Grey Water

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Wat. Res. Vol. 34, No. 12, pp.

30753086, 2000
7 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
Printed in Great Britain
PII: S0043-1354(00)00085-3 0043-1354/00/$ - see front matter


Dynamac Corporation, Mail Code DYN-3, Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899, USA

(First received 1 July 1999; accepted in revised form 1 November 1999)

AbstractIncorporation of human hygiene water (graywater) into hydroponic plant production

systems, and subsequent recovery of the water transpired by the plants, is one potential means for
water purication and recycling in bioregenerative life support systems under development for long
duration space missions. Surfactant phytotoxicity and the potential for growth of human-associated
microorganisms were assessed in studies of wheat and lettuce in controlled environmental chambers to
provide baseline information for future studies with actual graywater streams. Igepon TC-42 (sodium
N-coconut acid-N-methyl taurate), a surfactant designated for use on the International Space Station
and a common ingredient of soaps and detergents, was added to plant systems in three dierent modes:
(1) pulse addition of 875 mg m2 growing area once a day, (2) continuous addition of 875 mg m2
over the course of a day, and (3) variable addition of 03000 mg m2 d1 based on plant water
demand. The survival of three human-associated bacteria (Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and
Pseudomonas aeruginosa ) in the plant nutrient delivery systems were monitored following introduction
6 (wheat) or 3 (lettuce) days after planting (DAP). Igepon rapidly disappeared (i.e., a half-life of less
than 1 h) following an initial adaptation period lasting less than 2 days. Microbial degradation of
Igepon was supported by appearance of the degradation intermediate methyl taurine and an increase in
the numbers of bacteria able to grow on media containing Igepon as the sole carbon source in the
Igepon treated systems relative to the control. Wheat growth was not signicantly aected by any of
the Igepon treatments, but lettuce yield was signicantly reduced in the pulse and continuous
treatments. E. coli and S. aureus decreased below detection limits within 35 days within the systems,
but P. aeruginosa persisted in the rhizosphere, nutrient solution, and nutrient delivery system biolm
for the duration of the wheat (70-day) and lettuce (28-day) experiments. 7 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd.
All rights reserved

Key wordsgraywater, Igepon, hydroponics, survival, lettuce, wheat, Lactuca sativa, Triticum aestivum,
Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa

INTRODUCTION for extended space missions (Barta and Henninger,

Just as in terrestrial homes, graywater (non-toilet 1994). Direct addition of graywater into plant pro-
wastewater) is projected to be the largest waste duction units under development for ALS systems
stream (by mass) generated in long-term crewed (Wheeler et al., 1996) is a simple potential method
space habitats. Although estimates of graywater for water processing. This approach would rely on
production within space systems are much smaller (1) microbial activity in the rhizosphere to degrade
than values reported for typical terrestrial resi- organic material (primarily surfactants), and (2)
dences (27 vs 96172 l person1 day1), this waste plant transpiration and subsequent condensation to
stream will comprise 80% of the total waste output purify water. Graywater processing through plant
(Gerba et al., 1995; Wieland, 1994; Wydeven and production system could increase system eciency
Golub, 1990). Recycling this water is necessary to by utilizing the existing food production system for
limit resupply costs. The National Aeronautics and water processing.
Space Administration's (NASA) Advanced Life Graywater processing by plants in greenhouses
Support (ALS) program is examining the feasibility (Kane, 1981), the landscape (Kourik, 1990; Ludwig,
of developing regenerative life support systems, 1995), or specic treatment systems (Gerba et al.,
including physiochemical and biological processes, 1995) has become increasingly popular in response
to water shortages. Little information is available
on the rate of surfactant degradation and the extent
*Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed.
of microbial persistence in these systems, two im-
Tel.: +1-321-476-4276; fax: +1-407-853-4165; e-mail: portant parameters aecting potential plant phyto- toxicity and human health associated with this
3076 J. L. Garland et al.

