtsps chips
cucumber 12 'kju:knmbe uborka
decide 4 dt'satd elhatroz, eldnt
delicious 54 dl'ltJes finom, zletes
depend onsy/sg43 dl'pend on fi.igg valakitVvalamitl
different 22 'dtfrent ms, eltr
difficult 52 'dtftklt nehz
dinner 20 'dlne vacsora
dis}l. 37 dt edny
dishwasher 37 'dl|woJe mosogatgp
do (did, done) du: (drd, dnn)'haos,wslk hzimunkt vgez
housework 34
do (did, done) puzzles 54 du: (drd, dnn) 'pnzlz puzzle-t rak ki
do (did, done) du: (drd, dnn) a ,woJtry'np elmosogat
the washing-up 38
dog 10 dog kutya
drama class 77 'dro:ma ,klols sznjtszkr
drink (drank, drunk) 12 dnqk (draqk, drnqk) iszik
dry the dishes 38 drar a dtJtz eltrlget
during 52 'djuerlq alatt, folyamn
dust the furniture 36 dnst a 'fs:nttJe leporolja a btort
early 3 'gllt korn
eat (ate, eaten) 1 1 i (ett'in) eszik
egg 21 eg tojs
either 35 'ala sem
either...or 21 'ala ,,, c: vagy ,.. vasy
empty the rubbish 35 'emptr a'rnbtJ kidti a szemetet
enjoy 27 tn'd3ct
enough 45 t'nnf elg, elegend
evening 19 'i:vntq este
every second 47 ,evrl 'sekand minden msodik
extra class 8 'ekstra,klols klnra
fall (fell, fallen) asleep 44 fcll (fel, 'fc:lan) a'sli:p elalszik
family 3 'femlt csald
fan 27 fan rajong
far 47 fo: messze
fast food restaurant 19 fo:stfu:d ,restront gyorstterem
father 3 'fo:a apa
favoarite 22 'fetvret kedvenc
fatn j, kellemes
fine 32


flat 34 flat 1aks

following l9 'folaotq kvetkez
for example 12 er tg'zo:mpl pldul
forest 32 'fonst erd
fresh 33 reI friss
friend 6 frend bart
ry 21 frat st (zsiradkban)
garden 22 'go:dn kert
garnish 40 'go:ntJ kret
get (got got) dressed 2 get (got got) drest felltzik
get (got, got) home Z get (got got) haom hazar
get (got, got) up 1 get (got gDt) felkel
glass 11 glo:s ^p pohr
go (went, gone) off 5 gao (went gon) of csrg (bresztra)
go (went, gone) on 24 geo (wen[ gon) on folyik, trtnik
go (went, gone) on gao (wen[ gon) kerkprtrra megy
a birycle tout 22 on a'batslkl,toe
go (went, gone) out gau (went gon) aot wt szrakozni megy valakivel
with sy 43
go (went, gone) gao (wen[ gon) Joplr1 vsrolni megy
shopping 33
8o (went, gone) to bed43 gao (wen[ gon) tu bed lefekszik
go (went, gone) to the gao (wen[ gon) to a moziba megy
cinema 19 'slnoma
go (went, gone) to the geo (went gon) to a'Otata sznhzba megy
theatre 32
go (went, gone) to work 3 gao (wen[ gon) to ws:k dolgozni megy
green pepper 12 ,gri:n'pepa zldpaprika
gdiled chicken 4 ,grlld'tJtktn grillcsirke
habit 55 'habtt szoks
hr 2 'hea haj
half an hour 7 ,ho:f en 'aoa flra
ham and eggs 3 ham end'egz sonka tojssal
handball 18 'hand,bc:l kzilabda
hang (hung, hung) the haq (hnq, hnq) a'woJlq kitereget
washing 35
hate 36 hett utl
have (had, had) a hev (had, hed) e'pi:tsa pizzzk
pizza 20
have (had, had) a hav (hed, had) a [aoe tusol
shower 2
have (had, had) hev (hed, had)'brekfest reggelizik
breakfast 2
help sy 16 help segt valakinek
homework (U) 19 'haum,wg:k hzi feladat

888 KRDssvresz ANGot mrwr
hot 36 hot meleg, forr
housework (U') 34 'haus,wg:k hzi munka
how long 4 hao'loq mennyi ideig
how oten 24 hacr 'ofn milyen gyakran
Hungary 24 'hnqgart Magyarorszg
llrvry 12 'hnrt siet
in time 20 ln'talm idben
interesting 26 'lntresttq rdekes
inte 48 tn'latt meghv
ironing 36 'alontq vasals
jam 12 d3em 1ekvr
jog 23 d3og kocog
jogging 23 'd3ogt4 kocogs
join 23 d3ctn csatlakozik
kind 53 katnd -fle, -fajta
kitchen 2 'krtJan konyha
know (knew, known) 5 neo (njul, neon) tud
late 21 lett ksn
lay (laid, laid) the table 13 let (letd, letd) a'telbl megterti az asztalt
leave (left, left) 3 li:v (lef[ left) elindul
leave (left, left) for 3 li:v (lefL left) fcl elindul valahov
lights 45 'laits villany
listen to the radio 2 'ltsn to a'retdlao rdit hallgat
local31 'laokl helyi
long44 lot] hossz
lots of 19 lots ev sok
loud 56 laod hangos
lunch 14 lnntJ ebd
magazine 29 mega'zi:n folyirat
make (made, made) 2 metk (metd, metd) kszt,elkszt
make (made, made) metk (metd, metd) a bed begyaz
the bed 34
margarine 12 ,mo:d3a'ri:n margarin
match 22 matf meccs
meal37 mi:l tkezs
meet (met, met) 19 mi:t (met met) tallkozik
midnight 43 'mtd,na jfl
milk 33 mtlk tej
mind (doing sg) 35 matnd bn (valamit megtenni)
minute 4 'mtntt perc
miss 28 mls kihagy
mobile phone 56 ,maobatl'faun mobiltelefon
morning J 'mc:nt1 reggel
mother 3 'mla anya
muesli J 1 'mju:zlt mzli

iil 55 nell krm
r..afte 26 'nelto termszet
7,eaby 20 ,nlo'bal kzeli
learby 32 ,nlo'bal a kzelben
lered 7 nild szksge van
retts 24 nju,.z hrad
retrspaper 29 'nju:z,pelpe jsg
rert 46 nekst kvetkez
:lght 32 nalt este
,inen 30 'ofn gyakran
:in lveekdays 1 on Wilkdelz htkznapokon
]riange juice l 'onnd3,d3uls narancsl
lrder sg by phone 21 'c:da bal 'foun telefonon rendel
atg,anise 22 'c:ga,nolz szervez
atherwise 19 'no,walz mskpp, klnben
2aPe 29 'pelpo napilap
7atk 23 po:k park
reanut 55 'pi:n^t fldimogyor
7eel l6 pi:l hmoz
piano lesson 7 pl'noo,1esn zongorara
p|ace 26 plels hely
v|ay cards 48 plet ko:dz krtyzik
?otato 40 pa'teltaU burgonya
arefer 25 prt'fs: jobban szeret
prepare 18 prt'peo felkszl, kszl valamire
put (put, put') 37 put (pot pot) rak, berak, betesz
quiet 51 'kwatat csendes
quite 47 kwatt meglehetsen, elgg
qulz show 24 'kwtz Jeo kvzmsor, vetlked
rarely 47 'reelt ritkn
reg:lJ.arly 26 'regjulelt rendszeresen
relative 32 'relettv rokon
roll 12 reol zsmle
romanic 27 rau'manttk romantikus
room 34 ru:m szoba
sa]ad 21 'saled salta (elksztett)
sandwich 2 'sandWld3 szendvics
sausage 2l 'sostd3 kolbsz
school canteen 9 'sku:l kan'tiln iskolai bf
school leaving exam ]B 'sku:1,1i:viq lg'zem rettsgivizsga
sct-fi 27 'sat fat tudomnyo s-fantas ztikus
scrambled eggs 13 ,skrambld'egz rntotta
series 28 'stari:z sorozat
she| 41 Jelf polc
simple 2 'stmpl egyszer, knny
sit (sat, sat) 19 stt (set sat) l

888 KRDssvasz ANGoL t{ynrvgr
sleep (slept, slept) 0
slice 3 slats szelete1
soap opera 27 'saUp,oporo szappanopera
sofa 41 'saofa kanap
sometimes ] 'snmbtmz nha
speak (spoke, spoken) spilk (spaok,'spaokn) laud hangosan beszl
loud 56
special occasion 48 ,spefle'ket3n klnleges alkalom
spend (spent, spent) 4 spend (spent spent) tlt (idt)
spend (spent, pent) spend (spent spent) tatm idt tlt valamivel
time (doing sg) 28
sports progtamme 27 'spc:ts ,praugrm sportmsor
spring onion 12 ,sprt1 'nnjen zldhagyma
start 8 sto:t elindul
stay at home 43 stet at heom otthon marad
straight 17 strett egyenesen
study l9 'stndt tanul
summer 39 's^ma nyr
supPot 22 sa'pc:t szurkol
table 12 'tetbl asztal
table tennis 54 'tetbl ,tents asztalitenisz
take (took, taken) 6 terk (tuk,'telken) visz, elvisz
take (took, taken) terk (tuk,'tetken) e bol0 furdik
take (took, taken) terk (tuk,'tetkan) a Jaua zuhanyzik
a shower 49
take (took, taken) terk (tok, tetkan) fc: a wc:k elvisz stlni
for a walk l0
take (took, taken) long4 terk (tuk, 'tetken) lot1 sokig tart
talk 16 tc:k beszlget
task 40 to:sk feladat
tasty 14 'tetstt finom (tel)
tea 2 ti: tea
team 22 ti:m csapat
thing 22 0tt] dolog
think (thought, Otqk (Oc:t 0c) gondol, vl
thought) i4
ady 34 'taldt rendet rak
time of day 5l tatm ev det napszak
tired,44 'tarod fradt
toast (U) /2 taust pirts
together 12 te'gea egytt
tomato 12 te'moeu paradicsom
too 21 tu: tlsgosan
tooth (teeth) 2 tu:O (ti:0) fog (fogak)
training 8 'tretntq edzs

tam 7 tram villamos
nrice 18 twats ktszer
unfortunately 0 nn'fcJneth sajnos
until43 -ig (idben)
rrsual 43 ^n'tll ltalban
usually 1 ]u:3oeh rendszerint
,,-acuum 34 Vakjoem porszvzik
vegetable 12 'Ved3tobl zldsg
\*it 22 'Vlzlt megltogat
rvake (woke, woken) up 5 ,welk (waok, weokn)'np felbred
rvalk 32 wc:k stl
rvarm 45 Wc:m meleg
ivash one's hair 50 woJ wnnz hea hajat mos
tvatch TV 2 wotJ,ti:'vi: tvtnz
lt,ater the plants 34 'wc:ta a plo:nts meglocsolja a nvnyeket
,,t,ear (wore, worn) 4 Weo (Wc:, Wc:n) visel
rreather 32 'wea idjrs
tteek 1B wi:k ht
rveekday 1 'wi:kdet htkznap
rveekend 1 ,wi:k'end hwge
lrhole 12 haol egsz
rtindow 42 'wtndaU ablak
rvork 3 ws:k munka
rr ork long hours 53 ,ws:k lory'aoez sokig dolgozik
rvorld 4 wg:ld vilg
rrrite (wrote, written) rart (rao[ 'rrtn) a 'test,petpe dolgozatot r
a test PaPer l9
!,ounger brother 4 ,brna
jnqge cs
zoo 22 zu,^ llatkert, vadaspark

888 KRDEs svresz ANGoL

Vocabulary tips
whole .$eS .....,.: ,,. ;.
the whole family az egsz csald.d
all ,min..en:,,,:; ; 1,i,],,,,: ],
all the members of the family a csald minden taga
6,, tt.-|- take + (szerntii,e,nvrns tr,gyesxe) + idlq4rr.+.,a'cselekrrs fnviige1
neves szerkezettel
It takes me ten minutes to walk to school.Tlz perc alatt rek az iskoldba glalog.
It takes two hours to get to London. ,M t Londonig kt rig tart,
{tItislamiyel' ,,,,,,,, ,,'. ,, ., , '. ., l, ,,

How much time did you spend on Menny idt tkttI tglup a hdzi fetadattat?
homework yesterday?
I spent three hours doing homework. Hrom ra hosszat uinItam a hazi feladatot.
Travelling - Utazas
by car koaivaI
nvezetek vagy valaki ms.

in a car kocsival
Nem n vezetek.
in my father's car apdm kocsjval
by bus busszal
I go to school by bus. Bus s zal j r ok iskolb a.

by train vonattal

by plane replvel

on the bus a buszon

I meet some of my friends on the bus. A buszon nhny bartommal tallkozom.
on the train a vonaton

on the plane a repIn

take the bus busszal utazik

take the train vonattal utazk

I took the train to the town. vonattal mentem a vrosba.

take the plane replvel utazik

DAILY ROUTINE AND HABITS - NAPIREND ES SZOKSOK the l7;,1l:b.,,',,,:.'l,',,,']'ll]],],:].,'],]],1]]],]]]:,,]:]]']l. :a,,lrf,, fjxen&is,,,,:bt!.,,:rr!e_Ma,f{r*i&,,l,,,',
I usually catch the 7.15 bus to kedden Italdban a ht tizents busszal
school on Tuesdays. megrek skolba.
dve at,l]]:]]]
,].]].]l:.]l.:],]':]]]].]]:]]:]]l;.,];,, ],.;].,.,,,,,,1:,l::,:;;.,,:],,l;,11l.,1,1,:::;.,:,.

arosnl kisebb helyre.
arrive at the bus stop a buszmegllhoz r
arrive at school iskoldba r/rkezik
arrive at the station az dllomasra r/rkezik
arrive at the airport a repItrre r/rkezik
rdve in rkezik
s annl nagyobb helyre.
arrive in Budapest Budapestre rkezik
arrive in England Angliba rkezik
arrive in Australia Ausztrdlidba rkezik
rrive home hazarkezik
\incs elljr.
3o to the cinema ': maziba'.,mljf.',,] ,,l.. .,,,,,. ,,,

].lindkt jelentsben azonos a szerkezet.

3o to the theatre ,..,s&lh{lsba:..; lr . ., l ':,:, ,,,

\lindkt jelentsben azonos a szerkezet.

nearlclose to kzel
near the sea kzel a tengerhez
close to the sea kzel a tengerhez
near Budapest kzel Budapesthez
close to Budapest kzel Budapesthez
nar to kzel
a1 amilyen tevkenysghez,/trtnshez,

near to solng the problem kzel a problma megoldashoz

near to tears majdnem sr
Eating - Etkezs
bave breakfast reggelizik

bave lunch ebdel

have, et.,'. l..,, l,,l,,',,, l,,,.',,,,:,,ll:,,,

].,:, ]]..] , '] :.'l] ]]]: ]:- , ., " llauordsik
Etkezst jelent igkkel nem hasznlunk nvelt.

8B8 KERDs svrasz ANGoL }ryrrvsr

Ha jelz ll az tkezsneve eltt, kell a nvel.

Quantities - Mennybgek

talban kijelent mondatokban hasznlatos.

lots of sok
Kijelent mondatokban s fleg beszIt nyelvben.

m&/ry :;,,
;: 1::' :.::1,,:'

Krdsekben s tagad mondatokban.

several r,dn]],]],]],,,',]]]:",,],,,,,,,,

A magyar,,tbb" megfelelje, amikor nincs sszehasonlts.

4. Education and Learning L an8u ages - Iskola s nyelvtanuls

!,ike a good pupil?"
he is. He wants to know all the subjects so well that he sfays in every class for two
l J;j--. "

1.What school do you 8o to?

Milyen iskolba jrsz?
2.What was your primary school like?
Milyen volt az ltalnos iskold?
3.What subjects are you good at?
Mely tantrgyakban vagy j?
-l. What subjects are you not too good at?
Mely tantrgyakban nem vagy tlsgosan j?
5.Are you especially good at something?
Van valami, amiben klnsen j vagy?
6.Are you specialised in any subject?
Jrsz fakultcira valarnilyen trgybl?
7. What are art and science subjects?
Melyek a humn s a rel trgyak?
8.Which subjects do you like?
Mely tantrgyakat kedveled?
9.What is your favourite book at school?
Melyik a kedvenc tanknyved?
10. How many lessons do you have a day?
Hny rd van naponta?
11.Which is the most difficult day for you at school?
Melyik a legnehezebb napod az iskolban?
12.Which is the easiest day for you at school?
Melyik a legknnyebb napod az iskolban?

888 KRDEs rs veu,sz ANGoL twrrwr
13. How do students get their grades?
Mi alapjn kapnak a dikok rdemjegyet?
14. How can parents get information about their children's studies at school?
Hogyan kapnak a szlk informcit a gyerekeik tanulmnyairl?
15.What happens if somebody fails a subject?
Mi trtnik, ha valaki megbukik egy trgybl?
16. What happens if somebody misses a class?
Mi trtnik, ha valaki hinyzik egy rrl?
17.What is the best motivation for you at school?
Mi a legjobb sztnz szmodra az iskolban?
18. Do you meet your dassmates outside school?
Szoktl az oszt|ytrsaiddal tallkozni az iskoln kvl?
19.How do you get on with your classmates?
Hogy jssz ki az osztlytrsaiddal?
20.Do you like your teachers?
Kedveled a tanraidat?
21.Who is your favourite teacher?
ki a kedvenc tanrod?
22.What is your form teacher like?
Milyen az osztlyfnkd?
23.Do you take part in afternoon classes?
Jrsz dlutni rkra?
24. What foreign languages do you take at school?
Milyen idegen nyelveket tanulsz az iskolban?
25.What is your school like?
Milyen az iskold?
26.What is the gym like in your school?
Milyen az iskolai tornaterem?
27.Is there a library at your school?
Van-e knyvtr az iskoltokban?
28.Does your school have a choir?
van az iskoltokban nekkar?
29.Does your school have a drama group?
Yan az iskoltokban szinjtsz csoport?
30.Does your school have a school magazine?
Van az iskoltoknak jsgia?
3]..Is there a doctor at your school?
van orvos az iskoltokban?
32.Is there a counsellor at your school?
van tancsad az iskoltokban?
33.Can students have lunch at school?
Ebdelhetnek a dikok az iskoltokban?
34.What can you buy in the school canteen?
Mit lehet venni az iskolai bfben?
35.What makes a good class?
Mitl j egy osztly?

36. Do you 8o on trips with your class?
Szoktatok osztlykirndulsra menni?
37.Who decides about the trips?
Ki dnt az osztlykirndulsokrl?
38.Which was the best trip with your class?
Melyik volt a legjobb osztlykirndulsotok?
39,Do you have competitions at your school?
Vannak versenyek az iskoldban?
-iO.Does your school have contacts with schools abroad?
Van az iskoldnak kapcsolata klfldi iskolkkal?
11.Does your school have a homepage?
Yan az iskoldnak honlapja?
42.Does your school offer special courses?
Az iskoldban vannak tanfolyamok?
13. Does your school prepare you for a particular profession?
Az iskold felkszt valamilyen szakmra?
4-{. Do you wear uniforms at school?
Viseltek egyenruht az iskoldban?
45.What do you keep in your schoolbag?
Mit tartasz az iskolatskdban?
46. What events do you celebrate at school?
Milyen esemnyeket szoktatok megnnepelni az iskolban?
47.At what age do children start school in Hungary?
Hny ves korukban kezdenek a gyerekek iskolba jmi Magyarorszgon?
48.What kinds of schools can students choose after primary school in Hungary?
talnos iskola utn milyen iskolk kzl vlaszthatnak a tanulk Magyarorszgon?
{,9,What would you change at your school?
Mit vltoztatnl az iskoldban?
50.What would you change in the Hungarian school system?
Mit vltoztatnl a magyar iskolarendszerben?
51.What do most young people want to study at university nowadays?
Manapsg mit szeretne tanulni a legtbb dik az egyetemen?
S2.What is higher education like in Hungary?
Milyen a magyar felsoktats?
53. How can students pay for their studies nowadays?
Hogyan fizethetnek manapsg a dikok az oktatsrt?
54. Where can students live if they do not attend a school in their hometown?
Hol lakhatnak azok a dikok, akik nem a lakhelytikn jrnak isko]ba?
55. Should schools provide afternoon progTammes for their pupils?
Az iskolknak kellene-e dlutni programokat szervezni a tanulknak?
56.What is physical education like in your school?
Milyenek a testnevels rk az iskoldban?
37.What makes a good pupil?
Mitl j egy dik?
58.What is a bad pupil like?
Milyen a rossz dik?

BBB KRDssvresz ANGot NrygrvBr

59.What is a good teacher like?

Milyen a j tanr?
60.What is a bad teacher like?
Milyen a rossz tanr?
61.Who can help you if you have problems with your homework?
Ki segt, ha gondod van a hzi feladattal?
62.What can you find in a well-equipped classroom?
Mi tallhat egy jl felszerelt tanteremben?
63.How can you decorate a classroom?
Hogyan lehet dszteniaz osztlytermet?
64. How do people learn languages in Hungary?
Hogyan tanulnak nyelveket az emberek Magyarorszgon?
65.Where do you study English?
Hol tanulsz angolt?
66. How do you prepare for a language exam?
Hogyan kszlsz nyelwizsgra?
67.Why do people take language exams?
Mirt tesznek az emberek nyelwizsgt?
68.How can you practise English?
Hogyan tudod gyakorolni az angolt?
69. How can you improve your vocabulary?
Hogyan fejlesztheted a szkincsed?
70. Canwatching TV help to learn a language?
A tvnzssegthet a nyelvtanulsban?
71.What is your dream profession?
Mi az lomfoglalkozs szmodra?
72.Will you choose your parents' job?
Szleid hivatst vlasztod majd?
73.What are your future plans?
Mik a terveid a jvre nzve?
74.Which jobs are the most popular in Hungary nowadays?
Melyek manapsg a legnpszerbb foglalkozsok Magyarorszgon?
75.What is a good job like?
Milyen egy j lls?
76.Where are jobs advertised?
Hol hirdetnek llsokat?
77.Have you ever had a summer job?
Volt mr valaha nyri munkd?
78.Why do many young people want to find work abroad?
Mirt akar sok fiatal klfldn dolgozni?

1.lVhat school do you go to?
I go to Zrnyi Mikls Secondary Grammar School in Szigewr. I'm in the first form.

2.What was your primary school like?

Irvent to a modern school in Nagykanizsa. It is a big two-storey building in the town
cente with a huge yard. This primary school is specialised in the visual arts, so we
had two extra classes a week in those subjects. I liked painting the best.

3.What subjects are you good at?

I'm good at maths and languages. I take English and Spanish.

4. What subjects are you not too good at?

I have problems with chemistry and biology although I like nature very much.

5.Are you especially good at something?

}'es, I'm really good at history. I often go to competitions. I like books about royal
families and I also like films about wars.

6.Are you specialised in any subject?

Yes, I'm specialised in maths because I would like to work with computers. I spend at
]east one hour in front of the computer every day, and I try to write simple progTaTrmes

7.What are arts and science subjects?

Arts subjects are history music, Hungarian literature and grammar, and foreign
languages. Science subjects are maths, physics, chemistry biology, geography and
computer science.

8.Which subjects do you like?

I like maths although I'm not too good at it. I prefer geometry to algebra. I also like

9. What is your favourite book at school?

I like my biology book because there are a lot of nice and interesting nature pictures
in it, My other favourite is the big history atlas with its colourful maps.

trO. How many lessons do you have a day?

On Mondays and Thursdays I have seven classes and on the other days I have six.

1 1. Which is the most difficult day for you at school?

i think Thursday is the most difficult. I have seven classes: history geography, maths,
physics, chemistry and double Italian. We start at 7 with chemistry and I have to get
up very early. It is difficult to concentrate when you feel sleepy.

12.Which is the easiest day for you at school?

On Tiresdays we only have five classes: PE, music, double English, and Hungarian
grammar. I like that day very much because I get home earlier than usual.

888 KRDssvrasz ANGoL rvyrrwr
13.How do students get their grades?
There are four main factors: tests, oral presentations, homework and classroom
participation. I don't like oral presentations because it's rather difficult for me to
speak in front of a lot of people.

14. How can parents get information about their children's studies at school?
Parents get their children's grade reports twice a year, in December or January and
in June. They are invited to meet the teachers regularly, usually every other month.
In some schools parents have to sign their children's test papers too.

15.What happens if somebody fails a subject?

I don't know exactly. Once I heard of a boy who failed history in the spring term. He
had to study all summer and then take an exam in September.

16.What happens if somebody misses a class?

The student has to take a medical certificate to school and catch up with the others.
When I'm ill, my best friend tells me what the homework is.

17.What is the best motivation for you at school?

I like it when the teachers say nice things about me in front of the others. I also like
it when my parents are happy because I get good marks.

18.Do you meet your classmates outside school?

Yes, I do. We often do sport together and go to the cinema, If the weather is nice, we
go hiking or swimming.

19.How do you get on with your classmates?

I get on well with most of them. I have several good friends and we often meet
outside school too. We play football, go to matches, or just talk in the park near
the school.

20.Do you like your teachers?

I like most of them. They know their subjects well and are really helpful and

21.Who is your favourite teacher?

I like my biology teacher very much. She explains everything clearly and has a very
good sense of humour. We all enjoy biology classes.

22.What is your form teacher like?

We got a new form teacher just a few months ago, He is a good German teacher but
we don't know if he is a good form teacher.

23.Do you take part in afternoon classes?

Yes, I have computer science classes twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
I would like to take an exam in June.

24, What foreign languages do you take at school?
Itake English and French. Half of my class learns English and German. We have three
English classes and two French classes every week.

25.What is your school like?

It is a big old building in a quiet district. The classrooms are big with huge windows.
Alough the furniture is not so modern, we have well-equipped labs. There is a big
yard with a lot of old trees and benches to sit on.

26.What is the gym like in your school?

It is in a separate building which was completely restored a few years ago, It is big,
so we can play basketball, which is my favourite sport.

2T.Is there a library at your school?

Yes, it is on the first floor. There are not only books but magazines and video cassettes
too. I go there quite often because I like reading very much.

28.Does your school have a choir?

Yes, there are two choirs. One is for girls only They perform at school events. I would
like to sing with my friends in the choi4 but, unfortunately, my voice is not too good,

29.Does your school have a drama group?

There used to be one, but the drama teacher retired two years ago, so there is no
drama group now. I have heard that there were some really successful performances
a few years ago.

30.Does your school have a school magazine?

Yes, it is published five times a year. The editors are always the third-form students
but anybody can write for it. It's free and there are always some humorous drawings
and articles in it.

31.Is there a doctor at your school?

No, but a doctor visits the classes every tern and checks our eyesight.

counsellor at your school?

32. Is there a
A woman comes every Wednesday afternoon and anybody with a problem can talk
to her. I haven't seen her yet but she gave very useful advice to my friend.

33. Can students have lunch at school?

No, not at school, but there's a restaurant near the school where there is a student
menu. It is cheap but tasty. I always eat there with my younger brother.

34. What can you buyin the school canteen?

We can buy sandwiches, soft drinks and fruit. Unfortunately, they stopped selling
chocolate and sweets a few months ago.

888 KERDs ns vrasz ANGoL twprwr
35.What makes a good class?
I think in a good class everybody is friends and they help each other and do things
together. They meet outside school and have lots of fun on school trips.

36. Do you 80 on trips with your class?

Yes, we 8o on a three-day trip somewhere in the country every year. Last year we
Went to the Danube bend. It was fantastic!

37.Who decides about the ips?

We always decide where to go as a 8oup. Anybody can suggest an interesting place
and we discuss all the ideas with our form teacher. she books accommodation and
we make our plans together,

38.Which was the best trip with your class?

We went to Srvr last spring. We swam a lot and visited the castle and some
interesting places nearby. In the evenings we lit a bonfire and grilled some food.
We sang, danced and talked a lot.

39. Do you have competition at your school?

There are competitions in almost every subject. Our school is very good at history. This
October I went to the geography competition, but, unfortunately, I was not the best.

40.Does your school have contact with schools abroad?

Yes, we have an exchange programme with a French school. The French students
come to our school in spring and we visit them in February. The French school is in
the mountains, so we can ski there.

41.Does your school have a homepage?

Yes, but, unfortunately, it is hardly ever updated, so it's not very useful. What I like
most about it are the photos of school events and school trips.

42.Does your school offer special courses?

Yes, there are several special courses in our school. I take a computer science course
and my brother goes to geography and environmental protection.

43.Does your school prepare you for a particular profession?

Yes, we have the chance to study tourism. We can be tour guides or hostesses if we
pass an exam.

44.Do you wear uniforms at school?

We wear uniforms only on special occasions. Girls wear white blouses and dark blue
skirts. Boys wear white shirts and dark blue trousers.

45.What do you keep in your schoolbag?

My books, exercise books, and a pencil case with pens, pencils and a rubber. I also
put my student card and bus pass into the pocket of my schoolbag.

.t-5. \\trat events do you celebrate at school?
celebrate the beginning and the end of the school yea4 national holidays, and our
school's day in March.

t-..{t what age do children start school in Hungary?

They start school at the age of six. My sister started when she was 7 because she was
born in December.

1.8. what kinds of schools can students choose after primary school in Hungary?
They can go to secondary grammar, technical or vocational school. I think most
people choose a secondary grammar school because they want to get a good job or
go to universiry.

l9.\Vhat would you change at your school?

I would change the furniture in the classrooms because it is rather old and
uncomfortable. I would plant some trees and put some benches in the yard.
I don't like the colour of the building either, so I would paint it light yellow.

3,L]. \Vhat would you change in the Hungarian school system?

I would like to have smaller classes, wi nventy pupils at the most. I wouldn't make
pupils learn so many details about each subject. I wou]d let them concentrate more
on what they like.

51,What do most young people want to sfirdy at university nowadays?

I heard on TV that a ]ot of young people want to study psychology and media studies.
There are also a lot of students who want to be lawyers or economists.

52.What is higher education like in Hungary?

There are colleges and universities. I have heard that there will be some changes but
now students attend colleges for four years or universities for five.

33. How can students pay for their studies nowadays?

I don't know much about it but I think that they can get a grant from the state and
take out student loans.

54. Where can students live if they do not 8o to a school in their hometown?
They can stay at hostels or they can rent a room or a flat. Hostels are cheaper but my
brothel who studies biology and geography at a college, complains that it's almost
impossible to study there because there are always parties.

55. Should schools provide afternoon progTammes for their pupils?

Yes, I think sports programmes are always popular. Some students need extra classes
in subjects they are not so good at.

sss KRDsns vrasz ANGoL rynrwr
56.What is physical education like in your school?
Unfortunately, the gym in our school is small, so we can only do gymnastics and cannot
play ball games. We often run in e yard or go to the swimming pool nearby.

57.What makes a good pupil?

I think good pupils are hard-working and they are also ready to help the others.

58.What is a bad pupil like?

I think bad pupils miss a lot of classes, don't do their homework and disrupt the

59.What is a good teacher like?

In my opinion, good teachers know a lot about their subject, can explain clearlY and
have no favourites among students.

60.What is a bad teacher like?

I think bad teachers are not prepared for classes, are impatient with students and
give grades and teach according to their moods.

61.Who can help you if you have problems with your homework?
It depends on the subject. My family can help me with arts subjects but they are not
good at sciences. I can ask my friends too. If they cannot help me, I can turn to mY

62.What can you find in a well-equipped classroom?

There are comfortable desks and chairs, a big whiteboard, an OHB and a TV with a

63. How can you decorate a classroom?

you can put posters and maps on the walls, nice curtains on the windows, and some
plants on the shelves.

64. How do people learn languages in Hungary?

A lot of peopi" learn languages at schools or attend language courses. Some PeoPle
spend time abroad. I think watching films is also very useful.

65.Where do you study English?

I study ungtish at school but I have a private tutor, too, who helps me to practise
conversations. I have private lessons twice a week.

66. How do you prepare for a language exam?

I practisafrom bobks, read English magazines and watch films in English. I also have
a pen friend in Australia who can help me.

5:.Why do people take language exams?
They need a certificate for their work or degree. Some people learn languages for fun
and want to know how good they are.

58. How can you practise English?

I watch fi]ms wi subtitles, I listen to music and try to understand e lyrics, I often
speak English with my friends, and I have a pen friend in Wales. I like reading English
short stories and graded readers, which are novels for language learners.

59. How can you improve your vocabulary?

I ink the best way is to read a lot. It's good to have some friends who practise with

-0. Can watching TV help to learn a language?

Yes, I think it helps a lot. You can learn a lot of new words and expressions.

-1.What is your dream profession?

I'd like to be a journalist. I would like to travel a lot and send news back home.

-2. Will you choose your parents' job?

don't think so. I find eir jobs a bit boring and monotonous. I would like a job
),Io, I
at I enjoy very much. I would like to earn well and it's also important to work with
nice colleagues.

-3.IVhat are your future plans?

I would like to go to university and study law. I would like to be a judge.

-4.Which jobs are the most popular in Hungary nowadays?

I don't know exactly. There are many lawyers and economists and people who do

-5.What is a good job like?

A good job must be interesting and challenging. It's good if you earn well and you
rvork in a nice team.

-6.Where are jobs advertised?

As far as I know, jobs are advertised in newspapers and magazines, on the Internet,
in jobcentres and at agencies.

-]. Have you ever had a summer job?

Yes, I delivered newspapers last summer. I didn't like it because I had to get up early
and it didn't pay well.

-8.Why do many young people want to find work abroad?

They ink they can earn a lot of money and buy everything ey want. I can't imagine
myself lMng and working far from my family and friends.


a lot of 9 a lot av sok

abroad 40 a'brc:d klfldn
accommodation 37 e,kome'detfn szlls
according to 60 a'kc:dtr; ,ta szerint
advertise 26 'dVo,blz hirdet
advice (U) 32 ad'\Els tancs
afternoon 23 ,o:fta'nuln dlutn
agency 76 'eld3nst gynksg
algebra 8 'ald3lbra algebra
although 4 c:l'ao br
always 30 'c:lwetz mindig
among 59 e'm^rJ kztt
article 30 'o:trkl cikk
arts subjects 7 'olts ,snbd3tkts humn trgyak
at least 6 at li:st legalbb
atlas 9 'atlos atlasZ
Australia 66 o'stretlla Ausztrlia
ball game 56 'bc:l,getm labdajtk
be good at sg 3 bi: gud at j valamiben
be ready 57 bi:'redt ksz valamire
be specialised in 2 bi:'speJe,latzd tn fakultcira jr valamibl
beginning 46 bt'gtntt1 kezdet
bench 25 bentJ pad
big 2 blg nagy
biology 4 bat'olad3t biolgia
blouse 44 blaaz blz
blue 44 blu: kk
bonfire 38 'bon,fate tbortz
book37 bok lefoglal (szllst)
book 5 bok knyv
boring 72 'bc:rtq unalmas
brother 33 'brna fiteswr
building 2 'btldtq plet
bus pass 45 'bns ,po:s buszbrlet
buy (bought, bought) 34 bat (bc:t bc:t) vesz
canteen 34 ken'ti:n bf
cassette 27 ke'set kazetta
castle 38 'ko:sl vr
catch (caught, caught) kat (kc:t kc:t) np wI utolr (fejldsben) valakit
up with 6
celebrate 46 'sele,brett nnepe1
certificate 6z sa'ttftket bizonyrwny
cbair 62 tJea szk
challenging 75 'tJallnd3tt1 kihvst jelent

EDucATIoN AND LEARNING INGuAGEs - IsKoI, snryrrvrexurs
r{rzngg lJ tJo:ns lehetsg
artge 49 tJetnd3 vltoztat, kicserl
&ange 52 tJetnd3 vltozs
cbeap 33 tJi:p olcs
ek 31 tjek ellenriz
emisnry 4 'kemtstrt kmia
ocolate 34 'tJoklet csokold
&k 28 kwata nekkar
&ose (chose, chosen) 48 tlulz (tJauz,'tJaozn) vlaszt
.inema 8 'slnoma mozi
dassmate 8 'klo:s,mett osztlytrs
dassroom 25 'klo:s,ru:m osztlyterem
dassroom participation 1 3 'klo:s,ru:m po l,ttst'petJn rai aktits
&arly 21 'kltalt vilgosan
olJeagae 72 'koli:g munkatrs
ollege 52 'koltd3 fiskola
rp,lol;r 49 'knle szn
colourful9 'knlafl sznes
omfortable 62 'knmftebl knyelmes
competition 5 ,kampa'ttJn verseny
complain 54 kam'pletn panaszkodik
completely 26 kam'pliltll teljesen
cumputer 6 kem'pju:ta szmtgp
computer science 7 kem,pju:te 'salons informatika
tgncentrate 1 'konsen,trett sszpontost
mtact40 'kontekt kapcsolat
onversation 65 ,konve'setJn trsalgs
qrnsellor 32 'kaonsele tancsad
country 36 'knntrt orszg
ortain 63 'kg:tn fggny
ance 38 do:ns tncol
Danube bend 36 'danju:b bend Dunakanyar
ak 44 do:k stt
decorate 63 'deka,rett dszt
&gree 67 dt'gri: diploma
deliver newspapers ZZ dt'ltve 'nju:zpetpez jsgot kihord
depend on sy/sg 61 dl'pend on g val akit l / v alamitL
f ti g

&sk62 desk rasztal

detail50 'di:tetl rszlet
fficult 1 'dtflklt nehz
discuss sg 37 dt'skns megvitat valamit
disrupt 58 dts'rnpt zavar, megszakt
disnict 25 'dtstrtkt kerlet, vrosrsz
do (did, done) du: (dld, dnn) 'btznas zletel
business 74

B88 KRDssvresz ANGot wrgrwr
do (did, done) dul (dtd, dnn)'heum,ws:k megcsinlja a hzi feladatot
homework 58
do (did, done) sport 18 du: (dtd, dnn) spc sportol
double 11 'dnbl dupla
drama group 29 'drolma ,gru:p sznjtszkr
drawing 30 'drc:t4 rajz
dream 71 dri:m lom
each 50 i:tJ minden egyes
each other 35 ,i:tJ'ne egyrrrst
earlier than usual ]2 's:lte an Ju:3uel a szoksosnl korbban
early i 1 's:lt korn
earn we|l 72 g:n wel jl keres
easy 12 'i,^zl knny
eat (ate, eaten) 33 i:t (e( 'in) eszik
economist 50 i:'konamlst kzgazdsz
editor 30 'edtta szerkeszt
end 46 end v8
English 3 'rnglrJ angol
enjoy 21 tn'd3ct Wez
enyironmental ln,\ lr9n'mentl pra'tekfn krnyezewdelem
protecaon 42
especially 5 t'spe!t klnsen
event 46 t'vent esemny
every econd month ]4 ,evrt 'sekand mnnO kthavonta
exactly l5 lg'zakth pontosan
exchange programme 40 tks'tJetnd3 'pragrem cserepro8Tam
exercise book 45 'eksasatz ,bok fzet
explain 21 tk'spletn magyarz
expression 70 tk'spreJn kifejezs
eyesight 3l 'atsaI lts
factor 3 Takta tnyez
fail a subject 5 fetla 'snbd3tkt megbukik egy trgybl
family 6 'famlt csald
fantastic 36 fantasttk fantasztikus
favourite 9 'felvrot kedvenc
feel (felt, felt) sleepy 1 fi:l (felt, felt)'sli:pl lmosnak rzi magt
film with subtitles 68 ftlm wt'snbtalz feliratos film
find (found, found) 62 fatnd (faond, fuond) tall valahol
find (found, found) 72 fatnd (fuond, fuund) tail valamilyennek
find (found, found) ,fatnd (faond, faond) 'ws:k munkt tall
work 28
flat 54 flat laks
floor 27 flcl emelet
food (U) 38 fu:d tel
form 1 fclm osztly
form teacher 22 ,fc:m'tiltJa osztlyfnk

free 30 fri: mgyenes
French 24 frentJ francia
friend 6 frend bart
fullit 34 fru:t gymlcs
furniture (V) 25 'fslnttJe btor
future 23 'u:tja jv
geography 7 d3t'ogreft fldrajz
geometry 8 d3t'omatrt geometria
German 22 'd3s:man nmet
get (got, got) 3 get (got got) szerez, kap
get (got, got) a gTant 53 get (got got) e gro:nt sztndjat kap
get (got, got) on with 19 get (gDt got) on wt kijn valakivel
get (got, got) up ] get (got got) np felkel
give (gave, given) 32 gv (gelv, gtvn) ad
go (went, gone) hiking 1B gao (wen[ gon)'hatktq trzni megy
go (went, gone) on a gau (Went gon) on a trtp kirndulni megy
trip 36
go (went, gone) gaU (Went gon)'swlml]l szni megy
swimming i8
go (wenq gone) to gaU (Went gon)to sku:l iskolba jr
school 1
grade 13 gretd osztlyzat
grade report 4 'gretd n,pc:t bizonywny
graded readers 68 ,gretdtd 'ri,^daz knyvsorozat nyelvtanulknak
grammar 7 'gr@ma nyelvtan
grant 53 gro:nt sztndj
8ri1l38 gnl grillez
gyn 26 d3tm tornaterem
glmnastics 56 d3tm'nastlks gimnasztika
half.24 ho:f fl
happen 15 'hapn trtnik
hard-working 57 ,ha:d'we lkit1 szorgalmas
have (had, had) a hav (had, had) a'tJalns lehetsge van
chance 43
have (had, had) a hev (hed, hed) a kapcsolata van
contact with 40 'kontakt wt
have (had, had) lunch 33 hev (hed, hed) lnntJ ebdel
hear (heard, heard) 5 hra (held, hsld) hall
helpful20 'helpfl segtksz
higher education 52 ,hara edjo'ketJn felsoktats
history 5 'hlstrt trtnelem
history atlas 9 'htstn atlas trtnelmi atlasz
homepage 41 'haom,peld3 honlap
hometown 54 ,haom'bon vros, ahol 1
homework 3 'heom,wglk hzi feladat
hostel 54 'hostl kollgium

888 KRDssvresz ANGoL nrygrvBr

huge 2 hju:d3 hatalmas

humorous 30 'hju:meres humoros
Hungarian 7 hnry'ganan magyar
Hangary 47 'hnqgarr Magyarorszg
idea 37 at'dta tlet
i|l 16 tl beteg (llapot)
imagine 78 t'mad3tn elkpzel
impatient 60 tm'petJnt trelmetlen
important 72 tm'pc:tnt fontos
impossible 54 lm'posabl 1ehetetlen
improve 69 lm'pruIV fejleszt
in front of 6 ln frnnt av eltt
information (U) 14 lnfa'melJn informci
interesting 9 'tntresttq rdekes
invite 14 tn'ralt meghv
Italian 11 t'taljen olasz
job 48 d3ob foglalkozs, lls
jobcentre 26 'd3ob ,sente munkakzvett
journalist 71 'd3s:nhst jsgr
judge 73 d3nd3 br
keep (kept, kept) 45 ki:p (kept kept) tart
know (Lnew, known) 16 nao (nju:, naon) tud
|ab 25 lab labor
language 3 'larygwtd3 nyelv
language course 64 '|aqgwtd3,kc:s nyelvtanfolyam
last year 36 lo:st jla tavaly
Iaw /5 lc: jog
lawyer 50 'lcja jogsz
lesson 10 'lesn tanra
let (let, let) (sy do sg) 50 let (let let) engedi (hogy valaki valamit
library 27 'latbrert knyvtr
|ight 49 latt vilgos
light (lit, lit) a bonfire 38 lalt (lt[ ltt) a'bon,bta tbortzet gyujt
listen to sy/sg68 'ltsn to hallgat (valamiVvalakit)
lyrics 68 'ltnks dalszveg
magazine 27 mage'ziln folyirat
map 9 map trkp
mark 17 mo:k osztlyzat
match 9 matJ meccS
maths 3 maOs matek
media studies 5 'mi:dtg,stndtz kommunikci szak
medical certificate 16 'medtkl sa,tlftket orvosi igazols
meet (met, met) 4 mi:t (me[ met) tallkozik
miss a class 16 mts a klols hinyzik egy rr1


(U) 78 'mnnl penZ
72 me'notenes monoton, egyhang
4 mnn0 hnap
sood 60 mu:d hangulat
aotivation 17 ,mautt'vetJn sztnz
nountain 40 'mantln hegy
:ational holiday 46 ,naJnl'holtdet nemzeti nnep
:arure 4 'neltJa termszet
aeat 33 nla kzel
nearby 38 ,nla'bat a kzelben
eeed 55 ni:d szksge van
aervs 7 njulz hrad
aervspaper 26 'nju:z,pelpa jsg
novel 68 'nDvl regny
lorvadays 51 'naoe,detz manapsg
wcasion 44 e'kel3n alkalom
affer 42 'ofa kn1
often 5 'ofn gyakran
OHP (overhead eu ettJ'pi: (,eovehed rsvett
projector) 62 pra'd3ekta)
old 25 auld rgi
on TV 5l on ,ti:'vi: a tvben
once 5 W^ns egysZer
oral presentation 13 ,c:ral ,prezn'telJn szbeli felelet
mrside 18 ,aotsatd kvl
paint 49 petnt fest
painting 2 'petnttq fests
parent 14 'pearent szl
park 19 po:k park
particular 43 pa'tlkjola bizonyos
party 54 po:tt buli
ps an exam 43 po:s an lg'zam vizsgn tmegy
pay (paid, paid) for 53 pel (petd, petd) fc: kifizet
pay (paid, paid) well77 pet (petd, petd) wel jl fizet
PE8 pi: i: testnevels
pen 45 pen toll
pen friend 66 'pen ,frend leveleztrs
pencil45 pensl ceruza
pencil case 45 'pensl ,kets tolltart
pertorm 28 pa'fc:m fellp
performance 29 pa'fc:mans elads
physical education 56 ,flztkl ,edjo'ketJn testnevels
physics Z 'tztks fizika
place 37 plets hely
plan 73 plan terv
plant 49 plo:nt ltet


888 KRDssver.qsz ANGoL urnrwr

plant 63 plo:nt noveny
play basketball26 plet 'bo:sktt,bcll kosrlabdzik
pocket 45 'poktt zseb
popular 55 'popjola npszer
poster 63 'paUsto plakt
practise 65 'praktts gyakorol
prefer 8 pn'fsl jobban szeret
prepare or 43 prt'pea fc: felksztvalamire
prepare for 60 prl'pea fcl felkszl valamire
primary school2 'pratmart ,sku:l ltalnos iskola
private tutor 65 'pralvot,tjua magntanr
profession 43 pra'feJn szakma
programme 6 'praogram pro8ram
provide 55 pre'latd biztost
psychology 51 sat'koled3t pszicholgia
publish 30 'pnbhJ kiad, megjelentet
pupil50 'pjulpl tanul
quiet 25 'kwatet csendes
quite 27 kwatt elgg
rately 47 'reolt ritkn
read (read, read) 27 ri:d (red, red) olvas
ready (to do sg) 57 'redt ksz (valami megttelre)
really 5 'rtalt igazn
regularly 4 'regjolarlt rendszeresen
rent 54 rent brel
restaurant 33 'restront tterem
restore 26 rt'stcl feljt,restaurl
rctire 29 rl'tale nyugdjba megy
room 54 ru:m szoba
royal family 5 ,rctal'famlt kirlyi csald
rubber 45 'rnba radr
run (ran, run) 56 rnn (ren, rnn) fut
sandwich 34 'senwtd3 szendvics
school event 28 ,skull l'vent iskolai nnepsg
school magazine 30 ,sku:l mega'ziln iskolajsg
school system 50 'sku:l ,slstem iskolarendszer
school trip 35 'skull,trtp iskolai kirnduls
schoolbag 45 'sku:l,beg iskolatska
science subjects Z 'salans ,snbd3tkts rel trgyak
secondary gTammar ,sekendn 'grama ,sku:l gimnzium
school 1
see (saw, seen) sy 32 si: (sc:, siln) lt, tallkozik valakivel
sell (sold, sold) 34 sel (seold, saold) rust
send (sent, sent) 77 send (sent sent) kld
sense of humour 2 ,sens Dv'hjulme humorrzk
separate 26 'seprat klnll



t?l'eal 19 'seVral Szamos
elf (shelves) 63 Jelf (Jetvz) polc(ok)
ifi,44 Js:t ing
ort story 68 Jc:t'stc:ri novella
lED 14 saln alr
rirnple 2 'stmpl egyszer
dng (sang, sung) 28 sl0 (sa]], s^n) nekel
rit (sat, sat) 25 stt (sa[ sat) l
#40 ski: sel
drrpy 11 'slilpl lmos
Eall50 smc:l kicsi
roft drink 34 ,soft'drtqk dtital
panish 3 'spentJ spanyol
ryecial coutse 42 ,spe|'kc:s kln tanfolyam
rpecialised in 2 'speJe,latzd tn tagozatos
rpend (spent, spent) spend (spen[ spent) tatm idt tlt
nme 64
ryring 38 sprlI tavasz
ryring term 5 'spnD,k:m tavaszi flv
ate 53 stett llam
mdent 3 'stju:dnt tanul
sordent catd4i 'stju:dnt,ko:d dikigazolvny
sardent loan 53 ,stjuldnt'leun dikhitel
srdent menu 33 ,stju:dnt 'menju: dikmen
rures 14 'srdtz tanulmnyok
subject 2 'snbd3tkt tantrgy
mbtitle 68 'snb,taltl filmfelirat
$ccessful29 sek'sesfl sikeres
u88est 37 se'd3est javasol
summer 15 'sAme nyr
nveets 34 swi:ts dessg
nrim (swam, swum) 38 'swtm (swem, swnm) szik
ntimming pool56 'swlmtq,pu:l uszoda
-_ake (took, taken) out a tetk (tok, 'tetkan) aot e hitelt felvesz
loan 53 'laun
:alie (took, taken) an terk (tok, 'tetken) an lg'zam vizsgzik
exam 5
mke (took, taken) tetk (tok, 'tetken) po tn rszt vesz
pat in 23
ralk 19 tc:k beszlget
3sty 33 'tetstt finom
:eacher 4 'ti:tJe tanr
:eam 75 ti:m csapat
:echnical school 48 'tekntkl,sku:l szakkzpiskola
:ell (told, told) 16 tel (teuld, teuld) megmond
:"_st l3 test dolgozat

888 KERDs svresz ANGot nryrrwr
third-grade student 30 ,Os:d gretd'stju:dnt harmadikos
together 18 ta'gea egytt
tourism 43 'toanzam turizmus
tour guide 43 'toa ,gatd idegenvezet
town centre 2 ,taon'sente vroskzpont
ttee 25 tril a
trousers 44 'lrauzaz nadrg
w6 trat prb1
turn to sy 61 ts:n tu fordul valakihez
tvltce 14 twats ktszer
two-storey 2 tu:'stc:rt ktszintes
uncomfortable 49 ,nn'knmftebl knyelmetlen
understand (understood, ,nnde'stand (,nnda'stod, megrt
understood) 68 ,nnde'stod)
understanding 20 ,nnda'standrq megrt
unfortunately 28 nn'fcJnetlt sajnos
university 5l ju:nt'vs:satt egyetem
update 47 ,np'dett frisst, aktualizl
useful32 Ju:sfl hasznos
usually 14 Ju:3oelt ltalban
video cassette 27 ,vtdtao ke'set videkazetta
visit 31 'vlztt megltogat
visual arts 2 ,vt3oel'o:ts kpzmvszet
vocabulary 69 vao'kabjolarl szkincs
vocational school 48 veo'ketJanl ,sku:l szakiskola
voice 28 Vcls hang
Wales 68 wetlz Wales
wall63 wc:l fal
war 5 Wc: hbor
watch 64 wotJ nz
way 69 Wel md
wear (wore, worn) wea (wc:, wc:n) a egyenruht sel
a uniform 44 ju:ntfc:m
weather 18 'wea idjrs
well-equipped 25 ,well'kwtpt jl felszerelt
white 44 watt fehr
whiteboard 62 'watt,bc:d fehr mgnestbla
window 25 'wtndau ablak
word 70 ws:d sz
work (U) 67 ws:k munka
wotk72 ws:k dolgozik
vwite (lwote, written) 6 ralt (reo[ 'rttn) r
yard 2 jo:d udvar
year 14 jta v
yellow 49 jeleo srga
younger brother 33 Jnryga ,brna cs


Vocabulary tips
school - lskola
goto,1schooll,, , ] . , ,
skoldba jr
My son still goes to school. Afiam mg kkols.
attend + name of school iskolba jr
Nincs elljr!
I attend Arany Jnos Secondary Az Arany Jnos Gimnziumba jdrok.
Grammar School.
at school kkolban
My little sister is still at school. A hgom mg iskolas,
at school kkolan
pletben/tanuls kzben, tanulknt.
, ,
_{z . .
] :,,,l ,' :, ,.'
,., ,.,'','

I had a difficult day at school. Nehz ,opi^ volt az' iskolban.

write a paper dolgozatot tr
We wrote a paper yesterday. Tegnap dolgo zat ot irtunk.
take a test vizsgzik
He took his driving test last week. A mtt hten vizsgzott gpkocsivezetsbI.
take an exam vizsgazik
I'll take my language exam J v tav as szal ny elw iz s gzok.
next spring.
take a subject valamityen trgtat tan.ul , ,

I'll take physics next year. Jvre fizkdt fogok tanulni.

pas an exam vizsgn .tmegr
I'll pass all my exams. t fogok menni minden vizsgmon.
pas a subject tmegt v alamlyen tr gtbl
I only passed biology in the autumn. Csak sszel mentem t bolgibI.
fail a test
Three of my classmates failed Hdrom osztlytrsamnak nem sikerlt a teg-
the English paper yesterday napi angol dolgozat.
tail an exam vizsgn megbukik
I'm not going to fail the language Nem fogok megbukni a nyelwizsgn,
fail a zubject megbukik v alam Iy e n t r gb l
One of my classmates failed chemistry Az egtk osztlytrsam tavaly megbukott
last year. kmidbI.
miss a class nrunyzlK egl oraroL
Gza missed the geography class Gza reggel hinyzott a fIdrajz rrI.
in the morning.
miss a week of school ',
, ', ]", hinyzik egt hetet az iskolbI
I had to miss a week because I was ill. Betegsg miatt egr hetet kellett hidnyoznom.

Abilities - Kpessgek
make a goosg j v atamib en/j v alami v lik y alakib
She will make a good engineer. J mrnk Lesz belle.
have a chance ulye van
He has a good chance of passing J estye van, hogr tmegr a vizsgdn.
the exam.
have the chance lehetsge van
He had the chance of studying abroad. L eh et s ge v olt klf ld n tanulni.
good at (doing) sg j valamiben
I'm good at maths. J vagrok matekbl.
I'm good at painting portraits. Jl tudokarckpeket festeni.
I'm not very good at physics. Nem vagrok valami j fizikbl.
bad at (doing) sg nem j valamiben
She is really bad at gymnastics. Nagron rossz tornsz.
poor at (doing) sg nem j valamiben
He is poor at making conversation. Nem valami j trsalg.

5. Free time and Hobbies - Szabadid s hobbi

1:ed and Alice are watching TV At the most interesting part Fred turns off the set,
l)ice: Why didyou do that?
1-ed: l need to go to the bathroom and I don't want to miss anything.

1.What do you like doing in your free time?

Mit szeretsz csinlni a szabadiddben?
2. How much free time do you have a week?
Mennyi szabadidd van e8y hten?
3.Who do you usually spend your free time with?
kivel szoktad tlteni a szabadiddet?
4. Do you plan activities with your friends?
Szervezel programokat a bartaiddal?
5.Do you plan activities with your family?
Szervezel progtamokat a csaldoddal?
6.How do you spend your weekends?
Hogyan szoktad tlteni a hwgidet?
7.What hobbies do you have?
Milyen hobbijaid vannak?
8.What does the word'hobby' mean to you?
Mit jelent szmodra a ,,hobbi" sz?
9.What would you take up as a hobby if you could?
Milyen hobbit vlasztanl, ha lehetsged lenne r?
10.What are the most popular pastimes in Hungary?
Mik a legkedveltebb szabadids tevkenysgekMagyarorszgon?
1l.What kinds of indoor hobbies can you think oP
Milyen zrt trben vgezhet hobbik jutnak eszedbe?
i2.What kinds of outdoor hobbies can you think oP
Milyen szabadtri hobbik jutnak eszedbe?

888 KRDEs rs vresz ANGot lrrrrwl
13.Is it important to have a hobby?
Fontos, hogy az embernek legyen hobbija?
14.Do people's hobbies change when they grow older?
Vltoznak az emberek hobbijai, ahogy idsebbek lesznek?
15.Do men and women have different kinds of hobbies?
Klnbz hobbijaik vannak a frfiaknak s a nknek?
16.Do you think gardening is for men or women?
Szerinted a kertszkedsfrfi vagy ni tevkenysg?
17.Do you like reading?
szeretsz olvasni?
l8,How often do you read?
Milyen gyakan olvasol?
].9.What do you like reading?
Mit szeretsz olvasni?
20.Do you have favourite authors?
vannak kedvenc rid?
21.Have you ever read something in English or any other foreign language?
Olvastl mr valamit angolul vagy ms idegen nyelven?
22.Do you 8o to libraries?
Jrsz knyvtrba?
23.When do you usually 80 to a library?
Mikor szoktl knyvtrba menni?
24.What can you do in a library?
Mit lehet csinlni a knyvtrban?
25,What rules are there in a library?
Milyen szablyok vannak a knyvtrban?
26.What newspapers do you read?
Milyen jsgokat szoktl olvasni?
27.1ffhat magazines do you read?
Milyen folyiratokat szoktl olvasni?
28.What magazines does your family buy?
Milyen folyiratokat szokott venni a csaldod?
29,What parts of a newspaper or magazine do you usually read?
Egy jsg, illewe folyirat mely rszeit szoktad elolvasni?
30.What parts of a newspaper or magazine do you never read?
Az jsg illewe folyirat melyik rszeit nem olvasod soha?
31. Do you read advertisements too?
A hirdetseket is el szoktad olvasni?
32.Why do you think people read less and less nowadays?
Mit gondolsz, mirt olvasnak egyre kevesebbet az emberek manapsg?
33. Do you think young people read less nowadays?
Gondolod, hogy a fiatalok kevesebbet olvasnak manapsg?
34. Can TV replace reading?
A tvhelyettestheti az olvasst?
35. Do you like comics?
Szereted a kpregnyeket?

36. How often do you watch TW
Milyen gyakran nzel tvt?
37. How many hours do you watch TV each day?
Hny rt nzel tvtnaponta?
38.Which TV channels do you watch most?
Melyik tvcsatornkat nzed a legtbbet?
39.What progTammes do you watch regularly?
Melyik msorokat nzed rendszereresen?
-O.What are the progTammes that you never watch?
Melyek azoka msorok, amelyeket soha nem nzel?
41. Are there any proganrmes you would like to see on TV ttrat aren't already on now?
Hinyolsz valamit a tvcsatornk msorknlatbl?
42. Do you watch only Hungarian channels?
Csak magyar csatornkat nzel?
-13. Do you have a favourite TV star?
van kedvenc tvsztrod?
4-{. Should violence on TV or in the cinema be controlled?
Kellene-e korltozni az erszakot a tvben vagy a moziban?
45.If you were to start a new channel, what would it be like?
Ha j csatornt indtanl, milyen lenne?
16.what is your opinion about commercials?
Mit gondolsz a tvreklmokrl?
4'. What do you think of soap operas?
Mi a vlemnyed a szappanoperkl?
*3.why do so many people enjoy series more than individual programmes?
Mirt szereti sok ember jobban a sorozatokat mint az egyrszes msorokat?
19.Do you prefer books or film adaptations ofbooks?
A knyveket vagy a knyvek alapjn kszlt filmeket szereted jobban?
50.Why do you think quiz shows are o popular?
Szerinted mirt olyan npszerek a kvzmsorok?
51. What are the advantages of having cable TV?
Milyen elnyei vannak a kbeltvnek?
32.What does satellite TV offer?
Mit knlnak a mholdak?
53.What is your opinion about news channels?
Mi a vlemnyed a hrcsatomkrl?
5_{.Is there a local commercial TV channel in your town?
A vrosodban mkdik helyi kereskedelmi tvcsatorna?
j5.Which radio stations do you listen to most?
Mellk rdiadt hallgatod a legtbbet?
56. Has radio any advantages over TV?
A rdinak vannak elnyei a tvvelszemben?
57.Why do you think there is so much music on commercial radio stations?
Szerinted mirt van annyi zene a kereskedelmi rdiadkon?
58.What kind of radio programmes do you never miss?
Milyen rdimsorokat nem hagysz ki soha?

