Seniorjunior Formal Observation Form

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Elementary Education Formal Observation Form

Junior/Senior Intern

Student: Erika Stancil Observer: L. LeBoeuf Grade: 3

Date: Time: 3:00 - 3:40 Subject: Social Studies

1. Classroom Climate/Culture - Student Behavior

Intern communicates and maintains standards for appropriate classroom behavior.
Intern anticipates and acts on potential classroom disruptions.
Intern maintains positive classroom climate.
Intern responds to student behaviors appropriately.
Comments: Miss Stancil maintained a positive classroom climate while teaching this lesson. She was able to effectively
execute her lesson to not only one, but two classes at once. Miss Stancil was positive and acted quickly to redirect
behaviors when there were disruptions.

2. Instruction - Instructional Time

Intern has materials, supplies, and equipment ready at the start of the lesson or activity.
Intern gets class started quickly.
Intern uses available time for learning and keeps students on task.
Comments: All materials were prepared and well organized prior to the lesson being taught. Miss Stancil maintained time on
task and utilized the time allowed to maximize her instruction to both classes.

3. Instruction - Instructional Planning and Presentation

Intern establishes links with prior learning and experiences.
Intern arranges learning activities to support standards.
Intern appropriately uses a variety of teaching styles.
Comments: Miss Stancil linked the learning to real world scenarios that allowed the students to make connections to their
learning. She used instructional materials that caught the attention of the students. The objectives and learning activities
supported the standards while integrating subjects such as math and language arts.

4. Instruction - Instructional Monitoring

Intern circulates to check performance and monitor progress.
Intern varies level of questioning.
Intern ensures that all students have the opportunity to participate.
Comments: The level of questioning provided was varied as Miss Stancil encouraged students to think deeper and to
problem solve. All students had opportunities to participate and were held accountable during the activity.

5. Impact on Student Learning - Facilitating Instruction

Intern establishes clear outcomes for learning.
Intern communicates learning outcomes to students.
Intern adjusts lesson based on student responses/ongoing assessment.
Intern connects learning outcomes to the NCSCOS.
Comments: At the start of the lesson, Miss Stancil stated her objectives and established clear desired outcomes for the
lesson (and the unit). Miss Stancil made adjustments to the lesson in order to meet the needs of both classes present. Often
times classes in our grade level must combine to teach social studies and Miss Stancil assured that both classes had a
successful learning experience.
6. Evaluation/Assessment - Instructional Feedback
Intern provides feedback on the correctness or incorrectness of in-class work to encourage student growth.
Intern affirms correct oral responses appropriately and moves on.
Intern provides sustaining feedback after an incorrect response by probing, repeating the question, giving a clue, or
allowing more time.
Comments: Miss Stancil provided thought provoking questions throughout her instruction. She allowed students to turn and
talk as she monitored and listened in on their discussions. She provided wait time after posing a question and
scaffolded student responses when needed. Miss Stancil did a great job at maintaining structured and on task
conversations even when the students were very excited and eager to share their ideas.
Strengths: Areas on which to focus:

The lesson (and unit) was well planned and organized. It

aligned with our standards and provided the students with
engaging and meaningful learning tasks which also Note: The time allowed for the lesson was out of
integrated with ELA and Math. your control due to us having to end a little early
each day for bus duty. If you did have another day or
Student behavior was well monitored and controlled. longer than the week, an idea to extend the lesson
could be to have the students create a commercial
Wait time and allowing students time to reflect on and following given guidelines to advertise their
discuss questions posed was good. instrument before having them present it to the class.
This could be done as a culminating activity in which
You did an outstanding job with this lesson as well as the you could grade.
other lessons this week especially for having two classes
combined into one. The students had a clear Continue to anticipate which students may need extra
understanding of the standards as evident in their correct monitoring during the activity part of the lesson.
responses and discussions heard throughout each lesson. Establish ground rules for working with partners to
Some even made deeper connections such as raising the make sure each child is held accountable for working
cost to make a profit. and putting forth effort.
Were the learning outcomes for the students met? YES

Did the interns/student teachers classroom management support the learning outcomes? Yes

Was the Teaching Behavior Focus goal achieved? Yes

Student Intern Signature:______________________________________ Date:______________

Mentor Teacher Signature:____Lena LeBoeuf____________ Date:______________

University Supervisor Signature:___________________________________ Date:______________

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