mode of graywater processing. The balance between photoperiod for wheat and 300 mmol m2 s1 PPF with a
loading rate and degradation rate will control 18-h light/6-h dark photoperiod for lettuce. For all tests,
atmospheric [CO2] was maintained near 1200 ppm with an
chronic exposure of the plant to the surfactant. infrared gas analyzer (LiCor Model 6252, LiCor Corp.,
Acute bioassays with lettuce found that Igepon, a Lincoln, NE) and dedicated computer monitoring and
linear alkyl methyl taurate designated for use on control system. Air temperature and relative humidity
the International Space Station and a common (RH) were maintained near 228C (wheat), 238C (lettuce)
and 65% (both crops), respectively with the exception that
ingredient of soaps and detergents, did not exhibit RH was maintained at 85% for the rst four days of each
any toxic eects below 250 ppm (Bubenheim et al., experiment to foster germination. Experimental means of
1997; Jacquez and Montoya, 1994). Both these stu- environmental parameters are summarized in Table 1.
dies also reported that the surfactant was actively
degraded in hydroponic systems, but no specic Plant cultural techniques
degradation rates were reported. These data suggest Wheat seed was soaked for 20 min in 5% bleach in
that at the surfactant levels anticipated in space- deionized (DI) water (0.26% sodium hypochlorite), rinsed
based systems (i.e., 200300 ppm), direct addition three times with DI water, wrapped in nylon wicking ma-
terial (Nitex, Tetko, Inc., New York, NY) and moistened
of graywater would not reduce plant growth, but paper towels, and refrigerated at 48C for 24 h prior to
additional information is required on chronic tox- sowing. The surface sterilization was performed to limit
icity thresholds and rates of degradation within the problems associated with Pythium root infections observed
plant growth system. in previous studies with wheat. The imbibed wheat seeds
were sown directly on 0.08 m2 plastic (white acrylonitrile-
Concerns about health hazards from the reuse of butadiene-styrene) hydroponic tray inserts designed to
graywater stem due to the presence of a variety of support wheat growth (Fig. 1) at a density of 164 seeds
human-associated microorganisms and the potential per tray (eective planting density was 1800 seeds m2).
for regrowth and/or persistence of these organisms White acrylic ``germination'' covers covered each tray to
(Rose et al., 1991). Gerba et al. (1995) reported that maintain high humidity during germination. Dry lettuce
seed was sown directly on similarly sized 0.08 m2 plastic
while levels of fecal and total coliform bacteria hydroponic tray inserts designed to support lettuce growth
were signicantly reduced by treatment in various (Fig. 1) at a density of 18 seeds per tray (eective plant-
graywater processing systems, including one based ing density was 1100 seeds m2). Surface sterilization was
on water hyacinths, further disinfection probably not performed since no disease problems had been
observed in previous lettuce studies. Translucent culture
would be necessary to reduce the concentration of vessels (Magenta, Sigma Chemical Co., St Louis, Mo.)
pathogenic microorganisms. In the proposed ALS- were used as ``germination'' covers and inverted over each
based graywater processing system, the plants lettuce planting position to maintain high humidity during
would serve as a barrier between the contaminated germination. For both wheat and lettuce hydroponic tray
water and the atmospheric condensate. However, inserts, Nitex was used to conduct nutrient solution to the
seeds. Seeds and covers were sprayed daily with DI water
the persistence of pathogenic microorganisms within and germination covers from all trays were removed at 4
the plant growth system could present health risks days after planting (DAP) at which time lettuce seedlings
due to human contact, especially during harvesting. were thinned to 4 plants per tray (50 plants m2).
The experiments outlined in this paper evaluated For both crops, hydroponic tray inserts were positioned
within rectangular 0.08 m2 vinyl hydroponic trays and
the eects of adding Igepon and specic human-as- were grown in a recirculating nutrient lm technique
sociated microorganisms to recirculating hydropo- (NFT) hydroponic culture system (Fig. 1). The eective
nic systems containing two candidate ALS crops, aerial growing area for each tray was 0.10 m2. Each gray-
wheat and lettuce. Plant growth response, surfac- water treatment consisted of a pair of hydroponic trays,
tant degradation rates, shifts in the density of total arranged randomly within the controlled environment
chamber to minimize chamber position eects. Each tray
and surfactant-degrading bacteria, and the persist- pair had common plumbing and shared a single 10 l nutri-
ence of the human-associated bacteria were quanti- ent solution reservoir. Nutrient solution level was auto-
ed. These controlled experiments were performed matically maintained in the nutrient solution tanks with
to provide baseline information for future exper- DI water. Flow rate of the nutrient solution was 10.5 l
min1 tray1. For the rst 7 days (wheat) and 5 days (let-
iments with actual graywater streams in which the tuce), plants were maintained on modied Hoagland's sol-
microbial and chemical inputs are more variable ution (Table 2), pH was maintain automatically at 5.8
and dicult to quantify (Loader et al., 1999) with the addition of dilute acid (0.2 M HNO3), and electri-
cal conductivity (EC) was maintained near 1200 mS cm1
with the daily addition of a concentrated nutrient replen-
ishment stock solution (Table 2).

Environmental conditions Igepon treatments

Two tests with wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. USU- Igepon addition was initiated at 8 (wheat) and 6 (let-
Apogee) and two tests with lettuce (Lactuva sativa L. cv. tuce) DAP. The pulse and continuous addition treatments
Waldmann's Green) were conducted in a reach-in con- received 200 ml of a 0840 ppm Igepon solution prepared
trolled environmental growth chamber (EGC Model M- from whole body shampoo and hand cleaner (Ecolab,
12, EGC, Inc., Chagrin Falls, OH). Lighting to the Inc., St Paul, MN) The cleanser is composed of 24%
chamber was provided by four 400 W high-pressure Igepon TC-42 (sodium N-coconut acid-N-methyl taurate).
sodium lamps (Lucolux; General Electric Co., Cleveland, Igepon solution was added daily via a single batch manual
OH) and was maintained near 700 mmol m2 s1 photo- addition to the pulse treatment, and slowly over 24 h
synthetic photon ux (PPF) with a 24-h light/0-h dark (1.39 ml/10 min) via a peristaltic pump to the continuous
Graywater processing in recirculating hydroponic systems 3077

Table 1. Summary of environmental parameters observed in tests of wheat and lettuce grown on graywater containing nutrient solutions.
Values represent mean (SD) of daily averages

Crop/rep Environmental parameter

Air temperature (8C) Relative humidity (%) [CO2] (mmol mol1) PPF (mmol m2 s1)

Wheat/1 22.0 (0.6) 68.7 (10.2) 1168 (140) 686 (140)

Wheat/2 21.9 (0.6) 67.0 (6.2) 1189 (45) 696 (169)
Lettuce/1 23.0 (0.6) 69.9 (8.5) 1208 (220) 299 (31)
Lettuce/2 23.0 (0.4) 68.5 (7.3) 1201 (32) 294 (36)

Fig. 1. Schematic drawing of recirculating hydroponic systems.

