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Retrospective Miscue Analysis Transcript


Page 22
M: I want you to read from this line down.

Q: Aunt Flossie said Sarah.

M: Great job! Lets listen to how you read that line the first time.

---Q recording: Auntie Floo---

M: Can you tell me why you read Flossie as Floo? When you read it this time you read it as
Flossie. You have done nothing wrong, I just want to crawl into your brain.

Q: hmmm (shrugging)

M: Well lets look at the word. They kind of look the same, right? They both have the f-l
sounds. Fl- and then the o? What do you think? It was a great idea.

How would you read it now?

Q: hmmmFlossie!

M: What?! Say it again!

Q: Flossie!

M: Great job! I knew you could do it!

Page 22
M: Okay, you are doing a great job! Lets keep going. Will you read this line for me?

Q: Aunt Flossie noood.

Is that a d or a b?

M: That is a d. Great question

Q: noooooD. Nod

M: I am going to play how you read that word last time.

---Q recording: node---

M: Lets think about this. What kind of sound does an O sometimes make?

Q: a

M: Good! Put that sound into this word.

Q: n-o-d

M: Im going to help you out. Aunt Flossie nodded. Can you say that with me?

Q/M: nodded

M: Good! Can you show me how we nod? Yes! Up and down! Now you know that that
word is what?

Q: nodded

M: Great job!

Page 23
M: Okay, I want you to start reading right here.

Q: It landed in the water.

M: Great job!!! Lets listen to how you read it the first time.

---Q recording: Its laid in the water.---

M: The first time you said its laid in the water. But when you were just reading to me you
read that word as.

Q: lan-lan-landed

M: Great job!!! Rock star! Why do you think you read it as laid the first time?

Q: Mmmmm, because its like it laided on the floor.

M: Well those words can kind of mean the same thing sometimes. It landed. It was laying.

Q: mhmmmm

M: Great job!
Page 23
---Q recording: Auntie Floo---

M: Okay, so lets look at this word. How would you read that word now? (pointing at

Q: Floo

M: Look at it.

Q: Flossie

M: AHHH! Woah! Tell me about that. When you look at that word you read it as.

Q: Floo

M: Lets slow down and look at it.

Q: Flossie

M: So, which one is it?

Q: Flossie!

M: Why do you think you are reading that as Floo? Its ok. Its still the same person. What
do you think?

(I gave an example of how I am reading a book at home with a character named

Margaret, but when I read her name in my head I read it as Margot.)

M: I can read the word Margaret just like you can read the word Flossie, but when I am
reading it in my head, I read it as Margot. I think I do that just to make it shorter in my brain.
What do you think? I was trying to find more meaning than to focus on the name. Because its
still the same person right?

M: So why do you think you read it as Floo?

Q: Because it looks like Floo.

M: But when you look at it and maybe slow down a little bit, you know it is.

Q: Flossie!

M: Yes!!! Flossie. Great job!

Page 24
M: Okay, I want you to read this top paragraph for me.

Q: And Dad- Daddy tried to reach it.

M: Ok, what it this word?

Q: Daddy.

M: Great job! Why do you think you read it as Dad the first time?

Q: Because I made it shorter.

M: Great idea! If you were writing a note to your Daddy how would you spell it?

Q: D-a-d-d-d-y.

M: What does that spell?

Q: Daddy.

M: Good! So why do you think you read it as Dad the first time?

Q: To make it shorter so I can say it better.

M: Great job!!!! Great strategy! This was a great reading skill you showed and Im glad we
can talk about it.

Page 24
Q: I said.

M: Great job. Lets listen to how you read that sentence the first time.

---Q recording: said (skipped I)---

M: Why do you think you skipped the I when you read it the first time? When you just read
it to me today you said the word I.

Q: Mmmmm.

M: Its no big deal. It didnt change the meaning, did it? You still knew what was happening.
Why do you think you skipped the word?

Q: Mmmmmmmmm.

M: What do you think? Is it a long word or a short word?

Q: Short.
M: How many letters are in that word?

Q: One.

M: Only one! So, do you think that you just skipped it because it is only one letter and your
brain just skipped over it so you could get to the good part of the story? Thats what I do a lot.
Because you still knew what was going on. It didnt really change the meaning. It didnt really
matter did it?

Q: No.

M: So, I totally get it. Lets keep going.

(Q began to look distraught so I decided to move on to another miscue.)

Page 24
M: Okay, lets read this sentence.

Q: He couldnt re- re res- res-c-u reesk my favorite best Sunday hat, said Auntie Floo

M: Great reading! Lets listen to how you read that word (rescue) the first time we read this

---Q recording: res---

M: Ok, this word (pointing at rescue) is a tricky word. Sometimes we know the letters and
we know the sounds the letters make, but sometimes they just dont follow the rules. And in
this word, the letters dont follow the rules. This word is rescue. Can you say that with me?

Q: Rescue.

M: Good! What does rescue mean?

Q: Rescue people???

M: Good! How can you rescue people?

Q: Mmmm, when people fall you can rescue them.

M: Yes! So you knew what the story was telling us didnt you?

Q: Yes.
M: And you showed great strategies! Did you hear yourself? You were stretching those
sounds out it was just a tricky word. But you used your strategies and that was a great
reading move.

Page 24
M: Okay, so now lets revisit this sentence.

Q: The water r-i-nk-l-d wrinkled.

M: Great job! Lets listen to how you read it the first time.

---Q recording: The water rode.

M: What did you say for this word? (pointing at rippled)

Q: Wrinkled.

M: Yes! What did you say in the recording?

Q: Rode.

M: What did you say when you read it a minute ago?

Q: Wrinkled.

M: Yes, lets break this word down. This word is rippled.

Q: Oh!

M: But I love how you were stretching out those sounds and breaking that word down all by
yourself. Great strategy! Do you think wrinkled and rippled kind of mean the same thing?

Q: No.

M: Youre right! They can kind of mean the same thing. So, you knew what was going on in
the story. Maybe you even used the pictures to help?

Q: Mhmmm.

M: You did a great job! I love how you were using those strategies.

Page 26
M: Okay, now we are going to focus on this sentence.

Q: Maybe we helped you help you.

---Q recording: maybe maybe may we help you?

M: When you read it a minute ago you read it as maybe too. Which one do you think it is?

Q: May.

M: Look at it. Why did you read it as may?

Q: Because M and A and Y make may.

M: Good. So, why did you read it as maybe?

Q: Because I thought it had a be.

M: Good! Thats ok! Did it really change the meaning?

Q: No.

M: So thats ok! Good thinking!

Page 26
M: Okay, lets look at this sentence.

Q: The boy threw a small small st-1, st-1, ssss-t-1, st-1

---Q recording: The boy threw a small small st-1, st-1---

M: Did you read it the same way?

Q: Yes.

M: Do you know what a st-1 is?

Q: No.

M: Lets think about what he could have throw into the river. Maybe something that starts
with a st---

Q: Hmmmmmm

M: Maybe a rock or a pebble?

Q: Stone!!!!!

M: What?! SAY IT again!

Q: Stone!

M: Great job, problem solver!!!! Does it look like the word st-1? Absolutely! It makes total
sense, s-t make the stttt sound and o-n-e sounds like 1. So you read that word in a great
way, but now when you see it you will know it is what word?

Q: Stone!

M: Great job! I am very proud of you!

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