8B8 KERDEs svrasz ANGoL ryErwr
S9.What kind of radio progtammes do you avoid listening to?
Milyen rdimsorokat nem szeretsz hallgatni?
60.Is there a local commercial radio station in your town?
A vrosodban mkdik helyi kereskedelmi rdiad?
61.What programmes do the local commercial radio stations offer in your town?
Milyen msorokat knlnak a helyi kereskedelmi rdiadk a vrosodban?
62.Is it possible to rent deo cassettes and DVDs in your town?
A vrosodban lehet videkazettt s DVD-I klcsnzni?
63.Do videos and DVDs reduce the number of cinemagoers?
A dek s DVD-k cskkentik a moziba jrk szmr?
64. How often do you go to the theatre?
Milyen gyakran jrsz sznhzba?
65.Do you have a season ticket to a theatre?
van sznhzbrleted?
66. Where do you usually sit in the theatre?
Hol szoktl lni a sznhzban?
67.What can people do during the interval?
Mit lehet csinlni a sznetben?
68.Why is admission refused to anyone arriving late?
Mirt nem engedik be a ksn rkezket?
69.What plays do you like most?
Milyen szndarabokat szeretsz a legjobban?
70.Who do you usually go to the theatre with?
Kivel szoktl sznhzba jmi?
71.Have you ever been to an open-air theatre?
voltl mr szabadtri sznhzban?
72.How often do you go to ttre cinema?
Milyen gyakran jrsz moziba?
73.How do you decide what films are worth seeing?
Hogyan dntd el, hogy melyik filmeket rdemes megnzni?
74.What kind of cinema do you go to?
Milyen moziba szoktl jrni?
75.Who do you usually 8o to the cinema with?
talban kivel jrsz moziba?
76.Why have multiplex cinemas become so popular recently?
Mostanban mirt annfra npszerek a multiplex mozik?
77,Wbat sort of films do you like most?
Milyen filmeket szeretsz a leginkbb?
78.Do you prefer dubbed films or subtitled ones?
A szinkronizlt vagy a feliratos filmeket szereted jobban?
79.Do you have any favourite actors, actresses, or directors?
Vannak kedvenc sznszeid,sznsznid vagy rendezid?
80.What kind of film is usually a box-office success?
talban milyen filmek a nagy kasszasikerek?
81. Why aren't Hungarian films so popular with Hungarian cinemagoers?
Mirt nem annfra npszerek a magyar filmek a magyar moziltogatk krben?

2. tf you had the chance, would you take up a job in show business?
Ha megtehetnd, szeretnl a szrakoztatiparban dolgozni?
i"3.Why do people 8o to a circus?
l\irtmennek az emberek cirkuszba?
4. Do you 8o to concerts?
Jrsz koncertekre?
s5.What are the advantages of CDs over cassettes?
Mik a CD elnyei a kazettval szemben?
_*6. How often do you listen to cassettes and CDs?
Milyen gyakran hallgatsz kazettt s CD-t?
i-.What are the advantages of DVDs over videos?
Mik a DVD elnyei a videval szemben?
8, Do you have a DVD player?
Van DVDJejtszd?
9. How do you 8et DVDs?
Hogyan jutsz DVD-hez?
i).What is your opinion about the fact that copying cassettes, CDs, and DVDs has
become quite frequent?
Mit gondolsz arrl, hogy a kazettk, CD-k s DVD-k msolsa egyre gyakoribb?
i1. Do you 8o to museums or galleries?
Jrsz mzeumokba vagy galrikba?
i2.What museums do you know oP
Milyen mzeumokat ismersz?
]3.What exhibitions are you most interested in?
Milyen killtsok rdekelnek a legjobban?
;-. Do you take photos?
Szoktl fnykpezni?
95.What dances are you familiar with?
Milyen tncokat ismersz?
96.Where can people dance in your town?
Hol lehet tncolni a vrosodban?
9l.How often do you 8o dancing?
Milyen gyakran jrsz tncolni?
98. What kind of board 8ames are you familiar with?
Milyen trsasjtkokat ismersz?
99.What board games do you like playing?
Milyen trsasjtkokat szeretsz jtszani?
100.What do people collect in Hungary?
Mit gyjtenek az emberek Magyarorszgon?
nOl.Have you ever collected anything?
Te gyjtttl valaha valamit?
102.Who do you play cards with?
Kivel szoktl krryzni?
103. How often do you play cards?
Milyen gyakran szokt] krtyzni?

sse KERDs svrasz ANGot mynrwr
104.Does your school organise any freetime activities?
Az iskold szokott szabadids tevkenysgeketszervezni?
105. What is your opinion about crossword puzzles?
Mit gondolsz a keresztrejwnyekrl?
106.What kind of creative ways of spending free time can you think ofll
Milyen kreatv szabadids tevkenysgek jutnak eszedbe?
107.What do small children like doing?
Mit szeretnek csinlni a kisgyerekek?
10B.What do you play if you are alone?
Mit jtszol, amikor egyedl vagy?
109.What are the English famous for doing in their free time?
Milyen szabadids tevkenysgrl hresek az angolok?
110.What do the Americans like doing in their free time?
Az amerikaiak mit szeretnek csinlni a szabadidejkben?
111.Do you do sport in your free time?
Szabadiddben szoktl sportolni?
112.Are you a member of a local fitness club?
Tagja vagy valamelyik fitneszk]ubnak?
113.Is there a big swimming pool or an aquapark near your place?
Van nagy uszoda vagy aquapark az otthonod kzelben?
114.Why do people go to a zoo?
Mirt mennek az emberek az llatkertbe?
115. Have you ever been to an amusement park?
Voltl mr dmparkban?
116.What do you like most in an amusement park?
Mit szeretsz a legjobban a vidmparkban?
777.Do you like hiking?
szeretsz trzni?
118.How often do you go hiking?
Milyen gyakran szoktl trzni?
119.Who do you usually go hiking with?
kivel szoktl ltalban trzni?
120.Where do you like to go hiking?
Hol szeretsz trzni?

l.What do you like doing in your free time?
I go to handba]l training three times a week. I like dancing, so I often go to the disco.
We often go window-shopping at the mall too.

2. How much free time do you have a week?

Unfortunately, not enough because I have to study a lot, I usually spend Saturday
afternoons and evenings with my friends. We go to the mall to have some food or just
drink a coke, I also like window-shopping there.

3.Who do you usually spend your free time with?

I often 8o out with my friends and c]assmates. I sit our relatives once a month with
my family. I sometimes play football with my brother and father too.

4. Do you plan acvities with your friends?

Sometimes we go skating or swimming. When the weather is nice, we go hiking in
the nearby hills, or plan bicycle tours for the weekend.

5.Do you plan activities with your family?

We go and help my grandparents in the garden every weekend. We have a season
ticket to e theatre, so we see six plays a year. In summer we always buy tickets for
performances in the open-air theatre.

6. How do you spend your weekends?

On Saturdays I go shopping at a hypermarket in the morning with my father. Then we
usually order some food because we do e rooms and there's no time for cooking. In
the evening I go to e cinema or disco with my friends. On Sundays I sleep late and
study or help my moer cook lunch. After lunch we visit my grandparents or they
come to see us. We talk, watch TV or play board games or cards.

7.What hobbies do you have?

I like going fishing and bird-watching. There are some nice lakes close to my town.
I go there by bike. I usually go with my best friend but we sometimes invite some of
our classmates too.

8.What does the word 'hobby' mean to you?

It's an acrity at you like and do quite often. For example, I take and develop photos.

9.What would you take up as a hobby if you could?

One of my dreams is to try paragliding but my parents are not happy when I mention
is idea. They say it's too dangerous. I would also like to start to collect coins. I got
some old coins from my grandfather last summer.

10.What are the most popular pastimes in Hungary?

I think most people like watching T! going to the cinema, renting videos and DVDs
and going to matches.

BB8 KERDEs Es vLAsZ ANGoL twrrvgr
ll.What kinds of indoor hobbies can you think oP
Collecting all kinds of things, for example, coins. Playing some kind of musical
instrument, doing puzzles, playing computer games, dancing, sewing, and doing
patchwork, I'd like to start to play the guitar because I find it really romantic.

12.What kinds of outdoor hobbies can you think of.l

Doing sport, hiking, fishing, gardening and sailing. I like hiking very much because
I enjoy the outdoors.

13.ts it important to have a hobby?

Yes, I think if you have a hobby, you feel happier. You can also make friends with
people who have the same hobbies.

14. Do people's hobbies change when they gtow older?

Yes, I think so. My father used to collect stamps and old postcards, and nowadays he
enjoys doing woodwork,

15. Do men and women have different kinds of hobbies?

Yes, for example, few women go fishing and few men do patchwork or pottery. I think
women prefer knitting and needlework, and men like gardening and woodwork.

16.Do you think gardening is for men or women?

Both men and women like gardening, but women prefer dealing with flowers while
men like mowing the lawn and trimming the hedges.

'1,7.Do you like reading?

Yes, I like it very much. Every evening before falling asleep, I read for at least an hour.
Romantic books are my favourites.

18.How often do you read?

Unforfunately, I only have time to read at weekends and during school holidals,
I always have so much homework that I'm too tired to stay up and read in the evenings

19.What do you like reading in your free time?

I like reading all kinds of things: magazines, books about nature, biographies, comics
and novels. I regularly borrow books from the school library.

20. Do you have favourite authors?

No, I don't. I choose books according to the topic. I like crime stories.

21. Have you ever read something in English or any other foreign language?
Yes, I subscribe to a magazine for learners of English. ] can find very interestin_;
articles about famous people in it.

22.Do you 8o to libraries?
I go to the school library quite often. Our school has a very good library. We can
borrow books, magazines, cassettes and even DVDs.

23.When do you usually 8o to a library?

When I want to borrow a book or find some information. I sometimes 80 there just
to read magazines that I don't buy. My friends also go to the library so we meet there
quite often,

24.What can you do in a library?

You can borrow books, CDs and videos, read newspapers and magazines, listen to
music, use computers and make photocopies.

25. Whatrules are there in a library?

You mustn't talk loud and disturb others in the reading rooms. You have to take books
back in time and in good condition.

26.What newspapers do you read?

I sometimes read the locai paper. I'm not interested in politics but I like reading local

27.What magazines do you read?

I read magazines for young people. I especially like interviews with famous people.

28.What magazines does your family buy?

We buy magazines on nature and history My mother likes magazines on interior
design and gardening. My father sometimes reads sports magazines.

29.What parts of a newspaper or magazine do you usually read?

I always read the weather forecast and the horoscope. When I have time, I do the
crosswords. I like articles about famous people's lives and film reviews,

30. What parts of a newspaper or magazine do you never read?

I'm not interested in politics and I never read sports news either.

31.Do you read advertisements too?

I only read job advertisements when I'm looking for a summer job. Last summer
I found an interesting advertisement in the local paper. A young couple wanted
someone to take their three dogs for a walk every day. I got this job and I enjoyed it
very much.

32.Why do you think people read less and less nowadays?

People work a lot and are too tired to read when they get home from work. They
rather watch TV Books are also quite expensive and people don't have time to go to

ses KRDEs svresz ANGoL rwnrvsr
33.Do you think young people read less nowadays?
Yes, I think so. They prefer films to books. You can watch a film with your friends,
but you can only read a book if you're alone.

34. Can TV replace reading?

I don'tink so. When you read, you have to use your imagination. Watching TV is a
passive activity and after a while it's quite boring.

35.Do you like comics?

When I was younger, I liked them very much. Nowadays I prefer short stories and

36. How often do you watch TV?

I spend a few hours in front of the TV every day. I always find something interesting
to watch, Documentaries about wild animals are my favourites.

37.How many hours do you watch TV each day?

On weekdays I only watch the evening pro8rammes, that is, I watch TV for about two
or three hours. At weekends, if I'm at home, I sometimes watch it all day. I like a lot
of different kinds of films, and I try not to miss interesting handball and basketball

38.Which TV channels do you watch most?

I like the Animal Planet channel a lot. I often watch nature progralTrmes on commercial
TV channels because I want to learn as much as possible about animals. I'd like to
become a vet. I'm also interested in sitcoms, for example, I always watch Friends.

39.What programmes do you watch regularly?

I never miss an episode of my favourite series. I usually watch the news and the
weather forecast. At weekends I like watching sport: matches, Formula One races and

40. \{hat are the progTammes that you never watch?

I don't like soap operas and talk shows. I find them boring and I think the people in
them are often quite silly.

41.Are there any programmes you would like to see on TV that aren't already on
No, I think there is already something for everyone. There are so many channels to
choose from nowadays.

42.Do you watch only Hungarian channels?

No, I ]ike National Geographic and Music TV too. I often watch series on BBC Prime.

43. Do you have a favourite TV star?

Yes, I like the presenters on breaKast TV They are funny and nice. I try to watch a
bit of TV every morning before going to school.
44. Should violence on TV or in the cinema be controlled?
Yes, I think it's a good idea to show the age limits on the screen. Too much violence
causes problems for children.

45.If you were to start a new channel, what would it be tike?

I would include world news in brief. I would give information about cultural events
and films,

46.What is your opinion about commercials?

I don't like them very much because I think they are boring. They make me nervous
when I see the same commercial many times.

47.'Nhat do you think of soap operas?

I think they are stupid, especially if they are filmed in a studio and not in real life.

48.Why do so many people enjoy series more than individual programmes?

Perhaps series are popular because viewers get to know the people in them. They like
following what happens in their lives.

49.Do you prefer books or film adaptations ofbooks?

It's difficult to say because it depends on whether I see or read the story first.

50.Why do you think quiz shows are so popular?

I don't know exactly. I think people like testing themselves and they can learn a lot
from these programmes.

51.What are the advantages of having cable TV?

You can choose from a lot of channels. We can choose from more than thirty at
home. sometimes it's difficult to decide which one to watch because there are a lot
of interesting films, sports programmes and documentaries.

52.What does satellite TV offer?

You can watch a lot of channels, not only in Hungarian but in many foreign languages.
We can watch German, French, and English channels at home.

53.What is your opinion about news channels?

I often watch them. I like to hear and see real news. I don't like it when they tell me
what to think.

54.Is there a local commercial TV channel in your town/village?

Yes, there is one TV channel which broadcasts its own programmes from four to ten
every evening on weekdays. I don't like it very much because there are too many
commercials on it.

55.Which radio stations do you listen to most?

I like commercial stations with lots of good music and not too much talk. I'm really
keen on the charts.
ps vresz ANGoL twprwr
56.Has radio any advantages over TV?
Yes, I think so. You can listen to the radio when you can't watch T! for example, in
a car or when you are at work.

57.Why do you think there is so much music on commercial radio stations?

I think most people like listening to music when they are working or studying. I think
these stations are really popular with young people.

58.What kind of radio programmes do you never miss?

There is a programme about new films, books and DVDs twice a week. They often
invite guests too, for example, writers, pop stars and sportsmen who speak about
their favourites.

S9.What kind of radio programmes do you avoid listening to?

I don't like interviews with politicians and programmes about the economy These
programmes mostly give us different people's opinions, and very little information.

60,Is there a local commercial radio station in your town?

There are two local stations. One broadcasts only music, the other also gives
information about local events. My father always listens to the second one
because it also gives information about the traffic.

61,What programmes do the local commercial radio stations offer in your town?
There are programmes for children, young people, and pensioners. There is also a lot
of music and they sometimes broadcast local sports events.

62.Is it possible to rent video cassettes and DVDs in your town?

Yes, there's a brand-new video and DVD rental shop not far from our flat. When there
isn't a good film on TY we 80 there and rent a DVD.

63. Do videos and DVDs reduce the number of cinemagoers?

I don't think so. A lot of people like cinemas because they can see the films on large
screens with digital sound systems. It's true that renting a DVD is cheaper but you
always have to wait a couple of mons before the new films come out on DVD.

64. How often do you 80 to the theatre?

Unfortunately, there is no theatre where I live. The nearest theatre is about fifq.
kilometres from my town. I 80 there only once a year.

65.Do you have a season ticket to a theatre?

Yes, I have. I go to a theatre with my literature teacher and some other studenr
There are six performances a year.

66. Where do you usually sit in the theatre?

As I have a season ticket, I always sit in row ten. My seat is number five. I think ir:
a good seat because I can see the whole stage from ere.

67.What can people do during the interval?
People can go to the bar to have a drink or something to eat. They can also talk about
the performance and the actors and actresses.

68.Why is admission refused to anyone arriving late?

I think it is because they would disturb the performance and the audience.

69.What plays do you like most?

I like comedies very much. I often go to see musicals too. I don't really like tragedies
because they always make me sad.

70. Who do you usually 8o to the theatre with?

I either go with my parents or my friends. My parents prefer dramas and operas, and
my frends like comedies.

71.Have you ever been to an open-air theatre?

Yes, a few years ago I saw King Lear in Gyula. It was fantastic! We sat in row five, so
we enjoyed e performance very much. I think the actors and actresses were great.

72.How often do you 8o to the cinema?

I don't 8o very often, only if there's a good film on. I like watching films on DVD
more. We bought a DVD player six months ago and I often watch films at home with
my family or friends.

73. How do you decide what films are worth seeing?

I read the Internet or ask my friends. I never miss films with my favourite actors and

74.What kind of cinema do you go to?

There is only one cinema in our town. I sometimes go to a bigger town where there
is a multiplex cinema.

75.Who do you usually 80 to the cinema with?

I usually go with my friends and classmates. My parents never 8o to the cinema. They
say it's too expensive.

76.Why have multiplex cinemas become so popular recently?

I think they are popular because there are several films on at the same time, so people
can choose what to see. There are big screens and comfortable chairs, and the equip-
ment is modern.

77,|N} sort of films do you like most?

My favourites are thrillers and action films. I can forget about everything when I'm
watching something exciting. Romantic films and comedies are quite boring and I
start to think about other things, like school, when I'm watching them.

888 KERDs svemsz ANGoL r.rrnrvgr
78.Do you prefer dubbed films or subtitled ones?
Ilike dubbed films because I can concentrate on the plot. I know at subtitled films
are really useful for language learners but I'm usually too Lazy to read the subtitles.

79.Do you have any favourite actors, actresses, or directors?

No, I don't. I like a lot of actors, actresses and directors. I ink American and British
films are very good, and most of the actors and actresses in them are really great.

8O.What kind of film is usually a box-office success?

I think nowadays a lot of people like adventure and action films. Art films are not
really popular.

81.Why aren't Hungarian films so popular with Hungarian cinemagoers?

I don't really know. Some people think that ey are boring. I really like some
Hungarian films.

82.If you had the chance, would you take up a job in show business?
I haven't thought about it yet. I wouldn't like to be famous and work at night.

83.Why do people 8o to a circus?

They want to enjoy themselves. They can see animals, acrobats and clowns there,
I think circuses are especially popular with children,

84.Do you 8o to concerts?

Not very often because I think they are too expensive. I have only been to three con-
certs and I didn't really enjoy any of them.

85.What are the advantages of CDs over cassettes?

The sound is better and you can choose the tracks with a remote control.

86. How often do you listen to cassettes and CDs?

I like music, so I listen to songs every day I have a big collection of cassettes and CDs.

87.What are the advantages of DVDs over videos?

You can see not only the film but other things as well, for example, deleted scenes
and short films about the actors and actresses. You can also choose the language.

88.Do you have a DVD player?

Yes, I got a good DVD player for Christmas from my parents, I was very happy
because I had already got some DVDs, and a new DVD rental shop opened near our
flat last aufumn.

89. How do you get DVDs?

I can borrow them from my friends and classmates, and I can go to the DVD rental shop

90.What is your opinion about the fact that copying cassettes, CDs, and DVDs has
become quite frequent?
I think the price is the main reason. It's cheaper to buy blank cassettes and disks.

91.Do you 80 to museums or galleries?

Yes, I do. I'm especially interested in temporary exhibitions. Sometimes I go there
with my class. My parents are also fond of paintings, so I go with them too.

92.What museums do you know oP

I know national museums, science museums and museums of history but my
favourites are natural history museums.

93.What exhibitions are you most interested in?

I like exhibitions of modern paintings and sculptures. When we visit a town or ciry
in Hungary or abroad, we always try to see as many exhibitions as possible.

94.Do you take photos?

Not very often, I only take photos when I'm on holiday. I always take photos of
buildings and people, but sometimes I also take pictures of animals and really
beautiful scenery or plants.

95.What dances are you familiar with?

I don't know much about dances but I have heard of the tango, salsa, and cha-cha.

96.Where can people dance in your town?

There are some discos for young people and clubs for adults. My grandparents often
say that there were a lot more places where people could dance when they were

97.How often do you 8o dancing?

I go to the disco in the town centre almost every Saturday. There is good music and
I can also meet my friends there.

98.What kind of board games are you familiar with?

I know Monopoly and Scrabble. When my classmates have birthday parties, we
usually play Activiry or Tlvister.

99.What board 8ames do you like playing?

I often play Who Wants To Be A Millionaire with my little brother and sister. The only
problem is that I have to let them win. Otherwise they cry.

100.What do people collect in Hungary?

Some people collect beer mats, Stamps, paper napkins or coins. TWo of my classmates
have big collections of model trains and matchboxes.

101. Have you ever collected anything?
Yes, when I was about eight, I collected chocolate wrappers and phone cards.
Unfortunately, when we moved to a new flat, my whole collection disappeared.

102.Who do you play cards with?

I always play cards with my grandfather when I sit him. He enjoys playing cards
and his favourite is rummy.

103. How often do you play cards?

I usually play cards when I'm on holiday and on school trips. I think it's a really
good way to kill time when the weather is bad.

104.Does your school organise any freetime activities?

Yes, the school organises a sports day twice a year. My class 8oes to museums
and galleries every year. Our class always wins the football tournament, and my
classmates also score the most goals when we play against the teachers.

105.What is your opinion about crossword puzzles?

I never do crosswords because I find them boring, but my grandmother does them
for hours every afternoon. She says that they keep her mind fit.

106. What kind of creative ways of spending free time can you think of?
I think painting, pottery embroidery and knitting can be quite creative. I'm really
keen on glass painting nowadays.

107.What do small children like doing?

They like playgrounds where there are climbing frames, slides, swings and sandpits.
They also like playing with toys and drawing,

108.What do you play if you are alone?

I play computer games or do puzzles. Strategy games are my favourites.

109.What are the English famous for doing in their free time?
As far as I know, they like playing golf and cricket. They also like gardening and
going for drives in the countryside.

],10.What do the Americans like doing in their free time?

I've read that Americans like watching baseball and basketball. As far as I knor,!
they also like having big barbecues in their gardens.

111.Do you do sport in your free time?

Sometimes I go skating or swimming. There is a really good skating rink in out
town. I have also started to play ice hockey, but I'm not very good at it yet.

112.Are you a member of a local fitness club?

Yes, I go there at least twice a week. My favourite is the step machine, I can alsc
use the sauna there. I always 8o there with my best friend.


113.Is there a big swimming pool or an aquapark near your place?

Unfortunately, there is only a small swimming pool in my town. During school
holidays I 8o to the aquapark in Hajdszoboszl. I really like it there and I wish
I could go more often.

114.Why do people go to a zoo?

People like watching the behaviour of wild animals. It is also nice at we can feed
and touch some of the animals there.

l15.Have you ever been to an amusement park?

Yes, I have. I visit one every summer with my sister. She likes the merry-go-round
a lot. She always wants to sit on the elephant or the giraffe.

116.What do you like most in an amusement park?

I love the roller coaster. I also like to shoot and fish to get prizes.

117.Do you like hiking?

Yes, I do. We live in a small village in the Bakony, so I often go hiking with my
friends or family.

1],8.How often do you 8o hiking?

There are no hills where I live, so I can only go hiking in summer. It's a piry because
I really like hiking and I would like to go more often.

119.Who do you usually go hiking with?

I usually go with my aunt and her family. My parents and my brother prefer staying
at home in the garden, so it's lucky that my aunt likes hiking, and my cousins are
really nice,

120.Where do you like to go hiking?

My favourite place for hiking is Slovakia. We live near the border, so we can go
there quite often.

888 KERDs svresz ANGot Nrrnrvsr

Words and expressions

according to 20 a'kc:dl0 ,ta szerint
acrobat 83 'akre,bet artista
action ilm 77 'akJn ftlm akcifilm
activity 8 ak'tlvett tevkenysg
actot 79 'akta sznsz
actress 79 'aktres szinszn
admission 68 ad'mlJn bejuts, belps
adult 96 'adnlt felntt
advantage 5 ed'vo:nttd3 elny
adventure film 80 ad'ventJa,ftlm kalandfilm
advertisement 3 ed'vglttsment rek]m
afternoon 2 ,ota'nu:n dlutn
agelimit 44 'eld3,1lmlt korhatr
ago 77 a'go eltt (idben)
all day 37 c:l del egsz nap
alone 108 e'leun egyed1
always 5 'c:hvelz mindig
American JJ0 a'martkan amerikai
amusement park 15 a'mju:zmant ,po:k vidmpark
animal83 'antml ]lat
aquapark 3 'akwe,po:k aquapark
arrive 68 o'ralV rkezik
art film 80 'o:t frlm mvszfilm
article 21 'o:ttkl cikk
as far as I know 09 azfo,^r azal nal amennfre tudom
atleast 17 at li:st legalbb
at weekends ]8 at wi:k'endz hwgenknt
audience 68 'cIdtons kznsg
aunt 119 olnt nagynni
aluithor 20 'c:ea szerz
autumn 88 'c:tam sz
avoid 59 a'vcld elkerl
bar 67 bo: bf
baseball 0 'bets,bc:l baseball
basketball ] 0 'bolsktt,bcll kosrlabda
be familiar with 95 bi: fe'mtlte wl ismer valamit
be interested in 30 bi:'lntresttd ln rdekldik valami irnt
be on 72 bi: on msoron van
become (became, br'knm (br'kelm, bt'knm) vlik valamiv
become) 3B
beer mat 00 'bto,met sraltt
behaviour 14 bt'hetvje viselkeds
bicycle tour 4 'balslkl ,toe kerkprtura
bike 7 batk bicaj

biography 9 bat'ogrefl letrajz
bird-watching 7 'bsld ,wotJtt3 madrles
blank 90 blank res
board game 6 'bc:d,getm trsasjtk
book 9 bok knyv
botdet 120 'bclde hatr
boring 34 'bc:rtq unalmas
borrow 23 'boreo klcsnkr
boxing 39 'bokstr1 boksz
box-office success 80 ,boks'ofis sak'ses kasszasiker
brand-new 62 ,brand'nju: vadonatj
breakfast TV 43 ,brekfest ti:'vi: reggeli szrakoztat
broadcast (broadcast, 'brc:d,ko:st ('brc:d,ko:st kzvett, sugroz
broadcast) 54 'brc:d,ko:st)
brother 3 'brna fitestvr
buy (bought, bought) 5 bat (bcl| bc) vesz
cable TV 5l ,kelblti:'vil kbeltv
car 56 ko: aut
cassette 85 ke'set kazetta
cause 44 kclz okoz
cD 24 sil'dil CD
centre 97 'senta kzpont
cha-cha 95 'to:,tjo: csacsacsa
change 14 tJetnd3 vltozik
channel 38 tJenl csatorna
charts 55 tJo:ts slgerlista
cheap 63 tfilp olcs
child (children) 44 tJatld ('tJtldran) gyerek (gyerekek)
chocolate wrapper O tJoklet,repa csokoldpapr
choose (chose, tlulz (tJeaz,'tJaozn) vlaszt
chosen) 20
Christmas 88 'knsmas karcsony
cinema 6 'slnomo mozi
cinemagoer 63 'slneme ,geue moziltogat
circus 83 's3:kas cirkusz
classmate 3 'klols,melt osztlytrs
climbing frame 707 'klalmtq ,frelm mszka
close to 7 klaoz ttl kzel
clown 83 'klaun bohc
club 96 klnb br
coin 11 kctn rme, fmpnz
collect l ka'lekt gyjt
collection 86 ka'lekfn gyjtemny
comedy 69 'komadl vgjtk
comfortable 76 'knmftebl knyelmes


commercial station 55 ka,mal|'stetJn kereskedelmi (rdi) lloms

commercial TV 38 ka,mal| til'vi: kereskedelmi tvad
computer 24 kam'pjua szmtgp
computer game 1 kam'pjua,getm szmtgpes jtk
concentrate 78 'konsn,trett koncentrl
concert 84 'konset koncert
condition 25 ken'dtJn llapot
conftol44 kan'treul szablyoz
cooking 6 'koktt1 fzs
copy 90 'kopt msol
countryside 109 'knntrt,satd vidk
couple 31 knpl pr
cousin l19 'knzn unokatestvr
creative 106 krietttv kreatv
cricket l09 'knklt krikett
crime story 20 'kratm ,stc:ri krimi
crossword 29 'kros,ws:d keresztrejwny
crossword puzzle 105 'kros,wsld ,pnzl keresztrejwny
cry 99 krat sr
cultural event 45 ,knltJaral l'vent kulturlis rendezvny
dance ] do:ns tncol
dance 95 dolns tnc
dangerous 9 'detnd3eras veszlyes
deal (dealt, dealt) di:l (delt deft) wt foglalkozik valamivel
with 6
deleted scene 87 dt'li:ttd si:n kihagyott jelenet
depend onsg49 dt'pend on fugg valamitl
develop photos 8 dt'velap 'faoteuz fnykpetelhvat
different 15 'dtfrant mas
difficult 49 'dlfrklt nehz
digital sound system 63 ,dtd3ltl'saund,ststam digitlis hangrendszer
director 79 da'rekta rendez
disappear O ,dlse'pta eltnik
disco 1 'dtskeu diszk
disturb 25 dt'stg:b zava
do (did, done) du: (dtd, dnn)'pat|ws:k foltmintt varr
patchwork 1
do (did, done) puzzles 11 du: (dtd, dnn)'pnzlz puzzle-t kirak
do (did, done) sport 72 du: (dtd, dnn) spc:t sportol
do (did, done) the du: (dtd, dnn) a rulmz kitakartja a szobkat
rooms 6
documentary 3 ,dokjo'mentert dokumentumfilm
drawing 107 'drc:tr; rajzols
dream 9 drilm lom

drink 67 ital
drink (drank, drunk) 2 dnqk (draryk, drnr;k) iszik
dubbed frlm 78 dnbd ftlm szinkronizlt film
during 8 'djoertq alatt (idben)
DvD 10 ,di:vidil DVD
DVD player 88 ,divi:'dil ,pleta DVD-lejtsz
each 37 i:t minden egyes
eat (ate, eaten) 67 i (ett 'i:tn) eszik
economy 59 t'konemt gazdasg
either 30 'ate sem
either ... ot 70 'ala ... c: vagy... vagy
elephant 5 'elfant elefnt
embroidery 06 tm'brctdart hmzs
English 21 'tngltJ angol
enjoy 74 tn'd3ct 7vez
episode 39 'eplsoUd rsz
equipment (U) 76 l'kwtpmant berendezs
especially 47 t'speJlt klnsen
evening 2 'i:vnlq eSte
event 60 l'vent esemny, rendezvny
excinng 77 lk'satttr1 izgalmas
exhibition 91 ekst'btJn killts
expensive 32 tk'spenstv drga
fact 90 fakt tny
fall (fell, fallen) asleep 17 fcll (fel, 'fc:lan) e'sli:p elalszik
family 3 'amlt csald
famous 2 'fetmas hres
fantastic 71 fan'tasttk fantasztikus
far 62 fo: mesSze
father 3 'fo:a apa
favourite 20 'felvrat kedvenc
feed (fed, fed) 114 i:d (fed, fed) etet
feel (felt, felt) 13 fill (felt, felt) rez
film adaptaaon 49 frlm adap'tetJn filmadaptci
film review 29 ftlm rt'vju: filmkritika
find (found, found) 2l hrnd (faund, faond) tal1
fish 16 fI horgszik
fishing 2 'fll0 horgszs
fitness club 112 'fttnes ,klnb fitneszklub
f]at 62 flaet laks
flower 16 'flaoa virg
follow 48 'folao kvet
food 2 fu:d lelmiszer
for example 8 fer lg'zolmpl pldul
foreign language 2 ,forrn'laqgwtd3 idegen nyelv

888 KRDssvrasz ANGoL uynrwr
forget (forgot, forgotten) fa'get (fe'got fa'gotn) a'baut elfeledkezik valamirl
Formula One 39 'fc:mjale,wnn Forma-1
free 1 fri: szabad
freetime 104 fri:,tatm szabadids
French 52 frentJ francia
frequent 90 'frilkwent gyakori
friend 2 frend bart
funny 43 'f^nl vicces
gallery 91 'galart galria
garden 5 'go:dn kert
gardening 12 'go:dntr1 kertszkeds
German 52 'd3slmen nmet
get (got, got) 9 get (got got) kap
get (got, got) home 32 get (got got) haom hazar
giraffe 115 d3e'ro:f zsirf
go (went, gone) gao (wen[ gon) do:nstr1 tncolni megy
dancing 97
go (went, gone) fishing 7 gao (wen[ gon)'flJtq horgszni megy
go (went, gone) hiking 4 gau (wen[ gon) 'hatktq trzni megy
go (went, gone) geo (went gon) aut wl szrakozni megy valakivel
out with 3
go (went, gone) gao (went, gon) Joptq vsrolni megy
shopping 6
go (went, gone) skating 4 gau (wen[ gon)'skelttq korcsolyzni megy
go (went, gone) gau (wen[ gon)'swtmlt1 szni megy
swimming 4
go (went, gone) to the geo (went gon) tu a moziba megy
cinema 6 'slnoma
go (went, gone) to the gau (went gon) to a'Olete sznhzba megy
theatre 64
goal 104 gaol 8l
grandfather 9 'gren,fo:a na8}papa
gtandparent 5 'gren,pearent nagyszl
great 77 gre nagyszer
grow (grew, grown) greo (gru:, graon) aolde regszik
older 14
8uest 58 gest vendg
handball 1 'hand,bc:l kzilabda
happen 48 'hapn trtnik
happy 9 'hapt boldog
hedge 16 hed3 svny
help 5 help segt
hiking 12 'hatkt1 trzs
hill4 htl hegy, domb
history 28 'htstrt trtnelem

hobby B 'hobl hobbi
holiday 94 'holtdet szabadsg, sznid
homework (U) 18 'ham,w3:k hzi feladat
horoscope 29 'hore,skaop horoszkp
hour 17 aoa ra
how often 18 hau 'ofn milyen gyakran
Hungarian 81 hnry'garten magyar
Hungary i0 'hnrygert Magyarorszg
hypermarket 6 'halpa,mo:klt hipermarket
idea 9 at'dle t]et
imagination 34 t,mad3l'netJn kpzelet
important l3 tm'pc:tnt fontos
in front of 36 ln frnnt av eltt (trben)
in time 25 ln blm idben
include 45 ln'klu:d tartalmaz
individual48 ,lndt'vtd3oal nll
indoor 11 lndc: fedett tri
information 23 ,tnfa'metJen informci
interestin8 21 'tntrasttq rdekes
interior design 28 ln,ttarle dl'zatn belsptszet
interval 67 'tntavl sznet (sznhzban)
interview 59 'tntervju: interj
invite 58 tn'vatt meghv
job 31 d3ob munka, lls
job advertisement 31 ,d3ob ed'vs:ttsment llshirdets
keen on 55 kiln on le]kesedik, rajong valamirt
kill time 03 ktltatm idt elt
kilometre 64 kt'lomlte kilomter
kind Jl katnd -fle, -fajta
King Lear Z ,kt1 'lta Lear kirly
knitting 106 nl0 kts
lake 7 letk t
language 2l 'laqgwtd3 nyelv
large 63 lold3 nagy
late 68 lett ksn
lawn ]6 lc:n pzsit
lazy 78 'letzt lusta
learn 38 ls:n megtanul
learner of English 2 'lg:nar av 'tlltJ angolul tanul
less and less 32 les end les egyre kevesebb
let (let, let) (sy do sg) 99 let (let let) enged (valakinek megtenni
libtary 22 'lalbrert knyvtr
|ie 29 latf let
listen 55 'Ilsn hallgat
literature 65 'lltretJa irodalom

sse KRDssvrasz ANGoL Nrnrvgr

local 26 'leokl helyi

look for 31 lok fc: keres
loud 25 laod hangos
luclcy 119 'lnkt szerencss
lunch 6 lnntJ ebd
magazine 79 maga'ziln folyirat
main 90 meln f
make (made, made) merk (metd, merd) sszebartkozik valakivel
friends with sy 13 frendz wt
make (made, made) merk (merd, merd) 'ns:ves felidegest valakit
sy nervous 46
mall mal/ mcll bevsrlkzpont
match 10 matJ meccs
matchbox 100 'mat|boks kisaut
mean (meant, meant) 8 miln (men[ ment) jelent
meet (met, met) sy 23 mi (me[ met) tallkozik valakivel
member l12 'memba tag
mention 9 'menfn emlt
merry-go-round 1]5 'merl go ,ronnd krhinta
mind 05 matnd sz, elme
miss 39 mIs elszalaszt
miss 4 mls hinyol
model train 100 modltreln vastmodell
Monopoly 98 mo'nopoll Monopoly (trsasjtk)
month 3 mnn0 hnap
morning 6 'mc:nl0 dleltt
mother 6 'mna anya
mow the lawn 6 mao a lcln lenlrja a pzsitot
multiplex 74 'mnltt,pleks multiplex (tbbtermes mozi)
museum 91 mju:'zi:em mzeum
mlsic 24 'mju:ztk zene
musical69 'mjulztkl musical
musical instrument 1 ,mju:ztkl 'tnstn:ment hangszer
napkin 00 'napktn szalvta
national92 'neJnl nemzeti
natural history ,natJral'htstrl mjul'zilem termszettrtneti mzeum
museum 92
nahlre 19 'nettfe termszet
near 13 'nla kzel
near 64 'nla kzeli
nearby 4 ,nta'bat kzeli
needlework l5 'ni:dl,wslk kzimunka
never 30 'neva soha
news (U) 30 nju:z hrek
news 39 nju:z hrad


news channel 53 'nju:z,tJanl hrcsatorna

newspapet 24 'nju:z,pelpa napilap
nice 43 nals kedves
nice 4 nals szp
nice 774 nals kellemes
nigllt 82 natt jszaka
novel 19 'novl regny
nowadays 4 'naua,detz manapsg
oer41 'ofa kn1
often 1 'Dfn gyakran
on weekdays 37 on wi:kdelz htkznaponknt
once 3 W^ns egyszer
open-air theatre 5 ,apan'ea'elata szabadtri sznhz
opinion 46 a'ptnjan vlemny
order 6 'c:da rendel
others 25 'naz msok
otherwise 99 'na,watz egybknt
outdoor 12 'aotdcl szabadtri
outdoors 12 'aUtd3:z kint
painting 93 'pelntt1 festmny
painting 106 'petntlq festszet
paper napkin 00 ,petpa'napktn paprszalvta
paragliding 9 'pera,glatdlq siklernyzs
parent 9 'pearent szl
part 29 polt rsz
passive 34 'p@slV passzv
pastime 0 'po:s,tatm idtlts
pensioner 61 'penJene nyugdjas
performance 5 pa'fc:mans elads
phone card 101 'faon ,ko:d telefonkrrya
photocopy 24 'feuta,kopt fnymsolat
plan activities 4 plan ak'ttveti:z programokat szervez
play 5 plet szndarab
play 6 plet jtszik
play cards 6 ,plet 'ko:dz krtyzik
play football3 ,plet 'fotbc:l focizik
play gol 109 ,p|er'golf golfozik
playground 10Z 'plet,graond jtsztr
plaza 7 'plo:ze p|za
plot 78 plot cselekmny
politician 59 ,polt'ttJn politikus
politics 30 'polettks politika
popular l0 'popjoler npszer
possibility 82 ,pose'btlett 1ehetsg
possible 38 'posabl lehetsges
postcard 14 'peost,ko:d kpeslap

888 KERDEs ns vruasz ANGoL lrynrrrur
pottery 5 'potart agya8ozas
prefer i6 pn'fs: jobban szeret
presenter 43 pn'zente bemond
pce 90 prals r
prize 116 pralz d
problem44 'problem gond, problma
programme 4 'prougram pro8ram
programme 37 'prougram msor
quite 8 kwalt elgg
quiz show 50 kwtz fau tvvetlked
race 39 rels Verseny
radio station 55 'retdlau ,stefn rdilloms
rather 32 'rola inkbb
reading 17 ri:dtq olvass
reading room 25 'ri:dtq,ru:m olvasterem
real 47 'rlal igazi
really 1 'nelt igazn
reason 90 'riIzn ok
recent7y 76 'ri:santll az utbbi idben
reduce 63 n'dju:s cskkent
refuse 68 n'fju:z visszautast
regularly 39 'regjolerll rendszeresen
relative 3 'relotlV rokon
remote control 85 rt,meot kan'treul tvirnlt
rent l0 rent klcsnz
rental 62 'rentl klcsnz
rcplace 34 rt'plets helyettest
roller coaster 116 'reole ,keosta hullmvast
romantic 11 reo'manttk romantikus
row 66 rao sor
rule 25 ru:l szably
rummy 102 'r^ml rmi
sad,69 sad szomor
sailing 12 'setltq torlzs
salsa 95 'selse salsa
same 46 selm uwanaz
sandpit 107 'sand,ptt homokoz
satellite 52 'sata,la mhold
sauna 112 'sc:na sZauna
scene 87 si:n jelenet
school holiday 8 'sku:l ,holtdet iskolai sznid
school trip 103 'sku:l,trtp iskolai kirnduls
science 92 'salans tudomny
score a goa| 104 skc: a gaol glt rg
Scrabble 98 'skrabl Scrabble (trsasjtk)
screen 44 skri:n kperny


screen 63 skriln vaszon

sculpture 93 'sknlptJa szobor
season ticket 5 'si:zn ,ttktt brlet
seat 66 si lhely
see (saw, seen) 5 si: (sc:, siln) 1t
series 39 'starilz sorozat
several 76 'sevrel szmos
sewing 1 'soll] varrs
shoot (shot, shot) 15 Ju (ot Jot) 1
short 45 Jc:t rvid
short story 35 Jc:t'stc:ri novella, elbeszls
show (showed, shown) 44 Jau (Jeud, Jeon) mutat
sy 40 'stlt ostoba
sitcom 38 'stt,kom szitucis vgjtk
sleep (slept, slept) late 6 sli:p (slept slept) lett elalszik, ksn bred
s|tde 107 slatd csszda
Slovakia 120 slaoVekta Szlovkia
soap opera 40 'saup ,Dpora szappanopera
sometimes 3 'snmtatmz nha
song 86 sDl] dal
sort 77 sclt fajta
sound 85 saond hangzs
spend (spent, spent) 2 spend (spen[ spent) tlt (idO
stage 66 steld3 sznpad
tamp /4 stamp blyeg
star 43 stol Sztr
start 9 sto:t elkezd
stay up 18 stet np bren marad
step machine 2 'step meJi:n taposgp
strategy game 108 'strattd3t ,getm stratgiai jtk
student 65 'stju:dnt tanul
studio 47 'stju:dleo Stdi
study 2 'stndt tanu1
sapid 47 'stjulptd ostoba
subscribe to 21 sab'skratb to elfizet valamire
subtitled film 78 ,snbtattld'ftlm feliratos film
summer 5 's^mo nyr
ummer job 3 'snma ,d3ob nyri munka
swimming pool113 'swlml0,pull uszoda
SV,rtng 107 'sWl0 hinta
take (tool! taken) bad< 25 tetk (tok, 'tetken) bak visszavisz
take (took, taken) for telk (tuk, 'tetken) fcl a wc:k stlni visz
a walk 31
take (took, taken) tetk (tok,'tetkan)'faotaoz fnykpez
photos B

888 KERDs svresz ANGoL nrynrwr
take (took, taken) up tetk (tuk, 'tetkan) Ez elkezd hobbiknt csinlni
as a hobby 9 a'hobt ^p
talk tc:k beszlget
talk 55 tc:k beszd
talk loud 25 'tclk,laod hangosan beszl
talk show 40 tc:k Jao talkshow
tango 95 'taqgeu tang
teacher 65 'ti:tJa tanr
temporary exhibition 9i ,temprart eksl'btJn idszakos killts
test 50 test prbra tesz
theatre 5 '0tata sznhz
think (thought, OtOk (Oc:t Oc:t) gondol, vl
thought) l0
think (thought, 0ttik (0c:[ Oc:t) ev eszbe jut
thought) of
thriller 77 '0rtle thriller
ticket 5 'tlktt jegy
tired 32 'taled fradt
too 9 tul tlsgosan
topic 20 'toptk tma
touch 114 htJ megrint
tournament 104 'tuonoment versenysorozat
town 7 'taun vros
toy 107 tct jtk
track 85 trak szm (CD-n, D\D-n)
traffic 60 'traftk kzlekeds
tragedy 69 'trad3adl tragdia
training (U) 'tretntq edzs
trim 6 tnm nytr
true 63 tru: igaz
try 9 trat kiprbl
twice 58 twats ktszer
unfortrrnately 2 nn'fc:tJnatlt sajnos
use 24 ju:s hasznl
usually 2 Ju:3oalt rendszerint, ltalban
video 0 'vtdtao vide
viewer 48 'vju:a nz
village 54 'vllrd3 falu
violence (U) 44 'ratelans erszak
visit 3 'vtztt megltogat
wait 63 wett vt
want 23 wont akar
watch TV 6 wotJ,tiivil tvtnz
weather (U) 4 'wee idjrs
weather forecast 29 'wea ,fc:kolst idjrs-jelents
week J wi:k ht

weekdays 37 'wi:kdetz htkznapok
weekend 7 ,wilk'end hwge
whether 49 'wee vajon
while 16 watl mg
Who Wants To Be hu: wo:nts to bil Legyen n is
A Millionaire 99 e,mtlja'nea milliomos!
whole 66 heol egsz
wild 36 watld vad
win (won, won) 99 wln (wnn, wnn) nyer
window-shopping l 'wtndao Joptt1 kirakatnzegets
wish 113 wtJ kvn, szeretne
woodwork 14 'wud,ws:k barkcsols
work32 W3:k dolgozik
work32 ws:k munka
world 45 W3:ld vilg
worth 73 ws:0 rdemes
writer 58 'ralta r
year 5 Jla v
yet 82 jet m8
young 27 jn0 fiatal
zoo 114 zui, llatkert, vadaspark

8B8 KRDstts vmsz ANGoL mrnrwr

Arranging progammes - Programok szervezse

A hall we 80 hiking on Sunday? A. fiuenjnk el,trzni v as rnap !
B That would be nice. B Az j lenne.
A When would you like to start? A Mikor szeretnI nduln?
B How about nine.,o'clock? .,,, , B Mit szInl kilenchez?
A Fine.lShall:we,meet here?' ',, A Rendben. Itt tallkozunk?
B OK.'See:yo at nine Sunday rnorning. B Ok, kilenekor vasrnap reggel. Szia!
A Would you like to go out? A szeretnl elmenni valahov?
B Good idea. Where shall we go? B J tlet. Hov menjnk?
A There is a good film on at the cinema. AJ fiIm megl a moziban.
B OK. What time does it start? B Ok, mikor kezddik?
A I think it starts at 8.15 but I'll check A Azt hiszem, negted kilenckor, de megnzem
the time on the net. a neten.
A Menjnk szinhazba!
B Gret ideal Shall we book the B Nagtszer tlet! Lefoglaljuk a jegeket
tickets by phone? telefonon?
A'Yes, fine. Wll Yu make the eall? h Rmdb en ; Telefanlnl te? N ekem,rahoin-. :

l hve to rush'to met mY mdrer , ,

nomkell a reptrre az anyukm el, .

at the airport.
B OK. I1ll pick you up at seven. l' B Ok, rted jvk htre.
A Let's 80 out. A Menjnk el valahov!
B I'm afraid I can't. I have to study B Attl tartok, nem tudok menni sehov.
for tomorrow's paper. Kszlnm kell a holnapi dolgozatra.
A What about tomorrow? hs holnap?
B Tomorrow's fine. B Holnap j lesz.
A Let's go to the cinema. AMenjnk moziba!
B I don't really feel like it. Why don't B Nnu igazn kedvem hazz. Menjnk'
we.go to the w"immiugpool instead? inkbb az tlszodba!
ak, meddigvan nyiwa?
B lt's open t,ll nine, so,there's plenty, -, B Kilencig nyitvavan, girygt bienvan
of time. idnk.
A Would you like to go bowling tonight? A Elmenjnk tekzni ma este?
B I'm afraid I'm a bit busy tonight. B Attl tartok ma este nem rek r. Mit szl-
How about tomorrow? nl a holnaphoz?
A Sorry. Tomorrow's no good for me. A Nekem sajnos nem j a holnap.
lVhat about Thursday afternoon? scstrtk dlutn?
B Thursday is fine. Shall we meet B Cstrtk j lesz. Tallkozzunk ott
there at four? ngkor?
A No. Four is no good for me. Can we ANem, ngt ra nem j nekem. Fl t
make it half past five? megfelel7
B That's fine. Half past five is all B Rendben, fI t j nekem.
right for me.

Buying a theatre-ticket - Sznhazi jegvasrls
A Good afternoon. I'd like two tickets A J napot! Kt jeglet szeretnk a ma esti
for tonight's performance. eladasra,
B Good afternoon. Where would B J napot! Hol szeretnnek Ini?
you like to sit?
A In the stalls, fourth or fifth row, AA zsllybery a negtedikvagl az tdik
if possible. sorban, ha lehetsges.
B Fourth row that is row D, seats nine B Negedik sor, azaz a D, a kilences s a tzes
and ten. The performance starts at 8.30 szk, ,M eladas fI kilenckor kezddik s a
and you need to pick up e tickes by B.15. jegtekrt legksbb negted kilenckor kell
What name, please? j elentke zni, Mily en nvr e fo glalj am?
A Mary Jones. How much are e tickets? AMary Jones, Mennyibe kerlnek a jegtek?
B They are twelve pounds fifty each. B Tzenkt font tven penny darabja.

After the theatrical performance - Eladas utn

A Did you like the play? ATetszett a darab?
B No, not really. I think the cast could B Nem igazn. A szereposzttis jobb is lehetett
have been better. volna,
A Well, I thought it was great. Mostly, AH4 n nagtszernek talItam. Fleg a
the actors who played the lead roles fszereplkvoltak nagron jk .
were really good.

6. Health and Illness - E gszsgs betegsg

Patient: Doctoli I have a serious memory problem. I can't remember anything!

Doctor: So, since when haye you had this problem?
Patient: What problem?

1.How do you keep fitl

Hogyan tartod magad formban?
2.Do you go to bed early?
Korn szok!l lefekdni?
3.Do you eat healthy food?
Egszsges teleket eszel?
4.Do you have any bad habits?
vannak rossz szoksaid?
5.When were you last ill?
Mikor voltl beteg utoljra?
6. How did you feel?
Hogy rezted magad?
7.Didyou see the doctor?
Elmentl orvoshoz?
8.How did he examine you?
Hogyan vizsglt meg?
9. What did the doctor tell you to do?
Mit tancsolt az orvos?
1,0. How long did it take you to get well?
Mennyi id alatt gygl.ultl meg?
].1.Where can you buy medicine?
Hol vehetsz gygyszert?
12.What do you do when you have sunstroke?
Mit csinlsz, ha napszrst kaptl?

HEAITH AND ILtNEss - EGszsGsrnrncsc
13.When do people call an ambulance?
Mikor kell mentt hvni?
l,4.What is the job of a paramedic?
Mi a feladata a mentsnek?
15.What do most people suffer from?
Mitl szenvednek a legtbben?
16.When do you need a medical certificate?
Mikor van szksg orvosi igazolsra?
17.Have you ever been in hospital?
Voltl mr krhzban?
l8.What are the main parts of a hospital?
Melyek a krhz f rszei?
l9.What is an x-ray?
Mi a rntgen?
2O.What happens when somebody breaks his arm?
Mi trtnik, ha valaki eltri a karjt?
21. Have you ever had toothache?
Fjt mr a fogad?
22.1fihat did the dentist do then?
Mit csinlt a fogorvos?
23. How often do you see the dentist?
Milyen gyakran msz fogorvoshoz?
24.1ffhat does the dentist do if he finds a bad tooth?
Mit csinl a fogorvos, ha rossz fogat tall?
25.Why do people have to go to hospital?
Mirt kell krhzba menni az embereknek?
26.What are the most important organs of the human body?
Melyek a legfontosabb szervei az emberi testnek?
27.What do you have to do to keep in good health?
Mit kell tenni azrt, hogy egszsgesek maradjunk?
28.What is a healthy diet like?
Milyen az egszsgestrend?
29.1&hy is it important to consult a doctor before you start doing sport?
Mirt fontos orvossal beszlni mieltt elkezdennk valamilyen sportot zni?
30.What are spas good for?
Mire jk a gygyfurdk?
31.What is the role of naturopathy?
Mi a termszetgygyszat szerepe?
32.Why do people get injections?
Mirt kapunk injekcikat?
33.Why are many people fat?
Mirt kvr sok ember?
34.Who smokes in your family?
Kldohnyzik a csaldodban?
35. How old were yorrr parents when they started smoking?
Hny vesek voltak a szleid, amikor elkezdtek dohnyozni?

888 KRDssvresz ANGoL lrrgrvgr
36. How many cigarettes does your father smoke a day?
Mennyi cigarettt szv apukd egy nap?
37, How much do your parents spend on cigarettes?
Mennyi pnzt kltenek a szleid cigarettra?
3B.How can people stop smoking?
Hogyan lehet abbahagyni a dohnyzst?
39. How could the number of smokers be reduced?
Hogyan lehetne cskkenteni a dohnyzk szmr?
40.What happens if people smoke in public places in Hungary?
Mi trtnik, ha nyilvnos helyen dohnyzik valaki Magyarorszgon?
41.Do your parents drink coffee?
kvznak a szleid?
42.Is too much coffee harmful?
kros a sok kv?
43.Why do people try drugs?
Mirt prbljk ki az emberek a drogokat?
44.What drugs have you heard oP
Milyen kbtszerekrl hallottl?
45.Why is it difficult to give up taking drugs?
Mirt nehz leszokni a kbtszerekrl?
46.Who is an alcoholic?
kit tekinthettink alkoholistnak?
47.1ilhy do people drink?
Mirt isznak az emberek?
48.what could be done to avoid the so-called disco accidents?
Mit lehetne tenni, hogy megakadlyozzuk az n, diszkbaleseteket?

HEAITH AND IL[NEss - EcEszsnc rs gnrncsEc
1.How do you keep fit?
I do exercise regularly, and not only at school. I like jogging and playing badminton.
I try to eat healthy too, so I eat a lot ofvegetables and fruit,

2. Do you go to bed early?

On weekdays I usually go to bed quite early, at ten at the latest, because I have to get
up early. At weekends I watch TV until midnight.

3. Do you eat healthy food?

Yes, I try to avoid fatty food. I eat a lot of fruit and vegetab]es. I never drink fizzy soft
drinks because they contain a lot of sugar. I'm lucky because I don't like cakes and
chocolate very much.

4.Do you have any bad habits?

Yes, unfortunately I often drink coke, At e school's canteen I always buy some
sweets or crisps. I often eat hamburgers in fast food restaurants.

5.When were you last ill?

Last March I had to stay in bed for a week because I had flu and a terrible headache.

6.How did you feel?

I felt awful. I was cold and I was coughing and sneezing all the time. I also had a
headache and a high temperature.

7. Did you see the doctor?

Yes, I had to. He examined me and prescribed some medicine and told me to stay in
bed for a week.

8.How did he examine you?

He looked at my throat, listened to my lungs and took my blood pressure.

9.What did the doctor tell you to do?

He told me to drink a lot of tea with lemon, sleep a lot, and keep warm. He also told
me never to forget to take the pills that he prescribed and some vitamins.

10.How long did it take you to get well?

It took me five days but I felt a bit weak for another week"

11.Where can you buy medicine?

In Hungary you can only buy medicine at pharmacies. You sign the prescription that
you got from your doctor and give it to the chemist. He or she writes on the carton
of medicine how many pills you have to take and how often.

12.What do you do when you have sunstroke?

I try to have a rest, drink a lot, and avoid the sun. If I don't get better soon, I see the

888 KERDs svresz ANGoL Nrgrvgr
13.When do people call an ambulance?
An ambulance is called when a person must be taken to hospital.

14.What is the job of a paramedic?

They have to help the patients to get to the hospital. They are trained to give medical
treatrnent but they are not doctors.

15.What do most people suffer from?

I have read that in Hungary most people suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes,
and have heart diseases or cancer.

16.When do you need a medical certificate?

You need it if you want to prove that you didn't work or go to school because you
were i]1. When you have recovered, you give it to your form master on your first day
back at school,

17.Have you ever been in hospital?

Yes, when I was ten, my tonsils were taken out. I spent five days in hospital then.
I remember that I was rather afraid of the operation but the doctors and the nurses
were friendly and kind. I got a soft toy, a white fox, from one of them.

l8.What are the main parts of a hospital?

There are wards, doctors' rooms, operating theatres, laboratories, x-tay rooms, and
offices. Usually there's also a big hall where the patients can talk to their visitors.

19.What is an x-ray?
It is a photo which shows bones or organs in the body.

20.What happens when somebody breaks his arm?

This person goes or is taken to casualty where his arm is x-rayed. Then the arm is put
in plaster. After several weeks the plaster is removed and the person has to consult a

2],. Have you ever had toothache?

Yes, unfortunately not long ago. It started at night. I took a painkiller but it didn't
help, so in the morning I went to see my dentist.

22.|Nhat did the dentist do then?

He examined my teeth thoroughly and found e bad tooth.

23.How often do you see the dentist?

I know that people should see the dentist twice a yeaq but I'm afraid of dentists and
I go only if I have toothache,

24.what does the dentist do if he finds a bad tooth?

He tries to fill it in, or if it is impossible, he pulls it out.

HEALTH AND ILtNEss - Ecszscsgnrrcsc

25.Why do people have to go to hospital?

People usually have to go to hospital if they are very ill or have to be operated on. As
far as I know, there are also some tests which can be done only at hospitals.

26.What are the most important organs of the human body?

The most important organs are: the brain, liver, heart, kidneys, and lungs.

27.'Nhat do you have to do to keep in good health?

You have to lead a healthy life: do exercise regularly and eat healthy food like fruits
and vegetables. You have to avoid stress too.

28.What is a healthy diet like?

It contains fibres and protein, and it doesn't contain too much fat, sugar or carbohydrates.
Some people regularly take multitamins too, but I prefer fruit and vegetables.

29.Nhy is it important to consult a doctor before you start doing sport?

It is important because you have to be healthy if you want to start sport. The
doctor examines your heart and takes your blood pressure and tells you if there's
some problem.

30.What are spas good for?

They are mainly good for elderly people who often suffer from rheumatism.

31.What is the role of narropathy?

It helps you to get or stay healthy with herbs and lifesryle. There are some people
who don't believe in conventional medicine and drink, for example, herbal tea or
pure vegetable juice.

32.Why do people get injections?

To avoid diseases, for example, when we travel to certain countries, or to get better
if we are ill. Most people are afraid of injections although they are unavoidable in
many cases.

33.Why are many people fat?

They don't care about a healthy lifestyle. They don't do exercise and they eat too

34.Who smokes in your family?

Unfornrnately, my faer smokes a lot. My mother gave it up a year ago when she
had a terrible pneumonia.

35. How old were your parents when they tarted smoking?
My mother doesn't smoke. My father was 18. A1l his friends were smokers and they
often offered him cigarettes.

B88 KRDssvmsz ANGot nrynrwr
36. How many cigarettes does your father smoke a day?
remember that a few years ago he
Nowadays he smokes about ten a day, but I remember
smoked almost a whole packet a day.

37. How much do your parent spend on cigarettes?

Both my parents smoke, so, unfortunately, they spend quite a lot of money on cigarettes,
more than 6000 forints a month.

38. How can people stop smoking?

I don t know. There are several methods: medicine, patches, herbal teas, and hypnosis,
The most important factor is determination.

39. How could the number of smokers be reduced?

I think they should show documentaries about suffering smokers and cigarettes
should not be advertised anywhere. A lot of young people start smoking because
their friends smoke and their parents do too.

40.What happens if people smoke in public places in Hungary?

people must not smoke in public places in Hungary. If somebody smokes in a Public
place, he has to pay a fine.

41.Do yorrr parents drink coffee?

yes, unfoitunately they drink five cups a day. They drink the first cup at home when
they get up and they drink coffee at work too.

42.Is too much coffee harmful?

yes, it causes high blood pressure and some stomach problems. Some people also
become more tense.

43.Why do people try drugs?

They are curious about the effects and would like to behave like famous stars.

44.What drugs have you heard oP

I have heard of marijuana, cocaine, heroine, LSD, ecstasy and speed,

45.Why is it difficult to give up taking drugs?

Some people just want to try them but they can't give up after trnng them once.
Drugs easily cause addiction.

46.Who is an alcoholic?
A person who drinks regularly and a lot, For example, IVe heard that our neighbour's
faiher spent almost a whole year at hospital because of problems caused by drinking
too much.

HEArrH AND ILtNEss - Ecszscsgnrrcsc
47.Thy do people drink?
In my opinion, they ink they can forget about their problems if they drink, or just
because they feel less tense and nervous.