3078 J. L. Garland et al.

Table 2. Elemental concentrations of nutrient solution and stock (replenishment) solution of the modied Hoagland's hydroponic nutrient solution (Wheeler et al., 1999) used to grow wheat and lettuce plants (all

Mo (mM)
treatment. Liquid level in the nutrient solution reservoirs

was automatically maintained with a 0240 ppm Igepon
solution in the on-demand treatment. The control treat-
ment did not receive any Igepon. All Igepon solutions
were made by adding Igepon TC-42 to deionized water.

B (mM)

Surfactant analysis

Igepon concentration in the bulk solution was measured
as methylene blue active substances (MBAS) according to
Greenberg et al. (1992) using Igepon instead of linear

Cu (mM)
alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) for calibration. There was a

linear correlation between absorbance and Igepon concen-
tration in the 0.123 ppm range R 2 > 0:9994: Samples
were diluted prior to analysis to fall within the calibrated
range. Methyl taurine was determined using a liquid chro-
matographic system equipped with a photodiode array
Zn (mM)

detector (Model HP 1100, Hewlett-Packard Analytical,
Wilmington, DE). Nutrient solution samples were ltered
through a 0.45 mm membrane lter immediately after
retrieval from the system. A 10 ml ltered aliquot was
transferred to a glass vial and a known amount of taurine
Mn (mM)

was added as an internal standard. The samples were lyo-


philized and reacted with 1 ml of 1 mg/ml 4-(dimethylami-


no)azobenzene-4'-sulfonyl chloride (DABSCl) in acetone

and 0.5 ml of 0.5 M sodium bicarbonate at room tem-
perature for 30 min. Upon the completion of reaction, the
mixture was claried by centrifugation and ltration
Fe (mM)

through a 0.45 mm lter. The dabsyl- compounds were


separated on a SUPELCOSIL LC-18 column (5 mm, 25 cm

 4.6 mm) at room temperature using a segment gradient
chemicals added to deionized water)

of 25 mM potassium dihydrogen phosphate (pH 6.8) and

solvent B (2-propanol:acetonitrile, 25:75) at the ow rate
S (mM)

1 ml/min and quantied at 460 nm. Elution was com-


pleted by increasing solvent B from 20 to 70% within


26 min.
Samples were taken on a weekly basis from all Igepon
treatments immediately prior to the daily checks (i.e.,
nutrient replenishment and addition of Igepon to the
Mg (mM)

pulse treatment). In order to investigate the kinetics of


Igepon and methyl taurine biodegradation, samples were

taken at various time points within a 24-h period after
pulse addition of 0840 ppm Igepon to all three treatments
on DAP 8, 13, and 57 (or at day 0, 13, and 49 after in-
Ca (mM)

itiation of Igepon treatments)


Microbiological analysis
The density of microorganisms associated with plants
roots (i.e., rhizosphere), wetted surfaces of the nutrient
K (mM)

delivery (i.e., biolm), and the nutrient solution were


removed 35 times during each plant test. Rhizosphere


samples were obtained by excising sections (01 cm  1 cm)

of root mat from each tray. Root samples were hand sha-
ken for 2 min in lter-sterilized deionized water and glass
beads (2 mm). Biolm organisms were sampled by remov-
P (mM)

ing polyvinyl chloride (PVC) ``chips'' (01 cm2) submerged


in the nutrient delivery tanks approximately 510 cm

below the nutrient solution level. Chips removed for
dierent sampling days were located within 5 cm of each
other. Suspensions of biolm organisms were obtained by
N (mM)

shaking the chips as described above. Nutrient solution


samples were removed via pipette through a 5 cm diam-

eter sampling port in the nutrient delivery tank lid. Nutri-
ent solution, rhizosphere suspensions, and biolm
suspensions were analyzed for total cell density using acri-
Replenishment solution

dine orange staining and epiuorescent microscopy (Hob-

bie et al., 1977). Igepon-degrading cell density was
analyzed by serial dilution and spread plating on minimal
Nutrient solution

salts media (0.871 g KH2PO4, 2.262 g K2HPO4, 0.608 g

NH4Cl, 0.097 g MgS04, with trace elements) containing
Igepon (750 mg/l) as the sole carbon source. Colony form-
ing units (CFU) on Igepon plates were enumerated after
incubation for 72 h at 378C.
Graywater processing in recirculating hydroponic systems 3079

Table 3. Number of heads, top dry mass (DM), root DM, head DM, seed DM, and total DM growth response of wheat through on-
demand, continuous, and pulse additions of Igepon compared to Hoagland's control. Values in parentheses indicate S.D. For all growth
parameters, no signicant dierences between treatments were observed based on ANOVA P < 0:05

Growth parameter Hoagland's On-demand Continuous Pulse

No. plant1 % Control No. plant1 % Control No. plant1 % Control No. plant1 % Control

Number of heads 277 (45) 100 222 (44) 80 272 (39) 98 213 (74) 77

g plant1 % Control g plant1 % Control g plant1 % Control g plant1 % Control

Top DM 93.3 (14.4) 100 68.4 (20.5) 73 80.6 (17.1) 86 73.0 (21.2) 78
Root DM 18.8 (5.1) 100 21.1 (6.0) 112 21.0 (8.6) 112 17.9 (4.4) 95
Head DM 221.6 (63.7) 100 191.6 (69.5) 86 204.0 (50.1) 92 180.4 (59.6) 81
Seed DM 131.7 (40.3) 100 110.3 (29.2) 84 128.1 (30.6) 97 112.4 (37.3) 85
Total DM 333.7 (81.5) 100 265.7 (76.4) 80 305.6 (70.9) 92 271.3 (76.4) 81

The persistence of three human-associated bacteria RESULTS

(Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, and
Escherichia coli ) was assessed by inoculating plant growth The rate of addition in the pulse and continuous
systems with log-phase cultures of the organisms into the treatments was the same for both the lettuce and
nutrient solution six (lettuce) or eight (wheat) days after wheat experiments, although the cumulative amount
planting. The bacterial strains used in the study were: (1)
P. aeruginosa UG2lr, a spontaneous rifampicin-resistant of Igepon added was much greater in the wheat
strain isolated by Dr. Jack Trevors from the University of study (010 g vs 04 g) due to its longer duration.
Guelph, (2) S. aureus ATCC 25923, and (3) E. coli KSC1, Both the rate and cumulative amount of Igepon ad-
a spontaneous rifampicin and streptomycin resistant strain dition in the on-demand treatment was much
of E. coli ATCC 23590. Separate suspensions of each bac-
greater in the wheat study. This dierence was due
teria were grown in Tryptic soy broth (Difco Laboratories,
Detroit, MI) for 1618 h at room temperature with rotary to higher transpiration rates for wheat compared to
shaking (200 rpm) prior to addition (10 ml) to the nutrient lettuce, as reected in the cumulative Igepon values
solution. The density of each organism in the rhizosphere, (Fig. 2) which were calculated by multiplying water
biolm, and nutrient solution was assessed by plating use data by a constant concentration of Igepon
samples described above on selective media and incubating
plates at 378C for 48 h. P. aeruginosa, S. aureus, E.coli
used in on-demand treatment water replenishment
were enumerated using Cetrimide media (Remel, Lenexa, sources (240 ppm). It is important to note that the
KS) supplemented with rifampicin (50 mg ml1), Mannitol relative loading rate in the on-demand vs pulse/con-
Salts media (Remel, Lenexa, KS), and eosin methylene tinuous treatments diered between crops; wheat
blue (EMB) agar (Difco Laboratories, Detroit, MI) sup-
plants in the on-demand treatment were exposed to
plemented with streptomycin (20 mg ml1) and rifampicin
(50 mg ml1), respectively. The use of anitobiotic-resistant greater levels of Igepon than those in the pulse and
S. aureus strains was not necessary due to less growth of continuous treatment, but the opposite was the case
non-target organisms on Mannitol Salts agar vs Cetrimide with the lettuce.
or EMB. ANOVA indicated a signicant eect of gray-
Plant growth measurements water treatments on the growth of lettuce, but not
wheat. Multiple range testing indicated a signicant
Each week PPF was measured manually with a hand-
held quantum sensor (LiCor Model LI-190SB, LiCor, Lin- reduction in dry mass of plants grown in the pulse
coln, NE). Nutrient solution samples were taken each treatment (72% of control), an intermediate re-
week to determine the concentration of plant nutrients. At
70 DAP (wheat) and 28 DAP (lettuce), plants were har-
vested by tray. Wheat plants were separated into roots,
shoots (stems and leaves), and heads. Lettuce plants were
separated into roots and shoots. Fresh mass determi-
nations were made of each plant tissue as well as number
of heads and diameter of lettuce shoots. Dry mass deter-
minations were made after tissues were dried in a forced-
air oven at 708C for 72 h. After drying, wheat heads were
threshed to determine seed dry mass (DM).

Experimental design
The experiment was repeated with trays randomized
within the chamber n 4: Analysis of variance was con-
ducted to test for signicant nutrient solution treatment
eect on the various plant yield parameters identied in
Tables 3 and 4. Duncan's multiple range test was used to
determine signicant dierences among dierent nutrient
solution treatment levels (i..e, control, pulse, continuous,
and on-demand). All analyses were conducted using SPSS Fig. 2. Cumulative addition of Igepon over the duration
software (Chicago, Ill.). Signicant dierences were of plant growth experiments. Data represent means of two
dened at PR0:05: replicate studies.
3080 J. L. Garland et al.

Table 4. Top dry mass (DM), root DM, and total DM growth response of lettuce through on-demand, continuous, and pulse additions
of Igepon compared to Hoagland's control. Values represent means per hydroponic tray n 4: Values in parentheses indicate S.D.
Within a column, values followed by dierent letters are signicantly dierent as determined by ANOVA and Duncan's Mean Separation
Test P < 0:05