48.what could be done to avoid the so-called disco accidents?

Young people should be convinced not to go to the disco by car, There should be
buses when the discos close,

sse KRDssvresz ANGot
a bit lo a'btt kicsit
a day 36 e'det naponta
alot9 a lot sokat
alotof1 e lot av sok
accident 48 'akstdent baleset
addiction 45 a'drkJn fiiggsg
advertise 39 'adva,bz reklmoz
alcoholic 46 ,alkeo'holtk alkoholista
although 32 c:l'ao br
always 4 'c:lwetz mindig
ambulance 13 'ambjolans mentaut
arm 20 oIm kar
at home 39 at'houm otthon
at ni8ht 21 at'na jszaka
at weekends 2 et,wilk'endz hwgenknt
avoid 3 a'vctd elkerl
awful6 'c:fl borzalmas
bad 22 bad roSSz
bad habit 4 bad'habtt rossz szoks
be afraid of sg 17 bi: a'fretd av fl valamitl
be cold 6 bi: keold fzik
be operated on 25 bi:'oparefttd on megmtik
behave 43 bt'hetv selkedik
big 18 btg nagy
blood pressure 8 'blnd,preJe vrnyoms
body 19 'bodl test
bone 19 beon csont
both 37 beo0 mindkett
brain 26 bretn aw
break (broke, broken) 20 brerk (brauk,'braoken) eltr
bus 48 bns busz
buy (bought, bou8ht) 4 bal (bc:t, bc) vesz, vsrol
cake 3 ketk stemny
call 13 kc:l hv
cancer 15 'kansa rk (betegsg)
canteen 4 kan'tiln bf
cat 48 ko: aut
carbohydrate 28 ,kolbao'hatdrett sznhidrt
care about sg 33 kea e'baot trdik vmivel
carton i 'ko:tn doboz
case 32 kets eset
casualty 20 'ka3ueltt srgssgi rszleg
cause 42 kc:z okoz
certain 32 ssltn bizonyos

HEALTH AND IlINEss - EGszsGsgnrrcsc
chemist l 'kemtst gygyszersz
chocolate 3 'tJoklet csokold
ci8arette 37 ,stga'ret cigaretta
dose 48 klauz bezr
cocne 44 keo'ketn kokain
coffee (U) 4 'koft kv
coke (U) 4 kauk Coca-Cola
consult 20 kan'snlt beszlget (tancsrt)
contain 3 ken'teln tartalmaz
conventional 3l ken'venJnel hagyomnyos
convince 48 kan'vtns meggyz
cough 6 kof khg
counfiry 32 'knntrl orszg
crisps 4 knsps chips
anp 41 knp cssze
curious 43 'kjuarlas kvncsi
d,ay 10 del nap
dentist 21 'denttst fogorvos
determination 38 dt,tslmt'netJn eltkltsg, elszntsg
diabetes 15 dale'bi:ti:z cukorbetegsg
et 28 'datet trend
difficult 45 'dtftklt nehz, bonyolult
sco 48 'dtskao diszk
disease 32 dlzi,^z betegsg
do (did, done) 9 du: (dtd, dnn) csinl
do (did, done) exercise 1 du: (dtd, dnn)'eksa,satz tornzik
doctor 7 'dokta orvos
documentary 39 ,dokjo'mentert dokumentumfilm
drink (drank, drunk) 3 drlqk (draryk, drnlk) iszik
drug 43 dng kbtszer
early 2 '3:lt korn
easily 45 'izlll knnyen
eat (ate, eaten) i:t (ett 'in) 'hel0t egszsgesen tkezik
effect 43 t'fekt hats
elderly 30 'eldelt ids
examine 7 eg'zemln megvizsgl
factor 38 'fakta tnyez
family 34 'famlt csald
famous 43 'fetmas hres
fast food restaurant 4 fo:stfu:d ,restront gyorstterem
fat 28 fat zsir
fat 33 fat kvr
athet 34 'fo:a apa
fatty 3 'fett zsros
feel (felt, felt) 6 fi:l (fe[ felt) etez

8s8 KRDssvlresz ANGot Nynrvgr
frbre 28 'futba roSt
fi|l in 24 ,ftl'tn betm (fogat)
find (found, found) 22 fatnd (fuond, hond) megtall
fizzy 3 'lzl buborkos, sznsavas
flu (U) 5 flul influenza
food 3 fu:d lelmiszer
for example 3/ far tg'zolmpl pldul
forget (for8ot, forgotten) 9 fe'get (fe'got fa'gotn) elfelejt
fox 17 foks rka
friend 35 'frend bart
friendly 17 'frendlt bartsgos
ftuit 1 fru:t gymlcs
get (got, got) 11 get (got got) kap
get (got, got) 14 get (got got) eljut valahov
get (got, got) better 12 get (got got) 'beta jobban lesz, gygyul
get (got, got) healthy 3 get (got got)'helOt meggygyul
get (got, 8ot) uP 2 get (got got) np felkel
get (got, got) well 0 get (got, got) wel meggygyul
give (gave, given) 1 gtv (gev, gtvn) ad
give (gave, given) up 34 gtv (getv, gtvn) np abbahagy
go (went, gone) 12 gau (wen[ gon) megy
go (went, gone) to bed 2 geo (went gon) to bed 1efekszik
hall 18 hc:l terem
hamburger 4 'hem,bs:ga hamburger
happen 20 'hapn trtnik
harmfuI42 'ho:mfl kros
have (had, had) a hav (had, had) a'hedetk fj a feje
headache 6
have (had, had) a rest 72 hev (hed, had) e rest pihen
have (had, had) a hev (hed, hed) e'tempn,tJe lzas
temPerature 6
have (had, had) flu (U) 5 hev (hed, had) flu: influenzs
have (had, had) hev (hed, hed) 'snnstraok napszrsa van
sunstroke (|]) 12
have (had, had) hav (hed, had) tu:Oetk fj a foga
toothache (U) 21
headache 5 'hedetk fejfjs
healthy 1 'helOt egszsges
heart 26 ho szv
heart disease J5 'ho:t dt,zi:z szvbetegsg
help 14 help segt
herb 3l hg:b gygynvny
herbal tea 3] ,hs:bl'ti: gygytea
heroine 44 'hereutn heroin
high 6 hat magas
nahrropathy 3l ,neitfa'ropaOt termszetgygyszat

HEALTH AND IIJ.NEss - Ecszscsgrfficsc
hospital l3 'hospltl krhz
How often? 23 hao 'ofn Milyen gyakran?
human body 26 ,hju:men'bodt emberi test
Hungary 'hnlgart Magyarorszg
hypnosis 38 htp'nausts hipnzis
ill 5 tl beteg
impossible 24 lm'posabl lehetetlen
injection 32 tn'd3ekfn injekci
jogging 1 'd3oglt1 kocogs
juice 31 'd3u:s gymlcsl
keep (kept, kept) fit l ki:p (kep[ kept) frt j formban marad
keep (kept, kept) in ki:p (kep[ kept) ln god hel9 egszsges marad
good health 27
keep (kept, kept) warm 9 kilp (kept kept) wc:m melegen tart
hdney 26 'kldnt vese
l<lnd 17 katnd kedves
know (knew, known) 23 neo (njul, naun) tud
laboratory 8 la'boretrl laboratrium
lead (led, led) a healthy li:d (led, led) a'hel0t egszsgesen l
way of life 27 welav laf
lemon 9 'leman citrom
lifestyle 3l 'latf,stall letmd
like 43 latk mint
listen to one's lungs 8 'ltsn to wnnz lnqz meghallgatja valaki ti.idejt
liver 26 'ltVo mj
long ago 21 lory e'geo rgen
look at B 'lok,at megnz
lucky 3 'lnkt szerencss
lungs 8 lnqz td
main 18 meln f
mainly 30 'melnlt fleg
marijuana 44 ,marl'Wo:no marihuna
medical certificate 16 'medtkl sa,ttftket orvosi igazols
medical treatment 14 ,medlkl 'tri:tmant egszsggyikezels
medicine 7 'medsn gygyszer
medicine 31 'medsn gygyszat
method 38 'meOad mdszer
midnight 2 'mtdnatt jfl
month 37 mnn0 hnap
morning 2 'mclnt1 reggel
mother 34 'mno anya
need J6 ni:d szksge van
neighbour 46 'netbo szomszd
nervous 47 'n3:Vgs ideges
never 3 'neVa soha
nowadays 36 'naoe,detz manapsg

888 KERDs svfu.esz ANGot mynrvnr
frnumber 39 'n^mba szam
nurse 17 n3:s nvr
offer 35 'ofo knl
office i8 'ofts iroda
often 4 'Dfn gyakran
on weekdays 2 on wilkdelz htkznapokon
once 45 W^ns egyszer
operating theatre 18 'oparetq ,0tata mt
operation 17 ope'retJn mtt
otgan 79 'c:gon szerV
packet 36 ,p@kit doboz
painkiller 21 'pern,kile fjdalomcsillapt
paramedic 14 ,para'medtk menttiszt
parent 35 'pearent szl
part 18 po:t rsz
patch 38 pat tapasz
patient 4 'petJnt beteg (fn.)
pay (paid, paid) a fine 40 pet (peld, petd) e atn brsgot fizet
people (person) 13 'pi:pl ('ps:sn) emberek (ember)
pharmacy 11 'fo:masl gygyszertr
photo 9 'feutau fnykp
physiotherapist 20 ,ftztao'0eraptst gygytornsz
pill9 pll tabletta
plaster 20 'plo:sta gipsz
play badminton 1 pler'bedmtnten tollaslabdzik
pneumonia 34 nju:'maonta tdgyullads
prescribe medicine 7 prr'skrarb 'medsn gygyszert felir
prescription 11 prlskrtpJen recept
problem29 'problem gond, problma
protein 28 'praotiln fehrje
prove 6 pru:V igazol
public place 40 ,pnbltk'plets nyilvnos hely
pull out 24 pol at kihz
pure 3 pjoa tiszta
put (put, put) in pot (put pot) tn 'plo:sta begipszel
plaster 20
quite 2 kwatt elgg
ruther 77 'ro:o meglehetsen, elgg
read (read, read) 15 ri:d (red, red) olvas
reduce 39 rl'dju:s cskkent
regularly 1 'regjolelt rendszeresen
remember ]7 n'memba emlkezik
remove 20 rl'mUIV levesz
rheumatism 30 'ru:ma,ttzam reuma
role 31 reol szerep
room 8 rulm szoba

HEALTH AND ILLNEss - Ecszsnc sgrrrcsc
school skull iskola
see (saw seen) the si: (sc:, siln) a'dokte orvoshoz megy
doctor 7
several 20 'sevral tbb
show (showed, shown) 9 Jao (faud, faon) megmutat
sign l saln alr
sleep (slept, slept) 9 sli:p (slept slept) alszik
smoke 34 smeuk dohnyzik
smoker 35 'smeoko dohnyos
sneeze 6 sni:z ttisszent
so-called,47 sau kc:ld gynevezett
soft drink 3 ,soft'dnlk dtital
sottoy 77 ,soft'tct plssjtk
soon 12. su:n hamar
spa 30 spoI gyffird
spend (spent, spent) 7 spend (spent spent) tlt (idO
spend (spent, spent) spend (spen[ spent) (pnzt) klt valamire
(money) on sg 37 ('mnnr) on
star 43 stol sztr
start 21 sto:t kezddik
stay healthy 3l stet 'helOt egszsges marad
stay in bed 5 stet tn bed gyban marad
stomach 42 'srmak gyomor
stop (+ _ing) 38 stop abbahagy
stess 27 stres Stressz
suffer from sg 5 'snfa from szenved rrmitl
sugar 3 uga cukor
sun 12 sAn nap
sweets 4 swi:ts dessg
take (took, taken) 9 tetk (tctk, 'tetkan) bevesz (orvoss8ot)
take (took, taken) l0 tetk (tok, 'tetken) tart valameddig
take (took, taken) 13 tetk (tok, 'tetkan) visz
take (took, taken) one's tetk (tok, 'tetkan) wnnz megmri valaki vrnyomst
blood pressure 8 'blnd,preJa
take (took, taken) olut 17 telk (tok,'terken) aot kivesz
talk 8 tc:k beszlget
tea 9 ti: tea
tell (told, told) 9 tel(taold, teold) mond
temperature 6 'temprl,tJa lz
tense 42 tens feszlt
terrible 5 'terebl szrny
thoroughly 22 '9nrelt alaposan
throat B 0reut torok
tonsils ] 7 'tonstlz mandula
tooth (teeth) 22 tu:0 (ti:O) fog (fogak)
toothache (U) 21 tu:Oetk fogfjs

888 KRDssvrasz ANGoL rurnrwr
trained 14 tretnd kpzett
fravel32 'travl utazik
try .1 trat megprbl
twice 23 twals ktszer
unavoidable 32 ,nna'vctdebl elkerlhetetlen
unfortunately 4 nn'fc:tJnatlt sajnos
until2 on'tll -ig (idben)
usually 2 Ju:3ualt ltalban
vegetable 1 'ved3tabl zldsg
visitor 18 'Vlztto ltogat
vitamin 9 'vttomtn vitamin
want 16 wont akar
ward 18 wc:d krterem
watch TV2 wotJ,ti:'vi: tvtnz
weak 10 wi:k gyenge
week 5 wi:k ht
weekdays 2 wi:kdetz htkznapok
weekend 2 ,wi:k'end hwge
white 1Z watt fehr
whole 3 haol egsz
work 16 ws:k dolgozik
write (wrote, written) 11 ratt (rau[ 'rltn) r
x-ray 18 'eks ,rel rntgen
x-ray 20 'eks ,ret megrntgenez
year 23 jte v
young 39 jn! fiatal


At the doctor's - Orvosnl

Doctor What seems to be the problem? D Mi aproblma?
Patient I feel dizzy and sick. P SzdIk s hnyingeremvqn.
Doctor when did it start? D Mikor kezddtt?
Patient Yesterday. P Tegnap.
Doctor Are you feeling feverish? D Lzasnak rzi magt?
Patient A bit, yes. P Kicsit igen.
Doctor Let me take your temperature. D Hadd mrjem meg a lzt! Tessk a
Here's the thermometer. lazmr.
Doctor Well, you seem to be running D Nos, gt (nik, kiss lzas.
a temperature.
Doctor Let me feel your pulse. D Hadd nzzem meg a pulzusdt.
Doctor Please roll up your sleeve. D Legten szves haj*a fel az ingujjdu
I'll take your blood pressure. M egmr em a v rny omas dt,
Doctor I would like to examine you. D Meg szeretnm vizsglni, Krem, vegte le
Please just take your shirt off. az ingt.
Doctor Does this hurt? D Ez dj?
Patient No, not really. P Nem, nem igazdn.
Doctor It's probably nothing serious, just D ValsznIeg semmi komoly, csak egt
a virus. I'l1 write you a prescription vrus. Felrok grgtszert s j lenne egt pr
and it would be a good idea to napig ghan maradnia.
stay in bed for a couple of days.

Other expressions - Egrb kifejezsek

How bad is it now? Most mennyire fdj?
where does it hurt? Holfj?
Take some deep breaths, please. Llegezzen mIyeket!
Open your mouth. Nlssa ki a szdjdt!

At the pharmacy - A grgtszertrban

I need this medicine please. Szksgem lenne erre a gtgtszerre.
How much is this medicine? Mennyibe kerl ez a gtgtszer?
Is there something similar but cheaper? Van valami, ami hasonl de olcsbb?
How many times a day do I take it? Hdnyszor kell szednem naponta?
Could you recommend something for Tudna ajnlani valamit fjs lbakra?
sore feet?

State of health - Questions - Egszsgillapot - krdsek

How are you feeling now? Hogt rzed magad most?
Are you feeling well? Jl rzed magad?
what seems to be the matter? Mibaj van?
What's wrong? Mi abaj?
Are you all right? JIvagt?

888 KRDssvLqsz ANGoL rrnrwr
State of health - Answers - Egszsgi Ilapot- vlaszok
I feel much better today, thank you. Ma sokkal jobban rzem ma3am. Ksznm
I don't feel well. Nem rzem jl magam.
I feel dizzy. Szdlk.
My leg hurts. Fj albam,
My back hurts. Fj ahtam.
My eyesight is not what it used to be. A ldtasom nem a rg.Meg keII vizsgItat-
My eyes need checking. nom a szemem.

Get well soon! Mielbbi gtgrulst!

Speedy recovery! Mielbbi gtgruIast!

Vocabulary tips
State of health - Egszsgillapot
feel fine jl rzi wasdt,,-,, , ,.

fell bad rosszul rzftlagdt

feel awful ,szrnyen r,maat

feel better jsbbcn,rst::mggt

)s. A feel gvel(valahogtan rzi magt) nincs visszahat nvms, hanem mellknv
kveti. Nem mondhatjuk azt, hogy I feel myself badly! Helyesen: I feel bad. Rosszul
rzem magam.

feel sick GB: httyingere'van/US: ne$1 rr,jI',mn t

be,on 'di'] fogkrdzik

8o,on a,diet fogkraznikezd

*' ' , ,',.,. j fayrybqn ta*ja,magt ,,.l., 1,,,,. ,,.,,,,, .],.,,, .,.,,.

keep fit.., j formaban tartja magt

be in,shpe O*ban tanja *qgt .-,:':',,'],"'.]l,,':,.'

t8y.iii shape j formban tarcja magdt

be healtb,', egazsges (]talban)

b,well ,
egszsges, jl van (adott pillanatban)

HEALTH AND ILLNEss - Ecszscsgrrncsc

have a headache faj afcje .,

I've got a headache. Fj afejem.

have toothache fj afoga

have stomach ache fdj a gromra

have backache fj a hta

have flulthe flu nfluenzas

My sister is in bed with the flu. A nvrem .ghan fekszik, mert influenzas.

have]a cou,gb :

have a sore throat fj a torka


catch a cold megfdzik

I caught a cold weeding the garden Tegnap a kert gromllasa kzben megfdz-
yesterday. tam.
suffer from szenved., valamilyen betegsge van
she suffers from asthma. Asztms.
suffer kellemetlen/fjdalmasdologtortnikvalakivel
He suffered a massive heart attack, Sly o s s ziv r ohamo. y olt.
be allergic to sg allerglas yalamre
I'm allergic to penicillin. Penicillin - attergi m v an.

see the doctor on,oshoz megt

see the dentist fogorvoshoz megt

in hospital krhdzban
My uncle is in hospital because Naghdtym krhzban van, mert eltrt a
he broke his leg. Iba.
in a./the hospital krhazban
Ltogatknt/dolgo zknt.
I visit him every day in the hospital. Minden nap megltogotom a krhdzban.
get (got, got) well meggrgtul
He soon got well. Hamar meggtgrult,
Fecover felpI
He soon recovered ftom his operation. Gyorsan felpIt a mtt utn.
7. House and Flat - Hz s laks

"I had to give up tap dancing."

"l kept falling in the sink."

1.Do you live in a house or a flat?

Hzban vagy laksban laksz?
2.What is your house like?
Milyen a hzatok?
3.Do you have a garden?
van kertetek?
4.What do you have in your garden?
Mi van a kertetekben?
5.How big is your flat?
Mekkora a laksotok?
6.Would you like to move to a bigger house or flat?
Szeretnl egy nagyobb hzbavagy laksba kltzni?
7.Is it better to live in the countryside or in a city?
Vidken vagy vrosban jobb lni?
8.Do you live in a town or in a village?
Vrosban vagy faluban lakz?
9.Do you think it is better to live in a town or in a llage?
Szerinted vrosban vagy faluban jobb lni?
10.Is it better to rent or own a flat?
Jobb lakst brelni vagy sajt laksban lakni?
1l.What is the most important thing for you about a home?
Mi a legfontosabb dolog neked az otthonoddal kapcsolatban?
12.How do you get on with your neighbours?
Hogy jssz ki a szomszdaiddal?
13.Do you usually get together with your neighbours?
Szoktatok kzs programokat szervezni a szomszdaitokkal?
14.Do you have your own room?
Van sajt szobd?

HoUsE ANID Flllir -
15.What is your room like?
Milyen a szobd?
16.Do you have a balcony or a terrace?
Van erklyetek vagy teraszotok?
17.What do you use yorr balcony for?
Mire hasznljtok az erklyt?
18.Which is your favourite place in your house?
Melyik a kedvenc helyed a hzban?
19.How can you heat a house or a flat?
Hogyan fthet egyhz vagy laks?
20.What kind of floor covering is there in the different rooms of your home?
Milyen padl van a klnbz helyisgekben?
21.What are the walls in your home like?
Milyenek a falak az otthonodban?
22.Do you think houseplants are important?
Szerinted fontosak a szobanvnyek?
23.How can you protect your home from getting too hot in summer?
Hogyan lehet megvdeni a lakst attl, hogy tl meleg legyen nyron?
24.What household equipment do you consider necessary?
Szerinted mely hztartsi eszkzk nlklzhetetlenek?
25.What is your ideal home like?
Szerinted milyen az idelis otthon?
26.What equipment woul you like to have in your home?
Milyen hztartsi eszkzt szeretnl mg otthonra?
27.Iflhat is your kitchen like?
Milyen a konyhtok?
28.What is an ideal kitchen like?
Milyen egy idelis konyha?
29.What is your living room like?
Milyen a nappalitok?
30.What furniture would you change in your living room?
Melyik btort cserlndle szvesen a nappalitokban?
31.Where do you have dinner?
Hol szoktatok tkezni?
32.Do you have a pantry?
van kamrtok?
33.How is your bedroom furnished?
Milyen btorok vannak a hlszobdban?
34.What is your bathroom like?
Milyen a fiirdszobtok?
35. How would you improve your flat or house?
Hogyan tudnd jobb tenni a laksotokat vagy hzatokat?
36.What kind of lighting do you have?
Milyen vilgts van nlatok?
37. How should a child's room be furnished?
Hogyan kell egyj gyerekszobt berendezni?

38.Who cleans your house or flat?
ki takart nlatok?
39.What housework do you usually do?
Milyen hzi munkkat szoktl vgezni?
40.Is there enough storage in your home?
Van elg trolhelyed otthon?
41.What are the surroundings of your home like?
Milyen az otthonod krnyke?
42.Do you have an attic?
Van padlsotok?
43. Do you have a garage?
Van garzsotok?
44.What can you do if you want to improve your home?
Mit lehet csinlni, ha fel akarod jtaniaz otthonod?
45.What are the typical forms of housing in Hungary?
Milyen tipikus laksformk lteznek Magyarorszgon?
46.What is your dream house like?
Milyen lmaid hza?

HousE AND FIAI _Hz srexs
1. Do you live in a house or a flat? l
We live in a flat on the outskirts of town. It's not too big because we only have a lMng
room, a bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom and a hal].

2.What is your house like?

It's a nice house with a small garden. We have a big lMng room, two bedrooms, a
spacious kitchen, a bathroom, a pantry, and a garage.

3.Do you have a garden?

Yes, we do. There are some fruit trees and lots of flowers there.

4.What do you have in your garden?

We have a big nut tee, two pines, a flowerbed with tulips and roses, and a vegetable
garden. We grow carrots, parsley, tomatoes and green peppers.

5.How big is your flat?

It's a typical flat in a big block. We have three rooms, a kitchen with a pantry a
bathroom with a toilet, and a balcony. It's about 65 square metres.

6.Would you like to move to a bigger house or flat?

Yes, now I share a room with my younger brother and I would like to have a room of
my own,

7.Is it better to live in the countryside or in a city?

Both have eir advantages and disadvantages. A big town is crowded and sometimes
dirty but there are a lot of facilities. In the countryside life is more peaceful and the
air is cleaner, but there is not much to do, I think.

8.Do you live in a town or in a village?

I live in a village near the Danube. I think it's a nice llage and I like living there.

9. Do you think it is better to live in a town or in a village?

I like living in my town because there are a lot of shops and cinemas, and a theatre.
I think you can often feel bored in a village.

10.Is it better to rent or oIn a flat?

I think it is bener to own one. If you rent a flat, the orivners can ask you to leave any
time. If you live in your own flat, you can stay there for the rest of your life.

1l.What is the most important thing for you about a home?

I think a home must be comfortable and there must be enough room for everything.
I like it if my room is bright.

12. How do you get on with your neighbours?

Our neighbours are friendly. We sometimes grill food in e garden together. When we
travel to sit our relatives, they look after our dog and empty the letterbox.

Csg KERDs svlesz A}.rGoL r.rygnnr
13. Doyou usually get together with your neighbours?
No, they don't spend much time at home. We only ever meet at e entrance to our

14.Do you have your own room?

yes, I do. It is very nice. It's not too big but it's enough for me. I like it because I chose
the furniture myself.

15.What is your room like?

It is quit; small but very bright because there is a big window. The walls are light
yellow. There is a bed, a desk, some bookshelves, a wardrobe, and a bedside table
ir, .y roo-. In the corner there are some pot plants. I put some Posters on the walls.

16.Do you have a balcony or a terrace?

we have a telTace where we can have lunch and dinner when the weaer is nice. There
are some pots there with flowers which I Water every day. My moer sometimes hangs
the washing there.

17.What do you use your balcony for?

We grow some plants and flowers there. There is a round table with two chairs. My
father likes reading sports news there.

18.Which is your favourite place in your house?

I 1ike our living room very much. It's big and bright with a lot of pot plants. There is
also a big aquarium in the corner. I also like the paintings on the walls.

19.How can you heat a house or a flat?

There are several possibilities, Some people have a gas boiler and radiators or
underfloor heating. Some people have central heating in their flats.

20.What kind of floor covering is there in the different rooms of your home?
We have parquet in the rooms and the kitchen is tiled.

2l.What are the walls in your home like?

The walls are painted in the kitchen. The bathroom is tiled. The rooms are wallpapered.

22.Do you think houseplants are important?

yes, I think they make the rooms friendlier. We have a big stand with pots in the living
room and I have a shelf with some pot plants, mostly cacti, in my room.

23.How can you protect your home from getting too hot in summer?
you can have shutters or rolling shutters. Some people have Venetian blinds or roller
blinds. More and more people are buying air conditioners.

HousE AND FIr -uz slqp{s
24.What household equipment do you consider necessary?
I think there must be a fridge, a washing machine, a cooker, and a vacuum cleaner
in a house.

25.What is your ideal home like?

I think it should be big and bright enough, and well-equipped. There should not be
noisy neighbours. It's good to have at least a small garden where you can have dogs
or cats.

26.What equipment would you like to have in your home?

I would like to have a big TV set with a DVD player, and a dishwasher.

27.What is your kitchen like?

Unfornrnately, it is a bit crowded. There is a cupboard, a cooker, a sink, and a fridge
there. There is also a table with four chairs.

28.What is an ideal kitchen like?

I ink it is quite big with all the necessary equipment. There must be a big table, a
modern kitchen unit, a microwave oven, and a dishwasher.

29.What is your living room like?

There is a wall unit with books and ornaments, a three-piece suite, a coffee table, pot
plants, a standard lamp, and a rocking chair.

30.What furniture would you change in your living room?

I don't like the armchairs. I think they are out of fashion and uncomfortable. I don't
like the colour and the pattern of the fabric.

31.Where do you have dinner?

We have a dining nook in the kitchen which is not too comfortable but enough for
my family. Sometimes we eat on the terrace.

32.Doyou have a pantry?

yes, we do. It is next to the kitchen. We keep all kinds of food and bottles of drinks

33.How is your bedroom furnished?

There are some pictures and shelves on the walls. There is a big bed with a bedside
table next to a flower stand. My desk is in front of the window. There is a wardrobe
in the corner.

34.What is your bathroom like?

There is a bath, a basin, a medicine cabinet, a mirror, some shelves, and a towel rack
in our bathroom.

888 KERDEs svresz ANGoL ryrrwr
35. How would you improve your flat or house?
I would change some of the fumiture, and I would buy some new household equipment
for the kitchen.

36.What kind of lighting do you have?

We have a chandelier in my parents' room, lamps in the other rooms, spotlights in
the kitchen and in the bathroom, a standard lamp in the living room, and some
bedside larnps.

37. How should a child's room be furnished?

It depends on the age of the children. Small children like toys, so there should be
boxes to keep them in. The carpets and the curtains should be colourful with funny
figures. School children need a desk and a good chair,

38.Who cleans your house or flat?

We clean the house together. My mother cleans the kitchen and bathroom, my elder
sister and I do the rooms, and my father helps us.

39.What housework do you usually do?

Ivacuum the carpets and dust the furniture. I sometimes do the washing up. It's also
my job to water the houseplants.

40.Is there enough stora8e in your home?

No, the shelves are full, so when I buy a new book, I can hardly find a place for it.

41.What are the surroundings of your home like?

I live in a big housing estate. There are huge blocks of flats and busy roads with lots
of traffic. You can also find some trees and bushes there. There are some playgrounds
but they are not in a good condition.

42.Do you have an attic?

Yes, we do. We keep old clothes and furniture there. Sometimes we go and play there
with my cousins, and we always find something interesting there. Last summer we
found some drawings of my mother in a big box there.

43. Do you have a garage?

Yes, we do. We keep not only the car there but also the bicycles. My father's tools are
in one of e corners on a shelf.

44.What can you do if you want to improve your home?

You can paint or paper the walls, and buy some new decorations. It's good if you
change the curtains and buy some pot plants too.

45.What are the typical forms of housing in Hungary?
In villages most people live in houses. In towns there are blocks of flats and apart-
ment houses, and on the outskirts there are detached, semi-detached, and terraced

46.What is your dream house like?

I would like to have a house with a garden. There must be at least four rooms, a big
kitchen, naro bathrooms, a double garage, and a swimming pool.

888 KRDssvresz ANGoL Nyrrvsr

alot of 7 e lot ev sok

about 5 a'baot krlbell
advantage 7 ad'vo:nttd3 elny
age 37 etd3 kor
air 7 eo leveg
air conditioner 23 'eeken,diJne lgkondicionl
always 42 'c:twetz mindig
apaffirrent house 45 a'po:tment,haos trsashz
aquarium 8 e'kweartem akvrium
armchair 30 'o:m,tJee fotel
ask 0 o:sk kr
at least 25 at li:st legalbb
attic 42 'attk padls
balcony 5 'balkenl erkly
basin 34 betsn mosdkagyl
bath 34 bo:0 fiirdkd
bathroom l 'bol0,ru:m frdszoba
bed 15 bed gy
bedroom 1 'bedru:m hlszoba
bedside lamp 36 'bedsatd ,lamp jjeli lmpa
bedside table 15 'bedsatd ,tetbl jjeli szekrny
bicycle 43 'batstkl kerkpr
big 1 blg nagy
block 5 blok tmb
book29 buk knyv
bookshelf 15 'bukJelf knyvespolc
both 7 bau0 mindkett
bottle 32 'botl palack, veg
box 37 boks doboz
bright 11 bra vilgos
building 3 'btldlt3 plet
bush 4 bo bokor
basy 41 'btzt forgalmas
buy (bought, bought) 23 bar (bc:t bclt) vesz
cactu (caca) 22 'kaktas ('kaktat) kaktusz (kaktuszok)
car 43 ko: aut
carpet 37 'ko:plt sznyeg
caruot 4 'karet srgarpa
cat 25 ket macska
central heating 19 ,sentral'hi:ttq kzponti fts
chair 17 tJea szk
chandelier 36 Jenda'lte csillr
change 30 tJelnd3 megvltoztat, lecserl
child (children) 37 tJatld ('tJlldren) gyerek (gyerekek)

HousE AND Flr _HAz srexs
choose (chose, t[ulz (tJauz,'tJeozn) vlaszt
chosen) 4
cinema 9 'slnema mozi
city 7 'sltt nag,yvros
clean 7 kli:n tiszta
clean 38 kli:n takart
clothes 42 kleuz ruha
coffee table 29 'kofl ,tetbl dohnyzasztal
colour 30 'knla szn
colourftrl37 'knlefl sznes
comfortable l1 'kamftabl knyelmes
condition 41 kan'dlJn llapot
consider 24 kan'sld9 tart, gondol
cooket 24 'koke tzhely
corner 5 'kclna sarok
countryside Z 'knntrl,satd vidk
cousin 42 'knzn unokatestvr
covering 2O 'knvan1 burkolat, borts
crowded 7 'kraodld zsfolt
cupboard 27 'knbad konyhaszekrny
curtain 32 'k3:tn ftiggny
Danube 8 'danjulb Duna
day 16 det nap
decoraton 44 ,deka'retfn dszts
depend on37 dt'pend on fgg valamitl
desk 15 desk rasztal
detached house 45 dt'tatJt,haus csaldi hz
different 20 'dlfrant klnbz
dining nook 3l 'dalntry ,nok tkezsarok
dlty 7 'ds:tt piszkos
disadvantage 7 dtsad'vo:ntld3 htrny
dishwasher 26 'di|woJe mosogatgp
do (did, done) 7 du: (dtd, dnn) csinl
do (did, done) the du: (dtd, dnn) a ru:mz kitakart
rooms 38
do (did, done) the dul (dld, dnn) a'woJtry np elmosogat
washing up 39
d,og 25 dog kutya
double 46 'dnbl dupla
drawing 42 'drc:tq rajz
dream46 dri:m lom
drink 32 drtqk ital
dust the furniture 39 dnst e 'fs:nJa leporolja a btort
DYD player 26 ,dilvi:'di: ,pleta DVDJejtsz
eat (ate, eaten) 3l i:t (et[ 'iltn) eszik
elder sister 38 'elde ,stste nvr

888 KRDssvr.asz ANGot twnrwr
empty 12 'emptt kidt
enough 1 t'nAf elegend
enance 13 'entrans bejrat
fabric 30 'fabrtk szvet
facr.lity 7 fa'stlttt lehetsg, ltestrnny
fashion 30 'faIn divat
father 17 'fo:a apa
favourite 18 'felvrat kedvenc
feel (felt felt) bored 9 fill (fett feft) bc:d unatkozik
frgarc 37 'ftga alak (rajz)
find (found, found) 40 farnd (faund, faond) tall
flat flat laks
floor 20 flc: padl
flower 3 'flaUa virg
flower stand 33 'flaua,stand virgllvny
flowerbed 4 'flaoa,bed rggys
ood 12 fu:d tel
form of housing 45 fc:m ov'haozt1 laksforma
fridge 24 frtd3 htszekrny
friendly 12 'frendlt bartsgos
fruit tree 3 'fru:t ,tri: gymlcsfa
full40 fol tele
funny 32 'f^nt mks
furnish 33 'fs:ntJ bebtoroz
furniture (U) 14 'fs:nJa btor
garage 2 'gro:3 /'gand3 garzs
garden 2 'go:dn kert
gas boiler 19 ,ges'bctla gzkazn
get (got, got) 23 get (got got) vlik valamilyenn
get (got, got) on with 2 get (got got) on wt kijn valakivel
get (got, got) together 13 get (got got) ta'gea sszejn, tallkozik
8een pepper 4 ,gri:n'pepa zldpaprika
grill12 grtl grillez
gtow (grew, grolvn) 4 greo (gru:, greun) temeszt
hall 1 hc:l elszoba
hang (hung, hung) J6 hary (hq, hnry) akaszt
hardly 40 'ho:dlt alig
have (had, had) nner 6 hev (had, had) 'dtna vacsorzk
have (had, had) lunch ]6 hev (hed, had) lnntJ ebdel
heat 9 hi ft
heating 9 'hi;ttq fits
help 38 help segt
home 11 haum otthon
hot 23 hot meleg
house 1 haos hz, csa|dihz
house with a garden 46 haus wl e'goldn kertes hz

HousE AND FIAr _H^z rs rexs
household 'haosheold t'kwlpment hztartsi eszkzk
equipment (U) 24
houseplant 22 'haos,plo:nt szobanvny
housework (U) 39 'haos,w3:k hzi munka
housing estate 41 'haoz1 t,stelt laktelep
huge 41 hju:d3 hatalmas
ideal 25 al'dlal idelis
important l l tm'pc:tnt fontos
improve 35 lm'pru:v javt, fejleszt
in front of 33 tn frnnt av eltt (trben)
interesting 42 'lntrastl! rdekes
job 39 d3ob feladat
keep (kept, kept) 32 ki:p (kept kept) tart
ktnd 20 katnd -fle, -fajta
kitchen 1 'kttJan konyha
kitchen unit 28 'kltJan ju:nlt konyhabtor
lamp 36 lamp lmpa
last 42 lo:st elmlt
leave (left, left) l0 li:v (left, left) tvozik
letterbox 12 'leta,boks postalda
llfe 7 latf let
ght s latt vilgos
ghting 36 'lalq vilgts
ve l ltv 1akik
ving room 1 'ltvtry ,ru:m nappali
look after 12 ,luk'o:fta gondoskodik
lots of 3 lots ev sok
make (made, made) 22 metk (metd, meld) kszt
medicine cabinet 34 'medstn,kablnet gygyszeres szekrny
meet (met, met) sy 13 mi (me[ met) tallkozik valakivel
microwave oven 28 'malkra,welv 'Avn mikrohullm st
mirror 34 'mIra tkr
miss 26 mls hinyol
modern 28 'moden modern
mostly 22 'meostll fleg
mother 16 'mna anya
move 6 muN kltzik, elkltzik
near 8 nlo kzel
necessary 24 'nesasarl szksges
need 37 nild szksge van
neighbour 12 'netbe szomszd
next to 32 nekst ttl mellett
nice 2 nals szp
noisy 25 'nclzl zajos
nut tree 4 'nnt,tri: difa
o|d 42 eold rgi

ornament 29 'c:nomont dszttgy
out of fashion 30 aot ov'faJn divatjamlt
outskirts 1 'aUt,sk3:ts klvros
own 6 oon sajt
own 10 aUn birtokol
owner 10 eUno tulajdonos
paint 44 petnt fest
painted 2 'pernttd festett
painting 18 'petnttq festmny
pallw 2 'pantrt kamra
paper 44 'pelpa kitaptz
parquet 20 'po:ket parketta
parsley 4 'polslt petrezselyem
pattern 30 'peetn minta
peaceful7 'pilsfl bks,nyugodt
people (person) 23 'pi:pl ('pslsn) emberek (ember)
picture 33 'plkta kp
piece 24 pi:s darab
pine 4 paln feny
place 11 plets hely
plant 17 plo:nt nvny
plet jtszik
play 42
'pler,graond jtsztt
playground 41
possibility 19 ,posa'btlatt lehetsg
poster 15 'peosta poszter
pot 16 pot virgcserp
pot plant 15 'pot,plo:nt szobanvny, cserepes nvny
protect 23 pre'tekt vdekezik
put (put, put) 15 put (pot put) teSz
quite 15 kwatt elgg
'retdt,ea raditor
radiator 19
ri:d (red, red) olvas
read (read, read) 17
'relattv rokon
relative 12
rent brel
rent 10
'rokrq ,tJea hintaszk
rocking chair 29
'raola,blatnd rol
roller blind 23
'raolrq'Jnta redny
rolling shutter 23
ru:m szoba
room 1
raz rzsa
rose 4
raond kerek
roand 17
school children 32 ,sku:ttftldran
,semrdr'tetJt haos
semi-detached house 45
'sevral sok, tbb
several 19
share 6 ee
shelf 33 Jelf
Iop bolt
shop 9

shutter 23 fnte redny
silJr. 27 stryk mosogat
small2 smc:l kicsi
sometimes 7 'snmtatmz nha
spacious 2 'spetfes tgas
spend (spent, spent) spend (spen[ spent) htm idt tlt
time 3
sports news 1Z spc:ts nju:z sporthrek
spoght 36 'spot,la spotlmpa
square metre 5 ,skwea'mie ngyzetmter
stand 22 stand llvny
standard lamp 29 'standad,lamp lllmpa
stay 10 stel marad
storage 40 'stc:nd3 trolhely
Jite 29 swi:t lgarnitura
summer 23 's^m9 nyr
surroundings 4 sa'raundllz krnyk
swimming pool46 'swtmtq ,pu:l szmedence
table 17 'tetbl asztal
terrace 16 'teros terasz
terraced house 45 'terast,haos sorhz
theatre 9 '0tata sznhz
think (thought, 9tDk (Oc:t 0c) gondol, vl
thought) 7
three-piece suite 29 ,0ri: pi:s'swi:t hromrszes lgarnitura
aled 20 btld jrlapos
tiled,21 tatld csempzett
together 2 ta'gea egytt
toilet 5 'tctlet Wc
tomato 4 ta'mo:tao paradicsom
too 23 tul tlsgosan
tool 43 tu:l szerszm
towel rack 34 'taoel,rak trlkztart
town 1 taon vros
toy 37 tcl jtk
aafflc 41 'traflk forgalom
travel 2 'travl elutazik
tee 4 tri: fa
tulip 4 'tjulllp tulipn
TY set 26 ti:,vi:'set tvkszlk
typical 5 'ttplkl tipikus
uncomfortable 30 ,nn'knmftabl knyelmetlen
underfloor heating 9 ,nndaflc: 'hi:ttr; padlfits
unfortunately 27 nn'fcltfnatlt sajnos
use 17 julz hasznl
vacuum 39 'vakjum kiporszvz

888 KRDsts vresz ANGot mrwr
vacuum cteanet 24 'vakjum,kli:ne porszv
vegetable garden4 'ved3ltabl ,go:dn vetemnyeskert
Venetian blind 23 ve,ni:Jn'blatnd reluxa
village B 'vtltd3 falu
visit 12 'Vlzlt megltogat
wall 15 wc:l fal
wall unit 29 'wc:lju:ntt szekrnysor
wallpapered 21 'wc:l,petped taptzott
wardrobe 5 'wc:dreob ruhsszekrny
washing 16 'woJtt3 kimosott ruha
washing macline 24 'wo!ry meJi:n mosgp
water 16 'wc:te meglocsol
weather 16 'wea idjrs
well-equipped 25 ,well'kwtpt
jl felszerelt
window 15 'wlndeo ablak
yellow 15 'jeleu srga
younger brother 6 Jnrlge ,brna cs

HousE AND FIAr _uz srexs
Vocabulary tips
Az own csak birtokos alakot kvethetl 'Szere:tnLk
I'd like to have a room of my own, egr s;ajt rroiat.
My brother helps us to clean the flat, Abtym segt alaks takartasban, de
but he just won't tidy his own room. egtszeren nem hajland rendet rakni a
sajt szobjban.
Don't use my computer. Use your or,rm. Ne az n szmtgpemet haszndld!
Hasznld a sajtodat!
.V angolban a like ige utn az it nvmst kell hasznlni a szeretem, ha ... szerkezet
I like it if my room is light. Szeretem, ha vilgos a szobm.
I like it when there is enough room Szeretem, ha minden dolgomnak van elg
for all my things. hely.
They studied hard for their exams. Kemnyen tanultak a vizsgkra.
hardly alig
A hardly tagad mondatot kpez!
They failed the exam because they Megbuktak a vizsgn, mert alig tanultak
hardly studied anything for it. r valamit.

parts of the town - vrosrszek
in the suburbs a kerudrosban, a klvdrosban
My brother has a small flat in A btydmnak kicsi laksa van a
the suburbs. kertvdrosban.
on the outskirts a kerwrosban, a vdros szln
We live in a house with a garden kertes hdzban lakunk a vdros szln.
on the outskirts of town.
in the centre a kzp ontb ary b elv ro sb an
My grandparents live in the A nagtszleim a belvrosban laknak.
centre of town.
There are some modern buildings Nhny modern pIet taldlhat a
in the town centre. vroskzpontban.
downtown belvros, vdroskzpont, a belvrirosban, a
],.. ]l].,a]].],.]]al]]l ]:] :]] ]:]:]l,, l..l.,]
pie,,,ai,e*t,ne iikrelvotkoiik.:],, ,l,,:.],ll : ... l, , ]:' ... , ,] . .l ,

The shops and restaurants dor,rmtown A belvrosi boltok s ttrmekgrakran

are often more expensive than drgbbak, mint a kIvrosiak.
those in the suburbs.


8. Fashion and Clothes - Divat s ltzkds

'You look very funny wearing that belt."

"I would look even funnier if I didn't wear it.

1.What kind of clothes do you like wearing?

Milyen ruhkat szeretsz hordani?
2.What kind of clothes do young people like wearing?
Mit szereurek a fiatalok viselni?
3.What do you wear for a friend's birthday party?
Mit veszel fel egy bartod szletsnapi bulijra?
4.What do you wear when you 80 to the disco?
Mit veszel fel, ha diszkba msz?
S.What kind of clothes do people wear when it is cold in winter?
Mit viselnek az emberek, amikor hideg van tlen?
6.What do you wear on a warm summer day?
Mit szokt felvenni egy forr nyr! napon?
7.How do people dress in autumn?
Hogyan ltzkdnek sszel az emberek?
8.What do girls wear on the beach?
Mit viseinek a lnyok a strandon?
9.What do boys wear on the beach?
Mit viselnek a fik a strandon?
10.How do people dress when they go to the theatre?
Mit viselnek az emberek, amikor sznhzba mennek?
11.What are your favourite colours?
Mik a kedvenc szneid?
12.Do you wear different clothes when you are in a bad mood?
Mskpp ltzkdsz, ha rossz kedved van?
13.Is it important to follow the latest fashion?
Fontos kvetni a legjabb dvatot?

FAsHIoN AND cLoTHEs _ Drvr srrzros
14.What do you pack for a summer holiday?
Mit szoktl becsomagolni a nyaralsra?
15.What do you take with you when you gtl skiing?
Mit viszel magaddal selskor?
16.What occasions do you have to dress up for?
Milyen alkalmakkor kell kiltzni?
77,Do you buy your clothes ready-made?
kszen veszed a ruhid?
18.When do people have clothes made?
Mikor szoktunk ruht varratni?
19.What kind of shoes do we wear?
Milyen lbbeliket viselnk?
20.What does a bride wear at the wedding?
Mit visel a menyasszony az eskvn?
21.What does the bridegroom wear at the wedding?
Mit sel a vlegny az eskvn?
22.What kinds of bags can you think ofi
Milyen tskkat ismersz?
23.What kind of clothes are knitted?
Milyen kttt holmik vannak?
24.How can we protect ourselves against rain?
Hogyan tudjuk megvdeni magunkat az est|?
25.Which professions require a uniform?
Milyen foglalkozsoknl ktelez egyenruht viselni?
26.Do you wear a uniform in your school?
Egyenruht seltek az iskolban?
27.How do you dress for school?
Mit viselsz az iskolban?
28.What do you wear when you do sport?
Mit selsz sportolskor?
29.What is your opinion about wearing make-up?
Mi a vlemnyed a sminkrl?
30.At what age do you think young girls should start wearing make-up and polishing
their nails?
Szerinted mikortl sminkelhetik magukat s festhetik a krmket a lnyok?
3l.What can girls decorate their hair with?
Mivel tudjk a lnyok a hajukat dszteni?
32.What accessories do men wear?
Milyen kiegsztket hordanak a frfiak?
33.What accessories do women wear?
Milyen kiegsztket hordanak a nk?
34.Do you wear any jewels?
szoktl kszereket hordani?
35.What is your opinion of costume jewellery?
Mi a vlemnyed a bizsukrl?

888 KRDssvrnsz ANGoL rvynrvgr
1.What kind of clothes do you like wearing?
I like casual clothes, for example, jeans, T:shirts, pullovers, and trainers. I really don't
like it if I have to dress up.

2.What kind of clothes do young people like wearing?

Girls like fashionable clothes and colours. Nowadays they often wear miniskirts and
tight tops. Boys do not care so much about fashion, I think.

3.What do you wear for a friend's birthday party?

It depends. If the parry is in the garden, I prefer comfortable clothes, for example,
jeans and a Tshirt. If the party is in a flat, I put on a skirt and a top.

4.What do you wear when you 8o to the disco?

Usually I wear something fashionable, for example, a miniskirt and a top, and high-
heeled shoes.

S.What kind of clothes do people wear when it is cold in winter?

They wear warm clothes such as trousers, pullovers, long-sleeved shirts and blouses,
cardigans, parkas or fur coats, boots, gloves, scarves, and beanies.

6.What do you wear on a wam summer day?

Ilike tops, T:shirts, blouses and skirts or shorts, and sandals or flip-flops.

7.How do people dress in autumn?

When it is rainy, they wear a coat or jacket. When the weather is nice, they put on a
sweater only in the moming and in the evening.

8.What do girls wear on the beach?

They wear swimsuits or bikinis and flip-flops. Many of them also wear sunglasses and
straw hats.

9.What do boys wear on the beach?

They wear swimming trunks. They also like wearing fashionable sunglasses.

10. How do people dress when they go to the ttreatre?

They dress up for these occasions. Women wear elegant suits and blouses. Men wear
suits, shirts, and ties.

11.What are your favourite colours?

I like light colours. My favourite colour is white. I have lots of white clothes. It is easy
to find colourful accessories to wear with them.

12.Do you wear different clothes when you are in a bad mood?
yes, I put on dark clothes when I feel depressed. I usually like wearing jewels but if
I don't feel good, I never wear jewellery or colourftll scarves.

13.Is it important to follow the latest fashion?

Some people think that it is important, but I prefer clothes which I feel good in.
I think it's quite expensive to wear the latest fashion.

14.What do you pack for a summer holiday?

I pack swimsuits, sandals, slippers, T-shirts, shorts, miniskirts, and summer dresses.
For rainy days I take a pullove1 a pair of jeans, and trainers. Of course I take
sunglasses, a straw hat, suntan lotion, and a beach towel too.

15.What do you take with you when you 80 skiing?

I take warm clothes: pullovers, trousers, a parka, gloves, beanies, a scarf, knitted
socks for skiing, and boots. I pack my skis, poles, and goggles.

16.What occasions do you have to dress up for?

People dress up when they go to a ball, a wedding ceremony, receptions, theatre and

77.Do you buy your clothes ready-made?

Yes, there are some good boutiques in my town where I can always find something

18.When do people have clothes made?

They go to a dressmaker or tailor if they can't find the clothes they need in the shops,

19.What kind of shoes do we wear?

We put on shoes, sandals, trainers, and loafers. In winter we wear boots. At home we
use slippers or clogs. If it is rainy, some people wear wellingtons,

20.What does a bride wear at the wedding?

She wears a long white wedding dress with a train and a long veil. She also has a
nice bouquet.

21.What does the bridegroom wear at the wedding?

He wears an elegant dark suit, a white shirt, and a bow tie.

22.Nhat kinds of bags can you think oP

There are handbags, suitcases, backpacks, bumbags, holdalls, briefcases, and shoulder

23.What kind of clothes are knitted?

Bo my grandmothers love knitting, so I have a lot of knitted clothes. I have knitted
pullovers, cardigans, socks, scarves, mittens, and gloves.

24.How can we protect ourselves against rain?

We can wear a raincoat, take an umbrella and put on wellingtons.

888 KRDssvu,sz ANGoL twrrvgr
25.Which professions require a uniform?
People who work in restaurants, hospitals, supermarkets, banks, and members of the
police, the fire brigade, and the army have to wear uniforms.

26.Do you wear a uniform in your school?

Yes, but we wear school uniforms only at school events, The girls wear a dark blue
shirt, a white blouse with a tie and dark shoes. The boys wear a white shirt with a
tie, dark blue trousers and dark shoes. You can see the emblem of e school on the

27.How do you dress for school?

I usually wear jeans and a Tshirt or jumper. Most students at my school wear casual
clothes when we don't have to dress up for school events.

28.What do you wear when you do sport?

I wear a tracksuit and trainers for outdoor sports, and I wear a T:shirt, shorts and
gym shoes for indoor sports.

29.What is your opinion about wearing make-up?

I don't really like it when girls wear make-up because they want to look older and
more fashionable.

30. At what age do you think young girls should start wearing make-up and polishing
their nails?
I think they shouldn't start in primary school.

31.What can girls decorate their hair with?

They can use hair grips, hair slides, headbands and colourful ribbons.

32.What accessories do men wear?

They wear vwistwatches, belts, and rings. Some young boys and men wear a necklace
or a bracelet as well.

33.What accessories do women wear?

They wear earrings, clips, necklaces, rings, bracelets, anklets, bangles, belts, and

34.Do you wear any jewels?

Yes, I wear a gold necklace that I got from my grandparents for my fourteenth birthday
I also have some silver rings and a bracelet.

35.What is your opinion of costume jewellery?

If these accessories match the clothes that people are wearing, I think they can look
very good.

EAsHIoN AND cLoTHEs - DtvAT srrzros

accessory 1 ak'sesart kiegszt

alot of 23 o lDt eV sok
age 30 etd3 kor
always 77 'cllwelz mindig
anklet 33 'aDklet bokalnc
army 25 'o:ml hadsereg
as well 32 az wel szintn, is
at home 19 et'haom otthon
autumn 7 'c:tam sz
baekpack22 'bak,pak htizsk
bad mood.12 bad mu:d rossz kedv
bag 22 bag tska
ball l6 bc:l bl
bangle 33 'barygl karperec
bank 25 bank bank
be in a bad mood 12 bil tn a bad muld rossz a kedve
beach 8 bi strand
beach towel 14 bi:tJ,taoe frdleped
beanie 5 'bi:nl ssapka
belt 32 belt v
bikini 8 bt'ki:nl bikini
birthday 34 'bs:Odet szletsnap
birthday party 3 'bs:Odet ,po:tt szletsnapi buli
blouse 5 blauz blz
boots 5 bu:ts csizma, bakancs
both 23 bau0 mindkett
bouquet 20 bu:'kel rgcsokor
boutique 17 bul'ti:k butik
bow tie 2 ,bao'tal csokornyakkend
boy 2 bct fi
bracelet 32 'bretslat karkt
bde 20 brald menyasszony
bridegroom 2 'bratd,gru:m vlegny
brtefcase 'bri:f,kets aktatska
bumbag 22 'bnm,bag vtska
buy (bought, bought) 7 bat (bc{ bc:t) vesz
cardigan 5 'ko:dlgan kardign
care about 2 kea a'baut trdik
casual clothes 1 ,ka3oal'klauz knyelmes, lezser selet
clips 33 kltps klipsz
dogs 19 klogz klumpa
dothes l kleoz ruha
coat 7 keut kabt
cold 5 kaold hideg

i colour 2
colourful 1
888 KRDssvresz ANGoL
sznes, tarka
comfortable 3 'knmftebl knyelmes
costume jewellery 35 'kostju:m ,d3ulalrt bizsu, divatkszer
dark 72 do:k stt
d,ay 6 del nap
decorate 31 'deke,rett dszt
depend 3 dipend fiigg
different 12 'dfrent ms
do (did, done) sport28 du: (dtd, dnn) spc:t sportol
dress 7 dres ltzkdik
dress /4 dres ruha
dress up 1 dres np kiltzik
dressmaker 18 'dres,metka varrn
earring 33 'lariq ftilbeval
easy 'i:zt knny
elegant 0 'eltgent elegns
emblem 26 'emblem emblma
evening Z 'i:vntt1 eSte
expensive 3 lk'spenslv drga
fashion 2 'feJn divat
fashionable 2 'faJnabl divatos
favourite 11 'fetvret kedvenc
feel (felt, felt) fi:l (felt fett) dt'prest lehangoltnak rzi magt
depressed 2
feel (felt, felt) good 2 fill (felt, felt) god jl rzi magt
find (found, found) l futnd (und, faund) ta]l
fire brigade 25 'futa brt,geld tzoltsg
flat 3 flat laks
flip-flops 6 'fllp,flops strandpapucs
follow 13 'folau kvet
for example 1 fer lg'zo:mpl pldul
friend 3 'frend bart
fur coat 5 'fs: kaot bunda
garden 3 'go:dn kert
girl2 gs:rl lny
gloves 5 glnvz keszty
go (went, gone) skiing 15 geu (wen[ gon) skillt1 selni megy
goggles 15 'goglz sszemveg
gold,34 gauld arany
grandmother 23 'gran,mne na8ymama
grandparent 34 'gran,peerant nagyszl
gym shoes 28 'd3tm Ju:z tomacip
hair 3l 'hea haj
hair grip 31 'hea ,grlp hajcsat, hullmcsat
hair slide 31 'hea ,slatd hajcsat

FAsHIoN AND cLoTHEs - DIvAT ns rrzxos
handbag 22 'hand,bag retikl

headband 3 'had,band hajpnt
high-heeled shoes 4 hat hilld Ju:z magassark cip
holdall22 'heuldc:l sporttska
hospital 25 'hospl krhz
important 13 lm'pc:tnt fontos
indoor 28 ,tn'dc: benti, beltri
jacket 7 'd3ak dzseki
jeans l d3ilnz farmernadrg
jewel34 'd3u:el kszer
jewellery 12 'd3u:alrt kszerek
jumper 27 'd3nmpa pulver
kind l katnd -fajta
knitted 15 'ntttd kttt
latest fashion 13 ,letst'feJn legjabb divat
ght l latt vilgos
loafers 19 'laofaz papucscip
|ong 20 lo0 hossz
long-sleeved 5 ,|oq'sli:vd hossz ujj
look 35 lok kinz
lots of l lots av sok
make (made, made) 18 melk (metd, metd) kszt
make-up 29 'metk,np smink
man (men) 10 man (men) frfi (frfiak)
match 35 matf passzol, illik valamihez
member 25 'memba ta8
miniskirt 2 'mtnt,sk3:t miniszoknya
mittens 23 'mttnz egyujjas keszty
morning 7 'mclnlD reggel
nail30 netl krm
necklace 32 'nekles nyaklnc
need lB ni:d szksge van valamire
nice 7 nals szp
nowadays 2 'naoa,detz manapsg
occasion 0 e'kel3n alkalom
often 2 'ofn gyakran
old 29 eold reg, ids
opera 76 'opro opera
opinion 29 a'plnjan vlemny
outdoor 28 'aotdcl szabadtri
pack 14 pk csomagol
parka 5 'polke kapucnis tli dzseki
party 3 'po:tt buli
people (person) 2 'pi:pl ('ps:sn) emberek (ember)
pole l5 peol sbot
police 25 pe'li:s rendrsg

888 KRDssvrasz At{GoL

polish nails 30 polrJ'netlz krmt kifest

prefer 3 pn'f3: jobban kedvel
primary school30 'pratman,sku:l ltalnos iskola
profession 25 pra'feJn foglalkozs
protect 24 pra'tekt megvd
pullover 'polaova pulver
put (put put) on 3 pot (pot pot) on felvesz
quite 13 kwatt egszen
tain 24 'reln es
raincoat 24 'retnkaot eskabt
rainy 7 'relnl ess
rcady-made 17 'redt'metd kszen kaphat
really 1 'rloll igazn
reception 16 rr'sepJn fogads, eskvi vacsora
require 25 rt'kwato ignyel
restaurant 25 'restront tterem
ribbon 31 'nban szalag
ring 32 n0 gyt
sandals 6 'sandlz szandl
scarf 5 sko:f sl
school 26 sku:l iskola
school e:f/e'llt26 ,skull t'vent iskolai nnepsg
shirt 5 fs:t ing
shoes 4 !uzz cip
shop 18 op bolt
shorts 6 Jcs short, rdnadrg
shoulder bag 22 Jaolda,bag vlltska
silver 34 'sllvo ezst
ski 15 ski: slc
skiing 15 ski:tr; sels
skirt 3 sks szoknya
slippers 14 'sllpaz papucs
socks 15 soks zokni
sport (U) 28 spc:t sport
start 30 sto:t elkezd
straw hat 8 'strc:,het szalmakalap
such as 5 sntJ ez mint pldul
suit l0 su:t kosztm, ltny
suitcase 22 'su:t,kets brnd
summer 6 'sAme nyr
summer holiday 14 ,snme'holadel nyarals
sunglasses B 'snn,glo:stz napszemveg
suntan lotion J4 'snntan ,laoJn naptej
supermarket 25 'su:pe,molktt szupermarket
sweater 7 'sweta pulver
swimming trunks 9 'swlmlr; ,trnryks sznadrg

EAsHIoN AND cLoTHEs - DrvAr srrzxos
swimsuit 8 'swtm,su:t frirdruha *
tailor J8 'tetla szab
take (took, taken) 14 tetk (tok, 'terkan) sz
theatre 0 '0leta sznhz
think (thoughq thought) 2 Qqk (0c:t 0c) gondol, vl
tie ]0 bl nyakkend
tight 2 b szk
top 2 top top
tracksuit 28 'trak,su:t szabadidruha, trnin gruha
train 20 treln uszly
trainers 'trelnaz edzcip
tousers 5 'trauzaz nadrg
T-shirt 1 'ti: ul's:t pl
umbrella 24 nm'brela eserny
uniform 25 Julnr,fc:m egyenruha
usually 4 Ju:3ualr ltalban
veil20 vetl ftyol
warm 5 WcIm meleg
watch 33 wDt karra
wear (wore, worn) 1 wee (wc:, wc:n) sel
weather 7 'wea idjrs
wedding 20 wedtq eskv
wedding ceremony 6 'wedt4,seromonl eskvi szertarts
wedding dress 20 'wedtry,dres eskvi ruha
wellingtons 9 'weltltenz gumicsizma
white l l watt fehr
winter 5 'wtnta tl
woman (women) 10 'woman ('wrmrn) n (nk)
work 25 wg:k dolgozik
wristwatch 32 'rtst,wotJ karra
young 2 jn0 fiatal

s88 KRDssvrasz ANGoL mrrrwl

Vocabulary tips
Dressing - Uazkads
)s. Az angolban a pros ruhadarabokat tbbes szmban hasznljuk tbbes szm igvel.
These shoes are very comfortable. Ez a cip nagyon knyelmes.
These jeans are very expensive. Ez a farmer nag|on drga.
These pyjamas will make a nice Ez a pizsama j ajdndk lesz a nagtapdnak.
present for grandfather.
fit mretben megfelel
He was wearing pframas which Egr rossz mre pizsama volt rajta.
didn't fit him.
. A fit ige mlt ideje a brit angolban fitted.
The boots fitted Susan. A bakancs susan mrete volt.
fit. ,.,.,,, , ,.] .,',] .] beadhelyez
She fitted the key in the lock. Berakta a kulcsot a zdrba.