Growth parameter Hoagland's On-demand Continuous Pulse

g plant1 % Control g plant1 % Control g plant1 % Control g plant1 % Control

Top DM 31.1 (5.7) a 100 31.6 (4.5) a 102 24.9 (4.1) ab 80 22.3 (4.7) b 72
Root DM 1.7 (0.4) a 100 2.1 (0.6) a 124 1.9 (0.3) a 112 1.8 (0.4) a 106
Total DM 32.8 (6.1) a 100 33.7 (5.1) a 103 26.8 (4.3) ab 82 24.2 (5.0) b 74

sponse in the continuous treatment (80% of con- taurine dynamics were apparent among the treat-
trol), and no eect in the on-demand treatment ments.
(102% of control) (Table 3). Root mass was unaf- The density of bacteria capable of growth on
fected by any of the treatments. Although no stat- media containing Igepon as a sole carbon source
istically signicant eect was observed in wheat, the are hereafter referred to as Igepon-degraders. The
average yield of seed and total mass was reduced reported densities are likely underestimations of the
with graywater addition, particularly in the on- real number of Igepon-degraders due to the general
demand (73% and 80% of control seed and total inability to culture many types of organisms. The
yield, respectively) and pulse treatment (78% and Igepon concentration used in the media (750 ppm)
81% of control seed and total yield, respectively) was higher than exposure levels, but allowed for
(Table 4). growth of larger more readily distinguishable colo-
Igepon persisted at signicant levels in the system nies than lower concentration (25 ppm) media (data
after the rst day of graywater treatment, but was not shown). Incubation at 378C is also not repre-
near or below the detection limit by the third day sentative of conditions within the nutrient delivery
of treatment in both the wheat (Table 5) and lettuce systems (0258C), but decreased the number of colo-
(Table 6) studies. The increasing rate of Igepon loss nies with spreading edges and concomitant over-
from the system was evident in time course growth among colonies. The data are used to
sampling during the wheat study (Fig. 3); nearly evaluate relative dierences among treatments with
100% of the Igepon was remaining after 24 h on these limitations in mind.
the rst day of addition, but was gone within 8 h The numbers of Igepon-degraders were signi-
and 4 h on the 13th and 49th day of addition, re- cantly higher in hydroponic systems treated with
spectively. The rates of loss at the 13th and 49th Igepon in both the wheat (Fig. 5) and lettuce
day of addition t the exponential decay well (Fig. 6) studies. The increased density in Igepon
R 2 0:810:94), allowing for estimation of the treatments vs the control was greater, on average,
Igepon half-life of 2.58 h and 0.76 h, respectively. in the lettuce study compared to the wheat study,
The rate of appearance (and disappearance) of and in biolms compared to the rhizosphere or
methyl taurine, a potential intermediate in the bio- nutrient solution. The increase in Igepon-degraders
degradation of Igepon resulting from initial clea- in the biolms was 1050-fold in the wheat study
vage of the amide bond, increased with increasing and 1001000-fold in the lettuce. The increase in
rates of Igepon loss from the system (Fig. 4). All Igepon-degraders in the rhizosphere was 010-fold
treatments (pulse, continuous, on-demand) were in the wheat study and 50100-fold in the lettuce
pulsed with 0840 ppm Igepon 13 and 49 days after study. The increase in cells suspended in the nutri-
initiation of graywater treatment, but data from all ent solution was 050-fold in both the lettuce and
treatments were pooled for presentation since no wheat studies. The dierential response between
signicant dierences in either Igepon or methyl wheat and lettuce is largely due to lower densities

Table 5. Igepon concentration as MBAS (mg/ml) at 24 h following daily graywater treatments in hydroponic medium supporting wheat

Rep 1 Rep 2

DAP Pulse On-demand Continuous Pulse On-demand Continuous

9 8.54 8.73 3.21 9.52 3.71 9.52

12 < MDLa < MDL 7.85 0.20 < MDL < MDL
14 0.10 0.28 0.35 < MDL < MDL 0.19
21 0.10 < MDL 0.11 < MDL 2.66 0.14
33 0.15 0.46 0.14 < MDL 0.15 0.12
47 < MDL 0.82 0.46 < MDL < MDL 0.14
57 0.11 1.18 1.78 0.30 < MDL 0.15

MDL (minimum detection limit)=0.08.
Graywater processing in recirculating hydroponic systems 3081

Table 6. Igepon concentration as MBAS (mg/ml) at 24 h following daily graywater treatments in hydroponic medium supporting lettuce

Rep 1 Rep 2

DAP Pulse On-demand Continuous Pulse On-demand Continuous

7 0.39 0.21 0.95 13.82 7.10 13.71

9 < MDLa < MDL 0.11 0.23 0.26 0.33
14 < MDL < MDL < MDL 0.23 0.32 0.36
21 < MDL < MDL < MDL 0.21 0.72 0.43
27 < MDL < MDL < MDL 0.30 0.19 0.32

MDL (minimum detection limit)=0.08.

in the lettuce control plants; the average density in (Fig. 10). P. aeruginosa, on the other hand, was
each of the habitats among Igepon-treated systems detected in all habitats for the duration of the
were similar between the two crop types. wheat and lettuce experiments, or up to 27 and 59
As observed with the plate counts, the increase in days after addition, respectively (Figs 9 and 10). P.
total cell density in the Igepon treatments vs the aeruginosa persisted at higher levels in the Igepon-
control was substantially higher in the lettuce study treated vs untreated systems (Fig. 11).
compared to the wheat study, and in biolms com- The greater persistence of P. aeruginosa may be
pared to other habitats (Figs 7 and 8). However, partially attributed to higher levels of inoculation.
Igepon treatment did not cause as large an increase The number of cells added to the nutrient solution
in total cell density as in Igepon-degrader density. varied among the bacterial types as a result of
In the wheat study, Igepon treatment increased den- dierences in the cell density in the 18-h old culture
sity (056-fold) only on biolms. In the lettuce asks containing P. aeruginosa (1.06  109 2 1.65 
study, Igepon addition resulted in larger increases 109 cells ml1), E. coli (6.97  108 21.65  108 cells
(up to 10-fold) in cell density on biolms, and ml1) or S. aureus (2.99  108 2 1.65  109 cells
increased density in the rhizosphere and nutrient ml1). The 10-fold variation in inoculum level is
solution (025-fold). relatively small compared to the up to 1000-fold
Of the three human-associated bacteria added to dierences in persistence described above.
the system, only P. aeruginosa was consistently The density of the inoculated organisms in the
detected several days after introduction in both nutrient solution 10 min after addition were lower
plant studies. In the wheat study, E. coli was than that predicted by dilution alone. A 1000-fold
detected 4 days after addition in all habitats, and 11 dilution (10 ml of inoculum added to 10 l nutrient
days after addition in the rhizosphere and in bio- solution tank) would yield higher values of P. aeru-
lms (Fig. 9). S. aureus was not detected in any of ginosa (01.0  106 cell ml1), E. coli (5  105 cells
the habitats within 3 days of addition. In the lettuce ml1) and S. aureus (03  105 cells ml1) than
study, neither E. coli nor S. aureus was detected in observed in both the wheat and lettuce studies (Figs
any of the habitats within 3 days of addition 9 and 10). Adherence of the cells to hardware sur-
faces, roots, and wicking material during the 10 min
mixing period may have led to the poor recovery

Fig. 3. Concentration of Igepon, quantied as methylene

blue active substance, in the nutrient solution at various
days after initiation of Igepon treatment in systems con- Fig. 4. Concentration of methyl taurine in the nutrient sol-
taining wheat. Data represent values from all three Igepon ution at various days after initiation of Igepon treatment
treatments (on-demand, continuous, pulse) for both of the in systems containing wheat. Data represent mean and
wheat studies. Lines represent linear repression model for standard deviation of values from all three Igepon treat-
day 1 of surfactant addition and exponential decay re- ments (on-demand, continuous, pulse) for both of the
gression model for days 13 and 49. wheat studies.
3082 J. L. Garland et al.

(i.e., 0110%) of cells in the nutrient solution. The best of our knowledge, this is the rst time that
mixing period length was selected based on the esti- methyl taurine has been detected and quantied
mated time necessary to complete one turnover of along with Igepon degradation.
the nutrient solution tank volume (see Methods for Igepon utilization appears to be a common trait
details). among microorganisms in hydroponic systems, as
evidenced by the signicant numbers of bacteria
(i.e., 0.11% of the total cells) capable of growth
on the Igepon media even in the control systems.
Results indicate that the surfactant, Igepon, is Igepon-degraders were associated with the plant
rapidly degraded within hydroponic systems. The roots, biolms on hardware surfaces, and the nutri-
temporal increase in degradation rate, coupled with ent solution. The relative importance of the dier-
a relative increase in the number of bacteria able to ent habitats in Igepon degradation was not
utilize Igepon as a sole carbon source, indicate that specically measured, but it can be estimated by
the degradation is microbially mediated. Additional multiplying the measured density of Igepon-degra-
evidence for microbial degradation was the rapid ders by the total size of each habitat (root mass,
degradation on the rst day of surfactant addition wetted area in nutrient delivery system, and sol-
in the rst lettuce experiment, the only study in ution volume). For systems containing wheat, ap-
which the hydroponic systems were not cleaned proximately 95% of the Igepon-degraders (as well
with bleach prior to planting (Table 6). The corre- as total cells) were associated with plant roots,
lation between the rate of Igepon disappearance while only 3.3 and 1.7% were on biolms and in
and methyl taurine appearance (and subsequent dis- solution, respectively. For lettuce, which has a
appearance) indicates that the degradation pathway much smaller root mass, only 60% of Igepon-degra-
involves initial cleavage of the amide bond, which is ders and total cells were associated with roots,
consistent with previous reports of amidase- while 30 and 15% were on biolms or in nutrient
mediated hydrolysis of sulfonated amide surfactants solution, respectively. These estimates were based
(Sawyer et al., 1956; Sheers et al., 1967). To the on root mass at harvest, so the numbers of root as-
sociated bacteria would be much lower when plants

Fig. 5. Density of Igepon-degrading bacteria in the various Fig. 6. Density of Igepon-degrading bacteria in the various
Igepon treatments and Hoagland's over time in the wheat Igepon treatments and Hoagland's over time in the lettuce
studies. Densities reported for organisms associated with studies. Densities reported for organisms associated with
roots (rhizosphere), attached to wetted hardware surfaces roots (rhizosphere), attached to wetted hardware surfaces
within the nutrient delivery system (biolms), and sus- within the nutrient delivery system (biolms), and sus-
pended in solution (nutrient solution). Data represent pended in solution (nutrient solution). Data represent
means and standard deviation of four samples (two from means and standard deviation of four samples (two from
each study) from each habitat at each sampling. Igepon- each study) from each habitat at each sampling. Igepon-
degraders dened as the number of colony forming units degraders dened as the number of colony forming units
(CFU) on agar media containing minimal salts and (CFU) on agar media containing minimal salts and
Igepon as a sole carbon source. Igepon as a sole carbon source.
Graywater processing in recirculating hydroponic systems 3083