,,- *
sit, ' ' "- jl dII
, ,,

This colour really suits you. Ez a szin valban jl ll neked.

suit me8fetel;.,,j iataki,mfa,:,.',',
Would Monday suit you? Ht j neked?
d rurJt4 Would Monday suit to you.
A desk job would never suit me. Irodai munka sosem lenne megfelel
match ' mr bai,:' zinblei, g,
ra; uaLalnihez, ;",
The bag matched the shoes perfectly. A tska pontosan Ilett a ciphz.
d rurrra match to!

9. Eating and Mearlt U*"zs s telek

Cttstomer: This restaurant must have a very clean kitchen.

Waiter: Thankyou, sir How doyouknow?
Customer: Everything tastes like soap.

1.What are your meal-times?

Mikor szoktl enni?
2.What do you usually have for breakfast?
Mit szoktl reggelizni?
3.What do you usually have for lunch?
Mit szoktl ebdelni?
4.What do you usually have for dinner?
Mit szoktl vacsorzni?
5. Do you eat different dishes at weekends than on weekdays?
Mst szoktl ebdelni hwgn,mint htkznap?
6.Who cooks in your family?
Nlatok h fz?
7.What is your favourite dish?
Mi a kedvenc teled?
8.Are you a good cook?
Jl tudsz zni?
9.What spices do you use?
Milyen fszereket hasznlsz?
10. How easy or hard is it to learn to cook?
Milyen knny vagy nehz megtanulni fzni?
ll.Do you think it would be a good idea to introduce cooking lessons at schools?
J tletnek tartand, ha fzst tantank az iskolban?
12.Do you know the recipe for a dish?
El tudsz mondani egy receptet?

888 KRDssvresz ANGot twrrwr
T 13.Why do you think the best cooks in the world are men?
Mit gondolsz, avi|g legjobb szakcsai mirt frfiak?
14.Do you think that cooking is a time-consuming activity?
Szerinted idignyes a zs?
15.Do you often eat out?
Gyakran tkezel tteremben?
16.Where can people 8tl to get something to eat?
Milyen helyeken lehet tkezni?
17.What places do you like when you eat out?
Milyen helyeken szeretsz enni, amikor nem otthon tkezel?
18. Have you ever been to an extlemely elegant restaurant?
Voltl mr nagyon elegns tteremben?
19.Have you had any bad experiences in a restaurant?
Volt mr kellemetlen lmnyedegy tteremben?
20.Why are so many self-service and takeaway restaurants being opened in
Szerinted mirt nylik egyre tbb olyan tterem Magyarorszgon, amely nkiszol-
gl vagy elvitelre rust?
21.what are the differences between traditional and self-service restaurants?
Milyen klnbsgek vannak a hagyomnyos s az nkiszolgl ttermek kztt?
22.1hat is the food at the school canteen like?
Milyen az tel az iskolai menzn?
23. How do you prepare when you are expecting guests?
Hogyan szoktl kszlni vendgek fogadsra?
24.What do you need for a successful picnic?
M kell egy sikeres piknikhez?
25. Have you ever tried the food of a foreign country?
Ettl mr klfldi telt?
26.How could you describe Hungarian cuisine?
Hogy rnd le a magyar konyht?
27.ll;iat are the most popular national Hungarian dishes?
Melyek a legnpszerbb magyar telek?
28.Are there a lot of foreign restaurants in Hungary?
Sok klfldi tterem van Magyarorszgon?
29.If you opened a restaurant, what would it be like?
Ha nyitnl egy ttermet, milyen lenne?
30. What is a typical substantial English breakfast like?
Milyen a tipikus bsges angol reggeli?
31.How is a real English tea made?
Hogyan ksztikazigaz angol tet?
32.What British dishes do you know?
Milyen angol teleket ismersz?
33.What is a typical English Sunday lunch like?
Milyen egy tipikus angol vasmapi ebd? j$

34.What are the characteristics of American cuisine? $

Mi jellemz az amerikai konyhra?


156 |l,


35.What table manners do you consider important? T
Szerinted melyek azok az udvariassgi szablyo melyeket fontos betartani
36.How do you lay the table for dinner?
Hogyan tertesz meg a vacsorhoz?
37.What do vegetarians live on?
Mit esznek a vegetrinusok?
38. Do you think that most people eat far more than is good for them?
Szerinted a tbbsg tbbet eszik, mint kellene?
39.Are eating habits changing?
vltozban vannak-e az tkezsiszoksok?
40.What is your opinion about junk food?
Mit gondolsz a gyorsttermi telekrl?
41.Why are fast food restaurants especially popular with young people?
Mirt kedvelik klnsen a fiatalok a gyorsttermeket?
42,Do you ever order meals by phone?
szoktl telt rendelni telefonon?
43.When and how is a barbecue organised?
Mikor s hogyan szoktak a kertben grillezni?

vresz ANGot ryrrwr
T 1.What are your meal-times?
I have breaKast before leaving for school, at about seven. I have lunch at school
around two o'clock. I have dinner at about seven when the whole family is together.

2.What do you usually have for breakfast?

I have a cheese sandwich with a tomato or green peppel and I drink a cup of tea with
lemon and honey. Sometimes I also eat a boiled egg.

3.What do you usually have for lunch?

I have lunch in the school canteen. we can choose from two set menus. I don't like
soups but I like meat with rice or potatoes.

4.What do you usually have for dinner?

I eat something cold, for example, a slice of bread with margarine, cold cuts, and
cheese. I usually have a few slices of tomato, cucumbe6 or green pepper as well.
I drink a mug of milk before going to bed.

5. Do you eat different dishes at weekends than on weekdays?

Yes, I do. At weekends either my mother or my grandmoer cook something tasty.
On weekdays I eat at school.

6.Who cooks in your family?

Usually my mother cools for the whole family and I often help her.

7.What is your favourite dish?

I have several favourites, such as pancakes, grilled chicken breast with vegetables,
and beef stew

8.Are you a good cook?

No, I don't think so. I can only cook simple dishes, for example, tomato soup, pancakes,
and scrambled eggs.

9.What spices do you use?

I use typical Hungarian spices like paprika and pepper, but I like trying out exotic
spices, too, such as curry and oregano.

10. How easy or hard is it to learn to cook?

I think it's quite difficult. The best way is to start to cook with someone else who can
help you. In summer my mother and my grandmother usually teach me how to make
simple dishes.

1l.Do you think it would be a good idea to introduce cooking lessons at schools?
I think it would be a good idea because nowadays young people cannot cook at all.

EArING AND MEALs - rxnzssErnrnr
12.Do you know the recipe for a dish? T
Yes, I know how to make pancakes. I need eggs, flou6 milk and some salt and sugar,
I mix the ingredients and then fry the pancakes in a frying pan. You can fill them with
cocoa, jam, cottage cheese, or vanilla cream.

1,3.Why do you think the best cooks in the world are men?
I think men can be very creative and can have a lot of ideas to make tasty new dishes.

14.Do you think that cooking is a time-consuming activity?

It depends on the food. There are dishes that you can cook quickly and dishes that
take quite long to cook.

15.Do you often eat out?

No. We only go to a restaurant when we celebrate a family event. I think it's quite
expensive to eat out.

16.Where can people go to get something eat?

People can go to restaurants, grills, fast food restaurants, sandwich bars, canteens, or
coffee shops.

17.What places do you like when you eat out?

I like Greek and Italian restaurants where I can always find something delicious.

18. Have you ever been to an extremely elegant restaurant?

No, not yet, but I'd like to try one out some day. I have only seen extremely elegant
restaurants in films.

l9.Have you had any bad experiences in a restaurant?

Yes, unfortunately I have. When we were in a restaurant a few months ago, the food
was bad and the waiters were rather impolite. They also tried to overcharge us.

20.Why are so many self-service and takeaway restaurants being opened in

I ink one of the reasons is that people are always in a hurry and don't have much
time to eat. They don't have time to buy the ingredients either.

2l.what are the differences between traditional and self-service restaurants?

In a traditional restaurant there are waiters and waitresses who serve the customers.
In a self-service restaurant you have to queue, pay at a cash desk, and take your food
to a table.

22.1};'at is the food at the school canteen like?

Most students complain about the food there because it is often 8leasy and tasteless.

T 23.How do you prepare when you are expecting guets?
We do the shopping with my parents and then I help my mother to cook. It is my
sister's job to lay the table.

24.What do you need for a successful picnic?

You should find a good place. You need enough food and drink, blankets to sit on,
and a picnic basket wi everything you need.

25. Have you ever tried the food of a foreign country?

Yes, I like tasting unusual food. I like seafood very much and my favourites are crab
and squid.

26. How could you describe Hungarian cuisine?

Hungarian food is rather spicy because we use a lot of paprika. Some people also
make quite fatty food. The Hungarians like to fry meat, cheese and vegetables in

27,lfi};iat are the most popular national Hungarian dishes?

As far as I know, the most popular dishes are fish soup, chicken soup, stuffed cabbage,
stews and goulash.

28.Are there a lot of foreign restaurants in Hungary?

There are lots of foreign restaurants in big towns and cities. In the town where I live
there are ltalian, Greek, Mexican and Chinese restaurants.

29.I you opened a restaurant, what would it be like?

I would open a restaurant for young people. They could not only eat and drink there,
but also listen to good music and use the Internet.

30.What is a traditional substantial English breakfast like?

I have read that it consists of fried sausages, fried tomatoes, beans, bacon, and toast.
I think they usually drink tea for breakfast.

31.How is a real English tea made?

First, you boil the water in a kettle. You pour the boiling water into a teapot where
there are tea leaves. You leave them to brew for a few minutes and then pour it into
cups. You can add sugar, lemon, or milk,

32.What British dishes do you know?

I have heard offish and chips, and porridge.

33.What is a typical English Sunday lunch like?

The English usually have roast beef with Yorkhire pudding for Sunday lunch.

EArING AND MEALs - nczEssrrrrnr
34.What are the characteristics of American cuisine? T
As far as I know, the Americans eat a lot of corn and different kinds of hamburgers
and hot dogs.
35.What table manners do you consider important?
You mustn't chomp or munch, and talk when your mouth is full.

36. How do you lay the table for dinner?

I put a tablecloth on the table, then I put the plates, cutlery and glasses on it. I also
put napkins next to the plates, and a cruet in the middle of the table.

37.What do vegetarians live on?

They eat a lot of vegetables and fruit. They make a lot of dishes from soya.

38. Do you think that most people eat far more than is good for them?
Yes, I think that is the reason why there are a lot of fat people.

39.Are eating habits changing?

Yes, I think they are changing. People don't have enough time for eating, so ey eat
too quickly and at different times. They often buy semi-prepared or frozen food
which they can make easily and quickly. Some people say that these foods are not too

40.What is your opinion about junk food?

I like junk food although I know it's not healy to eat it too often. Hamburgers are
my favourites.

41.Why are fast food restaurant especially popular with young people?
Young people cannot only eat there but also listen to music and talk.

42.Do you ever order meals by phone?

Yes, sometimes I do. When my parents are busy and have no time to do the shopping
and cooking, we order something from a restaurant near our home.

43.When and how is a barbecue organised?

It is usually organised in summer when the weather is nice. Friends get together and
grill some food and eat it in the garden.

8B8 KRDssvmsz Al{GoL rrrrwr
t Words and expressions
a lot of 13 a lot ev sok
acttvity 14 ak'ttvetl tevkenysg
add 31 ad hozzad
also 2 'c:lsoU szintn, is
although 40 c:l'ao habr
always 77 'c:lwelz mindig
as far asknow 27 azfo,^r @zal neu amennyire tudom
at all 11 at c:l egyltaln
at weekends 5 et,wilk'endz hwgenknt
bacon 30 'betken szalonna
bad 19 bad rossz
barbecue 43 'bo:bt,kju: kerti stgets
basket 24 'bo:sktt kosr
be in a hurry 20 bi: tn e'hnrt siet
bean 30 bi:n bab
beef stew 7 bi:f stjul marhaprklt
blanket24 'blaqktt pld
boil3i bctl felfonal
boiled egg 2 ,bctld'eg ftt tojs
boiling 3 bctltq forrsban lv
bread (U) 4 bred kenyr
breakfast 2 'brekfast reggeli
brew 31 bru: zik (forr vzben)
busy 42 'btzl elfoglalt
buy (bought, bought) 39 bar (bc:t bc:t) vesz
canteen l6 ken'ti:n menza
cash desk 2 'kaf ,desk pnztr
celebrate 15 'sele,brett nnepel
change 39 tJetnd3 vltozik
characteristic 34 ,karlkte'nstlk jellemz
cheese 2 {r^z
cheese sandwich 2 ,tJi:z'sanwtd3 sajtos szendvics
chicken 7 'tJtkln csirke
chicken breast 7 'tJtkn brest csirkemell
Chinese 28 ,tJat'ni:z knai
cps32 tJtps hasbburgonya
chomp 35 tnmp hangosan rg
choose (chose, chosen) 3 tlu,.z (tlevz,'tJaozn) vlaszt
city 10 'sltt nagyvros
cocoa 72 'kaukeu kaka
coffee shop 16 'koft Jop kvz
cold 4 'keold hideg
cold cuts 4 'kauld ,knts felvgott
complairr 22 kam'pletn panaszkodik

consider 35 ken'stda tart valamilyennek, gondol T
consist of 30 ken'slst ev ll valamibl
cook 5 kuk fz
cook 8 kuk szakcs
cotn 34 kc:n kukorica
cottage cheese 12 ,kottd3'tJi:z tr
country 25 'knntrl orszg
crab 25 kreb rk
cream 12 kri:m krm
creative 13 kn'etttv tallkony
cucumber 4 'kju:,knmba uborka
cuisine 26 kwt'zi:n konyha(mvszet)
c]ulp2 knp cssze
curry 9 'kArt curry
customer 21 'knstema vev, vendg (tteremben)
cutlery (U) 36 'kntlart eveszkzk
delicious 17 dt'ltJas zletes
depend on 14 dt'pend on fiigg valamitl
describe 26 dt'skratb leq jellemez
fference 2 'dtfrons klnbsg
different 5 'dtfrant ms, klnbz
difficult l0 'dtftkft nehz
dinner 4 'dtna vacsora
dish 5 dt tel
do (did, done) the du: (dtd, dnn) a Joptt1 bevsrol
shopping 23
dnnk24 dnlk ital
drink (dranb drunk) 2 dnlk (dralk, drnqk) iszik
easy l0 'i,^zl knny
eat (ate, eaten) 2 i:t (e 'in) eszik
eat (ate, eaten) out 5 i (et| 'in) aot tteremben eszik
egg 2 eg tojs
either ... or 5 'ala ... c: vagy... vagy
elegant 8 'eltgent elegns
English 30 'tngltJ angol
enough 24 nnf elegend
especially 4l spe|t klnsen
event 15 vent esemny
exotic 9 tg'zottk e8zotikus
expect 23 tk'spekt vr
experience 19 tk'spterlans lmny
extremely 18 tk'stri:mlt rendkvl
family Tamlt csald
fast food restaurant 16 folstfuld ,restront gyorstterem
fat 38 'fat kvr
fatty 26 'fatt zsros

s88 KERDs Es vrasz ANGoL r.rrnrvgr
T favourite 7 'fetvret kedvenc
frll12 ftl me8tlt
find (found, found) l7 fatnd (faund, faund) tall
file 43 fatn j
first 3 fslst elszr
frsh 32 II hal
fish soup 22 'ftJ,su:p halszl
flour 12 'flaUa liszt
food (U) 7 fu:d tel
for example 4 far lg'zo:mpl pldul
foreign 25 fortn klfldi
friend 43 frend bart
frozen 39 'frauzn fagyasztott
rait 37 fru gymlcs
w12 rat megst (zsiradkban)
fry in breadcrumbs 26 frat tn'bred,krnmz panrozva megst
frying pan 12 'frattry,pan palacsintast, serpeny
full35 fol tele
gard,en 43 'goldn kert
get (got, got) get (got got) ta'gee sszejn, tallkozik
together 43
glass 3 glo:s pohr
go (went, gone) J5 gao (went gon) megy
go (went, gone) to bed 4 gau (wen[ gon) to bed lefekszik
goulash 27 'gu:leJ gulys
grandmother 5 'gran,mne na8ymama
greasy 22 'gri:St zsros
Gteek 17 gri:k grg
8leen pepper 2 ,gri:n'pepa zldpaprika
gnll16 grtl grill tterem
grilled 7 gnld grillezett
habit 39 'hablt szoks
hamburger 34 'hem,bs:ga hamburger
hard ]0 ho:d nehz
have (had, had) hav (hed, had) 'brekfast reggelizik
have (had, had) dinner hav (had, had)'dtne vacsorzik
have (had, had) lunch l hev (had, had) lnntJ ebdel
healthy 39 'he|Ot egszsges
hear (heard,heard) 32 hla (hs:d, ha:d) hall
help 6 help segt
honey 2 'hnnt mz
hot dog 34 'hot,dog hot dog
Hungarian 9 hnq'gerten magyar
Hungary 20 'hqgert Magyarorszg
idea 11 at'dte tlet

impolite 19 ,lmpa'lalt udvariatlan T
important 35 tm'pc:tnt fontos
in the middle of 36 tn a'mtdl av valami kzepre, va]ami kzepn
ingredient 2 tn'grildlent tozzva|
introduce 11 ,tntre'dju:s bevezet
Italian 17 l'teljen olasz
jam 12 d3am lekvr
job 23 d3ob feladat
junk food 40 'd3nlk,fu:d gyorsttermi tel
kettle 3l 'ketl teskanna (vzforralshoz)
ktnd 34 kalnd -fle, -fajta
lay (laid, laid) the let (letd, letd) e'tetbl megtert
table 23
learn l0 ls:n (me8)tanul
leave (left, left) 3l li:v (left left) hagy
Ieave (left, left) for l li:v (left left) fc: elindul valahov
lemon 2 'lemen citrom
lesson 1 1 'lesn tanra
ke 9 latk mint pldul
listen to music 29 'ltsan to'mju:ztk zent hallgat
live 28 ltv lakik
long 14 lotl sokig
lunch 3 lnntJ ebd
make (made, made) 10 metk (metd, metd) kszt
man (men) 3 man (men) frfi (frfiak)
margarine 4 ,mold3a'riln margarin
meal mi:l tkezs
meat 3 mi hs
menu 3 'menju: men
Mexican 28 'mekstken mexiki
milk (U) 4 mtlk tej
minute 3l 'mlnlt perc
nlx 12 mtks sszekever
month 19 mnn0 hnap
mother 5 'mAe anya
mouth 35 maUe szj
mag 4 m^9 bgre
munch 35 mnntJ csmcsog
napkin 36 'napktn szalvta
national27 naJnl nemzeti
lear 42 nla kzel
rteed 72 nild szksge van
next to 36 nekst tu mell
nowadays 1 'naUo,detz manapsg
often 6 'ofn gyakran
open 20 'aUpon megnyit

888 KRDssvrasz ANGoL rrrrwr
TI opinion 40 e'ptnjan vlemny
order sg by pbone 42 'c:da bat 'fon telefonon rendel
oregano (U) 9 ,orl'go:naU ore8ano
organise 43 'c:ga,nolz szeffez
overcharge 19 ,aova'tfo:d3 tlszmlz
pancake 7 'pan,ketk palacsinta
paprika 9 'paprtka paprika (ftszer)
parent 23 'pearent szl
pay (paid, paid) 21 pet (petd, petd) izet
pepper (U) 9 'pepa bors
people (person) J 'pi:pl ('ps:sn) emberek (ember)
picnic 24 'plknlk piknik
place 17 plets hely
plate 36 plett tnyr
popular 27 'popjula npszer
porridge (U) 32 'portd3 zabksa
potato 3 pa'tetteo burgonya
pour 31 pc: nt
put (put, put) 36 pot (pu| pot) tesz
queue 2/ kju: sorban ll
quickly 4 'kwtklt gyorsan
quite J0 kwalt elgg
rather 19 'ro:a meglehetsen
read (read, read) 30 ri:d (red, red) olvas
reason 20 'riizn ok
recipe 12 'resopl telrecept
restaurant 15 'restront tterem
rice (U) 3 rals rizs
roast beef 33 ,raost'bi:f marhaslt
salt (U) 12 sc:lt s
sandwich bar 'sanwtd3,bo: bf
sausage 3O 'sostd3 kolbsz
school ] sku:l iskola
school canteen 3 'sku:l kan'tiln iskolai menza
scrambled eggs B ,skrambld'egz rntotta
seafood (U) 25 'si:,fu:d tengeri telek
self-service 20 ,self 'sg:vis nkiszolgl
semi-prepated 39 ,semtprt'pead flksz
serve 2 s3:V kiszolgl
several Z 'sevrel tbb
simple 8 'stmpl egyszer
sister 23 'slSt3 lnyteswr
sit (sat, at) on 2 stt (sat sat) on lel valamire
slice 4 slats szelet
sometimes 42 'snmtatmz nha
soup 3 su:p leves

EArING AND MEALs - rxnzssrnrnx
soya (U) 37 'scla szja T
spice 9 spals (szer
spicy 26 spalsl fszeres
squid 25 'skwtd tintahal
start 0 sto elkezd
stew 7 stjul prklt
stuffed cabbage 27 ,stnft'kabtd3 tlttt kposzta
substantial30 sab'sten! bsges, kiads
successftrl 24 sek'sesfl sikeres
such as 7 sntJ ez pldul
ugar (V) 12 Toge cukor
summer 10 's^ma nyr
table 21 'telbl asztal
table manners 35 'tetbl'manaz tkezsiillemszablyok
tablecloth 36 'tetbl,kloO tert
take (took, taken) 2l tetk (tok, 'tetken) visz
take (took, taken) long 1,4 tetk (tuk, 'tetkan) lot1 sokig tart
takeaway restaurant 20 'tetka,wet 'restront elvitelre rust tterem
talk 41 tc:k beszlget
taste 25 tetst megksto1
tasteless 22 tetstlas ztelen
tasty 5 tetstl finom
tea (U) 2 ti: tea
tea leaves 31 ti: li:vz teaf
teapot 3] 'ti:,pot teskanna (tlalshoz)
think (thought, thought) 8 Ot0k (Oc:t 0c) gondol, vl
time-consuming 74 'htm kan,sju:mtq idignyes
toast 30 taust pirts
together l ta'gea egytt
tomato 2 ta'mo:teu paradicsom
town 28 hon vros
traditional2 tre'dtJenl hagyomnyos
try out 9 trataot kiprb1
typical 9 'ttptkl jellemz
unfortunately 19 nn'fcltJnetlt sajnos
unusual 25 nn ju:3oal szokatlan
use 9 julz hasznl
usually 2 'ju:3oalt ltalban
vanilla 12 ve'nlla vanlia
vegetable Z 'ved3tabl zldsg
vegetarian 37 ,ved3a'tearlen ve8etrinus
waiter 9 'wette pincr
waitress 21 'weltros pincm
water (U) 3] 'wc:ta viz
way 10 Wel md
weather (U) 43 'wee idjrs

888 KRDssvresz ANGot lrrrrwr
T weekday 5 'wi:kdel htkznap
weekend 5 ,wi:k'end htvge
whole haol egsz
world J3 ws:ld vilg
Yorkshire pudding 33 jc:kJa'podtq kelt tszta (fleg marhaslthz)
young jn! fiatal

EArING AND MEALs - rxrzssrprnx

Conversation tips T
Reserving a table - Asztalfoglalas
A I'd like to reserye a table for six A Szeretnk ma estre asztalt foglalni hat f
people for tonight, please. szmra.
B What time, please? B Hny rra?
A For half past seven. A Fl nyolcra.
B Smoking or non-smoking? B Dohnyz vagt nemdoh,nyz?
A Non-smoking, please. A N emdohdny z t s zer etnk.
B Your name, please? B A nevt krnm.
A My name is ,.. AAneyem,..

In a restaur ant - tteremben

A Good evening. Could I have the A J estt! Kaphatnk egr tlapot?
menu, please?
B Good evening. Would you like B J estt! Hozhatokvalamit inni?
something to drink?
A can we have a bottle of still mineral AEgt veg sznsaymentes svdnyvizet s egt
Water, and an orange juice, please. pohr narancslt krnnk.
A Can you recommend something? A Tudna aj nlani valamit?
B I can recommend the chef's dish of B Tudom ajnlani a szakcs mai specialitast.
e day. The roast lamb is also excellent. A brnyslt szintn ki(n.
A I'm allergic to mushrooms. Can you A Allergias vagrck a gombdra, EI tudjk
make the dish wiout them? kszteni az telt nlkIe?
B Certainly. B Termszetesen,
A We'll have the dish for the day and AEg mai specialiuist, eg bdrnysltet s kt
the roast lamb and two tomato salads paradicsomsaltdt krnnk. Kaphatnk
then. Could I have chips instead hasbburgonydt a rizs helyett?
of the rice?
B Certainly. B Termszetesen.
A My salad is missing. A Nem kaptam meg a saltmat.
B I'm terribly sorry I'll bring it right away, B Borzasztan sajnIom, Azonnal hozom.
A fd like to pay All on the same bill, please. AFizetni szeretnk Mndent eglbe szdmolhat,

In a coffee shop - kivhazban

A Can we have a cup of coffee, AEgr tet, egr limond.dt, egt kvt, kt
a lemonade, a cup of tea, two pieces szelet rpatortt s egt aokis muffint
of carrot cake, and a chocolate muffin, krnnk.
B Do you want lemon or milk and sugar B Citromot vagr tejet s cukrot kr a tehoz?
with your tea?
A Just milk, please. A Csak tejet krek.

A We'd like to pay. Can we have separate A Fizetni szeretnnk. KIn szmlkat
bills, please? krnnk,

888 KRDssvrnsz ANGoL twrrvgr
Tl [n a fast-food restaurant - Gyorstteremben
A What can I get you? AMit adhatok?
B Two hamburgers to go, please. B Kt hamburgert krnnk elvitelre.
A Anything else? AMg valamit?
B No, thank you. B Ksznm nem.
A That's six pounds forry, please, AHat font negyen penny.
B Thank you. B Ksznm!

Vocabulary tips
Eating - ,tkezs
to/for + tkezs
)s. Ha az tel tartalmrl beszlnk, a for elljrt hasznljuk:
I had two hard-boiled eggs and a Kt kemny tojst s egt sajtos szendvicset
cheese sandwich for lunch. ettem ebdre,
)s. Ha valakit meghvunk egy tkezsre,a to elljrt hasznljuk:
Let's invite Anna to dinner. Htvjuk meg Anndt vacsorra!
course fosos
We had a ree-course dinner last night. Tegnap hromfogasos yauort ettnk.
I had fish for my main course. Halat ettem ffogasnak
dish elkuztett tel
Do you serve vegetarian dishes? Vegetrinus telek kaphatk?
I can recommend the chef's dish Tudom ajnlani a szakdcs mai kIn-
of the day. Iegessgt.
food teI
The prices of food have risen. Felmentek az telrak.
meal tkezs
I try not to eat between meals. prblok nem enni tkezsekkztt.
Dinner is the main meal in our family, N Iunk a yacsora a ftkezs.
cuisine konyha(mveszet)
klnbz nemzetek telei.
Hungarian cuisine is A magr ar ko ny hamv s z e t v ilghir .
cooking fzs, konyha(m{vszet), telek
I like Italian cooking. szeretem az olasz teleket.
food kb nyha,,(int :,lk& zittt,}, fcbzatgiillt,,. *lJ,:,;,
This restaurant serves very good food. Ennek az tteremnek nagton j a konyhja,
kitchen konyha (helws)
We have a big modern kitchen Nagt, modern konyhdnkvan az j
in our new house, hzunkban.

10. Shopp in8 - Vsrls

Woman: Do you mind if I try on that dress in the window?

Shop cssrsrant., Nof at aI| but wouldn't you rather use the fitting room?

l,.What kind of shops do you know?

Milyen boltokat ismersz?
2.Who does the everyday shopping in your family?
Ki vgzi a napi bevsrlst a csaldodban?
3.When do you usually do the shopping with your family?
Mikor szoktatok bevsrolni a csaldoddal?
4.How do you go shopping?
Hogyan szoktatok bevsrolni menni?
5.Who do you go shopping with?
kivel szoktl vsrolni?
6.Do you often do the shopping?
Gyakran szoktl vsrolni?
7.Where do you usually buy food?
Altalban hol szoktl lelmiszert venni?
8. Do you prefer doing the shopping in smaller shops or big stores?
Kisebb vagy nagyobb boltokban szeretsz inkbb vsrolni?
9.What do you usually buy in the corner shop near your home?
Altalban mit szoktl venni az otthonodhoz kzeli kisboltban?
10.What are the advantages of small shops?
Melyek a kis boltok elnyei?
11.Wbat are the advantages of big stores?
Melyek a nagy boltok elnyei?
l2.What are the disadvantages of small shops?
Melyek a kis boltok htrnyai?
13.What are the disadvantages of big stores?
Melyek a nagy boltok htrnyai?

888 KRDssvrasz ANGoL tvynrwr
14.What are the main parts of a supermarket?
Melyek az lelmiszerbolt f rszei?
15.Where do you put the things you want to buy in a supermarket?
Hov tesszk a vsrolni kvnt dolgokat a boltban?
16.What is a hypermarket?
Mi a hipermarket?
77.Do you like shopping at a hypermarket?
Szeretsz hipermarketben vsrolni?
18. How can you get a trolley at a hlpermarket?
Hogyan lehet bevs rlkocsit szer ezni a hipermarketekben?
1,9.Do you prefer self-service or counter-service?
Mit kedvelsz inkbb, az nkiszolgl vagy a pultos boltokat?
20.What can you buy at a market?
Mit lehet piacon vsrolni?
21.Why do people 8o to markets?
Mirt mennek piacra az emberek?
22.What are the typical opening hours of supermarkets in Hungary?
Hogy vannak nyiwa a boltok Magyarorszgon?
23.Where do you buy your clothes?
Hol szoktl ruht venni?
24.How do you buy clothes?
Hogyan szoktl ruht venni?
25. Doyou prefer going shopping alone or with your friends?
Egyedl vagy a bartaiddal szeretsz inkbb vsrolni?
26.What are sales?
Mik a kirustsok?
27.When are there sales?
Mikor vannak kirustsok?
28.What do you call a mall?
Mit neveznk bevsrlkzpontnak?
29.What can you do at a mall?
Mit lehet egy bevsrlkzpontban csinlni?
30.Why are malls popular?
Mirt npszerek a bevsrlkzpontok?
31. Have you ever ordered anything from catalogues?
Rendeltl mr valamit katalgusbl?
32.Where do you buy presents?
Hol szoktl ajndkokat venni?
33.Is it easier to buy present for men or for women?
Frfiaknak vagy nknek egyszerbb ajndkot venni?
34.Do you like window-shopping?
Szeretsz kirakatot nzegetni?
35.How can you pay in shops?
Hogyan lehet a boltokban fizetni?
36.What does the cashier give you?
Mit kapsz a pnztrostl?

37.How do you know the price of the product you want to buy?
Honnan tudod az rt anna\ amit meg szeretnl venni?
38.Why are security guards employed in shops?
Mirt alkalmaznak biztonsgi rket a boltokban?
39.What is a flea market?
Mi a bolhapiac?
40.Have you ever bought anything at a flea market?
Vettl mr valamit bolhapiacon?
41.Do you ever buy things in a second-hand store?
szoktl hasznltcikk-boltban vsrolni?
42.Do shops offer delivery service?
knlnak a boltok hzhozszlltst?
43.Why do people make shopping lists?
Mirt szoktunk bevsrllistt rni?
44.Where can you try clothes on?
Hol lehet felprbni a ruhkat?
45.What happens if there's a problem with a product you have bought?
Mi trtnik, ha a vsrolt termkkel gond van?
46.Where can parents leave their children while they are shopping in a big store?
Hol hagyhatjk a szlk a gyerekeket, amg vsrolnak a nagy boltokban?
47.Have you ever bought anything on the Internet?
vettl mr valamit az interneten?

888 KRDssvelasz ANGoL tvyrrwr
1.What kind of shops do you know?
I know several kinds of shops, for example, the baker's, gTeengrocer's, butcher's,
florist's, bookshop, supermarket, and hypermarket.

2.Who does the everyday shopping in your family?

My mother goes to buy bread and milk every weekday, and my elder sister often goes
with her. I only go if my mother asks me to help her.

3.When do you usually do the shopping with your family?

Almost every Saturday we go to a big hypermarket together. It's a kind of family
event. When we have done the shopping, we also have lunch there.

4.How do you go shopping?

We alwals go by car because we buy a lot of things and the hypermarket is on the
outskirts of town.

S.Who do you go shopping with?

I usually do the shopping in a hypermarket with my father and my little brother.
When I want to buy some clothes, my mother always comes with me.

6.Do you often do the shopping?

No, I don't like shopping at all. There is always a big crowd in hypermarkets and
I hate it.

7.Where do you usually buy food?

We buy rolls, cold cuts and milk in the comer shop opposite our house. We buy other
things in a big shopping centre where there's a wide choice of goods.

8. Do you prefer doing the shopping in smaller shops or big stores?

I prfer imaller shops because the shop assistants always help me there and I don't
have to queue too long.

9.What do you usually buy in the corner shop near your home?
I buy a croissant and yoghurt for breakfast there on my way to school.

lO.What are the advantages of small shops?

They are usually closer to people's homes and they are more personal. The shop
assistants are helpful and friendly and they know the customers well.

1l.What are the advantages of big stores?

you can find a wide choice of goods there. You don't have to go to several shoPs
because you can buy everything that you need there.

12.What are the disadvantages of small shops?
They are usually quite small and only a few customers can shop there at a time. You
cannot find everything that you need there. It can be difficult to find the product you
want because the shelves are packed with all kinds of things. Some people say that
the products are not always fresh there.

13. What are the disadvantages of big stores?

There are always too many people in big stores, so you have to queue. It takes a long
time to do the shopping there. It is often difficult to find a shop assistant who can help

14.What are the main parts of a supermarket?

There are different counters for dairy products, meat, fruit and vegetables, and you
can find shelves for drinks, detergents and toiletries. Frozen goods are in big freezers.

15.Where do you put the things you want to buy in a supermarket?

In some shops there are only baskets but in big shops you can find trolleys, too.

16.What is a hypermarket?
They are very big shops where you can find all kinds of goods. They are usually not
in the town centre.

77.Do you like shopping at a h;permarket?

Yes, I do. I like walking between the shelves and looking at the wide choice of goods.
Sometimes it takes me several minutes to decide which product to choose.

18. How can you get a trolley at a hypermarket?

You need a coin that you insert into e slot on the trolley When you take the trolley
back, you get your money back.

19.Do you prefer self-service or counter-service?

I prefer self-service because I usually need time to decide what to buy. I like to read
the labels on the products to get some information.

20.What can you buy at a market?

You can buy vegetables, fruit, dairy products, eggs, and honey there. You can also
find stalls that sell flowers, bread or even cheap clothes.

21.Why do people go to that sell markets?

They think the products are fresh and cheaper than in shops. They can buy fruit and
vegetables directly from the farmers.

22.What are the typical opening hours of supermarkets in Hungary?

Most supermarkets open at six in the morning and close at eight in the evening.

888 KRDssvresz ANGoL xrnrwr
23.Where do you buy your clothes?
Iusually buy my clothes in shopping centres or boutiques. Sometimes I find fashionable
dresses at the market.

24.How do you buy clothes?

I go to several shops and try on lots of clothes. My best friend comes with me and
helps me to decide what suits me best.

25. Do you prefer going shopping alone or with your friends?

I hate going shopping alone, I think it's fun only when you can decide with your
friends what to buy.

26.What are sales?

They are occasions when you can buy some products cheaper than usual. For example,
there are summer sales.

27.When are there sales?

For example, there are sales at e end of each season. I always find fashionable but
cheap clothes there.

28.What do you call a mall?

It is a big building where you can find several kinds of shops, restaurants, a cinema
and some sports facilities.

29.What can you do at a mall?

You can buy almost everything in different kinds of shops. You can eat and drink in
a restaurant or a caf, You can watch a film in the cinema. You can do some sport,
for example, play squash.

30.Why are malls popular?

They are especially popular with young people. You can spend the whole day wi
your friends ere doing all kinds of things.

31.Have you ever ordered anything from catalogues?

Yes, we sometimes choose things from catalogues with my mother. For example, we
ordered a fashionable jacket for me last winter.

32.Where do you buy presents?

There are two nice small gift shops in my town. I always go there to buy presents for
my family and my friends.

33.Is it easier to buy presents for men or for women?

I really don't know. I like people to tell me what presents they would like to get, Then
I can easily choose something from this list,

34.Do you like window-shopping?
Yes, I often 8o to the plaza with my friends because we enjoy looking at the clothes
in shop windows.

35. How can you pay in shops?

you can pay in cash or by bank card. I pay by card if I don't have enough cash
on me.

36.What does the cashier give you?

The cashier always gives you a receipt. You need it if you have some problems with
the product.

37. How do you know the price of the product you want to buy?
You can read it on the price tag or it is written on the side of the shelf.

38.Why are security guards employed in shops?

They stop people from stealing the goods.

39.What is a flea market?

It is a market where you can buy old or used goods.

40.Have you ever bought anything at a flea market?

No, I haven't, but some of my friends have bought some nice rugs for their rooms,

41.Do you ever buy things in a second-hand store?

Yes, I go to a place almost every other week. I always find something nice and cheap.

42.Do shops offer delivery service?

Yes, some shops deliver household appliances and this service is usually free.

43.Why do people make shopping lists?

They don't want to forget what to buy, so they make a list of goods they need.

44.Where can you try clothes on?

You can try them on in a fitting room.

45.What happens if there's a problem with a product you have bought?

Ifyou have the receipt, you can take the product back to the shop where you bought
it. They will either give you a good product or refund your money.

46.Where can parent leave their children while they are shopping in a big store?
There are play areas with lots of toys and people who look after the children.

47.Have you ever bought anything on the Internet?

Yes, I ordered some CDs for my brother last Christmas.

888 KRDssvresz ANGoL Nrnrvgr
Words and expressions
alot of 4 a lot av sok
activity 30 ak'ttvetr tevkenysg,dolog
advantage 0 ed'vo:nttd3 elny
almost 3 'c:lmaust majdnem
alone 25 e'laUn egyedl
always 4 'cltwelz mindig
ask 2 oIsk kr
at a time 2 at a talm egyszeTe, egy idben
at all 6 at c:l egyltaln
back 18 bak ssza
baker's 'betkez pksg
bank card 35 'belk,ko:d bankkrtya
basket ]5 'bo:sklt kosr
between l7 bl'twi:n kztt
big 3 btg nagy
bookshop 1 'bukJop knyvesbolt
boutique 23 bu:'ti:k butik
bread (U) 2 bred kenyr
breakfast 9 'brekfast reggeli
brother 5 'brne fiteswr
building 28 'btldlt1 plet
butcher's botfaz hentesbolt
buy (bought, bought) 2 bat (bc:t bc) vesz
caf 29 'kafel kvz
car 4 ko: aut
cash (U) 35 keI kszpnz
cashier 36 ka'lrc pnztros
catalogue 31 'kata,log katalgus
CD 47 ,sil'di: cD
cheap 21 tfi:p olcs
child (children) 46 tfatld ('tJtldran) gyerek (gyerekek)
choice of goods Z tJcts ev gudz ruvlasztk
ctroose (chose, drosen) 7 tluzz (t[auz,'tfeozn) vlaszt
Christmas 47 'knsmas karcsony
cinema 28 'slnoma mozi
close to l0 klaoz to kzel valamihez
clothes 5 kleuz ruha
coin 18 kctn fmpnz,rme
cold cuts z 'kaold ,knts felvgott
come (came, come) 5 knm (ketm, knm) jn
corner shop 7 'kc:na Jop kisbolt
counter ]4 'kaunta pult
counter-service 9 'kaunta ,s3lvls pultos kiszolgls
croissant 9 'krwaso kifli

crowd 6 kraod tmeg
cutomer .10 'knstema vsrl
dairy products 14 'dearl 'prodnkts tejtermkek
day 30 del nap
decide 17 dl'satd eldnt
delivery servtce 42 dltven ,s3:vls hzhozszl|ts
deter8ent 4 dt'ts:d3ent tiszttszer
difficult 12 'dtflk]t nehz, bonyolult
disadvantage 12 ,dtsad'vo:nttd3 htrny
do (did, done) sport29 du: (dld, dnn) spc sportol
do (did, done) the du: (dld, dnn) a Joplq bevsro1
shopping 2
dress 23 dres ni ruha
drink 14 drtqk ital
drink (dranh drunk) 29 drlqk (draqk, drnqk) iszik
each 27 i:t minden egyes
easy 33 'i,^zl knny
eat (ate, eaten) 29 i:t (et[ 'i:tn) eszik
egg 20 eg tojs
either ... ot 45 'ata .,. c: vaw ... vaw
elder sister 2 'elda,ststa nvr (teswr)
employ 38 tm'plct alkalmaz (munkra)
enjoy 34 tn'd3ct lvez
especially 30 l'spe!t k]nsen
evening 22 'i:vntq este
event 3 lvent esemny, program
every 2 'eVrl minden
everyday 2 ,evn'det mindennapos, napi
family 2 'famll csald
fashionable 23 'faJnabl divatos
father 5 'fola apa
find (found, found) l futnd (fuund, faond) tall
fitting toom 44 'flttq ,ru:m prbafiilke
flea market 39 flt mo:ktt bolhapiac
florist l 'flortst virgbolt
flower 7 flaue virg
food 7 fu:d lelmiszer
for example fer tg'zo:mpl pldul
forget (forgot, fe'get (fa'got fa'gotn) elfelejt
for8otten) 43
free 42 fri: ingyenes
freezet 1,4 'friza fagyaszt
fresh 12 reI friss
frield 24 frend bart
friendly l0 'frendlt bartsgos
fuozen 74 'fraozn fagyasztott
fruit 14 fru:t gymlcs

888 KRDsns vrasz ANGot mynrwr

get (got, got) 18 get (got got) kap, szerez

gift shop 32 'gtft Jop ajndkbolt
give (gave, given) 36 grv (gelv, glvn) ad
go (went, gone) 2 gao (went gon) megy
8o (went, gone) shopping 4 geo (wen[ gon) Joprr1 vsrolni megy
goods 7 gudz ru
greengrocer's 1 'griln,greusez zldsgbolt
happen 45 'hapn trtnik
hate 6 hett utl
have (had, had) lunch 3 hav (had, hed) lnntJ ebdel
help 2 help segt
helpful 0 'helpfl segtksz
home 9 heom otthon
boney 20 'hnnt mz
house 7 haus hz
household appliances 42'haos,heuld a'plalanstz hztartsi gpek
Hungary 22 'hnqgart Magyarorszg
hypermarket 'hatpa,mo:ktt hipermarket
in cash 35 tn keJ kszpnzzel
information 19 ,tnfe'metJan informci
insert 18 ln's3lt betesz, behelyez, bedob
jacket 3l 'd3aktt dzseki
kind l kalnd -fle, -fajta
know (knew, known) l neo (nju:, naon) ismer
know (kneq known) 33 nau (nju:, naon) tud
label 19 'lelbl cmke
leave (left, let) 46 li:v (lef[ left) hagy
list 33 ltst lista
long 8 loD sokig
look after 46 ,lok'ofia gondoskodik
look at 17 'lok,at megnz
lots of 24 lots av sok
main 14 meln f
mall28 mal/ mc:l bevsrlkzpont
man (men) 33 men (men) frfi (frfiak)
market 20 'mo:ktt piac
meat 14 mi:t hs
milk 2 mtlk tej
minute l7 'mtn perc
money i8 'mAnl pnz
morning 22 'mclnl0 reggel
mother 2 'mAa anya
near 9 nle kzel
need 11 ni:d szksge van
nice 32 nals szp
occasion 26 e'ket3n alkalom
sHoppING - vsnrs
offer 42 'ofa nffit, knl
often 2 'Dfn gyakran
old 39 auld rgi
opening houts 22 'auponlrj ,auaz nyitvatartsi id
opposite 7 'opezlt szemben
order 31 'c:da rendel
outkirts 4 'aot,skg:ts klvros
packed with 12 'pakt wt megrakva valamivel
parent 46 'peerant szl
part 14 po:t tsz
pay (paid, paid) 35 pet (peld, petd) fizet
people (person) 0 'pi:pl ('ps:sn) emberek (ember)
personal l0 'p3:snel szemlyes
place 41 plels hely
play area 46 'plel ,eono gyermekmegrz
play squash 29 plet skwoJ fallabdzik
popular 30 'popjola npszer
prefer 8 prt'fsl jobban szeret
Present 32 'preznt ajndk
price 37 pralS r
price tag 37 'prats,tag rcdula
problem 36 'problam gond, problma
ptoduct 12 'prodnkt termk
put (put, put) 15 pot (pot pot) rak, tesz
queue 8 kju: sorban ll
quite 2 kwatt elgg
really 33 'rtoh igazn
receipt 36 n'si:t blokk
refund 45 n'fnnd krtalant
restaurant 28 'restront tterem
roll 7 raol zsemle
room 40 ru:m szoba
rug 40 r^g kis sznyeg
sale 26 'setl kirusts, lertkels
school 9 sku:l iskola
season 27 'si:zn vszak
second 4 'sekend msodik
second-hand store 4l ,sekand'hand ,stc: haszn]tcikk-bolt
security guard 38 st'kjoaratl ,gold biztonsgi r
self-service 9 ,self 'ss:vis nkiszolgls
sell (sold, sold) 20 sel (sauld, sauld) rul
several l 'sevral szmos
shelf (shelves) 12 Jelf (Jelvz) polc (polcok)
shop 1 op bolt
shop 12 Jop vsrol
shop assistant 8 }op a,ststent elad
shop window 34 Jop'wtndau kirakat
888 KRDssvarasz ANGoL Nryrrvgr
shopping 1 optn bevsrls
shopping centre 7 Joptq ,sente bevsrlkzpont
shopping list 43 Joptry,ltst bevsrllista
side 37 satd oldal, szl
slot 18 slot lyuk, nlls
small8 sm3:l kicsi
sometimes 17 's^mblmz nha
spend (spent, spent) 30 spend (spent spent) tlt (idt)
sports facilities 28 'spc:ts fe,stltttz sportolsi lehetsgek
squash 29 skwoJ fallabda
stall 20 stcll rust stand, pult, bd
steal (stole, stolen) 38 sti:l (steul, steolan) 1op
stop sy from 38 stop frem megakadlyoz valakit (valami
store B stc: bolt
suit 24 su:t illik, jl ll
summer 26 's^ma nyr
supermarket 1 'su:pe,mo:ktt szupermarket
take (toolq taken) back lB telk (tuk, 'tetken) bak visszavisz
take (toolg taken) long 3 tetk (tok, 'telkan) lot1 sokig tart
tell (told, told) 33 tel (taold, taold) megmond
thing 4 0tI dolog
together 3 ta'gea egytt
toiletries l4 'tctlatrlz tisztlkodszerek
too 13 tu: tlsgosan
town 4 taun vros
town centre 16 ,bon'senta vroskzpont
toy 46 tct jtk
trolley 5 'troll bevsrlkocsi
Vy on 24 trat on felprbl
typical 22 'ttplkl jellegzetes
used 39 'juzzd hasznlt
usually 3 ju:3oalt rendszerint
vegetable 14 'ved3tabl zldsg
walk 17 wclk stl
want 5 wont akar
watch 29 wotf nz
weekday 2 'wi:kdet htkznap
wbile 46 watl mg
whole 30 haul egsz
wide 7 wald szles
window-shopping 34 'wtndeu Joptry kirakatnzegets
winter 31 'wtnta tl
woman (women) 33 'wuman ('wtmtn) n (nk)
write (wrote, vwitten) 37 ratt (rao[ 'ntn) t
yoghurt 9 Jogat joghurt
young 30 jnD fiatal
sHoppING - vsnres

Conversation tips
At the department store - Az iizletben
Salesperson Can I help you? Elad Segthetek?
Customer How much are these jeans? Vsrl Mennyibe kerl ez a farmer?
S They're 89. E 89 fontba.
C Have you got them in size 10? Y Kaphat tzes mretben?
S Yes, here you are, E Igery tessk.
C Can I try them on? Y FelprbIhatom?
S The fitting rooms are over there. E A prbafuIkk arra v annak,
S How are they? E Megfelel?
C They're fine. I'll take them. Y lgen. Krnmezt a farmert.
S Anything else? EValami mst?
CThat's all, thanks. V Csak ez lesz, ksznm,
S That's one pound change. E ltt az egt font visszajr.

Shopping - Questions and answers - Vasdrlas - krdsek s vlaszok

Have you got any postcards? Kpeslap kaphat itt?
How much is this watch? Mennyibe kerI ez az ra?
I'd like a kilo of tomatoes. Krnkeg kil paradicsomot.
Can I have two bottles of mineral water? Kt veg asvnyvizet krnk.
I'll have this one, please. Ezt krnm,
What is this made of? Ez milyen anyagbI kszIt?
Do you have it in small/medium,/large? Kaphat S - e s/M - e s/L e s mr etb en?

Is this washable? Moshat?

Can I take a closer look? Me gnzhetnm kz elebb r l?
Can I pay by bank card? F iz ethe tek b ankkr ty v aI?
Do you take euros? Eurt elfogadnak?
Can I help you? Segithetek valamiben?

It's ten pounds. Tz fontba kerI.

They're sixty p each. Hatyan penny darabjuk.
They are a pound fifty a kilo, Azoknak egt font tllen penny kilja.
That's two pounds twenry-five altogether. Ez sszesen kt font huszont penny.
That's fifteen p change, Here you are. Itt a tbent penny visszajdrja, tessk.
Could you sign here, please? ltt rja ald, krem.

Vocabulary tips
p,b,']'',,',l .'.':" ' ',,''.,.. . .,.].,._,,ll,. ' fizet:valaknelc ,, :

Can you pay the taxi driver? Ki tudn.d fizetni a taxisofrt?

pay for sg fizet valamirt
My brother paid for the meal. A bdtym fizette az ebdet.
pay sb for sg fizet alamenny it v alakinek v alamirt
I paid the hairdresser ten pounds Tiz fontot fizettem a fodrsznak a vd.gsrt.
for the haircut.

888 KERDES Es vALAsZ ANGot I{yELvBot

pay sb to do sg fiait,:vabft1&k;,ito- - i $*y,alamit,''


My parents paid the neigbour's son A szleim fizettek a szomszd finak, hogt
to cut the grass. lenyrja a fvet.
pay the bill ',.zett ),. s$fult't(f .' ::", :,. )'

pay (in) cash keszpnzben fiz,et

pay by bank card bankkrtyval fizet

pendllrnbne:, l., l,f{;x!{lll'1,31;,:,,,'.,1;,11l,,,.,1.. (sok) pnzt kIt valamire
We spend a lot of money on food. sokat kltnk az telre.
pendl,,mnef l]:,],]. ilne,l:*n,,doil,l (sok) pnzt klt valamire
They paid a fortune on redecorating Egt vagront kltttek a hz feljtd.sra,
the house.

11. Holidays and Celebra tions - Unnepek s nneplsk

"Happy Easter!"

1.What celebrations are there at schools in Hungary?

Mit szoktak nnepelni a mag,yar iskolkban?
2. How is the Hungarian Father Christrnas different from the English Father Christrnas?
Miben klnbzik a mag"yar Tlap az angol Tlaptl?
3.What do Christian people celebrate at Christmas?
Mit nnepe]nek a keresztnyek karcsonykor?
4. How do the Hungarians celebrate Christrrras?
Hogyan nneplik a magyarok a karcsonyt?
S.What is the English Christrnas like?
Milyen az angol karcsony?
6. How do you celebrate New Year's Eve?
Hogyan nnepled a szilvesztert?
7.How do the Hungarians celebrate New Year's Eve?
Hogyan nneplik a magyarok a szilvesztert?
8. How is New Year's Eve celebrated in England?
Hogyan nneplik a szilvesztert Angliban?
9. How do the Hungarians celebrate the end of winter?
Hogyan nneplik a magyarok a tl vgt?
10.What do you celebrate at Easter?
Mit nneplnk hsvtkor?
11. How do the Hungarians celebrate Easter?
Hogyan nneplik a magyarok a hsvtot?
12.How is Easter celebrated in England?
Hogyan nneplik a hsvtotAngliban?
13. How do the Hungarians celebrate Whitsun?
Hogyan nneplik a magyarok a pnksdt?
14.What public holidays are there in Hungary?
Milyen nemzeti nnepek vannak Magyarorszgon?

888 KRDssvrasz ANGoL r.rrnrwr
15.What do the Hungarians celebrate on 15
Mit nnepelnek a magyarok mrcius 15-n?
16.What do the Hungarians celebrate on 20 August?
Mit nnepelnek a magyarok augusztus 2O-n?
17.What do the Hungarians celebrate on 23 October?
Mit nnepelnek a magyarok oktber 23-n?
18.What is a "bank holiday''?
Mit jelent a ,,bank holiday'' kifejezs?
19.What English public holidays have you heard ofl.l
Milyen angol nemzeti nnepekrl hallottl?
20.What is Valentine's Day?
Mi a Valentin nap?
21.How do the Hungarians celebrate May Day?
Hogyan nneplik a magyarok mjus elsejt?
22.How do the English celebrate May Day?
Hogyan nneplik az angolok mjus elsejt?
23.Is the Queen's birthday a public holiday in Great Britain?
A kirlyn szletsnapja nemzeti nnep Nagy-Britanniban?
24,How is Halloween celebrated in the USA?
Hogyan nneplik a Halloweent az Egyeslt lamokban?
25.What is "Guy Fawkes Night"?
Mi a,,Guy Fawkes Night"?
26. How is Armistice Day celebrated?
Hogyan emlkeznek meg az els vilghboru befejeztrl?
27.'N};'at public holidays are there in the USA?
Melyek a nemzeti nnepek az USA-ban?
28. How do the Americans celebrate Independence Day?
Hogyan nneplik az amerikaiak a ftiggetlensg napjt?
29. What is Thanksgiving?
Mi a hlaads?
30. How is Thanksgiving celebrated in the USA?
Hogyan nneplik a hlaadst az USA-ban?
3l.Which originally American holidays have spread to other countries?
Milyen eredetileg amerikai nnepek terjedtek t ms orszgokba?

HotIDAys A^ID cEtEBRATIoNs - twNrppr sNrunprsr
l.What celebrations are there at schools in Hungary?
There are opening and closing celebrations. We also celebrate national holidays, for
example, ].5 March.

2. How is the Hungarian Father Christrnas different from the English Father Christrnas?
The Hungarian Father Christmas comes on the sixth of December, at night. Children
get presents in their shoes and boots. They usually get chocolates, sweets and other
presents. The English Father Christmas comes on the twenty-fourth of Decembe1 at
night. Children find chocolates in their stockings or other presents under the
christmas tree.

3.What do Christian people celebrate at Christmas?

They celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

4. How do the Hungarians celebrate Christrnas?

On the twenty-fourth of December they decorate the Christmas tree with lights and
ornaments, and put presents under the tree. The whole family gets together for the
traditional Christrnas dinner. The Hungarians eat fish soup, stuffed cabbage and
poppy seed and nut rolls. On the twenty-fifth and nventy-sixth people visit their
relatives and have dinner together.

S.What is the English Christrnas like?

Children hang up an old stocking for presents when they go to bed on the twenty-fourth
of December, Parents usually go to parties. In the moming children find their presents
in e stockings and under the Chrisunas tree. In England families get togeer on the
twenty-fifth and have Christrnas dnner. The twenty-six is called Boxing Day.

6. How do you celebrate New Year's Eve?

We either have a parry for our friends or we are invited to a party. We usually start
at seven and finish in the morning.

7.How do the Hungarians celebrate New Year's Eve?

People 8o to parties or restaurants and have a big dinner. Some people stay at home
and watch TV At midnight the Hungarians drink champagne and sing the national
anthem. In a lot of towns ere are fireworks after midnight.

8. How is New Year's Eve celebrated in England?

In England people 8o to parties or dances. At midnight they drink a toast.

9. How do the Hungarians celebrate the end of winter?

At the end of February people go to carnivals where they usually wear funny masks
and costumes. Some people go to big balls to dance.

l0.What do you celebrate at Easter?

we celebrate the Resurrection.

888 KRDssvrasz ANGoL nrrnrwr
11. How do the Hungarians celebrate Easter?
On Easter Monday boys go to sprinkle girls and women. They get chocolate bunnies,
painted eggs, cakes and sometimes money.

12. How is Easter celebrated in England?

In England parents usually have an Easter egg hunt for their children. They hide eggs
in the garden and children have to find them.

13. How do the Hungarians celebrate Whitsun?

It is mainly celebrated in villages. People wear national costumes. A boy becomes
king for the day. In some places folk groups give performances.

14.What public holidays are there in Hungary?

The fifteenth of March, Easter, the first of May, Whitsun, the naientieth of August, the
twenry-third of October, the first of November, Chrisrmas and New Year's Day.

15.What do the Hungarians celebrate on 15 March?

It is the day of the Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence of 1848-49. It is
a bank holiday.

16.What do the Hungarians celebrate on 20 August?

It is the day of King Stephen I. We also celebrate the new bread on is day.

17.What do the Hungarians celebrate on 23 October?

It is the day of the Declaration of the Hungarian Republic.

18.What is a "bank holiday"?

English people call their national holidays bank holidays.

19.What English public holidays have you heard ofi

Christmas Day and Boxing Day, New Year's Day, Valentine's Day (the fourteenth of
February), May Day, May Bank Holiday (the first Monday in May), the Queen's
Birthday (e second Sunday in June), Halloween (the thirry-first of October), Guy
Fawkes Night (the fifth of November), and Armistice Day (the eleventh of

20.What is Valentine's Day?

It is the day of love. People send cards and give small presents to those ey love.

21. How do the Hungarians celebrate May Day?

There are celebrations in towns and villages. You can see famous folk groups, pop
groups, actors and actresses performing. People go to funfairs and big parks where
they can buy food and drinks. Traditionally people decorate a tree with ribbons in
their yard.

HoLIDAys AND cELEBRATIoNs - trruNnpnr ns llNrpmsx
22.How do the English celebrate May Day?
In the countryside people set up maypoles and dance around them. In towns you can
see Morris Dancers,

23.Is the Queen's birthday a public holiday in Great Britain?

Yes, it is. It is celebrated on the second Sunday in June. On this day a lot of people
watch the Trooping of the Colour.

24.How is Halloween celebrated in the USA?

On e thirty-first of October children go from door to door. Theywear scary costumes
and knock at e door. When somebody opens it, the children say "trick or treat", and
they get sweets.

25.What is "Guy Fawkes Night"?

This is the celebration of a historic event. It is celebrated with bonfires and fireworks.

26.How is Armistice Day celebrated?

People wear red poppies to remember those who died for thea country in World War I.

27,1fl1;.at public holidays are there in the USA?

New Year's Day, Martin Luther King's birthday (the third Monday in January),
Washington's birthday (the third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday
in May), Independence Day (the fourth of July), Labour Day (e first Monday in
September), Columbus Day (the second Monday in October), Veterans' Day (the
eleventh of November), Thanksging Day (the fourth Thursday in November), and
Christmas Day.

28. How do the Americans celebrate Independence Day?

It is ce]ebrated with parades, fireworks, picnics, parties and speeches.

29. Vhat is Thanksgiving?

It is celebrated to remember how God and the Native Americans saved the immigrants
from staruation in e 17 century.

30. How is Thanksgiving celebrated in the USA?

People eat a big dinner. They eat turkey or ham, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce,
corn dishes, breads and rolls. For dessert they eat pumpkin pie.

31.Which originally American holidays have spread to other countries?

I have only heard of Mother's Day, which is celebrated all over the world.