are young. This eect would be greater for lettuce study. Preliminary evaluation supports this claim. If
in which most of the root growth occurs during the one assumes that approximately 5% of net primary
last week, compared to wheat in which root mass productivity (NPP) is lost from the plants in the
reaches maximal levels by the 3rd to 4th week of form of root exudates and lysates (Barber and Mar-
growth. The larger root mass of wheat vs lettuce tin, 1976; Martin, 1971; Martin and Kemp, 1986),
(020 g vs 02 g at harvest), and concomitant num- then root-derived organic material would have
bers of root-associated microbes, may have more amounted to 15 and 0.4 g in the wheat and lettuce
readily assimilated the additional carbon, resulting studies respectively. The cumulative amount of Ige-
in the reduced stimulation in the number of total pon added to the system was 1015 g in the wheat
and Igepon-degrading microorganisms observed in study and 24 g in the lettuce study, indicating that
the wheat vs lettuce study. Igepon would represent a 1-fold and a 510-fold
The increase in total cell density in response to increase in available organic matter in the wheat
Igepon addition cannot be attributed to the and lettuce studies, respectively.
observed increase in Igepon-degraders; the density The rapid degradation rates (i.e., half-life <1 h
of Igepon-degraders was no more than 10% of the after initial acclimation period) indicate that the
total cell counts, yet Igepon addition resulted in up hydroponic systems are eective bioreactors. The
to 50-fold increases in total cell density in the let- surfactant loading rate in the batch and continuous
tuce study. Several reasons for this discrepancy can treatments was 0.17 g d1, or, based on plant
be proposed. The method for detecting Igepon- growth area, 0.87 g m2 d1. Approximately 10 m2
degraders may be capturing only a small fraction of of growing area could process the per capita surfac-
the total numbers of Igepon-degraders in the sys- tant production rates (810 g d1) estimated for
tems. Alternatively, metabolic by-products from the extraterrestial facilities. Higher loading rates to
Igepon-degraders, including intermediates in the wheat-based systems are currently being assessed to
decompositon, may be supporting the growth of quantify the minimum surface area required. Since
other bacteria. Both of these hypotheses suggest wheat evapotranspires an average of 5 l/m2
that the amount of Igepon added to the system rep- (Wheeler et al., 1996), at least 56 m2 would be
resents a greater carbon ux than root-generated necessary to handle the per capita volume of
carbon ux in the lettuce study, but not the wheat

Fig. 7. Total cell density (as estimated by acridine orange Fig. 8. Total cell density (as estimated by acridine orange
staining and epiuorescent microscopy) in the various staining and epiuorescent microscopy) in the various
Igepon treatments and Hoagland's over time in the wheat Igepon treatments and Hoagland's over time in the lettuce
studies. Densities reported for organisms associated with studies. Densities reported for organisms associated with
roots (rhizosphere), attached to wetted hardware surfaces roots (rhizosphere), attached to wetted hardware surfaces
within the nutrient delivery system (biolms), and sus- within the nutrient delivery system (biolms), and sus-
pended in solution (nutrient solution). Data represent pended in solution (nutrient solution). Data represent
means and standard deviation of four samples (two from means and standard deviation of four samples (two from
each study) from each habitat at each sampling. each study) from each habitat at each sampling.
3084 J. L. Garland et al.

graywater. Approximately 40 m2 of growing area

would be needed to support per capita caloric
requirements (Wheeler et al., 1996), suggesting that
ALS systems scaled for food production could
readily assimilate graywater uxes.
The percent reduction in total plant yield was
slightly less in wheat (819%) than lettuce (20
28%) at similar levels of graywater exposure but
still appreciable. However, statistical analyses indi-
cated no signicant eect in wheat. These results
could be interpreted as meaning that graywater had
no eect on wheat yield, or that the statistical sig-
nicance of actual eects were obscured by exper-
imental variation. Recently completed follow-up
studies indicated that surfactant loading rates sev-
eral times higher than those used in this study
caused no reduction in wheat growth (data not
shown), supporting the statistical analysis of the
present study.
The lack of phytotoxic eects in the wheat study
would agree with previous acute response studies
indicating a lack of plant growth inhibition at Ige- Fig. 10. Density of introduced human associated bacteria
pon concentrations below 250 ppm (Bubenheim et in the lettuce study over time. Densities reported for
al., 1997; Jacquez and Montoya, 1994). The concen- organisms associated with roots (rhizosphere), attached to
tration of Igepon, even immediately after pulse ad- wetted hardware surfaces within the nutrient delivery sys-
tem (biolms), and suspended in solution (nutrient sol-
ditions, did not exceed 2030 ppm, and the rapid ution). Data represent two samples from all four
microbial degradation prevented accumulation. treatments at each sampling.
However, signicant plant growth inhibition was

Fig. 11. Density of introduced human associated bacteria

Fig. 9. Density of introduced human associated bacteria in in the wheat study over time. Densities reported for organ-
the wheat study over time. Densities reported for organ- isms associated with roots (rhizosphere), attached to
isms associated with roots (rhizosphere), attached to wetted hardware surfaces within the nutrient delivery sys-
wetted hardware surfaces within the nutrient delivery sys- tem (biolms), and suspended in solution (nutrient sol-
tem (biolms), and suspended in solution (nutrient sol- ution). Data represent mean and standard deviation of
ution). Data represent two samples from all four samples from the control (Hoagland's solution) or from
treatments at each sampling. all Igepon treatments.
Graywater processing in recirculating hydroponic systems 3085

apparent with lettuce, suggesting secondary toxic fold. P. aeruginosa may have been using Igepon as
eects, or a chronic eect threshold much lower a growth media based on its increased survival in
than the acute threshold. Na accumulation as a the Igepon treated systems and our previous obser-
result of Igepon addition ranged from 1.83.1 after vations that strains of P. aeruginosa isolated from
38 days in the lettuce studies, which is well below human shower water could grow on Igepon sole
the thresold levels of Na toxicity (20 mM) reported carbon source media (data not shown).
for lettuce (Francois and Maas, 1999). Secondary These data suggest that human-health risks may
toxic eects (i.e., reduced oxygen availability, pro- be associated with this graywater recycling
duction of secondary metabolites) may have been approach. P. aeruginosa, while not a signicant risk
associated with the increased microbial biomass in to healthy individuals, causes 1011% of all noso-
the lettuce study. However, the on-demand treat- comial infections in hospitals (Botzenhart and Dor-
ment, in which plant growth was not reduced, had ing, 1993) and has the highest fatality rate of all
similar levels of microbial density as the continuous hospital-acquired bacteremias (Bryan et al., 1983).
and pulse treatments. Measurements of microbial Susceptibility to opportunistic pathogens may be
activity, rather than only numbers, could provide greater in ALS systems given reports of decreased
more insight. immune response under spaceight conditions
Rapid adsorption of Igepon to roots may lead to (Konstantinova et al., 1993; Taylor, 1993). Methods
greater phytotoxic eects than predicted from sol- for mitigating the health risks depends on expected
ution concentration. In fact, a 2535% reduction in exposure routes. The risk of food contamination is
Igepon concentration in the bulk hydroponic med- minimal from a crop like wheat in which the edible
ium was observed within the rst 10 min after ad- portion (seed) is not in contact with the nutrient
dition. The initial Igepon loss appears to be mainly solution and is cooked prior to eating. However,
due to foaming and/or adsoprtion of Igepon to harvesting the systems could lead to exposure of
hardware surfaces since 25% reductions were human pathogens persisting on the plant roots.
observed even when added to systems with very These data indicate that this risk can be reduced by
young lettuce plants in which root mass was negli- stopping graywater addition for 0a week prior to
gible. The dierential plant growth response, despite harvest, but not eliminated. Further studies with
similar rates of Igepon addition and degradation in actual human shower water are needed to quantify
the lettuce and wheat studies, suggests that lettuce the human health risks. Use of the molecular-based
is more sensitive to the surfactant, and may not be approaches to assess persistence is also needed to
a good candidate species for this mode of graywater determine the risk associated with viable but non-
recycling. culturable cells (Roszak and Colwell, 1987).
The rapid numerical decline in E. coli and S. aur-
eus in the hydroponic systems is similar to 56 log
decreases within 510 days reported for introduc- CONCLUSIONS
tion of these organisms into seawater (Cornax et
al., 1990) and lake water (Scheurman et al., 1988). 1. Igepon added to recirculating hydroponic sys-
The long term persistence of P. aeruginosa is coun- tems was rapidly removed from solution (i.e.,
ter to the 5 log reduction within 14 days observed half life <1 h) via microbially-mediated degra-
in seawater (Cornax et al., 1990), but it is in agree- dation involving initial amide cleavage of the sur-
ment with reports of its long term persistence in factant molecule.
various habitats, including bottled water (Tamag- 2. Igepon loading rates of up to 1 g m2 growing
nini and Gonzalez, 1997; Warburton et al., 1994), area d1 signicantly reduced the growth of let-
vegetables (Correa et al., 1991), tap water (Ferroni tuce, but not wheat. The reason for the dieren-
et al., 1998), and water-retaining bath toys (Buttry tial growth response is unknown, but is unlikey
et al., 1998). More specically, the results agree to be related to direct phytotoxicity of the surfac-
with previous short-term (i.e., 7 day) studies indi- tant since Igepon concentrations were, at worst,
cating the P. aeruginosa persisted on the hydroponi- an order of magnitude less than reported acute
cally grown wheat seedlings to a greater degree toxicity thresholds.
than either E. coli or S. aureus (Morales et al., 3. Surfactant loading increased total microbial
1996). Although the overall density declined during abundance in the system. Stimulation was greater
the study, closer analysis of the data suggests that in the lettuce vs wheat studies, and on biolms
P. aeruginosa may have been actively growing in colonizing hardware surfaces compared to on
the system. Similar or even slightly declining density root surfaces or in suspension.
in the rhizosphere would reect increases in total 4. Two common bacterial contaminants of gray-
cell number since roots were growing. Numerical water, E. coli and S. aureus decreased below
increases in the rhizosphere were particularly signi- detection limits within 411 days after introduc-
cant in the lettuce study since the density of P. aer- tion to the system, while a third, P. aeruginosa,
uginosa was relatively constant in 7 and 30 day old persisted for the duration of the experiments (27
plants, but total root mass increased at least 10- or 57 days). These data suggest that human
3086 J. L. Garland et al.

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Holly D. Loesel for engineering support of the growth Mackowiak C. L. and Vivenzio H. R. (1999) Direct
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