888 KRDssvresz ANGoL ruynrrryr

alot of 7 a lot av sok

actor 21 'akta sznsz
actress 2l 'aktres sznszn
all over the world 31 c:l'oova e ws:ld az egsz vilgon
Armistice Day 19 'o:mtstls ,det az e|s lghbor
at ni8ht 2 ot nalt jjel
ball9 bcll bl
bank holiday J5 ,baqk'holadet munkaszneti nap
become (became, bl'knm (bl'ketm, br'knm) vlik valamiv
become) 13
birth 3 bg:0 szlets
birthday 19 'bs:Odet szletsnap
bonfire 25 'bon,fate mglya
boots 2 bu:ts csizma, bakancs
Boxing Day (GB) 5 ,boksl1 ,del karcsony msodik napja
boy 11 bcl fi
bread 6 bred kenyr
buy (bought, bought) 21 bat (bct bc) vesz
cake ll katk stemny
call5 kc:l hv
card 20 kold dvzllap
carnival 9 'ko:nvl farsang
celebrate ] 'seltbrett nnepel
celebration ,sela'bretJn nnepls
century29 'sentJorl vszzad
champagne 7 Jam'peln pezsg
child (childrcn) 2 tJatld ('tJtldran) gyerek (gyerekek)
chocolate 2 'tfoklet csokold
chocolate bunny 1l 'tJoklat ,bnnl csokinyuszi
Christian 3 'knstJan keresztny
Christmas 3 'krtsmes karcsony
christmas tree 2 'krtsmgs,tri: karcsonyfa
closing l 'kleuztq zr
corn 30 kc:n kukorica
costume 9 'kostju:m jelmez
counw 26 'knntrl orszg
countryside 22 'knntrl,sald vidk
cranberry sauce 30 'krenbort sc:s vrsfonya -szsz
dance 8 dolns tnc
dance 9 do:ns tncol
Declaration of the ,dekle'retJn ev a a Magyar Kztrsasg
Hungarian Repubc l7 hnry'geanen rt'pnbltk kikiltsa
decorate 4 'deka,rett dszt

HoLIDAys AND cELEBRATIoNs - tiNnpnx ,silrlrunprsr

dessert 30 dt'zslt desszert

die 26 dal meghal
different 2 'dlfrent klnbz
dinner 4 'dtng vacsora, nnepi ebd
dish 30 d tel
doot 24 dc: ajt
drink (drank, drunk) 7 dnqk (draqk, drnqk) iszik
Easter I0 'i:ste hsvt
egg hunt 12 'eg ,h^nt tojsvadszat
either ... or 6 'ata ... c: vagy... vagy
end 9 end vge
England 5 'lnglend Anglia
English 2 'lngltJ angol
event 25 lvent esemny
family 4 'famlt csald
famous 21 'felmas hres
Father Christrnas 2 ,fo:e'knsmas tlap
find (found, found) 2 rnd (hond, faond) megtall
finish 6 'frntJ befejez
fireworks 7 fule'wslks tzjtk
fish soup 4 'ftJ,su:p halszl
folk group 3 'fauk,gru:p nptnccsoport
food,21 fu:d tel
for example 1 far lg'zo:mpl pldul
friend 6 frend bart
funfair 21 'fnn,fea vidmpark
funny 9 'fnnt mks
gatden 1,2 'go:dn kert
get (got got) kap
8et (8ot, got) 2
get (got got) ta'gee sszejn, tallkozik
8et (8ot, got) together 4
glr| 11 gs:rl lny
give (gave, given) 13 grv (gerv, gtvn) ad
go (went, gone) 5 geo (went gon) megy
go (went, gone) to bed 5 gao (went gon) t bed lefekszik
God,29 gDd isten
Guy Fawkes Night 19 ,gat 'fclks,na lporos sszeeskvs napja
Halloween 19 ,haleu'i:n mindenszentek elestje
ham 3O ham sonka
hang (hung, hung) up 5 haq (hnq, hnry) np felakaszt
have (had, had) lunch 4 hav (had, had) lnntf ebdel
hear (heard, heard) 19 hra (hsld, hs:d) hall
hide (hid, hidden) 12 hard (hld, 'hrdn) elrejt
historic 25 ht'stortk trtnelmi
holiday 31 'hpladet nnep
house 24 haos hz
Hungarian 2 hnq'gartan magyar

888 KERDs ns vresz ANGot myrrwl
Hungarian Revolution and hnq'genan,reve'lu:Jn end 1848-49-es forradalom s
War of Independence wclr ov,tndt'pendans av szabadsgharc
of 1848-49 15
Hungary 1 hnqert Magyarorszg
immigrant 29 'tmtgrant bevndorl
in the counryside 22 tn a'knntn,satd dken
IndependenceDay 27 ,tndt'pendans ,del ftiggetlensg napja
invite 6 ln'\lt meghv
Jesus Christ 3 ,d3i:zas'kratst Jzus krisztus
king 3 ktt] kirly
King Stephenl16 ,klr; 'stivn a fslst I. Iswn kirly
lll;.ock at 24 nok at kopogtat
Labour Day 27 'letba,del a munka nnepe
lights 4 lalts gk
love 20 lnv szeretet
love 20 lnv szeret
mainly 13 'melnll fleg
mask 9 mo:sk larc
May Day 9 'met ,del mjus elseje
maypole 22 'met,paol mjusfa
Memorial Day 27 me'mc:nal ,del hborkban elesett
amerikaikra emlkeznek
e napon
midnight Z 'mtd,natt jfl
money l 'm^nl pnz
morning 5 'mc:nl! reggel
Morris Dancet 22 'morls,dolnsa angol nptncos
Mother's Day 31 'm^az,del anyk napja
national anthem 7 ,naJnl'neam nemzeti hinmusz
national costume 13 ,naJnl'kostju:m npviselet
national holiday l ,naJnl holedet nemzeti nnep
native American 29 ,netttv a'marlken bennszltt amerikai
New Year's Day 14 ,nju: jtez 'det jvnapja
New Year's Eve 6 ,njul jlez 'ilv szilveszter
night 2 natt jszaka
nut roll4 nnt reol dis bejgli
old 5 aold rgi
open 24 apn kinyit
opening i 'aUpnlD nyit
originally 31 a'nd3anall eredetileg
ornament 4 'c:nemant dsz
painted egg 11 'pelnttd eg festett tojs
parent 5 'pearant szl
park 21 po:k park
party 5 'po:tl buli
perform J3 pe'fclm elad, fellp

HoLIDAys AND cELEBRATIoNs - Nrunpnx snxnpsr
picnic 28 'ptkntk piknik
place l3 plels hely
poppy 26 'popl pipacs
poppyseed roll 4 'poplsi:d raul mkos bejgli
present 2 'preznt ajndk
public holiday 14 'pnbhk holadel llami nnep,
munkaszneti nap
pumpkin pie 30 ,pnmpktn'pal tkpite
put (put, put) 4 pot (pot put) rak
queen 19 kwi:n kirlyn
red,26 red piros
relative 4 'relattv rokon
remember 26 rt'memba megemlkezik
restaurant 7 'restront tterem
Resurrection 0 reza'rekJan feltmads
ribbon 21 'rtban szalag
roll 30 raul zsemle
save 29 selV megment
scary 24 skeerl rmiszt, ijeszt
school 1 sku:l iskola
send (sent, sent) 20 send (sent sent) kld
set (set, set) up 22 set (set set) np felrllt
shoes 2 Iulz cip
sing (sang, sung) 7 stry(sa1, snq) nekel
sometimes 11 'snmtatmz nha
speech 28 spiJ beszd
spread (spread, spred (spred, spred) elterjed
spread) 3l
sprinkle 1l 'sprtlkl meglocsol
start 6 sto:t kezd
starvation 29 sto:'vetfn hezs
stay at home 7 ster at haum otthon marad
stocking 2 'stoklq harisnya
stuffed cabbage 4 ,stnft'kaebtd3 tlttt kposzta
sweet potato 30 ,swi:t pa'teao desburgonya
sweets 2 swis dessg
ThanksgivingDay 27 'Oaqksgtvtq ,det hlaads napja
toast 8 taust tszt, ldoms
together 4 ta'gea egytt
town 7 bun vros
trational4 tra'dtJnal hagyomnyos
traditionally 2l tra'dtJnelt hagyomnyosan

888 KRDtsts vlasz ANGot
trick or treat 24 ,tnk c: 'trilt gyerekek szoksos mondsa
Halloween estjn(kb.: ,,meg-
vendgelsz vagy megjrod")
Ttooping of the Colour 23 'tru:pt4 av e 'knla zszls dszszemle Londonban
turkey 30 'tg:kt pulyka
under 2 'Anda alatt
under 4 'nnde al
usually 2 Ju:3oelt rendszerint, ltalban
Valentine's Day 19 'velentalnz,det Valentin-nap, Blint napja
vetetan 27 'Vetaron vetern
village 13 'vtltd3 falu
visit 4 'Vlzlt megltogat
watch 23 wotJ nz
watch TV 7 wotJ,ti:'vi: tvtnz
wear (wore, worn) 9 wea (wc:, wc:n) sel
Whitsun 13 'wttsn pnksd
whole 4 haol egsz
winter 9 'wtnte tl
woman (women) l 'wuman ('wmln) n (nk)
yard 21 jold udvar

HoLIDAys AND cELEBRATIoNs - rtxrpnr ns ruxnprsx

Vocabulary tips
Megszmllhatatlan fnv, nincs nvel.
I had two slices of toast and a cup Kt szelet piritst s egt cssze tet regge-
of tea for breakast. liztem.
a toast pohrksznti tszt,.,iv{s val&kinek,as',
:)::|:a.' a.r'..'": a;..,
I propose a toast to the Kszntsk az ifi prt!
we drank a toast to Laura. lttunk Laur a e gs z s gr e.

Wishes - Kvnsgok
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Kellemes Kard,csonyt s Boldog j Esztendt!
Season's Greetings! Kellemes nnepeket!
Happy Easter Holidays! Boldo g Hsv ti nnep eket !

12. Travelling, Tourism and Sightseeing- Utazs, turizmus
es varosnezes

On a crowded train, one man noticed that another man had his eyes closed.
"What's the matter? Are you sick?" he asked,
I'm okay. It's just that I hate to see old ladies standing,"

1.How do you like to travel?

Hogyan szeretsz utazni?
2.Have you ever been abroad?
Jrtl mr klfldn?
3.What was your most memorable holiday and why?
Mi volt az eddigi legemlkezetesebb dlsed s mirt?
4. Hoitv can you travel from Hungary to England?
Hogyan lehet Magyarorszgrl Angliba utazni?
5.How can you travel from Hungary to the United States?
Hogyan lehet Magyarorszgrl az Egyeslt lamokba utazni?
6.What kind of trains have you travelled by?
Milyen vonaton utaztl mr?
7.What can you do while travelling on a train?
Mit lehet csinlni az ltazs ideje alatt a vonaton?
8.Who checks the tickets on a train?
Ki ellenrzi a vonaton a jegyeket?
9.What parts does a train consist of?
Milyen rszekbl ll egy vonat?
10. How can you buy railway tickets?
Hogyan lehet vasti jegyet venni?
11. What is a railway station like?
Hogy nz ki egy vastlloms?

TRAvELIING AND TouRIsM - u[As srunrzuus
12.What are the advantages of travelling by train?
Mik az elnyei a vonatnak?
13.What are the disadvantages of travelling by train?
Mik a htrnyai a vonatnak?
14. Do you like travelling by bus?
szeretsz busszal utazni?
l5.What are the advantages of travelling by bus?
Mik az elnyei a busznak?
16.What are the disadvantages of travelling by bus?
Mik a htrnyai a busznak?
17.Which is cheape4 travelling by bus or by train?
Busszal vagy vonattal olcsbb utazni?
18. Have you ever travelled by plane?
Utaztl mr repln?
19.Where did you go by plane?
Hov utaztl replvel?
20.How can you buy aeroplane tickets?
Hogyan lehet repljegyet venni?
2l.What do you have to do at an airport before boarding a plane?
Mit kell tenni a repltren mieltt felszllnnk a gpre?
22.What can you do at an airport?
Mit lehet egy repltren csinlni?
23.How much luggage can you take on an aeroplane?
Mennyi csomagot lehet magunkkal vinni, ha replvel utazunk?
24.What can you do on a plane?
Mit lehet a replgpen csinlni?
25.What are the advantages of flying?
Mik a repls elnyei?
26.What are the disadvantages of flying?
Mik a repls htrnyai?
27.|Nhat are the advantages of travelling by car?
Mik az aut elnyei?
28.What are the disadvantages of travelling by car?
Mik az aut htrnyai?
29.What can you do on a ship or a big ferry?
Mit lehet egy nagy hajn vagy kompon csinlni?
30.What is the safest way of travelling?
Mi a2 utazs legbiztonsgosabb mdja?
31.What documents do you need when you travel to a foreign country?
Milyen dokumentumokra van szksg, ha klfldre utazunk?
32.What information does your passport contain?
Milyen informcikat tartalmaz az tlevl?
33.When do you need a visa?
Mikor van szksg vzumra?
34.How can you get a visa?
Hogyan lehet vzumot kapni?

888 KRDtstts vlasz ANGot twrrwl
35.What can you do if you get into trouble abroad?
Mit lehet tenni, ha klfldn bajba kerl az ember?
36.Where can you stay when you are on holiday in Hungary?
Hol lehet megszllni magyarorszgi dls sorn?
37.Where can a tourist tay in Great Britain?
Hol szllhat meg egy turista Nagy-Britanniban?
38. Where can a tourist stay in the United States?
Hol szllhat meg egy turista az Egyeslt lamokban?
39.What services do hotels provide for tourists?
Milyen szolgltatsokat knlnak a szllodk a turistk szmtra?
4O,What are inns?
Mik az n. ,,inn"-ek?
41.What are boarding houses?
Mik az n. ,,boarding house"-ok?
42.What is a bed and breakfast?
Mi az n. ,,bed and breakfast"?
43.Where can you find motels?
Hol tallhatk motelek?
44. What are youth hostels?
Mik az ifjsgi szllk?
45.How can you book accommodation?
Hogyan lehet szllst foglalni?
46. How can you organise a holiday?
Hogyan szervezheted meg az dlsed?
47.What is a package holiday?
Mit jelent a szervezett utazs?
48.Do you like package holidays?
szereted a szervezett dlseket?
49.How do you prepare for a holiday abroad?
Hogyan kszlsz egy klfldi dlsre?
50. Do you plan your holidays carefully?
Alaposan meg szoktad tervezni az dlsedet?
Sl.What services do travel agencies offer?
Milyen szolgltatsokat knlnak az utazsi irodk?
S2.Where do you usually go for a holiday?
Hov szoktl menni dlni?
53.Who do you go for a holiday with?
kivel szoktl menni dlni?
54.Where can you go for a winter holiday?
Hov lehet rnenni dlni tlen?
55.What can you do on a winter holiday?
Mit lehet csinlni egy tIi dlsen?
56.Why is it important to 8o on a holiday?
Mirt fontos dlni menni?
57. How do you decide where to 8o on your holiday?
Hogyan dntd el, hov msz dlni?

TRAvELLING AND TouRIsM - mes srunrzuus
58. Do you like camping holidays?
Szereted a kempingezst?
59.What equipment do you need for a camping holiday?
Milyen dolgokra van szksg kempingezshez?
60.What do you do if the weather is bad when you are on holiday?
Mit csinlsz, ha rossz id van, amikor dlsz?
61.What can you do in an aquapark?
Mit lehet e8y aquaparkban csinlni?
62.What can you see at an oceanarium?
Mi lthat egy ceanriumban?
63.What are theme parks?
Mik az n. ,,theme park"-ok?
64.Do you take a lot of photos when you are on holiday?
Sok fnykpetcsinlsz, amikor dlsz?
65.What do you take pictures oP
Mit szoktl fnykpezni?
66.What can you do on a beach?
Mit lehet egy strandon csinlni?
67.What do you take with you to the beach?
Mit szel magaddal a strandra?
68.Do you like going sightseeing?
szeretsz vrost nzni?
69.How do you know what is worth seeing where you are on holiday?
Honnan tudod, hogy mit rdemes megnzni dtskor?

888 KRDssvresz ANGoL urnrwr
1.How do you like to travel?
I like travelling by bus with my friends. We can see a lot of things during the joumey.

2.Have you ever been abroad?

Yes, I have. I went to Greece last summer with my parents. We go skiing in Austria
or Slovakia every winter.

3.What was your mot memorable holiday and why?

Two years ago we rented a sailing boat in Croatia. It was fantastic! We visited several
islands and swam a lot.

4. How can you travel from Hungary to England?

You can go by car, bus, train, and air. You can cross the English Channel either by
ferry or you can use the Eurotunnel.

5. How can you travel from Hungary to the United States?

Most people travel to the United States by plane because it is so far.

6.What kind of trains have you travelled by?

I have travelled by slow train, fast train, and Intercity. I like Intercity trains because
they are comfortable and fast although they are expensive because you have to buy
a supplementary ticket. I hate travelling on slow trains because they are really slow
and stop at every small place.

7.What can you do while travelling on a train?

You can read, listen to music on a walkman or a discman, eat and drink, and play
games on your mobile phone.

8.Who checks the tickets on a train?

The conductor checks the tickets. He also checks your sfudent card ifyou've bought
a student ticket.

9.What parts does a train consist oF

A train consists of the engine, the carriages, and sometimes a dining car. On
international trains there are sleeping cars too.

10. How can you buy railway tickets?

You can buy them at the railway station and some travel agencies. You can book
Intercity tickets by phone as well.

11.What is a railway station like?

Usually there are booking offices, an information desk, a left luggage office, and
lockers at a railway station. You can find big boards with the timetables too. You can
buy newspapers and magazines at the newsagent's, and drinks and sandwiches at
the bar. At most stations there is also a waiting room.

TRAvEIJ.ING AND ToIrusM - ures srunrzrrnus
12.What are the advantages of travelling by train?
I think trains are comfortable and not too expensive. You can stand up and go to the
dining car.

].3.What are the disadvantages of travelling by train?

Trains are often crowded and sometimes dirty There can be problems with e heating
or tfie air conditioning.

14.Do you like travelling by bus?

Yes, I do, if I don't have to travel far. I hate sitting still for hours.

15.What are the advantages of travelling by bus?

If you go by bus, you can travel to places where trains don't go. You can see a lot of
things during the journey

16.What are the disadvantages of travelling by bus?

You have to sit or stand in one place because buses are usually too crowded. The
other passengers may disturb you too.

17. Which is cheape4 travelling by bus or by train?

I think travelling by train is cheaper. But the ticket prices change quite often, so I'm
not Sure.

18. Have you ever travelled by plane?

Yes, we went to Spain last April to visit my aunt. We spent the whole Easter holiday
with her in Barcelona.

19.Where did you go by plane?

This summer I travelled to Tunisia with my family. I enjoyed the journey very much
because I had never flown before.

20.How can you buy aeroplane tickets?

You can buy them at travel agencies, at airline offices, or on the Internet.

21.What do you have to do at an airport before boarding a plane?

You have to check in. After that you go through passport and customs control, and
the security check.

22.What can you do at an airport?

You can shop in the duty free and other shops, You can sit in a sandwich bar or a
restaurant. At some airports you can also use the Internet.

23. How much luggage can you take on an aeroplane?

It depends on the destination and the air]ine, Usually you can take 20 kilos in your
suitcase, and you can also have hand luggage.

888 KRDssvresz ANGoL rwnrwr
24.1ffhat can you do on a plane?
You can read, watch films, talk to the passenger sitting next to you, and ask the flight
attendants to bring you something to drink.

25.What are the advantages of flying?

you can reach your destination quickly. I think flying is the most comfortable way of
travelling. Some people say that it's not safe but I think that there are more accidents
on the roads than in the air.

26.What are the disadvantages of flying?

You cannot see sights during your journey, only the landscape. Some people may feel

27.lhat are the advantages of travelling by car?

You can stop wherever you want to, and you can take as many things as you can put
into the car.

28. What are the disadvantages of travelling by car?

You can get lost, get into traffic jams, and travelling by car can be rather tiring.

29.What can you do on a ship or a big ferry?

You can sunbathe on the deck, do shopping, eat in the restaurant and caf, and also
find all kinds of entertainment.

30.What is the safest way of travelling?

According to statistics, planes are the safest though there have been some disasters
this year.

31.What documents do you need when you travel to a foreign country?

You need your passport or identity card. Ifyou travel to certain countries, you have
to have a visa or a medical certificate.

32.What information does your passport contain?

It contains your personal details, the place and date ofissue, and the expiry date.

33.When do you need a visa?

If you travel to certain countries or you are planning a long stay in a country, you
have to have a visa;

34.How can you get a visa?

You have to go to a travel agency or e embassy and fill in a form, You have to take
certain documents with you, and you have to pay for the visa.

35.What can you do if you get into trouble abroad?

The best thing to do is to contact the Hungarian Embassy and ask for their help.

TRAvELLING AIvD TotJRIsM _ ute,s srunrzuus
36.Where can you stay when you are on holiday in Hungary?
You can stay at a hotel, motel, pension, guest house, youth hostel, or campsite. Hotels
are usually the most expensive but the service is the best there. If you don't have
much money, you can stay at a youth hostel, or put up your tent in a campsite,

37.Where can a tourist stay in Great Britain?

There are hotels, inns, boarding houses, bed and breaKasts, youth hostels, and
campsites where you can stay. When I spent a week in London with my parents, we
stayed at a family-run bed and breakfast. It was great as the host family was very
friendly and kind.

38.Where can a towist stay in the United States?

You can find accommodation in a hotel, motel, youth hostel, or campsite. My teacher
of English said that ere are a lot more rnotels in the US than in Hungary.

39.What services do hotels provide for tourists?

They provide accommodation, food, laundry and wellness services. In big hotels you
can also find a hairdresser's and a beautician.

4O.What are inns?

They are pubs where people can stay the night. You can find an inn in Great Britain
in the countryside.

41.What are boarding houses?

They are private houses where you pay to sleep and eat.

42.What is a bed and breakfast?

It is a small hotel or private house where you pay for a room and a mea] in e morning.

43.Where can you find motels?

You can find them along roads and motorways, usually on the outskirts of a town.

44.What are youth hostels?

They prode cheap accommodation especially for students for a short period of time.

45.How can you book accommodation?

You can 80 to a travel agency where they book your accommodation. Nowadays more
and more people book their accommodation on the Internet.

46. How can you organise a holiday?

You can choose ajourney from a travel brochure, or you can organise it on your own.

47.|Nhat is a package holiday?

It is a holiday organised by a travel agency. You travel with a group and the price
includes the trip, e accommodation, food, and some activities.

888 KERDEs ns vresz ANGoL Nrrnrvgr
48.Do you like package holidays?
Yes, I do because I don't have to organise anything. I can also make friends with
people in the group.

49. How do you prepare for a holiday abroad?

I write a list of things that I want to take with me. I pack my suitcases and take my
passport, tickets, and money with me.

50.Do you plan your holidays carefully?

No, not really. I usually book my accommodation, and I decide what to see and do
when I'm there. It depends on a lot of things: the place, the weatheq how long I stay
there, who I travel with, and so on,

Sl.What services do travel agencies offer?

They book accommodation and tickets, offer programmes, and you can also take out
insurance there. Some of them also help you to get a visa.

52.Where do you usually go for a holiday?

I usually spend two weeks at the seaside with my family every summer. We have
already been to Croatia, Slovenia, Greece and Italy.

53.Who do you go for a holiday with?

I go on holiday with my parents and I also travel somewhere with my friends. I spend
about two weeks with my family at the seaside or in the mountains. With my friends
I usually travel to Lake Balaton for a week.

S4.Where can you go for a winter holiday?

Most people 8o to the mountains to ski. Some people travel to a place where it's
sunny and hot in winter too. Our neighbour, for example, spent two weeks on an
island in the Pacific Ocean last February.

55.What can you do on a winter holiday?

You can ski, snowboard, go for long walks, and enjoy yourself in a disco or club.

56.Why is it important to 8o on a holiday?

Everybody needs to relax and forget about work and responsibilities. And it's good to
spend some time with your family or friends just having fun.

57. How do you decide where to 80 on your holiday?

I can ask my friends, go to travel exhibitions to collect brochures, read advertisements
on the Intemet, or watch programmes on TV

58.Do you like camping holidays?

Yes, I do. I enjoy being in the outdoors. I think it is romantic to wake up when the
birds are singing. I like cooking outdoors too.

59.What equipment do you need for a camping holiday?
You need a tent, a sleeping bag, a mattress, a torch, matches, and some things for
cooking and eating.

60. What do you do if the weather is bad when you are on holiday?
I 80 to museums or galleries. I can go to the cinema or an indoor swimming pool.
I can also stay in my room and watch fi
read, or play cards with my friends.

61.What can you do in an aquapark?

You can enjoy the slides, artificial waves, thermal water, and all kinds of water enter-
tainment. Of course, you can find pools for swimming there too.

62.What can you ee at an oceanarium?

You can see large aquariums with all kinds of fish. There are also reptiles, spiders,
and tropical plants. In March we visited the Tropicarium in Budapest with my class.
I liked it very much. We could even touch some of the animals.

63.What are theme parks?

They are amusement parks organised around a theme. I have already been to
Eurodisney. It was really great. What I didn't like was that sometimes we had to
queue for a long time. For example, we had to wait almost an hour to try the Indiana
Jones roller coaster.

64.Do you take a lot of photos when you are on holiday?

Yes, I like taking photos because I can show everybody what I have seen. I always put
some of the pictures into a photo album, I already have more than ten albums with
holiday photos.

65.What do you take pictures of?

I take photos of almost everything: sights, animals, people, and houses.

66.What can you do on a beach?

I can lie in the sun, read, listen to music, swim, dive, rent a pedalo, build sandcastles,
and watch the others.

67.What do you take with you to the beach?

I always take a beach towel, swimsuit, flip-flops, suntan lotiorr, sunglasses, and a straw hat.

68. Do you like going sightseeing?

Yes, I think sightseeing is interesting because you can see a lot of nice buildings,
monuments, and churches. You can learn a lot about the history of the place you are

69. How do you know what is worth seeing where you are on holiday?
I always take a good guidebook and maps with me, I also read Internet pages. And
there are good programmes on TV that show famous and interesting places too.

888 KRDssvmsz ANGoL ryerwr
Words and expressions
alot3 e lot sokat
a lot more 38 a lot mc: sokkal tbb
alotofl e lot av sok
abroad 2 a'brc:d klfldn
accommodation (U) 38 a,koma'detfn szlls
according to 30 a'kc:dtq ,ta szerint
activities 30 ak'tlvati:z programok
advantage 2 ad'vo:ntld3 elny
advertisement 57 ad'vstsmant hirdets
aeroplane 20 'eare,pletn replgp
air conditioning 3 'ea ken,dtJntq lgkondicionals
airline 23 'ee,latn lgitrsasg
airline ofrce 20 eelatn ofts lgitrsasg irodja
airport 22 ,ea'pc:t repltr
almost 65 'c:lmaost majdnem
along 43 a'loq mentn
always 67 'c:lwetz mindig
amusement park 63 a'mju:zmant ,po:k vidmpark
animal62 'nlml llat
aquapark 61 'akwe,po:k aquapark
aquarium 62 a'kweartam akvrium
artificial 61 ,o:tt'ftJl mestersges
ask 57 o:sk krdez
ask24 o:sk kr
ask for help 35 o:sk fa'help segtsget kr
aunt 8 o:nt nagynni
Austria 2 'ostrta Ausztria
bad,60 bad rossz
bar 11 bo: bf
be on holiday 36 bi: on'holtdet dl
beach 66 bi:tJ strand
beach towel67 'biJ,taoel frdleped
beautician 39 bju:'ttJn kozmetikus
bed and breaKast 37 ,bed end'breKast szoba s reggeli (panziban,
big 11 btg nagy
bird 58 bs:d madr
board 1] bc:d tbla, hirdettbla
board a plane 21 bc:d e pletn felszll a replre
boarding house 37 'bcldiq ,haos panzi Angliban (teljes
book 10 buk foglal
book accommodation 45 buk e,koma'derJn szllst lefoglal
booking office l 'boktr; ,ofts jegypnztt

TRAvELLING AND TotrusM - uTAs sruruznIus
bring (broughg brought) 24brq (brc:t, brc) |toz
brochure 46 'breoJe katalgus
build (built, built) 66 brld (brlt brlt) pt
building 68 'brldlt1 plet
bus bns busz
buy (bought, bought) 6 ba (bc:t bc) vesz, vsrol
by air 4 bal ee replvel
ca29 'kafel kvz
campsite 36 'kamp,sa kemping
car 4 ko: aut
carefully 5O 'keefalr krltekinten
carriage 9 'karld3 vasti kocsi
certain 3 sgn bizonyos
cheap 17 tJilp olcs
check 8 tek ellenriz
check in 21 tJek rn bejelentkezik
choose (chose, chosen) 46 tJulz (tlauz, 'tJeozn) vlaszt
church 68 t3 templom
cinema 60 'slname mozi
class 62 klo:s osztly
club 55 klnb klub, br
collect 57 ka'lekt sszegyjt
comfortable 6 'knmftabl knyelmes
conductor 8 kan'dnkta jegykezel
consist of 9 kan'slst av ll valamibl
contact 35 'kontakt kapcsolatba lp
cook 58 kok fz
countlry 3 'knntrt orszg
countryside 40 'knntrt,sald dk
Croatia 3 kreu'etJa Horvtorszg
cross 4 kros tke1
crowded 3 'kraodtd zsfolt
customs conttol 21 'knstamz ken,traol vmvizsglat
date of issue 32 ,dert av 'rfu: killts ideje
decide 50 dl'satd eldnt
deck29 dek fedlzet
depend on 23 dt'pend on ftigg valamitl
destination 23 ,destt'netfn ti cl
dining car 9 'dalnt1 ,ko: tkezkocsi
dirty 13 'dgltt piszkos
disadvantage 13 dlsad'vo:ntld3 htrny
disaster 30 dt'zolsto katasztrfa
disco 55 'dtskeo diszk
disturbing 16 dr'sts:blq zavar
dive 66 darv bvrkodik
do (did, done) 7 du: (drd, dnn) csinl
document 31 'dokjomant dokumentum, irat

sss KRDssvrasz ANGot lrrrrwr
drink 11 dnlk ital
drink (dranh drunk) Z dnqk (draqk, drnryk) iszik
during 1 'djoenr; alatt (idben)
duty free shop 22 ,dju:ti 'fri: Jop vmmentes bolt
Easter holiday 8 'i:sta'holtdet hsvtisznid
eat (ate, eaten) Z i (ett 'in) eszik
either ... or 4 'ato ... c: Vagy ... Vagy
embassy 34 'embest nagykvetsg
engine 9 'end3tn mozdony
England 4 'tnglend Anglia
English Channel4 lngltJ'tJanl La Manche csatorna
enjoy 9 tn'd3ct lvez
enjoy oneself 55 ln'd3ct wnn'self szrakozik
entertainment 29 ,enta'telnment szrakozs
equipment (U) 59 t'kwtpment felszere]s
especially 44 t'spe|t klnsen
Eurodisney 63 juareodtznt Eurodisney
Eurotunnel 4 joeraotnnl Csalagt (Anglit s Francia-
orszgot kti ssze)
even 62 'lVn st
ever 2 eVa valaha
every 2 'eVrl minden
exhibition 57 ekst'blJn killts
expensive 6 lk'spenstv drga
expiry date 32 lk'spatart ,delt lejrati id
family 19 'famlt csald
family-run 37 'famlt,rnn csald ltal mkdtetett
famous 69 'fetmes hres
fantastic 3 fan'tasttk fantasztikus
far 5 fo: messze
fast 6 fo:st gyors
fast train 6 'fo:st,treln gyorsvonat
feel (felt, felt) sick 26 fill (felt, felt) stk hnyingere van
ferry 4 'fert komp
fill in a fotm 34 ftl ln a fc:m nyomtatvnyt kitlt
find (found, found) 1 fatnd (ond, fuond) tall
frsh 62 t hal
flight attendant 24 'flatt a,tendent lgiutas-ksr
flip-flops 67 'fltp,flops strandpapucs
fly (flew, flown) 19 flal (flu:, flaon) repl
flytng 25 'flatlq repls
food 39 fu:d lelmiszer
for example 54 far tg'zo:mpl pldul
foreign country 3] ,fortn 'knntrt klfld
forget (forgot, fa'get (fa'go[ fa'gotn) elfeledkezik
forgotten) 56

f.orm 34 fc:m nyomtatvny, rlap
friend frend bart
friendly 37 'frendlt bartsgos
gallery 60 'galarl galria
game 7 gelm jtk
get (got, got) 28 get (got got) kerl vhov
8et (8ot, 8ot) into get (got got) tnto 'trnbl bajba kerl
trouble 35
get (got, got) lost 28 get (got got) lost eltved
go (went, gone) 2 geo (wen| gon) megy
go (went, gone) for a geu (wen[ gon) fer a wc:k stlni megy
walk 55
go (went, gone) skiing 2 goo (went gon) ski:tq selni megy
go (went, gone) gao (wen[ gon) Oru: keresztlmegy
through 21
go (went, gone) to the geu (wen| gon) to e moziba megy
cinema 60 'slnamo
great 37 grett nagyszenr
Great Britain 37 ,grett'brltn Nagy-Britannia
Greece 2 gri:s Grgorszg
group 47 gru:p csoport
guest house 36 'gest,haUs vendghz
guidebook 69 'gatd,bok tiknyv
hairdresser's 39 'hea,dresez fodrszat
hand luggage (U) 23 'hand ,lngld3 kzipoggysz
hate 6 helt utl
have (had, had) fun 56 hev (hed, hed) fnn jl rzi magt
have (had, had) to 6 hav (had, hed) to kell
heating 3 'hilt1 fts
help 35 help segtsg
help 51 help segt
history 68 'htstrt trtnelem
holiday 3 'holldel dls
host 37 haost vendglt
hot 54 hot forr
hotel 36 heu'tel szlloda
hour ]4 ae ra
house 41 haos ltz
Hungarian 35 hnq'gartan magyar
Hungary 4 'hqgart Magyarorszg
identity card 31 al'dentatl ,ko:d szemlyi igazolvny
important 56 lm'pc:tnt fontos
include 56 tn'klu:d tartalmaz
indoor 60 ,tn'dc: fedett
information (U) 32 ,tnfa'metJan adat, informci
information desk 11 tnfe'metJen desk informcis pult

888 KRDssvrnsz ANGot vrrrwr

insurance (U) 51 tn]oarans biztosts

interesting 68 'tntrasttq rdekes
international9 ,lnta'nanI nemzetkzi
island 3 'allend sziget
issue 32 'tju: killts, kibocsts
Italy 52 'ttelt Olaszorszg
journey l 'd3s:nt utazs
ktnd 29 kaind -fajta, -fle
kind 6 katnd kedves
lake 53 letk t
landscape 26 'lend,sketp tj
latge 62 lo:d3 nagy
last 2 lo:st e|z
laundry 39 'lc:ndrt mosoda
learn 68 ls:n megtud
left luggage office 11 ,left 'lngid3 ,ofrs csomagmegrz
e (lay tain) in the sun 66 lat (let, letn) tn a snn napozik
like 1 lalk Szeret
list 49 ltst lista
listen to music z 'ltsn tu'mju:ztk zent hallgat
locker 1 1 'loka automata csomagmegrz,
zrhat kisszekrny
long 14 lo0 hossz
luggage (V) 23 'lngtd3 poggysz
magazine 1 'mago'zi:n folyirat
make (made, made) metk (metd, merd) frendz bartkozik
friends 48
map 69 map trkp
matches 59 matJz gyufa
mattress 59 'matres matrac
meal42 mill tkezs
medical certificate 3l 'medtkl se,tftket orvosi igazols
memorable 3 'memarobl emlkezetes
mobile phone 7 ,maobatl 'faun mobiltelefon
money (U) 36 'm^nl pnz
monument 68 'monjoment emlkm
morning 42 'mclnl0 reggel
motel36 meo'tel motel
motorway 43 'meota,wel autplya
mountain 53 'maUnttn hegy
museum 60 mju:'zilam mzeum
need 31 ni:d szksge van
neighbour 54 'netba szomszd
newsagent's 1l 'nju:zetd3ants jsgos
newspaper l l 'nju:zpetpa napilap


nice 65 nals szp

nowadays 45 'naUe,delz manapsg
offer 51 'ofo knl
often 3 'Dfn gyakran
on one's ovln 46 on WAnz aun egyedl
organise 46 'c:ga,noz me8szervez
other 16 'Aa ms, a tbbi
outdoors 58 ,aotdc:z kint, a szabadban
outskirts 43 'aut,sks:ts klvros
Pacific Ocean 54 pe,stftk'auJn csendes-cen
pack49 pak csomagol
package llLoliday 47 'pakd3,holtdel szervezett utazs
page 69 peld3 oldal
parcnt2 'peerent szl
part 9 po rsz
passenger 6 'pastnd3e utas
passPort 21 'po:spc:t tlevl
passport control 21 'po:spc kan,traol tlevl-ellenrzs
pay (paid, paid) 41 pel (petd, petd) fizet
pay (paid, paid) or 34 pet (petd, petd) fc: fizet valamirt
pedalo 66 'pedleu vzibicikli
pension 36 'penJn panzi
people 5 'pi:pl emberek
period of time 33 'p|orlad av'totm idtartam
personal detail32 'p3:snal'diell szemlyi adat
phone 0 faon telefon
photo album 64 'faoteu,albam fotalbum
pictute 64 'plkta kp
place 6 plets hely
plan 50 plan tervez
plane 5 pletn repl
plant 62 plo:nt nvny
play 7 plet jtszik
play cards 60 ,plet 'ko:dz krtyzik
pool 61 pu:l medence
ptepare 49 prl'pea felkszl
ptice 47 prals t
private 4 'pratvat magn-
problem 3 'problem gond, baj
programme 57 'proUgram pro8lam
provide 39 pre'wtd nyujt
pub 40 p^b pub, kisvendgl
Put (put, put) 27 pot (pot pot) tesz, rak
put (puq put) up a tent 36 pot (put pot) np e tent strat felllt
queue 63 kjul sorban ll

quickly 25 'kwtklt gyorsan
railway station J0 'retlwel ,stetJn vastlloms
railway ticket l0 'retlwet ,ttklt vonatjegy
rathet 28 'ro:o elg
reach 25 riJ elr
read (read, rcad) 7 rild (red, red) olvas
really 6 'rtolt igazn
relax 56 rt'laks pihen
rent 3 rent brel
reptile 62 'rep,tatl hll
responsibility 56 rl,sponsa'btlatt felelssg
restaurant 22 'restront tterem
road 43 'raod t
roller coaster 63 'reola,keosta hullmvast
romantic 58 ra'manttk romantikus
room 42 ruIm szoba
safe 30 setf biztonsgos
sailing boat 3 'setltq ,baut vitorls
sandcastle 66 'sand ,kolsl homokvr
sandwich l 'sanwtd3 szendvics
sandwich bat 22 'sanwtd3 bo: bf
say (said, said) 38 ser (sed, sed) mond
seaside 52 'sil,satd tengerpart
security check 21 sl'kjuantt ,tJek biztonsgi ellenrzs
see (saw seen) si: (sc:, si:n) lt
service 36 's3:Vts szolgltats
several 3 'sevral szmos, tbb
ship 29 tp haj
s|top 22 op vsrol
shop 22 Jop bolt
short 44 Jc:t rvid
show (showed, shown) 64 Jau (Jeod, Jaon) me8mutat
sighs 26 salts lnrivalk, nevezetess gek
sightseeing 68 'sa,si:lq vrosnzs
sing (sang, sun8) 58 stq (saq, snq) nekel
sit (sat, sat) still 14 s (sat sat) sttl egy helyben l
ski 54 ski: sel
sleep (slept, slept) 4] slilp (slept slept) alszik
sleeping bag 59 'slilptq,bag hlzsk
sleeping car 9 'sli:pl4 ,ko: hlkocsi
slide 61 slald csszda
Slovakia 2 sleo'vakla szlovkia
Slovenia 52 slao'vilnte szlovnia
slow 6 slau lass
slow train 6 slau tretn szemlyvonat
small6 smcll kis

snowboard 55 'snaobcld snowboardozik
sometimes 9 's^mtatmz nha
Spain 18 speln Spanyolorszg
spend (spent, spent) 18 spend (spen[ spent) tlt (idt)
spider 62 'spatda pk
stand (stood, stood) ]6 stand (stud, stod) ll
stand (stood, stood) up 12 stand (stod, stod) np felll
statistics 30 ste'ttstlks statisztika
stay 32 stet megszll valahol
stay 30 stel tartzkodik valahol
stop 6 stop megll
straw hat 67 'strc:,hat szalmakalap
student 44 'stju:dnt dik
student card 8 'stju:dnt,ko:d dikigazolvny
suitcase 23 'su:t,kels brnd
summer 2 's^ma nyr
sunbathe 29 'snn,bet napozik
sunglasses 67 'snn,glo:stz napszemveg
untan loaoa 67 'snntan ,leoJn naptej
sunny 54 'sAnl napos
supplementary ticket 6 ,snpltmentn 'ttktt ptjegy
swim (swam, swum) 3 'swtm (swem, swnm) szik
swimming pool60 'swtmtry,pu:l uszoda
swimsuit 67 'swlm,su:t furdruha
take (took, taken) 23 tetk (tok, tetkan) visz
take (took, taken) out tetk (tok, telken) aut en biztostst kt
insurance 5 tn]oarans
take (took, taken) tetk (tok, telken) lefnykpez valamit
photos (o) 64 'feotaoz (ev)
talk 24 tclk beszlget
teacher of English 38 'tiJa ev'tngllJ angoltanr
tent 36 tent stor
theme 63 0ilm tma
theme park 3 '0i:m,po:k tematikus dmpark
thermal water 61 Os:mlwca termlz
thing 1 0trJ dolog
think (thought, Ott]k (0c:t 0c) gondol
thought) 12
ticket 8 'tlktt jegy
timetable ] 1 'tatm,telbl menetrend
ttring 28 htanry ffuaszt
too 6 tu: tlsgosan
torch 59 tc:tJ zseblmpa
touch 62 t^tj megrint
tourist 37 'toanst turista
town 43 'bon vros

888 KERDEs sv-qsz ANGot rwrrwr
traffic jam 28 'traftk,d3am kzlekedsi dug
train 4 tretn vonat
travel J 'travl utazik
travel agency l0 'travl,etd3nst utazsi iroda
travel exhibition 57 'travlekst'btJn utazsi kirtllts
travelling 12 travltt1 utazs
frip 47 trlp utazs, t
fropical62 'troptkl trpusi
oceanarium 62 'aofnarlam ceanrium
trouble 35 'trnbl baj
w63 trat kiprbl
Tirnisia 9 tjo'ntzte Tunzia
united states 5 ju:'natttd ,stetts Egyeslt lamok
use 4 ju,^z hasznl
usually l Ju:3uelt rendszerint, ltalban
vadity 8 va'ltdttt rvnyessg
visa 31 'vi:ze vzum
visit 3 'vlzlt megltogat
wait 3 wett vr
waiting room ]J 'wettt1 ,ru:m vrterem
wake (woke, woken) welk (waok, 'weokn) np felbred
up 58
walk 55 wc:k sta
want 27 wont akar
watch 24 wotJ nz
watch TV 60 'wotJ,ti:'vil tvtnz
water entertainment 61 wc:ta ,enta'tetnmant vzi szr akozs (aquap arkban)
wave 6 WolV hullm
way 25 wel md
weather 50 'wea idjrs
week 37 Wi:k ht
wellness service 39 welnas s3:vts wellness szolgltats
while Z watl mialatt, mg
whole 18 heul egsz
winter 2 'Wlnta tl
work (U) 56 wg:k munka
worth 69 ws:0 rdemes
vwite (wrote, written) 49 ra(reot 'rrtn) it
year 3 jtg v
youth hostel36 Ju:O,hostl ifisgi szll

TRAvEILING AND ToLJRIsM _ ures sruRrznnus

At the travel agent's - I]tazsiirodban
l;.qqd,l mrnirr,,,,.ow,l:ian,{,,lrlp,lyg?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,:.,,,,,,li:c8e|/t!:,,,Mibe,n,;:,;Se.Sthelk7, 1,1
, ;l , ', ]

,,o;,,l{ ]d:,l|ifu:,6:,'fi[,:,,,flihtl,to.l,,,,:.:..,l germnk,,Lef,lfui',egy r ep -

F--si&tamkbfi l,' .' ,
l,,,,:, .l.l.Bl :J,d,,lnapbf! .:

,,,th,, Uaitd,, tates;,,,,::, ,:::,,*ii'rra '',

A',&;.,OflCOlriSl.l]tlVheieabll,,ii1,,::,,l,..l:,:,.,,:1'1;,],l,".,l ,..'.l,,,,rb&i&ii,.,x,: igrls:iai lttqtnob mely ik

.,,l,,rhg Urritcd::]St&te?:]l],. rszre?
B,lNewlYoik;,,:plase,;] :,l. :, B New Yorl<ba.
A:.1..1,h9.'!l,,,lWtdd.l'Yq' 1'k-,,,6l'?,,1,1'1: 1l.,,,1,]]],,:::]]:;]1']]:':::., A lffift61'5ggrtttnek:,utanlli?,,,,.l,.,,:,',,.,.,', ].,,.,lll.,

B,,.Oall&:,thidl::O,,MaY ':{,pqS.1g,..,,:,:1,,,,,,l.,,l,,:,,:,,'.:,,,,;
,,1,,,,Blliirs ,har-madrl@7;, ha,Iehe*dges, ,' , ,

Al,Hw,_lo,,y9].1{ant,,t_,]],lf bi|.],,,,,,,,,:,:,],,,,,,: .,,]lA].frenrlyi]

iQie',m_ennnk?: :,:,:,
:,, .
:,,,, :,,,,, :

BllTh;e' *up,I1i;,::l,,]']l],,]]:,],]]:],:]]] B Hrom htre.

:ll:lit:,for,,l ,,,illt.:,,.l,,:1.1,1,:]]:l].]:]:_:]]]]]]:.,.:l]:,
AKtf szdmdra?
lllY;,,Plar,i1;::',:,:;:: 1:,::,,,:,';'
;',',.;,,',:,,,, ;1 B lgen.
A:.tet,, ryp.,,@,,.:llOk,,t.. tlrE:lclrptell::.l:l:,]l,.lll
A Good afternoon. Can I help you? AJ napot! Tudok segiteni?
B Yes. I'd like to book a trip to B lgen. Grgorszgba szeretnk utazni.
Greece, please.
A When would you like to go? A Mikor szeretne utazni?
B In two weeks. B Kt ht mlva.
A How long do you want to go for| A Mennyi idre szeretne utazni?
B We'd like to spend about two B krlbelI kt hetet szeretnnk ott tlteni.
weeks there.
A How many people is it for? A Hny f szmra lesz az t?
B For four people. B Ngt fre.
A All adults? A Mind felntt?
B Yes. B lgen.
A How would you like to travel? A Ho gran szeretnruek utazni?
B By train or by coach. B Vonattal vagt busszal.
A Do you need accommodation? A Szllasra is szksgk van?
B Yes. We'd like two double rooms in B lgen. Kt ktszemlyes szobt szeretnnk egr
a hotel that is not too expensive but viszonylag olcs szllodban kzel a tenger-
near the beach. parthoz,
A Just a moment. A Egr pillanat.

,1*.;,,.napOq1 1,gr.,,psftsY,i ;,,xuh anlqs,,, izobt

,',,,' 4f!i,',mg:j,s*@r:,' ,,.,].],,]].,',] .]] ,.,,l,,,,.. ,. :

,1'1 .,B.,J,apti b,ohvy',iag_,,da,h,;yza


szobt szeretne?

B A 514es szoba az n. A szoba az tdik

,,:,,'.,'.n ,ei,,:rn:,A.,iP'.66,rnkl,:,,l],,, ,:l,,1,. ' ,',,,

,:,lllllbit1,6i1;61 : ":';
f'|a:'7g8elitf ':' "'',,::

888 KRDssvlq,sz ANGot ruyrrwr
the,,restaurant on the first'flooq B Az ek emeletefl az tteremben,'jobbra a
A Thank you, AKsznm!
B Have a pleasant stay. B rezze jl magdt nIunk!
A Good evening. A J estt!
B Good evening. Do you have a B J estt! Van szobafoglal.suk Kbs nvre?
reservation in the name of Kiss, please?
A Just a moment, Yes, you're in room 545. AEg pillanat. lgen, az 545-s szoba az n.
That's on the fifth floor. The lift is A szoba az tdik emeleten van, A lift a
round the corner to your left. sarkon tl balra tallhat.
A Thank you. A Ksznm!
B Enjoy your stay. B rezze jl magt ndlunk!
A Good morning. A J reggelt!
B Good morning. The light in the B' reg,tt!." &
'r,&&i vilrigfds neml
,bathroom doesnt work.
'' _., mkdik.

,l1texiblv sonvll.Whicb,r8Qm,i,it?,,,, :,.l: lt,Barsasxtqqsqjialam!Me|y.ikszabrL:,,

van sz?
B,It]s]oOm 66. ,,', B A 656-osrL
A Intzkedem, hog azonna! javitsdk meg.
B Thank:fou,..Could'y,ou'. makl oui my,,,,,,:, B Kszam;,,Elksten a sxmlmat regel
bill by,nine in the morning; ple&. , kilencre, krem?
A Yes, of course. A Igen, termszetesen.

Vocabulary tips
Travelling - Utazas
ffavel ,, , ., , utazi kbzlekedik .

IJtazs ltalban tbb helyre s klfldre

You need a passport to travel abroad. Kltd utazrishoz tlevIre van szksged.
I travel to school by bus. Busszal j r ok iskolb a,

travel . r'utazas ,

Mgsrfullhtadn'finv Akkor fuznljuk, ha talban beszlnk az tazrI.

Travel broadens the mind. Az utazas szlesiti a Ltkrt.
travels utazdsok sorozato,
He met a lot of interesting people on Az utazasai sordn sok rdekes emberrel
his travels. talIkozott.

k hl}rl,' mikr;],kInsen,]amikr'nagy tfuolsgokrl beszlnk.

The journey back from Los Angeles A visszat Los Angelesbl nagton fraszt
Was very tiring, volt.
Eol,,n'rrou*"rrlmake,a jol$r,ref.,'l, utazik
He went on a journey to Dublin. Dublinba utazott,
trip t, utazs oda-vissza
Belertye az ott,tartzkodst.
More and more people make a trip Egrre tbb ember egl napra utazik
from London to Paris in one day. LondonbIPrizsba.


business trip ilzIett.:...l..'l.

He went on a short business trip Rvid zleti tra ment Bcsbe.
to Vienna.
tour (kr)utazas, sta
This summer they went on a two-week Kthetes olaszorszgi krtra mentek az idn
tour around ltaly. nyron.
We went on a guided tour of Idegenvezetvel tettnk stt a kastlyban.
the castle.
VO!&e],", , .,
', '.]..,,'.]:
' .', ' ...'. ' hossz t hajn.(vag r.hajn)
" .,','.1,1.'.:::.,

The voyage to the Moon in 1972 Az 1972-es utazs a Holdra nag/on izgalmas
was very exciting. yolt.
8o tolhas been to jr vhol
)s. A go ige befejezettjelen alakjt a be igvel kell kpezni.
I have been to England three times. H r oms zor j rtam Anglib an.
I first went there in 2000 with Elszr 2000-ben jrtam ott a szleimmel.
my parents.
luggage poggrtisz
Megszmllhatatlan fnv.
Don't take too much luggage, please. Lgr szves, ne hozz tI sok csomagot!
) Az egyes szma piece of luggage, csak szmnwel hasznlatos.
Can you imagine that she took El tudod kpzelni, hogr ht darab csamagot
seven pieces of luggage for the vitt a hromnapos tra?
three-day journey?

ti A worth nem ige, hanem elljrknt hasznlatos fnv az angol nyelvben. A worth
szt mindig fnvi alak (fnv, szmnv, nvms, illewe az ige -ing-es alakja) kveti,
The film is worth seeing. rdemes megnzni a filmet.
The museum is worth a visit. A mzetLm megr egr ltogatst.
This book is worth its price. Ez a knyv megri az rt.
worth r valamennyit,
Ugyangy elljrknt selkedik.
This painting is worth three Ez a festmny hrom milli forintot r
million forints.
4 nz rtksz angol megfelelje value.
The value of this painting is three Ennek a festmnynek az rtkehrom milli
million forints. forint.


13. Transp ort - kzlekeds

Policeman: Miss, you were doing a hundred kilometres an hour!

She: Oh, kn't that splendid! I only learnt to drive yesterday.

1.What mean of public transport do you know?

Milyen tmegkzlekedsi eszkzket ismersz?
2.What means of transport do you know?
Milyen kzlekedsi eszkzket ismersz?
3.What means of transport do you know of abroad?
Milyen klfldi kzlekedsi eszkzkrl hallottl?
4.How do people transport goods?
Hogyan trtnik az ruk szlltsa?
5.How do you travel in your town?
Hogyan kzlekedsz a vrosban?
6.What advice would you give to visitors about local travel?
Mit javasolnl a vrosodba ltogatknak a hell tmegkzlekedssel kapcsolatban?
7.How do you travel to school?
Hogy msz az iskolba?
8. How much time do you tavel a day?
Mennyi idt tltesz naponta kzlekedssel?
9.Which means of public transpoft do you consider the most comfortable?
Szerinted melyik a legknyelmesebb tmegkzlekedsi eszkz?
10. Which means of public transport do you consider the least comfortable?
Melyik tmegkzlekedsi eszkz szerinted a legkevsbknyelmes?
ll.Are there any differences between mean of public tTansport in Hungary and
those in Britain?
Vannak klnbsgek a magyar s a brit tmegkzlekedsi eszkzk kztt?
12. How would you improve transport in your town?
Hogyan fejlesztend a kzlekedst a vrosodban?

13. How would you improve public transport in your town?
Hogyan fejlesztend a tmegkzlekedst a vrosodban?
14.How would you improve transport in Hungary?
Hogyan fejlesztend a kzleked st Magyarors zgon?
15.What are the functions of road signs?
Milyen funkcii vannak a kzlekedsi tblknak?
16.Why do pedestrians have to know the road signs and symbols?
Gyalogosoknak mirt kell ismernik a kzlekedsi tblkat s jeleket?
17.What do traffic lights show?
Mit mutat a kzlekedsi lmpa?
1,8.Where can you buy tickets for public transport?
Hol lehet jegyet venni a tmegkzlekedsi eszkzkre?
19.What are the advantages of daily passes?
Mik a napijegyek elnyei?
2O. What are the advantages of weekly passes?
Mik a hetijegyek elnyei?
21.What are the advantages of monthly passes?
Mik a habrletek elnyei?
22.What is rush hour?
Mi a cscsforgalmi idszak?
23. How can you travel the fastest in a city?
Hogy tudsz kzlekedni a leggyorsabban egy naglrurosban?
24.How can you travel the cheapest in a city?
Hogy tudsz kzlekedni a legolcsbban egy nagyvrosban?
25. How can you travel the most conveniently in a city?
Hogy tudsz kzlekedni a legknyelmesebben egy nagyvrosban?
26.What makes a good driver?
Mitl j ew vezet?
27,How do you recognise a taxi?
Hogyan lehet felismerni egy taxit?
28.Why do people travel by taxi?
Mirt utaznak az emberek taxival?
29.How can you 8et a taxi?
Hogyan lehet taxit szerezni?
30.Is it common to tip taxi drivers in Hungary?
Szoktak borravalt adni a taxisoknak Magyarorszgon?
3l,.What are the advantages of surface transport?
Mik a felszni kzlekeds elnyei?
32.What are the disadvantages of surface transport?
Mik a felszni kzlekeds htrnyai?
33.What are the advantages of underground transport?
Mik a felszn alatti kzlekeds elnyei?
34.What are the disadvantages of underground transport?
Mik a felszn alatti kzlekeds htrnyai?

888 KRDssv-qsz ANGoL rrnrwl
35.Why is parking getting more and more difficult nowadays, especially in big
Mirt egyre nehezebb parkolni manapsg, klnsen a naglvrosokban?
36. How could this problem be solved?
Hogyan lehetne megoldani ezt a problmt?
37.Do you think it would be a good idea to ban private cars from the centre of
big towns?
Szerinted j tlet lenne kitiltani a magnautkat a nagyvrosok kzpontjaibl?
38.Are there traffic problems in your town?
Vannak kzlekedsi gondok a vrosodban?
39.What do you consider the commonest causes of road accidents?
Szerinted mi okoz leggyakrabban kzti balesetet?
40.Why do you think it is compulsory to Wear seat belts in most countries?
Szerinted a biztonsgi v hasznlata mirt ktelez a legtbb orszgban?
41.What traffic rules would you introduce to make travelling safer?
Milyen kzlekedsi szablyokat vezetnl be, hogy biztonsgosabb tedd az ltazst?
42.Can you drive?
Tudsz vezetni?
43.What do you need to get a driving licence?
Mire van szksged a jogoswny megszerzshez?
44.What do you do when you 8et into a car and want to start it?
Mit csinlsz, amikor belsz egy kocsiba s el akarod indtani azt?
45.What are the main parts of a car?
Mik a gpkocsi fbb rszei?
46.Is it expensive to run a car?
Kltsges gpkocsit fenntartani?
47.Who do you think are better drivers: men or women?
Szerinted a frfiak vagy a nk jobb gpkocsivezetk?
48.What documents do you have to have on you when driving?
Milyen dokumentumoknak kell nlad lenni vezets kzben?
49. How could you convince somebody that cycling is the best way of travelling in
Hogyan tudnl meggyzni valakit arrl, hogy a biciklizs a legjobb mdja a vrosi
50.Are there cycle paths in your town?
vannak bicikliutak a vrosodban?
51.What parts of the bicycle do you know?
A bicikli mely rszeit ismered?
52.Is it safe to go on a trip by bicycle in Hungary?
Biztonsgos biciklitrra menni Magyarorszgon?
53.What typical driving offences can you think of.l
Milyen tipikus kzlekedsi kihgsok jutnak eszedbe?
54.What can be done to prevent driving offences?
Mit lehet tenni a kzlekedsi kihgsok megakadlyozsta?
55.How can public transport be made more environment friendly?
Hogyan lehet krnyezetbartabb tenni a tmegkzlekedst?

TRANspoRT - xzrnxnos
1.What means of public tansport do you know?
I know buses, trams, trolleybuses and underground trains.

2.What mean of transport do you know?

We can travel by bicycle, scooter, motorcycle, car, taxi, campe! bus, tram, trolleybus,
underground, train, plane, ship, boat, ferry and ocean liner.

3.What means of transport do you know of abroad?

I know that in Asia there are rickshaws and in some countries there are overhead

4. How do people transport goods?

They use vans, lorries, trucks, trains, planes, ships and ferries. It depends on the
destination and on the product.

5. How do you travel in your town?

I live in a small town, so I usually go everywhere by bicycle. Unfortunately, there
aren't cycle paths in my town, so I don't like cycling when the roads are busy

6.What advice would you give to visitors about local travel?

I think they should buy a tourist pass which is valid for buses and trams, and good
for museums, too. Generally you can buy these passes at travel agencies and tourist
information offices.

7,How do you travel to school?

Unfornrnately, I live far from school, so I have to go by trolleybus and underground.

8. How much time do you travel a day?

I start at about seven and it takes me almost forty minutes to get to school because
I have to go by bus and tram.

9. Which means of pubc transport do you consider the most comfortable?

I like trams because they come quite often in my town and the stops are not far from
each other. They are not fast but they are faster in rush-hour traffic jams than buses.

lO.Which means of public tansport do you consider the least comfortable?

I hate buses because they are often crowded and late. Some drivers and passengers
are often unfriendly and impolite. Buses can get stuck in a traffic jam.

ll.Are there any fferences between means of public tranport in Hungary and
those in Britain?
I think that there are no trams in Great Britain but I'm not sure. In Britain, they have
double-deckers in city transport too. There are more underground lines.

888 KRDssvresz ANGoL urnrwr
12.How would you improve transport in your town?
I would repair the roads and build cycle paths. The big potholes damage cars and
I think they are dangerous too. In my opinion, there would be fewer cars on the roads
if people could get everywhere easily by bicycle.

13.How would you improve public transport in your town?

I would increase e number of trams and trolleybuses because they don't pollute the
air. I would buy modern, comfortable buses and trams that are easy to get on and off.

14. How would you improve transport in Hungary?

I would repair the roads and build new motorways. Some of the roads are in a really
bad condition and there are too many trucks and lorries on the roads, so the roads can
be quite dangerous.

15.What are the functions of road signs?

They give information and instructions to drivers and pedestrians. Most of the road
signs are international.

16.Why do pedestrians have to know the road signs and symbols?

They have to know them in order to be safe and find their way.

17.What do traffic lights show?

When the lights are red, you must stop, when they are ambe1 you must wait, and
when they are green, you can go.

l8.Where can you buy tickets for public transport?

You can buy tickets from the driveq or at the newsagent's and ticket boos. In some
towns there are also ticket machines.

19.What are the advantages of daily passes?

If you want to use the public transport in a town for only one day, it's convenient to
have a daily pass. You don't have to buy and validate a lot of tickets.

20.What are the advantages of weekly passes?

I think if you are on holiday and want to use public transport, it's worth buying a
weekly pass because it's cheaper than bulng a lot of tickets.

21.What are the advantages of monthly passes?

In my town it's very convenient to have a monthly pass because it is valid for both
trams and buses. You can use them as many times as you want to for a whole month.

22.What is rush hour?

Rush hour is when most people travel to or from work. Buses and trams are crowded
and the roads are packed.

TRANspoRT - xzrtxnps
23. How can you travel the fastest in a city?
I think the underground is e fastest. The underground trains don't have to stop and
wait because of other vehicles or traffic lights like buses, trams and trolleybuses do,

24.How can you travel the cheapest in a city?

If you use public transport, it's cheaper than going by car. Of course, riding a bike is
the cheapest but it can be dangerous if there are no cycle paths.

25. How can you travel the rnost conveniently in a city?

I think underground trains are quite convenient. They are not as crowded as buses
and they run quite frequently.

26.What makes a good driver?

I think a good driver knows the Highway Code. He is patient and careful, and
respects traffic rules.

27.How do you recognise a taxi?

In Hungary taxis can be any colour. They have a taxi si8n on the root which makes
em different. You can also see the name and e phone number of e taxi company
on the side of most taxis.

28.Why do people travel by taxi?

They take a taxi when they are in a hurry when they have a lot to carry or when they
don't know the place.

29.How can you get a taxi?

You can call a taxi by phone or wave one down in the street. There are also taxi ranks
all over town.

30.Is it common to tip taxi drivers in Hungary?

Yes, people usually tip taxi drivers. They may not give a tip when they have a problem
with the service but I think that it is quite unusual.

31.What are the advantages of surface tansport?

I don't know a lot of advantages. All I can think of is that you can see the streets and
buildings. Some people don't like travelling underground because it makes them feel

32. What are the disadvantages of surface transport?

It is usually slow and crowded, especially in rush hour, Sometimes buses or trams run
late even if there isn't much traffic.

33.What are the advantages of underground transport?

There are no traffic jams, so you can get anywhere easily and fast. It's also quite easy
to find one's way because the underground stations are marked clearly and you can
hear the names of the stations on the train.

888 KERDs svu,sz ANGoL ryrrrunr
34. What are the disadvantages of underground transport?
Sometimes underground stations are depressing, stuffy, draughty and overcrowded.
They can be quite dangerous, too, I think. Last week somebody stole my wallet when
I was waiting for the underground train. I have already seen people fighting at an
underground station too.

35.Why is parking getting more and more difficult nowadays, especially in big
I think the most important reason is that ere are more and more car.

36.How could this problem be solved?

I ink they should build big car parks in town centres or improve the public transport
so that people needn't go into the centre by car,

37.Do you think it would be a good idea to ban private cars from the centre of big
In my opinion, it's a good idea only if the public transport is efficient and cheap
enough. It should be easy to get to the centre and it should also be easy and cheap
to buy tickets.

38.Are there traffic problems in your town?

Yes, the roads are overcrowded and the public transport is infrequent and unreliable.
Some people drive when they have been drinking or are very tired and cannot
concentrate on the traffic.

39.What do you consider the commonest causes of road accidents?

People speed and don't respect the traffic rules.

40.Why do you think it is compulsory to wear seat belts in most countries?

Seat belts can save lives. You can often read about accidents where people who were
not using their seat belts died.

41.What traffic rules would you introduce to make travelling safer?

I think there are enough rules. The problem is that people don't respect these rules.

42.Can you drive?

Yes, I have had my driving licence for a year.I haven't driven a lot but I try to drive
as often as I can to keep up my driving skills.

43.What do you need to get a driving licence?

You have to take a dring course, and you have to have a medical certificate. You
also have to pass tests on different topics and a driving test.

44.What do you do when you get into a car and want to start it?
I put in the ignition key and turn it. Then I push down the clutch and put the gear
lever in first gear. After that I let the handbrake off and I'm ready to start.

45.What are the main parts of a car?
I'm not an expert but I know some parts, for example, the engine, the wheels, the
steering wheel, the pedals, e dashboard, and the windscreen.

46.Is it expensive to run a car?

Yes, it is. I think that is because the fuel is expensive. You also have to pay several
taxes, and maintenance also costs a lot.

47.Who do you think are better drivers: men or women?

I think there is no real difference between them. I once heard on Tv that men are
better drivers because they have better depth perception than women, but I don't
really believe this.

48.What documents do you have to have on you when driving?

You need a valid driving licence, registration and inspection documents, and a receipt
to prove that you have paid the insurance.

49.How could you convince somebody that cyng is the best way of traveng in
I would say that you can save a lot of time and money and that cycling is healthy.

50.Are there cycle paths in your town?

Yes, there are some but I ink they should build more. I would feel much safer if
I could rycle all the way to school on a cycle path.

51.What parts of the bicycle do you know ofr

I know the saddle, the handlebars, the pedals, the tyres, the chain, the brakes, and
the lights.

52.Is it safe to 8o on a trip by bicycle in Hungary?

No, unforhrnately there are not enough cycle paths between towns and the roads are

S3.What typical driving offences can you think oP

I think speeding and drunk driving are the most frequent offences. A lot of people
don't signal when they are turning or changing lanes, which can be quite dangerous.

S4.What can be done to prevent driving offences?

There must be strict rules and heavy fines. I ink driving schools could also pay more
attention to teaching people to respect the rules even if nobody is watching them.

55.How can pubc transpotr be made more environment friendly?

There should be more trams and trolleybuses. I think buses should run on environment
friendly gas.

888 KRDssvrasz ANGoL Nrcrvgr
Words and expressions
alot 42 a lot sokat
a lot of 3J a lot ev sok
abroad 3 a'brc:d klfldn
accident 39 'aksldnt baleset
advanta8e 19 ed'vo:nttd3 elny
advice (U) 6 od'rts tancs
air (U) 13 ee leveg
almost B 'c:lmaost majdnem
already 34 c:l'redt mr
amber 17 'amba srga (kzlekedsi lmpa)
Asia 3 'ele zsia
bad 14 bed rossz
ban 37 ban kitilt
be in a hurry 28 bi: tn a hnrt siet
be late 10 bil lelt ksik
be on holid,ay 20 bi: on'holtdet dl
believe 47 bt'li:v elhisz
bicycle 2 'balstkl kerkpr
big,12 btg nagy
boat 2 beut csnak
both 2 bau0 mind (kett)
brake 5] bretk fk
Britain 11 'bntn Nagy-Britannia
build (built, built) 12 blld (btll btlt) pt
building 3 'btldtq plet
bus 1 bns busz
busy 5 'btzt forgalmas
buy (bought, bought) 6 bat (bclt bc:t) vesz
call a taxi 29 kc:la'takst taxit hv
camper 2 'kampa lakaut
cat 2 kol aut
car park 36 ko: po:k parkolhz
careful26 keafl elgyzatos
carry 28 'kart cipel, visz
cause 39 kc:z ok
centre 36 'sento kzpont
chain 51 tetn lnc
change 53 tJelnd3 vlt
cheap 20 tJi:p olcs
city 11 'sttl nagyvrosi
clearly 33 'kltalt vilgosan
clutch 44 klntJ kuplung
colour 27 'knla szn
comfortable 9 'knmftabl knyelmes

TRANspoRT - rzrnrnors
comfortably 25 'knmftablt knyelmesen
common 30 'koman szoksos
common 39 'koman ltalnos
company 27 'knmpent trsasg, vllalat
compulsory 40 kam'pnlsert ktelez
concentrate 38 'konsn,tre sszpontost, koncenrrl
condition 4 kan'dtJn llapot
consider 9 ken'stda tart
convenient 19 ken'vtlnlent megfelel, knyelmes
convince 49 kan'vlns meggyz
cost (cost, cost) 46 kost (kos[ kost) kerl (valamennyibe)
country 3 'knntrl orszg
crowded J0 'kraudld zsfolt
cycle 5 'salkl biciklizik
cycle path 5 'salkl,po:0 kerkprt
cycling 49 'salkltq kerkprozs
daily pass 19 'detlt 'po:s napijegy
damage 12 'damld3 rongl
dangerous 12 'detnd3aras veszlyes
dashboard 45 'da|bcld mszerfal
day 8 del nap
depend on sg 4 dt'pend on ftigg valamitl
depressing 34 dl'prest1 lehangol
depth perception 47 'dep0 pe,sepJn trlts
destination 4 ,destt'netJn ti cl
die 40 dal meghal
difference 11 'dtfrans klnbsg
different 27 'dtfrant klnbz
difficult 35 'dtflkelt nehz
disadvantage 32 ,dtsed'volntld3 htrny
document 48 'dokjoment irat
double-decker l] ,dnbl'deke emeletes busz
draughty 34 'dro:ftt huzatos
drink (drank, drunk) 38 dnqk (draqk, drn4k) iszik
drive (drove, driven) 38 drarv (drauv,'drtvn) vezet
driver 15 'dratva gpkocsivezet
driver 10 dralva jrmvezet
driving course 43 'dralvtr; ,kc:s gpj rmvezet-tanfolyam
driving hcence 42 'dravtq ,latsns jogostvny
driving offence 53 'dratvlq a,fens kzlekedsi kihgs
driving school54 'dratvtry ,sku:l autsiskola
driving test 43 'dratvtq ,test gyakorlati gpj rmvezeti
drunk driving 53 'drnnk'dravtq ittas vezets
each other 9 ,i:tJ'na egyms
easily 12 'i:zlll knnyen

888 KRDns svftasz ANGoL twrrwr
easy 13 'iizt knny
efficient 37 t'ftJnt hatkony
engine 45 'end3tn motor
enough 37 t'n^f elg
environment friendly 55 ln,\lronmant'frendlt krnyezetbart
especially 32 l'spe|l klnsen
expensive 46 tk'spenstv drga
expert 45 'eksps szakrt
ar ,/ fo: messze
fast 9 'fo:st 8yors
feel (felt, felt) 3l fi:l (felt, feft) rzi magt
ferry 2 'ferl komp
ew 12 fjul kevs
fight (fought, fought) 34 (fc{ fc)
fatt verekszik
find (found, found) tnd (faund, fuund) tjkozdik, nem tved el
one's way 16 WAnz wel
fine 54 futn brsg
for example 45 fer tg'zolmpl pldul
frequent 53 'fri:kwant gyakori
frequently 25 'fri:kwantlt gyakran
fuel46 '|u:al zemanyag
function 15 'fnqkJn funkci
gear lever 44 'gta,li:va sebessgvlt
generally 6 'd3enralt ifltalban
get (8ot, got) 29 get (got got) szerez, kap
8et (8ot, 8ot) 35 get (got got) vlik valamiv
get (got, got) (to) 8 get (got got) (to) eljut (valahov)
get (got, got) into 44 get (got got) tnto beszall
get (got, got) off 13 get (got got) of leszll (irmrl)
get (got, got) on 13 get (got got) on felszll rmre)
give (gave, given) 6 gv (getv, gtvn) ad
go (went, 8one) 5 gao (wen[ gon) megy
go (went, gone) on gau (went gon) on a tnp kirndulni rnegy
a ip 52
good 6 god j
goods 4 gudz ru
Great Britain l ,grett'bntn Nagy-Britannia
green 17 gri:n zld
handbrake 44 'hand,brerk kzifk
handlebars 5 'handl,baz kerkprkormny
hate 10 he utl
have (had, had) to Z hav (hed, had) tu kell
healthy 49 'hel0l egszsges
hear (heard, heard) 33 hta (hs:d, hs:d) hall
heavy fine 54 ,hevt'furn magas brsg
Highway Code 26 ,hatwet'keod KRESZ

Hungary l 'fhnr;gert Magyarorszg
idea 37 at'dla tlet
ignition key 44 tg'ntfn kil slusszkulcs
impolite 10 ,tmpa'la udvariatlan
important 35 tm'pc:tnt fontos
improve 12 tm'pru:v fejleszt
in my opinion 2 ln mal a'ptnjen szerintem
in order to 16 tn'c:da to valamilyen clbl
increase 13 tn'kri:s nvel
information G) 15 tnfa'melJan informci
infrequent 38 ln'fri:kwent ritka, nem gyakori
instruction 15 tn'strnkJn utasts
insurance 47 tnluerans biztosts
international ]5 ,tnte'neJnl nemzetkzi
introduce 4l ,tntre'djuls bevezet
keep (kept, kept) up 42 ki:p (kept kept) np megriz, fenntart
know (knew, known) 1 neo (nju:, neon) ismer
know (knew, known) 3 nau (nju:, naon) tud
lane 53 leln sv
last week 34 lo:st wilk mlt hten
let (let, let,) off 44 let (let let) of kienged
life 40 latf let
light 5] latts lmpk
like 5 latk szeret
lfte 23 lalk mint pldul
live 5 ltv lakik
local travel 6 ,laokl'travl helyi kzlekeds
|orry 4 'lorl teheraut
main 45 me|n legfbb
maintenance 46 'melntenens karbantarts, fenntarts
make (made, made) 26 merk (meld, metd) tesz
man (men) 47 man (men) frfi (frfiak)
mark 33 mo:k jell
means of public transport 1 mi:nz av ,pnbhk 'transpc tmegkzlekedsi eszkz
means of transport 2 mi:nz av'transpc:t kzlekedsi eszkz
medical certificate 43 'medtkl se,tftkat orvosi igazols
minute 8 'mlntt perc
modern 3 'moden modern
money 49 'mAnl pnz
month 21 mnn0 hnap
monthly pass 21 'mnn0lt 'po:s habrlet
more and more 35 mc:r and mc: e8yre
motorcycle 2 'maota,satkl motorkerkpr
motorway 4 'moote,wet autplya
museum 6 mju:'zilem mzeum
name 27 nelm nv

888 KRDsrs vu,sz A^rGoL twnrwr
need 36 ni:d szksge van
newsagent's 8 'nju:z,etd3ants jsgrus
nowadays 35 'naUo,detz manapsg
number 3 'nnmba szm
ocean liner 2 'er:Jn ,latna cenjr
of course 24 ,gv'kc:s termszetesen
offence 53 o'fens vtsg
often 9 'ofn gyakran
only 19 'eonlt csak
opinion 37 a'plnjen vlemny
overcrowded 34 oU\6'kraUdld tulzsfolt
overhead railway 3 ,eUVohed 'rel}wet magawast
packed,22 pakt zsfolt
parking 35 'po:klr; parkols
part 45 po:t rsz
pass a test 43 pols a test zsgn trnegy
patient 26 'petJnt trirelmes
pay (paid, paid) 46 pel (petd, petd) fizet
pay (paid, paid) pet (petd, petd) e'tenJn tu figyelmet fordt valamire
attention to sg 54
pedal 45 'pedl pedl
pedestrian 5 pa'destrten gyalogos
people (person) 4 'pi:pl ('ps:sn) emberek (ember)
period 22 'ptanad idszak
phone number 27 'faon,nnmba telefonszm
place 28 plets hely
plane 2 pletn replgp
pollute 13 pa'lu:t szennyez
pothole 12 'pot,heul ktJru
prevent 54 prt'vent megelz, elkerl
private 37 'pratvet magn
problem 30 'problam gond
product 4 'prodnkt termk
ptove 48 pru:V igazol
public transport l ,pnbltk 'trenspc:t tmegkzlekeds
push down 44 poJ'daon lenyom
put (put, put) in 44 put (pot put) tn betesz
quite 9 kwatt meglehetsen
read (read, read) 40 ri:d (red, red) olvas
rcady 44 'redl ksz valamire
real 47 'rtal igazi
rea|ly 14 'rtah igazn
reason 35 'ri;zn ok
receipt 48 n'si:t nyugta
recognise 27 'rekag,nalz felismer
red 17 red p1ros

TRANspoRT _ xzlnrros
registration and inspec- ,red3tstretfan end gpjrm okmnyai
tion documents 48 tn'spekJn 'dokjomants
repair 72 rl'pee megjat
respect 26 rt'spekt tiszteletben tart
rickshaw 3 'rtkJc: riksa
ride (rode, ridden) ratd (raod, 'rldn) e bark biciklizik
abike 24
road 5 raud t
road accident 39 'roud ,akstdnt kzti baleset
road sign 15 'rood ,satn kzlekedsi tbla
roo 27 ru:f tet
rale 41 ru:l szably
run (ran, rui 46 rnn (ran, rnn) zemeltet
run (ran, run) late 32 rnn (ran, rnn) lett ksik rm)
rush hour 22 'rnJ,aoe cscsforgalmi idszak
rush-hour 9 'rnJ,aoe cscsforgalmi
saddle 51 'sadl kerkprls, nyereg
safe l6 setf biztonsgban
sae 41 sef biztonsgos
save 40 seN me8ment
save 49 selV megsprol
say (said, said) 49 sel (sed, sed) mond
sdrool7 sku:l iskola
scooter 2 'sku:ta robog
seat belt 40 'si:t,beJt biztonsgi v
service 30 's3lVls szolgltats
ship 2 lp haj
show (showed, shown) 17 Jau (Jaud, Jaun) mutat
side 27 satd oldal
sigl27 saln jelzs
signal53 'stgnol jelez
sklll42 skll kszsg
slow 32 slao lass
small5 smc:l kicsi
solve 36 solv megold
sometimes 32 'snmtalmz nha
speed 39 spi:d gyorsan hajt
speeding 53 spi:dtry gyorshajts
start 44 sto elindt
start 7 sto elindul
station 33 'stelJn lloms
teal (stole, stolen) 34 sti:l(staol, staolan) ellop
steering wheel 45 'sttenq,wi:l kormny
stop 9 stop megll
stop 17 stop megll
sfreet 29 stri utca

888 ANGoL unrwr
strict 54 stnkt szigoru
stuffy 34 'shft fiilledt
sure 11 oa biztos
surface transport 3l ss:fts 'trenspclt felszni kzlekeds
symbol J6 'stmbl jel
take (took, taken) 8 tetk (tuk, 'tetkan) telik (idbe)
take (toolq taken) tetk (tok, telken) po:t tn rszt vesz
partin 43
tax 46 taks ad
taxj 2 'takst taxi
taxi rank 29 'takst,rar;k taxilloms
teaching 54 'ti:tJtq tants
think (thought, Ot0k (Oc:t Oclt) gondol
ticket 8 'ttktt jegy
ticket booth 18 'ttktt,bu: jegyrust palon
ticket machine 18 ttktt maJi:n jegykiad automata
time B tatm id
tip sy 30 tlp borravalt ad valakinek
tired 38 'bted faradt
topic 43 'toptk krdskr
tourist information 'toenst tnfe'melfen'ofts informcis iroda turistknak
office 6
tourist pass 6 'tuanst,po:s turistabrlet
town 5 'bon vros
traffic 38 'traftk kzlekeds, forgalom
traffic jam 9 'traftk,d3am kzlekedsi dug
traffic lights l z 'traflk,latts kzlekedsi lmpa
traffic rule 26 'traftk,ru:l kzlekedsi szably
train 2 tretn vonat
tram 1 tram villamos
transport 4 'trenspc:t szllt
travel 2 'trevl utazik
travel agency 6 'trevl ,etd3nst utazsi iroda
frip 52 trtp kirnduls
trolleybus l 'trolt,bns trolibusz
truck 4 trnk kamion
w42 trat megprbl
ntn 44 tg:n elfordt
turn 53 ts:n fordul
typical 53 'ttptkl jellemz
tyre 5 tata gumiabroncs
uncomfortable 31 nn'knmftabl knyelmetlenl
underground 7 'nnda,graond metr, fldalatti
underground station 34 'nndagraund ,stetJn metrlloms
underground train 1 'nndegraond ,tretn metr, fldalatti

under8Tound 'nndegraond,transpc:t felszn alatti kzlekeds
transport 33
unfortunately 5 nn'fcJnetlt sajnos
unfriendly 0 nn'frendll bartsgtalan
unreliable 38 ,nnrt'latabl megbzhatatlan
unusual 30 nnJu:3oal szokatlan, ritka
use 3 julz hasznl
usually 5 Ju:3oalt ltalban
valid 6 'Valld rvnyes
validate 19 'Vll,delt rvnyest
van 4 Vn furgon
vehicle 23 'vi:tkl jrm
visitor 6 'vtzlte ltogat
walt 17 wett vr
wallet 34 'woltt pnztrca
want 9 Wont akar
watch 54 wotJ nz
wave down 29 watv daon leint
way 49 Wel md
wear (wore, worn) 40 wea (wc:, wc:n) hasznl
weekly pass 20 wi:klt'po:s hetijegy
wheel45 wi:l kerk
whole 2l haul egsz, teljes
windscreen 45 'wtnd,skri:n szlvd
woman (women) 47 \ruman ('wlmtn) n (nk)
work22 wg:k munka(hely)
worth 20 wg:6 rdemes
year 42 jte v

888 KRDssvrunsz ANGot rwnrwr
Asking for directions - tbaigaztas krse
A xcUse.,nr;,ll,Wlro.,,*rr ]ll"find]:lfh A,,Elfttrllholl :taldlOm,, a',,kgka<li}i,;,,,,,
nearest car park?
1;,,. ;,,;;'

B iiW],down,,ih,,,road,l ,,lr,tatt'x :,,:"],.:,,lqiti..zgi:,,1da,1! n es orduljanbalra a
the traffic lights. The parking garage kzlekeds lmpanI! A parkolhz az ek
]1, .l, l '::l:::.:,l:l"l:
' is,the first ]bildiaglto,,}|,r::r_ilii. eqijle{;':,l1,1.',l, :, 1:,"',- ..';,.:
A Excuse me, how can I get to the A Elnzst, hogt jutok a vroskzpontba?
town centre?
B Take tram number six, and go B Szlljon fel a hatos villamosra s menjen
four stops. ngr megllt!
A Can I pay the driver or do I need to A Fizethetek a vezetnI vagt elre kell
buy a ticket in advance? megvennem a jegtet?
B You can pay the driver, or buy a ticket B Fizethet a vezetnl vagt vehet jeglet az
at the booth in front of the station. Iloms eltt a jegtrust pavilonban.
A Could you tell me where I have to AMeg rudn. mondani, hogt hol kell lesza-
get off for the museum? nom a mzeumhoz?
B It is two more stops, B Mg kt meglt.
A 'Where is this address, please? A Hol tallom ezt a, cmet, krem?
B Let me see. You should turn right, and B Lssuk csak! Forduljon jobbra, s a
t}ren take the second turning on your left. msodik saroknl balra!
A &ctrse ne, ,is,,this:].&e.*igt,,bus to,,l :,^,,lhr&t i ,'bus*on,l,y,qg4ok.,a,,nxrallom&l,
:,] ,,:,, ;,::

the railway station? fel?

B Yes, it is. It is five more stops. B lgen, mg t megIt.
A Could you tell me where the nearest A Meg rudn mondani, hol van a legkzelebbi
bus stop is? buszmegll?
B walk down this road and take the B Menjen elre ezen az utcn, s forduljon
second turning on your left. balra a masodik saroknl!

tram goes to the bus station? villnmossal jutok a buszIlomasra?

B Yes. It is tram number five, B lgen, Az ts villamossal.
A Excuse me, is ere a taxi rank near here? A Elnzsqvan a kzelben taxidllomas?
B Take the second turning on the ri8ht B Forduljon jobbra a msodik sarokndl s
and then cross over the square, menjen t a tren!
A Exel_re,mer: il] there a, bnk,nea,,,hx6 ?.,,.
l ] A,,Elnzesr,,,,ianl.:(gelbencn*?,,,, l,,,,, :,.,, 1:

B The nearest bank is in the next street B Alegkzelebbi bankot a kvetkez utcban
'l,,,to o$,left.'1t, !l ttre lsclb_ildl,,,,l,',,, balm talIja. A mosodik plet jobbra.
on your right.
A Excuse me. I'm looking for this AElnzst,ezt az ttermet keresem. Meg
restaurant. Could you tell me where it is? tudn mondani" ltol van?
B Cross this road and turn right at B Menjen a tloldalra s forduljon jobbra a
the corner. It is one street away down sarkon, Az tterem egt utcnyira van
that road. azon az ton.

TRANspoRT - rzrnxros
A,qpqn Juto l{,: as,,,wzd.lba?
B Mehet a 12-es busszal vagt gtalog.
Egrenesen kell menn ezen az utcn, dt a
hdon a a masodik sarokndl balra fordulni,

Vocabulary tips
Public transport - Tmegkzlekeds
I go to school by bus. Busszal j rok iskolb a.

by ain vonattal

by plane repLveI

on the bus a buszon

I meet some of my friends on the bus. A bus zon nhny b ar tommal tallko zom.

on the train a vonaton

on the plane a repln

take the bus busszal utazik

take the train vonattal utak

I took the train to town. vonattal mentem a vrosba.

take the plane repIvel utazik

cti*i .thC,7;t::,btil,,,,,,,', a ht tizents busszal megt/utazik
I usually catch the 7,15 bus to kedd"en ltalban a ht tizents busszal
school on Tuesdays. megtek iskolba.


14. Sport and G ames - Sport s versenyek

A few young people are getting instnrctioru on parachuting. One of them asl<s the instructor:
"VVhat shall we do if the parachute doesn't open?"
"Oh, that's aII right. Bring it back and you'Il get another one."

1.Do you do any sport?

Szoktl sportolni?
2.How often do you do sport?
Milyen gyakran szoktl sportolni?
3.Where do you usually do sport?
Hol szoktl sportolni?
4.Do you do sport alone?
Egyedl szoktl sportolni?
5.Do your family members do some port?
A csaldtagjaid szoktak sportolni?
6. Can walking help to keep you fit?
A stls segthet abban, hogy formban maradj?
7.Why is it important to see the doctor before starting to do sport regularly?
Mirt fontos orvoshoz menni, mieltt elkezdenl rendszeresen sportolni?
8.Do you ke jogging?
Szeretsz kocogni?
9.Is it better to jog with a friend or alone?
Egy barttal vagy egyedl jobb kocogni?
10.Are there many fitness clubs in your town?
sok fitneszklub van a vrosodban?
11.Are you a member of a fitness club?
Tagja vagy valamelyik fitneszklubnak?
12.What is a gym like?
Hogy nz ki egy edzterem?

spoRT AND GA]\dEs _ spoRT svnRsntwrx
13.What do you wear in a gym?
Mit selsz a tornateremben?
14.Do you visit a swimming pool regularly?
Rendszeresen jrsz uszodba?
15.What do you take with you to the swimmng pool?
Mit szel magaddal az uszodba?
16.What kind of strokes can you do?
Milyen szsnemeket ismersz?
17.Where do you swim in summer?
Hol szoktl nyron szni?
l8.Where can you swim in winter?
Hol lehet tlen szni?
19.What ball games can you play?
Milyen labdajtkokat fudsz jtszani?
20.What other ball games can you think oP
Milyen ms labdajtkokat ismersz?
21.Where can you play tennis?
Hol lehet teniszezni?
22.What do you need for playing tennis?
Mire van szkged a teniszezshez?
23.Have you ever played golf or minigolP
Golfoztl vagy minigolfoztl mr?
24.What do you need for playing golf.l
Mire van szlaged a golfozshoz?
25.What extreme sport do you know?
Milyen extrm sportokat ismersz?
26.What do you think about extreme sport?
Mi a vlemnyed az extrm sportokrl?
27.What is the most clrallenging sport you can think of,l
Szerinted melyik sport tartogatja a legtbb kihvst?
28.Do you think playing chess is a port?
Szerinted a sakk is sport?
29.Do you like watching other people doing port?
Szereted nzni, ahogy msok sportolnak?
30. Do you gtr to sports events?
Szoktl sportrendezvnyekre jrni?
31.Do you have a spors idol?
Van sportol, akire felnzel?
32.Do you upport a team?
Szurkolsz valamilyen csapatnak?
33.What are the most popular ports in Hungary?
Mik a legnpszerbb sportgak Magyarorszgon?
34.What sports are the Hungarians good at?
Milyen sportgakban jk a magyarok? :

35.What kinds of winter ports can you mention?

Milyen tli sportokat tudsz megemlteni?

svresz At{GoL rrrrwr
36.What equipment do you need for skiing?
Mire van szksged a selshez?
37.What do you need for skating?
Mire van szksged a korcsolyzshoz?
38.What are combat sports?
Mik a kzdsportok?
39.What is your opinion about combat ports?
Mi a vlemnyed a kzdsportokrl?
40.What kinds of sport are the Americans fond of?
Milyen sportgakat kedvelnek az amerikaiak?
4l.What sports are popular in Great Britain?
Mely sportgak npszerek Nagy-Britanniban?
42.How often are the Olympic Games held?
Milyen gyakran rendeznek Olimpit?
43.What other famou sports events can you mention?
Milyen egyb hres sporendezvnyeket tudsz emlteni?
44.What kind of sports can you do on lakes and rivers?
Milyen sportot lehet tavakon s folykonzni?
45.What water ports are Hungarians good at?
Milyen vzisportokban jk a magyarok?
46.What motor sports are you familiar with?
Milyen motorsportokat ismersz?
47.What do you do at PE lessons at school?
Mit szoktatok tornarn csinlni az iskolban?
48.Do you like PE?
szereted a testnevelst?
49.How many PE lessons do you have a week?
Hny testnevelsrd van hetente?
50.How many PE lessons do you think there should be in a week?
Szerinted hny testnevelsra kellene egy hten?
51.Why is Formula 1 so popular?
Mirt annyira npszer a Forma-l?

spoRT AND GAMEs - spoRT svrRsnxrnx
1.Do you do any sport?
yes, I do. I do some exercise in the morning, and in the evening I usually go jogging
with my friend. I also play tennis once a week with my sister.

2. How often do you do sport?

I play football almost every weekend. I also play tennis with my brother on

3.Where do you usually do sport?

I play football in the pitch near my home, I swim in the swimming pool in the town
centre and I run in the sports field at my school.

4.Do you do sport alone?

I sometimes go to the fitness club alone, but I always play squash with my ftiend.

5.Do your family members do some sport?

Yes, they do. My mother goes to do aerobics once a week, and my father goes to the
fitness club. My sister plays basketball, and my brother plays water polo.

6. Can walking help to keep you fit?

I think it can, Of course, you have to walk enough and at a good speed.

7.Why is it important to see the doctor before starting to do sport regularly?

The doctor can tell you if you have some heal problems.

8.Do you like jogging?

No, I don't. I think it's boring. I have tried jogging with a friend and listening to music
while jogging, but I still find it boring.

9.Is it better to jog with a friend or alone?

I think it's better to jog with somebody. It can be dangerous to jo8 alone in the

10.Are there many fitness clubs in your town?

There are three. One of them is only for women. I haven't tried any of them yet but
my friends say that they are really good. I am going to visit one of them soon.

ll.Are you a member of a fitness club?

Yes, I am. I go there twice a week. I also go to the sauna there. Sometimes my
brothers come with me although they are quite lazy,

12.What is a gym like?

There's lots of equipment in a gym. For example, there are step machines, exercise
bikes, twisters, and rowing machines.

Es vresz ANGot xynrwl
13.What do you wear in a gym?
I put on a Tshirt and shorts. I wear gym shoes. Some people I see there wear designer
outfits but I don t see the point. I go there to keep fit.

14.Do you visit a swimming pool regularly?

Yes, I do. I go there alone once a week, and once a week with my school.

15.What do you take with you to the swimming pool?

I take a swimsuit, a towel and flip-flops, but I don't take a swimming cap because
I hire one. I also take a bottle of mineral water because swimming always makes me

16.What kind of strokes can you do?

I'm good at breaststroke and backstroke but I can't do butterfly and my crawl is not
too good either.

17.Where do you swim in summer?

I either go to the swimming pool, or to Lake Balaton. I like swimming in the lake
better because there are no chemica]s in the water. I don't like the southern shore
of Lake Balaton so much because it is quite shallow there.

l,8.Where can you swim in winter?

You can swim in indoor swimming pools. They have opened a new swimming pool
recently in my town and renovated an old one, They are both very good and have
several pools and saunas. I really enjoy going swimming nowadays.

l9.What ball games can you play?

I like playing basketball and handball, I am a member of my school's handball team
and we are the best team in our county. We train a lot and always enjoy playing,
maybe because we seldom lose a match.

20.What other ball game can you think of.l

I know football, volleyball, and beach volleyball. My sister plays volleyball for the
school's team and she is really good. I always watch her matches.

2l.Where can you play tennis?

you can play tennis in outdoor or indoor tennis courts. There are two sports centres
in our town with both indoor and outdoor courts. I play tennis there regularly with
my brother and sometimes with my friends.

22.What do you need for playing tennis?

You need a racquet, a ball, comfortable tennis shoes, and a court with a net.

23.Have you ever played golf or minigolf.l

yes, there's a nice place to play minigolf near my town. I sometimes go there with mY

sPoRT AND GAI\{ES - sPoRT rs rreRsnnrynr
24.What do you need for playing golf.l
You need clubs, balls, comfortable shoes and clothes, and a good golf course.

25.What exteme spotr do you know?

I have heard of paragliding, bungee jumping, and parachuting.

26.What do you think about exteme sports?

I think that they are dangerous though I would like to nry gliding. It must be wonderful
to fly like a bird.

27.What is the most ctrallenging sport you can think ofl

I think running the Marathon must be rather challenging. In my opinion, most sports
offer a challenge for those who take them seriously.

28. Do you think playing chess is a sport?

Yes, I think so. A chess player needs to be really fit to be able to concentrate for a
long time.

29.Do you like watching other people doing potr?

No. I prefer doing sport myself. I see no point in just sitting there watching other
people move. Sometimes I find it interesting to watch but I don't like doing it for a
long time.

30.Do you 8<r to sports events?

Yes. I enjoy the atmosphere of matches and games. I always 8o to support the local
football team with my father.

31.Do you have a sport idol?

No, I don't have favourites. There are a lot of really good sportspeople.

32.Do you upport a team?

Yes, I do. I support the local water polo team because I used to play water polo myself
and I know some of e team members.

33.What are the most popula sports in Hungary?

A lot of peopte like watching handball, water polo, football, canoeing, and kayaking.

34.What sports are the Hungarians good at?

We are good at water sport and handball. Our swimmers and water polo team are
world-famous. I think that the women's handball team has also won some important

35.What kinds of winter sports can you mention?

I know skiing, snowboarding, skating, ice hockey, and ski-jumping.

888 KRDssvmsz ANGot mynrwl
36.What equipment do you need for skiing?
You need a pair of skis and poles, goggles, boots, gloves, and waTn, waterproof

37.What do you need for skating?

You can skate on an ice rink if you have a pair of skates. You can also hire a pair of
skates at some rinks.

38.What are combat sports?

I have heard of kung fu, karate, judo, and kickboxing. I think Hungarians are quite
good at kickboxing.

39.What is your opinion about combat sports?

I think they can train you to control both your body and mind. A lot of people think
that doing any kind of combat sport is too violent but, in my opinion, they just don't
know enough about them.

40.What kinds of sports are the Americans fond oP

The Americans like American football, baseball, basketball, and tennis. They have a
lot of professional sportsmen and watching sport is also popular. As far as I know
some Hungarian people have moved to America to play, for example, basketball

4l.What sports are popular in Great Britain?

British people like goli cricket, football, rugby, horse races, and tennis. British football
is world-famous. It is a pity that the violent British football fans are also world-famous
because they have caused so much trouble,

42.How often are the Olympic Games held?

Every four years. The latest Olympic games were held in Athens in 2004 and the
Winter olympics were held in 2006 but I don't remember where. The next Summer
Games will be held in Beijing in 2008.

43.What other famous sports events can you mention?

I have heard of the Roland Garros and Wimbledon tennis tournaments, and the Tour
de France bicycle race.

44.What kind of ports can you do on lakes and rivers?

You can swim, row, waterski, and waterboard on both lakes and rivers. On lakes you
can also sail, surf and play water polo with your friends.

45.What water sport are Hungarians good at?

Hungarians are good swimmers, and very good at water polo. They have won a lot
of tournaments and even the Olympic gold. Hungarian women are also very good at

spoRT AND GAMEs - spoRT svrnsnmynx
46.What motor sports are you famiar with?
I know car racing and motor racing. There are also rallies organised in several

47.What do you do at PE lessons at school?

We often play ball games and do gymnastics. We sometimes go running or swimming.
I like playing handball the best, and swimming is nice too.

48.Do you like PE?

No, I don't. I think there are too many of us at one time in e gyrn, and the equipment
is not modern enough. My brother enjoys his PE classes. He has a young PE teacher
who always lets them play football.

49. How many PE lessons do you have a week?

We have three lessons a wee\ two in the school gym, and one in the swimming Pool
in the town centre.

50.How many PE lessons do you think there should be in a week?

I think it would be a good idea to have a whole day for sport every other week.

51.Why is Formula 1 so popular?

A lot of people enjoy speed and find these races exciting.

888 IGRDs svresz ANGoL

Words and expressions

(a pair o0 skates 37 (a pea av) sketts (egy pr) korcsolya
(a pair o0 skis 36 (e pea ev) ski:z (egy pr) slc
a lot 19 a lot sokat
a lot of 31 e lot av sok
almost 2 'c:lmoost majdnem
alone 4 e'laun egyedl
already 25 c:l'redt mr
although J cll'au br
always 4 'c:lwetz mindig
American 40 a,merlkan amerikai
American football40 e,menken 'fotbc:l amerikai foci
Athens 42 '0lnz Athn
atmosphere 30 'atmesfla hangulat
backstroke 6 'bak,straok htuszs
ball22 bcll labda
ball game 9 'bc:l,getm labdajtk
baseball 40 'bels,bcll baseball
basketball5 'bolsktt,bc:l kosrlabda
be familiar with 46 bi: fa'mtlta wt ismer
be fond o sg 40 bi: fond av kedvel valamit
be good at sg 16 bi: gud at j valamiben
beach volleyball 20 ,bi:tJ'voltbc:l strandrplabda
Beijing 42 bet'd3tq Peking
bicycle race 43 'batstkl ,rels kerkprverseny
bird 26 be:d madr
body 39 'bodt test
boots 36 bu:ts sbakancs
boring B 'bc:nry unalmas
both 2l bau0 mind (kett)
bottle 15 'botl veg
breaststroke 16 'brest,straok mellszs
British 4] 'brrtlJ brit
brother 2 'brna fiteswr
bungee jumping 25 'bnnd3i: ,d3nmptq bungee jumping
butterfly 6 'bnta,flal pillang
canoeing 33 ka'nu:tr; kenuzs
car racing 4 ko: retstr1 autversenyzs
cause 41 kc:z okoz
challenge 27 'tJaltnd3 kihvs
challenging 27 'tJaltnd3lq kihvst jelent
chemical ]Z 'kemlkl vegyszer
chess 28 tfes sakk
classmate 23 'klo:s,me osztlytrs
clothes 24 kleuz ruha


combat sport 38 'kombat spc:t kzdsport

comfortable 22 'knmftabl knyelmes
concentrate 28 'konsn,trett sszpontost
contol 39 ken'treol irnlt
country 46 'knntrl orszg
county 19 'kauntt megye
crawl 16 krc:l gyorsszs
cricket 41 'knktt krikett
dangerous 9 'delnd3eras veszlyes
day 50 det nap
designer outfit 13 dt,zatne'aotflt mrks ruhzat
disappointed 5l ,dlsa'pctnttd csaldott
do (did, done) 47 du: (dtd, dnn) csinl
do (did, done) aerobics 5 dul (drd, dnn) ee'rebtks aerobikozik
do (did, done) exercise 1 dul (drd, dnn)'eksasatz tornzik, mozog
do (did, done) du: (drd, dnn) d3tm'nasttks tornzik
gymnastics 47
do (did, done) sport l du: (drd, dnn) spclt sportol
docto 7 'dokta orvos
either 16 'alo sem
either .., ot 17 'ato ... c: vagy ... vagy
enjoy 18 ln'd3ct lvez
enough 6 nnf elg
equipment (V) 12 t'kwtpmant felszerels
evening 1 'i:vntr1 este
event 30 t'vent esemny, rendezvny
exciting 5i tk'satttq izgalmas
exercise bike 12 'eksasalz,batk szobabicikli
extreme sport 25 lk'stri:m ,spc:t extrm sport
family 5 'famll csald
famous 43 'fetmes hres
an 47 fen rajong
father 5 'fo:a apa
favourite 31 'felvret kedvenc
find (found, found) 8 furnd (und, faund) tall, tart valamilyennek
it 6 ftt egszsges, fitt
fitness club 4 fttnas klnb fitneszklub
flip-flops l5 'fltp,flops strandpapucs
fly (flew, flovln) 26 flal (flu:, flaon) repl
football2 'futbc:l labdarugs
football pitch 3 ,fotbc:l'pttJ futballplya
for example 2 fer lg'zo:mpl pldul
Formula 151 fc:mjela wnn Forma-1
friend l frend bart
game 30 gelm jtk, mrkzs

888 KRDssvresz AI{Got lrrgrrBr
glidilg 26 'glatdtq vitorlzrepls
gloves 36 glnvz keszty
go (went, gone) 4 gao (went gon) megy
go (went, gone) jogging 1 gau (went gon)'d3ogtr; kocogni megy
goggles 36 'goglz sszemveg
gold 45 gauld arany
golf 23 golf golf
golf course 24 'golf ,kc:s golfplya
good 6 9Ud j
Great Britain 41 ,grett'bntn Nagy-Britannia
gym 12 d3tm edzterem
gym 48 d3lm tornaterem
gym shoes 3 d3tmJuz tornacip
handball 19 'hand,bc:l kzilabda
have (had, had) to 6 hav (had, had) to kell
health problem 7 'helO,problam egszsgi problma
hear (heard, heard) 25 hta (hs:d, hs:d) hall
help 6 help segt
hire 15 'hale klcsnz
hold (held, held) 42 hauld (held, held) tart, rendez
horse race41 'hc:s ,rets lverseny
how often 2 hau'ofn milyen gyakran
Hungarian 34 hnq'ganen magyar
ice hockey 35 'ats ,hokt jgkorong
ice rink 32 'als ,rtlk korcsolyaplya
idea 50 at'dte tlet
idol31 'atdl blvny, pldakp
important 7 tm'pcnt fontos
in my opinion 27 ln mal e'ptnjan szerintem
indoor 18 ,tn'dcl fedett
interesting 29 'tntrasfuq rdekes
jos 9 d3og kocog
jogging l 'd3oglq kocogs
judo 38 'd3uldeo judo
karate 38 ka'ro:tt karate
kayaking 33 kataklq kajakozs
keep (kept, kept) fit 6 kilp (kept kept) ftt formban marad
kickboxing 38 'ktk,bokstq kickbox
kind 16 kalnd -fajta
know (knew, known) 25 nau (nju:, neon) tud, ismer
kung fu 38 ,knq'ful kung fu
lake 17 lelk t
latest 42 'leltlst legutbbi
lazy 11, 'lelzl lusta
let (let, let) (sy do sg) 48 let (let let) megenged (valakinek megten-
ni valamit)


listen to music 8 'ltsn to 'mju:ztk zent hallgat

local 30 'laukl helyi
long 28 lo0 hossz
lose (lost, lost) 19 lu:z (los[ lost) elveszt
make (made, made) 15 melk (metd, meld) tesz valamilyenn
marathon 27 'maraOan maratoni futs
match 19 matJ meccs
maybe 19 'metbt taln
member 5 'membo ta8
mention 35 'menJn megemlt
mind 39 matnd sz, elme
mineral water 15 'mlnerel,wc:ta svnyvz
minigolf 23 mtnlgolf minigolf
modern 48 'modan modern
morning 'mc:ntry reggel
mother 5 'mna anya
motor raang 46 'maUta,relstt1 motorversenyzs
motor sport 46 'maUta,spc:t motorsport
move 29 mu:V mozo8
move 40 mu:V kltzik
near 3 nle kzel
need 22 ni:d szksge van
net 22 net hl
new lB nju: j
next42 nekst kvetkez
nice 23 nals szp
nice 47 nals kellemes
nowadays 18 'naue,detz manapsg
of course 6 ,av'kc:s termszetesen
oer27 'ofo nyjt, knl
often 47 'ofn gyakran
old 18 auld rgi
Olympic Games 42 t e,|tmptk'gelms Olimpiai Jtkok
once 1 WAns egyszer
open 18 'oUpan megnyit
opinion 39 a'plnjan vlemny
organise 42 'c:ga,nolz szer\Iez
othet 20 'Aa egyb, ms
outdoor 2 ,aotdc: fedetlen, szabadtri
pafu 36 pea pr
parachuting 25 'paraJu:ttt1 ejternyzs
paragliding 25 'para,glatdtq siklernyzs
PE lesson 47 pil'i:,lesn testnevelsra
people (person) 29 'pi:pl ('pslsn) emberek (ember)

888 KRDssvelasz ANGot urnrwr
pity 41 'pttt kr
place 23 plels hely
play 2 plel jtszik
play basketball5 ,pler 'bo:skrt,bc:l kosarazik
play c}ress 28 ,plet 'tJes sakkozik
play football2 ,plet 'futbc:l focizik
play golf.23 ,plel golf golfozik
play handball 19 ,plel 'hand,bc:l kzilabdzik
play squash 4 ,pler'skwoJ fallabdzik
play tennis 2 ,plet tents teniszezik
play water polo 5 ,plet 'wclta,peoleu zilabdzik
point 13 pctnt valami rtelme
pole 36 peol sbot
pool 18 pu:l medence
popular 33 'popjule npszer
prefet 29 pn'fs: jobban szeret
professional 40 pra'feJnel profi
put (pug put) on 13 pot (pot put) on felvesz (ruhadarabot)
quite 11 kwatt meglehetsen
race 5l rels verseny (gyorsasgi)
raeqaet 22 'raktt teniszt
rally 46 'rall rali, gyorsasgi verseny
rathet 27 'rola elgg
really l0 'rtalt igazn
recently 18 'ri:santlt nemrgiben
regularly 7 'regjolelt rendszeresen
remember 42 rl'memba emllszik
renovate 18 'reno,velt feljt
rivet 44 'rlvo foly
row 44 raU evez
rowing machine 2 'reutr; maJi:n evezpad
rugby 41 'rngbt rgbi
run (ran, run) 3 rnn (ran, rnn) fut
sail44 'setl torlzik
sauna 1] 'sc:na szauna
say (said, said) 10 set (sed, sed) mond
school 3 sku:l iskola
see (saw, seen) 13 sil (scl, si:n) lt
see (saw, seen) the sil (sc:, siln) e'dokte orvoshoz megy
doctor 7
seldom 9 'seldem ritkn
seriously 27 'slorlasll komolyan
several 46 'sevrel tbb, szmos
shallow 17 Jaleu sekly
shoes 24 Iu,^z
shore 17 Jc: tpart

sPoRT A}.ID GAl\{Es - sPoRT sr,runsnr.rynr

sister l 'ststa lnyteswr

sit (sat, sat) still 29 stt (sat sat) stll egy helyben l
skate 37 skelt korcsolyzik
skate(s) S7 skelt(s) korcsolya
skating 35 'skefttq korcsolyzs
ski(s) 36 ski:(z) slc
skiing 35 ski:tt1 sels
ski-jumping 35 'skil,d3nmplry sugrs
snowboarding 35 'sneo,bc:dl4 snowboardozs
sometimes 4 's^mtatmz nha
soon 10 su:n hamarosan
southern 7 'snn dli
speed 6 spi:d sebessg, temp
ports centre 2l 'spc:ts ,sente sportcsarnok
ports field 3 spc:ts fi:ld sportplya
sportsman 'spc:ts,man ('spc:ts,men) sportol(k)
(sportsmen) 40
portspeople 31 'spc:ts,pi:pl sportolk
squash skwoJ fallabda
start 7 sto:t elkezd
step machine 12 step maJi:n taposgp
stroke 16 strauk szsnem
summer J7 's^me nyr
support 30 se'pc:t szurkol
surf 44 sslf szrfzik
swim (swam, swum) 3 'swtm (swem, swnm) szik
swimmer 34 'sWlme sz
swimming cap 15 'swtmlr;,kap szsapka
swimming pool3 'swlmtq,pu:l uszoda
swimsuit 15 'swlmsu:t ftirdruha
take (took, taken) 5 terk (tuk, 'terken) sz
team 9 ti:m csapat
tell (told, told) 7 tel (teold, teuld) mond
tennis 2 'tents tenisz
tennis colurt 27 'tenls ,kc:t teniszplya
tennis shoes 22 'tents Ju:z teniszcip
think (thought, OtDk (Oc:t Oc:t) gondol, vl, hisz
thought) 6
thirsty 15 '03:stl szomjas
though 26 au br
time 28 btm id
too 48 tu: tlsgosan
tournament 34 'toenament versenysorozat
towel 15 'taual trlkz
town ]0 hon vros

888 KRDssvlasz ANGoL rvynrwl
town centre 3 ,bun'sente vroskzpont
train 19 tretn edz
trouble 4l 'trnbl baj, gond
try B trat kiprbl
lshirt 3 'ti: Js pl
twice 1 twats ktszer
twister 2 twtsta alakformifl korong
usually l Ju:3oalt ltalban
violent 39 'wtelent erszakos
visit 0 'Vlzlt ltogat
volleyball20 'volt,bc:l rplabda
walking 6 wc:ktq stls
warm 36 WcIm meleg
watch 20 wotJ megnz
water 77 'wc:ta viz
water polo 5 'wc:te,peolao vzilabda
water sports 34 'wc:ta,spc:ts zisportok
waterboard 44 'wc:ta,bc:d waterboardozik
waterproof 36 'wclta,pru:f vzhatlan
waterski 44 'wc:te,ski: vzisel
wear (wore, worn) 3 wea (wc:, wc:n) visel
week l wi:k ht
weekend 2 ,wi:k'end hwge
whole 50 haul egsz
win (won, won) 34 wtn (wnn, wnn) nyer
winter 18 'wlnta tl
winter ports 35 'wtnta,spc:ts tli sportok
vyoman (women) 10 'womon ('wmtn) n (nk)
wonderful26 'wnndafl csodlatos
world-famous 34 ,wg:ld'felmes vilghr

spoRT AI\D GAMEs - spoRT svgnsgNyEr

Conversation tips

l'; pen.ket&eg,,,az

Vocabulary tips
do sport ,SPOrtOl
)s Az angol nyelvben nincs sportolni ige. A magyar sportolni ige megfelelje a brit angol-
ban do sport, de az igt gyakran kihagyhatjuk a mondatbl.
Do you do any sport? Szoktl sportolni?
I love sport. Szeretek sportolni.
d Az amerikai angol a play sports kifejezst hasznlja.
) sports a sport jelzi alakjq a tbbes szm sports csak fnv eltt hasznlatos a brit
I always watch the sports news. Mindig megnzem a sporthtreket.
,,tct ?idi|;,ttg1{e(':le,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,,,,,,.,

& A magyar mozog igt a do exercise kifejezssel kpezzk.

You should do more exercise to keep fit. Tbbet kellene mozognod hogt formban

l a.a

15. Weather and Climate - Idjrs s ghajlat

"Mllmmy, why d.oes it rain?"

"To make things grow. To give us corn, apples, pears, yegetables, flowers ..."
"Then why d.oes it rain on the pavement?"

1.Where do you get information about the weather?

Honnan rteslhetsz az idjrsr|?
2.Do you usually listen to or watch weather forecasts?
Szoktad nzni vagy hallgatni az id,jrs-jelentst?
3.Why are people interested in weather forecasts?
Mirt rdekli az embereket az idjrs-jelents?
4.Does it depend on the weather what you put on in the morning?
Fgg az idjrstl, hogy mit veszel fel reggel?
5.Do you find weather forecasts accurate?
Szerinted ltalban pontosak az idjrs-jelentsek?
6.What is spring like in Hungary?
Milyen a tavasz Magyarorszgon?
7.What is summer like in Hungary?
Milyen a nyr Magyarorszgon?
8.What is autumn like in Hungary?
Milyen az sz Magyarorszgon?
9.What is winter like in Hungary?
Milyen a tl Magyarorszgon?
10.What is your favourite seaon and why?
Melyik a kedvenc vszakod s mirt?
ll.What is the season that you ke the least and why?
Melyik vszakot kedveled a legkevsbs mirt?
12.What climate would you like to live in?
Milyen ghajlaton szeretnl lni?

WErHER AND cLIMArE - IDJRs Es rcrrrur,qr
13.When are there storms?
Mikor keletkeznek harok?
14.Have you ever been in a big storm?
Voltl valaha nagy viharban?
15.When can you see a rainbow?
Mikor lat szivrvny?
16.Are there big blizzards in Hungary?
Vannak Magyarorszgon hviharok?
17.Are there hurricane or tornadoes in Hungary?
Vannak Magyarorszgon hurriknok vagy tomdk?
18. How do you protect yourself against bad weather?
Hogyan vdekezel rossz id ellen?
19.What does the expression "Indian summer" mean?
Mit jelent a ,,Vnasszonyok nyara" kifejezs?
2O.What is the connection between weather and agriculture?
Mi a kapcsolat az idjrs s a mezgazdasg kztt?
21.How does weather influence traffic?
Hogyan befolysolja az idjrs a kzlekedst?
22.Are you influenced by weather?
Hatssal van rd azidjrs?
23. How can one's body react to drastic weather changes?
Hogyan reagl az emberi test az erteljes idjrs-vltozsokra?
24.Why is the weather a popular topic of conversation?
Mirt npszer beszdtmaaz idjrs?
25.What do you know about the cmate in Britain?
Mit tudsz Nagy-Britannia ghajlatrl?
26.What do you know about the climate in the USA?
Mit tudsz az Egyeslt lamok ghajlatrl?
27.What natural disasters happen in the world?
Milyen termszeti katasztrfk fordulhatnak el a lgon?
28.What weather conditions can cause problems in Hungary?
Milyen idjrsi szonyok okozhatnak gondokat Magyarorszgon?
29.When are there floods?
Mikor keletkeznek rvizek?

888 KRDssvresz ANGot Nynrvgr
1.Where do you get information about the weather?
I usually watch weather forecasts on TV or read the Hungarian Weather Service
website. Sometimes I take a look at the local paper or listen to e radio.

2. Do you usually listen to or watch weather forecasts?

I listen to the radio in the morning when I have breaKast. In the evening I always
watch the news and after that the weather forecast.

3.Why are people interested in weather forecasts?

They want to decide what to wear or how to get to work. Sometimes they decide
what to do in their free time on the basis of the weather forecast.

4.Does it depend on the weather what you put on in the morning?

Yes, I always look out of the window and check the temperature. I also watch e
weather forecast on TV while I'm having breakfast.

5. Do you find weather forecasts accurate?

I think they are accurate most of the time but it happens that they forecast sunny
weather and it rains.

6.What is spring like in Hungary?

It is rather changeable. It often rains but sometimes it's quite warm and sunny. The
temperature is usually between 72-20 "C.

7.What is summer like in Hungary?

Summer is usually very hot and dry. Sometimes there are big storms with thunder
and lightning, or even hail.

8.What is autumn like in Hungary?

The early autumn is usually quite warm but later it is rather cold and rainy.

9.What is winter like in Hungary?

It is usually rather cold but some winters are quite mild with no snow. It is often
foggy and the roads are slippery.

10.What is your favourite season and why?

I like summer very much because there's no school. It's true that the weather is very
hot and dry but I often go to the swimming pool or to the beach.

1,1.What is the season that you like the least and why?
I don't like autumn because it often rains and it gets dark early. I can't spend much
time outdoors.

12.What climate would you like to live in?

I like MediteTanean countries where the summers are hot and sunny, and the winters
are mild,

WEATHER At{D cIJMArE - IDJRs srcH.tner
13.When are there storms?
Most storms happen in summer when it's very hot. They begin wi strong wind, then
there is thunder and lightning, and it becomes dark.

14.Have you ever been in a big storm?

Yes, when I was staying with my grandparents. I was afraid because it took more than
an hour. It was terrible. I'm afraid of thunder and lightning.

15.When can you see a rainbow?

When the sun shines through rain, you can sometimes see colourful rainbows.

16.Are there big blizzards in Hungary?

No, fortunately there aren't, but there can be quite heavy snowstorms.

17. Are there hurricanes or tornadoes in Hungary?

There are no hurricanes, but I have already heard of small tornadoes.

18. How do you protect yourself against bad weather?

I take an umbrella or put on a raincoat when it rains. If it's cold, I put on warm clothes.

19.What does the expression "Indian summer" mean?

It is the time in early autumn when the weather is sunny and warm.

20.What is the connection between weather and agriculture?

What people can grow depends on the climate. In Hungary the summer is hot and
dry so it's ideal for growing crops, such as wheat and sunflowers. Unfortunately, bad
weather can destroy the fields and orchards.

21.How does weather influence traffic?

Drivers can't concentrate when ere is a front. There can be serious accidents
because people are not careful enough.

22.Ate you influenced by weather?

No, fortunately I'm not, but my grandmother feels bad when the weather is

23. How can one's body react to drastic weather changes?

People can get headaches and some are sleepy when there's a front. Elderly people
suffer from pains in their joints and bones.

24.Why is the weather a popular topic of conversation?

Everybody can speak about the weather because it's an easy topic.

25.What do you know about the climate in Britain?

The climate is oceanic. There aren't big changes in temperature and there is quite a
lot of rain and wind. The summers are not so warm and the winters are mild.

888 KRDssvresz At{GoL mrnrwr
26.What do you know about ttre climate in the USA?
It is such a big country that there are different climates in the different parts.

27.What natural disasters happen in the world?

There are floods, earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, forest and bush fires
and tsunamis.

28.What weather conditions can caue problems in Hungary?

Too much rain or snow can cause problems in traffic and agriculture, and PeoPle maY
even lose their homes. Too dry summers are also bad for agriculture because Plants
dry out.

29.When are there floods?

There are big floods after big rains and snowfalls. The level of the rivers rises and the
water floods everything near the rivers,

wTtrHER AND cIIMArE - Io;pk s
Words and expressions
a lot of 25 e lot av sok
accident 2l 'akstdnt baleset
accurate 5 'akjuret pontos
after that 2 ,o:fta'at azutn
agriculture 20 'agrt,knltJe mezgazdasg
abeady 17 c:l'redt mr
always 2 'cIlwetz mindig
autumn B 'clbm sz
bad 18 bad rossz
be afraid (of sg/sy) 14 bil e'fretd fl (valamitVvalakitl)
be interested in 3 bi:'tntrastld tn rdekli valami
beach /0 bi strand
become (became, bl'knm (bt'ketm, bt'knm) vlik valamiv
become) 13
begin (began, begun) 13 bt'grn (bt'gan, bt'gnn) kezddik
between 6 btwi:n kztt
big,7 btg nagy
blizzard 16 'blzad hhar
body 23 'bodl test
bone 23 beun csont
Britain 25 'bntn Nagy-Britannia
bush ftre 27 ,boJ'hta boztz
careful2l 'keafl vatos
cause 28 kc:z okoz
change 23 tJetnd3 vltozs
changeable 6 'tJelnd3abl vltozkony
check 4 tek ellenriz
climate 12 klatmot ghajlat
cold 8 kauld hideg
colourful 15 'kn|efl sznes
concentrate 2l 'konsn,tre sszpontost
connection 20 ka'nekJn kapcsolat
conversation 24 ,konva'setJn trsalgs
country 12 'knntrt orszg
crop 20 krop terms
dark 13 do:k stt
decide 3 dt'satd eldnt
depend olsy/sg4 dl'pend on fi i g g val akit l / v alamitl
destoy 20 dt'strct elpusztt
different 26 'dtfrant klnbz
do (did, done) 3 du: (dtd, dnn) csinl
drastic 23 'drasttk gykeres, nagyon nagy
driver 21, 'dratva autvezet
dry7 drat szraz

B88 KRDssvresz ANGoL mynr'yrr
dry out 28 dralaut kiszrad
early 8 '3Ill korai
early 11 's:ll korn
earthquake 22 'g:O,kwetk fldrengs
easy 24 'iizl knny
elderly 23 'eldolt ids
enough 21 l'nAf elg
evening 2 'i:vntq este
expression 9 tk'spreJn kifejezs
favourite 0 'felvret kedvenc
field 20 fi:ld mez
find (found, found) 5 fatnd (hond, ftund) tall (valamilyennek)
flood,27 flnd rvz
flood 29 flnd elraszt
foggy 9 'fogt kds
forecast (forecast, 'fclko:st ('fc:ko:st'fc:kolst) elrejelez, megjsol
forecast) 5
forest ftre 27 'fortst fata erdiz
fortunately 16 'fcJneth szerencsre
ftee time 3 'fri: ,talm szabadid
ront 21 frnnt front
get (8ot, got) 1 get (got got) kap, szerez
get (got, got) dark 1 get (got got) do:k sttedik
go (went, gone) gao (wen[ gon) to we:k dolgozni megy
to work 3
gtandmother 22 'gran,mna na8ymama
grandparent 4 'gran,peerent nagyszl
grow (grew, grovln) 20 grau (grul, graon) tenneszt
hail7 hell jges
happen 5 'hapn elfordul, van
have (had, had) hav (had, hed) 'brekfast reggelizik
breakfast 2
headache 23 'hedetk fejfjs
hear (heard,heard) 17 hta (ha:d, hs:d) hall
heavy 6 'hevl ers
home 28 haom otthon
hot 7 hot forr
hour 14 aoa ra
Hungarian hnq'genan magyar
Hungary 6 'hnlgert Magyarorszg
hurricane 7 'hnnken hurrikn
ideal 20 al'dlal idelis
Indian summer 19 ,tndtan'snma vnasszonyok nyara, indin
influence 2 'tnfluans hats
information (U) 1 ,tnfa'metJen informci

WEATHER AND cLIN{ArE - IDJRs rs crren-qr
joint 23 d3ctnt zlet
landslide 27 'lend,slald fldcsuszamls
later B 'lette ksbb
Ievel 29 levl szint
lightning 7 'lantry llmls
listen to 'ltsn tu hallgat
' l
local paper ,laokl'perpe helyi jsg
look 4 lok nz
lose (lost, lost) 28 lu:z (los| lost) elveszt
mean (meant, meant) miln (men[ ment) jelent
Mediterranean 72 '9 ,meda'retntan mediterrn
mild 9 matld enyhe
morning 2 'mc:nl0 reggel
most of the time 5 meost av a tatm legtbbszr
natural disaster 27 ,natJral dt'zolsta termszeti katasztrfa
near 29 nlo kzel
news 2 nju:z hrad
oceanic 25 auJt'enlk ceni
often 6 'ofn gyakran
on the basis of 3 on e'belsts ev valami alapjn
orchard 20 'cJed gymlcsskert
outdoors l ,aotdc:z kint
pain 23 peln fjdalom
pat 26 po:t rsz
plant 28 plo:nt nvny
popular 24 'popjole npszer
problem 28 'problam gond, problma
protect oneself against 18 pre'tekt wnn'sel a'genst vdekezik, megvdi magt
valamivel szemben
put (put, Put) on 4 pot (pot put) Dn felvesz
quite 6 kwatt elgg
radio l 'retdtoU rdi
tain 25 reln es
rain 15 reln esik
rainbow 15 'retn,bao szivrvny
raincoat 18 'retn,kaut eskabt
rainy 8 'relnl ess
rather 6 'ro:a meglehetsen
eact 23 ri:'akt reagl
read (read, read) l ri:d (red, red) olvas
rise (rose, risen) 29 raz (raaz,'rzn) emelkedik
river 29 'rlVe foly
road 9 raud t
school l0 sku:l iskola
season l0 'si:zn vszak
see (saw, seen) 15 si: (sc:, si:n) lt

888 KERDs svmsz ANGot rwrrwl
serious 2l 'slanes komoly
service l 's3:vts szolglat
shine (shone, shone) 15 Jarn (Jon, fon) st (nap)
sleepy 23 'sli:pr lmos
slippery 9 'sltpert csszs
smal| 17 smc:l kicsi
snow 9 snoo h
snowfall29 'sneu,fc:l hess
snowstorm 16 'sneo,stc:m hvihar
sometimes 7 'snmhtmz nha
speak (spoke, spoken) 24 spi:k (spaok, 'spaokn) beszl
spend (spent, spent) spend (spen[ spent) brm idt tlt
time 1l
spring 6 spn1] tavasz
stay with 14 stetwl valakinl vendgeskedik
storm 7 stc:m vihar
strong 13 stror; ers
suffer from 23 'snfa from szenved valamitl
summer 7 's^me nyr
sun 15 s^n nap
sunflower 20 's^n,flaUa napraforg
sunny 6 'sAnl naPos
swimming pool 10 'swtmlry,pu:l uszoda
take (took, taken) 4 telk (tuk, 'telkan) tart (idben)
take (took" taken) a tetk (tuk, tetkan) e lok at pillantst vet valamire
look at sg 1
temperature 4 'temprt,tJe hmrsklet
terrible 14 'terabl borzalmas
the least l a li:st legkevsb
through 15 0rul keresztl, t
thunder 7 '0nnde mennydrgs
time l1 talm id
too 28 tu: tulsgosan
topic 24 'toptk tma
tornado 17 tc:'netdeo tornd
traffic 21 'traftk kzlekeds
true l0 tru: igaz
tsunami 27 tsu:'no:mt szkr
umbrella 18 nm'brela eserny
unfortunately 20 nn'fc:tfnetll sajnos
usually l Ju:3uah ltalban
volcanic eruptton 27 vol'kelntk l'rnpJn vulknkitrs
want 3 wont akar
warm 6 Wc:m meleg
watch 1 wotJ nz
water (V) 29 'wc:ta vz

WEtrHER AND CLIMArE _ m"l{,ns rs cnn"rr.qr
wear (wore, worn) 3 wee (wc:, wc:n) visel
weather (U) 'wee idjrs
weather conditions 28 'wea ken,dtJnz idjrsi viszonyok
weather forecast l 'wea,fc:ko:st idjrs-elrejelzs
website l 'web,sa honlap
wheat 20 wi bza
wind ]3 wtnd szl
window 4 'wtndeU ablak
winter 9 'wtnte tl
world,27 ws:ld vilg

888 KRDssvmsz ANGot twrrwr

What's the weather like today? Milyen id van ma?

what's the forecast for the weekend? Milyen idt jsolnak a hwgre?
What's it like out? Milyen id van kint?
Do you think the weather will stay like is? Szeinted ilyen marad az id?
Is there a storm coming? Vilnr jn?

Expressions - Weather - Kifejezsek - Idjras

It's raining at the moment. Most ppen esik
The sky is clear. DerIt az g.
The temperature is around thirty A hmrsklet kb. harminc fok
degrees centigtade.
It isn't very sunny, but it is quite warm. Nem igazn napos az id, de egsz meleg van
It iS quite windy. EIggfuj a szI.
The weather is nice and sunny, but lB id szp s st a nap, de kiss hvs van.
a bit chilly.
It is extremely hot today. Nagton melegvan ma,
It is raining, but I *rink it will dear up soon. F.sik az a, de szeintem hamarosan ki fog
It is clouding over. BeboruI.
They say that it will be dull and cloudy, Azt mondjlg hogt felhs lesz az g s heves
with heavy showers. zivatarok vdrhatk
The weather will be dry with some Szdraz lesz az id s nha kist a nap.
bright spells
Yesterday was a bit cloudy but it was dry. Tegnap kiss felhs volt, de nem esett az es.
It tumed quite cold in the afternoon. Dlutn egsz hidegre fordult az id.
It was very cold at night and the Az jszaka nag/on hideg volt s az utak jege-
roads are icy. sek.

Vocabulary tips
tay wilb l,',iclil lrtIi:lV.n leirt,,.,,:,:'::l,l.
I stayed with my aunt for two weeks, Kt hetet tItttem a nagtnnmnl,
tY::31'l",,, ]] l''.]],]l],.] ],:,, ],..]].]
:,| |:i.:,tt': ll':]:],i]]:],:]j',,]:],,]

I first stayed at a hotel and the rest Elszr egt szIlodban laktam, s a ht
of the week at my friends. fennmarad rszta bartaim hdzban

16. Nature and Environment - Termszet s krnyezet

Teacher: Where are elephan* found?

Srudent: Elephants are so large that they are rareiy lost.

1. Can you keep any kind of animal at home?

Tarthatsz otthon valamilyen latot?
2.Do you have a pet?
van kisllatod?
3.Who takes care of the pet in your family?
Ki gondozza nlatok a kisllatokat?
4.What food do your pet like?
Milyen telt szeretnek a kisllataid?
5.What do you think about having pets?
Mi a vlemnyed a kisllattartsrl?
6.What kind of pets do you like?
Milyen kisllatokat kedvelsz?
7.Where would you buy a pet?
Hol vennl kisllatot?
8.What is important to think over when you want to get a pet?
Mit fontos tgondolni, amikor kisllatot akarunk venni?
9.\{hy do some people abandon pets?
Mirt hagyjk nhnyan sorsukra a kisllataikat?
l0.Where are abandoned animals placed?
Hov kerlnek a sorsukra hagyott llatok?
11.Is there a zoo in your town?
Van llatkert vagy vadaspark a vrosodban?
12.What wild animals live in Hungary?
Milyen vadllatok lnek Magyarorszgon?
13.What is the Great Hungarian Plain like?
Milyen a magyar Alfld?
vmsz ANGot twrrwr
14.What animals live there?
Milyen llatok lnek ott?
15. Can you mention ome animals that ve in Africa?
Trrdnl emlteni nhny afrikai llatot?
16.What animals is Australia famous for?
Milyen llatokrl hres Ausztrlia?
17. Can you mention some animals that live in America?
Tudnl emlteni nhny Amerikban l llatot?
l8.What birds can you recognise?
Milyen madarakat ismersz?
l9.What fish can you find in Hungarian rivers and lakes?
Milyen halak tallhatk a magyar folykban s tavakban?
2O.What kind of trees can you think of.l
Milyen fkat ismersz?
2l.What flowers do you know?
Milyen rgokat ismersz?
22.What fruit trees can you find in Hungary?
Milyen gymlcsfk vannak Magyarorszgon?
23.Are the rivers and lakes in Hungary clean?
Tisztk a magyarorszgi folyk s tavak?
24,How can we protect our environment?
Hogyan tudjuk vni kmyezetiinket?
25.Do you speak about environmental protection at school?
Beszltek a krnyezewdelemrl az iskoldban?
26.Does your school do something to protect the environment?
Tesz valamit az iskold a krnyezet vdelmrt?
27,Have you heard of international organisations which work for environmental
Hallottl mr valamilyen nemzezi szewezerrl, amely a krnyezewdelemrt dol-
28.Why do people destroy rainforests?
Mirt puszttjk az emberek az eserdket?
29.Why is destroying forests so dangerous?
Mirt annyira veszlyes az erdk kiirtsa?
30.What endangers the seas and oceans?
Mi veszlyezteti a tengereket s cenokat?
31.How would you reduce pollution in your town?
Hogyan cskkentend a szennyezst a vrosban?
32.What do you do to protect the environment?
Mit teszel a krnyezeted megvsa rdekben?
33.What do vehicles run on?
Mivel mkdnek a jrmvek?
34.What environment friendly types of energy sources have you heard ofi
Milyen krnyezetbart energiaforrsokrl hallottl mr?
35.What is your opinion about collecting paper?
Mi a vlemnyed a paprgyjtsrl?

36.What can be recycled?
Mit lehet jrahasznostani?
37.What can solar energy be used for?
Mire hasznlhat a napenergia?
38.What is the giant panda the emblem oP
Minek a szimbluma az rispanda?
39.What endangered species do you know of.l
Milyen veszlyeztetett fajokrl hallottl?
40.What is your opinion about zoos?
Mi a vlemnyed az llatkertekrl?
41.Why is it dangerou to lie in the sun at midday?
Mirt veszlyes a dli rkban napozni?

888 KRDssvrasz ANGoL rwrrvgr
1. Can you keep any kind of animal at home?
Yes, my parents allow me to have a hamster and two cats. I would like a dog but we
live in a flat.

2.Do you have a pet?

We live in a small flat, so I have only some fish in an aquarium.

3.Who takes care of the pets in your family?

It's my brother's and my job to clean budgies' cage. We also give them food.

4.What food do your pets like?

My dog likes only fresh food. My cats like cat food very much,

5.What do you think about having pets?

I think ids a very good thing ifyou have a pet. You never feel alone and you can learn

6.What kind of pets do you like?

I like dogs very much but, unfortunately, our flat is too small to keep one.

7.Where would you buy a pet?

There are some good pet shops in our town, so I think I would go there.

8.What is important to think over when you want to get a pet?

You have to consider that you have to take care ofyour pet every day. You have to
give it food and drink, and you have to clean its place regularly.

9.Why do some people abandon pets?

Unfortunately, some people are rather irresponsible. They buy a pet without thinking
how much time and energy it takes to keep one.

l0.Where are abandoned animals placed?

There are some pet charities which give abandoned pets a home and food. You can
also go there and adopt a pet.

11.Is there a zoo in you town?

Yes, there is a nice zoo on the outskirts. There are several wild animals ere, for
example, monkeys, camels, llamas, tapirs, and some birds.

12.What wild animals ve in Hungary?

There are a lot of wild animals in the forests, for example, roe deer, wild boars, deer,
and foxes.

13.What is the Great Hungarian Plain like?

It's a big flat area. There are meadows, pastures, fields, and small groves there.

14.What animals live there?
There are some birds, for example, pheasants and storks. You can also see typical
Hungarian cows.

15. Canyou mention ome animals that live in Africa?

There are several wild animals, like lions, rhinos, hippos, gorillas, giraffes, and

16.What animals is Australia famous for?

The best-known Australian animals are kangaroos and koalas.

17. Can you mention some animals that live in America?

America is famous for raccoons, chipmunks and cougars.

18.What birds can you recognise?

I know eagles, storks, sparrows, larla and swallows.

l9.What fish can you find in Hungarian rivers and lakes?

There are carp, catfish, pike, whitefish, and eels.

20.What kind of trees can you think ofll

I know oak, beech, poplar, pine, and willow.

2l.What flowers do you know?

I know e rose, olet, daisy, tulip, for8et-me-not, lily, and daffodil.

22.What fruit trees can you find in Hungary?

There are several kinds of fruit trees, for example, apple, plum, apricot, peach, and
pear trees.

23.Are the rivers and lakes in Hungary clean?

I think they are quite clean. You can fish in them.

24.How can we protect our environment?

We can use enronment friendly products. We can recycle glass, plastic and paper.

25.Do you speak about environmental protection at school?

Yes, sometimes we speak about it. We also watch videos on this topic.

26. Does your school do something to protect the environment?

We collect paper and metal twice a year. We also clean the park next to the school in
spring and in autumn.

888 KRDssvresz ANGoL rtrrrwr
27,Have you heard of international organisations which work for environment
I have heard of Greenpeace and the World Wide Fund for the Narure. I have seen
some of their posters.

28.Why do people destroy rainforests?

They can sell the timber at a good price. They can produce crops and raise cattle or
build towns and roads, where the forests were.

29.Why is destroying forests so dangerous?

It can lead to serious climatic changes and global warming.

3O.What endangers the seas and oceans?

I think one of the most serious dangers is pollution. Oil gets into the seas and oceans
from oilrigs and tankers.

31.How would you reduce pollution in your town?

I would force factories to respect regulations and laws. I would inform people about
the importance of selective garbage collection.

32.What do you do to protect the environment?

I use environment friendly products. I take bottles, paper and plastic to selective
rubbish containers.

33.What do vehicles run on?

Most vehicles nrn on petrol or gas. I have recently read about electric cars.

34.what environment friendly types of ener8y ources have you heard of.l
I have heard of wind and solar energy. I think that using water to produce energy is
also environment friendly.

35.What is your opinion about collecting paper?

I think it's a good way of protecting the environment. It is possible to recycle paper.

36.What can be recycled?

I know that pape5 plastic, glass and metal can be recycled.

37.What can solar energy be used for?

Solar energy can be used for heating homes and water.

38.What is the giant panda the emblem oP

It is the symol of an international organisation which works for environmental
protection. The name of this organisation is the World Wide Fund for Nature.

Nfi.lRE AND Et{vtRoNMENT _ TERMszET sxnrrezEr
39.What endangered species do you know of.r
There are a lot of endangered species, for example, pandas, whales, and African
elephants. Unfortunately there are more and more endangered species.

4O.What is your opinion about zoos?

I like zoos where there is enough space for the animals, and people take good care
of them.

41.Why is it dangerous to e in the un at midday?

I think it is because it can cause skin cancer and other illnesses.

888 KRDsns vresz AIvGoL NyervBr

Words and expressions

alot of. 12 a lot ev sok
abandon 9 a'banden sorsra hagy
adopt l0 a'dopt rkbe fogad
Africa 15 'afrlka Afrika
African elephant 39 'afnkan ,ehfant afrikai elefnt
allow l a'lau megenged
already 27 c:l'redt mr
America lZ e'merlke Amerika
animal 'anlml llat
apple 22 'apI alma
apicot22 'etpn,kot kajszibarack
aquarium 2 a'kweanom akvrium
area 13 'eerla terlet
at home at'haom otthon
at midday 41 at,mld'det a dli rkban
Australia ]6 o'stretlte Ausztrlia
autumn 26 'cam sz
be famous for sg 16 bi:'felmes fc: hres valamirl
beech 20 'bi:tJ bkk
best-known i6 best neon legismertebb
big 3 blg nagy
bird 11 'bs:d madr
bottle 32 'botl palack, veg
brother 3 'brna fiteswr
budgie 3 'bnd3t trpepapagj
build (built, built) 28 btld (btlt bltt) pt
buy (bought, bought) 7 bat (bc:t bc:t) vesz, vsrol
cage 3 ketd3 kalitka
camel i 'kaml teve
cancer 41, 'kns3 rk (betegsg)
carp 19 ko:p ponty
cat l kat macska
catfish 19 'kat,ftJ trpeharcsa
catt|e 28 'katl szarvasmarha
cause 4l kc:z okoz
change 29 tJetnd3 vltozs
chipmunk 17 'tJrp,mnnk szak-amerikai mkus
clean 3 kli:n kitisztt
clean 23 kli:n tiszta
climatic change 29 klar'matrk tJetnd3 ghajlati vltozs
collect 26 ka'lekt srjt
consider 8 kan'stdo figyelembe vesz
cougat 17 'ku:ga puma
cow 74 kao szarvasmarha

NrURE A^JD EI{\IRoNMENT _ TERMszET Es xnrynzpr

d,afodil21 'dafedll nrcisz

daisy 21 'delzl margarta
danger 30 'detnd3e veszly
dangerous 29 'detnd3eras veszlyes
day 8 det nap
deet 1,2 dta szarvas
destroy 28 dl'strct elpusztt
do (did, done) 26 du: (dld, dnn) csinl
dog l dog kutya
drink 8 drtryk innival
eagle 18 'i:gl sas
eel 19 'i; l angolna
emblem 38 'emblem emblma
endanger 30 tn'detnd3a veszlyeztet
endangered species 39 rn,dernd3ad 'spi:Ji:z veszlyeztetett fajok
energy 9 'ened3l energia
energy source 34 'ened3t sc:s energiaforrs
enough 40 |'n^f elegend
environment 24 ln'rnatranment krnyezet
environmental ln,valron'mentl pre'tekJn krnyezetvdelem
protection 25
environment riendly 24 ln,\6lrenmant'frendlt krnyezetbart
factory 3 'faktrl gyr
family 3 'famlt csald
famous 6 'fetmos hres
feel (felt, felt) alone 5 fi:l(felt felt) a'leun egyedl rzi magt
field 13 fi:ld mez
find (found, found) 19 tnd (fuond, faond) tall
fish 2 f{ hal
fish 23 fI horgszik
flat 1 flat sk, lapos
flat 2 flat laks
flower 2 'flaUa virg
food 3 fuld tel
for example 1 far tg'zo:mpl pldul
force 3l fc:s rknyszert
forest 12 'forlst erd
forget-me-not 21 fe'getmt,net nefelejcs
ox 12 foks rka
fresh 4 reI friss
fruitaee 22 'fru:t tri: gymlcsfa
gas 33 gas gzolaj, dzel
get (got got) 8 get (got got) kap
get (got, got) into 30 get (got got) lnto bejut, bekerl
giant panda 38 ,d3arant'pande rispanda

giraffe 15 d3e'ro zsirf
give (gave, given) 3 grv (gev, glvn) ad
glass 24 glo:s veg (anyag)
global warming 29 ,gleobl'wc:mtq globlis felmelegeds
go (went, gone) 7 gau (wen| gon) megy
gorilla 15 ge'nla gorilla
Greenpeace 27 'gri:n,pi:s Greenpeace (krnyezewdelmi
grove 3 graUV liget
hamster 1 'hmsta aranyhrcsg
hear (heard, heard) 2 hla (hs:d, hs:d) hal1
heat 37 hi fit
hippo 15 'htpau vzil
Hungarian 13 hnlganan magyar
Hungary 12 hnr;gert Magyarorszg
illness 41 'tlnos betegsg
importance 3l tm'pc:tns fontossg
important 8 tm'pc:tnt fontos
inform 31 tn'fc:m tjkoztat
international27 ,tnte'naJnl nemzetkzi
irresponsible 9 ,lrl'sponsabl feleltlen
job 3 d3ob feladat
kangaroo 16 ,kar;e'ru: kenguru
keep (kept, kept) 1 kilp (kep[ kept) tart
kind l katnd -fajta
know (knew, known) 18 nao (njul, naon) ismer
koala 16 kao'o:la koala
lake i9 letk t
lark 18 lo:k pacsirta
law 31 lcl trvny
lead (led, led) to 29 li:d (led, led) tu vezet vmihez
learn 5 lg:n tanul
lie (lay, lain) in the lar (ler, leln) ln a snn napozik
sun 4l
like i5 latk mint pldul
lily 21 'ltlt liliom
lion 15 'laten oroszln
live 1 ltv lakik
live 12 ltv l
llama l1 'lo:ma lma
meadow 13 'medao rt
mention 5 'menJn emlt
meta| 26 'metl fm
monkey 1l 'mnqkt majom
name 38 nelm nv
nature (U) 38 'neltfe termszet


next to 26 nekst to mellett

nice l l nals szp
oak20 eok tlgy
ocean 30 'aUn cen
oil30 ctl olaj
oilrig 30 'ctl,ng olajfurtorony
opinion 35 a'ptnjan vlemny
organisation 27 ,c:9anat'zetJn szervezet
other 4l na egyb, ms
outkirts l l 'aot,sk3s klvros
panda 39 'pnda panda
paper 24 'pelpa papr
parent 1 'pearent szl
patk26 po:k park
pasture 13 'po:stJa legel
peach 22 pi:tJ szibarack
peat 22 pea krte
people (person) 9 'pi:pl ('pa:sn) emberek (ember)
Pet 2 pet kisllat
pet charity 10 pet'tJaretl kisllatokkal trd
jtkonysgi szervezet
pet shop 7 pet Jop kisllat-kereskeds
petrol 33 'petrel benzin
pheasant 4 'feznt fcn
pike 19 palk csuka
pine 20 paln feny
place B plets hely
plain 13 pletn alfld
plasac 24 'plasttk manyag
plum 22 plnm szilva
pollution 30 pe'lu:Jn krnyezetszennyezs
poplar 20 'pople nyrfa
possible 35 'posebl lehetsges
poster 27 'pausta plakt
price 28 'prals r
produce 28 pro'dju:s termel
product 24 'prodnkt termk
protect 24 pre'tekt megv
quite 23 kwaft meglehetsen, elgg
raccoon 17 re'ku:n mosmedve
rainforest 28 'ratn,fonst eserd
raise 28 relz tenyszt
rather 9 'ro:o meglehetsen
read (read, read) 33 ri:d (red, red) olvas
recently 33 'ri:santlt az utbbi idben

reco8nise 18 'rekeg,natz felismer
recycle 24 ri:'satkl jrahasznost
reduce 3l n'dju:s cskkent
regularly 8 'regjloll rendszeresen
re8ulation 31 ,regjo'letJn szablyozs
respect 31 rl'spekt tiszteletben tart
responsibility 5 n,sponsa'bllatl felelssg
rhino 5 'ralnaU orrszarv
rtvet 19 'rlVg foly
road 28 raUd t
roe deer 12 'roo ,dla z
rose 27 rauz rzsa
rubbish container 32 'rnbtJ kan,telna szemttrol
run (ran, run) on 33 rnn (ran, rnn) on zemel valamivel
school 25 sku:l iskola
sea 30 sl: tenger
see (saw, seen) 14 sil (sc:, si:n) lt
selective garbage sa'lektlv'go:bld3 ka'lekJn s zelektv hulladkgyjts
collection 3l
sell (sold, sold) 28 sel (seold, sauld) elad
serious 29 'slorlos komoly
several l1 'seVrol szmos, tbb
skin 41 skIn br
small2 smc:l kicsi
solar energy 34 ,saola'ened3t napenergia
sometimes 25 'snmblmz nha
space 40 spels szabad terlet
sparrow 18 'spraU verb
speak (spoke, spoken) 25 spi:k (spaok, 'spaokn) beszl
species 39 'spi:Ji:z aj
spring 26 spnrJ tavasz
stork 14 stc:k glya
swallow B 'swDloo fecske
symbol38 'slmbl jelkp
take (took, taken) 32 terk (tuk,'terkan) visz
take (took, taken) terk (tok, 'telkan) kea ev gondoskodik
care of3
tanker 30 'taqka tartlyhaj
tapir 1l 'tetpa tapit
the Great Hungarian a grelt hnqarlan pletn a magyar Alfld
Plain 13
thing 5 0tt] dolog
think (thought, 0tqk (0c:[ Oclt) gondol
thought) 5
timber (U) 28 'ttmba fa (kivgott)
time 9 tatm id


too 6 tlsgosan
topic 25 'toptk tma
tovtn 7 'taUn vros
.ee 20 tri: fa
tttlip 21 tju:ltp tulipn
twice 26 twats ktszer
we 34 btp fajta
typical 14 'ttplkl jellegzetes
unfortunately 6 nn'fc:tJnetlt sajnos
use 24 ju:s haszn1
vehicle 33 'vi:tkl jrm
video 25 'vtdtaU vide
vtolet 21 'vatelat ibolya
want B wont akar
watch 25 wotJ nz
water (U) 37 'Wc:ta vz
way 35 Wel md
whale 39 wetl blna
whitefish 19 'waftJ keszeg
wild 1 walld vad
wild boar 12 ,watld'bc: vaddiszn
vallow 20 'wtlao f'za
wind energy 34 ,wtnd'ened3l szlenergia
workfor 27 ws:k fc: dolgozik vmirt
world wide Fund for ,ws:ld watd ,fnnd fe 'nertJa World Wide Fund
Nature 27 (krnyezewdelmi szervezet)
year 26 Jle v
zebta 15 'zebra zebra
zoo 1,7 zu,, llatkert, vadaspark

888 KRDns svlasz ANGoL uynrwr
Vocabulary tips
)s. fish Amikor tbbfle halrl beszlnk, a tbbes szm fishes. Ha csak egyfajta halrl
beszlnk, a tbbes szm fish.
Your aquarium is very nice with all Az alaiumod nagron szp ezzel a sokfajta
these different fishes. haIIaI.
There is salmon in this river. shall we Ebben a folyban lazac van. Menjnk
go fishing? There's plenty of fish horgoszni? Sok hal van a vzben.
in the river.
) fruit Csak tbbfle gymlcs esetn hasznljuk a fruits tbbes szmot.
I bought lots of fruit at the market. Sok grmIcst vettem a piacon.
There were lots of fruits in the bowl: Sok grmla volt a tdlban: bannolg
bananas, oranges, apples and grapes. naranaoN almk s szI.
)s paper Amikor az anyagrl, illewe csomagolsra vagy rsra hasznlt paprrl
beszlnk, a paper sz megszmllhatatlan fnv. Tbbes szmot akkor hasznlunk,
ha jsgokrl, illetve sok laprl beszlnk,
Have you read the papers today? Olvastad ma az jsdgokat?
He had a bunch of papers in his lap. Egr csom lap volt az Iben.
Ha egy paprlaprl beszlnk, a sheet of paper kifejezst hasznljuk.
Please use a clean sheet of paper Tiszta lapra rjk a dolgozatokat!
for your test.
A cetli, cdula angol megfelelje a slip of paper.
Could you write your phone number Rtrnd a telefonszmod erre a cetlire?
on this slip of paper, please?
)g wood A wood sz mint anyagnv megszmllhatatlan fnv.
This table is made of wood. Ez az asztal fbI kszIt.
A mellknvialakja wooden.
This wooden table is very heavy,. Ez a faasztal nagron nehz.
A wood sz erd jelentsben megszmllhat fnv.
There is a nice wood just outside Van egt nag|on szp erd a yros mellett.
the town.
Valamivel nagyobb erdt gyakran tbbes szmmal jelzik.
Let's take a walk in the woods. Menjnk stIni az erdbe!
Az igazn nagy erdt forestnek hvjuk.
Robin Hood lived in sherwood Robin Hood a sherlvoodi erdben lt.
)s glass A glass mint anyagnv megszmllhatatlan fnv.
The whole building seemed to be g (nt, hogt az egsz plet vegbI pIt
made of glass.
Jelzi alakja is glass.

Tulips are growr in big glasshouses. A ruIipdnokat nag/ veghzakban ter-
A kis, kerti veghzakat greenhouse-nak nevezzk.
There were two greenhouses in the yard. Azudvaronktveghzvolt.
A glass sz pohr jelentsben megszmllhat fnv.
Can I have two glasses oforange Kaphatnkktpohr narancsleyet?
juice, please?
A glasses (szemveg) sz egyes szma a pair of glasses. Az igt egyes szm harmadik
szemlyben hasznljuk.
A pair of glasses is quite expensive Egt szemveg elg draga manapsg,
Ha egy szemvegtl az a pair of kifejezs nlkl beszlnk, az igt tbbes szmban
hasznuk akkor is, ha csak egy szemvegrl van sz,
My glasses are misted up. B ep r as o dott a szemv e gem,


17. Serwices - Szo lgltatsok

Patient: Doctoti l think I need glasses.

Teller: You certainly do. This b a bank!

1.What services do you use regularly?

Milyen szolgltatsokat hasznlsz rendszeresen?
2.What services do your parent use regularly?
Milyen szolgltatsokat hasznlnak a szleid rendszeresen?
3. How often do you 8o to the hairdresser's?
Milyen gyakran jrsz fodtszhoz?
4.What do you do to your hair yourself and what jobs do you leave to the
Mit csinlsz te magad a hajaddal s milyen munkkat bzol a fodrszra?
5.What does a beautician do?
Mit csinl egy kozmetikus?
6.When do women go to beauty salons?
Mikor mennek a nk szpsgszalonba?
7.How can you redecorate your flat or house?
Hogy tudod feljtania laksodat, illewe hzadat?
8.Is it easy to find a skilled peron to do repair jobs in your home?
Knny szakembert tallni az otthoni feljtsi munkkra?
9.What do you do if you need your TV set or household equipment repaired?
Mit csinlsz, ha javttatni kell a tvdet vagy valamilyen hztartsi eszkzt?
l0.When do people use laundry services?
Mikor hasznljk az emberek a tiszttt?
11.Do you buy your clothes ready-made?
kszen veszed a ruhid?
12.Who goe to a tailor or a dressmaker in your family?
Kijr szabhozvagy varrnhz a csaldodban?

sERvIcEs - szolc[rsoK
13.What changes have to be made to a badly fitting garment?
Mit kell csinlni, ha egy ruhadarab nem ll jl?
14.Where can you have these changes made?
Hol tudod elvgeztetni ezeket a vltoztatsokat?
15.How often do your parents take the car to the 8aa8e and why?
Milyen gyakran szik a szleid a kocsit a szervizbe s mirt?
16.What can you do at a petrol station?
Mit lehet csiniflni a benzinktnl?
17.Where do your parents have your car cleaned?
Hol tisztttatjk a szleid a kocsitokat?
18.What can you use a phone for?
Mi mindenre lehet hasznlni a telefont?
19.What are the advantages of answerphones?
Mik az zenetrgzt elnyei?
20.What are the disadvantages of answerphones?
Melyek az zenetrgzt htrnyai?
21.What do you do if you want to send a telegram?
Mit csinlsz, ha tviratot akarsz kldeni?
22.1$hat do you do if you want to send a fax?
Mit csinlsz, ha faxot akarsz kldeni?
23.What services does a post office offer?
Milyen szolgltatsokat nyjt egy postahivatal?
24.What banking services have you heard oP
Milyen banki szolg]tatsokrl hallottl mr?
25.Why is it useful to have a bank card?
Mirt hasznos a bankkrrya?
26.What are insurance policies?
Mi a biztosts?
27.Where can you take out travel insurance?
Hol tudsz utazsi biztostst ktni?
28.Why is it important to insure yourself when you travel to a foreign country?
Mirt fontos, hogy biztostsod legyen, amikor klfldre utazol?
29.Do the electricity and gas companies in your region work well?
Jl mkdik az ram- s gzszolgltat a trsgedben?
30.What can cause power cuts?
Mi okozhat ramkimaradst?
31.What can cause problems in the electricity supply nowadays?
Mi okoz gondokat az ramszolgltatsban napjainkban?
32.Do you pay for using water at home?
kell fi zetni a viz hasznlatrt?
33. How can you pay your bills?
Hogyan lehet a szmlkat kifizetni?
34.Why do some people prefer hypermarkets to smaller shops?
Mirt kedvelik nhnyan a hipermarketeket jobban, mint a kisboltokat?
35.Why do some people prefer smaller shops to hypermarkets?
Mirt kedvelik nhnyan a kisboltokat jobban, mint a hipermarketeket?

888 KERDs svnsz ANGot nryrrryrr
36.What other services do hypermarkets offer besides selng goods?
Milyen szolgltatsokat knlnak a hipermarketek az rueladson kvl?
37.What happens to empty bottles?
Mi trtnik az res vegekkel?
38.How else can you buy goods besides going shopping?
A bolti vsrlson kvl mg hogyan lehet vsrolni?
39.Where do you go if you need some copies of a document?
Hova msz, ha msolnod kell egy iratot?
40.Where can you have your films developed?
Hol tudsz filmet elhvatni?
41.What do you do with digital photos?
Mit szoktl csinlni a digitlis fnykpekkel?
42.How can people park their cars in your town?
Hogyan lehet parkolni a vrosodban?
43.Who do you call in case of an emergency?
Kit hvsz vszhelyzetben?
44.How often is your household rubbish collected?
Milyen gyakran szik el a szemetet tletek?
45. Do you have selective garbage collecting in your town?
Van a vrosodban szelektv hulladkgyjts?

l.What services do you use regularly?
I go to the video and DVD rental shop every weekend. Sometimes I go to a place
where they photocopy notes and parts of book and magazines.

2.What services do your parent use regularly?

My father goes to a petrol station and takes the car to the garage at least once a year.
My mother often goes to the hairdresser's and a beauty salon.

3.How often do you 80 to the hairdresser's?

I never go because my mother cuts my hair.

4.What do you do to your hair yourself and what jobs do you leave to the
I wash and dry it myself but I go to the hairdresser's if it needs cutting.

5.What does a beautician do?

She mainly treats faces. She cleans the skin and massages the face and neck.

6.When do women go to beauty salons?

I thinh for example, when ey are tired and want a relaxing massage. In beaury
salons you can usually also find a sauna and solarium.

7.How can you redecorate your flat or house?

You can paint or paper the walls, change some furniture and buy some decorations.

8.Is it eay to find a skilled person to do repair jobs in your home?

No, not really. Unfornrnately, you have to make a lot of phone calls if you need a
skilled person, for example, to repair a dripping tap or replace a broken window.

9.What do you do if you need your TV set or household equipment repaired?

Fortunately, my father and grandfather can repair a lot of things but if they can't, we
can call a skilled person or take the equipment to a repair shop.

l0.When do people use laundry services?

When they need to have clothes dry-cleaned because they cannot be washed. For
example, my moer takes e winter coats to the laundry every spring. A lot of
people take bed linen and curtains there because they are too big to wash and iron at

11.Do you buy your clothes ready-made?

Yes, I always do. I can easily find nice clothes that fit me in shops. My favourite shops
are in the mall where I often go with my friends.

12.Who 8oes to a tailor or a dressmaker in your family?

My parents have some clothes sewed only for special occasions, for example, weddings.

888 KRDEs svmsz ANGot uyrrwr
13.What changes have to be made to a badly fitting garment?
If it is too long, it has to be taken up. If it's too short, it has to be let down. If it's too
loose, it has to be taken in. If it's too tight, it has to be let out.

14.Where can you have these changes made?

Men take the garment to a tailor and women take it to a dressmaker.

15.How often do your parents take the car to the garage and why?
My father only takes the car there if there's some problem with it. For example, the
engine doesn't work properly.

16.What can you do at a petrol station?

People can fill their cars with petrol or gas. There is usually a car wash there too. In
many places you can also find a small shop where you can buy things for the ca6
newspapers, magazines and food and drinks.

17.Where do your parents have your car cleaned?

We have a big yard where my father can wash and vacuum the car with my brother.
In winter my father sometimes takes the car to the nearest petrol station where
there's a car wash.

18.What can you use a phone for?

You can make phone calls, send faxes and record messages.

19.What are the advantages of answerphones?

I can think of only one advantage: you can leave a message if the person is not at

20. What are the disadvantages of answerphones?

I think answerphones are too impersonal. A lot of people don't like leang a message
and just hang up.

21.What do you do if you want to send a telegram?

I can go to the post office and fill in a form, or I can phone from home and order this

22.What do you do if you want to send a fax?

Our phone at home has no fax function, so I have to go to the post office or to my
parents' workplace.

23.What services does a post office offer?

You can buy stamps, send telegrams or faxes, post letters and parcels, pay bills, and
subscribe to newspapers or magazines.

sERVIcEs - szoLG[rAIsoK
24.What banking services have you heard of.l
I know that banks offer bank cards, money transfer services, accounts where you can
keep your money, and money exchange services.

25.Why is it useful to have a bank card?

You don't need to have too much cash on you because you can easily find an AIM
and withdraw money. You can also use your bank card to pay.

26.What are insurance policies?

They protect you against damage caused by, for example, fire, floods, and burglaries.

27.Where can you take out travel insurance?

You can obtain it at travel and insurance agencies.

28.Why is it important to insure yourself when you travel to a foreign country?

You can avoid problems if you have travel insurance. If you get ill, you don't have to
pay for the treatment. If your luggage is stolen, you can claim damages.

29.Do the electric and gas companies in your region work well?
Yes, though I don't know much about them because my parents pay the bills and
contact them if they need to.

3O.What can cause power cuts?

As far as I know, big storms can cause power cuts.

3l.What can cause problems in the electricity supply nowadays?

People use much more energy nowadays than in the past. A lot of equipment is old
and there's not enough money to replace it.

32.Do you pay for using water at home?

Yes, we do. We have to write the amount we have used on a slip of paper and put it
on the door. We can see this amount on the Water meter. A person comes from the
waterworks and writes it down. Then we get a money order ftom the waterworks
and we pay it at the post office.

33. How can you pay your bills?

My parents either get money orders which they pay at the post office, or they transfer
the money from their bank account.

34.Why do some people prefer hypermarkets to smaller shops?

In a hypermarket there's a wider choice of goods. Their prices are usually lower too.

35.Why do some people prefer smaller shops to hypermarkets?

The service is more personal and they are usually closer to their homes,

888 KRDssvrasz AIGoL rvrrrrrnr
36.What other services do hypermarkets offer besides selling goods?
They often deliver goods to your home. You can pay for gift-wrapping. They usually
publish brochures with current bargains.

37.What happens to empty bottles?

You can take empty bottles to bottle banks where you get some money for them. If a
bonle is not refundable, you can put it in a special bottle container.

38.How else can you buy goods besides going shopping?

You can order things from catalogttes. You can also buy goods on the Intemet.

39.Where do you go if you need some copies of a document?

There's a big copy centre near my school. It's not cheap but they work well and quickly

40.Where can you have your films developed?

There are some specialised shops in my town. I take the rolls there and get e printed
pictures the next day.

41.What do you do with gital photos?

Ichoose the best ones and upload them at an online photoshop. They print the pictures
and send them to me by post.

42,How can people park their cars in your town?

On weekdays from eight to five people have to pay for parking. The tickets can be
bought from machines.

43.Who do you call in case of an emergency?

You can call the general emergency phone numbe6 112, and the police connects you
to the ambulance or the fire brigade.

44. How often is your household rubbish collected?

In my town they empty the containers and bins once a week.

45.Do you have selective garbage collecting in your town?

Yes, there are two ways. You can find containers for glass, plastic, paper and organic
waste in certain places in town. You also get plastic bags for empty plastic bottles and
you have to place ese bags next to the bins.

sERVIcEs - szolcrrArsoK
Words and expressions
alot8 a lot sokat
alotof9 a lot av sok
accoant 24 e'kaUnt bankszmla
advantage 19 ad'vo:nttd3 elny
always ll 'c:lwelz mindig
ambulance 43 'ambjulans ment
amount 32 a'maUnt mennyisg
answerphone 19 'o:nso,feon zenetrgzt
as far as I know 30 azfa,.r z al nau amennyire tudom
at least 2 at li:st legalbb
ATM (automated teller etti: em (,cameltld 'tela bankautomata
machine) 25 maJiln)
avoid 28 o'vctd elkerl
badly fitting 13 'badlt 'ftttt1 nem j r
bank card 24 'beryk,ko:d bankkrrya
banking servtce 24 'beqkt4 ,s3:vls banki szolgi{ltats
bargain 36 'bo:gtn j vtel
beautician 5 bju:'ttfn kozmetikus
beauty salon 2 'bju:tt,salon szpsgszalon
bed linen l0 'bed ,ltntn gynem
besides 36 bl'satdz mellett
big l0 btg nagy
bill23 btl szmla
bin 44 bln kuka
book ] bok knyv
bottle 37 'botl veg
bottle 45 'botl flakon
bottle bank 37 'botl,baqk vegvisszavlt
brochure 36 'breuJa prospektus
broken 8 'braoken trtt
brother 7 'brna fiteswr
bwglary 26 'bs:glart betrs
buy (bought, bou8ht) 7 bal (bct bc) vesz
by post 4 bat 'paust postn (kldve)
call 9 kc:l felhv
car 2 ko: aut
car wash 16 'ko:,woJ autmos
cash 25 kaI kszpnz
catalogue 38 'kete,log katalgus
eause 26 kc:z okoz
certain 45 ss:tan bizonyos, egyes
change Z tfetnd3 megvltoztat
change 13 tJetnd3 vltoztats
cheap 39 tji:p olcs
choice 34 tcts vlasztk

888 KRDssvrnsz ANGot twrrwr
dtoose (dtose, drosen) 41 tJu:z (tJaoz, 'tJeuzn) vlaszt
claim damages 28 kletm'damtd3tz krtrtstkr
clean 5 kli:n kitisztt
close to 35 klauz to kzel
clothes 10 klauz ruha
col|ect 44 ke'lekt syjt
come (came, come) 32 knm (kelm, knm) jn
connect 43 ke'nekt kapcsol
contact sy 29 'kontakt kapcsolatba lp valakivel
container 37 kan'tetna trol
copy 39 'kopt msolat
copy centre 39 'kopt ,sente fnymsolszalon
current 36 'knrant aktulis
curtain 10 'ks:tn fiiggny
cut (cut, cut) 3 knt (knt knO vg
damage (U) 26 'damtd3 kr
d,amages 27 'demtd3tz krtrts
decoration 7 ,deka'retJn dszts
deliver 36 dl'ltva szllt, kzbest
develop 40 dt'velep elhv (filmet)
di9ital 41 dtd3ttl digitlis
disadvantage 20 dtsed'vo:nttd3 htrny
do (did, done) 4 du: (dtd, dnn) csinl
document 39 'dokjomant irat
doot 32 dc: ajt
dressmaker 12 'dres,metka varrn
drink 16 dnqk ital
dripping 8 drtptr; cspg
dry4 drat sztt
dry-clean 10 ,drat 'kli:n vegytisztt
DvD 1 ,di:vi:'di: DVD
easily 1l 'i:ztlt knnyen
easy 8 'iizl knny
either ... or 33 'ala .., c: vagy... vagy
electric company 29 1,|ektnk 'knmpant ramszolgltat vllalat
electricity supply 31 t,lek'trlsatt sa,plat ramellts
emergency 43 t'ms:d3anst vszhelyzet
empty 37 'emptt res
empty 44 'emptt kirt
energy 3i 'enad3l energia
engine 5 'end3tn motor
enough 31 t'nAf elg
equipment (U) 9 l'kwtpment berendezs, kszlk
face 5 fets arc
family 12 'famll csald
father 2 'fo:e apa

sERvIcEs - szolcilrArsoK

fil| 16 fll me8tlt

fill in a fotm 27 ,fll'tn a ,fclm nyomtatvnyt kitlt
fllm 40 fllm film
find (found, found) 6 futnd (fuond, faond) tall
fke 26 ta tz
fire brigade 43 'fata brr,gerd tzoltsg
fit 1l flt illik (i a mret)
flat 7 flat laks
Iood 26 flnd rads
food (U) 16 fu:d lelmiszer
for example 6 fer tg'zo:mpl pldul
foreign country 28 ,fonn'knntrl klfdld
orm 21 fc:m nyomtatvny, rlap
fortunately 9 'fc:tJnatlt szerencsre
function 22 'fnqkJn zemmd
furniture (U) Z 'fslnttJa btor
gatage 2 'garoI3 szerviz
8arment 13 'go:mont ruhadarab
gas 16 gas gz
gas company 29 'gas'knmpenl gzszolgltat vllalat
general 43 'd3eneral ltalnos
8et (got, Eot) 32 get (got got) kap
get (got, got) ill28 get (got got) ll megbetegszik
gift-wrapping 36 'glft,rapt1 ajndkcsomagols
glass 45 glo:s veg (anyag)
go (went, gone) l gao (wen[ gon) megy
go (went, gone) gao (went gon) Joptq vsrolni megy
shopping 38
goods 34 godz ru
grandfather 9 'gran,fo:e nagyapa
hair (U) 3 hee haj
hairdresser's 2 'hee,dresez fodrszat
hang (hung, hung) ap 20 he1 (hnq, hn1) np leteszi a kagylt
happen 37 'hepn trtnik
hear (heard,heard) 24 hte (hs:d, hs:d) hall
house 7 haus hz
household equipment 'haoshauld t'kwtpment hztartsi eszkz
(U) 9
household rubbish (U) 44 'hausheuld 'rnbrJ hztartsi hulladk
how often 3 hau'ofn milyen gyakran
hypermarket 34 'hatpa,mo:ktt hipermarket
impersonal20 tm'ps:snel szemlytelen
important 28 tm'pc:tnt fontos
in case of43 ln kels ev esetn
insurance agency 27 tnJoarans ,etd3nst biztost

888 KRDssvresz ANGot twrrwr
insurance policy 26 tnfoerans ,polast biztostsi ktvny
insure 28 tnJua biztost
Internet 38 'tnto,net internet
iron 0 'alen kivasal
job 4 d3ob feladat
keep (kept, kept) 24 ki:p (kept kept) tart
know (knew known) 24 nau (nju:, naun) tud
laundry l0 'lc:ndrt tisztt
leave (left,left) 4 li:v (lef! left) hagy
let (let, let) down 13 let (let let) daun leenged (ruhadarabot)
let (let, let) out 3 let (let let) aot kienged (ruhadarabot)
letter 23 'lete levl
long.13 lo0 hossz
loose 13 Iu:s b
(ow 34 leo alacsony
luggage (V) 28 'Ingld3 poggysz
magazine 1 ,maga'zi:n folyirat
mainly 5 'metnlt fles
make (made, made) 13 metk (metd, metd) kszt
make (made, made) a melk (metd, meld) a telefonl
phone call 18 'feon ,kc:l
man (men) 14 man (men) frfi (frfiak)
massage 5 'maso:3 masszroz
message 18 'mestd3 zenet
money exchange 24 'mnnt tks,tJetnd3 pnzvlts
money order 32 mnntc:de postai csekk, (kszpnz-
tutalsi megbzs)
money tansfer 24 'mnnt trans,f3l pnztutals
mother 2 'm^a anya
near 39 nlo kzel
neck 5 nek nyak
need 5 ni:d szksge van, rszorul
never 3 'ne\ soha
newspaper l6 'nju:z,pelpa sg
next day 40 nekst det msnap
next to 45 nekst tu mell
nice 11 nals szp
note naot jegyzet
nowadays 31 'naUo,detz manapsg
number 43 'nnmbe szm
obtain 23 eb'teln szert tesz valamire
offer 23 'oe knl
often 2 'ofn gyakran
old 31 auld rgi
once 2 WAns egysZer

sERvIcEs - szotc[rArsoK
onne 4 ,on'laln online, szmtgpes hlza-
ton kereszttil mkd
order 21 'c:de megrende1
organic waste 45 c:,ganlk'wetst szerves hulladk
paint 7 petnt fest
paper 7 'pelpa taptzik
paper (U) 45 'pelpo papr
patcel 23 'po:sl csomag
parent 2 'peeront szl
park42 po:k parkol
parktng 42 'po:klrJ parkols
part po:t rsz
pay (paid, paid) 23 pet (petd, petd) fizet
person (people) B 'ps:sn ('pi:pl) ember (emberek)
personal 35 'ps:snel szemlyes
petrol 6 'petrol benzin
peuol station 2 'petral,stetJn benzinkt
phone B feun telefonl
phone 8 faon telefon
photo 4l 'fautau fnykp
photocopy Teoteu,kopt fnymsol
photoshop 4l 'fautauJop fotzlet
picture 40 'plkto fnykp
place l plels hely
place 45 plets elhelyez
plastic 45 'plastrk manyag
plastic bag 45 ,plastlk'bag manyagzsk
police 43 pe'lils rendrsg
post 23 'peost postz
post office 2t 'paust ,ofis posta
power cut 30 'paua,k^t ramsznet
ptef,er 34 prl'fa: jobban kedvel
price 34 prals r
ptint 41 prtnt nyomtat
printed 40 pnnttd nyomtatott
problem 15 'problam gond, problma
properly 5 'propoh jl
protect sy against 2 pra'tekt o'genst megv valamivel szemben
publish 36 'p^bh kiad
put (put, put) 32 pot (ptt[ put) rak, tesz
quickly 39 'kwtklt gyorsan
ready-made J l ,redt'metd ksz
really 8 'rlalt igazn
record 18 rlkcld felvesz
redecorate 7 ril'deka,rett feljt
refundable 37 ri:'fnndabl visszavlthat
888 KRDssvrnsz ANGoL twrrvgr
region 29 'ri:d3n trsg
regularly 'regjoleh rendszeresen
relaxing 6 rl'lakstr; pihentet, nyugtat
rental 1 rentl klcsnz
repair 9 n'pea javt
repair job B n'pea ,d3ob javts
repair shop 9 n'pea Jop javtmhely
replace 8 n'plets kicserl
restaurant 25 'restront tterem
roll 40 raol tekercs
sauna 6 'sc:no szauna
school 39 sku:l iskola
see (saw, seen) 32 si: (sc:, si:n) lt
selective garbage se,lekttv'golbtd3 ka,lekttq szelektv hulladkgyjts
collecting 45
selling 36 sehry elads
send (sent, sent) 18 send (sent sent) kld
send (sent, sent) by send (sent sent) bat 'paust postiin elkld
post 47
service 's3:Vls szolgltats
sew (sewed, sewn) 12 seu (saud, saun) Varr
shop 1 op bolt
skilled B sklld szakkpzett
skn 5 sktn br
slip of papet 32 ,sltp av'petpe cetli
small 16 smc:l kicsi
solarium 6 sa'leerlam szolrium
sometimes 1 'snmbtmz nha
special 37 spe klnleges
special occasion 12 ,spe! a'ket3n klnleges alkalom
specialised shop 40 ,speJelatzd fop szakzlet
spring 10 spn0 tavasz
stamp 23 stamp blyeg
steal (stole, stolen) 2B sti:l (steul,'staolan) lop
storm 30 stc:m vihar
subscribe to 23 sab'skratb tu elfizet
tailor 12 'tetla szab
take (tooh taken) 2 terk (tok, tetkan) visz
take (took, taken) in 13 telk (tok, 'tetkan) ln bevesz (ruhadarabot)
take (took, taken) up 3 terk (tuk, 'tetkan) np felhajt (ruhadarabot)
tap 8 tap csap
telegram 21 'telt,gram tvirat
thing 9 0ltl dolog
think (thought, Olqk (Oc:t Oc:t) gondol, vl
thought) 6
though 29 eu br, habr

d<et42 'ttktt parkoljegy
ticket mactine 42 'ttktt meJi:n automata egyrust)
ti8ht 13 btt szk
tired 6 'bted fradt
too l0 tu: tlsgosan
tov,n40 hon vros
transfer 33 trans'fs: tutal
aavel28 'travl utazik
travel agency 27 'travl,etd3nst utazsi iroda
travel insurance 27 'travltnJoarans utazsi biztosts
treat 5 tri kezel
teatment 28 'tri:tment kezels
TV set 9 ti:,vil'set tvkszlk
unfortunately 8 nn'fc:tJnath sajnos
upload 41 'np,laod feltlt (netre)
use .1
julz hasznl
useful25 Ju:sfl hasznos
usually 6 Ju:3uelt rendszerint
vacuum 17 'vakjum kiporszvz
video l 'vtdta vide
wall7 wc:l fal
want 6 wont akar
wash 4 Wo me8mos
water 32 \ivca viz
water meter 32 'wc:ta,milte vzra
waterworks 32 'wc:ta,wslks vzmvek
way 45 Wel md
week44 wilk ht
weekday 42 'wi:kdet htkznap
weekend l ,wi:k'end hwge
wide 34 wald szles
window 8 'wtnde ablak
winter coat l0 'wtnta keot tlikabt
withdraw (withdrew, wl'drc: (wt'dru:, pnzt kivesz
withdrawn) money25 w'drc:n)'mnnt
woman (women) 6 'wman ('wtmtn) n (nk)
work 15 ws:k mkdik
work 39 wg:k dolgozik
workplace 22 'ws:k,plels munkahely
write (wrote, written) 32 rart (reut 'rrtn) it
yard 1,7 jo:d udvar
yeat 2 jta v

svrnsz ANGoL ryrlrrur

At the department store -ruhzban

A Hello. Could you help me? I bought A J napot! Tudna segteni? Tegnap itt vettem
thesejeans here yesterday, but they ezt a farmert, de hibas.
are faulty.
B What is the problem? B Mi a gond?
A The zip broke when I was putting A A zipzr tnkrement, amikor fel akartam
them on. yenni a nadrgot.
B I see. Do you have the receipt? B rtem, Megvan ablokk?
A Yes, here you are. Algen, tessk
B Would you like anofher pair or a refund? B Egt masik farmert szeretne vagr a pnzt
A I'd prefer a refund, please. Alnkbb a pnzt krnmyissza.

At the watchmakers - rasnt

A Good morning, Could you please take A J reggelt! Meg rudn, nzni az rmat?
a look at my watch? It stopped last night. Tegnap ute megdllt,
B The battery may be dead. How long B Lehet, hogt lemerIt az elem. Mitavan ez
have you had the watch? az rja?
A About two or three years, I think, AKb. kt vagr hrom ve, azt hiszem.
B If that's the case, the battery needs B Ha gt van, ki kell cserIni az elemet.
replacing. I'll put in a new one if you like. Beteszek egt jat, ha szeretn.
A Yes please. A Igen, Iegren szves!

Other expressions - Egtb kifejezsek

Where is the nearest cashpoint? H ol v an a Ie gkzelebbi p nzautomata?
Where can I change money? HoI vIthatok pnzt?
Can I have it exchanged? Becserlhetem?
How much is e postage for a letter Mennyibe kerI feladni egt levelet
to Hungary? Magtarorszdgra?
I'd like to post a registered letter. S zeretnk f eladni eg aj nlott lev elet.
Could I have a telephone card for Kaphatnk e gt tfonto s telef o nkrty t?
f5, please?

18. Computers, the Internet and Telecommunications -
Szmtgp, internet s telekommunikci

A: |/,Ihy is W better than the lnternet?

B: A remote control has fewer buttons than a keyboard.

l.What does a computer consist ofr

Mibl ll egy szmtgp?
2.Do you use a computer regularly?
Rendszeresen szmtgpezel?
3.What do you use a computer for?
Mire hasznlod a szmtgpet?
4.Do you have a computer at home?
Van otthon szmtgped?
5.Do you play computer games?
Szoktl szmtgpes jtkokkal jtszani?
6.What computer games do you like?
Milyen szmtgpes jtkokat kedvelsz?
7. How much time do you spend playing or working at your computer?
Mennyi idt szoktl a szmtgp eltt tlteni jtkkal vagy munkval?
8.Do you have an email address?
Van e-mail cmed?
9.How can you open a free email account?
Hogyan lehet ingyenes e-mail szolgltatshoz jutni?
10. How can you send emails?
Hogyan lehet e-mailt kldeni?
11.Do you study computer science at school?
Tanulsz szmtstechnikt az iskolban?
12.Is there a computer lab in your school?
Van szmtgpterem az iskoldban?

888 KRDssvmsz ANGot urnrwl
l3.What is a laptop?
Mi a laptop?
14.llow can you store information with the help of a computer?
Hogyan lehet informcikat trolni a szmtgpen?
15.Do you have access to the Internet?
van internet-hozzfrsed?
16.What can you use the Internet for?
Mire hasznlhat az intemet?
17.How can you access the Internet from home?
Hogyan lehet elrni az internetet otthonrl?
l8.What information can you get with the help of the Internet?
Milyen informcikhoz lehet hozzjutni az internet segtsgvel?
19.What is www?
Mi a www?
20.What do you know about chat programmes?
Mit tudsz a chat programokrl?
21.Is there an Internet caf in your town?
Van internetkvz a lakhelyeden?
22.Nhat is a web page?
Mi a honlap?
23.Why is it not good to spend too much time at the computer?
Mirt nem j sok idt a szmtgp eltt tlteni?
24.How are emails and ordinary letters different?
Miben klnbzik az e-mail s a hagyomnyos levl?
25.What are emoticons?
Mik az ,,emoticon"-ok?
26.How are computer viruses dangerous?
Milyen mdon veszlyesek a szmtgpes vrusok?
27.|Nhat does "spam" mean?
Mit jelent a ,,spam" sz?
28.What does a telephone number consist of.)
Mibl ll egy telefonszm?
29.How do you make a call using a public phone box?
Hogyan telefonlunk fulkbl?
30.What can you use the answerphone for?
Mire j az zenetrgzt?
3l,.What is a fax?
Mi a fax?
32.What can you do with a mobile phone?
Mit lehet mobiltelefonnal csinlni?
33.Is it polite to use your mobile phone everywhere?
Mindentt udvarias dolog mobiltelefonlni?
34.Why are mobile phones getting more and more popular?
Mirt egyre npszerbbek a mobiltelefonok?
35.What does SMS stand for?
Mit jelent az SMS?

36.Do you often send text messages?
Gyakran szoktl SMS-I kldeni?
37.Do you prefer talking on the phone to sending text messages?
Mit szeretsz jobban: telefonlni vagy SMS-t kldeni?
38.When are mobile phones especially important?
Mikor klnsen hasznos a mobiltelefon?
39. How do you decide what kind of mobile phone to buy?
Hogyan dntd el, hogy milyen mobiltelefont vegyl?
40.What are the advantages of mobile phones compared to ordinary phones?
Mik a mobiltelefon elnyei a hagyomnyos telefonhoz kpest?
41.What are the disadvantages of mobile phones compared to ordinary phones?
Mik a mobiltelefon htrnyai a hagyomnyos telefonhoz kpest?
42.Where do people keep their mobile phones?
Hol tartjk az emberek a mobiltelefonukat?

svmsz ANGot NyrrvgL
1.What does a computer consist of?
It consists of hardware, such as a hard disk with drives, monitor with a screen,
keyboard, mouse, and speakers.

2.Do you use a computer regularly?

yes, I do. I surf the net and write emails regularly. I usually sit down to surf the net
when I've done all my homework.

3.What do you use a computer for?

I write emails to my friends and sometimes chat with them. I also use it for mY
homework. If I need some information, I search the net.

4.Do you have a computer at home?

yes, t do. It's not to modern but it's enough for me. I use it mostly for homework
and playing computer games. I like simple games like solitaire and hearts.

5.Do you play computer games?

yes,-I often do. t like almost all kinds of games. My friends often come to our Place
and we play together.

6.What computer games do you ke?

My favourites are strategy games but I also like role play games. I sometimes play
solitaire, too.

7.How much time do you spend playing or working at your computer?

on weekdays I'm bus}, so I spend only half an hour at the computer when I check mY
emails. At weekends I usually play computer games, that is, I spend at least three
hours playing.

8.Do you have an email address?

yes, I do. I ink it's really important to have an email address nowadays because, for
example, ids easier to keep in contact with your friends if you email each other,

9.How can you open a free email account?

It's very simple. You just open the homepage for an Internet Service Provider and
follow ih" inrt u.tions. you can choose from a lot of providers.

10. How can you send emails?

You just compose your letter, type the address and click on the send button. You can
also attach, pictures and photos, for example.

1l.Do you study computer science at school?

yes, l do. We have tralo classes a week in the lab. They are quite good, but sometimes
a bit boring when we have to do simple things that everybody has done already,

12.Is there a computer lab in your school?
Yes, we have two labs. You can find some brand-new computers and some o]der ones
there. There are also printers in e lab, so you can print the pages you need.

13.What is a laptop?
It's a kind of portable computer. It's small, so you can take it with you anywhere.

14. How can you store information with the help of a computer?
You can store information on the hard disk of your compute! and you can use floppies,
CDs, and DVDs as well. More and more people use pen drives because ey are small
but you can store a lot of information on them.

15.Do you have access to the Internet?

No, unfortunately I don't. I can use the computer at school and in the Internet caf
near my home.

16.What can you use the Internet for?

You can find all kinds of information on it. For example, you can find timetables, and
you can read newspapers and magazines. A lot of people download films, music, and
books from the Internet. You can order goods and use banking services, too. Of
course, you need the net to send and receive emails.

17.How can you acces the Internet from home?

There are several possibilities. I think modems are the cheapest but they are slow.
ADSL is getting more and more popular because it is fast.

l8.What information can you get with the help of the Internet?
You can read about almost everything, such as, weather forecasts, news, progTammes,
and fashion.

19.What is www?
It's the abbreviation for world wide web.

20.What do you know about chat programmes?

I think mainly young people like chatting. It's just like talking on the phone but
instead of talking and listening, you type and read the screen.

21.Is there an Internet caf in your town?

Yes, there are three. I often 80 to one of them because I don't have access to the
Internet at home.

22.What is a web page?

It's a page on the net where, for example, companies, institutions, and individuals
give you information about themselves.

888 KRDssvrasz ANGoL tvygnBr
23.Why is it not good to spend too muclr time at the computer?
If you spend too much time in front of a computer, it can cause headache and
backache. It's not good for your eyes, either.

24.How are emails and ordinary letters different?

You can write and get emails quicker than letters. You don't have to buy envelopes
and stamps.

25.What are emoticons?

They are funny symbols that people send in emails and text messages to express their

26. How are computer viruses dangerous?

They can damage documents and even the whole computer. You can get some viruses
with emails.

27,What does "spam" mean?

It's like an advertisement that you get in emails.

28.What does a telephone number consist of?

The complete number contains the counnry code, e area code, and the phone number.

29. How do you make a call using a public phone box?

Nowadays there are fewer and fewer phone boxes because a lot of people have
mobile phones. If you want to make a phone call from a phone box, you have to have
coins or a phone card. You have to pick up the receive4 insert e coins or the card,
and dial the number.

30.What can you use the answerphone for?

It records messages when you can't answer the phone.

31.What is a fax?
It's a kind of letter that you send using a phone. You can fax not only letters, but all
kinds of documents and photos as well.

32.What can you do with a mobile phone?

You can call people, send text messa8es or pictures, play games, set the alarm clock,
take pictures, and use the calculator.

33.Is it polite to use your mobile phone everywhere?

No, I don't think so. I hate it when people use their phones in public places. I ink
it's impolite to disturb other people.

34.Why are mobile phones getting more and more popular?

I think they are popular because you can take them everywhere. More and more people
can afford one because they are not as expensive as they were a few years ago.


35.What does SMS stand for?

It means short message serrrice.

36.Do you often send text messages?

yes, I do. I usually keep in contact with my friends by sending text messages. It's
cheaper than calling thern.

37.Do you prefer talking on the phone to sending text messa8es?

I prefer sending text messages because it's cheaper,

38.When are mobile phones especially important?

They are useful when you are in trouble, for example, when you get ill, get lost, or
are late for a meeting.

39.How do you decide what kind of mobile phone to buy?

I ask my friends, read brochures, and find information on the net.

4O.What are the advantages of mobile phones compared to ordinary phones?

You can be reached anywhere at any time. You can phone whenever you want to.

41.What are the disadvantages of mobile phones compared to ordinary phones?

It,s sometimes disturbing that people can reach you anywhere at any time. The battery
in your mobile phone can run down.

42.Where do people keep their mobile phones?

Most women put their mobile phones in their bags. Men prefer carrying them in a
case on their belts, I think.

88s KRDssvuq,sz ANGoL twrrvgr

a bit 11 e'blt kicsit

alotof9 a lot av sok
abbreviation 19 e,bri:vt'etJn rvidts
access 15 'kses hozzrs
address 8 o'dres cm
ADSL l7 ,etdil es'el ADSL
advantage 40 ad'vo:ntld3 elny
advertisement 27 od'v3lsment hirdets, reklm
aford,34 e'fc:d megenged maginak (anyagilag)
alarm clock 32 e'lo:m,klok bresztra
almost 5 'cllmaost majdnem
already 1 c:l'redl mr
answer the phone 30 'olnse a ,fgon felveszi a telefont
answerphone 30 'o:nso,faUn zenetrgzt
anywhere 34 'enl,wea brhol
area code 28 'eane ,keud krzetszm
ask 39 o:sk megkrdez
at any ame 40 et enlblm brmikor
at home 4 at heom otthon
at least 7 at li:st legalbb
at weekend 7 ot wi:k'endz hwgenknt
attach 0 etatJ csatol
backache 23 'baketk htfjs
bag 42 bag tska
banking service l6 'baqktq ,s3:vls banki szolgltats
battery 41 'batart akkumultor
be late for 38 bi: lalt fc: elksik vmirl
be|t 42 belt v
book 16 buk knyv
boring 1l 'bc:nq unalmas
brand-new 12 'brend ,nju: vadonatuj
brochure 39 'braoJue prospektus
busy 7 'blzl elfoglalt
button 10 'bntn gomb
buy (bought, bought) 24 bal (bc:t bc) Vesz
calculator 32 'kelkju,lae szmolgp
call 32 kc:l felhv
carry 42 'kart sz, cipel, hord
case 42 kets tart
cause 23 kc:z okoz
cD 14 ,si:'di: cD
chat 3 t8t chatel
cheap 17 tJi:p olcs
check 7 Uek megnz

choose (chose, chosen) 9 lfulz (t!aaz,'tJaozn) vlaszt
class l klo:s tanra
click on 10 kltk on rkattint
coin 29 kcln rme, fmpnz
company 22 'knmpenl vifllalat, cg
compared to 40 kam'pead to sszehasonlwa valamivel
complete 28 kam'pli teljes
compose 10 kam'peoz megfogaimaz
computer kem'pjua szmtgp
computer game 4 kam'pjue,getm szmtgpes jtk
computer science 1l kam,pju:ta 'salens szmtstechnika, informatika
computer virus 26 kam,pjua '\Elras szmtgpes vrus
consist of l kan'stst ov ll valamibl
contain 28 ken'tetn tartalmaz
country code 28 'knntrr keud orszghvszm
damage 26 'damtd3 krost
dangerous 26 'detnd3ares veszlyes
decide 39 dt'satd eldnt
dial 29 'datal trcsz
different 24 'dtfrent klnbz
disadvantage 41 dtsad'vo:nttd3 htrny
disturb 33 dt'stg:b zayat
disturbing 4l dt'sts:btq zavat
do (did, done) 11 du: (dld, dnn) csinl
document 26 'dokjoment dokumentum
download 16 ,daun'laod letlt (netrl)
drive ] drav meghajt
DvD 14 ,dil vi:'di: DVD
each other 8 ,iJ'na egymsnak
easy 8 'i,.zt knny
either 23 'ala sem
email account 9 'i:metle,kaunt e-mail hozzfrs
emoticon 25 'tmaottkon hangulat-jel
enough 4 t'nnf elg
envelope 24 'envelaup bortk
especially 38 spe|t klnsen
even 26 i:vn st
expensive 34 tk'spenstv drga
express 25 tk'spres kifejez
eye 23 al szem
fashion lB 'faJn divat
f.ast 17 fo:st gyors
favourite 6 'fetvrat kedvenc
ax 31 feks fax
fax 3l faks faxol
feeng 25 'fi:hq rzs,rzelem

888 KRDssvam,sz ANGot
fewer and fewer 29 fju:ar and flu:e egyre kevesebb
film l6 ftlm film
find (found, found) 12 falnd (fuond, bund) tall
floppy 14 'flopt kislemez, flopi
follow 9 'fplao kvet
for example 6 fer tg'zo:mpl pldul
free 9 fril ingyenes
friend 3 frend bart
funrlry 25 'f^nl cces
game 5 9elm jtk
8et (8ot, 8ot) 18 get (got got) szerez, kap
get (got, got) 17 get (got got) vlik valamiv
get (got, got) ill38 get (got got) tl megbetegszik
get (got, got) lost 38 get (got got) lost eltved
give (gave, glven) 22 grv (getv, gtvn) ad
good l1 god j
goods 16 gudz ru
half an hotlt 7 ho:f en aua fl ra
hard disk ,ho:d'dlsk merevlemez
hardware l 'ho:d,wea hardver
hate 33 he utl
have (had, had) to 11 hev (had, had) to kell
headache 23 'hedetk fejfjs
hearts 4 holts fekete macska (szmtgpes
t;'elp 14 help segtsg
homepage 9 'heum,peld3 honlap
homework 3 'heom,ws:k hzi feladat
hoar 7 aoa ra
impolite 33 lmpo'lalt udvariatlan
important B tm'pc:tnt fontos
individual22 ,tndt'vtd3oel egyn, szemly
information (U) 3 tnfa'metJan informci
insert 29 ln's3:t beilleszt, behelyez
instead of 20 tn'sted av helyett
institution 22 rnstr'tju:Jn intzmny
instruction 9 tn'strnkJn utasts
Internet 15 'tnta,net internet
Internet caf 15 ,tntenet'kafel internetkvz
Internet service proder 9 'tntg,net's3lvls pra'ratde internet-szolgltat
keep (kept, kept) 42 ki:p (kept kept) tart
keep (kept, kept) in ki:p (kept kept) ln kapcsolatot tart
contact with 8 'kontakt wt
keyboard 1 'kil,bc:d billentyzet
kind 5 katnd fajta
know (knew, known) 20 nao (nju:, naon) tud


laptop 13 'lap,top laptop, hordozhat szmtgp

letter l0 'leto levl
like 4 lalk mint
like 4 latk szeret
listen 20 ltsn hallgat
magazine 16 mega'zi:n folyirat
mainly 20 'metnlt fleg
make (made, made) merk (merd, metd) a kc:l telefonl
a cal.l 29
mean (meant, meant) 22 mi:n (ment ment) jelent
meeting 38 mitry tallkoz
message 30 'mestd3 zenet
mobile phone 29 'maobatl 'faon mobiltelefon
modem 17 'mou,dam modem
modern 4 'modan modern
monitor 1 'monfta monitor
more and mote 17 mc:r end mc: e8yre tbb
mostly 4 'maostlt fleg
mouse 1 maUs egr
music 16 'mju:ztk zene
near 5 nla kzel
need 3 ni:d szksge van
news (U) 18 nju:z hrek
newspaper 16 'nju:z,petpa napilap, jsg
nowadays 8 'naue,detz manapsg
number 28 'nnmba szm
of course 16 ,av'kc:s termszetesen
often 5 'ofn gyakran
old 12 eold rgi
on weekdays 7 on wi:kdetz htkznaponknt
open 9 'oupan megnyit
order 16 'c:do rendel
ordinary 24 'c:dnart hagyomnyos
other 33 '^o ms
page 1,2 petd3 oldal
pen drive l4 'pen drav pendrive
people (person) 14 'pi:pl ('pe:sn) emberek (ember)
phone 20 faon telefon
phone 40 feun telefonl
phone box29 'feon ,bpks telefonf[ilke
phone card29 'faun ,ko:d telefonkrtya
phone number 28 'faun ,nnmba telefonszm
photo l0 'feutao fnykp
pick up 29 ptk np felvesz
picture l0 'plktja kp
svrasz ANGoL tvynrwr
place 33 plets hely
play 4 plet jtszik
polite 33 pe'latt udvarias
populat 1,7 'popjoler npszer
portable 13 'pc:tabl hordozhat
possibility Z ,posa'btlatt lehetsg
prefer 37 pn'fa: jobban szeret
print 72 pnnt nyomtat
pnntet 72 'pnnte nyomtat
progtamme 18 'praUgrm program, msor
provider 9 pre\atda szolgltat
public 29 'pnbltk nyilvnos
put (put, plu;t) 42 put (pot pot) tesz
qaick24 kwlk gyors
quite 11 kwalt elgg
reach40 riJ elr
read (read, read) 6 ri:d (red, red) olvas
really 8 'rloll igazn
receive ]6 rl'si:v kap
receiver 29 rt'si:va telefonkagyl
record 30 n'kc:d felvesz, rgzt
regularly 2 'regjulalt rendszeresen
role play game 6 raulpletgetm szerepjtk
run (ran, run) down 4l rnn (ran, rnn) daun lemerl
school 11 skull iskola
screen ] skri:n kperny
search 3 s3It keres
send (sent, ent) l0 send (sen{ sent) kld
service 35 's3:Vls szolgltats
set (set, set) 32 set (set set) bellt
several 17 'sevral tbb, szmos
short 35 Jc:t rvid
simple 4 'stmpl egyszer
slow 17 slao lass
small 3 smc:l kicsi
solitaire 4 ,soll'tee paszinsz
sometimes 3 'snmbtmz nha
spam (U) 27 spam spam, kretlen reklmlevl
speak (spoke, spoken) 37 spi:k (speuk, 'spaukn) beszl
speaker l spi:ka hangszr
spend (spent, spent) spend (spen[ spent)blm idt tlt
ttme 7
stamp 24 stirmp blyeg
stand (stood, stood) stand (stod, stud) fc: jelent, valami rvidtse
for 35
store 14 stcl trol

stratgiai jtk
study 11 'stndt tanul
such as l sntJ az mint pldul
surf the net 2 sg:f a net bngszik a neten
symbol25 'stmbl jel
take (took, taken) 13 terk (tok,'tetkan) sz
take (took" taken) terk (tok, 'tetkan) 'ptktJez fnykpez
pictures 32
talk 20 tc:k beszlget
talk on the phone 20 tc:k on a'faon telefonl
telephone number 28 'teltfaon,nnmba telefonszm
text message 25 'tekst,mestd3 sMs
thing l1 9lt] dolog
think (thought, OrrJk (0c:t Oc:t) gondol, vl
thought) 8
timetable 16 'brm,tetbl menetrend
too 4 tu: tlsgosan
town 21 bon vros
trouble 38 'trnbl baj
type l0 blp gpel
unfortunately 15 nn'fcJnetlt sajnos
use 2 juzz hasznl
useful38 ]u:sfl hasznos
usually 7 Ju:3oalt rendszerint, ltalban
want29 wont akar
weather forecast 18 'wea ,fc:ko:st idjrs-elrejelzs
web page 22 'web,petd3 honlap
week 11 wi:k ht
weekday 7 'wi:kdel htkznap
weekend 7 ,wi:k'end hwge
whenever 40 Wen'eva brmikor
whole 26 haul egsz, teljes
woman (women) 42 \uomen ('wtmtn) n (nk)
work7 ws:k dolgozik
write (wrote, written) 2 rart (reot 'ntn) ir
www (World Wide ,dnblju: dnblju:'dnbljul lghl
Web) 19 (,ws:ld wald'web)
yeat 34 jta v
yoang 20 jnrj fiatal

888 KRDssvmsz ANGot ryrrwl
Conversation tips
Making a phone call - Telefonhvas
A Hello. 872 907 (eight-one-two nine
l" O-il.Vn)]r",,,,:" "
:, " :"",,,

B Hi Mari.,I8yAilna;
Oh' hi.'Anna.,.l',Hqry,a:.?],,,:,:]],]:,],],]l,,,]]l,,,,,]1,1:,,,,:]1,,;]
B. Fifie,], I}1{; \n/Old.,ys,]lik,,]t]] ]],']:,,,,] ]] ] ] :']. :]

16. inner,,orno]d..:,ti}rt?,.:,,,,l,:' l,,l",,,,

' Th_ankl]:f lori,el,,,tl:,,crrr*!:ll$&at,-l.,s?l,,l, '.

B,,,Alound'seven.'ll.,,l,, l,::,:l
A. Ok],e:-lrl: e; ]

B,gg l1P.,: ]],,,],] l, ]",:,l:,].]:,,,_,l]


A Hello. B22 9O7 (eight-doubletwo

B Hello. This is Anna Smith. Can B J napot! Anna Smithvagrok Mary
I speak to Mary Bro,vtm, please? Br ow nnal szer etnk b eszlni.
A Mary Brown speaking. AMary Brownvagtok,

Vocabulary tips
Pl,'ll .'' "...l. 1,1 .] .,'l -:]]. li.,]]l-]l' l]],].l]] ,:,;,,::';:,1*63' -'':].ffif n.ii&LW' ;, :..'.:,:,,

Megsi,lryll}it lii\r:]:],].],]]]:.,,]]:]:':]l],],,]:,,.,]:]]] ],:]]]]

Fortunately I don't get much spam. Szerencsre nem kapok sok spamet.
enail,.'srt,(il,',.']]..,],'] ] l,]]:l':"] ]
e-mailt kld valakinek
NinCl[r:,, l1,'.1',,:'

I email my friend every day. Mind,en nap kaidak abartomnak egt


19. Hungary - Magyarorczg

A: What didyou say? Areyouhungry?

B: Nq I said l'm from Hungary,

1.Where is Hungary situated?

Hol van Magyarorszg?
2.Which countries border Hungary?
Mely orszgok Magyarorszg szoms zdai?
3.How big is Hungary?
Mekkora Magyarorszg?
4.How many people live in Hungary?
Hny ember lakik Magyarorszgon?
5.What is the curency of Hungary?
Mi Magyarorszg pnzneme?
6.What is the official language of Hungary?
Mi a hivatalos nyelv Magyarorszgon?
7.What is the country code of Hungary?
Mi Magyaro r szg or szghvszma?
8.What is the form of government in Hungary?
Mi Magyarorszg llamformja?
9.Where does the parliament sit?
Hol lsezik a magyar parlament?
lO.What smaller units of government is the country divided into?
Milyen kisebb kzigazgatsi egysgekre tagoldik az orszg?
1l.What are the main geogaphical regions in Hungary?
Melyek Magyarorszg legfontosabb fldrajzi egysgei?
12.What are the main political parties in Hungary?
Melyek Magyarorszg legfontosabb politikai prtjai?
13.What are the biggest lakes in Hungary?
Melyek Magyarorszg legnagyobb tavai?
888 KRDssvrnsz ANGoL rwnrwr
14.What are the best-known mountains in Hungary?
Melyek a legismertebb hegyek Magyarorszgon?
1,5.What is the highest point in Hungary?
Mi Magyarorszg legmagasabb pontja?
16.What are the longest rivers in Hungary?
Melyek Magyarorszg leghosszabb folyoi?
17.What is the capital of Hungary?
Mi Magyarorszg fvrosa?
18.What is the population of the capital?
Mekkora a fvros lakossga?
19.What are the five biggest cities in Hungary?
Mi az t legnagyobb vros Magyarorszgon?
2O.What popular tourist attractions are there in Budapest?
Milyen idegenforgalmi nevezetessgek tallhatk Budapesten?
21.What popular tourist attractions are there in Debrecen?
Milyen idegenforgalmi nevezetessgek tallhatk Debrecenben?
22.What popular tourist attractions are there in Szeged?
Milyen idegenforgalmi nevezetessgek tallhatk Szegeden?
23.What popular tourist attractions are there in Miskolc?
Milyen idegenforgalmi nevezetessgek tallhatk Miskolcon?
24.1fihat popular tourist attractions are there in Pcs?
Milyen idegenforgalmi nevezetessgek talihatk Pcsett?
25.What are the main religions in Hungary?
Melyek a legjelentsebb vallsok Magyarorszgon?
26.How do most people earn their living in Hungary?
Mibl l a legtbb ember Magyarorszgon?
27.lflhat is a typical Hungarian landscape like?
Milyen a tipikus mawa tj?
28.Which parts of Hungary are the most popular with tourists?
Melyek Magyarorszg legkedveltebb rszei a turistk krben?
29.What is your favourite Hungarian town and why?
Melyik a kedvenc magyar vrosod s mirt?
30.What are the most famous thermal baths and spas in Hungary?
Melyek Magyarorszg leghresebb 8,yffirdi?
31.What Hungarian specialities do tourists take home as souvenirs or gifts?
Milyen sajtos magyar termkeket sznek haza a turistik emlkiil, illeWe ajndkba?
32.What are traditonal Hungarian dishes and drinks?
Melyek a hagyomnyosan magyar telek s italok?
33.What is Hungar5/s flora like?
Milyen Magyarorszg nvnyvilga?
34.What is Hunga4/s fauna like?
Milyen Magyarorszg llawilga?
35.What do you know about the folk art of Hungary?
Mit tudsz a magyar npmvszetrl?

1.Where is Hungary situated?
Hungary is in Cenral Europe, in the Carpathian Basin.

2.Which countries border Hungary?

Austria, Slovakia, Ukaine, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, Croatia, and Slovenia.

3.How big is Hungary?

It is about 93 thousand square kilometres.

4.How many people live in Hungary?

The population s about ten million.

5.What is the currency of Hungary?

It is the Hungarian forint. There are coins and banknotes,

6.What is the official language of Hungary?

It is Hun8arian.

7.What is the country code of Hungary?

It is 36.

8.What is the form of government in Hungary?

Hungary is a parliamentary republic.

9.Where does the parliament sit?

It sits in the capital, Budapest, in the House of Parliament.

10.What smaller units of government is the country dided into?

There are 19 counties.

ll.What are the main geogtaphical regions in Hungary?

Central, Southern and Westem Transdanubia, the Southern and Northern Great
Plain, Lake Balaton, the Danube Region, and Northern Hungary.

l2.What are the main political parties in Hungary?

I think the Hungarian Socialist Party and Fidesz-Hungarian Cic Union are the main

13.What are the biggest lakes in Hungary?

The biggest lake is Lake Balaton, which is the biggest lake in Central Europe. A lot of
tourists sit Lake Velence and Lake Tisza too,

14.What are the best-known mountains in Hungary?

I think they are the Matra Hills, e Bakony, and the Mecsek.

888 KRDssvmsz ANGot twnrwr
l5.What is the highest point in Hungary?
It is Kkestet in the Mtra Hills. It is 10].4 metres high.

16.What are the longest rivers in Hungary?

In Hungary the Danube is 416 kilometres long, and the Tisza is 530 kilometres long.

17.What is the capital of Hungary?

The capital is Budapest.

l8.What is the population of the capital?

It is about n,rro million.

19.What are the five biggest cities in Hungary?

They are Budapest, Debrecen, Szeged, Miskolc, and Pcs.

20.What popular tourist attractions are there in Budapest?

The Buda Castle and its surroundings, the Fishermen's Bastion, Matthias Church,
Heroes' Square, Margaret Island, the House of Parliament, and St Stephen's Basilica.

2l.What popular tourist attractions are there in Debrecen?

The Calvinist Great Church, The Calnist College, and several museums.

22.What popular tourist attractions are there in Szeged?

Dm Square with the Cathedral, the Town Hall, the Synagogue, and several buildings
in the Art Nouveau style.

23.What popular tourist attractions are there in Miskolc?

The Hungarian Orthodox Church and Museum, the Reformed Church with its bell
towel the Synagogue, and several wine cellars.

24.What popular tourist attractions are there in Pcs?

The Bishopric Cathedral, the Csontvry Museum, Turkish Djamis and Minarets, and
tombs from Roman times.

25.What are the main religions in Hungary?

Most Hungarian people are Roman Catholics, Calvinists or Lutherans.

26.How do most people earn their living in Hungary?

I don't know exactly. A lot of people work in agriculfure, industry and seryices.

27.1{hatis a typical Hungarian landscape ke?

Hungary mostly consists of plains, and there are hills and low mountains in the
western and northern parts of the country.

28.Which parts of Hungary are the most popular with tourists?

A lot of tourists visit Budapest and Lake Balaton.

29.What is your favourite Hungarian town and why?
I like Sopron a lot. It is near the Austrian border. There are a lot of sights, such as the
61-m high Fire Tower, e Benedictine Church, the Holy Trinity Statue and the castle

30.What are the most famous thermal baths and spas in Hungary?
There are about 150 spas in Hungary. I think the best-known are Hvz,Hajdszo-
boszl and zalakaros.

31.What Hungarian speciaties do tourists take home as souvenirs or gifts?

I ink tourists buy the world-famous Tokaj wine, red paprika, and garlic.

32.What are traditional Hungarian dishes and drinks?

Hungary is famous for its stews, goulash, and fish soups, Hungarians traditionally
make wine and plinka, which is a type of spirit.

33.What is Hungary's flora like?

In Hungary you can find meadows, pastures and forests. There are several kinds of
flowers and trees, for example, oak, beech, and poplar.

34.What is Hungary's fauna like?

There are a lot of wild animals in the forests, for example, roe deer, wild boars, deeq
and foxes. In the fields there are hares, partridges, quails and pheasants. The rivers
and lakes are rich in fish: carp, catfish, and whitefish.

35.What do you know about the folk art of Hungary?

Most Hungarian folk embroidery is done on linen and it is colourful. There are
famous pottery centres on the Great Plain. They make plates and vases mostly with
flower, bird and star patterns.

888 KERDs svnsz ANGoL myrrwr
Words and expressions
a lot of 3 e lot av sok
agriculture 26 'agrl,knltfa mezgazdasg
animal34 'nlml llat
Art Nouveau 22 'a:t nu:vau szecesszis
Austria 2 'c:stna Ausztria
banknote 5 'balk,neut bankjegy
be situated l bi:'srtJo,etttd elhelyezkedik
beech 34 bit bkk
bell tower 23 'bel,taoa harangtorony
Benedictine Church 29 bena'dtktiln tJs:tJ bencs templom
best-known 14 ,bestnaon legismertebb
bis 3 btg nagy
bird,34 bs:d madr
Bishopric Cathedral24 'bfepnk ka'Oi:dral pspki szkesegyhz
border 2 'bc:da hatrol
botder 29 'bc:da hatr
building 22 'btldtq plet
Calvinist 45 'kalvanlst reformtus
Calvinist College 2l 'kalvantst'koltd3 Reformtus Kollgium
Calvinist Great Church 21 'kalvantst grelt tJs:tf Reformtus Nagytemplom
capital 9 'kapltl fvros
carp 34 ko:p ponty
Carpathian Basin 1 betsn Krpt-medence
castle 20 'ko:sl vr
castle district 29 'ko:sl ,dlstnkt vmegyed
catfish 34 'kat,fiJ trpeharcsa
cathedral22 ka'9ildrel szkesegyhz
central 1 1 'sentrel kzp
Central Europe 1 'sentroljuarep Kzp-Eurpa
centre 35 'senta kzpont
city 19 'sttt nagyvros
coin 5 kctn fmpnz
colourful 34 'knlafl sznes
consist o 27 ken'stst av ll valamibl
counbry 2 'knntrt orszg
country code 7 'knntrl ,keod orszghvszm
county 10 'kauntt megye
Croatia 2 krao'etJa Horvtorszg
currency 5 'knranst pnznem
Danube ll 'danjulb Duna
deer 34 dla szarvas
dish 32 dl tel
district 29 'dtstnkt negyed (vrosrsz)
divide 10 dt'vatd feloszt

djami 24 'd3o:mt dzsmi
earn one' living 3:n w^nz lvtr; bai valamibl l
by doing sg 26 du:tq
embroidery 35 lm'brcldarl hmzs
Europe 1 Joerep Eurpa
exactly 26 lg'zakth pontosan
famous or 32 'fetmes fc: hres valamirl
fauna 34 'fc:na llawilg
favourite 29 'fetvret kedvenc
ield 33 fi:ld mez
find (found, found) 33 fatnd (fuond, faond) tall
Fire Tower 29 'fata,boe Tztorony
ish 33 ttI hal
fish soup 32 'ftJ,su:p halszl
Fishermen's Bastion 20 'ftJemenz ,bastten Halszbsrya
flora 33 'flc:ra nvnyvilg
flower 35 'flaue virg
folk art 35 'fauk,o:t npmvszet
for example 33 far tg'zo:mpl pldul
forest 33 'fonst erd
form of government 8 ,fc:m av'gnvnmant llamforma
f.ox 34 foks rka
garlic 31 'go:ltk fokhagyma
geographical ll ,d3ta'greftkl fldrajzi
gift 31 glft ajndk
goulash 32 'gu:laJ gulys
government 10 'gnvnmant kzigazgats
Great plain l 'grett pletn Nagyalfld
hare 34 hae vadnyl
Heroes' Square 20 hleraoz,skwea Hsk tere
high 5 hat ma8as
hill 4 htl hegy
Holy Tlinity Statue 29 ,haolt trrnett'statJul Szenthromsg-szobor
House of Parament 20 ,haus av'po:lemant Parlament plete
Hungarian hnqgerten magyar
Hungarian Cic Union 12 hnlgarren stvrk Ju:njan Magyar Polgri Szvetsg
Hungary 1 'hnqgarl Magyarorszg
industry26 'lndastrl ipar
kind 33 katnd -fajta, -fle
lake l l latk t
landscape 27 'land,skelp tj
language '|aqgwtd3 nyelv
linen 35 'ltntn vszon
long 16 lo0 hossz
low 27 lau alacsony
Lutheran 25 'lu:Oeran luthernus, evangIikus

gee KRDssvnt-qsz ANGoL

main 1 moln fbb

make (made, made) 32 metk (metd, merd) kszt
Margaret Island 20 mo:ge'ret ,atland Margitsziget
Matthias Church 20 t3x Mtys-templom
meadow 33 'medoU rt
minaret 24 ,mlno'ret minaret
mostly 27 'maustll fleg
mountain 14 'maontln hegy
museum 21 mjuzi:am mzeum
neat 29 nle kzel
northern 1 'nc:n szaki
oak 33 aok tlgy
official 6 e'ftJel hivatalos
Orodox 23 'c:Oedoks ortodox
paprika 31 'peprtka fszerpaprika
parliament 9 'po:lament parlament
parliamentary 8 ,po:la'mentrl parlamentris
part 27 po rsz
partridge 34 'portd3 tuzok
pasture 33 'po:stJa legel
pattern 35 'patn minta
pheasant 34 'feznt fcn
plain 1 pletn sksg
plate 34 plelt tnyr
point 15 pctnt pont
political party 12 pao'lttlkl,pot politikai prt
poplar 33 'popla nyrfa
popular 20 'popjole npszer
population 4 popjo'letJn npessg
pottery 34 'potert fazekassg
quail33 kwetl fiirj
Reformed Church 23 rl,fclmd'tJs:tJ reformtus templom
region 11 'ri:d3n rgi
religion 25 n'ltd3an valls
republic 8 rt'pnbllk kztrsasg
rich in 34 ntJ tn gazdag valamiben
river 76 'rlVa folyo
roe deer 33 'rao ,dta z
Roman Catholic 25 ,ramen'ke0ehk rmai katolikus
Roman ttmes 24 ,reoman'blmz rmai kor
Romania 2 rU'melnlo Romnia
Serbia and Montenegro 2 's3:bte and monta'ni:gra Szerbia s Montenegr
service 25 's3:vls szolgltats
several 21 'sevral szmos
sights 29 satts nevezetessg
sit (sat, sat) 9 stt (sat sat) lsezik


Slovakia 2 slau'vakta szlovkia

Slovenia 2 sleu'vilnta Szlovnia
Socialist 12 'sauJallst szocialista
southern l 'sAn dli
souvenir 3 ,su:Va'nla emlktrgy
spa 30 spoI 8y8yfiird
speciality 31 ,speJt'alett klnlegessg
spirit 32 'splrtt szeszesital
square 20 skwee tr
square kilometre 3 ,skwee kt'lomg ngyzetkilomter
St Stephen's Basilica 20 setnt'sti:vn bo,zlltka Szent Iswn-bazilika
tar 35 sto: csillag
stew 32 stju: prklt
such as 29 sntJ az mint pldul
surroundings 20 sa'raondtqz krnyk
Synagogue 22 'slna,gog zsinagga
thermal bath 30 ,0slml'bo:0 termlfiird
tomb 24 'tu:m srhely
tourist 13 'toanst turista
tourist ataction 20 'tuerlst e'trakJn idegenforgalmi lwnyossg
TovtnHall22 taun'hc:l vroshza
traditional32 tre'dtJnel hagyomnyos
traditionally 32 tre'dtJnalt hagyomnyosan
Tlansdanubia l1 transde'nju:bta Dunntl
tree 33 tri: a
Ttrrkish 24 te:ktJ trk
type 32 tatp fajta
typical 27 'trptkl jellemz
Ukraine 2 ju:'kretn Ukrajna
unit 5 ]u:n egysg
vase 35 va,,z vza
visit 13 'vtzlt megltogat
western l1 'westan nyu8ati
whitefish 34 'wattftJ keszeg
wild 34 watld vad
wild boar 34 ,watld'bc: vaddiszn
wine 3l 'Waln bor
wine cellar 23 'watn ,selo borpince
world-famous 3l ,ws:ld'felmas lghr

20. Great Britain and the United States -
Nagy-Britannia s az E3yeslt ltlamok

Englishman: In England. the trains are so fast that the poles by the line look like a fence.
Ameican: That's nothing! At home I leaned out of the compartment window to kiss mY
wife goodbye, but the train was so fast that I kissed the porter at the next station instead,!

l.What are the three main parts of Great Britain?

Mely Nagy-Britannia hrom rsze?
2.What is ttre United Kingdom?
Mi az Egyeslt Kirlysg?
3.Where is the United Kingdom?
Hol van az Egyeslt Kirlysg?
4.What countries are the United Kingdom's neighbours?
Mely orszgok az Egyeslt Kirlysg szomszdai?
5.How big is the United Kingdom?
Milyen naw az Egyeslt Kirlysg?
6.How many people live in the United Kingdom?
Hny ember 1 az Egyeslt Kirlysgban?
7.What are the seas around the British Isles called?
Hogyan hvjk a Brit-szigetek krl tallhat tengereket?
8.What sea separates England from lreland?
Melyik teng"i vlasztja el Anglit rorszgtl?
g.Wht do you call the part of the sea that eparates England from France?
Hogyan hvjk a tengernek azt a rszt,amely Anglit s Franciaorszgot elvlaszt-
ja egymstl?
10.What parts of Great Britain are mountainous?
Nagy-Britannia mely rszei hegyvidkek?
11. Can you name a mountain peak in Great Britain?
Meg tudsz nevezni egy hegycscsot Nagy-Britanniban?

l2.What is the name of the south-western corner of England?
Hogy hvjk Anglia dlnyugati sarkt?
13.What is the name of the south-eastern corner of England?
Hogy hvjk Anglia dlkeleti sarkt?
l4.What island lies just off the south coast of England?
Melyik sziget fekszik Anglia dli partjnl?
15.What island lies in the lrish Sea?
Melyik sziget fekszik az r-tengerben?
16.What islands can you find off the Scottish coast?
Mely szigetek tallhatk a skt partoknl?
17.What is the capital of England?
Mi Anglia fvrosa?
18.What other big cities in England have you heard oP
Mely ms angol naglrurosokrl hallottl mr?
19. Can you name some Engsh seaports?
Tudsz emlteni nhny angol kiktt?
20.What are the two most famous university towns in England?
Melyik a kt leghresebb egyetemi vros Angliban?
21.What is the capital of Scotland?
Mi Skcia fvrosa?
22.Have you heard of any other Scottish towns?
Hallottl mr ms skt vrosokrl?
23.What is the capital of Wales?
Mi Wales fvrosa?
24.What is the capital of Northern lreland?
Mi szak-rorszg fvrosa?
25.Who is the ruler of Great Britain?
Ki Nagy-Britannia uralkodja?
26.What is the biggest lake in the United Kingdom?
Melyik a legnagyobb t az Egyeslt Kirlysgban?
27.Where is the Lake District?
Hol tallhat a Tvidk?
28.What are the longest rivers in the United Kingdom?
Melyek a leghosszabb folyok az Egyeslt Kirlysgban?
29.What languages are spoken in the United Kingdom?
Milyen nyelveket beszlnek az Egyeslt Kirlysgban?
3O.What is a typical English landscape ke?
Hogy nz ki a tipikus angol tj?
31.What national hodays are celebrated in England?
Milyen nemzeti nnepek vannak Angliban?
32.What is Guy Fawkes Ni8ht?
Mi a Guy Fawkes Night?
33.What do people do on Valentine's Day?
Mit csiniilnak az emberek Valentin-napkor?
34.What crrrency is used in England?
Mi a hivatalos pnznem Angliban?

8s8 KRDst{s vu,sz ANGot mynrwr
35.Where is the United States?
Hol tallhat az Egyeslt lamok?
36.What countries are the USAs neighbours?
Mely orszgok az USA szomszdai?
37.How many states does the USA consist of.r
Hny llambl ll az USA?
38. How big is the USA?
Milyen nagy az USA?
39.How many people live in the USA?
Hny ember l az USA-ban?
4O.What are the regions of the United States?
Melyek az USA rgii?
4l.What is the East Coast of the United States famous for?
Mirl hres az USA keleti partvidke?
42.1fihat is the West Coast of the United States famous for?
Mirl hres az USA nyugati partvidke?
43.What is the capital of the United State?
Mi az Egyeslt lamok fvrosa?
44.What big American cities have you heard oP
Milyen nagy amerikai vrosokrl hallottl mr?
45.What American city is famous for its car industry?
Melyik amerikai vros hres az avtiparrl?
46.Where is the Statue of Liberty?
Hol tallhat a Szabadsg-szobor?
47.lNhat is New York famous for?
Mirl hres New York?
48.What is the famous island in New York called?
Hogy hvjk a New Yorkban tallhat hres szigetet?
49.what are the two rivers that flow to the east and west of Manhattan?
Milyen kt folyo folyik Manhattantl keletre s nyugatra?
S0.What river flows through Washington?
Melyik foly folyik keresztl Washingtonon?
51.What is Las Vegas famous for?
Mirl hres Las Vegas?
S2.Where is Hollywood?
Hol van Hollywood?
S3.What is Hollywood famous for?
Mirl hres Hollywood?
S4.What are the biggest lakes in the United States?
Melyek a legnagyobb tavak az Egyeslt lamokban?
S5.What are the three big mountain ranges in the USA called?
Hogy hyjk a hrom nagy hegylonulatot az USA-ban?
56.What is the highest mountain in the United States?
Metyik a legmagasabb hegycscs az Egyeslt ilamokban?
S7.Where is the Grand Canyon?
Hol van a Grand Canyon?

58.What is Texas famous for?
Mirl hres Texas?
59. Where are the Great Lakes?
Hol vannak a Nagy Tavak?
60. What are the longest rivers in the United States?
Melyek a leghosszabb folyk az Egyeslt Allamokban?
61. What is Yellowstone?
Mi a Yellowstone?
62.What languages are spoken in the United States?
Milyen nyelveket beszlnek az Egyeslt lamokban?
63.What cuTency is used in the United States?
Milyen pnzt hasznlnak az Egyeslt lamokban?
64.What national hodays are celebrated in the United States?
Milyen nemzeti nnepek vannak az Egyeslt lamokban?
65. How is Halloween celebrated?
Hogyan nneplik a Halloweent?
66.How do the Americans celebrate Independence Day?
Az amerikaiak hogyan nneplik a Fggetlensg napjt?
67. What is Thanksgiving?
Mi a Hlaads?
68. How is Ttranksgiving celebrated?
Hogyan nneplik a Hlaadst?
69.who were the first inhabitants of the united states?
Kik voltak az els telepesek az Egyeslt lamokban?
70.When did the English stalt to settle in the USA?
Mikor kezdtek az ngolok letelepedni az Egyeslt lamokban?

888 KRDssvresz ANGoL rynrwr
l.What are the three main parts of Great Britain?
They are England, Wales, and Scotland.

2.What is the United Kingdom?

It is the British Isles, It consists of Great Britain and Northern lreland.

3.Where is the United Kingdom?

It is situated in Western Europe, in the Atlantic Ocean.

4.What countries are the United Kingdom's neighbours?

They are France and lreland.

5.How big is the United Kingdom?

It is about 244 thousand square kilometres.

6.How many people live in the United Kingdom?

As far as I know, it has about 60 miilion inhabitants.

7.What are the seas around the British Isles called?

They are called the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea.

8. What sea seParates England from lreland?

It is the lrish Sea.

9.What do you call the part of the sea that separates England from France?
It is called the English Channel.

10.What parts of Great Britain are mountainous?

There are a lot of mountains in Scotland and in the north of England.

11. Can you name a mountain peak in Great Britain?

I have heard of Ben Nevis in westem Scotland.

12.What is the name of the south-western corner of England?

It is Cornwall. The most westerly point of Great Britain is called Land's End.

13.What is the name of the south-eastern corner of England?

It is Kent. It is called the Garden of England because they grow a lot of fruit and
vegetables there.

14. What island lies just off the south coast of England?
It is the Isle of Wight. A lot of English people spend their summer holiday there.

15.What island lies in the trish Sea?

It is the Isle of Man. Students can learn Manx, the old language of the island, at

16.What islands can you find off the Scottish coast?
They are the Hebrides and the Orkney Islands.

17.What is the capital of England?

It is London. It was originally a Roman fortification.

18.What other big cities in England have you heard ofl

I have heard of Manchestetr Liverpool, and Birmingham.

19. Can you name some English seaports?

I know Dover and Plymouth. When I went to England by ferry I arrived in Dover.

20.What are the two most famous university towns in England?

They are Cambridge and Oxford. They are beautiful old cities.

21.What is the capital of Scotland?

It is Edinburgh. It is famous for its castle and the Edinburgh international festival.

22.}Jave you heard of any other Scottish towns?

Yes, I have. I know that Glasgow and Aberdeen are in Scotland.

23.What is the capital of Wales?

It is Cardiff. There is a castle there from Roman times.

24.What is the capital of Northern Ireland?

It is Belfast. It's not as old as the other capitals in the United Kingdom because it
only became a town in 1888.

25.Who is the ruler of Great Britain?

Queen Elizabeth II has been the ruler of Great Britain for more than 50

26.What is the biggest lake in the United Kingdom?

The biggest lake is Lough Neagh in Northern Ireland,

27.Where is the Lake District?

It is in the north of England. It is a National Park with beautiful scenery.

28.What are the longest rivers in the United Kingdom?

The longest river ii the Severn. The most famous river is the Thames, which flows
through London.

29.What languages are spoken in the United Kingdom?

English is t}re main language. People also speak Scottish, Welsh and lrish.

3O.What is a typical English landscape like?

There are fields and meadows with sheep and hares. Everything is very green.

888 KRDssvresz ANGoL urnrwr
31.What national holidays are celebrated in England?
I have heard of Christmas Day and Boxing Day, New Year's Day, Valentine's Day, May
Day, the Queen's Birthday, Halloween, and Guy Fawkes Night.

32.What is Guy Fawkes Night?

This is the celebration of a historic event. It is celebrated with bonfires and fireworks
on the fifth of November. Guy Fawkes, together with some other men, tried to blow
up the Houses of Parliament in 1605. They wanted to kill Protestant King James I and
make England Catholic again. They were found in the cellars with barrels of
gunpowder. They were tried and executed.

33.What do people do on Valentine's Day?

People send cards and give small presents to those they love.

34.What curTency is used in England?

It is the English pound.

35.Where is the United States?

It is in North America.

36.What countries are the USAs neighbours?

Its northern neighbour is Canada and its southern neighbour is Mexico.

37.How many tate does the USA consist ofi

It consists of 50 states.

38. How big is the USA?

It is about 9.6 millon square kilometres.

39.How many people live in the USA?

I think there are about 290 million inhabitants in e USA,

40.What are the regions of the United State?

We have learnt about the Northeast, the Central Basin, the Soueast, the Great
Plains, the Mountains and Deserts, the West Coast Valleys, and the Newest States.

4l.What is ttre East Coast of the United States famous for?

It is an industrial area. A lot of people from Europe live there, so this region is
famous for its European culture and traditions.

42.what is the west coast of the united states famous for?

There are well-known big cities, for example, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

43.What is the capital of the United States?

It is Washington, D.C.


44.What big American cities have you heard ofi

I have heard of a lot of American cities, like New York, Chicago, Los Angeles,
Philadelphia, Miami, and Salt Lake City.

45.What American city is famous for its car industry?

It is Detroit in Michigan.

46.Where is the Statue of Liberty?

It is in New York, in New York Harbour. The French gave it to the Americans.

47.What is New York famous for?

I can remember Manhattan, Wall Street, and Central Park.

48.What is the famous island in New York called?

It is Manhattan. This island is divided into the East Side and the West Side. The
dividing line is Fifth Avenue.

49.What are the two rivers that flow to tlre east and west of Manhattan?
They are the East River and the Hudson.

SO.What river flows through Washington?

It is the Potomac. This river flows into the Chesapeake Bay, which is famous for crabs.

Sl,.What is Las Vegas famous for?

I know that there are a lot of casinos and restaurants in Las Vegas, and that it is in a

S2.Where is Hollywood?
It is in California.

S3.What is Hollywood famous for?

Thi is the centre of the American film industry. A lot of film stars live there,

S4.What are the biggest lakes in the United States?

The biggest lake iJtake Superior. The other big lakes are Michigan, Huron, Erie, and
Ontario. Together they are called the Great Lakes.

S5.What are the three big mountain ranges in the USA called?
They are the Rocky Mountains, Cascade Mountains, and Appalachian Mountains.

56.What is the highest mountain in the United States?

It is Mount McKinley in Alaska.

57.Where is the Grand Canyon?

It is in Arizona in the south-west of the united states.

svr-qsz ANGoL rrrrwr
S8.What is Texas famous for?
This state is famous for oil.

S9.Where are the Great Lakes?

They are at the Canadian border near the east coast.

60.What are the longest rivers in the United States?

They are the Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, Colorado, and Rio Grande.

61. What is Yellowstone?

It is a national park. It is the world's oldest national park. It is famous for its geysers
and hot springs.

62.What languages are spoken in the United States?

Most people speak English and Spanish.

63.What cuTency is used in the United States?

People use the US dollar.

64.What national holidays are celebrated in the United States?

I have heard of New Year's Day, Washington's birthday, Memorial Day, Independence
Day, Columbus Day, Thanlrsging Day, and Christmas Day.

65.How is Halloween celebrated?

On the thirty-first of October children go from door to door. Theywear scary costumes
and knock at the door. When somebody opens it, the children say "trick or treat", and
they get sweets.

66.How do the Americans celebrate Independence Day?

It is celebrated with fireworks, picnics, parties, speeches, and parades.

67. What is Thanksgiving?

It is celebrated to remember how God and the Native Americans saved the immigrants
from starvation in the 17 century.

68. How is Thanksgiving celebrated?

People eat a big dinner. They eat turkey or ham, sweet potatoes, cranberryr sauce,
corn dishes, bread and rolls. For dessert they eat pumpkin pie.

69.who were the first inhabitants of the united states?

They were the American Indians, People call them Native Americans.

7O.When did the English start to settle in the USA?

As far as I know, the first settlers arrived at the beginning of the 17th century on a
ship called the Mayflower.


a lot of 10 a lot eV sok

Aberdeen 22 ,aba'di:n Aberdeen
again 32 a'gen jra
Alaska 56 a'laska Alaszka
America 35 e'menka Amerika
American 44 e'm8nk9n amerikai
Appaladrian Mountairrs 55 ,apa'leJtan'mauntlnz Appalache-hegysg
area 47 'eorla terlet
lsrlzona 57 ,art'zaUna Arizona
arrive 19 o'ralV rkezik
as far as I know az o,^r ez al nao amennfre tudom
at the beginning of 70 at a bt'gtnlq av valami elejn
Atlantic Ocean 3 at,lanttk'eoJn Atlanti-cen
barrel 32 'beral hord
beautiful20 'bju:ttfl gycinyr
beginning 70 bl'gtntt1 kezdet
Be|fast 24 ,bel'fo:st Belfast
Ben Nevis 1l ,ben'nevls Ben Nevis
big 5 btg nagy
Birmingham l8 'bs:mtryam Birmingham
birthday 31 'bs:Odet szletsnap
blow (bleq blown) up 32 blau (blu:, blaon) np felrobbant
bonfire 32 'bon,fate mglya
border 59 'bc:da hatr
Boxing Day 3l ,bokstq ,det karcsony msnapja
bread (U) 68 bred kenyr
British Isles 2 'brlttJ atlz Brit-szigetek
California 52 ,kala'fc:nre kalifornia
call 7 kc:l hv, nevez
Cambridge 20 'ketmbrld3 Cambridge
Canada 36 'kanade Kanada
Canadian 59 ,ke'neldten kanadai
capital 17 'kapttl fvros
car industry 45 ko: lndastrt autipar
card 33 ko:d dvzllap
Cardiff 23 'ko:dtf Cardiff
Cascade Mountains 55 kasketd 'mauntlnz Cascade-hegysg
casino 5l ,ka'si:nao kaszin
castle 2 'ko:sl vr
celebrate 3 'seltbrelt nnepel
celebration 32 ,sela'bretJn nnepls
cel7ar 32 'sela pince
Central Basin 40 'sentral,belsn Kzps-sftsg
Central Patk 47 'sentral,polk Central park

888 KRDssvu,sz ANIGot rynrwr
centre 53 'senta kzpont
century Zl 'sentfarl vszzad
Chesapeake Bay 50 ,tfesapi:k'bet Chesapeake-bI
Chicago 44 Jt'ko:geo Chicago
child (children) 65 tJalld ('tJtldren) gyerek (gyerekek)
Christmas Day 31 ,krlsmas'det karcsony els napja
city 8 'sttt naglruros
coast 74 keust part
Colorado 60 ,kola'ro:deo Colorado
consist of 2 kan'stst ev ll valamibl
corn 68 kc:n kukorica
corner 12 'kc:na sarok
Cornwall 12 'kc:nwel Cornwall
costume 65 'kostju:m jelmez
country 4 'knntrt orszg
crab 50 kreb rk
cranberry sauce 68 'krenberl scls vrsfonya -szsz
culture 41 'knltJa kultura
currency 34 'knranst pnznem
desert 40 'dezet sivatag
dessert 68 dt'zs:t desszert
Detoit 45 ditrctt Detroit
dinner 68 'dlno vacsora
dish 68 dl tel
divide 48 dl'vald feloszt
dollar 63 'dola dollr
door 65 dc: ajt
Dover i9 'daova Dover
east 41 i:st kelet
eat (ate, eaten) 68 i (ett 'i:tn) eszik
Edinburgh 2 'edtnbara Edinburgh
England l 'tngland Anglia
English 19 'tngltJ angol
English Channel9 ,tngltJ'tJanl La Manche csatorna
Europe 3 ]oerap Eurpa
European 4 joera'pi:en eurpai
event 32 t'vent esemny
execute 32 'eksl,kju:t kivgez
famous 20 'felmes hres
erry 19 'ferl komp
festival 2J 'festlvl fesztivl
field 3O fi:ld mez
film star 53 'fllm ,sto: filmsztr
find (found, found) 16 furnd (fuond, fuund) tal1
fireworks 32 fata'wg:ks tzijtk
first 6 fs:st els


for examp|e 42 far tg'zo:mpl pldul

fortification 17 ,fctft'ketJn erdtmny
France 4 fro:ns Franciaorszg
French 46 frentJ francia
fulit 13 fru gymlcs
garden 13 'go:dn kert
get (got, 8ot) 65 get (got got) kap
geyser 61 'gi,.za l'gatza gejzr
give (gave, given) 33 gv (getv, gvn) ad
Glasgow 22 'glo:zgeo Glasgow
go (went, gone) 9 gao (wen[ gon) megy
God 67 god isten
Grand Canyon 57 grand kanian Grand Canyon
Great Britain 1 ,grett'bntn Nagy-Britannia
Great Lakes 54 'gre lelks Nagy-tavak
Great Plains 40 'gre( pletnz nagy sksg
green 30 gri:n zld
grow (grew, grown) 13 greo (gru:, greon) termeszt
gunpowder 32 'gnn,paode lpor
Guy Fawkes Night 3l ,gat 'fc:ks ,na lporos sszeeskvs napja
Halloween 3l ,halao'i:n mindenszentek elestje
ham 68 ham sonka
harbour 46 'ho:be kikt
hare 30 hee vadnyl
hear (heard, heard) l1 hta (hsld, hs:d) hall
Hebrides 16 'hebredi:z Hebridk
high 56 hat ma8as
historic 32 ht'storlk trtnelmi
Hoywood 52 'holtwod Hollywood
hot spring 61 ,hot'sprtry melegvizes forrs
Hudson 49 'hndsn Hudson
immigrant 67 lmtgrant bevndorl
IndependenceDay 64 ,tndt'pendans ,det Fggetlensg Napja
Indian 69 'tndtan indin
industrial41 tn'dnstnel ipari
industry 45 tndastrt ipar
inhabitant 6 ln'habltent lakos
international21 ,tnta'naJnl nemzetkzi
Ireland 4 'ataend rorszg
Irish Sea 8 atrtJ st: Ir-tenger
island 14 'allend sziget
Isle of Man 15 ,all aV'man Man-sziget
lsle of Wight 14 ,atlav Watt Wight-sziget
Kent 13 kent Kent
ktll32 ktl meggyilkol

888 KRDssvrasz ANGoL uynrwr

knock 65 nok kopogtat

know (knew, known) 6 nao (nju:, neon) tud
lake 26 lalk t
Lake District 27 letk'dtstnkt tvidk Angliban
Lake Erie 54 lelk i:rl Erie-t
Lake Huron 54 latk'hju:ran Huron-t
Lake Michigan 54 latk'mtftgan Michigan-t
Lake Ontario 54 letk on'teeneo Ontario-t
Lake Superior 54 latk su:'pterta Fels-t
landscape 30 'land,sketp tj
language 15 'la4gwtd3 nyelv
Las Vegas 5l ,las'vetgas Las Vegas
learn 15 lg:n tanul
lie (lay, lain) 14 lal (let, letn) fekszik, elterl
live 6 ltv lakik, l
Liverpool 8 'llvapull Liverpool
London lZ 'lnndon London
long 28 lotl hossz
Los Angeles 42 ,los'and3elt:s Los Angeles
Lough Neagh 26 ,lok'net Neagh-t
love 33 lnv szeretet
main l meln f
make (made, made) 32 metk (meld, metd) tesz valamiv
Manchester 8 'mentJlsta Manchester
M.anhattarl 47 ,man'hatn Manhattan
Manx 15 me4ks Man-szigeti
May Day 31 'mel ,del mjus elseje
meadow 30 'medoU rt
Memorial Day 64 me'mclnel,det hborukban elesett amerikaikra
emlkeznek e napon
Mexico 36 'mekstkoo Mexik
Miami44 ,mal'aml Miami
Mississippi 60 ,mlsl'slpl Mississippi
Missouri 60 ,ml'zUerl Missouri
Mount McKinley 56 'maont me'ki:nlt McKinley-hegy
mountain l0 'manttn hegy
mountain peak 11 'maontln'pi:k hegycscs
mountain range 55 'maontln retnd3 hegysg
mountainous l0 'mauntlnes hegyes, hegyvidki
name ll nelm me8nevez
national holiday 3l ,naJnl'holadet nemzeti nnep
national park 27 ,naJnl'po:k nemzeti park
native 67 'neltlv bennszltt
neighbour 4 'nelbo szomszd
New Year's Day 31 ,nju: jtaz'det jvnapja


New York 44
north 0
North America 35 nc:O e'menke szak-Amerika
Nor Sea Z nc:O sl: Iiszaki-tenger
Northeast 40 ,nc:e'iIst szak-kelet
northern 36 'nc:n szaki
Northern treland 2 'nc:n'atalend liszak-rorszg
ocean 3 'aUn cen
Ohio 60 ao'hala Ohio
oil58 ctl olaj
open 65 'aUpan kinyit
originally l7 e'rtd3anelt eredetileg
Orkney Islands l6 'c:knt 'atlgndz Orkney-szigetek
other 18 ne ms
Oxford 20 'oksfad Oxford
parade 66 pa'retd felvonuls
part 1 po:t rsz
parry 66 'pol nnepsg, buli
people 6 'pi:pl emberek
Philadelphia 44 ,frla'delfte Philadelphia
picnic 66 'plkntk piknik
Plymouth 19 'pltme0 Plymouth
point 12 pctnt pont
Potomac 50 pe'tDmek Potomac
pound 34 paond font
'preznt ajndk
Present 33
Protestant 32 'protlstant protestns
pumpkin pie 68 ,pnmpkln'pat tkpite
queen 25 kwi:n kirlyn
region 40 'ri:d3n rgi
remember 47 rmembe emlkezik
restaurant 5l 'restront tterem
Rio Grande 60 'ri:e grandt Rio Grande
river 28 'nVo folyo
Rocky Mountains 55 rokl 'maunttnz Szikls-hegysg
roll68 reul zsemle
Roman 17 'reUman rmai
rulet 25 'ru:le uralkod
salt Lake city 44 ,sc:lt latk 'sttt Salt Lake City
San Francisco 42 ,san fran'stskau san Francisco
save 67 selV me8ment
say (said, said) 65 ser (sed, sed) mond
scary 65 skeert rmiszt, ijeszt
scenery 27 'si:narl tj
school 15 skull iskola
Scotland 1 'skotlend Skcia

888 KRDssv

sea 7 si: tenger

seaport 19 'si:,pc:t tengeri kikt
send (sent, sent) 33 send (sent sent) kld
separate 8 'seperett elvlaszt
settle 68 setl letelepedik
settler 68 'setle telepes
Severn 28 'seVon Severn
sheep (sheep) 30 Ji:p (I:p) birka (birkk)
ship 71 Jtp haj
side 46 sald oldal
situate 3 'sttJu,at elhelyezkedik
small33 smc:l kis, kicsi
south 14 sao0 dl
Southeast 40 ,sauO'i:st dlkelet
south-eastern 13 ,saoO'i:sten dlkeleti
southern 36 'sAn dli
southwest 57 ,saoOwest dlnyugat
south-western 12 ,saoO'westan dlnyugati
Spanish 62 'spantJ spanyol
speak (spoke, spoken) 29 spi:k (speok, 'speokn) beszl
speech 66 spiltJ beszd
spend (spent, spent) i4 spend (spent spent) tlt (idt)
square kilometre 5 ,skwee kr'lomtta ngyzetkilomter
stavaon67 sto:'vetJn hezs
state 37 stet llam
Statue of Liberty 46 'statJu: av ltbetl Szabadsg-szobor
sreet 47 stri utca
student 15 'stju:dnt tanul
summer holiday i4 'snma'holtdet nyri szabadsg
sweet potato 68 ,swi:t pa'tettau desburgonya
sweets 65 swi:ts dessg
Texas 58 'teksos Texas
Thames 28 temz Temze
ThanksgivingDay 64 'Oeqksgrvrq ,det hlaads napja
through 50 Oru: keresztl
together 32 te'gee egytt
town 20 taun vros
tradition 4 tra'dlJn hagyomny
trick or treat 65 ,trrk c:'tri gyerekek szoksos mondsa
Halloween estjn(kb.:
,,megvendgelsz, vagy
w32 trat brsg el llt
w32 trat prbl
turkey 68 'tslkt pulyka

typical30 'ttptkl jellemz
United Kingdom 2 ju:,natttd 'ktqdam Egyeslt Kirlysg
United States 35 ju:,natd'stes Egyeslt lamok
university tovn 20 ju:nl'vs:satt bun egyetemi vros
use 34 ju,.z hasznl
Valentine's Day 3l 'valonhtnz,del Valentin-nap
valley 40 Vall vlgy
vegetable 13 'ved3tabl zldsg
Wales 1 wetlz Wales
want 32 wont akar
Washington, D,C. 43 ,woJtqten di:'si: Washington, D.C.
wear (wore, worn) 65 wea (wc:, wc:n) visel
well-known 42 ,wel'naon jl ismert
Welsh 29 welJ walesi
westerly 12 'westall nyu8ati
western 3 Westan nnrgati
Western Europe 3 Vestan Joerap Nyugat-Eurpa
world 6 ws:ld vilg
year 25 jta v
yellowstone 6l ]elaosteon yellowstone

Tartalomj egyzk

Elsz 5
1. Introduction and Friends - Bemutatkozs s bartok 7
2. Family - Csald 23
3. Daily Routine and Habits - Napirend s szoksok 38
4. Education and Learning Languages - Iskola s nyelvtanuls 57
5. Free time and Hobbies - Szabadid s hobbi 79
6. Health and Illness - Egszsg s betegsg 110
7. House and Flat - Hz s laks I28
8, Fashion and Clothes - Divat s ltzkds l44
9. Eating and Meals - tkezss telek 155
10. Shopping - Vsrls 777
11. Holidays and Celebrations - Unnepek s nneplsk 185
12. Travelling, Tourism and Sightseeing - Utazs, turizmus s vrosnzs 796
13. Transport - Kzlekeds 278
14. Sport and Games - Sport s versenyek 236
15. Weather and Climate - Idjrs s ghajlat 252
16. Nature and Enronment - Termszet s krnyezet 263
17. Services - Szolgltatsok 278
18. Computers, the Internet and Telecommunications - Szmtgp,
internet s telekommunikci 293
19. Hungary - Magyarorszg 3o7
20. Great Britain and the United States - Nagy-Britannia s az Egyestilt ilamok 316

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